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Post on 28-Jun-2018






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1. Nama Lengkap : Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt.

2. Pekerjaan : Dosen Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada

3. NIP : 196205021989031006

4. NIDN : 0002056206

5. Jenis kelamin : Pria

6. Tempat dan tanggal lahir: Solo, 2 Mei 1962

7. Alamat Rumah : Jl. Arwana No. 12 Perum Minomartani


Telp. (0274) 883621

8. E-mail : meiyan_e@ugm.ac.id; edy_meiyanto@ugm.ac.id;

edy.meiyanto@gmail.com; meiyan_e@yahoo.com

9. Google Scholar :


10. Research Gate :


11. Pangkat/Golongan : Pembina Utama Madya/IVd

12. Jabatan : Profesor/Guru Besar

13. Alamat kantor : Fakultas Farmasi UGM

Sekip Utara Yogyakarta, 55281, telp/fax: 0274-543120


10. Pendidikan



Tempat Tahun


Gelar Bidang studi

S-1 Fak. Farmasi UGM 1986 Drs. Ilmu farmasi

Profesi Fak. Farmasi UGM 1987 Apoteker

S-2 Fak. Farmasi UGM 1995 M.Si. Ilmu farmasi

S-3 NAIST – Japan 2001 Ph.D. Molecular


Judul Disertasi: “Development of labeling method for macro/microarrays and its

application for gene expression profiling in osteoclastogenesis”

11. Riwayat Kepangkatan

No Golongan Pangkat TMT Jabatan

1 III/a Calon Pegawai Negeri



2 III/a Penata Muda 01-12-1990 Aisten ahli


3 III/b Penata Muda Tk I 01-04-1996 Asisten ahli

4 III/c Penata 01-04-1998 Lektor muda

5 III/d Penata Tk I 01-04-2003 Lektor

6 IV/a Pembina 01-04-2007 Lektor kepala

7 IV/b Pembina madya 01-04-2009 Lektor kepala

8 IV/b Pembina madya 01-09-2010 Guru


9 IV/c Pembina Utama Muda 01-09-2011 Profesor

10 IV/d Pembina Utama Madya


12. Riwayat Jabatan dalam Pekerjaan Dosen

Jabatan Unit kerja Tahun

Pengelola Magister farmasi klinik Fak. Farmasi UGM 2001/2004

Sekretaris Bagian Kimia Farmasi Fak. Farmasi UGM 2003-2005

Kepala Laboratorium Biokimia PS


PS Bioteknologi UGM 2005

Wakil dekan bidang Kemahasiswaan,

Alumni, Riset dan Kerjasama

Fak. Farmasi UGM 2005-2008

Wakil Dekan bidang kemahasiswaan,

alumni, kerjasama, dan pengembangan

Fak. Farmasi UGM 2008-2012

13. Pengalaman kerja dalam penelitian (sejak 2002)

Judul penelitian Sumber dana Periode Kerja

Efek antiprolliferatif dan metastasis tulang

PGV-0 pada sel kanker payudara T47D

RUT 2002/2004

Efek antikarsinogenik ekstrak etanol daun

sambung nyawa pada kanker payudara


Bersaing XI


Isolasi dan Penentuan Struktur Zat Bioaktif

Ekstrak Kulit Batang Cangkring (Erythrina

fusca L.) dan Uji Sitotoksiknya

Que Project 2003/2004

Pelacakan senyawa antikanker daun

tumbuhan Cangkring (Erythrina fusca)

HB XIII-Dikti 2005-2006

Efek antikarsinogenesis jinten hitam

terhadap kanker payudara yang diinduksi


Hibah Pekerti 2006-2007

Sensitisasi agen kemoterapi oleh ekstrak

pinang terhadap sel kanker payudara

HB XIV 2007-2008

The cytotoxic activity and apoptosis

induction of 8-hydroxyisocapnolactone-

2΄,3΄-diol with and without doxorubicin on

MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines




Co-Chemotherapeutical potential of citrus

flavonoids for breast cancer

Hibah Pasca-



Exploration of anticancer mechanism of

curcumin analogues and metabolites of

Indonesian herbs





Immunomodulatory activity of Citrus

reticulata’s pell ethanolic extract through

modulation of cell proliferation and

expression of interleukin-3 (IL-3) and

cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) on RAW 264.7

macrophage cell line

Hibah UGM 2009

Studi Potensi Antikanker Keladi Tikus

(Thyphonium Flagelliformae (Lodd.) Blume

Dan Efek Immunomodulator: Kajian

Terhadap Mekanisme Aksi Dan Sebagai

Agen Ko-Kemoterapi Pada Kanker







Isolat Eurycomanon Akar Pasak Bumi

(Eurycoma Longofolia Jack) Sebagai Ko-

Kemoterapi Doxorubicin Terhadap Sel

Kanker Payudara Mcf-7 Dan T47d Serta Uji

Toksisitasnya Pada Tikus Galur SD

Hibah Pekerti 2011

Analisis Target Molekuler Pada Kombinasi


Dengan Agen Kemoterapi Cisplatin

Terhadap Protein Nfkb Dan Cox-2 Dan

Pengaruhnya Terhadap Siklus Sel Pada Sel

Kanker Kolon




Farmasi UGM


Development of Specific Molecular-

Targeted Agents to Increase Sensitivity of

resistance Breast Cancer Cells to

Chemoterapeutic Agent



Luar Negeri



Produksi Protein Farmasetik Recombinant

Human Erythropoietin (Rhepo) Dengan

Modifikasi Pola Glikosilasi Pada Sel






dengan LIPI


Potensi dan Molecular Targets Senyawa

Aktif Ekstrak Etanolik Kayu Secang

(Caesalpinia sappan L) sebagai Agen

Chemosensitizer pada Kanker Payudara :

Pengembangan Fitofarmaka Secang






Sebagai Agen Kemopreventif

Komplementer untuk Terapi Kanker

Payudara yang Lebih Efektif (Kolaborasi

antara Cancer Chemoprevention Research

Center dengan Balai Besar Penelitian dan

Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat


Disain Formula Obat Kanker Berbasis

Herbal Dengan Pendekatan Kombinasi

Terarah Untuk Kanker Payudara


Insentif SiNAS



Pengembangan Teknologi dan Aplikasi

Boron Neutron Capture Cancer Therapy

dengan Compact Neutron Generator

Insentif SiNAS






Validasi Metode Uji Efek Genotoksik Untuk

Produk Herbal Dan Bahan Tambahan



Menakar Efek Bifasik Genistein, Kurkumin

dan Analognya untuk Dikembangkan

sebagai Agen Antikanker dan Sediaan



Validasi Metode Uji Efek Genotoksik Untuk

Produk Herbal Dan Bahan Tambahan

Makanan (Lanjutan)


Pengembangan Teknologi dan Aplikasi

Boron Neutron Capture Cancer Therapy

dengan Compact Neutron Generator :

Mengembangkan Senyawa Boron Berbasis

Analog Kurkumin dan Sistem Ujinya







Pengembangan Produksi Bahan Baku Obat

Berbasis Biosimilar Recombinant Human

Erythropoietin : Uji Aktivitas Biologi In

Vitro dan In Vivo serta Uji Toksisitas Akut

Produk Biosimilar Recombinant Human


Hibah PPTI



Biofarma dan

LIPI (Tahun





Menakar Efek Bifasik Genistein, Kurkumin

dan Analognya untuk Dikembangkan

sebagai Agen Antikanker dan Sediaan







Manufaktur dan Standardisasi Komponen

Kolimator dan Obat Berbasis Boron

Neutron Capture Cancer Therapy (BNCT)




Industri (PIII)





Pengembangan Produksi Bahan Baku Obat

Berbasis Biosimiliar Recombinant Human


Sub Judul: Uji Aktivitas Biologi In Vivo

serta Uji Toksisitas Akut Produk Biosimilar

Recombinant Human Erythropoietin




Biofarma dan

LIPI (Tahun



Pengembangan Metode Analisis Reactive

Oxygen Spesies (Ros) Menggunakan 2’,7’-

Dichlorofluorescin Diacetate (Dcfda) pada

MCF-7/HER2 dan NIH3T3



n Penelitian


dengan Lab.

Kimia Analisis



Efek Kombinasi Hesperetin dengan

Doksorubisin terhadap Proliferasi dan

Metastasis pada Sel Kanker 4T1






Pengembangan Agen Anti Kanker

Payudara dari Daun Katuk Hutan Papua:

Kajian Efek Anti Proliferatik dan Anti


Hibah Pekerti 2017

Isolasi Senyawa Aktif dari Daun

Micromelum minutum dan Penelusuran

Aktivitas Penghambatan pada Sel Kanker

Payudara MCF-7



14. Aktivitas mengajar

a. Metodologi Penelitian (S-1 dan S-2)

b. Biologi Molekular (S-1, S-2, dan S-3)

c. Biokimia (S-1)

d. Karsinogenesis molecular (S-2 dan S-3)

e. Analisis Klinik/biomedik (S-1 dan S-2)

15. Afiliasi organisasi

a. Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia (anggota)

b. Indonesian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society (member)

c. Perhimpunan Peneliti Bahan Obat Alami (PERHIPBA) Indonesia (Pengurus

pusat - 2009)

d. Indonesian Society for Cancer Chemoprevention (Ketua, 2017-2020)

e. Ketua Cancer Chemoprevention Research Center (CCRC) Fakultas Farmasi

UGM (2004-Sekarang)

16. Tema riset utama

Pengembangan obat untuk antikanker dan chemoprevention

(URL: http://ccrc.farmasi.ugm.ac.id)

17. Daftar Publikasi (terseleksi sejak tahun 2001)


Meiyanto, E., Hoshijima M., Ogawa T., Ishida N., and Takeya T., 2001, Osteoclast

Differentiation Factor Modulates Cell Cycle Machinery and Causes a Delay in S Phase

Progression in RAW264 cells, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 282: 278-283.

Meiyanto, E., Jun-ichi Mineno, Ishida N and Takeya T., 2001, Application of

fluorescently labeled poly (dU) for gene expression profiling on cDNA microarrays,

BioTechniques, 31 (2) : 406-413.



Da’i, M., Meiyanto, E., and Supardjan, A.M., 2002, Antiproliferative effect of

curcumin on Raji cell line, Pharmacon, 3(2): 40-45.


Meiyanto, E., Supardjan A.M., and Da’i, M., 2003, Antiproliferative effect of PGV-0 (a

curcumin analogue) against HeLa cells, Gama Sains, 5 (3): 200-206.

Sugiyanto, Sudarto, B., Meiyanto, E., and Nugroho, A.E., and Jenie AU., 2003, The

anticarcinogenicity of plants compounds, Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 14(3):


Meiyanto, E., Sismindari, Chandra, L., and Moordiani, 2003, Antiproliferative effect

of the bark and leaves of Erythrina fusca Lour against HeLa Cells, Indonesian Journal

of Pharmacy, 14(3): 124-131.


Meiyanto, E., Sismindari, dan Triastuti, A., 2004, Efek antiproliferatif ekstrak etanol

kulit batang Cangkring (Erythrina fusca Lour) terhadap sel Myeloma, J. Ilmiah

farmasi UII.

Murwanti, R., Meiyanto, E, Kristina, S. A., 2004, Anticarcinogenic effect of Ethanolic

extract of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. on the growth of Lung tumor induced by

benzo(a)pirene, Maalah Farmasi Indonesia, 15(1): 156-161.

Da’i, M., Meiyanto, E., and Supardjan, A.M., 2004, Antiproliferative effect of

Pentagamavunon-0 on Myeloma cells, Sains kesehatan, 17(1):


Meiyanto, E., and Septistyani, EP, 2005, Efek antiproliferatif dan apoptosis fraksi

fenolik ekstrak etanolik daun Gynura procumbens terhadap sel HeLa, Artocarpus,

(5) 2: 74-80.


Maryati, Meiyanto, E., and Riyanto, S., 2005, Uji Sitotoksik dan isolasi flavonoid dari

fraksi etil asetat daun Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr, Pharmacon, Vol 6 No. 2, 46-



Meiyanto, E., Melannisa, R., Da’i, M, 2006, PGV-1 Menurunkan Ekspresi Faktor

Angigenesis (VEGF dan COX-2) Pada Pertumbuhan Sel T47D Terinduksi Estrogen,

Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 17 (1):01-06.

Meiyanto, E., Supardjan, Da’i, M, Agustina, D, 2006, Efek Antiproliferatif

Pentagamavunon-0 terhadapSel Kanker Payudara T47D, Jurnal Kedokteran Yarsi, 14

(1), 11-15.

Nurulita, NA., and Meiyanto, E., 2006, Efek antikanker PGV-0 terhadap sel kanker

payudara T47D yang diinduksi 17-b-estradiol melalui mekanisme apoptosis dan

penghambatan angiogenesis, Sains Kesehatan, 19, (1): 109-125.

Jenie, R.I., Meiyanto, E., dan Murwanti, R, 2006, Efek antiangiogenik ekstrak

etanolik daun sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) pada membran

korio alantois (cam) embrio ayam, Majalah Farmasi Indonesia, 17 (1): 50-55.

Meiyanto E, Melannisa R., and Dai M., 2006, Penurunan ekspresi BCl-2 berperan

dalam apoptosis sel kanker payudara T47D yang diinduksi PGV-1 dan 17-b-estradiol,

Pharmacon, vol 7, No. 2, 58-62.


Meiyanto, E., 2007, Curcumin and PGV-0 suppress in vitro osteoclastogeneis and

induce apoptosis on osteoclast cells, Proceedings of the international symposium on

recent progress in curcumin research 11-12 september 2006, Yogyakarta-Indonesia,

ISBN: 978-979-3485-55-3: 269-276.

Meiyanto, E., Supardjan, Da’i, M, Agustina, D, 2007, Pentagamavunon-0 induces

Apoptosis on T47D breast cancer cell line through Caspase-3 activation, Jurnal

Kedokteran Yarsi, 15(2): 075-079.


Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., and Jenie UA., 2007, Geometrics isomers and

cytotoxic effect on T47D cells of curcumin analogues PGV-0 and PGV-1, Majalah

Farmasi Indonesia, 18 (1):

Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., Jenie UA., and Masashi K., 2007, Potensi

proliferatif analog kurkumin: pentagamavunon terhadap sel kanker payudara T47D,

Artocarpus, 7(1) : 14-20.

Muhammad Dai, Anis Fiveri, and Meiyanto E., 2007, Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak

Tanaman Keladi Tikus, Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, 3(4): 163-167.

Dai M., Supardjan AM., Meiyanto E., Jenie UA., and Masashi K., 2007, Curcumin

Induce Apoptosis On Breast Cancer Cell line with Wild Type and Mutant p53 Status ,

Proceeding on International conference on traditional medicine and medicinal plants,

8-9 September.

Jenie, R.I., and Meiyanto, E., 2007, Aplikasi ko-kemoterapi ekstrak etanolik daun

Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. pada sel kanker payudara, Majalah Farmasi

Indonesia, 18 (2): 81-87.

Sri Susiloati, Meiyanto E., and Sugiyanto, 2007, Efek ekstrak etanolik daun Gynura

procumbens (Lour) Merr terhadap proliferasi sel kanker payudara tikus yang

diinduksi 7,12-dimetilbenz(a)antrazen (DMBA), Majalah Obat Tradisional, 11(40):


Meiyanto E., Rahmi, F., dan Riyanto, S, 2007, Efek Sitotoksik Fraksi Semipolar

Ekstrak Metanolik Kulit Batang Cangkring (Erythrina fusca Lour) Terhadap Sel HeLa,

Majalah Obat Tradisional, 11(41): 1-11.

Meiyanto E., Susilowati s., Tasminatun S, Murwanti R., dan Sugiyanto, 2007, Efek

kemopreventif ekstrak etanolik daun Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. pada

karsinogenesis kanker payudara tikus, MFI, 18(3): 154-161.

Meiyanto E., Susilowati s., Tasminatun S, Murwanti R., dan Sugiyanto, 2007,

Penghambatan karsinogenesis kanker payudara tikus terinduksi DMBA pada fase

post inisiasi oleh ekstrak etanolik daun Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr., MFI,

18(4): 169-175.


Setyowati Prawita E, Sudarsono, Rahmat R., Kardono B., 2007, Jenie Anggara U., dan

Meiyanto E., Isolasi Senyawa Sitotoksik Spons Kaliapsis, Majalah Farmasi Indonesia,

18 (4) : 183-189.

Dai M., Jenie UA, Supardjan AM, Kawaichi M, and Meiyanto E., 2007, T47D cells

arrested at G2M and Hyperploidy formation induced by a curcumin analogue, PGV-1,

Indon. J. Biotechnol., 12 (2): 1005-1012.


Meiyanto E, RA Susidarti, S Handayani, and F Rahmi, 2008, Ekstrak etanolik biji

pinang (Areca catechu L.) mampu menghambat proliferasi dan memacu apoptosis

sel MCF-7, MFI, 19(1): 12-19.

Meiyanto E., Sri Handayani, RA Susidarti, and Riris I Jenie, 2008, Areca (Areca

catechu L.) Seeds Ethanolic extract and its chloroform fraction increase apoptotic

effect of doxorubicin on human colon cancer cells, j. Bahan Alam Ind., 6(5): 169-175.

Widaryanti B., Meiyanto E., Dai M., and Kawaichi M., 2008, PGV-1 is a potent anti

mitotic agent, Indon. J. Pharm, 19(3): 145-150.

Meiyanto E., Sri Handayani, dan Riris Istighfari Jenie, 2008, Ekstrak etanolik kacang

panjang (Vigna sinensis (L) Savi ex Hassk) meningkatkan proliferasi sel epitel

payudara dan perkembangan kelenjar payudara melalui peningkatan ekspresi

reseptor estrogen, M. farm. Indon., 19(4): 191-197.

Riris Istighfari Jenie and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Combination of Sambung Nyawa

(Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr.) leaves ethyl acetate fraction (SEF)-Doxorubicin

(dox) induces apoptosis in human breast cancer T47D Cells, Proceeding The

International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1,

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 37-47.

Endah Puji Septisetyani, Muthi’ Ikawati, Barinta Widaryanti and Edy Meiyanto,

2008, Apoptosis mediated cytotoxicity of curcumin analogues PGV-0 and PGV-1 in

WiDr cell line, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted

Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 48-56.

Edison Chrisnanto, Rosa Adelina, Dyaningtyas Dewi P.P, M.N. Abdi Sahid, Diah

Setyaningtias, Riris Istighfari Jenie and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Antiangiogenic effect

of ethanol extract of Citrus reticulata peel in the Chorio Allantoic Membrane (CAM)


induced by bFGF, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted

Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 57-66.

Sri Handayani, Edy Meiyanto and Ratna Asmah Susidarti, 2008, Areca (Areca

catechu L.) seeds ethanolic extract and its chloroform fraction induce apoptosis and

decrease COX-2 expression on WiDr cells, Proceeding The International symposium

on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM,

pp. 67-74.

Fitria Rahmi, Edy Meiyanto and Ratna Asmah Susidarti, 2008, Apoptosis effect of

Areca catechu L. chloroform fraction on T47D cells, Proceeding The International

symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of

Pharmacy UGM, pp. 75-82.

Ilyas Pratomo, Larasati, Sri Handayani, Perdana and Edy Meiyanto, 2008,

Chemoprevention effects of ethanolic extract Keprok Citrus peels (Citrus reticulata)

on epithelial mammary and liver cells of Sprague Dawley rats induced by 7,12-

Dimethylbenz-[a]anthracene, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular

targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 83-93.

Sarmoko, Ika Dyaning Ratri, Rifki Febriansah, A. Fauzi Romadhon, A. Perdana Adhi

Nugroho, Edy Meiyanto , Ratna Asmah Susidarti and B. S. Ari Sudarmanto, 2008,

Cytotoxic effect of ethanolic extract of Temu Kunci (Kaempferia pandurata) and

Sirihan (Piper aduncum L.) on breast cancer line, Proceeding The International

symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy, ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of

Pharmacy UGM, pp. 94-102.

Muhammad Iqbal, Haryadha Agustian, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, B.S. Ari Sudarmanto

and Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Molecular docking of Coumarin and its derivative to

Protein Kinase C (PKC) and tubulin receptors : Inhibition and interaction study to

those receptors correlated with Artemisia vulgaris L. leaves extract’s cytotoxic effect

in T47D cell, Proceeding The International symposium on Molecular targeted Therapy,

ISBN: 978-979-95107-6-1, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, pp. 103-114.

A.Asyhar, R. Febriansah, R.A. Ashari, R.A Susidarti, dan E.Meiyanto, 2008, Modulasi

Ekspresi Protein N-ras Ekstrak Etanolik Rumput Mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa)

pada Sel Hepar Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12-

Dimentilbenz[a]antrasena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi

Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 127-129.


Adek Zamrud Adnan, E. Meiyanto, Rustini, dan Teti Dynaila, 2008, Uji Sitotoksisitas

fraksi Alkaloid Fenantroindolizidin dari Kulit Batang Ficus obscura Miq. Secara In

Vitro dengan MTT-Colorimetric Assay, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan

Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 107-110.

Anugerah B.Adina, Franciscus Feby Handoko, Indah Ikawati Setyarini, E.P.

Septisetyani, S, Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Estrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis

(Citrus Aurantifolia (Cristm. Swingle)) Meningkatkan Sensitivitas sel MCF-7

terhadap Doxorubicin, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi

Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 55 – 62.

Dewi Pratiwi, Novi Hastuti, Inna Armandari, Niken Nur W, Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng

Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus

Aurantiifolia (Cristm.) Swingle) meningkatkan Ekspresi p53 Pada Sel Payudara

Tikus Galur Spraygue Dawley Terinduksi 7,12-Dimetilbenzen[a]antrasena,

Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-

95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 100 – 106.

Diah Ayu Putri K, Perdana Adhi Nugroho, Andita Pra Darma, Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng

Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Potensi Kemopreventif Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit

Jeruk Keprok (Citrus reticulata) pada Sel Kanker Hepar Tikus Galur Sprague Dawley

Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetilbenz[A]antrasena Melalui Penekanan Ekspresi c-Myc,

Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-

95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 75 – 80.

Dyani P. Sukamdi, Stefani, Kartika D. Palupi, E.Meiyanto, dan R.A. Susidarti, 2008,

Potensi Antiproliferasi Ekstrak Etanolik Hedyotis corimbosa (L) Lamk Terhadap Sel

Hepar Tikus Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetil Benz(a)antrazena, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah

XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN : 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 81 – 88.

Indri Kusharyanti, Ari Widiyantoro, Maryati dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Aktivitas

Sitotoksik Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pauh Kijang ( Irvingia Malayana Oliv.), Proceeding

Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0,

ISFI, pp. 36 – 41.

Maria Dwi Supriyati, Rosa Adelina, Dwi Ana Nawangsari, Muthi’ Ikawati, dan Edy

Meiyanto, 2008, Modulasi Ekspresi c-Myc Sel Epitelial Kelenjar payudara Tikus oleh

Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Keprok ( Citrus reticulata), Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah

XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 70 – 74.


M Fithrul Mubarok, Dewi Arum, Ainun Wulandari, R.I Jenie., E.P. Septisetyani dan

Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Peningkatan Aktivitas Sitotoksik Doxorubisin terhadap Sel

Kanker Payudara MCF-7 menggunakan Ekstrak Etanolik Daun Awar-awar (Ficus

Septica Burm. F), Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, ,

ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0.

Mita Ardiani, N. Puspita, Fina A.G., E. P. Septisetyani, dan E.Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak

Etanolik Kulit Buah Jeruk Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata) Memacu Proliferasi dan

Ekspresi Cox-2 pada Sel Kanker Kolon WiDr, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan

Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, , ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0, ISFI, pp. 193 – 198.

Novi Hastuti, Dewi Pratiwi, Inna Armandari, Niken Nur W., Muthi’ Ikawati, Sugeng

Riyanto, dan Edy Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Nipis (citrus

Aurantiifollia (Cristm.) Swingle) Menginduksi Apopotosis Pada sel Payudara Tikus

Galur Spraygue Dawley Terinduksi 7, 12-Dimetilbenz[a]antrasena, Proceeding

Kongres Ilmiah XVI Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, , ISBN: 978-979-95108-6-0,

ISFI, pp. 94 – 99.

N. Puspita, Mita A., Fina A.G., E. P. Septisetyani, dan E. Meiyanto, 2008, Ekstrak

Etanolik Kulit Jeruk Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata) Meningkatkan Ekspresi Faktor

Angiogenik VEGF pada Sel Kanker Kolon WiDr, Proceeding Kongres Ilmiah XVI

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Hamid, IS., Sugiyanto, Meiyanto, E., and Widyarini S., 2009, Ekspresi CYP1A1 dan

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Fitriasari, A., Susidarti, RA., Meiyanto, E., 2010, Peningkatan Efek Sitotoksik

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Kumala, S., Meiyanto, E., Ikawati, M., Jenie, RI., 2010, Sinergisme Fraksi Butanol

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Kumala, S., Septiseptyani, EP., Meiyanto, E., 2010, Cytotoxic effect of secondary

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Hermawan, A., Meiyanto E., and Susidarti, RA., 2010, Hesperidin meningkatkan efek

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Junedi, S., Susidarti, RA., dan Meiyanto, E., 2010, Peningkatan Efek Sitotoksik

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Ekowati, J., Rudyanto, M., Sasaki, S., Budiati, T., Sukardiman, Hermawan, A., and

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Armandari, I., Palupi, KD., Farida, S., Hermawan, A., Susidarti, RA., and Meiyanto, E,

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Nur, KA., Putri, H., Cahyani, FM., Katarina, Aulia., Susidarti, RA., and Meiyanto, E,

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Kasianningsih, S., Rivanti, E., Pratama, RH., Pratama, NR., Ikawati, M., Meiyanto, E.,

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Pratama, NR., Ikhtiarsah, YG., Riata, R., Hermawan, A., Ikawati, M., Meiyanto, E.,

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Monikawati, A., Farida, S., Putri, LW., Ikhtiarsyah, YG., Meiyanto, E., 2011,

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Meiyanto,E., Fitriasari, A., Hermawan, A., Junedi, S., Susidarti, RA., 2011, The

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Meiyanto,E, Hermawan, A., Junedi, S., Fitriasari, A., Susidarti, RA., 2011, Nobiletin

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Pratama, RH., Ikhtiarsyah, YG., Anindyajati, Fitriasari, A., Ikawati, M., Meiyanto, E.

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Nugroho, A.E., Ikawati, M., Hermawan, A., Putri, D.D.P., and Meiyanto, E., Cytotoxic

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Hermawan, A., Murwanti, Artanti, N., Meiyanto, E., 2011, Effect of the water

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Nurulita, N.A.,Meiyanto, E., Sugiyanto, Matsuda, E., and Kawaichi, M., 2012, Gynura

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Sugiyanto, B. Sudarto, Meiyanto, E., Nugroho, A.E.,and Jenie, U.A., 2003, The

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Fithriyatun Nisa, Adam Hermawan, Retno Murwanti, Edy Meiyanto, 2012,

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7,12-dimethylbenz(a)antracene induced male rat liver, Advanced Pharmaceutical

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Endang Purwaningsih, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Djaswadi Dasuki and Edy Meiyanto,

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Agung Endro N, Adam Hermawan, Dyaningtyas Dewi PP., Edy Meiyanto, Lukmasn

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Sri Handayani, Chandra Risdian, Edy Meiyanto, Zalinar Udin, Rina Andriyani, and

Marissa Angelina., 2012., Selaginella Active Fractions Induce Apoptosis on T47D

Breast Cancer Cell., Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy., Volume 23 Issue 1 : 48-53.

Agung Endro Nugroho, Adam Hermawan, Kunti Nastiti, Suven, Pritha Elisa, Tony

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Fraction of Ficus septica Burm. F. in Doxorubicin-treated Rats. Asian Pacific Journal

of Cancer Prevention, 2012 : Vol 13 (11) : 5785-5790.

Agung Endro Nugroho, Adam Hermawan, Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas Putri and

Edy Meiyanto, 2012, Combination Effects of Hexane Insoluble Fraction of Ficus

septica Burm. F. and Doxorubicin Chemotherapy on T47D Breast Cancer Cell

Lines, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 3(4):297-302.

Nurulita, N.A.,Meiyanto, E., Sugiyanto, Matsuda, E., and Kawaichi, M., 2012, Gynura

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MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line and Sensitizes the Cells to Doxorubicin, Indonesian

Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp.51-60.

Adam Hermawan, Kholid Alfan Nur, Sarmoko, Dyaningtyas Dewi, Pamungkas Putri,

Edy Meiyanto. Ethanolic extract of Moringa oleifera increased

cytotoxic effect of doxorubicin on HeLa cancer cells. Journal of Nature Remedies. Vol.

12/2 (2012)108-114.


Agung Endro Nugroho, Adam Hermawan, Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas Putri,

Anindya Novika, Edy Meiyanto. Combinational effects of hexane insoluble fraction

of Ficus septica Burm. F. and doxorubicin chemotherapy on T47D breast cancer cells.

Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2013; 3(4): 297-302.

Sri Handayani, Adam Hermawan, Edy Meiyanto, Zalinar Udin. Induction of

Apoptosis on MCF-7 cells by Selaginella Fractions. Journal of Applied

Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 3 (04), pp. 031-034, April, 2013.

Muhammad Da’i, Arry Yanuar, Edy Meiyanto, Umar Anggara Jeniec and Amir

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Ari Widiyantoro, Thamrin Usman, Edy Meiyanto, Sabirin Matsjeh. Cytotoxic Activity

of Crude Extracts and Fractions from Irvingia malayana. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy.

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Meiyanto E, Putri DD, Susidarti RA, Murwanti R, Sardjiman, Fitriasari A, Husnaa U,

Purnomo H, Kawaichi M. Curcumin and its Analogues (PGV-0 and PGV-1) Enhance

Sensitivity of Resistant MCF-7 Cells to Doxorubicin through Inhibition of HER2 and

NF-kB Activation. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014. 15(1):179-84.

Rifki Febriansah, Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas Putri, Sarmoko, Nunuk Aries

Nurulita, Edy Meiyanto, Agung Endro Nugroho. Hesperidin as a preventive

resistance agent in MCF-7 breast cancer cells line resistance to doxorubicin. Asian

Pac J Trop Biomed 2014; 4(3): 228-233.

Anugerah Budipratama Adina, Fina Aryani Goenadi, Franciscus Feby Handoko, Dwi

Ana Nawangsari, Adam Hermawan, Riris Istighfari Jenie and Edy Meiyanto.

Combination of Ethanolic Extract of Citrus aurantifolia Peels with Doxorubicin

Modulate Cell Cycle and Increase Apoptosis Induction on MCF-7 Cells. Iranian

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2014), 13 (3): 919-926.

Adam Hermawan, Anugerah Budipratama Adina, Fina Aryani Goenadi, Fransiscus

Feby Handoko, Dwi Ana Nawangsari, Riris Istighfari Jenie, and Edy Meiyanto.

Combination of Ethanolic Extract of Citrus aurantifolia Peels with Doxorubicin

Modulate Cell Cycle and Increase Apoptosis Induction on MCF-7 Cells. Iranian

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2014.

Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Muthi’ Ikawati, Dyaningtyas Dewi

Pamungkas Putri, Edy Meiyanto. Cytotoxic activity and apoptosis induction of 8-

hydroxyisocapnolactone-2´,3´-diol and its combination with Doxorubicin on MCF-7

and T47D cells. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 4 (06), pp. 089-097,

June, 2014.

Sarmoko, Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas Putri, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Agung Endro

Nugroho, Edy Meiyanto. Increasing Sensitivity Of Mcf-7/Dox Cells Towards

Doxorubicin By Hesperetin Through Suppression Of P-Glycoprotein Expression.

Indonesian J. Pharm. Vol. 25 No. 2 : 84 – 90.

Yonika Arum Larasati, Dyaningtyas Dewi Pamungkas Putri, Rohmad Yudi Utomo,

Adam Hermawan, Edy Meiyanto. Combination of Cisplatin and Cinnamon Essential

Oil Inhibits HeLa Cells Proliferation through Cell Cycle Arrest. J App Pharm Sci. 2014;

4(12): 014-019.


Edy Meiyanto, Herwandhani Putri, Yonika Arum Larasati, Ria Fajarwati.

Pengembangan Boron Carrying Pharmaceuticals untuk Mendukung Terapi Kanker

Berbasis BNCT. Prosiding Pertemuan dan Presentasi Ilmiah-Penelitian Dasar Ilmu

Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Nuklir PSTA Batan. 2014: 156-162.


N.P. Linda Laksmiani, R. Asmah Susidarti, Edy Meiyanto. Brazilein Increases the

Sensitivity of Doxorubicin on MCF-7 Resistant Doxorubicin (MCF-7/DOX) Cells

Through Inhibition of HER-2 Activation. International Journal of Pharmacy and

Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2015. Vol 7, Issue 2, 525-528.

Adam Hermawan, Retno Murwanti, Nina Artanti, Edy Meiyanto. Effect of the Water

Extract of Macrosolen Cochinchinensis (Lour.) Tiegh. Leaves on 7, 12-dimethylbenz

[a] antracene induced female mice liver carcinogensis. 2015. Journal of Chinese

Pharmaceutical Sciences. 20 (2011) 627-632.

Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Edy Meiyanto. Brazilein Increased

Cytotoxic Activity of Doxorubicin on MCF-7/DOX Cells. Indonesian Journal of Cancer

Chemoprevention. 2015. 6(2): 58-63.

Astrid Ayu Maruti, Fikri Amalia, Edy Meiyanto. Synergistic Effect of Arecoline in

Combination with Doxorubicin on HeLa Cervical Cancer Cells. Indonesian Journal of

Cancer Chemoprevention. 2015. 6(2): 64-70.

Prisnu Tirtanirmala, Annisa Novarina, Rohmad Yudi Utomo, Raisatun Nisa Sugiyanto, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Edy Meiyanto, 2015, Cytotoxic and Apoptotic-inducing Effect of Fraction Containing Brazilein from Caesalpinia sappan L. and Cisplatin on T47D Cell Lines, Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, Vol. 6, No.3, p:89-96.


Ika Rahmawati Sutejo, Herwandhani Putri, Edy Meiyanto. The Selectivity of

Ethanolic Extract of Buah Makassar (Brucea javanica) on Metastatic Breast Cancer

Cells. 2016. Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences. Vol 2, Issue 1, 1-6.

Herwandhani Putri, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Ria Fajarwati Kastian, Edy Meiyanto.

Combination of Potassium Pentagamavunon-0 and Doxorubicin Induces Apoptosis


and Cell Cycle Arrest and Inhibits metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells. Asian Pac J

Cancer Prev. 2016. 17(5), 2683-8.

Rul Afiyah Syarif, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Edy Meiyanto, Mae Sri H Wahyuningsih.

Effects of Curcumin on Estrogen Secretion and Estrogen Receptor β in Pig Granulosa

Cells of Medium Follicles. 2016. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya. Vol 29, No.1 : 32-38.

Sari Haryanti, Suwijiyo Pramono, Retno Murwanti, Edy Meiyanto. The Synergistic

Effect of Doxorubicin and Ethanolic Extract of Caesalpinia sappan L. Wood and Ficus

septica Burm.f. Leaves on Viability, Cell Cycle Progression, And Apoptosis Induction

of MCF7 Cells. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology. Vol 21, No.1 : 29-37.

Sri Handayani, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Zalinar Udin, Edy Meiyanto, Riris Istighfari

Jenie. Brazilein in Combination with Cisplatin Inhibit Proliferation and Migration on

Highly Metastatic cancer Cells, 4T1. 2016. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology. Vol

21, No. 1: 38-47.


Sri Handayani, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Edy Meiyanto. Two

Active Compunds from Caesalpinia sappan L. in Combination with Cisplatin

Synergistically Induce Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest on Widr Cell. 2017. Advanced

Pharmaceutical Bulletin. Vol 7, No. 3: 375-380.

Sari Haryanti, Retno Murwanti, Herwandhani Putri, Gagas Pradani Nur Ilmawati,

Suwijiyo Pramono, Edy Meiyanto. Different 4T1 Cells Migration under Caesalpinia

sappan L. and Ficus septica Burm.f Ethanolic Extracts. 2017. Indonesian Journal of

Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol 8, No. 1: 21-26.

Riris Istighfari Jenie, Sri Handayani, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Zalinar Udin, Edy

Meiyanto. Cytotoxic and Antimetastasis Effect of Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Caesal

pinia sappan L. on MCF-7/HER2 Cells. 2017. Indonesian Journal of Cancer

Chemoprevention. Vol. 8, No. 1: 42-50.

Rohmad Yudi Utomo, Herwandhani Putri, Pudjono, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Riris

Istighfari Jenie, Edy Meiyanto. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Activity of 2,5-Bis(4-Boronic

Acid)Benzylidine Cyclopentanone on HER2 Overexpressed-Cancer Cell. 2017.

Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy. Vol 28 No 2: 74-81.


Ulfatul Husnaa, Ni Putu Linda Laksmiani, Ratna Asmah Susidarti, Edy Meiyanto.

Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Caesalpinia sappan L. Enhances Cisplatin’s Cytotoxicity on

HeLa Cells via G1 and S Arrest through p53 Expression. 2017. Indonesian Journal of

Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol 8, No. 2: 51-60.

Nur Dina Amalina, Ika Putri Nurhayati, Edy Meiyanto. Doxorubicin Induces

Lamellipodia Formation and Cell Migration. 2017. Indonesian Journal of Cancer

Chemoprevention. Vol 8, No. 2: 61-67.

Beni Lestari, Dhania Novitasari, Herwandhani Putri, Sari Haryanti, Ediati Sasmito,

Edy Meiyanto. Evaluation of The Genotoxicity of Three Food Additives using CHO-

K1 Cells under in vitro Micronucleus Flow Cytometry Assay. 2017. Indonesian

Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol 8, No. 2: 74-80.

Nur Fitra Sari, Beni Lestari, Dian Saputri, Anisa Fauzia Ahsani, Ragil Anang Santoso,

Ediati Sasmito, Edy Meiyanto. Reveal Cytotoxicity and Antigenotoxicity of Piper

nigrum L. Ethanolic Extract and its Combination with Doxorubicin on CHO-K1 Cells.

2017. Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol. 8, No. 3: 110-119.

Devi Nisa Hidayati, Riris Istighfari Jenie, Edy Meiyanto. Combination of Curcuma

(Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb) hizome Ethanolic Extract and Awar-awar (Ficus

septica Burm. F) Leaves Ethanolic Extract Increases Cisplatin Cytotoxicity on T47D

Breast Cancer Cells through Cell Cycle Modulation. 2017. Indonesian Journal of

Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol. 8, No. 3: 120-125.

Asri Mega Putri, Nindya Budiana Putri, Rahmawaty Rachmady, Idlohatud Dilalah,

Retno Murwanti, Edy Meiyanto. Secang Heartwood Ethanolic Extract (Caesalpinia

sappan L.) Inhibits Mesenchymal Stem Cells Senescene. 2017. Indonesian Journal of

cancer Chemoprevention. Vol. 8, No. 3: 126-134.

Yoce Aprianto, Asri Mega Pratiwi, Hilyatul Fadliyah, Retno Murwanti, Edy

Meiyanto. Abtigenotoxic Activity of Rumput Mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa L.)

Ethanolic Extract on Cyclophosphamide-Induced Mice. 2017. Indonesian Journal of

Cancer Chemoprevention. Vol. 8, No. 3: 135-145.


Edy Meiyanto, Endah Puji Septisetyani, Yonika Arum Larasati, Masashi Kawaichi.

Curcumin Analog Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) Sensitizes Widr Cells to 5-Flurouracil


through Inhibition of NF-kB Activation. 2018. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer

Prevention. Vol. 19, No. 1: 49-56.

Yonika Arum Larasati, Noriko Yoneda-Kato, Ikuko Nakamae, Takashi Yokoyama,

Edy Meiyanto, Jun-ya Kato. Curcumin Targets Multiple Enzymes Involved in the

ROS Metabolic Pathway to Seppress Tumor Cell Growth. 2018. Scientific Reports 8:


18. Aktivitas Riset dan Seminar Internasional (sejak 2002)

1. Oral presentation at The Asia Pacific Organization on Cancer Prevention

(APOCP) Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 2002

2. Visiting Scientist at Nara institute of Science and Technonogy, Japan, October


3. Visiting Scientist at Nara institute of Science and Technonogy, Japan, October


4. Oral presentation at the international seminar on Cancer diagnostic and

theraphy , Yogyakarta-Indonesia, 2005

5. Oral presentation at the 21st congress of Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical

Associations, Yokohama-Japan, 2006

6. Oral presentation at the international symposium on recent progress in

curcumin research, Yogyakarta-Indonesia-2006

7. Oral presentation at the international seminar on the Henk Timmerman :

Structure based Drug Development, LIPI-Indonesia, 2007

8. Oral presentation at the international seminar on Application of molecular

biology on drug discovery and medical diagnosis, Nov 28th 2008 Faculty of

Pharmacy Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Indonesia

9. Oral presentation at the International seminar on Drug discovery, March 16-

18, 2009, Makassar

10. Poster presentation at the International Kyoto Breast Cancer Consensus

Conference, Kyoto-Japan, 16-18 April 2009

11. Oral Presentation at the Conference of AASP-MPSPS Penang Malaysia, June

11-13, 2009

12. Oral presentation at the International Conference of Chemoprevention for

health and beauty, ISCC, Yogyakarta Oct 9, 2010

13. Speaker at the APPS, Yogyakarta, July 4, 2011

14. Speaker at the International seminar Natural Product for Cancer

Chemoprevention, UMP, Purwokerto, July 5, 2011


15. Presenter at OOTR the 8th Annual Conference, OOTR, Japan, April 20-22,


16. Moderator and Committee at In the International Conference Research and

Application, UMS, Surakarta, June 22-23,2012

17. Presenter at The 5th Indonesia Biotechnology Conference an International

Forum “ Green Industrial Innovation Through Biotechnology”, Konsorsium

Bioteknologi Indonesia, Mataram July 4th-7th, 2012

18. Speaker at The 3rd International Conference on Pharmacy and Advanced

Pharmaceutical Science, Fakultas Farmasi UGM, Yogyakarta, June 18-19,


19. Presenter at 72nd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Cancer Association, JCA,

Japan, October 3-5, 2013.

20. Presenter at 73rd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Cancer Association, JCA,

Japan,September 25-27, 2014.

21. Speaker at MICAPS (Medan International Conference on Advance

Pharmaceutical Science) : Advanced Drug Development in Cancer

Chemoprevention and Metabolic Disorders, Medan, Sumatera Utara,

November 6-7th, 2014.

22. Speaker at PICAPS (Pontianak International Conference on Advance

Pharmaceutical Science), Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, September 14-15th,


23. Presenter at 74th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Cancer Association, JCA,

Japan, October 08-10th, 2015.

24. Speaker at International Symposium on the Application of Nuclear

Technology to Support National Sustainable Development: Health,

Agriculture, Energy, Industry, and Environment, Satya Wacana Christian

University, Indonesia, October 26-28, 2015

25. Oral Presentation at 75th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Cancer Association,

JCA, Japan, October 6-8, 2016.

26. Speaker at WHICAPS (Wahid Hasyim International Conference on Advanced

Pharmaceutical Science), Semarang, November 7-8th, 2016.

27. Poster Presentation at 76th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Cancer

Association, JCA, Japan, September 28-30, 2017

28. Oral Presentation at The 2nd International Conference on Medicinal

Chemistry, Bandung, October 5-6, 2017

29. Invited Speaker at The 2nd Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Pharmacy International Conference and 8th Indonesian Society of Cancer

Chemoprevention, Purwokerto, October 13-14, 2017


19. Patent


ASADA KIYOZOU, and KATO IKUNOSHIN, 2004, JP Patent 2004147501:



20. Penghargaan

1. Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada: Pembimbing PIMNAS tahun 2006 bidang

PKMI (Medali Perak)

2. Menristek RI: Juara pertama bidang penelitian Ristek-MTIC 2007

3. REKTOR UGM: pembimbing penalaran mahasiswa 2007

4. Menristek RI : Juara Pertama Penghargaan Ristek Kalbe Science Award 2014

21. Pengalaman lain-lain

1. Sebagai wakil ketua dewan redaksi Majalah farmasi Indonesia (Terakreditasi


2. Sebagai pembina penalaran Mahasiswa UGM (2007-2011)

3. Sebagai reviewer Jurnal Bahan Alam Indonesia (Terkreditasi B)

4. Sebagai Reviewer Nasional Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) (2009-


5. Sebagai Reviewer hibah penelitian internal Fakultas dan Universitas

6. Sebagai Reviewer Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention (2010-


Yogyakarta, Februari 2018

Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt. NIP. 196205021989031006

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