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Activities for grade 7


Ministry of Education

ELT General Supervision

Al-Assema Educational Area Academic Year: 2017-2018


(Suggested Speaking Activities for Grade 7)

GC 2.Speaking by using strategies of individual and interactive speech in a variety of communicative contexts.

Specific Competences

Curriculum standards



A range of realities


Sharing ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information and clarify opinions.


Exchange opinions

or ask/give

information build

on others ideas for clarifying their own.


Almost always share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information.


Oftentimes share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information.


Sometimes share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information.


Occasionally share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information.


Seldom share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give/get information.

1. Picture Describing

Using pictures in a speaking activity is to give students just one picture and having them describe what it is in the picture.For this activity students can form groups and each group is given a different picture. Students discuss the pictures with their groups, then a spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the whole class.

This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their public speaking skills.

2. Talk for a minute activity

It is a good game for the learners to practice speaking for one minute, share ideas orally in pairs or in groups to give /get information and clarify opinions about certain topics.

In this activityteachers can provide the learners with different topics from the text book that are familiar to them, and already have enough vocabulary to use while speaking. e.g. ( My family , My best friend , My favorite sport, My plans for next week, My free time etc.) then later on,the teacher may ask the learners to choose topics they are interested in speaking and talking about.

3. Oral presentations

This activity teachers and learners are familiar with. A teacher may ask his/her learners to prepare a presentation about their project. the learners can do their presentations individually, in pairs or in groups.

4. Re-telling a story

A. In this activity teachers may ask the learners to retell a story they have read.

5. Story Completion

This is a very enjoyable, whole-class, free speaking activity for which students sit in a circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but a few sentences he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate from the point where the previous one stopped.

Specific Competences

Curriculum standards



A range of operations


Taking part in dialogues

and role-play activities

using suitable strategies

such as using visual cues, asking for and providing clarifications,

maintaining a topic using paralinguistic cues (body language, gestures)..


Ask for and provide

explanations, use visual cues and paralinguistic

elements for raising the interest of their


partners during

discussions and

role-plays related to grade level topics.


Almost always use suitable strategies "using visual cues and paralinguistic elements / asking for and providing explanations" during discussions and role-plays related to grade level topics.


Oftentimes use suitable strategies "using visual cues and paralinguistic elements / asking for and providing explanations" during discussions and role-plays related to grade level topics.


Sometimes use suitable strategies "using visual cues and paralinguistic elements / asking for and providing explanations" during discussions and role-plays related to grade level topics.


Occasionally use suitable strategies "using visual cues and paralinguistic elements / asking for and providing explanations" during discussions and role-plays related to grade level topics.


Seldom use suitable strategies "using visual cues and paralinguistic elements / asking for and providing explanations" during discussions and role-plays related to grade level topics.

1. Role Play

One other way of getting students to speak is role-playing. Students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-play activities, the teacher gives information to the learners such as who they are and what they think or feel. Thus, the teacher can tell the student that You are at the check-in desk and the agent is asking you some questions which you are supposed to give responses to.

* You are at the check-in desk, complete and perform the following dialogue between you and the agent in front of the class.

You: ....

Agent: Good morning! Where are you flying today?

You: ....

Agent: May I have your passport, please?

You: ....

Agent: Are you checking any luggage?

You: ....

Agent: Would you like an aisle or a window seat?

You: ....

Agent: Here is your boarding pass. Well be boarding at gate 6 at nine forty-five.

Your seat number is 25C. Have a pleasant flight.

You: ....

2. Interviews

Students can conduct interviews on selected topics with various people. It is a good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to a student so that they know what type of questions they can ask or what path to follow, but students should prepare their own interview questions. Conducting interviews with people gives student a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class but also outside and help them becoming socialized. After interviews, each student can present his or her study to the class. Moreover, students can interview each other and introduce his or her partner to the class.

3. Investigative journalist

The basis of investigative journalist is for students to interview one another in pairs and present their findings.

Teachers may ask their learners to work in pairs and ask their partners about their family structure, favorite colors and foods, pets and hobbies.After that teachers may ask the learners to present their findings to the class.

4. Young teacher:

In this the activity teachers may ask some learners to teach some text book topics like, saving energy, sports ...etc.

The teacher may encourage the class to ask and answer questions for better clarifications and understanding.

Specific Competences

Curriculum standards



A range of attitudes


Following agreed uponrules for discussions such

as using expressions of politeness, responding to

classmates opinions

politely expressing

consent or disagreement.


Use adequate

expressions of

politeness when

expressing consent

or disagreement

during class discussions.


Almost always use proper grade level expressions of politeness when expressing consent or disagreement during class discussions.


Oftentimes use proper grade level expressions of politeness when expressing consent or disagreement during class discussions.


Sometimes use proper grade level expressions of politeness when expressing consent or disagreement during class discussions.


Occasionally use proper grade level expressions of politeness when expressing consent or disagreement during class discussions.


Seldom use proper grade level expressions of politeness when expressing consent or disagreement during class discussions.

1. Debates:

Debates are a great way for students to get involved in class. Students have to research topics, prepare for the debate with their team, and think on their feet as they practice public speaking. Learning how to debate does more than improve speaking skills; it also makes for better listeners.

Are you For or Against the following statement?

Life in the past was much better than now.

-Holding a debate can be used in this exercise to share ideas orally in groups.

- Dividing learners into

two teams or groups: (For/Against)

-Those who are For should:

- clarify their opinions,

- use visual cues,

-use adequate expressions of politeness when expressing agreement/ disagreement 2.3

- and present a short PPT about the lifestyle people lived in the past. 2.4



-Life in the past was simple and easy.

-People were helpful.

-There was no need to spend a lot of money.

- Food was fresh and healthy.

-Those who are Against should clarify their opinions, use visual cues, use adequate expressions of politeness when expressing disagreement and present a short PPT about the lifestyle people lived in the past.


-Life was very difficult in the past.

-People spent most of their time working.

-There was no time to sit with the family.

-The community was closed.

While working in groups, the teachers role is:

- To observe learners discussions,

- To paraphrase difficult phrases if there are any,

- To give more clarifications when needed.

2. Discussion Topics

Students are expected to discuss the topics given below. Discussion will be between two students in front of the class, they can be given 1-2 minutes to think over the discussion topic and get prepared. While one student is for the idea, the other must support the opposite idea.


Internet is important and necessary for education.


Friendship is the most important relationship.


Team work is more useful and works well.

Internet is not so important for education.


Family is the most important relationship in life.


Individual work is more useful and works well.

Specific Competences

Curriculum standards



A range of connections

2.4.Speaking about the surrounding environment and other cultures using their knowledge acquired in other subjects.


Present a short PPT presentation about the surrounding environment or other cultures, indicating what information from other subjects they used.


Present an excellent short PPT about the surrounding environment or other cultures.


Present a very good short PPT about the surrounding environment or other cultures.


Present a good short PPT about the surrounding environment or other cultures.


Present a fair short PPT about the surrounding environment or other cultures.


Present a poor short PPT about the surrounding environment or other cultures.

1. Guess the Subject:

- In this activity the teacher chooses a certain topic. e.g. school lessons, sports, places and directions in the school area...etc.

- Design a power point presentation/wall charts/pictures, each slide or picture contains one of the school lessons or a sport etc. or any topic the teacher wants the learners to discuss.

-Have one learner to come to the front and sits with his/her back to the PowerPoint slides/ wall chart.

-The learners in the class should work as groups to discuss the picture, take turns showing and describing the lesson showing in the slide/picture, and the learner in the front has to guess it correctly.

In this activity the learners need to use their knowledge acquired in other subjects in order to know what is the picture about and describe it to the other student.

2.Relating the Topic to Surrounding Environment or other Cultures

All of the above activities could be used to develop this specific competence (2.4) if the teacher related the topic to surrounding environment or other cultures. Afield trip, a video or a visit to the science lab could help to provide more information that enables the learners to speak widely.



- The British council website.

- Busy


Curriculum standards

3.1 Mention the topic and the purpose of various texts (stories,e-mails, letters, pictures, ads., menus, timetables, etc.)

3.2 Make inferences, determine the main idea and explain how it is supported by key details and performing post reading tasks.

3.3 Present their favourite readings in a reading diary, in an oral presentation or during a round table.

3.4 Select information from various sources related to other subjects to complete a project or for different tasks.

Reading comprehension 1

We follow rules every day. There are rules for things we do at home, at school, and in a lot of other places. Think about rules at home. Parents usually make these rules, and they make sure we follow them. Parents can ask us to wash our hands and clean up. They make other rules about eating unhealthy food, watching TV, or bedtime. What rules do you follow at home?

There are rules at school, too. Teachers and the principal make the school rules. We should always be polite and take turns when we play games. Librarians help us follow the rules in the school library. We cant eat, drink, or be noisy there. Outside school, the crossing guard helps us cross the road safely, and we should pay attention to the traffic light. These rules help keep us happy and safe. Can you think of more rules at school?

Zoos and other fun places have rules, too. At the zoo, you cant touch or feed the animals. You should never throw things at the animals. Swimming pools are fun places, too. These rules help make it safe for everyone there. You shouldnt run near the water and you cant eat, drink, or litter near the pool. You must always listen to the lifeguards because lifeguards make sure we follow the rules and that we are safe in and near the water.

1. The purpose of the writer is . (3.1) inform children about the importance of rules. persuade children to visit the zoo. entertain children in the swimming pools. express his happy time at school.

2. How do these rules help us have fun? (3.2)

..Rules tell us what we should and shouldnt do, and they help keep us safe, happy, and healthy

3. Which rules do you like; at home, at school, at fun places and Why? (3.3)


4. Are rules only for children? Explain. (3.3)


Reading comprehension 2

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

Tara Lipiniski, the famous Olympic gold medallist ice-skater, tells us a typical day in her life. My weekdays are quite tiring. I get up at half past seven and I have breakfast. At 8.30 my mum drives me to Detroit Skating Club. I practise from nine to lunch time at twelve oclock. I usually eat a turkey sandwich and some biscuits for lunch and I drink some fresh juice. My lunch break finishes at 1 oclock then I work with my coaches till quarter to three.

After that my mother drives me home. I start lessons at home at three. I cant go to a normal school because I have skating practice in the morning. When my teacher leaves, at half past six, I make dinner with my mother. We have dinner at half past seven, and then at 8 oclock, I do homework or watch TV. I usually have a shower at 9 oclock and then I go to bed at half past nine. In my free time, I go shopping, meet my friends, play tennis or go swimming. I dont have much free time, but I enjoy every minute of it.

A.Choose the correct answer:

1.The purpose of the writer is to ... (3.1)

a. Inform readers about importance of shopping

b. encourage pupils to be sportive

c. Evaluate the practice of cooking

d. Entertain children in the club

2. The opposite of tiring in the 1st paragraph means ( is ) (3.2).

a. comfortable b. famous

c. normald. free

3. The pronoun We in the 2nd paragraph refers to .(3.2)

a. Tara and her teacherb. Tara and her friends

c. Tara and her motherd. Taras coaches

4. The main idea in the second paragraph can be . (3.2)

a. Home schooling is usefulb. Tennis is my favourite

c. Going shopping is fund. Watching TV is not allowed

B-Answer the following questions:

5.Do you think Tara leads a healthy life? Explain. (3.3) ( 3.4 )

eats healthy food in addition to doing sports / or any reasonable answer

6.How does practicing sport help you in your daily routine? (3.4)

if you practice sports so you will be able to do your daily routine ..

Reading comprehension 3

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

At Oak Tree School, there is a Geography lesson. Miss Burton is showing a film about China. But one of the children, Johnny, is dreaming. In his dream, he is sitting on a dragon flying along the Great Wall of China. Johnny is happy. He loves flying. He loves riding the red dragon. Then Miss Burton stops the film and starts asking questions. Johnny, she says, When its three in the afternoon in London, What is the time in Beijing? Johnny says, Its my dragon. The children laugh. Miss Burton didnt laugh.

The next lesson is math. All children work in their workbook. Johnny isnt doing any work. He loves doing math puzzles in his head. Then Miss Burton starts asking questions. What is fourteen plus twelve? Jenny answers twenty six. Miss Burton asks Johnny What is forty plus eighteen? I think the number two is at the top of the triangle. Children laugh. Miss Burton doesnt.

Two weeks later, the children have to write a story for a competition. Who can write the best story Miss Burton says. Johnny writes a fantastic story. Its about dragons and butterflies, a guitar concert and puzzles and other wonderful things. Johnny wins the first prize. The children dont laugh: they clap and shout, Hurray Johnny! Miss Burton smiles. Its a beautiful story. Read it to us.

A. Choose the correct answer:

1.The purpose of the writer could be . (3.1)

a. To inform children about subjects at schools b. To encourage students to draw.

c. To entertain readers through funny story d. To evaluate reading stories

2. The word of work in the 2nd paragraph means .(3.2)

a. solve problems b. draw a picture

c. write a storyd. play music

3. The pronoun it in the 1st paragraph 3 refers to .(3.2)

a. Johnnys dayb. Jennys drawing

c. Johnnys storyd. Jennys workbook

4. The main idea in the third paragraph can be .(3.2)

a. Johnny is creativeb. Johnny is lazy

c. Play the guitard. Childrens workbook is useful

B-Answer the following questions:

5.What can you learn in Geography? (3.4)

different time in different places / or any reasonable answer

6.What do you think of Johnnys behaviour in the class? (3.3)

I think he should be more careful / or any reasonable answer

7.Why didnt the teacher laugh? (3.3)

because it is not advisable to laugh at people / because she knows he is a good student.

Reading comprehension 4

Living things need clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Plants need sunlight and land to grow, and we need plants for food. When plants breathe, they clean the air around them. We use the wood from plants and trees to make a lot of things, like paper, some houses, and furniture.

We shouldnt hurt our natural resources because we cant usually make more of them. Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. If the air is dirty, people can get sick and plants cant grow. If we cut down trees, we should plant new ones.

Trash is very bad for our natural resources. Sometimes people throw trash into water but we cant drink dirty water, and plants cant grow near it. Trash goes to places called landfills, and it stays there forever. Some landfills are dirty and they smell bad. People cant use that land, and farmers cant grow food on it. We can all take care of the Earths resources. Here are some ideas:

Use things until you cant use them anymore.

Dont throw things away. Reuse them. Refill plastic drink bottles.

Reduce the natural resources you use. Take your own bag to the store.

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. The purpose of the writer is .(3.1) inform readers about helping the environment persuade readers to travel to the desert entertain children through funny stories value the beauty of nature

2. Whats the main idea of the second paragraph? (3.2)

a. Water is dirtyb. Air is clean

c. Natural resources are important d. How to grow plants

B-Answer the following questions:

3. Do you think it is important to save the environment? Why? (3.3)

yes, to have a better life or any reasonable answer

4.How can science help us save natural resources? (3.4)


Reading Comprehension 5

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below

Life in the past was different. It was so hard but at the same time it was simple.

Houses in the past were small, and made of wood. They were not wide enough and they were very traditional. They didnt have facilities that they have today, in particular current water, heating and electricity. People used to use candles or oil lamps to light their houses.

Before the Stone Age, people used to eat fruit, leaves and anything they found from the forest. But this habit changed into hunting animals, preserving food items and planting and growing vegetables, which eventually led into farming different crops. People were healthy; they rarely had diseases and never needed extra exercises because their daily work kept their bodies running.

In terms of education in the past, people rarely got the chance to educate themselves. Farmers made sure that their children knew how to plot a farm and carry out the daily work. Our ancestors used to work with small tools made out of wood. Animals were also used for ploughing the land and carrying loads.

A)Choose the right answer from a, b, c and d ( 4 x 2 = 8M)

1- The writers purpose in this passage is (3.1)

a- to inform readers how to be fit and healthy

b- to show how life was hard in the past

c- To evaluate the past traditions

d- Entertain readers using stories from the past.

2- The underlined word carry out in the third paragraph means..(3.2)

a- leavec- do

b- ploughd- go

3- The underlined word which in the third paragraph refers to.. (3.2)

a- vegetables c- diseases

b- loads d- tools

4- The main idea of the second paragraph is (3.1)

a- how people got their food in the past b- how houses were made in the past.

c- what people studied in the past. d- how people get their food nowadays.

B)Answer the following questions :

1-Mention the things that made people healthy in the past. (3.4)

daily work kept their bodies running..

2-How was life difficult in the past? (3.2)

people didnt have facilities that they have today, in particular current water

3- Which life is better: life in the past or life nowadays? Why? (3.3)

any reasonable answer

(Reading Comprehension 6

*Read the following passage then answer the questions below:( 180 )

For most people a job means they get up at 7:00 a.m and drive to work and start their work by 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. Later they have lunch at noon after they finish their 2:00 pm, and then they have dinner with their family.That kind of job is okay for most people , but my job is special and interesting.

I'm a commercial airline pilot, that means I don't drive to work. I fly between countries in Asia , North America and South America.It's not surprising then to have many friends all over the world. My best friend lives in Japan and we stay in touch by facebook and e-mail when I'm in Tokyo. He always invites me to have delicious dinner with him. In fact, my favourite food is Sushi.

I fly across many dangerous zones. In addition my job often separates me from my wife and my children who live in New York. I miss them very much.However I think I have an exciting job which I enjoy doing. It has been always my dream job since I was a child. " Let the beauty of what you love be what you do "

A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d

1. The best title for this passage is: (3-1)

a- A Dangerous Airline. b-The Best Friend

c-A special job d- My Favourite Food

2. The underlined pronoun "them" in line 15 refers to the (3-1)

a- people b-the wife and the my children

c-zones d- countries

3. The word "exciting" in line 5, means: (3-1)

a-dangerous b- favourite c-interesting d- different

4- According to the text, the writers purpose is to.. (3-1)

1. encourage people to have friends all over the world. (3-2)

1. persuade people to do the job they like .

1. inform people about the different places he travels to .

1. highlight the importance of flying by plane .

B) Answer the following questions :

5. Why is it important to do the job you like? (3-3)

To enjoy what you do and to be good at your job.

6. Do you think that the writer's job is completely perfect? Why ? (3-4)

I don't think so because he has to fly across dangerous zones and stay away from his family for a long time .

Reading Comprehension 7

Of all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. Shes my mothers youngest sister. She has never married and she lives all alone in a small village near Bath. Shes in her late fifties, but shes still quite young in spirit. She has a fair skin, curly grey hair and deep blue eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice about her is her warm , friendly smile. Her face is little lined now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the kind of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

Aunt Emily likes reading and gardening, and she likes to take her dog, Buster, for long walks in the parks. Shes a very active person. Either shes making something or mending something or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. Shes extremely generous, but not very tolerant of people who dont agree with her. I hope that I am contented as she when I am her age.

A) Choose the correct answers from a , b , c and d :

1.The best title of the text could be "." (3.1)

a- Emilys activitiesb-Emilys personality

c- Emilys familyd- Emilys village

2. The underlined word lined in line 9 means ...(3.2)

a) attractive b) generous c) wrinkled d) fair

3.The underlined pronoun "I" in paragraph 2 refers to.(3.2)

a) The writer b) The writers aunt

c) Aunt Emily d) Old woman

B) Answer the following questions in reference to the passage:

4. The writer likes many of his aunts qualities. Mention two. (3.2)

she is a attractive and kind person .

5. In your opinion, how does Emily help people? (3.3)

She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village

Reading Comprehension 8 Science fiction writers imagined the future of Man on Earth in a frightening way. Some have imagined the world as too crowded with people to be lived on. They say people will live in deep caves under the Earth without having a chance to see the sun, or put cities under the seas, while others sent people into space to look for plants like Earth. But, will the world become so overcrowded? There are over 7 billion people living in the world today. Many people say there will be more wars and worse famines and diseases than there are today because the world will be so crowded. There are many scientists, who say that Man will be able to plant deserts and on mountains. Some scientists say that food might one day become completely unnecessary as chemical tablets will replace planting and eating. People in the future may go to restaurant to have a tablet on a dish. How do you like a restaurant serving you tablets for your most favorite dish? A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, and d: 1) The purpose of the writer of this passage is to.. ( 3.1)a-Ask people about food. b- Inform people about future problems on Earth. c- Eat chemical tablets in a restaurant. d- Search for a place for people to live in. 2) The best title for this passage would be ( 3-1)a- Our Future on Earth b-Best food to eatc-places on Earth d- wars and famines3) The word "frightening" in paragraph 2 means . (3.2) a-terrifying b-happyc-comfortable d-amazing4) "Who" in paragraph 2 refers to.. 3.2 a- People of Earth b- Science fiction writersc- Scientists d- Chemical tablets. B) Answer the following questions with reference to the passage: 5) What may happen if the population of the world keeps increasing? (3.2)There will be more wars and diseases because the world will be so crowded. 6) Why can food become unnecessary in the future? ( 3.2)Because chemical tablets will replace planting and eating

Reading Comprehension 9

People from all over the world like the taste of chocolate. Chocolate is food that many people enjoy as a dessert or snack. Did you ever grab a chocolate bar at the store when you were shopping with your mom or dad? Did you ever buy a chocolate bar at the gas station when your parents stopped to buy gas? Did you ever get to pick out a chocolate candy bar at a basketball game or a soccer game? Some people like dark chocolate and some people like light chocolate. Some people like plain chocolate and others like nuts or cream inside. Maybe you have gone to a candy shop that made lots of different kinds of chocolate .Or you might have taken a trip out east and stopped at Hershey, Pennsylvania, where Milton Hershey first made chocolate for Hersheys candy. The name Hershey is known throughout the world. Mr. Milton Hershey died in 1945. But the chocolate factory and Hersheys chocolate continues to be made in Hersey, Pennsylvania. A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, and d: 1) The purpose of the writer of this passage is to.. (3.1)a- Inform the readers about chocolate.b- Talk about Hersey, Pennsylvania. c- Value the importance of people about gas. d- Entertain people about chocolate stories

2) The best title for this passage would be (3.1)a- How to buy gas b-Chocolate c- Hersey, Pennsylvania d- Soccer game

3) The word "continues" in paragraph 2 is .(3.2)a-keep going b-stopsc-eats d-grabs

4) The word "Where" in paragraph 2 refers to.. 3.2 a- gas station b- factoryc- Hersey, Pennsylvania d- the world

B) Answer the following questions with reference to the passage:

5) Why do people like chocolate? (3.2 )

People from all over the world like the taste of chocolate. Chocolate is food that many people enjoy as a dessert or snack.

6) What are the different types of chocolate?( 3.2)

Some people like dark chocolate and some people like light chocolate. Some people like plain chocolate and others like nuts or cream inside.

2017 2018


Unit 1

Family and Friends

Writing activity

( 4.3 )


Write journals of 6-8 sentences expressing opinions and experiences about familiar topics

Write a Journal ( 6- 8 sentence ) about your favorite personal experiences each day for a week telling us about your favourite event for each day .


My father and I watched a Spanish football match. Our team lost but I had a lot of fun







Sports and Activities

Unit 2


Writing Activity

Write short coherent and cohesive paragraphs in a variety of forms (emails, short reports, etc.) with the help of guide words.



Write two short paragraphs of (6) sentences about "The country you travelled to on your last holiday and things you enjoyed doing there".

The following guide words & phrases may help you:

1st idea: The country you travelled to (by plane my family modern hotel two weeks)

2nd idea: Things you enjoyed doing there (museum scuba diving shopping delicious food)



Unit 3

School Life

Writing Activity

( 4.3 )


Write journals of 6-8 sentences expressing opinions and experiences about familiar topics.


It is your first week at school. Write a journal of (6 - 8 ) sentences describing your school mentioning your opinion in the places you went to.








Unit 4

Instructions and Directions

Writing Activity

( 4-1 )


Write short coherent and cohesive paragraphs in a variety of forms ( emails, short reports, etc. ) with the help of guide words


Imagine you are an English teacher for one day. Write an email of about

(8 sentences) giving instructions and pieces of advice to your students.

The following guide words & phrases may help you:

listen permission respect follow the rule offer help be kind and polite




Unit 5

Free Time

Writing Activity

( 4-2 )


Plan, write, revise and edit a short text in English


Write two paragraphs of 4 sentences each about your dream place. Imagine all the things you would love to have in one place and mention them.

The following guide words and phrases may help you:

closed playground - dinosaurs - sports academy - technology showroom flying cars online shopping

(Second Paragraph ) (FirstParagraph )


Celebrations and Food.

Unit 6


Writing Activity

Plan, write, revise and edit a short text in English



In two short paragraphs plan and write a reports of ( 8 ) sentences to compare between Kuwaiti wedding parties in the past and nowadays.

Kuwaiti weddings in the past: ( Hena Day traditional cloth traditional songs )

Kuwaiti weddings nowadays: ( fashioned dresses famous singers modern hotels )


Unit 7

Journey to the Past

Writing Activity

( 4.4 )


Compose short paragraphs about familiar topics related to other school subjects using different digital resources.


Your history teacher asks you to surf the Internet and get information about the Red Palace. Plan and write a report of two paragraphs (8 sentences) about the history of the Red Palace and what visitors can see and do there.

The following guide words & phrases may help you:

battle of Jahra four towers build bricks and mud contain 33 rooms know about the history

The plan



Unit 8

The Work We Do

Writing Activity

( 4.2 )


Plan, write, revise and edit a short text in English


A firefighter can face many risks and difficulties in his job so he must have special qualities. Plan and write a report of two paragraphs about ( 8 sentences ) describing the firefighter's job and showing how risky it can be.

The following ideas and guide words may help you:

1st paragraph: Job description: brave team special suit

2nd paragraph: How risky it can be: dangerous burn save lives

Job description Job risks





Unit 9

Jobs and Personality

Writing Activity

( 4.1 )


Write short coherent and cohesive paragraphs in a variety of forms

( emails, short reports, etc. ) with the help of guide words

Cleaning workers are an important part of our lives. We cant live without them. We should be thankful to them.

Write a report of two paragraphs ( 4 sentences each ) following active learning steps:

1- Gather information

2- Ask the help of your teacher

3 - Organize your report by answering these questions:

How many cleaning workers does our school have?

When do they start and finish their work?

Why is their job very important?

How your school would be without them?

How can we show them appreciation?

The topic sentence

Supporting ideas


Travels and Explorations

Unit 10


Writing Activity

Plan, write, revise and edit a short text in English


The Internet is one of the greatest invention in our world. It has made our world as a small country but it is a mixed blessing.

Plan and write a short paragraph of (6-8) sentences about the advantages and the disadvantages of this great invention."

The following guide words and phrases might help you:

The advantages of the internet: latest news information research

The disadvantages of the internet: waste time bad for eyes misuse

(The disadvantages of the internet) (The advantages of the internet)

Unit 11

Energy and Recycling

Writing Activity

( 4.3 )


Write journals of 6-8 sentences expressing opinions and experiences about familiar topics.


You spent a week with your friend at his home. You noticed that his family wastes a lot of energy and water. In a journal of not less than 8 sentences, describe what you noticed and tell the family what to do to save energy.

Unit 12

Predicting The Future

Writing Activity

( 4.4 )


Compose short paragraphs about familiar topics related to other school subjects using digital resources.


'' Better environment, better tomorrow.'' Write two short paragraphs four sentences each suggesting ways to save our environment.

The following guide words and phrases may help you:

plant save energy water reduce reuse recycle











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