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Computational Nuclear Quantum Many-Body Problem: The UNEDF Project

S. Bogneri, A. Bulgacx, J. Carlsonf, J. Engelt, G. Fannj, R.J. Furnstahlm, S. Gandolfif, G. Hagenl, M. Horoid,C. Johnsonq, M. Kortelainenu,l,s, E. Luska, P. Marise, H. Namk, P. Navratilh,r, W. Nazarewiczu,l,w, E. Ngg,

G.P.A. Nobrec, E. Ormandh, T. Papenbrockl,u, J. Peiu,l,p, S. C. Pieperb, S. Quaglionih, K.J. Rocheo,x, J. Saricha,N. Schunckh, M. Sosonkinan, J. Terasakiv,t, I. Thompsonh, J.P. Varye, S.M. Wilda

aMathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USAbPhysics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA

cNational Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USAdCentral Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA

eDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USAfTheoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

gComputational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USAhPhysics Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551, USA

iNational Superconducting Cyclotron Lab, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USAjComputer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

kNational Center for Computational Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USAlPhysics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USAmDepartment of Physics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA

nDepartment of Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USAoComputational Sciences and Mathematics Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352, USApState Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

qDepartment of Physics, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182, USArTRIUMF, 4004 Westbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 2A3, Canada

sDepartment of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014, University of Jyvaskyla, FinlandtDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA

uDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USAvDivision of Physics and Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, 305-8577, Japan

wFaculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 00-681 Warsaw, PolandxDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA


The UNEDF project was a large-scale collaborative effort that applied high-performance computing to the nuclearquantum many-body problem. UNEDF demonstrated that close associations among nuclear physicists, mathemati-cians, and computer scientists can lead to novel physics outcomes built on algorithmic innovations and computationaldevelopments. This review showcases a wide range of UNEDF science results to illustrate this interplay.

Keywords: Configuration interaction, Coupled-cluster method, Density functional theory, Effective field theory,High-performance computing, Quantum Monte Carlo

1. Introduction to UNEDF

Understanding the properties of atomic nuclei is cru-cial for a complete nuclear theory, for element formation,for properties of stars, and for present and future energyand defense applications. From 2006 to 2012, the UNEDF(Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional) collabo-ration carried out a comprehensive study of the nuclearmany-body problem using advanced numerical algorithmsand extensive computational resources, with a view towardscaling to petaflop supercomputing platforms and beyond.

The UNEDF project was carried out as part of theSciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Comput-ing) program led by Advanced Scientific Computing Re-search (ASCR), part of the Office of Science in the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE). The SciDAC program was

started in 2001 as a way to couple the applied mathemat-ics and computer science research sponsored by ASCR toapplied computational science application projects tradi-tionally supported by other offices in DOE. UNEDF wasfunded jointly by ASCR, the Nuclear Physics program ofthe Office of Science, and the National Nuclear SecurityAdministration. Over 50 physicists, applied mathemati-cians, and computer scientists from 9 universities and 7national laboratories in the United States, as well as manyinternational collaborators, participated in UNEDF.

This review describes science outcomes in nuclearmany-body physics, with an emphasis on computationaland algorithmic developments, that have resulted fromthe successful collaborations within UNEDF among math-ematicians and computer scientists on one side and nuclearphysicists on the other. Such collaborations “across the di-





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vide” were newly formed at the early stage of the projectand became its unique feature, with high-performancecomputing serving as a catalyst for new interactions.The results described in this paper could not have beenachieved without such couplings.

1.1. UNEDF science

The long-term vision initiated with UNEDF is to ar-rive at a comprehensive, quantitative, and unified descrip-tion of nuclei and their reactions that is grounded in thefundamental interactions between the constituent nucle-ons [1, 2]. The goal is to replace phenomenological modelsof nuclear structure and reactions with a well-founded mi-croscopic theory that delivers maximum predictive powerwith well-quantified uncertainties. Specifically, the mis-sion of UNEDF was threefold:

1. Find an optimized energy density functional (EDF)using all our knowledge of the nucleonic Hamiltonianand basic nuclear properties.

2. Validate the functional using the relevant nucleardata.

3. Apply the validated theory to properties of interestthat cannot be measured.

The main physics areas of UNEDF, defined at the be-ginning of the project [1], were ab initio structure, ab ini-tio functionals, density functional theory (DFT) applica-tions, DFT extensions, and reactions. Few connectionsbetween these areas existed at that time. As UNEDF ma-tured, however, coherence grew within the effort. Indeed,the project created and facilitated an increasing interplayamong the major areas where none had existed previously.Each of the main physics areas now includes ongoing col-laborations that cross over into other areas. These in-terconnections are highlighted in the summary diagramof the UNEDF strategy shown in Fig. 1. In addition tophysics links, numerous computer science/applied mathe-matics (CS/AM) interconnections were established withinUNEDF as computational and mathematical tools devel-oped in one area of UNEDF were used in other parts of theproject. These tools, motivated by nuclear needs, are nowavailable for other areas of science. Access to leadership-class computing resources and large-scale compute timeallocations were critical for the scientific investigations.

At the intersection of the ab initio techniques and DFTtechniques are comparisons of observables among the var-ious approaches, particularly through constraints on den-sity. Such calculations have not been performed beforeand require significant computational capability and an in-creasing sophistication of data manipulation. Research onthe nuclear problem would be incomplete without a seriouseffort to understand the nuclear interactions involved andtheir connection to DFT. Therefore, the UNEDF projectalso included elements that required less computationalcapability but are integral to the project, such as the de-velopment of nuclear forces using renormalization group

Figure 1: UNEDF project scope. Major science areas are indicatedby boxes; interconnections between areas are marked by arrows. Thegreen boxes indicate connections to experimental observations.

approaches. Another example is research on nuclear reac-tion properties that requires both the use and developmentof algorithms for the largest computers and more conven-tional computing needed for algorithmic breakthroughs.

Another new aspect of the nuclear theory effort drivenby this project is a greatly enhanced degree of quality con-trol. Integral to UNEDF was the verification of methodsand codes, the estimation of uncertainties, and other out-put assessments. Methods used for verification and val-idation included the crosschecking of different theoreti-cal methods and codes, the use of multiple DFT solverswith benchmarking, and benchmarking of different ab ini-tio methods using the same Hamiltonian. A new way to es-timate theory error bars was to use multiple Hamiltonianswith different energy/momentum cutoffs and then analyzethe cutoff dependence of calculated observables. The UN-EDF assessment component necessitated the developmentand application of statistical tools to deliver uncertaintyquantification and error analysis for theoretical studies aswell as to assess the significance of new experimental data.Such technologies are essential as new theories and compu-tational tools are applied to entirely new nuclear systemsand to conditions that are not accessible to experiment.


1.2. Collaborative effort

The successes of the UNEDF project were built uponcertain best practices, some implemented originally andsome learned by experience, in organizing and implement-ing the scientific effort. In order to foster the close align-ment of the necessary applied mathematics and computerscience research with the necessary physics research, mul-tiple direct partnerships were formed consisting of com-puter scientists and applied mathematicians linked withspecific physicists to remove algorithmic and/or computa-tional barriers to progress. The five-year lifetime of theproject provided time for these collaborations to becomedeep, and they have continued into follow-up projects.

All these partnerships have success stories to tell, fromgreatly improved load balancing on leadership-class ma-chines, to new DFT solver technologies, to dramaticallyimproved algorithms for optimization of functionals, toeigenvalues and eigenfunctions of extremely large matri-ces, and more.

The SciDAC program aims at transformative science,and this goal has been fulfilled by the new capabilitiesstemming from UNEDF. But the outcomes reach beyondthe many compelling nuclear physics calculations. UN-EDF has changed for the better the way that low-energynuclear theory is carried out, analogous to the shift inexperimental programs, moving from many small groupsworking independently to large-scale collaborative efforts.

2. Science

The territory of UNEDF science is the chart of the nu-clides in the (N,Z)-plane shown in Fig. 2. On this chart,stable nuclei are represented by black squares, while theyellow squares indicate unstable nuclei that have been seenin the laboratory. The sizable green area marked “terraincognita” is populated by unstable isotopes yet to be ex-plored. Above the table of nuclides are shown three broadclasses of theoretical methods, which are also used in otherfields dealing with strongly interacting many-body sys-tems, such as quantum chemistry and condensed matterphysics. Light nuclei and their reactions can be computedby using ab initio techniques (quantum Monte Carlo, no-core shell model) described in Sec. 2.1. Medium-mass nu-clei can be treated by configuration interaction (CI) tech-niques (Sec. 2.2). The bulk of the nuclides are covered bythe nuclear DFT described in Sec. 2.3, which provides thetheoretical underpinning and computational framework forbuilding a nuclear EDF. Time-dependent phenomena in-volving complex nuclei, including nuclear reactions, canbe described by means of approaches going beyond staticDFT (Sec. 2.4). By enhancing and exploiting the overlapswith ab initio and CI approaches, the goal is to constructand validate a nuclear EDF informed by microscopic in-teractions as well as experimental data.

Figure 2: Theoretical approaches for solving the nuclear quantummany-body problem used by UNEDF. The lightest nuclei can becomputed by using ab initio methods based on the bare internucleoninteractions (red). Medium-mass nuclei can be treated by configu-ration interaction techniques (green). For heavy nuclei, the densityfunctional theory based on the optimized energy density functionalis the tool of choice. (From [1].)

2.1. Ab initio methods and benchmarking

Ab initio methods solve few- and many-body prob-lems by using realistic two- and three-nucleon interactionsand obtain the structure and dynamic properties of nuclei.The nuclear interaction depends on the spatial, spin, andisospin coordinates of the nucleons. Consequently, calcu-lations are much more computationally demanding thantypical quantum problems. Items of interest include nu-clear spectra, charge and magnetic ground-state and tran-sition densities, electron and neutrino scattering, and low-energy reactions. The main goals are to reproduce knownnuclear properties and predict properties that are difficultor impossible to measure.

Several ab initio methods have been developed forstudying light nuclei; all have analogues in the studyof condensed matter and electronic systems. QuantumMonte Carlo (QMC) methods, including Green’s func-tion Monte Carlo (GFMC), use Monte Carlo evaluationsof path integrals, explicitly summing over the spin statesand isospin states of the system. The most recent GFMCcalculations have concentrated on the 12C nucleus, a fas-cinating system with a low-lying excited 0+ state, theHoyle state, very near the threshold of three-alpha par-ticles. QMC methods have also been used to calculate theproperties of neutron matter and neutrons in inhomoge-neous potentials.

No-core shell model (NCSM) methods, including thelarge-scale many-fermion dynamics nuclear (mfdn) code,expand the interacting states in products of single-particlestates and project the low-lying states through large-scalematrix operations. mfdn calculations have been used, forexample, to explain the long lifetime of the 14C nucleus


used in carbon dating. A combination of no-core shellmodel techniques with the resonating group method is cur-rently used to calculate important low-energy nuclear re-actions.

The coupled-cluster method is an ideal microscopic ap-proach to describe nuclei with closed (sub)shells and theirneighbors. It exhibits a low computational cost (scalespolynomially with system size) while capturing the dom-inant parts of correlations in the wave function. Thismethod has been employed to describe and predict thestructure and reactions of neutron-rich oxygen and cal-cium isotopes.

2.1.1. GFMC

Green’s function Monte Carlo calculations start withan initial trial state ΨT and obtain expectation values inthe exact eigenfunction Ψ0 of the Hamiltonian. Thesecalculations are done by evolution in imaginary time τ :Ψ0 = exp[−Hτ ]ΨT for sufficiently large τ . The evolutionis done in many small steps of τ , each step being a nested3A-dimensional integral. GFMC was introduced in lightnuclei [3, 4] to include the strong correlations induced bythe nuclear interaction. This method has been used tocalculate the spectra of light nuclei up to 12C [4, 5], aswell as form factors, electron scattering, and low-energyreactions [6].

Calculations of 12C require the largest-scale computersavailable, using a combination of efficient load-balancingfor the Monte Carlo and large-scale linear algebra for thespin-isospin degrees of freedom. The calculations of 12Crequired the development of the Asynchronous DynamicLoad Balancing (adlb) library to efficiently perform theload balancing on more than 100,000 cores [5].

A program, agfmc, has been developed over the past15 years to carry out these calculations [7, 8, 9]. It is alarge (80,000 lines) Fortran code that originally used MPIto manage parallelism. At the beginning of this project,the agfmc code was scaling well up to around 2,000 pro-cesses and performing satisfactorily on IBM’s Blue Gene/Lcomputer. At that time it was becoming apparent that ifthe code were to be able to take advantage of new, petas-cale machines expected to come on line during the five-yearproject to investigate larger nuclei, a significant increasein the degree of parallelism would need to be incorporatedinto its main algorithms. The greater degree of parallelism(from thousands to tens of thousands of processes) wouldgive rise to load-balancing problems that would strain thethen-used approach.

One of the goals of UNEDF was to construct a soft-ware library, intrinsically general-purpose but with fea-tures driven by the requirements of agfmc, to attack theload-balancing problem. The purposes of the library wereto supply a programming interface that would enable rel-atively straightforward migration of the existing agfmccode to the new load-balancing library and to scale theentire system to much larger degrees of parallelism.

256 1,024 4,096 16,384 65,536 262,14430







Number of MPI ranks


e (m


es) 12C − GFMC+ADLB − BG/Q

Weak scaling, 2 configs/rank

Figure 3: Weak scaling of agfmc with adlb in terms of MPI ranks.There are 8 ranks per BG/Q node; each rank is using 6 OpenMPthreads. Note the compressed vertical scale.

The result is the adlb library [5]. adlb generalizes theclassical manager-worker parallel programming model byallowing application processes (workers) to put arbitraryindependent work units into a shared pool and get themout to complete them, notifying other processes when theyhave done so. Work units are assigned types and prioritiesby the workers and retrieved according to these proper-ties, allowing complex algorithms to be implemented, de-spite the simple nature of the parallel programming model.Scalability is achieved by dedicating a small percentage(but still potentially a large number) of the job’s pro-cesses to maintaining this work pool and responding toput and get requests. These “server” processes executeindependently from the application processes, thus allow-ing asynchronous load balancing of process load, memoryconsumption for the work pool, and message traffic.

This scheme has worked well. Most of the MPI pro-gramming in the original agfmc code has been absorbedinto the adlb library, yet the overall code structure hasbeen maintained. Scalability has been extended to morethan 32,000 processes on BG/P and more than 260,000processes on BG/Q (see Fig. 3), enabling scientific resultsunattainable before this project was undertaken.

The 12C nucleus is particularly intriguing because ithas a low-lying 0+ excited state (the “Hoyle” state) verynear the energy of the breakup into three alpha particles.This state is essential for the nucleosynthesis of carbon instars through the triple-alpha process. For 12C the ΨT

are linear combinations of shell-model and alpha-clusterstates. Figure 4 shows the convergence of the calcula-tions of the ground and Hoyle states in the agfmc calcula-tions. Two different sets of initial states are propagated toτ ≈ 1.0 MeV−1; they yield consistent results. The ground-state energy is well reproduced, and the Hoyle state ex-citation energy is approximately reproduced (see [10, 11]for complementary calculations of the Hoyle state). Theground-state form factor of 12C is also reproduced by thesecalculations.

Other recent applications of agfmc include pair mo-mentum distributions [12], electromagnetic transitions[13], and the studies of trapped neutrons (“drops”) de-scribed in Sec. 2.3.4.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6







τ (MeV-1)


) (



g.s.; Corr 1

g.s.; Corr 2

2nd 0+; Corr 1

2nd 0+; Corr 2



12C(0+)GFMC with AV18+IL7

Figure 4: Convergence of the ground state (lower curves) and Hoylestate (upper curves) for different initial states as a function of imag-inary time.

2.1.2. NCSM and mfdn

The measured lifetime of 14C, 5730±30 years, is a valu-able chronometer for many practical applications rangingfrom archeology to physiology. It is anomalously long com-pared with lifetimes of other light nuclei undergoing thesame decay process, allowed Gamow-Teller (GT) beta de-cay. This lifetime poses a major challenge to theory be-cause traditional realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) interac-tions alone appear insufficient to produce the effect [14].Since the transition operator, in leading approximation,depends on the nucleon spin and charge but not the spatialcoordinates, this decay provides a precision tool to inspectselected features of the initial and final nuclear states. Toconvincingly explain this strongly inhibited transition, weneed a microscopic description that introduces all physi-cally relevant 14-nucleon configurations in the initial andfinal states and a realistic Hamiltonian.

Since the nuclear strong interaction governs the config-uration mixing, the Hamiltonian matrix eigenvalue prob-lem is a very large, sparse matrix in the configuration spaceof 14 nucleons. We address this computational challengewith the mfdn code [16, 17, 18, 19]. Aided by a collabora-tion with applied mathematicians on scalable eigensolversand computational resources on leadership-class machines,we are able to solve this beta decay problem with sufficientaccuracy to resolve the puzzle: the decay is inhibited bythe role of 3-nucleon forces (3NFs) as shown in Fig. 5 (see[20] for complementary calculations).

We obtained our results on the Jaguar supercomputer(see Sec. 4) using up to 35,778 hex-core processors (214,668cores) and up to 6 hours of elapsed time for each set oflow-lying eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The number ofnonvanishing matrix elements exceeded the total memoryavailable and required matrix element recomputation “onthe fly” for the iterative diagonalization process employingthe Lanczos algorithm.

These calculations and many other achievements [21]were made possible by dramatic improvements to mfdn














N3LO NN only

N3LO + 3NF (cD

= -0.2)

N3LO + 3NF (cD

= -2.0)

s p sd pf sdg pfh sdgi pfhj sdgik pfhjl








Figure 5: Contributions to the 14C beta decay matrix element as afunction of the harmonic oscillator shell when the nuclear structure isdescribed by a chiral effective field theory interaction (adopted from[15]). The top panel displays the contributions with (two right barsof each triplet) and without (leftmost bar of each triplet) the 3NFat Nmax = 8. Contributions are summed within each shell to yielda total for that shell. The bottom panel displays the running sum ofthe GT contributions over the shells. Note the order-of-magnitudesuppression of the 0p-shell contributions arising from the 3NFs.

capabilities during the UNEDF project [22]. The currentscaling performance of mfdn is demonstrated in Fig. 6.Other recent applications of mfdn include the prediction(before experimental confirmation) of the spectroscopy ofproton-unstable 14F [23] and studies of trapped neutrons(“drops”) with a variety of interactions and other ab initiocomputational methods [24].

2.1.3. NCSM and the resonating group method

Weakly bound nuclei, or even unbound exotic nuclei,cannot be understood by using only bound-state tech-niques. Our ab initio many-body approach, no-core shellmodel with continuum (NCSMC), focuses on a unifieddescription of both bound and unbound states. Withsuch an approach, we can simultaneously investigate struc-ture of nuclei and their reactions. The method com-bines square-integrable harmonic-oscillator basis (i.e., viathe NCSM [21]) accounting for the short- and medium-range many-nucleon correlations with a continuous basis(i.e., via the NCSM with the resonating group method(NCSM/RGM) [25, 26]) accounting for long-range corre-lations between clusters of nucleons. With this technique,we can predict the ground- and excited-state energies oflight nuclei (p-shell, A≤16) as well as their electromagneticmoments and transitions, including weak transitions. Fur-thermore, we can investigate properties of resonances andcalculate characteristics of binary nuclear reactions (e.g.,


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10increase in core count













ideal scalingD = 6.2 106, NNZ = 1011

D = 1.6 108, NNZ = 5.2 1012





Figure 6: Strong scaling for mfdn: speedup for 500 Lanczos itera-tions (the most time-consuming phase of the code). Two problemsare shown with their dimension (D) and number of nonzero matrixelements (NNZ) in the legend. The smaller is 7Li (D=6.2 million,NNZ=118 billion), and the larger is 10B (D=160 million, NNZ=5.2trillion). The smaller problem needs at least 1 TB in order to storeall nonzero matrix elements in core and needs, therefore, at least 728cores to fit the problem in core. The larger problem needs at least 42TB, and we used between 30,624 and 261,120 cores for that problem.

cross sections, analyzing powers).Recent applications of our ab initio techniques include

an investigation of the unbound 7He [27], calculations of3H(d,n)4He and 3He(d,p)4He fusion [28] (see Fig. 7), andcalculation of the 7Be(p,γ)8B radiative capture [29], whichis important for the standard solar model and neutrinophysics (see Fig. 8). We also developed a three-clusterextension of the method to describe the Borromean nuclei(e.g., 6He and 11Li).

2.1.4. Coupled-cluster method

The coupled-cluster method [30, 31, 32, 33] exhibits afavorable scaling that grows polynomially with the massnumber of the nucleus and the size of the model space.The UNEDF collaboration employed an m-scheme-basedcoupled-cluster code [34] and an angular-momentum cou-pled code [35]. The latter exploits the preservation of an-gular momentum and pushed ab initio computation with“bare” interactions from chiral effective field theory [36] tomedium-mass nuclei [37]. Coupled-cluster theory is basedon a similarity-transformed Hamiltonian and employs anontrivial vacuum such as the Hartree-Fock state. In prac-tice, one iteratively solves a large set of nonlinear coupledequations. The exploitation of rotational invariance con-siderably reduces the number of degrees of freedom butcomes at the cost of working in a much more complicatedscheme (involving angular momentum algebra) that poseschallenges for a scalable and load-balanced implementa-tion.

During UNEDF, several conceptual advances in physicsand computing were made with the coupled-cluster

10 100 1000Ekin [keV]











d+3He → p+4He

Figure 7: Experimental results for S-factor of 3He(d,p)4He reactionfrom beam-target measurements. The full line represents the ab ini-tio calculation. No low-energy enhancement is present in the theoret-ical results, contrary to the laboratory beam-target data representedby symbols; see [28] for details.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5Ekin [MeV]










S 17 [e

V b


FilipponeStriederHammacheHassBabyJunghansSchuemannDavidsKikuchiDe04 MN E1NCSM/RGM E1


Figure 8: Ab initio calculated 7Be(p,γ)8B S-factor (solid line) com-pared with experimental data and the calculation used in the latestevaluation (dashed line); see [29] for details.

method. On the physics side, these include the angular-momentum coupled implementation of the coupled-clustermethod [37], the use of a Gamow basis for computationof weakly bound nuclei [38, 39], a practical solution tothe center-of-mass problem in nuclear structure compu-tations [40], the extension of the method to nuclei withup to two nucleons outside a closed subshell [41], the ap-proximation of three-nucleon forces as in-medium correc-tion to nucleon-nucleon forces [42, 43, 44], and the de-velopment of theoretically founded extrapolations in finiteoscillator spaces [45]. On the computational side, scal-












Number of cores

V1.0, MPI only (triples)V1.0, MPI only (total)V2.0, 4 MPI/4 Threads (triples)V2.0, 4 MPI/4 Threads (total)

Figure 9: Comparison of runtime for 40Ca in 12 oscillator shellsusing MPI only V1.0 and hybrid MPI/OpenMP V2.0. Solid linesshow total runtime; dashed lines show runtime of triples calculationonly.

ing was improved by a work-balancing approach [46, 47]based on MPI and OpenMP such that the model-spacesize has increased from ten oscillator shells at the incep-tion of UNEDF [48] to 20 oscillator shells at UNEDF’scompletion [44]. Figure 9 shows how adding the use ofMPI and OpenMP in V2.0 improved the code’s scalabilityto thousands of cores, beyond a few hundred cores in V1.0using MPI only, when calculating the small system of 40Cain 12 oscillator shells. We note that the number of single-particle orbitals grows as the third power with the numberof oscillator shells and that the number of computationalcycles – in the coupled-cluster method with singles anddoubles (CCSD) approximation – grows as n2

on4u (where

no and nu are the numbers of occupied and unoccupiedsingle-particle states, respectively). Thus, conceptual andalgorithmic improvements during UNEDF allowed us tosolve problems that naıvely required an increase of com-putational cycles by about a factor 4,000. The combinedefforts culminated in the computation of neutron-rich iso-topes of oxygen [44] and calcium [49].

Doubly magic nuclei are the cornerstones for our under-standing of entire regions of the nuclear chart within theshell model. For this reason, studies on the evolution ofstructure in neutron-rich semi-magic isotopes of oxygen,calcium, nickel, and tin are central to experimental andtheoretical efforts. With 40,48Ca being doubly magic nu-clei, many studies were aimed at understanding the struc-ture of the rare isotopes 52,54Ca and questions regardingthe N = 32, 34 shell closures [50, 51, 52, 53, 54].

A first-principles description of rare calcium isotopes ischallenging because it requires the control and understand-ing of continuum effects (due to the weak binding) and3NFs (as often pivotal contributions arise at next-to-next-to leading order in chiral effective field theory [55, 56, 57]).Reference [49] reports coupled-cluster results for neutron-rich isotopes of calcium that include the effects of the

42 48 50 52 54 56A









+ (





Figure 10: Excitation energies of Jπ = 2+ states in Ca isotopes. Thetheoretical results (red squares) agree well with data (black circles)and predict a soft subshell closure in 54Ca.

continuum and 3NFs (see [58] for complementary calcu-lations). It predicts a soft subshell closure in the N = 32nucleus 54Ca and an ordering of single-particle orbitals inneutron-rich calciums that is at variance with naıve shell-model expectations. Figure 10 shows the computed ener-gies of the first excited Jπ = 2+ state in some isotopes ofcalcium and compares them with available data. The highexcitation energy in 48Ca is due to its double magicity,and the somewhat increased excitation energies in 52,54Casuggest that these nuclei exhibit a softer subshell closure.Where data are available, the theoretical results agree wellwith experiment. For 54Ca, theory made a prediction thathas recently been verified experimentally [59].

2.2. Configuration interaction

The nuclear shell model has been very effective indescribing the physics of larger nuclei beyond the cur-rent reach of pure ab initio methods; indeed, EugeneWigner, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, and J. Hans D. Jensenwere awarded the 1963 Noble prize for the fundamentalsymmetries and mean field features that underlie the suc-cessful nuclear shell model. The shell model for largernuclei uses the same configuration interaction methods asthe NCSM methods described previously, but with moretruncated model spaces where not all nucleons are “active”and with effective interactions tailored for these spaces.

Since there are numerous challenging physical appli-cations in nuclear physics that vary across the periodictable, different CI approaches are needed to efficiently ex-ploit the available computational resources. CI approachesdeveloped or improved within UNEDF include the follow-ing:

• No-core shell model in the m-scheme basis (mfdn[16, 18, 19]; bigstick [60, 61, 62]).


• No-core shell model in a coupled angular momentumbasis (mfdnj [63, 64]).

• Shell model with a core in a coupled angular momen-tum basis (nushellx [65, 62]).

UNEDF took advantage of common elements in the vari-ous CI approaches to improve the effectiveness of the nu-clear shell model for all nuclei.

These CI codes utilize an input NN interaction file anda Coulomb interaction between the protons. They all workin the neutron-proton basis (i.e., break isospin) and allowfor charge-dependent NN interactions. In addition, severalof these codes accept 3NFs as input. All these codes eval-uate the spectra, wavefunctions, and a suite of observablesfor low-lying states of the nucleus.

The implemented algorithms differ considerably amongthe codes as well as support systems for processing theoutput files generated, such as the wavefunctions and one-body density matrices, both static and transition. Nu-merous cross-comparisons between the codes have beenaccomplished and their respective accuracies confirmed.Eigenenergies are obtained to the accuracy of 1 keV orbetter. Other observables are found to differ at the levelof a few percent because of numerical noise in the wave-functions.

Except for mfdnj (which followed mfdn), the codesevolved along independent paths, which emphasized vari-ous strategic physics and technological goals. For example,the challenges of addressing heavier nuclei impel work-ing with a nuclear core; the challenges of working withleadership-class machines versus local clusters drive someof the algorithmic decisions. The burden of communica-tions and memory restrictions help resolve the challengeof store-in-memory versus recompute-on-the-fly strategiesthat are implemented differently in these CI codes.

In light of the need to store large amounts of data forretrieval, postanalyses, and reproducibility, we have devel-oped a prototype database management system. This pro-totype records in the database the metadata of every run.The data referenced in the database may include physicalobservables, one-body density matrices, and wavefunctionsthat result from the ab initio codes; such data are typi-cally stored on the platforms where runs are performed.A user can access this database over the web and find outwhether the runs of interest have already been performedand where the results may be located.

2.3. Nuclear density functional theory

Because of the enormous configuration spaces involved,the properties of complex heavy nuclei are best describedby the superfluid nuclear density functional theory [66]– rooted in the self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov(HFB), or Bogoliubov-de Gennes, problem. The main in-gredient of nuclear DFT is the effective interaction be-tween nucleons captured by the energy density functional.Since the nuclear many-body problem involves two kinds of

fermions, protons and neutrons, the EDF depends on twokinds of densities and currents [67, 68]: isoscalar (neutron-plus-proton) and isovector (neutron-minus-proton). Thecoupling constants of the nuclear EDF are usually ad-justed to selected experimental data and pseudodata ob-tained from ab initio calculations. The self-consistent HFBequations allow one to compute the nuclear ground stateand a set of quasiparticles that are elementary degreesof freedom of the system and that can be used to con-struct better approximations of the excited states. TheHFB equations constitute a system of coupled integro-differential equations that can be written in a matrix formas a self-consistent eigenvalue problem, where the depen-dence of the HFB Hamiltonian matrix on the eigenvectors(quasiparticle wavefunctions) induces nonlinearities.

The atomic nucleus is also an open system havingunbound states at energies above the particle emissionthreshold, and this has implications for the nuclear DFT.The finiteness of the HFB potential experienced by a nu-cleon implies that the energy spectrum of HFB quasipar-ticles contains discrete bound states, resonances, and non-resonant continuum states [69]. The size of the continuumspace may become intractable, especially for complex ge-ometries where self-consistent symmetries are broken. Tothis end, one has to develop methods [70] to treat HFB res-onances and nonresonant quasiparticle continuum withoutresorting to the explicit computation of all states.

The application of high-performance computing, mod-ern optimization techniques, and statistical methods hasrevolutionized nuclear DFT during recent years, in termsof both developing new functionals and carrying out ad-vanced applications. Optimizing the performance of a sin-gle HFB run is crucial for making the EDF optimization[71, 72] manageable and quickly computing tables of nu-clear observables [73, 74, 75, 76], in order to assess theo-retical uncertainties. These advances are described in thefollowing sections.

2.3.1. DFT solvers

Solutions of HFB equations can be obtained either bydirect numerical integration on a mesh, provided properboundary conditions are imposed on the domain, or byexpansion on a basis. For the latter case, the harmonicoscillator (HO) basis proves particularly well-adapted tonuclear structure problems, as it offers analytical, local-ized solutions with convenient symmetry and separabilityfeatures. Although solving the HFB equations for a givennuclear configuration is relatively fast on modern comput-ers, accurate characterization of nuclear properties oftenrequires simultaneous computations of many different con-figurations, from a few dozen (e.g., one-quasiparticle con-figurations in odd mass nuclei) to a few billion or more inextreme applications (such as probing multidimensionalpotential energy surfaces of heavy nuclei during the fissionprocess).

The two primary DFT solvers based on HO expansionused by the collaboration are hfbtho [77] and hfodd


[78]; see [79] and [80], respectively, for their latest re-leases. Both codes solve the HFB equations for generalizedSkyrme functionals in a deformed HO basis and have beencarefully benchmarked against one another up to the 1 eVlevel. hfbtho assumes axial and time-reversal symmetryof the solutions, making it a very fast program (execu-tion completes in typically less than 1 minute on a sin-gle node). It is particularly suited for EDF optimization(see Sec. 2.3.3) or large-scale surveys of nuclear properties[74, 75]. The solver hfodd is fully symmetry-unrestricted:this versatility is necessary for science applications such asthe computation of fission pathways [81] or description ofhigh-spin states [82].

The new versions of each solver benefited significantlyfrom recent advances in high-performance computing andfrom collaborations with computer scientists in UNEDF.By expanding the use of tuned blas and lapack libraries,significant performance gains were reported for both codesand enabled new, large-scale studies [83]. The speed ofhfbtho was further improved by a factor of 2 by incor-porating multithreading; hfodd was turned into a hybridMPI/OpenMP program: nuclear configurations are dis-tributed across nodes, while on-node parallelism is imple-mented via OpenMP acceleration.

Figure 11 illustrates two algorithmic improvements tothe DFT solver hfodd. The implementation of the Broy-den method for nonlinear iterative problems [85] has re-duced substantially the number of iterations needed toconverge the solution in practical applications. The sec-ond example shows the application of the augmented La-grangian method (ALM) to fission in 252Fm [84]. Thismethod is generally used for constrained optimizationproblems; it allows precise calculations of multidimen-sional energy surfaces in the space of collective coor-dinates. Indeed, while the standard quadratic penaltymethod often fails to produce a solution at the requiredvalues of constrained variables on a rectangular grid, theALM performs well in all cases. Both improvements dis-played in Fig. 11 are key to producing realistic large-scalesurveys of fission properties in heavy nuclei on leadership-class computers, where walltime is limited and expensive.

Another HFB solver developed by UNEDF is hfb-ax. It is based on the B-splines representation of co-ordinate space and preserves axial symmetry and spaceinversion [86]. The solver has been carefully bench-marked with hfbtho and used in several applicationsinvolving complex geometries, such as fission [87] andcompetition between normal superfluidity and Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LOFF) phases of polarized Fermi gases inextremely elongated traps [88]. Hybrid parallel program-ming (MPI+OpenMP) has been implemented in hfb-axto treat large box sizes that are important for weaklybound heavy nuclei.

New generations of DFT solvers will be taking advan-tage of emerging architectures, such as GPUs, and newprogramming paradigms. In particular, the cost of per-forming dense linear algebra in both hfbtho and hfodd

Figure 11: Algorithmic improvements to hfodd. Top: Convergencefor a typical HFB calculation in the ground state of 166Dy withhfodd version 2.49t [80]. Using the Broyden method to iterate thenonlinear HFB equations has provided significant acceleration com-pared with traditional linear mixing techniques. Bottom: Compari-son between the augmented Lagrangian method (black squares) andthe standard quadratic penalty method (open squares) for the con-strained HFB calculations of the total energy surface of 252Fm in atwo-dimensional plane of elongation, Q20, and reflection-asymmetry,Q30. (From [84].)

can become prohibitive as the size of the HO basis in-creases, especially for more realistic energy functionals in-volving some form of nonlocality; this necessitates noveltechniques to handle many-body matrix elements [89].The massive amount of data generated by large-scale DFTsimulations will also require significant investments in vi-sualization and data-mining techniques.

2.3.2. Multiresolution 3D DFT framework

A parallel, adaptive, pseudospectral-based solver,madness-hfb, has been developed to tackle the fullysymmetry-unrestricted HFB problem for both real andcomplex wavefunctions in large and asymmetric boxes.The main mathematical and algorithmic advantage ofmadness-hfb is its multiscale-multiresolution and sparseapproximation of functions and the application of oper-ators in coordinate space with guaranteed accuracy butfinite precision. madness-hfb prefers to work with func-tions and operators with pseudo-spectral approximationsbased on a multiwavelet basis (up to order 30). Since


Figure 12: Quasiparticle wavefunction for a DFT simulation (left,top) and its six levels of multiresolution structure (left, bottom).The refinement structure is especially noticeable at levels 5 and 6.Right: The parallel speedup of one iteration of madness-hfb, forsolving the DFT problem for 1,640 3D quasiparticle wavefunctionswith over 4.4 billion equations and unknowns; this simulation wasperformed within a box with a spatial dimension of 120 fermis, using8 multiwavelets, up to level 8+ of refinement, and with a relativeprecision of 10−6.

the multiwavelets consist of smooth, singular, and discon-tinuous functions with spatial locality (compact support),they are well suited for localized approximation of weaksingularities and discontinuities or regions of high curva-ture [90, 91, 92]. Gibbs effects are also reduced. Theobject-oriented (OO) nature of the software and template-based programming allow each wavefunction and each in-tegral or differential operator to have its own boundarycondition and its own sparse pseudospectral expansion.The usual boundary conditions (e.g., Dirichlet, Neumann,Robin, quasi-periodic, free, and asymptotic conditions) aresupported. Fast applications of Green’s function for thedirect solution of Poisson’s equation and the Yukawa scat-tering kernel are available [93, 94, 95]. In the multiwaveletrepresentation, these approximate Green’s functions andtheir applications are again based on sparse data withguaranteed precision, in contrast to dense tensors basedon the use of some other basis sets. Other Green’s func-tions can also be constructed.

If desired, the user can specify solvers and routinesfrom other dense and sparse linear algebra packages suchas lapack or scalapack. For example, parallel and vec-torized adaptive quadrature permit the construction ofthe Hamiltonian matrix in the usual manner by usingthe `2 norm. The Hamiltonian can be diagonalized byusing multithreaded lapack (or a parallel eigensolver),and the eigenvectors can be converted back to coefficients

for the multiwavelet representation. Other capabilities,such as high-order approximation of propagators and time-stepping required for the solution of time-dependent DFT,are also available from applications in time-dependentmolecular DFT, as well as from simulation of attoseconddynamics [96, 97].

Underlying this mathematical capability is a parallelruntime system that permits the software to scale to hun-dreds of thousands of processors and runs on platformsfrom laptops to leadership-class computers. The abilityto use laptops and workstations is particularly attractivefor model and code development and testing. In addi-tion, the embedding of a parser permits the OO-basedC++ templated codes representing operations on the co-efficients of each wavefunction to be executed as paralleltasks. This parser permits out-of-order, distributed mul-tithread executions with task- and data-dependency anal-ysis. This reduces the stalling of execution units due todata dependencies. A user-configured and executed paral-lel load-balancing method is also available, as is a parallelcheckpoint and restart method.

The 3D madness-hfb has been benchmarked with thespline-based 2D solver hfb-ax [86], 3D hfodd [80], andthe 1D code hfbrad [98] for a variety of problems. Be-cause madness-hfb has no limit on the size of the com-putational domain, we were able to capture quasiparticlewavefunctions with long tails or nonsymmetric potentialswith steep curvatures and cut-offs to overcome some of thelimitations of the other solvers. The adaptive structure isillustrated in Fig. 12.

The current madness-hfb approach to the HFB prob-lem is as follows [99]. Let the coefficients of the wavefunc-tions in the tensor product multiwavelet representation bethe unknowns. The user provides an initial relative pre-cision, a set of initial wavefunctions (e.g., in terms of theHO basis, splines, etc.), and boundary conditions to startthe iterative procedure. All the functions, potentials, op-erators, and expansion lengths are adaptively representedas needed by the user-defined precision. A generalized ma-trix eigenvalue problem is formed by adaptive quadrature.The solution eigenvectors are converted to a sparse mul-tiwavelet representation for updating the lengths of theexpansion and the coefficients in the potentials, gradients,and other terms before the next iteration and diagonaliza-tion. The speed and performance depend on the numberof coefficients. Usually, the simulations begin with a lowrelative precision, to capture the low-order terms quickly,before adaptively increasing the order of approximationand the precision for more accurate results.

2.3.3. EDF optimization

One of the focus areas of UNEDF was the developmentof an optimization protocol for determining the couplingconstants of nuclear EDFs. In particular, the collabora-tion paid special attention to estimating the errors associ-ated with such a procedure and exploring the correlationsamong the coupling constants. The UNEDF optimization


protocol was established by focusing on the Skyrme energydensity. We recall that, in this framework, the energy ofan even-even nucleus in its ground state is a functional ofthe one-body density matrix and the pairing tensor. TheSkyrme energy density reads

χt(r) = Cρρt ρ2t + Cρτt ρtτt + CJ


t J2t

+Cρ∆ρt ρt∆ρt + Cρ∇Jt ρt∇ · Jt, (1)

where the isospin index t labels isoscalar (t=0) and isovec-tor (t=1) densities, ρt is the one-body density matrix, andτt and Jt are derived from ρt [67]. In the pairing chan-nel, we took a density-dependent pairing energy densitywith mixed surface and volume nature, characterized by

the two pairing strengths V(n)0 and V

(p)0 for neutrons and

protons, respectively. The set of coupling constants Cuu′

t ,

V(n)0 , and V

(p)0 are the parameters x to be determined.

The development of fast DFT solvers (see Sec. 2.3.1),together with the availability of leadership-class comput-ers, permitted us for the first time to set up an opti-mization protocol at a fully deformed HFB level. Ourfirst parametrization, unedf0, was obtained by consider-ing only three types of experimental data: nuclear bindingenergies of both spherical and deformed nuclei, nuclearcharge radii, and odd-even mass differences in selected nu-clei [71]. After recognizing that deformation propertiesneeded to be better constrained [100], a fourth data type,corresponding to excitation energies of fission isomers inthe actinides, was added. The resulting parametrization,unedf1, gave a significantly better description of fissionproperties [72], see Fig. 13 (bottom). With the oncomingunedf2 parametrization, we will expand the optimizationdata set with single-particle level splittings. The new dataare expected to better constrain the tensor coupling con-stants and improve single-particle properties.

Formally, we solve the optimization problem


χ2(x) =


(si(x)− di



: x ∈ Ω ⊆ Rnx

, (2)

where d ∈ Rnd represents the experimental data, w > 0represent weights, and the parameters x to be determinedare possibly restricted to lie in a domain Ω. This prob-lem is made difficult because some of the derivatives withrespect to the parameters x, ∇xsi(x), may be unavailablefor some of the theory simulation observables si.

Traditional approaches for solving (2) in the absenceof derivatives typically either estimate these derivativesby finite differencing or treat χ2 as a black-box function ofx. The former approach can be sensitive to the choice ofthe difference parameter, and care must be taken that theexpense of the differencing does not grow unnecessarily asthe number of parameters nx grows. The latter neglectsthe structure (in the form of the nd residuals) inherent to(2).

In UNEDF, we instead employed a new optimizationsolver, pounders, that exploits the structure in nonlinear

50 150 2500





Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Number of 12min. Evaluations


t f V



Figure 13: Top: Performance of the pounders algorithm on the min-imization of the χ2 of Eq. (2) as compared with the standard Nelder-Mead method. Bottom: Fission pathway for 240Pu along the massquadrupole moment Q20 calculated with SkM, unedf0, and unedf1EDFs. The experimental energy of fission isomer (EII) and the inner(EA) and outer (EB) barrier heights are indicated [72].

least-squares problems and avoids directly forming compu-tationally expensive derivative approximations. poundersfollows a model-based Newton-like approach, where thefirst- and second-order information is inferred by itera-tively forming local interpolation models for each resid-ual. Figure 13 (top) shows the efficiency of the solver:not only does it converge faster than the standard Nelder-Mead algorithm, but it also gives a more accurate solution.pounders is available in the open-source Toolkit for Ad-vanced Optimization (TAO [101]).

2.3.4. Neutron droplets and DFT

The properties of homogeneous and inhomogeneousneutron matter play a key role in many astrophysical sce-narios and in the determination of the symmetry energy[102, 103, 104]. The equation of state of homogeneous neu-tron matter has been studied in many earlier investigations(see, e.g., [105]). Since neutron matter is not self-bound,inhomogeneous neutron matter has been theoretically in-vestigated by confining neutrons in external potentials.Although neutron drops cannot be realized in experimen-tal facilities, they provide a model to study neutron-rich










0 10 20 30 40 50 60N




UNEDF1SLy4SLy4 adj.

Figure 14: Calculated total energies for neutron droplets in ~ω =5 MeV and 10 MeV harmonic potentials as a function of the neutronnumber N . The figure shows AFDMC, GFMC, SLy4, and adjustedSLy4 results of [109] together with the unedf0 and unedf1 results.

isotopes [106, 107, 108] and can bridge ab initio methodsand DFT. The external potential confining neutrons hasbeen chosen to change the geometry and density of thesystem. A Woods-Saxon form produces saturation, mak-ing neutron drops similar to ordinary nuclei. Instead, aharmonic potential permits one to better control the cal-culation of larger systems and to test the approach to thethermodynamic limit.

Nuclear EDFs are commonly optimized to reproduceproperties of nuclei close to stability, with close numbersof protons and neutrons. The use of such functionals tostudy neutron-rich nuclei or the neutron star crust requireslarge extrapolations in neutron excess. In [109], neutrondroplets were studied by using QMC methods startingfrom a realistic nuclear Hamiltonian that includes the Ar-gonne AV8’ two-body interaction supported by the Ur-bana IX three-body force. This Hamiltonian fits nucleon-nucleon phase shifts, gives a satisfactory description oflight nuclei, and produces an equation of state of neu-tron matter that is compatible with recent neutron starobservations [110]. The neutron drop’s energy calculatedby using QMC methods was compared with DFT calcu-lations. The QMC results showed that commonly usedSkyrme EDFs typically overbind neutron drops and thatthis effect is due mainly to the neutron density gradientterm. The adjustment of the gradient together with thepairing and spin-orbit terms improves the agreement be-tween ab initio QMC calculations with Skyrme both forthe energy and for neutron densities and radii [109].

These results can be compared with the predictions ofunedf0 and unedf1 EDFs. Figure 14 shows the calcu-lated total energies for neutron droplets in ~ω = 5 MeVand 10 MeV harmonic potentials. The auxiliary field dif-fusion Monte Carlo (AFDMC) and GFMC QMC results

2.0 2.5 3.0radius [fm]









2.0 2.5 3.0radius [fm]








) Minnesota potential

N = 8

N = 20

Figure 15: Top: Deformation energy curves for 100Zr calculatedusing microscopic EDFs derived from chiral EFT interactions at dif-ferent orders [111]. Bottom: Comparison of microscopic EDF calcu-lations of neutron drops at increasing levels of approximation withfull NCFC calculations starting from the same Hamiltonian [112].

of [109], calculated with the AV8’+UIX interactions, agreewell with the DFT calculations [72]. These are encourag-ing, since neither unedf0 nor unedf1 was optimized tothe pure neutron matter data. Future EDF optimizationschemes will use ab initio results on neutron droplets aspseudodata to improve EDF properties in very neutron-rich nuclei.

2.3.5. Ab initio functionals

In parallel with efforts to improve the optimizationof nuclear EDFs with conventional Skyrme-type terms,UNEDF members sought to construct ab initio func-tionals based on microscopic chiral effective field theory(EFT) [113]. A pathway to such functionals was openedwith the development of new renormalization group meth-ods, which led to softer nuclear Hamiltonians, includingthree-body forces [114]. These soft interactions dramat-ically improve convergence properties in many-body cal-culations [115], extending the reach of ab initio methodsto heavier systems [116, 117, 118]. At the same time,they make feasible the construction of a microscopicallybased EDF using many-body perturbation theory [119]together with improved density matrix expansion (DME)techniques [120, 121, 122]. Carrying out this long-termprogram by individual researchers would be a formidabletask, but progress was made possible within UNEDF by


teaming up with two of the physics–CS/AM partnershipsdescribed earlier.

An intermediate step toward a fully ab initio EDF wasa new hybrid functional that incorporated long-range chi-ral EFT interactions to describe pion-range physics and aset of Skyrme-like contact interactions with coupling con-stants to be fit. The resulting functional has a much richerset of density dependencies than do conventional Skyrmefunctionals. These were incorporated in the DFT solvers,and new preoptimization procedures were developed bythe DFT functional group [111]. A proof-of-principle testin the top panel of Fig. 15 shows deformation energiesin 100Zr calculated using the DME functional at differ-ent orders in the chiral expansion (LO, NLO, N2LO). Thedeviations from the Skyrme result show nontrivial effectsfrom the finite-range nature of the underlying NN and 3Ninteractions [111]. On-going work includes a rigorous op-timization with the procedure outlined in Sec. 2.3.3 andthen detailed evaluations of the predictive power of theDME functional.

In order to directly validate the new DME proceduresused in [111], it was necessary to benchmark against ex-act results. The first-ever such calculations were madepossible by teaming up with the NCSM–mfdn effort (seeSec. 2.1.2) using neutron droplets as a controlled the-oretical test environment as in Sec. 2.3.4. The DMEfunctional was constructed and evaluated for the same(model) Hamiltonian used to generate exact results frommfdn [112] for different numbers of neutrons and variedtraps. Figure 15 (bottom) shows the agreement betweenno-core full configuration (NCFC) results and microscopicEDF calculations at different levels of approximation [112],which validates the optimal strategy used to constructa microscopically based EDF (the points labeled “fit”),while establishing theoretical error bars. Further impor-tant DME developments made by external collaboratorsin the FIDIPRO project [123, 124] will be tested in futureinvestigations.

2.4. Beyond DFT

Static DFT provides excellent tools for investigatingnuclear binding energies and other ground-state proper-ties. In certain cases, it also can be used to treat dy-namical processes. The path to scission during fission, forexample, sometimes can be predicted accurately by staticDFT. A reliable description of excitation/decay and reac-tions, however, usually requires methods that go beyondstatic DFT. Since an ab initio treatment of the nucleartime-evolution is difficult, we employ extensions of DFTand related ideas. The simplest extension, the quasiparti-cle random phase approximation (QRPA), can be viewedas an adiabatic approximation to the linear response intime-dependent DFT. It provides the entire spectrum ofexcitations with the same EDF used in static DFT. Theadiabatic approximation is, of course, severe (as are theapproximations in the density functional itself) but canbe applied in any nucleus and folded with reaction theory.

DFT-based QRPA and its applications to nuclear excita-tion and reactions are discussed in Sec. 2.4.1.

DFT-based methods that go beyond the adiabatic ap-proximation are also now in use. One can exploit therelatively simple dynamics of Fermi gas systems to con-struct an approximate time-dependent extension of DFT,the time-dependent superfluid local density approxima-tion (TDSLDA). The approximation and related compu-tational techniques can be applied to such classic problemsas photoabsorption but also to other time-dependent pro-cesses that go beyond linear response. The TDSLDA andits applications are discussed in Sec. 2.4.2.

We also need efficient methods to accurately computeaverage properties of excited states, such as spin- andparity-dependent level densities, which suffice to treat re-actions that proceed primarily through a compound nu-cleus. Obtaining these densities through a direct diago-nalization of the nuclear Hamiltonian and a subsequentlevel counting is not efficient, but several techniques basedon statistical spectroscopy can be used instead. However,even statistical spectroscopy poses computational chal-lenges that demand high-performance computational tech-niques and resources. Some advances in computationalspectroscopy, leading to the first accurate calculation ofdensities of levels with unnatural parity, are described inSec. 2.4.3.

2.4.1. QRPA and reactions

Members of the UNEDF collaboration developed andexploited both an extremely accurate spherical SkyrmeQRPA code [125] and an equally accurate, though com-putationally much more intensive, deformed (axially sym-metric) Skyrme QRPA code [126]. The latter, which cantreat both spherical and deformed nuclei, is at the fore-front of the modern QRPA. Other groups have developedtheir own versions of the deformed Skyrme, Gogny, or rel-ativistic QRPA [127, 128, 129, 130, 131]; most of thesehave some disadvantages compared with ours (e.g., a lackof full self-consistency, oscillator bases that don’t capturecontinuum physics, etc.) but also the occasional advan-tage (e.g., full continuum wavefunctions rather than theapproximate representation of the continuum we describebelow).

Both our spherical and deformed codes diagonalizethe traditional QRPA A-B matrix [132], constructed fromsingle-quasiparticle states in the canonical basis [132] in alarge box (typically 20 fm in each coordinate), so that con-tinuum states are taken into account in discretized form.Both codes work with arbitrary Skyrme density function-als plus delta pairing, include all rearrangement terms, andbreak neither parity nor time-reversal symmetries. Bothoutput transition amplitudes to the entire spectrum of ex-cited states.

The two codes have some differences as well. Thespherical code gets its single-quasiparticle wavefunctions,represented on an equidistant mesh, from an HFB programcalled hfbmario, which derives from the code hfbrad


[69]. The deformed code takes its wavefunctions from theVanderbilt HFB program [133], which uses B-splines torepresent wave functions. Each QRPA code representsthose wavefunctions in the same manner as the HFB pro-grams it relies on.

Both QRPA codes have been tested in many ways, in-cluding against one another. With the spherical code, wecalculated energy-weighted sums in Ca, Ni, and Sn iso-topes from the proton drip line through the neutron dripline for Jπ = 0+, 1−, and 2+ multipoles with Skyrmeparameter sets SkM∗ and SLy4 and found excellent agree-ment with analytical values [125]. Spurious states in theJπ = 0+, 1+, and 1− channels are well separated fromphysical states in both codes, though the spherical oneperforms a bit better because it can include all combina-tions of HFB two-quasiparticle states in the QRPA basiswithout making the calculation intractable.

The collaboration used the spherical QRPA to studysystematics of 2+ states across the table of isotopes andfor microscopic calculations of reaction rates; they usedthe deformed version for a more limited study of 2+ statesand giant resonances in rare-earth nuclei [134].

The collaboration also used transition densities fromthe spherical QRPA to calculate nucleon-nucleus scatter-ing. The transition amplitudes produced by our sphericalmatrix QRPA, when combined with single-particle wavefunctions, yield radial transition densities. These can inturn be folded with the interaction between the projectileand the nuclear constituents (i.e., the nucleon-nucleon in-teraction) to produce transition potentials that excite tar-get states. References [135, 136, 137] report the develop-ment of a code to fold the densities for all QRPA states be-low 30 MeV with a Gaussian-shaped nucleon-nucleon po-tential. The result is a microscopic coupled-channels cal-culation that successfully produces angular distributionsand inelastic cross sections for nucleon-induced reactions—quantities that can be compared directly with scatteringdata—at scattering energies between 10 and 70 MeV. Tosatisfactorily describe observed absorption, we had to ex-plicitly couple also to all one-nucleon pickup channels lead-ing to intermediate deuteron formation. Figure 16 illus-trates the effect of such couplings on nucleon-induced ab-sorption cross sections. The direct connection between thecalculated cross sections and the nuclear structure ingre-dients makes this kind of reaction calculation a good testof the structure model.

The collaboration also took significant steps to developa much more efficient implementation of the QRPA. Thefinite amplitude method [140, 141] allows one to effectivelytake the derivatives of mean fields that enter the QRPAequations numerically, through relatively straightforwardmodifications to the mean-field codes themselves. A simpleiterative procedure then solves the equations. Our initialapplication, to monopole resonances in the deformed nu-cleus 240Pu [142], consumes a small fraction of the time ourmatrix QRPA implementation would use (see [143, 144] forcomplementary work based on iterative Arnoldi diagonal-

20 30 40 50 60 70Elab (MeV)







σ R (


Menet et al.Optical ModelInelastic couplingsInelastic + transfer couplings

p + 90


Figure 16: Reaction cross section as a function of incident energyfor p + 90Zr. The results are shown for couplings to the inelas-tic states (dash-dotted line) and to the inelastic and transfer chan-nels with nonorthogonality corrections (solid line). The Koning-Delaroche [138] optical model calculations are also shown (dashedline). (Data from [139].)


2.4.2. Time-dependent DFT for superfluid systems

The application of DFT to nuclear physics requires twonontrivial elements: the ability to describe both superflu-idity and time-dependent phenomena. In order to avoidthe nonlocal character of the DFT extension to super-fluid systems, the superfluid local density approximation(SLDA) and its time-dependent extension TDSLDA havebeen developed [145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153,154].

SLDA and TDSLDA have been applied to a large num-ber of fermionic systems and phenomena: vortex structurein neutron matter and cold atomic systems, generation anddynamics of quantized vortices and their crossing and re-connection, excitation of the Anderson-Higgs modes, theLOFF phase, quantum shock waves and excitation of do-main walls, one- and two-nucleon separation energies, gi-ant dipole resonance in superfluid triaxial nuclei, and com-plex collisions. In Fig. 17, we illustrate the case of a head-on collision of two superfluid fermion clouds, which wasstudied experimentally. Both SLDA and TDSLDA are de-rived by using appropriately determined EDFs with QMCinput for homogeneous systems and validating the predic-tions on independent QMC calculations of inhomogeneoussystems in the well-studied case of a unitary Fermi gas;see [147, 148, 150] for details. The form of the EDF fora unitary Fermi gas is largely determined by dimensionalarguments; translational, rotational symmetry, and parity;gauge and Galilean covariance (which specifies the depen-dence on current densities); and renormalizability of theTDSLDA formalism.

For nuclear systems we lack ab initio results of the same


Figure 17: Three consecutive frames of the head-on collision of twofermion clouds of ≈750 particles in which quantum shock waves anddomain walls/solitons (topological excitations) are formed [152]. Thex- and y-directions have an aspect ratio of ≈30.

quality and rely on a more phenomenological approach,but with significant microscopic input. The nuclear EDFsshould satisfy the usual symmetries [68] and the consis-tency with the best available ab initio results.

The numerical implementation of the SLDA and TD-SLDA equations leads to hundreds of thousands of cou-pled nonlinear 3D time-dependent PDEs, which are solvedby using the discrete variable representation approach[155, 156] on desktops [147, 148, 149, 150] and—as a re-sult of UNEDF collaborations with computer scientists—leadership-class supercomputers [150, 151, 152, 153, 154].In Fig. 18 we illustrate the first calculation of the photoex-citation of a triaxial superfluid nucleus performed withinTDSLDA (188Os) and two other axially deformed nuclei,as well as a comparison with the absolute experimentaldata (without any fitting parameters). The determinationof the ground-state properties of these nuclei and theirsubsequent time-evolution required full diagonalizations ofHermitian matrices of sizes up to 5 · 105× 5 · 105 and solu-tions of 5 · 105 coupled time-dependent 3D PDEs. Furtherstudies of excitation of medium- and heavy-mass nucleiwith γ-rays, neutrons, relativistic heavy ions, and inducednuclear fission are the next steps.

2.4.3. Level densities

The properties of the excited states of nuclei are key toreliably describing reactions and decays. One importanttype of reaction mechanism is the compound nuclear reac-tion, which can be described with the statistical modelof Hauser and Feshbach [157]. The important ingredi-ent entering the Hauser-Feshbach theory is the spin- andparity-dependent nuclear level density (NLD). Experimen-tal information about NLD is limited for stable nuclei andnot available for radioactive nuclides of interest for nu-clear astrophysics. Therefore, a large effort is underway toaccurately calculate NLD, and an interacting shell modelapproach would be the best model taking into account therelevant many body correlations beyond DFT. A directapproach by direct CI diagonalization and level countingis not feasible because of the exponential increase in CIdimensions. We recently proposed [158] an approach tocalculate shell model spin- and parity-dependent NLD us-ing methods of statistical spectroscopy. In addition, weshowed [159] how one can improve this approach to cal-culate the unnatural parity NLD by removing the con-





σ [








σ [



8 12 16 20 24E [MeV]






σ [



8 12 16 20 24E [MeV]

SkP SLy4172







Figure 18: Photoabsorption cross section (solid black line) calcu-lated within TDSLDA using two Skyrme force parameterizations forthree deformed open-shell nuclei and the experimental (γ, n) crosssections (solid purple circles with error bars); see [153] for details.With dashed (green), dotted (red), and dot-dashed (blue) lines, wedisplay the contribution to the cross section arising from exciting thecorresponding nucleus along various symmetry axes.

tribution due to the spurious center-of-mass excitations.The associated algorithms were implemented in a high-performance computer code, jmoments, [160, 161, 162],which runs on massively parallel computers and scales wellup to 10,000 processors [160, 162].

Figure 19 shows positive- and negative-parity NLD for26Al calculated with jmoments compared with the avail-able experimental data obtained by level counting. Someknown levels have no clear assignment of the parity, whichleads to upper and lower limits. The calculated positive-parity NLD is not new, an sd-shell calculation being avail-able for some time. However, the negative-parity NLD wascalculated only recently by our approach [161].

3. Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty quantification is a key element for assess-ing the predictive power of a model. When working witheffective theories with degrees of freedom relevant to theproblem, the parameters of the theoretical model oftenneed to be adjusted to the empirical input. To quantify themodel uncertainties, sensitivity analysis yields the stan-dard deviations and correlations of the model parameters,usually encoded as a covariance matrix [165, 166, 167, 168].

The calculation of the covariance matrix requires com-puting derivatives of the observables with respect to themodel parameters. When a closed-form expression for thederivatives is not available, we estimate the derivatives nu-merically using finite differences. To account for the nu-merical uncertainty associated with the underlying DFT-


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Excitation energy (MeV)















26Al, Experiment vs. Moments Method

Figure 19: Nuclear-level densities for positive parity (red curve) andnegative parity (black curve) of 26Al compared with experimentaldata; the solid and dotted staircases represent upper and lower limits,respectively. Positive parity NLD is larger than negative parity NLD.

based calculations, we compute the “noise level” of eachobservable following the approach in [169]. The differenceparameters used for estimating the Jacobian matrix asso-ciated with (2) are then obtained using these noise levels[170].

Uncertainty quantification was one of the key topics ofthe EDF optimization work performed in the UNEDF col-laboration [71, 72]. The upper panel of Fig. 20 shows theunedf1 correlation matrix, obtained from the sensitivityanalysis. As can be seen, some of the surface parame-ters of the unedf1 EDF are strongly correlated. In [76]we used this information to assess the robustness of thecurrent EDFs in the predictions of the nuclear landscapelimits. This is illustrated in the lower panel of Fig. 20,which shows calculated and experimental two-neutron sep-aration energies for the isotopic chain of even-even zir-conium isotopes. The differences between model predic-tions are small in the region where data exist and growsteadily when extrapolating toward the two-neutron dripline (S2n = 0). Nevertheless, the consistency between themodels was found to be surprisingly good. This study re-quired massive parallel calculations of the nuclear masstables [75].

4. High-Performance Computing Resources

UNEDF science has benefited from access to some ofthe largest computers in the world, provided primarily byDOE’s Innovative and Novel Computational Impact onTheory and Experiment (INCITE) program [171]. In par-ticular, the largest computations of UNEDF were carriedout on the “Jaguar” machine at Oak Ridge National Lab-oratory and the “Intrepid” machine at Argonne NationalLaboratory. Jaguar has gone through several processorupgrades during the project, taking it from 30,976 cores(Cray XT4 in 2008) to 298,592 cores (Cray XK6 in 2012);



) S2n



neutron number



neutron number

Figure 20: Top: unedf1 correlation matrix. Presented are the ab-solute values of the correlation coefficients between the parameterscharacterizing the energy density (1). Bottom: Theoretical extrapo-lations toward drip lines for the two-neutron separation energies S2n

for the isotopic chain of even-even Zr isotopes using different EDFs(sly4, sv-min, unedf0, unedf1) [76] and frdm [163] and hfb-21[164] mass models. Detailed predictions around S2n = 0 are illus-trated in the inset. The bars on the sv-min results indicate statisticalerrors due to uncertainty in the coupling constants of the functional.

Intrepid is an IBM Blue Gene/P with 163,840 processingcores.

Figure 21 shows the UNEDF utilization of thesecomputing resources over the years 2008-2013 providedthrough INCITE. The figure highlights the increasing de-mand for computing time in low-energy nuclear physicsresearch. The combined 2008 INCITE utilization acrossJaguar and Intrepid was nearly 20 million core-hours andby 2012 had increased fourfold. This growth illustratesthe increasing application of high-performance computingin nuclear theory enabled by the physics/computer sci-ence/applied mathematics collaborations fostered by UN-EDF.

For the 2013 calendar year, members of the SciDAC-3NUCLEI project [172] were granted the sixth largest allo-cation of the 61 INCITE projects awarded, with a total al-location of 155 million core-hours across three leadership-class computing resources, Titan, Mira, and Intrepid. Ti-


2 0 0 8

2 0 0 9

2 0 1 0

2 0 1 1

2 0 1 2

2 0 1 3

0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0C o r e - h o u r s ( m i l l i o n s )


dar Y


M i r a T i t a n I n t r e p i d J a g u a r

( a l l o c a t e d )

Figure 21: UNEDF allocation and utilization (in millions of core-hours) of leadership-class computing resources from 2008 to 2013.

tan is a Cray XK7, a hybrid CPU-GPU system with299,008 CPU cores and 261,632 GPU streaming multipro-cessors, and Mira is an IBM Blue Gene/Q with 786,432processing cores. The substantial changes to comput-ing systems at both Argonne and Oak Ridge, indicativeof future trends in high-performance computing, createnew computational challenges but also new possibilitiesto achieve larger and more accurate calculations. Throughthe close collaborations enabled through UNEDF, and nowNUCLEI, members are working to continuously scale codesto increase physics capabilities and improve performancefor efficient utilization of these leadership-class resources.

5. Conclusions

The examples presented here illustrate the multifacetedoutcomes of the UNEDF project, both in terms of land-mark calculations of nuclear structure and reactions and interms of how nuclear theory is done. The project was veryproductive, as can be assessed by going to the project’swebsite,, which documents the con-crete deliverables of UNEDF: publications, highlights, re-ports, conference presentations, and computer codes. UN-EDF also placed great importance on recruiting the nextgeneration of scientists. Annually it provided training to30 young researchers. The UNEDF experience has beena springboard for advancement, with many UNEDF post-docs obtaining permanent positions at U.S. universities,national laboratories, and overseas institutions.

By fostering broad new collaborative efforts betweenphysicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists, theSciDAC-2 UNEDF project showed how to tackle scientific,algorithmic, and computational challenges in the era ofextreme-scale scientific computing. This effort continueswith the SciDAC-3 NUCLEI project [172], which builds






Neutron(Stars( Fission(Neutrinos(and(









Figure 22: Physics and computing in NUCLEI. The major areas ofresearch are marked, together with connections between them andtheoretical and computational tools. For more details, see [172].

on the successful strategies of UNEDF. Figure 22 showsthe key elements of NUCLEI.


Support for the UNEDF and NUCLEI collaborationswas provided through the SciDAC program funded by theU.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, AdvancedScientific Computing Research and Nuclear Physics pro-grams. This work was also supported by DOE ContractNos. DE-FG02-96ER40963 (Univ. Tenn.), DE-AC52-07NA27344 (LLNL), DE-AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL), DE-AC05-00OR22725 (ORNL), DE-AC02-06CH11357 andDE-FC02-07ER41457 (ANL), DE-FC02-09ER41584 (Cen-tral Michigan Univ.), DE-FC02-09ER41582 (Iowa StateUniv.), DE-FG02-87ER40371 (Iowa State Univ.), and DE-FC02-09ER41586 (Ohio State Univ.). This research usedthe computational resources of the Oak Ridge Leader-ship Computing Facility (OLCF) at ORNL and ArgonneLeadership Computing Facility (ALCF) at ANL providedthrough the INCITE program. Computational resourceswere also provided by the National Institute for Compu-tational Sciences (NICS) at ORNL, the Laboratory Com-puting Resource Center (LCRC) at ANL, and the NationalEnergy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) atLBNL.


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