dhammapada on beautiful coloured pewter ( in eng. & chi.)

Post on 26-May-2015






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10 verses from dhammapada 精选10句法句经 *PBHP stands for Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak, Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia.


10 Verses


DhammapadaOn Beautiful Coloured

Pewter Toolings


10 句

A selection of 40 verses from Dhammapada beautifully done on coloured pewter toolings .

These art pieces adorn the wall of PBHP in the library, classrooms and multimedia room.

10 pieces are shown in this presentation.

40. Having understood this body to be like a jar, having established this mind like a city, attack Mara with the weapon of wisdom, you

should protect the conquered territory and be without


40. 明了此身脆弱如瓶,他培育己心至固若城堡,再以智为武器向魔王奋战。过后他继续保护己心,毫不执着于胜利。 (注:不执着于胜利是指不执着于所获得的禅那,而继续修观直至证悟阿罗汉道智。) 

49. 如蜜蜂采花粉时,不损伤花朵,亦不损伤其色及香味,只取其蜜,而后飞走。 且让圣者同样(不损害到村民的信心及财富)地在村子里活动。 

Verse 49: As the bee collects nectar and flies away without damaging the flower or its colour or its scent, so also, let the bhikkhu dwell and act in

the village (without affecting the faith and

generosity or the wealth of the villagers).

Verse 53. As from a collection of flowers

many a garland can be made by an expert

florist, so also, much good can be done (with wealth, out of faith and

generosity) by one subject to birth and


53. 如花匠能用群花制造许多花饰,还需生死的人亦可(依于信心慷慨地善用其财富)做许多善事。 

Verses 58-59: As a sweet-smelling and beautiful lotus

flower may grow upon a heap of rubbish thrown on the

highway, so also, out of the rubbish heap of beings may

appear a disciple of the Buddha, who with his wisdom

shines forth far above the blind (ignorant) worldlings.

58-59. 如在大道旁的垃圾堆中,可能長著芳香的蓮花;在眾生雜堆中,亦可能出現佛弟子,其智慧的明亮,遠遠超越盲目的凡夫俗子。 

78,79. 人們不應親近惡友,亦不應親近卑劣之人。人們應親近善友,以及親近聖者。 飲法之人,以安寧之心愉快地活著;智者常樂於聖者所說之法。 

78, 79. One should not associate with evil friends; one should not associate with vile

people. Associate with virtuous friends; associate with noble

people. One who finds joy in the Dharma dwells happily, with a

bright mind. The wise man always delights in the Dharma

taught by the noble ones.

93. 他已解脫煩惱,不執著於飲食。他的目標是空與無相的解脫。他的行道無法追尋,


93. Whose taints are completely removed, who is not attached to food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes - his

course is difficult to find out - like the path of the

birds in the sky.

80. 治水者疏導水,矢師矯正箭,木匠修飾木,智者制伏自己。 

80. Irrigators lead water. Arrow-makers bend

arrow-shaft. Carpenters bend wood. Wise ones

master themselves.

69. 只要惡業還未成熟,愚者以為它是甜如蜜的;然而當惡業成熟時,愚者就得為它受苦。 

Verse 69. As long as the evil deed does not bear fruit, the fool thinks it is

sweet like honey; but when his evil deed does bear

fruit, the fool suffers for it.

139. 若人伤害无辜,他會因此被國王迫害,或被誣陷重罪,或失去親人,或財產破毀。

Whoever causes pain to the innocent ones

will be subject to oppression by the

king, or grave accusation, or loss of

relatives, or destruction of wealth.

136. 愚人造惡時不知其惡,然而他卻因自己的惡業而受苦,如同被火焚燒的人。 

Verse 136. A fool while doing evil deeds does not

know them as being evil; but that fool

suffers for his evil deeds like one who

is burnt by fire.

May You Be Well & Happy



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