curriculum vitae nume, prenume data i locul nașterii tipul ... · popescu)- bucuresti, 2002- 2003,...

Post on 07-Sep-2019






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Nume, prenume Vasiliu Octavian

Data şi locul nașterii 16.04.1974, Bucureşti

Pregătire profesională

Instituția de învățământ Tipul diplomei Durata


Universitatea de Medicină

şi Farmacie "Carol

Davila" Bucureşti,

Facultatea Medicină


Licență 1992-1998

Universitatea Bucureşti,

Facultatea de Psihologie şi

Ştiinţele Educaţiei,

specializarea Psihologie

Licență 2000-2004

Universităţii Titu

Maiorescu, București,

Facultatea de Psihologie


Psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamentală (coordonator Prof. Univ.dr. Irina Holdevici)


Universitatea Bucureşti,

Facultatea de Biologie


Neurobiologie (coordonator Prof. Univ.dr. Maria Luiza Flonta)


Universitatea București,

Facultatea de Psihologie


Psihologie (coordonator Prof.Univ.dr. Neculai Mitrofan)


Universitatea de Medicină

și Farmacie “Carol

Davila” București,

Facultatea de Medicină


În desfășurare- doctorat (coordonator Acad.Prof.Univ.dr. Victor Voicu)


Stagii de pregătire profesională

-un an de stagiu (1999) în Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar Central Bucureşti;

-rezidenţiat desfăşurat în Clinica de Psihiatrie a Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă

Militar Central (ianuarie 2000-martie 2005) ;

-psihoterapeut cu drept de practică independentă, specializat în terapie cognitiv-

comportamentală (certificat de Federaţia Română de Psihoterapie din 2006).

Funcții ocupate

-medic specialist psihiatru, din martie 2005;

-medic primar psihiatru, din iulie 2010;

-în prezent lucrez ca medic primar psihiatru în Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Militar

Central, Secția Clinică Psihiatrie;

-practică medicală privată- medic psihiatru și psiholog clinician- PSY-MED GI,



Stagii, workshop-uri şi cursuri postuniversitare finalizate -"Enseignement postuniversitaire de psychooncologie" (coord. Prof.dr. J.Fr. Allilaire si Prof.dr. I.

Popescu)- Bucuresti, 2002- 2003, lucrare de absolvire cu tema "L'importance des mecanismes de defense au

patients oncologiques";

-"Orientări actuale psihofarmacologice în tratamentul schizofreniei" (coordonator Prof.Dr.

M.D.Gheorghe)- Bucureşti, iunie 2000;

-"Psihofarmacologia tulburărilor depresive" (coordonator Prof. Dr. M.D. Gheorghe)- Bucureşti, aprilie


-"Schizofrenia- baze neurobiologice şi psihofarmacologice (coordonator Prof.Dr. M.D.Gheorghe)-

Bucureşti, octombrie 2000;

-"Anticonvulsivantele- medicamente cu acţiune polivalentă. Noi perspective terapeutice în neurologie

şi psihiatrie" (coordonator Prof. Dr. M.D.Gheorghe) –Bucureşti, septembrie 2000;

-"Mit şi realitate despre mecanismul dependenţei la benzodiazepine" (coordonator dr. Irina Dan si dr.

Vasile Daniel)- Bucureşti, octombrie 2003;

-"Programul educaţional pentru tulburările de somn- Somnul şi sanatatea" (coordonator Prof. dr.

Ovidiu Bajenaru)- Bucureşti, martie 2003;

-"Noi abordări terapeutice în adicţii şi alcoolism"(I) (coordonator program Dr. Wim Buisman-

Institutul Jellinek si Conf. dr. Dan Prelipceanu) în ianuarie 2002, Bucureşti;

-"Abordari terapeutice in adictii si alcoolism"(II) (coordonator program Dr. Wim Buisman- Institutul

Jellinek si Conf. dr. Dan Prelipceanu) în martie 2002, Bucureşti;

-curs de formare în asistenţa psihiatrică a toxicomanilor- organizat de Jellinek EATI şi ONG ALIAT,

Bucureşti, septembrie 2003- iunie 2004 ;

-"EEG, EMG şi potentiale evocate" (coordonator Prof.dr.D. Constantin)- Bucureşti, aprilie 2003;

-"Actualitati în diabetul zaharat şi sindromul X metabolic" (coordonatori Prof.dr.M.Cinteza si Prof.dr.

M.Vintila)- Bucureşti, decembrie 2002;

-„Noi orizonturi terapeutice în demenţe” (simpozion organizat de Asociatia Româna de

Psihofarmacologie si Societatea de Neurologie din România)- Bucureşti, mai 2004 ;

-„Interactive Educational Course for Young Psychiatrists and Researchers”- organizat de ECNP,

Poiana Braşov, aprilie 2005;

- “Profilul farmacologic al antidepresivelor moderne”, Bucureşti, 2005;

-"Bazele terapiilor scurte, colaborative, orientate pe soluţii (trainer Cezar Ioan Bogdan, supervizare

Irina Holdevici, presedintele CCPR) în perioada noiembrie 2001- iunie 2002, Bucureşti;

-"Zilele adleriene de primavară- Psihoterapie şi consiliere adleriana" (trainer Francis X. Walton, Ph.D)-

mai 2003, Bucureşti;

-"Tehnici proiective de desen" (trainer psih. Anca Preda)- mai 2002, Bucuresti

-“ Aspecte clinice fundamentale ale tulburării afective bipolare”, Bucureşti, 2008

-“Wounds of war: lowering suicide risk in returning troops”, Austria, 2007

-“Algorithms of change”, Bucureşti, 2007

-“Noi abordări terapeutice în tratamentul psihiatric“, Bucureşti, 2008

-“Progress in depression: new developments in short term management and patient care”, Barcelona,


-“Addressing the unmet needs of our depressed patients”, Barcelona, 2008

“New advances for patients with bipolar disorder: a focus on the latest clinical trial data”, Barcelona,


-“Bipolar disorder: from randomized controlled trials to observational studies- lessons for clinical

practice”, Barcelona, 2008

-“Long term management of bipolar disorder”, Barcelona, 2008

-„Actualităţi clinice şi farmacologice în tulburarea depresivă majoră”, Bucureşti, 2008

-„Schizofrenie-istoric, particularităţi etio-patogernice, de diagnostic, clinice şi terapeutice”, Bucureşti,


-„Curs de formare în meta-analiză şi bune practici în domeniul adicţiilor”, Helsinki, aprilie 2009

-„Elaborarea de meta-analize şi colectarea de bune practici în domeniul adicţiilor”, Braşov, iulie 2009

-„Neurobiologia depresiei”, Bucuresti, Spitalul Al.Obregia, aprilie-iunie 2010

-„Curs de Neuroimagistica”, Societatea Romana de Alzheimer, Bucuresti, 2012

-„Sesiune de formare a grupului de cercetare în bune practici în domeniul adicțiilor”, Proiect de

înfrățire instituțională PHARE RO/2006/IB/JH-07 -„Consolidarea Sistemului Integrat de Asistență Medicală,

Psihologică și Socială pentru Consumatorii de Droguri din România”, București, iunie, 2009

-„Atestat în managementul serviciilor de sănătate” (2009-2010), Școala Națională de Sănătate Publică

și Management Sanitar, certificat eliberat în baza OM 840/4.845/2006

-„Curs de formare profesională pentru formatori”, Fundația Euroacademica, Buzău, 2012, certificat de

absolvire recunoscut de Ministerul Muncii, Familiei și Protecției Sociale și Ministerul Educației, Cercetării,

Tineretului și Sportului din România


-„Introducere în psihofarmacologie clinică- partea 1”, coordonator conf.univ.dr. Daniel Vasile,


Programe postdoctorale -„Standarde europene pentru programe postdoctorale competitive de formare în domeniul

managementului cercetării avansate şi expertizei psihiatrice medico-legale”, program desfăşurat de Centrul de

Cercetare Avansată Bucureşti, în perioada ianuarie-iunie 2011

-„Standarde europene pentru programe postdoctorale competitive de formare în domeniul

managementului cercetării avansate şi expertizei psihiatrice medico-legale”, program desfăşurat de Centrul de

Cercetare Avansată Iasi, în perioada aprilie 2012-aprilie 2013

Participări la congrese naţionale şi internaţionale cu tematică medicală -"7th Regional Meeting of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology" -Bucureşti (aprilie


-"16th ECNP Congress"- Praga (septembrie 2003)

-“Achieving remission in the depressed patient treating both the emotional and the physical

symptoms”, simpozion satelit al "16th ECNP Congress"- Praga (septembrie 2003)

-“New options in the management of Alzheimer’s disease”, simpozion satelit al "16th ECNP Congress"-

Praga (septembrie 2003)

-"Al 6-lea Congres National de Istoria Medicinei"- Bucureşti (iunie 2002)

-"Al III-lea Simpozion National al Asociatiei Romane a Disfuncției Erectile"- Bucureşti, 2003

-“Al IV-lea Simpozion National de Istoria Psihiatriei”, Bucureşti, 2004

-“Terapie si management in psihiatrie”- Conferinţa Naţională de Psihiatrie organizată de Asociaţia

Psihiatrică Romană şi World Psychiatric Association, Craiova, septembrie- 2004

-“A 14-a Conferinţa Naţionala de Epilepsie”, Bucureşti, 2005

-“Al 9-lea Congres Naţional al Asociatiei Medicilor Rezidenti in Psihiatrie din Romania”, Bucureşti,


-“Interactive educational course for young psychiatrists and researchers”, Poiana Braşov, 2005

-“Students and young Doctors 1st European Congress of Military Medicine”, Bucuresti, 2005

-“19th ECNP Congress”, Paris, 2006

-“A 6-a Conferinţă Natională de Aterotromboză”, Bucureşti, 2006

-“Primul Congres Naţional al Asociatiei de Endocrinologie Clinică din Romania”, Braila, 2006

-“11th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee”, Atena, 2006

-“15th European Congress of Psychiatry”, Madrid, 2007

-“Forumul de Psihiatrie”, Bucureşti, 2007

-“8th International Psychiatry Forum – Mind Matters”, Bucureşti, 2007

-“A 8-a Conferinta Nationala de Aterotromboză”, Bucureşti, 2008

-”Forumul National de Psihiatrie”, Sinaia, 2008

-”Cybertherapy 12th Conference : trasforming healthcare through technology”, Washington, 2008

-“21st ECNP Congress”, Barcelona, 2008

-“National Guard Trained Crisis Responder (TCR) Course: Terrorism and Disaster Response”,

Bucharest, 2010

-“Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central”, septembrie 2011

Participări la conferinţe şi congrese de Psihologie -Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

-Centenarul psihologiei la Universitatea Bucuresti, Conferinta Internationala, Bucuresti, 2006.

-Congresul International de Psihologie « Cercetarea Psihologica Moderna- Direcţii şi Perspective »,

Sibiu, 2007

-Conferinta Naţională de Psihologie « Dialog pentru diversitate », Timişoara, 2008

Lucrări prezentate la congrese internaţionale:

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.Baloescu, G.Grigorescu. Reboxetine in the treatment of

elderly inpatients with major depressive disoder. Proceedings of the 7th Regional Meeting of

the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. European Neuropsychopharmacology


O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, S.Paraschiv. The evaluation of personality

disorders in soldiers with self-injuring behavior. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 593


O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, S.Paraschiv. Trazodone as an optimal treatment

for the sexual disfunctions in depressed patients. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 654

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe, S.Paraschiv, M.Miclos. Efficacy of the

mirtazapine treatment in the neoplasm associated pain. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 301

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Treatment of neoplasm secondary

depression using mirtazapine. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical

Committee Abstract Book 2003: 658

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. The importance of the family

background in heroin-dependence primary and secondary prophylaxis. Proceedings of the 8th

Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 603

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Weight gain as a secondary effect in typical and atypical

antipsychotic treatment of schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan Military

Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 67

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Cardiovascular side effects caused

by the administration of atypical antipsychotics. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 97

S.Paraschiv, D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. The onset of action of mirtazapine

in a group of military personnell. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan Military Medical

Committee Abstract Book 2003: 101

S.Paraschiv, D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. The efficacy of reboxetine in the

treatment of inhibited depression. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Balkan Military

Medical Committee Abstract Book 2003: 588

D.Vasile, D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. Trazodone in sexual dysfunctions of depressed

patients receiving selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Proceedings of the 12th WPA

International Congres. World Psychiatry 2004;3(Suppl.1):274

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. The effect of atypical

antipsychotics on depressive symptomatology in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 17th

ECNP Congress. Final Program 2004: 108

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Drug monitoring factors in

schizophrenia treatment. Proceedings of the 17th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2004;14(Suppl.3):S246

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe. Atypical antipsychotics- Side effects profile.

Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Biological Psychiatry. The World Journal of

Biological Psychiatry 2004;5(Suppl.1):7

D.Vasile, M.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. Sexual dysfunctions in patients with depression

treated with SSRI. A therapeutic approach. Proceedings of the 12th AEP Congress. European

Psychiatry 2004;19(Suppl.1):215s

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Noncompliance factors in

schizophrenia treatment. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract Book 2004;118

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe. The importance of self image distorsions in

depressive disorders with suicidal attempts. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC.

Abstract Book 2004;618

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe. Defense mechanisms in patients with

oncological pathology. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract Book 2004;576

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe. Sleep quality improvement in depressed patients

receiving Trazodone. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract Book 2004;455

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Multiaxial diagnosis and quality of

life assessment in Alzheimer disease. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract

Book 2004;371.


D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. Improvement of depressive symptomatology in

the onset of schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract Book


D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. Demographic data analysis in heroin

dependence patients. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC. Abstract Book 2004;233

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Correlation between personality

features and adjustment disorders in conscripts. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of BMMC.

Abstract Book 2004;225

O.Vasiliu. Depressive symptoms responsivity prophile in first episode of

schizophrenia. Interactive Educational Course for Young Psychiatrists and Researchers-

Poiana Brasov. Abstract book 2005:56-57

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe. Atypical Antipsychotic Agents in acute

Psychotic Disorder with Affective features. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of

Biological Psychiatry. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2005;6(Suppl.1):320

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. The effectiveness of Intravenous Trittico in Major Depressive

Episode. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. The World Journal

of Biological Psychiatry 2005;6(Suppl.1):179

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.Apetroaei, S.Paraschiv, M.D.Gheorghe. Treatment in

Alzheimer Dementia with Depressed Mood. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of

Psychiatry. Abstracts Book 2005:532

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu. The efficacy of bupropion in alcohol dependent

patients with major depressive episode. Proceedings of the 18th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2005;15(Suppl.3):S400

D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, A.Baloescu. Parenteral administration of

olanzapine for schizophrenic patients with aggressive behaviour. Proceedings of the 18th

ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2005;15(Suppl.3):S466

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.D.Gheorghe. Comparative onset of antidepressant action in

parenteral vs. oral trazodone treatment. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:13

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, M.Sarmache, M.Vasile. Evaluation of drug dependence

incidence in schizophrenic patients. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:355

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Varzaru, M.Sarmache. Tianeptine use in alcohol dependence

with associated depressive disorders. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:356

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog, M.Vasile. Ethiological considerations over the

personality change due to general medical conditions. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary

Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:400

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog, C.Varzaru. Combined therapy using cognitive

behavioural therapy and sertraline in recurrent major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the

10th Anniversary Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:401

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Varzaru, M.Vasile. Cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric

disorders in elderly patients- a comorbidity evaluation study. Proceedings of the 10th

Anniversary Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:402

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Sarmache, C.Varzaru. Augmentation strategies for Alzheimer

Dementia: Memantine and Donepezil. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:409

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, M.Sarmache. Alcohol dependence and related

cognitive psychopathological syndromes. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:408

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, M.Sarmache, C.Varzaru, P.Ivanov, M.Vasile, D.Ojog. Tardive

Onset of Schizophrenia with Conversive Features- Case Presentation. Proceedings of the 10th

Anniversary Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2005:11


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, P.Ivanov, M.Sarmache, C.Varzaru, M.Vasile, D.Ojog. The use of

Donepezil for Improving Cognitive Deficit in Alzheimer’s Disease. Proceedings of the 1st

Students and Young Doctors European Congress of Military Medicine. Final Program


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, P.Ivanov, C.Varzaru, D.Ojog, S.Paraschiv. Comorbidity

association study in heroin dependent patients. Proceedings of the 14th AEP Congress.

European Psychiatry 2006;21(Suppl.1):S144

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog, M.Sarmache, M.Vasile, S.Paraschiv. Non-

benzodiazepine and benzodiazepine hypnotic comparative analysis in organic conditions

secondary insomnia. Proceedings of the 14th AEP Congress. European Psychiatry


O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, P.Ivanov, S.Paraschiv. Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral

therapy in dual diagnosis: panic disorder and major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the

14th AEP Congress. European Psychiatry 2006;21(Suppl.1):S153

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Vasile, D. Ojog. Depressive symptomatology cluster

analysis. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract

Book 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, D. Ojog, C. Varzaru. Coping mechanisms as prognosis factors

in the cognitive behaviour therapy of major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 11th

Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, C. Varzaru, D. Ojog. Defense mechanisms analysis in

conscripts diagnosed with adjustment disorders. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, P. Ivanov, S. Paraschiv. Psychotherapeutical crisis interventions

in depressive disorders with suicidal ideation. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2006.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M.D. Gheorghe, M. Vasile. Aripiprazole efficacy in cronic

schizophrenia with prominent negative symptoms. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, M. Sarmache, M. Vasile. Augmenting antidepressive

psychopharmachological approach with cognitive behavioural therapy in refractory major

depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee.

Abstract Book 2006.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M.D. Gheorghe, P. Ivanov, S. Paraschiv. Bupropion as craving

decreasing agent in alcohol dependent patients. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, M. Miclos, P. Ivanov. Antidepressant switch efficacy in SSRI

resistant major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 19th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2006;16(4):S324

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, S. Paraschiv, M. Miclos, P. Ivanov. Amisulpride association to

SSRI in severe major depressive episodes with psychotic features. Proceedings of the 19th

ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2006;16(4):S362

M.D. Gheorghe, V. Voicu, D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu. Negative and cognitive

symptomatology improvement during Aripiprazole treatment in chronic schizophrenia.

Proceedings of the 19th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog, M.D. Gheorghe. Risperidone long-acting IM

formulation in high risk of non compliance bipolar patients. Proceedings of the 19th ECNP

Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2006;16(4):S413-414

Lucrare citată în Akiskal HS, Tohen M (Eds). Psychopharmacotherapy. Caring for patient.

2nd Ed. John Wiley&Sons, Oxford, 2011.


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, P. Ivanov, M. Terpan, M. Vasile. Metabolic

adverse events of antipsychotics treatment in chronic schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 15th

European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2007;22:S170-171

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, P. Ivanov, D. Ojog, M. Sarmache, M. Vasile. Venlafaxine XR

versus fluoxetine in the treatment of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety

disorder dual diagnosis. Proceedings of the 15th European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2007;22:S247

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog, M. Vasile, M. Sarmache, M. Terpan. Augmenting

antidepressant psychopharmacological approach with cognitive behavioural tharapy in

bipolar depression. Proceedings of the 15th European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2007;22:S261

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Vasile, M. Sarmache, M. Terpan. Nonbenzodiazepine

versus benzodiazepine hypnotic efficiency analysis in older people. Proceedings of the 15th

European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2007;22:S289

P. Ivanov, A. Răceală, O. Vasiliu, D. Paun. L-thyroid hormone enhancement of

antidepresant treatment in major depressive episode. Proceedings of the 9th European

Congress of Endocrinology Endocrine Abstracts 2007;14:P522.

A. Răceală, P. Ivanov, O. Vasiliu, D. Paun. Neuropsychiatric manifestations in

patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and outcome following surgery. Proceedings of

the 9th European Congress of Endocrinology Endocrine Abstracts 2007;14:P442.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Sarmache, M. Terpan, D. Ojog. Augmenting

psychopharmacological treatment with cognitive behavioural therapy in major depressive

disorder with alcohol dependence dual diagnosis. DP-02-02. Proceedings of the 39th

International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and Continuing Education in

conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD from childhood to adult disease,

2-5 june 2007, Wurzburg. Journal of Neural Transmission 2007;114(7):CXIX

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, M. Vasile, R. Brisculescu. Intramuscular

olanzapine efficiency in the accute treatment of schizoaffective disorder. DP-02-04.

Proceedings of the 39th International Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and

Continuing Education in conjunction with the 1st International Congress on ADHD from

childhood to adult disease, 2-5 june 2007, Wurzburg. Journal of Neural Transmission


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu. New methods for mood disorders treatment. Proceedings of the

12th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:80.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, M. Terpan. Compliance therapy as increasing

adherence method for alcohol addiction. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan Military

Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:192.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Vasile, M. Sarmache. Ethiological considerations over

delirium due to general medical conditions. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:202.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, M. Terpan. Comparative analysis of second

generation antipsychotics in the treatment of negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia.

Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, R. Brisculescu. Combined valproate and atypical

antipsychotics in the treatment of manic episodes. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:208.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, M. Vasile, M. Sarmache. Cognitive behavioural therapy in

generalized anxiety disorder. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan Military Medical

Committee. Abstract Book 2007:209.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog, M. Terpan. Bupropion administration in major

depression with alcohol dependence dual diagnosis. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of

Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:211.


O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, R. Brisculescu, D. Ojog. Defense mechanisms analysis in

somatoform disorders. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan Military Medical

Committee. Abstract Book 2007:208

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Sarmache, M. Vasile. Aripiprazole administration in

schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan Military

Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:214.

O. Vasiliu, D. Vasile, R. Brisculescu, D. Ojog. Anxiety disorder screening in general

internal medicine clinic hospitalised patients Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Balkan

Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:215.

Spiroiu C, Ranetti AE, Mazilu A, Mihaii AM, Vasile D, Tudor C, Vasiliu O.

Hypothyroidism presenting as psychosis: mixedema madness case report. Proceedings of the

12th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2007:198.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, M. Vasile, M. Terpan. Intramuscular and

orodispersable olanzapine efficiency in the acute treatment of manic episodes. Proceedings of

the 20th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2007;17(4):S430-431.

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Miclos, P. Ivanov, M. Sarmache. Combined atipical

antipsychotics and valproate sodium approach in the bipolar I disorder maintenance

treatment. Proceedings of the 20th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, S. Paraschiv, D. Ojog, M. Vasile. Combined antidepressants

and quetiapine therapy in bipolar depression with psychotic features – an open labeled study.

Proceedings of the 20th ECNP Congress. Final program 2007

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, P. Ivanov, M. Sarmache, M. Terpan. Combined pregabalin and

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in ajustement disorders with anxiety. Proceedings of

the 20th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2007;17(4):S517

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu. Psychiatric comorbidity in somatoform disorders. Proceedings

of the 13th Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Kusadasi, 2008

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, M. Vasile, M. Terpan, D. Ojog. Prevalence of delirium and its

influence over the prognosis in patients diagnosed with dementia. Proceedings of the 13th

Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee, Kusadasi, 2008

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, O. Cretu, D. Patriche, B. Stanescu, R. Bancescu. Dual diagnosis

in alcohol dependence. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of Balkan Military Medical

Committee, Kusadasi, 2008

O.Vasiliu, M.Micloş, D.Vasile, P.Ivanov, O.Cretu. Amisulpride efficacy in the

management of psychosis in elderly patients. Proceedings of the 21st ECNP Congress. Final

Program 2008.

D.Vasiliu, O.Vasile. Intramuscular ziprasidone efficacy in the acute treatment of

bipolar disorder mixed episode. Proceedings of the 21st ECNP Congress. Final Program


D.Vasiliu, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, D.Ungureanu,O.Cretu, M.Terpan. Aripiprazole

switch-on in chronic schizophrenia with atypical antipsychotics associated weight gain.

Proceedings of the 21st ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D.Vasiliu, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, D.Patriche, B.Stanescu, D.Ojog. Venlafaxine versus

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in mixed major depression and dysthymic disorder.

Proceedings of the 21st ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Patriche, B.Stanescu, R.Bancescu. Oral risperidone efficacy in

Alzheimer dementia with psychotic features. The International Journal of

Neuropsychopharmacology 2008; 11 (Suppl.1);176

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, O.Cretu, D.Ojog. Bupropion SR augmentation strategy

in mirtazapine major depressive disorder incomplete responders. Abstract from the XXVI


CINP Congress. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2008; 11


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, O.Creţu, M.Terpan. Serotoninergic combos in

treatment resistant depressive disorder. Abstract from the XXVI CINP Congress. The

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2008; 11 (Suppl.1);176

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, O.Cretu, M.Terpan. Crisis therapy intervention in

panic disorder. Abstracts of the XIVth World Congress of Psychiatry. Journal of Czech and

Slovak Psychiatry 2008;104 (Suppl.2):1235

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Patriche, P.Ivanov, B.Stănescu. Cognitive-behavioural therapy

and antidepressant drug treatment in irritable bowel syndrome. Abstracts of the XIVth World

Congress of Psychiatry. Journal of Czech and Slovak Psychiatry 2008;104 (Suppl.2):933

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, D.Patriche, D.Ojog. The Influence of coping

mechanisms over the evolution of acute stress disorder. Abstracts of the XIVth World

Congress of Psychiatry. Journal of Czech and Slovak Psychiatry 2008;104 (Suppl.2):1145

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, M.Terpan, D.Ojog. Guided imagery applications in

breast cancer related mixed anxious-depressive disorder. Abstracts of the XIVth World

Congress of Psychiatry. Journal of Czech and Slovak Psychiatry 2008;104 (Suppl.2):1461

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, O.Creţu, P.Ivanov, B.Stănescu. The management of alcoholism

of alcohol dependence in patients with oncologic disease. Abstracts of the XIVth World

Congress of Psychiatry. Journal of Czech and Slovak Psychiatry 2008; 104 (Suppl.2):1461

D. Vasiliu, G. Grigorescu, C. Tudor, O. Vasiliu, R. Grigorescu. Efficacy of

aripiprazole vs. quetiapine for the treatment of hostility in acute patients with schizophrenia.

Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. The World Journal of

Biological Psychiatry 2009;10(Suppl.1):282

D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M. Vasile, G. Grigorescu, M. Terpan. Duloxetine versus

escitalopram in the treatment of major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder

dual diagnosis. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. The World

Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009;10(Suppl.1):384

D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu. Milnacipran efficacy in major depressive disorder and alcohol

dependence dual diagnosis. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry.

The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009;10(Suppl.1):384

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, M.Terpan. Tolerability of rivastigmine transdermal

patch in Alzheimer dementia with psychotic features. Proceedings of the 22nd ECNP

Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2009;19(3):S622-623.

Vasile D., Vasiliu O., Vasile M.L., Mangalagiu A.G., Stanescu B., Petrescu B.M.,

Nastase D.M., Bogdan V. Quality of life improvement through depression treatment in

oncologic patients. Proceedings of the 18th European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2010;25(Suppl.1):997.

Vasile D., Vasiliu O., Bogdan V., Badescu E., Mangalagiu A.G., Stanescu B.,

Petrescu B.M. The efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatment in depressive disorder

associated with Parkinson’s disease dementia. Proceedings of the 18th European Congress of

Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2010;25(Suppl.1):996.

Vasile D., Vasiliu O., Vasile M.L., Mangalagiu A.G., Badescu E, Petrescu B.M.,

Bogdan V., Ojog D.G. The influence of the conflicting paradigms over the prognosis in major

depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 18th European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2010;25(Suppl.1):224.

Vasile D., Vasiliu O., Vasile M.L., Mangalagiu A.G., Stanescu B., Terpan M.,

Nastase D.M., Petrescu B.M., Bogdan V. Treatment strategies for the management of the

self-agressive manifestations in heroin dependence. Proceedings of the 18th European

Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2010;25(Suppl.1):1667.

Vasile D., Vasiliu O., Mangalagiu A.G., Vasile M.L., Badescu E., Bogdan V., Terpan

M., Ojog D.G., Petrescu B.M. Addressing self-image distorsions as a core feature in the


alcohol dependence psychotherapeutic approach. Proceedings of the 18th European Congress

of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2010;25(Suppl.1):1678.

Grigorescu G, Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Vasile ML, Tudor C, Cantemir A, Zavoianu M,

Mangalagiu AG, Terpan M, Grigorescu R. Amisulpride augmentation vs. standard

antidepressant therapy in major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the XXVII CINP

Congress. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;13:149

Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Terpan M, Vasile ML, Tudor C, Bogdan V, Mangalagiu AG,

Grigorescu G, Ojog D. Low doses risperidone in cluster A personality disorder- a prospective

study. Proceedings of the XXVII CINP Congress. International Journal of

Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;13:110

Vasile D, Vasiliu O, Tudor C, Vasile ML, Grigorescu G, Bogdan V, Terpan M,

Mangalagiu AG, Petrescu MB, Ojog D. Galantamine switch in donepezil non-responsive

patients with early-onset Alzheimer dementia. Proceedings of the XXVII CINP Congress.

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;13:141

G.Grigorescu, A.Baloescu, D.Vasile, C.Tudor, O.Vasiliu, R.Grigorescu. Standard

antidepressant therapy vs association between amisulpride and antidepressant theray in

atypical depression. Proceedings of the 23rd ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;20:S424-S425

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, ML Vasile, M. Terpan, A. Mangalagiu, V. Bogdan, D. Ojog, MB

Petrescu, I Paraico. Influences between defense mechanisms and antidepressants on the

therapeutic compliance in major depressive disorder. Proceedings of the 23rd ECNP

Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;20:S343-S344

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, ML Vasile, M. Terpan, G. Grigorescu, V. Bogdan, A.

Mangalagiu, MB Petrescu, D. Ojog. Comparative efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in

dementia associated with Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 23rd ECNP Congress.

European Neuropsychopharmacology 2010;20:S553-S554.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Cognitive-behavioral therapy efficacy in major depression with

associated axis II risk factor for negative prognosis. Recent Advances in Risk Management,

Assessment and Mitigation, 2010, 460-464

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Ojog. Quality of life changes through risk factors reduction

focused psychotherapy in cancer diagnosed patients Recent Advances in Risk Management,

Assessment and Mitigation, 2010, 464-467

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Ojog. Burn-out in a sample of physicians, nurses and

medical students- risk factors analysis. Recent Advances in Risk Management, Assessment

and Mitigation, 2010, 468-472

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu. Cognitive risk factors for releapse in chronic

schizophrenia. Recent Advances in Risk Management, Assessment and Mitigation, 2010, 473-


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, G.Grigorescu. Evaluation of the self-aggressive behavior risk

factors in oncologic patients. Recent Advances in Risk Management, Assessment and

Mitigation, 2010, 476-480

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile. Suicide risk factors assessment in schizophrenia.

Recent Advances in Risk Management, Assessment and Mitigation, 2010, 481-484

D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, C.Tudor, V.Bogdan, I.Paraico. Cognitive

behavioral therapy focused upon communicational skills enhancement in anorexia nervosa- a

case series. Proceedings of the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry

2011;26 (Suppl.1):P02-144.

D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu, B. Vasile, C.Tudor, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.G.Ojog. Valproate and

cognitive therapy combined treatment efficacy in pathological gambling. Proceedings of the

19th European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2011;26(Suppl.1):P03-121.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, V.Bogdan, A.G.Mangalagiu, M.L.Vasile, M.Terpan.

Therapeutic efficacy of duloxetine versus selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in irritable


bowel syndrome. Proceedings of the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2011;26(Suppl.1):P03-122.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, G.Grigorescu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.G.Ojog, V.Bogdan. Incidence

of axis I and II dual diagnosis in hospitalized patients with somatization disorder.

Proceedings of the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu. Quality of life assessment in patients

diagnosed with bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. 11th International Review of Bipolar

Disorders. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;26:e29.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, G.D.Ojog. Quetiapine efficacy and tolerability in bipolar II

disorder with comorbid cluster C personality disorder. 11th International Review of Bipolar

Disorders. International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;26:e29.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu. Familial history of psychotic disorders in

patients with bipolar I and II disorder. 11th International Review of Bipolar Disorders.

International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;26:e29-30.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Ojog. Psychoactive substance induced manic episodes in a

population of young patients- a case series. 11th International Review of Bipolar Disorders.

International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;26:e30.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, V.Bogdan, B.Stanescu, A.Banica, N.F.Taina.

Multiaxial diagnosis in patients with combat related physical trauma- a case series. 16th

Congress of Balkan Military Medical Committee. Abstract Book 2011:41

N.F.Taina, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, M.Blandu, D.G.Ojog. Effectiveness

of naltrexone administration in alcohol dependence with comorbid axis II diagnosis. 13th

International Congress of the Romanian Society of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical

Toxicology, 2012. Abstract Book p.98

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, N.F.Taina, A.G.Mangalagiu, B. Petrescu, M.Blandu, D.G.Ojog.

Quality of life assessment in colon malignant tumors asssociated depression during trazodone

treatment. 13th International Congress of the Romanian Society of Pharmacology,

Therapeutics and Clinical Toxicology, 2012. Abstract Book p.12

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, A.G. Mangalagiu, O.Magazin, G.A. Sopterean, R.E.

Bratu. Comparative analysis of agomelatine and trazodone in late-onset major depression.

26th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S319-20

D.Vasile, R.A. Macovei, O.Vasiliu. Efficacy and tolerability of bupropion in major

depressive disorder associated with Parkinson’s disease. 26th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S322-23

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, G.A. Sopterean, R.E. Bratu. Mirtazapine versus sertraline in the

treatment of post-psychotic depression. 26th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S320

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, A.G. Mangalagiu, B.M. Petrescu, G.A. Sopterean, R.E.

Bratu. Pharmacological management of alcohol dependence in chronic schizophrenia. 26th

ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S429

D.Vasile, R.A. Macovei, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog. A multicentric, retrospective data

collection from patients diagnosed with schizophrenia switched to amisulpride- SWITCH

study. 26th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;23(Suppl.2):S501-2

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, G.Sopterean, R.Bratu. Galantamine efficacy

and tolerability in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. P-07-021. 11th World Congress of

Biological Psychiatry 2013

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, N.F.Taina, R.Bratu, G.Sopterean. Comparative analysis of

duloxetine and SSRIs in oncologic patients with major depressive disorder. P-10-022. 11th

World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2013

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, B.M.Petrescu, N.F.Taina. Combined

naltrexone and cognitive therapy in binge drinking patients with cluster B personality

features. P-17-014. 11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2013


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, G.Sopterean, R.Bratu, D.G.Ojog. Agomelatine

versus escitalopram in the treatment of elderly patients with post-stroke depression. P-21-

016. 11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2013

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Metabolic profile of long-acting injectable risperidone versus

olanzapine pamoate in chronic schizophrenia. P-24-003. 11th World Congress of Biological

Psychiatry 2013

D.Vasile, R.A. Macovei, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, C.Tudor. Evolution of addictive

comorbidities in a group of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia during atypical

antipsychotic treatment. Abstracts of the 21st European Congress of Psychiatry. European

Psychiatry 2013;28(1):1127

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, G.A.Sopterean, R.E.Bratu, F.Androne, F.Vasile. Effectiveness

and tolerability of nalmefene in alcohol use dependence comorbid with schizophrenia.

Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D.Vasile, R.A.Macovei, O.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Pharmacologic treatment strategies in

premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2014;24(2):S481.

B.Petrescu, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Tudor, A.Mangalagiu, D.Ungureanu. SSRI dose

escalation versus duloxetine in treatment of major depressive disorder not responding to

initial SSRI. Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European Neuropsychopharmacology


D.Vasile, R.A.Macovei, O.Vasiliu, F.Vasile, D.G.Ojog. Efficacy and tolerability of

agomelatine switch in patients with sexual dysfunctions treated with serotonin selective

reuptake inhibitors. Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2014;24(2):S395.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, R.E.Bratu, G.A.Sopterean, F.Vasile, D.G.Ojog. Comparative

analysis of pregabalin and buspirone as adjunctive agents in major depressive disorder

partially responsive to SSRIs. Abstracts of the 27th ECNP Congress. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2014;24(2):S389.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, E.R.Bratu, G.A.Sopterean, F.Androne, F.Vasile. Analysis of

trazodone and pregabalin in neurocognitive disorders with psychomotor agitation. Abstracts

of the 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2015;30(Suppl.1):1464.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Affective symptoms as prognosis factor in

schizophrenia. Abstracts of the 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, G.A.Sopterean, R.E.Bratu, F.Androne, F.Vasile.

Efficacy and tolerability of venlafaxine switch in serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors

treated patients with partial response. P-22. Abstracts of the 12th World Congress of

Biological Psychiatry 2015.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Androne, F.Vasile. Comparative efficacy of

bupropion and duloxetine in depressive disorder due to Parkinson’s disease. P-15. Abstracts

of the 12th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry 2015.

B.Petrescu, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, C.Tudor, D.Ungureanu. A

comparative prospective study of agomelatine versus escitalopram in treatment of severe

major depressive disorder. P.2.f.009. Abstracts of the 28th ECNP 2015. European

Neuropsychopharmacology 2015;25(Suppl.2):S439

D.Vasile, B.M.Petrescu, O.Vasiliu, A.Mangalagiu, C.Candea. Delirium and

depression: relationship and clinical overlap in elderly people. Balkan Military Medical

Review 2015;18:xxxiv

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Quality of life assessment in

schizophrenia diagnosed patients with predominant negative symptoms. T273. Final

Program. 5th Schizophrenia Research Society Conference 2016.


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Pharmacologic management in cases of

dual diagnosis- schizophrenia and alcohol use disorder. M108. Final Program. 5th

Schizophrenia Research Society Conference 2016.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Aggressivity management in

schizophrenia diagnosed patients using calcium channel alpha2-delta ligands. S50. Final

Program. 5th Schizophrenia Research Society Conference 2016.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Assessment of suicide risk in

schizophrenia with addictive comorbidity. EW567. Abstracts of the 24th European Congress

of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2016;33: S315.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Assessment of sexual dysfunctions in

depressive disorder. EV548. Abstracts of the 24th European Congress of Psychiatry.

European Psychiatry 2016;33: S525.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Assessment of eating disorders in patients

diagnosed with major depressive disorder. EV398. Abstracts of the 24th European Congress

of Psychiatry. European Psychiatry 2016;33: S475.

Lucrări prezentate la congrese şi conferinţe naţionale cu tematică medicală

D.Vasile, M. Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, Alina Apetroaei. Antidepresivele cu mecanism

dual versus SSRI in terapia tulburarilor depresive. Conferinta Nationala « Terapie şi

Management in Psihiatrie », septembrie-octombrie, Craiova, 2004

D.Vasile, M.Gheorghe, Alina Apetroaei, O.Vasiliu. Implicaţiile neurobiologice şi

farmacoclinice ale efectului placebo. Conferinta Nationala « Terapie si Management in

Psihiatrie », septembrie-octombrie, Craiova, 2004;

A Râmbu, G. Marinescu, R. Mititelu, S. Ghita, C. Mazilu, D. Vasile, A. Baloescu, C.

Tudor, S. Isacu, O, Vasiliu, M.D. Gheorghe, I. Codorean. Prim episod schizofrenic – evaluare

SPECT cerebrală de perfuzie pre si post tratament cu antipsihotice atipice. Al II-lea Congres

National de Medicină Nucleară, Bucureşti, 2006.

A. Raceala, D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, P. Ivanov, L. Dumitrache. Scăderea toleranţei la

glucoză la pacienţii cu un prim episod de schizofrenie in tratament cu antipsihotice atipice. Al

13-lea Simpozion National de Psihoneuroendocrinologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

I. Paul, D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu, A. Raceala. Evaluarea cresterii nivelului de prolactina la

pacientii tratati cu antipsihotice atipice. Al 13-lea Simpozion National de

Psihoneuroendocrinologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

C. Spiroiu, A.E. Ranetti, A. Mazilu, A.M. Mihai, D. Vasile, C. Tudor, O. Vasiliu.

Hipotiroidism debutat ca psihoza-mixedema madness prezentare de caz. Al 13-lea Simpozion

National de Psihoneuroendocrinologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Sarmache, M.Vasile. Managementul farmacoterapeutic al

pacientilor psihotici agresivi. Conferinţa Naţională „Terapie si management in psihiatrie”,

Craiova, 2006;

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, D.Ojog. Comorbidităţi addictive în tulburarea de panică.

Conferinţa Naţională „Terapie şi management în psihiatrie”, Craiova, 2006;

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, C.Varzaru, P.Ivanov. Evaluarea calitatii vietii la pacientii cu

demenţa vasculară. Conferinţa Naţională „Terapie şi management în psihiatrie”, Craiova,


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Ungureanu, C.Tudor, V. Bogdan, AG Mangalagiu, A.Banica,

G.Grosu, A.Meliaca. Analiza eficacitatii terapeutice a duloxetinei comparativ cu inhibitorii

selectivi ai recaptării serotoninei în depresia majoră recurentă cu manifestări atipice. Zilele

SUUMC Dr.Carol Davila, Bucureşti, 2011

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, N.F.Taină, A. Bănică, M.Blându, D.G.Ojog.

Aspecte etice în domeniul consilierii genetice în cazul pacienţilor diagnosticaţi cu

schizofrenie. A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Bioetică, Bucureşti, 2011

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, A.G.Mangalagiu, N.F.Taină, A.Bănică, M.Blându, D.G.Ojog

Provocări etice în psihooncologie. A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Bioetică, Bucureşti, 2011


O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, A.G.Mangalagiu, N.F.Taină, A.Bănică, M.Blându, D.G.Ojog.

Aspecte etice ale consimţământului informat în cazul pacienţilor cu boala Alzheimer. A VII-a

Conferinţă Naţională de Bioetică, Bucureşti, 2011

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, AG Mangalagiu, C.Tudor, D.Ungureanu, BM Petrescu, V.

Bogdan, G. Grigorescu, M. Blandu. Diagnosticul multiaxial în tulburările somatoforme.

Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgență Militar Central „Dr.Carol Davila”, 2012, Volum de


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.B.Petrescu. Efficacy of rivastigmine patch in mixed severe

neurocognitive disorders. Zilele Spitalului Universitar de Urgență Militar Central “Dr. Carol

Davila”, 2014, Programul final

Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe şi congrese de Psihologie

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Compliance therapy in chronic schizophrenia. Centenarul

psihologiei la Universitatea Bucuresti, Conferinta Internationala, Bucuresti, 2006.

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Psychotherapy approaches in panic disorder and alcohol abuse

dual diagnosis. Centenarul Psihologiei la Universitatea Bucuresti, Conferinta Internationala,

Bucuresti, 2006.

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Let’s recognize the value of Stefan Odobleja. Centenarul

psihologiei la Universitatea Bucuresti, Conferinţa Internationala, Bucuresti, 2006.

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Corelarea depersonalizarii cu trăsăturile de personalitate în

tulburările depresive. Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Adaptarea tehnicilor terapeutice la stadiile schimbarii in

dependenta de alcool. Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Evaluarea comorbiditatii tulburare de personalitate-dependenţă

de substanţă. Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Analiza factorilor schimbarii terapeutice in tulburarea de

personalitate de tip borderline. Conferinţa Natională de Psihologie, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Reducerea impactului negativ asupra apartinatorilor a

simptomelor comportamentale si cognitive ale persoanelor cu boala Alzheimer. Conferinţa

Natională de Psihologie, Timişoara, 2008

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Dublul diagnostic tulburare de personalitate si tulburare afectiva

bipolara – implicatii terapeutice. Conferinţa Natională de Psihologie, Timişoara, 2008

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Relatia mecanismelor defensive cu etapele schimbarii terapeutice

in dependenta de substanţa. Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Timişoara, 2008

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Rolul impactului motivational in rezolvarea ambivalentei la

persoanele cu tulburari adictive. Conferinţa Naţională de Psihologie, Timişoara, 2008

M.Staicu, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog, D.Patriche, G.Grigorescu. The evaluation of coping

strategies in posttraumatic stress disorder. The 5th World Congress for Psychotherapy,

Beijing, 2008.

Articole publicate în reviste de specialitate

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv, E.Lunguţ, A.Apetroaei. Efectul medicaţiei

psihotrope asupra intervalului QTc. Terapeutică, Farmacologie şi Toxicologie Clinică


D.Vasile, M. Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, A.Apetroaei. Antidepresivele cu mecanism dual

versus SSRI în terapia tulburărilor depresive. Jurnalul Român de Psihofarmacologie


D.Vasile, M.Gheorghe, A.Apetroaei, O.Vasiliu. Implicaţiile neurobiologice şi

farmacoclinice ale efectului placebo. Jurnalul Roman de Psihofarmacologie 2004;4(1,2):83-


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv, C.A.Sârbu, M.D.Gheorghe. Comparative Analysis

of the Antipsychotics Side Effects in the Onset of Schizophrenia in Conscripts. Balkan

Military Medical Review 2002;5(1-2):24- 30


D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, S.Paraschiv. Factorii deciziei terapeutice- de la

experienţa clinică la studiile farmacologice. Terapeutică, farmacologie şi toxicologie clinică


D.Vasile, M.D.Gheorghe, O.Vasiliu, A.Apetroaei. Actualităţi neurobiologice şi

farmacoclinice în demenţa Alzheimer. Stetoscop 2005;38:42-43

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Gheorghe, P.Ivanov, D.Ojog. Psychotropic Drugs

Discontinuation Syndromes in Clinical Practice. Balkan Military Medical Review 2006;9:38-


A. Raceală, P. Ivanov, O. Vasiliu. Modificări ale metabolismului glucidic la pacienţii

aflaţi în tratament cu antipsihotice atipice. Jurnalul Român de Diabet, Nutriţie şi Boli

Metabolice 2006; 13(2):121-124

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Improving the quality of life through psychotherapy in oncologic

patients. Modern Psychological Research – trends and prospects, Psihomedia Publishing

House, Sibiu, 2007, 115-117

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Coping mechanism evaluation in chronic schizophrenic patients.

Modern Psychological Research – trends and prospects, Psihomedia Publishing House, Sibiu,

2007, 129-131

O. Vasiliu, D. Ojog. Cognitive behavioural therapy efficacy in major depression with

histrionic personality disorder comorbidity. Modern Psychological Research – trends and

prospects, Psihomedia Publishing House, Sibiu, 2007, 133-136

D. Ojog, O. Vasiliu. Alteration of body image perception as a side effect to

antipsychotic medication. Modern Psychological Research – trends and prospects,

Psihomedia Publishing House, Sibiu, 2007, 101-102

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, O.Creţu, B.Stănescu, E.Bădescu, R.Băncescu, M.Terpan. Terapia

depresiei la pacienţii oncologici. Medicina Modernă 2008; XV(8):407-412

R.Grigorescu, M.Duţu, S.Negoiţă, O.Vasiliu, M.Popescu, S.Marinescu. Relaţia

anxietate- condiţii medicale din ATI. Jurnalul Român de Anestezie Terapie Intensivă 2008;


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, D.Patriche, A.Bănică. Actualităţi şi perspective în

terapia farmacologică a tulburărilor de anxietate. Revista de Medicina Modernă 2008;


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Evaluarea comorbidităţilor psihiatrice în tulburările

somatoforme. Revista de Medicină Militară 2008; 2:3-9.

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, N.Mitrofan. Evaluarea profilului terapeutic în adicţii. Revista de

Medicină Militară 2008;2:36-44.

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, N.Mitrofan. Implicaţii clinice ale noilor mijloace de evaluare

terapeutică în adicţii. Revista de Medicină Militară 2008;2:51-61.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, M.Vasile, O.Creţu. The role of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors

in the psychopharmacology of mood disorders. Therapeutics Pharmacology and Clinical

Toxicology 2008; XII(3):349-353.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D.Ojog. Risperidone long acting administration in type I bipolar

disorder noncompliant patients. Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology 2008;


D. Vasile, O. Vasiliu. Perturbările mnezice în tulburările psihice specifice. Revista de

medicină Militară 2008; 1:41-50

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, D. Patriche, B, Stănescu, E. Bădescu, M. Vasile. Sindroame

hepatotoxice asociate medicaţiei psihotrope. Revista de Medicină Modernă 2009;XVI


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Rolul axei hipotalamo-hipofizo-corticosuprarenaliene în

patogeneza tulburărilor de anxietate. Revista de Medicină Militară 2009; 2(CXII):35-40

D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G. Mangalagiu, B.M.Petrescu, B.Stănescu, D.M.Năstase.

Sindroame psihotice induse de agenţii farmacologici psihotropi. Revista de Medicină Militară



D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, M.L.Vasile, G.Grigorescu, B.Vasile,

M.Terpan, B.M.Petrescu, D.M.Năstase. Evaluarea mecanismelor defensive la pacientii cu

dublu diagnostic- fibromialgie si tulburare mixta depresiv-anxioasa. Revista de Medicină

Militară 2010;2(CXIII):43-47

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.M.Nastase, B.Vasile, E.Badescu, M.Vasile,

M.Terpan. Abordari psihofarmacologice ale sistemului melatoninergic in tulburarile hipnice.

Revista de Medicină Militară 2010;1(CXIII):44-51

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Dictionar de psihiatrie- Alogia. Revista de Medicină Militară


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.Ungureanu, B.Vasile, M.Vasile,

D.M.Nastase. Abordari psihofarmacologice in preventia secundara a stresului posttraumatic.

Revista de Medicină Militară 2010;4(CXIII):23-32

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile. Aspecte cultural-istorice ale consumului de substanţe

psihoactive. Revista de Medicină Militară 2011;2(CXIV):33-39

N.F.Taina, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, B.Stanescu. 25 years of fluoxetine:

how far are we from an optimal treatment for depression? Therapeutics, Pharmacology and

Clinical Toxicology 2011;XV(Suppl.II):74

N.F.Taina, D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, A.Banica, D.G.Ojog. Nightmare

pharmacologic treatment in posttraumatic stress disorder- a systematic literature review.

Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology 2011;XV(Suppl.II):74

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.G.Ojog. Augmentation strategies in selective

serotonin reuptake inhibitors resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder- a systematic literature

review. Therapeutics, Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology 2011;XV(2):83-92

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, NF Taină, AG Mangalagiu, A Bănică. Analiza eficacităţii

medicaţiei psihotrope în coşmarurile asociate tulburării de stres posttraumatic. Revista de

Medicină Militară 2011;3(CXIV):31-38.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Dictionar de psihiatrie- Anhedonia. Revista de Medicină Militară


V.Daniel, O. Vasiliu, D.Ungureanu, C.Tudor, V.Bogdan, A.G. Mangalagiu, A.Banica,

G.Grosu, A Meliaca. Analiza eficacitatii terapeutice a duloxetinei comparativ cu inhibitorii

selectivi ai recaptării serotoninei în depresia majoră recurentă cu manifestări atipice. Revista

de Medicina Militara 2011;CXIV(Suppl):24

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.G.Ojog. Evaluation of the mood-stabilizers

associated neurocognitive effects in bipolar patients. Therapeutics, Pharmacology and

Clinical Toxicology 2011;XV(4):304-308

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, G.A.Sopterean, R.E.Bratu. Comparative

analysis of dual serotoninergic and noradrenergic antidepressants in double depression with

alcohol dependence. Romanian Journal of Psychopharmacology 2013;13(1):7-15

C.Tudor, O.Vasiliu, M.Zavoianu, G.Grigorescu, A.G.Mangalagiu, D.Vasile,

O.Magazin. The Efficacy of dual action antidepressants in depressive disorder associated

with systematic lupus erythematosus. Romanian Journal of Psychiatry 2013;XV (Suppl.1):P-


D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, M.Blandu, B.M.Petrescu. Newly diagnosed

Alzheimer Dementia cases in non-psychiatric departments of a general medical hospital- a

liaison psychiatry study. Romanian Journal of Psychiatry 2013;XV(Suppl.1):P-69

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu, A.G.Mangalagiu, B.M.Petrescu, M.Blandu. Analysis of the

organic comorbidities in early-onset Alzheimer Dementia patients. Romanian Journal of

Psychiatry 2013;XV(Suppl.1):OC-01

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile. Comparative analysis of alprazolam, buspirone and pregabalin as

add-on agents in partial responsive generalized anxiety disorder. Romanian Journal of

Psychopharmacology 2015;15(1):26-30.

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. The new wave of atypical antipsychotics- Really new drugs or

just another “Me, Too” drugs? Romanian Journal of Psychopharmacology 2015;15(2):83-91.


D.Patriche, O.Vasiliu, I.Filip, C.Tanase, A.Radfar. Consideratii asupra calitatii vietii

la pacientii cu dublu diagnostic de tulburare depresiva si dependenta de alcool. Revista

Medicala Romana 2015;LXII (4):339-343.

O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile, D.G.Vasiliu, F.Vasile. Analysis of antidepressant drugs impact

over quality of life in old-age onset depressive disorder. Romanian Journal of

Psychopharmacology 2016;16(1):1-6.

Lucrări in-extenso cotate în sistem ISI

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Management of affective symptoms and quality of life

improvement after primary brain tumor surgery. Proceedings of the World Medical

Conference, 2010, 276-278

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Anticonvulsants for severe behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer

dementia. Proceedings of the World Medical Conference, 2010, 279-283

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Management of Cognitive symptoms in dementia associated with

Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the World Medical Conference, 2010, 284-286

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Matching Psychotropics to Neurobiological Mechanisms in the

Aftermath of a Traumatic Event: A Literature Review. Proceedings of the World Medical

Conference, 2010, 287-293.

Coautor la realizarea de monografii şi manuale de specialitate

D. Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Abordări terapeutice cognitiv-comportamentale în cazurile de

dublu diagnostic depresie- tulburări de personalitate. Editura Printech, Bucureşti, 2007; ISBN


D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Terapia farmacologică a tulburărilor anxioase. Curs. Editura

Printech, Bucureşti, 2008; ISBN 978-606-521-052-3

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Evaluarea şi managementul riscului suicidar în tulburările de

personalitate. Editura Printech, 2008; ISBN 978-606-521-061-5

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Abordări terapeutice în dependenţa de substanţe. Editura

Printech, 2008; ISBN 978-606-521-200-8

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Factori de vulnerabilitate în toxicomanii. Editura Printech, 2008;

ISBN 978-606-521-201-5

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Psihopatologie generală-vol.1. Semiologie. Editura Printech,

2009; ISBN 978-606-521-356-2

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Psihopatologie generală-vol.2. Sindromologie. Editura Printech,

2009; ISBN 978-606-521-357-9

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Factorii compliantei terapeutice in psihiatrie. Ed. Printech, 2009;

ISBN 978-606-521-370-8

V.Nicolaescu, R.Hapeci, O.Vasiliu, P.Frusinoiu (coordonatori). Prevenirea

delincvenţei juvenile şi a consumului de droguri în judeţul Buzău. Buzău, Ed.CISON, 2010;

ISBN 978-973-8301-21-4

D.Vasile, O.Vasiliu. Psihofarmacologie clinică interactivă. Teste comentate. Ed.

Printech, București, 2013; ISBN 978-606-23-0099-9

F.Mihălțan, A.Botescu, T. Ed Ene, R. Nemeș, O.Vasiliu. Developing prevention, care

and rehabilitation for drug users in Romania. Recommendations based on systematic

literature reviews and search for good practice. Ed. Armanis, 2013; ISBN 978-606-8595-01-6

Capitole din cărţi de specialitate

-„Aspecte bioetice ale abordării pacientului în psihooncologie”, O.Vasiliu, D.Vasile

în „Standarde europene pentru programe postdoctorale competitive de formare în domeniul

managementului cercetării avansate şi expertizei psihiatrice medico-legale”, IML Iaşi,

Ed.Timpul, Iaşi, 2013; ISBN 978-973-612-495-2


Participare la studii farmacoclinice

-subinvestigator şi investigator principal în studii farmacoclinice de fază IIa, IIb, III şi

IV, începând din anul 2003, privind eficacittaea și tolerabilitatea unor molecule antipsihotice,

antidepresive, timostabilizatoare si nootrope având ca indicație schizofrenia, tulburarea

bipolară, tulburarea depresivă sau tulburările neurocognitive

Membru în asociaţii de specialitate:

-Asociatia Română de Terapie Cognitivă şi Comportamentală- din noiembrie 2002;

-Asociatia Română de Psihofarmacologie- din octombrie 2005 ;

-Asociaţia Psihologilor din România- din 2005.

Limbi străine cunoscute -engleza- nivel C1 conform Cadrului Comun European-CCE

-franceza- nivel B2 conform CCE

-germana- nivel B1 conform CCE

-spaniola- nivel B1 conform CCE

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