dennis nordstrøm · dennis nordstrøm portfolio here is a presentation of a few of the projects i...

Post on 09-Oct-2020






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Dennis Nordstrøm

PORTFOLIOHere is a presentation of a few of the projects I have been working on.

LIDT OM MIG SELVJeg bestod Cand.IT uddanneslen Juni 2006 med karakteren 9. Mit speciale omhandlede bruger-etnografier (Bruger-Observationer) og deres rolle indenfor design.

Jeg har tidligere været en engageret volleyball-træner, samt været aktiv som ungdomspolitisk formand. To stillinger der kræver organisations-evner samt indlevelsesevner.

Jeg er ambitiøs, tolerant, tålmodig, jeg har et åbent sind og et godt humør.

Jeg har undervisningserfaring, og er erfaren Macintosh bruger. Jeg har kendskab til Office-pakken, Adobe-pakken, iMovie og diverse internet-programmer.

Skulle dette have vakt interesse, hvilket jeg meget håber, står jeg meget gerne til rådighed for videre samtale

Mvh Dennis Nordstrøm

Et af seminarene jeg var med til at organisere


User-Centred Playground with optional GamesPRODUCT: This was a playground with a pirate theme, along with ideas for new games for the childrenPROJECT: The main idea behind the project was to come up with tools for the cognitive and physical development of children in the age: 3-10 years.We did preliminary studies of childrens' behaviour, interviewed the staff at a kindergarten, and had two rounds of iteration with the game. My role in the design team was the one of a process-facilitator. I also did the preliminary user-studies.

Mindprovoking User-Centred Game for CompaniesPRODUCT: A game where the emphasis is placed on the interaction between several groups. The game simulates the time that people can spend on different projects with different groups.PROJECT: We conducted interviews in a Swedish design company. Here we found that the biggest issue in the company was time organisation. With the games we wanted to help the designers keep focus, and make them reflect on getting better at organising their time. In the multi-dispiplinary team I did the idea-generation.

User-Centred Redesign of Thermostat for DanfossPRODUCT: Instead of buttons this redesign of the thermostat ECL 200 had icons of a clock and a thermometer.PROJECT: Improve the user-friendliness of a thermostat for end-users. By using the tangible interaction of the clock and the thermometer, we wanted to give users a better comprehension of time and heating. User-studies showed that this was the most complicated part of the previous design, which was improved with our redesign. My role was to do usability testing, and idea-generation.

Dennis Nordstrøm

LIDT OM MIG SELVJeg bestod Cand.IT uddanneslen Juni 2006 med karakteren 9. Mit speciale omhandlede bruger-etnografier (Bruger-Observationer) og deres rolle indenfor design.

Jeg har tidligere været en engageret volleyball-træner, samt været aktiv som ungdomspolitisk formand. To stillinger der kræver organisations-evner samt indlevelsesevner.

Jeg er ambitiøs, tolerant, tålmodig, jeg har et åbent sind og et godt humør.

Jeg har undervisningserfaring, og er erfaren Macintosh bruger. Jeg har kendskab til Office-pakken, Adobe-pakken, iMovie og diverse internet-programmer.

Skulle dette have vakt interesse, hvilket jeg meget håber, står jeg meget gerne til rådighed for videre samtale

Mvh Dennis Nordstrøm


Tangible Interactive Movie Projector for B&OPRODUCT: An interactive movie-projector, that would allow the user to go through movie-genres, and then deciding on a movie in the chosen genre.PROJECT: We were assigned by the company B&O, to do mindprovoking prototypes. The prototypes functioned through Tangible Interaction, and were very intuitive. The prototype was developed in a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, designers, and researchers. My role in the team was the mediator. I established a common ground in communication and idea-generation.

Tangible Interactive Remote Control for B&OPRODUCT: An interactive remote control in the shape of a pyramid. The user flips the pyramid around in order to choose a function. The pyramid gives feedback through lights and vibrations.PROJECT: In the minimalistic style of B&O we wanted to create a control system, that was explorative and fun to use. Yet it should be intuitive, hence the feedback of the pyramid. My role in the team was to concept-develop a system, that would be understood and used for a variety of functions: Play, pause, and volume up and down.

MP3 Player for enhanced User ExperiencePRODUCT: An MP3 Player, that had two handles with a string with a light between the handles. The user would swirl the light in order to choose a music-genre. The speed of the swirling decides the genre, and the light-colour gives visual feedback to the user.PROJECT: in a partnership with an engineer, I designed this MP3 player, that should enhance user-experience and make it exploratory and fun to play music. My role was to design a process, do user-studies, and to do the concept development of the product.

Dennis Nordstrøm

LIDT OM MIG SELVJeg bestod Cand.IT uddanneslen Juni 2006 med karakteren 9. Mit speciale omhandlede bruger-etnografier (Bruger-Observationer) og deres rolle indenfor design.

Jeg har tidligere været en engageret volleyball-træner, samt været aktiv som ungdomspolitisk formand. To stillinger der kræver organisations-evner samt indlevelsesevner.

Jeg er ambitiøs, tolerant, tålmodig, jeg har et åbent sind og et godt humør.

Jeg har undervisningserfaring, og er erfaren Macintosh bruger. Jeg har kendskab til Office-pakken, Adobe-pakken, iMovie og diverse internet-programmer.

Skulle dette have vakt interesse, hvilket jeg meget håber, står jeg meget gerne til rådighed for videre samtale

Mvh Dennis Nordstrøm


Usability Testing through Paper Prototype StudiesPRODUCT: A mobile-phone application for people with pollen allergy. The system can give advice on treatment of allergy and pollen-forecasts.PROJECT: In three workshops all around the country, I functioned as a Usability Consultant in order to test the user-friendliness of the application. I facilitated Paper Prototype Studies, where the users were asked to interact with a paper prototype. I analysed data from the tests, and worked on improvements in collaboration with the design team.

Participatory Design Session for InvisensePRODUCT: A mobile-phone application for people with pollen allergy. The system can give advice on treatment of allergy and pollen-forecasts.PROJECT: In order to improve the existing application and develop new features, a series of workshops were facilitated. The purpose of these workshops were to engage users in designing and giving their opinion of the design-proposals. I facilitated these "design-dialogues" between designers and users. After the workshops, I helpedanalyse data from the workshops.

Participatory Design Session for Invisense 2PRODUCT: A mobile-phone application for people with pollen allergy. The system can give advice on treatment of allergy and pollen-forecasts.PROJECT: In order to improve the existing application and develop new features, a series of workshops were facilitated. I facilitated exercises with the users, where they could choose between a variety of "Information Architecture" proposals. I then analysed the data from the workshops, and came up with a more user-friendly application, that at the same time looked nice.

Dennis Nordstrøm

LIDT OM MIG SELVJeg bestod Cand.IT uddanneslen Juni 2006 med karakteren 9. Mit speciale omhandlede bruger-etnografier (Bruger-Observationer) og deres rolle indenfor design.

Jeg har tidligere været en engageret volleyball-træner, samt været aktiv som ungdomspolitisk formand. To stillinger der kræver organisations-evner samt indlevelsesevner.

Jeg er ambitiøs, tolerant, tålmodig, jeg har et åbent sind og et godt humør.

Jeg har undervisningserfaring, og er erfaren Macintosh bruger. Jeg har kendskab til Office-pakken, Adobe-pakken, iMovie og diverse internet-programmer.

Skulle dette have vakt interesse, hvilket jeg meget håber, står jeg meget gerne til rådighed for videre samtale

Mvh Dennis Nordstrøm


Facilitation of "Kitchen of the Future" SeminarPRODUCT: A connected "System-kitchen", that is intelligent and can communicate between appliances and groceries through RFID-tags.PROJECT: At a seminar where designers and business-people from ARLA, GRAM, and EVA DENMARK were present, a series of exercises were facilitated in order to get ideas for "the Kitchen of the Future". My role was to organise and facilitate the seminar. This was done in collaboration with professor Jacob Buur, from the Mads Clausen Institute for Product Development.

User Studies and Ethnography on PharmaciesPRODUCT: For my research on "How ethnography informs design", the topic of ethnographic-studies fell on pharmacies. This was to elaborate previous work with patients with allergy.PROJECT: I did user-observations for a week at one pharmacy, and a two day follow-up studies on another pharmacy. The studies included: anthropological field-observations, interviews with pharmacists, role-play, process-documentation, customer interaction, and concluding theory of pharmacies.

Facilitation of User-Ethnography Design-WorkshopPRODUCT: A workshop where the participants all were design-students. They were asked to read the user-ethnography on pharmacies, and come up with concepts that fitted the various design-opportunities they would find.PROJECT: In order to test the impact of my Ethnographic studies, I held a design-workshop on the background of the user-ethnography. I, following, then analysed the data and used this analysis for my final arguments, which can be read in my Masters' Thesis.

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