daffodil rescues

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Daffodils are my favorite spring flower. The sunny yellow is always a cheery

sight to view after the brown bleakness of winter.

As a gardener, I really appreciate the flower-it divides and spreads on its own, and critters do not eat daffodils.

As a runner, it has always been a fun

sight to look over at the side of the road, or in the woods and see a patch of daffodils.

Daffodils mean civilization. Daffodils growing in the woods mean someone planted them there. If you look closely you

may see the remains of a house or foundation.

How long ago were these bulbs planted? Who planted them? A farm wife? Did she get them from a catalog? Her mother’s garden? Did a child bring home some bulbs from school?

My daffodil rescue mission started

soon. I was out for a trail run when a pop of color caught my


I was expecting the ubiquitous yellow trumpet and found this double daffodil instead.

A few miles farther down the trail, a patch of green caught my eye. Looking carefully I could see the stone foundation.

This swath of daffodils surprised me. I was on a trail run and glanced to my left and saw all the flowers! I had run this trail for years and never saw the blooms! I guess I was busy watching the trail and picking my way through the mud.

My next rescue mission was on a road run. On a back country road, I could see an old chimney from the road. I had even thought to myself “there’s daffodils down there.”

I crashed through the multi flower rose brambles, and sure enough! Daffodils!

Rescue RulesDo not trespass. If there are signs posted, respect the landowner.

Sometimes I just take pictures.

Bulbs that I rescue I plant around our farm. The daffodils get to live on, in a different location and get to be loved-again!

About MeMy name is Kim and I write at kim.today. I am a writer, blogger, gardener, trail lover. I like to write about being outside your comfort zone, fitness, and being healthy and active at any age!

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