concursul national de business planuri pentru tineri 2013

Post on 30-Oct-2015






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Informatia despre planurile de afaceri cu descrierea lor, suma necesara pentru investitii si persoanele de contact, inlusiv informatia despre organizatori si parteneri


  • 1

  • 2Afacerile dezvoltate de ctre tineri merit s fie susinute...ncepnd cu anul 2003, de cnd au fost puse bazele Concursului Naional de Business Planuri pentru Tiner i , au

    fost nregistrate i rezultate care merit s f ie menionate.

    Att Concursul ct i modul de organizare a lui au fost

    mbunt i te permanent , ca la edi ia din 2012 s se at ing

    o per forman deosebit i anume acordarea f inal it i lor

    resursele necesare de dezvoltare a idei i cu care ei au par t ic ipat la concurs .

    Aceast per forman a fost posibi l gra ie Fundaiei

    Argidius , care are drept scop sus inerea i promovarea

    ntreprinderi lor mici i celor n cretere, dezvoltate de

    ctre t iner i . Par teneriatele cu actor i i local i i sus inerea

    substania l din par tea Fundaiei Argidius , a dat posibi l i tatea

    celor 20 de f inal it i CBP 2012 s investeasc peste 100 mii

    euro n afacer i le lor i s benef ic ieze de cadouri i sus inere

    postconcurs t imp de 1 an de z i le din par te profesionit i lor n

    dezvoltarea afacer i lor.

    Rezultatele obinute pe parcursul unui an de ctre cei 20

    f inal it i sunt unele foar te bune, uni i au crescut c i f ra de

    afacer i substania l . Al i i au reuit s creeze ser vic i i sol ic i tate

    pe pieele locale din regiune care vor duce la mbunt irea

    condi i i lor de trai . n unele cazuri au fost create locuri

    supl imentare de munc, care iari este un indicator care ne

    vorbete despre impactul pozit iv a unui astfel de concurs .

    Concursul Naional de Business Planuri pentru Tiner i este n

    continu dezvoltare i scopul urmrit de ctre organizator i

    este ca s acorde posibi l i tate la c i t mai mul i t iner i s

    benef ic ieze de o astfel de sus inere i nu doar f inanciar

    dar i as istena profesionit i lor n domeniul afacer i lor. O

    etap nou a Concursului ar f i acordarea de garani i pentru

    benef ic iar i i CBP n vederea obiner i i resurselor supl imentare

    n dezvoltarea afacer i i . Credem c complexitatea obiner i i

    resurselor f inanciare i determin pe uni i t iner i s renune la

    ideea lor i la v isul lor de a avea propria afacere.

    Aceasta ne face s credem c or ice sus inere i or ice ban

    invest i t n noi le afacer i a t iner i lor antreprenori , i face mai

    responsabi l i i vor aduce benef ic i i pe vi i tor acestui stat i

    care pe uni i t iner i i i i vor determina s nu plece n lume pentru

    a gsi fer ic i rea c i s se real izeze aic i acas n propria afacere.

    The businesses developed by young people deserve to be supported...Star t ing with 2003, s ince the moment the foundations of

    National Competit ion of Business Plan for Young were la id,

    there were recorded the results wor th to be mentioned. Both

    competit ion and i ts organizat ion method were continuously

    improved, as at the edit ion from 2012 i t was achieved an

    outstanding per formance namely granting the f inal ists the

    necessar y resources to develop the idea with which they have

    par t ic ipated in the competit ion.

    This per formance was possible thanks to Argidius Foundation,

    which aims to suppor t and promote smal l and growing

    businesses, developed by young people. The par tnerships

    with local actors and substantia l suppor t from Argidius

    Foundation has enabled the 20 f inal ists CBP 2012 to invest

    over 100 thousand euro in their businesses and receive gif ts

    and post competit ion suppor t for 1 year from professionals

    in business development .

    The results obtained by 20 f inal ists over a year are ver y

    good, some of them increased substantia l ly the turnover.

    Others have managed to create the required ser vices on local

    markets in the region that wi l l improve l iv ing condit ions. In

    some cases there were created addit ional ly working places,

    which also represent an indicator that shows the posit ive impact of such competit ion.

    The National Competit ion of Business Plan for Young is

    continual ly developing and the purpose aimed by the

    organizers is to provide oppor tunit ies to as many young

    people as possible to benef it f rom such suppor t and not

    just f inancial help but also professionals ass istance. A new

    stage of the competit ion would be providing guarantees for

    CBP benef ic iar ies to obtain addit ional resources in business

    development. We bel ieve that the complexity of obtaining

    f inancial resources makes some young people give up their

    idea and dream of having their own business .

    This makes us bel ieve that any suppor t and money invested

    in the new businesses of young entrepreneurs makes them

    more responsible and wi l l br ing benef its in the future of this

    state fact that would compel young people not to go abroad

    to f ind happiness and to develop their own business here in their home countr y.

  • 3Asocia ia Naional a Tiner i lor Manageri din Moldova

    (ANTiM) este o organiza ie non-guvernamental creat cu

    scopul de a sus ine s i dezvolta spir i tul managerial a l t iner i lor

    din Republ ica Moldova. Act iv i tatea ANTiM este or ientat spre

    cutarea continua de noi modal i t i de impl icare a t iner i lor

    n act iv i t i manageriale n vederea mbunt ir i i s istemului

    managerial din Moldova.

    Proiectele ANTiM sunt or ientate spre st imularea ini iat ivei

    t iner i lor n autoangajare i autoreal izare. Noi ncurajm i

    as istm t iner i i n dezvoltarea afacer i lor propri i , ce reprezint

    o opiune de a deveni independent de piaa local a locuri lor

    de munc. Astfel , t iner i i au ansa de a- i crea propriul loc

    de munc n loc ca s-l caute, i s nu gseasc pozi ia la

    care se ateapt. Crearea propri i lor ntreprinderi ofer ansa

    de a lucra n domeni i le n care sunt interesa i , st imuleaz

    creat iv i tatea t iner i lor, dezvolt unele abi l i t i de via

    folositoare i contr ibuie la dezvoltarea mediului economic

    local .

    Pentru at ingerea scopuri lor stabi l i te ANTiM organizeaz

    o ser ie de act iv i t i care includ: concursur i , mese rotunde,

    seminare, tra ininguri .a . Dintre cele mai nsemnate proiecte

    ale ANTiM se enumr: Concursul Naional de Business Planuri

    pentru Tiner i , a juns n acest an la a opta edi ie proiect ce

    st imuleaz t iner i i cu idei inovatoare i le ofer posibi l i tatea

    s-i manifeste capacit i le antreprenoriale pr intr-un plan

    de afacer i ; Incubatorul de Afacer i ASEM proiect ce ofer

    t iner i lor economit i studeni a Academiei de Studi i Economice

    din Moldova opor tunitatea s-i lanseze afacer i , ofer indu-le

    spa iu i supor t consultat iv. ANTiM continu s pregteasc

    pentru t iner i i economit i din Moldova proiecte ce ar aduce

    un impact n dezvoltarea lor at t personal , c t i a ntregi i

    economii na ionale .

    w w w . a n t i m . o r g

    The National Associat ion of Young Managers from Moldova

    (ANTiM) is a non-governmental organizat ion created with the

    aim of suppor t ing and developing the managerial spir i t of

    young people from the Republ ic of Moldova. ANTiMs act iv i ty

    is directed towards f inding new ways of involving youth in

    managerial act iv i t ies in order to improve the managerial

    system in Moldova. ANTiMs projects are designed to st imulate

    youths involvement in sel f-employment and selfreal izat ion.

    We encourage and assist young people in developing their

    own enterpr ises , which is an option in becoming indepent

    from the local employment market . Thus, these people may

    create their own working places instead of looking for them,

    and not always f ind the job they expect . Creat ion of their own

    enterpr ise offers them the chance to work in areas of their

    interest , st imulates creat iv i ty, develops some useful l i fe ski l ls

    and contr ibutes to local economic development.

    In order to reach i ts goals ANTiM organizes a ser ie of act iv i t ies

    that include: competit ions, round tables , seminars , t ra inings,

    etc . Among our most notable projects are: The National

    Business Plan Competit ion for Youth, being organized the

    eighth year in a row a project

    st imulat ing youth with innovat ive ideas and offer ing the

    possibi l i ty to manifest their entrepreneurial ski l ls by means

    of a business plan; the ASEM Business Incubator project

    that offers young economists from the Academy of Academic

    Studies of Moldova the oppor tunity to launch their ventures ,

    providing off ice space and consutancy. ANTiM continues to

    develop projects for young economists from Moldova that

    wi l l have an impact both on their personal achivements , as

    wel l as on the development of the nat ional economy as a


    Asociaia Naional a Tinerilor Manageri din Moldova

  • 4 Fundaia Argidius Fondat n 1966 i cu sediul n Elve ia , Fundaia Argidius lucreaz acum la catal izarea creter i i economice

    i reducerea srciei n Afr ica de Vest , America Central i Europa de Est , pr in spr i j in irea ntreprinderi lor

    mici i mi j loci i i mbunt irea mediului de afacer i . Act iv i t i le care sunt sus inute de ctre fundaie includ

    incubatoarele de afacer i , concursur i de planuri de afacer i , fonduri le de garantare a mprumuturi lor i mentorat .

    Avnd o at i tudine ser ioas cu pr iv ire la impactul produs, fundaia a pionierat ut i l izarea unui instrument de

    msurare - Randamentul invest i i i lor totale pentru a ajuta par teneri i si n evaluarea impactului i ef ic ienei .

    Pentru informaie mai ampl, v iz i ta i s i tul w w w . a r g i d i u s . c o m

    Argidius FoundationFounded in 1966 and based in Switzer land, the Argidius Foundation now works to catalyze economic growth

    and mit igate pover tyin West Afr ica , Central America and Eastern Europe by suppor t ing smal l and growing

    enterpr ises and improving the business environment. Suppor ted act iv i t ies include business incubators , business

    plan competit ions, loan guarantee funds, and mentorship. Ser ious about impact , the foundation has pioneered

    the use of a measurement tool the return on total Investment - to help i ts par tners better measure their

    impact and eff ic iency.

    For more information, please vis i t : w w w . a r g i d i u s . c o m

  • 5Organiza ia pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului IMM (ODIMM)

    este o inst i tu ie publ ic, necomercial , non-prof i t creat pr in

    Hotr rea Guvernului nr.538 din 17 mai 2007, care, act iveaz

    n coordonarea Ministerului Economiei i cu alte autorit i

    centrale i locale , asocia i i de afacer i , prestator i i de supor t

    n afacer i i IMM.

    Misiunea ODIMM este de a contr ibui la sporirea competit iv i t i i

    economiei naionale, prin susinerea dezvoltri i sectorului IMM.

    Obiectivele ODIMM sunt:Dezvoltarea cultur i i i spir i tului antreprenorial ;

    Faci l i tarea accesului la resurse f inanciare i informaionale

    a IMM;

    Dezvoltarea infrastructur i i de supor t n afacer i ;

    Promovarea dialogului publ ic-pr ivat .

    Pr incipalele act iv i t i desfurate de ODIMM:

    Acordarea garani i lor la creditele sol ic i tate de ntreprinderi le

    mici de la bnci le comerciale ;

    Implementarea Programului de Atragere a Remitenelor n

    Economie PARE 1+1

    Implementarea Programului Naional de Abi l i tare Economic

    a Tiner i lor ;

    Implementarea Programului de instruire continu Gest iunea

    Ef ic ient a Afacer i i ;

    Implementarea Programului Black Sea Network for Regional

    Development ;

    Implementarea Programului Lead your Way to Business ;

    Crearea reelei Incubatoarelor de Afacer i ;

    Acordarea ser vic i i lor gratuite de consultan economic i

    jur idic pentru antreprenori i act iv i i cei potenia l i ;

    Organizarea Forumului IMM, seminarelor i ntrunir i lor

    tematice pentru antreprenori ;

    administrarea por talului IMM: www.businesspor tal .md.

    ODIMM is a non-prof i t non-commercial organizat ion, with

    the status of publ ic inst i tut ion, governed by publ ic law,

    created by Government Decis ion nr.538 dated on 17 May

    2007, working in coordinat ion with the Ministr y of Economy

    and other central and local publ ic administrat ions, business

    associat ions, business suppor t providers and SMEs.

    ODIMM mission: To boost nat ional economy competit iveness

    by suppor t ing the SME sector development in the countr y.

    ODIMMs specific objectives:Bui lding and sustaining an enterpr ise culture and business

    ski l ls ;

    Improving SMEs access to f inance and information;

    Creat ing and sustaining suppor t ive business environment

    and infrastructure for SME;

    St imulat ing pr ivate-publ ic dialogue;

    ODIMMs current act iv i t ies :

    Offers credit guarantees to micro and smal l enterpr ises

    through the Credit Guarantee Fund;

    Implements the National Program on Attract ion of

    Remittances into Economy (PARE 1+1) ;

    Implements the National Program for Youth Economic

    Empowerment (PNAET) ;

    Implements the Eff ic ient Business Management training


    Implements the Black Sea Network for Regional Development

    project ; Implements the EU Project Lead your way to the business ;

    Creates and administrates Business Incubators in Moldova;

    Provides free legal and business consultancy ser vices to

    exist ing and prospect ive entrepreneurs ;

    Organizes events to promote publ ic-pr ivate dialogue (annual

    SME Forum, conferences, workshops, seminars) ;

    Administrates web por tal for SMEs: www.businesspor tal .md.

    Organizaia pentru Dezvoltarea Sectorului IMM

    Adresa: Str. S .Lazo 48, of. 313

    MD-2004, Chi inu

    Republ ica Moldova

    te l : 29-57-41

    fax : 29-57-97

    Info Line 22-57-99


    w w w . o d i m m . m d

    w w w . b u s i n e s s p o r t a l . m d

  • 6Academia de Studi i Economice din Moldova este la moment

    cea mai prest igioas inst i tu ie de nvmnt superior cu

    prof i l economic din ar . n 2012 ASEM conduce detaat l ista

    univers it i lor moldovenet i incluse n Ranking Web of World

    Univers ity, un top al celor mai bune 20 000 univers it i din


    La moment aic i i fac studi i le peste 13 mii de studeni ,

    masteranzi i doctoranzi . Procesul didact ic este asigurat de

    31 de doctori habi l i ta i i peste 240 de doctori n t i ine,

    precum i 450 profesori .

    Al i peste 1000 de angaja i as igur o bun desfurare a

    procesului de instruire , urmrind ca scop f inal cele mai bune

    condi i i i ser vic i i existente vreodat n nvmntul superior


    ASEM dispune de 6 blocuri de studi i i 7 cmine studenet i .

    Studeni i pot ini ia a ic i un business , gra ie Incubatorului de

    Afacer i v iabi l .

    Studi i le la Cic lul I , L icen au loc la 6 Facult i , (27 catedre) ,

    iar cele de masterat i doctorat sunt asigurate de coala

    Masteral de Excelen n Business i Economie, i respect iv

    - coala Economic Doctoral .

    ASEM are semnate peste 20 de acorduri de colaborare cu

    inst i tu i i univers itare de peste hotare. Exist programe prin

    care anual se real izeaz schimb de studeni pentru perioade

    anumite cu Univers it i din Ucraina, Polonia (Cracovia)

    i Bulgar ia (Univ. "D. I .Tenov" din Svishtov) . n baza unei

    frumoase colaborr i ntre ASEM i Univers itatea Clermont-

    Ferand din Frana, studeni i notr i pot urma programe de

    l icen i masterat duble, acestea f inal iz nd cu obinerea

    diplomelor moldo-franceze.

    De asemenea, zeci de studeni a i ASEM merg pe cont propriu

    sau ct ig diverse burse, care le ofer posibi l i tatea s

    petreac un semestru sau chiar un an academic n univers it i

    strine, ntregind astfel numrul de studeni care fac uz de

    prevederi le Procesului de la Bologna n ceea ce pr ivete

    mobi l i tatea academic.

    ASEM-ul are nregistrate pn acum 20 de promoi i , marea

    famil ie a absolveni lor ASEM const i tuind peste 30 000 de

    persoane. Anual , numele a 10 dintre cei mai buni absolveni

    a i ASEM sunt nscr ise n Car tea de Aur a Absolveni lor ASEM. Public Relations Departament, ASEMTel . : 402 833

    Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova is now the most

    prest igious higher educat ion inst i tut ion of economic prof i le

    of the countr y. In 2012 ASEM leads the Moldovan l ist of

    univers it ies included in the Web Ranking of World Univers ity,

    a top of the 20,000 best univers it ies in the world.

    At the moment at ASEM are studying over 13,000 students ,

    postgraduate and doctoral students . The teaching process is

    assured by 31 PhDs and over 240 PhDs in science and 450

    professors .

    Also, over 1000 employees ensure the smooth running of

    trainings and studies , fol lowing the f inal goal of the best ever condit ions and ser vices that exist in Moldovan higher

    educat ion.

    ASEM has 6 blocks of studies and seven student dormitor ies .

    Students can star t here a business here, thanks to viable

    Business Incubator.

    The studies of the f i rst cycle , L icense are held by 6 facult ies

    (27 depar tments) and the MA and PhD are provided by the

    Master School of Excel lence in Business and Economics ,

    respect ively - Doctoral School of Economics .

    ASEM has s igned over 20 cooperat ion agreements with

    foreign academic inst i tut ions. There are programs in which

    annual ly i t is in it iated students exchanges for cer tain per iods

    of t ime with univers it ies from Ukraine, Poland (Krakow)

    and Bulgar ia (Univ. "D. I .Tenov" from Svishtov) . Due to the

    beauti ful col laborat ion between ASEM and the Univers ity of

    Clermont-Ferand in France, our students can fol low double

    bachelor and master programs, f in ishing with gett ing

    Moldovan-French diplomas.

    Also, dozens of students from ASEM go on their own or

    win several scholarships, which enable them to spend one

    semester or even one academic year in foreign univers it ies ,

    thus complementing the number of students who make use of

    Bologna process c lauses regarding academic mobi l i ty.

    So far, ASEM has made 20 promotions, the great family of

    ASEM alumni , which is over 30 000 people. Annual ly, the

    names of 10 of the best graduates of ASEM are inscr ibed in

    the Golden Book of ASEM Graduates.

    Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova

    w w w . a s e . m d

  • 77


    Producerea si comercializarea pastelor finoase proaspete si congelate dup celebre reete italiene prin puncte de comercializare din magazine si direct la reprezentanii HORECA

    Suma investiiei: 18 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 20 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Melcniciuc Olga Tel: 069246464 E-mail:


    Ferma de bovine pentru producerea laptelui integrat cu o mini linie de procesare a laptelui.

    Suma investiiei: 200 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 96 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Cazac Andrei Tel: 078514601 E-mail:


    Implementarea unei aplicaii pe website, ce permite clientului s ncarce orice imagine pentru a vedea cum n final aceasta va arta imprimat pe tricou. La un an de activitate, achiziionarea unei imprimante cu o tehnologie nou de imprimare a imaginilor full color direct pe tricou cu o calitate i rezisten la splare sporit.

    Suma investiiei: 3 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Cretu Anatolii Tel: 060260800 E-mail:


    Producerea si comercializarea suvenirelor, puculielor, ornamentelor de gradina ,obiecte de decor si religioase din ghips. Comercializarea produselor pe piaa interna cit si externa.

    Suma investiiei: 90 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 18 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Ciobanu Denis Tel: 079737111 E-mail:


    Asigurarea cu pine proaspt, calitativ i la pre rezonabil, mereu. Crearea unui nou agent economic, pe piaa local care va propune un produs calitativ, gustos aa cum le place consumatorilor.

    Suma investiiei: 100 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 4 angajai Conductor: Apostol Clin Tel: 068136371 E-mail:


    Producerea i comercializarea mobilei de tip bean bags i a elementelor de design interior.

    Suma investiiei: 8 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 20 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Rudoi Andrei Tel: 069760040 E-mail:


    .I Raa Valeriu activeaz pe piaa de profil de un an i jumtate. ntreprinderea utilizeaz tehnologia modern n domeniu, cutile fiind construite dup o structur personalizat. Carnea astfel obinut,se comercializeaz doar n stare proaspt:acum sacrificat-acum cumprat. Calitatea face diferena!

    Suma investiiei: 15 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 18 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Raa Valeriu Tel: 060480003 E-mail:

  • 88


    Production and marketing of fresh and frozen pasta after famous Italian recipes in stores and directly to the representatives of HORECA

    Investment amount: 18 000 euro Recovery time: 20 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Melniciuc Olga Phone: 069246464 E-mail:


    Cattle farm for the production of integrated milk with a mini line of milk processing.

    Investment amount: 200 000 lei Recovery time: 96 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Cazac Andrei Phone: 078514601 E-mail:


    Implementing an application on the website that allows the customer to upload any image to see how in the end it will look printed on the T-shirt. After a year of activity we plan to purchase a printer with a new technology to print full color images directly on T-shirt with quality and increased resistance to washing.

    Investment amount:3 000 euro Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Cretu Anatolii Phone: 060260800 E-mail:


    Production and sale of souvenirs, piggy-banks, garden ornaments, wall and religious hangings from gypsum. Selling the products on internal and external market.

    Investment amount: 90 000 lei Recovery time: 18 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Ciobanu Denis Phone: 079737111 E-mail:


    Providing always fresh and quality bread at reasonable prices. Creating a new economic agent on the local market that will propose a quality and tasty product, as the consumers like.

    Investment amount: 100 000 lei Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 4 employees Coordinator: Apostol Clin Phone: 068136371 E-mail:


    Production and marketing of bean bags furniture type and interior design elements.

    Investment amount: 8 000 euro Recovery time: 20 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Rudoi Andrei Phone: 069760040 E-mail:


    Raa Valeriu .I (Sole proprietorship) works on the market for a year and a half. The company uses modern technology, the cages being built by a customized structure. The resulting meat is sold only fresh, when sacrificed - then bought. Quality makes the difference!

    Investment amount: 15 000 euro Recovery time: 18 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Raa Valeriu Phone: 060480003 E-mail:

  • 99


    Activitatea ntreprinderii se axeaz pe fabricarea produselor de panificaie proaspete. La etapa actual, ntreprinderea a preconizat construcia mai multor cuptoare din oale (specifice pentru satele din Moldova), pentru a produce pine dup o tehnologie clasic i tradiional fr utilizarea adaosurilor i a altor componeni chimici. Pentru aceste produse se va folosi un ambalaj original, fiind imprimate date despre ntreprindere, ct i despre coninutul produsului. Acest tip de produs ar avea succes pe piaa statelor unde sunt apreciate produsele "bio", ns sperm c i consumatorii din Moldova i vor ndrepta atenia spre astfel de produse.

    Suma investiiei: 10 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 4 angajai Conductor: Titirez Ludmila Tel: 069554026 E-mail:

    GARDEN SERVICE SRLArhitectura i designul de amenajare a spaiilor verzi sunt o surs inepuizabil de inspiraie, mister i austeritate, natural care redau linitea i relaxarea moral i spiritual. Un loc ideal de petrecere a timpului liber, poate fi acel refugiu de care ai uneori nevoie pentru a uita de grijile cotidiene. Anume din aceste considerente, Compania "Garden Service" S.R.L. i propune sa desfoare activitatea in domeniul prestrii unui complex de servicii de grdinrit, cum ar fi: elaborarea designului; Lucrrile de ngrijire a gazonului; ngrijirea coroanei copacilor, a arborilor, arbutilor; ngrijirea plantaiilor; Stropirea plantaiilor cu pesticide mpotriva bolilor; Lucrri de sezon n dependen de cerinele clienilor.

    Suma investiiei: 125 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 9 angajai Conductor: Podolean Radu Tel: 069553764 E-mail:


    Activitatea de baza este, Colectarea, Selectarea si Transportarea deeurilor menajere. Acest serviciu este binevenit in s. Bardar, avnd autospeciale de selectare, colectare si transportate a gunoiului menajer , care uureaz necesitatea de a selecta si transporta deeurile. Este susinut si de autoritile publice locale, la care faciliteaz de serviciile noastre, la care si noi cnd se organizeaz proiecte de salubrizare cum ar fi HAI MOLDOVA, ajutam voluntariat la salubrizarea satului Bardar.

    Termen de recuperare: 5 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Becciev Andrei Tel: 079991711 E-mail:


    ntreprinderea executa si monteaz/instaleaz sisteme de ventilare si couri de fum. Ca materie prima pentru sisteme de ventilare este folosit tabla zincata, iar pentru couri de fum este folosit inoxul. O data cu rennoirea normativelor in construcii are loc trecerea de la couri de fum/sisteme de ventilare executate din zidrie, si metal negru la cele executate din inox/ tabla zincata care sunt net superioare.

    Suma investiiei: 6 000 USD Termen de recuperare: 5 luni Locuri de munc create: 6 angajai Conductor: Gapar Gheorghe Tel: 060434782 E-mail:


    Producerea seturilor pentru cadou constituite din miere Dulce Plai n combinaie cu alte produse (ceai de ierburi, lumnri de cear), personalizat pentru diferite evenimente.

    Suma investiiei: 120 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Mamaliga Elizaveta Tel: 069210755 E-mail:


    Afacerea propus const n utilizarea unui tip nou de stup n interiorul cruia se vor fixa 32 de borcane hexagonale care vor permite construirea fagurelui cu miere direct n borcan. Se va obine un produs ecologic pur i nu vor fi necesare costuri suplimentare pentru utilajele de extragere a mierii deoarece albinele o vor procesa direct n borcan. Lucrul nostru final va fi s etichetm creaia uimitoare a albinelor.

    Suma investiiei: 100 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 7 angajai Conductor: Bozianu Mihai Tel: 069507119 E-mail:

  • 1010


    The companys activity is focused on the production of fresh bakery. At present stage, the company has planned the construction of more pottery kilns (specific for villages in Moldova) to bake bread after a traditional classic technology without the use of additives and other chemical components. For these products there will be used the original packaging being printed information about the company, as well as about the contents. This type of product would be successful on the market of the countries where "bio" products are appreciated but we hope that Moldovan consumers will also turn their attention to such products.

    Investment amount: 10 000 euro Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 4 employees Coordinator: Titirez Ludmila Phone: 069554026 E-mail:


    Architecture and landscaping design of green spaces are an inexhaustible source of inspiration, mystery and austerity that restores moral and spiritual tranquility and relaxation. An ideal place for spending free time can be that refuge that we need sometimes to forget our daily worries. For this reason, the company "Garden Service" SRL (Ltd) aims to provide comprehensive gardening services such as: design elaboration, lawn care work, canopy, bushes, tree, plantations care, plantation spraying with pesticides against diseases, seasonal works depending on customer requirements.

    Investment amount: 125 000 lei Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 9 employees Coordinator: Podolean Radu Phone: 069553764 E-mail:


    The basic activity is collecting, selecting and transporting waste. This service is effective in Bardar village with vehicles for selection, collection and transportation of garbage that facilitates the need to select and carry waste. It is supported by local authorities that benefit from our services and when there are organized sanitation projects such as HAI MOLDOVA, we voluntarily help at the sanitation of Bardar village.

    Recovery time: 5 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Becciev Andrei Phone: 079991711 E-mail:


    The company manufactures and assembles / installs ventilation systems and chimneys. As raw material for ventilation systems it is used galvanized sheet and for chimneys - stainless steel. Once with the renewal of building regulations there takes place a shift from chimney / ventilation systems made of masonry and black metal to those made of stainless steel/ galvanized sheet that are superior.

    Investment amount: 6 000 USD Recovery time: 5 months Jobs created: 6 employees Coordinator: Gapar Gheorghe Phone: 060434782 E-mail:


    The gift sets consist of Dulce Plai honey in combination with other products (herbal tea, wax candles) customized for different events

    Investment amount: 120 000 lei Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Mamaliga Elizaveta Phone: 069210755 E-mail:


    The proposed business is to use a new type of hive in which will be set 32 hexagonal jars that will allow the construction of the honeycomb directly in the jar. It will be obtained a pure organic product and there will not be necessary additional costs for equipment to extract honey because the bees will process directly into the jar. Our ultimate activity would be to tag out the amazing creation of the bees.

    Investment amount: 100 000 lei Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 7 employees Coordinator: Bozianu Mihai Phone: 069507119 E-mail:

  • 1111


    Valorificarea deeurilor este unul dintre scopurile acestei idei de afacere. Ea presupune confecionarea articolelor inedite din rebuturi de piele natural ( huse pentru telefoane, huse pentru ochelari, portmonee pentru acte, curelue pentru ceas si alte accesorii) i comercializarea acestora la preuri accesibile. Astfel ne propunem s oferim ,, pre i calitate

    Suma investiiei: 70 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 18 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Scurtu Elena Tel: 060068671 E-mail:


    Compania Europrodus-NVI S.R.L. intenioneaz s intre pe pia cu o reea de rulote comerciale ( puncte mobile de comercializare) n care va avea loc procesul de producere i comercializare a trei produse de baz: a) Soft Ice Cream - ngheat moale (Italia) b) Frozen drink i Smoothie - Butura rcoritoare (SUA) c) Tornado potato - Tip nou de cartofi fri (Coreea)

    Suma investiiei: 120 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Neculcea Vadim Tel: 068881819


    Confecionarea butoaielor din lemn nu este doar o meserie, ci o art, aceea de a face lemnul de stejar, tei, dud, fag etc. s se modeleze sub presiunea vaporilor cu temperaturi nalte. Butoaiele sunt de nenlocuit n pstrarea vinurilor, dndu-le culoarea i aroma mult apreciat de consumatori.

    Suma investiiei: 70 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 12 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Godoroja Andrei Tel: 079994087 E-mail:


    Ideea de afacere const n asigurarea consumatorilor cu porumb zaharat n tiulete n orice perioad a anului. Porumbul zaharat va fi cultivat pe terenurile gospodriei rneti, iar cnd va atinge faza de lapte va fi recoltat i congelat. Pentru realizarea proiectului sunt necesare investiii pentru procurarea camerei de congelare.

    Suma investiiei: 10 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Vatamaniuc Vasile Tel: 069865617 E-mail:


    Afacerea propus const n creterea florilor pentru amenajarea caselor si grdinilor precum i prestarea serviciilor de design exterior. Fiecare persoan ce dorete s-i amenajeze grdina, sau s-i decoreze casa cu flori, adresndu-se la noi va putea gsi toate serviciile necesare i anume, proiect de design modern, lucrri agricole, necesare prelucrrii i ntreinerii terenului de nalta calitate i plantele necesare.

    Suma investiiei: 148 500 lei Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 6 angajai Conductor: Crozu Ana Tel: 068457840 E-mail:


    KLEVINS srl este o societate de producie n ascensiune, care ofer un sistem complex de producere a hranei pentru ntreg sectorul zootehnic. Pentru atingerea scopului societii, este necesar procurarea unui sistem modern de irigare prin aspersiune, care va ndestula plantele cu cantitatea de ap strict necesara i va spori calitatea i cantitatea nutreului furajer n termenii cuvenii.

    Suma investiiei: 320000 lei Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Nicolae Until Tel: 069875242 E-mail:

  • 1212


    Salvage of waste is one of the aims of this business idea. It involves making unique items from scraps of leather (covers for phones, covers for glasses, wallets for documents, straps for watches and other accessories) and their marketing at affordable prices. Thus, we propose to offer price and quality.

    Investment amount: 70 000 lei Recovery time: 18 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Scurtu Elena Phone: 060068671 E-mail:


    The company "Europrodus-VIN" S.R.L. (Ltd) plans to enter the market with a chain of trading trailers (mobile points of sale) in which will take place the process of production and marketing of three basic products: a) Soft Ice Cream (Italy) b) Frozen Drink and Smoothie-soft drinks (U.S.) c) Tornado potato - new type of fries (Korea)

    Investment amount: 120 000 lei Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Neculcea Vadim Phone: 068881819 E-mail:


    Manufacturing wooden barrels is not just a job, but an art that makes the oak, mulberry, beech wood etc. to mold under the high-temperature vapor pressure. The barrels are irreplaceable in keeping wines, giving them the color and flavor appreciated by consumers very much.

    Investment amount: 70 000 lei Recovery time: 12 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Godoroja Andrei Phone: 079994087 E-mail:


    The business idea is to provide consumers with sweet corn in the cob at any time of year. The sweet corn will be grown on homestead land, and when it will reach the milk stage it will be collected and frozen. For the projects investment it is needed to purchase the freezing chamber.

    Investment amount: 10 000 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Vatamaniuc Vasile Phone: 069865617 E-mail:


    The proposed business is to culture flowers for arranging houses and gardens and exterior design services. Each person who wishes to arrange his garden or to decorate his house with flowers, coming at our address he could find all necessary services and namely modern design projects, agricultural works necessary for the procession and maintenance of the high quality land and required plants.

    Investment amount: 148 500 lei Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 6 employees Coordinator: Crozu Ana Phone: 068457840 E-mail:


    KLEVINS Ltd. - is a growing company that offers a comprehensive system of food production for the entire livestock sector. To achieve the goal of society, it is necessary to procure a modern sprinkler irrigation system that will satisfy the amount of water plants necessary and will increase the quality and quantity of forage feed in terms earnt.

    Investment amount: 320000 lei Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Nicolae Until Phone: 069875242 E-mail:

  • 1313


    Producerea i comercializarea fertilizantului pur ecologic Bio-humus. Un produs care se utilizeaz n agricultur ca ngrmnt, stimulator de cretere, fungicid i bactericid. De asemenea nmulirea i comercializarea viermilor care se utilizeaz n nutriia psrilor, momeal pentru pescuit, culinrie i au o larg ntrebuinare n industria farmaceutic.

    Suma investiiei: 15 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 18 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Doni Nicolae Tel: 060480003 E-mail:


    Scanarea i digitalizare crilor rare n parteneriat cu bibliotecile din Republica Moldova. Ediia digital a crilor va fi vndut bibliotecilor i publicului larg prin intermediul librriei online Pentru ndeplinirea obiectivului este necesar de procurat un scaner de cri, care s permit scanarea la o calitate nalt, ntr-un mod rapid i fr a deteriora starea crilor.

    Suma investiiei: 70 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 8 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Bargan Ion Tel: 069665880 E-mail:


    Afacerea const n uscarea i ambalarea fructelor, principiul de lucru al cruia este bazat pe metoda convectiv de evaporare a umiditii cu aplicarea razelor infra-roii (soare artificial), sursa de alimentare fiind energia electric. Metoda noua i ecologic pur de uscare a produselor este bazat pe folosirea proprietilor razelor IR, care nu sunt duntoare pentru om i mediul nconjurtor. Aceast afacere necesit o investiie redus i cu puin efort poate deveni o afacere foarte profitabil care ofer i beneficii de sntate clienilor.

    Suma investiiei: 12 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 14 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Clari Victor Tel: 067123099 E-mail:


    Ideea consta n dezvoltarea afacerii deja existente (Creterea ciupercilor de pstrv) i anume prin procurarea utilajului pentru producerea substratului din care urmeaz s creasc ciupercile.

    Suma investiiei: 95 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 15 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Ilco Oleg Tel: 079345522 E-mail:


    ntreprindere de producere a mncrii granulate pentru animale si a peletilor (combustibil ecologic).

    Suma investiiei: 11 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor:Balan Diana Tel: 079725866 E-mail:


    Afacerea dat este destinat unui segment de consumatori care au nevoie de produse i servicii poligrafice calitative, la preuri avantajoase, n tiraj mic i mediu. Ea combin tiparul digital efectuat cu cerneluri i rizografia, acoperind o arie mare de necesiti. Iniial este vizat regiunea de Nord a rii, n special raionul Soroca. Vnzarea va fi direct i prin intermediul internetului.

    Suma investiiei: 5 500 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Popa Eugeniu Tel: 069702308 E-mail:

  • 1414


    Production and marketing of Bio-humus pure organic fertilizer. A product that is used in agriculture as fertilizers, growth-stimulating, fungicide and bactericide. Also multiplication and marketing of worms that are used in poultry nutrition, bait fishing, cuisine and have a wide use in pharmaceutical industry.

    Investment amount: 15 000 euro Recovery time: 18 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Doni Nicolae Phone: 060480003 E-mail:


    Scanning and digitizing rare books in partnership with libraries from Moldova. The digital edition of the books will be sold to public and online libraries via online library In order to achieve the objective it is necessary to purchase a scanner for books that would enable the high quality scanning in a quick way and without damaging the books condition.

    Investment amount: 70 000 lei Recovery time: 8 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Bargan Ion Phone: 069665880 E-mail:


    The business consists of drying and packing fruits, the working principle of which is based on convective method of humidity evaporation with application of infra-red rays (artificial sun) power source being electricity. The new and environmentally clean method of drying the product is based on the use of IR rays properties, which are not harmful to humans and environment. This business requires low investment and with little effort can become a very lucrative business that offers health benefits to customers.

    Investment amount: 12 000 euro Recovery time: 14 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Clari Victor Phone: 067123099 E-mail:


    The idea is to develop an existing business (culture of mushroom), namely to purchase equipment for the production of the substrate where the mushrooms are about to the cultured.

    Investment amount: 95 000 lei Recovery time: 15 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Ilco Oleg Phone: 079345522 E-mail:


    Company for production of pellets and granulated food for animals (green fuel).

    Investment amount: 11 000 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Balan Diana Phone: 079725866 E-mail:


    The mentioned business is intended for a segment of consumers who need quality products and printing services at reasonable prices in small and medium circulation. It combines digital printing made in ink and Risography, covering a large area of needs. Initially it is referred to the North region of the country, especially to Soroca district. The sale will be directly and via Internet.

    Investment amount: 5 500 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Popa Eugeniu Phone:069702308 E-mail:

  • 1515


    Ideea de afaceri presupune crearea unui laborator de micro clonare a materialului sditor pomicol liber de viroze: de o calitate nalt; un pret redus; rata de nmulire majorat fa de metodele tradiionale de multiplicare, ceea ce ofer metodei de micro propagare avantaje fa de metodele tradiionale, produsul final fiind de o nalt valoare comercial.

    Suma investiiei: 20 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 36 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Schico Nicolai Tel: 069604307 E-mail:


    Prezentul proiect propune fabricarea mixelor de faina mbogite cu ingrediente speciale ce ofer posibilitatea prepararea copturilor intr-un timp record si de o calitate avansata.Prin prezentul proiect se propune achiziionarea utilajului pentru fabricarea mixului de faina cu ingrediente speciale si a utilajului pentru dozare si mpachetare a produsului finit.

    Suma investiiei: 20 000 USD Termen de recuperare: 6 luni Locuri de munc create: 6 angajai Conductor: Ipatii Alexandru Tel: 069355244 E-mail:


    Am creat EduJoc pentru a promova dezvoltarea mintal, nvarea continu i activ n rndul copiilor. Propunem o gam larg de jocuri, jucrii i resurse educative extrem de utile pentru a stimula i valorifica potenialul creativ al copiilor. Organizm laboratoare de testare a jucriilor, ateliere de creaie, workshop-uri, activiti tiinifice i evenimente artistice prin care copii pot s-i descopere talentele sau s-i dezvolte noi pasiuni.

    Suma investiiei: 19 500 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Novac Victoria Tel: 069355244 E-mail:


    Un club extracolar, care ofer un mediu agreabil i relaxant, n care copii nva, se joac, se dezvolt, se socializeaz. Clubul permite prinilor s-i desfoare activitatea profesional pn seara (18:30) i n perioada de vacan, fiind siguri c copilul lor se simte bine!!!

    Suma investiiei: 70 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 36 luni Locuri de munc create: 4 angajai Conductor: Panciuc Natalia Tel: 060005202 E-mail:


    Innovativeness proiectului este producie ecologice, nu este afectat de coroziune, fara zgamot conectori pentru tevi din polipropilena si polietilena, precum i n proiectarea conductei (cu economie de spaiu i trecerea ridicat de lichide eficien). n Republica Moldova, nu exist acest tip de producie, i toate conectori de forme (specii) sunt importate n ar. Obiectivul principal al proiectului este de a oferi clientilor solutii eficiente in domeniul constructii ap trasee de diferite dimensiuni i proprieti de conducte (polietilen i polipropilen)

    Suma investiiei: 310970 lei Termen de recuperare: 18 luni Locuri de munc create: 12 angajai Conductor: Mavrodi Oleg Tel: 069344944 E-mail:


    Fotofaiana (fotogresia) are la baz imprimarea digital a imaginii, prin tehnologii moderne avansate pe suport de faian sau de gresie (lemn, sticl, piatr). Fotofaina poate fi utilizat pentru crearea panourilor cu suprafee diferite, dup designul personal al clientului sau n baza unui catalog de wallpapers cu o rezoluie nalt. Durabilitatea materialelor i calitatea nalt a imaginii imprimate vor oferi posibilitatea utilizrii acestora n spaii cu umiditate i temperaturi diferite (precum bi, subsoluri, buctrii, bazine).

    Suma investiiei: 10 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 8 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Craievscaia Cristina Tel: 069223587 E-mail:

  • 1616


    The business idea involves creation of a micro cloning laboratory of virus-free fruit tree seedlings of a high quality, low price, and increased propagation rate via traditional methods of multiplication, which offers the micro propagation method advantages over traditional methods, the finished product being of a high commercial value.

    Investment amount: 20 000 euro Recovery time: 36 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Schico Nicolai Phone: 069604307 E-mail:


    This project proposes the production of flour mixes fortified with special ingredients that provide the opportunity of baking cookies in a record time and of advanced quality.The present project aims to purchase equipment for the production of flour mixes with special ingredients and equipment for dosing and packaging the finished product.

    Investment amount: 20 000 USD Recovery time: 6 months Jobs created: 6 employees Coordinator: Ipatii Alexandru Phone: 069355244 E-mail:


    We created EduJoc to promote mental development, active and continuous learning among children. We propose a wide range of games, toys and educational resources extremely useful to stimulate and harness the creative potential of children. We organize toy testing laboratories, workshops, scientific and artistic events through which children can discover their talents or develop new passions.

    Investment amount: 19 500 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Novac Victoria Phone: 069355244 E-mail:


    An after school club that offers a pleasant and relaxing environment in which children learn, play, develop and socialize. The club allows parents to carry out their professional activities till evening (6:30 p.m.) and during the holiday period, being sure that their child is feeling well!

    Investment amount: 70 000 lei Recovery time: 36 months Jobs created: 4 employees Coordinator: Panciuc Natalia Phone: 060005202 E-mail:


    Innovation of the project consists in production ecologically safe, not subject to corrosion, absolutely silent connectors for pipes from polypropylene and polyethylene, and also in pipeline design (taking into account economy of space and high efficiency of passing of liquid). In the Republic of Moldova the similar type of production is absent, and all forms (types) of connectors are imported to the country. Main objective of the project is providing clients with effective decisions in the sphere of creation of water routes of the various size and property of pipes (polypropylene and polyethylene).

    Investment amount: 310970 lei Recovery time: 18 months Jobs created: 12 employees Coordinator: Mavrodi Oleg Phone: 069344944 E-mail:


    Photo faience (photo sanstone) is based on digital image printing by advanced technologies on faience or sandstone support (wood, glass, stone). Photo faience can be used to create pannels of different surfaces, according to the personal design of the client or based on a catalog of wallpapers with high resolution. Durability of the materials and the high quality of the printed image will enable their use in areas with different temperatures and humidity (such as bathrooms, basements, kitchens, pools).

    Investment amount: 10 000 euro Recovery time: 8 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Craievscaia Cristina Phone: 069223587 E-mail:

  • 1717


    AgroFerma-Stegrescu presupune initierea unui Proiect de ,,Cresterea pasarilor de rasa mixta,,care are la baza ca principal obiectiv producerea carnii si oualeor ,,cu gust ca la mama acasa,,!Activitatea initiala va fi cresterea puilor si gainilor de rasa mixt(,,de cas,,), cu implementarea tehnologiei de cretere eco, i comercializarea acestora atit in RM cit si peste hotarele ei.

    Suma investiiei: 100 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 48 luni Locuri de munc create: 12 angajai Conductor: Stegarescu Ina Tel: 069931599 E-mail:


    Producerea Nano-Acvariurilor - acvarii mici de 1-6L cu decorare unic, ele vor fi produse finale gata s fie instalate unde este nevoie. Prestarea Serviciilor de Decorare, Deservire, Consultan i Meninere pentru deintorii de Acvariu de un volum mai mare de 50 L.

    Suma investiiei: 69 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 9 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Griuc Denis Tel: 068285653 E-mail:


    Fabricarea produselor de cofetrie de cea mai nalt calitate dup cele mai gustoase reete. Intenionm s ne extindem afacerea n toate localitile Republica Moldova i prin toat lumea. Pe parcursul dezvoltrii ne propunem s construim ferme i fabrici pentru asigurarea calitii materiei prime

    Suma investiiei: 250 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 25 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Leahu Tatiana Tel: 069207806 E-mail:


    Utilizarea echipamentului modern in promovarea pe piaa externa a produsului autohton calitativ.

    Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Constandachi Adrian Tel: 069896006 E-mail:


    Srl "damaris-grup" se ocupa cu cresterea vacilor de lapte, rasa simental si austriaca bruna.

    Suma investiiei: 40 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Nabiev Gheorghe Tel: 067555746 E-mail:


    Prelucrarea deeurilor prin metoda de piroliz i obinerea resurselor energetice.Deeurile ca surs de resurse energetice. Prelucrarea raional a deeurilor cu cheltuieli minime i profit maxim.

    Suma investiiei: 27 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 20 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Nogailc Andrei Tel: 069080507 E-mail:


    Afacerea se include n domeniul gastronomic i const n amenajarea i echiparea unui studio, n care se vor desfura lecii cu scopul de a implementa arta i cultura de preparare a bucatelor. Proiectul dat va ine cont ca tot volumul de cunotine gastronomice oferit s includ mncare att sntoas ct i econoam. n proces de instruire participanii i vor perfeciona tehnica culinar, lucrnd n condiii de buna dispoziie, entuziasm, comunicare i socializare. Pentru tine buctria e o povar? Vino o s-i art cum poate deveni o plcere!

    Suma investiiei: 100 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 30 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Danu Marian Tel: 068138578 E-mail:

  • 1818


    AgroFerma-Stegrescu involves the initiation of a project of breeding a mixed race of poultry, which has the main objective of producing meat and eggs, tasting like home! The initial activity will be breeding of chickens and hens mixed race (domestic) by the implementation of eco technology of breeding and marketing both in the country as well as abroad.

    Investment amount: 100 000 euro Recovery time: 48 months Jobs created: 12 employees Coordinator: Stegarescu Ina Phone: 069931599 E-mail:


    Production of nano-aquariums - small aquarium of 1-6 liters with unique decoration, they will be the final product ready to be installed where needed. Decorating services, Service, Consulting and Maintenance for Aquarium holders of a greater volume of 50 liters.

    Investment amount: 69 000 lei Recovery time: 9 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Griuc Denis Phone: 068285653 E-mail:


    Confectionery manufacture of the highest quality after the most delicious recipes. We intend to expand our business in all areas of Moldova and around the world. During the development we intend to build farms and factories to ensure the quality of raw materials.

    Investment amount: 250 000 lei Recovery time: 25 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Leahu Tatiana Phone: 069207806 E-mail:


    Using modern equipment in promoting on the foreign market the local quality product.

    Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Constandachi Adrian Phone: 069896006 E-mail:


    SRL (Ltd) "DAMARIS-GRUP" deals with the cattle breeding, Simmental and Austrian Brown cattle

    Investment amount: 40 000 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Nabiev Gheorghe Phone: 067555746 E-mail:


    Waste processing via pyrolysis method and obtainment of energetic resources. The waste as a source of energy. Rational processing of waste with minimum costs and maximum profit.

    Investment amount: 27 000 euro Recovery time: 20 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Nogailc Andrei Phone: 069080507 E-mail:


    The business is included in the gastronomic area and consists in the layout and equipment of a studio in which will take place lessons in order to implement arts and culture of meal preparation. The given project will take into account all the gourmet knowledge and will include healthy and economic food. In the training process the participants will improve their cooking techniques, working in conditions of good mood, enthusiasm, communication and socialization. Is the kitchen for you a burden? Come - I'll show you how it can become a pleasure!

    Investment amount: 100 000 lei Recovery time: 30 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Danu Marian Phone: 068138578 E-mail:

  • 1919


    Proiectul este orientat spre crearea unei alternative inovatoare a "Condiii de Reclamaii i Sugestii" care s ofere oportunitatea companiilor de a comunica eficient cu clienii /consumatorii i de a valorifica opiniile acestora pentru a mbunti calitatea serviciilor prestate i produselor comercializate.

    Suma investiiei: 6 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 9 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Arventi Ion Tel: 069045213 E-mail:


    ntreprinderea noastr folosete lemnul n forma lui natural pentru a decora i amenaja grdini, ogrzi, case sau locuri publice.V vom oferi mobilier rustic din lemn rotund, decojit si prelucrat manual utilizat n hoteluri, vile, cabane, pensiuni, restaurante, etc. Avnd o gam larg de produse att pentru exterior ct i pentru interior: ca mobilier de bar, mese i scaune de diverse dimensiuni i forme, canapele, foioare ne propunem s aducem n inimile clienilor o mic parte din frumuseea, naturaleea i cldura lemnului.

    Suma investiiei: 15 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 5 angajai Conductor: Ra Valeriu Tel: 069827042 E-mail:


    Servicii de incinerare ecologica a deeurilor medicale si de abatorizareProiectul dat reprezint in sine prestarea unor servicii de colectare, stocare si apoi de eliminare a deeurilor medicale sau de abatorizare prin incinerare. Pentru asta este necesar procurarea unui incinerator medical in valoare de 10.000 euro, astfel dup calculele financiare termenul de recuperare va fi in 24 de luni. Vor fi create 3 noi locuri de munca.

    Suma investiiei: 10 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai

    Conductor: Cazac Dan Tel: 068898949 E-mail:


    ntreprinderea "Decoland SRL" produce huse detaabile pentru mobilier si transport auto. Majoritatea produselor sunt realizate la comanda, dar inclusiv si pentru mobilier standard. Ne orientam spre familii cu copii mici, deintori de animale de camera, proprietari de locuine in chirie si proprietari de automobile. Mai trziu, spre extindere ne orientam in a oferi nc 3 locuri de munca, si ne vom orienta la fel si spre persoane juridice: restaurante, hotele, antreprenorilor de reele de transport.

    Suma investiiei: 11 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 9 luni Locuri de munc create: 3 angajai Conductor: Dimitrioglo Svetlana Tel: 079531007 E-mail:


    O noua direcie n dezvoltarea afacerii existente. NCALZIREA GEOTERMAL una dintre cele mai ieftine modaliti de nclzire a ncperilor. Proiectarea, Montarea, Deservirea echipamentului specific.

    Suma investiiei: 20 000 euro Termen de recuperare: 20 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: Racovia Vladimir Tel: 069580099 E-mail:


    Ecovazon este deja o afacere existent de comer cu mirodenii la ghiveci i produse complimentare. Ne dorim extinderea afacerii prin amenajarea unei sere pentru cultivarea acestor plante aromatice, la moment procesul de producie fiind comisionat. EcoVazon i mirodeniile la ghiveci este o premier absolut n Moldova fiind unicul comerciant de acest tip de plante. Mirodeniile la ghiveci pot fi utilizate att n scop alimentar ct i n calitate de flori de camer pentru decor, majoritatea emannd arome naturale plcute.

    Suma investiiei: 75 000 lei Termen de recuperare: 24 luni Locuri de munc create: 2 angajai Conductor: urcanu Sergiu Tel: 079238149 E-mail:

  • 2020


    The project is aimed at creating an innovative alternative of "Complaints and Suggestions conditions" that would provide the opportunity for companies to communicate effectively with clients / customers and capitalize their views to improve the quality of services provided and sold products.

    Investment amount: 6 000 euro Recovery time: 9 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Arventi Ion Phone: 069045213 E-mail:


    Our company uses wood in its natural form to decorate and furnish gardens, farmyards, homes or public places.We will provide rustic furniture of round, peeled and handcrafted wood used in hotels, villas, cottages, restaurants, etc. Having a wide range of products for both exterior and interior: like bar furniture, tables and chairs of various sizes and shapes, sofas, patios, we aim to bring in the hearts of our customers a small part of the beauty, naturalness and warmth of wood.

    Investment amount: 15 000 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 5 employees Coordinator: Ra Valeriu Phone: 069827042 E-mail:


    Services of medical and slaughter waste ecological incineration. The project itself represents the provision of collecting and storing services and of medical and slaughter waste disposal or incineration. For this, it is necessary to buy a medical incinerator worth 10,000 euro so according to the financial calculations the recovery period will be of 24 months. Therefore will be created 3 working places.

    Investment amount: 10 000 euro Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 3 employees

    Coordinator: Cazac Dan Phone: 068898949 E-mail:


    "Decoland SRL (Ltd)" company produces removable covers for furniture and automobiles. The majority of the items are made on demand, but also for standard furniture. We head towards families with young children, pet owners, homeowners and automobile owners. We plan to offer 3 more jobs and we also head towards legal persons as restaurants, hotels, transportation transport chains entrepreneurs

    Investment amount: 11 000 euro Recovery time: 9 months Jobs created: 3 employees Coordinator: Dimitrioglo Svetlana Phone: 079531007 E-mail:


    A new direction in the development of existing business. GEOTHERMAL HEATING one of the cheapest ways of space heating. Design, installation and service of specific equipment.

    Investment amount: 20 000 euro Recovery time: 20 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: Racovia Vladimir Phone: 069580099 E-mail:


    Ecovazon is already an existing business trade with spices to pot and complementary products. We want the business expansion by setting up a greenhouse for growing these herbs. Currently the production process is commissioned. ecoVazon and spices to pot is an absolute premiere in Moldova being the only retailer of this type of plants.Spices to pot can be used both for food and as plants for room decor, the majority of them emanating natural enjoyable flavors.

    Investment amount: 75 000 lei Recovery time: 24 months Jobs created: 2 employees Coordinator: urcanu Sergiu Phone: 079238149 E-mail:

  • 21

    Japan Tobacco Internat ional (JTI ) este div iz ia internat ionala

    a Japan Tobacco Internat ional Inc . ( JT) . JTI este unul dintre

    pr ic ipal i i productori de igarete avnd, la nivel mondial , o cota

    de peste 10%.JTI are sediul central n Elvet ia , este prezent n

    peste 120 de r i i are aproximativ 25.000 de angaja i . Compania

    comercial izeaz trei dintre cele c inci cele mai vndute brand-uri

    la nivel mondial , cum ar f i Winston, MildSeven (Mevius) i Camel ,

    dar i brand-uri renumite precum Benson & Hedges, S i lk Cut ,

    Sobranie, Glamour sau LD.

    JTI este o companie mult ina ional responsabi l , impl icat n v iaa

    comunit i i locale . JTI sus ine numeroase programe sociale i este

    sponsor al unora dintre cele mai prest igioase inst i tu i i culturale ,

    cum este Muzeul Luvru din Par is , Muzeul Prado din Madrid,

    Muzeul Pukin din Moscova etc . n Moldova JTI este cunoscut

    publ icului pentru sus inerea unor evenimente culturale de nalt

    inut ar t ist ic , f i ind par tener of ic ia l a l Fest ivalului Interna ional

    Regina Vioara, a l turneelor muzicale Pianul Cltor i F lautul

    de Aur i organizatorul ntlnir i lor JTI.Compania acord spr i j in

    persoanelor af late n s i tua i i de r isc social , as igurnd hrana z i lnic

    pentru 30 de btrni din oraul Leova, n cadrul programului

    Senior i i JTI . Compania sus ine Bursele Europene pentru Jurnal it i ,

    create n vederea formri i unor gazetar i profesionit i , capabi l i s

    comunice corect i coerent .

    JTI a nceput comercial izarea produselor sale n Moldova n 2001,

    iar n 2004 a fost inaugurat Reprezentana JTI din Moldova,

    cu biroul central la Chi inu.Echipa JTI are o personal i tate bine

    conturat, ref lectnd personal i tatea f iecrui angajat . Credem

    n potenia lul i ta lentul oameni lor. Atragem acei oameni care

    dovedesc c au pregtirea necesar, dar mai a les dorina de a

    se dezvolta . Invest i ia n dezvoltarea profesional i personal a

    angaja i lor si este una dintre strategi i le de baz ale JTI .

    JTI abordeaz cu ser iozitate problema comerului i l ic i t cu

    igarete i colaboreaza cu inst i tu i i le statului pentru reducerea

    contrabandei . n 2007, JTI a ncheiat cu Comisia European un

    Acord pentru combaterea comerului i l ic i t . n MoldovaJTI a

    semnatacorduri de colaborare cu Ser vic iul Vamal (2008) i cu

    Depar tamentul Pol i ie i de Frontier (2013) . JTI a contr ibuit la

    achiz i ionarea de echipamente tehnice dest inate Ser vic iului

    Vamal i Pol i ie i de Frontier , a sus inutpregatirea s i instruirea

    of i er i lor i a donat mi j loace de transpor t dotate cu echipament

    special de control ant i fraud iechipe canine pentru combaterea

    traf icului i legal cu produse din tutun.

    JTI is a member of the Japan

    Tobacco Group of Companies ,

    a leading internat ional tobacco product manufacturer. JTI is one of

    the worlds largest producers of c igarettes , with a JTI is a member

    of the Japan Tobacco Group of Companies , a leading internat ional

    tobacco product manufacturer. JTI is one of the worlds largest

    producers of c igarettes , with a share of over 10%. JTI markets

    world-renowned brands such as Winston, Mevius (Mild Seven)

    and Camel . Other global brands include Benson & Hedges, S i lk

    Cut , Sobranie, Glamour and LD. With headquar ters in Geneva,

    Switzer land, JTI has operat ions in more than 120 countr ies and

    about 25.000 employees.

    JTI is a mult inat ional company, an appreciated and responsible

    one, involved in local community l i fe . JTI suppor ts many social

    programs and is the sponsor of some of the most prest igious

    cultural inst i tut ions, l ike Louvre Museum from Paris , Prado

    Museum from Madrid, Pushkin Museum from Moscow and others .

    In Moldova JTI is known to the publ ic due to the suppor t of

    somehigh ar t ist ic and cultural events , being the off ic ia l par tner

    of the Internat ional Fest ival Queen Viol in, of music tournaments

    Travel ing piano and Golden Flute and the organizer of JTI

    Encounters. The company suppor ts individuals in s i tuat ions of

    social r isk , providing dai ly food for over 30 elder ly people from

    Leova city, within JTI Seniors program. The company suppor ts

    the European Fel lowship for Journal ists , created for developing

    professional pressmen, able to maintain correct and coherent

    communicat ions.

    JTI star ted to sel l i ts products in Moldova in 2001 and in 2004

    has been inaugurated the JTI Representat ive Off ice in Moldova,

    with i ts central off ice in Chis inau. The JTI team has a wel l-shaped

    identity, ref lect ing the personal i ty of each of i ts employees. We

    bel ieve in the potentia l and talent of people. We attract those

    individuals who prove to have the necessar y ski l ls , but most ly

    that show the wi l l to grow. The investment in the professional

    and personal development of i ts employees is one of JTI s core

    strategies .

    JTI approaches with utmost ser iousness the problem of i l l ic i t

    trade in c igarettes and is col laborat ing with state inst i tut ions for reducing contraband. In 2007, JTI s igned with the European

    Commission an Agreement for f ight ing i l l ic i t t rade. In Moldova JTI

    s igned col laborat ion agreements with the Customs Ser vice (2008)

    and with the Border Pol ice Depar tment (2013) . JTI contr ibuted to

    the acquis i t ion of technical equipment intended for the Customs

    Ser vice and the Border Pol ice, suppor ted off icers t ra ining and

    instruct ion and donated vehic les f i t ted with special ant i-fraud

    equipment and canine squads for f ight ing i l l ic i t tobacco trade.

    w w w . j t i . c o m

    Representative Office in Moldova JT International Luxembourg SA

    7/6, L iv iu Deleanu St . , MD-2071, Chis inau

    Tel : +373 22 60 59 54 Fax: +373 22 60 73 74

    E-mai l : moldova.comunicare@jt i .com

    Japan Tobacco International

  • 22

    .C .S . Red Union Fenosa S .A. este cel mai mare distr ibuitor

    pr ivat de energie electr ic din Republ ica Moldova.

    ntreprinderea face par te din grupul spaniol Gas Natural

    Fenosa, care este prezent 25 de r i a le lumii . Aceasta a aprut

    pe piaa moldoveneasc pe 7 februarie 2000 i n prezent

    face par te din grupul interna ional GAS NATURAL FENOSA ,

    n urma fuziuni i celor dou compani i spaniole : Union Fenosa

    i Gas Natural .

    ntreprinderea deser vete n Republ ica Moldova peste 835

    de mii de c l ien i , distr ibuie energie pe o ar ie de 70% din

    ter i tor iul r i i - n 21 de raioane (din cele 37) i municipiul

    Chi inu.

    Pe parcursul act iv i t i i sale n R

    epubl ica Moldova, Gas Natural Fenosa, f i ind o companie

    reglementat pe piaa energetic, ntotdeauna a rspuns

    exigenelor cadrului regulator din ar , inclusiv pr in

    efectuarea unor invest i i i de peste dou mil iarde de le i

    pentru reabi l i tarea i modernizarea infrastructur i i n

    vederea asigurr i i bunului nivel a l cal i t i i ser vic i i lor, astfel

    contr ibuind la dezvoltarea economic a r i i .

    Act iv i tatea .C .S . Red Union Fenosa S .A. n economia

    r i i este un model european de afacer i , ea f i ind apreciat

    ca o ntreprindere deschis pentru colaborare n scopul

    promovri i valor i lor pro-europene i interna ionale i a unui

    c l imat de invest i i i t ransparent i propice prosperr i i pentru

    to i ageni i economici .

    .C .S . Red Union Fenosa S .A. is the largest pr ivate electr ic i ty

    distr ibutor company in Republ ic of Moldova. The company is

    par t of Spanish group Gas Natural Fenosa which is present

    in the 25 countr ies of the world. I t appeared on Moldavian

    market on Februar y 7, 2000 and in the present is par t of

    internat ional group GAS NATURAL FENOSA , fol lowing the

    merger of the two Spanish companies : Union Fenosa and Gas

    Natural .

    The company provides ser vices in the Republ ic of Moldova

    to over 835,000 customers , distr ibutes a range of 70% of the

    countr y - in 21 distr icts (of 37) and Chis inau.

    During i ts act iv i ty in Moldova, Gas Natural Fenosa, being

    a regulated company on the energy market , a lways has

    responded the demands of the regulator y framework in the

    countr y, including through the investment of over two bi l l ion

    le i for the rehabi l i tat ion and modernizat ion of infrastructure

    in order to ensure a high qual i ty level of ser vices , thereby

    contr ibut ing to the economic development of the countr y.

    The act iv i ty of .C .S . Red Union Fenosa S.A. in the economy

    of the countr y represents an European business model ,

    being appreciated as an open enterpr ise for col laborat ion to promote pro-European and internat ional values and

    a transparent and favorable investment c l imate for al l

    businesses prosper.

    .C.S. Red Union Fenosa S.A

    w w w . g a s n a t u r a l f e n o s a . m d

  • 23

    PRIMA BANC DIN MOLDOVA Primul pas spre succes

    VICTORIABANK este pr ima banc comercial din Republ ica Moldova care, n to i acet i de act iv i tate impozant, a adus o contr ibu ie

    considerabi l n dezvoltarea ser vic i i lor bancare. De asemenea, pe parcursul act iv i t i i sale , Victor iabank a demonstrat ntr-un mod

    vdit c este un vector impor tant n dezvoltarea economic a r i i .

    Performanele atinse Implementarea continu a noi lor tehnologi i informaionale catalogheaz Victor iabank drept una dintre cele mai moderne i

    per formante inst i tu i i f inanciar-bancare din Republ ica Moldova.

    Este Pr ima Banc care a operat cu carduri bancare, i Pr ima care a adus bancomatele n Moldova, pe lng celelalte produse

    i ser vic i i inovat ive.

    Victor iabank a fost dist ins cu diverse premii i meniuni impor tante pentru rezultatele considerabi le obinute, fapt ce a

    condus la recunoaterea Bnci i att la nivel interna ional , ct i la nivel na ional .

    F i losof ia bnci i de a f i un par tener de ncredere i un al iat pe msur, este demonstrat i de por tofol iul divers i f icat de

    produse i ser vic i i competit ive, menite s favorizeze stabi l i tatea i prosperitatea f inanciar a c l ien i lor.

    Victor iabank un brand cu renume att la nivel na ional , ct i interna ional !

    Echipa noastr Echipa Victor iabank are n componena sa oameni puternic i , profesionit i , dinamici i persevereni n ceea ce fac . Ac iuni le

    ini iate de Victor iabank , demonstreaz corect i tudinea strategi i lor abordate de banc i a gradului e i de percepie ca o inst i tu ie

    per formant, credibi l i stabi l .

    Suntem mai aproape de Dumneavoastr V garantm un mediu pr ietenos i modern de deser vire , n or icare dintre cele peste 100 de subdiviz iuni , amplasate n

    ntreaga ar.



    w w w . v i c t o r i a b a n k . m d

    Agentia WebConsulting

    Obiect ivul ageniei const n gsirea solu i i lor de promovare

    n Internet pentru ntreprinderi le i organiza i i le din Moldova

    i Europa.

    Agenia Web Consult ing ofer ser vic i i de Web design, web

    market ing, consultare n elaborarea i promovarea pagini lor

    web, magazinelor web.

    V vom ajuta cu s iguran s gsi i noi par teneri , noi c l ien i , i

    s ave i o deser vire mai bun a celor existen i .

    Agenia Web Consult ing va gsi solu ia optimal i va

    implementa detal iat ceea ce dori i s face i .

    The object ive of the agency consists in f inding solut ions to

    promote on the internet companies and organizat ions

    from Europe.

    Web Consult ing Agency offers ser vices in web design,

    consultat ion and web market ing regarding bui lding and

    promoting websites , web shops.

    We l l cer tainly help you to f ind new par tners , new customers ,

    and to have a better ser vic ing to exist ing ones.

    Web Consult ing Agency wi l l f ind the optimal solut ion and i t wi l l

    implement in detai l what you want to elaborate. .

    Date de contact:Str. Kogalniceanu 58 mun. Chi inu

    Tel . 0-22-926-914;

    E-mai l : info@webconsult ing.mdw w w . w e b c o n s u l t i n g . m d

  • 24

    Asocia ia Businessului European din Moldova (EBA Moldova)

    este o organiza ie creat n octombrie 2011 de 10 uni i dintre

    cei mai mari invest i tor i n RM sub auspic iul efului Delegaiei

    UE la Chi inu. EBA are drept scop s al inieze legis la ia RM la

    r igori le UE ntru mbunt irea mediului de afacer i i crearea

    unui mediu antreprenorial mai avantajos .

    EBA este un trade hub axat pe prestarea unor ser vic i i de

    supor t n afacer i compani i lor ce planif ic s ias pe piaa

    UE, interesate s-i gseasc par teneri de afacer i la nivel

    interna ional .

    Mai mult de 40 compani i au aderat la EBA n mai puin de 2

    ani , acestea avnd numeroase benef ic i i din ser vic i i le ofer i te

    n domeniul supor tului de afacer i .

    The European Business Associat ion (EBA) is an organizat ion

    created in 2011 by ten one of the biggest investors in the

    RM under the auspic ious of EU Ambassador in the Republ ic

    of Moldova, a imed at a l igning the nat ional economy and

    business legis lat ion to EU standards, and promote European

    values and best business management pract ices within the

    Moldovan entrepreneurial community.

    The EBA is one of the main business and trade hub for

    Moldavian and foreign entit ies ; faci l i tat ing impor t , expor t ,

    par tnerships and direct foreign investment projects .

    As for today more than 40 companies joined the EBA , thus

    benef it ing from its business suppor t ser vices and contr ibut ing

    to improving the business legis lat ion in the countr y.

    Asociatia Businessului European

    Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului al Republicii Moldova

    Prioriti le Ministerului Tineretului i Sportului

    pentru anul 2013:a) Consol idarea capacit i lor inst i tu ionale n domeniul

    t ineretului i spor tului ;

    b) Consol idarea capacita i lor umane n domeniul t ineretului

    i spor tului ;

    c) Sporirea gradului de par t ic ipare la nivel local i regional

    a organiza i i lor de t ineret , grupuri lor de ini iat iv precum

    i a lucrtor i lor de t ineret la real izarea pol i t ic i lor de t ineret

    sector ia le (voluntar iat , educa ie , mass-media, protec ie

    social , economie, cultur, sntate etc . ) ;

    d)St imularea ini iat ivelor i dezvoltarea abi l i t i lor

    antreprenoriale n r ndul t iner i lor precum i faci l i tarea

    angajr i i lor n c mpul munci i ;

    e)Dezvoltarea spir i tului c iv ic i a voluntar iatului ;

    f )Consol idarea par teneriatelor cu structur i le de t ineret a le

    organiza i i lor interna ionale (Consi l iu l Europei i Uniunea

    European) i sporirea rolului Republ ic i i Moldova n

    dezvoltarea pol i t ic i lor de t ineret la nivel european; g) Crearea condi i i lor optime de pregtire a spor t iv i lor de

    per forman;

    h) Asigurarea real izr i i act iv i t i lor spor t ive conform

    Calendarului ac iuni lor spor t ive na ionale i interna ionale

    pe anul 2013;

    i ) Construc ia edif ic i i lor spor t ive i modernizarea bazei

    tehnico-mater ia le a inst i tu i i lor spor t ive.

    Misiunea Ministerului const n elaborarea i implementarea pol i t ic i i na ionale n domeniul t ineretului i spor tului , determinarea

    or ientr i lor strategice de dezvoltare i modernizare continu a s istemului inst i tu ional din domeniu, crearea condi i i lor de

    par t ic ipare a t iner i lor n v iaa pol i t ic , economic, social i cultural a r i i , promovarea cultur i i f iz ice i spor tului , formarea

    i dezvoltarea profesional a resurselor umane din s istemul t ineretului i spor tului .

    Our Contacts:162, tefan cel Mare ave.

    MD 2004. Chi inu, Republ ic of Moldova

    Tel/fax : +373 820-861

    emai l : w w w . m t s . g o v. m d

  • 25

    A lansa o afacere n garaj a devenit un lucru obinuit pentru

    antreprenori . Bi l l Gates a spus o dat ca nu-i este fr ic de

    concureni i si , c i de indiviz i i ta lenta i care-i implementeaz

    idei le ntr-un garaj . Simpals Garage - pr imul i unicul

    incubator de r isc din Republ ica Moldova creat pentru

    sus inerea proiectelor de t ip star tup. Misiunea noastr

    este s el iminm barierele ce mpiedic echipele talentate

    i ambi ioase s-i transforme o idee n afacer i de succes.

    F inanare ini ia l , birou dotat , exper t iza i as istena celor mai

    buni exper i n afacer i , promovarea proiectelor pe por talur i le

    noastre e ceea, ce v poate propune proiectul Simpals

    Garage pentru star tup-ul Dvs.

    w w w . g a r a g e . m d

    To begin a new business in a garage - a common thing

    for star tupers . Bi l l Gates once said that he is not afraid of

    competitors , but is afraid of guys with the ideas that are

    working on them, s i tt ing in the garage. Simpals Garage

    - i t is the f i rst in Moldova Venture Incubator, created for

    investments in the promising star tups. Our miss ion is the

    el iminat ion of barr iers that prevent talented and ambit ious

    teams conver t their idea into a valuable business . We can

    help resolve organizat ional problems and ensure a quick

    star t of your project . In it ia l funds, equipped off ice, exper t

    advice and guidance of mentors , ass istance in promotion of

    the projects on our web s ites - that is what Simpals Garage

    can give to your star tup.

    Simpals Garangestartup incubator

    Echipa Simpals i-a nceput act iv i tatea n 2002. La etapa

    actual de inem pozi i i de l ider n MoldNet i gest ionm

    cteva por talur i informaionale n domeniul onl ine, precum, Point .md,,, Aceste s i te-

    ur i sunt accesate lunar de peste 1 mln de viz i tator i , ceea ce

    reprezint 2/3 din ut i l izator i i de internet din Moldova. Nu

    suntem doar pioneri n acest domeniu, suntem i trendsetter- i

    n publ ic i tate on-l ine, n produc ie v ideo i produc ia de

    animaie n Moldova. O dovad este i crearea pr imului desen

    animat 3D - "iganul" . Colaborm cu major itatea compani i lor

    mari din Moldova. Avem o echip puternic. Distrugem

    stereotipuri le i at ingem scopuri le propuse.

    Company Simpals star ted i ts act iv i ty in 2002. At the moment

    we hold the leading posit ion in Moldnet . Company Simpals

    owns the major por tals, Point .md,, Drive.

    md, and others . These s i tes are v is i ted by more than

    a mil l ion users per month, or about two-thirds of a l l Internet

    users in Moldova. We are not only pioneers in the onl ine

    sphere, but also trendsetters of Internet adver t is ing, web

    design, v ideo product ion and animation in Moldova. Namely

    Simpals created the f i rst Moldovan 3D car toon Tsygan.

    We col laborate with major brands of Moldova. We have a

    strong team. We break the stereotypes and achieve set goals .

    w w w . s i m p a l s . m d

  • 26

  • Partenerii CBP 2013

    2013 ANTiM. Toate dreptur i le rezer vate.

    La realizarea brourii au contribuit: design, machetare

    Pentru a af la informai i detal iate despre Concursul Naional de Business

    Planuri pentru Tiner i , edi ia a IX-a, v iz i ta i s i te-ul

    Informaii de contact:

    Asocia ia Naional a Tiner i lor Manageri din Moldova (ANTiM)

    str. V. Alexandri nr,1 Chi inu, R. Moldova

    tel/fax : (22) 92-30-01 E-mai l : off

    Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului al Republicii Moldova

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