curriculum vitae delion a

Post on 19-Jun-2022






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Nume, prenume: DELION DORU-SABIN

Data şi locul naşterii: 1951, 5 iunie, Bacău, România

Familia: Căsătorit (în 1977) cu Delion Ecaterina-Daniela (n.1955), profesoară de liceu

Copii: Delion Daniel-Sabin (n.1978), inginer automatică

Adresa: Aleea Cetăţuia nr. 10, Bloc 25/1, Sc.A, Ap.26, sector 6, Bucureşti, România



Facultatea de Fizică - Fizică Teoretică, Universitea Sankt Petersburg - Rusia (1976)

Titlu stiinţific: Doctor in fizică (1989), conducător: prof. A.A. Răduţă Teza: “Descrierea stărilor magnetice de tip M1 si M3 in nuclee par-pare şi a celor de tip M1 in nuclee impare”

Limbi străine cunoscute: Engleza (f. bine), Rusa (f. bine), Franceza (bine)


1) Cercetător ştiinţific gradul I, Departmentul de Fizică Teoretică, Institutul Naţional de Fizică şi Inginerie Nucleară “Horia Hulubei”, Bucureşti (IFIN-HH) (1999)2) Profesor universitar asociat, Facultatea de fizică, Universitatea Bucureşti (2001)3) Profesor universitar, Universitatea “Bioterra” Bucureşti (2011)4) Secretar ştiinţific al Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România (2007-2016)5) Vicepreședinte al Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România (2016)6) Vicepreședinte al Consiliului științific al IFIN-HH (2012-2016)

D. PUBLICAȚII Lista publicaţiilor este anexată. O versiune online se găsește la adresa de web:

1) Lucrări publicate in reviste ISI din străinatate: 105 (nr mediu autori: approx 3): Phys.Rev.C (53), Nucl.Phys.A (14), J.Phys.G (11), Phys.Rev.Lett. (5), Phys.Lett.B (3), Eur.Phys. Lett. (2), Int.J. Mod.Phys. E (2), Phys.Rev.A (1), Phys.Rev.E (1), etc.2) Lucrări de sinteză in reviste ISI din străinătate: 4 Phys.Rep. (2), At. Data Nucl. Data Tab. (1), J. Phys. G (1)3) Lucrări publicate in alte reviste din străinătate: 3 J.Eur.Opt.Soc. (1), Notes USSR Acad. (1), Seism.Res. (1),4) Lucrări publicate in reviste ale Academiei Române: 37 Rom.J.Phys. (29), Rom.Rep.Phys. (2), Proc. Rom. Acad. (1),


Rom.J.Geophys. (4), Rev. Roum de Mec. Appl. (1)6) Lucrări publicate in Proceedings de conferinţe internaţionale: 307) Cărţi: Springer-Verlag (1)8) Editor de Proceedings de conferințe: World Scientific (2), Institute of Physics (2)

Citări: aprox. 2100 citări ISI (Hirsch=26), aprox. 2700 citări Google Scholar (Hirsch=27)

Lista citărilor Google Scholar este anexată. O versiune online se găsește la adresa de web:


Domenii de specialitate: Fizica teoretică nucleară, Geodinamica, Analiza numerică

Rezultate recunoscute:(referințele corespund listei de publicații, iar citările evaluării Gogle Scholar anexate) 1) Procese de clusterizare și emisie de particule alfa și clusteri grei -Descrierea microscopică a lărgimilor absolute de dezintegrare alfa şi cu emisie de clusteri grei folosind un câmp mediu nuclear care consideră corelațiile de pairing [1.9] (73 citări), [1.24] (41 citări), [1.57] (76 citări) și de cuartet [1.37] (37 citări), [1.89] (21 citări). -Explicarea emisiei anizotrope în dezintegrarea alfa utilizând un model de penetrare a barierei culombiene deformate [1.10] (69 citări), [1.18] (44 citări). -Deducerea unei reguli universale pentru lărgimi de dezintegrare reduse în procese de emisie folosind o soluție analitică a ecuației Schrodinger [1.73] (56 citări). -Descrierea structurii fine în dezintegrarea alfa utilizând metoda canalelor cuplate [1.63] (102 citări) [1.69] (94 citari). -Explicarea stărilor de paritate negativă în 212Po prin clusterizare alfa [1.80] (64 citări), [1.84] (19 citări). Importanța Ref. [1.80] a fost subliniată de un punct de vedere editorial al APS. Rezultatele au fost sistematizate în două lucrări de sinteză: [1.32] (299 citări), [1.96] (27 citări) și o carte [5.4] (72 citări).2) Emisie protonică -Sistematizarea datelor de emisie protonică folosind o lege universală de emisie depinzând de parametrul Coulomb și momentul unghiular al particulei emise [1.64] (64 citări). Rezultatele au fost sistematizate într-o lucrare de sinteză [1.62] (63 citări)..3) Structură nucleară -Detecția stărilor izomere în nuclee supragrele [1.68] (48 citări). -Model microscopic de vibrații anarmonice (MAVA) pentru descrierea stărilor multi-fononice [1.51] (31 citări). -Descrierea sistemelor fermionice puternic corelate folosind metode de many-body neliniare [1.28] (30 citări), [1.34] (37 citări), [1.60] (15 citări). Rezultatele sunt în curs de sistematizare într-o lucrare de sinteză [1.110].4) Geodinamică -Elaborarea unui sistem informatic de prelucrare a datelor geodinamice GEODIN [3.2], prin care am pus în evidență corelația dintre presiunea atmosferică și înclinarea scoarței terestre. Acest rezultat a fost premiat de către Academia Română.

Premii: "Gheorghe Murgoci", Academia Română (1983) “Outstanding Referee of APS journals”, Societatea Americană de Fizică (2015) „Outstanding Contribution în Reviewing for Nuclear Physics A”, Editura Elsevier (2017)



Responsabil de teme în cadrul proiectelor de cooperare internaţională a IFIN-HH cu:

1) FAIR (Darmstadt, Germania) Reprezentant al României ca membru în Consiliul NUSTAR (2008) INFN, Italia (structură nucleară) Universitatea Catania (prof. A. Insolia, M. Baldo si prof. U. Lombardo) 1990-1995 (3 luni/an) Universitatea Napoli (prof. N. Lo Iudice) 1993 (1 lună) IN2P3, Franța (sisteme fermionice puternic corelate) Institute des Sciences Nucleaires Grenoble (prof. P. Schuck) 1996, 1998 (3 luni/an) Institute de Physique Nucleaires Orsay (prof. P. Schuck și N.V. Giai) 2000-20017 (1 lună/an)

Stagii de cercetare la:

1) Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Suedia (emisie de particule alfa şi clusteri grei) (prof. R.J. Liotta și R. Wyss) 1996 (6 luni), 1997-2017 (1 lună/an)2) Universitatea Jyvaskyla, Finlanda (clusterizare alfa, dezintegrare beta şi beta dublă) (prof. J. Suhonen)1997-20016 (1 lună/an)3) Universitatea Tubingen, Germania (dezintegrare beta dublă) (prof. A. Faessler) 1992, 1994, 1996 (1 lună/an)4) Universitatea Frankfurt/Main, Germania (fisiune) (prof. W. Greiner) 2001-2003 (2 luni/an)5) Universitatea Buenos Aires, Argentina (clusterizare alfa) (prof. G.G. Dussel) 1999 (1 lună)6) Institutul de fizică teoretică KAVLI, Bejing, China (dezintegrare alfa) (prof. Z.Z. Ren șii F.R. Xu) 2013, 2016 (1 lună/an)

Director de proiecte de cercetare naționale:

1) CERES 1-64-2001 “Studiul stabilităţii sistemelor de hadroni în condiţii fizice extreme”;2) CERES 4-162/2004 “Investigarea structurii nucleare prin emisie de protoni şi clusteri”;3) IDEI 119/2007 “Studii exploratorii asupra stabilităţii sistemelor nucleare”.4) IDEI PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0092 “Corelații de N-corpuri in sisteme nucleare exotice”


1) International conference "Earthquake Prediction and Seismic Risk",Bucureşti, 1983 (secretar științific)2) International Summer School "New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental NuclearPhysics", Predeal,1991 (secretar științific) [5.1]3) International Summer School "Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions",Predeal, 1992 (secretar științific) [5.2]4) International Summer School "Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics",Predeal, 1995 (secretar științific)5) International conference "Shell-Model 1997", Stockholm, 1997 (secretar științific)6) International Summer School “Dynamics of open nuclear systems”,Predeal, 2012 (director) [5.6]


7) Director al seriei de conferințe internaționale“Advanced Many-body and Statistical Methods in Mesoscopic Systems”,I) Constanța, 2011 [5.5] Brașov, 2014 [5.7] Bușteni, 2017


Director al cursului “Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics” organizat anual din 2013în cadrul Centrului de pregătire a cadrelor din IFIH-HH pentru viitorii cercetători.

Membru al Școlii doctorale a facultății de fizică din Universitatea BucureștiConducere lucrări de doctorat (referințele corespund listei de publicații anexate)1) Daniel Kalgren (Suedia) în cooperare cu prof. R.J. Liotta [1.58]2) Sami Peltonen (Finlanda) în cooperare cu prof. J. Suhonen [1.59, 1.63, 1.67, 1.69]3) Jenni Kotila (Finlanda) in cooperare cu prof. J. Suhonen [1.52, 1.55, 1.65, 1.71, 1.74]4) Alexandru Dumitrescu (București) [1.90, 1.96, 1.99, 1.101, 1.103]5) Virgil V. Băran (București) [1.97, 1.103, 1.105, 1.108]

Creator de școală în domeniul Teoriei proceselor de emisie de particule și clusteri -prin recunoașterea priorității aplicării metodei canalelor cuplate în analiza structurii fine a dezintegrării alfa [1.63] (102 citări) și propunerea sistematicii emisiei protonice [1.64] (64 citări),-cunoscut prin 3 lucrări de sinteză în domeniu [1.32] (299 citări), [1.62] (63 citări), [1.96] (27 citări),-a unei cărți in Editura Springer care este dedicată descrierii domeniului [5.4] (72 citări),-prin colaborările internaționale care au inclus conducere de doctorate,-fiind organizator al unor conferințe cu largă participare internațională-și recunoscut de către Societatea Americană de Fizică prin acordarea distincției “Outstanding Referee of APS journals”, (2015).


Membru în colectivul de redacție al revistei:Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures (factor de impact ISI=0.836)

Referent ştiinţific la publicaţii cotate ISI:1) Physical Review C2) Physical Review Letters3) Journal of Physics G,4) European Physical Journal A5) Nuclear Physics A6) Physics Letters B7) International Journal of Modern Physics E8) Romanian Journal of Physics

București, 1 februarie 2018 Dr. Doru S. Delion


List of papers1. Papers published in ISI journals

(review papers are underlined)

1.1. D.S. Delion, K.A. Gridnev, E.F. Hefter, V.M. Semionov, The non-linear Schrodinger equation and anomalous backward scattering, Journal of Physics G4 (1978) 125-132 1.2. D.S. Delion, K.A. Gridnev, E.F. Hefter, V.M. Semionov, Elastic scattering of heavy ions and a modified liquid drop model, Zeitschrift fur Physik A297 (1980) 115-121 1.3. A.A. Raduta, I.I. Ursu, D.S. Delion, Simultaneous GCSM description of the M1 state and the major collective bands, Nuclear Physics A475 (1987) 439-467 1.4. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Description of magnetic properties of the proton - neutron asymmetric states within the Generalized Coherent State Model, Nuclear Physics A491 (1989) 24-44 1.5. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, The description of the collective M1 properties of the even-odd nuclei, Nuclear Physics A513 (1990) 11-28 1.6. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu, N. Lo Iudice, Semiclassical description of alpha clustering in heavy nuclei, Physical Review C44 (1991) 1929-1943 1.7. A. Insolia, P. Curuchet, R.J. Liotta, D.S. Delion, Microscopic description of alpha decay of deformed nuclei, Physical Review C44 (1991) 545-547 1.8. D. Mihalache, D. Mazilu, D.S. Delion, Propagation and stability of nonlinear surface waves, Physical Review A46 (1992) 4449-4452 1.9. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Alpha widths in deformed nuclei: Microscopic approach, Physical Review C46 (1992) 1346-13541.10. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Anisotropy in alpha decay of odd-mass deformed nuclei, Physical Review C46 (1992) 884-8881.11. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Proton-neutron correlations and microscopic description of alpha decay, Nuclear Physics A549 (1992) 407-4191.12. N. Lo Iudice, A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Scissors mode and nuclear deformation within the Generalised Coherent State Model, Physics Letters B300 (1993) 195-1981.13. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, N. Lo Iudice, A projected single particle basis for deformed nuclei, Nuclear Physics A551 (1993) 93-1081.14. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, New decay modes: is a microscopic approach feasible? Journal of Physics G19 (1993) L189-L1921.15. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, A. Faessler, Influence of nuclear deformation on the 2νββ decay, Physics Letters B312 (1993) 13-17 (ISI=3.06/3=1.02)


1.16. A.A. Raduta, A. Faessler, D.S. Delion, Unified description of the 2νββ in spherical and deformed nuclei, Nuclear Physics A564 (1993) 185-2031.17. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Microscopic description of cluster decay, Journal of Physics G20 (1994) 1483-14981.18. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Microscopic description of the anisotropy in alpha decay, Physical Review C49 (1994) 3024-30281.19. N. Lo Iudice, A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Deformation properties of the scissors mode in the generalised Coherent State Model Physical Review C50 (1994) 127-1371.20. A.A. Raduta, V. Baran, D.S. Delion, Semiclassical treatment of quadrupole boson hamiltonians: new results for small and for large amplitude regimes, Nuclear Physics A588 (1995) 431-4621.21. D.S. Delion, A. Florescu, M. Huise, J. Wauters, P. Van Duppen, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Microscopic description of alpha decay to intruder 0+

2 states in Pb, Po, Hg and Pt isotopes, Physical Review Letters 74 (1995) 3939-39421.22. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, A. Faessler, Description of the 2νββ transition rate within the Moszkowski model, Physical Review C51 (1995) 3008-30161.23. D.S. Delion, M. Baldo, U. Lombardo, Finite size effects in the gap equation for Paris interaction Nuclear Physics A593 (1995) 151-1611.24. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, New single particle basis for microscopic description of decay processes, Physical Review C54 (1996) 292-3011.25. D.S. Delion, A. Florescu, M. Huise, J. Wauters, P. Van Duppen, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Alpha decay as a probe for phase transitions in nuclei, Physical Review C54 (1996) 1169-11761.26. A.A. Raduta, V. Baran, D.S. Delion, Regular and irregular features in classical motion described by a quadrupole boson Hamiltonian, Physical Review E54 (1996) 3264-32731.27. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, A. Faessler, The nuclear deformation versus spin-flip like excitations and the supression of the 2νββ decay amplitude, Nuclear Physics A617 (1997) 176-1941.28. D.S. Delion, J. Dukelsky, P. Schuck, Restoration of the Ikeda sum rule in Self Consistent QRPA, Physical Review C55 (1997) 2340-23441.29. D.S. Delion, D. Santos, P. Schuck, Pairing effects in delayed neutron emission, Physics Letters B398 (1997) 1-51.30. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Pairing correlations and quadrupole deformation effects on C-14 decay, Physical Review Letters 78 (1997) 4549-4552


1.31. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, Nuclear deformation in alpha decay, Physical Review C56 (1997) 1782-17871.32. R.G. Lovas, R.J. Liotta, A. Insolia, K. Varga, D.S. Delion, Microscopic theory of cluster radioactivity, Physics Reports 294 (1998) 265-3621.33. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, N. Sandulescu, T. Vertse, Probing monopole double giant resonances by dilepton (E0) emission, Physical Review C57 (1998) 986-9891.34. F. Krmpotic, E.J.V. de Passos, D.S. Delion, J. Dukelsky, P. Schuck, Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation within the O(5) model and Fermi transitions, Nuclear Physics A637 (1998) 295-3241.35. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, Microscopic description of alpha-decay from superdeformed nuclei, Physical Review C58 (1998) 2073-20801.36. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Alpha and exotic cluster decay with a new single particle basis Nuclear Physics A654 (1999) 673-6771.37. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Microscopic description of alpha-like resonances, Physical Review C61 (2000) 024304/1-121.38. A. Florescu, A. Sandulescu, D.S. Delion, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, W. Greiner, Preformation probabilities for light ternary particles in the cold (neutronless) fission of Cf-252. Physical Review C61 (2000) 051602(R)/1-41.39. D.S. Delion, J. Dukelsky, P. Schuck, F. Krmpotic, E.J.V. de Passos Proton-neutron Self Consistent QRPA within the O(5) model, Physical Review C62 (2000) 044311/1-151.40. D.S. Delion, A. Florescu, A. Sandulescu, Microscopic description of the cold alpha and Be-10 ternary fission yields of 252Cf in spheroidal coordinates, Physical Review C63 (2001) 0443121.41. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Microscopic description of alpha+40Ca quasimolecular resonances, Physical Review C64 (2001) 061306(R)/1-51.42. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, F. Carstoiu, W. Greiner, Quasimolecular resonances in the binary cold fission of Cf.-252 Physical Review C64 (2001) 041303(R)/1-51.43. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Microscopic description of the alpha-decay fine structure in spherical nuclei, Physical Review C64 (2001) 064302/1-61.44. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, F. Carstoiu, W. Greiner, Double fine structure in the binary cold fission, Journal of Physics G28 (2002) 289-3061.45. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, Towards a selfconsistent alpha-decay theory, Journal of Physics G28 (2002) 617-6251.46. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Self-consistent description of the ternary cold fission. Tri-rotor mode, Journal of Physics G28 (2002) 2921-2938


1.47. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Influence of the continuum on cluster-decay processes, Yadernaia Physika 65 (2002) 653-659; Phys. Atomic Nuclei 65 (2002) 621-6271.48. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Anisotropic alpha-decay, Yadernaia Physika 65 (2002) 685-689; Phys. Atomic Nuclei 65 (2002) 653-6571.49. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Anisotropy in ternary cold fission, Jounal of Physics G29 (2003) 317-3361.50. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Anisotropic alpha-decay in Am, Es and Fm isotopes, Physical Review C67 (2003) 054317/1-61.51. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Description of low-lying two-phonon states: Electromagnetic transitions, Physical Review C67 (2003) 034301/1-121.52. J. Kotila, J. Suhonenn, D.S. Delion, Microscopic calculation of the electric decay properties of low-energy vibrational states in even 110-120Cd isotopes, Physical Review C68 (2003) 014307/1-71.53. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Probing mean field of neutron rich nuclei by cold fission, Physical Review C68 (2003) 041303(R)/1-51.54. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, High spin states and shape changes in odd-odd proton emitters, Physical Review C68 (2003) 054603/1-41.55. J. Kotila, J. Suhonenn, D.S. Delion, Low-energy collective states in 98-106Ru isotopes studied using MAVA Physical Review C68 (2003) 054322/1-91.56. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Angular distribution in ternary cold fission,, Acta Physica Hungarica N.S. 18 (2003) 4031.57. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Evidence for alpha-clustering in heavy and superheavy nuclei, Physical Review C69 (2004) 044318/1-191.58. D.S. Delion, R. Wyss, D. Karlgren, R.J. Liotta, Proton emission from triaxial nuclei, Physical Review C70 (2004) 061301(R)/1-51.59. S. Peltonen, D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Systematics of the alpha decay to vibrational states, Physical Review C71 (2005) 044315/1-91.60. D.S. Delion, P.Schuck, J. Dukelsky, Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation and the restoration of symmetries within the three level Lipkin model, Physical Review C72 (2005) 064305/1-181.61. J. Kotila, J. Suhonen, D.S. Delion, Study of the low-lying collective states in 94-100Mo isotopes using the MAVA, Nuclear Physics A765 (2006) 354-3691.62. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, Theories of proton emission, Physics Reports 424 (2006) 113-174


1.63. D.S. Delion, S. Peltonen, J. Suhonen, Systematics of the alpha decay to rotational states, Physical Review C73 (2006) 014315/1-101.64. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, Systematics of proton emission, Physical Review Letters 96 (2006) 072501/1-41.65. J. Kotila, J. Suhonen, D.S. Delion, Study of the low-lying collective states using a Microscopic Anharmonic Vibrator Approach, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 (2006) 473-4801.66. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Microscopic Anharmonic Vibrator Approach for beta decays, Nuclear Physics A781 (2007) 88-1031.67. S. Peltonen, D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Folding description of the fine structure of alpha decay to 2+ vibrational and transitional states, Physical Review C75 (2007) 054301/1-91.68. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, Alpha decay of high spin isomers in superheavy nuclei, Physical Review C76 (2007) 044301/1-81.69. S. Peltonen, D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Alpha decay spectroscopy of deformed nuclei reexamined, Physical Review C78 (2008) 034608/1-71.70. D.S. Delion, Alpha decay versus alpha clustering, International Journal of Modern Physics E17 (2008) 2283-22891.71. J. Kotila, J. Suhonen, D.S. Delion, Two-neutrino double beta decay of 76-Ge in an Anharmonic Vibrator Approach, Journal of Physics G36 (2009) 045106/1-131.72. M. Mirea, D.S. Delion, and A. Sandulescu, Cold valleys for fission/fusion of superheavy elements beyond Z=118 European Physics Letters 85 (2009) 12001/1-51.73. D.S. Delion, Universal decay rule for reduced widths, Physical Review C80 (2009) 024310/1-71.74. J. Kotila, J. Suhonen, and D.S. Delion, Description of the two-neutrino double beta decay of 100-Mo by pnMAVA, Journal of Physics G37 (2010) 015101/1-121.75. A. Astier, P. Petkov, M.-G. Porquet, D.S. Delion, and P. Schuck, A novel manifestation of α-clustering structures: new 'α + 208Pb' states in 212Po revealed by their enhanced E1 decays, Physical Review Letters 104 (2010) 042701/1-41.76. M. Mirea, D.S. Delion, and A. Sandulescu, Microscopic cold fission yields of 252Cf, Physical Review C81 (2010) 044317/1-41.77. A. Astier, P. Petkov, M.-G. Porquet, D.S. Delion, and P. Schuck, Enhanced E1 decays measured in 212Po populated by α transfer: a novel manifestation of α-clustering, Modern Physics Letters A25 (2010) 21-231.78. D.S. Delion, R. Wyss, R.J. Liotta, Bo Cederwall, A. Johnson, and M. Sandelius, Investigation of proton-neutron correlations close to the drip line, Physical Review C82 (2010) 024307/1-8


1.79. D.S. Delion and N.V. Zamfir, Systematics of 2+

1 states in semi-magic nuclei, Physical Review C82 (2010) 031302/1-41.80. A. Astier, P. Petkov, M.-G. Porquet, D.S. Delion, and P. Schuck, Coexistence of 'α + 208Pb' cluster structures and single-particle excitations in 212Po European Physical Journal A46 (2010) 165-1851.81. M. Mirea, A. Sandulescu, and D.S. Delion, Predictions for 232U cluster-decays within the macroscopic-microscopic approximation Nuclear Physics A871 (2011) 23-411.82. A. Astier, P. Petkov. M.-G. Porquet, D.S. Delion, and P. Schuck, Pure α-208Pb states in 212Po revealed by their enhanced E1 decays: a novel alpha clustering, International Journal of Modern Physics E20 (2011) 785-7881.83. C. Qi, D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, and R. Wyss, Effects of formation properties in one-proton radioactivity Physical Review C85 (2012) 0113031.84. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, P. Schuck. A. Astier, and M.-G. Porquet, Shell model plus cluster description of negative parity states in 212Po Physical Review C85 (2012) 0643061.85. M. Mirea, A. Sandulescu, and D.S. Delion, 238Pu cluster decay in the macroscopic-microscopic approach European Physical Journal A48 (2012) 861.86. D.S. Delion and J. Suhonen, Unified description of 2+

1 states within the deformed quasiparticle random-phase approximation Physical Review C87 (2013) 0243091.87. M. Mirea, A. Sandulescu, and D.S. Delion, Microscopic description of the alpha-decay of a superheavy element European Physics Letters 101 (2013) 620011.88. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, and R. Wyss, Simple approach to two-proton emission Physical Review C87 (2013) 0343281.89. D.S. Delion and R.J. Liotta, Shell-model representation to describe alpha emission Physical Review C87 (2013) 041302(R)1.90. D.S. Delion and A. Dumitrescu, Unified description of electromagnetic and alpha transitions in even-even nuclei Physical Review C87 (2013) 0443141.91. O.J. Roberts, …, D.S. Delion, … (30 authors), Half-life measurements of excited states in Te-132, Xe-134, Acta Physica Polonica B44 (2013) 403-4061.92. P.J.R. Mason, …, D.S. Delion, … (50 authors), Half-life of the yrast 2+ state in 188W: Evolution of deformation and collectivity in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes Physical Review C88 (2013) 0443011.93. M. Jemai, D.S. Delion and P. Schuck, Self consistent random phase approximation from a coupled-cluster wave function perspective, Physical Review C88 (2013) 0440041.94. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Effective axial-vector strength and β-decay systematics, European Physics Letters 107 (2014) 52001


1.95. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, C. Qi, and R. Wyss, Probing shape coexistence by alpha decays to 0+ states, Physical Review C 90 (2014) 061303(R)1.96. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, Systematics of the a lpha decay fine structure in even-even nuclei, Atomic Data Nuclear Data Tables 101 (2015) 11.97. D.S. Delion, V.V. Baran, Pairing versus quarteting coherence length, Physical Review C 91 (2015) 0243121.98. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Double beta decay within a consistent deformed approach, Physical Review C 91 (2015) 0543291.99. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, Systematics of the alpha decay transitions to excited states, Physical Review C 92 (2015) 021303(R)1.100. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, and R. Wyss, Exact estimate of the alpha-decay rate and semiclassical approach in deformed nuclei, Physical Review C 92 (2015) 051301(R)1.101. A. Dumitrescu and D.S. Delion, Description of electromagnetic and favored alpha transitions in heavy odd-mass nuclei, Physical Review C 93 (2016) 0243131.102. D.S. Delion, P. Schuck, and M. Tohyama, Sum-rules and Goldstone modes from extended RPA theories in Fermi systems with spontaneously broken symmetries, European Physical Journal B 89 (2016) 1-121.103. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, and V.V. Baran, Even-odd staggering of the spectroscopic factor as a new evidence for α-clustering, Physical Review C 93 (2016) 0443211.104. D.S. Delion, M. Patial, R.J. Liotta, and R.Wyss, A simple approach to α-decay fine structure, Journal of Physics G 43 (2016) 095109.1.105. V.V. Baran and D.S. Delion, Proton-neutron versus α-like correlations above 100Sn, Physical Review C 94 (2016) 034319.1.106. D.S. Delion and J. Suhonen, Two-neutrino beta-beta-decays and low-lying Gamow-Teller beta-strength functions in the mass range A=70-176 Physical Review C 95 (2017) 034334.1.107. D.S. Delion and S. Ghinescu, Geiger-Nuttall law for nuclei in strong electromagnetic fields Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 202501.1.108. V.V. Baran and D.S. Delion, Alpha-like resonances in nuclei Journal of Physics G 45 (2018) 035106.1.109. D.S. Delion, Z.Z. Ren, A. Dumitrescu, and D.D. Ni, Coupled channels description of the alpha-decay fine structure, Journal of Physics G 45 (2018) 053001.


1.100. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, and V.V. Baran, Theoretical investigation of alpha-like quasimolecules in heavy nuclei, Physical Review C 97 (2018) 064303.1.111. P. Schuck, D.S. Delion, J. Dukelsky, G. Roepke, and M. Tohyama, Description of strongly correlated Fermi systems based on the Equation of Motion Method and Extended RPA approaches, Reviews of Modern Physics (in preparation).

2. Papers published in other foreign journals

2.1. K.A. Gridnev, D.S. Delion, E. Hefter, Nonlinear Schrodinger equation and anomalous large angle scattering, Notes of the USSR Academy of Sciences 42 (1978) 127-130 2.2. Gh. Marmureanu, F. Balan, D.S. Delion, E. Cojocaru, The earthquake on August, 30-31, 1986 in Romania, Seismological research 11 (1989) 117-121 2.3. D. Mihalache, D. Mazilu, D.S. Delion, Gaussian light beam filamentation in a three dimensional non-linear slab waveguide, Journal European Opt. Soc. - Pure and Applied Optics 1 (1992) 133-140

3. Papers published in journals of the Romanian Academy

3.1. D. Zugravescu, I. Fatulescu, R. Dorobantu, D.S. Delion, Crust tilts caused by the baric field variations at Pades-Gorj and Craciunesti-Deva (in romanian), Studii cerc. geol. geof. geogr. - geof. 18 (1980) 3-10 3.2. D. Zugravescu, D.S. Delion, I. Fatulescu, R. Dorobantu, The tilts of the Earth's crust at Pades-Gorj and Craciunesti-Deva Observatories, Revue Roumaine Geol. Geoph. Geogr. - Geoph. 25 (1981) 3-16 3.3. R. Dorobantu, D. Zugravescu, D.S. Delion, I. Fatulescu, A Thermograph with thermistors for geodinamic observatories (in romanian), Studii cerc. geol. geof. a geogr. - geof. 20 (1982) 68-88 3.4. R. Dorobantu, D. Zugravescu, D.S. Delion, A digitizer for the microsystem of aquisition and storing of geodynamic data (in romanian), Studii cerc. geol. geof. geogr. - geof. 21 (1983) 86-90 3.5. D. Zugravescu, D. Enescu, D.S. Delion, I. Fatulescu, R. Dorobantu, Some correlations between the mechanism of Vrancea earthquakes occurrence and Earth tides, Revue Roumaine Geol. Geoph. Geogr. - Geoph. 29 (1985) 3-8 3.6. A.A. Raduta, I.I. Ursu, D.S. Delion, The description of the (e,e') formfactor and the BM1 probability for the magnetic state 1+ within the Generalized Coherent State Model, Revue Roumaine de Physique 31 (1986) 799-811 3.7. D. Mihalache, D. Mazilu, D.S. Delion, Single soliton emission from a nonlinear asymmetric planar waveguide, Revue Roumaine de Physique 32 (1987) 681-683


3.8. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Collective M1 and M3 properties of deformed nuclei within the Generalized Coherent State Model, Revue Roumaine de Physique 33 (1988) 1301-1308 3.9. D.S. Delion, Quark models for nucleon-nucleon scattering (in romanian), Studii cerc. fizica 41 (1989) 49-803.10. D.S. Delion, A.A. Raduta, The description of collective M1 properties of even-odd nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 34 (1989) 11-163.11. D.S. Delion, A.A. Raduta, The influence of the particle-core dipole-dipole interaction on the collective M1 states of deformed even-odd nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 34 (1989) 17-213.12. D.S. Delion, G. Marmureanu, F. Balan, E. Cojocaru, Propagation of nonlinear shear waves through viscoelastic soils, Revue Roumaine de Mechanique Applique 34 (1989) 169-1833.13. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Generalised BCS description of the binding energy differences, Romanian Journal of Physics 37 (1992) 967-9753.14. D. Mihalache, D. Mazilu, D.S. Delion, D. Baboiu. M. Ciumac, Propagation of three-dimensional continuous wave Gaussian beams in nonlinear slab waveguides, Romanian Journal of Physics 38 (1993) 147-1543.15. D.S. Delion, Towards a new single particle basis for decay problems, Romanian Journal of Physics 39 (1994) 645-6563.16. D.S. Delion, The use of a new single particle basis for the microscopic description of the alpha decay, Romanian Journal of Physics 40 (1995) 25-383.17. V. Baran, D.S. Delion, A.A. Raduta, Chaos and regular motion for the collective quadrupole coordinates of the nuclear system, Romanian Journal of Physics 40 (1995) 433-4513.18. D.S. Delion, G.G. Dussel, R.J. Liotta, Towards a microscopic description of an alpha-condensate in nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics 47 (2002) 97-1063.19. D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Microscopic structure of four body resonances, Romanian Journal of Physics 47 (2002) 177-1883.20. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, Proton emission from highly deformed nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics 47 (2002) 391-4003.21. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, W. Greiner, Self-consistent description of cold fission processes, Romanian Journal of Physics 48 (2003) 607-6183.22. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Towards a self-consistent cluster emission theory, Romanian Journal of Physics 50 (2005) 165-176


3.23. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, Nuclear deformation and double fine structure in the binary cold fission Romanian Reports in Physics 57 (2005) 693-7133.24. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, Synthesis of sperheavy nuclei along cold fission paths, Romanian Journal in Physics 52 (2007) 43-493.25. D.S. Delion Acad. Aureliu Sandulescu’s contribution to physics: from magic radioactivity to superheavy nuclei Romanian Journal of Physics 52 (2007) 771-7743.26. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, Probing nuclear mean field by proton emission, Romanian Reports in Physics 59 (2007) 411-4183.27. D.S. Delion, Alpha clustering in nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics 53 (2008) 1089-10963.28. D.S. Delion, M. Boscoianu, Reduced widths in cluster emission processes, Romanian Journal of Physics 54 (2009) 587-6003.29. M. Mirea, D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, Microscopic description of Cf-252 cold fission yields Romanian Journal of Physics 55 (2010) 3093.30. M. Mirea, A. Sandulescu, and D.S. Delion, Cluster-decay trajectory, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, A12 (2011) 203-2083.31. D.S. Delion, Decay theory beyond the Gamow picture, Romanian Journal of Physics 57 (2012) 149-1583.32. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, Coherent state description of alpha transitions to excited states in even-even nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics 58 (2013) 1167-11763.33. L. Ixaru, D.S. Delion, Two proton emission: a numerical approach, Romanian Journal of Physics 58 (2013) 1396-14963.34. V.V. Baran, D.S. Delion, Pairing coherence length in nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics 60 (2015) 722-7263.35. A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion, Coherent state description of the alpha emission spectrum Romanian Journal of Physics 60 (2015) 767-7713.36. D.S. Delion, V.V. Baran, Sytematics of the pairing coherence length, Romanian Journal of Physics 60 (2015) 993-10093.37. M.Mirea, D.S. Delion, and A. Sandulescu, Pairing gaps at scission for nuclear fission, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy A 18 (2017) 50-54


4. Papers presented at international conferences

4.1. A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, D.S. Delion, Alpha widths in deformed nuclei: a microscopic approach, Proceedings of the International Conference "Clustering Phenomena in Atoms and Nuclei", Turku, 1992, Eds. M. Brenner, T. Lonnroth, F.B. Malik (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992) p.298 4.2. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu, N. Lo Iudice, Semiclassical description of alpha clustering in heavy nuclei, Proceedings of the International Summer School "New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental Nuclear Physics", Predeal, 1991, Eds. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) p.173-192 4.3. A. Insolia, D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, From alpha to cluster decay: a microscopic approach, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions", Predeal, 1992, Eds. B. Remaud, A. Calboreanu, V. Zoran (Plenum Press, New York, 1994) p.165-182 4.4. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, New aspects in microscopic description of cluster decay processes, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics", Predeal, 1995, Eds. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) p.313-322 4.5. D.S. Delion, A. Florescu, A. Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Alpha and exotic cluster decay Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on "Fussion and Properties of Neutron Rich Nuclei", Sanibel Island Florida, 1997 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998) p.634-636 4.6. E.J.V. de Passos, F. Krmpotic, D.S. Delion, J. Dukelsky, P. Schuck, SCQRPA and Fermi transitions in the O(5) model Proceedings of the Int. Conf. "Collective Excitations in Fermi and Bose systems" Sao Paolo, 14-17 September 1998 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999) 4.7. A. Florescu, A. Sandulescu, D.S. Delion, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, W. Greiner, Preformation factors for light ternary particles in the cold fission of Cf-252 Proceedings of the Second Int. Conf. "Fission and Neutron-Rich Nuclei" St. Andrews Univ. Scotland, 28 June - 2 July 1999 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000) 4.8. A. Sandulescu, D. S. Delion, Cluster radioactivity: twenty years from its birth Proceedigs of the International Conference "Cluster Radioactivity, Fission, Fusion and Superheavy Nuclei", Beijing, China, 8-12 May 2000 (China Center of Adv. Sciences and Tech. World Lab., Beijing, 2000) 4.9. D. S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, W. Greiner, The anisotropy in cold ternary fission Proceedigs of the WE-Heraeus Seminar "Symposium on Nuclear Clusters: from Light Exotic to Super heavy Nuclei" Rauischholzhausen, Germany, August 5-9, 2002 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003)


4.10. D. S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, W. Greiner, Coupled channels description of cold fission processes Proceedigs of the "International Conference on Modern Sub-Nuclear and laboratory Experiment University of Athens, Georgia, USA, September 11-13, 2002 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003)4.11. D. S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, S. Misicu, W. Greiner, Theory of binary and ternary cold fission Proceedigs of the "Third International Conference on Fission and Neutron rich Nuclei" Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, November 3-9, 2002 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003)4.12. D. S. Delion, Insolia, R.J. Liotta, Anisotropic alpha-decay in deformed nuclei Proceedigs of the CRIS-2002 Conference "Exotic Clustering", Catania, Italy, June, 10-14, 2002 Eds. S. Costa, A. Insolia, C. Tuve (American Institute of Physics, New York, 2002) p.12-194.13. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu, W. Greiner, Microscopic analysis of the alpha-decay in heavy and superheavy nuclei, Proceedings of the International Workshop "New Applications of Nuclear Fission", Bucharest, Romania, Sept., 7-12, 2003, Eds. A.C. Mueller, M. Mirea, L. Tassan-Got (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004), p. 101-1094.14. S. Peltonen, J. Suhonen, D.S. Delion, Systematics of the alpha-decay to vibrational 2+ states, Proceedings of the International Workshop "New Applications of Nuclear Fission", Bucharest, Romania, Sept., 7-12, 2003, Eds. A.C. Mueller, M. Mirea, L. Tassan-Got (World Scientific, Singapore, 2004), p. 170-1714.15. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, Systematics of proton emission, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear Particle Physics", Mamaia, Romania, June, 13-24, 2005, Eds. S. Stoica, L. Trache, R.E. Tribble (World Scientific, Singapore, 2005)4.16. D.S. Delion, A. Sandulescu New spectroscopy with cold fission, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Dynamics and Phase Transitions in Nuclei", Predeal, Romania, August 28-September 9, 2006, Eds. A.A. Raduta, V. Baran, I,I, Ursu (World Scientific, Singapore, 2006)4.17. D.S. Delion, R.J. Liotta, R. Wyss, Decay rules in proton emission, Proceedings of the International Conference "PROCON07”, Lisbon, Portugal, June, 17-23, 2007, Eds. L.S. Ferreira, P. Arumugan (American Institute of Physics, 2007) p. 47-524.18. D.S. Delion, Probing nuclear structure by cold emission processes, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics",


Sinaia, Romania, August, 20-31, 2007, Eds. S.Stoica, L.Trache,R.E.Tribble (American Institute of Physics,2007) p.147-1554.19. S. Peltonen, D.S. Delion, J. Suhonen, Folding description of the alpha decay fine structure to 2+ states in vibrational and transitional nuclei, Proceedings of the International Summer School "Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics", Sinaia, Romania, August, 20-31, 2007, Eds. S.Stoica, L.Trache,R.E.Tribble (American Institute of Physics,2007) p.516-5204.20. D.S. Delion, Alpha clustering in nuclei, National Conference on Theoretical Physics, Busteni, Romania, 10-13 June 20084.21. D.S. Delion, Shell-model versus clustering effects in heavy nuclei,

Proceedings of the International Conference “Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems”, Constanta, 2011, Journal of Physics/Conf. Series 338 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2012)

Eds. D. Anghel, D.S. Delion, S. Paraoanu4.22. D.S.Delion, Clustering features in decay processes, Proc. Int. Summer School “Dynamics of open nuclear systems”, Predeal, 2012, Journal of Physsics/Conf. Series 413 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2013) p. 012011 Eds. D.S. Delion, N.V. Zamfir, A.R. Raduta, F. Gulminelli4.23. M. Mirea, A. Sandulescu, D.S.Delion, Two center shell model description of superheavy element synthesis, fission and cluster decay Proc. Int. Summer School “Dynamics of open nuclear systems”, Predeal, 2012, Journal of Physics/Conf. Series 413 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2013) p. 012013 Eds. D.S. Delion, N.V. Zamfir, A.R. Raduta, F. Gulminelli4.24. D.S. Delion, A. Dumitrescu, V.V. Baran, Alpha decay versus alpha clustering, International Conference “Clustering effects of nucleon in nuclei and quarks in multi-quark states”, 28.03-22.04.2016, Beijing, China D.S. Delion, V.V. Baran, Proton-neutron correlations above 100Sn, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2016 - Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear / Particle Astrophysics (VI), June 29, July 6, 2016, Sinaia, Romania, A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion, Recent theoretical advances regarding the fine structure of the alpha-emission spectrum and its relation to nuclear structure properties FAIR next generation of young scientsits (FAIRness2017) May 29 - June 3, 2017, Sitges, Spain A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion, Recent theoretical advances regarding alpha-decay spectroscopy Probing fundamental interactions by low energy excitations, Advances in theoretical nuclear physics (ATPN2017) June 05-09, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden h file/183346134528


4.28. D.S. Delion, S. Ghinescu, Emission processes in strong electromagnetic fields Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems III (Meso2017) September 4 - 8, 2017, Busteni, Romania A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion, Recent theoretical advances regarding alpha-spectroscopy Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems III (Meso2017) September 4 - 8, 2017, Busteni, Romania V.V. Baran, D.S. Delion, Alpha resonances in atomic nuclei Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems III (Meso2017) September 4 - 8, 2017, Busteni, Romania A. Dumitrescu, D.S. Delion, Recent theoretical advances regarding alpha-spectroscopy, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 1024 (1), 012005 (2018).

5. Books and Chapters in books

5.1. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu (Editors), Proceedings of the International Summer School "New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental Nuclear Physics", Predeal, 1991, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992) 5.2. A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, I.I. Ursu (Editors), Proceedings of the International Summer School "Collective Motion and Nuclear Dynamics", Predeal, 1995, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996) 5.3. D.S. Delion, A. Insolia and R.J. Liotta, The role of pairing correlations in cluster decay "Pair Correlations in Many Fermion Systems" Ed. V. Kresin (Plenum Press, New York, 1998) p.265-295 5.4. D.S. Delion, Theory of particle and cluster emission (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010) 5.5. D. Anghel, D.S. Delion, S. Paraoanu (Editors),

Proceedings of the International Conference“Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems”, Constanta, 2011Journal of Physics/Conference Series 338 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2012)

5.6. D.S. Delion, N.V. Zamfir, A.R. Raduta, and F. Gulminelli (Editors),Proceedings of the International Summer School“Dynamics of open nuclear systems”, Predeal, 2012Journal of Physics/Conference Series 413 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 2013)

5.7. D.S. Delion, D. Anghel, I. Ghiu, S. Paraoanu (Editors), Proceedings of the International Conference

“Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems II”, Brasov, 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 60 (2015) 646-864


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