conexion digital numero 551 edicion 10 de enero de 2010

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Conexion Digital Numero 551 Edicion 10 de Enero de 2010



Número 551 Edición 10 de Enero de 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMARIO 1. EDITORIAL 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINO 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL 5. APARTADO QSL 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO 7. SIN FRONTERAS 8. CONTACTO VHF 9. UTILITARIAS 10. MISCELANEAS 11. LA PROPAGACION 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EDITORIAL Feliz 2010!!!! Aprovechamos estas breves líneas editoriales para desear a todos Uds. un Próspero 2010. Felicidades. La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 02 de Enero de 2010 podrán escuchar una producción dedicada a dar una semblanza del uso de los medios radiales durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. No se pierdan los registros sonoros históricos con los cuales se "ilustrará" el programa. La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen

Un cordial saludo del staff editor 73 Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINA LA REVISTA CONEXION GRA Nuestra publicación gráfica denominada "Conexión GRA" es editada seis (6) veces al año por el Grupo Radioescucha Argentino, y contiene información vinculada al mundo del diexismo y las comunicaciones en general. El boletín se edita cada dos (2) meses y tenemos prevista la aparición de cada ejemplar durante la tercera semana de los meses de febrero, abril, junio, agosto, cctubre y diciembre de cada año.- SUSCRIPCION: Los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples son las siguientes: A partir del 1º de Noviembre de 2009, los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples para aquellos interesados en recibir nuestra publicación gráfica “Conexión GRA” son los siguientes: ARGENTINA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números $ 20 $ 35 $ 50 6 Números $ 40 $ 70 $ 100 PAISES LIMITROFES: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 10 US$ 16 US$ 20 6 Números US$ 18 US$ 28 US$ 32 RESTO DE AMERICA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 11 US$ 17 US$ 21 6 Números US$ 21 US$ 32 US$ 36 RESTO DEL MUNDO: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 17 US$ 22 US$ 28 6 Números US$ 30 US$ 35 US$ 42

Quien desee solicitar suscripciones dobles o triples deberá manifestarlo expresamente al enviar su pago, pudiendo figurar el nombre de 2 o 3 personas como socios, quienes recibirán el envío en la dirección postal que se indique.- FORMA DE PAGO: El pago de la suscripción podrá efectuarse de la siguiente manera: En efectivo, para la Argentina en Pesos, y para el exterior en Dólares Estadounidenses. Se aceptan giros postales nacionales e internacionales, que deberán ser emitidos a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni y serán enviados a la dirección postal de Conexión GRA exclusivamente (Alvarez Thomas 248, B1832DNF Lomas de Zamora, Argentina). En estampillas, para los lectores de la Argentina, sin uso y preferentemente de $ 1,00 o $ 2,00, correspondientes al CORREO ARGENTINO únicamente. No se aceptarán sellos postales de otros correos privados que funcionan en el país. Pagos en IRC (Cupones de Respuesta Internacional): Se aceptan los cupones equivalentes al valor indicado en US$ para todas las suscripciones al exterior. Los IRC se venden y se canjean en las oficinas de correo y deben contener el sello de la misma (legible) en su parte izquierda o central, de otra manera no son válidos. No se aceptan IRC con matasellos argentino. Depósitos en Cuenta Bancaria: Disponemos de la Caja de Ahorro en Pesos Nro. 323 704733/8 perteneciente al BBVA Banco Francés (CBU: 01703236 40000070473386), cuya titularidad se encuentra a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni, donde los lectores de Argentina podrán depositar el dinero de la suscripción. Rogamos nos hagan saber por carta o e mail, la fecha y monto depositado a fin de imputarlo a su cuota social. EJEMPLARES DE CORTESIA: Si desea un ejemplar gratuito del boletín "Conexión GRA", no tiene más que solicitárnoslo y a vuelta de correo le enviaremos el último número editado. Para ello debe remitirnos una carta mencionando su nombre y dirección postal, adjuntando una estampilla de $4 (para residentes en la Argentina), o bien 2 IRCs (para residentes en el exterior) , a fin de solventar los gastos del envío postal. CONTACTO: Las cartas, colaboraciones y suscripciones para "Conexion GRA", deberán ser remitidas a la siguiente dirección: Postal: Conexión GRA c/o Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni Alvarez Thomas 248 (B1832DNF) Lomas de Zamora Buenos Aires - Argentina E Mail:ágina Web: Teléfono: +54 (011) 4245-5697 (De 21:00 a 23:00 Hs LU) SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRA Queremos compartir con ustedes otros productos del GRA:

Disponemos por fotocopiado de una serie de folletos y material sobre diexismo y temas de radio. Salvo cuando se aclara, todo es en español. Cada pedido de fotocopias deberá hacerse por escrito, indicándose el número y tema requerido. Para abonar este servicio se debe tener en cuenta el precio de cada copia ($ 0,15), el valor del sobre tipo oficio ($ 0,50), y el costo del envío postal, el cual varia de acuerdo al peso de las copias solicitadas y el destinatario. Sugerimos consultar por vía postal o e-mail acerca de estas condiciones antes de efectuar un pago. Los temas a disposición de nuestros socios son: Nº 001: Diexismo de TV y FM. Curso de Radio Nederland. (23 fcts) Nº 002: La Recepción de Ondas Cortas, de la Deutsche Welle. Contenidos generales sobre todo el hobby. Muy recomendable para principiantes (10 ftcs) Nº 003: Diseños de Antenas de OC y Montajes Técnicos. Folletos en inglés de Deutsche Welle y RSA. (25 ftcs) Nº 004: DX AM, FM, TV y Tropicales. Selección de artículos aparecidos en CXN. (13 ftcs) Nº 005: Receiver Shopping List. Manual en inglés de Radio Nederland que reseña con datos, comentarios y fotos a la mayoría de los receptores de onda corta en el mercado. Edición 1993. (37 ftcs) Nº 006: Bibliografía sobre Antenas. Teoría y diseños varios sobre distintos tipos de antenas para OC. (54 ftcs) Nº 007: Casi Todo en Diexismo. Curso de Radio Nederland sobre conceptos básicos sobre el hobby. (28 ftcs) Nº 008: Propagacion de OC y Espectro de Radioondas. Cursos de Radio Nederland preparados por Jim Vastenhoud. (28 ftcs) Nº 009: 25 Simple Tropical and MW Band Aerials. 25 Diseños de antenas para DX tropical y de onda media. En ingles. (30 ftcs) Nº 010: MW Loop Compendium. Diseños de antenas para onda media, tanto para receptores de ferrite y de comunicaciones. En inglés. (25 ftcs) Nº 011: Modelos de Informes de Recepción. Modelos en Español, Inglés, Francés, Portugués, Alemán, Italiano, Indonesio y Dutch. (16 ftcs) Nº 012: Loop direccionales para OC. Artículo publicado en el WRTH'90. Antenas para radios tipo portátil. En inglés. (4 ftcs) Nº 013: Uso de Balun. Aplicable para antenas multibanda y supresión de ruidos locales y atmosféricos. En inglés. (9 ftcs) Nº 014: Catálogo "Practical Wireless". Indice de infinidad de diseños de antenas de todo tipo y bandas, sintonizadores, filtros, etc. Con el catálogo podrán pedir luego lo que desean. (9 ftcs). Todos los artículos de la revista "Practical Wireless" suman 230 ftcs. Asimismo contamos con las siguientes publicaciones digitales que serán enviadas por e-mail a quien lo solicite:

D-01: Lista de Emisoras Tropicales del GRA. Con datos de emisoras de OC comprendidas entre 2310-7800 KHz. ($ 25,00) D-02: Lista de Emisoras de Onda Media Argentinas. Completo directorio de emisoras conteniendo todos los datos conocidos de c/u de ellas. ($ 10,00) D-03: Directorio de Emisoras de Onda Corta. Direcciones postales de estaciones de OC, incluyendo E-mail y página Web, cuando estos datos son conocidos; la cual es actualizada permanentemente. ($ 10,00) [Grupo Editor] Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA por Rubén Guillermo Margenet

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). NOTICIAS DE RADIO ECUADOR Radio Arutam, el celular shuar Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 21:36:58 -0800 From: dxreport@yahoo.comSubject: Ecuador: Radio Arutam, el celular shuar To:

Los micrófonos de La Voz de Arutam están a disposición de los shuar que desean saludar a sus parientes, reclamar atención de sus líderes y más. Radio La Voz de Arutam, que enfrenta un proceso de reversión de su frecuencia por parte del Conatel, es considerada por los shuar como su propia voz. Lleva el nombre de su dios y es la única forma de comunicación para la mayoría de las 500 comunidades asentadas sobre todo en la

Cordillera del Cóndor, límite con Perú, adonde no llega ni la señal del celular. Los nativos que arriban a Sucúa, Morona Santiago, sede de la radio (de la Federación Interprovincial de Centros Shuar, Fisch), usan los micrófonos para

avisar a sus familiares cómo les ha ido en el viaje –en algunos casos de hasta 22 horas– para salir de sus comunidades. Hay una característica. El interesado en enviar su mensaje cancela 50 centavos de dólar por minuto, para autofinanciamiento del medio, y habla lo que él considere conveniente. Se emiten saludos a los padres, hijos, esposas, primos, vecinos. Se comunican novedades a los profesores comunitarios, a los estudiantes. Incluso los comuneros llaman la atención de sus propios dirigentes, públicamente, por la radio. La Voz de Arutam enfrenta ahora el proceso de cierre, acusada de incitar a la violencia durante el paro indígena de septiembre pasado, algo que el presidente de la Fisch, Pepe Acacho, lo desmiente. Los comuneros advierten con reaccionar. “Si el presidente Rafael Correa cierra la radio, sería marginarnos, discriminarnos; sería matar al pueblo”, dice el shuar Luis Wisum. La Voz de Arutam es para los shuar la ‘libertad de expresión’ Gonzalo Ayui llega a Sucúa a las tres de la mañana del 29 de diciembre. Una hora y media después está frente a los micrófonos de radio La Voz de Arutam, aunque no como locutor. En su idioma shuar habla durante tres minutos. Saluda a su esposa, a sus padres, hermanos, tíos, primos, a sus vecinos. Les dice que en el viaje le fue bien, que ya mismo comprará la sal, la manteca y otras cosas básicas, y que iniciará su retorno a las seis de la tarde, para, con la protección del dios Arutam, estar en casa al atardecer del día 30. Ayui, indígena shuar de 28 años y que subiste de la agricultura, había salido de su comunidad Tutimentza, en la cordillera del Cóndor, a las cinco de la mañana del día 28. Navegó nueve horas en bote y caminó un par de horas hasta tomar el bus que de Taisha a Sucúa, en Morona Santiago, tarda casi diez horas. Sus parientes están pendientes del viaje y la única forma de avisar que a él le va bien es La Voz de Arutam. Cancela $ 1,50 por los tres minutos de “entrevista”, como los shuaras llaman a la difusión de su mensaje por la que consideran su radio, pero sin intermediarios, con su propia voz, con la libertad de poder decir lo que ellos crean conveniente. Ayui emite su saludo por un medio suspendido por el Conatel (Consejo Nacional de Telecomunicaciones), desde el 17 de diciembre, pero que sigue en el aire porque presentó una apelación. El mensaje llega por un medio al cual el presidente Rafael Correa acusa de haber incitado a la violencia en el paro indígena de septiembre pasado, en el que murió el docente shuar Bosco Wisum. Precisamente ese es el argumento que esgrime el Conatel para sancionarlo con el retiro de la frecuencia. “¡Por qué el Presidente va a cerrar esta radio que es de mucha ayuda! No quiero que cierre; si hace eso es que está contra pueblo Shuar y nos quedaremos sin poder comunicarnos entre nosotros que vivimos lejos. Habrá que protestar”, dice Ayui. Igual sorpresa y quejas expresan otros comuneros y dirigentes de la Federación Interprovincial de Centros Shuar (Fisch), organización a la que pertenece la

emisora, establecida en 1974 en AM y que desde el 2005 emite su señal en FM para Morona Santiago, Pastaza y parte del nororiente de Perú. La organización, presidida por Pepe Acacho, según sus registros, agrupa a unas 500 comunidades, donde viven unos 120 mil nativos. Estas, en su mayoría, están ubicadas en la espesa e inhóspita selva. Allí, La Voz de Arutam compite con el trinar de las aves, con el correr de las aguas, con el silbido de las culebras, con el viento que mece los árboles añosos. Su tarea comunitaria se identifica con el denominado Plan de Vida (conjunto de reglas) de la Fisch, que tiene como objetivo impedir el acceso de los madereros, petroleros y mineros a su territorio; de cuidar la selva donde habita el dios Arutam, el Señor de la Cascada, el que da alimento; el que da salud, sabiduría, fuerza. La deidad shuar. El espacio para la comunicación Si bien La Voz de Arutam labora las 24 horas, dos jornadas son la savia que alimenta a los comuneros shuaras: de 04:00 a 08:00 y de 16:00 a 21:00. Es el espacio de los saludos, de las entrevistas, de la automotivación y hasta de la autocrítica. La jornada matinal se inicia con el Himno Nacional, interpretado en shuar, le siguen el himno de la Fisch y un mensaje del presidente o algún dirigente de la organización. Entonces se abren los micrófonos al pueblo, a los indígenas. Ellos cancelan $ 0,50 por cada minuto de intervención, para mantener su medio. “Hay shuaras que hasta reclaman a sus propios directivos por alguna decisión que ellos consideran errada. Esto se llama libertad de expresión”, afirma Acacho. Luego del saludo de Gonzalo Ayui, la madrugada del martes 29, siguen los de decenas de shuaras. Pedro Tzanim, comunero de Nayants, en la frontera con Perú, es uno de ellos. Salió en la víspera, caminó nueve horas por una trocha selvática y viajó nueve horas en bus, para retirar unos libros de la Dirección de Educación Bilingüe. Él es profesor y labora en Yurant, a tres horas de camino de su comuna, en la cordillera del Cóndor, allí donde en 1995 Ecuador libró con Perú la guerra del Alto Cenepa. Tzanim dice que saludó a su mujer, a sus tres hijos y a los alumnos de la escuela. Luis Wisum no solo indica a los profesores de la selva de Tiwintza, donde él es supervisor educativo, que el 31 de diciembre y el 1 de enero hay vacaciones, sino que aconseja a su yerno, Segundo Najamtai. “Le dije que no esté pegando a mi hija, Cecilia, que ella no es culpable de la desaparición de la hija que tuvo él en otro compromiso. Que vaya y reclame al joven de apellido Chinkiam, que es el que se la ha llevado, que arregle con él. Y le pedí al presidente de la asociación de Limón que ayude a ubicar a la chica”, relata. Habla también Natale Antún, dirigente de comunicación de la Fisch. Luego de expresar un mensaje de cinco minutos suena una canción del artista shuar Jaimito Entza. “Te amo, mi selva virgen/ donde soy libre como pajarito... Oye, gringo, no me contamines con tu minería...”, dice una parte de la melodía. Y hablan tres mujeres, dos jóvenes, un anciano, otra anciana. Afuera de las instalaciones de la Fisch, en cuya sede funciona la radio, hay mujeres con niños en brazos que esperan el amanecer; afuera de los estudios de la emisora están apiladas las mochilas y las botas de caucho de los locutores.

A esa hora, en Yukutes, a dos horas de camino de Sucúa, el sol nace radiante por la verde selva. Pega de frente en la casa de tablas de los esposos Domingo Andish, de 82 años, y Águeda Chayuc, de 83. Ahí, de un pilar cuelga un pequeño radio a pilas que amplifica La Voz de Arutam. La mujer está molesta porque se ha enterado que la emisora podría cerrarse. “Yo trabajé cargando piedras para la sede de la Fisch y luché por la radio con los padres salesianos. Ahora Correa dice que quiere cerrar. Acaso que él nos ha dado, qué derecho tiene”, afirma la mujer. Su molestia se suma a las del agricultor Ayui, del profesor bilingüe Tzanim, del supervisor Wisum. Este último asegura que están alistando un levantamiento, “por nuestra radio”. Fuente: a través de Yimber Gaviria Colombia vía Rubén G. Margenet a través de [Lista ConDig]. Ofrece Correa apoyo para convertir radio Arutam en comunitaria El presidente ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa, respondió hoy amenazas de la nación shuar de demandar al Estado por el posible cierre de Radio Arutam, ofreciendo todo el apoyo del Gobierno para convertirla en una verdadera radio comunitaria. Correa, en su cadena sabatina radiotelevisiva, frente las amenazas del presidente de la Federación Interprovincial Shuar, Pepe Acacho, dijo que "si se cierra la estación, la nación shuar tendrá todo el apoyo del Gobierno para convertirla en una verdadera radio comunitaria." "Estos líderes irresponsables que se han creído por encima del bien y del mal, creen que son intocables. Yo me voy del cargo, pero aquí no voy a permitir que quede la muerte de un hermano en la impunidad", destacó al referirse a los incidentes violentos del 2009. El Jefe de Estado informó sobre la denuncia aplicada por el Misterio de Justicia en contra de Pepe Acacho, por considerarlo uno de los culpables de la muerte del profesor bilingüe shuar, Bosco Wisuma, y por cargos de sabotaje y agresión. Recordó que, de acuerdo con el artículo 19 de la Constitución, inciso segundo, "se prohíbe la emisión de publicidad que induzca a la violencia, discriminación, racismo, sexismo, intolerancia religiosa o política y toda aquella que atente contra los derechos." En el Enlace Ciudadano transmitido este día, Correa divulgó una grabación donde se comprueba que la estación radial, sí incitó a la población y llamó a actos violentos el 30 de septiembre pasado en Morona Santiago, donde murió Wisuma y 40 policías quedaron heridos. Afirmó que "en base a la fuerza quieren que dejemos esto en la impunidad. Jamás, primero me voy a la casa", afirmó, tras asegurar que los violentos y los culpables de esa muerte y de 40 policías heridos, serán sancionados con firmeza y todo el rigor de la ley. "Porque, con la Revolución Ciudadana la ley será para todas y todos", manifestó. Fuente: Prensa Latina vía Arnaldo Slaen, Villa Urquiza, Bs. As., Argentina a través de [Lista ConDig].

Delincuentes se llevan transformadores de alta tensión de transmisores de Radio Sucre Al menos 5 delincuentes, no identificados, irrumpieron anoche violentamente las instalaciones donde se encuentran instalados los trasmisores de Radio Sucre, en la vía Samborondón, provincia del Guayas. Porfirio Vera, guardia de las instalaciones, ha dado a conocer que el hecho se suscitó alrededor de las 24hs. Vera, cuenta que los malhechores luego de agredirlo procedieron a maniatarlo junto a su hijo que también se encontraba en el lugar de los hechos. Los delincuentes, que se movilizaban en vehículos, se llevaron varias pertenencias del guardia (celular y equipos personales), y también robaron los transformadores de alta tensión que alimentan de energía a los transmisores de la emisora, por lo cual la señal 700 AM no se encuentra al aire. La audiencia de Sucre, puede seguir su programación vía internet, a través de la dirección y por la señal de Sistema Dos 1080 AM, en las próximas horas la señal 700 AM será restablecida. Al momento, personal de la emisora realiza las gestiones legales pertinentes en la Fiscalía de Samborondón. Mientras tanto, los dueños de la emisora están ofreciendo 1000 dólares de recompensa a quien de información verificada de los autores del robo. Fuente: Escrito Por Lcdo. Cristhian Reyes H. Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL por Miguel Castellino *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA Captaciones de Jorge Freitas, Brasil 3350 03/Jan 0353 COSTA RICA, REE, SS, desde Cariari de Pococi, com 100 kW. As 0354 UT YL acaba de encerrar um programa e logo após pop mx espanhola. As 0355 YL fala anuncia "Radio Exterior de Espanha" e segue uma pop mx espanhola e OM fala. 25432 (Jorge Freitas-B) 3945 03/Jan 0340 IRAN, Voice Rep. Isl. Iran, em Kurdish-so, desde Kamalabad, com 500 kW. OM fala entre curta música estilo árabe. As 0345 UT YL passa a

falar. Voltando as 0400 UT sinal de hora característico da Voice Iran e OM fala e passa a apresentar nx. 35433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 6035 03/Jan 0408 ARMENIA, R Japão, em árabe, desde Yerevan-Gavar, com 100 kW. OM e YL parecem apresentar nx. As 0411 UT fim de nx, OM fala entre curta mx instrumental oriental. As 0412 UT pop mx estilo árabe, curta fala do homem e mais música pop (belas por sinal), um programa musical. O sinal é bom, mas há uma alternância de moderada QRM não identificada. 43433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 6100 03/Jan 0429 ALBANIA, R Tirana, EE, desde Shijak, com 100 kW. Sinal ID, as 0430 UT ID por YL, as 0433 UT nova ID. As 0435 UT mx estilo lírica em dueto de mv e fv. 34433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 6890 03/Jan 0503 ETIOPIA, R Fana, *tentativa*, em oromo, desde Addis Ababa área, com 100 kW. OM fala. Sinal muito fraco, ouve-se o áudio em picos da propagação. Não há sinal voltando a frequência as 0530 UT. (Jorge Freitas-B) 7425 03/Jan 0114 ALBANIA, R Tirana, *presumida* em albanês, desde Shijak, com 100 kW. Sequência de música pop albanesa. A portadora chega bem, mais o áudio está muito baixo. As 0126 UT o que parece ser um hino nacionalista, as 0128 UT fim da transmissão. 23432 (Jorge Freitas-B) 9625 03/Jan 0522 CANADA, CBC Radio Nord Quebec, EE, desde Sackville, com 100 kW. Uma conversa animada entre diversos OM e YL. As 0559 UT ID e OM e YL apresentam nx com diversas menções a Obama. 35433 (Jorge Freitas-B) Jorge Freitas Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia Brasil Degen 1103 Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1 Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa Escutas (listening): Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026, ant.: Horiz 20 m cordoalha. Captaciones de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil 7125, Guinea, R. Conakry. December, 28 2120-2135 male Vernacular talks, , 2133 male French talks "Conakry". 34333 (lob-B). 4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. December, 28 seems English 2141-2205 male short talks alternating short African music, sometimes a longer slow African music segment, 2157 pause, female talks. Some heat, 23232 (lob-B).

4950, Angola, R. Nacional, Mulenvos. December, 28 Portuguese 2207-2216 African music, male talks, tribal music. Heat, 23232 (lob-B). 5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. December, 29 2213-2224 Afropop music, romantic music. Progressive enhance, 24232 (lob-B). 6297, Algeria, RASD, Rabuni (presumed). December, 31 Arabic 2159-2020 instrumental pop music, 2200 time pips, seems news program by male, 2208 Arabic music selections, 2215 female talks alternating short music. 23432 (lob-B). 4857, Peru, R. La Hora, Cusco. December, 31 Spanish 2323-2337 two male talks, 2326 local music, short male talks, returning local music at 2335. Strong splash of Brazilian 4865 turning unreadable, 22322 (lob-B). Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m. Captaciones de Dave Valko, desde Estados Unidos 24 DECEMBER 2009: Had to go up to the SGLs for a Christmas Eve micro-DXpedition. It was rather successful too with about a half dozen European Pirates heard as well as Greenland. The Geomagnetic field calmed down a lot in the last day or so. Conditions seemed about normal. Not good, not bad. RX: Microtelecom Perseus SDR with ARR preamp. ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at 50°. QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26 Duration: 1940-2230 UTC Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 71 A Index = 1 K Index = 0 No storms. WX: Mainly clear (sunny until the Sun set). Chilly, around 26° F. (-3° C.) RUSSIA 4975 V.O. Russia Here w/W vcl song at around 1953. QRM from Uganda 4976. (24 Dec) GREENLAND 3815U KNR, Tasiilaq Finally caught this one, but only for a short time. "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" at 2211-2213. Then deadair, fade, or off at 2214. Weak of course but no doubt about it. Surprised and very pleased to hear it. (24 Dec)

28-29 DECEMBER 2009: DX Session in Zion PA with Brett Saylor, and Don Moore hosting. I took the Perseus and NRD-535D. We put out antennas of 780' at 45°, 900' at 90°, 300' at 120°, and 315' at 170°. Brett brought tons of adapters and coax lead-ins. It was a good thing too because we needed it. Was getting a bit too much noise on the SW bands and propagation didn't seem all that great anyway, so I ended up listening to the MW band almost exclusively. Don played the role of host excellently. Good conversation, good eats. It certainly was cold taking up the antennas in the morning. At least we didn't have wade through snow. Enjoyed getting together with a couple of the old TMIDXA guys again. UK 1215 Absolute R. 2050 or so. (28 Dec) SWEDEN 1179 R. Sweden 2102. Tlk by M almost sounding like RS (28 Dec) ALBANIA 1394.86 TWR tlk by M at 2109. (28 Dec) UK 909 Talksport tlk by at least 2 people at 2148. (28 Dec) CZECH REP. 954 Cesky Rozhlas and Spain Onda Cero R. 0059 both here; tlk by W from Czech, and definite SP tlk by M from Spain. (29 Dec) FRANCE 945 France Info Definite FR tlk by M at 0059. Slop QRM from 940. (29 Dec) MOLDOVA 873 R.M. Tlk by M in lang. at 0059. Clear. (29 Dec) SPAIN 855 Onda Cero R. tlk by M in SP //954. One of the more steady clear TAs. (29 Dec) GERMANY 756 Deutschelandfunk Trumpet at 0059. 1422 wasn't strong enough to //. (29 Dec) FRANCE 1467 TWR End of tlk by M then soft instru. mx at 0059. (29 Dec) NETHERLANDS 747 Radio 5 (pres.) Just instru. mx at 0059. (29 Dec) FARAO ISLAND 531 Kringvarp Faroya 0316 "What is Love". Nonstop mx. Deep fades. Possibly Faith Hill at 0340. "Mambo #5" at 0347. According to sked, its supposed to be basically 24 nonstop mx. Pretty much fits what we heard. (29 Dec) ETHIOPIA 7110 Ethiopia R Ethiopia Great Horn of Africa mx to 0415, couple canned anmnts, then tlk by W. Nice signal. (29 Dec) DENMARK 1062 DR Radio IS at 0443, M anncr at 0444. (29 Dec) GERMANY 1422 Germany Deutschelandfunk Tlk by M in GM at 0448. 100% on peak. (29 Dec) CHINA 4800 CHINA CNR 2257-2302 CH tlk by M and W to 2259, canned promo-sounding anmnt, time ticks to ToH, ID by W, then tlk and canned anmnt block. Fairly decent. (29 Dec)

SRI LANKA 7190.122 SLBC 1211 Subcontinental vcl mx, and again at 1217 recheck. 1218 tlk by M in lang. Deadair at 1230, then went off at exactly 1231:07. Not very strong and severe Ham QRM. (30 Dec) BANGLADESH 7250.03 Bangladesh Betar (pres.) 1235 Press review and cultural pgm focusing on Iran and Iraq hosted by W and including sound bites. Faded after 1243, then Russia blasted it out at 1256. Never did get an ID. (30 Dec) 31 DECEMBER 2009: Wasn't really planning on it, but since we had pretty good MW TA reception on the DX session and I still had the secondary 315' wire spool in the Jeep, I decided to go up to the SGLs to see if I could get better and quieter reception of TAs there. Ran out the 315' wire rope and added the secondary wire to it. Reception turned out to be at least as good and maybe a little better. I seemed to get more splatter from domestic stuff than on the DX session, even when I powered down the preamp. I think terminating the Beverage would cut a lot of that down and make the TAs more audible. I was expecting to get carriers when I started but nothing. I was getting disappointed as time passed and nothing was coming in. Then it started to pick up quickly after 2200. By 2230 they were peaking nicely. Oddly enough, they then dropped off towards 2300. I didn't take any loggings but I did record the band with the Perseus. Another surprise was LW. There were stations quite audible on just about every freq between 2230-2300 UTC. Before MW/LW opened up, I even had Greenland on 3815U!! RX: Microtelecom Perseus SDR with ARR preamp. ANT: 630' Beverage (BOG) at 50°. QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26 Duration: 2030-2300 UTC Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 80 A Index = 1 K Index = 0 No storms. WX: Cloudy. Low to mid 30s F. (2° C. or so) CHINA 7620 CRI 2047 slow romantic ballad, then into another ballad. 2054 W in CH. Fair signal. (31 Dec) CHINA 5030 CRI 2057 tlk by M and W in CH. (31 Dec) MADAGASCAR 5010 R. Madagascara (pres.) 2055 Hi-life mx. 2058 live remote bdcst w/M and W tlk in vern. over ToH. Back to vcl mx at 2103. Still there at 2105. Tuned away, then gone at 2123 check. (31 Dec) ANGOLA 4949.77 R. Nacional Angola 2102 w/Hi-life mx. (31 Dec) GREENLAND 3815U KNR 2111 found weakly w/tlk by W w/roomy audio. Awful Ham QRM from net above on 3818. Brief deadair at 2114 then M took over. W then returned around 2116. 2117:50 clear briefly w/W. Lang definitely sounded like an Inuit lang. W and M still going across the BoH. 2132:30 finally instru. mx bridge, then tlk by different M briefly (ID anmnt??). Thought it went off after this, but I did here W and what sounded like the same M anncr alternating at 2203, so the audio must have just been extremely weak. 2206:55 W clear for 10 seconds as Hams let up. Hams finally went off and got Romantic ballad starting at 2210!! Some audio breakup during song at 2211 then a little deadair before mx came back. More breakups. Guess it went off in mid-song at 2214. Weak signal but steady w/no QSB. (31 Dec) PIRATE (NA) 6925.38 Liquid R. (pres.) Weak AM signal here at 2141 and caught some Dance mx at 2143. Signal characteristics more like a Europirate. 2147:25

pgm ID for syndicated show. Stronger at 2216 w/more Dance mx apparentlty same pgm. ID per FRN Grapevine. (31 Dec) FINLAND 963 China R. Int via Pori 2237 nice peak w/GM tlk by M and W easily readable and ment of Deutschland. Usual MW fading. (31 Dec) SRI LANKA 7200.02 Sudan (poor to fair w/great lcl mx at 0747), 7125 Guinea (fair w/African Pop-Dance mx at 0749), 7110 Ethiopia (weak w/Horn of Africa mx at 0749) all still coming in. (1 Jan) BELARUS 7255 R. Belarus 0759 end of anmnt by W then instru. filler mx. M just before ToH w/pres. ID in lang., then after briefly and off the air. Fairly good and //much weak 7280. 7280 stayed on the air. (1 Jan) THAILAND 7255 VOA relay 1210 Pop mx, then multi-lingual New Years ID greetings and ending w/web site URL. Into canned voice-over ID anmnt by alternating M and W in what sounded like IN. Went off at 1229. Good signal. (3 Jan) INDIA 7270 AIR Chennai Tone at 1253, then IS start at 1258, M in apparent Sinhala weakly w/ID anmnt and pres. nx to 1302. Beautiful Indian vcl mx. Nice signal w/some Ham QRM. (3 Jan) INDIA 7340 AIR Mumbai Deadair from 1224, then IS suddenly on at 1228 wavering in speed for a few seconds, so must be on tape!! W anncr weakly apparently in Sindhi from 1230-1231, then into vcl by W. Although the audio was still there at 1247, it was almost inaudible allowing WYFR Irkutsk to come through easily. Signal was no weaker however. Later at 1310, obviously still there as Indian vcl mx was mixing. (3 Jan) RUSSIA 7340 WYFR Irkutsk relay Usual IS at 1259, 1300 W in Chinese lang. for a minute then IS once, and into rel. filler mx. Weak but readable. (3 Jan) MALAYSIA 7295 Traxx FM 1208 Pop and Rock mx pgm including Hall & Oates. Promo ID jingle by W at 1211. Russia starting to mix in by 1230, and equally by 1245, then overtop Malaysia by 1300. (3 Jan) SRI LANKA 7190.09 SLBC (pres.) Found on this freq today after 1208. Really no audio, but a respectable signal. Finally sounded like mx at 1226. Went off at exactly 1231:34. (3 Jan) Captaciones de Chuck Bolland, desde Estados Unidos Peru, 4835.40, Radio Maranon, 1119-1130 Noted a male and female discusing current news in Spanish language. At one point a second male in the field comment. Signal was weak and almost gone for the morning. (Chuck Bolland, December 30, 2009) Peru, 4746.84, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1124-1130, Noted a male in Spanish language comments during the period. Signal was at a threshold level. At 1126 music was presented. (Chuck Bolland, December 30, 2009) Peru, 6019.26, Radio Victoria, 2333-2345, Noted a male in Spanish language

comments until 2337 when music heard. Male back in comments by 2340. There's just too much splatter and noise on this band at the present time. Victoria was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, December 31, 2009) Belarus, 6155, Radio Belarus,(pres) 2340-2359, Noted a group of individuals - male and female - in Russian language conversation. Tried to find parallel's but wasn't able to. The signal on 7360 was in Portuguese and was religious. (Chuck Bolland, December 31, 2009) Bolivia, 5952.43, Emisoras Pio XII, 0005-0015, With a very weak signal which hasn't faded in yet, noted a person in Spanish language comments. Usually it's been my experience that this station fades in after 0100 UTC usually. Don't know if I'll be available to check it then however? (Chuck Bolland January 01, 2010) (Band Scan) 5970 BBC in English 0001 Oman 5975 Nil 0011 5980 Nil 0011 5985 WYFR in Spanish 0012 Florida 5990 CRI in Spanish 0014 Cuba 5995 TWR in Dzonka 0016 Tajikistan 6000 Het 0017 6001 Nil 0018 6005 CRI Chinese 0019 Canada 6010 XEOI Radio Mil or Nucleo Radio in Spanish 0021 Mexico 6015 Nil 0022 or PBS, Xinjiang Chinese China 0022 Weak 6020 CRI in English 0024 Albania 6025 Nil 0024 6030 R. Marti in Spanish, 0025 Miami FL 6035 Nil 0026 6040 CRI Mandarin 0027 Sackville, CA (End Band Scan) Germany(non), 6045, Voice of the Tigers, Tentative, 0028-0100, Noted two males and sometimes a female in comments. The language listed is Tamil. At 0037 music presented which sounded very much like it had originated from South East Asia or India. Believe the area that this broadcast is concerned with is north of Trincomalee. in Sri Lanka, or maybe I got my countries mixed up? Checking out an Atlas, I see the Tamil region listed on the southern tip of India at about 11 South and 78 East. Two men back at 0043 in conversation. Signal was poor to fair, but with all of the splatter and noise, it was difficult to glean anything significant. I don't know if the name of the station is correct (Voice of Tigers)? I seem to recall that the Tigers Military was exterminated earlier in 2009? It's getting bad! Please go easy with the criticism if any of the above is wrong. Thanks. (Chuck Bolland, January 01, 2010)

Peru, 6019.25, Radio Victoria, 1125-1135, Noted a program of religious Spanish dissertation with reaction from an audience heard also. Signal was poor with QRM. (Chuck Bolland, January 3, 2010) China, 6100, China Radio International, 1145-1157, Noted a program of comments and features in Esperanto language. It sounds Spanishy but different Also those using it sounded like translators, not their natural language. At 1150 a male comments in Chinese. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 3, 2010) Argentina, 6060, Radio Nacional Argentina, 2325-2335, Briefly noted a male in Spanish language comments which were immediately followed with Tango type music. Here's a tidbit about me, I like true Argentinian Tango Music. On the half hour, time ticks heard. At about 2333, the male returns in Sp comments again. "... en programma Argentina" heard during comments. More music follows. At about 2341, I start getting strong interference from Radio Marti on this freq. It sounds like they are just tuning up because the signal is fading to nil and then coming back strong. I can still hear Argentina on the freq but with difficulty. So Argentina begins being a good signal and ends with a poor signal. At 2349 Marti takes over the frequency. (Chuck Bolland, January 6, 2010) Watkins Johnson HF1000 26.27N 081.05W Captaciones de Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, Estados Unidos 4857.335 Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco being heard well in Florida at 2330 to 2340 with om ID as Radio La Hora 5120.461 Peru, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba at 2340 Pompano Beach, Florida Drake R 8, IcomSony 2010XA noise reducing antenna 60 meter band dipole Captaciones de Arnaldo Slaen, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Artem Prokhorov, desde Moscu, Rusia

Captaciones de Manuel Mendez, desde Lugo, España Escuchas realizadas en Friol Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW Escuchas realizadas en Friol Sony ICF SW7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW ALEMANIA, 6140, MV Baltic Radio, 1025-1100*, 03-01 locutor, alemán,comentarios, canciones, inglés, locutora: "This is MV Baltic Radio, broadcating on Short Wave, 6140 kHz, 49 meters". 45444. (Méndez) BRASIL 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0953-1012, 03-01, portugués, locutor, comentarios, canciones. 24322. (Méndez) 9565, Radio Tupi, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0940-0950, 03-01, locutor, religioso, predicaciones. "Igreja Deus e Amor". 24322. (Méndez) 11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 0950-1007, 03-01, locutor, portugués, comentario religioso. 24433. (Méndez) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1048-1115, 03-01, locutora, portugués, comentarios, locutor. 24322. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1001-1105, 03-01, identificación: "8 horas 1 minuto, Radio Brasil Centra, Onda Media, 1270 kHz, 50 kW, Onda Tropical, 4985 kHz, 10 kW, Onda Curta, 25 metros, 11815 kHz, 7,5 kW, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, Goias". Comentarios, canciones. 45444. (Méndez) 11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 1049-1055, 03-01, portugués, locutor, comentario religioso. 23222. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1032-1040, 03-01, portugués, locutor, locutora, comentarios. 14321. (Méndez) ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0945-1000, 03-01, locutor, quechua, comentarios. A las 1000 señales horarias. 24322. (Méndez) GUINEA, 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 1201-1210, 03-01, canciones africanas. 23322. (Méndez) MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 0956-1017, 03-12, música clásica, canciones. 24322. (Méndez) Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 4319USB 2/1 16.50 AFRTS - Diego Garcia EE NX suff. 4760 2/1 16.30 T.W.R. - Manzini Tshwa predica buono 4774.9 2/1 23.00 R. Tarma - SS MX suff. 4780 2/1 16.35 R. Gibuti - Araba MX buono 4790 2/1 23.30 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS MX suff. 4840 2/1 16.40 A.I.R. - Mumbay Hindy MX buono 4845 2/1 23.40 R. Cultura - Manaus PP MX suff. 4865 29/12 23.45 R. Alvorada - Londrina PP predica buono

4915 29/12 23.50 R. Difusora - Macapà PP MX buono 5045 29/12 23.55 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP talk OM buono 7110 2/1 16.45 R. Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Amarico MX buono 9550 2/1 23.20 R. Boa Vontade - Porto Alegre PP

predica buono 9765 31/12 11.00 R. New Zeland Int. - Wellington EE Happy New Year and S/OFF buono 11780 2/1 23.40 R. Nac. Amazonas - Brasilia PP MX buono Captaciones de Carlos L. R de Goncalvez, desde Portugal ETHIOPIA 7165 R.Ethiopia, Geja Jawe, 1607-..., 26 Dec, English, talks, music, blocked by a jammer like noise signal for some mins. after 1629, then in the clear again, and aired the French prgr at 1700; 25332. This is usually worse than R.Ethiopia's home sce. on 7110. USA 7811usb AFN, Saddlebunch Keys FL, 2322-2338, 26 Dec, phone-ins in Market Place prgr with Money feature, interviews; 45332; \\ 5446.5 worse, 12133.5 not audible.

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. APARTADO QSL por Nicolas Eramo GRAN BRETAÑA 5680khz 14,03utc qso to Helicopter 125- KINLOSS RESCUE GFF, 16gg QSL-Letter and folder info v/s J WRIGHT Communication IT Manager For Officer Commanding- ARCC(Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre) Royal Air Force Kinloss Forres Morayshire IV36 3UH UK- e-mail: (Mauro Giroletti, Italia)

PIRATA R. Jan Van Gent 3932 KHz - con e-mail allegata in 10 giorni. (Roberto Pavanello, Italia) CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO por Gabriel Iván Barrera

*Todos los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). -PIRATAS *Norteamerica 6625U khz, Undercover Radio, 0028-0113*, 1 Enero, px en ingles, con el Dr Benway con un px de rock. (George Zeller, USA, en DXplorer)

6924.7 khz, AM, MAC, 1708-1731+, px en ingles con Ultra Man con un px de mx pop y viejos temas de TV, como por ejemplo, Los Locos Adams y Green Acres. Escuchadas varias ID y daban el email: para reportes. (George Zeller, USA, en DXplorer)

-CLANDESTINAS KURDISTAN 11530 khz, Denge Mezopotamia, (via Mykulaiv, Ucrania). 1320+, 24 Diciembre, px en kurdo, musica, ID's, cxs. (Giampiero Ber- nardini, I, en DX-Window 393)

SUDAN 11785 khz, Sudan Radio Service (via Meyerton, RSA), 1625+, 23 Diciembre, cxs sobre Darfur, mencionan QTH, mx africana, px en arabe y en otra lengua desconocida. (Giampiero Bernardini, I, en DX-Window 393)

ZIMBABWE 4880 khz, SW Radio Africa (via Meyerton, RSA), 1840+, 27 Diciembre, px en ingles dirigido a Zimbabwe, mx africana. (Giampiero Bernardini, I, en DX-Window 393) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SIN FRONTERAS por Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). NOTA: Salvo indicación en contrario, los esquemas seguidamente publicados corresponden al período B-09, vigente desde el 25/10/2009 al 28/03/2010:


Esquema de HCJB, La Voz de los Andes vía transmisores de CVC “LA Voz” en Santiago (Chile): HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 2300-2330 9835 Bajo Alemán 2330-2400 9835 Alto Alemán Nota: Reportada con excelente señal aquí en Sudamérica. QTH: HCJB, Apartado 17-17-691, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: Web: ESTADOS UNIDOS: La American Forces Radio and Television Service - Armed Forces Radio (AFRTS-AFN), opera en idioma inglés de acuerdo al siguiente esquema de emisiones: HORA UTC KHZ LOCACION 0400-1500 12579 Diego Garcia 0600-1800 6350 Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) 0800-2000 5765 Barrigada (Guam) 1500-0400 4319 Diego Garcia 1800-0600 10320 Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) 2000-0800 13362 Barrigada (Guam) 0000-2400 5446.5 Key West (USA) 0000-2400 7812.5 Key West (USA) 0000-2400 12134.5 Key West (USA) Nota: Todas las emisiones son en modo USB. QTH: AFRTS-AFN, American Forces Radio and TV Service (American Forces Network), Department of Defense, NMC Det AFRTS-DMC, 23755 Z Street, Bldg. 2730, Riverside, CA 92518-2017, USA. E-mail: NIGERIA: Completo esquema de Radio La Voz de Nigeria: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0455-0700 Inglés 15120 0700-0800 Francés 15120 0800-0900 Hausa 9690 0900-1000 Fulfulde 9690 1000-1500 Inglés 9690 1500-1530 Swahili 11770 1530-1600 Yoruba 9690 1600-1630 Igbo 9690 1630-1700 Arabe 15120

1700-2100 Inglés 15120 2100-2200 Francés 7255 2200-2300 Hausa 7255 QTH: Voice of Nigeria, Broadcasting House, Ikoyi, P.M.B. 40003, Falomo Post Office, Lagos, Nigeria. E-mail: Web: RUSIA:

La estación oficial, Radio Rossii, opera en idioma ruso con destino a Europa, de acuerdo al siguiente esquema: HORA UTC KHZ 0500-0800 9840 0825-1300 12075 1325-1600 7310 1625-2200 5905 QTH: Radio Rossii, 5-ya ul. Yamskogo polya 19/21, 125040 Moscú, Rusia. E-mail: Web: SWAZILANDIA: Esquema es idioma inglés de la emisora religiosa Trans World Radio Africa, desde su centro emisor ubicado en Manzini: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0300-0315 3200 6 0430-0500 3200 12345 0430-0500 4775 12345 0500-0600 3200 1234567 0500-0700 6120 1234567 0500-0800 4775 1234567 0500-0800 9500 1234567 0700-0800 6120 1234567 1425-1455 6025 12345 1525-1525 6025 67 1615-1630 6130 12345 1700-2030 3200 1234567 Días: (1) Lun, (2) Mar, (3) Mie, (4) Jue, (5) Vie, (6) Sab, (7) Dom. QTH: Trans World Radio Africa, P.O.Box 4232, 1620 Kempton Park, Sudáfrica. Web:

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. CONTACTO VHF por Arnaldo L. Slaen *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ARGENTINA Provincia de Santa Fe Si bien RADIO NACIONAL SANTA FE posee, desde los inicios, su espacio en la frecuencia modulada, ésta se utilizaba para retransmitir las ondas radiofónica en amplitud modulada. Luego de intensas gestiones se obtuvo, desde Buenos Aires, un equipo enlace que permite que la frecuencia modulada quede libre para transmitir una programación diferenciada de A.M. 540. El 5 de Octubre de 2001 quedó inaugurada oficialmente la F.M. 94.9 de Radio Nacional Santa Fe durante la dirección del Sr. Jorge Ricci. A partir de ese momento, por la frecuencia modulada se comenzó a transmitir LRA 1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires y durante el fin de semana, desde nuestro departamento artístico, se realizaba una programación especial con transmisiones grabadas de F.M. Folklórica, F.M. Supernova –actualmente, Faro-, Radio Clásica ( – emisoras de LRA 1- cuyas frecuencias no llegaban a nuestra zona). Cuando dejaron de emitirse estos programas por nuestra frecuencia modulada– muchos de ellos dejaron su espacio vacío en LRA 1 – volvió a retransmitirse la programación de Radio Nacional Buenos Aires. En la actualidad, por F.M. 94.9 el oyente puede disfrutar de la programación de LRA 1 en vivo durante los siete días de la semana. En abril de 2003, tras la catástrofe hídrica que asoló a nuestra ciudad y ciudades de nuestra provincia, Radio Nacional cedió su frecuencia modulada para, junto a Radio Club Santa Fe, trabajar por los afectados directa y/o indirectamente de la inundación. Así la música que programaban los operadores de la emisora se interrumpía con sugerencias, consejos preventivos, búsqueda de personas y pedidos especiales en la voz de los locutores de Radio Club. Durante este período la radio cumplió con uno de sus objetivos primordiales, el de prestar un servicio a la comunidad. Más tarde diferentes instituciones de la ciudad, la provincia y del gobierno nacional reconocían nuestro mancomunado esfuerzo y el de Radio Club en sendas notas de agradecimiento. Cuando de a poco la gente volvió a sus hogares, tomamos conciencia de que “nuestro trabajo estaba concluido”. De esta manera, LRA 1 volvía a sonar en nuestra Frecuencia Modulada 94.9 (de la página web de la emisora) ESPAÑA El nuevo año supondrá un drástico cambio en la industria televisiva española. La televisión que actualmente conocemos se apaga para volver a encenderse totalmente renovada. Cierto es que las fusiones entre operadores –Antena 3 y La Sexta; y Telecinco y Cuatro– no esperaron y se oficializaron hace una semana, pero en los próximos meses deben cerrarse definitivamente todos los detalles. Rivalizando en importancia asoma ya por la esquina el apagón analógico del próximo 3 de abril. Los españoles sólo podremos ver la televisión digital terrestre (TDT), que permite una mayor oferta de canales –en torno a los 40– y una mejor

calidad de imagen. También conllevará una fragmentación de la audiencia y ofrece opciones tan interesantes como la alta definición (HD) o el pago. Todo sin olvidar que desde el 1 de enero TVE no podrá emitir publicidad. Habrá que ver cómo se comparta la audiencia y el mercado publicitario ante esta histórica situación. Afrontamos un año decisivo para la industria audiovisual. Por esta razón, ha querido que los directivos de las principales cadenas aporten su visión y su punto de vista sobre algunos de estos asuntos. Responden cuatro consejeros delegados –Silvio González (Antena 3), Paolo Vasile (Telecinco), José Miguel Contreras (La Sexta) y Jaime Gutiérrez Colomer (Veo7)–, una directora de contenidos –Elena Sánchez (Cuatro)– y el director de TVE, Javier Pons. Hay consenso en algunos aspectos: las fusiones eran necesarias; la TDT de pago es más viable que la HD; tras el apagón, el prime time se ganará con un 15% de cuota de pantalla; y que, aunque depende de su línea editorial, TVE ganará audiencia sin emitir publicidad. Preguntas 1. ¿Cómo van a afectar las fusiones entre operadores al panorama televisivo? 2. ¿Qué es más viable llevar a cabo antes: la alta definición (HD) o la TDT de pago? 3. ¿Con qué cuota de pantalla se ganará el 'prime time' tras el apagón analógico? 4. ¿Qué 'share' medio mínimo garantiza la subsistencia de una cadena en la TDT? 5. Ordenador, televisor y móvil. ¿Cuál debe ser la relación entre las tres pantallas? 6. TVE sin publicidad, ¿perderá o ganará audiencia? Pons (TVE): 'Sin duda, TVE ganará audiencia sin publicidad' 1.Indudablemente las fusiones entre operadores que ya se han producido son un factor casi o más importante, sin duda, que el encendido digital. La concentración de operadores tendrá consecuencias directas y concretas en el mercado publicitario y el sector de la produccion audiovisual. 2.TVE no tiene televisión de pago, no obstante, esta modalidad será más viable por una cuestión tecnológica. Ya hay parque para la TDT de pago y desgraciadamente e incomprensiblemente no hay parque industrial para la HD. Esto, según mi opinión, no quiere decir que se debería impulsar y privilegiar la HD. TVE sí lo va a hacer lanzando un canal en alta definición en abril. 3.Con una cuota de pantalla mucho menor que la actual, ya que la oferta será mucho mayor que la de hoy en día y habrá una clara fragmentación de la audiencia. Pero parece claro que lograr una cuota de pantalla en torno al 15% será una proeza. 4.No tiene respuesta sencilla. Depende de diversos e importantes factores como, por ejemplo, la estructura empresarial y del plan operativo de la cadena en cuestión. 5. La relación entre la televisión, el ordenador y el móvil debe ser inmejorable. Se entienden y cada vez se van a ir entendiendo mejor. Hoy ya podemos ver la televisión a través de la consola y podemos consultar, por ejemplo, las últimas noticias en nuestro teléfono móvil. 6.Estoy convencido de que Televisión Española ganará audiencia sin publicidad. Sin duda. González (Antena 3): 'Las fusiones aseguran el futuro del sistema' 1.El sistema televisivo español tiene desde hace unos años un exceso de operadores que pone en riesgo la rentabilidad del sector y hace inevitable un proceso de concentración. Por ello, el primer y más relevante efecto del proceso de concentración será precisamente el de asegurar el futuro del sistema en su conjunto. 2.La realidad es que la TDT de pago cuenta ya con un operador activo en el mercado, mientras que la alta definición, que tendrá sin duda un gran desarrollo en nuestro país, deberá resolver aún ciertas barreras de naturaleza tecnológica y administrativa para su implantación definitiva .

3.El nuevo entorno competitivo no cambiará las reglas. Lo que es indudable es que la televisión comercial en abierto continuará siendo la única con capacidad real para crear eventos de gran relevancia social y alcanzar las mejores coberturas. 4.En un entorno multicanal caben diferentes formas de hacer televisión y, en la mayoría de los casos, su rentabilidad no dependerá tanto del share como hasta ahora. Por debajo de cierto umbral (de 0,5 a 1 punto de share) será complicado subsistir. 5.La aparición de nuevas plataformas tecnológicas, que permiten distribuir contenidos audiovisuales, ha cambiado radicalmente la cadena de valor, poniendo el foco en los contenidos. Ya no se puede considerar al televisor como único receptor de contenidos audiovisuales. 6.De forma inmediata provocará una subida de audiencia, aunque este efecto a corto plazo ya no tendrá un carácter crítico para las privadas, ya que dicho repunte carecerá de incidencia alguna en el mercado publicitario. Sánchez (Cuatro): 'Lo importante es triunfar con el contenido' 1.La situación del sector, la crisis y el cambio en los consumos han hecho que las fusiones sean inevitables. Las empresas de televisión deben ser fuertes económicamente para poder producir contenidos de alto nivel. Las antenas no se van a reducir. No hay que temer la concentración: hay que desear que las compañías y sus profesionales den la talla en estos tiempos delicados para atraer a los espectadores con una oferta variada y plural. 2.Ambas opciones son ya una realidad. Una –la TDT de pago– es un sistema de acceso condicional a contenidos como ya existen otros. La implantación no será fácil a no ser que tenga contenidos de alto interés y exclusivos. No supone un cambio de calidad. Sin embargo la otra –la HD– es una salto cualitativo enorme. Personalmente deseo que se imponga la HD lo antes posible para las cadenas generalistas. 3.Siempre habrá eventos, siempre habrá productos que sobresalgan y que sigan uniendo a muchos millones de personas, pero un 15% será una buena nota en el 2010. 4.Eso es muy variable. Depende mucho del modelo. Pero podríamos decir que la mejor expectativa la tienen los canales que se comercialicen junto a una gran cadena. 5.Lo de menos es la pantalla. Lo importante es triunfar con el contenido. Y que éste viva dónde, cuándo y cómo el usuario elija. El móvil es el gran cambio aún pendiente en cuanto a pantallas se refiere. Aunque en el MIT ya experimentan con una pantalla virtual que permite proyectar tus archivos digitales sobre la piel, sobre la pared, sobre... La pantalla es lo de menos. 6.De momento, la está ganando. Pero la publicidad es parte de nuestra cultura. Y podríamos intuir que, a la larga, no es bueno ir contra natura. Vasile (Telecinco): 'Crece la sinergia entre la televisión e internet' 1.Las fusiones garantizarán la subsistencia del sector, en riesgo tras la reciente creación de nuevas cadenas analógicas. La situación actual, con casi todas las televisiones en pérdidas o con un bajo margen de beneficios, no se hubiera podido sostener. Con las fusiones, sin embargo, se racionalizarán costes y el espectador saldrá beneficiado con una inversión más rica en contenidos. 2.Los dos sistemas plantean dificultades. La HD porque requiere demasiado ancho de banda y, de momento, es incompatible con la obligación de ofrecer cuatro canales por cada operador. En cuanto a la TDT de pago, la ley permite a cada cadena emitir sólo dos canales en esta modalidad, y a priori no parece interesante para el espectador. 3.Con TVE ya sin publicidad, y con un abanico tan amplio de oferta por TDT, más importante que el número será alcanzar el liderazgo de las teles comerciales. En un sistema multicanal, pesará más el dato medio de la programación de prime time del grupo de canales con el que cuenta cada operador.

4.Es difícil fijar un mínimo. En cada caso dependerá también de los costes asociados. 5.En cuanto al móvil, en ningún lugar del mundo se vislumbra todavía un camino cierto ni desde el modelo de negocio ni desde los contenidos. Sin embargo sí crece la sinergia entre televisión e internet. La creación de comunidades en torno a un programa supone un vehículo de promoción por un lado, y de implicación del espectador en sus espacios favoritos por otro. 6.Si continúa compitiendo con los mismos contenidos que pueden ofrecer las privadas, es probable que gane espectadores. Por el contrario, si se decide por un modelo de servicio público, podría perder. Contreras (La Sexta): 'En un año habrá seis canales de pago' 1.Las fusiones son consecuencia de la transformación del modelo tanto técnica como legislativamente. Era una necesidad más que una posibilidad. Hay que transformar la forma de operar el modelo televisivo. Nosotros fuimos pioneros en alabar las fusiones y defenderlas, y la nuestra es positiva a todas luces. 2.No hay duda: llegará antes el desarrollo de la TDT de pago. Ningún operador, excepto nosotros, ha apoyado la HD. Han preferido aumentar el número de canales y no su calidad y el Gobierno se ha dejado llevar por esa petición. Así, auguro que en un año habrá media docena de canales de pago. 3.Podemos hacernos una idea viendo los datos actuales de la TDT, porque ya se observa la fragmentación. Un 15% de share debería garantizar el liderato de la noche. Dependerá de la medida en que los grupos multimedia impulsen sus segundos y terceros canales que, la verdad, no creo que lo hagan mucho. 4.Hay que entender que habrá tres tipos de canales con planteamientos distintos. Sólo habrá dos o tres cadenas que lucharán por ese 15% –La 1, Antena 3 y Telecinco–. En un segundo nivel estarán canales como Cuatro y La Sexta, que se deben mover sobre el 8% para ser rentables. Luego, los de tercer nivel –neox, intereconomía...– están condenados a no tener mucha inversión. Todos los que no estén por encima del 1% tendrán difícil subsistir en el mercado. 5.Lo que era ciencia ficción, ahora es realidad. Las tres pantallas deben estrechar sus lazos. Quizá el móvil parezca lo más lejano, pero en cuanto se universalice la banda ancha en los terminales no habrá diferencias entre las pantallas. 6.Lo lógico es que gane, pero hay que ver si renuncia a contenidos como el cine americano para lograr audiencia. Y aún así, no creo que tenga problemas para seguir siendo líder. Colomer (Veo7): 'Con un 15% de 'share' se ganará el 'prime time' 1.No creo que el espectador note gran diferencia a la hora de sentarse delante del televisor, al menos al principio. Las fusiones ayudarán a reorganizar la industria, a racionalizarla y tendrán un efecto inmediato en la comercialización de la publicidad. Factores, todos ellos, buenos para la industria televisiva. 2.Sin duda alguna, la TDT de pago. La HD implica renovar otra vez todo el parque de decodificadores. Volver a empezar de cero. Por ello, será un proceso largo. La TDT de pago tiene con las tarjetas CAM –que se insertan directamente en el televisor– un elemento de portabilidad muy interesante. 3.Pienso que terminará ocurriendo algo similar a lo que sucede con el modelo americano y esa batalla por el prime time se ganará con un 10 o un 15% de cuota de pantalla. 4.Un 1% de cuota de pantalla sotenido con una buena oferta en prime time puede hacer una televisión viable, siempre que ese target sea comercialmente interesante. Una apreciación importante para lograr la rentabilidad. 5.Son dispositivos completamente convergentes. Pero para lograr que esa convergencia sea definitiva nos falta por ver un tablet ligero, con wifi y televisión incorporada. Ése es el futuro que garantiza la integración de las pantallas. Parece que Microsoft y Apple ya están trabajando en ello.

6.A igualdad de contenidos, la pública ganará sin duda. Otra cosa bien distinta será si su programación vira más hacia el puro servicio público, como en teoría se le exige.(El Mundo, España) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. UTILITARIAS por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). Satélite Simón Bolívar mostrará su poderío en telecomunicaciones en el 2010

.- El satélite venezolano Simón Bolívar mostrará su máximo poderío en telecomunicaciones, televisión, transmisión de datos e Internet durante el próximo año, luego de haber superado la fase de acoplamiento. Hasta ahora lo que el público ha podido apreciar es el funcionamiento de poco más del 10% de la capacidad del satélite, lo que se ha visto reflejado en servicios, como la transmisión de señales de las televisoras Telesur, Venezolana de Televisión, Televisora Venezolana Social y Vive TV; pero para el próximo año se desarrollarán planes en telefonía satelital, televisión directa a casa e Internet de banda ancha satelital, gracias a que el satélite entrará en pleno funcionamiento. Así lo dijo el coordinador de la Estación Terrena de Control del Satélite Simón Bolívar, José Rivero Váldez, quien explicó que este moderno sistema tecnológico le permitirá a Venezuela estar a la altura de las nuevas tecnologías para así garantizar el acceso de las zonas fronterizas y las poblaciones rurales a servicios de telecomunicación. “Nuestro satélite fue lanzado al espacio a finales del año pasado y desde entonces ha venido incrementado sus funciones de forma gradual, pero para el próximo año los venezolanos podremos recibir de forma directa las bondades de esta maravilla tecnológica que fue puesta en órbita gracias a la revolución bolivariana”, dijo. Comentó que los principales objetivos del satélite son garantizar la soberanía en el sector de las telecomunicaciones, fomentar la integración de Suramérica y el

Caribe, desarrollar la tecnología espacial e impulsar la teleeducación y la telemedicina. “De acuerdo con los lineamientos del presidente de la República, Hugo Chávez, el satélite debe ser utilizado con fines sociales y por eso hasta la fecha ya hemos instalado más de mil 600 antenas en los estados Delta Amacuro, Lara, Apure y Amazonas para llevar servicios a las comunidades rurales y fronterizas, como Internet, con fines educativos y médicos”, resaltó. El funcionario agregó además que gracias al convenio de transferencia tecnológica suscrito entre China y Venezuela, no sólo se construyó el satélite sino que se capacitó a 90 profesionales venezolanos en diferentes áreas, con el propósito de asegurar que el próximo satélite venezolano que entre a órbita sea construido y manejado por venezolanos. “Este convenio ha permitido la transferencia tecnológica y por ello hoy podemos decir con orgullo que Venezuela es uno de los pocos países de la región que cuenta con un satélite y con personal capacitado para manejarlo”, añadió. El Satélite Simón Bolívar cuenta con tres bandas (Banda C, Banda Ku y Banda Ka, gracias a lo cual se podrán ofrecer servicios como difusión de televisión, interconexión de centrales telefónicas, incremento de la cobertura celular, servicios de internet de banda ancha satelital, televisión digital satelital, telemedicina, teleeducación y servicio de conexión de alta velocidad. Aunque el tiempo de vida estimado de esta maravilla tecnológica es de 15 años, gracias al excelente manejo que le están dando los científicos venezolanos y Chinos, su vida podría extenderse a 16 años de vida útil. (tomado de Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. MISCELANEAS por Arnaldo Slaen *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA ESTA SEMANA La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) En el programa del día 10 de Enero de 2010 podrán escuchar una producción dedicada a La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en

Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen EL DIEXISMO (Por Sergio doria Partamian) DEXISTAS (DXers), RÁDIO ESCUTAS, RADIOAMADORES, OUVINTES DE ONDAS CURTAS E MONITORES DE EMISSORAS INTERNACIONAIS. QUAIS AS DIFENÇAS? Sergio Dória Partamian 2/11/2009 No presente artigo, de forma sintética, estarei procurando passar aos colegas alguns conceitos sobre o que é dexismo, delimitando seu segmento de atuação frente a outras atividades ligadas ao rádio. 1 – Radio Escutas ou Ouvintes de Rádio. Na categoria genérica e imprecisa de “Rádio Escutas” podem estar enquadradas todas e quaisquer pessoas que ouçam o rádio: o ouvinte de uma emissora local, o empregado de uma estação que tem por tarefa ouvir as concorrentes, o monitor de radio internacional, o Radioamador (quando escuta seu rádio), o promotor de testes de equipamentos de rádio e antenas, o Dexista e até mesmo aqueles que se dedicam a ouvir sinais de rádio provenientes de fontes tão exóticas como dos morcegos(!). Ou seja, o “rádio escuta” é o ouvinte de rádio em sentido amplo, tal como o termo em si mesmo sugere. No Brasil, para as emissoras de radiodifusão, “radio escuta” tinha um sentido mais específico: servia para designar um compartimento da estação, uma “Sala de Radio Escuta” onde um estagiário ou funcionário em início de carreira, acompanhava através do rádio os resultados dos jogos internacionais, as noticias pelas grandes emissoras de Ondas Curtas ou até mesmo ouvia estações concorrentes em busca de informações; isso num tempo em que a telefonia não funcionava a contento, era cara e não havia ainda a Internet. Atualmente, nas “Salas de Radio Escuta” sobreviventes, os receptores foram desativados e substuidos pela Internet. Provavelmente os serviços de “escuta de rádio” ainda sobrevivam nas grandes agências de inteligência e nas emissoras internacionais de porte - tipo BBC Monitoring Service – e se destinam à coleta de informações provenientes de regiões do mundo que estejam em conflito onde, por ventura, os outros meios de comunicação possam estar comprometidos. 2- Radioamadorismo e radioamador O radioamadorismo é um hobby de caráter científico. O radioamador procura manter em funcionamento uma estação de radiocomunicação para comunicados, contestes ou conversas informais em diferentes modos de transmissão entre eles a telegrafia ou CW, AM, SSB-USB/LSB, FM, FSK para os modos digitais: SSTV, RTTY, Packet (Acesso via internet+software+radio) e operação via satélite. Para se ter uma estação de radioamador, é necessário que seu praticante estude legislação, detenha conhecimentos científicos (pelo menos os fundamentos) de eletricidade e eletrônica; para comunicados de longa distância (DX), conhecimentos de Geografia e Astronomia entre outros. Existem restrições a operação do serviço de radioamadores, as freqüências são delimitadas pelos organismos oficiais de comunicação de cada país seguindo os padrões mundiais da UIT (União Internacional de Telecomunicações). Para ser um radioamador, é necessária a obtenção de licença de operação junto ao órgão público responsável pelas Comunicações de seu país, a permissão é concedida

mediante avaliação técnica que, dependendo faixa de operação ou modo de transmissão pretendida, pode ser de menor ou maior dificuldade. 3 –Os Ouvintes de Ondas Curtas ( Shorwave listeners (SWLs). Tem por hobby sintonizar estações de radiodifusão que transmitem nas freqüências de Ondas Curtas, compreendidas entre 1700 kHz (logo acima das Ondas Médias) até 30 mHz, que corresponde ao limite máximo de cobertura da maioria dos receptores de Ondas Curtas. Geralmente procuram ouvir emissoras de todo o mundo tendo por motivação principal o interesse na programação, de forma a que possam acompanhar notícias, esportes, ouvir músicas e adquirir cultura geral. Gostam de participar dos concursos promovidos por pelas emissoras, onde concorrem aos brindes por elas ofertados. Outros têm como hobby colecionar confirmações de recepção das emissoras (por escrito ou na forma de Cartão QSL). Muitos desses ouvintes de Ondas Curtas que colecionam QSLs, na medida em que buscam obter confirmações de estações de mais difícil captação, acabam por tornarem-se dexistas. 5 –O Monitor de Radio Internacional. São ouvintes de Ondas Curtas (Shortwave Listeners) que prestam serviços, remunerados ou não, as emissoras internacionais. Seus serviços consistem no auxilio os engenheiros das estações através do monitorando de freqüências em horários indicados pelos Departamentos Técnicos. Enviando regularmente informações sobre as condições de recepção da emissora em sua região, os monitores ajudam os engenheiros na seleção de freqüências e contribuem para que as transmissões internacionais cheguem aos demais ouvintes com a melhor qualidade possível. 6 - Dexismo e Dexistas (DXers). A palavra “DX” originalmente significa distância, distante. Diferentemente do radioamadorismo - onde termo é utilizado para definir contato (bi-lateral ou multilateral) a longas distâncias - para aqueles usam seus receptores com objetivo único de caçar e ouvir sinais distantes e difíceis (não estabelecendo, portanto, nenhum tipo de contato pelo meio rádio) a significante DX tem contornos próprios e até diferenciados, sem que sua essência de “distância, distante” tenha sofrido alterações. Assim, a letra “D” significa distância e a letra “X” significa desconhecida, incógnita; sendo o Dexismo assim definido: Dexismo: hobby de se escutar transmissões de sinais longínquos, provenientes de regiões distantes (milhares de quilômetros), fora das áreas de cobertura projetadas pelas emissoras e preferencialmente de potências reduzidas. Os Dexistas são os caçadores destes sinais. Majoritariamente se concentram na busca de emissoras de radiodifusão oficial seja em Ondas Médias, Ondas Curtas, Freqüência Modulada ou Televisão destinadas ao público em geral, havendo também outro considerável contingente deles que buscam emissoras clandestinas, piratas, radioamadoristicas, ou utilitárias prestadoras de serviços com as mesmas características. Em outras palavras, o dexismo é o hobby de se caçar sinais de rádio que em condições normais não poderiam ser ouvidos em sua região, sem a experiência, a paciência, a perseverança e as técnicas de seu praticante: o dexista. Nessa perspectiva, podemos dizer que diferentemente do Shortwave Listener (SWL), que tem na programação da emissora sua motivação principal, para o Dexista os programas são de interesse secundário, visto que seu foco está concentrado em vencer o desafio de caçar e ouvir uma emissora de difícil captação.

6.1 O Dexismo e os Serviços Internacionais. A audição de Serviços Internacionais destinados à região do ouvinte (Continente ou Sub-Continente) não é considerada DX, porque as transmissões fazem parte da área da cobertura projetada pelos engenheiros das emissoras que, antecipadamente programaram os horários, as freqüências de operação, as antenas e os transmissores - geralmente de grande potência - para este fim. Neste caso, o mérito maior de se ouvir estes serviços deve ser creditado aos engenheiros e técnicos das emissoras que, como profissionais que atuam nos bastidores, nem sempre recebem o devido reconhecimento por seu trabalho. A audição de serviços internacionais, fora das áreas de cobertura projetadas pelas estações (Continente ou Subcontinente), pode ser considerada DX. 6.2 - O Dexismo e as estações regionais e/ou locais. Ouvir estações regionais, estando elas fora das áreas de cobertura projetadas pelas emissoras é considerado DX. A título de exemplo, examinemos o seguinte caso: ouvir no Brasil, em 4790 kHz (Ondas Curtas) as transmissões locais da Radio Vision de Chiclayo do “visinho” Peru é DX, ao passo que ouvir o serviço para o exterior da Rádio Internacional da China da “distante” China, numa transmissão dirigida a América do Sul, não é DX. Agora, caso ouçamos na América do Sul, da mesma China, uma transmissão local da estação regional Radio PBS Xinjiang em 3950 kHz estaremos realizando um DX. 6.3 - Dexismo dentro de um mesmo país. São consideradas DX audições efetuadas fora da área de cobertura e provenientes do exterior, no entanto em países de dimensões continentais como o Brasil, podemos também classificar como DX algumas escutas de estações regionais distantes em Ondas Curtas, Ondas Médias e Freqüência Modulada (FM). Entretanto, por prudência, seria interessante não cairmos na tentação de generalizarmos o conceito, sob o risco de estarmos banalizando o dexismo. Ouvir uma estação em Ondas Curtas de sua região, Ondas Médias ou FM da cidade vizinha não costuma a ser DX, até porque as estações, por menores que sejam, procuram cobrir as cidades circunvizinhas. 6.4- Dexistas e Radioamadores. Os dexistas não devem ser confundidos com radioamadores, eles não transmitem nenhum sinal eletromagnético e, conseqüentemente, não necessitam de nenhuma licença. Do dexista não são exigidos conhecimentos de eletrônica, tecnologias de rádio nem de telegrafia (a menos que ele se dedique a essa da modalidade), se bem que tais saberes certamente, poderiam ser-lhe de grande valia. Não quero dizer com isso que um radioamador não possa tornar-se num dexista. O radioamador - que de antemão, já dispõe de conhecimentos técnicos sobre transmissores, receptores, antenas a certa experiência nos contatos de longa distância desenvolvidos na prática de seu hobby - tem grandes chances de transformar-se num bom dexista. Isto pode acontecer caso ele venha a se interessar em desenvolver uma dose a mais de paciência, de perseverança e de técnicas arrojadas de recepção para caçar, ouvir e decifrar os sinais débeis, muitas vezes em idiomas exóticos, provenientes de emissoras longínquas em transmissões não dirigidas a sua área de recepção. Da mesma maneira, um dexista pode transforma-se um bom radioamador, caso tenha o interesse em transmitir, se

prepare tecnicamente e se submeta às avaliações previstas pelos órgãos de comunicação de seu país. 3.4 – “Dexismo” e “Radioescuta” não são sinônimos. O dexismo é o hobby de se caçar sinais de rádio que em condições normais não poderiam ser ouvidos numa determinada região; aqueles sinais que somente seriam possíveis de se ouvir através da experiência, da paciência, da perseverança e das técnicas de um dexista. Todo e qualquer ouvinte de rádio, ou radioamador pode tornar-se um Dexista, entretanto diluir ou rotular o hobby como “prática da radio escuta” além de revelar desconhecimento sobre assunto, corresponde a uma grosseira e perigosa simplificação que descaracteriza a prática do dexista, induz os novos praticantes ao erro e, no extremo, pode conduzir o hobby ao esquecimento e sua conseqüente desaparição. Pelo momento, seriam essas minhas considerações sobre o assunto. Espero de alguma maneira ter contribuído para dirimir algumas das dúvidas que ainda pairavam sobre o tema. Esclareço que não foi meu objetivo o estabelecimento de hierarquizações, mas sim o de colocar em evidência as diferenças de cada modalidade, respeitando suas especificidads e identidades. Para quem quiser saber mais sobre dexismo, recomendo que na Internet visitem o site do “DXinfo” e procurem o artigo denominado “Introdução ao Dexismo” (em inglês) do renomado dexista finlandês Mika Mäkeläinen que pode ser encontrado em . O autor é formado em História e membro do DX Clube do Brasil. ESPAÑA/AFGHANISTAN La nueva emisora FM, con una cobertura de unos 50 km, mejora la comunicación de los soldados españoles, permite realizar una programación propia y recibir y enviar emisiones vía satélite. Una entrevista en directo a Chacón en el programa "En días como hoy" inauguró las transmisiones desde Afganistán. Los soldados españoles desplazados en la base de Qal-i-Nao (Afganistán) cuentan desde este lunes con una nueva herramienta de comunicación. Radio Nacional de España ha donado al Ejército una emisora FM, que se ha estrenado con la emisión en vivo de “En días como hoy” desde el país asiático. Allí ha charlado en directo, para todos los oyentes de la radio pública, la ministra de Defensa, Carme Chacón, con Paco Medina, director de Informativos de RNE, y Laura Madrid, una de las editoras del matinal. RNE ha entregado este lunes, 28 de diciembre, una emisora de frecuencia modulada (FM) al Ejército español en la base afgana de Qal-i-Nao. La ministra de Defensa, Carme Chacón, ha recibido en Afganistán a la expedición de Radio Nacional de España que ha viajado para la entrega y la instalación del material tecnológico. Paco Medina, director de los Servicios Informativos de la radio pública, ha sido el encargado de entregar oficialmente el equipo a Chacón. También han ido dos profesionales técnicos de RNE; Emilio Andreu, especialista de Informativos de RNE en temas de Defensa y Seguridad; y Laura Madrid, editora de la primera parte del matinal “En días como hoy”. La nueva emisora española en el país asiático contribuirá a las labores de comunicación de nuestras Fuerzas Armadas. Las emisiones desde el nuevo poste de Qal-i-Nao cubren un radio de extensión cercano a los 50 kilómetros. Además de posibilitar la realización y la grabación de contenidos y mensajes propios para su difusión local, permite recibir y reenviar vía satélite la programación habitual de

RNE. Así, por ejemplo, podrá escucharse en Afganistán la emisión de Radio Exterior de España, la emisora de RNE en el exterior. El equipo aportado por Radio Nacional de España está compuesto por un transmisor de FM de 120 watios, con generador estéreo y modulador de reserva; un receptor de satélite; una antena (dipolo omnidireccional); y un cable de radiofrecuencia. La emisora se ha puesto en funcionamiento este lunes. Radio Nacional ha emitido desde la base militar de Qal-i-Nao una parte de “En días como hoy”. A primera hora de la mañana, Laura Madrid ha conducido el programa desde Afganistán durante aproximadamente media hora. Allí, junto a Paco Medina, han entrevistado en vivo a la ministra Chacón, que ha agradecido a la radio pública esta donación.(InfoPeriodistas) NICARAGUA Un canal de televisión y algunas radioemisoras nicaragüenses podrían cerrar operaciones en el 2010 a causa de la crisis, mientras que otras ya fueron absorbidas por un grupo vinculado supuestamente al gobernante Frente Sandinista (FSLN, izquierda), informó este jueves el gremio. "Algunos radiodifusores se han visto en condiciones económicas muy tristes y le han vendido sus emisoras al propietario del Canal 10, el mexicano Ángel González, quien tiene siete emisoras de radio", denunció el presidente de la Unión Nicaragüense de Radiodifusores (UNIR), Jesús Blandón, al Nuevo Diario. El magnate mexicano es propietario del grupo Radiotelevisión de Nicaragua S.A. (Ratensa), bajo cuya tutela operan Canal 10, las radioemisoras Tropicalida, Alfa, La Picosa y Joya, entre otras, de acuerdo a AFP. El mexicano también es socio del Canal 4 del FSLN, que dirige el hijo del presidente Daniel Ortega, Rafael Ortega, según reportes de prensa y denuncias del político opositor Jaime Arellano. "Al paso que vamos (el mexicano) Ángel González va a monopolizar todas las radios de Nicaragua en detrimento del pluralismo político y de la radiodifusión en Nicaragua", advirtió el presidente de UNIR. El hijo del mandatario controla, además de Canal 4, la oficialista Radio Ya, Radio Sandino, Radio Nicaragua de alcance nacional, Radio Viva FM y negocia -según El Nuevo Diario- la compra de Radio Mujer, una emisora que dirige una veterana militante sandinista. El presidente propietario de Telenica Canal 8, Carlos Briceño, por su parte confirmó recientemente que negocia la venta de su estación con grupos empresariales nicaragüenses y extranjeros. Briceño no quiso confirmar ni rechazar versiones de prensa que aseguran que entre los interesados por el Canal -que se destacaba por ser uno de los menos parciales del país- figura una de las empresas ALBA, de capital venezolano, vinculada a la familia presidencial.(El Universal) CONCURSO DE RADIO ESLOVAQUIA INT. Estamos preparando el concurso: Maravillas de Eslovaquia, en el que les presentaremos monumentos únicos, colecciones, fenómenos naturales, y la herenda de nuestros antepasados. Valiosos premios en cada ronda. Premio principal, una estancia en Eslovaquia. Que va desde Octubre 2009 a Julio del 2010. URL: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (Publicado por Yimber Gaviria Blog 9/27/2009 05:53:00 PM)

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a: CONEXION DIGITAL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. LA PROPAGACION por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF Para recibir la tabla de propagacion, visite: Puede participar de la misma enviando mensajes a: Valores de SSN y Flujo solar pronosticados: Año Mes Pronostico 2010 01 76.3 2010 02 78.1 2010 03 80.0 2010 04 81.8 2010 05 83.8 2010 06 85.8 2010 07 88.0 2010 08 90.2 2010 09 92.7 MEDICIONES Y PRONOSTICOS Ene Flux Indice A Indice K 10 80 05 02 11 82 05 02 12 84 05 02 13 84 05 02 14 84 05 02 15 82 05 02 16 82 05 02 17 78 05 02 18 76 05 02 19 78 05 02 20 78 05 02

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH by Victor Castaño NEWS BY YIMBER GAVIRIA, COLOMBIA SRI LANKA Five years ago, in the immediate aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, amateur radio helped revive emergency communications with some of the worst affected locations. The decades old practice was hailed as the ‘low tech’ miracle that literally helped save lives. Where electricity and telephone services — both fixed and mobile — had been knocked down, amateur radio enthusiasts (or ‘radio hams’) restored the first communication links. They were at the forefront of relief efforts, for example, in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India, and in Hambantota in southern Sri Lanka. When all else fails, shortwave persists… Within hours of the tsunami, a short wave radio link was establishedbetween the disaster management operation at the Prime Minister’s office in the capital Colombo and government offices in the stricken south.

“We went in because the District Secretaries office only had a satellite phone and communications was difficult,” recalled Victor Goonetilleke, then President of the Radio Society of Sri Lanka (RSSL). The service was discontinued when other disrupted communications networks resumed. As he later summed up: “When all else is dead, short wave is alive.” Goonetilleke, one of the island’s best known radio hams (call sign: 4S7VK),reported at the time that “uncomplicated shortwave” radio saved the day. And it was accomplished by unpaid radio enthusiasts using nothing more than basic equipment and determination. The only cost to the state was providing food for volunteers operating round the clock. Sir Arthur C Clarke, inventor of the communications satellite and long time resident of Sri Lanka, wrote in Wired magazine: “We might never know how many lives they saved and how many minds they put at ease, but we owe a debt to Marconi’s faithful followers.” Now, fast forward five years to the present. Notwithstanding their celebrated role after the tsunami, radio hams have been sidelined in Sri Lanka. Their very hobby is being frowned upon by the state on the grounds of…national security. “As the applause died away, everything was forgotten,” Victor Goonetilleke recalled last week in an email interview. The only recognition in Sri Lanka was ‘a very appreciative letter’ from President Mahinda Rajapakse, who as Prime Minister at the time spearheaded the governmental response to the tsunami. Victor Goonetilleke, a radio ham since 1966 Encouragingly, however, the Radio Society received awards and accolades from Europe, Japan and India for their post-Tsunami work. In the months following the mega-disaster, Sri Lanka passed a new disaster law and set up a new public institution mandated to coordinate disaster risk reduction and emergency responses. “We have made presentations and participated in every disaster management seminar, but no follow up has taken place despite standing ovations at such seminars/meetings,” says a dejected Goonetilleke, who is currently secretary and disaster operations manager of the Radio Society. The provisions for involving radio hams already exist. A disaster mitigation plan by the Telecom Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) some years ago listed the integration of amateurs in disaster recovery action. Looking back, it seems like the public-spirited radio hams were given their 15 minutes of fame and then soundly ignored. Worse, the short-lived prominence may have attracted new bureaucratic hurdles. For example, disaster communication equipment donated by foreign amateur radio groups was held up for two years pending clearance from the Customs and Ministry of Defence. These were released only after the ‘direct intervention’ of the Secretary to the President, says Goonetilleke. The reason for such official hesitation was probably the long-drawn civil war in Sri Lanka, which intensified in 2006. Now, more than six months after the war ended in May 2009, the ‘temporary’ restrictions have not been lifted. Radio hams are both puzzled and frustrated by this. “This is the irony,” says Goonetilleke. “Amateur Radio assisted and offered help — unasked — at tsunami time, and during the 30 year war, helped the security forces in many ways at a crucial time when our forces were caught unprepared and inadequately unequipped.” He is emphatic that during the entire war, no amateur radio enthusiast was ever involved any violation. “Even their equipment, however meagre, (was) never robbed by terrorists.” One reason for this bureaucratic negativity may be simple ignorance of what amateur radio really is — reflecting the disturbingly low levels of media literacy in Sri Lanka.

In fact, ‘Marconi’s faithful followers’ have been indulging in their serious hobby for a full century. It relies on short waves, in the frequency range of 3,000 to 30,000 kHz, or 3 to 30 MHz. These waves propagate by bouncing off the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, thus travelling long distances. Today, an estimated six million worldwide engage in this pursuit for recreation, self-training or public service. It requires considerable knowledge, skill and time — the term “amateur” merely implies they are not in it for making money. It’s used in the same sense as an amateur athlete. Radio hams use various transmission modes, including the Morse code, radioteletype, data and voice. Around the world, radio hams are licensed to operate two-way communications equipment using radio frequencies set aside for this purpose. This allocation is done nationally by telecommunications regulators (TRCSL in Sri Lanka) and globally by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Amateur radio is not to be confused with community radio, a localised method of broadcasting mostly using the FM band of the spectrum. In this era of advanced communications systems, amateur radio remains an important part of emergency communications after disasters. Recent examples include terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre twin towers in New York September 2001, Hurricane Katarina in New Orleans in August 2005, and China’s Sichuan earthquake in May 2008. One main reason for this appeal is its amazing simplicity: radio hams can mobilise quickly, improvising on antennas and power sources. Most of their equipment can be powered by a car battery. Even when batteries drain too low for voice, the last bit of power can support exchanges in the Morse code. Perhaps the low tech, low key nature of amateur radio contributes to its image problem. The proven technology has few champions among development donors or humanitarian relief agencies. Most radio hams are too busy with their hobby in their spare time to do much ‘marketing’ for their pursuit. Goonetilleke feels amateur radio is ‘worse off than ever’ since the Radio Society was established in 1950. The non-profit-making group now has 210 members, of whom 120 are amateur radio license holders. He laments: “Today…the service is treated as a threat or hindrance by the defence authorities, not granting clearance for equipment (or) new licences for those who have passed.” Other constraints include the high cost of equipment compounded by high customs duties and other tariffs. But even if these can be overcome with the generous support of foreign amateur radio clubs, security clearance remains a big challenge. The amateur radio community in Sri Lanka is also not attracting enough young blood to keep it going, partly because obtaining an amateur radio license is a tedious process. There is also the appeal of newer, flashier technologies such as Internet, mobile phones and video games. Radio hams keep springing to action in times of distress. But who will respond when amateur radio itself sends out an SOS? Science writer Nalaka Gunawardene studies how communications technologies impact society, and has been calling for enhanced media literacy in Sri Lanka. He blogs at Source:’s-afraid-of-amateur-radio-tsunami’s-heroic-technology-has-few-backers-in-sri-lanka/ Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

LOGS AND INFORMATIONS BY GLENN HAUSER FROM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ** ARGENTINA. In the Paraná DX Clube group, Luiz Chaine Neto in São Paulo raises the question, why did RAE take its 25 and 19m band transmitters off the air? Maybe Gabriel Iván Barrera knows. As a matter of fact, this reminds me that I have not heard any trace of RAE on 11711v or 15345v for some weeks. These were very old transmitters, so perhaps have finally died (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1493, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. CNR1 echo jamming running on both 6030 and 6040, Dec 30 at 1303, but different victims underneath. What`s trying to go on here? Aoki shows 6030 at 13-14 with Ming Hui Radio, 100 kW, 325 degrees from Tanshui, Taiwan, altho that was an A-09 schedule, and *jammed. CNR1 is also scheduled on 6030 from the Beijing 572 site, 1955-0600 & 0900-1735, but the ChiCom ruin their own broadcast in order to drive away listeners to Ming Hui; CNR1 has countless other frequencies so this one is certainly expendable. What`s Ming Hui? WRTH 2010 classifies it as clandestine/target, on page 497, as Falun Gong-affiliated, a sister station to Sound of Hope, HQ in New York, 24h a day via satellite, but only this one hour on SW. On 6040, the offender is VOA in Chinese, 13-14, 250 kW, 30 degrees via THAILAND. In this case, CNR1 is not even pretending to have a legitimate broadcast on the frequency; like a spoiled child, yelling so that he cannot hear what anyone is trying to tell him for his own good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Some frequencies missing Dec 30 at 1520: no RHC 6110, which was good news for Yucatán 6104.7, see MEXICO; and no Rebelde on 5025, which despite the late hour this time of year should have been at least detectable, good news for China/Malaysia 5030, see UNIDENTIFIED. RHC was still going e.g. on 11760, 11800, so only a partial power failure, or antenna/transmitter work at one of the sites? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 6050, no doubt HCJB the station in Spanish, Dec 30 at 1301, preaching about praying, and hetting always-off-frequency Asian on lo side, no doubt Malaysia. Terry Krueger, FL says HCJB was missing Dec 27, but we hear it back today. Surely this is via the replacement Pichincha site for some time now, but it would be nice to know exactly when the Pifo transmitter left the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS [and non]. 3250, Dec 30 at 1255 in Spanish giving phone numbers, then Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo wishes from businesses, no doubt R. Luz y Vida; and with fast SAH of some 15 Hz, no doubt P`yongyang, which was also audible on 2850, 3320 plus the higher jammers; see KOREA NORTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. Third day in a row with no sign of a signal from VOI on 9526v, Dec 30 at various chex between 1300 and 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH. Juche jammer check Dec 30 at 1256: 3985, noise mixing with Korean; 3480, just jamming, tone-modulated pulses. However, on 4450 music and then assertive Korean talk, no jamming; 4557 just open carrier vs CODAR. Just before that, had detected NK broadcasters on 2850, 3250, 3320 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 6104.7, XEQM, Mérida, Dec 30 at 1308, YL in Spanish, vs splash from Cuba 6110 and also squeezed by weaker 6100 signal. No het but confirmed off-frequency by comparing to 15105.0. At 1520 Cuba was off 6110, and 6104.7 detectable, but now a het from something on 6105.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Re my previous questions about RNW`s Arabic service via RWANDA on 9895 at 2200-2257 --- Andy Sennitt explains that they currently have funding for programming only M-F, but it costs no more to stay on the air Sat & Sun too, thus the music fill. Calling it ``Huna Amsterdam`` was a pragmatic decision since more Arabs would recognize Amsterdam than Hilversum --- and RN did even have an English program, ``Amsterdam Forum`` which was mostly recorded in Hilversum. I still think it`s a shame that Holland`s historic radio city is so self-deprecating, suburbanly abandoning its legacy to the metropolis (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1493, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. If up early enough, North Americans can hear RRI in English in our mornings: Dec 30 at 1244 an historical talk about the Securitate (Communist-era secret police), and 1245 on to another historical subject, a royal palace. Ran across it first on 11970, where it was the best if not the only signal making it from Europe on the band, and then also on weaker 15105, the two frequencies aimed UK- and US-ward at 12-13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Still QRXing for the first appearance of WTWW, Lebanon TN: owner/operator/engineer George McClintock told me Dec 29 that the ex-KAIJ transmitter had to be kept in storage longer than expected so some things deteriorated, still requiring repair or replacement, such as rubber parts, beryllium springs holding tubes, etc., so not likely to start this year. Also, despite what Pastor Pete Peters may think and be publicizing, no final commitment on programming has been made, which in any event will only follow after a period of testing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Boldly looking for Radio Symban, 2368.5, tho there were only very weak carriers from the 100 kW 120m Aussies, Dec 30 at 1249, I was hearing instead a beacon with nothing but A2 ID over and over, ``LSA`` --- a beacon on 120m? Could it be an harmonic? Yes! Searching on that call at we find LSA is in Lamesa TX, on 338 kHz, and SEVEN x 338 = 2366. It had been hard to pin down the exact frequency as it was beating against another (?) carrier producing negative keying, i.e. a tone when there should be silence. Lamesa is S of Lubbock on the way to Midessa, due east of Hobbs NM. It really helps to tune 120m with BFO on, more effective against the noise level, and also upturning signals like this otherwise missed, not a bad substitute for Symban, but also could bloQRM it elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WRMI observations on 9955, Dec 30: at 1239 preacher in English, good signal, no jamming audible. Seems it usually starts just before 1300 when Radio Cuba Libre used to air. Wavescan had been scheduled at 1230 Wednesdays, but apparently not today unless I caught them in a devotional break. Pulse rather than wall jamming was still going at 1542 vs something in Spanish, when DX Partyline was previously scheduled. At 1635, could barely detect new WORLD OF RADIO 1493 at its first airing, but no jamming audible. Apparently

WRMI is still not able to use its NW antenna during the 15-17 block (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. As I tuned by WYFR, 15210, Dec 30 at 1507, paused for a moment as an Open Forum caller told Mr. Camping, ``If 2011 comes and goes, you`ll be a basket-case`` (implying he is not already). But he replied with absolute certainty: ``May 21, 2011 will be the end of the Gospel --- it absolutely will happen!!`` We can hardly wait for the Rapture to get rid of all the wackos on earth, taking Family Radio with them. Trouble is, he has done this end-of-world date-predicting a few times before with embarrassing results, but ever-optimistic. 15785, Dec 30 at 1615, VG signal in Arabic, this one hour only, as scheduled northeastward from WYFR, despite being northwestward from O`bee. No sign of Galei Tsahal, ISRAEL on or near the frequency, and since it`s not in HFCC, the WYFR frequency manager might not have been aware of it, surely causing a collision in the target area. However, have not heard GZ at any time for quite a while on 19m, so is it inactive? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13570, Dec 30 at 1613 tuneby, the unmistakable monotone of convicted child-sex-offending evangelist Tony Alamo, good signal on WINB interfering with CODAR, now almost seven weeks since he was sentenced to 175 years in prison, inconsequential for this SW station of the scum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific MW carrier scan, Dec 30 from 1318 to 1332 UT, on the DX-398 inside, with AC power and built-in ferrite antenna only, hand-held aimed more or less NW, tuning in 9 kHz steps with BFO on which is slightly off-frequency producing a telltale het whenever there is a carrier, even a very weak one only 1 kHz from a 10-kHz channel: rearranged here in descending order, not exactly the order I was tuning: 1566, 1548, 1475, 1457, 1332, 1323, 1314, 1287, 1224, 1197, 1179, 1134, 1116, 1089, 1053, 1044, 1035, 972, 873, 828, 783, 774, 711, 693-, 666, 621, 612, 603, 594. None really strong enough to pull any audio here in deep North America, not even NHK 774, but the standouts are off-channel 1475 which must be Malaysia/Sabah, and 693 considerably off-frequency to the lo side, but I don`t find any leads on that. This just shows all the DX that is hiding between the big NAm signals; and every 90 kHz, no doubt also directly under them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5030, CNR1 as usual the best/only signal from Asia holding up late on 60m, Dec 30 at 1523, still at 1541, but also as always with rippling subaudible heterodyne from a co-channel station which never manages to overcome China. It was doing better than usual this time, with some music audible; and Rebelde`s absence from 5025 was a plus. We don`t see how the other 5030 station could be anything but Malaysia Sarawak, 10 kW nondirexional, as nothing else is listed or could possibly be propagating at this hour. It`s still a remarkable performance against the 100 kW Beijing transmitter aimed 37 degrees USward. If only the Beijing 572 site would ever go off the air --- or if only Sarawak would have the good sense to move to a clear frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5900, Dec 30 until 1306* open carrier, with a bit of hum/noise upon it. Per Aoki, most likely slow to turn off Pet/Kam transmitter scheduled with IBRA Radio True Light in Chinese at 12-13; altho another TRW client might be on 5900 via Novosibirsk until 1330 (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9790, very strong S9+22 and steady open carrier at 1607-1611:45* Dec 30. Only thing scheduled this hour is R. Liberty in Russian, due northeast from Wertachtal, but I bet it was Greenville with another warmup test on a frequency otherwise unused (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13800, Dec 30 at 1614 continuous tone test, fair signal. This had been R. Dabanga, for Sudan at 1530-1627 via Talata-Volondry, Madagascar, until the Xmas fire putting the relay station completely off the air. The Media Network blog updates on replacement transmissions show: Update 6: The following transmissions via Nauen have been added from 28 December: 1627-1727 UTC Press Now multilingual on 13800 kHz (250 kW) azimuth 325 degrees Update 8: TDF will carry a Press Now transmission from 29 December as follows: 1529-1557 UTC via Issoudun on 13800 kHz azimuth 143 degrees (replaces a 60-minute broadcast) So that leaves a semi-hour gap, but which site would be running the tone? Perhaps this is relevant, just updated on the MN blog: ``On 30 December, our Station Manager in Madagascar reported that the two Philips transmitters are in working order, and have been tested using generator power. Technicians are still working on restoring the mains supply and will finish tomorrow (31 December). A temporary schedule will then be put into effect on 1 January using these two Philips transmitters. ``The other two transmitters (one 250 kW and one 50 kW) are also thought to be OK, but still have to be tested at the weekend. New switches also have to be installed to connect these two transmitters to the antenna system. We hope to bring them back on the air in the course of next week. ``Tomorrow (31 December) I will publish details of the interim schedule which has been worked out for next week using two transmitters at Madagascar. In the meantime, the temporary arrangements are still valid`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, 1920 UT Dec 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** AUSTRALIA. 6020, noticed RA singing Auld Lang Syne [all of which get red-lined by the spellcheck, er spell check], a few minutes before 1400 UT Dec 31. But in Vic and NSW they imagined the new year started an hour earlier by setting their clox forward. Only in Queensland UT +10 was it properly almost midnight, so program originating there? 6020 soon went off, but then at 1406 was listening to RA on 7240, with IDs for ABC Local Radio, tribute to Paul Kelly to follow, originally on Triple-J, beware of occasional coarse language (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 6185, RNA at 0700 Dec 31 with full ID claiming 500,000 watts, and ``Bom Dia, Amazônia``. Apparently they are adding the 250 kW each on 6185, 11780. Blasting away XEPPM as usual, and RNA starts considerably before 0700, unnecessarily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. I keep hoping to hear CBW 990 in daylight now near solstice, even low noon, as it`s the closest full-power MW Canadian, due north. Especially since KTOK 1000 OKC has turned off IBOC leaving 990 more or less clear, but not quite yet: on the caradio Dec 30 at 2310 UT after CBC news, starting third hour of ``Up to

Speed``, evidently the local Winnipeg drive-time show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake Dec 31: at 1407, fair on 8400, nothing on 9000, 10210, 11300 or 11350. Almost at local noon, 1814 UT Dec 31, good signal in Chinese on 7445, // weaker 7415, these two by far the strongest stations on the 40m band. Both have R. Free Asia via TINIAN during this hour, and consequently jammed by the ChiCom. But I was hearing only one station on each frequency, no echoes either; unsure whether RFA or CNR1 jamming. RFA aims northwestward, while the jamming is usually atop, more likely non-direxional. Another Firedrake check at 1815: poor on 8400, 9000, 11300, but not on 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11600 with heavy DentroCuban Jamming Command noisewall, Dec 31 at 1821, no trace of a victim. Is there really something underneath, or are the Cubans super-paranoid? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. VOI apparently back on the air Dec 31 at 1411, as very weak carrier detectable on 9526.0, and could not make out any modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. This year we did not have any advance info on special New Year`s Eve NHKWNRJ transmissions; were there any? Unfortunately, it`s not normally on the air leading up to local midnight 1500 UT. Caught tail of 1400 English on 11705 via Canada, as they were concluding part 2 of 2, top Japanese songs of 2009, and off by 1430 Dec 31. 9535 is on in Japanese USward after 1500, but did not tune in this usual good direct signal until 1502 when it was mostly yak, 3-way discussion involving two genders, some excitement, but no obvious NY festivities (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 6075, Dec 31 at 1400, R. Rossii ID but instead of going off at this hour, kept going with newscast, no 8GAL audible. Must be on late because of NYE, tho 2010y already started there at 1200 UT in the UT +12 zone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675, good signal Dec 31 at 1818 talking about Iran, so first suspected that, but all the umlauting pointed to Turkish language. It is BSKSA service in that language at 18-21, 500 kW, 340 degrees from Riyadh, thence USward. No sign of BBC in French, 250 kW, 168 degrees from Rampisham toward Africa, also scheduled during this semihour only on 9675 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. 9725, R. Thailand, aimed SE from Udorn, but fairly good here to the NNE, Dec 31 at 1415 amid English semihour, item about Japan and Indonesia at the Institute of Peace and Democracy in Bali, spoken by YL with accent different than we hear from other Asians; music liner and 1417 into a 2-minute PSA by OM on the policy of the Thai government regarding VAT refunds. Enumerated lots of hoops to jump through, and I sure hope those tourists needing the info were recording or adept at shorthand. 1419 a pro-education PSA from ASEAN, ``ten nations --- one community``.

1420, weekly Thursday feature ``Health Focus`` on the medical benefits of bananas, such as in milkshakes vs heartburn; rub peels on mosquito bites, tnx to high potassium and magnesium content; reduce stroke risk by 40% per NZ Journal of Medicine; four times the protein of apples, and other good stuff, so make it ``a banana a day, keeps the doctor away``. Hmmm, does Thailand export bananas by any chance? Never see any here, but I couldn`t wait to munch a Guatemalan one for breakfast, congratulating myself on all the benefits I was ingesting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 9565 fair in SW Asian language, Dec 31 at 1455 vs lite DentroCuban jamming. Uplooked later in Aoki, it`s IBB`s Deewa Radio in Pashto, via Wertachtal, GERMANY at 75 degrees; haven`t noticed it before (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I am *still* hearing DRM noise on 9445-9450-9455, such as Dec 31 at 1817, even tho it is not on any schedule I can find: HFCC, Aoki, EiBi, and even which was supposedly updated just today. We can only assume this prolongs the test from IBB Greenville with HCJB assistance which started in August (?), altho not initially on these frequencies. I can`t find any recent reports of it in the DRM Software Radio Forums; are they even aware of it? And the last mention of this in the drmna yg was November 27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 11975, VOA English like a local signal, directly off the back from Greenville, report on malaria in Africa, Dec 31 at 1820, but gone after 1830. Unfortunately, GB uses 11975 only for this semihour, tho missing from Aoki probably because it started after B-09 season began. Per EiBi, VOA English on 11975 continues at 1830-1900 but via Thailand, so no wonder not audible here; and 1900-2100 back to Bonaire, whence well heard again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. While bandscanning on the caradio for TA carriers, also happened upon KKOB, 770, Albuquerque NM, Dec 30 at 2349 UT, with 39-degree temp, ad for NYE at a casino, some guy from Oklahoma subbing for regular local talkhost; he`s normally heard on KNML-610. Topic of the moment: ABQ`s DUI policy. Some noise from WBBM 780 IBOC. This is one of the best times to hear KKOB, after sunset here but before sunset there when they go extremely direxional westward. According to the FCC SR/SS table for KKOB coordinates: LSS in December is 5:00 pm MST = 0000 UT. In January they gain a quarter-hour until 0015 UT. Interesting that the *other* KKOB, the nondirexional 230 watt fill-in co-channel relay in Santa Fe, has a different sunset time in December of 4:45 pm: FCC classifies it as an ``experimental synchronous operation``. But I suppose they don`t turn it on until the primary transmitter goes direxional a quarter-hour later. Even so, at certain places between the two cities the signals interfere with each other, and I believe someone reported they are not precisely zero-beat as one would expect.

While we are there, we see that the sunrise times are 7:00 am MST in Dec, 7:15 in Jan, i.e. 1400 and 1415 UT for both cities, when we should also have a good chance eastward if we are not too far away. The KKOB ABQ night pattern is a classic two-tower broad cardioid with a deep null toward New York (and Enid, and less precisely, Santa Fe): (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Had lots of Trans-Pacific carriers on MW the morning of Dec 30, so also looked for Trans-Atlantic carriers in the evening, bandscanning from 2301 UT until 2349, but this time only on the 10-kHz-stepping caradio while driving around Enid or parked. Listened for hets of various pitches, once I heard that Saudi 1 kHz het on 1520 KOKC, which is quite strong here. The carriers, by interpolating hets between adjacent frequencies, etc., rearranged into descending order: 1521, 1476, 1431, 1269, 1251, 1215, 1179, 1089, 999, 909, 819, 729, 711, 621, 549. Notes: 1089 was especially strong. Probably Talksport, UK. 1215 produced a slightly different het against 1210 and 1220, i.e. off-frequency to the hi side. This points strongly to Albania, as in Mwoffsets, altho primary listing had it on the lo side as of 13 months ago: 1215 1214.933 ALB Radio Tirana/VOA/TWR Europe/CRI (Fllakë) [1214.27-1215.07 ] 0600-2300 2008-11-27 v strong drifter 711 was a double het, i.e. two stations off-frequency from each other. Morocco, 300 kW El-Aiun is a notorious variant, but 50 kW Libyan also varies, and there is also a high-power station in France (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BELGIUM. Made a point of tuning the very last SW broadcast from this country, as RTBF was previously publicized to be silencing 9970 forever at 2215 UT Dec 31. Tune in at 2205 but signal quite poor in French talk; at least WWCR was not blasting 9980, that fading down quite a bit. I wish I could have made out whether RTBF was saying anything special by way of farewell, but just too weak; at 2214 switched to a different announcer, 2215 still on the air with music, which ceased at 2217 and then the carrier was also gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BULGARIA. 9400, R. Bulgaria, where 2010 had already begun, UT Dec 31 at 2241 in Spanish with NY greetings to listeners, march music, audio somewhat distorted, M&W announcers alternating, poor with flutter, eventually mentioning búlgaros. Separate programming on 7400 must have been English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. This is among the UT+2 countries, so I was checking Cairo just before 2200 UT Dec 31 for any signs of celebration. 6270, the English frequency, should have been in an ideal position, as the transmission is in progress rather than starting or ending at hourtop like so many stations, but at 2157 I could barely make out some modulation, sounded like Arabic music. Up to 6290, the Arabic service, which has plenty signal and modulation, but distorted, and nothing special happening; turned out I was tuned to GREECE [q.v.] at hourtop (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. 9580, Africa Número Un, Dec 31 at 2223 in French with phone calls, during their final hour of 2009, and hoped for some NY celebrations by 2300 UT, but at 2254 it was off or outfaded (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. Deutsche Welle should be a good source for Jahrwechsel programming, but I was trying to hear it on 6075, Dec 31 at 2259 when the signal was poor; could only make out a DW jingle and NY greeting at 2300. Instead of 6075 which is Sines, PORTUGAL at 40 degrees, as uplooked later, I should have tried other relays on 11865, 12025 or 15640, altho higher-frequency propagation from eastward was not very good either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. Another UT+2 country which ought to mark the yearchange at 2200 Dec 31: separate programming on 7475 and 7450, the lower one stronger but always with ute het. Music on 7475 seemed to keep going, so shifted to Macedonian station on 7450 at 2200 and was hearing a countdown in Greek, but it was about 10 seconds late! Then applause. At 2224, 7475 V. of Greece was taking some phone calls while 7450 was in music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RWANDA. 6055, like Xmas eve, RRR was on late NY Eve, but reception not quite so good, Dec 31 at 2155 with party talk in presumed Kinyarwanda, perhaps some French inmixed. 2201 a bit of yelling as 2010 had just arrived in Kigali. 2227 excited talk with (live?) music background (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. One can depend on REE for some the best pre-midnight entertainment on NY Eve. 9640 had good signal Dec 31 at 2220 UT with presumably live pop music in Spanish; 2244 amateur singers in Spanish, something about keeping you well-informed with the news, so maybe that was the news department performing. 2250 into English song, ``O Baby, Oops, I Did It Again`` --- no, not Britney, but really retro in the style of a 1930s cabaret. That was the highlight, and it had just finished when at 2255, 5 minutes before 2010y, REE cut to the frequency-change/sign-off announcement it always runs on ordinary nights at that time, grrr! By 2257 the IS was running on 6055, and more weakly on 6125, but at 2300 6055 opened in French without a live NY celebration. In fact, it sounded like a playback of the original French hour earlier in the evening. So much for Spain. How about another UT+1 land, GERMANY? q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1700, KVNS Brownsville TX is about three times as far as KKLF in Richardson TX, but periodically overcomes it, e.g. Dec 30 at 2200 UT with ID like ``Playing the best of the 60s and 70s, Classic Hits 1700, KVNS Brownsville and The Rio Grande Valley``; shortly fading back below an ESPN station, presumably KBGG Des Moines IA. These three are close to collinear from here, but caradio antenna is nondirexional anyway. Also heard KVNS some other times peaking in the late afternoons before sunset (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 3215, open carrier at 2227 Dec 31, no doubt WWRB wasting its watts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 2: 8400 fair with flutter, 9000 very poor, nothing audible on 10210, 11300 or 11350 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. 7405, CRI English, via Urumqi, EAST TURKISTAN, Jan 2 at 1531 but with lite pulsing QRM from the DentroCuban Jamming Command, which failed

to close down completely with nemesis Radio Martí at 1400: Commies vs Commies! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GREECE. 9420, no signal from ERA, Avlis, Jan 2 at 1520 check, tho there was a poor signal on 15650. Constant VOG monitor John Babbis in Maryland says 9420 has been missing since Dec 28 when he checks every evening. One of the transmitters is definitely down. Wolfgang Büschel, however, says 9420 was on and 12105 missing until 1000 Jan 2, then 9420 missing from 1100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 60m had lots of intriguing grayline signals, Jan 1 at 1335 but most of them were quite weak. These fit for All India Radio: 4800 Hyderabad, 4820 Kolkata, 4840 Mumbai, 4850, 4920. The last, probably Chennai, had S Asian music, tho Lhasa is also on frequency. 4850 was open carrier at the moment (or very low mod); would like to think it was AIR Kohima, altho the steady signal makes me doubt it. 4800 had something SAHing underneath fifth harmonic of my local KGWA-960. See also TAJIKISTAN. Walt Salmaniw, from his Masset BC DXpediton was also hearing a ``big open carrier`` on 4850 around 1735 Dec 29 and 30. One idea: possibly the Alaska DRM transmitter in non-DRM mode, which was active a couple months ago centered on 4845?? Or some utility since after all this is a fixed band in NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9526, VOI carrier but little modulation detectable, Jan 1 at 1355. But no carrier at all detectable Jan 2 at 1444. However, RRI Jakarta, 9680 had good signal Jan 2 at 1447 with drama, singing, cut off rudely and abruptly at 1457* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 9575, GIRI in Russian, Jan 2 at 1446, S9+18 but just barely modulated! Same at 1517 recheck. What in the world are they doing at Sirjan? Might as well turn it off if they won`t modulate it. This is 330 degrees, so also USward accounting for the strong signal. Well, if we can`t hear Russian there, tune down to 9570 for PHILIPPINES (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [and non]. 5955, NHKWNRJ, Sat Jan 2 at 1414 unusually playing classical music, a movement from one of Vivaldi`s Seasons. Quickly switched to Sackville relay 11705 for much better reception. Turned out this was a `live` performance by a Japanese string quintet named `Seasons` (but the final S is silent; go figure); players were interviewed briefly – all young women and the extra is a violinist. Then played a somewhat more modern opus, ``Twenti-First Century Schizoid Man``; an unrelated song by some singer; back to the SQ for their version of a Nirvana tune, ``Smells Like Teen Spirit``. Wow, I really dig string quartets/quintets which transcend classical and modern, as pioneered by Kronos. Outro: this was a special `live` concert on Pop-Up Japan, more of same next weeks in January. Went back and listened to this week`s 19-minute audio: Access to all past week`s programs: (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. While Iran was failing to modulate its Russian hour on 9575, Russian could be heard clearly on adjacent 9570, Jan 2 at 1521. The Shiites better watch out lest they lose their audience to the Catholix: it`s R. Veritas Asia,

Philippines, carrying the R. Blagovest program at 1500-1557 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 6075, R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, Jan 1 at 1400 timesignal 4 seconds late, and 8GAL overlapped it; see UNIDENTIFIED. RR`s motorboating carrier remained on past 1402, but no programming unlike yesterday/year (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SLOVAKIA [and non]. 6055, Jan 2 at 1432, poor and fluttery signal in German, so has to be R. Slovakia International as scheduled, 305 degrees, unusual time for C Europe-to-CNAm, but apparently close enough to grayline; and despite two other broadcasters you would expect to be dominating, per Aoki, so it`s odd there was no sign of these, altho as far as I can tell they are still scheduled: R. Liberty, Turkmen, 300 degrees via Thailand, CRI, Cambodian, 200 degrees via Nanning R. Nikkei is never on 6055 this late, altho closing time depends on day of week. WRTH shows it until 1415 on Fridays only; 1400* some other days, while Aoki shows B-09 until 1400 on Fridays too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAJIKISTAN. 60m had lots of intriguing grayline signals, Jan 1 at 1335 but most of them were quite weak. See also INDIA. A pair which point to Dushanbe were 4765 and 4975: 4765, Jan 1 at 1335, weak music, flutter. Only thing known on this frequency now is Tajik Radio 1 at 2300-2000 per Aoki, 100 kW ND from Yangiyul site. However EiBi shows the time as 14-11, so by that, would theoretically be off the air when I was hearing this. But WRTH 2010 sides with the 23-20 version. 4975, Jan 1 at 1335 with talk in Asian language, 1339 familiar music briefly as theme, Polovetsian Dances from Borodin's Prince Igor, then other music, fluttery, gone by 1355. It`s the VOR relay in Pashto/Dari at 13-15, same site and parameters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET. 4905, Jan 2 at 1400 Chinese talk and music, flutter, somewhat better than 4920 which is supposed to be // but did not confirm that. The only station listed on 4905 is PBS Xizang, Lhasa, but it`s supposed to be the first channel, in Tibetan, // MW 594. (BTW, looking up in WRTH 2010 page 143 I see a string of listings on ``595``, between 576 and 594, all of which must be typos for 585. These were correctly 585 in WRTH 2009.) Aoki also shows 4905 with no Chinese, mainly Tibetan except for a bit of English and Kham. So the Han are encroaching even on their Tibetan-language network? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WTWW did make it on the air in 2009, Central Time, at least: transmitter first fired up at 0545-0600 UT January 1, 2010, George McClintock tells me, with 15 kW on 5755, but just with carrier and squealing tones, like sometimes audible on WWCR and others, showing that some modules need to be replaced. But did anyone hear it? No reports have been received yet, nor have I heard it, so this is info, not a log. He says the FCC has been extremely helpful, willing to authorize program test authority upon filing of the licence application by e-mail; but not yet ready for that.

The high voltage meter had been wired backwards, so he fixed that. Some other problems: getting the water pumping properly for the cooling system, but that and the leaks have now been fixed; a couple bad buttons on the frequency selection keypad, so only eight funxion instead of ten. However, WTWW will surely not need all those, altho George says there are some frequency issues to be resolved, and would like to try some others besides these two. Yet to test on other registered frequency, 9480, unknown when. 5755 was on again the next night, no time given; did anyone catch that? The latest as of Jan 2, Saturday morning: ``Now have audio to transmitter. Ran ID audio on carrier (5755) for about 5 minutes last night before an overload. I will need to look at this today. Transmitter ran about 35 kW. Tube is mounted in water and will need to get new water cleaning agent before proceeding forward in power.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 3325-USB, Navy MARS net, Fri Jan 1 at 2358, NNN0AVT explaining a WinMor (?) program and then running digital test. Googling indicates this is in the Kansas/Nebraska area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11715, nothing but Tagalog audible, Jan 2 at 1515, i.e. R. Veritas Asia, via Vatican at 130 degrees; no trace of robokids underneath even during modulation pauses, so where is KJES? WRTH 2010 shows 14-17 on 11715 to NAm, from which you would not know that they rotate the antenna every hour, from 70 to 350 to 150 degrees, per FCC and Aoki, the first two hours in English, then Spanish. 350 is certainly unfavorable for here, so we should try during the previous hour 14-15 when it`s supposedly aimed 70 degrees from The Lord`s Ranch, right on Oklahoma City, but really too close and may be skipping over if really on and the MUF is adequate; the collision then is with R. Liberty, Uzbek via Lampertheim, Germany. The 70-degree boresight from Vado NM carries on thru Cairo IL, Lexington KY, between which the first hop should come down best, exiting North America across the DelMarVa Peninsula, and next hitting land at Dakhla, ex-Villa Cisneros, Western Sahara. 70 degrees is not used at all on its other frequencies 7555 and 15385. We suspect KJES operation is quite irregular. However, tho FCC, HFCC, WRTH and EiBi all show it daily, no doubt reflecting its authorization, Aoki says it runs M-F only, and this was a Saturday. In any event, another instance of Vatican collisions, Catholix vs pseudo-Catholix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 11525, fair but fluttery, VOA World News Now, Jan 2 at 1528 with Today in History, the jam-packed 2-minute segment hourly at this time, announcer properly pronouncing ``short-lived`` with a long I, since the term derives from ``life``, which is not pronounced ``liff``, and whenever that happens I find it worthy of note. 9310 at 1534 Jan 2, VOA, Art Chimes introducing science-technology magazine show, ``Our World``, // 11525 but about one second ahead of it. 9310 is 283 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES, while 11525 is 25 degrees from Iranawila, SRI LANKA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** URUGUAY. Since Horacio Nigro had confirmed it reactivated two hours earlier, I looked again for R. Sarandí on 6045, Jan 2 at 0552. I could detect an extremely weak carrier, and perhaps some music at 0557 before blasted away by KBS/Sackville *0559:45. But there should not be any carrier if the CX is pure SSB; is it? Equally unlikely possibilities on 6045 at this hour: Zimbabwe and XEXQ. BTW, Aoki still shows KBS at 0600 as only half an hour tho it was expanded to a full hour some months ago, so forget about Uruguay until 0700; in fact, forget about it until 0800 as KBS runs another hour via UK. Yes, this is purely an unID log, but it concerns Uruguay (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [and non]. 9540, Jan 2 at 1445, Asian language poor with BBC Woofferton QRDRM 9540-9545-9550. Listed on 9540 is Vatican in Urdu during this semihour. I could avoid most of the DRM by sidetuning below 9540, but should I have to? Of course, Vatican emits some DRM transmissions too, so they can hardly complain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, Jan 1 at 1400, V/CQ marker from 8GAL weakly audible at first mixing with final timesignal of R. Rossii, 6075 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6930-USB, pirate at 0607 UT January 1, 2010 with weird music, 0611 announcement with ID but could not catch it; 0619 soul music; 0635 ``Sloop John B`` by the Beach Boys, 0639 ``Paperback Writer`` by the Beatles; 0642 ``Low Rider``. Poor signal with occasional peaks. That could be enough for a QSL, please? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7415, Jan 2 at 1530-1532* open carrier. I think it was in Chinese before 1530, but was not paying much attention. Should have, as nothing is on the schedules after 1500 when YFR is via Pet/Kam, so maybe that has been extended. Fortunately, tho authorized 24 hours on 7415, WBCQ is not attempting to use it in the mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9583.5, approx., strong 2-way Spanish intruder on SSB, VG signal but intermittent, Jan 2 at 1516; apparently discussing ETA or itinerary, but could not hear the contact, maybe duplex on another frequency. Concluded at 1519 with ``igualmente; buen día``. Poachers or narco-traffickers? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9600.3, extremely weak het on estimated frequency vs something equally weak on 9600.0, Jan 2 at 1521. So another entry in the could-it-possibly-be-XEYU-annals? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BRAZIL. Some Brazilian DXers are reporting that RNA 11780 must be on a low-power transmitter such as 7.5 kW. I suspected they had mixed it up with the inactive R. Guaíba on 11785. That odd power is a common one for some private Brazilian SW stations, from 6 to 11 MHz bands, if you search on it in Aoki, which also shows 7.5 in 11780! Possibly they have a backup to the regular 250 kW unit, and/or possibly Brazilians are in the skip zone leading to unwarranted assumptions that 11780 is low-powered. But it`s Aoki which is certainly mistaken. I suppose some manufacturer long ago was making SW transmitters of this power, and also sold a couple to Radio New Zealand, which was their rating until the 50/100 kW units at Rangitaiki went in. WRTH also shows 7.5 for Brazilians on 6-11 MHz bands, but none on trop bands except one inactive on 4945, R. Progresso. Reception of RNA 11780 varies widely here in the nightmiddle, but I attribute that to propagation. On Jan 4 at 0550, a UT Sunday when it is on all-night rather than

cutting on sometime between 0630 and 0700, RNA 11780 was inbooming at S9+20 and could not possibly be only 7.5 kW. Normally it far outstrips the signal levels of any other 25m Brazilians that may be audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Jan 3 at 1416 ranging approximately 4835-4870 and 4935-4970 --- hmm, these two are exactly 100 kHz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 3 at 1427: good on 8400, JBA on 9000, not audible on 10 or 11 MHz frequencies. Time was omitted in yesterday`s report, so try again: Firedrake Jan 2 at 1435: 8400 fair with flutter, 9000 very poor, nothing audible on 10210, 11300 or 11350. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR National Channel, 9425, fair Jan 3 at 1430 with news in English by well-understood YL, including at 1432 fog disrupting train service around New Delhi, and along with cold weather blamed for dozens of deaths. 1435 after brief Hindi announcement, into talk by OM, and I had trouble deciding whether it was English with a heavy Hindi lilt, or really Hindi. // 9470 if on was not audible between stronger 9465 and 9475 signals. 9870, AIR VBS, Sunday Jan 3 at 1442 with enthusiastic drama, including music produxion, and also hum which normally is not heard on this frequency. Was the hum on the program recording only? 1445 Vividh Bharati ID, sirens, SFX, music; 1451 ads in Hindi, first one for ``Super Het`` ! Is that a radio receiver brand? If not, what else could it be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LSITENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. A local mixing product no one else will hear, but the computation may be of interest, applicable elsewhere. 2250 kHz, Jan 3 at 0615, extremely weak modulation in the noise level, but quite steady, making me suspect it`s local, rather than a 3 x 750 DX harmonic. As always, time to check my only two strong MW locals, KGWA 960 and KCRC 1390. Yes, sure enough, 2250 audio matches 960, and it is mixing with something else, but how does it get on 2250? Out comes the calculator: 3 x 1390 = 4170 (where KCRC is always audible with its weak third harmonic). Subtract 2250 from 4170 = 1920, which is the second harmonic of KGWA, where it is also audible weakly. So we have 2250 as the difference between the third harmonic of KCRC and the second of KGWA. The two sites are about 5 km apart, so how do they mix? Externally (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1860-AM, WA0RCR in MO, Jan 3 at 0621 with classic Jean Shepherd monolog somehow mixing being hung up on a girl he wanted to take out, with a young man`s conflicting desire to spend the few dollars he had on some component at a ham radio store; that was from This Week in Amateur Radio, altho it dates from many years before this week, Shep`s WOR radio show. It seems WA0RCR may broadcast entertainment as well as information (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 4517-SSB, AF MARS net Sunday Jan 3 at 1410, with AFF7MO, Gene, conveniently giving his e-mail address based on his ham call, WA0KHP. This was during an informal QSO without giving any callsigns for several minutes, off topic into global-warming-doubting, as tends to happen in winter when it`s still cold, duh. Finally IDed at 1414, and his contact was AFA7DP. ARRL lookup shows WA0KHP as: FOLLMER, EUGENE L, WA0KHP (General), 34 NW 79TH ST, KANSAS CITY, MO 64118-1434 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Will Martin reports that the only known SW airtime for DXing with Cumbre, Sunday 1200 on WHRI 9410, was replaced by a preacher on Dec 27, so I checked Jan 3 at 1220: yes, preacher, no Marie. However, searching on the WHR website by program host, ``Marie Lamb``, it now shows the 1200 broadcast on 9410 as Saturday instead of Sunday. Previously, we had confirmed that when it was on Sunday at this time, it was not on Saturday, tho listed for both. Readout now claims 18 other airings per week on WHRI, and 9 on T8WH, all of which are probably imaginary, but maybe on corresponding webcasts/satellite feeds. If anyone axually hears DXing with Cumbre on SW, which it seems is no longer produced every week, perhaps leading to many of its scheduled times missing, please let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. The US-based Adventist World Radio finally has a US station carrying its programming: WINB. Sunday Jan 3 at 1438, when 9265 was on the air unlike weekdays, concluding Your Story Hour with contact info, mentioned 3ABN (7DA`s Three Angels Broadcasting Network; actually I am not sure how closely related are AWR and 3ABN, mainly on satellite and as feeder to domestic outlets. Could be they have doctrinal differences like the ``Historic Adventist`` ex-WVHA crowd? But YSH is a longtime Adventist program carried by AWR.) Trouble is, YSH is not on the WINB program schedule, even tho it was just updated December 6: nor is anything like it on the programs by title. They also still unabashedly include Tony Alámo, convicted child-sex predator, sentenced to 175 years in prison. BTW, despite the December update, WINB still thinx Eastern Time is 4 hours behind UT. I suppose that makes the ET listings correct as EST, with all the UT times shown as one hour off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13845, WWCR at 1555 Sunday Jan 3 was carrying PMS // 11775 Anguilla, instead of Brother Scare, who supposedly is 7 days at 15-19, as we also heard on a corrected announcement a few days ago at the 1500 changeover. WWCR 15825 had a good altho not solid signal, at 1557 Jan 3, so I tried 18770 just in case, the second harmonic of nearby WWRB 9385, and there it was, Brother Scare clearly readable, so that compensates for losing out on 13845. No sign of sporadic E on VHF, unfortunately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 5745, WYFR in English, fair Jan 3 at 0607 mixed with pulses from the DentroCuban Jamming Command, which only *needs* to jam 5745 at 11-14 when R. Martí is using it! WYFR is scheduled 05-10, and runs such a risk by daring to use an elsewhen jammed channel. WWRB is also authorized on 5745 at 21-04, but I think they are not using it so long, perhaps because of more offtime jamming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. As I was falling asleep, Jan 3 around 0645 UT, old time radio show on 1670. Must be WTDY Madison WI, which favors far-right wacko talkhosts much of the time, Beck, Miller, Medved, Ingraham, but per sked When Radio Was is indeed on its air UT Sundays 05-08. This title does *not* refer to ``when radio was subject to the Fairness Doctrine``. Also of possible interest: UT Mondays 00-03, Sunday Night Bandstand with Ben Benedetti (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. No-show again from El Hugazo, Sunday Jan 3 looking for Aló, Presidente on scheduled Cuban relay frequencies: 13750 came on at *1558, off at 1559, back on with carrier only, but nothing further heard, nor 12010. Rechex of both at 1655 and 1850: nothing on the air. However, RHC`s Esperanto show on 11760 was not a no-show at 1520 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. The pirate I heard on 6930-USB, Jan 2 at 0607-0642+, was Wolverine Radio, says Brian Alexander, PA, who was listening at exactly the same time and heard some of the same music. Tnx, Brian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES * Horacio Nigro, Uruguay * Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Brasil * Jorge Freitas, Brasil * Sergio Doria Partamian, Brasil * Rudolf W. Grimm, Brasil * DX Clube do Brasil, Brasil * Antonio Rossett, Brasil * Yimber Gaviria, Colombia * Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia * Chuck Bolland, Estados Unidos * Dave Valko, Estados Unidos * Glenn Hauser, Estados Unidos * Robert “Bob” Wilkner, Estados Unidos * Jose Miguel Romero Romero, España * Manuel Jesus, Portugal * Roberto Pavanello, Italia * Mauro Giroletti, Italia * Carlos L.R. de Goncalves, Portugal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA Envié 2 U$S o 2 IRC para recibir un ejemplar de nuestra publicación grafica CONEXION GRA, la cual se complementa con estas ediciones digitales. CONEXION GRA se edita ININTERRUMPIDAMENTE desde marzo de 1987, se imprime con especial cuidado en la presentación de la información, contiene abundante material grafico (logotipos, fotos de QSL, fotos de colegas), compila en un solo medio mucha información que habitualmente estaría dispersa y es un nexo entre diexistas de diversos lugares, muchos de ellos ausentes del mundo de Internet por razones socioeconómicas. Mas detalles sobre suscripciones a CONEXION GRA, contactar a sus editores a:

CONEXION GRA Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Alvarez Thomas 248, 1832 Lomas de Zamora, Provincia de Buenos Aires Argentina (adjuntar 2 IRC o 2 U$S). e-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL Para suscripciones dirijase a: La Pagina Oficial del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino: El Blog Oficial del Grupo Radioescucha Argentino:

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Victor Castaño (For Readers in English)

CONEXION Digital es la producción electrónica del GRA -Grupo Radioescucha Argentino - de distribución gratuita. Permitida su reproducción parcial o total citando la fuente de su autoría y el medio de difusión. Todos los derechos reservados.

Enero de 2010 – Buenos Aires - Republica Argentina.

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