curriculum vitae maría magdalena giordano noyola

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Magda Giordano



María Magdalena Giordano Noyola

Instituto de Neurobiología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Boulevard Juriquilla 3001 76230 Querétaro, Qro.

Tels. (55), Fax (55)


DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH 31 de mayo de l961. Cd. de México, México. MARITAL STATUS Married, two daughters. DEGREES 1979-1984 Bachelor’s degree in Psychology "Universidad Anáhuac" Mexico City, October 1985 1985-1986 Master of Sciences in Experimental Psychology Ohio University Athens, Ohio, August 1986 1986-1991 Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1991 POSITIONS HELD Research experience 2011-to date Full Professor Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM 2001-2011 Associate Professor Instituto de Neurobiología UNAM 1995-2001 Assistant Professor Centro de Neurobiología UNAM 1994-1995 Assistant Professor Departamento de Fisiología Facultad de Medicina UNAM 1991-1994 Postdoctoral fellow NIH-NCSE Dr. William J. Freed’s laboratory Washington, DC

Curriculum vitae


1985-1990 Graduate assistant to Dr. Paul R. Sanberg Ohio University, Athens Ohio. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1983-1985 Research assistant to Dr. Anders Agmo Universidad Anáhuac, México City. 1983-1984 Research assistant to Dr. Roberto A. Prado-Alcalá Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México City Teaching experience 2007-2008 Lecturer Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac Queretaro, Qro. 2002- to date Lecturer Instituto de Neurobiología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Juriquilla, Querétaro 1995-2002 Lecturer Centro de Neurobiología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Juriquilla, Querétaro. 1994-1996 Lecturer Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac Mexico City 1994-1995 Lecturer Physiology Department School of Medicine Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México México City 1991 Teaching assistant to Dr. Richard Melton University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio. 1991 Instructor Evening College. University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio. 1987-1988 Teaching assistant to Dr. Robert Frank University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio. 1985 Lecturer Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac México City 1984-1985 Teaching assistant in Neurophysiology Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac

Magda Giordano


México City

1983-1984 Teaching assistant in Psychophysiology Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac México City 1983-1984 Teaching assistant in Neuroanatomy Psychology Department Universidad Anáhuac México City ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 2008-2013 Secretary for Academic Affairs

Instituto de Neurobiología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Juriquilla, Qro. 2015-to date Chair Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurobiology ACADEMIC DUTIES

v Member of the Committee of the Graduate Program of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1996-1998)

v Faculty representative before the Internal Council of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2000-2002).

v Member of the Animal Facility Committee of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2000-2004).

v Founding member of the Committee on Bioethics of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (October 2002; and current member since September 2014).

v Member of the Academic Committee on Psychophysiology. Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2001-2003).

v Member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Academic Standing (PRIDE program), Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2005-2010).

v Faculty representative before the Technical Council for Scientific Research, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (September 2003-August 2006).

v Chair of the Faculty Assembly of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (November 2005-March 2007).

v Secretary for Academic Affairs of the Instituto de Neurobiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (March 2008-March 2013).

v Chair, Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurobiology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (from April 2015).

v Reviewer for CONACyT grants.

v Member of the Review Committee of CONCYTEQ, 2004.

v Review Committtee for CONACyT graduate scholarships in the United States and Canada

Curriculum vitae


MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Society for Neuroscience Sigma X Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas SERVICE IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 2014- to date Society for Neuroscience, Professional Development Committee, Member 2013- to date Society for Neuroscience, Latin American Training Advisory Group 2011-2014 Society for Neuroscience, Government and Public Affairs, Representative for

Mexico 2004, 2006, 2008 Society for Neuroscience, The Ricardo Miledi Program for Neuroscience

Training, Faculty and Coordinator 1998-1999 Society for Neuroscience, Education Committee, Member FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 1984 Honorable Mention for undergraduate studies and thesis. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 1984 "Anáhuac" award for undergraduate studies and thesis. Universidad Anáhuac. 1985 CONACYT scholarship for graduate studies (Master’s degree) Assistantship for graduate studies (Master’s degree) Ohio University 1986-1989 NIH Predoctoral Research Assistantship National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD. 1987 Travel Fellowship

Schmitt Symposium on Transplants in the Mammalian Nervous System Rochester, New York. 1987 "URC Travel Fellowship" Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA. 1988 “URC Travel Fellowship" Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting Toronto, Canada "Omnitech Travel Fellowship" "Sigma Xi Student Research Award." 1989 "Distinguished Service Award" Psychology Department, University of Cincinnati. 1989 "URC Summer Scholarship" University of Cincinnati. 1991-1994 Fogarty Fellowship 1992 "Psychology Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Research" Cincinnati Psychological Association. 1992 "ACNP/Mead Johnson Travel Award" American College of Neurosphychopharmacology Annual Meeting San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Magda Giordano


1994 Repatriation Program. Fellowship #940265 CONACYT, México. 1995-2001 Investigador Nacional Nivel I Sistema Nacional de Investigadores 1998 Programa de Apoyo a la Incorporación de Personal Académico (PRIDE) Nivel "B". 2000 Award for second place for Best Original Work published in the University’s Medical Journal Medical School, National Autonomous University of Nuevo León, México. 2001-2015 Investigador Nacional Nivel II Sistema Nacional de Investigadores 1999-2002 Programa de Apoyo a la Incorporación de Personal Académico (PRIDE) Nivel "B" 2001 Second Place on best published work in the

Revista Médica Universitaria during year 2000. Facultad De Medicina de la U.A.N.L.

2001 Pharmacological Research reviewer. Societá Farmacologica Italiana. 2002 Fellowship for sabbatical at the Universidad Bordeaux II, Institut Francois

Magendie. DGAPA-UNAM. 2006 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz award, UNAM. 2007 Invitation and scholarship from Nature Publishing Group to attend the Gordon

Research Conference on Cannabinoid Function in the CNS from September 30 to October 5 2007, Les Diablerets, Suiza.

2008 Member of the group awarded the Premio de Investigación Médica Dr. Jorge Rosenkranz, 8 octubre 2008.

2008 Invitation to be part of the Scientific Committee of the 1st Neurolatam, March 2008. 2009 Diploma for 15 years of service to the University by Universidad Nacional

Autónoma de México 2012 Medalla: Medalla Liderazgo Anáhuac en Psicología 2012 by Universidad Anáhuac,

October 2012. 2002-2012 Programa de Apoyo a la Incorporación de Personal Académico (PRIDE) Nivel "C" 2013-2015 Programa de Apoyo a la Incorporación de Personal Académico (PRIDE) Nivel "D" 2013-2014 Fellowship for sabbatical at Boston University, Dr. Patrick McNamara’ laboratory. 2015- to date Investigador Nacional Nivel III Sistema Nacional de Investigadores

Curriculum vitae


GRANTS 1995-1997 Grant # IN200295 DGAPA

"Functional heterogeneity in the striatum in relation to memory consolidation and locomotor activity".

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 1996-1998 Participant Grant #IN201796 DGAPA "Effect of neural tissue transplants in the recovery of sexual behavior”

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

1998 Grant #25520-M CONACYT "Anatomical and functional correlates in an animal model of Huntington’s disease” 1999 Participant Grant # IN228199 DGAPA “Long-lasting behavioral changes as a result of kindling” Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 2002 Collaborator. Proyecto IN227402 PAPIIT-DGAPA “Morpho-functional changes in experimental models of epilepsy” January 2003-December 2005. 2005 P.I. Proyecto IN225305-3 PAPIIT-DGAPA (2005-2007)

"The role of striatal dopaminergic receptors in the regulation of cortical activity and its behavioral correlatos”

January 2005-December 2007. 2005 P.I. Proyecto 46161-M CONACYT (Convocatoria 2004)

“Functional and neurochemical characterization of intranigral transplants of GABAergic cells in the albine rat.”

Mode: Two research group November 2005-December 2007. 2010 P.I. Proyecto CB-2008-01CONACYT

“Characterization of the in vitro properties of a GABAergic cell line” February 2010-January 2013. 2010 P.I. Proyecto DGAPA-PAPIIT IN211709 (2009-2012)

"Functional properties of GABAergic cell lines” March 2009-February 2012. 2015 P.I. Proyecto 225 CONACyT (Convocatoria Fronteras de la Ciencia 2015) “Neural and cognitive basis of pragmatic language” 2015-2017 $1, 576, 000.00

EDITORIAL DUTIES Ad hoc reviewer 1996 Revista Mexicana de Psicología 2001 Pharmacological Research. Sociedad Farmacológica Italiana, Revista Mexicana

de Psicología 2002 Toxicology Letters 2005 Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 2006 Brain Research Bulletin; Revista Mexicana de Psicología; Toxicology; Trends in

Neurosciences; Environmental Toxicology; Toxicology Letters; Revista Mexicana de Psicología

2007 Environmental Toxicology, Toxicology Letters y Gender Medicine

Magda Giordano


2009 Behavioural Bain Research; Neuroscience 2010 Toxicology Letters 2012 Experimental Cell Research 2013 Neurotoxicology 2014 Neurochemical Research 2015 Editorial Board Food Ethics 2015 Editorial Board Revista de Psicología y Ciencias del Comportamiento de la

Unidad Académica de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

THESIS Giordano Magda. Memory deficiencies produced by the cholinergic blockade of the caudate nucleus and protection against those deficiencies produced by the increase in the magnitude of the reinforcer. Honors Thesis. Anáhuac University, México City. February 1984. Giordano Magda. The effect of fetal striatal grafts on the functional recovery of male adult rats following kainic acid lesions of the striatum: a horseradish peroxidase study. Master’s Thesis. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. July 1986. Giordano Magda. Effect of post-lesion delay and homotopic vs. heterotopic grafts on behavioral deficits induced by kainic acid striatal lesions. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 1991.

HUMAN RESOURCES Supervised projects Effects of prenatal cocaine administration during development on locomotor activity Laura Dreshfield and Carole Moody. Bachelor’s students Psychology Department. University of Cincinnati. Summer research project 1998. Lesions of the nucleus basalis of Meyner with ibotenic acid, and fetal cortical tissue transplants: effects on spatial learning Michael Ragozzino. Bachelor´s student Deparment of Psychiatry. University of Cincinnati. Annual research project 1989 MK-801 administration protects from the effects of quinolic acid lesions in the striatum Joan Brauckmann. Medical Student School of Medicine. University of Cincinnati Summer research project 1989. Best research project award. Thesis supervised DIFERENCIACION FUNCIONAL ENTRE EL ESTRIADO DORSAL Y VENTRAL EN EL APRENDIZAJE VISUOESPACIAL Fernando Alonso Onofre. Master’s degree. September 1st, 1999. UNAM EFECTOS DEL FACTOR DE CRECIMIENTO TIPO INSULINA I SOBRE LA MUERTE CELULAR NORMAL DURANTE EL DESARROLLO RETINIANO EN ROEDORES. Andrea Gutiérrez de la Barrera. Master’s degree. August 17, 2001. UNAM

Curriculum vitae




Magda Giordano


D1 Y D2 EN EL ESTRIADO LESIONADO DE RATA. Mariana Ramos Brossier Master’s degree. December, 2010. UNAM. ALTERACIONES NEUROCONDUCTUALES Y NEUROQUÍMICAS EN EL RATÓN C57BL POR EXPOSICIÓN CRÓNICA AL ARSÉNICO”. Claudia Leticia Moreno Ávila Master’s degree. November, 2011. Cotutor with Dra. Verónica M. Rodríguez C. UNAM EVALUACIÓN DE LOS TRANSPORTADORES DE GLUCOSA EN EL SISTEMA NERVIOSO CENTRAL EN EL RATÓN C57BL CON EXPOSICIÓN CRÓNICA AL ARSÉNICO. Miriam Cruz García Master’s degree. December, 2010. Cotutor with Dra. Verónica M. Rodríguez C. UNAM EVALUACIÓN DEL USO DE BIOMATERIALES PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN INTRACEREBRAL DE MOLÉCULAS GUÍA. Andrea Ariadna Ríos Ramírez Master’s degree. May 29, 2014. Cotutor with Dra. Elisa Tamariz, Universidad Veracruzana. Thesis in progress COMPRENSIÓN DE ACTOS DE HABLA EN HISPANOHABLANTES: POSIBLE PARTICIPACIÓN DE LOS GANGLIOS BASALES Giovanna Lilian Licea Haquet Master’s degree. September 2014 ESTUDIO DE LAS BASES NEURALES DEL LENGUAJE PRAGMÁTICO Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA TEORÍA DE LA MENTE Alan Vicente Carrillo Peña Master’s degree. September 2015 LA CAPACIDAD DE MENTALIZAR Y SU CORRELATO NEURAL Luis Fernando Lizcan Cortés Master’s degree. September 2016 CORRELATOS NEURONALES DE LA COMPRENSIÓN DE LA METÁFORA EN ADULTOS HISPANOHABLANTES Miguel Angel Zamora Ursulo Master’s degree. September 2016 ESTUDIO DE LA CONECTIVIDAD FUNCIONAL CEREBRAL ASOCIADA A LA COMPRENSIÓN DEL LENGUAJE PRAGMÁTICO A TRAVÉS DEL DESARROLLO DE LA INFANCIA A LA ADOLESCENCIA Norma Edna Estela Navarrete Acevedo Doctoral degree. September 2016 SPECIAL COURSES PLASTICITY AND BEHAVIOR XVII Curso Internacional Bases Biológicas de la Conducta, Tlaxcala, Tlax., December 2012. NEURONAL DIFFERENTIATION DURING EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT AND FROM STEM CELLS IN VITRO AND IN VIVO Instituto de Neurobiología, Juriquilla, Qro., February 2008. Sponsored by the Grass Foundation and Society for Neuroscience. METHODS FOR EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Hospital General de Querétaro, Querétaro, Qro., May 2007.

Curriculum vitae


NEURONAL DIFFERENTIATION DURING EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT AND FROM STEM CELLS IN VITRO AND IN VIVO Instituto de Neurobiología, Juriquilla, Qro., November 2006. PLASTICITY IN NEURONAL NETWORKS Instituto de Neurobiología, Juriquilla, Qro., October 2006. NEUROTRANSMISSION FROM MOLECULES TO BEHAVIOR Instituto de Neurobiología, Juriquilla, Qro., August 2004. COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE Medical School, UNAM, Mexico City, July 1997. Others Host researcher I Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Student: René Oscar Fajardo, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. July 1999. Host researcher III Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Students: Daniela Cano Sotomayor y Fernanda Zavala Reynoso de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes and Alejandro Guevara, Universidad del Valle de México, campus Querétaro. July 2001. Advisor to two students from the third semester of the School of Biology, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, August-December 2000. Host researcher IV Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Students: María Lilian Terrés Martínez, Universidad del Valle de México Campus Querétaro, Claudia Beatriz Peresson Rivera and Iliana Ramírez Rangel, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. July 2002. Director Servicio Social en Investigación for Manuel Golzarri Moreno, Medical School, from the Programa Nacional de Servicio Social en Investigación. In collaboration with Dr. Juan Fernández. January 2003. Director Servicio Social for Josie Montserrat Saavedra Panduro, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, September 2002-November 2003. Host researcher VI Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Students: Francisco Javier Llamas Gutiérrez*, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, and Jesús González Suárez, Medical School, Unidad Saltillo, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. June-July 2004. *Selected as the best poster at the presentation of all projects. Host researcher del VIII Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Student: Julián Javier Esparza Martínez. July 2006. Host researcher IX Verano de la Ciencia de la Región Centro. Student: Cecilia García-Martínez. July 2007. Host researcher IX Verano de la Región Centro. Student: Raúl Alejandro León López. July 2007. Host researcher X Verano de la Región Centro. Students: Melina de Jesús Amador Jiménez, Rusbel Roberto Flores Pérez, Paulina Andrade Lozano. July 2008.

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Host researcher Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training (MHIRT). Student: Marie Michele Sainvil. July-August, 2008. Director Servicio Social Siomara Jaramillo, School of Psychology, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, November 2003- July 2004. Director Servicio Social Eduardo Mauricio López Hernández, Colegio Fray Luis de León. November 2004. Director Servicio Social Diego Romero Cano, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. January 2008-January 2009. Sojourn for the course “Métodos de Investigación en Laboratorio II” José Abraham Márquez Ramos, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. May-July 2005. Accepted as Tutor for the Graduate Program in Psychology, School of Psychology, UNAM, 2004. Accepted as Tutor for the Graduate program in Biological Sciences, School of Sciences, UNAM, 2004. INVITATIONS

1. Universidad Anáhuac. Conference : Psychobiology in the XX century. November, 1995. 2. NIMH Neuroscience Center. Visiting Fellow, Dr. William J. Freed. January 22-26 de 1996 3. Invited Speaker. Hospital Psiquiátrico Fray Bernardino Álvarez : Use of transplants in an

animal model of Huntington’s disease. March 1996. 4. Invited Speaker. Continuing Education Course on Neuroscience. Department of Biology of

Reproduction. Autonomous Metropolitan University and University Program of Research in Health Sciences. June 2001.

5. III Congreso Nacional del Sueño 2001. Sociedad Mexicana para la Investigación y Medicina del Sueño A.C. y la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Septiembre 2001.

6. VII curso internacional “Bases Biológicas de la Conducta: Adaptaciones y Mecanismos”, 16-18 de mayo 2002. Tlaxcala, Tlax.

7. Invitation to the XXI Reunión Annual de la Federación de Sociedades de Biología Experimental- FeSBE in Águas de Lindóia-São Paulo, August 23-26 de agosto, 2006.

8. Invitation to the Gordon Research Conference on Cannabinoid Function in the CNS, September 30 to October 5, 2007 Les Diablerets, Suiza. Scholarship from Nature Publishing.

9. Guest Speaker at the V Simposio Líderes Anáhuac en Psicología 2008: “The Challenges for the Neurosciences in Mexico”, November 12, 2008.

10. Science Workshop for Youngsters 2009: “Cell therapy for the nervous system” organized by the

11. Centro de Geociencias de la UNAM, del 28 junio a 4 de julio 2009. 12. Guest speaker. “Neuroscience Christmas Seminar 2009”. Universidad Anáhuac Mayab,

December 11, 2009. 13. Guest speaker. Knowledge Festival organized by UNAM and State of Queretaro: “What the

mind has told us about the brain during the last century”, December 2nd, 2010. 14. Speaker: Symposium on “Damage and Repair in Neurodegenerative Disorders” organized

by the Instituto de Fisiología Celular and Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas-UNAM, May 2nd and 3rd, 2012.

15. Speaker: “Frontiers in Neuroscience” conference entitled “Cell therapy in the Central Nervous System, organized by the Department of Biology of Reproduction,Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, March 22nd, 2012.

Curriculum vitae


16. Speaker conference entitled “Glutamate in affective disorders” during the semi-plenary session “Neurosciences in Mental Health” organized by the Asociación Psiquiátrica Mexicana A.C. and Instituto de Neurobiología, March 15-18, 2013.

17. Giordano M. “Men and their gods: what does neuroscience has to say”. V Colloquium of Research in Physiological and Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UNAM, September 30th, 2014.

18. Speaker during the National Week of Psychology organized by El Colegio Profesional de Psicólogos de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica, November 8-15, 2014.

19. Speaker in the Symposium “Select Topics in Neurosciences” organized by Centro deInvestigaciones Cerebrales de la Universidad Veracruzana and The Southeastern Mexico Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience, Xalapa, Veracruz, November 27, 2014.

20. Giordano Noyola María Magdalena, Brain Plasticity in Physiotherapy, First Meeting of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM. December, 2015.

21. Giordano Noyola María Magdalena, “Pain modulation through glutamatergic pathways”. Hospital General de Querétaro and Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, August 2015.

22. Giordano Noyola María Magdalena, “Vulnerable populations”, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro: Faculty of Philosophy and the Initiative for the Education in Research Ethics in the Caribbean, June 2015.

23. Giordano Noyola María Magdalena, “Culture and Brain Plasticity: the two faces of the coin”, Instituto de Neurobiología-UNAM, April, 2015.

24. Giordano Noyola María Magdalena, Oppenheimer’s choice: Reflections on the relationship between science and ethics”, Instituto de Neurobiología-UNAM, May 2015.

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Published in Mexico 1. Giordano M. Uso de transplantes en un modelo animal de la enfermedad de Huntington.

Psiquis. 5 (4): 91-94, 1996. 2. Prospéro García O., Murillo Rodríguez E., Giordano M., Gómez Chavarín M., Méndez M.,

Navarro L. Oleamida: marihuana endógena potencial. Medicina Universitaria 3:269-274, 2000.

Published elsewhere 1. Prado-Alcalá, R.A., Signoret-Edwards, L., Figueroa, M., Giordano, M., and Barrientos, M.A.:

Post-trial injection of atropine into the caudate nucleus interferes with long-terrn but not with short-term retention of passive avoidance. Behavioral and Neural Biology 42: 81-84, 1984.

2. Agmo, A., and Giordano, M.: The locomotor reducing effects of GABAergic drugs do not depend on the GABA-A receptor. Psychopharmacology 87:51-54, 1985.

3. Giordano, M., and Prado-Alcalá, R.A.: Retrograde amnesia induced by post-trial injection of atropine into the caudate-putamen. Protective effect of the negative reinforcer. Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior, 24:905-909, 1986.

4. Russell, K.H., Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R.: Amphetamine induced on and off- wall rearing in adult laboratory rats, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 26: 7-10, 1987.

5. Sanberg, P.R., Nash, D.R., Calderon, S.F., Giordano, M., Shipley, M.T., and Norman, A.B.: Neural transplants disrupt the blood-brain barrier and allow peripherally acting drugs to exert a centrally mediated behavioral effect. Experimental Neurology 102: 149-152, 1988.

6. Sanberg, P.R., Bunsey, M.D., Giordano, M., and Norman, A.B.: The catalepsy test: its ups and downs. Behavioral Neuroscience. 102: 748-759, 1988.

7. Giordano, M., Houser-Hagenmeyer, S.H., and Sanberg, P.R.: Intraparenchymal fetal striatal transplants and functional reovery in kainic acid lesioned rats. Brain Research. 446: 183-188, 1988.

Magda Giordano


8. Norman, A.B., Calderon, S.F., Giordano M., Sanberg, P.R.: A novel rotational behavior model for assessing the restructuring of striatal dopamine effector systems: are transplants sensitive to peripherally acting drugs? Progress in Brain Research. 78: 6 1 -67, 1988.

9. Norman A.B., Calderon, S.F., Giordano M., and Sanberg, P.R.: Striatal tissue transplants attenuate apomorphine-induced rotational behavior in rats with unilateral kainic acid lesions. Neuropharmacology 27: 333-336, 1988.

10. Sanberg, P.R., Calderon, S.F., Giordano, M., and Norman, A.B.: The quinolinic acid model of Huntington's disease: Locomotor abnormalities. Experimental Neurology 105:45-53, 1989.

11. Sanberg, P.R., Giordano, M., Henault, M.A., Nash, D.R., and Hagenmeyer-Houser S.H.: Intraparenchymal striatal transplants required for maintenance of behavioral recovery in an animal model of Huntington's disease. Journal of Neural Transplantation 1: 23-31, 1989.

12. Sanberg, P.R., Russell, K.H., Hagenmeyer-Houser, S.H., Giordano, M., Zubrycki, E.M., and Garver, D.L.: Neuroleptic-induced emotional defecation: effects of scopolamine and haloperidol. Psychopharmacology 99:60-63, 1989.

13. Norman, A.B., Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R. Fetal striatal tissue grafts into excitotoxic-lesioned striatum: pharmacological and behavioral aspects. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 34:139-147, 1989.

14. Giordano, M., Moody, C.A., Zubrycki, E.M., Dreshfield, L., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R.: Prenatal exposure to cocaine in rats: lack of long-term effects on locomotion and stereotypy. Journal of the Psychonomic Society 28:51-54, 1990.

15. Zubrycki, E.M., Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R.: The effects of cocaine on multivariate locomotor behavior and defecation. Behavioral Brain Research 36:155-159, 1990.

16. Giordano, M., Ford, L.M., Brauckmann, J.L., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R.: MK801 prevents quinolinic acid-induced behavioral deficits and neurotoxicity in the striatum. Brain Research Bulletin 24: 313-319, 1990.

17. Giordano, M., Ford, L.M., and Sanberg, P.R.: Neural grafts and pharmacological intervention in a model of Huntington's disease. Brain Research Bulletin 25:453-465, 1990.

18. Sanberg, P.R., Zubrycki, E.M., Ragozzino, M.E., Giordano, M., and Shipley, M.T.: Tyrosine hydroxylase positive fibers and neurons in transplanted fetal striatal tissue in rats with quinolinic acid lesions in the striatum. Brain Research Bulletin 25: 889-894, 1990.

19. Lu, S.Y., Giordano, M., Norman, A.B., Shipley, M.T., Sanberg, P.R. Behavioral Effects of neural transplants into the intact striatum. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 37:135-148, 1990.

20. Giordano, M., Takashima, H., Poltorak, M., and Freed, W.J. Immortalized GABAergic cell lines derived from rat striatum using a temperature-sensitive allele of the SV40 large T antigen. Experimental Neurology 124: 395-400, 1993.

21. Giordano, M. , Takashima H., Poltorak M., Geller, H.M., Freed W.J. Constitutive expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) by striatal cell lines immortalized using the tsA58 allele of the SV40 large T antigen. Cell Transplantation 5 : 563-575, 1996.

22. Agmo A., Belzung, C. and Giordano M. Interactions between dopamine and GABA in the control of ambulatory activity. Journal of Neural Transmission: 103 : 925-934, 1996.

23. Giordano M. , Güemes, M., López-Arias V., and Paredes R.G. Socio-sexual behavior in male rats after lesions of the dorsolateral tegmentum. Physiology and Behavior 65 (1) : 89-94, 1998.

24. Giordano M., Salado-Castillo, R., Sánchez-Alavez, M., and Prado-Alcalá R.A. Striatal transplants prevent AF64A-induced retention deficits. Life Sciences 63 (22) : 1953-1961, 1998.

25. Giordano M., Lopez-Arias V, and Paredes RG, Combined mesencephalic and hypothalamic transplants reverse lesion-induced sexual behavior deficits. Behavioural Brain Research 120:97-104, 2000.

26. Giordano M., Mejía-Viggiano M.C. Gender Differences in Spontaneous and MK-801-induced activity after striatal lesions. Brain Research Bulletin 56: 553-561, 2001.

27. Rodríguez V.M., Carrizales L., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Dufour L., and Giordano M. The effects of sodium arsenite exposure on some neurobehavioral parameters in the albine rat. Brain Research Bulletin 55(2): 301-308, 2001.

28. Murillo-Rodríguez E., Giordano M., Cabeza, R., Henriksen S.J., Méndez Díaz, M., Navarro L., y Prospéro-García O. Oleamide modulates memory in rats. Neuroscience Letters 313:61-64, 2001.

29. Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Andrea Gutiérrez de la Barrera, Jorge Larriva and Magda Giordano. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) partly prevents axon elimination in the neonate rat optic nerve. Neuroscience Letters 325:207-10, 2002.

Curriculum vitae


30. Mena-Segovia J., Cintra L., Prospéro-García O., Giordano M. Changes in sleep-waking cycle after striatal excitotoxic lesions. Behavioral Brain Research 136:475-481, 2002.

31. Rodríguez V.M., Carrizales L., Mendoza M.S., Fajardo O.R., Giordano M. Effects of sodium arsenite exposure on development and behavior in the rat. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 24(6):743-750, 2002.

32. Mena-Segovia J., Giordano M. Striatal dopaminergic stimulation produces c-Fos expression in the PPT and an increase in wakefulness. Brain Res. 2003 Oct 3;986 (1-2):30-8.

33. Rodríguez V.M., Jimenez-Capdeville M.E., Giordano M. The effects of arsenic exposure on the nervous system. Toxicol Lett. 2003 Nov 1;145(1):1-18.

34. Vargas-Perez H., Mena-Segovia J., Giordano M., Diaz J.L. Induction of c-Fos in nucleus accumbens in naïve male Balb/c mice after wheel running. Neurosci Lett. 2003 Dec 4; 352(2):81.4.

35. Mena-Segovia J., Favila R., and Giordano M. Long-term effects of striatal lesions on c-Fos immunoreactivity in the pedunculopontine nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2004 20(9):2367-2376. (Figura seleccionada para portada).

36. Rodríguez, V. M., Del Razo L. M., Limón-Pacheco J. H, Giordano M, Sanchez-Peña L.C., Uribe-Querol Eileen2, Gutiérrez-Ospina, G.2, and Gonsebatt M. E. Glutathione reductase inhibition and methylated arsenic distribution in CD1 mice brain and liver. Toxicological Sciences 2005, 84:157-166.

37. Claudia G. Castillo, Soledad Mendoza, William J. Freed, Magda Giordano. Intranigral Transplants Of Immortalized GABAergic Cells Decrease The Expression Of Kainic Acid-Induced Seizures In The Rat. Behavioural Brain Research 2006, 171:109-115.

38. Claudia G. Castillo,, Soledad Mendoza, Manuel B. Aguilar, William J. Freed, and Magda Giordano. Intranigral transplants of a GABAergic cell line produce long-term alleviation of established motor seizures. . Behavioural Brain Research 2008, 193(1):17-27.

39. Garcia E, Limon D, Perez-De La Cruz V, Giordano M, Diaz-Muñoz M, Maldonado PD, Herrera-Mundo MN, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Santamaria A. Lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial dysfunction and neurochemical and behavioural deficits in different neurotoxic models: protective role of S-allylcysteine. Free Radic Res. 2008 Oct;42(10):892-902.

40. Bardullas, U., Limón-Pacheco, J.H., Giordano, M., Carrizales, L., Mendoza-Trejo, M.S., and Rodríguez, V.M. Chronic low-level arsenic exposure causes gender alterations in locomotor activity, dopaminergic systems and expression of thioredoxin in mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, December 2009; 239(2), 169-177.

41. Mejía-Toiber J.,Castillo C.G., Giordano M., terapia celular y terapia génica ex vivo: avances en el tratamiento de enfermedades del sistema nervioso central, Revista De Neurologia, November 2009; 49(9), 483-489.

42. Paul Carrillo-Mora; Magda Giordano; Abel Santamaria. Spatial memory: Theoretical basis and comparative review on experimental methods in rodents. Behavioural Brain Research, May 2009; 203, 151-164.

43. Claudia G. Castillo, Jana Mejía-Toiber, & Magda Giordano. Terapia Celular y Terapia Génica Ex Vivo: Avances en el Tratamiento de Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Central. Revista de Neurología. Aceptado 10 de junio de 2009.

44. Bardullas U., Limón-Pacheco J.H., Giordano M., Carrizales L., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., and Rodríguez V.M., Chronic low-level arsenic exposure causes gender-specific alterations in locomotor activity, dopaminergic systems and thioredoxin expression in mice, Toxicology and Applied Toxicology, December 2009; 239(2), 169-177.

45. Mejía-Toiber Jana, José Abraham Márquez Ramos, Mauricio Díaz-Muñoz, Fernando Peña, Manuel B. Aguilar, and Magda Giordano, Glutamatergic excitation and Gaba release from a transplantable cell line, Cell Transplantation, June 2010; 19(10), 1307-23.

46. Castillo C.G., Mendoza S., Saavedra J., Giordano M., Lack of effect of intranigral transplants of a gabaergic cell line on absence seizures, Epilepsy and Behavior, 2010; 18, 358-365.

47. Peña F., Ordaz B., Balleza-Tapia H., Bernal-Pedraza R., Márquez-Ramos A., Carmona-Aparicio L., Giordano M., beta-amyloid protein 25-35 disrupts hippocampal activity: role of fyn-kinase , Hippocampus, March 2010; 20(1), 78-96.

48. Rodríguez Verónica Mireya, Limón-Pacheco Jorge Humberto, Carrizales Leticia, Mendoza-Trejo María Soledad, and Giordano Magda., Chronic exposure to low levels of inorganic arsenic causes alterations in locomotor activity and in the expression of dopaminergic and antioxidant systems in the albino rat, Neurotoxicology And Teratology, 2010; 32, 640-647.

49. Bardullas Ulises, Giordano Magda, Rodríguez Verónica M. , Chronic atrazine exposure causes

Magda Giordano


disruption of the spontaneous locomotor activity and alters the striatal dopaminergic system of the male sprague-dawley rat, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, September 2011; 33, 263-272.

50. Tamariz E., Wan A.C.A., Pek Y.S., Giordano M., Hernández-Padrón G., Varela-Echavarría A., Velasco I., Castaño V., Delivery of chemotropic proteins and improvement 4 of dopaminergic neuronsoutgrowth through a thixotropic 5 hybrid nano-gel, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, July 2011; 22(9), 2097-2109.

51. Mejía-Toiber Jana , Castillo Claudia G., Giordano Magda. Strategies for the development of cell lines for ex vivo gene therapy in the central nervous system, Cell Transplantation, October 2011; 20 (7), 983-1001.

52. Limón-Pacheco J.H., Mejía-Toiber J., Gonzalez-Gallardo A., Giordano M., Evaluation of plasmid permanence in transfected cells after transplantation intothe rat brain, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, June 2012; 209, 235– 240.

53. Mejía-Toiber Jana, Limón-Pacheco Jorge H., Gonzalez-Gallardo Adriana, and Giordano Magda, in vivo GABA release and kinetics of transgene loss in a GABAergic cell line after long-term transplantation into the rat brain, Neuroscience, January 2012; 203, 244-254.

54. Rodríguez V.M., Limón-Pacheco J.H., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., González-Gallardo A., Hernández- Plata I., Giordano M., Repeated exposure to the herbicide atrazine alters locomotor activity and the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of the albino rat, NeuroToxicology, November 2013; 34, 82-94.

55. Ulises Bardullas, Magda Giordano,Verónica Mireya Rodríguez, Atrazine is primarily responsible for the toxicity of long-term exposure to a combination of atrazine and inorganic arsenic in nigrostriatal system of the albino rat, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, December 2013; 40, 59–66.

56. Hernández-Plata I, Giordano M, Díaz-Muñoz M, Rodriguez VM, The herbicide glyphosate 57. causes behavioral changes and alterations in dopaminergic markers in male Sprague-Dawley

rat. Neurotoxicology, January 2015; 46:79-91. 58. McNamara P, Butler PM, Giordano M, On Historical Consciousness: A Pilot Investigation.

Philosophical Psychology, 06 Aug 2015;1-17. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2015.1065315 59. Rodríguez VM, Limón-Pacheco JH, Del Razo LM, Giordano M. Effects of inorganic arsenic

exposure on glucose transporters and insulin receptor in the hippocampus of C57BL/6 male mice. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2016 Feb 11. pii: S0892-0362(16)30006-X. doi: 10.1016/ 2016.02.001. [Epub ahead of print].

60. Moreno-Ávila, C.L., Limón-Pacheco, J.H., Giordano, M ., Rodríguez, V. Expression of dopamine receptor D2 as biomarker of dopaminergic alterations in brain of mice exposed to chronic arsenic in drinking water. Under review.

61. Giordano M., Mendoza-Trejo S., Rodríguez, V. Neuroanatomical and neurochemical targets of acute Atrazine exposure in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. Under review.

62. Valles-Capetillo E., Giordano M. The neural basis of pragmatic language comprehension: a review. In preparation.

Book chapters Published in Mexico 1. Mena Segovia J., Giordano M. Los Ganglios Basales más allá del movimiento. En: Temas Selectos de

Neurociencias II. Velázquez Moctezuma J. (coordinador) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2001, págs. 87-118.

2. Giordano M. El estriado dorsal y ventral la interfase entre cognición, motivación y acción. En: Neurobiología del Hedonismo, El Manual Moderno, 2007, 2-20.

3. Giordano M. Investigaciones científicas en países en desarrollo . En: Ética de la investigación científica. Coordinadores: José Salvador Arellano, Robert T. Hall, Jorge Hernández Arriaga, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro: México, ISBN:978-607-513-127-6, publicado en línea noviembre de 2014.

Published elsewhere 1. Sanberg, P.R., Henault, M.A., Hagenmeyer-Houser, S.H., Giordano M., and Russell, K.H.:Multiple

Curriculum vitae


transplants of fetal striatal tissue inthe kainic acid model of Huntington's disease:Behavioral recovery may not be related to acetylcholinesterase. En "Cell and Tissue Transplantation into the Adult Brain", Azmitia, E.C. and Bjorklund, A. (Eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of Science 495: 781-785, 1987.

2. Giordano, M., Takashima, H., Poltorak, M., and Freed, W.J. Development of immortalized cell lines for transplantation in CNS injury and degeneration models. In: Providing therapeutic access to the brain: alternate approaches. T.R. Flanagan, D.F. Emerich and S. Winn (Eds.), Academic Press, 1994, págs. 308-325.

3. Freed, W.J., Freed L.M., Giordano M. Animal models and human behavior. En: The Behavioral Sciences in Psychiatry, 3a edición, Wiener J.M. y Breslin, M.A. (Eds.) Williams and Wilkins, 1995, págs. 87-101.

4. Giordano, M. and Freed W.J. An overview of transplantation techniques in small animals. In: Methods in Cell Transplantation. C. Ricordi (Ed.) 1995, 379-390.

5. Rodríguez V. y Giordano M. Oxidative stress induced by arsenic exposure: their implications on the nervous system. Research Signpost, 121-153, 2009. ISBN: 978-81-308-0308-1. Editors: Mauricio Díaz-Muñoz and Abel Santamaría del Angel.

6. Giordano M., Cano-Sotomayor D. Kainic Acid-Induced Cell Proliferation in the Striatum Is Not Estrogen Dependent. Springer-Verlag New York, 2009, 351-360.

7. Magda Giordano. The Role of Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Lessons from Animal Models and Clinical Trials, Novel Treatment of Epilepsy, Humberto Foyaca-Sibat(Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-667-6, InTech, Available from:, 2011.

8. Giordano, M., and Patrick McNamara. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Religious Language: A working hypothesis. In: Beyond Words: Religious Language, Metaphor And The Mind, Paul Chilton and Monika Kopytowska, editors. In editorial process; OUP.

9. Holtgraves, T., and Giordano M. Parkinson’s Disease without Dementia (chapter 16). In: Research in Clinical Pragmatics, Louise Cummings, editor. In editorial process; Springer.

PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS National 1. Giordano, M., and Agmo, A.: Los receptores GABA-B, pero no los GABA-A estan involucrados

en los efectos de drogas GABérgicas administradas sistémicamente en la locomoción de la rata. XXVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad de Ciencias Fisiológicas. México 1984.

2. Giordano, M., Mejía-Viggiano M.-C. Consecuencias tempranas y tardías de la excitotoxicidad inducida por ácido kaínico. Simposio "Neurotoxicología", Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, sept. 1998.

3. Alonso-Onofre F., Mejía-Viggiano C., Gutiérrez de la Barrera A., Mena-Segovia J. y Giordano, M. Daños en el aprendizaje espacial después de lesiones en estriado dorsal y ventral. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, sept. 1998.

4. Giordano M., Mejía-Viggiano C., Alonso F. y Mena, J. The effects of post-lesion interval on behavioral and histological changes after excitotoxic striatal lesions. Restauración Neurológica 99, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba, febrero 23-25, 1999.

5. Rodríguez V.M., Díaz-Barriga F., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Carrizales L., y Giordano M. Efectos del arsénico (As) sobre parámetros neuroconductuales. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, se presentó el 27 de septiembre de 1999.

6. Gutiérrez de la Barrera A., Giordano M., Larriva-Sahd J. y Gutiérrez-Ospina G. Efectos del factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo I en la muerte celular durante el desarrollo retiniano en mamíferos. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, se presentó el 27 de septiembre de 1999.

7. Mena-Segovia J., Cintra L., Prospéro-García O. y Giordano M. Cambios en los ritmos circádicos después de lesiones excitotóxicas en el estriado. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, se presentó el 28 de septiembre de 1999.

8. Giordano M. Los ganglios basales más allá del movimiento. Curso de Actualización en Neurociencias, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 6 junio 2001.

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9. Castillo C.G., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Freed W.J. y Giordano M. Transplante de una línea celular inmortalizada productora de GABA en la amígdala de la rata albina. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológica, 26 al 30 de agosto 2001.

10. Giordano M., Rodríguez-Córdova V.M., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Alonso-Onofre, F., Castillo C.G. Efecto de la lesión del estriado dorsal de la rata con ácido kaínico sobre el número de neuronas positivas para NADPH-diaforasa. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológica, 26 al 30 de agosto 2001.

11. Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Luna-Muñoz M., Arámburo-de la Hoz C. y Giordano M. Estandarización del método de inmunotransferencia para la detección del factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo I en el cuerpo estriado de la rata macho. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológica, 26 al 30 de agosto 2001.

12. Rodríguez V.M., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Carrizales L., Dufour L., Alonso F., Mendoza S., Cuervo T., castillo C.G. y Giordano M. Efectos de la exposición a acetato de plomo (Ac. Pb.) en la neuroquímica del estriado, corteza y mesencéfalo y en tareas conductuales. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 26 al 30 de agosto 2001.

13. Alonso Onofre F., Cuervo-González T. y Giordano M. Efectos de lesiones electrolíticas en tres regiones del estriado dorsal sobre la adquisición de una tarea reversa del laberinto radial. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológica, 26 al 30 de agosto 2001.

14. Giordano M. y Mena Segovia J. Lesiones del estriado dorsal inducen cambios en el ciclo sueño-vigilia. III Congreso Nacional de Sueño 2001. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 19-22 septiembre.

15. Castillo C.G., Mendoza M.S., Giordano M. Evaluación del efecto del ácido kaínico en ratas previamente transplantadas con una línea celular gabaérgica. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 26 al 30 de agosto 2002.

16. Mena-Segovia J., Terrés M.L., Giordano M. Inducción de vigilia independiente de activación motora posterior a la estimulación estriatal dopaminérgica. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 26 al 30 de agosto 2002.

17. Mena-Segovia J., Terrés M.L., Giordano M. Inducción de vigilia independiente de activación motora posterior a la estimulación estriatal dopaminérgica. Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 26 al 30 de agosto 2002.

18. Mena Segovia J., Mendoza Trejo S., Giordano M. Efecto de la estimulación e inhibición de los receptores dopaminérgicos tipos D1 y D2 en la respuesta conductual y expresión de c-Fos en animales con lesiones estriatales. XLVIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 1 al 5 de agosto 2004.

19. Castillo C.G., Mendoza M.S., Saavedra J.M., Giordano M. Evaluación del efecto del trasplante intranigral de células GABAérgicas sobre la aparición de descargas pico-onda en el modelo de las ratas GAERS. XLVII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 1 al 5 de agosto 2004.

20. Giordano M. Neuroquímica involucrada en los circuitos neuronales del reforzamiento. En el Simposio Farmacología y Conducta Hedónica organizado por el Dr. Jorge Juárez Gonzáles. XLVIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, Guadalajara Jalisco 4 a 8 de septiembre 2005.

21. Vázquez I., Giordano M., Mendoza M.S. El papel de los receptores dopaminérgicos estriatales en las alteraciones conductuales en un modelo de la enfermedad de Huntington. III Encuentro Participación de la Mujer en la ciencia, León, Gto. 18-19 mayo 2006.

22. Mendoza M.S. y Giordano M. Caracterización conductual y celular en ratas hembras y machos lesionadas con ácido kaínico 3 nmol. III Encuentro Participación de la Mujer en la ciencia, León, Gto. 18-19 mayo 2006.

23. Castillo C., Mendoza M.S., Giordano M. ¿Son útiles los trasplantes neuronales para el control de crisis tónico-clónicas? III Encuentro Participación de la Mujer en la ciencia, León, Gto. 18-19 mayo 2006.

24. Mendoza M.S., Rodríguez V.M. y Giordano M. Participación de los receptores estriatales dopaminérgicos tipo D-2 en la regulación de la actividad locomotora. L Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas, Puebla, Pue. 9-13 septiembre 2007.

25. Márquez-Ramos J. A., Giordano M., y Peña J.F. Caracterización electrofisiológica de los trasplantes celulares de una línea celular GABAérgica en el hipocampo de la rata albina

Curriculum vitae


neonatal. L Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad de Ciencias Fisiológicas, Puebla, Pue. 9-13 septiembre 2007.

26. Giordano M. Uso potencial de la terapia celular en el tratamiento de la epilepsia. LI Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas, 7-11 septiembre 2008, Mérida, Yucatán.

27. Ramos M., Limón-Pacheco J. H., Giordano M., Regulación de la señalización dependiente de los receptores de dopamina tipo D1 y D2 en el estriado lesionado de la rata albina. LIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, September 2010.

28. Muñoz-Villegas P., Rodríguez V., Giordano M. y Júarez J. Efecto del metilfenidato sobre los niveles de dopamina en núcleo accumbens y corteza prefrontal en ratas expuestas prenatalmente al alcohol, LIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, September 2010.

29. Sánchez González G.M., Cárabez Trejo, A., Giordano Noyola M. M., Caracterización ultraestructural de la línea celular GABAérgica M213-2o cl-4 transfectada con el gen de la GAD67 humana, LIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, September 2011.

30. Ríos Ramírez A.A., Giordano Noyola M.M., Tamariz Domínguez E., Uso de biomateriales para la liberación de semaforinas recombinantes en el sistema nervioso central, LIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, September 2011.

31. Bardullas U., Limón-Pacheco J.H., Carrizales L., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Giordano M., Hernández- Plata I., González-Gallardo A., Moreno-Ávila C.L., Cruz-García M.G. y Rodriguez V.M, Poster: Efectos de la exposición a arsénico inorgánico (Asi) y atrazina (ATR) y su posible participación comofactores de riesgo en el desarrollo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, Congreso Nacional de Investigación Científica Básica 2012 "Casos de éxito", Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT, México, November 2012.

32. Hernández-Plata I, Díaz Muñoz M., Giordano M, Rodríguez V.M., Efectos de la exposición subcrónica al herbicida glifosato sobre la actividad locomotora y áreas dopaminérgicas de las vías nigroestriatal y mesolítica de la rata albina, IX Congreso Nacional de Toxicología, México, noviembre de 2013.

Magda Giordano


PRESENTATIONS AND PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS International 1. Hagenmeyer, S.H., Russell, K.H., Henault, M.A., Giordano. M., and Sanberg, P.R.: Neuroleptic

anxiety syndrome: further characterization of an animal model. Proceedings and Abstracts of the Eastern Psvchological Association 57: 29,1986.

2. Hagenmeyer, S.H., Russell, K.H., Henault, M.A., Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R.: Effects of embryonic homotopic transplants into normal rat striatal tissue. Proceedings and Abstracts of the Eastern Psvchological Association, 57: 65, 1986

3. Sanberg, P.R., Henault, M.A., Hagenmeyer-Houser, S.H., Giordano, M., and Russell, K.H.: Multiple transplants offetal striatal tissue in the kainic acid model of Huntington's disease: behavioral recovery is not related to Acetylcholinesterase. New York Academy of Science Abstracts. Cell and Tissue Transplantation into the Adult Brain 31, 1986.

4. Henault, M.A., Sanberg, P.R., Hagenrneyer, S.H., Justice, C.A., Huntsman, C.S., Giordano, M., Russell, K.H.: Striatal transplants reverse the locomotor abnormalities in an animal model of Huntington's disease. Midwestern Psvchological Association Abstracts. 58: 72, 1986.

5. Russell, K.H., Houser, S.H., Giordano, M., Roberts, A.J., Garver, D.L., and Sanberg, P.R.: Neuroleptic-induced homecage defecation is reversed by anticholinergic treatment. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 12: 476, 1986.

6. Giordano, M., Houser, S.H., Russell, K.H., and Sanberg, P.R.: Location of fetal striatal transplants as an important determinant for behavioral recovery of striatal lesioned rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 12:1479,1986.

7. Sanberg, P.R., Norman, A.B., Giordano, M., Russell, K.H., and Garver, D.L.: Fetal grafting in an animal model of Huntington's disease. Neuroscience 22:5266,1987 (World Congress of Neurology)

8. Giordano, M., Calderon, S.F., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R.: The quinolinic acid model of Huntington's disease: dose dependent effects on behavior. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 13:1360. 1987.

9. Norman, A.B., McGowan T., Calderon, S.F., Giordano, M., Sanberg, P.R.: Attenuation of apomorphine-induced rotational behavior by fetal striatal tissue transplants in rats with unilateral striatal kainic acid lesions. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 13:785, 1987.

10. Sanberg, P.R., Calderon, S.F., Weissman, E.M., Giordano, M., and Norman, A.B.: Striatal transplants promote centrally-mediated behavioral effects of N-methylscopolamine which does not norrnally cross the blood-brain barrier. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 13:785, 1987.

11. Norman, A.B., Calderon, S.F., Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R.: A novel rotational behavior model for assessing the restructuring of striatal dopamine effector systems: Are transplants sensitive to peripherally acting drugs? Schmitt Neurological Sciences Symposium, 69, 1987.

12. Giordano, M., Russell, K.H., Hagenmeyer-Houser, S.H., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. The role of neural transplants in the behavioral recovery of an animal model of Huntington's disease: effects of electrolytic lesions of the transplant. Schmitt Neurological Sciences Symposium 38, 1987.

13. Sanberg, P.R., Calderon, S.F., Giordano, M., Weissman, E.M., Zubrycki, E.M., Garver, D.L., and Norman, A.B . Pharmacological recovery of dopaminergic neurotransmission following fetal striatal transplants in an animal model of Huntington's disease. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Abstracts 26: 177, 1987.

14. Sanberg, P.R., Henault, M.A., Giordano, M., Russell, K.H., Norman, A.B., and Garver, D.L. Striatal transplants in a Huntington's disease model. Proceedings of the American Psychiatric Association 140: 202-201, 1987.

15. Calderon, S.F., Norman, A.B., Giordano, M., Weissman, E.M., Shipley, M.T., and Sanberg, P.R. The blood-brain barrier surrounding striatal transplants is permeable to peripherally acting drugs. Neurology 38 (Suppl. 1): 145, 1988 (American Academy of Neurology).

16. Giordano, M., Calderon, S., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. Quinolinic acid lesions of the striatum produce a behavioral model of Huntington's disease. Neurology, 38 (Suppl. 1): 329, 1988 (American Academy of Neurology).

17. Giordano, M., Sanberg, P.R., Calderon, S.F., and Norman, A.B. Fetal striatal tissue grafts into excitotoxic-lesioned striatum: Pharmacological and behavioral aspects. Society for NeuroscienceAbstracts 14: 887 1988.

Curriculum vitae


18. Lu, S.Y., Giordano, M., Ragozzino, M., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. Fetal striatal tissue transplants into normal striatum: volume effects on behavior. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 14: 736, 1988.

19. Moody, C.A., Giordano, M., Zubrycki, E.M., Dreshfield, L., Frank, R.A., Norrnan, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. Prenatal exposure to cocaine in rats: effects on locomotion and stereotypy. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 14: 963,1988.

20. Giordano, M., Ford, L.M., Brauckmann, J., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. Behavioral deficits induced by intrastriatal excitotoxic lesions in rats are protected by the glutamate receptor antagonist MK-801. Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Societv. Highland Heights, Kentucky, June 1989.

21. Giordano, M., Zubrycki, E.M., Norman, A.B., and Sanberg, P.R. Effects of nonstriatal grafts and post-lesion delay on reversal of locomotor abnormalities after intrastriatal kainic acid lesions. Societv for Neuroscience Abstracts 15 (part 1): 912, 1989.

22. Zubrycki, E.M., Ragozzino, M.E., Giordano, M., M., Shipley, M.T., and Sanberg, P.R. Tyrosine hydroxylase positive fibers in transplanted fetal striatal tissue: afferent of intrinsic? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 15: 1353, 1989.

23. Giordano, M. Effects of neural grafting and pharmacological intervention in an animal model of Huntington's disease. Society for Neuroscience Satellite Symposium Neural Mechanisms of behavior: animal model of human conditions, 1989.

24. Giordano, M., and Sanberg, P.R. Changes in motor coordination and spontaneous nocturnal locomotion after homotopic and heterotopic grafts into the lesioned striatum. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 16: 654,1990.

25. Giordano, M., Lu, S.Y., Emerich, D.F., Pixley, S.K., Norgren, R.B., Lehman, M.N., and Norman, A.B. Transplants of cultured astrocytes on excitotoxin-induced locomotor behavior. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 17: 903, 1991.

26. Giordano, M., Takashima, H., Poltorak, M., Geller, H.M., and Freed, W.J. Characterization of striatally-derived immortalized cell lines. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 18:33, 1992.

27. Giordano, M., Takashima, H., Poltorak, M., Geller, H.M., and Freed, W.J. Characterization of immortalized striatal cell lines. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Abstracts, 1992.

28. Takashima H., N. Shibuya, Giordano, M., Poltorak and Freed, W.J. Transplantation of a temperature-sensitive neural cell line derived from rat ventral mesencephalon. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 55, 1993 .

29. Giordano, M., Takashima, Herranz, A., Poltorak, M., Geller, H.M., and Freed, W.J. Immortalized striatal cell lines: fiurther characterization and transplantation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 244, 1993.

30. Herranz, A., Heim, R.C., Poltorak, M., Giordano, M., Cannon-Spoor, H.E. and Freed, W.J. Effects of cortical lesions on apomorphine-induced rotational behavior. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 19: 1012, 1993.

31. Freed, W.J., Giordano M., Takashima H., Dillon-Carter O., Truckenmiller M.E., Kulaga H., Geller H.M., and Tonatore C. Conditional Immortalization strategies: cell lines derived using SV40 large T ts A58. American Society for Neural Transplantation.

32. Mitchell P.B., Giordano M., Cannon-Spoor H. E., Okoye, G., Geller H.M., Freed J.M. Characterization of the host response to transplants of the immortalized A7 glial cell line in the rat striatum. American Society for Neural Transplantation 1995.

33. Giordano-Noyola, M., Lara-Lemus A., Sánchez-Alavez M., Salado-Castillo, R., Palomero-Rivero M., Pérez de la Mora M., y Drucker-Colín, R. Self injurious behavior in rats with bilateral AF-64A striatal lesions. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 1996.

34. Giordano M., Sánchez-Alavez M., Salado-Castillo R. y Prado-Alcalá R. Behavioral effects of AF64A striatal lesions and reversal of learning deficits by neural transplants. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 22, Part 1, p. 578, 1996.

35. Barrios F.A., Giordano M. y Freed W.J. Cumulative locomotor activity curves for habituation studies with rodents. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 22, Part 2, p. 1584, 1996.

36. Giordano, M., Mejía-Viggiano M.-C. What can the kainic acid model tell about striatal function. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23, Part 1, p. 469, 1997.

37. Alonso-Onofre F., Mejía-Viggiano C., Gutiérrez de la Barrera A., Mena-Segovia J. and Giordano, M. Impairments in spatial learning after dorsal and ventral striatal lesions. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts : 24, Part 1, p. 174, 1998.

Magda Giordano


38. Murillo-Rodríguez E., Giordano, M., Sánchez-Alavez M., Navarro L., Palomero-Rivero M., Martínez de la Escalera G., Drucker-Colín R., Henriksen S.J., y Prospéro-García O. Oleamide, a sleep-inducing lipid, impairs long-term memory, motor behavior and induces analgesia. Society for Neuroscience, Abstracts : 24, Part 1, p. 687, 1998.

39. Giordano M., Mejía-Viggiano C., Alonso F. y Mena, J. The effects of post-lesion interval on behavioral and histological changes after excitotoxic striatal lesions. Restauración Neurológica 99, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba, febrero 23-25, 1999.

40. Rodríguez V.M., Díaz-Barriga F., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Carrizales L., and Giordano M. The effects of arsenic (As) on neurobehavioral parameters. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts : 25, Part 2, p. 1830, 1999.

41. Mena-Segovia J., Cintra L., Prospéro-García, O., Barrios F.A. and Giordano M. Changes in circadian rhythms after striatal excitotoxic lesions. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts :25, Part 1, p. 870, 1999.

42. Rodríguez V.M., Díaz-Barriga F., Dufour L., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Carrizales L. and Giordano M. The effects of arsenic (As) exposure on neurobehavioral parameters in the albine rat. First International Conference on Metals and the Brain. Padova, Italy. Sept. 20-23, 2000.

43. Barrios F.A., Fernández-Ruiz J., Alonso M., Giordano M., Melendrez L.A., and Rojas R. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Correlated to Behavioral Studies in Huntington´s Disease. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Vol. 26, Part I, pp. 1296, 2000.

44. Rodríguez V.M., Díaz-Barriga F., Dufour L., Carrizales L. and Giordano M. Neurobehavioral effects of arsenic exposure during development. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Vol. 26, Part I, pp. 2069, 2000.

45. Giordano M., Ríos C., Comentario a la conferencia del Dr. Youdim “Deficiency and excess of brain iron, cognitive impairment and Parkinson’s disease”. Nutrition Reviews, 2000.

46. Castillo C.G., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Freed W.J., Giordano M. Transplants of an immortalized GABA-producing cell line into the amygdala of the albino rat. American Society for Neural Transplantation and Repair. Volume 8: B-7, 2001.

47. Mena Segovia J., y Giordano M. Lesions in the striatum modify the circadian c-fos expression in the ponsotmesencephalic tegmentum nuclei related with the control the sleep-wake cycle. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2001.

48. Mena Segovia J., y Giordano M. Intrastriatal administration of amphetamine increases the c-fos expresión in the pontomesencephalic tegmentum nuclei as a posible mechanism of induced wakefulness. Actas de Fisiología 7, 2001. Congreso de la “World Federation of Sleep Research Societies: Sleep Odyssey 2001”, Montevideo, Uruguay.

49. Rodríguez V.M., Limón J., Giordano M., Gonsebatt M.E. y del Razo L.M. Arsenic accumulation and gluthation reductase activity in CD1 mice brain. 5th International Conference on Arsenic Exposure, San Diego, CA, July 14-18, 2002.

50. Mena J., Terres M.L., and Giordano M. Striatal D-1 dopamine receptors involved in cortical activation as a consequence of PPT and thalamic nuclei desinhibition. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Nov. 2002.

51. Castillo, C.G., Mendoza M.S., Freed W.J., Lehrmann E., Conejero-Goldberg C., Giordano M. Transplants of immortalized GABAergic cells expressing human GAD67 decrease seizures in a kainic-acid-induced epilepsy model. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Nov. 2002.

52. Rodríguez V.M., Dufour L., Carrizales L., Jiménez-Capdeville M.E., Alonso F., Mendoza S., Cuervo T., Castillo C.G., and Giordano M.. Effects of lead acetate (Pb Ac2) exposure on behavioral tasks and the dopaminergic system of the rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Nov. 2002.

53. Vargas-Perez H.; J. Mena-Segovia; M. Giordano; G. Martinez De La Escalera*; J.L. Diaz Differential Induction Of C-Fos In The Nucleus Accumbens By Wheel Running Use And Forced Locomotor Activity In Naive Balb/C Male Mice. Program No. 675.11. 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2002. Online.

54. Juárez B.E., Martínez L.M., Castillo C.G., Giordano M., García C., Jiménez-Capdevill M.E. Effects f Local Infusion of Methylmercury on the Rat Brain: GFAP Immunohistochemistry and Water Maze Learning. Proceeding of the Western Pharmacology Society, Vol 46: 111-113, 2003.

55. Mena-Segovia J, Mendoza-Trejo S. y Giordano M. REM sleep deprivation promotes slow-wave activity after wake-inducing striatal lesions. 33 rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience 2003.

Curriculum vitae


56. Giordano M., Coussen F., Normand E., Mulle C. Distribution of kainate binding sites in the brain of kainate receptor subunit knockout mice. 34rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience 2004.

57. Castillo C.G., Mendoza M.S., Saavedra J.M., Giordano M. Effect of intranigral GABAergic transplants on spiked and wave discharges in the cortical EEG of genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg. 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience 2004.

58. Mena-Segovia J., Mendoza-Trejo S., Giordano M. Behavioral Effect of D1 and D2 agonists and antagonists after excitotoxic striatal lesions. Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience 2004.

59. Giordano M., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Mena-Segovia J. The role of the striatum on the effects of modafinil. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting, June 2005, Santa Fe, New México.

60. Castillo C.G., Mendoza M.S., Falcón A., Aguilar, M.B., Giordano M. Long-term GABA release in an immortalized striatal cell line transfected with an Epstein-Barr virus-based plasmid vector. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November 2005.

61. Gómez-Chavarín M., Díaz R., Morales-Espinosa R., Giordano M., Fernández-Ruiz J. Rotenone administered to pregnant rats produces a reduction of dopaminergic neurons and an increase of alfa-synuclein in their offspring. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November 2005.

62. Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Mena-Segovia J., Giordano M., Fos expression in the striatum after modafinil administration in kainic acid lesioned animals. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting, May 2006, Whistler, Canada.

63. Vázquez I., Mendoza M.S., Giordano M. Dopaminergic receptors differentially regulate the hyperactivity observed in an excitotoxic model of Huntington’s disease. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Meeting, May 2006, Whistler, Canada.

64. Giordano M. Functional properties of genetically modified GABAergic cell lines. XXI Reunión Annual de la Federación de Sociedades de Biología Experimental- FeSBE realizada en la ciudad de Águas de Lindóia-São Paulo, del 23-26 de agosto de 2006.

65. Mejía-Toiber J., Giordano M. Transplantation of M213-20 Cl-4 cells with enhanced GAD67 expression into the substantia nigra reticulata alters tonic-clonic seizures. First annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience, May 23-25, 2007, Toronto, Canada.

66. Giordano M., Cano-Sotomayor D., and Mendoza-Trejo S. Kainic acid-induced cell proliferation in the striatum is not estrogen dependent. 9th Triennial Meeting of the International Basal Ganglia Society, 2-6th September 2007, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.

67. Mejía-Toiber, Giordano M. Neurochemical characterization of CL-4 cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience San Diego, 3-7 November, 2007.

68. Rodríguez V.M., Carrizales L., Villalobos P., Mendoza M., Valverde C., Giordano M. Chronic low-level lead acetate (PbAc2) exposure disrupts locomotor activity and thyroid hormone levels in the male albino rat (preliminary results). 47th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, Seattle, Washington 16-20 marzo, 2008.

69. Pacheco-Bardullas U., Carrizales L., Mendoza S., Giordano M., Rodríguez V.M. Chronic low-level arsenic exposure causes alteration in locomotor activity of mice. En: Arsenic in the environment: from nature to humans, 2nd International Congress, Valencia, España 21-23 mayo 2008.

70. Mejía-Toiber A., García-Martínez C., Romero-Cano D., Mendoza M.S., Giordano M. Intranigral administration of a modulator of endocannabinoid function (AM404) modifies KA-induced motor seizures. Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, 17-21 junio 2008.

71. Mejía A., Márquez A., Muñoz M., Aguilar M., Peña R., Giordano M. Neurochemical properties of a GABA producing cell line that modulates seizures in vivo. Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, Ginebra, Suiza 12-16 Julio 2008.

72. Rodriguez V.M., Pacheco-Bardullas U., Carrizales L., Limón-Pacheco J.H., Mendoza S., Giordano M. CNS Effects of arsenic. En: Environmental Etiologies of Neurological Disorders: Scientific, Translational and Policy Implications. Twenty-Fifth International Neurotoxicology Conference, Rochester, NY 12-16 October 2008.

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73. Sainvil M. M., Giordano-Noyola M., Mejía-Toiber J.A., Limón J., Mendoza S., Rodríguez V., Jeziorski M. Cell culture and transplantation of a GABA-producing cell line: function and morphology. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students Orlando, FL 5-8 November, 2008.

74. Pacheco-Bardullas U., Giordano M., Carrizales L., Limón-Pacheco J., Mendoza S., Rodríguez V.M. Chronic low-level arsenic (As) exposure causes alteration in locomotor activity in mice. Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 15-19 November 2008.

75. Romero-Cano D., Mendoza M.S., Romero J.J., y Giordano M., Memantine as adjuvant drug therapy in an animal model of epilepsy, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL, October 2009.

76. Mejía-Toiber J. A., Márquez Ramos A., Peña F., Aguilar M., Diaz-Muñoz M., Giordano M., Glutamate-induced gaba release and calcium activity in an immortalized gabaergic cell line, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL, October 2009.

77. Limón-Pacheco H.H., Bardullas U., Giordano M., Carrizales L., Mendoza-Trejo S. y Rodríguez V.M., Differential gender and strain susceptibility to the motor effects induced by chronic low-levels of arsenic exposure in C57BL/6J and CD-1 mice, 48th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 2009.

78. Bardullas U. , Giordano M., Rodríguez-Córdova V., Effects of the chronic exposure to the herbicide atrazine on behavior and the dopaminergic systems of the albine rat, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL, October 2009.

79. Ramos-Brossier M., Limón-Pacheco J. H., Giordano M., D1 and D2 dopamine receptor-dependent signaling in the rat striatum after kainic acid lesions, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, Amsterdam, July 2010.

80. Moreno-Ávila C.L., Giordano M., Rodríguez-Córdova V., PLocomotor activity and behavioral alterations in mice exposed to chronic low-level arsenic, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, November 2010.

81. Mejía-Toiber J., and Giordano M., Functional effects of a transgenic cell line with enhanced gad67 expression after transplantation into the substantia nigra reticulata of Sprague-Dawley rats, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, November 2010.

82. Hernández-Plata I., Giordano M., Limón-Pacheco J.H., Rodríguez-Córdova V.M. , Subchronic exposure to the herbicide glyphosate causes hypoactivity in the albine rat, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, November 2010.

83. Cruz García M., Limón Pacheco J., Del Razo Jiménez L., Giordano M., Rodríguez Córdova V., the effects of arsenic exposure on glucose transporters and insulin receptor in hippocampus of C57BL/6J male mice, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, San Diego CA, November 2010.

84. Márquez-Ramos A., Giordano M., Peña F., Functional integration of a gabaergic cell line into the hippocampus and its consequences in network activity, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2011.

85. Giordano M., Limón-Pacheco J., Mendoza Trejo M., Rodríguez V.M., Repeated exposure to the herbicide atrazine alters locomotor activity and the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of the albino rat, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2011.

86. Rios Ramírez, Giordano Noyola M., Tamariz Domínguez E., Biomaterials for the release of semaphorins into the brain, I Congreso FALAN and LV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, November 2012.

87. Hernández-Plata I, Giordano M., Rodríguez Córdova V., Effects of the sub chronic exposure to the herbicide glyphosate on behavior and dopaminergic brain areas of the albine rat, I Congreso FALAN and LV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Fisiológicas, México, November 2012.

88. Ríos Ramírez A., Giordano M., Tamariz E., Evaluation of biomaterials for the release of chemotropic proteins into the brain, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA, November 2011.

Curriculum vitae


89. Hernández-Plata I., Giordano M., Rodríguez V.M., Poster: Efects of the repeated exposure to herbicide glyphosate on behavior and the nigrostriatal system of the albino rat, Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans LA, November 2011.

90. Giordano M. Los hombres y sus dioses: qué dicen las neurociencias. Reunión PSIFEX 2014, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Cd. de México, 30 Septiembre 2014.

91. Hernández-Plata I., Giordano M., Rodríguez V.M., Effects of the sub chronic exposure to the herbicide glyphosate on behavior and the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic system, Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, March, 2013.

92. Bardullas U., Giordano M. y Rodríguez V., Effects of the long-term co-exposure to the herbicide atrazine and inorganic arsenic (IAs) in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system of the albine rat, Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, March, 2013.

93. Hernández-Plata I, Giordano M, Díaz-Muñoz M., Rodríguez VM, Herbicide glyphosate causes hypoactivity and reduction of accumbal D1 dopamine receptors and striatal dopamine levels in the albine rat, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November, 2014.

94. Contreras-López, R., Díaz-Muñoz, M., Giordano M., Rodríguez-Córdova V. Dose and gender effects of chronic arsenic exposure in locomotor activity and lipid peroxidation in the dopaminergic system of C57BL/6 mice. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, October, 2015.

95. Rodríguez V.M., Mendoza-Trejo M.S., Hernández-Plata, I., Giordano M. Neuroanatomical and neurochemical targets of atrazine exposure in the male rat. XIV International Congress of Toxicology. PPP21.4.

96. Carrillo A, Valles-Capetillo E, Licea-Haquet G, and Giordano M. Development of an assessment tool for the study of pragmatic language comprehension for use in neuroimaging studies. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November, 2016.

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