dasar ilmu tanah – morfologi dan klasifikasi

Post on 08-Dec-2016






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KLASIFIKASI TANAHSumber: foto:smno.kampus.ub.jan2013


Sumber: . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_morphology …….. DIUNDUH 25/2/2013

SOIL MORPHOLOGY - SIFAT-SIFAT TANAH yang dapat DIAMATI di LAPANGAN dalam berbagai horison tanah , dan deskripsi macam dan

tatanan horison.

C.F. Marbut championed reliance on soil morphology instead of on theories of pedogenesis for soil classification because theories of soil genesis are both

ephemeral and dynamic (Soil Survey Staff (1993). Soil Survey Manual. Washington D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of

Agriculture Handbook 18).

Sifat-sifat yang dapat diamati dan dideskripsikan di lapangan meliputi: komposition, bentuk, struktur tganah dan organisasi tanah, warna tanah dan becak-becaknya,

distribusi akar dan pori, bukti-bukti adanya translokasi material seperti carbonates, iron, manganese, carbon dan clay; serta konsistensi tanah.

Observasi lapangan biasanya dilakukan pada suatu PROFIL TANAH. Profil tanah merupakan potongan vertikal dua dimensi, dalam tanah dan terikat pada

salah satu sisi suatu PEDON.PEDON adalah unit tiga dimensi terkecil, tetapi tidak kurang dari 1 m2 di permukaan

tanah yang mampu menangkap variabilitas lateral.


Sumber: . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_horizon …….. DIUNDUH 25/2/2013

HORISON TANAH merupakan “lapisan” yang sejajar dnegan permukana tanah, karakteristik fisiknya berbeda dengan lapisan-

lapisan di atas dan di bawahnya.

Setiap tanah mempunyai minimum satu horison, biasanya tiga atau empat horison.

Horizons dicirikan oleh sifat-sifat fisikanya, terutama warna dan teksturnya.

Sifat-sifat ini dapat dideskripsikan secara absolut (mis. Distribusi ukuran partikel, untuk tekstur tanah) dan secara relatif dalam

kaitannya dnegan material skeitarnya , mis. Lebih kasar atau lebih-berpasir dibandingkan dnegan horison di sebelah atas atau



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O (Organic matter): Lapisan seresah sisa-sisa tumbuhan yang relatif masih belum mengalami dekomposisi.

A (Tanah permukaan) : Lapisan tanah mineral dengan akumulasi bahan organik dan soil life. Lapisan ini meng-eluviasikan iron, liat, aluminum, senyawa organik, dan komponen terlarut lainnya. Kalau eluviasi ini snagat intensif, akan tampak horison E yang warnanya lebih terang di bagian bawah horison A. A-horizons may also be the result of a combination of soil bioturbation and surface processes that winnow fine particles from biologically mounded topsoil. In this case, the A-horizon is regarded as a "biomantle".

B (Subsoil): Lapisan ini mengakumulasikan besi, liat, aluminum dan senyawa organik, prosesnya disebut ILUVIASI.

C (Batuan/Bahan Induk) : Lapisan batuan berukuran besar-besra yang belum hancur. Lapisan ini mengakumulasikan senyawa-senyawa yang dapat larut .

R (Batuan dasar): Lapisan batuan-dasar yang baru lapuk parsial, di bagian dasar prosil tanah. Horison ini terdiri atas massa yang kontinyus, batuan keras yang tidak dapat digali dnegan tangan. Tanah-tanah yang terbentuk secara in situ akan menunjukkan kesamaan dengan batuan-dasar ini.


Sumber: . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_classification …….. DIUNDUH 25/2/2013

KLASIFIKASI TANAH: berkenaan (berhubungan) dengan KATEGORISASI TANAH SECARA SISTEMATIS berdasarkan pada karakteristik pembeda (penciri) dan

kriteria yang telah ditetapkan.

Sistem Internasional saat ini:

1. Buol, S.W., Southard, R.J., Graham, R.C., and McDaniel, P.A. (2003). Soil Genesis and Classification, 5th Edition. Iowa State Press - Blackwell, Ames, IA.

2. Driessen, P., Deckers, J., Spaargaren, O., & Nachtergaele, F. (Eds.). (2001). Lecture notes on the major soils of the world. Rome: FAO.

3. FAO. (1998). World Reference Base for Soil Resources. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

Untuk dapat mengelola lahan dengan tepat kita harus mengetahui seperti apa “tanah” yang kita hadapi, dan bagaimana tanah-tanah ini berbeda-beda di antara satu

lokasi dengan lokasi lainnya.

Sistem klasifikasi memungkinkan kita untuk mengkomunikasikan berbagai tanah-tanah ini dan



Sumber: . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USDA_soil_taxonomy …….. DIUNDUH 25/2/2013

USDA Soil Taxonomy developed by United States Department of Agriculture and the National Cooperative Soil Survey provides an

elaborate classification of soil types according to several parameters (most commonly their properties) and in several levels:

Order, Suborder, Great Group, Subgroup, Family, and Series.

Contoh klasifikasi suatu Tipe Tanah:

Order : EntisolsSuborder : Fluvents Great Group : Torrifluvents Subgroup : Typic Torrifluvents Family : Fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, Typic Torrifluvents Series : Jocity, Youngston.


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1. Alfisols — pelapukan moderat, berkembang pada kondisi hutan berdaun lebar atau boreal, kaya Fe dan Al.

2. Andisols — berkembang pada bahan abu-vulkanik, dan kaya bahan-bahan koloidal gelas dan amorf, termasuk allophane, imogolite dan ferrihydrite.

3. Aridisols — (dari bahasa Latin “aridus” berarti “kering”) tanah berkembang pada kondisi iklim arid atau semiarid

4. Entisols — tidak menunjukkan perkembangan profil tanah yang "significant“. Horison-horisn tanah minimal.

… dst …..

E horizon

A horizon

B horizon(Illuvial)


C horizon

R horizon

O horizon

HORISON UTAMA = Master Horizons

B horizon

Informasi tentang tanah

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Pengenalan Sub-horizon

p – pembajakan/pengolahan/gangguant – akumulasi liatg – pembentukan gleih – illuvial bahan organikw – perkembangan warna/ strukturo – oksik

Pembeda Subordinate di dalam Horison Utama

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Pembeda (penciri) Subordinat (p = plowed)

Horison permukaan yang terganggu (kultivasi, pasture, kehutanan)

Digunakan dnegan Horison A (mis. Horison Ap)

Ap horizon

Sumber: http://nesoil.com/images/paxton.htm …… DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

Contoh deskripsi Ap:

Ap -- 0 - 12 inch; coklat tua (10YR 3/3) Lemoung liat berdebu; struktur gumpal-bersudut , halus, kuat; remah, agak lekat dan plastis; banyak akar; banyak pori halus dan medium; sangat masam (pH 4.8); batas horison abrupt smooth. (tebalnya 10 - 13 inch).

Subordinate distinction (t = clay accumulation)Translokasi liat atau terbentuk di tempatCoatings atau diskritDigunakan dnegan Horison B (mis. Horison Bt)Kalau reduksi, dapat digunakan dengan subhorizon g (mis. Horison Btg)

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Contoh deskripsi Horison Bt:

B21 -- 12 - 22 inch; coklat tua (7.5YR 3/2) lempung liat berdebu; struktur prismatik medium moderat yang bercampur dengan struktur gumpal bersudut halus mdeium moderat; keras, gembur, agak lekat, plastis dan licin-moderat; banyak akar; banyak pori halus dan sangat halus; banyak selimut berbutir halus pada pori dan pada ped; sangat masam (pH 5.5); batas horison clear smooth. (tebal 10 - 12 inch)

Pembeda Subordinat (g = gleying)1. Oksigen kurang atau kondisi reduksi karena jenuh air.2. Reduksi besi (Fe III menjadi Fe II)3. Khroma rendah4. Sering digunakan dnegan Horison B (mis. Horison Bg), juga dnegan

horison E dan C.





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Photographs showing redoximorphic features (soil mottling) which are color patterns in the soil formed by the oxidation and reduction of iron and/or

manganese caused by saturated conditions within the soil. Redoximorphic features are used to estimate the depth to seasonal high watertable

Subordinate distinction (h = akumulasi organik)1. Akumulasi iluvial kompleks

bahan organik - logam2. Selimut pada pasir dan partikel

diskrit3. h = “humik”4. Value dan chroma sekitar 3

atau kurang5. Digunakan dnegan Horison B

(mis. Horison Bh)

Horison Bh“horison spodik”

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Contoh: Horison Bh :

Horison subsoil , 'B' menyatakan horison B dan 'h' menyatakan “humik”. Bahan organik dan aluminium snagat dominan (sedikit sekali sneyawa besi). Istilah ini digunakan untuk mendefinisikan Ordo Podosol dalam sistem klasifikasi “Australian Soil Classification” (Isbell, 1996).

Horison Bh pada kedalaman 30-40 cm di lokasi West Gippsland Podosol.

Sumber: http://vro.dpi.vic.gov.au/dpi/vro/vrosite.nsf/pages/gloss

_AC…….. DIUNDUH 25/2/2013

Pembeda Subordinat (w = warna atau struktur)

Perkembangan warna atau struktur secara Non-illuvial“w” dapat = “weak”

Biasanya digunakan dnegan Horison B (mis. Bw.)


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Pembeda Subordinat (o = horison oksik)

Aktivitas liat rendahSedikti material dapat lapuk

Struktur batuan tampak sedikitOksida Fe dan Al

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Horison oksik mempunyai:

a. The CEC7  < 16cmol(+)/kg of clay and an ECEC < 12 cmol(+)/kg of clay which is due to the low activity clay minerals (1:1 clays, Fe and Al oxides, etc)

b. < 10% mineral dapat lapuk dalam fraksi pasir

c.  Struktur batuan < 5%

Pembeda Subordinat

g – gleying h – illuvial bahan organik p – pengolahan tanah / pembajakan/ gangguan t – akumulasi liat w – perkembangan warna / struktur tanah o – oksik

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Subordinate distinction (a, e, i)Menyatakan derajat dekomposisi bahan organik dalam

Horison O.

Oa – dekomposisi lanjut (saprik)Oe – dekomposisi moderat (hemik)Oi – dekomposisi ringan (fibrik)

Saprik –decomposisi lanjut, serat tumbuhan sedikit, kadar air rendahHemik –dekomposisi intermedierFibrik – dekomposisi ringan, serat-serat masih dapat dikenali

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Horison Utama: O, A, E, B, C, R

Simbul Sub horizon : g, h, p, t, w and a,e,i

Contoh: Oa, Oe, OiBtBgBtgBwAp

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Pembagian Vertikal

Dicirikan oleh horison utama yang serupa dan/atau ciri-ciri subordinat yang dipisahkan oleh “derajat”.




Horison Bt

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Horison Transisi

Lapisan transisi di antara horison utama.


Karakter Dominan


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Stages of development of soils across time for a soil in the central United States under forest.

(diunduh dari: http://www.soils.wisc.edu/courses/SS325/formation.htm … 25/2/2013


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Ada banyak sistem klasifikasi tanah yang digunakan saat ini, masing-masing memenuhi kebutuhan negara penggunanya. Salah satunya adalah “Soil

Taxonomy”, sisten klasifikasi tanah yg dipakai di USA dan di berbagai negara dunia lainnya.  “Soil Taxonomy” menggunakan konsep tanah sebagai “tubuh

alamiah” dan mendasarkan pada ciri-ciri tanah yang dapat diamati dan diukur. Sistem ini juga menggunakan tata-nama unik yang mencerminkan

karakteristik utama dari tanah.

Soil Taxonomy utilizes many chemical, physical, and biological properties including soil moisture and soil temperature status. In addition, the presence or absence of certain

diagnostic horizons in the soil profile helps ascertain the soil's classification category. A diagnostic horizon is a layer or soil zone whose properties meet certain

criteria specified for the purposes of classification.

Horison penciri (diagnostik) dapat terdiri atas satu atau lebih horison genetik.  Tujuh horison penciri ini disebut “EPIPEDON”, horion permukaan.  Delapan-belas

horison penciri bawah-permukaan digunakan untuk mencirikan berbagai tanah dalam sistem Soil Taxonomy. Selain itu, lima rezim lengas tanah dan sepuluh

rezim suhu tanah membantu untuk mengidentifikasi “kategori” tanah.

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Dalam sistem Soil-Taxonomy, semua tanah di dunia diklasifikasikan dalam kategori berikut (dari pengelompokkan secara umum hingga “tanah” yg paling spesifik):  ordo

(12), subordo (63),  great groups (sekitar 250), subgroups (sekitar 1,400), famili (sekitar 8,000), dan seri ( > 20,000). 

Semua tanah termasuk ke dalam salah satu dari 12 ordo, yang dari ordo lainnya terutama oleh adanya atau tidak adanya “HORISON PENCIRI” 

Dalam setiap ORDO ada SUB-ORDO yang dibedakan satu sama lainnya oleh perbedaan rezim lengas-tanah dan rezim suhu-tanah, dan oleh ciri-ciri fisika dan kimia

yang dominan.. In turn, each suborder is subdivided into great groups differing in the presence or absence of diagnostic horizons (including impervious pans), and in levels of certain

chemicals such as clays and salts. Each great group is comprised of a number of subgroups that are characterized by a central (typic) member and by other members that are intergrades toward other orders,

suborders or great groups, or that have characteristics not shared with the typic member. 

Within each subgroup are soil families that vary in properties that are important for plant growth or for engineering uses of the soil. 

Dalam setiap FAMILI ada sejumlah SERI-TANAH, kategori yang paling spesifik dari sistem klasifikasi ini.  SERI-TANAH diidentifikasi dalam survei lokal dan diberi nama

yang “bermakna lokal” (mislanya nama lokasinya).

Berdasarkan karakteristik profil tanah danKonsep tanah sebagai tubuh alami.

Ciri-ciri yang tampak: warna, tekstur, struktur, pH, BO,….…

Profil TanahHierarkhis


1883 V.V. Dukachaev: climate, vegetation, soil

1927 C.F. Marbut (USDA) applied to U.S. (1965)

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TERMINOLOGI TAKSONOMI TANAHNama kelas tanah mencerminkan ciri-ciri tanah.   Tata-nama bersifat logis dan

sederhana.  Misalnya, “akar” dari nama-nama ordo tanah diambil dari kata-kata Latin, Greek, atau salah satu dari bahasa modern.  Kepada “akar” ini ditambahkan suatu sukukata “sols”.  Sehingga “akar” dari Mollisols berasal dari bahasa Latin “mollis”, yang berarti “lunak”, ini mencerminkan ciri tanah yang gembur dan mudah diolah.

 The names of specific class members in categories below that of soil orders include the root elements of the soil order name plus specific formative elements or

expressions that suggest distinctive soil properties.  For example, consider the names of the lower categories of Alfisols and Mollisols that are formed under somewhat dry

conditions (Ustic-Latin ustus, burnt implying dryness), have a natric (high sodium (Na)) horizon and are typical of the subgroup in which they are classed: 

    Ordo                                            Alfisols                      MollisolsSubordo (kering)                         Ustalfs                       Ustolls Great group (natrik)                     Natrustalfs                 Natrustolls   Subgroup (typical)                       Typic Natrustalfs        Typic Natrustolls Nama famili-tanah menyatakan tekstur tanah, komposisi mineral, dan kelas suhu-tanah hingga lapisan tanah-atas 50 cm, seperti Typic Natrustolls, smectitik halus, mesik.  Nama Seri-tanah berhubungan dnegan lokasi tempat pertama-kalinya “tanah” diklasifikasikan (diidentifikasi/dideskripsikan).



Great group

Sub group









KingdomPhylumClassOrder FamilyGenus


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Pedon – unit tiga dimensi terkecil yg menyajikan seluruh sifat dari ciri suatu tanah (luasnya 1-10 m2)

- Unit dasar dari klasifikasi tanah.

Polipedon – kelompok pedon yang berhubungan erat di lapangan

Seri Tanah – class of soils world-wide which share a common suite of soil profile properties

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The two extremes of most soil classification systems are the soil that represents all soils collectively around the world, and a soil that is a specific natural body

with characteristics that distinguish it from other such natural bodies. Suatu tanah dapat dikarakterisasikan oleh suatu unit (hipottetis) kecil tiga-dimensi yang

disebut “PEDON”, luasnya sekitar 10 m2 di permukaan.  Area ini terlalu kecil untuk berfungsi sebagai unit klasifikasi lapangan yang praktis.  Akan tetapi beberapa PEDON

yang saling bersambungan kontinyu satu-sama lain yang merupakan POLIPEDON pada akhirnya menjadi apa yang disebut “INDIVIDU TANAH”. 

INDIVIDU-TANAH ini setara dengan SERI-TANAH.  

Lanskap PolipedonIndividu Tanah


Profil tanah

Unit sampling tanah

Seri Malabar

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Horison Permukaan

Horison Bawah-permukaan

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HORISON PENCIRIHorison tanah, sifat-ciri dan material

dimaksudkan untuk merefleksikan sifat-sifat tanah dan yang dapat dipakai

untuk mendeskripsikan dan mendefinisikan kelas-tanah.

Mereka dianggap sebagai “penciri” atau"diagnostic" kalau memenuhi derajat ekspresi minimum, yang ditentukan

oleh kenampakannya,pengukurannya, kepentingannya,

relevansinya dan kriteria kuantitatifnya.

To be considered diagnostic, soilhorizons also require a minimum

thickness, which must be appraised in relation to bioclimatic factors

(e.g. an albic horizon in boreal regions is not expected to be as thick as one in

the tropics).




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Apakah kejenuhan basa >50%?

Apakah horison kaya P2O5 ?

Apakah horison mineral ?

Jenuh air > 30 hari











X = Florida

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Tebal > 18-25 cmWarna - Color Value < 3.5 lembab

Khroma < 3.5 lembabC-Organik > 0.6 %Kejenuhan basa > 50 %Struktur Sangat berkembang

C-Organik = Bahan organik x 0.5

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Memenuhi semua kriteria epipedon Molik,kecuali kejenuhan basanya < 50%

Secara kimiawi berbeda dnegan Molik

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Terlalu: tipis terang warna miskin BO



Okhrik = pucat

Extremely common

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Horison OrganikTerbentuk di daerah basah

Hitam – Coklat tuaBobot isinya rendahTebalnya 20-30 cm

Organik = > 20% - 35% BO. (kejenuhan air, kadar liat)

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Similar in properties to Mollic

Formed in volcanic ash

Lightweight, Fluffy

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1. Resembles mollic (color, o.m.)

2. Use by humans3. Shells and bones4. Water from humans

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Plaggen EpipedonProduced by long-term (100s yrs.) manuring

Horison permukaan yang tua dan hasil aktivitas manusia

Tebalnya > 50 cm

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Sangat umum

Hasil aktivitas manusia


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Akumulasi BO




Mollik, Umbrik


Bahan induk

tmax = 3000 tahun

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Liat Bahan Organik Oksida



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Bahan Organik Liat OksidaSmectitesKaolinite

Juga: Garam, Karbonat, Sulfida

Warna gelapLogam (Fe, Al)




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AlbikArgillikSpodik Oksik




Kalsik GipsikSalik



Penyebutan Sub-Horizon

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Horison Albik (putih)Warna terang (Value > 6 lembab )Elluvial (Horison E *)Miskin liat, oksida Fe dan AlUmumnya berpasirReaktivitas kimiawi rendah (KTK rendah)Typically overlies Bh or Bt horizons Warna terang


*Tidak semua horison E adalah horison albik

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Horison ArgilikIlluvial accumulation of silicate clays Illuvial based on overlying horizonJembatan LiatSelimut Liat

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Horizon Argilik Horison Kandik

Aktivitas liatTinggi Rendah

Illuviasi liatNecessary Not Necessary

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Horison Spodik


• Illuvial accumulation of organic matter and aluminum (+/- iron)• Dark colored (value, chroma < 3)• Low base saturation (acidic)• Formed under humid acid conditions

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Elluviation (E horizon)

Organic matter Clays

Spodic horizon

Bh horizon Bt horizon

Argillic horizon

Elluviation and Illuviation







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Oxic horizon

• Highly weathered (high temperatures, high rainfall)

- High in Fe, Al oxides- High in low-activity clays (kaolinite < smectite < vermiculite)


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AlbicKandicArgillicSpodic Oxic

HORISON PENCIRI = Diagnostic Horizons


Epipedons Subsurface

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1. Diagnostic Epipedons2. Diagnostic Subsurface

horizons3. Moisture Regimes4. Temperature Regimes

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Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013



Mollisols(Lunak, gelap)


Inceptisols(Baru mulai)

Spodosols(Horison Spodik)



Ultisols(liat sngt masam)

Alfisols(liat agak masam)




Derajat pelapukan dan perkembangan tanah

Ringan /sedikit Intermediate Kuat


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Ordo Tanah









Penciri utama

Tanah-tanah dengan permafrost di dalam 100 cm atau cryoturbasi dan permafrost di dalam 200 cm

Tanah-tanah dengan horison spodik di dalam 2 m permuakan tanah dan tanpa ciri andik

Tanah-tanah dengan ciri andik (BI rendah, bahan gelas vulkanik, pumice, …)

Tanah-tanah dengan horison oksik di dalam 150 cm permukaan tanah

Tanah-tanah dengan 30% atau lebih liat hingga kedalaman 50 cm dan ciri mengembang-mengkerut

Tanah-tanah dengan rezim kelengasan aridik dan menunjukkan perkembangan horison B atau horison salik

Tanah-tanah dg horison argilik atau kandik atau fragipan dan kejenuhan basanya <35% pd kedalaman 2 m atau 75 cm di bawah fragipan

Tanah-tanah dg epipedon molik dan kejenuhan basa >50% hingga lapisan kedap atau pd 1.8 m dari permukaan tanah

Tanah-tanah dg horison argilik, kandik atau natrik atau fragipan dengan selimut liat

Tanah-tanah dg horison kambiki, sulfurik, kalsik, gipsik,petrokalsik, atau petrogipsik, atau dengan epipedon molik, umbrik, atau histik, atau dengan ESP > 15% , atau fragipan


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Ordo Tanah Derivasi Unsur Pembentukan

Alfisols alf.Andisols Ando = tanah hitam and.Aridisols aridus = kering id.Entisols ent.Gelisols gelid = sangat dingin el.Histosols histos = jaringan ist.Inceptisols Inceptum = mulai, awal ept.Mollisols Mollis = lunak oll.Oxisols Oxide = oksida ox.Spodosols Spodos = abu kayu od.Ultisols Ultimus = akhir ult.Vertisols Verto = membalik ert.

UNSUR FORMATIFUnsur Formatif Konotasi unsur formatifalb Adanya horison albik (horison eluvial yang tercuci)anthr Adanya epipedon anthropik atau epipedon plaggenaqu Karakteristik yang berhubungan dnegan kebasahanar Horison tercampur / campuranarg Adanya horisom argilik (horison dnegan liat iluvial)calc Adanya horison kalsikcamb Adanya horison kambikCry DinginClur Adanya duripanfibr Fase dekomposisi ringan / awalfluv Dataran banjirfol Massa dedaunangyps Adanya horiosn gipsikhem Fase dekompoisisi intermedier

UNSUR FORMATIFUnsur Formatif Konotasi unsur formatifHist Adanya epipedon HistikHum Adanya bahan organikorth Paling lazimper Iklim humid sepanjang tahun, rezim air perudikpsamm Tekstur pasirrend Rendzinalike – kaya karbonatsal Adanya horison salik (saline)sapr Fase dekomposisi lanjuttorr Biasanya keringturb Cryoturbasiud Iklim humidust Iklim kering, biasanya panas selama summervitr Menyerupai gelasxer Sumer kering, winter lembab


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Tanah-tanah yang mempunyai:1. Permafrost di dalam 100 cm tanah permukaan; atau2. Material Gelik di dalam 100 cm tanah permukaan dan

permafrost di dalam 200 cm tanah permukaan.


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1. Do not have andic soil properties in 60 percent or more of the thickness between the soil surface and either a depth of 60 cm or a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact or duripan if shallower; and

2. Mempunyai material tanah organik yg memenuhi satu atau lebih berikut: • Overlie cindery, fragmental, or pumiceous materials and/or fill their interstices1 and directly

below these materials, have a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact; or• When added with the underlying cindery, fragmental, or pumiceous materials, total 40 cm or

more between the soil surface and a depth of 50 cm; or• Constitute two-thirds or more of the total thickness of the soil to a densic, lithic, or paralithic

contact and have no mineral horizons or have mineral horizons with a total thickness of 10 cm or less; or

• Jenuh air selama 30 hari atau lebih per tahun pada tahun-tahun normal (atau drainage buatan), mempunyai batas atas di dalam 40 cm tanah permukaan, dan mempunyai tebal total :

• 60 cm atau lebih kalau tiga-perempat atau lebih volumenya terdiri atas serat-moss atau kalau bobot-isinya pada kondisi lembab kurang dari 0.1 g/cm3; ATAU

• 40 cm atau lebih kalau terdiri atas material saprik atau hemik, atau material fibrik dengan kurang dari tiga-perempat (volumenya) serat-moss dan bobot isinya pd kondisi lembab 0.1 g/cm3 atau lebih.


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

PODOSOLSOther soils that do not have a plaggen epipedon or an argillic or kandic horizon above a spodic horizon, and have one or more of the following:A spodic horizon, an albic horizon in 50 percent or more of each pedon, and a cryic soil temperature regime; orAn Ap horizon containing 85 percent or more spodic materials; orA spodic horizon with all of the following characteristics:

One or more of the following:A thickness of 10 cm or more; orAn overlying Ap horizon; orCementation in 50 percent or more of each pedon; orA coarse-loamy, loamy-skeletal, or finer particle-size class and a frigid temperature regime in the soil; orA cryic temperature regime in the soil; and

An upper boundary within the following depths from the mineral soil surface: eitherLess than 50 cm; orLess than 200 cm if the soil has a sandy particle-size class in at least some part between the mineral soil surface and the spodic horizon; and

A lower boundary as follows:Either at a depth of 25 cm or more below the mineral soil surface or at the top of a duripan or fragipan or at a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact, whichever is shallowest; orAt any depth,

If the spodic horizon has a coarse-loamy, loamy-skeletal, or finer particle-size class and the soil has a frigid temperature regime; orIf the soil has a cryic temperature regime; and

Either:A directly overlying albic horizon in 50 percent or more of each pedon; orNo andic soil properties in 60 percent or more of the thickness either:

Within 60 cm either of the mineral soil surface or of the top of an organic layer with andic soil properties, whichever is shallower, if there is no densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, duripan, or petrocalcic horizon within that depth; orBetween either the mineral soil surface or the top of an organic layer with andic soil properties, whichever is shallower, and a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, a duripan, or a petrocalcic horizon.


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ANDISOLSTanah-tanah lain yang mempunyai ciri andik dalam 60 % atau lebih ketebalannya, yaitu:

1. Within 60 cm either of the mineral soil surface or of the top of an organic layer with andic soil properties, whichever is shallower, if there is no densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, duripan, or petrocalcic horizon within that depth; or

2. Between either the mineral soil surface or the top of an organic layer with andic soil properties, whichever is shallower, and a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, a duripan, or a petrocalcic horizon.


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Tanah-tanah lain yang mempunyai:

1. Horison oksik yang batas atasnya di dalam 150 cm tanah permukaan (mineral) dan tidak ada horison kandik yang batas atasnya di dalam kedalaman 150 cm tersebut; ATAU

2. 40 percent or more (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction between the mineral soil surface and a depth of 18 cm (after mixing) and a kandic horizon that has the weatherable-mineral properties of an oxic horizon and has its upper boundary within 100 cm of the mineral soil surface.


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Tanah-tanah lain yang mempunyai:

1. Lapisan yg tebalnya 25 cm atau lebih, dengan batas-atasnya di dalam 100 cm tanah (mineral) permukaan, yang mempunyai bidang-bidang geser atau agregat berbentuk “wedge” yg mempunyai sumbu-panjangnya 10 - 60 derajat dari horisontal; dan

2. A weighted average of 30 percent or more clay in the fine-earth fraction either between the mineral soil surface and a depth of 18 cm or in an Ap horizon, whichever is thicker, and 30 percent or more clay in the fine-earth fraction of all horizons between a depth of 18 cm and either a depth of 50 cm or a densic, lithic, or paralithic contact, a duripan, or a petrocalcic horizon if shallower; dan

3. Retakan-retakan di permukaan, yang membuka dan menutup secara periodik.


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ARIDISOLSTanah-tanah lainnya yang :MEMPUNYAI:

1. Rezim lengas-tanah ARIDIK; dan2. Epipedon ochric atau anthropic; dan3. One or more of the following with the upper boundary within 100 cm

of the soil surface: a cambic horizon with a lower depth of 25 cm or more; a cryic temperature regime and a cambic horizon; a calcic, gypsic, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, or salic horizon; or a duripan; or

4. Horison argillic atau natric; atau MEMPUNYAI Horison Salik ; dan

5. Jenuh air pada satu lapisan atau lebih di dalam 100 cm tanah permukaan selama satu bulan atau lebih dalam satu tahun normal; dan

6. A moisture control section that is dry in some or all parts at some time during normal years; and

7. Tidak ada horison sulfurik yang batas-atasnya di dalam 150 cm tanah (mineral) permukaan.


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ULTISOLSTanah-tanah lainnya yang mempunyai:Horison argillik atau kandik, tetapi tidak ada fragipan, dan kejenuhan basa (total kation) kurang dari 35 % pada salah satu kedalaman berikut:

If the epipedon has a sandy or sandy-skeletal particle-size class throughout, either:1. 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon (but no deeper than 200 cm

below the mineral soil surface) or 180 cm below the mineral soil surface, whichever is deeper; or

2. At a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact if shallower; or  The shallowest of the following depths:

3. 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic or kandic horizon; or4. 180 cm below the mineral soil surface; or5. At a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact; or

 Fragipan dan dua-hal berikut ini:

1. Either an argillic or a kandic horizon above, within, or below it or clay films 1 mm or more thick in one or more of its subhorizons; and

2. A base saturation (by sum of cations) of less than 35 percent at the shallowest of the following depths:

75 cm below the upper boundary of the fragipan; or200 cm below the mineral soil surface; or 3. At a densic, lithic, paralithic, or petroferric contact.


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MOLLISOLSTanah-tanah lainnya yang mempunyai dua hal berikut:

1. Either:1. Epipedon Molik; atau2. Both a surface horizon that meets all the requirements for a mollic

epipedon except thickness after the soil has been mixed to a depth of 18 cm and a subhorizon more than 7.5 cm thick, within the upper part of an argillic, kandic, or natric horizon, that meets the color, organic-carbon content, base saturation, and structure requirements of a mollic epipedon but is separated from the surface horizon by an albic horizon; and

 2. Kejenuhan basa 50 % atau lebih (metode NH4OAc) dalam semua horison

yg terletak : di antara batas-atas horison argillic, kandic, atau natrik dan kedalaman 125 cm di bawah batas-atas tersebut; ATAU horison di antara permukaan tanah mineral dan kedalaman 180 cm; ATAU horison-horison di antara permukaan tanah mineral dan kontak-densik, kontak-litik atau kontak paralitik yang paling dangkal.


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Tanah-tanah lainnya yang tidak mempunyai epipedon plaggen, dan mempunyai:

1. Horison argillik, kandik, atau natrik; atau2. Fragipan yang mempunyai selimut liat tebalnya 1 mm

atau lebih di dalam profilnya.


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INCEPTISOLSTanah-tanah lainnya yang mempunyai:Satu atau lebih sifat-sifat berikut:

1. A cambic horizon with its upper boundary within 100 cm of the mineral soil surface and its lower boundary at a depth of 25 cm or more below the mineral soil surface; or

2. A calcic, petrocalcic, gypsic, petrogypsic, or placic horizon or a duripan with an upper boundary within a depth of 100 cm of the mineral soil surface; or

3. A fragipan or an oxic, sombric, or spodic horizon with an upper boundary within 200 cm of the mineral soil surface; or

4. A sulfuric horizon that has its upper boundary within 150 cm of the mineral soil surface; or5. A cryic temperature regime and a cambic horizon; or

 Tidak ada material sulfidik di dalam 50 cm permukaan tanah mineral; dan kedua hal berikut:

6. In one or more horizons between 20 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface, either an n value of 0.7 or less or less than 8 percent clay in the fine-earth fraction; and

7. Satu atau dua hal berikut: 1. Horison salik atau epipedon histic, mollic, plaggen, atau umbrik; atau2. Dalam 50 % atau lebih lapisan-lapisan yg terletak di antara permukaan tanah

mineral dan kedalaman 50 cm, ESP sebesar 15 atau lebih (atau SAR 13 atau lebih), yang menurun nilainya dengan meningkatnya kedalaman di bawah 50 cm, dan juga groundwater di dalam 100 cm permukaan tanah mineral selama beberapa waktu dalam setahun pada saat tanah tidak beku.

Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Tanah-tanah lainnya.



Tanah-tanah yang baru terbentuk1. Permukaan lahan yang snagat muda (alluvium, colluvium,

mudflows)2. Batuan sangat keras3. Bahan induk berpasir4. Material yang terganggu (mis. Lahan tambang, tanah-tanah yg

sangat padat, material toksik)5. Transisi antara 'soils' dan 'not soils'

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Alfisols develop in humid and subhumid climates, have average annual precipitation of 500-1300 mm. They are frequently under

forest vegetation.

Characteristic features: Clay accumulation in a Bt horizon,

thick E horizon, available water much of the growing season, slightly to moderately acid.



High to medium base status soils with argillic horizons1. Most Alfisols are present on relative

old landscapes (beginning Holocene or older) whereever the supply of primary minerals is plentiful

2. They also occur on glacial drift3. A wide variety of clay minerals ® high

cation exchange capacity

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Are found under conditions of mild acid weathering common under broad

leafed forests and savannas.  Suborders include Aqualfs (wet),

Cryalfs (cold), Udalfs (humid), Ustalfs (moist/dry), and Xeralfs (dry

summers).  About 10% of the land area is classified as Alfisols globally. 

Alfisols have an Argillic (high clay) subsurface horizon that is at least

35% saturated with non-acid cations.  In general, Alfisols are quite


When properly managed, limed, and fertilized they rank with Mollisols in

their crop productive capacity.

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Andisols are soils with over 60 % volcanic ejecta (ash, cinder,

pumice, basalt) with bulk densities below 900 kg/m3.

Characteristic features: Dark A horizon, early-stage secondary minerals (allophane, imogolite,

ferrihydrite clays), high adsorption and immobilization of

phosphorus, very high cation exchange capacitity.


Andisols:Soils with andic soil properties1. Pyroclastic deposits (volcanic ejecta)

such as ash, pumice, cinders, and lava

2. Characteristic:

3. vitric material or volcanic glass, which are dominated by amorphous, short-range-order minerals

4. low bulk density < 0.9 g/cm3

5. Allophane and imogolite are common early-stage residual weathering products of volcanic glass

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Are developed on recent volcanic ejecta and have been subjected to only mildweathering. 

Suborders are divided by temperature and moisture regime as for Inceptisols (Aquands

and so on), plus Torrands (hot, dry) and Vitrands (high in volcanic glass).

Though limited in their extent, Andisols are very productive. They are commonly located at high elevations near the volcanos.   Andisols are dark in color, low in density, and are quite

easily managed.  Their colloidal fraction is dominated by poorly crystallized minerals such as allophane and

imogolite, giving these soils a high capacity to hold phosphorus in unavailable forms, a

problem surmountable with judicious use of manures and fertilizers. 

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ARIDISOLSAridisols berkembang di

daerah iklim kering.

Charactersitic features: horizons of lime or gypsum accumulation, salty layers, and/or A and Bt horizons.



Tanah-tanah dari daerah kering1. Wide variety of parent material:2. Glacial drift3. Crystalline rocks4. Fluvial and eolian deposits

(unconsolidated material)5. Parent material rich in sand-sized

particles6. Gypsiferous material formed from

sedimentary rocks7. Batukapur = Limestone.

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Are dry soils.  They are found globally on about 12% of the land area, and are prominent in the western part of the United States.  Seven suborders are recognized, Argids (clay), Calcids (calcium carbonate), Gypsids

(gypsum), Natrids (high sodium, natric horizon), Durids (duripan), Salids (soluble salts) and Cambids (only a cambic horizon with no other diagnostic subsurface

horizons). Most Aridisols are either Argids or Cambids (most Cambids were formerly classified as Orthids).

They support a diversity of desert flora and fauna, and are used to some extent for low-intensity grazing of sheep

and goats, but their productivity is generally low. 

When irrigated, however, these soils can be very productive especially if supplementary nutrients are

supplied through manure or chemical fertilizers. In any case, care must be taken not to over exploit these soils.

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Entisols have no profile development except a shallow marginal A horizon.

Many recent river floodplains, volcanic ash deposits, unconsolidated deposits with horizons eroded away, and sands

are Entisols. Characteristically have A/C or A/R profiles, exhibit only ephemeral soil

development - largely confined to surface horizon. May have an Ap horizon.

Suborders: 1. Aquents - exhibit wetness features 2. Arents - distinctive plow layer 3. Fluvents - formed in alluvial deposists4. Orthents - loamy or clayey textures 5. Psamments - sandy textures


Llittle if any profile development, include Aquents (wet), Arents (plow induced), Fluvents (alluvial deposits), Orthents (typical), and Psamments (sandy) suborders. They occur under varied environmental conditions, their properties being controlled largely by the parent materials from which they form since minimal soil development has occurred.  Their productivity varies greatly, from very fertile alluvial soils (fluvents) to recently deposited sandy (psamments), and shallow rocky soils.  Sustainable management practices vary from intensive cropping of alluvial soils to maintenance of natural vegetation on some sandy areas and steep slopes.

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Llittle if any profile development, include Aquents (wet), Arents (plow induced), Fluvents

(alluvial deposits), Orthents (typical), and Psamments (sandy) suborders.

They occur under varied environmental conditions, their properties being controlled

largely by the parent materials from which they form since minimal soil development has

occurred.  Their productivity varies greatly, from very

fertile alluvial soils (fluvents) to recently deposited sandy (psamments), and shallow

rocky soils.  Sustainable management practices vary from intensive cropping of alluvial soils to maintenance of natural

vegetation on some sandy areas and steep slopes.

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The central concept of Gelisols are soils with gelic materials underlain by

permafrost. Diagnostic horizons may or may not be present. Permafrost

influences pedogenesis by acting as a barrier to the downward movement of

the soil solution. Cryoturbation (frost mixing) is an

important process in many Gelisols and results in irregular or broken horizons,

involutions, organic matter accumulation on the permafrost table, oriented rock

fragments, and silt caps on rock fragments. Cryoturbation occurs when

two freezing fronts, one from the surface and the other from the permafrost,

merge during freeze-back in the autumn.



1. Histels - histic epipedon2. Turbels - evidence of

cryoturbation 3. Orthels - other Glelisols.

Gley soils

Bahan induk

Glei warna kelabu-biru, terganang

Warna hitan dan humus masam (mor)

Berumput / semak-belukar kecil-kecilAHorizon



Precipitasi > evaporasi


Silty texture

Impermeable clay

Fragmen batuan Angular


Paku dan Lumut

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Are soils with permanently frozen layers (permafrost) in the upper 1 m, or

in the upper 2 m if horizons display cryoturbation. They may have a histic,

umbric, calcic or mollic diagnostic horizon. The three suborders of

Gelisols are Histels (organic material), Turbels (cryoturbation), and  Orthels

(no special features).

These soils are found in very cold regions and are therefore of very

limited agricultural significance. They typically support tundra vegetation.

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Histosols are organic soils (peat and mucks) consisting of variable depths of

accumulated plant remains in bogs, marshes, and swamps.

Organic soils, see definition of Histic epipedon for minimum limits on organic

carbon, but note that most Histosols exceed depth requirements for histic


Suborders:1. Folists -leaf mat accumulations above

R horizon2. Fibrists - slight decomposition 3. Hemists - intermediate decomposition4. Saprists - highly decoposed



Organic soils

Organic material (e.g. peats, bogs, wetlands)

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Are organic soils mainly formed in wetland accumulations of plant residues. The four suborders are Fibrist (fibers of plants obvious), Folists (leaf mat accumulations), Hemists (fibers partly decomposed), and Saprists (fibers not recognizable). Even though

they cover only 1% of the earth's land surface, Histosols are found all over the world.  They are most extensive in cool and cold climates.  They are light in

weight and have high water holding capacities per unit mass.  When drained and fertilized they are quite productive, being used extensively for flower and

vegetable production.  The peat is also used for containerized plant

production and as a landscaping mulch. The water level in drained Histosols should be maintained as

high as crop production will permit to reduce oxidation of the peat and wind erosion of the soil.  Also, some drained Histosols should best be returned to wetland

conditions to provide habitats for wild species.

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Inceptisols, especially in humid regions, have weak to moderated horizon development. Horizon development have been retarded

because of cold climated, waterloged soils, or lack of time for stronger development.

Characteristic feature: Texture has to be finer than loamy very fine sand.

Characterized by ochric epipedon and incipient B horizon development (Cambic ~

Bw)Suborders:1. Aquepts - exhibit wetness features 2. Anthrepts - anthropic or plaggen epipedon3. Cryepts - cryic soil temp. regime 4. Ustepts - ustic soil moist. regime 5. Xerepts - xeric soil moist. regime 6. Udepts - other Inceptisols (i.e., udic soil

moist. regime)


Embryonic soils with few diagnostic features1. Glacial deposits2. Recent deposits in valleys or

deltas3. Most Inceptisols occur on

geologically young sediments (e.g. alluvium, colluvium, loess)

4. Parent materials which are highly calcareous or resistant to weathering inhibit soil development but favor the development of Inceptisols

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Have a few diagnostic features, the process of soil formation being in its

early stages.  Suborders for Inceptisols, as for most other orders,

include those with very cold temperature regimes (Cryepts), and those with moisture regimes that are

wet (Aquents), humid (Udepts), alternately moist and dry (Ustepts),

and dry in summer but moist in winter (Xerepts).

Inceptisols are about as variable as Entisols and have equally variable

management requirements. 

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Mollisols are frequently under grassland, but with some

broadleaf forest-covered soils.

Characteristic features: Deep, dark A horizons, they may

have B horizons and lime accumulation.


Grassland soils of steppes and prairies (base rich soils)1. Deposits and landscapes with a wide

range of ages2. Many Mollisols are formed on deposits

associated with glaciation (unconsolidated quaternary materials) - calcareous rich aolian deposits supported the formation of Mollisols

3. However, in other areas they develop in residuum weathered from sedimentary rocks

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013



Dark soils of grasslands, are among the world's most productive, having high

organic matter contents and good physical condition.  Suborders include Albolls (albic

horizon), Aquolls (wet), Cryolls (cold), Rendolls (calcareous), Udolls (humid),

Ustolls (moist/dry), and Xerolls (dry summers/moist winter).

Large areas of Mollisolls are found in the Great Plains of the North America, the

steppes of Russia,, and the grasslands of Central Asia and China. Many areas are

intensively used for grain production.

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

OXISOLSOxisols are excessively

weathered, whereas few original minerals are left unweathered. They develop only in tropical

and subtropical climates.

Characteristic features: Often Oxisols are over 3 m deep, have low fertility, have dominantely iron and aluminium clays, and

are acid.



Low-activity soils1. Highly weathered transported material2. Old fluvial terraces3. On high-lying old erosion surfaces4. The most extensive areas of Oxisols

are in sediments that have been reworked during several erosional and depositional cycles

5. Materials which weather rapidly6. Parent material which consists of

quartz, 1:1 type clays, iron and aluminum oxides

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


OXISOLSAre the most highly weathered of the soil

orders, being most prominent in the humid tropics where rain forest is the dominant

natural vegetation. Six suborders are found:  Aquox (wet), Perox (very humid), Torrox (hot/dry), Udox (humid), and Ustox

(moist/dry).  They have a deep oxic subsurface horizon dominated by oxides of iron and aluminum.  Primary minerals have been essentially all destroyed.  Non-sticky low activity clays prevail so the soils are physically well

structured but chemically poor.  Their nutrient-supplying power is low and

much of the soil nutrient supply is associated with the organic matter that

occurs in the surface horizons.

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Spodosols merupakan tanah berpasir, tanah-tanah tercuci di

daerah hutan pinus dingin.

Karakteristiknya: Horison O, profil sangat masam,

horison E tercuci, Horison Bh atau Bs akumulasi bahan organik plus oksida besi dan aluminium.


Spodosols:Tanah-tanah yang subsoilnya menjadi tempat akumulasi humus dan sesquioksida1. Typically, Spodosols are formed in very

coarse silty or coarser (i.e., increase in sand) textured material (e.g. sandy loam, loamy sand, sand)

2. Spodosols occur in late-Pleistocene or Holocene deposits (Ca leached before spodic horizon developed)

3. Siliceous or leached carbonaceous parent materials favor the development of Spodosols

4. Bahan-bahan terlapuk dari batuan miskin Ca dan Mg (mis. sandstone, granite)

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


SPODOSOLSAre extremely acid soils of forested areas in moist

(usually cold) regions where coarse-textured parent materials are present.  Spodosols are found in

about 3% of the land area in the United States and globally.  The suborders include: Aquods (wet),

Cryods (icy cold), Humods (humus), and Orthods (typical).

Because of their high acidity and coarse texture, these soils are not naturally very fertile.  They are poorly buffered, especially in the lower horizons,

and so associated watersheds are quite susceptible to acid rain damage.  When heavily fertilized,

however, they can become quite productive as evidenced by the potato growing areas of Maine.

Most are used for coniferous forest production. Where continued crop production is practiced,

excessive applications of chemical fertilizers must be avoided to prevent the buildup of chemicals in

drainage waters to undesirable levels.

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Ultisols are ectensively weathered soils of tropical and subtropical climates.

Characteristic features: Thick A horizon, clay accumulation

in a Bt, strongly acid.


Ultisols:Low base status soils1. Parent materials which contain few basic

cations such as siliceous crystalline rocks (e.g. granite)

2. Sedimentary material that is relatively poor in bases (e.g. highly weathered coastal plain sediment)

3. Most of geologically old landscapes are covered by parent material rich in silica but poor in bases

4. There are some Ultisols formed in parent material with higher base status and less weathered material (e.g. volcanic ash, basic ignenous or metamorphic rocks):

5. Basic parent material - high precipitation - rapid weathering - rapid leaching of bases.

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Are highly weathered soils developed under forests in the humid tropics and subtropics.  They are more highly weathered and acidic

than Alfisols, but less weathered than Oxisols.  Suborders are Aquults (wet), Humults (high humus), Udults (humid), Ustults (moist/dry),

and Xerults (dry summers).  They occur on 9% of the land areas in the

worldwide.  In tropical areas they are found in association with Oxisols.

Ultisols are not naturally as productive as Mollisols or Alfisols, but when properly fertilized

and managed they produce well. 

The clays present in Ultisols are mostly of the non-sticky low activity type which helps assure

easy workability of these soils in the field.

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

VERTISOLSVertisols exist most in temperate to tropical climated with distinct wet and dry seasons. They have a high content of clays that swell when wetted and show cracks when dry. Characteristic features: Deep self-mixed A horizon , top soil falls into cracks seasonally, gradually mixing the

soil to the depth of the cracking.Mineral soils that (i) are over 50cm thick, (ii) have more than 30% clay in all horizons, and (iii) have cracks at

least 1 cm wide to depth of 50 cm at some time in most years (unless irrigated). Conditions that give rise to

Vertisols are: (i) parent materials that are high in, or that weather to form, large amounts of 2:1 expanding clay

and (ii) occur in a climate with a pronounced wet and dry season - sufficient to promote cracking.

Suborders:1. Torrerts - see Aridic-type moisture regime2. Uderts - see Udic moisture regime 3. Usterts - see Ustic moisture regime 4. Xererts - see Xeric moisture regime 5. Cryerts - see Cryic temperature regime


Shrinking and swelling dark clay soils1. Wide range of parent material including

alluvial, colluvial and lacustrine deposits2. Marl and other calcareaous rocks,

limestone, shales, igneous, metamorphic and volcanic rocks of basic nature

3. Unconsolidated sediments which are dominantely basic in character and low in quartz

4. The parent material although variable in origin, are rich in feldspars and ferro-magnesian minerals and yield clay residues on weathering

5. Vertisols may develop in situ from the parent materials. The smectites in these soils could be derived from the original rock or form as a result of neogenesis or transformations from primary minerals.

6. Characteristics: high clay content (predominance of 2:1 type expanding clay -> montmorillonite, smectite)

Sumber:. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Are characterized by high levels of swelling-type clays.  Suborders include Aquerts (wet),

Cryerts (cold), Torrerts (hot/dry), Uderts (humid), Usterts (moist/dry), and Xererts (very


Vertisols are sticky and plastic when wet, and hard and cloddy when dry.  This complicates their proper management especially by poor

farmers with little or no access to power equipment to handle these heavy soils.

Despite their limitations, Vertisols are widely tilled.  However if  conservation practices and mechanized equipment are not available to till

the soil promptly at just the right moisture content, yields can be low and the soils are

subject to severe erosion if the land is sloping.


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013


Sumber: Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Eighth Edition. 1998. …….. DIUNDUH 15/2/2013

Ordo Tanah Derivasi Unsur Pembentukan

Alfisols alf.Andisols Ando = tanah hitam and.Aridisols aridus = kering id.Entisols ent.Gelisols gelid = sangat dingin el.Histosols histos = jaringan ist.Inceptisols Inceptum = mulai, awal ept.Mollisols Mollis = lunak oll.Oxisols Oxide = oksida ox.Spodosols Spodos = abu kayu od.Ultisols Ultimus = akhir ult.Vertisols Verto = membalik ert.

UNSUR FORMATIFUnsur Formatif Konotasi unsur formatifalb Adanya horison albik (horison eluvial yang tercuci)anthr Adanya epipedon anthropik atau epipedon plaggenaqu Karakteristik yang berhubungan dnegan kebasahanar Horison tercampur / campuranarg Adanya horisom argilik (horison dnegan liat iluvial)calc Adanya horison kalsikcamb Adanya horison kambikCry DinginClur Adanya duripanfibr Fase dekomposisi ringan / awalfluv Dataran banjirfol Massa dedaunangyps Adanya horiosn gipsikhem Fase dekompoisisi intermedier

UNSUR FORMATIFUnsur Formatif Konotasi unsur formatifHist Adanya epipedon HistikHum Adanya bahan organikorth Paling lazimper Iklim humid sepanjang tahun, rezim air perudikpsamm Tekstur pasirrend Rendzinalike – kaya karbonatsal Adanya horison salik (saline)sapr Fase dekomposisi lanjuttorr Biasanya keringturb Cryoturbasiud Iklim humidust Iklim kering, biasanya panas selama summervitr Menyerupai gelasxer Sumer kering, winter lembab

Sumber: foto.smno.saradan.htjati.nop2012

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