comparative analysis of root canal...

Post on 18-Nov-2018






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Ivana Gradiček Frausto Basso

Dissertação orientada pelo Prof. Doutor António Ginjeira



“A mente que se abre a uma nova ideia, jamais volta ao seu tamanho inicial”



Agradecimentos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I

Resumo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V

Palavras-chaves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIII

Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV

Keywords -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV

1. Introduction

1.1 Endodontic definition -------------------------------------------------------------- 1

1.2 Endodontic aims -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

1.3 Endodontic history ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.4 Manual instrument ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3

1.4.1 K-files -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.4.2 Step-back technique ---------------------------------------------------- 4

1.5 Rotary instruments ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5

1.5.1 ProTaper Gold ----------------------------------------------------------- 5

1.5.2 WaveOne Gold ---------------------------------------------------------- 6

2. Aims -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

3. Material and methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

3.1 Teeth preparation ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

3.2 Canal instrumentation ------------------------------------------------------------- 9

3.2.1 K-files group ----------------------------------------------------------- 10

3.2.2 WaveOne Gold group ------------------------------------------------- 10

3.2.3 ProTaper Gold group -------------------------------------------------- 11

3.3 Tridimensional image with Micro-CT ------------------------------------------ 12

3.4 Statistical analysis with SPSS --------------------------------------------------- 13

3.5 Literature research ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14

4. Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

5. Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

6. Conclusions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIX

Figure Index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXXI

Table Index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXXIII

Chart Index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XXXV

Apendix ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVII

Abbreviations ------------------------------------------------------------------ XXXVII

Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVII

Units ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXVII





Ao meu orientador Professor Doutor António Ginjeira,

Por toda a paciência, apoio, pelos ensinamentos ao longo destes anos

académicos e pelas oportunidades oferecidas um obrigada especial por ser mais que um

orientador, por ser uma referência, um líder.

A Professora Doutora Manuela Lopes,

Pela motivação e positividade, amizade e confiança em manter as portas abertas

para me receber. Por ser amiga!

A Doutora Margarida Franco,

Pela ajuda neste trabalho, pelo tempo dispensado, pela dedicação, pela

pontualidade e perfeição. Por ser amiga e uma “uma tábua de salvação” nos tempos de


CDRsp IP Leiria

Pela colaboração neste trabalho complexo, pela oportunidade única.

A Professora Doutora Sofia Arantes e Oliveira e Doutora Filipa Chasqueira

Pela rapidez e disponibilidade que me foi oferecida sempre que solicitada por

mim, para preparação e para o inicio do estudo. Muito obrigada!





Aos meus colegas do curso que me acompanharam ao longo dos anos, pela amizade e

companheirismo nos tempos maus e bons.

A Raquel, a minha bela adormecida, a minha dupla da clinica que tornou os anos

clínicos mais divertidos.

Aos meus amigos de FMDUL que passaram por mesmo ou estão ainda por ali, muito

obrigada pelos intermináveis desabafos e pela partilha dos bons (e não tão bons)


A minha Professora Natércia Basto, a minha mãe portuguesa, a minha amiga, obrigada

pelos sábios conhecimentos que me tem transmitido.

E por fim e mais importantes, as minhas famílias ...

... Croata, meus pais (Ivica e Slavica Gradicek) pela vida que me deram e pela pessoa

que sou hoje, a minha irmã Katarina pela motivação e positividade.

... Portuguesa, ao meu filho Tomás e ao meu marido Miguel, um enorme obrigada por

acreditarem sempre em mim e naquilo que faço, pela ajuda e apoio que me deram, pela

paciência e compreensão ao longo destes anos académicos.







INTRODUÇÃO: A Sociedade Europeia de Endodontia (2006) define esta área da

Medicina Dentária como a ciência que estuda a forma, função, saúde, lesões e doença

da polpa dentária e região periradicular, a sua prevenção e tratamento.

Os objectivos da preparação de um canal radicular passam pela remoção de

tecido pulpar remanescente, pela eliminação dos microrganismos, remoção de detritos e

conformação cónica do canal com constrição apical mantida. A manutenção da

anatomia original do canal é um factor de extrema importância para se alcançar os

objetivos acima referidos, sabendo-se que existem curvaturas acentuadas que

condicionam os resultados.

A história da endodontia inicia-se no século XVII, onde Pierre Fauchard

descreveu detalhadamente a polpa dentária e dissipou a lenda “tooth worm”, que tinha

sido considerada a causa de lesão de cárie e dores de dentes, desde o tempo dos

assírios, e quando descreveu a remoção do tecido pulpar como opção de tratamento.

Em 1836, Edwin Mayanard, foi o primeiro a introduzir um instrumento dentro

do canal radicular.

Em 1909, Mayrhofer publicou um trabalho sobre microrganismos como causa

das infeções pulpares. No mesmo ano, de 1909, Hunter foi muito crítico acerca da

medicina dentária, afirma que as coroas de ouro foram a causa de septicemia e que a

culpa é do dente desvitalizado. Portanto, acreditou-se que todas as doenças sistémicas

podem ser curadas extraindo o dente. E assim, durante quase 40 anos, os médicos

dentistas continuaram a extrair todos os dentes desvitalizados. Felizmente, um pequeno

grupo de dentistas não parou por aí, e preferiram melhorar as técnicas; usar material nas

condições de assepsia, usar métodos microbiológicos e histológicos, usar Raios-X para

os fins de diagnóstico; e assim, houve um avanço neste ramo da medicina dentária.

OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo passou pela avaliação das características

morfológicas e capacidade de preparação de canais mesiais de primeiros molares

superiores pelo uso de três diferentes tipos das limas: preparação manual com limas K e

preparação mecânica com dois sistemas diferentes (WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper






MATERIAIS E METODOS: Para este estudo foram selecionados trinta e três (33)

dentes naturais, primeiros molares superiores. As razões das extrações foram

indicações protéticas ou periodontais. A amostra foi imersa em solução de 0,5% de

cloramina até ao inicio do estudo, foram efectuadas radiografias, e verificaram-se os

factores de exclusão tais como: apex aberto, impossibilidade de permeabilização, raízes

com angulações de 90º, presença dos nódulos no canal, canais calcificados, lesões de

cárie radiculares, restaurações na zona de raiz, tratamento endodontico prévio, fracturas

radiculares. Após essa verificação, efetuou-se desbridamento para remoção dos tecidos

duros e moles da cada superfície radicular. E a partir daí, os dentes foram seccionados

para, primeiro separar a coroa das raízes e, posteriormente ser efetuada individualização

da raiz mesial. Então, a amostra era constituída por 33 raízes mesiais dos primeiros

molares superiores, e foram aleatoriamente colocados em micro tubos de Eppendorf ®

com 1ml de soro fisiológico, e os tubos foram marcados, também aleatoriamente, com

um código a começar com Δ01 (delta zero um) e terminando com Δ33 (delta três três).

A amostra de 33 raízes mesiais dos primeiros molares foi enviada para CDRsp

IP Leiria para realização de Micro-tomografia computorizada (micro-CT). Os

parâmetros em avaliação foram: 3D - medições tais como o volume, índice de modelo

de estrutura (SMI) e a superfície; 2D - medições tais como a área e a media do


A partir destas 33 amostras, foram constituídos 3 grupos de 11 raízes mesiais,

cada grupo foi instrumentado por um tipo de limas diferente: Grupo 1 – preparação

manual com limas K, técnica step-back; Grupo 2 – preparação mecânica com sistema

reciprocante WaveOne GoldTM; Grupo 3 – preparação mecânica com sistema ProTaper

GoldTM. Todos os sistemas foram calibrados para ter lima final correspondente a ISO


Após instrumentação, a amostra foi novamente enviada para CDRsp IP Leiria

para segunda realização de micro-CT, com os mesmos parâmetros em avaliações.

A analise estatística foi feita com ajuda do programa IBM® SPSS® . A análise

descritiva foi realizada pela primeira vez para cada grupo. Foram calculadas as médias

das amostras e o desvio padrão, e foram construídos box-plots. Foram ainda utilizados

os testes de Shapiro-Wilk e de Levene. Os outliers foram removidos e as médias das

amostras e desvio padrão, ajustados. As variáveis com distribuição normal permitiram

realização de testes para diferenças entre os grupos com One-Way ANOVA e

Boneferrroni post hoc. Nos casos de ausência de homocedasticidade, foi realizado





Welch ANOVA junto com o teste post-hoc Games-Howell. Teste não paramétrico de

Kruskall Wallis foi realizado em variáveis que rejeitaram distribuição normal. Os testes

estatísticos foram realizados com as medidas registadas antes de preparação do canal,

bem como medidas registadas após de preparação do canal. O nível de significância foi

fixado em 0.05 durante a análise.

RESULTADOS: Não foram registadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre

os grupos antes da preparação, o que significa que as amostras encontram-se


3D: Volume (µm3) – o aumento do volume após preparação com sistema ProTaper

Gold TM foi significativamente maior do que o aumento após preparação com as limas

K (p= 0.024); não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre WaveOne Gold TM e ProTaper Gold TM, entre WaveOne Gold TM e limas K; SMI – não houve

diferenças estatisticamente significativas após instrumentação do canal; Superfície

(µm2) – não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas após instrumentação do


2D: Área (µm2) – não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas após

instrumentação do canal; Média do diâmetro (µm) – o aumento do diâmetro após

instrumentação com sistema WaveOne Gold TM e ProTaper Gold TM foi

significativamente maior do que o aumento após instrumentação manual com limas K

(p=0.014 e p=0.013, respectivamente).

DISCUSSÃO: O objectivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar se havia diferenças no uso

de três diferentes tipos de limas: limas K manuais e técnicas modernas tais como

WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper GoldTM, na investigação 3D e 2D. Para possibilitar a

avaliação desse tipo de dimensão, recorreu-se a um aparelho de micro-CT.

Durante a preparação e instrumentação da amostra ocorreram algumas

complicações, tais como: fractura de uma amostra durante determinação visual do

comprimento de trabalho; fractura do apéx de 4 amostras durante a instrumentação;

uma amostra perdeu permeabilidade e houve duas amostras com limas fracturadas no

canal. Assim a amostra diminuiu para 25.

A Micro-CT oferece um potencial empolgante, no entanto, o tempo de imagem atual é

de uma hora para cada amostra e cada avaliação. O equipamento tem um custo muito

elevado, e a reconstrução 3D requer um profissional com conhecimentos especializados

neste ramo; e não é uma técnica adequada para uso clinico.





Neste estudo, in vitro, os dados avaliados que não revelaram diferenças

estatisticamente significativas foram: SMI, a superfície e a área. No entanto, existem

algumas diferenças no volume e no diâmetro (média). Houve um aumento maior após

instrumentação com ProTaper GoldTM em comparação com limas-K (p=0.024), no

entanto não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os WaveOne GoldTM

e limas-K, e entre WaveOne Gold TM e ProTaper GoldTM. O que significa que o sistema

WaveOne GoldTM se encontra no meio entre estes dois sistemas, que não é

estatisticamente significativo, no entanto possível de ser não tão intrusivo e ao mesmo

tempo não tão indolente. Ainda houve aumento, significativamente estatístico, do

diâmetro após instrumentação com os sistemas WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper GoldTM

comparado com o aumento do diâmetro em limas K (p = 0,014 e p = 0,013,

respectivamente), uma vez assim parece que os sistemas WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper

GoldTM têm quase o mesmo diâmetro aumentado após instrumentação. Este aumento

significativo do diâmetro, nestes dois sistemas rotatórios, é uma característica

indispensável para a irrigação e o sucesso da mesma, tanto como do tratamento


CONSLUSÃO: Uma vez que estes dois sistemas Gold são novos no mercado, não havia

artigos científicos para comparar estes três sistemas, e as conclusões são limitadas. No

entanto, nestas condições experimentais, utilizando as limas K tradicionais e dois

sistemas rotatórios modernos (ProTaper GoldTM e WaveOne GoldTM), mostraram

resultados semelhantes em relação as medidas como SMI, de superfície e área.

Embora, os resultados de micro CT tenham revelado que houve maior aumento,

estatisticamente significativo, no volume após a preparação com o sistema ProTaper

GoldTM comparado com as limas K; no entanto, não houve diferença estatisticamente

significativa entre WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper GoldTM ou entre WaveOne GoldTM e as

limas K. Possivelmente, significa que WaveOne GoldTM estava entre os dois, não é

estatisticamente significativo, no entanto possível não tão intrusivo e não tão indolente,

como os outros dois sistemas.

Ainda houve aumento, significativamente estatístico, do diâmetro após a

preparação com os sistemas WaveOne GoldTM e ProTaper GoldTM comparado com o

aumento do diâmetro após o preparo com limas K (p = 0,014 e p = 0,013,

respectivamente), uma vez assim parece que os sistemas Gold têm quase o mesmo

diâmetro aumentado após instrumentação. Este aumento significativo do diâmetro,





nestes dois sistemas rotatórios, é uma característica indispensável para a irrigação e o

sucesso da mesma, tanto como o tratamento endodontic

Palavras-chaves: instrumentação manual, limas K, step-back, instrumentação

mecanizada, instrumentos rotatórios, WaveOne Gold, ProTaper Gold, Micro-tomografia







INTRODUCTION: The major goals of endodontic treatment is to preserve the functinal

teeth, by removing from the root canal system; obturate the cleaned and shaped system;

and prevent future recontamination of sealed root canals.

AIMS: The purpose of this study is to compare 3D measures between three different

systems; manual instrumentation with K-Filesand two rotary files: ProTaper GoldTM

and WaveOne GoldTM, in naturale root canals.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty three extracted first maxillary permanent teeth

were selected for this study. Three groups were created, 11 in each one, and it was

selected randomly and blind. Then each was prepared by one of selected systems:

Group 1=K-files; Group 2=WaveOne Gold TM; Group 3=ProTaper GoldTM. In

collaboration with CDRsp IP Leiria, it was used X-ray micro-CT.

RESULTS: The increase in volume after preparation with ProTaper GoldTM file was

significantly higher than the increase after preparation with K-files (p = 0.024). There

was no statistically significant difference between WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper

GoldTM or between WaveOne GoldTM and K-files. The increase in diameter after

preparation with WaveOne GoldTM file, and ProTaper GoldTM also, was significantly

higher than the increase in diameter after preparation with K-files (p = 0.014 , p =

0.013, respectively).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Possibly that WaveOne GoldTM represents a mid

way system, not statistically significant, however possible not so intrusive and not so

unobtrusive like other two systems. There was significantly increased diameter after

preparation with WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper GoldTM file compared with the

increase in diameter after preparation with K-files, and its seems that two Gold files

have almost the same result. This significant increase of diameter, in these two rotatory

files, is one of an indisputable characteristic for irrigation mission to success, as well as

endodontic treatment.

Keywords: instrumentation, WaveOne Gold, PropTaper Gold, K-files, step-back

technique, micro-CT




IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Endodontic definition

There are two definitions of endodontics, one set by European Society of

Endodontology and the other one by American Association of Endodontics, wich

basically share the same overall essence.

The Consensus Report of the European Society of Endodontology (2006)

defines Endodontology as a discipline concerned to the study of the healty form,

function of dental pulp, its diseases, wich may extend up to periradicular region and

defines their prevention and treatment strategies; apical periodontitis secondary to

infetion has been recognized by this Society as the most frequente disease. The etiology

and diagnosis of dental pain and diseases in an essential part of the endodontic practice.

And the American Association of Endodontics (2013) define Endodontics as a

branch of dentistry concerned to the morphology, physiology and pathology of the

human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. It encompass the basic and clinical sciences

including the biology of the normal pulp and the etiology, diagnosis, prevention and

treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular conditions.

Despite a few number of European countries have recognized endodontics as a

dental specialty, it is foreseen that the a vast proportion of endodontic procedures will

still continue to be undertaken by general dental practitioners (De Moor et al., 2013).

1.2 Endodontic aims

Endodontic treatment is necessary upon nonvital pulp or irreversible pulpitis

wich sometimes have periradicular tissue involvement. A reinfection of a filled root

canal is also an indication for endodontic treatment.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 2

The major goals of endodontic treatment is to preserve the functional teeth, by

removing irritants from the root canal system; obturate the cleaned and shaped system;

and prevent future recontamination of sealed root canals (American Association of

Endodontics 2002).

The aim of endodontic treatment is to preserve functional teeth without prejudice

to the patient´s health. The objectives of preparation, of the root canal system, are to:

remove remaining pulp tissue, eliminate microorganisms, remove debris and shape the

root canal/s so that the root canal system can be cleaned and filled (European Society of

Endodontics 2006).

1.3 Endodontic history

The history of endodontic begins in the 17th century, where Pierre Fauchard

(1678-1761) precisely described the dental pulp and dispelled the legend of the “tooth

worm”, which had been considered the cause of caries and toothaches since the time of

the Assyrians. Latter when he described the removal of pulp tissue (Cruse et al., 1980).

In 1836, Edwin Mayanard of Washington D.C. introduced the first root canal

instrument, which he created by filing a watch spring.

In 1909, Mayrhofer published a work linking the nature of pulpal infection with

specific microorganisms (Cruse et al., 1980).

In the same year, Hunter who had an agressive treatment approaches to dental

diseasses, claimed that gold crowns were “a mausoleum of gold over a mass of sepsis”,

and that was widely interpreted as an indictment of the pulpless tooth. That lead to the

belief that all systemic diseases could be cured by the tooth extraction. For almost 40

years onward, many American dentists tended to extract any devitalized tooth.

Luckily, a small group of dentists had a bold future vision and preferred to

improve their techniques by using aseptic instruments and making use of

bacteriológica, histological and imaging knowledge for their diagnostic purposes. The


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 3

efforts of Coolidge, Johnson, Reihn, Callahan, Grove, Prinz and others, made it

possible to establish the principles of preserving the pulpless tooth (Cruse et al., 1980).

In 1958, Ingle & Levine were the first to suggest a definite increment in

diameter as the size progressed while maintaining a constant taper of all blades

regardless of size.

Endodontic instrument had a great variability between manufacturers before

standard was set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO

standardized files have a cutting length of 16mm, have a specified diameter at the tip

(termed D1) and a 0.02mm diameter increase for each millimeter along the file, so that

at the end of the cutting part (16mm along the file) the diameter (termed D2) is 0.32mm

greater than at D1. Files lenght is variable and any extra length is provided by a “blank”

portion. The nominal size of the instrument is based on its tip diamter (the diameter at

D1) expressed in hundredths of a millimeter.

Figure 1 – ISO Standardization, showing a color vs. number of Files

1.4 Manual instrument

Endodontic hand files are manually operated endodontic instruments used for

cleaning and shaping of root canals in root canal therapy.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 4

1.4.1 K-files

K-Files are stainless steel Endo hand files, that give the operator a smooth tactile

sense inside the canal during instrumentation. K-Files is the strongest of the hand files

with less separation/fracture potential and easily overcame obstructions.

Figure 2 – K-Files, composed by 6 files (from #15 up to #40)

(Dentsplay Maillefer)

1.4.2 Step-back technique

In the step-back technique, small-sized ISO hand files are initially used to

negociate the full length of canal. Larger files are then carried into the apical one-third

until the desired master file reaches the chosen working length. The apical one-third of

the preparation is deemed complete when the master file is snug at length and each

consecutive larger file in the series is observed to uniformly step-back from the most

apical extent of the preparation. When the apical one-third of preparation has been

completed, then the coronal two-thirds of the canal is flared and the overall length of the

preparation smoothly blended. Although this preparation method, incluiding its slight

variations, tend to be successful, it has regrettably resulted in countless blocked, ledged,

transported, or perforated canals (Ruddle et al., 2006).


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 5

1.5 Rotary instruments

1.5.1 ProTaper GoldTM

The ProTaper GoldTM instrument system (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties)

featured the same simplicity, smoothly tapered shapes and predictable performance like

in ProTaper UniversalTM. ProTaper GoldTM technology includes a series of “Shaping”

and “Finishing” files featuring the same exact geometries as ProTaper UniversalTM, the

manufacture claims that this new rotatory files have more flexibility. That is especially

important for the finishing files, when navigating through challenging curves in the

apical region.

ProTaper GoldTM have shorter handle (Universal 13mm vs. Gold 11mm) that

allows improved accessibility to the tooth.

The set contains three (3) “Shaping” and five (5) “Finishing” instruments,

represented in Figure 3. Shaping files are named S1 (0.18/.02v) and S2 (0.20/.04v), with

purple and white colors respectively. They are used for shaping the coronal and medial

portion of canal system with brushing movements. There is one accessory “shaping”

file, or Sx (0.19/.04v) that provide better access to the root canal if needed. Then there

are finishing files; F1 (0.20/.07v), F2 (0.25/.08v), F3 (0.30/.09v), F4 (0.40/.09v), F5

(0.50/.05v) with yellow, red, blue, double black and double yellow colors respectively.

They provide the trusted deep shapes that promote 3D cleaning an filling root canal


Figure 3 – ProTaper Gold TM system, seven (7) rotatory files; from left to the right Sx,

S1, S2, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties)


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 6

A convex triangular cross-section and progressive taper enhance cutting action

while decreasing rotational friction between the blade of the file and dentin. The non-

cutting tip design allows each instrument to safely follow the secured portion of the

canal while the small flat area on the tip enhance its ability to find its way through soft

tissue and debris.

Figure 4 and 5 – Convex triangular cross-section and non-cutting tip, respectively

Another difference between ProTaper UniversalTM and GoldTM, is that the latter

is a disposable single-patient instrument with increased costs.

1.5.2 WaveOne GoldTM

Finally, the WaveOne GoldTM system (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties) is a

single-use, single-file system to shape the root canal completely in one single process.

In most cases, the technique only requires one hand file followed by one single

WaveOne GoldTM Primary file to shape the canal completely. The specially designed

files work in a similar but reverse “balanced force” action using a pre-programmed

motor to move the files in a back and forth “reciprocate motion”. The instruments are

designed to work with a reverse cutting action. All instruments have a unique

parallelogram shaped cross-section at the tip and coronal ends, which gives one or two

cutting edges depending on the location along the file. These edges are designed to


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 7

minimize the screwing effect on the canal walls greatly reducing torque considerably,

improving cutting efficiency and allowing better removal of debris

Figure 6 - parallelogram shaped cross-section

Because there is a possibility for cross-contamination due to the inability to

completely clean and sterilize endodontic instruments properly and presence of prion in

human dental pulp tissue, all instruments used inside root canals should be single use

(Webber, J. et al. 2011).

The WaveOne GoldTM system set contains four (4) different files; Small

(20/.07), Primary (25/.07), Medium (35/.06) and Large (45/.05) file with yellow, red,

green and white colors respectively.

Figure 7 – WaveOne GoldTM system, four (4) rotatory files, from left to right Small,

Primary, Medium and Large (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties)


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 8

Comparing WaveOneTM and WaveOne GoldTM, the manufacturer claims that

WaveOne GoldTM files are 50% more resistant to cyclic fatigue, have reduced screwing

effect; increased flexibility and extended size range. A single file per treatment is

supposedly time saving for shaping and irrigating the canal, however that is not

confirmed by any studies.

2. Aims

The purpose of this study is to compare the morphological characteristics and

shaping ability between one manual instrumentation with K-Files and two rotary files:

ProTaper GoldTM and WaveOne GoldTM, during the preparation of the mesial canals of

first maxillary molars.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1 Theet preparation (sample preparation)

The sample of this study inluded thirty-three (33) maxillary permanent teeth

extracted due to prosthetic or periodontal reasons, wich were conserved immersed

within 0,5% Chloramines (NH2Cl) solution.

Radiographs were taken in bucolingual and mesiodistal directions, with

parallelometer and 30º angle radiation, to verify the number and type of root canals

(Kodak 2200 Intraoral X-ray System, distance 10cm and exposure time of 2sec).

Exclusion factors included open apex, impossible teeth permeabilization, roots

with dental angulation of 90º or more, pulp nodules, calcified canals, root cavities, root

restorations, pre endodontic treatment and root fractures.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 9

Each tooth underwent an ultrasonic debridement treatment (Rush scaler

Universal – KAVO ®).

The crowns of selected teeth were sectioned with a lap leaving 2mm of the pulp

chamber; with an Isomet TM 1000 precision saw (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL USA)

equipped with a 0,3mm diamond disc (Buehler) and water-cooling. The lap was also

used to provide access to the each root canal, and establish a fixed and stable coronal

reference point for further instrumentation. Then, teeth were sectioned vertically to

individualize mesiobuccal root.

Each mesiobuccal root was laid up in Eppendorf® micro test tube with 1ml of

Sodium chloride 0.9% and marked randomly with code starting with Δ01 (delta zero

one) and finishing with Δ33 (delta three three), as shown in a Figure 9.

Then the teeth were send to microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) before and

after instrumentation.

Figure 8 – Prepared teeth in Eppendorf® micro test tube

3.2 Canal instrumentation

Teeth were randomly selected to create three groups containg 11 roots each. And

Each groups were prepared as follows:

Group 1 (Δ5, Δ6, Δ13, Δ14, Δ16, Δ17, Δ19, Δ21, Δ24, Δ26, Δ33) = K-files;

Group 2 (Δ1, Δ2, Δ3, Δ4, Δ7, Δ9, Δ10, Δ15, Δ18, Δ20, Δ31) = WaveOne Gold TM;


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 10

Group 3 (Δ8, Δ11, Δ12, Δ22, Δ23, Δ25, Δ27, Δ28, Δ29, Δ30, Δ32) = ProTaper GoldTM.

The actual root canal length was determined on a visual basis by inserting an

ISO size 10 hand K-file into the canal until the file tip could be seen at the apical

foramen. The working length was calculated by subtracting 1 millimeter from actual

root canal length.

3.2.1 K-File group

Group 1 (n=11) = all of the root canals were instrumented manually with K-files

up to file ISO size 25, with #10 file de permeabilization, then step-back technique to

#30 file up to #40 file.

3.2.2 WaveOne Gold TM group

Group 3 (n=11) = WaveOne GoldTM, advanced rotary technique; single-file

reciprocating system. Firstly, a small file was used to enlarge the canal orifices and then

with one and final apical preparation set to Primary file. An ISO 25 tip with 7% taper; is

designed to get a complete shaping with only one full-lenght instrument.

The WaveOneTM motor (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties) is a rechargeable

battery operated with a 6:1 reducing hand piece. The pre-programmed motor is ajusted

for the angles of reciprocation and speed of WaveOneTM instruments. All brands of

NiTi files can be used with the WaveOneTM motor, as it has additional functions for

continuous rotation. However, as WaveOneTM files have their own unique reverse

design, they can only be used with the WaveOneTM motor with its reverse reciprocating



IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 11

Figure 9 – The WaveOneTM motor (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties)

3.2.3 ProTaper Gold TM group

In Group 2 (n=11) = ProTaper GoldTM rotary files used at a constant speed

between 150rpm and 350rpm. The shaping files (S1, S2 and SX) were applied with a

brushing motion and the finishing files (F1-F2) with a “in and out” motion, in a crown-

down technique (not brushing) until they reach the working length. The final apical

preparation was set to F2.

Through the entire sequence of operation, recapitulation using ISO #10 K-file

and irrigation with 2,5% sodium hypochlorite was done after every instrument using a

disposable syringe of 5ml and 26 gauge irrigation needle. Sodium hypochlorite was the

main endodontic irrigant used, due to its antibacterial properties and its ability to

dissolve organic tissues (Plotino et al., 2016). Glyde (Dentsply, Maillefer) was used as a

lubricant during instrumentation.

All the materials and methods such as teeth preparation and canals

instrumentation was done by the same operator.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 12

3.3 Tridimensional image with Micro CT:

In collaboration with “Center for rapid and sustainable product development -

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria”, a X-ray micro-CT SKYSCAN model 1174 v.2;

Software version 1.1 (SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium) was used. This scanner uses an X-

ray source with adjustable voltage and a set of filters according to different object

densities. The 1.3 megapixel x-ray camera allows scanning the whole sample in a few

minutes. Variable magnification (6-30 µm pixel size) combined with diferente object

positions easies the selection of what part of the object be scanned. The scanner can be

run from any desktop or portable computer, requiring just one USB (or serial) port and a

FireWire (IEEE1394) input. The full range of SkyScan software is supplied, including

fast volumetric reconstruction, software for 2D/3D quantitative analysis and for realistic

3D visualization (Bruker micro-CT, 2015).

Figure 10 – Computer with NRecon program, version (SkyScan,

Kontich, Belgium).

Figure 11 –Micro-CT SKYSCAN model 1174 v.2; Software version 1.1

(SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium).


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 13

Micro-CT was set with the appropriate parameters for scanning each root,

before and after instrumentation: each image pixel size is 22.70 µm; image rotation is

0.2000; source Voltage 50kV and source Current 800µA; exposure 8500ms; sharpening

40%; rotational step of 1.500º (degrees); rotational angle of 187.50º; average exposure

time of 55 minutes.

Image reconstruction was made with in standard reconstruction mode (NRecon

program, version SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium). Each image had 752 x 752 pixel;

smoothing 0 (scale 0-10); ring artifact correction 6 (scale 0-20); beam hardening

correction 45% (scale 0-100); lower grey threshold between 58 and 70; and upper grey

threshold always 255.

The 3-D scanning and image reconstruction technician was a computer science

professional, with no knowledge of endodontics and therefor could not guess how the

teeth were distributed among the diferente three groups.

Analyzed parameters included:

1- morphometric data of the root canal before instrumentation;

2- tri-dimensional (3D) measures such as volume, structure model index (SMI), surface;

3- bi -dimensional (2D) measures such as area and diameter mean.

3.4 Statistics analysis with SPSS

The statistical analysis was carried out using the IBM® SPSS® 23.0 software

(Statistical Packeg for the Social Sciences Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive analysis

was first performed for each group. Sample means and sample standard deviations were

calculated and boxplots were constructed. Normality and homoscedasticity were tested

using Shapiro-Wilk test and Levene’s test respectively. Clearly defined outlier

candidates which altered distribution were removed and sample means and standard

deviations adjusted.

Variables with normal distribution allowed testing for diferences among group

means with One-Way ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc-tests. In the cases where


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 14

homocedasticity was not verified, a Welch ANOVA was carried out along with a

Games-Howell post-hoc test.

Non-parametric test Kruskall Wallis was performed on variables which rejected

normal distributuion.

The statistical testing was performed on the differences registered after canal

preparation, as well as the measurements before canal preparation.

Significance level was set at 0.05 throughout the analysis. Comparison of results

using ANOVA.

3.5 Literature research

A literature review was done at the FMDUL library ando n-line free publications

from MEDLINE®/PubMed® database the following key words: “endodontic history”,

“manual instrumentation”, “K files”, “step back technique”, “rotatory instruments”,

“WaveOne Gold”, “ProTaper Gold”, “Three dimensional evaluation”, “micro CT”,

“step back technique”. Paid access papers, animal based research and texts written in

languages ither than Portuguese or English were exluded, 20 papers were found after

applying the upper mentioned filters.

4. Results

The results of the experimental procedure are shown in the following tables, that

show the 1. Volume (µm3), 2. SMI, 3. Surface (µm2), 4. Area (µm2), 5. Diameter

Average (µm), before and after canal instrumentation, within the 3 files systems 1.K-

files, 2.WaveOne GoldTM (WOG), 3.ProTaper GoldTM (PTG).


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 15

Table 1 - morphometric data of the root canal (mean ± standard deviation) before

instrumentation. Statistically significant differences between groups before the

preparation weren’t recorded

4.1 Volume (µm3)

Table 2 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal volume (mean ± standard

deviation). The increase in volume after preparation with ProTaper GoldTM file was

significantly higher than the increase after preparation with K-files (p = 0.024). There

was no statistically significant difference between WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper

GoldTM or between WaveOne GoldTM and K-files.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 16

Graph 1 – Volume box-plots

4.2 SMI

Table 3 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal SMI (mean ± standard

deviation). No statistically significant differences between groups in the surface change

after canal preparation.

4.3 Surface (µm2)

Table 5 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal diameter (mean ± standard

deviation). No statistically significant differences between groups in the surface change

after canal preparation.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 17

Graph 2 – Surface box-plots

4.4 Area (µm2)

Table 6 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal area (mean ± standard

deviation). No statistically significant differences between groups in the surface change

after canal preparation.

Graph 3 – Area box-plots


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 18

4.5 Diameter Mean (µm)

Table 4- Absolute and percentage change of the root canal diameter (mean ± standard

deviation). The increase in diameter after preparation with WaveOne GoldTM file was

significantly higher than the increase in diameter after preparation with K-files (p =

0.014); also the increase after ProTaper GoldTM was significantly greater than that after

K-files (p = 0.013).

Graph 4 – Diameter mean box-plots


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 19

5. Discussion

The specialty of endodontics has milestone improvements over the years. The

modern endodontic specialty practice has little resemblance to the historical basis

(Madan et al. 2011). The purpose of this study in vitro was to evaluate if there were

differences in the use of traditional manual files, K-Files; and modern techniques,

rotatory files such as WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper GoldTM systems, in

tridimensional and bidimensional parameters. A shaping comparison in first maxillary

permanent teeth was performed with micro-CT measurements.

The use of extracted teeth in endodontics research can reproduce partially the

clinical in-vivo conditions (Nagy et al., 2008). However, the morphological variability

of the root canal system in the same group of teeth turn standardization very complex

(Hülsmann et al., 2008) and drawbacks can happen. Fractures have ocurred during the

preparation and instrumentation of samples, precisely during the visually determination

of work length, with one fractured tooth (sample Δ5) from the K-files group. During the

instrumentation, the apex of four teeth were fractured (sample Δ8, Δ12, Δ15 and Δ26),

one from the K-file, one from the WaveOne Gold TM and the two others from ProTaper

Gold TM group. One Tooth (sample Δ6) lost permeabilization, from the K-files group.

There was an accident, separation/fracture of the file inside of root canal, of two teeth

(sample Δ17 and Δ21) both from the K-file group. All of this complications mentioned

above, colud be due to operator lack of experience or/and sample quality. Thereby, teeth

with complications, were excluded, and the sample number decreased from 33 to 25.

Micro-CT is a powerful tool for research and preclinical education in

fundamental procedures of endodontic treatments, as well as for clinicians and

researchers who desire to study dental anatomy in greater detail (Plotino et al., 2006).

One of the advantages of this method is that the dentist can observe the internal

anatomy of teeth from different angles and that can facilitate endodontic

instrumentation. Furthermore, with this technique it is possible to tilt and rotate the

image and magnify areas of interest (Grande et al., 2012).

Desipe micro-CT potential, image acquisition is time consuming (approximately

one hour for each tooth scan), the equipment is expensive, and the 3-D reconstruction


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 20

requires a high degree of computer expertise turning the technique not yet suitable for

clinical use.

Hildebrand and Ruiegsegger firstly introduced by the Structure Model Index

(SMI) for the evolution of bone microarchitecture. Structure Model Index (SMI)

parameter makes possible to quantify the characteristic form of a tridimensionally

described structure in terms of the amount of plates and rod that composes it. The SMI

is calculated by means of tridimensional image analysis based on a differential analysis

of the triangulated bone surface. For an ideal plate and rod structure the SMI value is 0

and 3, respectively, independent of the physical dimensions. For a structure with both

plates and rods of equal thickness the value lies between 0 and 3, depending on the

volume ratio of rods and plates. The SMI parameter is evaluated by examining bone

biopsies from different skeletal sites. The bone samples were measured tridimensionally

with a micro-CT system. Samples with the same volume density, but varying trabecular

architecture can uniquely be characterized with the SMI. Furthermore, the SMI values

were found to correspond well with the perceived structure type (Hildebrand &

Ruegsegger, 1997). Peters et al. were the first to use it for endodontic evaluation, with a

value range from 0 to 4. The values 0, 3 and 4 correspond, respectively, to plan,

cylinder and a regular ball (Peters et al. 2000); and characterizes a structure as “being

ribbon-shaped versus cylindrical and is Expressed in arbitrary units” (Peters et al.,

2001). Also with regard to this parameter our data showed no differences with the use

of all those systematics.

In this study in vitro, data revealed no differences about measurements such as:

SMI (already mentioned), surface and area of shaping between the use of these three

systems. However there are some statistically differences in measurements such as

volume and diameter mean.

There was significantly increased in volume after preparation with ProTaper

GoldTM file only compared to the increase in volume with K-files (p = 0.024); however

there was no statistically significant difference between WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper

GoldTM or between WaveOne GoldTM and K-files. That possibly means that WaveOne

GoldTM represents a mid way system, not so intrusive and not so unobtrusive like other

two ones.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 21

There was significantly increased diameter after preparation with WaveOne

GoldTM file compared with the increase in diameter after preparation with K-files (p =

0.014); also the increase after ProTaper GoldTM was significantly greater compared to

K-files (p = 0.013). Canal diameter is also an important parameter when considering

how far into a canal irrigation needles can be safely inserted to allow for back flow

(Peters et al., 2003). So significant increase of diameter, in these two rotatory files, is an

indisputable characteristic for irrigation mission to success.

6. Conclusions

Since these two modern Gold files were introduced on market, there were no

comparison studies between these three systems and data is limited.

In this paper, it was able to show that traditional K-files and two modern Gold

rotatory files (ProTaper and WaveOne), have shaping ability regarding measurements

such as SMI, surface and area.

However, results from micro-CT revealed that increase in volume after

preparation with ProTaper GoldTM files comparing to K-filest here was statistically

higher. No statistically significant difference between WaveOne GoldTM and ProTaper

GoldTM or between WaveOne GoldTM and K-files. That possibly means that WaveOne

GoldTM represents a mid way system between the other ones, not so intrusive and not so

unobtrusive like other two systems.

There was significantly increased diameter after preparation with WaveOne

GoldTM file and ProTaper GoldTM file compared to the K-files (p = 0.014 and p = 0.013,

respectively). Between WaveOne GoldTM file and ProTaper GoldTM file the increased

diameter after instrumentation was almost the same. This significant increase of

diameter, in these two rotatory files, is an indisputable characteristic for irrigation

mission to success, as well as endodontic treatment.


IvanaGradičekFraústoBasso 22

Further studies with 3D-techniques and these new Gold systems are required to

fully understand the biomechanical aspects of root canal preparation and to evaluate the

outcome of root canal treatments.





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Figure 1 – ISO Standardization, showing a color vs. number of Files, page 3

Figure 2 – K-Files, composed by 6 files (from #15 up to #40), (Dentsplay Maillefer),

page 3

Figure 3 – ProTaper Gold TM system, seven (7) rotatory files; from left to the right Sx,

S1, S2, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties), page 5

Figure 4 and 5 – Convex triangular cross-section and non-cutting tip, page 5

Figure 5 – Non-cutting tip, page 5

Figure 6 - parallelogram shaped cross-section, page 6

Figure 7 – WaveOne GoldTM system, four (4) rotatory files, from left to right Small,

Primary, Medium and Large (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties), page 6

Figure 8 – Prepared sample of teeth in Eppendorf® Micro test tube, page 8

Figure 9 – The WaveOneTM motor (Dentsplay Tulsa Dental Specialties), page 9

Figure 10 – Computer with NRecon program, version (SkyScan, Kontich,

Belgium), page 10

Figure 11 –Micro-CT SKYSCAN model 1174 v.2; Software version 1.1 (SkyScan,

Kontich, Belgium), page 11




Table 1 - morphometric data of the root canal (mean ± standard deviation) before

instrumentation, page 13

Table 2 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal volume (mean ± standard

deviation), page 13

Table 3- Absolute and percentage change of the root canal SMI (mean ± standard

deviation), page 14

Table 5 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal diameter (mean ± standard

deviation), page 15

Table 6 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal area (mean ± standard

deviation), page 15

Table 4 - Absolute and percentage change of the root canal diameter (mean ± standard

deviation), pag 16




Graph 1 – Volume box-plots, page 14

Graph 2 – Surface box-plots page 15

Graph 3 – Area box-plots, page 16

Graph 4 – Diameter mean box-plots, page 17





ISO - International Organization for Standardization

Vs. – versus

Micro-CT - Micro-computed tomography

2D – Bidismensional

3D – Tridimensional

Ie - that is to say

WOG – WaveOne Gold

PTG – ProTaper Gold


# - number

% - Percentage

Δ – delta

n - Number of sample

p - Significance

® - Registered trademark


mm – Millimeters

cm – Centimeters

º - degree

sec – seconds

ml – milliliter

rpm – rotations per minute

µm – micrometres

kV – kilovolts

µA – microamps

ms - miliseconds


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