de como instalar arch linux en un pendrive

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7/23/2019 De como instalar Arch Linux en un Pendrive 1/21

Página 1 de 21

Installing Arch Linux on a USB key (Español)Esta página describe cómo realizar una instalación normal de Arch en una llave USB (o «unidad

flash»! A diferencia de un USB como soporte de instalación" el liveusb dar#a como resultado la

instalación de un sistema de forma permanente en unidad flash USB id$ntica a una instalación

normal sobre un disco duro!

Contents• % &reparación

• ' nstalación

• ) *onfiguración 

o )!% +,UB legac-

o )!' S-slinu.

• / *onse0os 

o /!% Usar la instalación USB en varias má1uinas 

/!%!% Ar1uitectura

/!%!' *ontroladores de entrada /!%!) *ontroladores de v#deo

/!%!/ 2ombres permanentes para los dispositivos de blo1ues

/!%!3 &arámetros del 4ernel

o /!' *ompatibilidad

o /!) 5ptimizar la vida 6til de la memoria flash

• 3 7$ase tambi$n

Preparaciónota! Se recomiendan" al menos" ' +B de espacio de almacenamiento! 2os a0ustaremos a un

modesto con0unto de pa1uetes" de0ando un pe1ue8o espacio libre para el almacenamiento!

9a- varias maneras de instalar Arch en una memoria USB" la más sencilla es desde dentro del propioArch:

• Si -a estamos e0ecutando Arch" bastará con instalar arch;install;scripts - continuar con la

nstallation +uide (Espa8ol al igual 1ue lo har#amos desde la imagen iso" pero sin utilizar 

<dev<sda! Utilizaremos lsblk para obtener el nombre de <dev<sd= de la llave USB antes de

 proceder a la instalación!

A"#ertencia! Si por error formateamos <dev<sda" es probable 1ue eliminemos todo el contenido del

disco duro!

• &odemos tambi$n utilizar un *><USB de Arch ?inu. para instalar Arch en la llave USB"

arrancando el *><USB - siguiendo las instrucciones de la nstallation +uide (Espa8ol! Si

arrancamos desde un ?ive USB" la instalación tendrá 1ue hacerse en una memoria USB


• 5 bien" si tenemos otro e1uipo disponible con linu. (1ue no tiene por 1ue ser con Arch"

 podemos seguir las instrucciones para instalar desde un sistema linu. e.istente"   -" a

continuación" seguiremos en la sección de configuración!

InstalaciónSiga la +u#a de nstalación como lo har#a normalmente" con las siguientes e.cepciones:

• Si cfdis4 falla devolviendo el error fatal «Partition ends in the final partial cylinder»" la 6nica

manera de proceder es cerrar a todas las particiones en el disco usb! Abra otra terminal

 presionando (Alt+F2" escriba fdisk/dev/sdX  (donde sdX es el disco USB" imprima la

tabla de particiones (p" compruebe 1ue todo está bien" bórrelo (d - escribir los cambios (@!

Ahora regrese a cfdis4!

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Página 2 de 21

• Se recomienda revisar el art#culo sobre los *onse0os para minimizar la lectura<escritura del

SS> del art#culo de la @i4i SS> antes de seleccionar un sistema de archivos! En resumen"

e.t/ con un sistema 0ournal" puede ser adecuado! ,ecuerde 1ue el flash usb tiene un n6mero

limitado de escrituras" - un sistema de archivos 0ournaling utilizará una parte de ellos cada

vez 1ue actualice! &or esta misma razón" lo me0or es renunciar a una partición de intercambio!

enga en cuenta 1ue esto no afecta a la instalación en un disco duro USB!• Antes de crear el disco ,A inicial con la orden # mkinitcpio -p linux" edite el archivo

/etc/mkinitcpio.conf  - agregue block  en la matriz hoo4s despues de udev! Esto es

necesario para cargar el módulo correspondiente en el primer espacio de usuario!

• Si 1uiere ser capaz de seguir utilizando el dispositivo UC> como una unidad e.tra#ble

multiplataforma" esto se puede lograr mediante la creación de una partición 1ue alo0e un

sistema de archivos adecuado (lo más probable 2CS! enga en cuenta 1ue la partición de

datos puede tener 1ue ser la primera partición en el dispositivo" dado 1ue Dindo@s asume

1ue solo puede haber una partición en un dispositivo e.tra#ble" - realizará el automount de

una partición del sistema EC en dicho lugar! ,ecuerde instalar dosfstools - ntfs;)g!

Con$iguración• Aseg6rese de 1ue el archivo /etc/fstab inclu-e la información de la partición correcta para

/ - para cual1uier otra partición en la llave USB! Si la llave USB va a ser usada para arrancar 

en varias má1uinas" es mu- probable 1ue los dispositivos - el n6mero de los discos duros

disponibles var#en! &or lo tanto" es aconse0able el uso de UU> o eti1uetas:

• &ara obtener los UU> apropiados de las particiones utilice la orden %lki"!


• *uando +,UB es instalado en la llave USB" la llave será siempre hd0,0

• &arece 1ue las versiones actuales de +,UB usan automáticamente" por defecto" uuid! ?as

instrucciones siguientes son para +,UB legac-!

&'UB legacy

menu.lst" el archivo de configuración de +,UB legac-" debe ser modificado para 1ue coincida (más

o menos con el siguiente:

*on la partición <dev<sda estática:

oot !hd0,0"kenel /boot/vmlinu-linux oot$/dev/sda% oinitd /boot/

*uando se utiliza la eti1ueta («label»" el archivo menu.lst  deber#a mostrar este aspecto:

oot !hd0,0"kenel /boot/vmlinu-linux oot$/dev/disk/b'-label/ Arch oinitd /boot/

F" si se usa UU>" deber#a mostrar este otro:

oot !hd0,0"kenel /boot/vmlinu-linux oot$/dev/disk/b'-uuid/(a)f*)2)-2b--)db-(**ceaaf)fa oinitd /boot/


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*on la partición <dev<sda estática:

A Ach  13 A Ach inux  43X ../vmlinu-linux  A556 oot$/dev/sdax o

  44786 ../

Usando la UU>:

A Ach  13 A Ach inux  43X ../vmlinu-linux  A556 oot$3346$(a)f*)2)-2b--)db-(**ceaaf)fa o  44786 ../

ConseosUsar la instalación USB en #arias *+uinas

Ar+uitectura&ara hacer más versátil la compatibilidad" es recomendable 1ue instale la ar1uitectura .GHIH/ con el

apo-o de multilib" -a 1ue se e0ecutará en ambas ar1uitecturas de )' - H/ bits!

ota! Si ha instalado la ar1uitectura iHGH - desea migrar a .GHIH/" consulte el art#culo de la @i4i

igrating Bet@een Architectures Dithout ,einstalling para obtener a-uda!

Controla"ores "e entra"a

&ara uso con el portátil (o para utilizar una pantalla táctil" necesitará el pa1uete .fGH;input;s-naptics

 para traba0ar con la pantalla<panel táctil!

&ara obtener instrucciones sobre puesta a punto o problemas del touchpad" consulte el art#culo

ouchpad S-naptics!

Controla"ores "e #,"eo

ota! El uso de controladores de v#deo propietarios no es recomendable para este tipo de instalación!?os controladores de v#deo recomendados son: .fGH;video;vesa"  mesa"  .fGH;video;ati"  .fGH;video;

intel" .fGH;video;nouveau - .fGH;video;nv! 

&ara hacer más versátil la compatibilidad" instale todos los controladores de v#deo de código abierto"

inclu-endo sus homólogos multilib: lib)';ati;driJ bro4en lin4 : replaced b- lib)';mesaK" lib)';intel;driJ bro4en lin4 : replaced b-

lib)';mesaK - lib)';nouveau;driJ bro4en lin4 : replaced b- lib)';mesaK!

o%res peranentes para los "ispositi#os "e %lo+ues

Se recomienda utilizar UU>" tanto en fstab como en la configuración del gestor de arran1ue! 7$ase

&ersistent bloc4 device naming para obtener más detalles!

*omo alternativa" puede crear reglas udev para crear un enlace simbólico personalizado para la llave

USB! A continuación" utilice este enlace simbólico en fstab - en la configuración del gestor de

arran1ue! 7$ase udevLSetting static device names para obtener más detalles!

Par*etros "el kernel

Es posible 1ue desee desactivar MS" por diversas razones" tales como evitar una pantalla en blanco

o un error de «no signal» en la pantalla" al usar algunas tar0etas de v#deo ntel" etc! &ara desactivar 

MS" a8ada nomodeset como parámetro del 4ernel! *onsulte el art#culo sobre los  parámetros del

4ernel para obtener más información!

A"#ertencia! Algunos controladores de org no funcionan con MS desactivado! *onsulte la

 página @i4i de su controlador espec#fico para más detalles! 2ouveau" en particular" necesita MS

 para determinar la resolución de pantalla correcta! Si agrega nomodeset  como un parámetro del

4ernel" a modo de medida preventiva" puede 1ue tenga 1ue a0ustar la resolución de la pantalla

manualmente cuando utiliza má1uinas con tar0etas de v#deo 2vidia! 7$ase randr   para másinformación!

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Página 4 de 21

Copati%ili"a"?a imagen fallbac4 se debe utilizar para obtener una má.ima compatibilidad! la #i"a /til "e la eoria $lash• >e nuevo" se recomienda revisar los *onse0os para minimizar la lectura<escritura del SS> del

art#culo de la @i4i SS>!

01ase ta%i1n• nstallation +uide (Espa8ol

• nstalling Arch ?inu. from 7irtualBo.

• Solid State >rives


Installation gui"e (Español)Esta"o "e la tra"ucción! este art#culo es una versión traducida de nstallation guide! Cecha de la

6ltima traducción<revisión: 2345637645! &uedes a-udar a actualizar la traducción" si adviertes 1ue la

versión inglesa ha cambiado: ver cambios!Este documento es una gu#a para la instalación de Arch ?inu. (Espa8ol desde un sistema live

arrancado con la imagen de instalación oficial! Antes de proceder a la instalación" es recomendable

1ue le eche un vistazo a CAN (Espa8ol! Si lo 1ue busca es una gu#a de instalación detallada -

altamente e.plicativa rem#tase a la gu#a para principiantes" o a la categor#a *ategor-:+etting and

installing Arch para conocer casos espec#ficos de instalación!

?a ma-or#a de la a-uda se puede encontrar en la @i4i o a trav$s de las  páginas del manual de los

distintos programas! &ara obtener a-uda interactiva" el canal ,*  - los foros  tambi$n los tiene


Contents• % >escarga

• ' &reinstalación 

o '!% >istribución del teclado en el entorno live

o '!' &articionar el disco

o '!) Cormatear las particiones

o '!/ ontar las particiones

o '!3 *onectarse a internet

• ) nstalación 

o )!% Seleccionar servidores de r$plica

o )!' nstalar los pa1uetes del sistema base

o )!) *onfigurar el sistema

o )!/ nstalar un gestor de arran1ue

o )!3 ,einiciar 

• / &osinstalación

8escarga• Se puede descargar la imagen S5 de instalación más reciente desde la página de descarga de

Arch ?inu.: esta es una imagen h#brida 1ue permite arrancar un sistema live tanto para

.GHIH/ como para iHGH" dependiendo de la ar1uitectura del sistema - de la elección del


• enga en cuenta 1ue en dicha imagen no se inclu-en los pa1uetes del sistema base: dichos

 pa1uetes habrá 1ue obtenerlos durante el proceso de instalación desde un repositorio remoto" por lo tanto" será necesaria una cone.ión a nternet!

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• Una vez descargada la imagen" se puede verificar su integridad con la firma &+& (por 

e0emplo" pacman-ke' -v o con la suma de comprobación (por 

e0emplo" md9sum inst-image.iso" ambas proporcionadas en la página de descarga!

• &or 6ltimo" la imagen se puede grabar en un *>" usarla montada como imagen S5 o

escribirla a un dispositivo USB!

Preinstalación>espu$s de arrancar la imagen de instalación" es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos para iniciar el

 proceso de instalación!

8istri%ución "el tecla"o en el entorno li#e• ?a distribución del teclado por defecto es la de EE!UU!

• 9a- disponibles distribuciones de teclado alternativos 1ue se pueden cargar con la orden

loadke's archivo_keymap: los archivos de mapas de teclas se pueden encontrar en la

carpeta /us/shae/kbd/ke'maps/  (no es necesario especificar la ruta ni la e.tensión del

archivo cuando se usa «load4e-s»!

Particionar el "isco• *onsultar &artitioning (Espa8ol   para obtener más detalles sobre cómo realizar el


• &uede 1ue sea necesario crear algunas particiones especiales" por e0emplo" si se está

utilizando (UEC Onterfaz E.tensible del Cirm@are (UnificadaO" lo más probable es 1ue

se necesite otra partición para albergar la partición del sistema EC" ver EC S-stem &artitionP

-" si se planea instalar +,UB en un sistema con tabla de particionado +&" necesitará una

B5S boot partition para +,UB! 

• 9a- 1ue crear" en esta fase de la instalación" los dispositivos de blo1ues apilados Ostac4ed

 bloc4 devicesO para  ?7 (Espa8ol" >is4 encr-ption (Espa8ol  o ,A> (Espa8ol" si se

diera el caso!

9oratear las particiones• *onsultar Cile s-stems (Espa8ol  -" opcionalmente" S@ap (Espa8ol  para obtener más

información sobre cómo formatear un dispositivo!

:ontar las particiones• El siguiente paso es montar la partición del sistema OrootO en /mnt!

• >espu$s de esto" ha- 1ue crear tantos directorios como particiones ha-a realizado - montarlas

(/mnt/boot" /mnt/home" !!!!

• ambi$n ha- 1ue activar la partición swap" si se dispone de una" para 1ue pueda ser detectada

más tarde cuando e0ecute genfstab!

Conectarse a internet• El servicio de internet a trav$s de >9*& >iscover- -a está activado al arrancar el soporte de

instalación para todos los dispositivos de red cableadosP leer más en  2et@or4 configuration


• &ara dar soporte a dispositivos de red inalámbrica e0ecute :ifi-menu para configurar una

cone.ión de redP leer más en Direless net@or4 configuration (Espa8ol!

• Si se necesita configurar una dirección & estática o utilizar herramientas de gestión de redes"

ha- 1ue detener el servicio >9*& >iscover- con la orden s'stemctl stop

dhcpcd.sevice" - consultar netctl (Espa8ol!

InstalaciónSeleccionar ser#i"ores "e r1plica

• Editar /etc/pacman.d/miolist  - seleccionar uno o varios servidores de descarga!

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Página 6 de 21

• ?os servidores de r$plica regionales" por lo general" funcionan me0orP sin embargo" la

cercan#a no es el 6nico criterio para discernir sobre la calidad de los mirrors" leer más sobre

ello en irrors (Espa8ol!

• Una copia del archivo miolist se realizará" más tarde" en el nuevo sistema por pacstrap"

 por lo 1ue vale la pena hacerlo bien en esta fase!

Instalar los pa+uetes "el sistea %ase

• Utilizar el script pacstrap para instalar el grupo de pa1uetes base: 

# pacstap /mnt base

• 5tros pa1uetes o grupos de pa1uetes pueden ser instalados a8adiendo sus nombres a la orden

anterior (separados por espacios" pudiendo incluir" por e0emplo" el gestor de arran1ue!

Con$igurar el sistea

• +enerar un archivo fstab (Espa8ol (utilizar el parámetro -3 o - para especificar en dicho

archivo las UU> o las eti1uetas" respectivamente" de las particiones:

# &enfstab -p /mnt ;; /mnt/etc/fstab

• Entrar en el nuevo sistema como *hange root (Espa8ol:

# ach-choot /mnt

• *onfigurar el nombre del e1uipo:

# echo nombre_equipo ; /etc/hostname

• *onfigurar el huso horario:

# ln -sf /us/shae/oneinfo/zone/subzone /etc/localtime

• *onfigurar el idioma del sistema  descomentando el locale necesario en el archivo

/etc/locale.&en" - despu$s generarlo con la orden:

# locale-&en

• *onfigurar las preferencias del idioma en /etc/locale.conf  -" 1uizás tambi$n" en


# echo A?$nuestro_locale ; /etc/locale.conf

• *onfigurar la distribución del teclado  para la consola - las preferencias del tipo de letra de la

misma en /etc/vconsole.conf !

• *onfigurar la red de nuevo para el entorno reci$n instalado: consultar 2et@or4 configuration

(Espa8ol - Direless net@or4 configuration (Espa8ol!

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Página 7 de 21

• *onfigurar <etc<m4initcpio!conf  si es necesario a8adirle funcionalidades adicionales! *rear 

una imagen ,A inicial nueva con la orden:

# mkinitcpio -p linux

• Establecer la contrase8a de root:

# pass:d

Instalar un gestor "e arran+ue

• *onsultar Boot loaders (Espa8ol  para conocer las opciones - configuraciones disponibles!

'einiciar• Salir del entorno chroot escribiendo exit o presionando @tl+6!

•5pcionalmente" desmontar manualmente todas las particiones con umount -8 /mnt: esto

 permite advertir cual1uier partición «ocupada»" - buscar su causa con fuser !

• &or 6ltimo" reiniciar el e1uipo escribiendo eboot: cual1uier partición 1ue todav#a siga

montada será desmontada automáticamente por systemd ! ,ecuerde 1ue debe retirar el soporte

de instalación - luego iniciar sesión en el nuevo sistema con la cuenta de root!

Posinstalación7$ase el art#culo +eneral recommendations (Espa8ol   para obtener indicaciones sobre cómo

gestionar el sistema" as# como tutoriales sobre 1u$ hacer despu$s de la instalación del sistema base

(como pueden ser temas relativos a la instalación - configuración de una interfaz gráfica de usuario"

la del sonido o la del panel táctil!

&ara obtener una lista de las aplicaciones 1ue pueden ser de su inter$s" consulte ?ist of Applications(Espa8ol! ________________________ 

7/23/2019 De como instalar Arch Linux en un Pendrive 8/21

Página 8 de 21

Soli" State 8ri#esSolid State >rives (SS>s are not &n& devices! Special considerations such as partition alignment"

choice of file s-stem" , support" etc! are needed to set up SS>s for optimal performance! his

article attempts to capture referenced" 4e- learnings to enable users to get the most out of SS>s

under ?inu.! Users are encouraged to read this article in its entiret- before acting on


ote! his article is targeted at users running ?inu." but much of the content is also relevant to other 

operating s-stems li4e BS>" ac 5S or Dindo@s!

Contents• % 5vervie@ 

o %!% Advantages over 9>>s

o %!' ?imitations

o %!) &re;&urchase *onsiderations

• ' ips for a.imizing SS> &erformance 

o '!% &artition alignment

o '!' , 

'!'!% 7erif- , Support

'!'!' Appl- , via periodic fstrim

'!'!) Enable , b- mount flag

'!'!/ Enable , @ith tune'fs (discouraged

'!'!3 Enable , for ?7

'!'!H Enable , for dm;cr-pt

o '!) <5 Scheduler  

'!)!% Mernel parameter (for a single device

'!)!' Using udev for one device or 9>><SS> mi.ed environment

o '!/ S@ap Space on SS>s

o '!3 9dparm sho@s QfrozenQ state

o '!H SS> emor- *ell *learing

• ) ips for minimizing dis4 reads<@rites 

o )!% ntelligent partition scheme

o )!' noatime mount option

o )!) ?ocate fre1uentl- used files to ,A 

)!)!% Bro@ser profiles

)!)!' 5thers

o )!/ *ompiling in tmpfs

o )!3 >isabling 0ournaling on the files-stem

• / *hoice of Ciles-stem 

o /!% Btrfs

o /!' E.t/

o /!) CS

o /!/ RCS

o /!3 5ther files-stems

• 3 Cirm@are Updates 

o 3!% A>AA

o 3!' *rucialo 3!) ntel

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Página 9 de 21

o 3!/ Mingston

o 3!3 ush4in

o 3!H 5*

o 3!T Samsung

o 3!G San>is4 

• H roubleshooting 

o H!% ,esolving 2*N errors

o H!' ,esolving SAA po@er management related errors

• T See also

-#er#ie;A"#antages o#er <88s

• Cast read speeds ; ';). faster than modern des4top 9>>s (T"' ,& using SAA'


• Sustained read speeds ; no decrease in read speed across the entiret- of the device! 9>>

 performance tapers off as the drive heads move from the outer edges to the center of 9>> platters!

• inimal access time ; appro.imatel- %. faster than an 9>>! Cor e.ample" !% ms (% us

vs! %';' ms (%'";'" us for des4top 9>>s!

• 9igh degree of reliabilit-!

•  2o moving parts!

• inimal heat production!

• inimal po@er consumption ; fractions of a D at idle and %;' D @hile reading<@riting vs!

%;) D for a 9>> depending on ,&s!

• ?ight;@eight ; ideal for laptops!

Liitations• &er;storage cost (close to a dollar per +B" vs! around a dime or t@o per +B for rotating


• *apacit- of mar4eted models is lo@er than that of 9>>s!

• ?arge cells re1uire different files-stem optimizations than rotating media! he flash

translation la-er hides the ra@ flash access @hich a modern 5S could use to optimize access!

• &artitions and files-stems need some SS>;specific tuning! &age size and erase page size are

not autodetected!

• *ells @ear out! *onsumer ?* cells at mature 3nm processes can handle % @rites

eachP )3nm generall- handles 3 @rites" and '3nm ) (smaller being higher densit- and

cheaper! f @rites are properl- spread out" are not too small" and align @ell @ith cells" thistranslates into a lifetime @rite volume for the SS> that is a multiple of its capacit-! >ail-

@rite volumes have to be balanced against life e.pectanc-! 9o@ever" tests J%K J'K J)K J/K

 performed on recent hard@are suggest that SS> @ear is negligible" @ith the lifetime

e.pectanc- of SS>s comparable to those of 9>>s even @ith artificiall- high @rite;volumes!

• Cirm@ares and controllers are comple.! he- occasionall- have bugs! odern ones consume

 po@er comparable @ith 9>>s! he- implement the e1uivalent of a log;structured files-stem

@ith garbage collection! he- translate SAA commands traditionall- intended for rotating

media! Some of them do on the fl- compression! he- spread out repeated @rites across the

entire area of the flash" to prevent @earing out some cells prematurel-! he- also coalesce

@rites together so that small @rites are not amplified into as man- erase c-cles of large cells!

Cinall- the- move cells containing data so that the cell does not lose its contents over time!

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Página 10 de 21

• &erformance can drop as the dis4 gets filled! +arbage collection is not universall- @ell

implemented" meaning freed space is not al@a-s collected into entirel- free cells!

Pre6Purchase Consi"erations=he $actual accuracy o$ this article or section is "ispute">

'eason! Dould be nice to get some sources here" particularl- on the QT3V occupanc-Q (>iscuss in

al4:Solid State >rivesLhere are several 4e- features to loo4 for prior to purchasing a contemporar- SS>!

•  2ative , support is a vital feature that both prolongs SS> lifetime and reduces loss of 

 performance for @rite operations over time!

• Bu-ing the right sized SS> is 4e-! As @ith all files-stems" target WT3 V occupanc- for all

SS> partitions to ensure efficient use b- the 4ernel!

=ips $or SS8 Per$orancePartition alignentSee &artitioningL&artition alignment!

='I:ost SS>s support the AAI, command  for sustained long;term performance and @ear;

leveling! Cor more including some before and after benchmar4" see this tutorial!

As of ?inu. 4ernel version )!G on@ards" the follo@ing files-stems support ,: E.t/" Btrfs" RCS"

7CA" CS" C'CS! 

As of ntfs;)g version '%3!)!%/" , is supported for 2CS files-stem too J3K!

7CA onl- supports , b- the mount option discad" not manuall- @ith fstrim!

he *hoice of Ciles-stem section of this article offers more details!

0eri$y ='I: Support

# hdpam -4 /dev/sda &ep 7841  B 6ata Cet 1ana&ement 7841 suppoted !limit % block"

 2ote that there are different t-pes of , support defined b- the specification! 9ence" the output

ma- differ depending @hat the drive supports! See @i4ipedia:,LAA for more information!

Apply ='I: #ia perio"ic $stri

ote! his method does not @or4 for 7CA files-stems!

he util;linu.  pac4age (part of base and  base;devel provides fstim.sevice and fstim.time

s-stemd  unit files! Enabling the timer @ill activate the service @ee4l-" @hich @ill then trim all

mounted files-stems on devices that support the discard operation!

he timer relies on the timestamp of /va/lib/s'stemd/times/stamp-fstim.time  (@hich it@ill create upon first invocation to 4no@ @hether a @ee4 has elapsed since it last ran! herefore

there is no need to @orr- about too fre1uent invocations" in an anacron;li4e fashion!

t is also possible to 1uer- the units activit- and status using standard Dounalctl and s'stemctl

status commands:# Dounalctl -u fstim...Esho:s seveal lo& enties if enabled;...# s'stemctl status fstim fstim.sevice - 6iscad unused blocks  oadedG loaded !/us/lib/s'stemd/s'stem/fstim.seviceH staticH vendo pesetGdisabled"  ActiveG inactive !dead" since lun. 20%9-0-0* 00G00G%* @C7H 2 da's a&o  5ocessG %*%92 xecCtat$/sbin/fstim -a !code$exited, status$0/C3@@CC"

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 1ain 546G %*%92 !code$exited, status$0/C3@@CC"

Duin 0* 00G00G% ach-clevo s'stemdI%JG Ctatin& 6iscad unused blocks...Duin 0* 00G00G%* ach-clevo s'stemdI%JG Ctated 6iscad unused blocks.

ote! Specif- the .time suffi. if -ou specificall- @ant to in1uire about it!

f -ou @ish to change the periodicit- of the timer or the command run" simpl- edit the provided unitfiles!

Ena%le ='I: %y ount $lag

?arning! Users need to be certain that their SS> supports , before attempting to mount a

 partition @ith the discad flag! >ata loss can occur other@iseX Unfortunatel-" there are @ide 1ualit-

gaps of SS>Ys biosY to perform continuous ," @hich is also @h- using the discad mount flag is

recommended against generall- b- files-stem developer heodore sYo! f in doubt about -our 

hard@are" LAppl- , via periodic fstrim  instead! Also be a@are of other shortcomings" most

importantl- that Q, commands have been lin4ed to serious data corruption in several devices"

most notabl- Samsung G= series!Q After the data corruption had been confirmed" the ?inu. 4ernel blac4listed 1ueued , command e.ecution for a number of popular devices as of Rul- %" '%3!

Using the discad option for a mount in /etc/fstab enables continuous , in device

operations:/dev/sda% / ext defaults,noatime,discard   0 %/dev/sda2 /home ext defaults,noatime,discard   0 2

he main benefit of continuous , is speedP an SS> can perform more efficient garbage

collection! 9o@ever" results var- and particularl- earlier SS> generations ma- also sho@ 0ust the

opposite effect! Also for this reason" some distributions decided against using it (e!g! Ubuntu: see this

article and the related blueprint!


, is not b- default activated @hen using bloc4;device encr-ption on a SS>P for moreinformation see >m;cr-pt<, support for SS>!

• here is no need for the discad flag if -ou run fstim periodicall-!

• Using the discad flag for an e.t) root partition @ill result in it being mounted read;onl-!

Ena%le ='I: ;ith tune2$s ("iscourage")

5ne can set the trim flag staticall- @ith tune'fs:# tune2fs -o discad /dev/sdXY

?arning! his method @ill cause the discad option to not sho@ up @ith mount!

Ena%le ='I: $or L0:

*hange the value of issueKdiscads option from to % in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf!

ote! Enabling this option @ill Qissue discards to a logical volumesYs underl-ing ph-sical volume(s

@hen the logical volume is no longer using the ph-sical volumesY space (e!g! lvremove" lvreduce"etcQ (see man lvm.conf and<or inline comments in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf! As such it does not seem

to be re1uired for QregularQ , re1uests (file deletions inside a files-stem to be functional!

Ena%le ='I: $or "6crypt

?arning! he discard option allo@s discard re1uests to be passed through the encr-pted bloc4 

device! his improves performance on SS> storage but has securit- implications! See >m;

cr-pt<, support for SS> for more information!

Cor non;root files-stems" configure /etc/c'pttab  to include discad  in the list of options for 

encr-pted bloc4 devices located on a SS> (see >m;cr-pt<S-stem configurationLcr-pttab!

Cor the root files-stem" follo@ the instructions from >m;cr-pt<, support for SS> to add the

right 4ernel parameter to the bootloader configuration!

I@- Sche"uler

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*onsider s@itching from the default *CN  scheduler (*ompletel- Cair Nueuing to  255&  or 

>eadline! he latter t@o offer performance boosts for SS>s! he 255& scheduler" for e.ample"

implements a simple 1ueue for all incoming <5 re1uests" @ithout re;ordering and grouping the ones

that are ph-sicall- closer on the dis4! 5n SS>s see4 times are identical for all sectors" thus

invalidating the need to re;order <5 1ueues based on them! See also a.imizing

 performanceLuning 5 schedulers!he *CN scheduler is enabled b- default on Arch! 7erif- this b- vie@ing the contents

/s's/block/sdX/Lueue/schedule:< cat /s's/block/sdX/Lueue/schedule

noop deadline IcfLJ

he scheduler currentl- in use is denoted from the available schedulers b- the brac4ets!

Users can change this on the fl- @ithout the need to reboot @ith:

# echo noop ; /s's/block/sdX/Lueue/schedule

his method is non;persistent (eg! change @ill be lost upon rebooting! *onfirm the change @as

made b- vie@ing the contents of the file again and ensuring QnoopQ is bet@een brac4ets!

ernel paraeter ($or a single "e#ice)

f the sole storage device in the s-stem is an SS>" consider setting the <5 scheduler for the entire

s-stem via the elevato$noop 4ernel parameter !

Using u"e# $or one "e#ice or <88@SS8 ixe" en#ironent

hough the above @ill undoubtedl- @or4" it is probabl- considered a reliable @or4around! Ergo" it

@ould be preferred to use the s-stem that is responsible for the devices in the first place to implement

the scheduler! n this case it is udev" and to do this" all one needs is a simple udev rule!

o do this" create the follo@ing:


# set deadline schedule fo non-otatin& disksA@74>$$Maddchan&eM, N8$$MsdIa-JM, A778OLueue/otationalP$$M0M,A778OLueue/scheduleP$MdeadlineM

5f course" set >eadline<*CN to the desired schedulers! *hanges should occur upon ne.t boot! o

chec4 success of the ne@ rule:

< cat /s's/block/sdX/Lueue/schedule # :hee X is the device in Luestion

ote! n the e.ample si.t- is chosen because that is the number udev uses for its o@n persistent

naming rules! hus" it @ould seem that bloc4 devices are at this point able to be modified and this is

a safe position for this particular rule! But the rule can be named an-thing so long as it ends in.ules!

S;ap Space on SS8s5ne can place a s@ap partition on an SS>! ost modern des4tops @ith an e.cess of ' +igs of 

memor- rarel- use s@ap at all! he notable e.ception is s-stems @hich ma4e use of the hibernate


A recommended t@ea4 for SS>s using a s@ap partition is to reduce the s@appiness of the s-stem to

some ver- lo@ value (for e.ample %" and thus avoiding @rites to s@ap!

<"par sho;s $ro.en stateSome motherboard B5SY issue a Qsecurit- freezeQ command to attached storage devices on

initialization! ?i4e@ise some SS> (and 9>> B5SY are set to Qsecurit- freezeQ in the factor-

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alread-! Both result in the deviceYs pass@ord securit- settings to be set to $ro.en" as sho@n in belo@

output:GQ# hdpam -4 /dev/sda

Cecuit'G1aste pass:od evision code $ 99(

  suppoted  not enabled  not locked  


  not expiedG secuit' count  suppotedG enhanced ease  min fo C@3847R 8AC 347. 2min fo =A@6 C@3847R 8AC 347.

5perations li4e formatting the device or installing operating s-stems are not affected b- the Qsecurit-


he above output sho@s the device is not locke" b- a 9>>;pass@ord on boot and the $ro.en state

safeguards the device against mal@ares @hich ma- tr- to loc4 it b- setting a pass@ord to it at


f -ou intend to set a pass@ord to a QfrozenQ device -ourself" a motherboard B5S @ith support for it

is re1uired! A lot of noteboo4s have support" because it is re1uired for hard@are encr-ption" but

support ma- not be trivial for a des4top<server board! Cor the ntel >9HT*?<B? motherboard" for 

e.ample" the motherboard has to be set to Qmaintenance modeQ b- a ph-sical 0umper to access the

settings (see JHK" JTK!

?arning! >o not tr- to change the above lock   securit- settings @ith hdpam  unless -ou 4no@

e.actl- @hat -ou are doing!

f -ou intend to erase the SS>" see Securel- @ipe dis4Lhdparm and belo@!

SS8 :eory Cell Clearing5n occasion" users ma- @ish to completel- reset an SS>Ys cells to the same virgin state the- @ere at

the time the device @as installed thus restoring it to its factor- default @rite performance! Drite performance is 4no@n to degrade over time even on SS>s @ith native , support! , onl-

safeguards against file deletes" not replacements such as an incremental save!

he reset is easil- accomplished in a three step procedure denoted on the SS> memor- cell clearing

@i4i article!

=ips $or "isk rea"s@;ritesAn overarching theme for SS> usage should be Ysimplicit-Y in terms of locating high;read<@rite

operations either in ,A (,andom Access emor- or on a ph-sical 9>> rather than on an SS>!

>oing so @ill add longevit- to an SS>! his is primaril- due to the large erase bloc4 size (3%' MiB

in some casesP a lot of small @rites result in huge effective @rites!

ote! A )'+B SS> @ith a mediocre %. @rite amplification factor" a standard % @rite<erase

c-cle" and 43&B o$ "ata ;ritten per "ay" @ould get an years li$e expectancy! t gets better @ith

 bigger SS>s and modern controllers @ith less @rite amplification! Also compare JGK  @hen

considering @hether an- particular strateg- to limit dis4 @rites is actuall- needed!

Use iotop and sort b- dis4 @rites to see ho@ much and ho@ fre1uentl- are programs @riting to the


=ip! iotop can be run in batch mode instead of the default interactive mode using the -b option! -o is

used to sho@ onl- processes actuall- doing <5" and -LLL is to suppress column names and <5

summar-! See man iotop for more options!# iotop -boLLL

Intelligent partition schee•

Cor s-stems @ith both an SS> and an 9>>" consider relocating the /va partition to amagnetic disc on the s-stem rather than on the SS> itself to avoid read<@rite @ear!

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noatie ount option=his article or section is a can"i"ate $or erging ;ith $sta%Datie options>

otes!  his should be described onl- in one place" 0ust lin4 to fstab  after@ards! (>iscuss in

al4:Solid State >rivesL

Using this flag in oneYs /etc/fstab halts the logging of read accesses to the file s-stem via an

update to the atime information associated @ith the file! he importance of the noatime setting isthat it eliminates the need b- the s-stem to ma4e @rites to the file s-stem for files @hich are simpl-

 being read! Since @rites can be some@hat e.pensive as mentioned in previous section" this can result

in measurable performance gains!

ote! he @rite time information to a file @ill continue to be updated an-time the file is @ritten to

@ith this option enabled!/dev/sda% / ext defaults,noatime  0 %/dev/sda2 /home ext defaults,noatime  0 2

ote! his setting @ill cause issues @ith some programs such as utt" as the access time of the file

@ill eventuall- be previous than the modification time" @hich @ould ma4e no sense! Using the

elatime option instead of noatime @ill ensure that the atime field @ill never be prior to the last

modification time of a file! Alternativel-" using the maildir storage format also solves this mutt issue!Locate $re+uently use" $iles to 'A:Bro;ser pro$iles

5ne can easily mount bro@ser profile(s such as chromium" firefo." opera" etc! into ,A via tmpfs

and also use rs-nc to 4eep them s-nced @ith 9>>;based bac4ups! n addition to the obvious speed

enhancements" users @ill also save read<@rite c-cles on their SS> b- doing so!

he AU, contains several pac4ages to automate this process" for e.ample profile;s-nc;daemonAU, !


Cor the same reasons a bro@serYs profile can be relocated to ,A" so can highl- used directories

such as /sv/http (if running a @eb server! A sister pro0ect to  profile;s-nc;daemonAU,  is an-thing;

s-nc;daemonAU, " @hich allo@s users to define any  director- to s-nc to ,A using the same

underl-ing logic and safe guards!

Copiling in tp$sntentionall- compiling in tmpfs is great to minimize dis4 reads<@rites! Cor more information" refer 

to a4ep4gLmproving compile times!

8isa%ling ournaling on the $ilesysteUsing a 0ournaling files-stem such as e.t/ on an SS> ;ithout a 0ournal is an option to decrease

read<@rites! he obvious dra@bac4 of using a files-stem @ith 0ournaling disabled is data loss as a

result of an ungraceful dismount (i!e! post po@er failure" 4ernel loc4up" etc!! Dith modern SS>s"

ed so advocates that 0ournaling can be enabled @ith minimal e.traneous read<@rite c-cles under 

most circumstances:

Aount o$ "ata ;ritten (in ega%ytes) on an ext7 $ile syste ounte" ;ith noatime> operation ournal ;@o ournal percent change

git clone )HT! )3)! )!G% V

ake 'T!H %ZZ!/ )!Z3 V

ake clean H!/3 )!T) /'!%T V

"What the results show is that metadata-heavy workloads, such as make clean, do result in almost 

twice the amount data written to disk. his is to be e!pected, since all changes to metadata blocks

are first written to the ournal and the ournal transaction committed before the metadata is written

to their final location on disk. #owever, for more common workloads where we are writing data as

well as modifying filesystem metadata blocks, the difference is much smaller."  

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ote! he ma4e clean e.ample from the table above t-pifies the importance of intentionall- doing

compiling in tmpfs as recommended in the preceding section of this articleX

Choice o$ 9ilesyste

Btr$sBtrfs support has been included @ith the mainline '!H!'Z release of the ?inu. 4ernel! Some feel that

it is not mature enough for production use @hile there are also earl- adopters of this potential

successor to e.t/! Users are encouraged to read the Btrfs article for more info!

Ext7E.t/ is another files-stem that has support for SS>! t is considered as stable since '!H!'G and is

mature enough for dail- use! e.t/ users must e.plicitl- enable the , command support using the

discad  mount option in fstab  (or @ith tune2fs -o discad /dev/sdaX! See the official in

4ernel tree documentation for further information on e.t/!


an- users do not realize that in addition to e.t/ and btrfs" CS has , support as @ell! his can be enabled in the usual @a-s! hat is" the choice ma- be made of either using the discard option

mentioned above" or b- using the fstrim command! ore information can be found on the CS @i4i!

F9SAs of ?inu. 4ernel version )!T" proper , support has been added! So far" there is not a great

@ealth of information of the topic but it has certainl- been pic4ed up b- ?inu. ne@s sites!  t is

apparent that it can be enabled via the discad mount option" or b- using the method of batch

,s @ith fstrim!

-ther $ilesysteshere are other files-stems specificall- designed for SS>" for e.ample C'CS!

9ir;are Up"atesA8A=AA>AA has a utilit- available for ?inu. (iHGH on their support page here! he lin4 to latest

firm@are @ill appear after selecting the model! he latest ?inu. update utilit- is pac4ed @ith

firm@are and needs to be run as root! 5ne ma- need to set correct permissions for binar- file first!

Crucial*rucial provides an option for updating the firm@are @ith an S5 image! hese images can be found

after selecting the product here and do@nloading the Qanual Boot Cile!Q 5@ners of an / *rucial

model" ma- chec4 if a firm@are upgrade is needed @ith smatctl!< smatctl --all /dev/sdX

$$; SA84?G 7his dive ma' han& afte 9%* hous of po:e-on timeGhttpG//>6,%9.htmlCee the follo:in& :eb pa&es fo fim:ae updatesGhttpG//

Users seeing this @arning are advised to bac4up all sensible data and consi"er upgra"ing


Intelntel has a ?inu. live s-stem based Cirm@are Update ool  for operating s-stems that are not

compatible @ith its ntel[ Solid;State >rive oolbo. soft@are!


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Mingston has a ?inu. utilit- to update the firm@are of Sandforce controller based drives: SS>

support page! *lic4 the images on the page to go to a support page for -our SS> model! Support

specificall- for" e!g! the S9%S) SS>" can be found here: support page!

:ushkinhe lesser 4no@n ush4in brand Solid State drives also use Sandforce controllers" and have a ?inu.

utilit- (nearl- identical to MingstonYs to update the firm@are!-CG5* has a command line utilit- available for ?inu. (iHGH and .GHIH/ on their forum here!

SasungSamsung notes that update methods other than b- using their agician Soft@are is Qnot supportedQ"

 but it is possible! Apparentl- the agician Soft@are can be used to ma4e a USB drive bootable @ith

the firm@are update! he easiest method" though" is to use the bootable S5 images the- provide for 

updating the firm@are! he- can be grabbed from here! Also -ou can install samsungImagicianAU, 

from AU,!

ote! Samsung does not ma4e it obvious at all that the- actuall- provide these! he- seem to have /

different firm@are update pages each referencing different @a-s of doing things!Users preferring to run the firm@are update from a live USB;Stic4 created under ?inu. (@ithout

using SamsungYs QagicianQ soft@are under icrosoft Dindo@s" see this post for reference!

San8isk San>is4 ma4es IS- $ir;are iages to allo@ SS> firm@are update on operating s-stems that are

unsupported b- their San>is4 SS> ool4it! 5ne must choose the firm@are for the right $$% model "

as @ell as for the capacity  that it has (e!g! H+B" or  '3H+B! After burning the ade1uate S5

firm@are image" simpl- restart the &* to boot @ith the ne@l- created *><>7> boot dis4 (ma- @or4 

from a USB stic4!

he iso images 0ust contain a linu. 4ernel and an initrd! E.tract them to /boot partition and boot

them @ith +,UB or S-slinu. to update the firm@are!

could not find a single page listing the firm@are updates -et (site is a mess 95" but here aresome relevant lin4s:

San>is4 E.treme SS> Cirm@are ,elease notes and anual Cirm@are update version ,'%% 

San>is4 Ultra SS> Cirm@are release notes and anual Cirm@are update version )H3A%)C 

=rou%leshootingt is possible that the issue -ou are encountering is a firm@are bug @hich is not ?inu. specific" so

 before tr-ing to troubleshoot an issue affecting the SS> device" -ou should first chec4 if updates are

available for:

• he SS>Ys firm@are

• he motherboardYs B5S<UEC firm@are

Even if it is a firm@are bug it might be possible to avoid it" so if there are no updates to the firm@areor -ou hesitant on updating firm@are then the follo@ing might help!

'esol#ing CH errorsSome SS>s and SAA chipsets do not @or4 properl- @ith ?inu. 2ative *ommand Nueueing

(2*N! he tell;tale dmesg errors loo4 li4e this:I ).%%99J ata)G exception mask 0x0 CAct 0xf C 0x0 action 0x%0 foenI ).%%9990J ata).00G failed commandG 8A6 F561A T336I ).%%999J ata).00G cmd 0/0G00GdG*2G*9/00G00G%fG00G00/0 ta& 0 ncL 20* inI ).%%999J es 0/00G%*Gd(G*2G*9/00G00G%fG00G00/0 mask 0x !timeout"

o disable 2*N on boot" add libata.foce$noncL to the 4ernel command line in the bootloader 

configuration! o disable 2*N onl- for dis4 on port % use: libata.foce$%.00GnoncL 

Alternativel-" -ou ma- disable 2*N for a specific drive @ithout rebooting via s-sfs:# echo % ; /s's/block/sdX/device/LueueKdepth

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f this (and also updating the firm@are does not resolves the problem or cause other issues" then file

a bug report!

'esol#ing SA=A po;er anageent relate" errorsSome SS>s (e!g! ranscend S/ are failing @hen SAA Active ?in4 &o@er anagement"

A?&" is enabled! A?& is disabled b- default and enabled b- a po@er saving daemon (e!g! ?&"

?aptop ode ools!f -ou starting to encounter SAA related errors @hen using such daemon then -ou should tr- to

disable A?& b- setting its state to maxKpefomance for both batter- and A* po@ered profiles!

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Persistent Arch Linux installation on an USB fash drive

9o@ to do a persistent Arch ?inu. installation on a USB flash drive!

• Andreas Linz

• 09. March 0!"

• source 

• Arch # fashs # Linux # $endrive # USB 

?ast frida- m- ne@ USB drive that ordered from amazon!com" an H/+B USB )! A>AA

AU7%)%;H/+;,+F" finall- arrived after t@o @ee4s of shipping! hose flash drives are much

cheaper than on the german amazon @ebsite! paid about )\ for this thing including shipping (there

@ere no additional for orders less than /\!

decided to use around G+iB from the 3Z!H +iB (or H/+B" if -ou li4e po@ers of ten for an

 persistent Arch installation! Almost an- USB '! flash drive that o@ned in the past @as to slo@ for

an usable pendrive linu." but @ith USB )! this has changed! 5f course" itYs much slo@er than an

SS> but itYs fast enough to @or4 @ith! he main reason for me to use a pendrive linu. @as" to ma4e

drive images (using ddIrescue from m- SS> drives! hose drives have to be unmounted before -ou

can ma4e a reliable drive image" therefore -ou have to have an alternative s-stem to boot from!

f -ou have an e.isting Arch installation -ou can install the ach-install-scipts  to get pacstap

and ach-choot or -ou can boot from the Arch iso to do the ne.t steps!

$re$are the USB drive

f the USB drive is alread- mounted" unmount it first! Fou can use lsblk to identif- the device file

and mount point of -our flash drive! a4e sure that -ou use the correct "e#ice $ile" in m- case it

@as /dev/sdc" other@ise -ou @ill have a ver- bad da-!


Fou can ma4e a persistent installation on the thumb drive @ith a single partition" but @hen -ou li4e

to use it @ith Dindo@s machines recommend to have at least t@o partitions! 5ne for the linu. root

and another data partition @ith 2CS or CA)'! @ill use three partitions because li4e to have the/boot seperate! here are a lots of partitioning tools" but to ma4e a simple B, partition table

fdisk is more than good enough! ,un fdisk /dev/sdX (replace X and create a ne@ 6>C

patition table @ith three primar- partitions! used '3H for the first" G+ for the second and the

remaining space for partition number three! Drite the parition table on dis4 and fdisk!


A partition is nothing @ithout a file s-stem" Ym using e.t/ for the linu. partitions" but the Clash;

Criendl- Cile S-stem (C'CS @ould might be better suited for the 0ob! Dith the - s@itch -ou can set

dis4 labels!

mkfs.ext - usbboot /dev/sdX%

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mkfs.ext - usboot /dev/sdX2

Fou can format the third partition @ith @hatever file s-stem -ou li4e" g!e! FA7(2 if -ou @ant to use it

in a car stereo!

&ount the drive

*reate a director- @here -ou can mount the root partition of the drive" g!e! mkdi

/mnt/achusbdive  and mount the root and boot partitions:

mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt/achusbdivemkdi /mnt/achusbdive/bootmount /dev/sdX% /mnt/achusbdive


f -ou donYt need a fanc- des4top environment -ou can stop after the %ase syste section! he

installation does not deviate much from the official installation guide!

'ase s(ste&

• &a)e sure that (ou have a *or)ing internet connection

• install the 'ase s(ste& on the fash drive root+ pacstap /mnt/achusbdive base.

• generate a ,les(ste& ta'le -using UU/s -3+ &enfstab -3 -p /mnt/achusbdive;; /mnt/achusbdive/etc/fstab 

• &ove the block hoo) in /mnt/achusbdive/etc/mkinitcpio.conf  directl( 'ehindthe udev hoo)+ =>>NC$Mbase udev block ...M# so the initial ra&dis) environ&ent

can 'oot (our )ernel %ro& the fash drive

• change root to /mnt/achusbdive+ ach-choot /mnt/achusbdive 

• set the desired hostna&e+ echo achusb ; /etc/hostname 

• set (our ti&ezone# g.e. ln -s /us/shae/oneinfo/uope/elin/etc/localtime 

• unco&&ent (our locales in /etc/locale.&en and run locale-&en a%ter*ards

• set (our $re%erred locale# g.e.+ echo A?$enK3C.37F-* ; /etc/locale.conf 

• create the initial ra&dis) mkinitcpio -p linux 

• set (our root $ass*ord+ pass:d 

• install a 'ootloader# %or 12UB+

pacman -C &ub&ub-install --ta&et$i(*-pc --echeck /dev/sdX&ub-mkconfi& -o /boot/&ub/&

• exit the choot# un&ount the $artitions umount /dev/sdX... and re'oot (ours(ste&

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• i% (ou don3t need a des)to$ environ&ent (ou3re done# an(one else can continuereading

a des)to$ environ&ent and &ore

a%ter (our &achine re'ooted and hopefully  started %ro& %ro& the USB drive# loginas root

• chec) i% (our internet connection *or)s# i% not run dhcpd

o i% (ou need *i, connectivit( consult the *ireless net*or) con,gurationguide 

• one o% the ,rst things to do# is to deactivate the $c s$ea)er -*h( is this activatedin the ,rst $lace4

si&$l( 'lac)list the )ernel &odule+ echo Mblacklist pcspkM ;/etc/modpobe.d/nobeep.conf 

• in the next ste$s *e *ill add a user# add hi& to the :heel grou$ -sudoers andinstall li&htdm as *ell as xfce 

des)to$ environ&ent

• at ,rst *e install all the $ac)ages *e need+

o de$ending on (our video card (ou can onl( install xf*-video-

1A3FA@7388# g.e. xf*-video-intel or the &eta $ac)age xo&-dives -this *ill also include the in$ut device drivers %ro& the next ste$

o also had to install xf*-input-s'naptics  to get &( touch$ad to *or)

o x%ce is availa'le in the &eta $ac)age xfce and a collection o% $anelextensions in the xfce-&oodies $ac)age -*hich reco&&end to install#'ecause it includes *his)er&enu a&ongst others

o 3ve chosen to install li&htdm as dis$la( &anager# *ith li&htdm-&tk-

&eete %or the login screen and xsceensave or li&ht-locke -the lastone *on3t *or) *5o a s&all &odi,cation o% xflocke to get a loc) screenin x%ce

o to s(nchronize (our cloc) *ith an ntp server (ou *ill need the sa&e6titled$ac)age

• in su&&ar(+ pacman -C xo&-dives xfce xfce-&oodies li&htdm li&hdm-&tk-&eete xsceensave ntp vim -ever('od( needs vi&# or e&acs i% (ou *ill

• no* *e have to activate so&e services on startu$+ s'stemctl enable li&htdmntpd 

(our user account

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• add a user+ useadd --ceate-home R>38A1 

• enter (our ne* $ass*ord+ pass:d R>38A1 

• add (oursel% to the :heel grou$+ usemod --append --&oups :heel R>38A1 

• to get sudo access *ith (our :heel user# run visudo and unco&&ent the%ollo*ing line+ U:heel A$!A" A -line 78 on &( &achine

• re'oot (our &achine a last ti&e and the login screen should a$$ear

9ave fun @ith -our pendrive Arch s-stemX

An"reas Lin. ] '%3

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