dictionary of haematology

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23 Dictionary Of Haematology

Dictionary of Haematology

(English- Sindhi)

Professor Rashida Bhatti

Sindhi Language Authority

Hyderabad, Sindh

2010. A.D

24 Dictionary Of Haematology

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ع2010پ=�>�ن : :اپ�

5B/: 1000اد

,�C: 300/=روپ�ا

Dictionary of Haematology

By: Professor Rashida Bhatti

Edition: First, 2010

Quantity: 1000

Price: Rs. 300 /=

Composed by: M. Ramzan

Title: Asadullah Bhutto

Published by: Taj Joyo, Secretary, Sindhi Language Authority,

National Highway, Hyderabad, Sindh, 71000, Pakistan.

Tel: 022-9240050-53

Fax: 022-9240051

E-mail: sindhila@yahoo.com

Website: www.sindhila.org

Printed by Pakeeza Printers, Hyderabad.

Catalogue Reference Rashida Bhatti Professor

Dictionary of Haematology

English & Sindhi Language

Sindhi Language Authority

ISBN 978-969-9098-51-2

25 Dictionary Of Haematology

#ان :پائ�، ، )�5رآباد، #��Mس پا��Lه پ��2س )�5رآباد، /اج ��>�، ���G>�2ي ���ي �ئ�گئ�� ا�ار��،+�� �-,

� ،P�8وي، )�5رآباد، ��� #اناداري �� آ Qا+ R�Mي �ئ� پ�ر.

26 Dictionary Of Haematology

پاران �ا��

�� � ک� و� � و� آ�� گ����، ����� �ا ��� ب' ,ا+�' *(!)ي آ�� �' #!&ي$ � #ائ!�� �

�56و را.� ا�� آ�� �' #!&ي ��+�$ ک� �ا��4ار ب!ائ� 23 و� � و� #ائ!�� 01 �ا . را.ا #ا ��ن ا.!)ا آ�

� �' ائ( �4? #ان �اگ�د 7ک( #ائ!�� ا=>;: ک� #��8 ب��9 �9(8ا 7ئ� )� ، � �4ائ894اب ���

�ن �� اردو ا���$ :�ال #ان 9F)ره �� � زبان وارن �� Cال �7� و.!. #گ�!)ا� G ع�I�)و آ��، �(�6 ��

�ر#�M :()رآباد دک �� اردو$ J.�K� L.;� 23 �� 4ا (اب�$ ک� . � 94اب آ�( *ا)��ا�(' .C1 �4 وري

�� 7#� #گ��8 * L6� �� $�M#ر�)�� و�O وNا�� اردو .� L�0�� �� �!� ، �ر پP) 4!(ا آ�Q الC .

�ان ��ان 94اب �ئ� �Qف وري اب59 را.� رک!)R ا�� .�# �� چ�? آ�� �' #ائ!�� 01 بابO روزا�� �

(ا�گ�.Vي$ )+�� )� G ( � *ا Zپ8، � 4با؟ �' ا.�9ا ادارا آ� ، �' N!] آ� آ^� #!&ي$ � 4(�9ا 94اب ���

4 G �' ئ� وري ا�5ا ا�� ا��� آ� ، �(�6 ا�� ���ا.

�د آ� G 4(�9ي ان 7س � !�!�8 را2 ا�ا آ�� �' #ائ!�� 01�� �ا ب(`V� Jار. 94اب

�رن وارا 94اب a� ن��رن �� �ا2 �� �a� G .�b� � پ�ا� 9(�8� �� �ئ( �c)FK *� ر�� آ��، �!�

��84����، پ� ا�� ک� ��Rي �اگ�دن ک� ا�� 94اب # 6 ?�4 ���� �� �!d# Zپ8 *ا، ا��

�ن�I 23ور �4 )دگار ذر.eا �(ا �4ي 7ئ� #گ)* �ن و7و �4دار ادا �4ي #گ�.�!`4g � 8 *ا، �� .

� �� h4 �4ي #گ��8 *)� G د آ������ ا�5ي �J #ائ!4g JiM`!�ي jا � . #!&ي$

� آ��، k� �� 4`!�ي او�انg Oب� بابe� J� �� د�(ا آ��، ان l)#و J� m!ائ# L6.[)

Nپ�و �ر#VN �� $�M.اe� ��3ب� �� چ(ئ�پ�#)��ام گ�O!K �n #ان �(ار �(6ا #!& .� $�Mp ر�()ه ��)

�� �اگ�دن �I 23ور p3ائq �9ابO *(!)ي. 4ئ� آ����� L)ا#ان ک� ا () آ�� �' ا�ا 3,اپ.

()ه :�(�N �M4اg چ(ئ�پ�#

14 ،L.ع2010اپ�

27 Dictionary Of Haematology


I kept wondering why Madam Rashida Bhatti got down to translating

Haematology terms from ENGLISH MEDICAL DICTIONARY (Dorland’s

Illustrated Twenty-Sixth Edition) & CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY THEORY AND

PROCEDURES (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Third Edition) in Sindhi. I realize

fully well that love is such a passion, desire or tender feeling full of yearning,

which is so over powering a motivation, that it can drive the lover to any limit to

achieve the object of her love, no matter what obstacle or sacrifice she is

required to face or render. Mother’s love for her child, the desire, of the moth for

the star or for the light, though coming from burning candle, are best examples,

driving them to even give their life in order to achieve their object. No sacrifice is

too great and no power of reason as strong, to stop them to strive for achieving

their object. Love for mother-tongue likewise and for motherland is equally strong

a passion.

It certainly is Rashida’s love for her mother-tongue to accomplish a difficult task

of compiling a dictionary of haematology – study of science of blood –in sindhi.

Scholars and experts in the field of Linguistics are of considered view that people

understand more easily, concepts transmitted to them in their own language,

whether orally or in writing. On the one hand there is so much scientific

knowledge easily available in English which all doctors, practitioners and

teachers read and understand; while on the other hand much erudition in Sindhi

is required on the part of the readers in scientific field before they start referring

to dictionary of Haematology in Sindhi.

The effort is already underway of translating and writing science books in Sindhi

and it would take long before that state is reached but she believes in a Chinese

axiom that “journey of ten thousand miles begins with the first step” and this effort

28 Dictionary Of Haematology

of hers is the first step. It is a laudable labour of love for one’s mother-tongue and

will be equally remembered by posterity and her peers alike.

There is noting trivial in Sciences, Social or Natural. Take for instance the particle,

quark or quanta in physics, - so enigmatic or so vast and profound – touching the

theories of creation of the Universe and therefore the matter contained in its

various states; likewise the origin and evolution of primitive form of life to human

society. Haematology is no longer a small branch of Physiology and Medical

sciences. It will certainly require lot of effort in translating or writing original

medial books in Sindhi to create an environment of large scale acceptability for

common usage in Sindhi Language by Professionals in the vast and expanding

field of medical practice and theory. There is so much flowing of research in

English language in different fields of applied and theoretical sciences that such

laudable efforts as that of Madam Rashida Bhatti will be having value of great

academic and linguistic significance from a language and linguistic point of view,

to lovers of Sindhi language with a focus on enrichment of Sindhi Language

perse detached from its applied value. We lovers of language and lovers of

mother-tongue value highly such selfless efforts without which real scholarship

would not have surfaced and the concept of pure research on the frontiers of

knowledge would not be there. Well done Madam Rashida Bhatti.

Mazharul Haq Siddiqui s.i


University of Sindh,


29 Dictionary Of Haematology

�84' و.چار

#ان ا3 ال ��+� آ��bi+ (.(� G h.(� �+�� ادارو �!� �� . #!&ي �� $�+��n�+ m� #!&ي � LF9! � !�8ان ک�n، #!&ي$ )+�� z09{ �� ک� د�(ا N�Qان ا�ا 4��P *� ر�� آ�� �' #ائ!�� 01

� و|�)4.

$�}# cا��ن �� را2 >اب �� $�+�� G رن�د�(ا � ا�ا �OF)F: L)~ J آ�� �' �� ا��� }z09 دا�` ��8� آ#ا��$ #ان �&ل G پL)�5 ,ا+�(�ن، # $�+�� �' �� . G .اد رک� #گ�� *� پ!�!�8 �)* �ان �� >0ب ا�

��ر e�3 �8!�!پ �� � اب9)ائ� �h)0e 7.اري و|� �' �(ئ $�+�ا��ان �� ا�� ب!(ادي :c آ�� �' ک(m پ!�!$�8 �

�� و.�)+�� J.ل �� اچ� ر#� �' و�V! �� ر�e� ��� 2�L ادري ��+�$ ک� آ#ا��$ #ان #��8 #گ�� G پ .آ#ا��$ #ان د#�9س :ا=L �4ي #گ��

ا�� �J ا��9ائ� ا�G h و�9ائ9� �)م آ�� �چ . # �Nن 4ا��ن ک� ��� ان بابO آگا�� ��7 وئ� �'

ن پ!�!�8 #ب8(�6 �(ا��L6)!6)� �� ��3 �� (!ا��3$ و.چار بe) ان ,ا+�' �� :ا � �pي، �' ا) � �4ي آ�(ان) ا=>;:� 4g`!�ي$ �� ^اص . ک� ا�گ�.Vي 94اب !�8ان ک�n آ#ان #!&ي$ !�8' ���

� ا�گ�.Vي$ !�8ان �' =�ف �ب� ��$ آ�� �' �^”�i+ “، “ اچار” پ� گ�وگ� #!&ي$ � +ک(ا و.ا آ�)pronunciations (ب ان #ان ا#ان �� �اگ�دن ^اص �4ي �(�6 #!&ي (].h ان پ��5 اچ *ا G . ' �7ا و.ا آ�

4g`!�ي �� پ��5 #ان ک(� ، �ن �� Iاب>� �kا رک� #گ�=�ف ا�گ�.Vي ��+�$ �� �ارت �' رک� #بب �

ام گ��n )د 0!)ي� .! � �ن ک� ا () آ�� �' �(��6 �اگ�دن، ا#9ادن G 1ام ا�� L=�8ان �84' �3 :ا G پ!�!8ا را.ا h)0e� ا�� ��6)� � �0�0# � ،�0� پ�ر�(� =اب پ(� ��� ��8!)س �' !�!8# '� �)4

�1L �4ي � 4g`!�ي$ ک� و�.p3 Jائ9� 4ب �� � ا�� �را 7.!)ا �' ا.!)R ا.].`` .

+�O ک� 4پ�ز �9K R(!4م ا () O��) �01 �� ب� ا��9ا *�رائ�9 � L6` � آ�(ان �!�� !�!�p �8پ�ر )د 4ئ� ?�4 L .h4 ک� 6

� آ��، پ� پ�2 ب' اهللا �eا+� �ا +ک ا:�ان �' ا� 6L �4ي �+ O�و �nام گ�� � h4 � J)��9)�

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�Mp ر�()ه V� ��)Nپ�و

ا�چارج چ(ئ�پ�#� VN.اe� ��3ب

26 ،L.ع2010اپ� #!&-�ا `�رو

30 Dictionary Of Haematology

�ر#�M �ام ��رو)��. &!#

�' اک�

�)* �� �!h #!& �� �ار.}� Fq Gا�9N ��� رو�5ي$ � $�Mp ر�()ه �M4اg ��)Nپ�و . ���i# �)0e�����1968 �' (�Mכ . آ¡از پ� � ��� کان *()!� گ�+m ا6#�ل رو�5ي ��.G z ا��M گ�ر�(!� ع � گ�ر�

�M#ر�)��. &!# �F1;ئ �)0e� واري �ائ� �� &!# �# m.ا h.ا G 4ا+(¥ #ک� ان پاس 4ئ� m+گ�

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آ��، �(6ا ��Q Jف �' ر,� �اگ�دن ک� پ�5ائ� � د+چ�پ� و�Á *�، پ� �ئ� �Qف ��F)FK 7س � ب' #!)س

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� �' =�ف ��O4 4ئ� ا*m پ� ب( ا3��ا � e(ار �ا Fا3 پ� (!ارن G ور4`اپ)# ، ���iا � 4ا��ا3�m*4(ا ا P)پ.

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-آ ( . ذ�!� پ�ر�(� پR(!�5ن ا,(ان اچ�

31 Dictionary Of Haematology

�8)��� �.�!��M4اg �ر#�M، �ام ��ورو)��. &!#

32 Dictionary Of Haematology


� ������ن � �

Important و�ي��

Very important م ���� ��و�ي���

Decreased ���

Increased � !و

Normal א"ن�$�

: Male female ratio %&�'� ��د (��ت

1 Primary ي، +'��دي�� .�א-

2 Secondary �1'�0ي، /���ي&

2,3 DPC 2,3 diphosphoglycerate � 6א&�4 5� ���2-3

2- CDA 2- Chlorodeoxyadenosine 7&�' 0 9;��و 6 ي :829 א

Ab Antibody א '>8 +�6ي=

ACD Acid-citrate-dextrose "6 21>�و �=א-02&>�

ACL Anti cardio lapin antibody א '>8 6��9 �?-<7 א '>8 +�6ي

ADP Adenosine 5- diphosphate � א �4 5:6 ��-�4 7&�' 0&�

Ag Antigen 7@�<' א=

AIDS Acquired Immuno deficiency 82'��� 6�'��6 א��A9א=

33 Dictionary Of Haematology

syndrome �0وم'&

AIHA Auto Immune Haemolytic Anaemia �����?-�>� א '��B ن���א�C:=

ALL Acute lymphoblastic, leukaemia

�<&3+ ��D E��9א


AML Acute myeloid leukaemia ����9��D 0-3�� E��9א


FD دي��'+ GH'�I ل��K$&א L M'-�& N1 0�� 8O3C���B3حQRא �

Blast- germ cell �&3+N�& م�O وG��� ST ،N�& א�H�UV L N� .�Hא-�8 (

Blasto-cyst +�&�<&3 �C�W ،دو�. ،X�� ،YZ

Blasto-phage +[�4�<&3 � وא�ي [ '\�Gي$��� Tي، وא^

Blasto-phore ��4 �<&3+ אخ��& �O 8א�H�`W ،a��Z ،7�'� �O 8א�H�`W

Chromo- color ��7 �9و�Cو�. GH' ] b��،b��

Crena-wrinkled �' �9 � 7 �B�W 8O N�&،c %���� L Nd و�و8+ ،^9

� �B�W c �ن

Cryo-extreme cold � �9 وeI ���� م���

di-two 56א Wf

Dys-difficult-pain ful 6س ،GH' ] ��;1� ،��;1�) L 8;+�i� 8O א"ن�$�

) ��jS9 �$�א"ن

Eosin -orange-red 7&� א= b�� N-�� �BG�Z ،8l����

34 Dictionary Of Haematology

Erythro-red و�m و א�nO �BG�Z د�O�� L و، �تnO �BG�Z ،�BG�Z

Gen-precursor producer 7O= GH'�-א وא� و!אH�. ،אد�� GH'9 אH�. دي، +'��د��'+

Granulo-granular �D��' �� אد��8 دא� oدא)�Hא� N�&(

Haema-haemato- blood ���B ت�

Hyper-increased �. 5�B خ، وא!و�& ،N !و

Hypo-decreased �. 5�B N�<�� ،ح�p N�<�� ،���

Intra-within א�>�א= @'� N�& ��q ل�r� ،c@'��Hא� N�& ،c

Iso-equal �2-: �+1@�^و، +�אB ،��Z�&

Leuk-white כ��D وnO H�& �O ت� ،b�� �tא ،�tא ،H�&

Macro-large �1و��و[و، )L پ��ن و[و (�م�d (

Megalo-extremely large �D�l�� ،م ����و[و��� ) 8O�L 8;+�i(�م(�d HVن و[و،

Micro-small وv'� ،وv'�)م�)L 8;+�i� 8O (

Mono-one-single ���� �;�9א ،�B

Morpho-appearance �4��� c�wp �B�x N1p ،

Multi-many 8<;� 8-8، �$�9א-����

Neo-new ��� ن�A�

Neutro- neutral و�C��� N�)��j ،�/8 א+ ،N�) 8+

Ortho- vertical straight �I�: دي�� &eو، א�A'& ،�yن، (

Pan 7A. Y& ،�z&

Para- next to א�A. 5�. ن�d 7�W

Path- disease {�. ي��� وא�ي �9�|+����ي، +�

Peri- around ي�A. c� N�] א�ي، {�!א�ي!�}) N�&ه��j8وd

35 Dictionary Of Haematology

)�B�W 7 .�&8 [א��7

Phago- to eat �lA4 ��9 S�B ،a-�d

Poikilo- irregular �;1-�. 8m� ��B ،א���B�� ،%���� 8+

Poly- many 8D�. ���� ،8-�$�9א

Post- after � .��d 5ن .�&

Pre- before ن، .�� �-�7 .�ي��Z8، אAZא� ، א ،L א�

Pro- before א� .�و

Pykno- dense �'1-�. دو��א� H2�D�C��� �H8 א�O N�&

Reticulo-netlike �D��1�< � |oא� אH ��T ،א�H ��T

Rubri- red و+�ي� �D�� �O يnO 8BG�Z 8O ت�

Sidero- iron ي &�-��0وG�����O=)N�& (�� �Hא� א�Hi� �O ��D د�O

Sphero- round و���א&= ��ل، ��?-8 وא�و

Thrombo- clot �w�و�I 7 �B�W 8� S2O ،a�� د� �O ت� ،�w�و�I

m� ي^�}��. 8�� �O 5 د��>��d aBن �ت و�

Trans- across Mא��C ��9��. ،��9א ،��. ��.



��ل �q? � 8���� N�I'8 אG��Z �ن� .��G �نK$&א L |�D 7�

36 Dictionary Of Haematology



8wq א3QRح � D��O aن אG��Z �ن


FDيG��Z8 אO English Meaning

8'K� �;lא�� Sindhi Meaning

8'K� يe'&�


��rل Sindhi Meaning

8'K� يe'&�

a- an no, not,


�f� ،���+ ، fد�O�� ،

��j، א�

asexual 82'O��j

ab Away, from ي�. abaxial دو� ����

acantho spiny א�H 0'9 acanthocyte د 9'0א-�ن�O�� L ت�


aniso unequal �;$��א�، �B��

N1p NRא ،N1p

،�;$��Rت �dن �

+ ��j !و ��א+�، ��

��j ��2وي

anisocytosis 8O يnO 8BG�Z 8O ت�

��� ��� L N1p 7 �B�W

.א{8A;� SB ��j ،a &�"ي

ante before ،L ن، א���Zא


antenatal L ن א��d a�T

anti against �3� ،�D�� antibiotic �D�� 8���V ،ت��VH�

allo other Wf��W ، allotropic Wf8.و�

amphi both Wf ،8AW amphibian 8&وא NI NO

an without א� ،��j anaerobic א +�ش�B ��j

ana up (again) ���W،8m� anabolism N�) G�O ���

ante before ،ن��Zن א�، א����& ante chamber ���� ن��Zא

an thropo man א��2ن ،��o�� anthropology S;) א��2ن

37 Dictionary Of Haematology

audio hear &�eW ،ع�� audio meter ����ع .�&

auto self ،אدو��o�. ،��. �@'�'.

�mBאدو، .��، ��د

automatic ��9 د��

bar (baro) weight ��� �Bא دא� .��� barometer دא�، و"ن،

baso basic دي��'+ basophil يnO H�& د�O�� L ت� S2� �O

bi two (double) Wf biennial Wf �D�&

bili bile |+�q� pancreatic


�8�.� |+�q� 8O

bio life 8�H�"،ت��V biosphere ت دא-�و��V

blast germ cell ،א�H�9��! ،وG��O ��GH'C، ��^ي

blastocyte �.�-אH8 א�H�UV L N�) GH'C�� ،وG��� ST ،��;�

��;� ST ،��;�

calori heat א�ت�V ،8��� calorimeter �� �Vא�ت .�



color ،b�� GH' ] b��7�Cو�.

chromatography ي��l� b��

crena wrinkled,


8O 8A;� 8BG�Z�L c و� 7 �B�W

%����و8+ ،^9 c�، �B�W �ن

�l'9א، [�Hא، .��'�lو .��

crenation: (The

formation of


notching in the

edge of an


the notched

appearance of

an erythrocyte

caused by its

+ 7B�O f 8d 8A;� �B L 7p�;& ���C�>-

� 8B: وH' و!و وf 8O ت� 7 �B�W 8O يnO 8BG�Z

� ،Nd a}و� و9^ א L c N;� L S9 8O �9ي، אن

8B: وH' 8 و@A. .��. دא�ي، [�H دא�ي، ��'��lو

N1p وא�ي .

38 Dictionary Of Haematology

shrinkage after

suspension in a



cyto cell ،��;� ،���� �;�ي �;��-8،

cytology يG��� ��O ،ت��;� S;)

S;) �O

deca ten ،�9�B] ،�o�B] ،�]

]�K4د �

decagon ]9'0و �

dextro right �T�& dextral و �خe& ،�T�& ،� ^T�&

di two, twice WfW ،�<W ،fא��y dicotyleden WfW ،�K4د f ��� )N�(

dia diagnosis �o��&���� ، determination

of the nature

of a disorder

or disease

���ي� �Q4 8Oت +�+| �+ ،��. ،��9 NR�V ��T

�o��& ،��O.

dys Painful-


،GH'9 אH�. N1��GH' ] ��;1�

dysfunction ،��t S9 ،و�يn�9N�) �i� ،8�K�.

eco house כ�I ،��� ،ل�V�� ecology ل�V�� S;)

ecto out side ،�B�W ،8و���+

�B�W �ن، ���mن

ectoderm Nd 7 �B�W

endo inside ،c@'�،�Hא�

، א��Hو�8א��H �ن

endoderm H;O 8و��Hא� ،Nd 7 �Hא�

eo dawn �. ،N-אوא��+ ،� eozioc 8א���V S H� ،אن��V 8;-אوא

eosine orange-red ،GH'�l�� ،GH' ] b�� b�� ي��y ،ل�;��

�O ��&)و��W(

eosinophil �O يnO H�& 8O ت�


39 Dictionary Of Haematology

erythro red �BG�Z erythron ت �;��، &�خ� �BG�Z

��ن �;��

epi upon ،ن�m� ،ن��m� ،8m�

�B�W �ن

epicarp ،Nd ي��� ،Nd 7�m� ���ي �B�W �O �ن .�دو

gel jelly like �^�}�O 8;�O ، ،و^8 ��� ��دو، ;�O،N�O

�D  Dא�Hدو��

gelatinous �D�B^�}

gen producer כ��� GH'9 אH�. pathogen GH'9 אH�. ¡��

granulo granular 8o8 دא�، دאoدא� دא�، دא �O^و، دא8o وא�و

granular cells ��;� א�H�oدא)&���;� H(

gynae female ¢ ، (��ت���دي ، �� gynaecologist ي����+ 8O 7���)� 8O 8O 7 ����+ 8���" ،�B��

�B�� 8O ل�V�� 8���" ،�B�� hema hemato 8��� ،ت وא�و� blood ت�

hemi half S�� ،!א،�U� hemisphere �UV !א! دא-�و ، א



blood ت، ��ن� haemorrhage ��B ت�

hepta seven |& heptagon 9'0و |&

Hetero different ، Dא  Dא� !א�، א!��j ،�;$�

hetrozygous 0و� ،N2� G]�� ،8;2� a��

hexa six tc hexa pod t����O و��. c

homo same ،��+�B ،��Z�& ،SB1B@�^و א��2ن،

M'O، א��2ن

homo- sapiens 8�د: ،��o��

hypo below �Hא� ،c@'�،� "،��B hypo tension م�)+ � ;�d �� �.0ن ��

hyper beyond 8، " �د�m� hypertension ن�d +;0 .� ��(�م �و!

im non ��j ،א� immature ،N�&� 9`�، א� ،N1. א�

40 Dictionary Of Haematology

��+�D£، ��م

infra below �1�O ،���،��B،� " infra red ،ع�Kp� "�1;� �BG�Z

inter between �Hو�، و{�ن، א� Inter cellular نG���L 8 و�O

intra within 8و��Hא� ،�Hא�،c@'� intra cellular אن�Hن א�G��� ،'@��ن�8 A;�

iso equal 1@�^وB ،�+א�+ ،SB isobody S2O ��Z�& ،S2O 1@�^وB

leuk white �tא leukocyte אnO �tא �O ت�

kilo one thousand א�nB �B kilogram א� ��אمnB

kin motion �.�} ،|9�V kinetics |9�V S;)

macro large و[و macro scope 7�+و[ي دو�

mal bad ���� ،אب�� mal nutrition ���� ،ي ���אכ��>oא j¥א، �d F�;j!و

mega great 8�� ،SB8،אB�p،و[و mega colon و[و :�0و

megalo Extremely large ن و[و�d HV megaloblast )8O 8A;� (!ي وאn9�� و[ي

meso middle ،و{�ن، و� ،�D�}و


mesoderm و{�ن ،c�و{�Nd 7، و{�ن c� �O Nd ،�UV و{�ن

meta change ���� ،8، ���و; Hw� meta

morphosis 8; Hw� �وپ

micro small وv'� ��j ،د��� ،

�وא8O ¦�و

microscope 7�+د���

mono Single,one 89و، א^t،�;�9א،�B Mono-cyte � �B��;� يn9�� �B،��;

morpho Shape


����، 6ول� ،N1p morphology ،وپ� S;) ،� 6ول ود 7 �B�W ،S;) �O وت�'+

S;) �O ���+

mult(multi) many ،��`�9א،���� Multi-cellular ،���� a�� ،وG��� a�� ��H��O ��;� aא�

41 Dictionary Of Haematology

7��2� 7��2�

nem thread و�وH��� nematoid � و�يH��� ��

neo new H HO ،و"����Aن ، N� �N1p 7�A و�

neo natal ��W ول�T ن�A�

neuro nerve |'�8+�U)8$، א'� ، neuron ��;� 8+�U)و، אG��� 8$'�

neutro neutral 8 :"אد+ ،N�) 8+ ، א/�، + ،��+ 8�H$Kل

neutrophil �B �O نnO 7t8 אO ت�H'2. 8; HK� ،S2�

oligo few � ،و��I ،E�d ،��


oligaemia 8O 8، �ت�9 8O ن��


ortho normal ،وe& ،�yن ، א�A'&

��دي )

orthogon 0'9 دي�� ��-e& ،Sو، (

para next to ن�&�y ،�+א�+ ،�� ،

 D ��D

parameter �� �Hiא� .�

path disease ،ي������ي وא�ي +��+¡�� ،|��9

pathology �O 7 ����+ ،8O?�m�.S;)

per through ��. ،��. �: ،84 permeable ،� ¥. ¦�� ،�Z�O a�I ��.GH'9 ب¥O،GH'�}

peri around ،د، {���د�� c� N�] א�ي!�}

) 7A�O8d N�& ( �B�W 7 .�&8 [א��7

perimeter �� ��د .�

phage to eat ،a-�d ،GH'9 S�B

GH'9 س��

phagocyte ��� ��;� ،��� د���

poikilo irregular ،8m� ��B ،א���B��

%���� 8+

poikilocyte وnO %���� 8+ �BG�Z �O ت�

42 Dictionary Of Haematology



sound ،"ت، :وא�R �4ن phonography "وא: S;) ،ي��l�"وא:

phot (photo) light ،M1) ،8'pو�

��ب ،�+��

photo-graph ،�C�4 821) ،� �U�

� �U�

pneum lung ، §� a�d ��& ،א، دم�B pneumatic �& ،8-א�B ،א-�ن^§� �


poly many ،8-�$�9א،���� ،��@�O "אH8 א�+

poly-clinic ���� �p ،8��� a��

post after ن، .� �ن��¨. post-abdomen G! ن� �.

pre before 8AZא�، א ، L א� ، א��Zن، .�� �-�7

pre-natal Nw� ،ن .�� �ن�d �-אH�. .�Hא-�، א�ZאH�. Eא-�

prima first א-8، .�� �نH$+א primary 8� =א+$Hא-�p 8و(�

Pro before ��. ،v'� ،א� ،L א� prognosis 8-�l'��. ،8m9 א�

Proto first 8-אH$+ن א� ��. protozoa אن��V ن� ��.

pseudo false 8;i� ،وG�9 pseudo-poda نG�9 ،����O ��. يG�9 .��ن وא�و

pyro fire n��،�>���، �Vא�ت .���، �V pyro-meterא�ت&��، �. ��: ��پ��8�

pykno dense �H8 א�A;� ،�'1-�. ����C ��دو

pykno-meter �C��� �H8 א�O 8A;� |4�r9 ،دو��א� H2�D

���. 8-�C��� ،���. reticulo netlike א�H ��T ،א�H ��T

�� א��T ،|oي �reticulocyte ��-�& �D��1�< � ي��T ،


reubri red 8BG�Z 8O ت�

nO �D�� �O ي

reubricyte polychromatophilic normoblast

� �و+�ي &�-�

sidero iron �Hي א�G�����O siderocyte(an

erythorcyte �Hي א�G��� ��O 8BG�Z

43 Dictionary Of Haematology

�D د�O�� �)ن�-:( containing non



���;�+7 :-�ن�B د ��ن�O��.

sphero round ل، ��?-8 وא�و�� spherocyte (a small globular, completely haemoglobinated erythrocyte without the usual central pallor, found characteristically in hereditary spherocytosis butalso observed in acquired haemolytic anaemia)

8BG�Z د�O�� �Hت א��G��� ��O ،S2� �Oي

L |D�V ي وא�ي����+.

thrombo clot �O ت� ،�w�و�I 8� S2O ،a�� د� Nd 7 �B�W��mن 5�>��d aBت و�

��. 8�� �O د�




S2� �O 8A;� د�O�� �Hت א��

ultra excessive م��� ،8-����

�����، " �د

ultra sonic "وא"ي، " �د� :وא: a��


uni one HVא�9;�، وא ،�B uni cellular وG��� �B ،��;� �B

un not ،���+ ،8+ ،��j ،א�


unequall و!، א� � ���j+�א+�، ��


vita life 8�H�" ،8���V vitamin 7����V7���� ،

vitri glass ���9 ،���p vitreous ن�-���p

xero dry ،��� ،N1&

a�I ���

xerophytes � �C�W ��

zoo animal ����O zoology א��ت��V S;)

44 Dictionary Of Haematology

45 Dictionary Of Haematology

iiiiiiii.... Suffixes Suffixes Suffixes Suffixes ن� G�� 8wq א3QRح � D��O 7ن .Prefixes

D8O F א��Zن ��V GH'�I ل��K$&א

English Meaning � �K'8א�n �lي


Meaning 8'K� يe'&�

Example ��rل

Sindhi Meaning

8'K� يe'&�

al about ? ،|+�+ ،©;K$��Z chemical ��9�|+�+ �

algia painful, pain

along a nerve ،��& GH' ] ��;1�

��& �O M�

hemi plagia ،ي د�د��) �U�b�� !א S��.

ase an enzyme ���� ،S-אn' א= amylase 8$&��� ،n�;-��=א ���nא-�ن

cyte cell وG��� ،��;� ،���� erythrocyte ��;� �BG�Z �O ت�

crit to separate אHO ،GH'9  DאGH'9

haematocrit E�9�C���B

ectomy incision and


8<9 ،a ] ��}אD  ��9، !א� 8A ] ��} ،��9

a<. ونG�.

splenectomy ي��S2O �'@��ن )spleen ( يv9

8Vא�O ي��� ،��t

emia blood ت، ��ن� anaemia 8O ت�E�d وא�ي ���ي�+

form shape وپ� ،N1p ،6ول baciform N1p��W

gen producer GH'9 אH�.)כ���( pathogen GH'9 אH�. ¡��

gram drawn (written) N�;d ،|�D diagram ت��R ،N1p

graph recoder ،��l� GH'9 אج�Hא� seismograph ��l� 8DnD"

graphy recoded ،ي��l�3دא� photogrphy ي��l� � �U�

ics study of �KD�Q� ،س��yא،S;) arithmetics �2بV S;)

ism principle �$� ،ل�Rא ،N�) catabolism N�) ^�� «y

46 Dictionary Of Haematology

ist specialist دאن ،�o�T �B�� scientist אنH2'-�&

itis inflammation �I�I ،¬�& ،ش"�& tonsilitis az& NZ

logist specialist in �o�T ، �B�� haemologist ;) �B�� ت� S

logy The study of � ود ،S;)، ��T haematology ،س��yא ،�KD�Q�n-�Oو، �14، א��yس ،a&] 8}�O ،��9

�r� 9'�7 ل ��qaو و�n-�O �O S;).

lysis loosing (setting

free), to breakup

8p�. H�t hydrolysis !א!وא ،H�t 8+: �B ، a�y ،��9 L 7UV � !ن و�d

�B-@8 و­aو�oma a tumor v'Z ، �BG�Z brain tumor غ��دBG�Z L 8 אH�.

a�I mer part �¯�y ،�UV polymer �UV a��

meter measure ش���. ،a.�� micrometer �� ���د .�

metery measurement پ���-���. ، geometery 8-�� א�¡ .�

nics study of ،س��yא ،N� (;S +����ت electronics ود � (

nomy knowledge ت���;K� ،S;) agronomy ;) 8)�"S oid resembling ،c+��� �lو، وא� �O anthropoid و^�O א��2ن

ose like وא�و ،�lن وא���O sucrose ،�l0 وא�'d ،��¨�0'd ي���

ous like �lو، وא�و، وא� �O aqueous 8 وא�وo�.

parous produce a�T ،aB? ، �G�� oviparous ?���+aB

pathy disease ¡، �و���ي، ����+ hydropathy ¡�� 8+:

phage eat a-�d ،��� ،�-�d baeteriophage ��� يG��O

phagy act of eating ي��� bacteriophagy Oي ���يG��

47 Dictionary Of Haematology

phase stage �w�� ،�;V�� ،�Oد� photophase �;V�� 8'pو�

Penia a severe decrease a8 و­@<�� Neutropenia 8��� אnO �tא �O ت� a8 و­@<�� L "אHא�

phil loving, love of ��@'& ،H'2. hydrophil ،GH'�B�} 8d 7�'9 ،GH'�B�} �O 7�'9 7�'9 ،�8p 7�'9 GH'�B�} �O |D�V 8d �8o�. ��q ل�r�

�C�W א�H��O GH'�B�}. Phily act of loving 8Z�@'& يH'2. anemophily 8-א�B ،يH'2. א�B D

plasia growth ��2�;. body growth @ وא!، و!�، وא! و c poiesis cell growth N�&!8 وאO ،

�;8O 8A وא!

haematopoiesis يG��� ��O 8BG�Z�I !8 وאO ��O ،a

���Gي �O و!� a�I، و @�H�. ،aא

N� .�Hא a�I وא�و (rhage rhagia, to flow وא�8 &�ن�،��@ �


haemorrhagia ت� ��q ل�r� ،aBو ،aBت و� ،aBو �O

rhea discharge, to flow aB6&`��ج (و

a�I ( 8$2B:

aB2$8 وB:

leukorrhea ،aB2$8 وB: 8$2B: ،aB89 �89 و����ج a�I، و�8 و�8 &�ن א��אج، �O °��o�. 8tאو�8 و�8 &�ن

a�I ج��� scopy to visually,


a}�O 7 &�ن�dא، �B�x 7 �B�Wي، {�1س

microscopy a}�O د+�7 &�ن���

48 Dictionary Of Haematology

tomy to cut �±و ، a<9 spleenectomy �v9 �O ي��

uria urine ب���. haematuria a}א L ب���. �O ت�

phobe fear אس، 6پ�V ،��� hydrophobic �y ن�d 8o�. ،�8 6پo�.

phobia Fear, disease ��� ،¡�� 6پ وא�ي +����ي

hydrophobia ��� ن�d �8o�. وא�ي +����ي

phore bearer دא��+ GH'�d chromatophore دא��+ b��

plasm growth material دو��ت ��V protoplasm ت��V ،دو�� ��O ��دو، ��Vت �� �

plast granule س�� ،� �� ،�oدא chromoplast b�� ،�oدא b��

� ��

ry study of س��yא ،S;) ،� ود chemistry ����9 S;)

saccharide sugar �1p ،�� � ،0'd monosaccharide ���� ،0'dوnO �B &��1א-�0

scope examine 7d�. ،$��ن�א ،

7�+ ،�-��":

microscope 7�+د���

scopy examining ،GH'�d�.8'�+، GH'�-��":

telescopy 8'�+دو�

sis Preparation ي �و�، &�"ي���� photosynthesis %�9�� 8'pو�

some body ^� ،نH+ ،S2O� polysome S2O a��

sperm seed ²W ،�Q� ،S� angio-sperm S� H'+

theraphy treatment ³��2���physiotherapy 8 (3ج، و�O ،8.א�I� n4 (3ج

tome cut |Vא�O،� ���د �Oאmicrotome |V و9±

tomy act of cutting

(surgery) 8Vא�O،8pא�� microtomy ،8pא�� ���د

trophic feeding 8-א¥j ،89א��� antotrophic 89د ���א���

49 Dictionary Of Haematology

tropic incline ³�1�O ،خ� phototropic 8 �خ'pو�

tropism inclination |��� ،8�� geotropism 8�� ¡א�

type kind ����� ،S2� ecotype א�H��O 8D�V�� SB

vorous eater �-�d ،��� ،GH'�-�d carnivorous ��� |p��

zation act O ،N�)a fertilization aOn���" ،aO��

50 Dictionary Of Haematology


Abate �9�8 وא�a�I µ، �´>$�-8، א+� ،a-�<´� ،��9 �´�¶? ،���

To lessen or decrease Abatement �'������، א+�> ،E�d ،E�t ،¶? ، 8-�$<´� 8�´�

��&)1���; ( ،a}8 א�9 L |D�V 8O) 8-�<´�a�I ( 8-�$<´� 8�´� م��� L 7����� GH' ] ��&·

9�8 א{�Oa א{ L |��9 GH' ] ��;1� ،a A decrease in the severity of a pain or a

symptom Abio א�� �+ NA� ،هH�"��j ،8���V��j Abiological א�N1�O?� �+ �Z? 8���V��j ،8���V��j-�j א�Hw��O� Abiology �8אO3-�+ S;) ،ت��V��j S;) ،S;) �O 7�p ن�O 8+

H��O��jא�، א� ��O N.��O ود � The Study of non-living things

Abiophysiology 8O?� n4��-�+א� �KD�Q� �O N�) 8��������j GH'�I �H7 א��2O א�H��O The Study of inorganic processes in

living organism Abiosis א�n&��-�+ ،8د��O����j 8O 8 :/��نO 8�H�" �

8-�$<´�)8��8 &�"ي)9��V��j ،8;QK� ، Absence or deficiency of life, a biotropy

Abiotic א��C��-�+ 8���V ،a}א f� �����/: �O 8���V ،א�H��O��j)8�H�" ( 8�H�" ،a´l& ��ي � f�)ت��V ( a´l& א�ي¥� f�

f� 8'K ���Va 8d 8 �¥א�� 8O א�;�| و­�-8 و Pertining to or charcterized by absence of life, incapable of living, an antagonistic of life

Abnormal N���'w א= N ����+،،|&�H'���j ،8Oوא���j ،8Zو�

��8D � &�א&�ي �d 7$D�Vن �>�N��وجK$&א ،. Abnormal growth N���'w و¶=א�� f´@ 8 وא! وOوא���j ،!8 وאKwq��j Abnormal production 7�96א�. N���'w وא� =אH�. 8Oوא���j ،�-אH�. 8Kwq��j

Abate Abnormality

51 Dictionary Of Haematology

Abnormalities ;���'w א=<�n ن�$D�V 8Oوא���j ،ن���H)�� 8+ Abnormality 8<;���'w א= ،�-�Z8، �وD��K���j ،|D�V 8Kwq��j

'+ 8;Rא ،a}א ������ L |D�V 8;Rא L وت�|�Oوא���j ،aא{8 و­ �i�

The quality or fact of being abnormal, a

mal formation or deformity Abnormity 8<���'w א-� =אH�. 8D��K���j Aboral ن .�ي ·א % אو�ل�d 8 א+$^، .�ي، وאتO وאت·

Opposite to, away from, or remote

from the mouth Abolition w 7=א��D� ��� �د ��9، ��Aborigin 7@ ��w �9 ���א&8 =א�;R8، אوא-;8، א� H� ،8;Rא Aboriginal N'@ ��w �9، [ ´8 =א�;Rא ،S H�،�o81، .�א;�

Native to the place inhabited Abort E��w ��9، =א ��W �`9 ،a�I µ-��،��9 �O ��W

�0't�� Abortion 7p��w א= �� ��W 8Zن א�d |و�a�I µ �� �`9 ، ،�0't

81t ،8-�´9 ��W i. The premature expulsion from the

uterus of the products of conception-of

the embryo, or of a non-viable fetus.

ii. Premature stop page of a natural or

morbid process. Abortion criminal N'��9 7p��w 2§;$� א� f����@�)p 8���-�7 �28و(� 7$�

،8���� 8�������ja-��9א ��W 7 &�نi �q אدو�m�. Abortionist �2'p��w א= ��W 8��8 +'��دن ��@� ،8����� ��j)N�V (

��9א-a وא�ي (�L N �;�« 6א9>�One who makes a business of inducing

abortions Abortive �C��w ول، א!و�ي وא =א�T و��>oא ،S א!و�و،9`� و ،!

8I f� N�1� �1�O !و�، א�^ي وאn�9 ،N��1�8I µ-�� ��W � 8´l&��N و­8، �

Abnormity Absolute

52 Dictionary Of Haematology

Abortus MC��w א= ،��W و"ن وא�و � �) � .'] &� �;8 ��אم �dن �GH'd� و"ن .( ��i� 7��1�O و"ن �O ��W N�I ج���

'Hي l& 8I f� f � ���Hو، �f وא! و @ .�Hiא� �dن �A fetus weighing less than 500mg

(17oz) at time of expulsion from the

uterus, having no chance of survival

Absolute E��D�2w א= NRא ،©;Q� ،�D��، 7´'9 ،8KQ� ،N��) ،[� +H'+HV fي �dن :�O ��א� [���j ،N��Hود

Free from limitations, unlimited,

uncombined Absolute

lymphocytosis w א= E��D�2

n&�<�-�&��D= <�-�& ��D 8i�iV 8'K ،8;R7 א��On&�

aن و!ي و­�d HV ،7و!ي و­ Absolute poly

cythemia E��D�2w א=

�2�D�.����mن 8;RאG�Z �O ت� L "אHم �´�8 א������ nOא

aو!ي و­ Absolute reticulocytes

count E��D�2w א

M<�-�&�D��1�< � ���-�9

�D��1�< � 8;RאM<�-�& ن�d HV ��Z 8O aو!ي و­.

Absorb א�بnw ب =א¥O ،a&�} ،a´}· ·a�I ،a�I S�� ، Absorbance M'+א�nw א= ¦�O ،س�} ،f´}+S��� ،س�} ،|�

Absorption 7�.א�nw א= a´} ،ب، {�س¥O ،| ��� ،a�I ب¥O-a&�} The up take substances in to or across

tissues, e.g. skin intestine, and Kidney-


Absorptive �<.א�nw א= = 8O a&�} ،S��� ب، ��ت¦�O ،א�H$�+¦�OGH'd� |��q

Abstract �1 �<2w א= G�`� ،|& ،�R3� ،��U$א� ،|�· � i. A summary or epitome of a book,

paper or, case history ii. Powder made

from a drug or its fluid extract with

lactose, and brought to twice the

strength of original drug or extract.

Abstract book

academic �1 �<2w א= ، ��U+8، =א�$�O ��U 9$�ب، א�$��Uאت

Absolute lymphocytosis Acantho

53 Dictionary Of Haematology

�8، אد+8 א0�9�� +�כ�;K� ،82 �H� Abuse "��+ل، �א��K$&א n-�O�� ،ل��K$&א ¼;j)�O א�$���ن (

��9 8��+"H+Miss use or wrong use

Abut �) 9'��ي N1;+ ،��� ،aO�� ،a´t) D و @´�، �א+ �� % ��A touch, adjoin, or border upon

Abundance M�0'+8، א\D a´�)8O 7�-�&: � 7$V�4( 84�9 L א�Hi�8د��O��.

Acanth {'�9א� �אH 0'9 ،9'0و، ���، 9'0א-�ن Acantha �m'�9و�9'0و، &�-�، ���، 9' �אG0 Acanthaceous 9א�MA�m'� 8 دא�، 9'0א-�نA& ،א�، ���دא�H 0'9� Acantho �m'�9א� ،����� N �� �O N1p א�H 0'9 �א�Hw'´}

7 ���W 8O 8A;� 8�G�Z �O ت� ��q ل�r�� O ،������ L N1p'´7 دو�אن �� H 0'9 Nא�

.{´'Hwא� ����N1p 8O 8 ��� א{8Acanthocyte ��-�&�m'�9א �אH 0'9��� ،��;� و�^´O 9'0ي ،�lوא� ،

N ^& ،��o�. ��O L نnO 7�G�Z 8O ت�=���دא� � {´'Hwא� N1p א�$��� �9ي

�;$� �1�O ،8�: يH'و�)N1p ،پ�� ( a}א ��� ��q �9ي �21ن aA� 8O 7´'O$;� �وپ א�$��� �9ي و�'Hي � �@+�O 5�@+:�8O 7´'O 8 �9ي �ت nO ��G�Z �Oא،

،7��rل ��q، א+�>� {´'Hwא� ��� א 'Hא :�8 +����ي دو�אن O ���'�Cو�.��-?

A distorted erythrocyte characterized by

protoplasmic projections of varying sizes

and shapes, irregularly spaced, which

give the cell a “thorny” appearance, seen

in abeta-lipo-proteinemia

Acanthoied �90א-�m' �� ���وא��l، 9'0ي O´^و، 9'0ي �Acanthocytosis n�&�<-�&�m'�9א L א�(���دא��تH 0'9 (نnO 7�G�Z 8O

Acanthocyte Acceptor

54 Dictionary Of Haematology

8� ��q و�´��-8، ��ص�. �>-?�<w א ���'�C���ي L ��� א 'Hي :�8�+

The presence in the blood of ancathocytes, characteristically occurring in abeta-

lipo-proteinemia Acanthoid 0-�m'�9א�، אHw'´} � א�(���دא�H 0'9 ( ن�& N1p

GH'd� |´+��� Resembling a spine, spinous

Acardia � 6��9د�8 א�O����j 8O 8 دل� ��q 8�-אH�. Congenital absence of the heart

Acardiac �A 6��9א f� �O دل L א�H��O 7´'9 ،%;� 8+ ،دل���+a@� Having no heart

Acceptor א/� �2<>� 1א ،GH'd� |i4א�� ،GH'و� ،GH'�D�w� GH'�D�w� Substance which unites with another

substance, specifically a substance

which unites with hydrogen or oxygen

in an oxido reduction reaction and so

enables the reaction to proceed. Hydrogen

a substance that is reduced in the

oxidation and reduction occurring an-

aerobically in the body tissues oxygen,

substance that is oxidized

Accessory د���،א��84، �2�2ي 1אH�،ن �وא!و&´��1ي��د��� &�H� Supplementary or affording aid to

another similar and generally more

important thing, complementary,


Accident � !כ ، אو{$��Vد/�، א��ق א �0�21An unfore seen occurrence, especially

one of an injurious character, an-un

expected complicating occurrence in

the regular course of a disease.

Acclimatation 7��<��;$� :+´�א a�� L א39-�� Pertaining to acclimation

Acclimation � :+´�א ��אi4| ��7א39-�

Acclimatization 7� n�-�<��$;� :+´�א a�� L، :+´�א 8O ��אi4| א39-��

Accessory Achlorhydria

55 Dictionary Of Haematology

|i+�Q� 8Oא�´+: ،|i4א��8 O א�´+: ،ad�

Accommodation 7� 6���9א |D�´&8'�q? ،f��� ،�-��� ،8-?�& ، 8D�Waccommodato’ ‘ 8O 7´'O N���ن و�

8�: 8'K��“To fit” � ”a}81 א´�“ Adjustment, especially that of the eye

for various distance Accommodative �< 6���9א GH'9 |2+وH'+ ،GH'9 f��� Accommodating b'< 6���9א GH' א ��� f��� Accordance M�6��98 אlوא� ،|i+�Q� ،f��� وא�و |w&�'� Account ��� א�9-���dن��+ ، -�d�} ���D Accountability 8<;w<��-�98 אO ن�Ui� 7´'9 ،א�ي���אب د�8، ¦�O

H+א�O L ت��Rא�يH+א�O ،a@�+ f� Accumulation 7��D�����9א am& ،�;2;& 1@� ��9 وא�و ،µ�O ،�� Accuracy �1-8، د ��1 �82א�� ،|�R ،Á��R ،�+8$، ·+�א&�

·�8O %;Q د�&8$ � &`�-8Accurate ��'H، ���، +�א+� �א ���1 $�R|&د� N1;+ Acetate � &���D �O 89 =א-�2>�Acetic �<�2-א= �l89 وא��& Acetic acid 02-א �אب =א-�2>n�� �O 89�& Acetone א �2>�ن= °��o�. GH'�-3O Ache �-1;��، &��، د�د =א� -��& GH'�� 7�-�� د � Achlorhydria -�� ��;9א+8 �0 ��אn����j Acholia ��D�98 �س �אO �8$. ،א�R 8+ ،8$. ���+= ==)N-�+ (

H��´o8، א�9 8O Lack or absence of the secretion of bile

Acholic �D�98 �س �א$.)N-�+ ( ���+ ن�dFree from bile

Acolurine D�98 �س ��� �7א$.)N-�+ (8�9 �H8 .���ب א�O Lack of bile pigment in the urine

Acholuric כ���D�98 �س �א$.)N-�+ ( GH'�I אH�. ¢)�+ 8�9 8O


56 Dictionary Of Haematology

S2� �O ن��� Pertaining to or characterized by urine

as acholuric jandice

Achondroplasis n&3. א�0��9و� N� ، �T�^א-�، �'vي �H وא�و (Achondroplastic �<&3. א�0��9و� ��C�y ،9`^و، ��م Achondroplasia ��2�;.א�0��9و� L �6´7 ��ن ،�i� 8�-אH�.) 8� ��q ص��

^W^� L �<&3. �0��9و N2�-�4 8> 7 א��O�8 .�ي ( f´@ 8 وא! � وO 8 ��نO S2O 5�. f�

8O 7´'O ،8�: يH��. 8I �/�$� L 8@�$� אo<��و א �0��1ل ��و H��. 8I ���xو � 8I ي�����ص �H� 8C�t 8O S2 وא�ي +�.��Hي :�O 8'´7 دو�אن، �'v �ن ��W´�ن �

�'vو �'´ ،�. 7���� ( �m��d Nن �'v �ن(�l'Cن ����Z N`�8 &�ن �� ��Wن �9$� �ن -8

אن . א 'H �ن :����j 7وאD�Z 8O´��ن ������ي� 8d 6&>�و��4 �+�I 8O�& f+ Ml�<4 .

A hereditary, congenital disturbance of

epiphyseal achondroblasitic growth. Achondroplasty 8<&3. 8 .�ي �א�0��9وI وGv'� H� 7 �9ي´'O ،�i� 8�-אH�. Achroacyte � +8l����j ،��;� b�� 8 �´^و، א�9و&�-�Achroic �-دو א �1و�� b�� 8+ Achrocytois n&�<�-�&א �1و �w�� N !و �O n&�<�-�&��D

A term once used to designate pathologically

excessive numbers of lymphocytes in organ

as in mikuliuz’s disease.

Achroma ��א�9و� b�� 8+ Absence of color or of normal

pigmentation Achromasia ��2��8+ א �1وl����j ،8l�� 8 Achromat � +��� ��b�� 8+ ،b א�9و��

Achromasia Acquird immuinty

57 Dictionary Of Haematology

Achromatic �<��א�9و f´� b�� 8+ ،ش�. b�� ،b�� 8+

Achromatin 7<��כ א �1و��$� b�� 8+ ،دو�� b�� 8+

Achromic ��א�9و �l�� 8+ ،b�� 8+ Pertaining to or characterized by

achromatin Achropasia �2�.א �1و b�� ��9ي Achromocyte � +G�´� b�� 8+ ،��;� b�� 8و א �1و��&�-�

Acid 02א- �<d ،��<d n����ش، ��nאب، ،8-�<d Sour, having properties opposed to

those of the alkalies Acidaemia א�����nא+8 ��ن، -02

A decreased ph (increased hydrogen

ion concentration) of the blood .

Acidic 02כא�- GH'd��/א+8 אn����nא+8، Of or pertaining to an acid forming

Acidify 5א�02 - ad� �/א+8 אn�� ،a-�'+ אبn��a�I 8+אn�� ، i. to render acid as by addition of a

strong acid ii. to become acid

Acidity 8אC0�2- ،��<d ،8-�<d ،|�+אn����nي The quality of being acid or sour,

containg acid (hydrogen ions)

Acidocyte א� ���Oد אnO 8tي � �O� ��L 7´'O S2ت -0�2و&�-��I 8O�& N4�'�2 8 אd ،7´'O |�R�� 8O ��nא+b�� 8 � א/ f� 8�:8D�w� �

i. an acido philic cell ii. eosinophil Acidology 8אO?0�2و- �� ��T L 8 +��يO אبn)S;) (ن���� GH' ]

The science of acids

Acidosis אn&אب -0�2وn��a�I Acidiuric ب -02 ��כא���. N-�� אبn����nא+8، Acne ي، &�¬، �و� &�7، א 71אG�� Acology 8O?�93ج �א) S;) Acquired behaviour ��´+ 6��-�9א�A� b�± N وش، .�א� NR�V

58 Dictionary Of Haematology

Acquired character �<1 ��9 6��-�9א� aZ NR�V ،|�R�� NR�V Acquird immuinty 8<����א6��-�9 א� |K4אH� ت�� N�I NR�V ،³�`+ د�� NR�V= Acquired syphilis M;-�& 6��-�9א� N�;� אכ"�& Acquisitive �< "��9א H Hp 8O ao: L 8�w� 8d 8p 7´'9

�، �UVل .H'2ي��א�Actinalogy 8O?�'<1 8 אO �8'p�1 �و�O ،خ�p 8 א��O M'-�&=

7;�) 8-����9 8O 7o�98 +�¢ �9ي� Actine therapy 8.א�I 7<1 7 =א)�Kp 8O �8'pאدو، �و�m� � 8��H�

8 +����ي �O (3ج K �¦ Action 7�1-א= a}א L |9�V ،�.�} دي��א/�، N�) ،�.�} Action direct � وא-e& ،N� 8ي e&��9و (� א-7�1 6א-� 1Activate � א/�א-$�+'�-a =א 1>�� Activated ��<1 ��9 0>�=אn�� N�) Activator �< ��<1 א= GH'9n�� N�) Active �<1 א= {2|، �^ت =Active acid �<1 א= ��nאب א-02= N��) Active deposit �<1 א= =.6 � E" و���¦ N��) Active enzyme �<1 א= ��� Sא 'nא-=� N��) Active immunity �<1 א= ��/���ت، +`�³ �>�8= א���=Active immunization �<1 א= = 7� n�-�����א N�) ³�`+ �/�� Active ingredient �<1 א= =��0 �lو א�nO �/��GH'9 �/א ، Active stimulus �<1 א= =MD��� ·��/� א��y = א&>�Active tissue �<1 א= =��C �)�Tאو N� Actual N-�`1 8 =א;R8، אi�iV ،Á��R Actuality 8<;-�`1 א |i�iV 8O د�O8 وO 7´'9 Acute E��9א� n�� ،��� ،��G�&·ن�´'& ، Acute deficiency 82'��46 E��9א� E�d H Hp ،8�9 |& Acute disease n "6 E��9ي �א��� ��ت ��� +�

Acquired syphilis Adaptation

59 Dictionary Of Haematology

Acute dysentry 6 �2'>�ي E��9ي، .�`�، د&| �א��&· Acute psychosis n&�1-�& E��9א�  �� 8���2� H Hp Acute shortage [�C��p E��9א� °�oده א� " ،E�d H Hp Adapt ���אad� |i4، ��אf��& 7´'9 ،|i4 وא�ي �O =א-0א.

�´81 א{a، א��y ،��9���$ن��. 5���Vل &�نAdaptation 7��<.א 0א= Q� ،3پ�� ،�.�Z? 7´'9 ،|i4א�� ،|i+�

&��f وא�ي �l2. 8@'´'. �Oدא-8 وא�ي a���Vل &�ن �´81 א{

Adaptive �<.א 0א= GH'd� |i4א��8$، i4א��8$، i+�Q� Adaptor �<.א 0א= GH'd� |i4א�� ،GH'�o: |i4א�� Add 0 א= �v'Z ،a-3� ،��9 µ�O ،�G�O Addict ��O a =(�دي، (;8$، 9'´7 ��אب �8p و.�א- =א 90

� � �l& ��q ل�r� ،אب (�دي�p � 8p� ��8p و��jه 8O (�دت

Addiction 7�90 دت =א�) ،|;)= Adding b�0 א= a-3� ،��� ،��9ي µ�O Addition 7� 0 אن، א���4 =אn�� ،G�O ،µ�O Aden 7 0 8 =א�G�Z ،v'Z ،ودHj· Adenoblast � ·Hjودي �´³3 =א 3+�' 0&Adenocyte 0 א=� ·Hjود �;�� '�&�-�Adhere ��A�0 א= a�D،a�I |&��. ، ن^w'} Adherence M���A�0 8 =אl$&��. ،³�1>} ،a<´} ،³��D Adherent ����A�0 א= GH�^w'} ،8I�& ،א�H2�D ،��1$&��. ،GH'<´} Adhesion 7���0-8 ��9، {´>�³، .� =א� �&$³��D ،8l {�^و¦�GאAdhesive �2��0 א= ^�}GH�^w'} ،GH'<´} ،8+�KD،�D�� Adhesiveness ��2��0 א=M�� �-��^�} ،|�R�� 8O �^w'} Adiabatic �<�w�-א�ت �¥א� =א 0א�V��j ،�¥� 8������+ Adipose و <�"0 =א^´O 8W�} ،و��$� ،�´;I

Adaptive Adopt

60 Dictionary Of Haematology

Adipose tissue ��C"�> 0 א= � .�دو، &�\� אو8W�} ،�T دא� אوY�&�T دא =Adiposis 0 א=n&�> 8 &�"يW�} ،f´D�I ،��C�� ،%�9�� 8W�} Adipositis M<-�&�> 0 8 &�"ش =אW�T Adjacent �'&�O0 وא�و =א�y ، D ��D Adjust �2O0 א= ،a�I ��� ،���´�+ 8-3� ،א��e& ،a1´�

a�I ©4א�� Adjustable Nw א �2O0 א4© =א��د�&8$ ?-©، �Z�O a1´� L 7$D�V

�Z�O a�I Adjustment �'��<2O0 א ،|i+�Q� �9ي ������ L 7و��� � |�Up

���ل &���R 8$4�i/ אH�. 8-ن �1@´^א= ��9 وא�و &;2;�

Adolescence M'2D7 =א 0وy�O ،|j�;+ ، 8א��O ،��) 8O 8א��O Adolescent D2=א 0و'� �Oאن، +��& ،£D���O�� ،N-אن Adopt � ���אad� ©4، א/���wل ��9، א�$��� �9 =א 0و.Adoption 7�.א 0و a8 �'] و�d ��W ،|�D�w� f��9א���� Adrenal N' �0 8 وא�و =אC�} ،دو���&· Adrenal gland 0'�;� N' �0 ود =אHj �81 وא�و+ Adrenalin 7�;' �0-א= G�`� �O ودHj �81 وא�ي+ Adsorb ب =א 0"و�ب¥Oa&�} ،a}81 א�� ،a�I Adsorbent � �O ،GH'�-�1& ،GH'9¦بO¥ب =א 0"و�+�'Adsorption 7�.א 0"و�= |�+¦�O ،ب¥O 8�Q&،^w'} �a´} ، Adult �D0 אن =א�O £D�+ ،و[و ،N-���& ،אن�O ،£D�+ �$. Adultage [ א �D0 א= =� ���T 8O 8א��O ،|j�;+ 7& ،|j�;+��) Aerophobia ��+�48 ��� א �و����ي GH';� �1�O ��א / ���2�+

8AI ن�d Aetiology 8O?��< ¡، =א��ب �w&א S;))ي�����+ ( 8wq �O

8O ي����+ �1�O M'-�& 3ج، א�^ي)&�O 7ww א��yس �9ي، א/� � ��/�� وא�و

Adoption Agglutinoid

61 Dictionary Of Haematology

(;��ww& ،Sت، Afebrile N-א�w� א �� 8+ ،�>� +����Vא�ت، +8 Affect 4�1א�� a�I "אHא/�א� ،��t�/א ،a}א L ش�O Affectability 8<;w<1�4يא/� �א� ¥. Affectation 7��<1�4א� ����� ،bא/�، ±و� ،�;�V Affected 0<1�48 �אl8، א/����، ±و�� +'�وAffection 7�1�4א� �O ي��� א/�، �Oش�و�، ��¡، +�Affiliation 7��A�;� א ©;K� ،�.�Z? Afferent ��w، ��+�و =א ��� ،GH' ] ون�w� After effects M<1�44>�א:= HK+�/وא�א א Affinity 8<'�4א� |w2� ،وG? ،|wj� ،�.�Z? ،|´+��� Age [ 8 =א�^�. ،����" ،���T،��) Ageing b'@ א= a�I ��G�. ،�!و ��) Agglutinant �''�C�;l א= GH'�-�1>} ،N��) a1>} Agglutinate ��'�C�;l א= a-��D ،�^w'} ،�G�O ،a-�1>} Agglutination ��'�C�;l 7=א a´� ��t�^w'} ،a1>} ، Agglutinative �<�'�C�;l 8 =א+�KD ،GH' G�O Agglutinin 7'�C�;l ب =א�KD ،دو��³�1، {<�1 >} Agglutinogen 7O�'�C�;l א-� =אH�. دي��³�1 >} Agglutinoid 0-�'�C�;l א= ��·�;� O´^و، {<³�1 ��دي ���، �KDب � · = Aggregate ��l �l א= ;�O ،N9· ،8)��$O8، ±�، ± �، א)��@� ،8

8)��@� N9 � 8;�O ،· . 8d 71 8 א'\&א�و &;��R 8O N9 · ،�;2ت ao: L وي��

�)��@� �O 7�p M'O S� Aggregate genetic ��l �l א

�<�'�O �H��� 8אن �y �O 7´'O ،fو���،�;�w� ،אنH��� א�^و

7@� N v'Z L 8$p� �� د 7 �9ي�p L. Aggregate group �l وپא�� ��l ، f8 ��وپ، ��و�)��@� 8� 5�O ��

Aggregate Alkaline reaction

62 Dictionary Of Haematology

bא� �O 7´o�� د�O�� Aggregated 0<�l �l א= N�I µ�O ،G�d ،�± ،N�9 �� Aggregation 7��l �l 8 =א;�O ،a�I �� ،�9^א��8، ���ع، " �د$Oא Aggregative �<�l �l 8 =א)��@� ،8)��$Oא ،N9 ،8;�O· Aging b'@ ي =אH�&���) ،8�K� ،�-و[א L ��) ،

a}א �-��G�. Agrophobia ��+�4و�l 8 ��� א���2� �O 7 �O N�;d Akaryocte � + 8��n9 �;�� �א��9و&�-�Akaryote E��-א�9א ��;� n9�� ���+ ،��O n9�� 8+ A leukaemic

leukaemia ���9��D א= �

����9��D א�^ي �O �2'�9 8O S2'´7 دو�אن �ت

K� �O نnO 7t8 אO � ،8و و!ي و­��I אدH Ä� 8O אد ��يHK� �O 7�;� £D�+�� و�ي=

.א��H و!ي و­8

A form of leukaemia in which little

change is seen in the total leukocyte

count, or cellular maturity in the

peripheral blood. An increased number

of immature cells can be found in the

bone marrow. Alcohol �1DאVN V�1Dאب، א�p �D��N Alcohol Absolute E��D�2w א NV�1D�1 אDאب، א�p [�V�1Dא NRא ،NVN Alike ��-?א b�� S� ،�+א�+ ،��Z�& ،N1p S� ،1@´^و� Alkali 8;1Dא-�|، {��´��، א��d ،8&�&א ،��d ،8;1Dא

��dא |، ��dא�Alkaline 7�-31Dي، 9;� א��d��p ،��d ،א���d ،8&�&א�8، א Alkaline condition 7� 0'9 7�-39وא�ي א ��d ،|D�V 8א&�&8، 9;�א�|D�V Alkaline reaction 7�1A � 7�-39א N� ��dא� �O �د (�N، א&�&8 (���d ،Nא | (Alkalinity 8<'�;�1D1;��ت אDא |، א��d ،8א���d ،א���d ،| א��p Alkalosis n&�;�1D1;8 &�"ي אDي، א"�&��d ،א | &�"ي��d

Alkalinity Anabiotic

63 Dictionary Of Haematology

Allele N�Dو אG�O $��د�و، G�O دل�w$� Allelism مn;�D8( אO نG�O (|�Dد�w$� Allelo �;�D$��د א�دل، �w$� Allelomorph �����;�Dא G�O د��$� ،N1p دل�w$��´�+ Allelomorphic �4����;�Dא ©;K$� N1p دل�w$� Allelomorphic chromo-

somes �4����;�Dא

���9�&M� N��) 8;2� دل�w$�

Allelomorphic-paris "��A. �4����;�Dא אG�O دل�w$� Allelomorphism مn4����;�D8-31 אp a´� ،|�;1p دل�w$� Allehomorphs M4����;�D1;��ن אp دل�w$� Allelopathic �m�.�;�D¡ א��دل �w$� Allelopahty 8m�.�;�D¡ א/�א א��دل �w$�ت Allergen 7O�Dא N� ��-H�. �o�& ،NאGH'9، אD>� א/��د(

[ ��� 'GH ��دوAllergic �O�Dدو، א���2&8 V ،دوא GH'9 N� ��j��א4©�د (

&�H�. �oא GH'9 ��دوAllergist �2O�D�2&� אVنאN��8o�& ،N א�2Vس () 8� Allergy 8O�Dא N� א�t ، �o�& ،|�&�2V.��9، א+$� א/�، �د (Allopath {�.�; 3ج +� א)�D�� ¡�� ،H�D Allopthy 8m�.�; א H�D�+ 3ج) ،%q +8 (3ج���ي (3ج، n �lא� Amentia ���'��א� � a�I S� �O |pدא Amino acid 02--'�א��אب אn����nאب، א��-'� 8�����D Amino sugar �lp �'-��0 א'd �'-��0، א'd 8�����D)%9��( Amoeba ��w��ي �G^و، �'vو � ،��O� ��$�O ،�´���wא � א

H��Oא�وא�وAmount � و"ن، �HKאد، �� S�Hiא�، �א��-��Anabolism مn�D�+�' 8 א-����9 ،N����ي (K�O'´7 دو�אن

64 Dictionary Of Haematology

nOن �'@´�ن -j 8¥א,&����א ��V;8 وא��I 79 NR�V ��& � 7�Cو�. ،�����.

Anabiosis n&��-�+�' 8 �و� =א���V Anabiotic א=�C��-�+�' � ��Vت +Anabix M1+�' ت =א��V"�+ Anaemia ��� �ت .��o-8، �ت 9�8، �;| ��ن א '�Anaemic ���، �ت 8O �ت .��o، �ت :�o، �ت E�d دא� א '�

E�d Anaerobe א +�ش א 7 א �وب�� ��j ��4 ،GH'�� �'+ א +�ش، ��א����j Anaerobia ��+א +�ش א 7 א-��و����j)وG��O( Anaerobian 7�+8 א 7 א-��وp�+ א����j ،א +�ش����j Anaerobic �+א א 7 א-��و����j 8-א����j ،GH'�� ���+ 7@�29:،ش�+ Anaerobic organism �+א 7 א-��و

:���'nم +�H��O 8pא� ����jא

Anaerobic respiration �+7 א 7 א-��و� �-�>&� a�d f��& א�� ���+ Analgesia �@;' ��2=א a�I 7& ،�-�$<´� ��& ،�2س�� ��&��j· Analgesic �2�@;' د =א ،GH'�y ��&�GH' ] 7�12� ،GH' ] אم�: ،G�C د Analgesis M2�@;' 82، &7 =אV S9��&،7�12 &�"ي�·:�אم &�"ي، = Analgistic �<2@;' دوא =א GH' ] אم�: Analogous M�?�' وپ =א� �� ،N1p S� ،Nr� Analogous members س�w��� M�?�' 79 =א� Nr� ،79� f´+��� Analogue א '�?گ= N1p S� ،1@´^و� ،Nr� ،S� ،NK4 S� Analogy 8O?�' א= �.�Z? |w2� ،ل�r� ،|´+��� Analyse n�-?�' ��9 =א Á ��� ،��9 � n@� ،%�9�� Analysed 6n�-?�' א= N�9 � n@� Analysis n2�-?�' א= . ،��t 0't ،Á ��� �� Analytical N1�<�-?�' س א��y8$ אV8 � و���� n@�=

Anabix Anatomy

65 Dictionary Of Haematology

Analysis chemical N1���9 n2�-3' א � n@� 8-����9 Anaphase n�4�' א �;V�� ن� �´.�;V�� �O 8 +'�وتO نG�´� ، Antagonism مn�����<' �1א� א� H Hp ،�D�� Anthropic �.و�m' א ،�d8 א���� ،��+‘anthrops’�� N�ن و�

O�´o�� 8�: 8'K� 8O 7´'�، ن�� FD 7� �. :� 8���d Y& 8O �´oن אوא-;N1p 8��אد

Anthrobiology 8O?��-�+و�m' ت ي+�� א�����V Anatomy 8��C�' ود �، א bن، א�H+ Á ��� S;) ،8Vא�O S;)

7�D 8���� 7W 8��C�'-א= ‘ana’ 8'K��up � � 8m�‘tome’ 8'K� �‘cutting’ ن�� a<9 �

� ��8 א�� &�-'N .7´'O 8�: M :�8و�����O ،7C�W 8K �¦ 8dن � א�8��2 ±א�`7

�I 8@´l& س �9ي��yن אH'& ي��} Ancestral ' 8 =22>�لא/��� ،�o�1D�� ،�o�+א Anaemia ���8 9�8 א '�O 8، �ت-�o�. ت �´>$�-8، �ت�

���ل ��R وא�ي Anion 7 7 א-: �o8 א��y �C�9،�oא Aniso �2-: 7 א+� א�+��j ،S���j Anischromasia ��2����9ي א 7 :-�2 �9و b�� S���j،8l�� a´�،8l�� �� ��j Anisochromatic �<��א 7 :-�2 �9و b�� S� ��j

Anisochromia ���8 =א 7 :-�2 �9وO 7+�;����� L يnO 8�G�Z 8O ت� ،a}�4ق ��� א L b�� 8 �9ي-�$<´�

j ،��9ي b�� S���j b�� ����

Anisocytosis n&�<�-�&�2-: 7 8 &�"ي =אA;� S���j

Anisotropic �.و�C �2-: 7 خ א� �D� S� ��j �خ، א� G�Oو، �

Anomaly 8;��' ن + א�d N����;a}א��� �;$� N1 Anorexia ��21 ��' א RK� ��| �1p 8O 8-�$<´� 8O Ä+ ،دو�

Ancestral Antigenecity

66 Dictionary Of Haematology

Anoxia ��21-ن אو: )L |+�q� (8O 7@�29: ،8-�$<´� ،8�9 8O 7@�29:f�G�& 8O f��&

Anti 8<' �3،+���3، א����وכ، � µ4א+$^، دא ،�D�� Anti acid 02-א '>8 א µ4ش،دא�� ،G�C אبn����nאب ��3، Anti allergic �O�D8 ��3 دوא א '>8 אo�&،دوא GH'�9و� �o�& Antibiosis n&��-�+ 8$' א N��8 &�"ي (��V،�D�� 8���Vت�����V H� وכ� Anti anaemia ��� �ت .��o-8 �وכ، �ت .��o-8 دאµ4 א '>8 א '�Anti biosis n&��-�+ 8<' ت א�����V H� ،وכ� N��8 &�"ي، (��V ،�D�� 8���V Antibiotic �C��-�+ 8<' دوא א ���ي G��O 8Zدوא، �و ���ي G��O ،ت��VH� Antibiotics M1C��-�+ 8<' ت، א��VH� S;)دوא-�ن ���دوא-�ن، �و� �����O � = Antibodies n 6�+ 8<' א אG��O �D�� S2O ،�U') 8$K4אH� ،�U') µ4אH� Antibody 7، א '>8 +�6ي�C8 .�وO S2� ص�� �� ،S2O �D��

µ4دא S2O ،�/א+$� א L S2O ،��� ST· Anti coagulant �'�D���9 8<' א l. ،GH'�9ن �و�d a�T 8d ت� GH'�-�O� GH'�-א�´ Anti enzyme S-אn' א '>8 א= = �D�� �������وכ، �� Antigen 7@�<' א �D� .�Hא-� �وכ ��دو، S2O وא! �Antigenecity 8<2�'O 8<' א �D�� |�2'O ،وכ� ST ،�3� ST Antigenic �'�O 8<' א M'O �3� ،�D�� 82'O Antigeny 8'�O 8<' 82 א'O ،© ���O�D'82 �4ق، �8;2 � Antihaemophilic �;4���1�O �ت ) א°(��ن .�ش �وכ، 1�4>� א '>8 ��

�I د �9يH� L a-��+ 8 د�d Anti haemorrhagic �@ ��� ��ن +�ش �وכ، �O �ن ��ن دאµ4 א '>8 ��Anti hormone ن��א '>8 ��� �D� ���כ �وכ، �9���-8 ���כ �Anti inflammation ���37=א '>8 א� �D� &�¬ �وכ، �I�I �وכ، &�"ش �Anti oxidant ��N �وכ א '>�02�9: 8) a@�29: Anti oxygenic �'�@�29: 8<' א N�) µ4�29@�8 دא: Antitoxic כn9�C 8<' א µ4دא��" ،�D� "�� �وכ، "�����، "���Antibiosis n&��-�+ 8<' وכ، א� N��8 &�"ي (��V ،�D�� 8���V

Antigenic Art

67 Dictionary Of Haematology

���ت��VH� Antipathy 8m�. 8<' ¡ �وכ، (3ج א+$^ א��ي �وכ، ����+ Antiphagocytic �<�-�& �l�4 8<' א �D� �;�� ���ي �Antiseptic �<>�& 8<' وכ دوא א� H'� ،دوא ���ي G��O ،�3 دوא� n �1. Antiseria � ��& 8<' وכ א� |+�q� ،� ��& 8<' א Antiserum وכ א '>8 &��م� [W 81C Aorta �C��-א= �� f��� ،ن� �p و[ي ،�� f��p ،ن� �p f��p Aortalgia ��@D�C��-8 &�¬ =א�� �p ،��& 8�� �p Aortic �C��-א= ©;K$� �� f��p ،8، ��2-�ن�� �p Aortitis M<AC��-א= = ، ¬�& 8�� �p ش"�& �� f��p Aortopathy 8m�.�C��-¡ א��8 �� �p Aortotomy 8��C�Cא-�و= �O 8�� �p8pא�� 8�� �p ،8Vא Aplasia ��2�;> 8( =אO 7Tאو ( ،!ي وא��>oא)دي��ت ��V (

1�N وא!���j Aplasmic ��"3> وא! =א ��O��j ،!ت وא��V��j Aplastic �<&3> א= H���. 8+ ،N1p 8+ Aqua 8 �א�9אo�. ،ب:

Arbiter �<�+�: ن��C ،GH'�-�9א �;U�4 L 7 �! 7W ^9��Co�� א�Hw��O��j�´.

Arithmetic �<��Iא� FD 8���� ،M'-�& 8O دنH)‘arithmos’ 8�: N� .��ن و�

Arota �Cن، و[ي �� א �و� �p f��p Art E�: |4�V ،|R ،ي�l ��9 ،�'� ،74 Arterial N ��C�: |+�+ 8;� ،|+�+ M� ،�l8، �� وא��� �p Arterial drain 7 �6 N ��C�: D�� 8D�1�� ،829 �1��8ل Arterial drainge [' �6 N ��C�: 8 ���1ل'��" Arteriography 84א��� ��C�: ي��l� ن� �p Arteriole ل� ��C�: �� يGv'� ،M� يv'� ،ن� �p يv'�

Arterial Atom

68 Dictionary Of Haematology

Arteriology 8O?� ��C�: ن� �p S;) Arterio meter �<�� ��C�: �� �p �ن .�Arteriopathy 8m�.� ��C�: ¡�� ن� �p Arteriopuncture �`1'.� ��C�: ن &��אخ� �p Arteriosclerosis n&א&�1;��و� ��C�: �p^9�& ن� �p ،8$ �ن &Arterioses &� ��C�:�n ن� �p ،و^´O ن� �p Arteriosity 8<&� ��C�: |��� �p Arteriospasm مn>&א� ��C�:= �t 8�� �p Arteriosis n&� ��C�: ن &�"ي� �p Arteristis M<2-א�C�: ¬�& ن� �p ،ن &�"ش� �p Artery ي�C�: ،��،ن� �p�� GH' ] 8d ت� ��R ،Âw� ،M� Arthritis M<�-א�I�: ¬�& 8O نe'& �O نG�O ،�I�I 7�-אG�O ،د�د Artificial N�A���C�: ^O�8� �، �Q4��jي، ��m� ،8;i� ،8)�'Uאدو، +'�وAsh � 8، �;´���، ��9ي =א;� ،��t ،�� ،כ�� Asocial Np�& 8 =אيO��&��j Asomatic �<���& 8 =אي�H+��j ،8�2O 8+ Asome ن =אي &�مH+���+ ،S2O 8+ Aspect � �خ، .´;�، �وپ، ��Rت، Ä ] ،N1p ����و =א 1�>2Asphyxia ��2-�2 ق، & א�'�� ،E�&�W ،E�&�W f��& ،a@<´� f��·�´ Aspiration 7� �-�>2 א 8�9 א�� Aspirin 8 &�� دوא 2<� 7 אm�، 8 دوאO a9د�د دوא،&�� �و�& Associate ��A�&�2 7 א´��W ،a-3� ،a��� �D�C ،8I�& ،د���H�

� �p ،8;�W Association 7��A�&�2 א |w�R ،N�� ،8D�C ،G�O ،|)��O ،�D�C ،7� א�@Atlas M;< א ��i� ،9$�ب �O 7�i� Atmosphere ��&����4، !��8O 8 {���د א-> ،S2O 81;4 ،

. �2A� ،�19ن، ���8 � &�دي و��jهAtom S<-א= f+ 7´'9 ،S<-א ،���O ،8�=א�o، ¦�و، nOو، �

69 Dictionary Of Haematology

.nOي v'� �Oي v'� Lو ¦�وAttribute E��w �Cא � |RGH' ��� ] �.�Z? Atomic ���<-א= = ©;K$� يG�¦ ،8-�oي א���O ،8� =א->Atrophy 848، א >�א-��K� ،8 &�س���2O�Wي &�س، [و��) Atypical N1�>C 8 =אيD�r���j ،����� 8+ ،8Kwq��j ،%���� 8+ Attaehment �'��`�Cא �.�Z? ،N v'Z ،لeW ،N ^O ،�-و @´^א ،H���. Attack ��Cي א����+� ،�;�V �O 3ندو�و� ،f��9 ، Attract �1 �Cא ao:�´@ و ،a1t ،ad� ��9 Auto nomic �����C:= �.�} د���+ ،���$ א�$���، ��د �Autonomous M����C: �+ ،���$ א�$�����د �وאن، ��د �Atuo psy 82. �C: �'-�K� ش? ،�'-�K� 8wq �O س�>� S2O NA� Auto �C: 8���אدو، ��د��9، ��د، ¦אo�. ،د�و�� Auto lysis n2�-?�C: H�t د�� ،G�C 8، ��دp�.د�� Auto lytic �<�-?�C: د .�ش�� Auto matic �<���C: N���אدو، .�� �yو، ��د�و، ��د��9، ��د(o�. Autosome م�&�C: وG�O د�� ،S2O8، ��د �وl�� دو(��د����( Azurophil N4 و�وn א H'2. b�� 8���&: Azgosperm א&<�م �l-אn א= S� G�O 8+ Azygote E�l-אn 8 =א@�W��j ،N �� א� Azygous M-�l-אn א ،G�O 8+8.3�� 8+ Azyme S-אn א �o: ي���� 8+ Azymia ���8 ����ي ��دو =א nא-+ Azymic ��8 ����و =א nא-+ ،���� 8+ Azymous M�8 ����ي دא� =א nא-+

Attribute Azymous

70 Dictionary Of Haematology


Baby 8w�+= ��W، Nq ،�D�W Baby hood 0B 8w�+= 8B8 وoא��W ،��>1D�W ،�oא��W Back + �A · .�^a+ ، 8B، .¨� �،. ،.�|، .� �ن Back ache אכ �A+= ;�} ��& �O 58¨. ،�� �O c &��، د�د 9Back bone ن�+ �A+· ��l��9��l9'0و، ±و� �O 58 . ، Bacteraemia ��� �<1A+ L 8 ��ن ، �ت��ت G��O Lא �O ،aO�yא/

�I Nدא� GH'9 אH�. و�� ،S�/א�O GH' Gא ، و{^� GH��H�. ¡א G��O��O GH'9א

A baeterial infection of the blood Bacteria � �<1A+ S�/א�O ،وG��O �; �B" ،אG��O Bacterial N �<1A+ 8-אG��O ، 8� �Oא/��O ،|+�+ Sא/�Bacterial disease n "6 N �<1A+ ي����+ 8� G��Oي ¦� 8K و{^� GH���O ،¡א/�Bacterial infection 7�1�א� N �<1A+= �Oא/�8 و+�، �Oא/��8 �و� Bacterial infective �<1�א� N �<1A+= = GH'�Z8 �و� �Oא/�Bacteriologist �2O?� �<1A+ دאن S�/א�O ،S�/א�O S;) �B�� ،�B�� يG��O Bacteriology 8O?� �<1A+ ،� ي ودG��O ،S�/א�O S;)=O��y8 א� س��Gن

(;Sوא�و Bacterium S �<1A+ ��+ S�/א�O ،وG��O ،و^� � G��Oو، �Oא/�B cells or B- lymphocytes

� N�& 8+ M<�-�&��D 8+

�8 +'��دي G��� ��Oא ��q 8D�Rא )N�& ( �UV L N�81�O א '>8 +�6ي 8O �د (و�7 � ¦���א� B@7، אnO 7tن B �O� ��ص

M<�-�&��D 8+ ، S2� The primary source of cells responsible

for anti body responses. B cell disease n "6 N�& 8+ و!א-8 &�ن ��� 8O M<�-�& ��D N�& 8+

N G� 81 +8 . +���� �ن&;�O ن� ���אB^ �ن +�8 ��� و!א-8 O M<�-�& ��D N�&لeW 8�

Baby B cell disease

71 Dictionary Of Haematology

7�I |+�/ כ���Q� � ،7@B . ��9و� ��q ل�r� �����1D M<�-�& ��D) ص�� �B 8O نnO 7tא

�+ 8O S2� א&�ن L 8 (�م "+�نd 7�'O ي����I ن��l& 8 �9'�2 &�يO ت� .

Disorders associated with B type

lymphocytes such as CLL .(blood cancer) Bar diagram 6א5 ��אم��+ ��i� وא�و �D ،N1p 7�-�1�D Basal N2�+ ¨�B ،8&�&א ،�$-�B^�. ،א-8، +'��ديH$+א= · �ن �=Basal body دي�+ N2�+= S2O دي��'+ ،S2O 8-אH$+א Basal bone ن�+ N2�+ و�B دي��'+ Basal cell N�& N2�+= ·+'��دي �;��، א+$Hא-G��� 8و Basal granule ل��' �� N2�+ �oو، +'��دي دאG�¦ 8&�&א Basal meta bolic �D�+ �<�� N2�+ N ��� =+'��دي y» 6א�، א+$Hא-8 Basal wall وאل N2�+ +'� |y 8-אH$+دي د �א�، א� Base M�+= c� ، O ،و�� ،a+ ،� �. ،G�. ،� ·א&�س، ��d، +'��د، .�Base pair �A�. M�+= = +'��دي G�Oא

A nucleotide (either adenine, guanine , cytosine, thymine, or uracil ) and its complementary base on the opposite strand.

Bases n2�+ وא�و ��d ،دو، א&�س��و ��d دو�� Basic �2�+ f��� ،8&�&8، א;Rو، א��d ، دي��'+ ،�$-�B^�. Basic calcium phosphate (BCP)

S�A;�9 �2�+ ��&�4

81�O S;� �O ��D)نe'& ( 8O نG�O ..�L °��o ��� א{7

A type of crystal that can be seen in joint (synovial) fluid.

Basic cell N�& �2�+ وG��� 8� =א+$Hא-8 ����، +'��دي �;��، �pو(�Basic chromation 7����9و �ي +�2H'+ b�� ��9ي، +'��دي b�� 8-אH$+א= Basic definition 7��'� 6 �2�+ א-8 +��نH$+א ،�Rدي و��'+= Basis n2�+ ،�$� ،وH)�� ،�$� ل��ل +'��د، .�^�، .� � �Rא Basophil N4�2�+ 8t8 אO ت� ،H'2. ��d ،H'2. b�� 8&�&א

S2� �O يnO

Bar diagram Basophilia

72 Dictionary Of Haematology

Type of white blood cell Basophilia ��;4 �2�+ يH'+ ي ، א&�سH'+ ��d) �BG�Z 7B�O L ت�

|��nOא ���ي ��b وא�ي دאH�oא� ��دي &�HKאد L و!ي و­7، אB^ي �ت �'@��ن +;0

�� S;4 b�� �;$� 8K �¦ 8'�+8 ���دB ��;� �O)N�& (�I 7@�l& 8&].

An abnormal increase in the number of erythrocytes with a blue appearance, the presence of fine evenly distributed basophilic granules is referred to as polychromatophilia in wright’s stained blood semears.

Basophilic �;4�2�+= M'O א&�س .�ش ،H'2. א&�س Basophilic granules MD��' �� �;4�2�+= א&�س .H'2 دא�o، א&�س .G�¦ H'2א Blue staining granules b''�<&א �4�2;�+

M�D��' �� �oوא�א دא b�� א(���يnO אGv'� ( 81�O

f´@'� يG�����O= 7@B د�O�� .

Bast + �&� f´��c ، �س � ��، �'Hو�و، א��H �ن Nd ،�Zא! Bast cells M;�& �| !אG��� 8Zא، �'Hو�ي �;��، �'Hو�ي +�4| +�&& Bast fibre �w-�4 �| !א��d ،�Zو ���Hو�و +�&& ،�W�d،و�وH��� |& Bence Jones protein n��O M'�+

7�Cو�. �B 81�O 7�Cن .�و�O S2� N���'w א ، L ���;-�� N>�<;� ¡�� 8O S2� ص���� 8O  .���ب L ��� א 'H �ن :7B، ��ص

� 8B: �Bא cD�Z=f ��@'. 7�C8 .�وB��6ي ) 50( א�8 .�ن ��Iن � &� T 8� H. 8���)100 (

�8I S� 8 و­7 H. 8��� ن � و�ي ��6ي��I 7B: ن� H��. 8I �B�x ���W 8� a;� eI

The abnormal protein frequently found

in the urine of patient with multiple

myeloma. It precipitates at

50c0,disappears at 100c0 and

reappears on cooling to room


Basophilic Beta thalassemia

73 Dictionary Of Haematology

Benign 7-�'�+ ي����+ 8����� ،��� 8+ ،N�Z8، א� �و��q�&��j

Non- malignant or non- cancerous . Bernard soulier

syndrome �A�D�&6����+

&'�0وم �q 8Oوא� ��j M<�;�<�;. 7B�O 8� nOא�

�HKאد L و!ي و­7)�ت nO �Oא( .

A disorder characterized by the largest

platelets seen in a platelet disorder

Beta �<�+= �H'i} M'O ،�D�. M'O ،ع�Kp �<�+= Beta cells M;�& �<�+ � ع�Kp �<�+אG��� �<�+ ،��;� �<�+ ،��� Beta particles M;1�C��. �<�+ �<�+)ع�Kp ( אتG�¦ Beta rays n ��<�+ �o�9 �<�+ ،ع�Kp 8��+ �<�+ ،ع�Kp ��1ي+�� Beta thalassemia ����2�;�I�<�+ ي����،�ت .��o-8 وא�ي +��B 7 دو�אن�'O �

f� �����;�+��� 7�} �<�+ 8O 7�8i �q N &�ن 8I8�l& . ��q ل�r�)����2�;�I (ي��� .وא�ي +�

A form of anaemia in which beta chain

synthesis is impaired Bi 5�+ fW ،�<W، ���W ،��W ، وG�O Bi- nucleated 0�<A�;9��� 5�+ fW وn9�� Bi concave ��1��9 5�+ fW�1D )��;+ ( Biconvex M1 ���9 5�+ fW،�<.א N �y8 .�&8 א�'W Bilateral ل�<�D 5�+ fW ،��� fW ،�;�. fW ،�4�q fW�&�. Bile N-�+ א�R ،�$. ،|. ،د :ب�" ،��o�. 8O 8$. Bile acid 02-א N-�+ אبn�� �O 8$. ،א�R ش�� Bile duct �96 N-�+ 8O 8$. 8D�� 8 �سO 8$. ،8D�� א�R ،8D�� Bile juice س�O N-�+ o�. 8O 8$. ، 8 �س$. �� Bile salt �D�& N-�+ �R ،��D �O 8$.א ��D ��o�. |. ،��1ت�� Bile stone א&>�ن N-�+= .�m. 8O 8$ي ، R�אوي .�mي Biliary אوي .$8 +�+| +�-;�ي�R ،ن�-�$.= Biliary calculi 8D��1;�9 ي +�-;�ي�m. 8O 8$.= Biliary disease �;-�+ n "6 ي 8 +����ي O 8$.

Bi- nucleated Binovular

74 Dictionary Of Haematology

Biliary duct � .��D�� 8$ن +�-;�ي 96Bilirubin 7+� � 8;+ د�" GH'�I NR�V 8� a<C 8O 7+�;����B

°��o�. 8O b�� A break down product of haem from

haemoglobin Bilis MA�;+ א�R ،�$. ،|.= Bili therpy 8> �m�;+ א-8 (3ج�R

Biliuria � ���;+ 8+���. א�R Biliverdin א، &�-8 .| +;8 و�6ن�R Bilobed 0+�D 5�+ fW ،�¯�y fW ،9'0و fW �p�� Bilobular �D�;�+�D 5�+ WfW ،8p�� f 9'0و Bimolecular �D��1�D�� 5�+ fW ،8-�oא fW 8D�1�D�� Bimolecular reaction �D��1�D�� 5�+

7�1A � fW� .����o �د (�fW N N א�o-8 �د (

Biomorph ������-�+ fW ،ت��R fW ،N1p fW وپ� Biomorph cell N�& ���� ��-�+ fW ��;� N1p Binary 5 ��ي�+ fW ،�U') fW ،وG�O ،�<W 8'9� Binary fission 7��4 5 ��ي�+ É8 و�<W ،|&�B8 و�<W ،!ي وאG�O 8;2� Binate � 5�+�� G�Oي دא�، G�Oو G�Oو Binocular �D��9�� 5�+ 8 دو�dא fW 8��} fW ،7�+8 دو���} fW ، 7�+ Binovular �D� و�'-�+ fW ،���+ fW 8 دא���+ Binuclear �A�;9��� 5�+ fW ،يn9�� fW ،n9�� fW 8-אn9�� Bio � �+ �.��O ،ت�����V،8�H�"،ت��O،��O،ت��V،8���V Bio analysis n2-?�' א� �+ � n@� 8������V ،��t 0't ت��O Bio assay � �+ 8&א �": 8����O �-ت �����V ،$��ن�א Bio assay teachnique ��'1�C 8&א� �+ �i �q א"يHא� ��O ،ت��V �-��": 74 Bio geography � �+ 84א���O ����O 8א��O ،84ت ���OאH��O،84א� �����V

8 و����O 8O Éא��4-

Binuclear Bio chemistry

75 Dictionary Of Haematology

Bio organ 7��: � �+ ��O b8 (��و) (��و(ت א�������V ، Bio reactor �<1A � � �+ ��9 N��8 �د (�����V Bio series n ��& � �+ �;2;& 8������V Bio sexual N-�`1�& � �+ ��2ت'O 8������V ،82'O ��O ،ت��V 82'O= Bio system S<2& � �+ ،�$p�& ت�����V ،�$p �& ��O =)�O א�H��O (

�$p�& 8�-�B� �� Bio systemic ���H'+ 8$p�& 8ي +� � &2>�����V Bio systematic �<���H'+ 8$p�& 8ي +� � &2>�����V Bio systematics M1<��<2& � �+ 8������V ،É8 وא� و�$p�& 8O א�H��O

&�p$8 وא� Bio bibliography 84א�� �;w+ � �+= �8�H�" ،�m9 S�: 8������V ،�m9 S�: ��O=

�Dא�V �O Bio blast �&3+ � �+ O 8���V ، �1 دي א�� ��O ،وG�¦ دي����=

��دي �'vو ¦�وBio catalyst �2D�<�9 � �+ N��) ��O ، N��) 8������V Bio cellate ��A;�& � �+ ��O ،ي دא�G�����O ،ي دא�G��� 8������V

H�. ��;� GH'9א Bio chemical N1���9 � �+ ����9 ��O، 8-����9 ��O ،����9 8������V Bio chemical cytology N1���9 � �+

8O?�<-�& ���� 8-���9 ��O ،��;� ��� (;��V Sت �9

Bio chemical genetics N1���9 � �+M1<�'�O

��9 ��O� ت��'�O ����9 8���V ،H�D�� 8-�

Bio chemical lesion نnA�D N1���9 � �+ ��9���-��V ،S�" 8ت �9 ��O� S�" 8-� Bio chemical reaction N1���9 � �+

7�1A � ���9 ��O،N���N-8 �د () 8-����9 8������

Bio chemistry 2>�ي��9 � �+ ،����9 ��O ،����9 8���V ،����9 8������V ����9 8Kwq

Biodiversity � �+68<&8 �4ق א5 و�������V ،�4ق ��O Bio diversity Biological clock

76 Dictionary Of Haematology

Biodynamic ���'-9| +� � دא�V 8������V ،|9�V��O ،ت��V כ��� Bioenergetic �<�Oא�� � �+= = � ��ت، ��Vت ��א��-8 + 8���V Bioenergetic system S<2& �<�Oא��� �+= ��א��-8 ���م ��O ،�$p�& 8-א���� ��Vت Bioenergetics M1<�Oא��-8 =+� � א���� 8������V S;) Bioenergy 8Oא�� � �+= ��א��-��O ،8و 8������V ،ت��V ت، ��ت��

8$1p 8���V Bioengineering �A�'@א� � �+ b� |�AB ��O ،ي�A�'@8 א�������V Biogen 7O� �+ M'O ت��V ،M'O �H�" Biogene 7�O� �+ 7�O 8���V ،M'O 8���V ،N2� 8���V ،�1 א ��O Biogenesis n2�'�O � �+ ت��V ،�-אH�. ��O،ST ��O ،�i��8 א������V=

&�"ي Biogenetic �<�'�O � �+ �i���Vت، א����V �iت &�"، ��Vت ��H�D، א�

N2� ت��V Biogenetic law ? �<�'�O � �+ �i� ��Vت =����ن א�Biogenic �'�O� �+ 8���V ،S'O ��O ،�i�����O ،aT��O H�D א� Biogenous MA'�O � �+ 8;�q ،©;K$� ت��V ،�l8 وא����V Biogeny 8'�O � �+ يH�D�� א����V 5�iت ، ��Vت Biogeochemical N1���9 ��O � �+ 8-��� ��Vت א�¡ �9Biohistory 2>�يB � �+ Ê ��� 8���V Biohormones �B � �+n���� �8 ���כ �����V ،��yא��O Biologic �O? ��-�+ ت��V S;) ،|+�+ 8���V ،©;K$� ت�����V Biologica �1�O?��-�+ 8������V ،دو��8 +`�� ������V Biological N1�O?��-�+ ، ©;K$� � ود ��O 8������V ،8���V،|+�+ 8���V Biological activity N1�O?��-�+

8C��<1 א |�;��) 8���V ،�.�} 8������V

Biological agents N1�O?��-�+ M<'@ א

N�8 (�א���V ،N�8 (�א������V

Biological assay �8&א N1�O?��-�+ �-��": 8������V

77 Dictionary Of Haematology

Biological causes ""�9 N1�O?��-�+ ب�w&8 א������V Biological changes N1�O?��-�+

n@'�} �Hw ;�ن 8������V

Biological clock + N1�O?��-� 39כ

�8 ��^ي، ����O^ �ل �����V

Biological contorl N1�O?��-�+ 9'>�ول

�Q+�� 8-�.��O ،�Q+�� 8������V

Biological diagnosis N1�O?��-�+ n&�'l-6א

�� ��Vت �� ،�o��& 8������V

Biological evolution N1�O?��-�+7p��Dو�A א=

�i��8 א������V=

Biological form ��4م N1�O?��-�+ N1p 8������V Biological methods N1�O?��-�+

��0mس �i �q 8������V

Biological products �96א�. N1�O?��-�+ אوא�H�. 8������V Biological test �2�C N1�O?��-�+ ��O ، �-��": 8������V س�>� 8-�. Biologism �O?��-�+مn |����V ،ت��O ،ت��V 82;4 Biologist �2O?��-�+ ،ت دאن�����V ،ت��V S;) �B�� ،ود �دאن��O

���ت ��V �B�� Biology 8O?��-�+ ت��V S;) ،ت�����V S;) ،� ود ��O ،ت��O S;) Bioluminescence M'2�'����D��-�+ 8'p8 �و������V Biolysis n2-?��-�+ V ،8p�. ت��V N�;�� 8���V ،H�t 8������ Biomass س��8 و"ن +�-��������V،دو�� ��O،� �� ت��V،א� و"نH��O Biomedical N1 0����-�+ %q 8������V ،ت��V %q Biometer �<����-�+ �� ��Oت .���V ،��dت .�Biometry >�ي��8 +�-��-����� �ت، (;��V Sت .�p 8���V S;) Bion ن��-�+ GH'd� 8���V Bionics M1���-�+ ت�����V S;)

Biological contorl Biophysiography

78 Dictionary Of Haematology

Bionomial NA������-�+ �D�� 8������V Binomial system S<2& N�A������-�+ �$p�& 8D�� 8������V Bionomic ������-�+ ��T 8���V ،ت��D�V�� 8���V ،ت��D�V�� ��O Bionomics M1�����-�+ �O S;) ،ت��p�K� 8���V S;) ،ت��D�V�� ي�

(;��V Sت Bionomist � ��O����D�Vت ����V ،�Bت ����D�Vت دאن، +�-�����2

��Vت دאن Biophysical N1 n4��-�+ 8Kwq ��O ،©;K$� ت�K�wq��O Biophysics M9n4��-�+ �O8Kwq ��O S;) ،S;) 8Kwq �O א�نH� ،

���Kwq 8ت ��V S;) Biophysiography 4א��� n4��-�+ 8 ��V 8Kwqت ���lي، ��V 8Kwqت Biophysiology 8O?� n4��-�+ N�) 8������V S;) Bioplasis n&3. ��-�+ 8; Hw� =��O وא! ���V ،8; Hwت وא! Bioplasm +�-��.3"م � ��ت ��V ،� �� 8���V ،دو�� ��O Bioplast ��G�¦ 8و +�-��.3&��V ،S2O ��O ،S2O 8���V= Biopolar �D�. ��-�+ 8wQ� ت�����V ،8wQ� ت��O ،8wQ� ت��V Biopolar cells M;�& �D�. ��-�+ ��;� 8wQ� ت��V ،אG��� 8wQ� ت��O Biopsy 82.��-�+ 8 {�1س���V ،س�>� �و8Z (��ي Bios س��-�+ �Z? 8���V ،��O ،א�H��O ،8���V ،�.��O Bioscience M'-�&��-�+ & 8������V M'-�& ��O ،M'-� Biostatistical N1�<2<�<&א��-�+ �Z? ت� ���p 8������V Biostatistics M1<2<�<&ت +�-�� א� ���p 8������V S;) Biostimulatant �'<D����8 ���כ +�-�� א&>������V Biostimulator �<�D����8 אGH' ��y +�-��א&>������V Biosynthesis m'&��-�+ n2� %�9�� 8������V ،ت &�"ي��V Biosynthetic ��-�+& �<�m' 8w�9�� ��Vت Biota �C��-�+ ���� ت��V ،ل�V�� nO ��O ،nO ت��V Biotaxis nA21�C��-�+ %���� 8���V ،�OG�O ت��V

Bio physiology Bipolar cell

79 Dictionary Of Haematology

Biotechnique ��'1�C��-�+ %�9�� ��O ،N�) 8������V ،74 8������V Biotechnologist �2O?�'1�C��-�+ 4'��ت ��O �B�� Biotechnology 8O?�'1�C��-�+ ،8 4'��ت������V S;) ،ت��V 74 S;) S;)

��V��Oت Biotest �2�C��-�+ �-��": 8���V Biotic �C��-�+ ©;K$� ��O ،�Z? 8���V ،ي��O،8���V Biotic mass س�� �C��-�+ � �� 8������V Biotics �-�+ M1C� (;��O Sت، (;��V Sت Biotin 7C��-�+ دو�� n���8 �$��כ ��دو، وא! ��V ،دو��7 ����V Biotomy 8��C��-�+ ���O 8א��O ،8V و9±�����V Biotope پ�C��-�+ وnO 8���V ،nO 8-��4א���O �O א�H��O Biotoxin 729�C��-�+ �B" 8������V ،�B" 8א���V Biplane 5�+ 7�;. fW ،8�Q& fW �$� Biplicate ��1�;. 5�+ fW ،و�. fW ��� Bipod 6�. 5�+ fWW ،و��. fW ،��l'T f ي��. Bipolar �D�. 5�+ fWW ،و^�t fW ،ي���� f 8wQ� Bipolar cell N�& 5 .�ل�+ fW ��;� 8wQ� Birth ¶�+ ST، ،�-אH�. ،a�I S'O ،aT ،a�T ،H�D��

S'O ،و?دت Blast �&3+ �C��O ،پ^�O ،8، ��כ، :��ي��y Blastema �� +����O 8 ��دو، YZ�� �YZ ، ����ي �� � +3&>�Blastic �<&3+ GH��]א ،GH��1� �lכ وא��� Blasting b'<&3+ 8K �¦ ود��+،a-א[א L 89��! ،�G��،cl��&

a-א[א �O Blast � !��H�9א�، אوG��O ،GH'C�� ^yو، ��^ي، +3&

The most immature form of a cell Blast crisis n2�-�9א �&3+ aא و!ي و­nO �O ت� £D�+��) 8� ��q ص��

�O ����9��D L א� �O 7�'O L  �� אن

Birth Blood brain barrier

80 Dictionary Of Haematology

8@B GH';B 3ج)( The dominance of immature blood cells

in the blood or bone marrow of

patients with a treated leukaemia

previously in remission. Blastocyst �2&�<&3+ �C�W ،X�Z ،8BG�Z NC�� ،YZ Blastocyte ��-�& �<&3+ ��;� ST ،��;� GH'C�� Blastoderm 3&>��6م+ Nd GH'C�� ،8، "�د .�دي;�O د�" Bleach ��;+ �v9 b�� ،a-�<� b�� Bleed 0�;+ ��& a}א ��B �� ،aBت و� ،�G�Z ت� ،��t Bleeder �0�;+ GH'�-�Bن و�� ،GH'�-�Bن �وאن، �ت و�� Bleeding b�0�;+ ن ��ن� �O،��B �� ،����� ، �G�Z ت� Bleeding piles M;-�. b�0�;+ �9�� 8 +�א&��، �ت وא�א��� Bleeding pressure �� �. b�0�;+ B³ ، �ت دא�، و�W³ ��ن د�Wت د� GH' Bleeding time S�-�C b�0�;+ |و� �O aBن و�|، �ت و� �O ن�� Blood 0;+ ت ،��ن� ،N2� ،� ���Hאن، ��-Blood albumin 7���wDي +;0 אH�& ت� Blood analysis n2-?�' 0 א;+ � n@� �ت Blood anti coagulant �'�D���9 8<' دو +;0 א��³ ��T ن�� ��j Blood brain barrier ��-�A+ 7 �+ 0;+  Dא �O دن��و�ي �� ��j '@��ن�ت �

،��9)a@;�O ( 8$p�& 8$'�� ��n9ي [א��7 و '8O 7�D�� GH د �א� 8O 7�Hد &�ن

، aא����j 7 ��و�ي ��دن 8d �و9)a98 )�و$p�& 8$'� وא�و (� � N��n9ي

8O ��j 81�O ن د �א� �ن�O 7�D�� ت� 8d دن���9ي، ��و�ي  D'@��ن א�ت �

a8 אو¬ [א��7 و­O 8$p�& 8$'� 8d 7א��7�l& 89ن �و�d.

Walls of the blood vessels of the

central nervous system that prevent or

Blood cell Blood infection

81 Dictionary Of Haematology

delay the entry of certain blood

substances in to the brain tissue Blood cell N�& 0;+ وG��� ت �����ت �;��، �ت� ��O ،

Cells, producing blood Blood chemistry 2>�ي��9 0;+ ��� (;S ��ن �9���، �ت �9Blood circulation 7��D��9�& 0;+ دو�و �O ت�

Blood circuit through, which blood is

supposed to circulate through out the

body (blood vessels) or circulation of

blood .

Blood clot E39 0;+ �BG�Z د�، �ت �O ت� Formation of a blood clot

Blood clotting b'C39 0;+ a�T ت� ،a@Zت د�

Process through which blood clots Blood coagulation 7��D���9 0;+ ³��T ت� ،a�T ،8-�C��� ت� Blood colour �;9 0;+ �� ن�� ،b�� �BG�Zb Colour of blood Blood corpuscles n;2.��9 0;+ אG�¦ �O א، �تnO �O ت�

Blood cells, erythrocytes Blood crystals n;<&�90;+ S;� �O ت� ،S;� 8��� Blood culture �`;9 0;+ ي���� �ت &�"ي، ��ن Blood cyst �2& 0;+ 8BG�Z 8، �تBG�Z ن�� Blood donor ;+ 0 6و�� GH' ] ت� ،GH' ] ن�� Blood dust � ���8 &�� ، �ت ��W �Oو +;6 0&Blood film S;4 0;+ � c �ت S;4 8O، �ت ��Tو، �ت �´f، ��ن Blood fluke 0 4;��כ;+ ��$� 8��� ،�ËT ،ت �9^و� Blood frozen 0;+ �4و"ن �ZدN ت� N��T ،ت� Blood group 0 ��وپ;+ O ت ��و���ن� ،�m Blood heat ��B 0;+ ،8��� 8Kwq ،א�ت�V 8O 8، �ت�ت ���

��ن �Vא�ت Blood infection 7�1�8 �و�، �ت �و� +;0 א���� Blood less M�D 0;+ 8 �ت ، +8 ��ن، +��� �ت+ Blood less Body joints

82 Dictionary Of Haematology

Blood leucocyte ��-�&�9��D 0;+ ��;� H�& 8��� ،��;� H�& ت� Blood media 0;+ � 0�� دو�� �� �ت ��ن، �ت ¦� �K، �ت �Blood menstrual N-'2>�و��א�ي +;0 �B�� 8��� ،Â�V 8��� Blood plasma ��"3. 0;+ � �� دو، �ت �س، ��ن�� ��O ت� Blood poisoning b�n�-�. 0;+ �B" 8��� ، אت�B" ت� Blood pressure �� �. 0;+ ³، �ت�Wدא� ���8 دא�، �ت د �O Blood red 0 � 0;+ �BG�Z و^�O ت� ،�BG�Z �lن وא��� ،�� �ت �Blood red color �;9 0 � 0;+= b�� �BG�Z و^�O ت� ،b�� ن�� Blood relation 7��D� 0;+ �$p� 8��� ،�$p� �O 8، �تB^�. �B ،8<-�� Blood shed 0�p 0;+ a-�Bن و�� ،��t�� ��ن � nي، �Blood stock ت ¦���و +;0 א&>�כ� Blood sucker �1& 0;+ GH'�&�} ت� ،�ËT ، ت {�س� Blood test �2�C 0;+ س�>� ��ن 8O {�1س، �ت Blood transfusion "ن��א�2�C 0;+ ¦�� ل، ��ن�i$8 ، �ت א�;i$'� ت�= Blood type ��-�C 0;+ S2� ن�� ،���� ��ن �Blood vascular

system S<2& �D��12 0 و;+ �$p�& ت دو�ي�

Blood vessel N�&8، ��ن �� +;0 وD�� ن، �ت� �p ،M� ،�� Blood volume م��Dא� +;0 وאHi� ن و"ن، �ت�� Blood worm ن :+8 &�خ +;0 و�م�'A�9 �9^و، �ت {�س Bloody discharge ت ���1ل، ���8 א��אج +;0ي 6&`��ج�= Bloody flux M1;4 8 د&| ، &��ي���8 .�`� +;0ي��� Bloody nose "�� 0ي;+ ��B �� 8��� ،�� 8��� Blot E3+ a-�<� N1p ،�<} ،�1، دאغC ،�i� Blotting b'C 3+ a�t ،a&�} ،ب¦�O ،GH'�} ،a&�} ،a�I ب¥O Blotting paper �>�. b'C 3+ �<} M� ،�'. ب¦�O ،¥j�9 س�} M� Body + 6ي� �B ،S2O ،نH+ � �& ،|+ ،د�O8، و��B ،H'O ،°�9· = Body animal N�=+�6ي א '� ��V S2Oא�8

83 Dictionary Of Haematology

Body cell N�& و +�6يG�B 8�H+ ،��;� نH+ ،��;� S2O Body fluid 6�A�;4 8 .� +�6ي���2O ،|+�q� 8�H+o �� Body human 7���B א�8��2 +�6ي S2O ،نH+ ،� �& Baody immune ن���6ي א�+ µ4אH� S2O Body joints M<'-א�O 6ي�+ G�O 8���2O ،e'& S2O ،v'Z 8�H+ Bone ي، ��ي، 9'0و +�ن�B ،�B ،و�B Bone ach � ن א�+= 8'1p א-�ن د�د، (��ي�B ،��& �O ي�B Bone disease n "6 ي +�ن����+ 8O ي�B ،¡�� ي�B ،ي��� �Bא-�7 +�Bone fracture �`1 �4 ن�+ E�� ي�B ،«y 7�-א�B Bone marrow وو���+�ن �ي �B ،ي�� ،n�� ،א-�ن ��دو�B ،دو��=Ä· Bone plasty 8<&3. ن�+ H���. ي�B ،8-�$ �Bא-�7 .Bony 8��+ ي دא��B ،א-�ن .��و�B ،א-�ن�B ،�B Born ول +��ن�T ،8�-אH�. ،a�T ،8�'O ،aو� S'O Brady menorrhea � ��'�� 8 +� 0ي�9 Â�V ،8-�$<�� א�ي�B�� Brady pepsia ��2>�. 8 +� 0ي�9 8���B ،����B ��� ،8���B � د Brain 7 �+ غ��د ،n�� ،�D�z�� Brain cells M;�& 7 �+ ��;� يn�� ،��;� 8D�z�� ،��;� 8+�U)א Brain centre �<'�& 7 �+ � ،غ��ي دn9�� ،�D�z�� يn9�� n�� يn9� Brain fever ���4 7 �+= 8j��م، د�&�& ،��+ G�C دن���� Breadth ¶0 �+ 8-�9، .��^، ��9دא��و �1، +�، � Breath { �+= &�� ��a9، دم a�d ��& ،��y، &�� ، دم ��כ Breather �H �+ 7 � אو"א���� GH'�-��d ��& Breathing b�H �+= a�d، &��، دم، دم 8O ��& 8�9 و�"ش، &�� Breathing apparatus M< �> א b�0 �+= �O a�d אو"א� دم :?ت، &�� Brownish red 0 � ��Ìא�+ �BG�Z 89��، 89 &�خ�� Bruise و"ي�+· �B^و، �B� ،^B^�، ���ش، !כ Buffer �+ ��d ،وכ� ،N�O ،E�9و�.H ³�1אC ،دو�� S-�� Buffer capacity + 8<2>A�9 � H.��d ،�-�@'� وכ� �-�@'� S-��

Bone Buffer state

84 Dictionary Of Haematology

Buffer catalyser �n�-?�<�9 �+ n�lא� N� H. ��d �وכ (Buffer compound 0��-�>� H. ��d �وכ ����d ،%9ي א/� �وכ ��+ %9� 9Buffer pH Í .8 א �وכ +� H. ��d Buffer pH meter �<�� Í 8 א.�+ �� H. ��d �وכ .�Buffer solution 7p�;& �+ א���o�. و^B� N�I אH�. ���}�1 א�O ،%9��

�K 8; Hw'8 א-8C02 � א8d 8<'�;�1D 9'>�ول ، �د (�N �وכ ��Zو )��Zو(، ��d �9ي

A solution that will resist sudden

changes in acidity or alkalinity

Buffer stage [�<&א �+= �;V�� وכ� N� �د (Buffer state � �د (�N �وכ D�V| +� א&>�Buffer stock א&>�כ �+= א8q��$V "���و، �د(�N �وכ "���و Buffer stocking b'9�<&א �+= א8q��$V ¦���ي +'Hي Buffer strip א&>�پ �+= �د (�N �وכ .>��d ،8ي .>8، 9>�³ �وכ .>8 Buffer substances n2'<2w& �+ ت�w9�� 8q��$Vدא، א��وכ � N� �د(Buffer zone ون" �+ �i-3) 8q��$Vא ،�¯�y وכ� N� =�د (Buffering b��+ N� 8Kwq א/�אت �د(�N �وכ، 8Kwq �د (Build 0;+= a-�'+ ،�G�O aB�� ،אت���K� OG�O�، +'�وت، Burn ن�+� אغ، G�&�G�& ،a-3O ،a;O ،��W ،���W، د Burn scar ��1&ن א�+= �1C ،�<} ،ن، دאغ���G�&= Burns M��+ G�& ، دאغ �<} ،�� Burst �&�+ ،a;d ،a2� ،aC�� a��� ،a<C ،�G6א ،�^C=

Buffer stock Burst

85 Dictionary Of Haematology


Cabot rings Ml�� E�wA9 bא�،N1p 8O '0ي��8(· (� ،N1p ي^´O= N�� �&8 وא�G�" �lאت، �D ( 81�Oپ(و�ي و

�>��d a��� S;4 8O א{�7ت ��� f .5 �ت �'@Ring-shaped, figure eight,or loop

shaped inclusions seen in stained,

erythrocytes Capillaries ;�>A9�n ،א� وא��;��نHن، &'´��ن وא�&��א���;�

8O�� L ��. 81�O �� &'´^و وא��;�7 ��I 7���� ��T �Oن � �'´@�-7 �ت دو�ي

� �$p�& و���& �O¥�� وH�� א�^ي ،�I 8� �p ح�q�� 72� � 8 و��1يO 7)7Z� (

�G�O L ��. 8d وא�ي و��1ي)'Zv�( .وא�و S9 &�א�@�م [ ��I 7ن

A unit of the microcirculation that

functions as the link between the

arterial and venous blood circulation Capillary ي�;>A9 ��p ،8;� א�H;8 وא��;8، &��א�� �א� +�� H Capillary blood 0;+ ي�;>A9 8O {� 5? 8+�@� 7´'9 ،�1�O 8 �تO

8��¯: 8O��. '@´�ن � و�ي�ي :¯� ^d � ·

.�'@´�ن 8A9 NR�V و­8

Blood obtained from th capillaries of

sites such as the finger tip, toe, or heel Capillary tube ب��C ي�;>A9 8D�� 8´'&8;� א�H��p ،8;� وא� ،.

Blood collecting tube Carcinolysis ��9n2�-?�'�& 8p�. ن�q�& ،H�t 8��q�& Carcinoma cancer ���'�&��9�2'�9 9� دو��8 وא!و ��q�& ،ن�q�& ،دو���2' Cardia � 6��9 ³دل، �;%، �'��نHeart

Cabot rings Cardiac disease

86 Dictionary Of Haematology

Cardiac ��-6��9 %;� ي�i� ،8w;� ،|+�+ دل

Abort Heart Cardiac cycle N1�-�& ��-6��9 دو�و �O دل

Heart rotations Cardiac disease n "6 ��-6��9 ¡�� �O دل

Heart disordes Cardiac opening b''.אو �وא�و &��אخ 6��9-� � دل وא�و &��אخ، �^�´Cardio graph 8 6��9-����א�O دل ��d�. |9�V،��l� %;�

Recorder of heart beats Cardiology 8O? ��-6��9 � 8 ودw;� ،א¡ دل��א S;)

Study of heart Cardio meter �<����-6��9 �� Measurment of heart دل �;% .�Cardinal N' 6��9 S8، +'��دي، א�;Rو[و ،א ،©;Q� Cardinal error א�� N' 6��9= 8Q;j 8;Rدي � א��'+ Cardinal temperature �` �>��C N' 6��9 �O8 د��8 ��;Rא Cardio � 6��9 ©;K$� دلAbout heart Cardio arterial N ��C�: � 6��9 ن� �p 8O ن، دل� �p 8w;� Cardio respiratary � � 6��92<�-� >�ي ©;K$� a�d f��& � 8w;� Cardio scope אو"א��;% +�7 6��9 � א&�1پ Cardio tachometer �9�<���1�C � 6� ،���. Âw�)|9�V (���. %;� Cardio vascular 6��9 � و �D��12 �$p�& M� 8w;� ،8;� 8 �تw;� Cardio activator �< ��<1 8 6��9 � אO כ �;%، دل���}GH'�-و!א �.� Cardio dynamics M1��� 5��9ت 6��9 � 6א�V 8w;� S;) Cardiogenesis O � 6��9'�n2� �%;"�& %;����K� ي، Cardio gram 6��9 � ��אم ��אو"א�، �;% �� �O ad�. دل ،��� %;� Cardio graph ي 6��9 � ��א���l� %;8 אو"א����� %;� ، Cardio graphy 84ي 6��9 � ��א��l� %;�9G! دل ،a �O �2بV��9 م�;K� Cardiology 8O?� 6��9 א¡ دل، دل �و� و��א S;) ،%;� ¡א��א S;)د� Cardiopathology 8O?�m�. � 6��9 %;� א���ت��א S;)

Cardiac opening Care

87 Dictionary Of Haematology

Cardio pathy 8m�. � 6��9 ي����+ 8O دل ، �� 8w;� Cardioplasty 8<&3. � 6��9 ��9ي H���. 8O دل ،H���. 8w;� Cardiospasm &م<=6��9 � אnA يGvZ %;� Cardio theraphy 8.א�I � 6��9 %;� 3ج) Cardiotomic 6��9���C � %;� ي�i� Cardiotomy �C � 6��9�8 8pא�� %;�)8w;� (8Vא�O 8O دل Cardiotoxic כn9�C � 6��9 ��" 8w;� Carditis MC 58 &�"ش =6��9אw;� ،¬�& 8O دل Cardium S�-6��9 ���'� ،%;� ،دل Care �A�9 ،ل، .�و�ش، .��´��&'\�ل�\'&��& Carotid 0C��9و p ،8;� ،�� f��p©;K$� ن� �

Carotid arch 0 :�כC��9و �� f��p ،8;� 8���9bو� Carotid artery ي�C�: 0C��9و �� f��p)8;� (ن� �p ت وא�ي� ��R Carotid bodies n 6�+ 0C��9و S2O 8;� ،S2O �� f��p Carotid canal ل�'�A9 0C8 ��9وD�� �� f��p )8;� ( Carotid gland 0'�;� 0Cود�;8 دא ��9وHj � Carotin 7C��9و b�� �;�. ،دو�� b�� 8�G�Z Catecholamines �9>8 �9ل

��-'M=א �8 �$��כ ��q ت�����VM'-��، O´^وכ =א

81�O 7 ��'�> =א�و&�7 -02 � = א�'��א �-�C �I 7�I אH�. ن�´@'�

Biological active amines such as

epinephrine that are derived from the

amino acid tyrosine Celiac &=�A�;� 8�H+ ،8�1p Celiac disease &=n "6 �A�;� 8�1p� ي����+ 8O ��. ، ،Y�& L 7´'O

7@´l& f� �9ي S�� ه��j0 و'd � �$&���.

An uncomman malabsorption syndrome

also known as nontropical spure

characterized by an inability to disgest

Carotid CFU-E

88 Dictionary Of Haematology

and utilize fats, starches and sugars Cell &=N� O ،��;�=���+ ،���� ،وG�´� · ،���� f´�´�و،

�Tאو Unit of life Cell biology &=8O3-�+ N� � ت ود��V 8A;� ،S;) 8������V �O يG�´� ��O

Study of living cell Cell blood &=0;+ N� ��;� ت�

Cell of blood Cell body 6ي�+ N�& S2O |، �;�ي��2O 8���;� ،S2O يG�´� ��O Cell culture �`;9 N�& ��>ج ج��>�� ،��;� Cell division نn 6و N�& Éي و�G�´� ،Éي و��;� ،S�2i� G�´���Oي Cell membrane 7 �w��� N�& )N�&(O 8 .�دو، �;�ي� G�´� ��O =;8ي .�دو، �;��

Cell somatic �&�<���& N ��;� 8�H+ Cell tissue ���C N�& |4�+ 8���;� ،�Tي אو�;� Cell wall وאل N�& ي د �א�G�´� ،|y 8� ;8A .�دو� ،�;��CFU-E (Colony forming

Units Erythorid) � �;�� ي=א- � א � &8�� GH'9 אH�. אnO �O ت� ،��G�Z

CHC (Constant Heavy

Chain) 8& Í &8 א �א Ni$2�+�;� ������� ن� ��Z ن�O 7D

ن .�Hא f´�O GH'9 و"�@��

Constant region of the immunoglobulin

heavy chain genelocus Che’diak Highashi

anomaly 8p�l�� � 0A9

=א '��;87 ،8 +����ي/و�GH'�I 8D א�^ي ���tא L 7´'O

nOfن ��م ،�Hא� ��دو o���Oد دא�'@� L پ�� אن �9ي אnO 7tن �1�O S9 �O �و!ي و­8

�;8 :و�V 7 ���W 8�: ��9 S$� 8d � �<�1+ .&� �وE�9 .�� �9ي �´>@8 و­8

A rare inherted auto somal recessive

trait that is characterized by the

presence of large granules and

inculusion bodies in the cyto-plasm of

leukocytes. The leukocytic neutrophils

display impaired chemotaxis and

delayed killing of ingested bacteria

CHC Choromatid

89 Dictionary Of Haematology

Chemotaxis 9=n21�C���9��-�O 8¦ |، �;�ي � ،%���� 8-����9 N$� �1�O ،دو��8 -���O¥ب، א�^و �9

GH'9)GH'�-�d (d نnO 7tא�´7 8א] ��. 81t، �<1A+ ن� ���W �9 �Hא� S2O 7��O �

. � ��Uiن .´`�-8و��jه دא�8I N .�ي

The release of substances that attract

phagocytic cells as the result of

traumatic or microbial damage Chlorma ��9;��و �O S2� �;´� م��� � ،������)����C ( 8D�&�

¬�& 8'K ، 8O نnO 7t�1 א�O אو¬ +'��دي .ع �9ي [ي�'@´�ن .�Hא �p a�Iو

A malignant tumor arising from myeloid

tissue Choromatid 0<���9و GH' ] b�� ،S2O دא� b�� ،دو��א� Hl��

G�O 8Oن �Gא ���9Oو��&�م �O א! . ��دو 8O 8A�;� ،7�: אH' 8 و@�+ H'+�. 5? a��� 8O يG�´� 7��O 8'K و���&| دو�אن

�H��� 8�� 8I S�2iي :�8 Half of a chromosome pair bound

together in duplicate during cell division Chromatin 7<���9و �o: b��' دو�� GH)7C�W L (دو��7 �l��

The network of small fibress in the

nucleus of a cell

Chroma ���9و b�� ،دو��دא� b�� ، b�� �C�´� Chrome د � �1 �9وم�" ،b�� �;�. b�� � Chromoprotein 7�C.�و���9و D 7�l���D א�Hl�� ،ت������ت�، D 7�l��� ت���

) Sא� L 8$p�& وא�ي a�d f��& 81�O 7�Cو�.7+�;����� ��q ل�r� 7@� ن� H'9 �9دא� אدא(

A conjugated protein having respiratory

functions (e.g heamoglobin Chromo-somes &�م��2 �9وO 7�l��;2� ،SO 8;i$'� 8= 8���، و�/�

Chromatin Clone

90 Dictionary Of Haematology

H'� و !אG�Zو، �'G��OGvو، Structures consisting of DNA wrapped

around a protein core that are visible in

the nucleus of a cell during cell division

Chronic �3ج �9و�)? ،S H� ،���´O ،�oא�. Gradual or of long duration

Chronic case M�9 �¡ �9و���3ج )? ،¡�� �oא�. Chronic disease n "6 ��9و� oي 8.�א��� ، ?(3ج +����ي +�Chronic



�9و�� M<���D��' ��

n "6

8 +����ي/ ���وo8 �8 .�אO نnO 7t�1 א�O �tيS9 وא�ي S$� 8d |�V3R �9ي

A sex linked auto-somal recessive

genetic disorder that produces

defiective phagocytosis because the

cells are unable to destroy previously

engulfed bacteria


anticagulants b'<�D��9�&

M<'�D���9 8<' א 7´'O دو�� N���'w 8 אO 8و��H�9ي א� ��q

. �pوع 8I و­�a8ت و�Abnormal substance that can produce


CLL N א ،N 3ج، &8، א)?)N�I אH�. 8 �9يO M�<-�& ��D ( �2'�9 Clone 9=ن�; ،N2� 8��H���. ،8ي، �;;� ،S;�)M'O (�mO

Daughter cells descended from the

same single cell, all having identical

phenotypes and growth characteristics

as the original precursor cell

Cold agglutinins n''�C�;l 0אD�9= 7�Cت .�و��VH� د�O�� L ��"3.، 81�O ��6ي &�'>8 �� 0 ��-��d 20 7ن و�W 8^ي

7´l& ي��� ] N� +´$� 8i �q 7 &�ن �د (Antibodies in the plasma that react

best at Oo to 20C


Collagen 7@�D�9 7 .�و�C)ت����D ( ،ي^�} �1�O S2� �� �O ��ي � 8�9�y ��ي L���Oد ���Hي :�8

A protein found in skin, tendons bone,

Cold agglutinins Colony- Stimulating Factors

91 Dictionary Of Haematology

and cartilage

Collagen disease n "6 7@�D�9 א�H�. %w& 8ء�9 8O ت����D 7@�D�9��� �ن �+GH'�I

Disease of the skin, tendons, bones and

cartilage, such as systemic lupus

erythromatosus and rheumatoid arthritis .

Colony- Stimulating

Factor (CSF) 8��D�9


O S2� ص�U �3-��1 .�و�O 7�C �� و[و 8� f���1�Dل، �1�O L �ت 8O אnO 7tن 8O وא! و @

6��;4 N'-�>&وא�w ��& |8 و�Z�& ،8AI |+�/ د���H�= = =8O�I 8}א S9 a. ��q �� ·.

A specific glycoprotein macro-molecule

that stimulates the growth of granulocytes

and macrophage cells, or is referd as an

abbreviation for cerebrospinal fluid


Growth Factor


8��D�9 b'<�D���א&>�

>���و¶ 1�4

8O وא! ��Uص ��دو �1�O �ت nO 8Oن 8AI |+�/ د���H� ص�� L f´@ و �

A soluble substance that promotes cell


Colony- Stimulating

Factors (CSFs) 8��D�9

b'<�D���א&>� 1�4>�س

8 �9���-�q� 8+$�ن ) �����ن(א�^א 1�4>� 'K 8& ،7@� N�´� ن�O 7�C81 �3-�1.�و�O

f، �ت ) .�Hא a�I � و!�(nO 8Oن 8O وא! � و @�8 אZ$8 و!א-�'H �ن ��q Ni$2� 8d N�) 8O��7�d � 7 و!� و @´ L a�Hد [ 'H �ن ��7 � و�ي +��d a�I £Dن .�H'& f+ 5ن 9� L 7�Hد���

8d 7�8��D�9 א&>����H'�I) b'<�D �ن ��7، .&� � و­�I 8) 1�4>�س

Colony stimulating factors, stimulates the

formation of colonies of cells derived from

individual bone-marrow progenitors. These

are haemopoietic growth factors, which are

glycoprotein hormones, which regulate the

proliferation and differentiation of

haemopoietic progenitor cells and function

Cooley’s anaemia Cyto kinesis

92 Dictionary Of Haematology

of mature cells.

Cooley’s anaemia ����2��� n�D�9· ،8�: �D�� ��W �O א '��;�I ،ي����+ 8O ت��Uص � 8O 7+�;����� L ي����+ 7� 8�9 8O �9ي �ت a@� �i� f´@'� وت�'+

..�Hא H��. 8Iي :�8Thalassemia major is usually

equivalent to beta thalassemia in a

homozygous form and is sometimes

called cooley’s anaemia

Comb’s Test �2�C Mw��9 8;�&7 و´'O ،�i �q ص�U� �O a&�1} ت�وאHD 7 � א '8O ��W GH �ت �O ��وپ �K;�م

8´l& �9ي. Anti human globulin test

Cord blood 0;+ 6��9 8O אو� ،N´� �-אH�. 8O ��W �1�O ت�� � �

72�� �)�� (8@´l& �9ي NR�V ن�´@'�. Blood obtained from the umbilical

vessels at birth.

Cyto chemistry 2>�ي��9�<�-�& 8A�;�)N�& ( 8O S2� ص�U� �Hא���9 |��'p 8O MD��1�D��.

The identification of specific types of

molecules in a cell.

Cyto genetics M1<�'�O �<�-�& ،|+�+ ت��'�O 8���;�;) 8���'�O 8 א��O S·

'�Uن �p) 8O 8A�;� L 7´'O ��T 8Oخ .&| �UV L و����I 7�81�O ،8; �2;8 و�

The branch of genetics concerned with

the cellular elements of heredity

Cyto geneticist �21<�'�O�<�-�& ���� ت��'�O ت��;� Cyto genetics M1<�'�O �<�-�& S;) 8T8 אو���2O Cyto logist <�-�&�2O�D � ���� 8Tאو S;) Cyto kinesis n2'�-�9 �<�-�& ،دو�אن É8 و�O يG�´���O� = 8O ��o�. ��O� =

|9�V ي�;� ،Éو�= Cyto plasmic division during cellular

division (mitosis)

93 Dictionary Of Haematology

Cyto kinin 7'-�9 �<�-�& ��yכ، �;�ي א���ي �;�· Cytological N1�O? �<�-�& يG�´� ��O� = ©;K$�Study related to cell Cytology 8O?�<�-�& 8Tت، אو��;� S;) ،S;) ©;K$� يG�´� ��O

S;) |+�+ Study of cell Cytolymph ��D �<�-�& ب�KD ي�;�· Cytolysin 72�-?�<�-�& כ���ي �;�· Cytolysis n2�-? �<�-�& N�) �O a<C 8���Tאو ،H�t ت��;� ��O ،8p�. ت��;�= Cytolytic �<�-? �<�-�& ©;K$� 8p�. 8-��;� ،ش�.��;� Cytome دو &�-�>�م��8 ���;� Cyto morphosis n&�4��� �<�-�& 8; Hw� N1p ي�;� Cytonomy 8��� �<�-�& �i�=א���i �;��ت، �;�ي א� = Cyto pathalogy 8O?�m�. �<�-�& א���ت �;�ي א�� Cyto plasm 3. �<�-�&دو "م��ي G�´���O ،��o�.��O Cyto plasma ��"3. �<�-�& ��o�. ��O،دو��8 ���;�،� �� �O يG�´�،س����O Cytoplasmic ��"3. �<�-�& O ،©;K$� ��o�.��O= �8 ��دو، ·��;� ،� ����

�8 ��دو��V Cytotoxic כn9�C�<�-�& 8 .�ش���;� ،��" 8���;� Cytotoxin نn9�C�<�-�& 8���;���� ��" 8� "�� ��دو، �;��

Cyto kinin Cytotoxin

94 Dictionary Of Haematology


Data �< 6 אد��ت، ���;K� ،���p אدH)א ،�dא bא� Data analysis n2-?�' 6 >� א � n@� א�b א�dي Data card 6��9 �< 6 6��9 �dא bא� Data collecting b'<1�;9 �< 6 يH'+ µ�O �dא bא� Data collection 7�1�;9 �< 6 ��9 �� �dא bא���& �dא bא� ، �^ Daughter cell N�&�C82 �;�� 6א'O ،��;� �$و، د�G��� aT Daughter nuclei 5��;9����Cو 6אGn9�� 8�'O ،وGn9�� aT Dearth ¶�6 ¼�� ،|;� ،°�oא ،E�d Debris س�w 6 G��،9`�و H'� Deca �1 6 �] �9�B] ،�K4د �] ،�o�B] ، Deci 82 6 ن، (��ي�B] ،�] Decigram 6 82 ��אم �UV ن�B] �O אم�� ،��B] 8O אم�� Decimal N� 82 6 ن، (��ي�B] ،8-�B] Decimal classification 82 6 N�

7��1��&39 [�B-8 د�H'+ �Oي

Decimal system S<2& N� [�B] ،�$p�& 8-�B-8 ���م 2 6Deface M� 6 <� ت��R ،�G�l+ ،ت��RH+ ،N1pH+ ،N l+a-� Defect �8، 9��i�،%�) ،8، و[ 6�1-�o8 אوR�� ،8+א�� �و Defective �<1� 6 א�، א!و��+�وHw�) ،���� ،�C�d ،و��>o��1، א�+ Defence M'� 6 D�\'& ،��'. ،³�`+a |x�V ،|K4אH� ، Defficiency 82'A��� 6 E�d ،°�oא ،�C��� ،8�9 ،8-�$<�� ،8B���9 ،|;� Deficient �'��� 6 ��� ،N<d ،و��>oא ،�C�d Deficiency disease n "6 82'��� 6 ي��� j¥א-E�d 8 وא�ي +����ي ، �;8$ +�Deficiency disease 82A'��� 6 א-8 �;| وא� �ن¥j Deficiency Sympton 682'A���S<>� j¥א-8 �;| وא�ي (3�| &

Data Definite volume

95 Dictionary Of Haematology

Deficit �2� 6 ،�C��� ،8�9 ،E�d 8-�$<�� ،8، ���2وB���9 Definite � �H'+HV ،�1. ،��iي، ��ص، ��Hود، .��و .'� 6 �'Definite shape ��p �'� 6 � N1p ص ��ص�U Definite variation 7��A � و �'� 6 © �� ��Hود Definite velocity �; و � ��Hود �68<& ��$4 �'Definite volume م��Dوא � ��ص �Hiא� 6 �'Definition 7��'� 6 ،8o��@�&،� �K�،Á ���Rو ،|�R�� ،|Vو��� Definitive �<�'� 6 ،8KQ� ،8�1��p ،Nو(��8$، V8 و��Rود، وH�� Deform م��6 ��O�9 ،�D8 6و+ ،N1pH+ Deformable ��� 6Nw � و^�O �^l+ ،� ¥. G�l+ Deformation 7����� 6 �RH+ ،N1pH+ G�l+ ،8+8، ��א�� Deformed 0��� 6 ;1pH+ ،��O�9 ،��9 ،�D8 6و+�� Deformity 8<��� 6 8-��O�9 ،8;1pH+ ،8-?8 6و+ Degenerate � �'@ 6 �^l+ ،^$+وאل .¥ �، .2| �2;8، א" Degenerated 0< �'@ 6 N ^l+ ،N �d ،�D�� א� Degernation 7� �'@ 6 ،G�l+ ،ل .8$2، א+$�يn'� Degeneration disease n "6 7� �'@ 6 ��W N �d،�-אH�. ��W N ^l+ ، ي����+ ��T Degranulation 7��D��' �l 6 نnO H�& 8O ت�LN4�2�+ د�O�� يv'� �Hא�

a8 و­@<�� �O دي��8 دא� o8 دא'K دא� دא�. Deletion 7��D6 S2O 7�l�� � S2O א�Hl�� ،N2� 8;2� ،

8O ��O=�'��l�& �B 8 دو�אن;i$'� )segment( a8 و­@B� �O )a8 و­I S�(

A chromosal abbration in which a

segment of a chromosome is lost . Denaturation 7� �`�' 6 ��j ��9ي N Hw�� ،8; Hw�nאج µwq ،N�) 8Kwq

The processes of treating a protein with

agents such as heat or acid and causing

it to lose its native properties due to

disprution of secondary and tertiary

bonding such as hydrogen bonds .

Definition Deoxygenetated

96 Dictionary Of Haematology

Denature �`�' 6 N Hw� ،a-?H+ ت��R 8Oوא� ،a-?H+ µwq ��Rت، �Q4��jي

Denatured 6�`�' 6 ت�Q4 ،N Hw� µwq ،ي�Q4��j ،8)�'U� N Hw� Denovo 6 '�وو ،M�9 دي��'+ ، N�9 ��. و��y ن� ��.

©;K$� ي����+ 7�'9 A newly presented, primary case, of

disorder or disease .

Deoxidate 6� a 8�9 a@�29: ،�v9:�29@ ي :6 829 Deoxidation �29@ :829 6 �67ي:a ،8R3� a@�29: ،א��אج �O

N�) 8�9 a@�29: Deoxygenetated 6:829ي <�O�0 8�@�29: ��j Deoxygenation 7��'@�29: 8 6يR3� 7@�29: ،א��אج �O 7@�29: ،

N�) 8�@�29:��j Deoxy haemoglobin 829 6ي:

7+�;����B O 7@�29: '@��ن�7 +�;����B8 א��אج

N� a�I وא�و (Reduced haemoglobin

Diabetes mellitus 56א �+n�<M<�-3� ،ي����+ 8O ¨8 .���ب�0، 'd L ب���. ¦ �+M�Q، �¨�.���ب

A disorder of carbohydrate metabolism

due to an insfficiency of insulin

Diabetic �<�+56א Q+� ¦� N� 82�Q+� ¦،82�� M�Q+� ¦ ، و�A person who suffers form diabetes

Diagnose "�'� 56א &a-��، ���& ¡�� ،a}�O ،a&�>� ،ad�. Diagnosis � 56אn&�' ¡�� ���� ،��O ،س�>� ،�o��& ،��.

Determination of the nature of a

disorder of disease

Diagnosis biological n&�'� 56א

�+�N1�O? �o��& 8������V ،���� 8������V

Determination of the nature of a life

(living organism)

Diagnosis clinical 56א n&�'�N1'�;9

�o��& 8wq ،���� 8wq Determination of the nature of disease

with instruments in clinic

Deoxygenation Dialyser

97 Dictionary Of Haematology

Diagnosis laboratory n&�'� 56א �C��w�Dي

�l�+�@� ���� � When diagnosis is made in laboratory


pathological n&�'�56א

O?�m�.�N1 ���� א��א���ت

Determination of a disease


physiological n&�'�56א

N1�O?� n4 ���� 8�H+

Determination of physiology of a body

Diagnostic �<&�'� 56א ¡�� ���� ،|�3) 8O ي����+ Sign of disease

Diagnostic signs �<&�'�56א'-�&n

�� (3�$�ن �� &���O �o ن ������ن، Determination of a nature of signs of

a disease

Diagnostic symptoms �<&�'�56א�<>�&n

�� (3�$�ن �� Determination of nature of symptoms

of a disease

Dialyser �n�-? 57 6א���ق .�ش �) An instrument, used in dialysis

Dialysis n2�-? 58، � 6אp�. ق�) K H�t ��.�: ،و�n�9 ،�� Dialysate �) ��rل GH'�I NV)8o�. ��q ��دو � .���o° 6א2�-? 5

�1�O :! ��س .¥ � �O;8 �'@��ن .�� 8�l& 8@A.

The soluble materials and fluids (e.g

water) that pass through

semipermeable membrane

Diapedesis n2 0�.� ت ��ن &�"ي 6א��;� Cells promoting blood cells

Diapedesis ameboid 0-�+�� �;�8O 7 {� .� =6א �.�n&0 א Movement of cells

Diastole و!� =6א � א&>�ل �O دل ،a@;�� ي(دل����+(

Expansion of heart D-I-C 8& 5: 6ي a@Zت د� �H7 א�Z� � 72�)�BG�Z ( a��

وא�ي +����ي Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Dialysis Discord

98 Dictionary Of Haematology

This is a serious coagulation disorder

that consumes platelets and blood

coagulation factors, and is an example

of a major break down of the

hemostatic mechanism that occurs

when the procoagulant factors out with

the anti coagulant system

Discoid 0-�1&6 ��8 ���، ��ص ��D�I،N1p �1ي}،�lد8�9 وא� Discolor �;9 6س a@C�Wא b��،a<� b��،G�l+ b��،E�Wא b�� Discolouration 7� �;1&6 8; Hw� 8O b��)N�، ، ��b אE�W، دאغ) (

a<� b��، 8l��H+ Disconnect � א�d^�، אaC�9 ،a;�d، אHO ، Dא ��9 6س 1�'9Disconnecting b'<1�'9 6س  D��9ي ،א S$� �;2;& ،אHO Disconnection 7�1�'9 6س S$� �;2;& ،N�) N2;2���j

Disconnector �<1�'9 6س �C �;2;&G GH' Discontinuity 9 68س<-��'�<' ،����� N2;2���j ،H'+ Discontinuous 9 6سM-��'�<' N2;2� ��j ،�����D א� ،N�9 H'+ Discontinuons

process ��j��i �q N2;2 .�א&9M-��'�<'n 6س

Discord 6��9 6س ����jא،|i4 E�� ،א-8، ��&�"يHO ،وG�tو، وG�l+ Discourse 6س ��9س ¢�+ ،� �i� ،��T ،� ود ، S;)،� ،�wQ� �;+�i Discover ��9 8 9 دسD�Z ،|4� د� ،aD�Z ،?�Z ،�'O�dv � Discoverer ���9 6س GH' v9 8D�Z ،GH'9 �'O�d Discovery א @�د، د� �4| 6س ��9ي ،?�Z ،3ش� ،©�i�� Discrete � ��$���j ،Ï�B ،N2;2;�1 ، אHO ،  Dא 6س �9 Dohle bodies n 6�+ 8 6ول� ��q 8Oوא� ��jGH'�I אH�. )8 )د��ل'K

81;B 81�O ،�Qi� �2م � !א�O8 אO���= 7t8 אO ت� �lدي وא���א� Hl�� ي���

�8 وא-�ل ) ����CوnO)N4ن ��q ص�� ،c@'����ي� � و�ي "�B ;8 ��دن H�. 8Oאa�I وא�ي �+

Discourse Discretional

99 Dictionary Of Haematology

7B: אH'�D a}א ��� L 8@�$� 8O ل�����R. Abnormal inclusion bodies that apperars as

light blue staining vaculoes predominautly

in neutro phils in viral disease and other

toxic conditions

Downey cells 6אM;�& 8��- O8 د�O 8 دو�� +'Hي 6fא-���p S<2& ��;� 8و(� �;$� L 7�'O ،م��� �O Éא� و��w���� 8'K �wo��& 7 &�نD�� �;$� ،M<�-�& ��D �O S2�

BA6 ��q ل�r� ،�-א M<�-�& ��D L ون ��-�C 8��@'� Ðd 8-�$�9א L °��o�. ��O د�O�� c

��B وH' ون &� � و ��-�C 7�d 8� a@B د�O��W ;8و�ي� ��3".�C ��-�C 8��-6א ��q 8 ن�&

£D�+�� L ��-�C ي�I 8��-6א � GH'd� |�+�����B N��p M<�-�&��D.

Down syndrome 6א-�ن &'�0وم b�� L ��O 8;i$'� 8;2� 8'K ،S2O دא� ��j �وא8O و�א/G��O 8$و ��� א{a، אB^ي ���ي �1�O�nD�l'م +����ي &�ن �+ L يG��O 8$/8 � و�א@B يH'd� |�+���

��'w���j N �وאN1p 8O ��� א{a �9ي א .a�n ��� א{�D a �9و��&�

A chromosomal abnormality also

reffered to as mongolism’ s disease.

Discrete form ��4م � ��R 81;Bت، ��j�N1p N2;2 6س �9 Discrete process n&א�. ��N 6س �9 ) N2;2� ��j Discretional N'� �9 6س N2;2� ��j ،ودH�� ��j Discriminate ��'�� �4ق &��ao، א�$��"، ��وت، �4ق 6س �9 Discriminating b'<�'����وت H'�D 6س �9 GH'�D �4ق ،G Discrimination 7��'����n، &���، .��، �4ق 6س �9 � ،© �� ، c­�& Discriminative �<�'����GH'd� n، �4ق ��9 6س �9 � ،�d��. ، GH'�o��& ،Hو� c­�& Discs M1&6 ن���D�I ،�2 �ن�

Discriminate Disinfectant

100 Dictionary Of Haematology

Discussion 7�1&6 و�Uw� ،¢�+ ،��t0't� ،�rV�w��x�'و، Disease n "6 �+ي، �و�، و��� &��، .�^א³، ��¡، +�

Feeling not well, feeling un-easy, one

feels unease .

Disease acute E��9א n "6 ي����+ ���� ��;� ��¡، ����Qכ +����ي، ��Disease carrier �A ��9 n "6 )L S2O ( GH' ^��. ي����+ ،GH'�o: ¡�� Disease chronic ��9و�n "6 ي .�א����+ 8o Disease Contagious MA�O�<��9 n "6 ي����+ GH�^}و )¡��( Disease control 9'>�ول n "6 ي �وכ����+ ،����� ¡�� ،�Q+�� و�� Disease functional N'�1'4 n "6 ¡�� 8;�) Dysplasia ��2�;. 6س j8 وא! وOوא� ��j ، 8Kwq �� ل�r� c@

��q)7�;�@ 8 وא! وO c( Abnormal development(e.g)defective

cellular development) abnormal cytological

features and tissue organization, often is a


Dysplastic (adjective) �<&3. 6س H���. �i� Dyspenia ��'�. 1;��، دم 8�9، &�� 6س� �وכ &��

Difficulty in breathing

Dyspoiesis n2�-�. 8 6سOوא���j)ي�Q4 ��j(8 وO ت� ، c@ א! وc@ وא! و L نnOa�I אH�. �i� دو�אن

An abnormality in the development of

blood cells

Desease carrier �A ��9 n "6 ¡�� ،GH' ^�. ي����+)L S2O ( GH'�o: Organisms which (carry) brings

diseased material into another body

(organisms healthy)

Diseased 66n " ،N ����+ N���� ،N l+ ،N & ،8Zو� ،N� ��¡ و�Disinfect 6س�5 � +����ي G��Oא א��1�+H+ دوא-7 &�ن ،�v9 پ!

�v9 | 8�9 ، &�א S�/א�O ،��9 دو� Disinfectant � ، �Oא/��B" �9 Sאت �$GH'9 S دوא �و� ���،) دوא( 6س א��1>'

101 Dictionary Of Haematology

Disinfection 7�1�، !پ 8�9، =6س א�����א G��O)و� ) دوא-7 &�ن� 8-�O: يG��O ��9 S$�

Disorder �: 8، 6�6سwOوא��j ،8+א�� ،G�l+ ،G�Zو ،¡�� ،N;� � ) | W ^)wq�KL^�א+$�ي ;. �Dא

Unfavorable conditions abnormal situations

Dyspoietic syndrome 6س �<�-�. وم�&'0

c دو�אن .�Hא 8O 7�;� 7Ui� N�I وא! و @ 7�;� � �)��@� �O 7Ui� �)��@� �O

c@ 8 +8 �+¼ وא! وO A combination of defective and

disrupted cell line development .

Disease hereditory ي�C0 ��B n "6 ،ي��� ��¡ ���و/2�8;8 +����ي، ���Hא�8 +�Disease immunity n "6 8א<���� |K4אH� ي����+ ،¡�� |K4אH� ت�� Disease nervous وس�� n "6 ¡�� 8$'�8 +����ي، wU) Disease organic �'���: n "6 ¡�� 8�� ��) Disease parasitic n "6 �<&¡ .��א��8 ;�q Disease reaction 7�1A � n "6 N����ي�O 5 �د(�+ Disease resistance M'<&"� n "6 GH'9¡ �و��ي �وכ، ����+ Disease susecptability 8<;w�<>2& n "6 ¡ א/� .¥ �ي��ي א/�، ����+ Disease symptom S<>�& n "6 |�3) 8O ي����+ ،���Bو� א� Disease tropical N1�.א�C n "6 ي����+ 8O �;� م�� Disease veneral و '��ل n "6 ،¡�� 8$)��O)  D ( ي����+ 8.3�� Disease virus وא-�س n "6 ي ، وא-�س و����+ 8O ¡ אوא-�س��و � Diseased 6n "6 ،N ����+ ، �� ،N���� ،8Zو� N ^l+ Diseased form 6 ��4مn "6 N1p ن�O 8+ ،ت��  �� ،ت��R ي����+ Disinfect ��Oא/�S 8�9، &�א | �v9، !پ �v9، 6س א��1

،aZא�و ��� G��Oي ��Disinfectant �، !پ GH�v9، א�و 8Z��G��O� ،%9ي �� 6س א��1>'

�9 S�/א�O Disinfectant natural �ل �� � �Q4ي �و� �وכ 6س א��1>'

Disinfection Disinfection

102 Dictionary Of Haematology

Disinfectant physical �6س א��1>'N1 n4

8Kwq �و� �وכ، G��O 8Kwqي �وכ

Disinfectants M<'<1�د 6س א� GH'9 S$� אت�B" وא-�ن Disinfected 6<1�כ �0س א��. S�/א�O ،و�� ���+ ،N�Zא�و ،�O: يG��O Disinfection 7�1�8�9 6س א� S�/א�O 8-�Z8، א�و-�O: يG��O ، Disinfective �<1�א 6س א��O/ ��� يG��O ،8Zא�و ،S�/א�O µ4�9، دא S� Disintegrate 6س א��< �l� �� G�C ،a<CG ،a�I ^tو^t ، و^t و^t ،אHO אHO Disintegration 7 א6س� �l�<� ،���$א� ،G��G�C ،N�;�� ،� �@���ق، ^tو^t Disk �&6 8، ±��9،��ص�D�I ،©wq Dislocate ��9�D 6س �^�I ،a9�& ،a9^I و�B ،�^�dא Dislocation 7��9�D 6س ،�^I 8w���� 8+ ،a9^I Dislocation congenital 7��9�D 6س

9N<�'�@' .�Hא-��B N�9^I 8و

Dislocation pathologic 7��9�D 6س��O?�m�.

^�dي א�B 8������

Disorder �6�: 6س �;. �Dא ،G�Zو ،N;� ،8+א�� ،G�l+ Disorientation 7��<' 8 6س אو�&�'p ��j ل�V�� Disoxygenation 7��'�@�29: �29@ 6س: ��j� �29@�8 ���1ل: ، N�) 8 Dispar �. א�، �4ق 6س��B ��j ، ©4א���2وي، ��� ��j Disparity 8<-��. א�ي 6س��B�� ،�3$א�ي ، א���B�� Disparity social Np�& 8< �A>&6 8 א� +�א+�يO�����j 8 +�א+�ي، &�p�K� Dispensary دوא����، א&<$�ل 6&<�'�2ي ،%Q� ،�����p Clinic, Hospital Dispensatory &69$�ب <�'2>�ي�O %q ،%q ،9$�ب �O 72� 8wq Dispense M'�>&6 aB�� دوא ،a-�Bدوא &�"ي، و� ،a ] 3ج) Dispense medicine 72 0�� M'�>&6 aB�� دوא ،a ] دوא-�ن ،a ] 3ج) Dispenser �2'�>&6 "�& 8 &�"، دوא �4وش، دوא2� Dispensing b'2'�>&6 د ،aB�� 8 &�"ي، دوא وא &�"ي، (��Qي �2Display 8;>&6 �-��� ، ³�� ] Disposal �1ل 6&<�"ل�� ،%���� =א��אج، א�$�Qم، Dissect 1�& 56א� �}��� ،�G ���� Á، و± 9 ،G����} ،aC�9 ،�±و ،�

Disinfective Dissoluble

103 Dictionary Of Haematology

Dissecting room وم� b'<1�& 6א� � ، �Oא8V 8��9 �وو± 9� وא�و 9Dissection 7��1�& 56א G����} Á ��� ،� n@�،� ، و9±Dissector �<1�& 56א ،�D: �O G�� ��} ،�$�� ،GH'9 � n@�

GH' ±و ،GH'9 � و9±Dissociate ��A�&�&6 وH�;) ، Dא، אHO ،a�I אHO ،©;K� µQ� Dissociated <A�&�&6�0 N<C ،وH�;) ،אHO ، Dא Dissociation 7��A�&�&6 وG�tو ،N�) �O a<C ،8-אHO ،8�H�;) ق�� ، Dissociation theory ي���I 7��A�&�&6 � ��� 8�H�;) Dissociative �<�A�&�&6 ،GH'�I  DאאHOGH'�I Dissertation 67��C�" �D�i�،�D�&�،ن���� ،Ä�D ،� �i� Dissertion 7p�"6 �D�i� ،ن، +��ن���� Dissoluble 6سN+��D�& a�I NV ،� ¥. NV ،N+�� a;� ،©-? ��Z �Z�O Dissolute 6سE��D�& a-א��l. ،NV ،��9 NV ،���Z Dissoluation 7p��D�& 6س � n@� ،NV ،© �� ،��Z Dissolve �D6"و ����l. ،و��Z ،���Z ،��Z ،ao�T ،a;� Dissolved 6�D6"و N ��l. ،N�;� ،N �Z ،N�9 NV Dissolvent �' �D�& 6س �;�� ; ،8����Z ،GH' ��Z ،GH'9 NV N;و، Distal N<&6 د n9��·ي ، دو�،و�، :��ي�. Distallable Nw�D N<&6 � ¥. H��9 Distallary ب ��9ي 6&>;�ي: ،���H��9، אب�p8O 8¨+ Distance M'<&6 تH� ،�� و8I، و ،8C�t��e'. ،�;R، و Distant � [و� ��;�N،.�א���ن، دو�، .�ي، [و�א���ن 6&>'Distil <&6N a1>C ،�v9 ق�) ،a-�1} ،8�H��9 ،و �^و^� Distillate ��;�<&6 8�H��9 ق�) ،N$1� ق�) ،�v9 ق�) Distillation 7��;�<&6 8�9 ق�) ،a-�1} ،�v9 ي، (�قH��9 ق�) Distillatory ق 8�9، :+��1ي 6&>�;�>�ي�) Distilled 0;<&6 N �1} ،N v9 ق 8�9، (�ق�) Distilled sprit E�>&8 =6&>;0 אo�. ��p ،8o�. �QK� ،H��9 8، :بo�. N �1} Distiller �;<&6 "�& אب�p ،��9 ق �9، :ب�) Distinct � ، !א� H�;)Áو، אD ، ��א��R ،�D، {>�، ����و، وא� 1'<&6

Dissolute Divisible

104 Dictionary Of Haematology

Distinction 7�1'<&6 N�U��N�U، א�$��"، �4ق، ��وت، ،|Vو�� Distinguish �-��l'<&6 و�� ao��& �4ق ،ad�  Dא ،ad� ت Distinguishable NwA�-��l'<&6 אHO ،و���� ، D�4ق، א ،�Z�O �o��& ،و^�O n��� Distinguishing characteristics

&6<��l'b'�- �<1 ��9 M1<2

א�$��"ي وR�ن

Distinguishing features A�l'<&6�b' $��"ي � �4`�س�نא�$�R� Distribute �w �<&6E� ��2i� ، و�a a-�Bو�at، و��0، Distribution 7p��w �<&6 و��� �Bو��0، و� ،atو�0، و� ،S�2i� ،Éو� ،|&� Ditto �C6 +��� ،��+�B ،��Z�& ،1@�^وB c Diuresis n2 �� 58 ����-8، .���ب &�"ي 6אO ب���. Diuretic �< �� 5ب، 6א���. �<W،ب :و����.،GH'�o: ب .���ب���. GH'�-و!א Diurnal N��-ي 6אG�B] ،"و� �B ،ن، �و"א���-��' ] ،GH'Z�O �O 7�' ] Diurnal disease 6אN��-n "6 ي����+ 8O 7�' ] ،"و� ¡�� Diversity 8<&6א5 و� |�+�����j ،وت�� ��8l���l،א�b�� �3$،�4ق،Divert E6א5 و� �G�� ��q ،a-خ ���א� ،a-?H+ خ� Diverter �C6א5 و� GH'�-?H+ خ� Divide 0�-6وא ،a-�Bو� ،aC�9 ،�G�Cو���0و ،at Divided 0 0�-6وא N 0و�،N �Bو� ،N G�C ،N�>9 ،N�tو� Divisible N+n�-6وא �Z�O �0و� ،� ¥. |&�Bو� ،©-? S�2i� Division نn 6و �¯�y،0و� ،|&�Bو� ،�¯�Bو�0، و� ،Éو� Dizoic �-6א5 "و Wf 8א���V Dizygotic �C�l-6א5 "א Wf �`W 8;1p Dizygtic �<l-6א5 "א Wf 8��+ Dizyziness M'-אn " 5א�>8 6א�y ،8 ���يm� ،�1} ،8��� �. Dizzy א�>8 دא� 6א5 "ي�y ،N��@'� ،����m� ،GH' ��� �m� Doctor �<96א S�1V ،GH'9 دوא ،[D�K� ،%�wq ،�<96א Doctoring b���<96א9>�ي 6א ،|+�wq ،|�1V Doctrine 7�-6א9>�ي 6א9>�א ،S�;K���+�|، א�Rل، �$�،(H�iو، Doctrine pure ��. 7�-$� �-6א9>�א�ل �Rא ،� ��� �D�� Doctrine theory ي���I 7�-8 ��� � 6א9>�א;�)��j ،� ��� 8�;)

Division Dysthrombopoiesis

105 Dictionary Of Haematology

Document ���96א��' D ،Âw� ،� ��� ،H'& ،n د&$�و |� Dolor ��D1;��، د�د، .�^א، &�� 6و� Drumsticks M1<&�1 �6م א�O ،دو�� GH'd� |��q ي�B�O N�و�C���

��O 8 &�نZي !אn9�� 8O n9�� يG��� ��O S2 �;�� ���� وE אB N�1C@8، אB^ي

@'� 7� .c [�� و 'Hא :�97Bي (��An appendage of nuclear material attached to the nucleus of a segmented neutrophil may be seen in some cells in women

Diyscrasia ��2 �1&6 ¡��،|D�V 8Oوא� ��j N� )�ت D�V )8O| و�An abnormal or pathological condition of blood

Dyserythropoiesis و�m 6س א� n2�-�. N�� a�� نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت�) a�I £D�+ ن�d �-אH�.7�-�� ����ت א��i� �H א{8 و­a وא�و دو�א )

Defective red blood cell maturation Dysgranulopoiesis n2�-�.�D��' �� 6س N�� a�� نnO 7t8 אO ن (�ت�d �-אH�.

7�-�� a�I £D�+ ( aא{8 و­ �i� �Hت א�� وא�و دو�א���

Defective white blood cell maturation Dysthrombopoiesis 6س n2�-�.�w�و�I ;�<�;.�<Maא{8 و­ �i� L )אH�. ن�d �-

8O א�a�I £D�+f �H وא�ي دو�א��Defective platelete maturation

106 Dictionary Of Haematology


Ecto �<1 ن =א��m� ،ن� �B�W ،8و���+ Ecto blast � 8A;� 7 �B�W وא!، �B�W �ن ��³3 =א 3+ �<1&Electrocardio graphy

(ECG) 6��9 �א1�D>�و

��8א4 �� ،אي &8O 8:و"א�) :�D(+��8 دل .�

Electron micrography 1>�ون�Dא ��-�1و��א84

�v9 �C�4 د &�نH� 8O 7�+8 ���د��+

A photograph taken with electron

microscope Embodied 0 6�+ אم= ���، +Hن ��@2�+ ، Embody �+ ي6=אم L S2O ،ao: L S2Oد�;��1ي Embolism مnD�+ אم= )L 7��� �p (� ،³��T ت� L 8�� �p ،E�9و

a�T ت� Embolus MD�w�وכ، =א� ،�@'W)�O א )�ت�¦ N��T Embryo � �+ אم= ،N�V ،X�� ،YZ.�`W ،�� Embryology 8O?� �w�ود � =א X�� ،YZ S;) Endo 7 א '0و �Hن، א���¨�B ،ن� �Hא� Endoderm א '0و�6م d 7 �Hא�N Endolymph ��Dא '0و= Hب �א��KD 8و� Endolymphatic �<��Dب دא� =א '0و�KD 8و��Hא� Endothellium

S�;�I�3 =א '0وj �O M� ،ن .�دو� �Hو�8 א&$�، א��Hא�

Single layer of smooth flattened cells

lining heart, blood vessels, and lymph

vesseles, in vertebrates.

Endothelial cells M;�& NA�;�I 7 .�دي �;�� א '0و �Hא� Simple squamous epithelium that lines blood

and lymphatic vcessels and the heart.

Endothermal N��Iא�ت ��� א '0و�V ،8��� 8� و�Hא�

Ecto Enter

107 Dictionary Of Haematology

Endothermy 8��Iو�8( א '0و�Hא�ت ���ي ) א��V Energy 8Oא��-8 =א����، ��ت، cl& ،8$1p ،|��q، "و�، א/�، Engulf �;l' א a-�9^Z ،��9 ق�j ،��9 ب¥O،a�Z Enlarge א 7 ?�ج N !و[و، و ،a-��l' א ،a-و!�، و!א= Enlarged 0O�? 7 א N�9 ���6 ،N ��l' א ،N و!א= Enter �C 7 א �^�� ،a�I Nد��ل، دא� ،Nאج، دא��Hא� Entry ي�C 7 دא�3 אl'D ،�� ،a�I د�ج ،c^ a�I Nدא�،� Enumerate ���� ��Z =א '����� p ،a-��D �2بV ،����p ،a�Z Enumeration 7� �����' א= o�Z ،��Z ،���p�2ب�V ،�< Environment א '�א-�و� ،��4���Vل، �y.�&8، {�!א�ي ��'

Collective term for the conditions in which

an organism lives, e.g temperature, light,

water. Environmental

physiology N<'��א '�א-�و

8O?� n4 ����Kwq 8D�Vت

Enzymatic �<����� א�n�l א 'nא-� Enzymatication 7��1�<����� א 'nא-� N����ي (� ،N�) �O aO Enzymatic activity �<��א 'nא-

8C��<1 א 9|، ����ي ���כ �V 8-א����

Enzymatic reaction �<��=א 'nא- 7�1�A �

N����ي �د (� ،N����ي �د (�

Enzyme S-אn' א aO������، �B�O، (�ق، ����و، ��، |+�q� .�`�-�'GH �س، ����و

Enzmopahty 8m�. ��9�8 (3ج א�nא- ���� N� ��¡ و�A pathological enzyme deficiency.

Enzymatic bacterial א= �<�� 'nא-N �<1�+

���� 8� �Oא/�

Entry Epi

108 Dictionary Of Haematology

Eosin 7&�A א= °��o�. 8-����9 GH'�l�� ،��& b�� ي��y An acidic stain that stains some

cytoplasmic structures of the cell an

orange-red colour. The red-staining

structures are acidophilic or

eosinophilic substances.

Eosinophil N4�' "� א= S2� �B �O 7�;� H�& 8O ن�� Eosinophilic granules �;4�' "� א

MD��' �� �ت 8O אnO 8tي א�8l���� �H دא8o دא� ��دو

Orange-staining granules found in a

specitic leukocyte type.

Eozoic �-و"�A א�8 א��V S H� Epi 8> ن א� �B�W ،8m� ،ن�m� Epithelial NA�;�m�> א Nd ي�t�m� ،Nd 7 �B�W ،8 .�دوDא�d� Epithelial cells M;�& NA;�m�> א אG��� Nd ن� �B�W ،��;� ن� �B�W ،אG��� ن� �B�W Epithelial tissue m�> א�;��C NA= �Tאو Nd 7 �B�W Epithelium S�A;�m> دو، א א�. ،c� ،�$&)�O Nd (� c���mن

Sheet or tube of firmly coherent cells,

with minimal material between the

cells, (The term is however,often not

applied to such sheets or tubes when

they have been embryonically derived

from mesoderm,e.g lining of blood

vessel (endothelium) or of coelom (mesothelium) lines cavities and tubes

and covers exposed surfaces of body,

one surface of epithium being therefore

free, other resting usually on

connective tissue, its cells are

frequently secretory, and secretory part

of most glands is made of epithelium,

epithelia are classified according to

height of cell (dimension at right angles

to extension of sheet) relative to

breadth into columnar, cubical and

squamous (in order of diminishing

Epithelial Erthrocythemia

109 Dictionary Of Haematology

relative height) and according to

whether sheet is one cell thick(simple)

or many stratified, examples of non-

epithelial tissues are connective tissue,

muscle, nervous tissue .

Erythema ���m א� ،�<} �BG�Z) 8O Nd (خ دאغ�& ،��BG�Z Erythremia ��� �m א� E�d دي��خ �& Erythroblast � &� خ ��دي ���BG�Z ،³3 ��دو وaB א� �mو +3&

Erythrocyte � �ت �BG�Z �O �;�� א� �mو &�-� Refers to red blood cells.


sedimentation rate


� א� �mو&�-�� � 7��<'��0�&

� � 7��<'��0�& � א� �mو &�-�

Erythrocytic �<�-�&و�m ن א�� ^�O نnO 7BG�Z ت� Erthrocythemia ����m�-�&و�m א� a}8 وא! אO نnO 7BG�Z L ت� Erythrocytosis n&�<�-�&و�m 8 �و� א�A;� خ�&

Increase in the total red cell mass

secondary to any of a number of non haemotopoietic systemic disorders in response to a known stimulus (secondary

polycythemia), in contrast to erythremic or

primary polycythemia (polycythemia-vera ). Erythrocytolysis n2�-? �<�-�&و�m 8 א�p�. 8A;� خ�& Erythrocytolysim M�-?�<�-�&و�m 8 .�ش א�A;� خ�& Erythrocytopenia ��'�.�<�-�&و�m 8 א��9 8O نnO 7BG�Z L ت�

Deficiency in the number of erythrocytes, also called erythropenia

Erythrocytometer �<���<�-�&و�m א� �� �ت .�Erythrodema �� &�خ ��¡ א� �mو6 Erythroderma 6و�m א���� a�I �BG�Z �O ي^�} ،H;O ي، &�خ^�} 8BG�Z Erythrogenic �'�Oو�m א-� א�H�. b�� خ�& ،H�D�� &�خ Erthrogenic-toxin نn9�C �'�Oو�m א� �B" 8� nO 8BG�Zي 9Erythropoietic �<�-�.و�m א� GH'�-ت و!א� Promoting erythropoiesis

Erythrocytosis Erythroleukaemia

��dא8D .�دو

110 Dictionary Of Haematology

Erythropoietin 7<�-�.و�m ن א�nO 7BG�Z |+�q� 5? �-אH�. 8O �1�O �^دن �'@��ن ����B (�I 8��ن(

A glycoprotein hormone (mol wt46,000)

that stimulates erythropoiesis. It is produced mainly by the kidneys in

response to tissue hypoxia, in the

adult and by liver in the fetus, which acts on stem cells of the bone-marrow

to stimulate red blood cell production.

Erythroid 0-و�m א� ��Vخ א�& ،�� �G�Z &�و، &�خ �Erythrometer �<��و�m א� ،�� nO �BG�Zא �O a�Z אو"א�) �ت �O(&�خ .�

An instrument or colour scale for measuring degrees of redness, also

known as erythrocytometer.

Erythron ون�m 8 ��ن (��و، &�خ ��ن �;�� א�BG�Z Erythroleukaemia ����9��Dو�m 7 دو�אن א��'O S2� �O �2'�9 8O ت� £D�+��

אnO �BG�Z � �tא و!ي و­7A form of leukaemia that is usually

acute and represents the proliferation of both immature granulocytic and

erythrocytic cell types.

Erthroleukocytosis n&�<�-�&�9��Dو�m א� S2� �O �2'�9 8O ت�، �O ت� L 7�'O و!ي و­�BG�Z (7(�وnO 8Zא


thrombocythemia �9��Dو�m א�

����m-�&�+���I ���I�9��Dو�m ي دو�אن א�����+ ����m-�& �+

� و!ي و­�O M�<;�<�;. c 81�O ،aت �'@7B: אH' א ��� אnO £D�+�� �O ت� ��q ي�B�x

Erthro-neocytosis n&�<�-�&�Aو���m ' א��ت �aو!ي و­ �O نnO 7BG�Z £D�+�� c�@ The presense of immature erythrocytes

in the blood.

Erythropathy 8m�.و�m א� GH'�I ل��K$&ي ?5 א����+ 8O نnO 7BG�Z�& ،FDي����+ 8�2O خ

Erythrophagia ��@�4و�m 8 א�d نnO 7BG�Z 8O ي، �ت��� S2O خ�&

Erthroleukocytosis Erythrophobia

111 Dictionary Of Haematology

GH'�-�d)GH'9 S�B (��;�

A phagocyte that takes up erythrocyte

and blood pigments.

Erythrocytophagous Ml�4�<�-�&و�m א� ��� S2O خ�& Pertaining to or characterized by

erthorcytophagy Erythrocytophagy 8@�4�<�-�&و�m א� L ت� ،a�I پ^B �O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت�

���Oد nO 7�Wن �mB 8Oن، �O^ي �qح ��jو M<�-�&�<2Bه

The engulfment or consumption of

erythrocytes by other cells, such as the

histocytes of the reticulo-endothelial


Erythrosis אn&و�m � ����� b�� خ�& erythropheresis n2 ��4و�m א� a-�<� a-�<B 8d نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت� Erythrophil N4و�m 1^ي א�. b�� �BG�Z �1 :&��8 &�ن�O ��;�

A cell or other element that is easily

stained red, erythrophilous.

Erythrophobia ��+�4و�m و � א�G��� ��O و^B�1 :&��8 א�O �U')Z ن &�ن�d 8، �ت@�l& 8@l�� �BG� n4��a�Iد�

A neurotic manifestation marked by

bluishing sightest provocation, morbid

fear of bluishing morbid aversion to red.

Erythrocytopoiesis n2�-و&�-�>� .�א�m א� N��ت nO 7BG�Z 8Oن H�. 8Oא-� وא�و (� �3V�� وא� %���

The process of red blood cell

(rethrocyte) production. (erythro poiesis) Erythrocytorrhexis n21� � �<�-�&و�m ت א���R 8Kwq 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت�

O 8BG�Z 8O ت� ،a@DH+ 7 �B�W 8O يna�I ������ L وت�'+

A morpholozial change in erythrocytes


Erythrocytopoiesis Evolution biological

112 Dictionary Of Haematology

Erythrocytoshisis n2p�<�-�&و�m א� L 7 +'�وت �B�W 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت� M�<;�<�;. 8B5 א�. �O ������ 8���אB^ي �

وא��l ��� א{7 Erythrocytouria-

haematuria א� �mو &�-�>� �� �

� ��}���B a}א L ب���. �O نnO 7BG�Z

Erythrogenesis n2'�Oو�m א� H�. 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O אوא��ت Erythrosis n2&و�m ي א�����+ 8�2O خ�& ،����� b�� خ�& Essential disease n "6 N�'�&¡ א��8 ;Rא Estimate �����'� a-��D }،9 א 2>�� ،�I�9 ،א"وHא� ،�'��� ،¶� Estrogen 7Oن، :�8 =א&>�و����B 7Oכ، א 2>�و��� �O �Bو

دא��O 8 ���כEthnic �'m 8، א�8��2، ��D 8;2� Ethnic origin 7@ אو� �'m א |�;R2;8 א� ،N2א�H$+א Etiology 8O?��< ي א����+�ww& 8O 7S;) �O

The study of the cause(s) of disease.

Evolution 7p��D� א �-��� ،�;2;& �O ت�Kא��אج، وא� ،�i�=אو&�، א� Evolution biological �-�+ 7p��D� א�N1�O? ���V�i��8 א���=

113 Dictionary Of Haematology


Factor �<1�4 ،N�nO ،aو، �UVO ،�U') ،�¯�y، א/�א-$� (��) ،nO%w& ،N

Factory 1�4>�ي، ������9، 8��9 1�4>�ي ،|R Faculty 8<;1�4 ��;) ،�wKp 82 �H� Family 8;�A4 : ،%2� %2V ،%'<9 ،אنH���9 ،9^م ،c

�oو، ���א�@p Fat ��4 ��;I ،Y�& ،8W�}j$��و، �و�7، ، � �N، و�Fat body 6ي�+ ��4 S2O و� وא�و ،S2O و��$� ��;I )نH+ ( 8W�}

S2O دא� Fat digestion 7��@-6א ��4 ،��Z �O �8W�})a<C ( 8W�} ،��9 S�B Y�&

S�B ��9ي Fat globules MD��+�;� ��4 �oدא �\�& �O �8W�} Fat soluble N+��D�& ��4 ،GH��Z L Y�& و��Z Y�& ،� ¥. NV L ت��'jو� Fat splitting b'<;>&א ��4= = �. 8W�}pa<C �O 8W�} ،8 Fat synthesis n2�m'& ����� 8W�} ،a�� 8W�})8W�} ( a�I &�"ي �4 Y�& Fatal N<�4 ، �;�� n�� |93B ،�C�����O ،������ Fatal disease n "6 N<�4 + �������ي ��;� +����ي، ��¦ي ��¡، ��� Fatal error א�� N<�4= 8Q;j ������ Fatigate 4�<��l a�I 8�H��� ،a�I �I ،E�1وI Fatigue b�<4 E�1وI ، 8�H��� ،�I ،N1I Fatness M�� ��4 8W�} ،���;I ،aB^} D�I|��2O ،��wد� ،c Fats M<�4 ت��'j8، �وW�} ،Y�& Fatted 0<�4 ��;I ،����O و��$� ��;I Fatten 7<�4= a`� ،a�I ��;I ،���;I ،a�� 8W�}

Factor Fatty tumour

114 Dictionary Of Haematology

Fatty 8<�4 ،�\�& ،N$� ،�C�� ، 8'j�8 وא�و، �وW�}،��;I ،و��$� ^�;I

Fatty acid 02-אب، =�4>8 אn����nאب، {��8W وא�و �O Y�& &�\�-�ن ��nאب

Fatty membrane 7 �w� ={�8W دא� �O;8 ،و{�8W دא�.�د 8<�4 ��Fatty tumour ����C 8<�4 8BG�Z 8 دא�W�} ،ودHj 8 دא�W�} Feature �`�4 ،0و����6B ،���+ ،7pو� ،|�R�� ،°�9

،���Bت، א��R N1p ،�R8، و+��|�A� Febrile N-א�w�4 ،N�>��� ��rل ،©;K$� �� ،|+�+ ��+ Febris س�w�4 א�ت�V ،�� ،��+ Ferrate � ��4 ��D )��D( Ferric ��4כ D 8، �4?ديB�D ،�O �� Ferric alum ��4כ א=SD 81<� 8B�D Ferriferous س��دא�، ��4 ��D�D GH'9 אH�. � Ferrochrome ��4و �9وم �9 8B�D ،b�� �O ��D)b��( Ferrous 8، �4?دي ��4سB�D ،N��� �O ��D ،�4?د ،�B�D ،��D Ferrous compound 0��-�>� % �O ��D ��9 ��4س 9Ferrous metal N<�� ��4س )�� ��D (!�� אت، 8B�D !אFerrous metals M;<�� 8 !אت ��4سB�D Ferrous oxide 0�-�29: ��4س b�� 8B�D Fetal N<�4 82'O ،|+�+ ��W 8`9 ،|+�+ 8`W ،©;K$� aT Fetus M<�4 YZ ،��W ،�`W Fever ���4 8���� �W ،8Dو، +���و<، �Vא�ت، Fever burning b'��+���4 ���� ��،�� G�&fي وא�و +Fever epidemic �� ·و+�-8 +�� =���4 א <�0 Fever hectic �<1�B ���4 ���� دق 8C +8 وא�و + )¡��(

Feature Fibrinosis

115 Dictionary Of Haematology

Fever malignant ��'�l;A� ���4 ��+ �;�� Fever nettle N<�� ���4 �� ·�t.�89 وא�و +Fever scarlet ���4 א=��D��1& �� �BG�Z Fever stricken 79�<&���4 א= >� ،��B �/8 אO ��+ ،N ��+N� Fever typhoid 0�-�-�C ���4 ��+ �O يH� Feverish ���4ش L |�Kwq ،م�� ،N �y ش�O ،N�>� ،N ��+

����+ ،N�2�9 ،�>� Feverishness M�'p���4 ،א�ت &�"ش�V 8���،8'�`�+ 8O ��،�� |D�V Fibrin ن�w�-�4 وH'� ،H'��'Hون، ،�Z8 � �� �!א����w� ،و Fibrinogen �' �w-�47O ،دو�� "�&H'��'Hو�ي .�Hא-� �� �، )L ن�� (

���ت �D � ¥. NV Fibrinosis n&�' �w-�4 8 &�"يTي ، � �8 دא� אو"�&H'� ،aO0'� �O H'� Fibrinous س�A' �w-�4 ،و^�O 8Z8 دא) � �8(!אZא-�ن !אH'�،� Fibro و�w-�4 ،دو��8 Zא!)�O 8Z%�9 ) !א�� Fibroblast � � �8 وא!، � ��w-�4 ³3�� 8و +3&Fibrocartilage [�;�C��9 و�w-�4 ي�B 8�C�y ،8 دא�Zא! Fibrocellular �D��;�& و�w-�4 �� � 8-��;� Fibroid 0-א�w-�4 � 8Zא! ،���� � ��O 8^و، � �8 دא� ، � � � Fibroid tumour ����C 0-א�w-�4 8BG�Z ��� 8Z8 ، !אBG�Z 8 دא�� � Film S;4 ،8;�O��T ،c� S�} ��wj ،دو�. S;4 ،و Flood fever ���4 0;4 �W ،�� وא�ي و+� [&�8+3 Foetal NC��4 )YZ ( |+�+ N�V Foetus M<�4 ،�`W وGv'� ،�`W YZ ،��W �`9 ،��W ،YZ=

W �Hא� ��.�`،�`W �`9 ،�`W L SV� Food 04 و!�d ،��B: ،�Z�} ،�o�} ،¬�d ،א¥j ،אכ��� Food allergens M'O�Dא-8 04 א¥jVj ،ن ¥��2ت� ����+ MV 8-א= Food chain 7�} 04 ��@�" 8-א¥j ،�;2;& 89א���

Fibrinous Frequency distribution

116 Dictionary Of Haematology

Food constituent ��<�<2��9 04'-� %�9�� ���אnO 89و، j¥א-8 Food stuff 04�<&و =א!�d ،א¥j ،אכ��� ،�o�A} ،כ�I Food technology 04 C�8O?�'1 ي���� 8O ي!�d ،74 ���אכ &�"ي� �'B �O Fractional number �w�� N'�1 �4 دH) ويnO ،دH) وv'� Fractional weight � nOوي و"ن، +�� � ��� N'�1 �4 و Fracture �`1 �4 ،و(!כ�B ( E��،א�] ، y ،azy Fragile N-�@ �4 9�C ،כ"���y ،و� �-�نn� �و، 9Fragility 8<;@ �4 ،|D�V 8A'9�C� و�يn�9 ،8�>9�� Fragment �'��l �4 وn � ،وnO ،�UV،و، .�"وG�¦ ،�1وC Fragmented 0<'��l �4 �1، .�"אC �1C ،8¦�و ¦�و- Fragmented structure <'��l �4v�

=א&>�9`� Gא�8 +'�وت، �1Cن OG�O 8O� .�"א�8 +'�وت، ¦�

Free acid 02�-אب =�4ي אn�� N�;d ،אبn�� :"אد Free cell formation 7�����4 N�& ي +'�وت �4يG��� 8 &�"ي، :"אدA;� N�;d Frequency ��1 �4-82 8� �B �B،و�ي و�ي،��nي،�r9ت،����-8،" �دFrequency curve ��1 �4-אدي 82 �9وHK�Ð9·8��<9 ، S� Frequency distribution ��1 �4- 82

�<&6 7p��w �HKאد 8��2i��HKאد، 8$&�Bو�

Frequent ����1 �4 ،�����D ،��+��+ ،و�ي و�ي ،�r9א ،�B �B 8-��@�O

Fresh � �4 �H'� ،nw&�&و، ��9و"�� &|، ��Aن ��"و، Fresh blood 0;+ � �4 و ��ن"�� ��Aن �ت ، Function 1'47� ، S9 ي��)، S9 S9 8;�) ،N� ��9ج، (Fundamental '��4'0א<N ��� ،8-אH$+8، א;Rא ،�$-�B^�.=f دي��'+ ،· Funsian ��4"ن G�O ،aOv'Z� ،�.אv��Z ،3پ�� ،a8 و­;� ،

8o�Z ،��Z

Frequent Funsian

117 Dictionary Of Haematology


Galactemia ���<2�;� ��d L ت� Gall bladder �0�;+ 8 ��ل;��I 8O |. ،|. ،�$.= = Gallduct �=.8D�� 8O 8$ ��ل 96 Ganglian ن��;l'�� 8D�&� ،!ي وא^�O v'Z 8O |'� ،v'Z ��D Gangrene 7 �l'�� )س�� ( ،�^& �O |p�� ،وG�& ،�^& ،��Z

��س �O ��دא� �B N ^& ، a�IوGangrenous �l'���' M ي����+ 8O G�& ،N�) �O G�& ،دو�� Gastric 2>�כA� �1p ،�O ��. GH'd� ©;K� ،8�HKي &�ن Gastric artery ي�C�: 2>�כA� ن� �p ي وא�يHK� Gastric glands 2>�כ �;�'0سA� ودHj �O يHK� Gastric juice س�O 2>�כA� O يHK��<d 8 وא�����B ،س، و �س�

O يHK�� س� Gastric mucosa 2>�כA�

�&�9��� 8;�O N�B^ 8 {�!א�ي وO يHK�

The lining membrance of the stomach

Gastritis MC 52>�אA� ¬�& 8O ��. Gastropathy 8m�.2>�وA� ¡�� �O يHK� Gastro vascular 2>�وA��D��12 و �UV 8 وא�و���B �O � ،�'vو �HKو.�Gasuchyer’s disease n "6 ن ��א{�سnO 7t8 אO ت�) �8O �9ي ) ���� &�-�

���ي�+ N�IאH�.،7�'O S�-אn' א L �<�+ 8D�� 8B: يH' 8 وI 8-�$<�� 8O n 0�&�9 �;�

A monocytic disorder that represents a

deficiency of the enzyme beta

glucosidase, which normaly splits

ghucose from its parent sphingolipid,


Gaussian distribution 7A�&�� �$�א"ن ��?-� L 8� 1p;8 و���&|

Galactemia Gender

118 Dictionary Of Haematology

w �<&67p�� A symmetrical bell shaped curve Gauze "�� و &'�^و^�O ي��T ،ي��T Gelatin 7C3�O I' دو��א� H�D  D ، دو�� �D�B ^�} ،a\ Gelatinous '�C3�OAM ^�} ،و^�O a\'I� א�H�D  D ،�D� Gender �0'�O S2� ، אت¦ ،M'O Gene 7�O 2�aT ،M'O ،N

The functional unit of the chromosome

that is usually responsible for the

structure of a single protein or

polypeptide Genealogical �'�O�N1�O? 82'O ،8א�H��� ،8;2� Genealogist '�O��2O? �@p ،�o�T 8;2ه� M �� Genealogize n�O?��'O v9 و�@p � Genealogy 8O?��'�O %2� %2V ،S;) 82'O ،N2� ،� و ود�@p

S;) �O Gene-ecology 8O?�1 7 א�O 8���'O ،S;) �O ت��D�V��)Ë�;2�

The science which deals with staudy of

gene ecology, (surrounding environoment)

Gene flow �;4 7�O �;2;& 8Oوא� �O !7 وא�O Gene mutation 7��C��� 7�O 8; Hw� 82'O � aT Genera א�'�O ،aT N2� ، M'O ،S2� Generate � �'�O a�T ،��9 אH�. ،a-�.א ،�v9 Generation 7� �'O |�. ،N2� ،±ل، א: ،a+ ،8، אو?د، 9^مB^�.·� ،Ä Generation to generation

7� �'O�C7� �'O + N2�f+ 8B^�. ،N2� fB^�. $�. ، 8ن� |�.

Generative �< �'O وא�و a�T ،8�'O ،GH'�-��T Generative organs M'��:�< �'O א��) �O �-אH�. ،א��) aT Generator �< �'O N2� ،�-אH�. ،8B^�. Generic כ�'�O �O M'O ،|+�+ M'O ،8;2� ،82'O Generic names M��8 ��?، א�O ?�� 8;R'�כ ����'�O

Gene Genetician

119 Dictionary Of Haematology

Generic property 8C�.כ .�א�'�O |�R�� 82'O ،aZ 8;2� Genesis n2�'�O �-אH�. ،a�� ،a�IאH�. ،©�;��a،א+$Hא،T

Process of production

Genetic �<�'�O 8���'�O ،82'O ،8;2� ،8$/و�א Genetic change ['�} �<�'�O 8; Hw� 82'O � 8;2� Genetic drift �4�6 �<�'�O O �B8 و���'� Genetic engineering b��A�'@א� �<�'�O �'B � S;) 8���'�O Genetic group وپ�� �<�'�O �mO � �D�C 82'O Genetic material N ��<� �<�'�O دو��82 'O ،دو��8 ���'�O Genetician 7��<�'�O ،�B�� �O ��2ت'O،�o�T 8���o�T �O N2و�/� Geneticist 21<�'�O� �B�� �O ت��'�O Genetics M1<�'�O S;) ،S;) �O 8/ت ، �2;8 و���'�O S;)S� ،

��T [ي A |�R�� 8 8OאB^و (;�1�O S و�/ The study of the transmission of

inherited characters

Genotype ��-�C�'�O B 8���'�O ،Ä و Ä ] 8و��H8 [ ��³، א����2'O|�A The total genetic composition of an


Geno typical C�'�O-�N1�> B 8���2'O ،وא�و Ä و Ä ] 8���'O|�A وא�و Genus M'�O ت���w� ،א��ت��V M'O ،אت، �4د] ،M'O ،S2� Germ م�O ST �;& ،وG��O ،S� ،�Q� Germ cells M;�& م�O Q�� � ،אG��� 82'O ،אG��� ��O 8��

�א ���Gא a ] 8`W وא Gestation 7��<2�� N�V ، a�I �`W ،|و� �O a@\Z ،X�Z Gestation period 7��<2��6��. |وא�و و� N�V � � ��B��Zپ �O�Hو ، .�Giemsa stain 7�<&�2א�O 8l�� אnO �O 7 &�ن �ت�'O ،دو��א� Hl��

7@�l&A romanawsky type stain

Gingival hyper plasia

�@'�O ل���2�;.�>-�B

�1^ي � ���8 وא!، ) ��"H�] )Cن وא�ي אو¬ L ��. 8I �B�x �O دي�� H�& L نH�] 8 �9يO

Geneticist Globular

120 Dictionary Of Haematology

Excessive proliferation of gum tissue ,

ofter producing white appearance .

Gland 0'�;� و^§;Z ،�BG�Z ،v'Z ،ودHj Glanzmann’s

thrombasthenia M'A� n';��I Mw�و�I��'

� �� e'B �B 8O ��;<�;.f وא�ي a�I ��;1�)8;A2� ( 8O 8 �9ي �تO)a@Z! (L a�Tوכ� �D�� �O ي��� א{a وא�ي +�

A blood coagulation disease (disorder)

charaetrized by a failure of platelets to

aggregate in response to all aggreagating


Glycocalyx 53� 9M1�;�9� E�9 ن� �B�W)9^و ( M<�;�<�;. �1�O 8d� 8B^ 8 وd 58;�O 7 �B�W 8O

A puffy outer coat that surrounds the

platelet’s cellular membrane

Gland 0'�;� يG�Z ،�BG�Z ،v'Z ،و^§;Z ،ودHj Globular �D��+�;� ي، ��?-�ن، ��ل���+ Globulin 7D��+�;� H';� L دو �ت�� G Glossary 3&�ي/�;�&�ي� b'B�4 ،ح�p ،ت��D S;) ،|�D Glucose "�9�;� 0، �;��9س'd ي��l0، א�'d 8O ي��� Glucuronide 0�-دو �;���9 �و����0 وא�و 'd ،دو��س وא�و �¨�� Glycerine 7 �& 53� |& ��\& ،ق�) �O 7�p א�H�W�} ،7 �2;� Glycerol دوא ��� �53 &��ول N��� ن��8 �;�2 7 O Glycogen 7O�9 53� �O ن����O)8א���V ( ن��ت � ،�$&���

0'd GH'�I NR�V A long chain polysaccharide composed

of repeating units of glucoses.

Glycogensis '�O�1-3�n2 8$&��� 8א���VL a���O نnO ن^�O 0'd Glycolysis n2�-? �9 53� aB6 �O 8$&��� ،N�) �O a<C 8O �9س�;� Glycoseria � �&�9 53� a�I �� 0'd L ت� Glycosuria � ��&�9 53� ي����+ 8O 8 .���ب¨� ،a}0 א'd L ب���.

Globulin Granulate

121 Dictionary Of Haematology


haemoglobin 0<�D 5�& �9 53�

7+�;����B ���;�+Gv'� �O 7و ¦�Gو�B N����)�UV (

1��1�O a�I N �ت nO 8BG�Z 8Oي�8 O �I 8AI אH�. |و�.

A sub fraction of normal haemoglobin

that is formed during the maturation of

the erythrocyte

Golgi appratus M< �>.8 א@D�� 8O يG���8O ل�� � ،N1p يv'9 �lوא� �1�O .'�'@8 ��ل ���G��� ��O، L 8و

�I 8@B N�1Cא A horse shoe shaped or hook shaped

cellular organelle with an associated

stock of vesicles or sacs.

Gonad 0���� ،82 �2;8 (��و'Oو��) Gonadial artery ي�����C�: ن 0ل� �p 82'O Gout E�-�� ��& �O 8��¯: 8O ن��. ،��& �O نe&

A form of arthritis charaeterized by

excessive quantities of uric acid in the

blood with possible deposition in the

joiuts and other tissues

Granular �D��' �� 8 وא�وoو، دא^�O 8oא�، دאH'�oدא Granulate ��D��' �� aO��lא� ��9، א�H'�oدא ،��]] Granulated 0<�D��' �� N �]] ،א�H'�oدא Granulation ' ��7��D�� دא� O�،a@�;� ،a�I دא�a aO��lא� ،�W �W ، Granule دא� دא� �� '��ل ،�W�W ،�oو دאGv'� ،وG�¦ Granulocytes M<�-�&�D��' �� ت� L،אnO �tא)�O 7�2� �;$�( ��q ل�r�

و���C� � M;4 �2�+ ،N4) و� �C���N4)Nو��jو M;�4�' n هא

Segmented neutrophils, band

heutrophils metamye locytes, basophils

,and eosinophils

Gropecell (MoH’s cell)

N�& وپ�� ��א .3"^B7 אO ��;� L ��o�. ��O 8O 8o�.

Granulated Growth layer

122 Dictionary Of Haematology

b����� �Oא{7 א ��� S;� A plasma cell whose cytoplasm contains

inclusions that are transparent blue sacs or

crystal like in nature

Growth ¶وא!، وא! ��و c@ وא!א�و و ، Growth factor �<1�4 ¶و ��وnO و، א&�� وא�وnO وא! وא�و Growth hormone ن����B ¶و�� � GH'9 n���כ � א��y �وא! Growth layer �A�D ¶وא! وא�و ��و�´f �UV �

123 Dictionary Of Haematology


Habit �w�� ،µwq ،��� ،³، ±א��\& ،a� ،دت، �وش�)· · b�± ،|;U� |D�V ،אجn�

Habit form ��4م �w�� N1p 8'qو ،N1p 8������V Habit of growth ¶و�� �: �w�� ت�Q4 8O !وא ،b�± �O !وא Habitat ��<�w�� ،�-��� ،���$&: ،8$&ي، وH'&، و���7، qو

|��1& ،8�´9 8��� Haem S��= ن � �ت��|+�+

An iron bearing compound that is the

non protein pigment portion of


Haeme haeme

interaction S��= 7�1-�<א� S�� وپ�� S�� 8-��} �O 7+�;����� 7��O

�f +'�و��d Ñ��D 8ن �I 7Ov'Z �29@7 &�ن:@�29: f´@'� س��א�<�C 7+�;�����7 8O

��8O |�R و!ي و­a �9ي ������ א{8 I 88و­.

The increase in oxygen affinity of the

haemoglobin tetramer due to

comfirmational changes associated

with oxygen biniding at each of the four

haeme groups.

Haema �� �ت، ��ن =��Hema chrome �9وم ����· = b�� ن�� Haema chromatosis n&�<��9و ����= אو¬ א��H �4?د +����ي �O ،��;1'´7 دو�אن ==

و!ي و­ �O”iron quantity “8�Hiא�

An disorder of iron metabolism

characterized by the deposition of

excessive iron in the tissues

Habit Haemapietic

124 Dictionary Of Haematology

Haemacyte ��-�&�� �ت �;�� ��Haemagogues س��AO���� ·�ت �O א��אج :GH'�o دوא ��Haemalopia ��.�D�� &�خ א�، 8�G�Z א�، ?ل א��ت O´^ي ��Haemamoeba ��+�� ����O 8$��^و ���� א Haemapietic �<A�.�� �ت &�" =��Haema pophysis n2-�4�. �� &�خ ��-8Kwq, N �ت &�"ي =��Haematal NC���� N-�� خ�& Haematesis n2�C ��=�ت وא�ي אD>8، ���8 אD>8، �ت א��אج =�� · · Haematidrosis n&5 �6و�C�� .l. 8����´l´�، �ت وא�و ��Haematine 7C�� ·��b &�خ GH'9 دوא،�ت �O ��ل nO ��G�Zو =��Haematite ��-�C ���� f��D�`9b�� ي��y وא�و &�خ �m. و ?ل��y ، Haematobium SA�+�C�� ��ن .H'2، �ت +�ش =��Haemato blast �&3+�C ���� Gv'� 8O و، �ت�¦ �O ن�� £D�+�� ،Ä � ي

·�ت nO ��G�Z �Oوhaematocele N�&�C���� ��G�Z �O 8، �ت´;�I 8��� ،ل�� �O ت� Haematochrome �9وم�C ����· b�� �O ت� ،b�� 8��� Haematocrit (Hct) (Packed cell volume)

E�9�C �� �ت nO 7�G�Z 8Oن �O وא��Dم ��The ratio of red cell volume to whole

blood volume, expressed as percent.

Haematocoel N�&�C���� 8�G�Z ت� Haematogen 7O�C���� GH'9 אH�. ن�� ،GH'9 אH�. ت� Haematogenesis n2�'�O�C �� �Blood formationت &�"ي، ��H�D ��ن ��Haematogenous A'�O�C����M GH'9 אH�. د�� Haematoid 0-�C �� �l، �ت ���، �ت O´^و �ت وא� ��

Just like blood Haematologist �2O?�C���� �O S;) 8O ت� ،���� �O س��y8 אO ت�=

GH'd� ��T |+�+ S;) 8O ت� ،�o�T

One who specializes in the study of blood

Haema pophysis Haematoma

125 Dictionary Of Haematology

Haematology 8O?�C���8 �ت +�+| (;S، �ت �O &�-'82 +'��دن �� = �O &�-'82 א��yس=א��yس، �ت �$K;©، �ت

Study of blood, science of the blood Haematopathology 8O?�m�.�C���� ،��T 8O S;) 8O |D�V N�DH+ ي���x 8O ت�

����+ 8O ت� ��T |+�+ �8; Hw� 8Kwq 8O ت�S;) � ��T L 8 +��يO |D�V وא�ي a�I.

The Study of morbid condition of blood.

Haematoma ���C���� ،^Z 8 &�"ش، �ت��� ،��G�Z ت وא�و�a´� ��G�Z ت�

Accumulation of blood in the tissues or

space in the body, blood tumor. Haemato meter �<���C ���� GH'�-אeW א�Hi� �O 7+�;����ت L���Oد ��

�ت �Oن אو"א�، א�^و אو"א� O'´7 &�ن7@´l& م �9ي�;K� ن�$�R��.

Device for determing the properties of

blood Haematophagous Ml�4�C�� �ت ���، ��ن ��� ��Haematophilia ��;4�C ����= a�T 8O ت�)a@Zد ( �i� �O |�R�� 8O

8I 88 �9ي �´�8 �ت و�O 7´'O) ت��I 8دو�א��� و!ي و­ �O a@Zت ) د��T a-� ،�i� א�^و L |�R�� ->7وא�ي���1 �O

8O 7´'O �I 8AI Ni$'� L ن אو?د�´@'� 8AI "אH| א/�א��وא�ي �9 a@Z�9ي �ت د

L א�Hi� 8�´� 8 � �تI 8و��I 8و­. Congenital condition characterized by

defective blood coagulation causing


Haematophyte ��-�4�C ���nO 8و � 7´'9 �����w� f´@'� 1>�تA+ � � � ���Oد �@a وא�ي �9���j8 |ه Oو

Haemato meter Haemocyte

126 Dictionary Of Haematology

Haemato phobia ��+�4�C ���� 8Oوא� ��j 8&] 8d 7 �ت�-�� HV aT6 �D�� �O |��9 وא�ي

Abnormal aversion to sight of blood Haemotosis n&�C�� �8O M �ت &�"ي، ����| ��Haematozoa �-و" �C���� ���O ن، �ت .�ش�A'�9 ن، ��ن .�ش�A'�9 ت� � Haematozoan ون" �C�� ��ن ��Vא�8 ��Haematuria � �� �C�� ��G�Z .���ب،�ت وא�و .���ب،���8 .���ب ��

(Blood in urine) Haemic �� �ت +�دא�، ���8 ��Haemin 7� �ت �O ��دو ��Haemo �� ���8، �ت وא�و ��Haemochrome �9وم���� ،� ^�� b�� و^´O ت� (Blood color) Haemochromogen 7O���9و���� GH' ] b�� 8��� Haemocoele N�& �� +�ش ) �ت(��ن ��Haemocyte ��-�&�� �(Blood cell);��، �ت �´�Gو ) �ت(��ن ��Haemocyto blast �&3+ �<�-�&���� ³3´� 8A;� ت� Haemocytolysis n2-?�<�-�&���� 8p�. 8A;� ت� Haemoglobin ���7+�;�� ،7+�;����� 8�G�Z 8O دو، �ت��8 ���

nOي א� �H���Oد :-�ن � .�وnO �1�O 7�Cي O a ] b�� ��G�Z 8d8I 8@�+ ¢)�+� .

8O�� 7+�;� � S�� 8d ��o�. 8O 8A;� b�� ��G�Z�I 7��+.

The intra erythrocytic, iron- containing

protein that transports oxygen.

Functions as a tetramer of four globin

chains, each containing a heme


Haemoglobinaemia ������;�+7 א �� ��o�. 8�G�Z 8O ت� Haemoglobinometer �<���'�+�;��� �ت .���، �ت ��.�'GH אو"א� ��

Haemocyto blast Haemoto dysplasia

127 Dictionary Of Haematology

Haemoglobin uria � �� 7+�;��� .���ب L �ت H�. ��G�Zא GH'9 ��دو ��Haemostatic ��<�<&א�� 'GH دوא��ن �وכ دوא، ��ن �و�9 �Haemoid 0-�� �ت O´^و ��Haemo lymph ��D�� ����KD 8ب ��Haemostatics M1<�<&א�� ��ن �وכ، (;S ��ن �وכ �Iم ��Haemothorax M1 ��I���� 8��t 8��� ،8-א�y ت� L 8'�& Haemoto �C�� �ت a´� �O، �ت ����ي، �ت &�"ي ��

Formation and development of blood Haemoatocryl N �9א�C�� &�د ��ن ��Vא��ت ��Haemoto poiesis n�2�-�.�C���� 7´'O ،N��ت ����ي، �ت ���a وא�و (

�I אH�. אnO �O دو�אن �ت�I 7 f´@ وא! و � �I '@´�ن �¥�ن�8 ;V�� وא�ي.

The formation and development of

blood cells. Chiefly in the bone marrow.

Haemoto dysplasia �2�;>&6�C���� 8O نnO 8O �8تOوא� ��j f´@ وא! و Abnormal development (e.g) defective

blood cell development, abnormal

cytological features and tissues

organization, often is a premalignat


Haemotoxin �� ���8 "��אت n9�Cن��

Haemozoin 7-و"�� �ت ��Vت ��

Heal N�� t<��y S�" ،a�+�p ،a-�<t ،a

Healer �;�� د�دGH'9 دوא GH'�o�y S�" ،

Healing b';�� �+ �p8-�<t ،8 م�� ،GH' ] אم�: ،�p ،S-3� ،

Health {;�� 8-�9�} ،8$&�H'� ،|�R

Health centre �<'�& {;�� �� |�Rn9�� |�R ،f�

Health education 7��9�@ א {;�� S�;K� 8O |�R

Haemotoxin Haemophilia

128 Dictionary Of Haematology

Healthy 8m;�� و��� ،�;y �Ò} ،א���� ،|&�H'� ،H'� |�R

Haemolytic disease of

the newborn n "6 �<�-?����

:� دي ���+��ن 8O ³�� L ��W 5�. � ن א��d �-אHA. 8O ��W

ن אو� ��VH� (�O�dت( א '>��4�q n 6�+ 8ن8I ��. 8I אH�. �3� 7�;� 8 �تO ��W ،

��.. A disorder seen in unborn and

newborn infants if maternal antibodies

that correspond to fetal erythrocytes

pass through the placental barrier.

Haemolyticus M1�<�-?�� �ت ���G�Z .�ش G��Oو ��Haemophilia ��;4�� و�'GH ��ن، �O �ن ��ن ��Haemophilia (A) ��;4���8 א�^ي +����ي “ אي”����4;�� )אي(�� ��q 8Oوא�

L 7´'O ،8�: �D�� �O 8/و���8 ��qح 8 9�H�. 8א 8I .�ي�7א� 1�4>�O . 7´'O

�� Hא� �O a�9ي ��ن و��I 8و!ي و­. A classic haemophilia is a hereditary

disorder that produce factor VIII


Haemophilia (B) ��;4����)8+( n "6 M�&�9 8d ي����+ 7� 8�: �+�& f+، ��¡ N;� ( 8@�$� 8O 7´'O (���و/8א�^و

�<1�4 L7�-��8O 8 .�يI אH�. 8�9 . Christmas disease. A hereditary disorder

that produce factor IX deficiency

Haemophilia ( C ) � ��;4�����ي، 8O 7´'O �9ي +���و/8א�^ي )&8(��7´��� �<1�4 8O 8 �9يO 8-�$<´� ت�

�;2;& �O aو!ي و­8) و�|(و�. Haemosiderin �0ن&��7��O دאH�oא�، 8��D���w9ت &�ن ��? ��ل ��

�Z 7�l8 .�ي��I אH�. L ¬אو �H8 א�O S2O ، Granular, iron-rich, brown bigment

found in body tissues

Haemosiderin Heart muscle

129 Dictionary Of Haematology

Haemosiderin-uria � �����0&���� Z 7�l�� 8&�� ،8��D L وא�و دא� �.���ب ·�W �W(دא� · (a}دو א��.

The presence of granular, iron rich,

brown pigment in the urine.

Haemophiliac �A�;4����  �� �O ن� �O Haemoplastic �<&3.�� &�"ي ) �ت(��ن ��Haemopoietic �<�-�.�� ��ن &�" ��Haemoprotica �1�Cو�.�� ���8 +�א&�� ��Haemoptysis n2�-�C���� a1I ت� ،a1I ن�� Haemorrhage [ ����� aא��אج، �ت و� �O ن ��ن، �ت� �O ،�� ت� Haemorrhagic �@ ����� ©;K$� ��� ت� ،©;K$� ت א��אج� ،�Z? aت و��· Haemostasia א������2�<& GH'�9دو�و �و �O ت� Haemostasis n2�<&א���� 8�H�p�. ن �وכ، ��ن��

The tendency of a biological system to

maintain equllibrium or balance Haemo static �<�<&א�� ��ن �وכ دوא ��Haemo statics M1<�<&א�� (;S ��ن �وכ �Iم ��Heart E�� ³ن�A'�� ،دل ،%;�

Heart ache �-א E�� & �O دل·��

Heart attach ��Cא E�� دو�و �O دل

Heart beat ��+ E��= = |9�V 8O دل ،a9G! 8O دل

Heart burn ن�+ E�� & �'�&،�^& א-8،دل�Zאو ��t،وG�& �O دل^�

Heart burning b'��+ E�� G�& %;� ،a;O�O دل،�^& �O دل

Heart cramps M>� �9 E�� د �O دل�O نو�و، دلZ =eن� G

Heart disease n "6 E�� ي����+ 8O دل ،%;� ¡��

Heart exhaustion 7p"�21 א E�� 8-���� 8O دل

Heart failure ��A�;�4 E�� Va�I H'+ �9G! �O دل ،H'+ %;� |9�، دل �Oa´�+

130 Dictionary Of Haematology

Heart muscle N2� E�� ��� ��� %;�

Heart Sick �& E��=  �� �O دل

Heart ore אو� E�� S�" �O دل

Heart stroke א&>�وכ E�� �9!! �O دل ،a�D 8���� �

Heat ��<�، �Vא�ت، ���8 �� ،f��+،��: ،³��،��y�9&��، א ·

Heat atomic ���< א ��� ،�>� א >��V 8א�ت ���Oي ������O ،8ي

Heat coagulation 7��D���-�9 ��� ³��T 8 وא�و���

Heat energy 8Oא�� ���א��-8 �� 8O �8��� ،8$1p א�ي�V Heat latent �'<�D ��V 8א�ت ��� ،8�8 ��� Heat loss س? � �Vא���V،8-�$<´� 8א���Ui� 8ن (����O �8 א��אج ��Heat prickly 8;9�. � א�o، .|، :�א �ند���8 ��Heat rays n � �����o�9 8�8 وא�א �Kpع، �Vא ��� Heat specific �2�>&א ��Uص ���8 ��� Heat spot E�>&א ��� �>� �Vא���� ،�1C 8��O 8 دאغ، ���ن Heat stroke א&>�وכ ���= a�D �D�´O ،a�D 7´' ] Heat treatment �'��< �C ��Vא�ت ��9ي، �Vא�8 (3ج، (�;�V 8א�ت، ��

����O 8 (3ج Heater �<�� אو"א�،��م GH' ] א�ت�V،�<��،GH'9GH'�-���� Heavy $��و ���ي�א�، H�"و، و"�8، و[و، و��Z Height ��-�� ،�w��،�Oي،(�وج،د�H';+،8-�}نאوجאو���� ، אوHeinzbodies n 6�+n'�� 8-���9 �Hت �;�7 א�� f´@'� 7+�;�����

�O ن� �I�C�;� %9�� GH��Z f� 8��� ل�;��8�G�Z 8O ت� ،a8 و­I µ�O f´@'� نnO

)NADPH( �9ي a@� f� 8O An accumulation in the erythrocyte of

oxidized glutathione that forms an

isoluble complex with haemoglobin

because of the absence of NADPH

Heart Sick Hemachrome

131 Dictionary Of Haematology

Helophilus M;4�;�� � ،H'2. �?:=H'2. S´

Helophyte ��-�4�;�� W وא�و S´� ،�C�Wوא�و aW! ،�C�Wوא�و N&�.�C�

Helpful insect 1�2א� N4 ��;�� �$-��9 ،��O |�O د���H� |�O

Hema �� ���8، �ت وא�و ��

Hemachrome �9وم����· ��G�Z ت� ،b�� 8��� ،b�� ��G�Z�O ت� GH'9��دو

Hemacyonia �����-�&�� �ت ���و GH'9 دوא، �ت ���ي ��9 دوא ��

Hemacyte ��-�&�� nOو ، �ت �;��، �ت ��Oت �O ¦�و، ���8 �;�� ��

Hemacyto meter �<���<�-�&��8 .���، ��ن ��A;� ت����. 8A;�

Hemagogue ��O���� ���8O ��ن ��

Hemanalysis n2�-?������ 8p�. ن�� ،H�t ت� ،� n@� ��ن

Hemaphein 7�4���� )�O دو ) �ت�� b�� ي��y

Hemapoeisis n2�2-�. ����H�D ��ن، �ت &�"ي ��

Hematachom meter �<���9 �C���� �� ��ن ���$4 .�

Hematemesis n2���C���� 8<D8 אO ت�a}ن �ت א�� ، و

Hemata therapy 8> �I �C�� ���8 (3ج ��

Hematathermal N��I �C�� )��Vא�8(��م ��ن ��

Hemathorax M1 ��I���� � 8��� ،8<Dت وא�ي א�Ó ،)و) �تv��y 8���

Hematic C����� ©;K$� 8، �ت���

Hematimeter �<���C���� ��2�8(��ن .�O(

Hematin 7C�� ���nO 8و ��

Hematinic �'C�� ��iي ��ن ��

Hematino meter �<���'C���� �� ��ن .�Hא-� .�

Hematite ��-�C���� f��D 8�;� �`9

Hemato �C�� ��ن، �ت ��

Hematocele N�&�C���� �I ت� ،�`��d ��8ن +�دא��G�Z 8، �ت´;

Hemacyonia Hematocrit

132 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hematochesia ��2�}�C���� �O د&| ���8 د&|، �ت

Hematocrit E�9 �C�� �ت nO 7�G�Z 8Oن �O وא��Dم ��i. Packed cell volume (PCV) is

expressed as the volume of red

blood cells per litter of whole blood,

so that indicates the relative

proportion of plasma and red cells.

The instrument for determing this is

the haemotocirt and this word is

often used loosely and in

accurately to mean the (Pcv). The

measurement is usually made on

peripheral venous blood and is

hence the venous haemotocrit

value but this is not the same as

the proportion of plasma to cells in

the total circulation which is the

body haematocrit.

ii. The ratio of red cell volume to

whole blood volume, expressed as


Hemato cryal �9 �ل �C�� ��ن &�د) ��Vא��� 8O 8-�$<´� ،)8�L (8 �ت( ��

Hematocyste �2&�C���� 8�G�Z 8��� ،8´;�I 8O ت� Hematocyte ��-�&�C�� �ت �;��، �ت nO�Oو، �ت G�¦ �Oو ��

Hematocyto meter �����<�� �<�-�&�C ن����Z 8O ت� ،����، ��ن .��. �>G 7�GH'�d�. 8d نG�¦

Hemato gen 7O�C�� ��ن .�Hא GH'9 دوא ��

Hematogensis n2�'�O�C����H�D ��ن، �ت &�"ي ��

Hematgenic �'�O �C���� GH'9 אH�. ن�� ،GH'�-ن و!א��

Hematography 84א�� �C�� ��ن ���lي ��

Hematology 8O?�C�� (;S ��ن، (;S א��א¡ ��ن، (;S دم ��

Hematoma ���C���� �� 8��� ،�� N �y ت�

Hemato cryal Heme

133 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hematonic ���C�� ��iي ��ن ��

Hematopixis n21�. �C����³ و�� ��T ت�

Hematophagia ��@�4�C�� �ت ���ي، ��ن ���ي ��

Hematophagous Ml�4�C�� ��ن ���، ��ن GH'�-�d، �ت ��� ��

Hematophyte ��-�4�C���� �C�W ��� ن�� Hematoposia ��&�. �C�� ����8pن ��

Hematorrhea ء� � �C�� ��ن و�a، �ت ��� ��

Hematoscope א&�1پ �C�� �ت .���d אو"א�، ��ن +�7 ��

Hematose "�C ���� GH' ] ن�� ، N �y ن��

Hematosis n&�C����H�D ��ن،��ن &�"ي ��

Hematospectroscope א&<�1>�و �C���� א&�1پ

7�+ b�� 8���

Hematozoon ون" �C�� ��ن +�دא� ��Vאن ��

Hemato-uria � ��C �� ���8 .���ب ��

Heme S�� ن�-: ،f��D ،b�� ��G�Z)f´@'� ت�( Hemeralopia ��.�D א�� p% ��9ي ��

Hemerocology 8O?�9و�� " S;) �O�� 8'����D�Vت ��

Hemi 8��� S�� ،!א

Hemic �� �ت +�+| ��

Hemin 7��8 دא� د ��;� ��p N�´� '@´�ن��1 �ت �O א���yي ��& ���G�Z 8��L N1p � N- {�9'0ي ���;�+�1�O ،7 �ت �� GH' א ��� �l84 وא��+

�8O . |�R�� �8 א��yس L�Hد [ 'Hي :�8 .��R א�8��2 �ت L���Oد ���Hي :�8

Hemivertebra א�w�C8 و���� ����O 8 وא�و´l��9 S��

Hemorrhoidal א-�0ل��� ���8 +�א&�� ��

Hemeralopia Hemoid

134 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hemo �� ��ن +�+|، �ت، ��ن ��

Hemochromatosis n2&�<���9و�� ��ن ��b �و� ��

Hemochrome �9وم���� b�� ن��

Hemocidal 0ل�-�&�� ��ن �9 ��

Hemoclasis n&39���� 8$1p 8���

Hemoclastic �<&39���� 71p ن��

Hemoculture �`;9�� ��ن .�و�ي ��

Hemocyanin 7���-�&���� GH'9��� ت� Hemocyte ��-�&����ن G�¦ �Oو، �ت G�¦ �Oو، ��ن �;��، ��

�G�´���Oو = =

Hemocytology 8O?�<�-�&�� (;S �;��ت ��ن ��

Hemocytometer �<���<�-�&�� �ت nO �Oא ��.�'GH אو"א� ��Hemocytolysis n22-?�<�-�&���� a<C �O نnO 8O 8، �تp�. אتG�¦ ن��

Dissolution of blood cells Hemodiagnosis 56א����n2&�'� �o��& 8O ن��

Hemodialysis 56א����n2-? a<C �O ت�

Hemodynamics 56א����M1��� 9| ��ن�V S;)

Hemoflagellate ��;�@�;4���'Hو�א �� 8���

Hemogram אم������ � �U� �ت 8O ���د+�'8

Hemoid 0-���� a}א ��� �lت وא�� Having the appearance of blood

Hemolysis n2�-?���� ،8p�. 8(��نO ت� ( ،G�C �O نnO 7�G�Z

�Z 8O ت� ،H�t אتG�¦ 8�G�Z 8O ت�G 8� a<C �O نnO)a�I f��w�(

Hemolytic �<�-?�� ��ن .� 8p�K$;©، ��ن .�8p، ��ن .�ش ��

Hemometer �<������ �� ��ن .�

Hemolysis Hepatectomy

135 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hemopathy 8m�.���� �� �ي، ���8 ��¡�ت وא�ي +�

Hemopoiesis n2-�.���� �$p�& �O وא�H�. 8O ت� Hemophage [�4�� ��ن ��� ��

Hemophillia ��;4�� )��¡(�O �ن ��ن ��

Hemophilic �;4�� ��ن .�ش ��

Hemophilus M�;4���� 8;�q H'2. ن��S2� �� �O � �<1A+ ، �1 �����;�+ 7�f´@' و!ي و @´8) ��ص(�O.

Hemopholic �D�4�� ��ن +�دא� ��

Hemophotograph א��� �C�4�� (M1 ��ن ��

Hemophthalmia ���;m4���� 8� ��ن {�

Hemoproctia ��� �<9و�.�� )��¡(���8 +�א&��

Hemoptysis n2�-�<.���� I ن�� ،a1)8O وאت (a}ت א�

Hemorrhage [ ��� �O �ن ��ن، ���1 ��

Hemorrhagenic ������'�@ �OM'O ن ��ن�

Hemorrhagic �@ ��� �O �ن ��ن، :�0ن وא�و ��ن ��

Hemorrhoids א-0س����� �9�� 8���·

Hemoscope א&�1پ�� ��ن +�7 ��

Hemospasia &א�� ��ن ���ي ���2<��

Hemostasia &א�� �ت �a@9، ��ن �وכ ���2>��

Hemostat � ��ن �وa9، ��ن �وכ دوא ����א&>�

Hemostatic &א�����<�< ©;K$� ن �وכ دوא��

Hemotherapy 8.א�I�� ���8 (3ج ��

Hemothorax M1 ��I���� 8���y0و��

Hemotropic �.و�C�� ��ن ��� ��

Hemozoon ون"�� �����V 8אن ��

Hepatalgia ��@;C�>�� ��& ي�lO·

136 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hepatectomy 8��<1�C�>�� 8pא�� �lO

Hepatic �<�>�� ي��O ،ي�lO ،ي وא�و��O��& �O

Hepatic abscess �>�n2�2+א �< ^Z ي�lO ،��&�� �O ي��O

Hepatic artery ي�C�: �<�>�� ن� �p ي وא�ي��O ،M��lO

Hepatic colic �D�9 �<�>�� ��& �O ي��O ،��& ي�lO

Hepatic-duct �96 �<�>�� 8D�� ي�lO ،8D�� 8O ي��O

Hepatic-portal system NC��. �<�>��S<2&

ي &�p$���د

Hepaticis M1<�>�� �lO و(&�"ش��O(¬�& ي��O ،

Hepatocology ��>8O?�9�< �lO S;) ،S;) |+�+ ي��O

Hepatic cystic �2& �<�>�� 8´;�I ي�lO

Hepatitis >��M<-�< 8-�&

Hepatization 7� n-�<>�� ي�lO N�) �O ��&

Hepatocele N�&�C�>�� 7t �O ي��O ،7t ي�lO

Hepatoclic �D�9�C�>�� ['D�� ي�lO

Hepatology 8O?�C�>�� �lO ¡א��א S;)

Hepatolysis n2�-?�C�>�� 8p�. �lO

Hepatoma ���C�>�� ن�q�& �O ي��O

Hepatomegalia ��;l���C�>�� �lO !ي( وא����+(

Hepatamegaly 8;l�� �C�>�� N� �lO وא! (

Hepatomeroas س����C�>�� �lO ،�1وC �lO ¦و�

Hepatopath {�.�C�>��  �� ي�lO

Hepatopathy �.�C�>��m8 ¡�� �O ي��O ،�lO ¡��

Hepato phage [�4�C�>�� ����lO

Hepta �<>�� |& ،�o�$& ،|� ،�K4د |&

Heparin ن��>�� GH'd� L N1p وא�ي °��o�. 8d ت�|+�q� 8��H�

Hepatic Hereditary character

137 Dictionary Of Haematology

Natural anti coogulant Heptatic �C�<>�� D�� ي�lO 8D�� 8O ي��O ،©;K$� 8

Hereditary א�8، ��� 0 >�يH��� ،8/و��� ،�o�+א ،�t ،±2;8 و�/� א�

Hereditary behaviour � ��´�+ 0 >�ي ��� ���وb�± 8/� و/8 �و��� ،

Hereditary bias 0 >�ي +��س ��� ���א-8و��C 8/

Hereditary character 0 >�ي ����<1 ��9

، ���/8 ��+8، ��+2�8;8 و�/8 وא�ي ���R|���و/8 �2;8 ��+8،

Hereditary defect � ���/8 ���8، ���و/8 و[، �2;8 و[، �2;8 �9���8 ��� 0 >�ي 6�1

Hereditary disease n "6 0 >�ي ��� ��א�8 H��� ،ن� ��� ¡���و/8 +�

Hereditary family 8;�A4 0 >�ي ��� ���אنوH��� 8/

Hereditary genus 0 ��� M'�O ي�< M'O 8/���

Hereditary influence M'-��;א�8 א/� =��� 0 >�ي א�H��� ،�/و/8 א���

Hereditary traits 0 ��� M< �C ن، �2;8 ��+��ن >�ي�R8 و/���


transmission ���6 >�ي

7��� �Cא�2 8$� 8;2� ،8;i$'�i$';8/אو�

Hereditism مn< 0 ��� ،� ��� 8$/و�א/�|و�א

Heredity 8C0 ��� و���و/8، �/���وא�«، و�/�، ،�t ،±א ،|، ��->7 ��ن �8R�U وR7 א± a1t و�א/|

8;i$'� ن [ي��A��. 8O 7$�R�� �.

Heretable Nw�< ��� »א���و�א/|، و�/8 .¥ �، N+�� ،GH' א L 8/و�

Heritage [�< ��� Mא«، א����و�א/|، و�/�، ·

Heritance M'< ��� �/و�א/|، و�

Heretibility 8<;w< ��� V �O 8/و�/8 .¥ �ي©،و�،ad� |�R�� 8� و�/�

Heritor �< ��� وא�«، و�/8 دא� ،�D��

Hermatic �<���� ي"�&���9 ،H'+ ي��א�����9 ،

Hermitage [�<���� ��1� ،�p�� ،0'9·

Hermodactyla 3-�<1 6���� ��O ن��&)�C�W(

Hereditary defect Heterogenic

138 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hernia ����� ����،81t ،7t ،�· a´D 0و�:

Heroin 7-8 دوא���و-7، ���وO 8��

Herps M.�� f�G�9 ،['� ،±] ،!�d

Heterogen 7Oو�<�� S2� 8;2� �;$ �´a �2;8 ��دو، �

Heterogene 8'�Oא�9-8 ��>�و N2� a´� ،8-�9א aT a´�= =

Heterogeneity 8<�'�O�2| ��>�و'O a´� ،N2� 82'O a´� ،N2� א� !א�!

Heterogenous ��<M'�Oو� ،G]�&G]�� ،M'O �;$M'O��j، !א� !א�، �M'O S���j

Heterogenesis ���'�Oو�<n2 M'O �;$� ،|�2'O S���j ،H�D�� a´�H�D�� �;$ &�"ي، �

Heterogenetic �<�'�O2;8 ��>�و� S���j ،82'O S���j

Heterogenic ��<�'�Oو� ،N2� a´� ،M'O��j �N2� �;$

Heterozygosis �n2&�l-2;8 �>�و"א� a´� ،8$w2� �;$�

Heterozygosity 8<&�l-8 ��>�و"א$w2� a´�

Heterozygote E�l-2;8 ��>�و"א� a´� ،%2� �;$�³�Oو�

Heterozygotic و�<���C�l-א" �´�W ،N2� a´� ،�´�W N2� �;$�

Hexa �21�� ن�´t ،�o�´t ،f´t ،�K4د f´t High 5�� S� �Hiس، " �ده، و[و، +;'H، אو{�، ·�Zو، אHigh frequency 82'-�1 �4 5�� אدHK� و! � High pressure �� �. 5�� }دא�، אو H Hp ³(� دא��Wد( High tension 7�'�C 5�� �t 8}אو ،�t 8�Q& H';+ High vigour 8( ��5 و��O !و[ي ��ت) وא ،f´l& و[ي ،f´l& 8�´�

High viscosity 5��8C�1&و f�^�} و[و ،��C�´� ده� " Higher �-�� �´��m� ،و^d ،�´�6ن ،ن���� ·و[و، אو{�، א

Higher animals N� אو{��V M'O 8אن ��-� א '�

Higher education 7��9�@ א(;8 ��-� א�S�;K��S�;K، אو{8 د�8O وא�ي

Heterozygosis Histogram

139 Dictionary Of Haematology

Highest �2�-�� ���K� �}אو

Highest common

factor 7��9 �2�-��

�<1�4 GH' 0و[و (�م و�

Highness M'�-�� 8-א�\m� ،7�´��� ���m´�ن، {�8C، אو{�، +;'Hي، א

Hilly 8;� يG�´. ،8��$2��9 ،�1א-�نC ،�;+�O ،�9و�C

Histic �<2� |4�+ ،و�ي دא�H'��'Hو�و

Histoblastic �<&3+�<2� ³3´� ،|4�+ ،³3´� 8Tאو

Histocyte ��-�&�<2� �;� 8T4| �;��אو�+ ،�

Histoma ���<2� ��G�Z M� Histo �<2� M� ،�� ،وG�´� 8Tאو ،�Tن، אو�-H'� אو�T-�ن،

Histo chemical N1���9�<2� H'� ،����9 8Tאو ����9

Histocyte ��-�&�<2� ��;� |4�+ ،��;� 8Tאو

Histogen 7O�<2� כ��� GH'9 אH�. �Tدو، אو�� GH'�-و!א H'�·

Histogenesis n2�'�O�<2�� 8 &�"يTאو ،H�D�� �M &�"ي، +�4|

Histogenetic ��<�'�O�<2 H�D�� 8Tאو ،H�D�� |4�+

Histogenic �'�O�<2� M'O 8Tאو ،H�D�� |4�+

Histogram 2>���אم� ��i� 8�D�9 ،��i� 8$4�+ A pictorial display of frequency and

class limits of a sample

Histological �N1�O?�<2 ،|+�+ �� � Mא�©;K$� 7Tو

Histologist �2O�D�<2� 8T8 دאن، אوTאو �� ،���� �O نG�´� )M� (���� �O

Histology 8O?�<2� אو S;) ،S;) �O نG�´� 8TאوT |4�+ S;) ،ت��

Histolysis n2�-?�<2� 8p�. �� � M�)N�) (�t |4�+ ،8p�. 8TאوH

Histoma ���<2� 8�G�Z 8TאوS2O 8���Tدو، אو��8 Tאو ،

Histomorph �����<2� N1p 8Tאو Histomorphology 8O?�4����<2� |4�+ S;)، N1p 8���Tאو S;) ،1;��تp

Histological Holo

140 Dictionary Of Haematology

Histone ت �2>�ن����D دي�&

Histopathology 8O?�m�.�<2� ¡�� |4�+ S;) 8Tאو S;) ،¡��

Histophilus M;4�<2� H'2. |4�+ ،H'2. 8Tאو

Histophysiology 8O?� n4�<2� N�) 8Tאو S;) ،N�) 8$4�+ S;)

Historic 8 �2>��כ ��� Historical N1 ��<2� |+�+ Ê ��� ،8 ���

Historical genesis n�2'�O N1 ��<2� ي"�& Ê ������ Ê א+$Hא، History 2>�ي� Ê ���

Histotomy 8��C�<2� 8pא�� 8T8، אوpא�� |4�+

Hitch �� O ،G�O ،�^1O ،³�1Cא ،�G�O ،0'Z ،^1�eW 81t ،aZوא ،a-�&�� ،��� ،aC�O

Hock bone כ +�ن�� ،�¯�y ن� �. �O ي�� ،�¯�y ن��¨. �O ي]��·

b'C 7�¨. 8O ����O� · Hock disease n "6 ي ��כ����+ 8O نe'& Hodgkin’s disease n "6 M'1O�� ص�� N�I אH�. 8 و!� �9يO ����D

S2� �O ي����+ A major form of malignant lymphoma

Hof ��� �1�O f´�O 8 &�-�>� .3"م وא�يO 8A;�8@� N �´� ن�& MA�;9���

The area of the cell cytoplasm

encircled by the nucleus

Holder �0D�� א�1^و ،��w� ،�$&8 دא�، د�w�

Hole ل�� ،G�] ،�] ،b'C ،אخ��& } ،��Z�C و،·�و^l'f l'�

Hollow �D�� �;d�d ،وv8، ±א�D�� ،���&

Holo �D�� 9 ،N�1�·. ،N·8)�� ��و، &���و، �@

Homeo ����� Nr� ،1@´^و� ،��Z�& ،S� Homeopath {�.����� 8 دm.������+ 3ج، (3ج) �O 7-وאNr�D

Homeo Homogeneous system

141 Dictionary Of Haematology

Homeopathist �2m�.����� + 3ج) ����Nr�D�

Homeopathy 8m�.����� ) 8m.���3ج�� Homeostasis n2�<&א���دم 8�9 ��:

Homo ���� א��2ن M'O ،א��2ن S� ،�´+�� ،��Z�& ،1@´^و�

Homosapiens M'�>�&���� א��2ن، א��2ن M'O ،�´o�� ،8�د:

Homozygote E�l-"א��%2 ��� S� ،�`W N2� �� ،%�9�� S�

Homoblastic �<&3+ ���� !وא YZ S�

Homocentric &������<'כ n9�� S� ،يn9�� S� ،دא�n9�� 8Z�&

Homocephalic �;�&���� Sو��&

Homochromatic �<���9و���� b�� S�b�� ��Z�& ،b�� �� ،�l�� S� ،

Homochromous M��9و��8 ��l�� S�

Homochromy 8��9و��8 ��l�� ل�V�� S�

Homocyclic �;1�-�&���� دو�ي M'O S�

Homodent �' 6���� O S�H�] M' Homodermic ���6���� يH;O Sي�^�} 8Z�& ،

Homodont � �H�] S ����6و�

Homeogenetic ���� �<�'�O� M'O S� ،NRא S� ،N2� S� Homeogenic �'�O����� M'O S� ،©;K$� 8;2� S� ،82'O S� Homeomorphic �4�������� �D6و S� ،8;1p S�

Homeosis n&����� ،8; Hw� N1p68ول; Hw� Homogen 7O���� 82'O S� ،N2� S� ،M'O S� Homogenate ��'�O���� دא� M'O S� ،82'O S� Homogene 7�O���� 8-�9א M'O S� ،8;2� S�= Homogeneal NA�'�O���� M'O �� ،N2� �� ،אت¦ �� Homogeneity 8<�'�O���� 82'O S� ،N2� S� ،يn�� S� Homogeneous MA�'�O���� S2� S� ،M'O S� ،��Z�&

142 Dictionary Of Haematology

Homogeneous body 6ي�+ MA�'�O���� S2O N2� S� ،S2O M'O S� Homogeneous fluid ��;4 MA�'�O����6 °��o�. M'O S� ،� �� M'O S� Homogeneous strain 7 �<&א MA�'�O���� G�l+ 82'O S� Homogeneous system S<2& MA�'�O���� �$p�& 82'O S� Homologous M�? ���� ،��Z�& ،82'O S� ،8$w2� S� ،8w�9�� S�

NRא S� ،1@´^و�� Homologous

chromosomes �D����M�

و�M"·�9و�� � ،8;2� |w2� S�G�O 8;i$'א

Homologous features �D���4`�س�� M� ن�$�R�� ن، �1@´^ �ن�Rو |w2� S� Homologue گ�D���� ;1p S�،%�9�� S�،��� S1@´^و�� ،|w2 Homology 8O�D���� NRא S� S;) ،N2� S� S;)· Homoplasma ��"3.���� � �� S� ،دو����O S� Homoplasimic ��"3.���� S�8� ��O��د �ت، �S ��د �Homoplast �&3.���� |��& S� Homoplastic �<&3.���� 8$��& S� ،يH���. S� Homoplasty 8<&3.���� ،%Q� S�8wQ� S� Homosexual N-�`1�&���� |&�. M'O S� ،82'O S� Homosexuality 8<;-�`1�&�� |�2'O S� ،8'R S� ،8$&�. M'O S� Homosomal N��&���� 8�2O S� Homothermal N��I���� �Z? 8��� S� ،8� ��V Sא�Homothermic ���I���� א�ي�V S� ،م ��ن�� S� Homotype ��-�C���� �M'O S� ،Nr� S= Homotypic C����-� �> M'O S� ،8;2� S� ،����� S� Homozygosis n&�l-"א��8$ ��w2� S� ،ي"�& |w2� S� Homozygosity 8<&�l-"א����9ي �� |w2� S� Homozygous Ml-א"���� �`W S� f+��� S� ،�-��'�O S� ،אو?د S� ،

Homologous Human

143 Dictionary Of Haematology

aT N2� ��Z�& ،%2� S� ، Hormone ن��א ���·n�� ) �س(��y· GH'9، ���כ، ���O، �����ن، وא! Hormonetherapy 8.א�I ن��8 (3ج ���K �¦ ن��8 (3ج���K �¦ כ��� ،· Hospital N<�>&�� ،������� ، א&<$�ل���$28+�Host ���n+�ن، q�H��O( ،8;א�(�d!و ��dא-�' GH��n+�ن، ��&

´�� 'Hא�،Hot E�� ��$�9N&�، ��م، ����nم، �Vא� ،8��: ،n�� ،8 Hot blooded 0;+ E���6 Kwq ت .�&|، ��م ��ن ���م�´p ،אجn� م�� ،| Hotness M�� E�� ��&�9 ،�>� �Vא�ت، ��nي، ���8، Human 7���� �´o�� ،��+ ،8�א��2ن، :د Human activity 8C��<1-7 א�9|، א�8��2 {�.� ����V 8��2א�· Human behaviour ��´�+ 7�����A 8��2א� ،|;U� ،³ و=א�8��2 א�3ق��� Human beings Ml'�+ 7���� 8�دم،א��2ن، :د: ،�´o�� ،��+ Human body 7 +�6ي���� S2O ،نH+ ،S2O 8��2א�· Human kind 0'-�9 7���� 8، א��2ن، ��ع א��2ن، +'8 :دم�د:= Human nature �`�� 7���� ت�Q4 8��2א� Humanity 8<'����� �>´o��ت א��2ن�Q4 ،|���2א� ،= Humoral ل���د |، ����� ،��o�.)8O S2O (|+�q� Humour ����� ،אد�� N��4)8O S2O (S�;+ ،אجn� ،|+�q� Husband 0'�+n� ي��Kp | �9س^� ، Hyaline 7�-3�� ،b�� 8+��� 8��p ،و�Oא ،��p · Hybrid 6�w-�� ،ن��� �0و��[fW ،8;2� fW ،G ¦אHybridian �w-�� 7A 6 N2� 0و� ،N2� Ï�;� Hybridization �w-�� 7� n�-6א ،N�) �O G]�� ،N�) �O N2� 8<W يGو]��

8;2� Ï�; ��2W ،N2א-�، �Hybridize n�-6א�w-�� N2� fWa-�2אW ،a-3�

Human activity Hydrophobicity

144 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hydra �0א-�� ،����O �O 8o�.8+:ت��V Hydremia ��� .�O �8o´^و .>^و����0�-�� ،8+: 8 Hydro �0و-�� �.�Z? 8o�. ،8o�. ،8+: ،و، :ب^´O 8o�. Hydrolysis n�2-? �0و-�� O 8o�. ،H�t 8+:88p�. 8+: ،H�t 8��+ Hydrolyte ���;�N)אو"א�(، .�G�C 8o، ش:ب .� ��-�0و ?-� 8o�. ، Hydrolytic �<�-? �0و-�� ;K$� H�t 8+: ،©;K$� N�;�� 8O 8o�.8p�. 7. ،© Hydropath {�. 8 ��-�0و+: %�wq Hydropathy 8m�. 8 (3ج، :+8 (3ج ��-�0وK �¦ 8o�. Hydrophilly 8;4 8 �� ��-�0وK �¦ 8o�.O D 8K �¦ 8o�. ، D 8+: ،a Hydrophobia ��+�4 8 ��� ��-�0و+: ،��$t 8o�. ،^} �8o�. Hydrophile N4 8 ��-�0وo�. ،8p�. 8o�.N�;�� 8O Hydrophilic �;4 �0و-�� H'2. 8، :ب+: ،GH'@;. L �8o�. Hydrophilous N4 �0و-�� �C�W GH�!و L �8o�. ،H'2. 8o�. ،ب .�ش: Hydrophobe 6پ، ��-�0و �4ب �O �8o�. ��� 8+: Hydrophobic �+�4 ن 6پ، :+8 ���، :+$�&8 ��-�0و�d 8o�. Hydrophobicity 4 2>8 ��-�0و�+� a-�d ��� ن�d 8o�. ،��� 8+: Hygeia ��@-�� |�R |&�H'� ، Hygiene 7@-�� S;) ،|�R ل�Rא S;) ،8$&�H'� S;)·

S;) ،|�R ود �Hygienic �'�@-�� �m& ��R ،|�R H��· ،©;K$� 8$&�H'�ي،

©;K$� |�R· Hygienic quality 8<D�9א �'�@-�� |�R�� H�� |�R Hygienics -�� M1'�@ |�R S;) Hylic �;-�� دي��8، ���2O ،8�H+ Hylo �;-�� E�} ،نH+ ،S2O ،دو�� Hylogenesis n22�'�O�;-�� ي"�& S2O ،H�D�� ��دي

Hygeia Hyperaemia

145 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hyloma ���;-�� 8�G�Z S2O Hylosis n2&�;-�� دي &�"ي��ي، "�& S2O Hylozoic �-دو ��-;� "و��دو، و� ��ت ��V Hymen � 7�;8، .�دو، {��و، �4ج �O .�دو، 9'�א�پ �O .�دو �- O Hymenal N'��-�� ©;K$� �8;´O ،©;K$� 8 .�ديO 9'�א�پ· Hyp �-�� |;� ،S9 ،E�d ،�i� ،� " Hyparterial -����>N ��C ن� �p� " Hypaxial >�-�� N�21A ي���� � " Hypemia >-������ ،|;� 8O 8 �´>$�-8، ��نO ت �ت� � " Hyper �>-�� و!א³، א ،��r9 ،H HpIH��+ ،��´� ،³، " �ده� Hyperacid 02-א+8 =��-<� אn�� ،8-��´� 8O ��<d8���ش، " �د n�� ،

��8p ¯א 8O يHK� ،ي�� Hyperalkalinity 8<'�;1Dא | ��-<� א��d n�� Hyperchroma ��ي ·��-<� �9وn�� b��)�O ي^�}(b�� ،8-��´� b�� ،

-�'GH ��دو אو!Hyper coagulation ��9 �>-���7��D� ³��T H Hp Hyper evolution 7p��Dאو �>-��= �i� =Hpت א�Hyper process n�2&א�. �>-�� �i �q و!א³ وא�و ،N� وא!א³ وא�و (Hyper sensitivity 8C�<�2'�& �>-�� )�O ي�����/�، n. MV �r9 �ي) +� H Hp= = Hypertension 7�'�C�>-�� � �t ��r9 ،�t H Hp ��� Hypertrophy 84א�C�>-�� ،|�-א¥j ��r9 ، و�ي�. ��r9=)�O ن��) (H Hp ³و!א Hyperaemia �>-�� �����ع ��ن، �ت �� a�I א $Oא Hyperaesthesia �>-�� ��2�m2 82 אV n�� ،MV |;� ،82V H Hp Hyperalgesia �>-����2�@Dא Hp 82V د�د H Hyperalgia �>-�� ��@D8 �´��-8 אO ��& Hyperanemia �>-�� ��� �ت Hp 8Oت � �´��-8 א '�

Hyperaesthesia Hypothesis

146 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hyperchromasy �>-�� 82��و!א-�� �9و b�� ده� " Hyperchromatosis �>-��n2&�<���9و |l�� ��r9 Hyperchromia �>-������9و b�� a´� ،b�� ��r9 Hyper cycle �>-��& N1�-� �1" �ده} a´� ،�1} Hypercyesis �>-��n2�-�& ��Wن�m� ��9ي ��W a´� ،N�V ده� " ،��W Hypermea �>-����� ع ��ن��$Oא Hyperemesis n2�� �>-�� 8-��´� 8O �8<D�8، א� H Hp· Hyperoemia ���8 ��-<�و��� a´� ،ع ��ن��$Oא Hyperpermeability 8<;w�A��. �>-�� ي� ¥. ¦�� a´� ،ي¦�� ��r9 Hyperphysical N1 n4 �>-�� 8Kwq a´� ،8Kwq ��r9 ،ت�Q4 8�Q& Hyperpituitary ي�C��<. �>-�� 8��;+ a´� ،8��;+��r9 Hyper plasia ��2�;. �>-�� ي�;� ��r9 ،³�Wت د� H Hp Hyper plasy 82�;. �>-�� ³و!א H Hp Hyper pnia ��'. �>-�� & f��& تHp ،يn�� 8O f�� Hyperpyrexia ��21 ��-�. �>-�� ����، Hpت + n�� ،8-��´� 8O ��+ Hypersecretion 7� �1�&�>-�� س� ��r9� Hypersensitive �>-���<�2'�& �2سV ��r9= Hypnic �'>�)�'>-��( و: v'�� אب :و� دوא�� ، Hypno �'>-��)�'>�( אم�: ،v'� ،�1ن& Hypo �>�-�� �Hא� ،f´@'� ،ن��¨�� ،��� ،� " ،|�� ��¨��ن، Hypo acidity 8C02-א+8 ��-<�אn�� ���ش ��دو، " � ��nא+�|، �´ �´� Hypobasal N2�+ �>-�� 8&�&א� " ،��� ��D Hypoblastic �<&3+ �>-�� ³3´�� " Hypo chromia ����9و �>-�� b��� " Hypothermal -��N��I�> 7´'� ،8 ��مD��K�9 ��&^و، " ���م، �´

��م، �´� �9&�، (�م ���8Hypothermy 8��I �>-�� 8�8 9���� " ،8��V � " ،8א�O א�ت�V

147 Dictionary Of Haematology

Hypothesis n2�I �>-�� � ،� ���،��U��و��، ·+'��دي א�Rل، ���ل،� ��� 8D���

Hypothetic �<�I�>-�� 8D��� ،8����Uא ،8��4 Hypothetical �>-��I N1�<� 8&��� ،8D�r� ،8��4 ،8D��� ،8q�p Hypothetical units M<�� N1�<�I�>-�� 8��4�1 א Hypothyroid 6א�-�I�>-�� �;� � " ،ي^�� " Hypothyroidism א-0"مn�-�I�>-�� 8;�) ���� Hypotoxic כn9�C�>-�� ��" � " ،�; ��" �´� Hypotoxicity �9 �C�>-�� 8<A�2 אت، " � "��אت��" S9 ،אت��" �´� Hypoxia ��29�>-�� 7@�29: � " ،8�9 L 7@�29: Hypso �2>-�� �� ·�-H';+ ،8ي{·،אو{�، א���´�ن، אوي�´�H';+ 7·אHypsotrophy 84א�C�2>-�� 8w����8 9�8،���א8+ 89 O |�-א¥j Hyptotonic ���C�<>-�� 89א��� S9 ،8-א¥j �´� Hysteria � �<2� ي����+ 82'O 8O 7���) ،�D�� وאء ،�D�� د�+

Hypothetic Hysteria

148 Dictionary Of Haematology


Iaberia � ��+: 3ج) S;) Iasis n&: |�1V ،|+�wq ،3ج) Identical N1�<' 0-: ��Z�& ،��+�B ،1@�^وB ،N1p SB Identify 5�4 8<' 0-: ��& ،��.o |��'p ،�o��& ،a Identity 8<<' 0-: �& ،8-��Z�& �o��& ،|��'p ،��.،��Z

Idiopathic �m�.� 0�-: ي����+ 8;Rא ،¡�� NRא A disorder or disease without an

identifiable external etiology, self


Idiopathy .� 0�-:v8I 8;2� 8 (���� ��ص;R¡، א��8 ����ي، ¦א�+ Idioplasm :-�0 �.3"م � ��8 ;Rא Iliac artery ي�C�: ��Dن א� �p 8O يv�: يv'� ، ن� �p 8O אכ± Ill אل= wq ،���N�;) ،"�&�� |K، ����א4© ���{�כ، +� Ill health {;�B 89، אل�}�� 8$&�H'� ��j Immature ��`�� אم D�+9`�، ��م، א�� ،N1. א� ،�$.��j ،£وو� Immaturity 8C��`�� 8، 9`�-� אم�D�+�� ،8��� Immune ن���א= cl& ��`+ ي�Q4�+و ، Ñ��� ، µ4א/� دא

The process of being protected against

foreign autigens Immune body ن +�6ي���א= S2O µ4دא ،S2O Ñ��� Immune

cytochemistry =א���ن

�9�2>�ي�<�-�& ����9 8A;� 8$K4אH�

Immune system S<2& ن���א= �O S2O+8 ���م$K4אH� ،�$p�& ��` Immune deficiency

disease =א���ن

n "6 82'A�� 6 K4אH� 8 ��تO |8� وא�ي +����ي �9

A defect in the ability to detect antigens or

defect to produce anti boclies against

Iaberia Immuniziation

149 Dictionary Of Haematology


Immunity 8<����א= |x�V |K4אH� ��1و، ��تC�t The process of being protected aginst

foreign antigens Immuniziation 7� n�-�����8 =א-�>O: ،N�) �O ��1يC�t Immuno competent �>��>=א�����9' �B�W� Nدא� �Hא� S2O �1�O8 :و�;�V ن

�;+�i� �O אن � ao��& 8d 7�'�8I و­8، |�V3R 8O ��9

The ability to recognize and respond to

a foreign antigen.

Immunodeficiency �����6=א�� A82' S2O ي^Bא L م��� |K4אH� ت�� �Hא� 8O 7�'O ،��. 8I אH�. ���}א �O 8�9

���م ��د+�د .'�'@8 א�S2O �H �9ي ��VnO �3� 8Oت ��دو ن��8D�Z �D א

.�وع �9ي [ 'Hو :H�.p8Bא ��9 A dysfunction in the body defence

mechanism that detects foreign

antigens and produces antibodies

against them.

Immunoglobulin 7D��+�;������ت א����D)7�C8 ) .�وO 7D��+�;� ���� 81�O H��B L N1p 8Oא :7B ن�'Gvن �'Gvن ¦�Gא

7�2� 7@'. 7D��+�;� �����אL N �Bو� ،7B: L 7´نא��d Y& 8O 8O 5: ´��� אH��B

7B: A protein belonging to the gamma

globulin fraction immunoglobulins are

divided into five classes, with IgG being

the most abundant.

Immunization �����7-א� n� 8-�>O: ،N�) �O ��1يC�t Immunize n�-�����א ،�O: ،Ñ���وH�^}G+ ن�d ¡�� `a-� Immunizing b�n�-�����א N����ي �dن ���Ñ، و+� +`�³ (�+ GH�^}و

Immuno competent Imperfect

150 Dictionary Of Haematology

Immunoboilogy 8O3-�+�����ت �� א�����V ³�`+ د Immunological N1�O?�����א |+�+ N� ��د +`�³ (Immunological

dysfunction �D�� N1�Oא���'&67�1

aא+8 א{8 و­�� L S;) ³�`+ د�� Reduction in the fuunction of the immune


Immunology 8O?�����א S;)³�`+ ¡�� |K4אH� ت�� ،�O S;) Impaired health >�א=�{;�B 6�A |�R ���� ،|�R N ^l+ ،|�R אب�� Impairiment ��A>�א=��' �l+ ،a�I F�;j ،a�I ���� ،�i� ،N;�G � Imperfect �1�N، אo<��و =א�<�1�4� ��j ،م، 9`� א!و�و�� ، Impulse M;>�9|، "و�، א/�، =א�V ،כG! ،��/���O>�1 ��ت ���$4، Impulsion 7�;>�ن، !�9 =א�@�B ،��HR ،כ��� ��ت ، Impulsive �2;>�א= ،GH'�9! כ، ��ت���$��כ، �89، �V Invitro و�Cאن و= L 7��+

In the test tube or out side the body.

Invivo אن=Ìوو L S2O �H�" ،S2O �H�" SB Within the living organism

Inadequacy -��1 0 א-8، �� 28=אن א��I ، 8-8 >א� .��א-�$ Inadequate E��1 0 אن א= = 84�9 ��j ،و، א!و�و��I ،� א� .��و، ��Inadhesive 0 אن א= =�2 GH�^w'} ��j ،GH�^w'} א� Inborn אن +��ن= 'O ، 8i;ي��Q4 ،8�-אH�. ،8;R82، א Incidence M�0�2ت &�ن =א��r9)�B �B ( ¥.���x� ل�r� ،a�I

،��q GH';Iيא����+ The Frequency of an occurrence for

example: a disease.

Incidence of disease n "6 �: M�0�2و��ع =א� �O ي���� �pح +����ي، +�Incidence of

occurrence ) ��¡( �pح و��ع، �pح ���Oد�M�0 8 :� אM��9=א��2

Inclusion 7��-��;1א�= N��pIد��ل ،|�D��p ،אج�Hא� ، a@-��& ،a� Inclusion bodies n 6�+ 7��-��;1�2م =א�O8 אO��� ،�Qi� א� �ن! Incoaguable ��1א��Nw-� GH'�T א�

Impulse Infant

151 Dictionary Of Haematology

Incoherence M' ��B�18، =א��H�;) ،8-אHO ،|i+�Q���j ،©4א����jQ+8 �א+l |i4א��8، ��

Incoherent ����B�1א4© א�����j ،³��D 8+ ،G�O 8+ ،¼+� 8+ Income S18، א.|، א��H�: ، وH-�4 ،�K� ،3تR�V ،X? 8-��9 Incompatibility 8<�;w>��1و�ي א�: ��+ ��j ،ي��/ 8+ ،N� 8+ ،N�� 8+ Incompatible Nw<�>��1א� �8 + ،G�O 8 א�+ ،G�O 8+ ،�D��3پ ، �

&�"��N، ����א4©، �� Incomplete ��;>�1�N، א!و��+�و، א!و�و א�1� ��j ،و��>oא Indirect � א� &eو، .�`Hא�، ��Hא�، �'@��N =אن 6א-� 1Individual 0=א�N-�@ אدي، !א� !א� و�א� ، Dא  D�4د، א،��T ��T Induce א�0 �س ، a ] %�j�� ،a�I N-�� %�j�� ،N³�1، دא��O Induce immunity 8<����دא�;8 +`�� ��ت א�0 �س א Infant � ����pא�، ��d .��כ، Gv'� ،��W �`9و ��W =א��'Infant mortality 8<;C��� � ��ت�'vن ��Wن �O =א��'Infarct ��1�O �ت 8O دو�ي ( L�5�O NA(אو¬ א��H =א���9

H�. ش .�� �9يH'+ 8 .�يI א An area of necrosis in a tissue due to

obstruction of blood circulation.

Infect �����، �و� �l+G a-��D =א��1�+ ،aZو� ،�^�. ¡�� ،� Infected 0<1�א�= ����+ N�، �� Â، �و8Z ، �وN�Z، �و� و� Infecting b'<1�ي =א�����+ ،aO^�. ¡�� ،a�D و���O � �/א ،aB

a�I 8Zو� Infection 7�1�¡، א���א+$� א/�، ،n �1. ،¡��GH�^}و

�G�l+ ،a�D و�، �و�� Infection disease n "6 7�1�ي א�����+ GH�^�. ،ي����+ GH�^}و Infections anaemia ���=א��M'�1 א '� �-o 8و{^�GH �ت .� = Infections

mononucleosis M '=א���1�������n&�A�;9

�( �ت 8O אnO 7tن �-�& ��D( אH�. 8O GH'�I אH�. ¢)�+ 8+א�� L N�a�I وא�ي (

Infant mortality Inherit

152 Dictionary Of Haematology

8 ��� +����ي ) ����ش(+

A benign lymphoproliferative disorder

Infectious M��1�א�= GH�^}و+�-8، و ،GH' ����+ ،GH'�Zو� Infective �<1�א�= H�^�. ،GH�^}8 ، وZو� ،GH'�Zو� G Infest ��1;��، .�^א،"�S ، د�د، &�� א��2 Infestation 7��<2�9 =א� r ،�-אHdد ،GH' ] ��;1��ت، B@�م،

a ] S�" Infested <2��0א� L ¡�� ،N����ي L و��+

GH' ] ��;1�،8Zو�،N� و�Inflammation 7���3א� ��9 � 8Kwq يG���-8 ����د+�G��O 7ن،

�. S�" L ¬אو ��q N�Hא 8I .��، �د ( 8@�$� 8O 7�'OL � ��BG�Z ن�m� ي^�}

&�� &�ن �� &�¬ .�Hא 8I .�ي Tissue reaction to injury casued by a

physical or chemical agents, inducing

microorganisms symptoms inculde

redness tenderness, pain and swelling

Inherit E8، و�א/$ =א����<-�� ،�o� ،a}א L 8/و� ،a�I »وא� و�/�، ���א«

Inheritability 8<;Aw< و�א/| א���� ،N+�� |�/و���و�א/| .¥ �ي، � ¥. Inheritable Nw�< א���� �Z�O 8/و/8، و���� Inheritance M'< �1 א����D��،��w� o |/א«، و�א���אت، و�/�، ¦ ،� Inheritance of

character M'$ א�����:

��9�<1 א�8�3 و�/�

Inherited < و�א/8$ �0א���� ،N : L 8/و/8 و���� ، Inherited

characteristics 0 ��9 1>� �א���� >

M1<&א � N�;� L |&�Bو���R$ن�

Inhibit א���w� ad� "�+ ،a�I H'+ ،a9و� Inhibition 7�w³�1، �وכ، � א���Cאµ'� ،a9ش، �وH'+ ،E�9و

Inheritability Intravascular destruction

153 Dictionary Of Haematology

Inhibitor א��<�w�� !وכ، �و وא� N�) ،GH'�9و� ،GH'9 GH'9 |�Vאn�

Inhibitory ي�<wא/�ي א��� GH'�9כ( �و���8 �و��9)$�Vאn� Inhibitory factors ي 1�4>�س�<w8 א���Cو�9و��U') Inner 8، =א��دא�;8، א��Hو�N1D ،��@Z 8،א��H �ن، � Innert Eא��= ��j ،��1ي�­�B ��j ،8 א/�، ��م+ N��) Insufficiency 82'A��2ي، ��>$�-8 א���>o8، אB���9 ،8�9 Insufficient �&א=��'� ��� ،S9، و��>oو، ��84�9، א��I Interval ;| א�>�ول��، �8، و�C�tو ،�;R�� ،و� Intravascular �<א�=�D��12 و M� 8Tن אو���د� Interveinal N' א�>�و= M� ن���د� Inter ventricular 1 �<' א�>�و=�D�� S1p ن���د� Intestinal NA'�<2�<א�= �Z? 0ي�: ، ©;K$� 0ن�: Intestinal gland 0'�;� N'�<2<ود =א�Hj 0ي وא�א�: Intestinal juice س�O N'�<2�<8 �س =א�O يHK� ،8 �سO 8 ، :�0ي���B

��o�. 8O وא�ي �س ، :�0ي Intestine M<7 א�-�C 0א ���0א، :�0و�: Intravascular

destruction �D��1 2 و א�>�א

7�9�<2 6 �N �ت nO 7BG�Z 8Oن �'@y c» 6א) �O �

�����d 8i �q Nن B>8 �9ي [� &�1^و a�I N� 8i �q 8W 7d &�ن �1

An alternate path way for erythrocyte

break down that normally accounts for

less than 10% of red cell destruction.

Intrinsic �2��<א� N1D،8�) (��א(�8، אR;8،א��Hو�8، ¦א Intrinsic factor (IF) �<1�4 �2��<א�=

):5 א �( 7�;� N�<-א��. �Hي א�HK� )M;�& ( ن��@'�

�H�. �O |+�qא a�I ) �س( Substance secreted by the parietal

cells of the mucosa in the fundus

Intrinsic Isotonic

154 Dictionary Of Haematology

region of the stomach .

Intrinsic pathway 2��<.�¶א� �8 �&$� وي ±�a@Zت 8O ) א��Hو�8( �)a�� �BG�Z ( ن�d Y& �;V�� 8��p �Oو(�

��| ) א��Hو�8 � +��و�8(.�� �ن 8$&��pوع �I 8AI، א��Hو�8 �&8$ ��| �ت 8����& 8O 7�B��W �<1�4 �;V�� و a�T

8AI وع�p و!� &�ن�I. The initiation of blood clotting begins

will either the intrinsic or the extrinsic

pathway. In the intrinsic pathway

coagulation begins with the activation

of factor XII to XII a .

Introduction 7�96א�>�و ���K� �pو(�ت، א+$Hא، �'v،دא�3، Investigation 7��l�<2 א�� ،©�i���Z ،�'O�d?، {�1س، �<�س، .�� Iron ن�-: ��Dכ، �4?د� ، Iso �2-: SB ،�+1@�^و ، +�אB

Equal isotonic saline solution has a

concentration of 0.85%, which is equal

to the concentration of sodium chloride

in cellular cytoplasm.

Iso agglutination 7 =:-�2 א��'�C�;l يH' G�O SB Iso agglutinogen 7 =:-�2 אO�'�C�;l دو�� G�O SB Iso chromatic �<��8 :-�2 �9وl�� 1@�^وB ، b�� SB Isoenzymes �2א-:= 'S-אn א-�ن���� SB Isoimmune ن=:-�2 א���7 �B�W ، ت��� &�8Z ���م ��Z�& Lن ��

: 8;�V a@B د�O�� 5? 8;+�i� 8O S2O و� Possessing antibodies to antigens of

the same system.

Isotonic ���C�2-: وא"ي: SB Isotonic concentration ���C �2-: �G�& دא� SB ،8l'� SB :وא"ي

Isotonic concentration Itis

155 Dictionary Of Haematology

7� �<2'9 Isotonic solution ���C �2-:

7p��D�& א�و دא� SB دא� 1B ،��Z^ي �Hiא� و

O �1� 8@B د�O�� L ��Z Isotonicity 8<2���C �2-: | "وא: SB ،8Wدא SB Isotope �C�2-: ع�Kp SB ،وپ� SB ،ت��R SB Isotopic �.�C �2-: אد" SB Itch ش، &�&� =א���� ،�o�& Itching b'}8 =אT�d ،�9�& ،�o�& ،ش��� )L نH+( Itchy 8}8 =אp��� Itis :MC 5= ¬�& ،�I�I ،ش"�&

156 Dictionary Of Haematology


Jaundice 0س��O 8O ن��� ،a��9 ،دي، ���ن�" ،¡�� �O 8-�& ­a��¡ دو�אن، {�^ي �O "�دي ��-8I b�� N و

A yellow appearance of the skin sclera

and body excretions

Jaundice absorption א�nw 0س א��O=7�. 8 ���ن+¦�O When jaundice due to this yellow color

is absorbed

Jaundice toxic כn9�C 0س��O 8 �9يO ن��� �Hא� S2O ،ي ���ن�B"�B" a�I 3 ��دא .�Hא

when toxic material appears In body

due to jaundice

Jaundiced 0&0��O ��o�� و^Bא ، �� ن��� ،N��9�a و��1�O8-�& 8@B 3$w� L

A man who suffers from jaundice

Juice gastric س ��2>�כ�O 8 �سO يHK� ،يHK� ق�) Secretion prepared by stomach

(external) also called gastric juices.

Juice intestinal N'�<2<س א��O 8 :�0يOO 0ي�: ،��o�.� س� Juice(seaetions) external, prepared by


Juvenile N-�' و��O �´��oא��W،وv'� ،a>1D�W ،��) Small. (young in age)

Juvenile form ��4م N-�' و��O N1p يv'� Small shape

Juvenile habit �w�B N-�' و��O 8 (�دت���) Temporary style

Jaundice Juvenile habit

157 Dictionary Of Haematology


Kallikrein ��1ن�D�9 �<1�4�`�;4 כ��$� Activated fletcher factor

Kalasomine 7��2D�9 H�&،�tא �<} White, milky white

Kalymocytes M<�-�&�� {���د �;��، {�G�����O ��qא �9;�Cells (around)

Kama ���9 ���. ،�B82 ��א'O Karyokinesis n2'-�9 � ��9 دو�אن S�2i� 8O 8A;�)8;�O 8Q� 8A;�= (

+ �Of�9��� يn9�� a�I S�2i� 8-3 a�I S�2i� �O �8;�O)دو�אن S�2i� 8� ��;�(

The division of the nuclear membrane

during cellular division

Karyorrhexis n�1B�� ��9 دو��7 دو�אن �'O ،�;V�� و^Bא���f ���f 8I N�� 7�'O ،8و و­H'@<��) GH'�o: b��

��% وא�و و�א�wB ) ��دو�� ��j 7<���9و8z& � 78 و­8و­@;�� L ��o�.��O

)L س�� ��O 8'K ( A stage of cellular degeneration when

chromatin is distributed irregulary

throughout the cytoplasm Karyotype ��-�C��9و N� ����� 8;2�O �O 8;i$') א(nא" &�ن(�1

) و�/�� 8�G��O �O 8;i$'و( The full complement of chromosomes

in an organism.

Karyo � ��9 ت��V،��O A cell

Karyocyte ��-�& � ��9 ،��;� ��O��OوG���

Kallikrein Karyogenesis

158 Dictionary Of Haematology

Living cell Karyogamy 8� ��n9ي v��Zא.� ��OWf ��3پ، ��9 � ��

Nuclear fusion

Karyogenesis n2�'�O � ��9 ت &�"ي��V ،�-אH�. ��O Formation of living cells

Karyokinesis n2�� 5�9� ��9 9| &�"ي�V ��O ،)Wfيn9�� ( ،�.�} ��O |9�V��O

Movement of cell Karyology 9=8O?� �� ت��O S;) ،ت�����V S;)

Science of life

Karyolymph 9=D � ��=�� O ،ت �س��V=���D · ب�K Living liquid

Karyolysis n2-? � ��9 . ت��V��O|9�V ��O ،8p� Karyomere �A�� � ��9 وG�¦ ت��V ،�1وC ��O Karyometery >�ي��8 ��9 � -���. ��O

Measurement of living cell

Karyomicrosome � ��9 ��-�1و&�م

S2O � ��+ 8������V The living material

Karyomite ��-��� ��9 ��;� ��O The cell

Karyomitome م�C5�� � ��9 ��T ��O Karyomitosis n&�C 5�� � ��9 |�Q� ��O )��1ونD ( Karyon دو، ��אت �;�� ��9 �ن�� ،n�� ،��;� ��O Karyophasis n2�4 � ��9 دאت�O����O Karyophore ��4 � ��9 دא��+ ��O Karyoplasm ��9 � .3"م ،� �� ��O ،� �� يG��� ��O ،� �� אت��

A;� � �� n9�� 8 Karyoreticulum SD��1�< �،� ��9 ي��T ��O ،��T يG��� ��O Karyosome אت ��9 �&�م�� S2O ��O ،S2O אت��

Karyokinesis Ketalysis

159 Dictionary Of Haematology

Karyosphare ��&دא-�و ��9 � א ��O Karyotype ��-�C � ��9 S2� ��O ،S2� 8�2���Ä ] 8 و Ä، ��אO Katablic �D�+�<�9 y ، ©;K$� ^�� «y 8���2O N ���» 6א�، �'8 Katabolic process M&��. �D�+�<�9 N�) �O 6א� «y ،N�) 8��� Katabolism �9<مnD�+� � N��y ،N» 6א� () �O ^�� «y ،N�) 8w � Ketabolite ���ق، ����ت، y» 6א� �9>�+�?-� NR�V دو�� Ketagenesis n2�'�O�<�9 «yي 6א"�& � Ketakinet 5�9�<�9��� «y9| 6א�V � Ketakinetomere ����<�� 5�9�<�9 «yو 6אG�¦ � Ketalysis n2�-?�<�9 lא� N��nي ( Ketalytic �<�-?�<�9 n�lא� N�) Kilo �;9 א�nB ،�;9 Kilocalorie 8 ��ت 9;��9;�ي�א� ��nB Kilogram 9;���אم � �� �O א���אمnB �B Kilojoule ل�O�;9 8-�98 אO S9 Kilolitre �<�D�;9 �<�D 8;� �<D א�nB Kinins M'� 5�9 8 .�<>�-0س������V אGv'�

Small biologically active peptides Kupffer’s cells M;�& س�ي 9<��O ،|�� 8UV 8O 8 ���م$K4אH� ت��

G��� ��O ( 81�Oא(א� �H���Oد אB^א �;�� 7 �B�W)ت����D 8 :و�;�V (8d) ي�Zא (

7 �t ي ��س �9ي��� Cells in the liver that have the ablity to

engulf or phagocytize foreign particles

as part of the mononuclearphagocytic


Kwashiorkor ��9���pت �9وא����D ��$7(+8 א��C�1 ) .�و�O ،8-�$<�� 8O8B: يH' א a&] L نG��W ���R نGv'�

A sever protein deficiency seen in

Ketalytic Kyto

160 Dictionary Of Haematology

infants and children.

Kreatine 7< �9 |+�q� 8-���9 Krebs cycle N1�-�& Mw �9 7�'O N�) 8-���9 ،|+�q� N�دو�ي �د (

8B: يH'�� 8-א���� L Kymograph א�����-�9 ��l� ج�� ،���p Âw� ،�Bن و�� Kyte ��-�9 S1p ،� �HKو، .�Kyto �<�-�9 ��;�،وG��� ��O ،���� ��O

161 Dictionary Of Haematology


Label Nw�D ،8}�. ،�} ،81<} ،�w$9 ،�zt،ن�����& a-��D 81<}

Labeled 0;w�D �D ن���N Labeled isotopes ;w�D0M.�C�2-: אدn�B  D ن��� Labeling w�D;b' a-��D ن��� ،a-��D 81<} Labelloid 0-3w�D ��� 81<} ،�� ���ن �Labile N�-�w�D � ¥. N Hw� H-�.��jא�،


Laboratirial N ��< ��w�D ،8��+�@� ،8B�lw �@����HBא� 8 Laboratory ي�< ��w�D ��l�+�@��@�+ 8���HBي ���، ،�-��": ،

����، �������9 Laboratory anlysis ي�< ��w�D n2-?�' א= �l�+�@� f� �+�@� Laboratory branch ي +�א���< ��w�D �l�+�@� f� خ�p Laboratory Coat E�9 ي�< ��w�D �l�+�@��9��� ��� �O א <�אن، E�9 �O � Laboratory

demonstration ��w�D >�ي

7� �<2��� 6 �l�+�@� Á ��� �


equipments ��w�D >�ي

M<'�� =א �1-<�l�+�@� � �O :?ت


glassware ��w�D >�ي �3س

�Aو l�+�@��7 +�א �O 8��p � وא��


instrument ��w�D >�ي

�=א�2>�و'�� �l�+�@� � �O אو"א�

Laboratory manual N-�'�� ي�< ��w�D �l�+�@� f� ¡��+= Laboratory material N ��<� ي�< ��w�D �� 8+�@� f� ن���& �O Laboratory D ي�< ��w� �� 8+�@� f� 7�+8 ���دO

Label Laboratory process

162 Dictionary Of Haematology

microscope �1و א&�1پ-��= Laboratory

preparation ��w�D >�ي 7� ��> �.

����ي 8��+�@�


procedure ��w�D >�ي

.�و&�@��l�+�@� f� ��1i �q �O

Laboratory process n&ي .�א�< ��w�D �l�+�@� f� N�) Laboratory system <2& ي�< ��w�DS �l�+�@� f� �$p�& Laboratory test �2�C ي�< ��w�D �l�+�@� f� �-��": Laboratory tutorial N ��C��C ي�< ��w�D ���& 8B�l�+�@� Laborious MA ��w�D ��d] ،�dאو ،�O 8�9�O ،وא�و |'�� Labour �w�D ��& �O S '|، و��و، G�y ،دو�يn� Lactase �<1�Dn �1p 8O ��d)0'd( 0'd وא�ي ��d ،ش�}��p ، Lactate ��<1�D a ] ��d ، a�I دא���p Lactic 1�D�< ©;K$� ��d ، �O ��d Lactic acid 02-א �1>�D= GH'9 אH�. ��<d L ��d )دو��אب ) n�� �O ��d Lactic acid bacteria 02-א �1>�D=

� ��<1A+ S�/א�O 8-�<d ��d ،وG��O אبn�� ��d

Lactic coagulation 7��D���9 �<1�D ³��T ��d Lactin 7<1�D כ��� ��d ،دو�� ��d Lactis M<1�D= H'� وא�ي��p Lactose "�<1�D ،��¨� و��d ،س�¨� �O ��d ،0'd 8O ��d

�1p ي��p Lactosuria � ��&�<1�D ¨� .���ب�0، 'd ي��d L ب���. Language [ �l'AD |�D ،8D�W ،ن�+" Language of function 7�1'4 �: [ �l'AD 8 "+�نD�W ،�4(;8 "+�ن Lambda 0אw�AD �+8 +�אO �<�D �1و-�� ��·

Equivalent to microlitre (ul) or 1/ 1000

of a mililitre (ml)

Laboratory system Laser

163 Dictionary Of Haematology

LAP 8. אي N ل א�;�� GH�l�� 8d نnO 7t8 אO ت� Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase cyto

alkaline chemical stain

Lap ��D ³�B^} ،�1} Lap wound ��D0��-و S�" �1دא�} Laparectomy 8��<1A �>�D 8Vא�O يHK� Laparoscopy 8.�1&و א�A>�D= 8'�+ يHK� N1p 8;� ،8'�+ يHK� Laparotomy 8��C و�>�D א�O ��.V 8Vא�O يHK� ،8

Incision in the abdomen Laser �n�D � 8 .>8 אو"א�'pא� �وHl�

Light amplification by stimulated

emission of radiation.

LDH Í 6ي א N א S-אn' א ©;K$� ��d= )n�'�O�0و�-�B 6ي ( Lactic dehydrogenase

Latent �'<�D 8و��Hא� ،N1D ،��@Z ،8� Latent heat ��B �'<�D א��V 8 ت �� 8�@Z��V N+��� ،8א�ت، �Latent period 6��. �'<�D تH� 8� Latent potential N��'C�. �'<�D l& 8�@Z 8 ��ت� ،c Latent process n&و�. �'<�D N�) 8� Lateral ل�<�D 84، א��84، .�&�-�ن، .�&8 وא�و، .�&��و�q �B Lesion 7 n�D �<}، N�;� ،ي��) ،� دאغ، "�S، ���ن، �Lethal Nm�D N��� ،�;�� ،���� ��ت :و�، ����Qכ، ��Lethal combinations 7��'�w�9 Nm�D 3پ�� ���� ��;� ��3پ، ��Lethal dose 6وس Nm�D و"ن ���� ��;� و"ن، ��Lethal factors 1�4>�س Nm�D �U') ������ ،N�א�) �;�� Lethal gene 7�O Nm�D= �����N �2;8 א8-�9، ���� ،��O N��� ،aT

��O ������ Lethal toxin نn9�C Nm�D N��� �B" ،�B" ������ ،�B" �;�� Lethargic �O�m�D 8&�: ،و^dא v'� ،8p���+ S��،82D:،8;B�9

LDH Leucocythemia

164 Dictionary Of Haematology

Lethargy 8O�m�D 8;B�9 ،8p���+ ،|;j Leukaemia ����9��D ت�r9 ،Â�+8 ����-8، �;��ت אA;� H�& Leuce 8&��D א�H1�} ،H�& Leucite ��D� &�H، �9 !אت =&Leuco �9��D H�& �tא، Â�+א Leucoblast �&3+�9��D ³3�� دي�� H�& Leucocidin �9&0ن��D )8O ت� ( �B" ��� يnO H�& Leucocyte ��-�&�9��D ،وG�¦ H�& �O ن�� ،��;� H�& �O ت�

) ��ن �O(אnO �tو White blood cell

Leucocythaemia ����I 5�&�9��D ت�r9 8A;� H�&)8O ت�( f´@'� ت� ،8-��´� 8O نnO 7tא ،�Hא�

Large number of white blood cells in

blood (in bone- marrow)

Leucocythemia ����I 5�&�9��D ت�r9 ��;� H�& 8 دو�ي دو�אنO ت� ،aو!ي و­ �O نnO 7tא

White blood cells (in blood)more than

normal cencentrration (during circulation)

Leucocytogenesis n2�'�O�C 5�&�9��D ت &�"ي��;� H�& ،ت��;� H�& H�D�� 7tא ،a´@ و!� و � a�I אH�. �O نnO

Formation and Development of white

blood cells

Leucocytopenia ��'�.�C 5�&�9��D E�d ��;� H�& �O نnO 7tא f´'� ت� ،a8 و­@<´�

When white blood cell number is

decreasing (in blood or decreased

white blood cells in bone marrow (site

where white cells are formed).

Leucocytosis n&�C 5�&�9��D aو!ي و­ �O نnO 7tא f´@'� ت� Increased white blood cells number (in

blood) or a significant increase in the

total white cell count.

Leucocytogenesis Leukaemia

165 Dictionary Of Haematology

Leucoderma ���6 �9��D ي����+ 8O ي�^�& 8O Nd�Hي، {>�8 . {8 +����ي O

Disease in which skin becomes whitish Leucopathia ��m�.�9��D ¡�� ت��;� H�& Leucopathy 8m�.�9��D H�&دאغ دאغ H�& ،¡�� )ي����+ (8<}�

8 +����ي O Leucopenia ��'�. �9��D |;� 8O نnO H�& ،8�9 8A;� H�& ،

a8 و­@<´� �O نnO 7tא A severe decreasein the total white cell count

Leucophelgmasia �2��l�;4�9��D ي����+ 8O �H';O Leucoplast �&3. �9��D �p ،�oدא H�&�oدא b�� ��j ،�oدא ،� Leucoplastids 0<&3.�9��D �oدא b�� H�& Leucopoiesis n2-�. �9��D H�D�� &�H �;��ت Leucopyria � � 5�.�9��D دق �� Leucorrhoea � ��9��D ،3بO�tد&|، א H�&)�O 8א�H�`W( Leukaemia ����9��D a�� ،ن�q�& �O ت، �ت�r9 8A;� H�&

&��;� H� 8� ��q 8)��@� f´@'� ت� ،aو!ي و­ �O نnO 7tא.

A neoplastic proliferative disease

characterized by an over production of

immature or mature cells of various

leukocyte types in the bone marrow or

peripheral blood.

Leukotrenes M� 5א�C�9��D ن د��A� نnO H�& �1�O %9�� N�I |4� L S9 8O)8 9'>�ول ��9 ) &�"شd

دو�אن 9��C^ي �9ي A newly identified class of compounds

that mediate the inflammatory

functions of leukocytes.

LIF � 5 א: N 8 وא! ��9 وא�و 1�4>� אO 7�;� H�&، ) ����CوN4(אB^و ��& �1�O %9�nO Hن

Leukotrenes Living

166 Dictionary Of Haematology

8O 8d N��Bي 8O�H�. ) Äא-� وא�ي (��n �9ي و!א-e& 8و &'�Aن �ت ) �'@��ن

8O دو�ي �p L� L ��9 N�Hد �9ي Lecocytosis inducing factor, a

regulator that influence the release of

neutrophils from the bone marrow into

the circulatory system .

Life ��-? 8���V ،8�H�" ت��O ،ST ،�� ، ��V ،H'Oت، (Life blood 0;+ ��-? ت��V ن�� Life circle N9�& ��-? دא-�و �O �8�H�" ،ت��V دא-�ي Life cycle N1�-�& ��-? �1، دو�} S��8 دو�، ��O د�Ì، א��V Life duration 7� �� 6 ��-? ت��V و�Ìو، دH� �O 58�H�" ،وH� 8���V Life form ��4م ��-? N1p ت��O ، Ä و Ä ] 8;2� ،S2� ت��V Life history 2>�يB ��-? 8o��9 S���ي، :) Áت، &�א���V Áא��& Life span 7>&א ��-?= ��) 8Kwq ،ت��V 8R�) ،���T ،��) Linkage [�1'D |w2� ،�.אv��Z،�.�Z?،�Q+א�،G�O،©;K�،8�B�+ Lipid 0>D ���D ،Y�& ،وnO 8'j8 �وW�} ،ت��'jت، �و� Lipoid 0-�>D ��� �8W�} ،و^�O �8W�} Lipolytic �<�-?�>-? 8p�. 8+�} Lipoplast �&3.�>-? �o8 دא+�} Lipotropic �.و�C�>-? 8 �خW�} Litmus M�<D ،�'. M�<DM� �'. GH'�} Litmus paper �>�. M�<D ،�'. M�<D)אب � א&�سn���<�س .'�) Litre �<D �O a.�� ��o�.)�1 א ( Little N<D وv'� ،84�9�� ، � ��Iو، ��Living b��D �& f� ت��V �H�" ،��Vא ،��O ،א�H��O ،وא�و Living cell N�& b��D ��;� ��O ،وG��� �H�" Living material N ��<� b��D دو�� GH'd� 8���V ،دو�� ��O ،دو�� �H�"

Living cell Lymphatic duct

167 Dictionary Of Haematology

Living organism مn'���: b��D ت��O �H�" ،א�و�B�& ،א�H��O �H�" Longevity 8C��l�? وH� �O 8���V ���T،��j،���� cl 6 8O،و[ي () Longitude 6��<�l�? 8-�w�D ،ل، د�א"ي�q ،8-���6 ��כ Longitudinal N' 6��<�l�? 8-���6 81;4 ،©;K$� 8-���6 ��כ Leuetic �C��D ��)�q ، 8)�+8 و Lumbar �w�D ���} �O f´;�} ،��9 ، f´;�} ،�� 8O ��9 Lumbr region 7@ � �w�D ;�} f´ �UV �O Lumen 7���D �1 א �B8 و'pو� Lump ��D �� ،وGH'. ،0'. ،� ± ،د� ،�BG�Z ،وG�� Lumpy 8>�D 8 دא�BG�Z ،N�D �± ،G�d 8$� ،دא� �± Luna ����D يH��} ، ©;K$� 0'} Lunar ����D ©;K$� 0'} ،�oو، {'0א^�O 0'}، �� 3Bل �Luebering rapaport

pathway b���+��D

�א.�.��E .�¶ ويnO 7�G�Zن א�8�d 7@2�9: �H و­a وא�و

�1�O ،�$&�2,3 DPG 8O ��9 µ�O 8d �I ت [ي"�Oא�.

An important oxygen carrying pathway

of erythrocytes that permits the

accumulation of 2,3 DPG Lunar date � 6 ����D ،Ê �����ي � Ê ��� {'0 وא�ي Lymph ��D |+�q� ، ب�KD ،8o�. �O S2O Lymph gland 0'�;� ��D ودHj 8+�KD ،ودHj 8�D Lymph heart E�AB ��D %;� ب�KD ،8 دل+�KD Lymph system S<2& ��D �$p�& 8+�KD Lymph tissue ��C ��D �T8 אو+�KD Lymph adenitis MC 5�' 0 א ��D ¬�& ودHj 8+�KD )ش"�& ( Lymph adenoid 0-�' 0 א ��D �� �KDب Hjود �Lymphadenoma ���' 0 א ��D �BG�Z 8T8 אو+�KD)ي����+ ( Lymphadenopathy 8m�.�' 0 א ��D ي����+ 8O ودHj 8+�KD

168 Dictionary Of Haematology

Disease of the lymph nodes

Lymph angitis M<-�@' א ��D ود &�"شHj 8+�KD ،¬�& 8�D Lymphatic �<��D 8�� 8�nאج، �KD+8، (�ق +;��;+ Lymphatic duct �96 �<��D 8;� ب¦�O ،8;� 8+�KD Lymphatic glands 0س'�;� �<���D ودHj 8+�KD Lymphatic system S<2& �<��D �& ،ن� �p 8+�KD 8 ���م��;+ ،�$p Lymphatic vessel N2 و �<�'�D 8D�� 8+�KD Lymphatic vessels �<��DM;2 و� � ��D�� 8+�KDن =Lymphatics M1<��D 8 (�ق+�KD Lymphoblast �&3+��D ³3�� 8+�KD ،8 א��אج+�KD Lymphoblastic

leukemia �<&3+ ��D

����9��D f ('�9 S2� 8O 7�'O �O �2���(��ص

8B: 58B |�R��) ��M<�-�&��Dא £D�+ ( ت���م ���� و!ي � ، S2� �O نnO 7t8 אO 8O אد ، �تHK� N !و �B8 � אB: وH' و

��( دو�ي، �Bن 8O�Hj 8+�KD � ÄودD (8B: وH'�D a}א ��� e'B �B.

A major form of leukaemia

charaeterized by the presence of

increased numbers of immature

lymphocytes in the peripheral blood ,

bone marrow , and lymphnodes

Lymphocytes M<�-�&��D S2� �B �O نnO H�& 8O א�(�تH�oدא ��j( A type of leukocyte

Lymphocythemia �I 5�&��D2� �r9ت �KDب �;��ت ��Increased number of lymphocytes

Lymphocytopenia ��'�.�C 5�&��D a8 و­@<´� �O 7�;� 8+�KD �Hت א�� A sever decrease in the total number

of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.

Lymphocytosis n&�C 5�& ��D aو!ي و­ �O 7�;� 8+�KD f´@'� 8 دو�يO ت� A significant increase in the total number

of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.

Lymphatic glands Lymphoma

169 Dictionary Of Haematology

Lymphogenic �'�O��D GH'9 אH�. ب�KD Lymphogenous MA'�O ��D GH'9 אH�. ب دא��KD Lymphoid 0-��D �� �KDب �Lymphoid tissue ��C 0-��D �T8 אو+�KD Lymphoidocyte ���-0و &�-�D ��;� �� �KDب �Lymphoma �� ��D �� �1�O ،ودHj 8 دא�BG�Z ،س�� ����

)�� ��D6 ( N�.�Z? ود � אن &�نHj 8+�KD 8@B N v'Z ن�& Ä� 8O ن�B � ¬אو.

Solid malignant tumors of the lymph

nodes and associated tissues or



disorders ��D �< ��-?و�.

س6س :��6KD � ¬8 אو+�KD L �-אH�. 8O 7�;� 8+�

��م ���8 وא! א{a وא�ي (�8O N �9ي ����ل ��R GH'�I אH�.)ن� ����+(

A group of diseases characterized by

the proliferation of lymphoid tissues or


Lymphosarcoma ���9��& ��D Malignant neoplastic disorders of the

lymphoid tissues, excluding hodhkin’s

disease. Lyse M�-? To break apart or disortve

Lysin 72�-? دوא ��� |�O ، دو��ش �. ��;� Lysis n2�-? ،����;�� .�G��� ،8p�. H�t ،8oي ��

¡�� Â�� Lysosomes M�و"و"? f´@'� ،��o�. ��O ،S2O 8A;� א�^א

@n�·7א- S���Oد =3ت GH' G�C L 7O א '�( 8d 7�M��& �2�-?8B: وH' و � �& .

Cytoplasmic organelles that contain

lytic enzymes . Lymphotomy 8��C��D وHj 8+�KD8 دVא�O Lymphous M�D ب دא��KD

Lymphoproliferative disorders Lypemaria

170 Dictionary Of Haematology

Lymphuria � ���D 8 .���ب+�KD Lycochrome �9�1وم�-? b�� ��D Lycotosis &�C�1�-?n 8p�. ��;� Lypemaria � ���>-? ��D��D��

171 Dictionary Of Haematology


Macro �1و��8، B�p��� ،�z&،و[وfو��. ،���� ، Macroaxis n21 �1و א�� ���f ���� ، Macro cephalic �;�& �1و��و[و &� ، �m� و[و Macro conidium S-0���9 �1و��و ��� و[و Macro conjugant �1و��

'���@��9� �8 ��3پ���&'@��8 8��� ، و[ي .�

Macro ecology 8O?�1 �1و א��ل �V�� ��� S;) Macro elements M<'�� ('f�Uو[א ('�U، و[א nOא، ��� ���1و א ;�Macro globulin 7D��+�;� �1و��7 D��+�;� 8D�� ت����D و[ي و"ن وא�ي

A high molecular weight protein of the

globulin type.

M phase n�4 S 7 دو�אن א�'O 8B: �D�� �O 8Aص دو�א��� 8B: يH' א L N�) S�2i� 8i�iV 8O 8A;� The phase of cellular division in which

the cell actually divides

Macroscope �1و א&�1پ��و[ي ���د+�7، دو�+�7 Macro scopic �.�1&�1و א��و[ي ���د+�7 + =GH'@&] و[ي ،|+� Macro bian �1و +��ن�� �����، و[ي (T وא�و، و[ي �� و[ي (Macro biosis n&��+ �1و��ي "�& ����ي، و[ي () N �q Macro biotic C��-�+ �1و��� ��) 8��6 ،GH'B� �H�" ���� ،��) ،N �q Macrobiotic �C��-�+ �1و�� )N �q (��V 8��6 ،� ���8، و[ (��V 8 و[ي� Macrobiotics M1C��-�+ �1و��ت ��V N �q S;) Macro blastic <&3+ �1و���و و[و ^�C�� Macro cosm S&�9 �1و��د��� S��) ،�w9א SD�) ،�9-'�ت ،SD�) ،|�O Macro cyst � و[ي 8BG�Z ���1و &2

Macro Macro nucleus

172 Dictionary Of Haematology

Macro cyte � و[و ¦�و، و[و �;��) �ت �O( ���1و &�-�Macro mere 1���A�� و� �UV و، و[وnO و، و[وG�¦ و[و Macro meter �<�� �1و�� �� [و�א���7 ���، دو�ي .���، دو� .�Macro molecule ��1ل�D�� �1و�� �oو[و א ،�o���. ��1ل، و[و�D�� و[و Macron �1ون�� ��D و[ي، ��D يe& Macro nucleus MA�;9 ��� �1و�� n9�� و[و ،�UV يn9�� و[و )�O S�( Macro phage [�4 �1و���9-� ^Z ]و ،�-�d a��

A large mononuclear phagocytic cell

of the tissues that exist either a fixed

type that lines the canpillaries and

sinuses of organs such as the bone

marrow spleen and lymph nodes, or

as a wandering type

Macro phagous Ml�4 �1و�� ��� a�� Maro somatic �<���& �1و�� S2O 8، و[و�2O ]و Macro somatous M<���& �1و��دא� S2O 8، و[ي�2O ]و Macro some �1و &�م�� S2O و[و Macro therm م�I �1و��8 ��� a�� ،�>� و[ي ���8، و[و Macro type ��-�C �1و��و[ N1p ي���� ، و[و �Main 7�� ���f ت�� ،NW ،و�، و[و" ،SBא ، Maintain '��7�< ad� S-��aD�. ،��9 و�ش�. ،aD�\'& ، Maintenance M''�<'�� ل�\'& ،�'D�. ،و�ش�. Major �@�� ��f� SBو[و، א ، Major-nutrients M��C��� �@�� ��� ،אnO 8-א¥j SBאf �U') 89א��� Malabsorptin syndrome א�.�7 &'�0ومnw א N� 0ي�: f ���H�ن �'@ �. L وא�ي ���م a�I ب¥O 8O א¥j

Impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestine

Malformation 7�����4 N� ،N1p N ^l+ N �d ،��W��d ،��W 8Zو� Abnormal production

Mal formed 0���4 N� ،ت��R N l+ و�n� N �d، �و8Z، 9'� ، +'�وت9Weak and change in shape (structure)

Macro phage Malarial

173 Dictionary Of Haematology

Malnourshiment �'��� �A� N� א� .��ي .�و�ش)�'D�. ( �'D�. ���� Mal nutrition 7� �C��� N� ،و!�d ¼�;j ، ي ���אכ��>oא، א¥j ����

.�d �'9!وMal observation 7� و�n+: N� B��� و��>oو، אHB��� ¼;jوH Mal practice M<1 �. N� ��j ، 8;�) |�1V���+ ،N�) 8Oوא� ��j

N� �א-] (Malacia ��2�;� �i� �O Ä+·)8�9 8-����( ،8���م �´�9 8� Malady 63ي��ي ��� ��¡، �و�، +�Malaise يn א N� 8�8 :�א+ ،|&�H'� ��j ،8-���}�� ،a�y ÔD Malaria � ��;� �� �O ���، � ��;� �� �O ³�& ،��+· Malarial N ��;� �� 8;&�. ،�� �O ³�& ،��+ 8-� ��;�· Malarial fever ���4 N ��;� ��+ 8�&�� �� �O ³�& ، Malarial parasites � �;�� � .��� 'G��O GHא �;�� N .��א &�-�Malarious MA ��;� 8O ³�& ،ي��+ ،N��� L �;�� � و� 8;&�.

L �� N� و�Male N�� �9¥� ،د�� )M'O (�� ،�oدא�� Male cell N�& N�� ��;� �� ،وG��� ��O�� Male sex M1�& N�� M'O��

Malign 7@�;�� ������ ،�;�� ، N��� Malignamcy 82'�'l;A� ي����+ �;�� ،������ ،�; �B" ،58p 8; �B" Malignant �'�'l;A� �^Z 8��q�& Cancerous9 N� )�;��(�'L �2 و�Malignant disease n "6 ��'�'l;A� ي����+ ���� ��;� ���8 دא�، ��Malignant lupus M.��D ��'�'l;A� يH;O ن�q�&)�O ي^�} ( Malignant pustules MD��<2. �2''l;A� ي����+ GH�^}ي،وG�� 8��q�&،8 دא� دא���q�& Maniac �A���� 8��'O ،وG? ¡�� 8j��و دG? 8��� ، Manifest � ، [ ���ي، .�eو، Á �B�xوא� ��'��2Manifestation 7��<2�'�� ،3عqن ������ن א(3نא�O ي�����+ 7´'9،

Malarial fever Mankind

174 Dictionary Of Haematology

.وא��e. ��q µ �ن ��9The display of the symptoms of a

disease or disorder

Manifesto �<2��'�� ���$p'���، א(3ن، א�ن، ���� �e. Manifold 0D�4 8'�� ، b���l�� ،7��2� 7��2� ، �O ح�q ح�q

� a�� �א�� ،���� ،c Marginating pool b'<�'�O���ل�. )S2� �O نnO 7t8 אO א� �;�� ، ) �تH�oدא

N ^w'} 8d 7�;� 8O 7�D�� 81 �ت�O7B: אH��B ). 8d 8 .�دي'K �$&7 א �Hא� (

)�3j 8O M� 8&�. 7 �H8א�� ( The granulocytes that adhere to the

vascular endothelium . Manipulate ��;.��'A� �& �� ،G�� G�O ،aB�� אدو�mB ،�OG�O 8;i� Manipulating b'<�;.��'A� %�9�����9% ��9ي، ،�OG�O�G�O ،aB�� ، Manipulation 7��;.��'A� 8Vא�O S;) ،�& �� ،�'B �O {B ،د&$��1ي Manipulative �<�D��>�'A� N�B�� אدو�mB Manipulator �<�D��. 8'�� ��1$&��9، د��+H� Mankind 0'�-�9 7A� א��2ن، א��2ن ¦אت N2� ،8 :دم'+ = = Manner �'A� | � N1p ،ت��R ،b�± ،����� ،�i �q ،µو� Manometer �<���'�� پ�� ��·دא� ��پ، Õ�W ��پ، + = Manometric ��'��8 �>�כ-�� دא� .�Maometric flame S�;4 כ�<�� �'�� �;Kp 8-�� دא� .�Mano metry >�ي��'� ��8 -�� دא� .�Manual N-�'A� 8$&د���2O ،אدو�mB S9 �O {B ، 8$&8، د

،�'B �O {B +�$9 ،�D�&و�^ Margin 7O��� وH-�4 ،�K� X? يe'9 ،�9 ،E9'��و، و Marginal N'�O��� � ،�H� 89 8 وא�وp�V ،©+�Q� 8I�9 ،�-�@' Marrow و�A� � ،n�� ،دو��=Ä· ،)�O ي�B (�D�z��

Manner Material alteration

175 Dictionary Of Haematology

Marrow bone و +�ن�A�= ي ، ��دي دא��B 8O و ، ��دي�B وא�و Ä� �Bو، ��nي �Bو

Marro spinal N'-�>&وو א�A��= و�B �O 8�l��9)�O 8�l��9 (و�B وא�و Ä� Marrower �-و�A�� دא�n�� ،دي دא��� Marrowy 8-و�A�� دא�، ��دي وא�وn�� ،8 دא�D�z�� ،وא�و Ä� Mass س��ع ��$O، א� ��س، ��دو، ± �، و"ن، �� ،��wא� Mass action 7�1 س א��= N�� ،N�Hiא�ي () a��،N��N،(�م () 8)��$Oא= Mass communication 7��1�������(8 ��א3Rت ��س 9$Oم .��، א�) ،H&� 8)��$Oא Mass consumption 7�>�n'9 س�� �.�d 8)��$Oא Mass contact ���(�Z? 8.� ��س 1�<��9$Oא Mass data �< 6 س�� �dא b8 א�)��$Oت، א���;K� 8)��$Oא Mass education 7��9�@ א M��� S�;K��S�;K، (�م 8)��$Oא Mass energy 8Oس א����א��-8 ����א��-8 ، (�م 8)��$Oא Mass number �w����، ��س �p دH)دH) � �� ،دH) a�� ،دH) 8)��$Oא Mast �&�� ��/ ،�B�d Mast cell �&�� N�& 8Tאא&�س �;��، אوnO �tא

Tissue basophils

Mater �<�� ³�� ،د��� ،���� Materia � ��<� ��} ،دو�� ،� �� Materia medica �1 0�� � ��<� �O 9$�ب، دوא &�"ي �O %q %q ،9$�ب

nن � 8O دوא ،S;) �O Material N ��<� �D�C، א� ��دو، ��دي، �� ،NRא ،S2O ،ب�w&ل א�� Material alteration 7� �<Dא N �<� 8; Hw� SBא Material and methods 0سm�� 0' א N �<�� ،ن��و &�"�& "�& ،�i �q � دא��ن و ���& Material raw א� N �<�� ل��ل، 9`� ��م �� Material resources n�&��2 � N ��<� N-�&دي و�� Maternal N��<�� �4ن�q ³�� ، �o���� ،د�ي�� ،�o����

Material Maximum

176 Dictionary Of Haematology

Maternal Behaviour �A ����+ N��<�� د��د�ي �9دא��� b�± د�ي��ي �و �، � ،³�� ��د�ي و�

Maternal inheritance M'< א���� N��<�� �o�����/د�ي و���د�ي و�א/|، ��و�/�، . Maternity 8<��<�� S و ،a�T ��W ،�$p� د�ي�� ،�����p S و Meternity clinic �'�;9 8<��<�� وא�ي א&<$�ل S و Maternity home م�B 8<��<�� ���� 8`W ، ��� S و maternity hospital N<�>&�B 8<��<�� 8 א&<$�لO S و ،�����p �O S و Matter �<�� ،ع����ل �و�،��،�B�O ،S2O ،� �� ��n Eو ، Matter fatty 8<�4�<�� دو�� �\�& Matter growth ¶>� ��و��دو، ��8(وא! O 8C�W ( دو��כ، وא! ���وא! Matter nerve >���و��دو ��8 +�U)دو، א��8 $'� Matter subject �1�@w&�<�� د��אد ، �14ي �� �O ن���� | Maturate � ��`�� ،a�. �O يG��،a-�`.،a`.،a�I �1.�eW 9^ي Maturation 7� ��`A� $. ،8-�1. ،a`. ،a@&� ،a�I �1. a�I �

|j�;+8l$. ، Maturative �< ��`A� GH'�-� . ،GH'9 �1. ،a-� . ،a`. ،GH'9 �$. Mature ��`A� a@&� ،a`. ،N�&� ،�$. ،�1.،N1.،£D�+،N ���& Matured 6��`A� N1. ،�$. ،£D�+ ،N�&� Maturing b���`A� a@&� ،a-�`. ،a`. ،a�I �$. ،a�I �1. Maturity 8< ��`A� N�-���& ،8-�$.،8l$.،N1.،|j�;+،8א��O Maturity period 0 ��. 8< ��`A� تH� 8O a`. ،وH� �O a@-���& Maurer’s dots MCس دא����A� & يG��O � ��;�אnO �BG�Z �O ت� N�jن دא�

Red dots seen in stained erythrocytes

infected with the malarial parasite

(plasmodium falciparum).

Maxim S n1A� N�) 8Q+�� ،ل��ل، �Rא Maxima �� n1A� 8;)و!، א L !אو{�، و[و، و� Maximal N� n21A� !و L !א�$��-8 ، و

177 Dictionary Of Haematology

Maximin 21A�7� و!א-a وא�و ���כ �Maximum S�2�1A� !و L !و،���� L 8���،���� ،a-و!א،H��+،د�� " Mean 7�� א&�ي�& ،�D�}8 ، و�، و����د�

The arthimetic average Mean density 8<2' 6 7�� 8-�C��� א&�ي�& Mean deiviation 7��-� 6 7�� �3$8 א���א�، &�א&�ي א�����د�، Mean difference M��46 7�� א&�ي �4ق�& Mean time S�-�C 7�� l& و�| ، &�א&�ي �����د� ،c Mean value ��; 7 و�� �א&�ي �& f´;· Maen variation 7��-� 7 و��8 �4ق ����א&�ي �4ق، د��& Mean velocity 8<&�; 7 و��א&�ي �4$�� �& Meaning b''�� HUi� ،ح�p ،%;Q� ،אد�� Measure �n�A� a.�� ،a�9 ،Í9 ،��� ،پ�� ،�����. Measures س�nA� ونn �@��H+��ون ، א.� ،³��O ³�`+ ،���K א.�³، Mechanics M1'�1�� S;) �O 7;9 ،|���1�� S;) ،� ±و N9 Mechanise n�-�'�1�� a-�'+ 8'��� Mechanism مn'�1�A� N�) ،%���� ،%�9�� ،�OG�O Mechanist � �l ��9، د&| ،��9��� "�& 7��2'�1Media � 0�� �K �¦ ،� 0�� Method Scientific ��<'-�& 0m�� �i �q 82'-�& Method Statistical N1�<2<�<&א �i �q 8�� ���p

Methodical N1 0mA� وא� %���� ، +���+8i �q8Q وא�، Methodology 8O?0وmA� ت��i �q S;) Metre �<�� � � �� ،�<�� ،پ��.�، ��و"ن، ،��� �پ � Metric �=8 �>�כ�-��A. ،א�يHi� ،©;K$� پ�� Metric system �=S<2& 8 ���م، [��-8 �>�כ-��] Metro و�<�� �-�����، ��پ، .� Metrology 8O�Dو�<�� �-����� � ��پ، (;S و"ن � .� S;)

Mean Microfilaments

178 Dictionary Of Haematology

Micro -�1و��و Gv'� م��� Micro aerobic -�1و���د ��א+�ش א-��و+��� Micro blast � �و¦+�� � nOو���د ��-��1و +3&Micro cell N�& -�1و��و G�´� ��O وGv'� ،��;� وGv'� Microfilaments �1و�-��

M<'��34 D د�O�� L يG�´� ��O� يnO 8O ت���

N�´� �O &'´^א !א81�O �Z ) א 1>77@´l& 8&] د+�7 &�ن���

Cellular-ultra-structures consisting of

the proteinacting

Micro mass س��-��1و ��س ��د ��� Micro media � 0�� �1و�-�� ¬�d يG��O د��� Micro nuclei 8-��;9��� -�1و��د ��� ،��O n9�� د��� ،n9�� د���

��Gn9وMicro nucleus M�A;9�1و����-�� ��Rאت א�� ،n9�� د��� Micro nutrients 1-��M'�-�Cא، �و���nO 8-א¥j د��� ،�U') 89د ���א���

nOא+�� � j¥א-8Micro organism ��: -�1و��م�nA' ،وG��O א�، ���دH��O � ��+ ،א�H��O د���

�2ن=�O$��^و، .Microbe �1وب-�� .،S�/א�O و،"��يG��O و &���א�و ���دGv'�=�2ن Microbil N+ -�1و��8 � ���د G��Oي +�+|، �Oא/�Microbial-activity ��1و-�� NA�+

8C��<1 א |9�V S�/א�O ي {�.�، ���دG��O د���· ·

Microbial changes �A+ �1و-��Nn@'�} ن��; Hw� 8� �Oא/�Microbicidal 8+-�1و���9، 0ل�-�& S�/א�O ،��� يG��O ،دوא ���ي G��O·

�9 S�/א�O د���· Micro biological �1و-��

N1�O?��-�+ O 8 ���د������V د��� ،©;K$� يG��

©;K$� يG��O و، ���دG��O Microbiologist �2O?��-�+ �1و-�� ��V دאنت���د S�/א�O د��� ،���� S�/א�O

Micro mass Micro scope eye piece

179 Dictionary Of Haematology

Microbiology 8O?��-�+ -�1و��ت ��V د��� S;) ،S�/א�O د��� S;) ،ت�����V Microcyte � ���د �;�� ��-�1و &�-�Micrometer �<�� -�1و��د ���S2O د��� ،�� ��پ، ���د .�Micron -�1ون�� � ��و، ���د v'� ،� ��+ ،د��� Micront � ���د ��Oت ��-�1و�Microphage [�4 �1و-�� �d ي ���-���د ���، ���دG��O ،��� � ��+ ،�� Micro phagocyte ��-�& �l�4-�1و��د ��� �;�� ��� Microphages Ml�4 �1و-�� S2O د ���، ���د��� S�/א�O ،��� )GH'�-�d( Micro-science M'-�& �1و-�� M'-�& د��� Micro scope -�1و א&�1پ��د +�7 ��� Microscope

Compound ��-�1و א&�1پ

0��-�>�9 ·��9% ���د+�'8

Micro scope eye piece �1و א&�1پ-�� M�. 5:

�f ���د+�7�}

Micro scope simple � ي ���د+�7، (�م ���د+�7&�د N<��-�1و א&�1پ &Microscopic �.�1&-�1و א��8 Z�O 7�+³، ���د�� ] � ��+ ،©;K$� 7�+ د��� Microscopic appearance

��-�1و א&�1.� M��A�.א

���د +�'N1p 8، ���د+�'8 [ ��³

Microscopic (count) �.�1&�1و א-�����-�9

��Z 8'�+د���


examination א&�1.� ��-�1و

א nlא��'��7 ���د+�'8 א�$��ن

Microscopic object �.�1&�1و א-���1�@+:

S2O 8'�+ د���

Microscopical N1�.�1&�1و א-�� ©;K$� 8'�+د��� Microscopist �، ��-�1و א&�1پ ��-�1و א&2.�1� ��-�1و א&2.�1

�´o�� GH'd� ��T ©;K$�

Micro scope simple Minute paraticle

180 Dictionary Of Haematology

Microscopium S�.�1&-�1و א�� �د+�'8 ���©;K$ Microscopy 8.�1&-�1و א��د+�7 ��� S;) ،7�+و، ���دH���� 8'�+د��� Microsoma ���& �1و-�� O 8، ���د�2O א-8، ���دv'� H�2S Microtome م�C -�1و��אش9 ±و���د ���، ���د �Oאح، ���د Microtomist �2��C -�1و��אش دאن �� ���د Microtomy 8��C -�1و��8، ��� Vא�O 8،���دpא�� د Micro tibules �1و-��MD��wC 81 ���د �;��ن�O ن �;��ن� Gv'� א�^ �ن ،

���ت �Oن �´���R � 7@� N ���د+�'8 �D 7@´l& 8&] ن�&

Small, hallow cellular, ultra structures

composed of polymersized, micro

cellular components Micro zoa �--�1و "و��א ��V 8'�+ אن���د��V ن، ���د Microzyme S--�1و "א��¡ ��8 ������¡، �Oא/�� ،��� ���د �Mid 0�= S�� ،�U� ،�����د� ،�D�}و{�ن، و�، و Million 7�;� 7�;� ،���p אدH)א ،ÄD f�] Minimal N� 8'� و��I ،N�;� ،�´� L �´� Minimum S��'� S9 ،و��I ،���R ،�´� ،�´� L �´� Minor �� 5�� ،� ، �'Gvو، �;v'� ���R ،£D�+�� ،�1و�´Minute E��� 5�� ،��KR ،� ��+ ،وv'� ،و��Iو�¦ Minute paraticle N1�C��. E��� 5�� و ¦�وv'� ،وG�¦ وGv'� Mioisis �=�A�-n2 ي"�& a2& א�،¡�� ���،���� 8O א� Mirror �=�� ،�t�. ،M1) ،ل�r� 8&�: ،�'�-: ،����� Mirror concave ��1��9 ��� א·.<�'�-: N� Mirror Convex ��9 ����M1 �'�-: 81D Mis-birth �+ M�¶ �-�z9 ،ST ¼;j Mis-born ن��+ M� �-אH�. ¼;j ،ول�T ¼;j Mis-carriage �=[ ��9 M -א�v9 �� ،�0't ��a9 ��W ،·´8-�، ،7p��w א

Mioisis Mitotic index

181 Dictionary Of Haematology

a�I µ �� �O ��W Mis-carry �=��9ي M ،8-�´9 ��W ،N�V ،Ï�i&אN�V ،a-��9א ��W

�O��9 Mis-genation �=7��'�@2 شn��: 8O 7;2� �;$� Miscellances �=MA'�;�2 ق�$�

Miscibility �=8<;w�2 ش .¥ �يn��: Miscible �=Nw�2� 8.3�� ،� ¥. شn��: ،و^´O a;� ،8Z�O aO�� Miscreation �=7��A �9 M� �;� ¼;j©|i;� ���� ، Misfit M�4� �Nא� �´1 Misnomer ���� M� 3عqא ¼;j Miso �=�2 |ت، �9א��� Misology �=8O?�2 א�يn�+ אل" S;) ،دي��ت �� S;) Mitochondria �=<-�·�0��9 �� )�O ي^´� ��O (���) א�لG

Mitochondrial �=N �0��9 �<-� G�Z �� ��!א±ي �Mitochondrial Sheath �=�p N � 0��9 �<-�{ !��� 8Zא،�Z �3j 8�G Mitogen �=7O�C 5� 5? |&8 و���O 8A;� �1�O دو��א�� ·

���כ +�@8

A substance that stimulates cell division

(mitosis) Mitome م�C 5�� ��1D 84�lp Mitosis n&�<-�� ،7�-�1�D ،|�Q� ،|&8 و���O نG�´�

2���G�´���O 8ي 8O و�É وא�و �É=وO ،N�)) .�i �q(

The process of body cell divission

Mitosome م�&�C 5�� 8Z84 ، !א�lp�lوא� ��D ،�lوא� Mitotic �C�C ��� ��� 8Zو، !א^´O H'� Mitotic index M1 0א� �C�C 5�� 8�&] 8Zא! Mitosis �C 5��n& �& S2O 8Zא!¬ Mitosis Monogentic

182 Dictionary Of Haematology

Mix �=M1 3وت�ش، n��:،aO��،a;� aD�،a-3�،���،a;� Mixable �=1Nw א M و^´O ��� ،8Z�O شn��: Mixed �=�21 ،%9��،8�;� ،Ï�N�;·�3و� ،N 3� ،N �� Mixed blood 0;+ 021� 8 �ت� �� N �ت، �3وMixer �21� GH' �� ،GH'�-3� Mixture �`21� 9% دوא��ش،n��:،3وت�9%،��ق،دوא،�)،G]�� Mobile N-�+�� 9�V ،GH��� GH';� ،8$�� ،� ¥. |9�V$ 8 Mobility 8<;�+�� �.�} ،N} N� ،� ¥. |9�V ،|��3�&· · Mode 6�� b�± ،ت، �وپ��R ،�$&� ،وאج� Mode of action 7�1 6 :� א��8( O دوא (N�) �O �/א،�i �q �O �/א Mode of life ��-? �: 6��� ت��V "אHא"، א�Hא� �O �8�H�" ،��$&د �O �8���V Model 6ل�� ،%D�� ،�`א�± ،��i� ،�`��& ،�9، 6ول��

N1p G�´� ،����� Moderate � و{��D،و{�mو،د������،�H$Kل،�;�1،��א4©، ��م ���6 Modern �6ن�� � �O ،�9�o�� ،ن�A� Modern Science M'-�& 6ن�� M'-�& H HO Modern techniques n�'1�C �6ن��4'��ت H HO ،����� H HO Modern technology 8O?�'1�C �6ن�� O4'��ت H HO ،8O�D�'1�C H H Modern theory ي� ��I �6ن�� � ��� H HO Modernsit �2��6�� H'2. | H HO ،H'2. H HO Modification 7��1 6�� ،������،8; Hw�،�& ����R N Hwت، +Hل &Hل� Modofied 0�-� 6�� ��� ��� ،�& �� ،N�DH+ ،N Hw� Modify 5� 6�� ?H+ ،a-א��� ،����-��R ،a-�<´� ،aت

a-א��� N1p ،aDH+ Modifying b'-� 6�� 8; Hw� ،�& �� Modular �D� 6�� 8 دא�-���. Modulate ��D� 6�� ³و!א �´�

183 Dictionary Of Haematology

Modulation 7��D� 6�� ³و!א �´� ،8; Hw� ����Kي Modulator �<�D� 6�� �´� ،��9 N Hw�GH'9 !و Module 6 �ل��6 �� ،�����. ،�9�� ،��iل�� ��پ، �� ،����� ، Modulas MD� 6�� �H� ،���K� Monogentic �<'�O���� NRא �א�8، ���� �ي، �H�D�� �� Monogeneus M'�O ���� H�D�� �� ،N2� �� Monogerm م�O ���� �Q� �� ،وG��O �� Monohybrid 6�w-�� ���� يH���. �� ،G84 �0و�q �� Monokaryon ��9 �ن ���� ،S2� ��8� �� ��אMonolayer �A�D���� f´� �� ،©wq �� Monomaric ����-��� � �U') �� ،وnO �� Monomero Somotous و������� M<���& 8UV �� ،S2O يnO �� Mono merous وس��� ����و G�¦ �� ،8'9� ��· Mono molecular �D��1�D�� ���� 8� �� א� ،8-�o� G�¦אMono molecular Layer ������A�D �D��1�D� אG�¦ ��f´� 8� Mono molecular

reaction �D��1�D�� ����

7�1�-� N� �� ¦�Gא�8 �د (

Monomophic �4������� S� ،N1p �� p8;1p �� ،N1 Monomorphous ���� ���M4 N1p S;� �� ،8;1p �� Mononuclear phago

cyte system �A�;9�������

S<2& ��-�&�l�4 ��O يn9�� ��´�� �O نG�1 ���م�O

��ت، �HאGH'd� |K4 ���م .a &� � و­8 �I . GH'd� |K4אH� 8 ��ت���2O 8�H+ א�^و

،8�: N�$�� 8� ���م �1�O א�G�´� ��O �Hن 8;�V 7 ���W �lن وא�nO 7t8 אO �1 �ت�O

.· 8d א�Zي ���ي ��س �9ي �tي:وא� ��دي

A variety of type of cell that a have the

ability to engulf or phago cytize

substances such as foreign particles

Monogeneus Mono-nucleosis

184 Dictionary Of Haematology

Mitotic �C�C ��� ��� 8Zو، !א^´O H'� Mitotic index M1 0א� �C�C 5�� 8�&] 8Zא! Mitosis MC�C 5�� ��& S2O 8Zא! Mono-nuclear cells �A�;9�������

M;�& 7O ،אG�´� ��O ي �;��، א�^אn9�� ��

�R f´@'� يn9�� و[و �� �)�Qi� (�G�´�)MA�;9��� ( fو 7A�O ،8@� د�O��

�;-�� M<�-�&�;-��و�. ،M<�-�& ���� .&�-�>M<&3+ � M و��jه

Cells with a single large nucleus such as

monocytes, promyelocytes, myelocytes,

and blasts cells.

Mono-nucleosis 9�������A�;�n&= Gn9�� �و��� n9�� �� ،ي &�"ي Monopart E��. ���� �Z�y �� ،�UV �� Monopathy 8m�. ���� ¡�� ي��) �� ،¡�� ��· · = Monophase n�4 ���� �;V�� �� ،|�A� �� Monoplast �&3. ���� � �� �� ،�oدא �� ،H���. �� Mono plastic �<&3. ���� يH���. �� ،�� � �� Monosaccharide ��� 0-&��1א� ��1ي، �p �� ،وnO 0'd �� ،0'd دي�&

�o��¨� Monosaccharose "&��1و ����و nO 0'd �� ،�1يp �� ،0א-�ن'd �� Mono sodium urate � �� S 6�& ���� L 0-��;4 N-81 &'�وא�O S;� N���'w א

.��� א{7An abnormal crystal that may be

observed in synovial fluid

Monose "���� 0'd �1، &�ديp دي�& Monosis n& ����= a´� א��)  Dא  Dي &�"ي، א��) ��· Monosome م�&����· S2O �� ،S2O 82'O �� Monosomic ���&����= 8�2O �� ،8�H+ ��

Monopart Morphologist

185 Dictionary Of Haematology

Monotype ��-�C���� S2� �� ،����� �� Monotypic �>C���� 8 دא����� �� Monovalent ����82'; و GH'd� 82'; و �8، ���+ �� Monozoa �-¦و����אن ·��V א�8، &�دو��V ��= Monozoic �-"و����א�8 ��V �� Monozygotic �C�� 5א"����= �  D �� ،8.3�� �� ،�`W 8;1p ��

�`W �O ��� Monozygotic twin 7-�C �C�� 5"א ����8.3 =�� �א، �G�O 8;1p �� Morphic �� �4� N1p ،8;1p ،|+�+ N1p= Morphogenesis n2�'�O�4��� ،ي"�& N1p ،א-� �وپH�.=)S2O ( 8O

(��ي &�"يMorphogenetic �<�'�O�4��� ©;K$� ي��)· ·)8O S2O( N1p 8�-אH�. ،= Morphologic �O�D�4��� 8���U �א ،8���;1p Morphological N1�O?�4��� ،8���;1p،81OG�O�´�+ 7 ���W8-�T6ول و ،. Morphological

process n&א�. N1�@D�4��� N�) 8���;1p

Morphologist �2O�D�4��� 1;��ت دאنp ،ت��R ���� ،N1p ���� Morphology 8O�D�4��� 7 ���W ،1;��تp S;) ،S;) �O وت�'+= =

.=+�´� S;) �O، 6ول ود �، (;N1p S (��אThe visual appearance, form, and

shape of a cell

Morphoplasm 3.�4"م���· � �� N1p= Morphosis n& �4���= ي"�& N1p ،ي &�"ي��)= · Mother �H�� � a-�>� ،aD�. ،^O ،NR³، א��د�، �� Mother cell N�& �H�� ��د�ي �;�� �Mother hood 0� �H�· � ��د�ي D�V|، ��د� | �Motile N-�C�� وאن، ��د� ،GH';� ،$��כ�و، {�� ·^´O ��} ·

� ¥. |9�V ،N+�� 8O.

Morphology Mucilage

186 Dictionary Of Haematology

Motility 8<;�C�� |9�V ،�.�} ،|9�V 8��H� ،9| .¥ �ي�V Motion 7p�� 8+א�� � ��دش، �9�V ،�.�} ،��$4|، د&|، .�Motivation 7� ��C��= = %�j�����כ، ،N�) ،a�I N-�� ،وG? Motive �C��= �א�אدو، � ،%;Q�89�V ،HUi، ���כ، = · = � �

���כ���9 ،%w& ،· � Motivity 8C��C��� = ���89�V ،|��q 8O �.�} ،f´l& 89 ��ت ·· · � Motophone �4ن�C�� 89 �4ن�V Motor �C�� GH' ��} ،�o��}،89�V،כ��$�،GH' ] |9�V· Motor cells M;�& �C�� ��;� כ���89 �;��، �V ،אG�´� כ��$� Motornerve و���C�� �V ،%U) 89�V ،|'� 89���|'� 89. Motor neuron ون�����C�� כ���8$ '�· Movability 8<;w-و��9| .¥ �ي �V ،�Z�O �.�} Movable Nw وא��· GH��} ،GH'�´� ،� ¥. |9�V ،GH���· Movement ����כ، א¶ و ´9�V ،�.�} ،��$4� ، f| ��و��'· · Movement apparent � ���xي 9�V| ��و��'� א <��Mover و���� ،GH' ] |9�V ،a@כ א����כ ·���· Moving bو���כ =��$�· Mucid 0&��� N�I אب��،N א��'�&،N �Z،�'9،N ^&،5دא��+H+=. Muciferous س���&��� GH'9 אH�. ب�KD ،GH'9 אH�. ه^�}· Muciform م���&�� ��� Ä� ،N1p ب�KD· = · Mucigen 7@�&��� دو��ب �KD Mucilage [�;�&��� �^�}،S2O 8+�KD،ب�KD،Ä�،��A'd،س?،f· · = �D��^�} Mucilage cells M;�& [�;�&��� ´� 8+�KD·���;� ��A'd ،אG Mucin 7&��� ،دو��و ^´O  ´O ،دو��8 �=�KD+8 ��دو، +;�

.·�@8 دא� nOوMucose �9س���א� H2�D ،ب دא��KD Multi 8<;� 7���qح �qح ��r9 ،�O، �´��، " �ده، �2

Mucilage cells Multiply

187 Dictionary Of Haematology

7��2� Multicamerate � ��� �´a ����ي �;>�9 8Multicellular ���;�2<;� ��;� a´�)א�H��O ( ،���� a´� ،��;� a´�

�´G�´� aوMultiform 8 ��4م<;� N1p a´� ،8.و�´W ،b��+ b�� Multinuclear �A�;9��'�<;� دא�n9�� a´� ،يn9�� a´� Multinucleate �A�;9��'�<;� ،n9�� a´�)a´� ( يn9�� ��r9 Multipara ;>8 .��א�دي ��8 `W a´� ،³�� ��W a´� Multiphase n�4 8<;� |A�� a´� ،�;´. ��r9 ،�;V�� a´� Multinucleated cell 0<�A�;9 ��'�<;� ��;� يn9�� a´� Multinucleolate ��D��;9��'�<;� ي دא���� ،n9�� a´� Multiphasic ��4 8<;nכ �;V�� a´� Multiple N>�<;� |.א «y ،�;$� ،%9��· ·. Multiple factor �<1��<;� nO a´� ،�U') ��r9 ،وnO |9�V· · · Multiple fission 8<;� N.4=7� S�2i� a´� ،Éو� ��r9 Multiple functions M'�1'4 N>�<;� N�) a´� ،N�) ��r9 ،N�) %9��· Multiple genes M'�O N>�<;� ��-�92;8 א� a´�=ن Multiple inheritance M'< ��´א� N>�<;� 8$/و�א a´� ،|/9% وא���· Multiple integral ل�l�<א� N>�<;� N��9 a´� ،وnO a´� Multiple myeloma ���D 5�� N�>�<;� GH'�I אH�. �9ي N;� ������ 8O ��o�. ��O

��o�. ��O 8d 7´'O ،|��9) ��"3.8A;� (' و � �& f+ ���D 5��8�: وH.

A malignant disorder of plasma cells

that is also known as plasma cell


Multiple sclerosis N>�<;�n&א&1;��و=

8$& S2O a´�

Multiplication 7��1�;. 8<;� �&א-�، א���4، وא!، אوn4وא!א�ي א

188 Dictionary Of Haematology

Multiply 53. 8<;� و ،a+�� ،a ] 2;8 وא!، و!�، ��ب�a-א!. Muscle N2�� � |p��،س، .¨�،��،(��و�� ،��� ،%U)� � · Muscle cells M;�& N2�= � � ��;� 81��· Muscle tissue ��C N2�� � �T81 אو��4|+(·�(�T�1-�ن אو�� ،�Tאو ،· Muscular �D��12�� س��8، [و�ي دא�، �·���1-�ن، (�� �

.وא�و، ��� [و�ي +�+|Mutant �'C��� �$}אو ،N�I N Hw� ،N�<� ،N�DH+ ،N�I N Hw��

8; Hw� 8;2� Mycosin 7&� ��= ت����D 8O 71��= Mycosis n&�9 5��= ±] ،¡�� ي�Q4 Myelin 7;-��= א(8W�} 8+�U، ��دي �3j ��دو =Myelin sheath �p 7;-��={ ،�3j 8(��دي+�U)א( Myelination 7��'�;-�� W�} 8+�U)ي، אH'+ �3j ي ��ديH'+ 8 Myelization 7� n�-�'�;-�� )8+�U)�3 &�"ي ) אj א�H�W�} Myelitis M<�D 5�� 8 &�"ش+�U)8 &�¬، אO 8´l��9 Myelocele N�&�D 5�� 7t 8´l��9= Myelocyte � ��nي �;�� ��-;�&�-�Myelogenic �'�O�;-�� �-אH�. دي��ي n�� ،�-אH�. دي�� Myeloid 0-�;�� n�� �� ·ي، ��O n´^و، ��دي �Myeloma ���;-�� ،��G�Z 8´l��9 ،��G�Z ،8�G�Z يn��

��G�Z ي ��دي�� Myelopathy 8m�.�;-�� ¡�� �O 8 ��يO 8´l��9 Myelo proliferative

Disorders ��-;�.�و?5 �4 >�

6س :��6س ��ي א� �H���Oد ��دي وא� �ن +���� �ن

Mean platelet volume ��م��Dوא ��;�<�;. 7 ��Z 8 &�א&�يO 7�;� ��;�<�;. A measure of the average volume of

the platelet population contained with

in the platelet curve.

Muscle Myloblastic

189 Dictionary Of Haematology

Myeloblast �&3+�;-�� ��;� 8Tس، אو�� Myloblastic �<&3+ �;-�� ي����+ 8O 8 �تO S2� �9'�2(��ص (

7t8 אO �1 �ت�O אدHK� nOن 8O �� و[ي )£D�+�� � £D�+ ( 8I אH�. �9ي a@� د�O��

�� 8O نnO 7tא� אH�oدא ��j ي، �و�ي�. S2� ص��)��-�&���� ( � f´@'� 8 �تO

8O aو!ي و­ �H8 א�O 8 ��ديO ي�� .��Rت H�. Lא 8I .�ي

A major from of leukemia characterized

by large numbers of immature or

mature granulocytes or related cells

such as moncytes in the peripheral

blood and/or bone marrow.

Mylodys plastic

syndrome ��-;� 6س .3&>�

=&'�0وم �H8 �ت א�� ��q 8)�����ن nOن(�@& (

�'@´H�. fא �1�O G�l+ � N;� N�I ��ص f´@'� 8 ��ديO 8 ��ي� ��q)دي����O (

8O 8O |�R�� N !^� وא�ي و�ي � H���. .�9ي .�Hא 8I .�ي

A group of disorders associated with

abnormalities of erythrocytes, platelets,

granulocytes and monocytes

Myocyte � ·(��ي �;�� �� �&�-�Myoglobin 7+�;�� �� ت����D ي��) Myoid 0-� �� ��� ،���� ·(��ي �� Myosis n2&� �� ي �و�، .$;8 &�س��)· Myositis MC 5�&� �� 8 &�"شO 7Z� ،ي &�¬، (��ي د�د��)· · Myxoedma � ����0�21A� 8 &�"ش+�KD ،¬�& 8+�KD·

Mylodys plastic syndrome Myxoedma

190 Dictionary Of Haematology


Nacked 01�� �l��� ،و، (� �نGא��� ،�l'� ،�B�x Nacked cell N�&01�� ��;� د �א� ��j ،وG��� N�;d Nacked eye 5:01�� ي א�Gא��� ،�B�x ،و�e. ،8 א�D�� ،א� N�;d Narrow وو�A�� �BG�& ،b'� �'vو، Nation 7��� N2� ،a+ ،אت¦ ،�;�w� ،م��· Native �<�� 81;� ،8��i� ،8��Q4 ،8� ] ،82'O 82 د ، Natural 8 ��`�لi;� ،8;R8،א��Q4،8Kwq،8��H�،د 82،��د�و Natural agents M<'@ ل א�`�� N�8 (�א��H� Natural death { 6 ت ��`�ل��8 O8 � �وא��H�،ت��ي �Q4،ت��8 Kwq Naturalist �2D�`�� ،H'2. ت�Q4 ،ت��Kwq S;) ،دאت�O�� �B��

�Q4ت دאن Nature �`�� ،�9-'�ت،SD�)،אج،د���n�،|�Kwq ت�H� ،ت�Q4 Nature cure ���9 �`�� 8��H� ،�p 8��H� 3ج) Nature human 7���B�`�� ت�Q4 8��2א� Nature study א&>0ي �`�� �KD�Q� ي�Q4،�KD�Q� 8��'-�9 Naturism ي ��`�א"مH'2. ت�Q4 Naturist �&�`�� H'2. ت�Q4 Nausea �A "�� {W8 ، אو��9و، א<D�8 א� ،a}8 א<Dא ،|B�9א Necrosis n&�1و�� ،�^& �O س، (��ن�� N �Z ،�^& س�� ،G�&

N�) G�& Necrotic ���Cش �1و? ،N �Z N ^& ،NA� ، ©;K$� ش? Necrotic material N ��<� �Cدو ���1و�� NA� ،S2O NA� ،و��) N ^& ،ش? Necrotomy 8��Cش ���1و? Á ��� ،8Vא�O دي�� Neisseria

gonorrhoeae �A ������ � n�� وG��O GH'd� 8���� 8'� )� �<1A+ ( �1�O

8 +����ي .��^ي O �A �����

Nacked Neoplasm

191 Dictionary Of Haematology

A gram-negative bacteria that cause

gonorrhea Neo Ë�� H HO ،ن�A� ،و"�� ��j �وא�O،8Oאن، Neonatal N<����� A�� H HO ، 7A� ،ول�T ن�A� ،N� N1p 7 و�Neonate � ��Aن �Tول �����Neoplasm ن و ��� .3"م�A� �O نG��� دو��8(א! O א�نH��O ( � �� ن�A�

A new growth

Neoplastic �<&3.��� N�I אH�. ن�A�)دو��دو ) �� Neoteric כ��C��� H HO ن�A� Neotropical N1�.א�C��� ©;K$� א�H� 7�A� ،ن ��م�A� Neotropical region 7@ � N1�.א�C��� �Q� م�� H HO Neotype ��-�C��� � H HO ��������، ��Aن � Neovital N<�-ت ���وא��V H HO Neozoic �-8 ���"و���V H HO ،8������V H HO ، אن��V ن�A� Nephrology 8O?و��� S;) �O 7�1+ ،دو�� S;)· Nephron ون�8 ��o�t א �1 ، ��دي �O 8-�R 8O �81+ ·

.=א �1 א، ��دي R L��O 8- אSB א �1Nephro pathy 8m�. و��� ¡�� �O ي ��دي����+ 8O 7�1+ ·

A disease of the kidneys

Nephrosis n& و�و� ��� �O �81+ ،دي �و��� · )¡��( Nepotic �C�>�� ©;K$� ي��O Nepotic artery ي�C�: �C�>�� �� ي�lO ، ن� �p ي وא�ي��O Nerve و�� ��'Hو�ي �،Âw�،%U)،�¨.،|'�،��،Mو���)� Nerve cell N�&8 �;�� ��وwU)،���� �O 7Z�،��;� 8$'��'G��� 8$و، Nerve cord 6��98 [و� ��و$'� ��nي [و�ي، Nerve degeneration 7� �'@ 6و�� cB6א «y 8$'� ،G�l+ 8wU) Nerve ending b�0' و =��وא^�t 8$'� (�t 8wU^و، Nerve fiber �w-�48 � �� ��و$'�،�p� %U) H'� 8O 72� ، �p� ،� ،

Neoplastic Nervous disease

192 Dictionary Of Haematology

Nerve impulse M;>�وא�� ��D 8$'� Nerve matter �<��دو ��و��8 $'� (8wU ��دو، Nerve motor �C��و�� |'� 89�V Nerve net ��'��T 8$ي ��و�� Nerve optic �<.:و�� |'� 8�&] ، |'� ���ي Nerve ring bو���� �;t 8wU) ،�;t 8$'� Nervous 72 +�+|، ��وس� ،©;K$� �� � |'� 8+�U)א=

8$'� 8wU) Nervous activity 8C��<1 8 ��وس א$'� ،S9 �O �� � |'� ،|+�+ 72� ،

8+�U)8 ، אwU) Nervous centre �<'�&و�� n9�� 8$'� Nervous disease n "6 ي ��وس����+ 8$'� ،¡�� 8+�U)א Nervous disorder 6 8 س :����6وسw���� 8+ 8wU)، |�wo8$ א'� ،����) 8$'� Nervous energy 8Oא��-8 =��وس א���� 8$'� ،8$1p 8wU) Nervous fibre �w-�4 8 � ��وسwU) � 8$'� ، (�U+8 !א8Z +'� +'�وت�� ��، Nervous fluid 0-��;4 وس�� ��o�. 8$'� Nervous system S<2& 8 ��وس$'� &�8wU)�$p ���م، Nervous tissue ���C وس�� �T8$ אو'� ،|4�+ � �T8 אوwU) Nervule ل�A و�� |'� �'vي �� ��Gv'� ، Mي Nervulose "�D� | ��و�8 (3$'� �� ���ن ، Nervy 8 ��وي+�U)ي א��،�¨��O �O 72� ،8-و�א] Neuclear ��A;9��� يn9�� ،8-39��� ،ي ��ت�B�O Neur �-��� 8wU) ، 8$'� ،8+�U)א Neural 8 ���-�ل$'� ،©;K$� 72� 8+�U)8، אwU) ،�2-�ن� ، Neuritis M< 8 &�� ����אwU) ،¬�& 8$'� ،%U) د�د Neuro ب ����و�U)8$ ، �% א'� ،8+�U)8 ، אwU) Neuro hypophysis n2-�4�>�-�B 8 ����وBG�Z 8wU) ، 8BG�Z 7 �H8$ א�'�

Nervous disorder Neuter

193 Dictionary Of Haematology

Neuro blast ��&3+ ��� �3�� 8wU) ،��;� YZ 8wU) Neurocele N�& 8 ���� ����وwU) ،���� 8$'� Neurocentral ل�<'�& ���� |'� ��n9ي ( ،%U��n9ي Neurocoel N-�9 ل ����و�V 8wU) Neurocyte ��-�& ���� ��;� 8wU) Neurogenesis n2�'�O و���� H�D�� 8wU) ،�-אH�. 8$'� Neurogenic �'�O و���� H�D�� 8$p�& 8$'� ، H�D�� %U))כ���( Neuroglia ��;� و���� ��;� G�O 8wU) ،8 د�د+�U)א Neurologist �2O?ت دאن ����و��wU) ،ب�U)א S;) �B�� Neurology 8O?ب ����و�U)א S;) ،S;) �O 8$p�& 8$'� Neuromuscular �D��12� ���� %U) ، �2� |'� (��ي Neuron و ����ونG��� 8$'� ،��;� 8wU) ،وG��� 8wU) Neuro pathology 8O3m�. و���� S;) �O ¡�� 8$'�8 +����ي ود � ، wU) Neuropathy 8m�. ���� 8 �و�wU) ،¡�� 8$'� (8wU (3ج، Neuro physiology 8O?� n4 ت ����و��;K4 ،8wU) S;)L 8 (�� �تwU) S;) Neurosis n&و���� N;� 8+�U)א ،N;� 8$'� 8$'�، ��¡ א(�Uب،

���ي �+ N;� Neuter �C��� �/8 א+ ،N� +GHd ،M'O 8و، +8 (Neutral ل�C��� ،8; HK��N، +8 א/�، ) 8+ ،N�) ��j ،��+ 8+

��� �H$Kل +8 +�ق Neutrality 8<�D�C��� 8، +8 א;�) 8+ ،84�q 8+ ،N HK� �ي /Neutralization 7� n�-?�C��� 8 /+8 א; HK� N��N، +8 א/�ي ، () �O ي� Neutralize n�-?�C��� ��9، א N HK�� و­�-a، +8 א/� 8+ ،��9 /

��9 N�) Neutralized 6n�-?�C��� �/8 א+ ،N�) 8+ Neutron אن�C��� وnO ي�B�O ،وnO �O S<-אن، א�C��� ،8 +��¦�و+= Neutron fission אن�C���7�4 Éאن و��C���

Neutral New phase

194 Dictionary Of Haematology

Neutron flux M1;4 אن�C��� �Bאن و�C��� Neutropenia �'�.و�C��� 8،دא�9 8A;� H�&oيG�����O H�& א�H�

)N4و�C���(��. 8I µ8 وא��9 H Hp �H8 �ت א�O. A severe decrease in the number of

neutrophilic granulocytes in the

peripheral blood.

Neutrophil N4و�C��� �1�O S2� �O 8A;� H�& א�H�oدא c@'� ت�w �i� �Ö70 ن�d60 8B: وH��B 1^و�&،)H'2. N HK�(.

Type of white blood cell Neutrophilia ��;4 و�C��� �oدא H�& ت� ،aو!ي و­ bא� �O 8A;� א�H

�HKאد ) ����Cوc)M;4 אو{$� �'@ �O 7�A;����ل ��R وא�ي aو!ي و­

A significant increase in the number of

neutrophil granulocytes in the peripheral blood.

Neutrophilic reaction �;4و�C���7�1A �

8O '@�ت�ن nO H�&f´ ��o�. ��O د�O�� 7B�O אتG�¦)8+אn��W'�8 ) א&�&8 �

b�� �O 7D�;��n�� ��wل �9ي و�7 � � b�� 8+3�� 8I وع�p a}و­�8 א.

When both the basic and acidic stains,

stain the cytoplasmic structures, a pink

or lilac color develops.

New Ë�� و"�� ،H HO ،�dو، א���Ë9 ،ن�A� New astronomy 8��� א 2>�א ��� O |�AB H H New born ول ���+��ن�T ن�A� New era ن دو� =���א�א�A� -A� ن [��-8 دو�� New phase n�4 ��� ن دو��A� �;V�� ن�A� ،|D�V 8O �i� =�7�A א�New products M<96אو� ��� .�אH�. 7�A� New style N-�<&א���= ����� H HO ،��9 8i �q H HO New theory ي���I ��� � ��� H HO Newtissues "��C��� �Tن אو�A�

New products Non viable

195 Dictionary Of Haematology

Niemann- pick

disease 7'A����- n "6 �. نnO H�& 8O ت�)M<�-�& ���� ( אH�. 8 �9يO

GH'�IS-אn' 8 ��>$�-8 אO S2� ص�� �B 8O &�4���1�O L 7$D�V 8d 7�D�1D (�م

0>D�l'&8 אB: يH'8 �9ي و�-�Bن و���@'� A monotypic disorder that represents

the deficiency of an enzyme that

normally cleaves phasphoryl lcholine

from its sphingo lipid

Nocturnal �<9��� N GH'Z�O �O אت� Nocturnal blindness N��<9��

M��0�-3+ p% ���ي

Nod 6�� & ،G�O ،8BG�Z ،v'Z�'�e� Nodular �D� 6�� دא�v'Z ،8 دא�BG�Z Nodulation 7��D� 6�� وא�و aB�� 7BG�Z ،aB�� ن� v'Z ،N�)

N� v'Z&�"ي (Nodule و، ��6 �لv'Z ،v'Z ،8BG�Z)G�. ( 8BG�Z Nodule bacteria � �<1A+ 6 �ل�� S�/א�O GH'�B�� 8BG�Z، وG��O "�&v'Z Non �� ن ��jא� ، -���+ Nonabsorbent ��w ن אn � �O ��j¦ب و�+'Non adaptability . ن א 0א��<;w 8< �� ��j |�i4א Non contagious �� MA�O�<��9 و{ ن ��j^GH� )ي����+ ( Non conventional �� N'����'9 وא $8 ن� ��j ،8Oوא� ��j ،8�&� ��j Non living b��D א� ��نH��O ��j ،�H�" ��j ،د���ن، �O 8+ Non malignant ��'l;A� 8 ��ن��q�& ��j ، �;�� ��j )¡�� ( Non medical N1 0�� 8 ��نKwq ��j ، 8wq��j Non normal N���� 8 ��نOوא� ��j Non observation 7� و ��ن :+�"وHB��� ��j Non osmotic �C�� ��j ��¦ي ��ن :&

196 Dictionary Of Haematology

Non pregnant ��N ��ن .��''V ��j ، ��. ���+ N�V ���+ ، Non viable N+��-ن وא�� ��V N+����j ،|+�/ ��j ت NRBC /100 WBC

Nuclear red blood

cells per hundred

white blood cells

א 7 :� +8 &8 8+ ��;+6 ،0 �0'B�.

8& 0 � �A�;9��� 0 �0'� �. M;�& 0;+

N�& 0;+ � وא-�

�Z �O ت�G אnO �B)|��& M�A;9��� ( ت� 8O نnO H�& 8O)��;� �& �B (،دو�אن ��Z

��Z a. 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O 81 (�ت�O7@B |��& M�A;9��� ( يn9�� ��9

،��¯ 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت� |��& 8A;� The number of nucleated erythrocytes

counted during a 100 cell leukocyte

count, neutrophil releasing factor. A

regulator that influences the release of

neutrophils from the bone marrow into

the circulatory system.

Neutrophil releasing

factor (NRF) ) N4و�C���

b�n�; ��<1�4 ( א 7 :� א �

����Cول H�. 8O N4אوא� 8d و!א-a وא�و �<1�4)|+�q� ( |+�q� 8و��Hي א�^Bא

�C��� ( 8Oو�1�O)N4 �ت & 8O�nO Hن .�Hא وא�ي (��B 8d Nي 8O�Ä �'@��ن

eو &'�Aن �ت 8O دو�ي و!א-8 ��n �9ي � & 8-�`�. L 8$p�& وא�ي.

Neutrophil releasing factor. Regulates or

influences the release of neutrophils

from the bone marrow into the

circulatory system.

Norm م��� ���K� ،وH)�� ،���� د&$��، ،µwq�nאج، Ì6ل، �Normal N���� ،8، (�مO8 �وאKwq ،8، (�مD�r� ،8D��K� ،ي���K� Normal blood 0;+ N���� 8 ��نKwq ، م �ت�) Normal body 6ي�+ N���� S2O |&�H'� Normal curve �9و N���� � אو ��D 8 ��א�O Normal distribution 7p�w �<&د N���� É8 و�Kwq Normal elements M<'�� ��� �U') 8Kwq�N א ;�

NRBC Normal variation

197 Dictionary Of Haematology

Normal equation 7��-�1 א N���� �2وאت�م �) Normal pressure �� �. N���� ³�W8 دKwq ،8 دא�Oم �אو�) Normal rate � � N���� ح�p ح، (�م�p ي���K� Normal salt �D�& N���� ��D م�) ،��D 8Oوא� ،��D 8; HK� Normal temperature �` ���C N���� 8Kwq ،8��� 8Oא�ت (�م �אو�V 8Oد� Normal value ��; و N���� ;� 8Oم �وא�) c Normal variation 7��A � و N���� 8 �4ق، (�م �4قOوא� Normal vision نn و N���� ��� م�) ،Ä و Ä ] 8Oوא� Normalisation 7� n�-3���� 8Kwqa-�'+ a-�'+ 8Oوא� ، Normalizing b�n�-3���� �'+ 8Kwq a-�'+ 8Oوא� ،a- Normality 8<;���� |�Kwq ،8�H)���+ ،|�Oم �وא�) Normative �<����� ���K� ،وH)�� ،����� Normative element �'�� ����Kي ('�U �����>� א ;Nose bleeding b�0�;+"�� وא�ي �ت ����1، �� Nosocomial NA���9 و"��  �� ،�����p ، א&<$�ل= ����

Nosocomium SA���9 א&<$�ل ��"و ،�����p = Nosogenesis n2�'�O و"�� H�D�� ¡�� ،S'O ،و�� Nosogeny 8'�Oو "�� �&Ì8 אO ¡�� Nosography 84و��א"�� ��l� ¡�� ،���� ¡�� ، Á ��� ¡�� Nosology 8O?א¡ ��"و��א Á ��� S;) ¡�� |&�Bو� S;) Nostrum � 8 دوא �&>�م-�Q) ،8 دوאO ��2ي'. Notice M�C�� ³�$} ،ن��3ع ��q3ع، אqא(3ن ، ���، א ، c�w'� Nourish �-�� a��� ،aD�. ،a-�>� ، ��9 و�ش�. ،�v��& Nourish able NwA�p�� و�ش�. N+�� ،�Z�O aD�. Nourisher �� �� -�>�GH'� GH'�D�. ، Nourishment ���-�� � �<�-aD�.،a، ��<�ج، .�D'�، ���אכ، j¥א، .�و�ش 'Nouriture �`�-�� א¥j ، אכ���

Normal vision Nuclear theory

198 Dictionary Of Haematology

Noursle N&�� a-�>�� ،aD�. ،��9 و�ش�. Noxious MA�9�� ،��1�­�B،�;��،��1��Ui� ،�; �B"��1�� ¦. Nucleal NA�;9��� 8� �� ،n9��n9ي ��אت، ��אNuclear �A�;9��� �O يn9��،ي�B 8� +'��دي، א+$Hא-8، א >

GH'd� |��q Nuclear centre �<'�& �A�;9��� n9�� ي�B�O Nuclear division نn 6و �A�;9��� S�2i� �B�Oي و� ،É��n9ي Nuclear isomers س���2-: �A�;9��� %�9�� SB n9�� ،%�9�� SB ي�B�O Nuclear particles �A�;9���

M;1�C��. ت �B�Oي ¦�Gא

Nuclear structure �A�;9��� א&>�9`�

�B�Oي +'�وت ،��n9ي +'�وت

Nuclear theory ي���I �A�;9��� � ��� ي�B�O ،� ��� يn9�� Nuclear tissue ��C �A�;9��� �Tي אو�B�O ،�Tي אوn9�� Nuclear volume م��Dوא �A�;9��� א�Hi� ي�B�O Nucleary ي�A�;9��� �B�O �l8، ��אت وא��� n9�� ،8�� Nuclease nA�;9��� ��� ��n9ي �Nucleate �A�;9��� �9 دא�، ��אت دא���ي ��و�، n9�� Nuclei 8-��;9��� אت�� ،n9�� ،يn9�� يG��� ��O ،وGn9�� Nucleic acid 02-א �A�;9���= אبn����nאب ) G�����Oي( ��n9ي ��O يn9�� Nucleoli ��� 5?��;9 � �2سVي אn9�� ،S2O 8� �א

The region of the nucleia rich in RNA

Nucleolinus M'�D��A;9��� وG�¦ n9�� ،وG�¦ אت�� Nucleolus MD ��;9��� n9�� وGv'�،S2O و ��لGv'�،���R אت��،n9�� Nucleome م�A�;9��� دو��ي n9�� ،دو��8 � ��אNucleomicrosomes ��A�;9�� �1و-��

M��& S2O 8 ���د� ��n9ي ���د S2O، ��א

Nuclear tissue Numeric

199 Dictionary Of Haematology

Nucleon ن�A�;9��� يn9�� )ن�Cאن � .�و�C��� ( אG�¦ Nucleonics M1��A�;9��� ت����N ��א) ، |�- n9�� S;) Nucleoplasm 9���;� ي �.3"مn9�� ،� �� Ä� ،� �� يn9�� ،� �� אت��

.���o ��دو Nucleoprotein � 7�Cو�.�A�;9�� دو��ت ����D يn9�� ،ت����D يn9�� Nucleotide 0�-�C��;9��� B�O ،وnO يn9��� �U') ي

Basic building block of nucleic acids,

consisting of a nitrogenous base a

pentose sugar, and phosphoric acid

Nucleus M�A;9��� G�����O ،n9�� 8wU) ،دو�� Ä� n9�� ي n9�� ،אت�� ، |'� ،n��

Nucleus atomic �� �B�Oي ��אت ���MA�;9 א->Nucleus compound 0��-�>�9 MA;9��� %9�� ي�B�O ،%9�� يn9�� Null N� �D�� ،ي�R ،ي^W Null cells M;�& N� �8���� 7�'9 �'+ ، M<�-�& ��D ،��;� 8D��

��q ل�r� 8O ) N�& 8+ � 8C (. A type of lymphocyte with out either T or

B cell surface markers.

Number �w�� ،bد، א�H) �w� ��Z، א�Hא"، �HKאد، �Numeric כ����� Á��R دH) ، bد، א�H) Numerical N1 ������ 8��� ،8+�2V ،ي���p ،ديH) 8lאدي، א�HK� Numerous س���8 ���+ ،���� ،���p 8+ ��r9 ،"אHא� Nurse دא-8، ��س، ��س) �� 8O ( GH'�-�9א S دא�، و����� Nurse cells M;�& س�� ��;� F4��� Nursery 8 ��� ��&�يC�W و��@�W ،�z�W ،^y8 ����، אوoدא ، Nursing b'&�� �'D�. ،��B �'D�. ،�>-دא�ي، دא ����� Nurture �}�� d ،aD�. ،a-�>� ،a-א��dא، �¬، ��<�ج¥j ،

���אכ، .�و�ش Nutrient �'A �C��� ،א¥j ،�U') 89א-���8א¥j ،ت��'jو� ،

Numerical Neutron

200 Dictionary Of Haematology

¬�d و!�d ،ي، ���אכ�i� Nutrient deficiency 82�� 6 ���C��� 8� ���אE�d 89، ���אj ،8-�$<�� 89¥א-9 8Nutrient elements M<'�� א ;�A��C��� אnO 89א��� ،�U') 89א��� Nutrious MA �C��� 8-א¥j ،89א��� Nutrition 7� �C��� � ،א¥jא-�| ، .�و�ش¥j ،و!�d ،אכ�� Nutrition anaemia ��� ���א89 �ت 9�7p�C��� 8 א '�Nutrition laboratory ي�C��w�D 7� �C��� ��l�+�@� ���א89 Nutritional N'� �C��� و�T�d ،8-א¥j ،89א��� ،©;K$� ي!�d Nutritional blindness M��H'�-3+ N'� �C��� a.אe8 א�� ���א89 9�8 ��9ي، j¥א-9 8Nutritional disease n "6 N'� �C��� ¡�� 8-א¥j ،ي��� ���א89 +�Nutritional food 6�4 N'� �C��� و، (¥א-8 ���אכ!�d ،א¥j Nutritionist �2'� �C��� �B�� �O א-�| دאن، ���אכ¥j Nutritious � �C���M 8-א¥j ،89ي ، ���א�i� ،و!�d � ��ت +Nutritious ratio �� � MA� �C��� |w2� 8-א¥j ،ح�p 89א��� Nutritive �< �C��� |��q©;K$� א¥j ،و�T�d ، 8-א¥j ،GH' ] ،

GH' ] אכ��� Nutritive cells M;�& �< �C��� ��;� 89א(���אG��� ( ��;� 8-א¥j Neutron אن�C��� אن א�C��� ،و�¦ �O S<-

201 Dictionary Of Haematology


Oaf א-� אوא�H�. 8O 8`W ����

Obese M�+אو ��;I ،8 دא�W�} ،�wد� ،�C��

Obesity 8<2�+אو ،a. �C�� D�I ،�-��;I ،��C�� c

Object ��، ،n�} ،�8p�HUi، ��אد :+@�1p، S9 ، %;Q�

Objective �<1�@+: 8 ، ���جO��� %;Q�،دي��אد، �� ،HUi� ،a�I

Obscure ���12+: �<} א� ،µوא� ��j ،وeא� ،�BאHאو� ،�De�! Observation ���12+: ���O ،��� ن� ! �'O�d ،�+�@� ، .��، ���HBو، Obstruct �9�<2+: ،GH'�o: E�9و� ،a�I H'+ ،a;�O ،a9و�

a-�1Cא ،a�O0כ و�� Obstructive �<2+:9�< 8Cوא�ي دوא، ��+، �و�9و Eو�9و� Obverse و �خ :+��سe& ،ن وא�و �خ����& Obversion 7p��+: 8�� ،�+א�+ Obvious MA �+: �B�x ،ي�B�x ،و، (��ن�e. ،µوא� ،�B�x Occipital artery ي�C�: N<�>�&: �H8 א�O غ��ن د� �p Occlusion 7p��;9: ب¦�O ،a9و� ، aO�y S�" Ocular D��9:� ،وHB���³�� ] Occult �D��9: 8� ،��@Z ، �H�p�. ،8و��Hא� Occult blood 0;+ �D��9: 8 ��ن� Occult science M'-�& �D��9: M'-�& 8� Occupation 7��.��9: ،وe�! ،��+�9ت، .��� �و"���، ��9و Occur �9: a\D ،a;� ،8د��O�� ،و��ع Occurance M��9د א�Oو µد�8، وא��O�� ،و��ع ، Ochronosis n&8 אو¬ אو�9و���H+ ،8�9 b�� و �و�، ��^و^�

)��C ( a�I µ8 وא��9 8O b�� و^��

Oaf Old

202 Dictionary Of Haematology

Octet � א° د�K4، א��ن :9>Octo �<9: א°، א��ن Odd 6: �O 8+ ،�Dא89، ��אG �dא�� ،�$D�4 ، Oecology 8O?�1�-ت אو��D�V�� S;) Oedema ��.�L 71 ( ،�^Z ،�I�I ،¬�& ،aO�y 8o��( אو6

�H';O ،و�م Old 0Dאو �oא�. ،�BG�. ���O ،�$y ،�'�9 ،����O ،S H� Oldage [ 0 אDאو= � ،�-�BG�. ،א.�، .��يvW ،8-�BG�.K� 8 Old disease n "6 0Dي אو����+ 8oא�. ،¡�� �oא�. Old methods 0سm�� 0Dאو �i �q �oא�. Oligaemia ����l�D8 אو�9 8O ن�� ،E�d 8O ت� Oligisteiron ن�-: �2@�Dאو ��D 8�;� �`9 Omen 7�| אو�ن، (3��� Omission 7��אو |;j ،�} Ny ،Ny ،�2 8، وQ;j Omit ���כ، ��8D�1 אو� ،��t ،�v9 ،���&و Oncogenes M'�O�1ن אو��q�& )9��2' ( ،|��9 ،7�O GH'�-3��

��7�O GH'�-3، ;��و�אن &�O� ،8��q'�7 د�< � 81�O7، وB: אH��B د�O�� L وא-�س

7B: אH' و �w;�� 8& Oncology 8O?�18 אو�D�&� S;) ،ن�q�& S;) Oncotomy 8��C �18 אو�Vא�O v'Z،8pא�� 8D�&� One celled 0;�& ون ��;� �B ،وG��� �B One chamber �w� B� ���8 وא�ي ون {�One component ��'��>� B� nOو، B� nOوي ون 9On set ��;� :ن &�V ،�;�V �O ¡�� Onto cycle N1�-�&�C دي دو� :ن�O�4دي دو� ، و Ontogeny 8'�O�<�: 8 وא-�����V!

Oldage Opposite

203 Dictionary Of Haematology

Opaque ��.אو ،�De�!،�BאHאو� ،��p��j ،��r9 ،��} 8+ Open 7.אو B ،��-وא ،N�;d ،8 �وכ، ��9دو+ �B�x ،אدא�� Open pedigree 7.ي .�0אو�l و�@p 2% ، (�م� N�;d ،%2� %2V N�;d Opener �'.אو GH'9 "�j: ،GH'�D�d Opening b''.��9، א4$$�ح ��9 אو "�j:، aD�d Operate � �.: S9 8;�)،��N، و9±) �O 8Vא�O Operation 7� �.: ،N�) Á ��� ،�S9 ��9، ��9وא-8، و9±

) 8Vא�O ،N� Operator �< �.: ��N ��9، و9±) ،N��) ،אح�O ،�l ��9

GH'�-3B a@א� ،GH'9 Optimum S��<.: Y& � 7 �$´+ 5? HUi� ،�+א�+ N1;+ ،Á��R

�dن و! � ��א4© د� � �O�Hiא�Opposite E"�.א M1)�+ ،ن����& ،�D� א+$^، :���ن &����ن، �Oppertunistic infection �.:}�<2��

א��7�1، 7�'O 81�O����B" ،|&�. µي G��Oא

א�B ��B� 8B� �H@7 א�S2O 8- 8 )ي6+�( .א��H�. 7�1א �9ي �tن

Organ 7��: ،bو، א���)ÔD Organ culture �`;9 7��: ،ي، +'�وت،+'�وت (�� �ت��) ،�OG�O 8lא�

(��ي &�"ي Organelle N'���: ��)v'� ،�¯�yوv'� 8��'Gvو Gو (��و، �

��y 8¯�) =אD>�א א&>�9`�((��و، �'Gvא � ��) Organic �'���: 8B��)8��w� � 8א���V (� ،�Z? ي��)� ،8����

8i;� ،ي�Q4 ، 8(��ي������ ، Organic acid 02-א �אب :���'n�� 8���nאب،(��ي ��nאب، ����� 8����w� Organic analysis n2-?�' א �'���:= ������ �+�@� 8 Organic compound 0��-�>�9 �'���: %9�� 8������ Organic crystals M;<&�9 �'���: S;� 8������

Oppertunistic infection Ortho

204 Dictionary Of Haematology

Organisim م n'���: ��O، א�، &�� وא�و، (�� �تH��O ،وG��O Organisimic ��n'���: 8������ ©;K$� א�H��O ، 8�� ��) Organization 7� n�-�'���: O ،7 אدא�و���%، א�@�� ،S��'� ،|�K� Organogen 7O�'���: כ���ي ��) ،aT دو، (��ي�� "�& ��) Organogenesis n2�'�O�'���: א��) ���K� S;) ،א-�، (��ي &�"يH�. ي��) Organogenic �'�O�'���: �-אH�. ي��) Organology 8O?�'���: M'-�& 8O ت (��ن� ��) S;) ،� ود bא� ، Organule ل��'���: v'�GوG��) ،و (��و Orient � .��ب، ����8، אH��yو אو� 'Oriental region אو�A 7@ � N<' �Q� وH��yא ،�i-3) 8+��.= Orientation אو�A '7��< |�وא� ،���K� Orifice M �: 7 وאت��ل، �� ،b'C ،אخ��& Origin 7@ د،�%2 אو���'+ ،a+ ،NR8، א-��. ،�^�.· Original N'@ א-8 אو�H$+د، א��'+ ،a+ ،NR8، אi;� ،8�'O ،S H� Original nature �`�� N'@ ت אو��Q4 8;Rت، א�Q4 8i;� Original temperature �` �>��C N'@ אو� �>� אR;8 ���8 د��O، א�V 8;Rא�ت، +'��دي Originality 8<;'@ ت א @ אو��� ،|�;Rא @�د �ت، א ،©�;� �د ��ت Originate � =.�Hא ��9ي،א @�د |،אR;�|،א+$Hא،�pوع، א @�د אو� @'�Ortho �I�: ن�A'& ،دي��) ،�yو، אe& Orthodox M96و�I�: �<9 ،H'2. |�אH� Orthogenic �'�O�I�: b'�: S� ��j ن�d ل�V�� � 7Z�� ��q 8'�¦

.��Wن 8O (3ج +�+|Osmose "�� �¦��³3، &�א |، � אو&Osmosis n&���N ��¦ אو&) ،N�) ³3�� ،°��o�. ،N�) ��.�: ،°��o�. Osmotic �C���� N� ¦�K$;©، ��¦ي אو&) ،N�) �O 8 ���1لo�. Osmotic concentration 7� �<2'9 �C�� 8O ��D L ��Z ����-8،و8O 7o�D GH'B ����-8 א&Osmotic fragility 8<;@ �4 �C�� ،� 8d +�دא8O ��9 |p ��ت.� ��B�W 7 אو&

Orthodox Osteo porosis

205 Dictionary Of Haematology

�) א�R�� 8O c )|�;B|،��¦ي �c، ��¦ي O'�7 &�ن �O �� �. 7 �B�W �B��i+;� �9ي

8�l& 8d� S-�� L |D�V 8;R8 אd ��. �@'�'.. Osmotic pressure �� �. �C�� ��¦ي د³�W ، وaB وא�و، د ،³�W��8D�; د³�W אو&Ostero و��<&: ©;K$� ي�B ، �O ي�B Osteo arthritis M<�- א�I�: ��<&: ��& �oא�. �O نe'& Osteo arthro pathy 8m�. و�I�:��<&: ي����+ 8O نe'& � ن�B Osteoblast � �Bي &�" �;�� :&>�� +3&Osteo cope �9پ��<&: ��& �O ي�B Osteochondrome و :&>�� �0��9وم�B 8�C�y ،دو��ي �B Osteoclasis <&:n2�;9�� � �Bي �Oא�B ،8Vي و9±Osteogenesis �2�'�O ��<&: ي &�"ي�B ،N�1�� �Bي Osteology 8O? ��<&: Á ��� �Bي ود �، �Bي �B S;) ،S;) �Oي Ostoma ���<&: �BG�Z �O ي�B Osteomalacia �;���<&:2�� א�B م��)%w& 8� 9`^א �Bא) j¥א-9 8Osteomyelitis M<�;-�� ��<&: �& Ä� ي�B¬ ¬�& n�� ، Osteon 7<&: و�B ي�B Osteoneuralgia ��@�D� �����<&: ��& �� ي�B Osteopath {�.��<&: �D�� ،يH'+ ي�B Osteopathist �2m�.��<&: يH'+ ي�B ،8 (3ج�D�� ،GH'�-3� e'& ي�B Osteopathy 8m�.��<&: ¡�� �O ي�B Osteoplasty 8<&3.��<&ي א�B 8-א^O ي�B ،يH���. Osteoplastic �<&3. ��<&: يH���. ي�B Osteo porosis n& و��. ��<&: �-�Zي �و�B ،ي �و� &�"ي�B)N��Bي ) (

a�I م�� Osteosclerosis א��<&:n&8 &1;�� و$ �Bي ، &Osteo arthrotomy 8��C و�I: ��m&: 8Vא�O e'& ي�B

Osteosclerosis Oxidative pathway

206 Dictionary Of Haematology

Out of range � �: E�-:[' �B�W ن�d [' � 8@'�'. ،�B�W ن�d HV Out put �. E�-: HV 8+ �-אH�. ،8�H�:،|.8، א-��9 ، Out come S9 E�-: אH�. |.وא�، א Out door 6و� E�-: 8ن ، +��و�� �B�W ، 8O��� Out door patient � �B�W �ن �� E�-:  6و� .��'Outer �C�-: 8، !אO��� ،ن، {�!א�ي� �B�W 8و���+ ،� � Outer coat E�9 �C�-: � �B�W� t ،Nd ،c;�1 ن Oval אوول N1p ي، +���ي���+ ،�� :��O 8^و، ��ل �Oval shaped 0>�p אوول N1p ي���+ Over אوو� ��y، " �د�، א�و! Overlapping b'>�Dאوو� GH�^}و+�-8، و ،GH�^�. Over pressure �� �. אوو� Wد �ت ، " �د� دאو! �r9 ، ³�� Ovum אووم� ��: . ST 8O 7א���V L 3حQR8 א������V

وא�و �;�� H;� �1�Oא� ��d a�I<�א5 �� �I 8AI ���x L ت��R 8O د�O7 و�A�.

Oxidant stress M �<&א � 7� c�@'���Oد :8�H+ )"��C (@�29 אو¬ =:0�29 '+ �9 7B�O ،aא���>@8 و­Hi� �Of دوא

A9 ل��K$&8 و-8، 9'�7 +אf 8O دوא ��ل �dن .�5K$&³(، .� ��، א�Wوא�ي ) د

���ل H�. 8Oא 8I .�� �9ي ���Oد� ��R 8@<�� L ¬8 אو�H+ �O א�Hi� 7@�29:

.و­a وא�و دو�א��� Oxidase n 0�29: "אH�29@7 א�: ،����H�21ي � Oxidation 7� 0�29: ���K� N�) ،a@�29: ،H�21� N�) Oxiation fractional N'�1 �4 7� 0�29: 8� :G�¦ a@�29אOxidation number �w� :H) 8�@29د :7� 0�29 �Oxidation product � :H�. 8�@29אوא�، �H�21ي .�Hאوא� :0�29 �7 .�א96

207 Dictionary Of Haematology

Oxidative anabolism مnD�+�' ع =:0�29 >� א��$Oي אH�21� ، ���K� 8�@29: Oxidative

decomposition 29: �< 0�

7� "�>�1 6 N�;���H�21ي ، N�;�� 8�@29:

Oxidative pathway ي�I�. �< 0�29: �$&� N�;���H�21ي Oxide 0�-�29: %9�� a@29: ،0�-�29: Oxidize n�-0�29א: H�21� a@29: ،و�: Oxidizer �n�-0�29א: N��) a@�29: ،N��) يH�21� Oxidizing b�n�-29@�8، :0�29ي :�29@�-� :0�29א: ،GH' Oxidizing agent � �) GH'�-�@�29��) 8�@�29: ،N�N : :0�29א-�b�n א @'Oxygen 7@�29: ، 7@�29: ،א�B 7@�29:)�U')( Oxygen concentration 7@�29: 7� �<'2'9 8-�C��� 7@�29: Oxygen deficiency 82'�� 6 7@�29: 8-�$<�� 8O 7@�29: Oxygenater '�@�29:��< א"يH�29@7 א�: ،a-�@�29: ،a-3� 7@�29: Oxygenation 7��'�@�29: ي"�& a@�29: ،"אH�29@7 א�: Oxygentor ��<'@�29: "אH�29@7 א�: ،GH'�-�@�29: Oxygenic �'@�29: "�& 7@�29: ،GH'9 אH�. 7@�29: Oxy haemoglobin 7+�;������29: ��B א�Hi� ��i� �O 7@�29:aO�� 7 &�ن+�;��. Oxytocic �<�29:&� وא�ي دوא a-��T ��W Oxytropism مn.و�C 829: 8�� a@�29: Oze "Ì5 א�+H+ 8O وאت Ozone אو"ون �O a@29: ،ن �وپ، אو"ون &�"ي�A� ،

)��Aن(אو"ون ��O 7@�29: ،MA �وپ

Oxide Ozone

208 Dictionary Of Haematology


Pace M�.= م، {�لH� ،م��

Pace maker �1�� �م &�"، �Hم &�"، {�ل &�"� =.�2

Pachyenic �'�`�. 8-�C��� 8O ت�

Pachemia ��� ����C-8 א���Hت .�`�

Paediatric כ�C� 0�A.= ��W ،8wqن �O (3ج =

Paediatrician 7� �C � 0�A. 3ج) �O ن��W ،%�wqGH'9

Paediatrist �2-� �0A. S�1V �O ن��W ،S�1V ، %�wq

Paedology 8O?0و�A. ،YZ S;)W8 (3جO ن�� S;) �O

Paidology 8O�D0وA.= !وא ��W S;)

Pain 7�.= ،��& ،א، د� &��، &�� �9א-a ) و �O S(=د�د، .�

Pain labour D 7�.=��w و ،S وS ��& �O

Pains M'�. وS��& �O Pair �A�.= وG�O)دي��و،)�� � G�O ،G�O ،a-3� G�O ، �<W

Pair wise n�-وא �A�. يG�O ،ي وא�G�O ،وא� ��O

Pairing b��A�.= &' 3پ�� ،G�O ،aB�� وG�O ،يH'+G�O ،��@

Palaeo ��A;�.= �oא�. ،S H� ،����O

Palaeobiology 8O3-�+ ��A;�.= ت��V S H� ،ت�����V S H�

Palaeontology 8O?�<'�A;A. � ت ود��V S H� ،a�. 0'. S;)

Palaeopathology 8O?�m�. ��A;�A. א���ت��א S H� S;)

Palaeotologist �2O? ��A;A.= �B�� ت�����V S H� ،ت دאن��O S H�

Palaeotology 8O?�C��A;A. ��O S H� ،ت�����V S H� S;) �O 7C�W � ن��S;) ت��� H� ،

Palaeozoic �-و"��A;A. 8���V S H� ،a�. 0'.

Palaeozoology 8O?و"��A;A. א��ت��V S H� S;) ،S;) �O ن����O S H� ،

Pace Pallor

209 Dictionary Of Haematology

(;��V S H� Sאن

Paleology 8O? ��;A. ت��� H� S;) ،ت��O S H� S;)

Paleontology 8O?�C�'�;A. S H� S;) ،ت��O S H� S;)=

Paleozoology 8O?و"��;A. א��ت��V S H� S;) ، S;) אن��V a�. 0'.

Pallor �.=�; ��1�،�3�. ،ن��� ،a��9 Paleness of the skin and mucous


Plam 8 .�م@d ،و� ���� 8@d ،|&8، �9 د;�mB

Plams M��. 7. �9 ���� 8w'}

Palp �;. a�t ،v³ (��و، و���t

Palpable NwA>;�. و�e. ،�B�x ،و^�O a�t

Palpate ��>;�.= >��<�س، 8K �¦ 7mB a�t ،a&�

Palpation 7��>;�.= 8K �¦ 7mB ،�'-�K� ،���t ،س�>� {B ، א�$3ج=a�t ، a&�>�

Pancreas "� �1'�.= دאن��p ،�$. ،ب�KD ،�w;wD

Pancreatalgia ��@D�< �1'�. ��& �O 8;w;D

Pancreatectomy 8�C�1 א �A �1'�.= א�O 8w;wDV 8

Pancreatic �<A �1'�. D ،دאن��p 8w;wD ،©;K$� 8w;wL 8 +��يO

Pancreatic artery ي�C�: �<A �1'�. ن� �p 8w;wD

Pancreatic duct �96 �<A �1'�. 8D�� 8w;wD

Pancreatic enzyme S-אnא� ��1-�>'�.= ���� 8w;wD

Pancreatic juice س�O �<�-�1'�. دאن �س��p ،8 (�ق-�w;wD ،8 �سw;wD

Pancreatin �1'�.7<�- دو��8 w;wD ،כ���8 ;wD ،���� 8w;wD

Pancreatitis M<�<�-�1'�. ��& 8w;wD ،8 &�"شw;wD ،¬�& دאن��p

Pancytopenia .���'�.�<�-�2' 58�=�ت G��� ��O 8Oن 8O +8 א�$�� 9 =���ل��R وא�ي

A sever decrease in all of the blood cells Papanicolaoustain -?�1���.�.7�<&א�= lא��H ;�ل��8 )=א&>�7(� ¯�y 8��� �1�O

Plam Parenthesis

210 Dictionary Of Haematology

9 8O 88 دא�`W2'� 5? ��9 م�;K� �8B: يH'�I ل��K$&א

A cytological stain used most commonly

to detect uterine and cervical cancer

Pappenheimer bodies n 6�+ ���´'>�. 8Oوא���j ،�H8 א�O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت� ��q 8�8B�D אتG�¦ אGv'� אGv'� N-�� א���� N �� %9��

Abnormal basophile iron containing

granules seen in erythrocytes

Paraplasm א .3"م��. p $�א"ي� � ��א"ي �$� ،� �� N1

Parent cell N�& ���A. ��;� د�ي��و، G��� و، +'��ديG��� دي��

Parental N<���A. �4�q ��� �8. 8א�H��� ،ي�H. ،8;2� ،ن

Parental generation 7� �'�O N<��A.= -��<�o 8B^�. 8;2� ، N2��

Parenthesis n2m���. �1ن�D ن��l�] ،��1ونD ن� ]:

Par ��. �2وאت�א+�ي، �+ Éو، .��ي، و�G�O

Parvalue ��; و א� .�� و��.f´ |� ، +�א+�ي ��

Para א��.= �D ،N+�i� ،�+א�+ D � . ن�&�y ،SB

Parabiosis n&��-�+ א��.= �O س�� ،N;� 8wU)G 8 �و�wU) ،N;� يG�O ،

Parabiotic �C��-�+ .��א �8 ���V א"ي�$

Parachroma ��א �9و��. G�l+ b�� Nd ،H;O 8l�� 8+ ،a@DH+ b�� �O Nd

Paraffin 74 دو، .��א��و ^�O a��)�O א74 ) .�>�ول��. ،a�� 8�HK�

Paraffin paper �>�. 74א��. ¥j�9 74 א��. ،¥j�9 و^�O a�� ،�'. �\�&

Paragnosis n&�'א���. ��T א"ي�$�

Paragram 8 .��א��אم�D

Paragraph �1 .��א��א�<Z ،�1وC ،NU4 ،ب�+ ،�UV

Para medical N1 0�� 8 .��אwq SB

Para meter �<�� א��. ،�� ���iس ��وج�Hiא� .���، ��وج .�

Any numerical value that describes an

entire population Parazoa �-א "و��. jא��ت��V 8@'&אن، א��V 8Kwq ��= =

Par Passive

211 Dictionary Of Haematology

Parenchyma ��-�1���. $Z א��&�. ��;� Eא، .�&8 وG��� N� Parenchymatous cells ���.1M;�& M<�� .�&��א G��� N�$Zא، א&'@�-8 �;�� �-

Parent ���A.= T ،8، +'��دي;Rא-8، אH$+7، .58 �א HDوא ،GH'� S�}�& ،»�Ë� ،5��

Parity 8< ��. �2وאت�א+�ي، �+ ،|�+��� ،| HD��

Paroxysm S21-¡، =.��و��ت Hp ،¡، دو�و، "و���ش، دو�ي �O �w;j �O ��&

Paroxysmal N� دو�ي ��¡، 8p�O، دو�ي .��و-21

Paroxysm 21-و��.S دو�و �O ��& | &��8rj، دو�و، &

Part E��. و، .�"وnO،�1وC،8$.،0و�،�UV � �y،و،(��وnO=

Partial Np��. 8AW ،و، א!و ��+�و، א!و�و��I ،ويnO ،!א د��O 8O ، /���ي

Particle N1�C��. ،8�¦�Gو، ¦�و، nO ،8�9 ،��9 ،nOوي، � �UV ،�¯�y

Partner �'C��. y 8¯�y،א���-�y 8-�y 8UV ،א�H�UV،8$9א�p،א���-�

Parturition 7� ��}��. a�T �`W ،�-אH�. ،S و ،N�V µو?دت، و� ،ST

Passive �2A. N��) ��j ،N�) 8+

Passive immunity 8<������2 אA.= ،³�`+ د�� N��) ��j ،|K4אH� ت�� N�) 8+= ��� (��א

Patent �© ��� (V ©V ،Ñ���Oد H'&)�O א @�د، .�>' א @�د، و&�µ ، ��9دو

Patent names M��� �'<'�. ?�� ���

Pater �<�. �+�+ ،�+58 ، א. ،�H.

Paternal N��<�. ��- 8;Rدي، א��'+ ،�o�+ي، א�H. ،�o�<·

Paternity 8<��<A. ي�H. ،%2� %2V ،| HDو

Pathetic �<�m�.= �/א/�، א�. ،n�l8، د�د א���+¥O %U)�$-א

Pathetics M1<�m�.= �2&��تVא S;)=

Passive immunity Pathos

212 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pathic �m�.= ¡�� ،ي����+ ،©;K$� ي����+

Patho �m�.= �+¡، و��ي، ����+

Pathobiology 8O3�-�+�m�.= ،� و� ود� ��O ،ت�����V ¡א��א S;)=�8 �����ت �����V

Pathogen 7O �m�.= GH'�-3�� ي����وGv'Z، ��¡ :و�، +�،S�/א�O وG��O �O ي�����+ ،¡��

Pathogenesis n2�'�O�m�.= ¡�� H�D�� ��¡ H�. �Oא a�I، �و� �O א&��، The origin of disease

Pathogenic �'�O�m�.= Z¡ :و�، �و��و+�-8 � ¡�� ،GH'���� ،GH' .�Hא GH'9، �و8Z، و+�-8، �و�O aZ^و

Pathogenicity 8<2'�O�m�. Zو+��'�و ،|�R�� GH 8-�+א-�، وn48 א- 8-��Zو� ،|�R��

Pathogenous O�m�.=�'M و�: ¡�� ،n�� ¡��

Pathogeny 8'�O�m�.= = 8O ¡�� ،¡�� H�D����¡ H�. 8Oא-�، وא!، ��¡ 8O אn4א-�

Pathogenomic ���'�O�m�. ¡�� |�3)

Pathologic �O?�m�. p 8O ي����8، �و8Z، و+�-8 +������ ،N1

Pathological N1�O?�m�. ©;K$� ي����+ 8������ ،8Zو� ،N� ��¡ و�

Pathologist �2O?�m�. �O ي�������B א��א¡، �����ت دאن، +�SD�) �O ¡�� ،�o�T

Pathology 8O?�m�. S;) ،� ¡ ود��8، -���و� ود �، ��¡ .� S;) �O 7 ��� א��א¡ +�

Pathos �m�.=א س ،��yش א�O ،ش�O ،"�& ، א�ت�V �/א ،��y

Path way وא .�¶ ويE b�± ،�K �¦ ،�$&� ،�i �q ،

Patient �'��.= 8Zو� ،����+ ، �� ، N�� ،و�n�9

Pattern ن�<�.= ،%D��،��i� "אHא� ،b�± ،وش� ،�i �q ،�����

Pause "�. + ، 8B�& ،، دم�و��´ �

Path way Perfume

213 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pedigree ي�l 0�.= و�@p ،%22% و�V ، 8B^�. ،���� %2� ، a+ ،N2� NRא·

Peep ��. a-��Oوא ،a-�. 8���O

Peeper �>�. n�-: ،S�} ،א�

Peer �A�. �& SB ،G�O

Pelger huetanomaly �@;�.=�C���8;��' א = An autosomal dominant genetic disorder that

produces hyposeg mentation of nutrophil

Pepper �>�.= � ،��� ي��9و�� ،��)�C�W �O ÁD�U�(

Pepsin 7�2>�.= و���� ،|& 8���B،S��B �B�O،���� 8�1p

Peptic �<>�.= = GH'�-و!א ����B ،S��B ،א�H����B

Peptic glands ;�'0س� �ود .�<>Hj S��B ،ودHj �O يHK�

Peptic ulcer �2Dא �<>�.= ��&�� �O يHK� ،S�" �O يHK�

Pepticity >�.<8<2 �B 8 دא�ي��

Pepties >�.n�< א��) S��B S;)

Paptogen 7O�<>. כ���8 ���B ، �-אH�. �B�O S��B

Peptones M��<>�. س� S��B ،ت����D S�B

Per �. '@��ن�84، ،��.

Per capita �<�>�9 �. ��o�� 84

Percent � HR 84، 84 &�1^و .�&�'

percentage [�<'&�. HR 84 ح�p Perceive �.&�� �Gو�. ،a´@� د��غ &�ن &perception �.&>��7 7&א�V � غ��د ،f´@�& ،S;) ،��Kp ،אد�אכ

f´@�& 8K �¦ Percent volume م��Dوא � 84 &�1^و �Hiא� .�&�'

Perfect �1�4�. [� ،�D�� ،N�1� ،N��9 ،و��.

Perforate � ��4�. GH�v9 ي��C

Perforated 0< ��4�. �& ،א�Hא��C�N v9 b�N�I אخ��& ،

Perforation 7� ��4�. א��&�C ،8· אخ��& ،b'

214 Dictionary Of Haematology

Perfume ��4م�. ��B�& ،�Q) ،³�wp�� ،H'�& ،���

Perfusion 7p��4�. ،a;�� ،aBش و�

Peri �3، .�دو .��يj ،س، {���د، .�ش�>&: ،��q�}

Preposition .=7 �ي� "�. |D�V د���}

Peri blast � {���� ��³3، {���د א��אج .��ي +3&

Periblem S;w ��.= د�� 8����c )دي�. (c� و{�ن

Pericardial N�-6��1 ��. 8w;� 8 {�!א�ي، {���دO دل

Pericardial area � � א N�-دل {���د א �א�8 =.�� ��1 د

Pericardial fluid ��1 ��. 0-��;4 N�-6 ي^�O 8o�.)°��o�.( 8 {�!א�يO دل Watery fluid in the sae surrounding the heart

Paricardiotomy 8��C� 6��9� ��. 8Vא�O %;� �3j

Pericarditis M<�-8 وא�ي &�"ش، =.�� 6��1א;�O 8O دل .�دي &�¬، دل �3j د�د

Pericardium S�-6��1 ��. O 8O دو، دل�. �O 8، ;�دل;�O ��p ،8 %;� �3j

Periderm �0م ��. ��^ي � } ،c� H;O cي &'�^و

Perigonia ����� ي��.= Nd 8�: ،8 .�دي، +��8 .�ش��+

Perihepatic �C�>�� ��.= �3j �lO ،ي .�دو�lO= =

Perihepatitis M<-�C�>�� ��.= ¬�& �3j �lO ،�lO �3j د�د

Perikaryon ��1 �ن ��. S2O ت��;�

Perikinetic �<�'-�1 ��.= |9�V 9|، {���د�V����}

Perilymph ����، .>^و ��دو .�� ;D 8ب، +��و��KD ،��D

Perimedullary ي�D0و�� ��دي .�ش، �Ä .�دي، ��nي .�ش .��

Peri meter �<�� �، HVود .��� .�����و، ��د، ��د .���، ��د ��پ، �� .��

Perimetery ي�<����. �-�����8 ، ����ي .���-8 ��. {���د .��. ¼�

Perimorph ���� ��. p ي���� N1

Perineal N�A' ��. وא� (��א G! ،א��) S�

Perfusion Period of pregnancy

215 Dictionary Of Haematology

Perinephritis M<-א�8 &�¬، =.�� '�� �3j 8O 7�1+ �3j دي�� &�¬، ��دي � �8 &�¬

Period 0 ��. تH�،وH�،، دو��و�،�;V��،|و�،����"

Period of growth 0 ��.¶وא! و @ :� ��وf´ وH� �O !ت، وאH� 8O

Period of induction 7�90و =.�� 0 :� א�H� 8Dد��

Period of lactation 7��<1�D �: 0 ��. وH� وא�و a ] ��d ،تH� 8O وپ]

Period of pregnancy 82''��. �:0 ��. وH� وא�و YZ ،�R�) �O N�V

Periodic 6כ�A ��. دي�K�� ،8pد���O א-$�، وא�يH'�،8$+�� ،

Periodical N1 6� ��. �D�&� Periodic breathing b�H �+ 6כ�A ��. �& دو�يf��& 8$+�� ،ي��� f� a�d

Periodic chart E��} 6כ�A ��. E��} دو�ي

Periodic law ? 6כ�A ��. دو�ي ����ن

Periodic table 6כ�A ��. Nw�C= O دو� �Nw�C

Periodic time 6כ�A ��. S�-�C |ت، دو�ي و�H�و�| ��دش، دو�

Periodic wind 6כ�A ��. 0א و��B א، دو�ي�B 8$و�

Periodic cal N96�A ��. ،دي��K� ،8، دو�ي�&�� ،8$+�� ،8pد���; ،�D�&� ،8�H'א-$�، وא�א -$� )

Periodic disease n "6 6כ�A ��. ¡، دو�ي��ي ��+$8 ����+

Periostitis M<�<&�3 &�"ش .��ي אوj ي�B ،¬�& ي .�ش�B

Peripheral دא-�ي وא�و، ����ي دא� .��ي �4ل

Peripheral blood 0;+ ي �4ل��. ،aو� �O '@´�ن �ت�7 وא� �;�7 Gv'� � 7�´'&aو� �O '@´�ن �ت�وא� �;�7 �Hدא-�ي א�.

Blood in the extremities(e.g capillary blood)

Peripheral nerve ي �4ل ��و��. |'� 9'��ي دא� (U%، دא-�ي دא�

Peripheric ن +��و�8 .��ي �4כ� �B�W ،ل، {���د��

Peripherical N1 �4 ن، ��ل، {���د =.��ي� �B�W ،8و���+

Periphery ي �4ي��.= a�I �} ،a�I µ�-�� ،a�I س��

Periodic Peri----tomy

216 Dictionary Of Haematology

Periplasm دو {���د .��ي .3"م�� ��O دא-�ي ،� �� =

Periplast � �;8A {���د ��دو، ���Gي א��H �ن ��دو .��ي .3&

Perirenal N' � دي {����، ��دي دא-�و .��ي��

Perirenal abscess n2�+א N' � ي��. ^Z دي {���د��f�

Perish ش�A. �w� ،a�Iد�+�+ ،a�I س�� ،��� ،a@<� ،a�I � a�I µ ��

Perissology 8O�D�2 ��. � �i� a�� S;) ،�l$� د�� " S;)

Peristalsis n2D�<&��. )8O 9| ) (��ن�V 9|، :�0ي�V دא���D

Peristaltic �<D�<&��. �� ��Dدא�، .�`Hא�، :�0ي �

Peristalitic motion 7p�� �<D�<&��.= |9�V دא���D ، |9�V א�H`�. )دش��(

Peristole ل�<&��. V 8O 9| :�0ن�

Peritonial membrane 7 .��ي �w��� NA���C ي دא� .�دو��T

Peri-tomy 8��C 8 .��يVא�O 8، ���8 .�ديVא�O دي�.

Peri-toneal N�A��C ي��. �1�8 .�دي، .�p ،ي دא���T ،دא-�ن�. .�دي، �O;8 دא�

Peri-toneal cavity 8C��9 N�A��< ��. �`��� �1�8 ��ل، .�p

Peri-toneal fluid 0-��;4 N�A��C ي��. °��o�. ي^�O 58o�. L 8 ��ل�1p

Watery fluid in the abdominal cavity Peri-toneum S���C ي��. �O �1�8 א&$�، �HKي 8O .�دي، .�p

8;�O ،دو�.=

Peri-tonitis <���C ي��.=M ،ي &�"ش��T 8O �� .�دي &�¬، .��. �"ش �HKي &�"ش ، �HKي L .�دي &

Peri-vascular �D��12 א�ي .��ي وHZ� دي�.

Peri-venitis M<' ش .��ي و"�& M� ،¬�& M�

Peri-visceral دאوא .��ي و&�ل�.Oن ، :�0א אوf´O843 :�0א אوj ،f´

Perivisceral cavity 8C��9 ل�&� ��. �`��d S2O

Permanent � א-� ،8�H�-�.Ni$2א�، ��Ï�w، .�1، د .��''

Peri----toneal Peroxide

217 Dictionary Of Haematology

Permanent tissue C �''��.=�� �T8 אو� �Ni$2 +�4|، دא-

Permeability 8<;wA���. & ،�Bو�O ،a�¦} ،|�R�� 8+· ،א���. ،a�C=� a ��¦ .¥ �ي

Permeability coefficient 8<;wA���.� =�9א ��'

O¥ب �p 8O a�Iح، ��¦ي �pح

Permeable NwA���. ،� ¥. ¦�� ،¦�� N+�� ،و�Ë. אخ دא���&

Permeate ��A���. ،a�I ¦��aO�2. ���l. ،�^�� ،

Permeation 7��A���. ،¦�� ،a;�� ،د��ل ،a�I ب¥O ،�^�� ،aBو aO�2. |�+¦�O

Pernicious MA������. و^� ·��¦ي ��¡،��Uiن ��9،" �ن ��9،��;�، +

Pernicious anaemia ��� 8O �´>@8 و­B12 a�7 ، و�C��;� �ت .�MA�����.= 8-�o א '�a�I µ8 وא��9 L אوא�H�. 8O �9ي، �ت.

Any erythrocyte disorder orociated with

defective vitamin B12 uptake Pernicious effect � ��;� א/� =.�����MA א1�4

Pernicious fever ���4 MA�����. ��+ �;��

Perosis n&9] .�-8، ���� +'�وت .��و

Per oxidation 7� 0�29:�. يH'+ a@�29:)N�) (

Peroxide 0�-�29:�. @�29:� N

Peroxy 829:�. و��� �O a@�29:

Perpendicular �;9 � 0'�.�. ،وe& ،�yد، א����د، (��دي، () ��D �9.��ي d^و

Perpetual N-�`�.�. 8�אH� ،8� �H& ،Ni$2א+���، دא-

Persistant �'<2&�. Ni$2� ،S-�� ،�$ .H�-�. ،�1א�، O>�دא�، .

Perspirable Nw�-�>&�. �Z�O ��l. ،©-? ��1� ��l.

Perspiration 7� �-�>&�. . ،�'�2. ،ق�) ،��l)8O نH+ ( 8Oא��א��o�. a}א ��l. ،

Peroxy Ph Stress

218 Dictionary Of Haematology

Perspirative �< �-�>&�. 2.��o: �''،GH ��l. GH'�o: Perispiratore �< ��-�>&�. : ��l. GH'�o

Perispiratory ق :و�، .�&<�-� >�ي�) GH'�o: ��l.

Perispiratory organs �-�>&�.� M'��: א >�ي��) GH'�o: ��l.

Perspire ��-�>&�. a-א��l. ،�v9 ق�) ،���Z��l. ،aO��l.

Pest �، ،��1�­�B��NK4 ،¡ אG�O، و+���wت:2�. ،|4� ��ي و+�، B`�، و+�ل، �q-�ن، و+�-8 +�

Pesticide 0�-�2�<2�.= دوא GH' ��� و+��9، و+�-�ن ،¡��

Petechiae 8�`�.= ن��� �O א �ت^�O 8Qi� ن &'�^א�m� ي�^�} Small purple haemorrhage spots on

the skin or mucus membrane

Petri ي�<�. �m. ،a�. ،��;+ ،�1C

Petridish 8، +;��ي ��9 .�>�ي 6ش�D�I ،8w� �2ي، �Iن³

Ph Í 8 א. N��K� 8'��" ،H. | א� �p ،H. אبn�� A numerical value expressing acid ,

neutral or alkaline ( base) conditions of

a solution A PH of 7.0 is neutral, values

from o to 6.9 are acidic and values

from 7.1 to 14.0 are alkaline

Ph level ل��D Í 8 א. ÁQ& H. ��d ، ÁQ& | א��p

Ph meter �<�� Í 8 א. ���. H.��d ،���. H. | ��p)پ��א | )��& ، .�GH'd אو"א�

Ph range [' � Í א | .8 א��d HV ،| א��p HV

Ph reading b�0 � Í 8 .8 א�B^. H. | א��p ،bא� �O H. ��d

Ph Scale N�1&א Í 8 א.= . ��d ��������، ��pא | .��. H

Ph Stress �<&א Í 8 א.= M א��p| ³ د�W

Ph value ��; و Í ; .8 א�א | ��dخ�� H.��d ،c

Phacitis M<�-�2�4= S�} א� .�دي &�¬، د�د

Phacoid 0-�1�4 p ��;+ N1p [W ��2� ،��� ��;+ ،N1

Ph value Phenotype

219 Dictionary Of Haematology

Phage [�4 א�O ،GH'9 S$�/� س�� ،���� ،a-�d ،�9 S GH'9 S$� ،GH'9

Phagedena ���0�l�4 ��&�� ،S�" وH'� ،��&��

Phagedenic ���0�l�4 GH' ��Z ،ي��&�� ،��&�� ،GH' G�& ،GH'�-3O

Phagocyte ��-�&�l�4 ��� ��;� Any cell that is campable of engulfing and

destroying foreign particles such as bacteria

Phagocytisim مn<-�&�l�4= | ��� ��;�

Phagocytosis n2-�& �<�-�& �l�4 ���� S�/ي�א"�& A form of endocytosis. this important

body defense meclorism is the process

by which specialized cells engulf and

destroy foreign particles Pharmaceutic 4�C��&����= + 7-89��2 دوא. ،©;K$� دوא &�"ي ،©;K$� 7-دوא ،|+�=

Pharmaceutical N1�C��&����4 ©;K$� دوא-7 +�+|، دوא&�"، دوא، دوא &�"ي

Pharmacist �2A&����4 "�& دوא �B�� ،دوא&�"، .��2ي

Pharmacologist �2O?�9 ����4= د ،S�1V "�& دوא ،��Q) ،S;) �O 5وא &�"ي دوא �4وش ،دوא &�"

Pharmacology 8O?�9 ����4 7-74 دوא &�"ي، دوא ، S;) �O 5دوא &�"ي S;) ©;K$�

Pharmacy 82����4 ي��Q) ،دو�9ن،دوא����،دوא&�"ي �O دوא&�"ي

Pharyngeal N�A@���4 ©;K$� 5ي، �^ي^� ،�;�

Pharyngitis ��4M<-�@� O 58 &�"ش، �^ي;Z8 8 ���شO 8;Z ،¬�&

Pharynx �4M1�� ي^� ، ���^� ،©;� ،�¯�y ن��m� �O 5ي^�

Phase n�4 | � ،|D�V ،ت��R ،N1p،6ول،|�AB،دو�،�;V��

Phenomenon '�ن���4'� ���B|، א�$�، (3�ل، �Rא ،Ä ] %�@) ��'� 8��H�

Phenomenon Natural ن ��`�ل�����ل �4'��R8 א��Q4 ،Ä ] 8��H� ،�B��� 8��Q4

Phenotype �C�'�4��- ] Ä و Ä )Wن�� �B (����� 8���Kwq ، (

220 Dictionary Of Haematology

�B�x |�AB 7 �B�Wي [ ��³The out ward or physical expression of

an inherited characteristic Phenotypic �>C�'�4= Ä ] 7 �B�W Ä ] ،Ä و Ä ] ،©;K$� Ä و

Phenotypic selection �>C�'�47�1�;&

�1p 8;8 ��ع {��0، �2;8 {��0��Kwq ، 0��} 8����

Phenotypical N1�>C�'�4= 8 دא����� 8���Kwq ،GH' ] ³�� ] ن� �B�W

Pheromones n���دو ��4و��دא� �wp�� ،��t دو��دא� �wp��)L��4 (

Phial N�A�4 8�l�� ، 8��p N� �'vي +�


chromosomes د ;�� 3�4


The philadelphia chromos ome (phi) is

translocation involving chromosmse 22 and

9. this translocation is present in the

precursors and mega karyocytes of patients

with chronic myelogenous leukaemia

Phlebion ن��w�;4 ن� �p ،�� ،M� ،%U) ،|'�

Phlebitis M<�w�;4= "�& 8O M� ¬�& M� ،ش

Phlebolite ��-?�w�;4 . M��m. 7} M� ، ي�m ي

Phlebolith {D�w�;4 )L M� ( ي"�&�m. ،ي"�&^.

Phleborrhagia ��@ ��w�;4 وא�و �ت א��אج M�=

Phlebosclerosis n& א&1;��و�w�;4= 8$& M�

Phlebotomist �2� �C�w�;4 אح�O M� ،��9�$��

Phlebotomous fever ��C�w�;4M���4 ��+ Ä� | ���+ Ä� وא�ي� ،

Phlebotomy 8� �C�w�;4 8Vא�O M� ،8Vא�O ،��9ي�$��

The collection of venous blood or

veripuncure Phonal N��4 |+�+ "8، :وא"ي، :وא�����R ،8��R

Phonation 7����4 يH'+ "وא" ��9ي، :وא:

Phone ن �4ن��;�C ،"وא:

Phonetic �<���4 8��R ، وא"ي: ،©;K$� "وא:

Phonetics M1<���4 "وא: S;) ،ت����R S;) ،©;K$� "وא:

Phenotypic Photic zone

221 Dictionary Of Haematology

Phonic ���4 ©;K$� "8 :وא"ي، :وא��R ،

Phonics M1��4 "وא: S;)

Phore ��4 GH'd� ،دא��+ ،GH'�;�O

Phot E�4 8'pو� ،�+����ب،

Photalgia ��@�D�C�4 58'pو� ��& �O

Photic �C�4= ي�و��� ،n�� ��� ،8'pو� ،GH'8 و�'p �>� ،

Photic zone ون" �C�4 وnO ي��� ،�¯�y GH'8 و�'pو�

Photo cell N�& �C�4 ���� 8��+ )8-�'p8 ���� ) �و'pو�

Photosynthesis n22�m'&�C�4 %�9�� 8-�'p�9%، �و�� 8)�Kp 8'pو� ، N�) 8-���9 8K �¦

Photochrome �9 �C�4مو b�� 8'pو�

Photogene O�C�4=�7 אH�. 8'pو�GH'9 n�� 8'pכ،�و����8 'pو�،

Photogenic �'�O�C�4 GH'9 אH�. 8'p8 ���، �و'pو�

Photograph א��� �C�4 �C�4 ، ،8'pو� ،M1)

Photolysis n2�-?�C�4 8&�1) 8'p8، �وp�. 8'pو� ،H�t �O �8'pو�

Photolytic �<�-? �C�4 H�t 8'pو�=

Photometric כ�<�� �C�4 8-���. 8'pو�=

Photometry ي�<�� �C�4 8-���. 7pو�

Photon ن�C�4 'pو�و�و�� 8'p8، �و'pو، �و�¦ �O 8= A basic unit of radiation

Phren 7 �4 8;�O �1�8 .�دو، .�&=

Phrenalgia ��@D�' �4= ،��& �O 8m� ��& 8;�O ��.=

Phrenesia ��2�' �4 م�&�&

Phrenesiac �4 '���2כ &= ©;K$� م�&�

Phrenesis n2�' �4 ن�'O ،א�8، &�دא���8، ��&�&

Phrenetic �<�' �4 N;� 8j��3-� ، دZ�. ،8��&�&

Phrenic �<-�' �4 |+�+ 8 .�دي�1p

Photo cell Phyllogenetic

222 Dictionary Of Haematology

Phren 7 �4 p 8;�O �1�8 .�دو، .�=

Phrenalgia ��@D�' �4 ��& 8;�O ��. ،��&�O 8m�

Phrenesia ��2�' �4 م�&�&

Phrenesia ��2�' �4 ©;K$� م�&�&

Phrenesis n2�' �4 ن�'O ،8، &�دא���&�&

Phrenetic �<�' �4= N;� 8j��3-�، دZ�. ،8��&�&

Phrenic �' �4 8 .�دي�1p

Phrenitic �<-�' �4 �& غ��غ، د��غ، &�&�م د�د د��د N;� ،ش"

Phrenology 8O?�' �4 غ��د S;)

Phyle N�-�4 א�H��� ،�;�w� ،N2� ، ت��ع��

Phyla 3-�4 א�H��� ،�;�wت���

Phyllogenesis n2�'�O�;�-�4 2;��ت� ،�i� �2;8 א�

Phyllogenetic �<�'�O �;�-�4 �2; 8-�i� =8 א�

Phylogeny 8'�O �;�-�4 2;8 &�א��� ، Á2; 8

Physiatrics M�9�C� n4= 8 (3جwq

Physic כn4 |�1V ،ت��Kwq،3ج) ، |+�wq ،دوא ،%q=

Physical causes ""�9 N1 n4 8Kwq ،���9 8Kwq

Physical change ['�} N1 n4 8; Hw� 8Kwq

Physical energy 8Oא�� N1 n4= 8-א���� 8Kwq Physical method 0m�� N1 n4 N�) 8�H+ ،�i �q 8Kwq ،N�) 8Kwq

Physical test �2�C N1 n4 �-��": 8Kwq ،8 {�1س�H+

Physician 7� n4 [D�K� ،S�1V ،² و ،%�wq ،س�'p |�wKq

Physicist �2�1 n4 ت دאن��Kwq ،�B�� 8Kwq S;) ،8 دאنKwq S;)

Physico chemical N1���9 �1 n4 ����9 8Kwq ،8-����9 8�H+= 8-

Physics M9n4 8Kwq S;) ،� ود %q ،M9n4 ،ت��Kwq S;)

Physiogeny 8'�O� n4 N�) 8Kwq ،N�) 8-�i� =א�

Physio � n4 8Kwq ،µwq ، ت�Q4 ،ي�Q4

Phylogeny Physiologyical drough

223 Dictionary Of Haematology

Physiochemical N1���9� n4 8-����9 8Kwq

Physiogen 7O� n4 دو��8 Kwq ،כ���8 Kwq ،M'O 8Kwq

Physiogenic '�O� n4� 8 ���تD�V�� ،M'O 8Kwq

Physiogenic disease n "6 �'�O� n4 ¡�� 8D�V�� ،ي����+ 82'O 8Kwq

Physiography 84א��� n4 |�AB S;) ،S;) 8Kwq ،84א���O 8Kwq א�¡، (;S א����ت

Physiologic �O?� n4 8Kwq ،8�H+ ،8�� ��)

Physiologyical N1�O?� n4 8;�)،8���K�wq،ي�Q4 8�� ��) ،8Kwq،8�H+

Physioilogical age [ א N1�O?� n4 ��) 8;�) ،��) 8Kwq ،���T 8�� ��)

Physiological anatomy N1�O?� n48��C�' א=

Á ��� 8�H+ ،8Vא�O 8;�) ،Á ��� 8�� ��)


apparatus M< �> א N1�O?� n4= 8 אو"אVא�O 8� �+�O 8�Hא8V :?ت، (�� �


characteristics N1�O?� n4

M1<&��9 1>� א= ���R�U� 8ت � ��)


differentiation N1�O?� n4

7��A<��46 © �� 8�� ��)

Physiologyical drough �6و� N1�O?� n4 ،81�� 8�H+ ،8D�& ��� 8��Q4�8 &��9^و � ��)

Physiological function n47�1'4 N1�O?� N�) 8Kwq

Physiological gradient N1�O?� n4�'�-0 ��

،�G�} �? 8;�+�p 8�Hح، �p 8Kwqح، (��p 8ح � ��)

Physiological heat ��B N1�O?� n4 8��� 8�� ��)

Physiological maturity N1�O?� n48< ��`��

|j�;+ 8Kwq ،|j�;+ 8�� ��)

Physiological process n&א�. N1�O?� n4 N�) 8�H+ ،N�) 8Kwq ،�i �q 8Kwq

Physiological race M � N1�O?� n4 N2� 8Kwq ،N2� 8;�)

Physiological saline N1�O?� n4 8� 8Kwq 9;�א��، 8Kwq :ب ��pو، (�� �

Physiological function Pilet project

224 Dictionary Of Haematology

7�-3�& Physiological salt �D�& N1�O?� n4 ��D 8;�) ،��D 8Kwq

Physiologist �2O?� n4 ،�o�T �O نH+ N�) ،�B�� �O ت��Kwq N�) (�� �ت دאن

Physiology 8O?� n4 ،8Kwq S;)،µwq S;) ت� ��) S;) ،نH+ S;)

Physiology animal N� =(;S (�� �ت ��Vאن =8O?� n4 א '�

Physiotherapy 8.א�I� n4 8 (3ج�D�� ،8 (3جKwq ،-� (3ج��8 ��Kwq

Physiothermal N��I� n4 א�ت�V 8Kwq،8��� 8�H+،©;K$� 8��� 8���2O

Physique � n4 ���+ 8�H+ ،%�9�� 8���2O= = ،8C�B ،2���8 +'�وت O

Pia mater �<�� ��.= The inner most of the three meninges

covering the brain and spinal card Pickle N1A.= �o�Iא،��}:،�oאe��&،��<d �e'& ،aB�� ��}:،8�<}،

Pie 5�. ��wא� ،�± ،{&

Piece M�.= H���. ،�UV ،و�$Z ،�¯�y ،�1وC ،�����،G�O=

Pierce س�A�. �v9 b'C،��$9 ، ش�O � �/א، awC

Pigment �'��lA. b�� ،دو��7 �l�� ،¶�. ،ت�� ،b�� ،7jو�

Pigment cell N�& �'��lA. ��;� b�� ،وG��� b��

Pigmentation 7��<'��lA.= د b��a�� b�� ،يH'+ b�� ،א�ي

Pile N-�. G�d ،��wא� ،� ± ،�±،��;I ،am�

Piles M;-�. �9�� ،��&�9، +�א��

Pill N.= %V ،81، ���يC ،8D�� ، 8 ���يOدوא=

Pilot ��": ، 8���B ،�wB� ،8�-א+�"، ��O"�אن .�-;�+�@�

Pilet project و�. ��;-�.�1�O ¶� ��'B� ،�+�U'� 8�-��":

Pimple N>�.= 8BG�Z ،يG�� ،� ���B^و، �

Pine 7�-�. �O �+�'R ،א�'�س ،�+�'R د �ل ،N�} ،و�)S2� �O °�9 (

Pineal N�A'. 8qو��و8q وא!، ��

Pimple Pituita

225 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pineal body 6ي�+ N�A'. S2O 89�� ،S2O 8qو��

Pineal gland N�A'.)N�'-�. (0'�;� 'R ودHj ي�+�

Pint �'.= � �� �O °��o�.)א�Hi� 8o�. ( �'. ، �����.=

Pioneer �����-�. GH'9 و(�ت�p ،Ä� ،GH'�O��1، .� � و���+

Pionaemia ��� {�8W دא� �ت .� ���

Pipette gas .>MA� � �MA� ،8;� MA �^ي

Pipette rack .>� � � �;�d�d 8، �;8 אG��� 8;� ،�@'1pي

Pinoeytosis n&�<�-�&�'. �A�;� �O ح�q 7 دو�אن ��ص�O N�=אB^و ( .�Z 8d ��o^�9-8 و­G��� ��O= ( 7א(

A form of endocytosis. This is the process

in which specialized cells engulf fluids

Pipette stand 0'�<&א � �;G��� 8;� ،N�O 8ي =.<

Piping b'>. 9 ،��K� N�� و�n�

Pipette �>. d ��o�. ، �`D�� ،8، �^ي�&�} ��o�.� a 8;� 8O

Piquant ���A1A. n�� ،���=אp$�� :و�، =

Pirls MD�. אو�8 ��'0 �ن

Pisces n2�-�. ت�V ،ن����8، )+�ج( �� ،)����O 9;�7 وא�א (

Piss M.= �� ،�v9 ،ب���. ،a<� ،�; � ، ب���.= Pit �.= ،aC�d �d�W�d ،��;} ،و�} ،�d ،8-�d ،��d

Pit of small pox M9�. ل��& �: �. } �O ����l} ،cl�Ë'�& ،c

Pitch �.= n9�� ،8C�} ،8، .�، و�C��� ،�Oאوج، د�

Pith {.= ،YZ ،دو�� ،�$. ،�Z ،�B�O ،|& ،��& ،|�n�� ،Ä�

Pithing b'm.= ¥ي [و� !כ��89(! (

Pithy 8m. n�� �.،دא��Z،دא� YZ א�H�-�� ،�;�&� ،8-�$.

Pitting b'<. ;} ،aC�d و�d ،a�d ن��;}f´و�d 5? 581} ،a�d

226 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pituary 8 دא� .`�-�يD����j

Pituita �<-��<.)�<�-�`.( + ب�KD ، �O ،�+�� ،�I ،S�;

Pituitary ي�C��<. )ي�<�-�`.( GH'9 אH�. S�;+ ،GH'�B�� �+�� ،8� .�KDب دא�، +;�

Pleuripara ��> ���;. GH'��T ��W a��

Pleuristy 8<2 ���;. �&�& ،¬�& 8 .�ديO م �§^ن�&�O ،�

Pleuritist M< ���;. ¬�& 8O ن א-�7 .�دي &�¬، �§^ن^§�

Pleuro ي، &�'�، .�;� .;���و�&�. ،Í9

Pleuro tomy 8��C 8 .;���وVא�O 8 .�ديO ن^§�

Pleximeter �<���-n1�;. دم، دق ،�� ��ب .�

Plexitis M< n1�;.= ب�U)8 د�د، د�د א+�U)א=

Plexus M�-n1�;. %�9�� =�� ��T، א(�Uب،

Plexusgastric �� MA n1�;.2ب >�כ�U)ي אHK� ،ب�U)8 א�1p=

Plican �1�;.ن � ،GH'�o�t 71 وא�p 8T71، אوp c

PLT 8C N 8 א. ��;�<�;.

Platelet count ;�<�;.���-�9 ��(�ت L���Oد �;�7 ��;�<�;. (��Z 8O

PNH Í ي، .8 א 7 א�����م ��� ��� א{a وא�ي، �ت .��o-8 وא�ي +�� אB^ي +����ي 7B�9 7B�9 �1�O ��� א{8

Paroxy mall nocturnal haemoglobinuria.

rare, acquired chronic haemolytic


Plus M;.= � 8O G�O ،G�O ،8 وא!و���

Pnumato �<����� א�B ،دم ،��&

Pnumatosis n&�<����� ،א �و��B) 8O S2O ( ¡�� א�B L ي��)

Pnumo ����� دم ،a�d cB�& ،א�B

Pnumonia ��� �����)������( ��������ي( �§^ن 8O &�¬، �§^ن 8O &�"ش، ��+( Pnumonia acute E��9א �����א-�7 & ���^§� ،������ 8;Rא ¬�

Poitilocyte �$;� ��ن �;�� .�-�1;� &�-��

Poikilocytosis n&�<�-�&�;1�-�. @'� ت �و�، �ت��;� �;$nO 7BG�Z cن �

Pituitary Point circle

227 Dictionary Of Haematology

��. 8I אH�. 1;��نp �;$ �Oن �

Atterations or variations in the shape of


Poikilohydra � �0-�B�;1�-�. 8+: b�� �;$�� b��

Poikilothermal N��I�;1�-�. م ��ن�� �;$�

Point ���Qi، ���ن، &�و، �1�C، {�'%، ��כ، .�א-' �Oد� ��Wא ،�Qi� ،a1�C 8oو، {��8، אH�]

Point circle N9�& � �8Qi دא-�و .�א-'

Point freezing b�n �4 ��a د��O .�א-'T ،�Qi� دي�&

Point mutation 7��C��� ��Hw =.�א-'�Qi� �8; A change that effect a single base in DNA

Point of action 7�1 א �: ���Qi� �O N =.�א-')

Point of condensation �: �.�א-'0'9�2�7�

�Oد� ��C��� ،�Qi� �-�BG�Z ،�Qi� |4�r9

Point of suspension �: �.�א-'7�'�>2&

�Qi� a@l'C

Point of view '-و �.�א �: � ��� 8Qi�

Pointed 0<'-�1-�ن .�א�C ،�;�9�� ،8 دא�Qi� ،8 دא�oא�، אH9��

Pointer �<'-8 .�אA& 8O 5و، ��^ي��p8 אA& ،�<��9 ،��� 8�i�=

Points M<'-ن .�א��� ،�Qi� ،���Bא

Poikilotherm م�I�;1-�. م ��ن�� �;$�

Poise n�-�. א"ن��

Poison نn�-�. و�� ،cBو ،a ] �B" ،¡�� 8-�+ي، و�B"

Poisonous M�n�-و� .�א ،�; �B" ي�B" ،وא�و

Polar �D�. ي دא�^�t ،%Q� ،8wQ� ،א�H4�� Poles MD�. |2+وH'+ N�) © �q ،8;�) ،|�1V Polio ��D�. S2� �� �O [D�4 ��D�. ، )¡�� �O ن��W(

Point freezing Polycythmia

228 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pollute E��D�. ،F�;j ،وH'� ،�D�� ،אب��I ،F�;j ،���a، א.��l+ ،�^DG+ ،�l �^

Polluted 0C��D�. ،و ��אبH'� ،F�;j ،GH'9 F�;j ،GH'�-?H� Polluter �C��D�. GH'9 F�;j ،GH'�-?H� Pollution 7p��D�. ،a�I وH'� ،8�H'� ،|x3j ،8د��D: ،�?H�

a�I F�;j Polocyte ��-�&�D�. ��;� 8wQ� Poly 8D�. a�� ،دHK$��r�9 ،"אH8 א�+ ،���� ،��@�O ،


Poly acid 02-8 אD�.= ش�� ��r9 ،8+א n�� a�� Polyclinic �'�;9 8D�. م دא�) ،�����p א(�م א&<$�ل، (�م�D� ،�

�����p 8��� a�� Polycythmia ����m�-�& 8D�. אتG�¦ ن�� a�� Polychythmia vera و ���m�-�& 8D�.א� O ي����+ 7�'O S2� � L אnO א���& �O ت�

)S2� ( 7ن و!ي و­�d ��Z 8Oوא�

A blood dyscrasia in which the

erythrocytes leukocytes and

thromobocytes are all increased above


Polytechnique ��'1�C 8D�. ،�Hي و��'B a�� ،ي�'B a�� ،4'8 אدא�و a�� 74 a��

Polyuria 8D�.� �� ،8-���� 8O 8، .���ب+���. a��¦ M�Q+� Polychrest �2 �9 8D�. دوא GH'�-�<t ¡�� a�� Poly chromatic �<���9و �D�. b�� a�� ، b�� �l�� Polychromato philia .��;4�<��8 �9وD� b�� و^�O �;9 8 ���يd نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت�

ت [ 'B ،GH� א�Hא" N�;�� L ���ي ��G�¦ �O bא

Fine evenly distributed basophilic( blue)

granules that impart a blue color to

Wright stained erythrocytes

Polychythmia vera Polyp

229 Dictionary Of Haematology

Polychrome 8 �9ومD�. �´� �U� b���l�� ،b�� a Polychromy 8�8 �9وD�. 8l�� a�� ،8p�i� b���l�� Polydyspia 8D�.��>&6 س��. a�� ،њت אHp ،8-���� њא Polyemia ��� 8D�. 8-���� 8O ت� Polymer �� 8D�. 8w�9�� a�� ،وnO a�� و�¦ a�� Polymerase chain

reaction (PCR) n ���D�. 7�}

-��7�1 7��1�-� �O N� �´nO aي (

Method for synthetically amplifying known

DNA sequenees in vitro using many

cycles of denaturation and polymerization

with synthetic oli gonncleotide primer

extension employing tag polymerase Polymerization 7� n�-א��8 D�. N�) 8w�9�� a�� ،N� ��nO aي (Polymerize n�-א���8 D�. �9% &�"ي�� a�� Polymolecular �D��1�D�� 8D�. 8� ��a אG�¦ a�� ،8-�oא Polymorph ���� 8D�. 1p a�� ،وپ� a�� ،وپ� ��r9N Polymorphy 84��� 8D�. 8;1p a�� Polymorphic �4��� 8D�. 8.و� a�� ،8;1p a�� Polymorphism مn�4��� 8D�. 8;1p a�� ،|�;1p a�� Polyp ��D�. 8��O�� אن��V ،����O 8��O�� Poly phase n�4 8D�. 9 ،�;V�� a�� |�AB ��r Polyporaus 8 .��سD�. אخ��& a�� ،8 &�"يBG�Z 8 .�دي+�KD Polyposis n&�. 8D�. 8 �و�BG�Z a�� Polyps M>D�. S2O 8 دא�;� Polypus M. 8D�. 8��D ��&�9، +�א��8 ، ��&��، BG�Z 8+�KD Polysaccharide 0�-8 &��1אD�. � a�� ،وnO ��¨� a�� ��¨

A charbohydrate containing more mono


Polysacchroses n&8 &�1وD�. 0'd a�� ،%9�� 8;1p a�� Polysome 8 &�مD�. S2O a��

Poly phase Positivenes

230 Dictionary Of Haematology

Polytopic �.�C 8D�. 8��i� a�� Polytrophic �4و�C 8D�. 89א��� a�� 8-א¥j a�� ،و��V ��r9 Polytropic �.و�C 8D�. 8�� a�� ،84�q a�� Polytype ��-�C 8D�. ����� a�� ،پ�t a�� Polytypic �>C 8D�.= ت��R a�� Polyvalent ���a�� ،��$1p a�� ،|4�� a ��ت، ��8D�. a و ;'

GH'd� 82; و Polyzoa �-8 "وD�. 8א���V a�� ،8� ����V aא��Polyzoan 7-8 "وD�. �D�C 8א���V a�� Polyzoac �-8 "وD�. �V a�� א��ت� Porphyra 8 8-�9 .�� �4-�אBG�Z M'O ، 8-�9 8BG�Z Porphyrin ت .���4-�ن�w9�� �O س���4& � f��D Portal NC��. 8d^Z ،د�وא"و ،E�� ،�1ل�� Portal circulation 7��D��9�& NC��. 8 دو�وD�1�� Portal vein 7 و NC��. ،M� 8O 7�1+·)ي��O ( يG�� 8O Position 7� "�. |�rV ،ت��R ،|D�V ،���+ ،م�i� ،µو� Positional N'� "�. 8��i� ،8Kو� Positive �< "�. ��+ |wr� ،�1. ،و��. ،|wr� ،8;Rوא!و، א Positive charge ج��} �< "�. ��+ |wr� ،��+ وא!و Positive science M'-�& ��< "�. M'-�& |wr� ،S;) 8i�iV Positve sign 7-�& �< "�. |�3) |wr� Positive tropism مn.و�C ��< "�. 8�� |wr� ،כ��� Positivenes M���< "�. |�;Rא ،|���w/א Posology �.&8O?� S;) �O א�Hi� 8، دوא�� � S;) Post �&�. 89�} ،8o�I ،�w'I ،ل�>C ، ن ، .¨��ن� �. Post haemorrhage [ ����B �&�. ��B ت� HK+ ن� �O ،HK+ Postmortem SC��� �&�. HK+ ت�� a&�>� ?ش �O��K-'�، ��ت +HK {�1س ،

Posology Potentiality

231 Dictionary Of Haematology

Postnatal N<�� �&�. HK+ و?دت Post nuptial N<�.��� �&�. HK+ دي�p Post partum SC��. �&�. HK+ N�V Post puberty 8C�+��. �&�. HK+ |j�;+ Postal vein 7 و N<&�. -�. M� 7 و[ي� Post cardinal N' 6��9 �&�. �Qi� SBن א��¨. Post cecal N1�& � .¨��ن و[و :�0و، .¨��ن א�eو :�0و .�&Post central ل�<'�& � .¨��ن ��n9ي .�&Poster �<&�. �<&�. ���$pא ،���$pد �א�ي א Posterior �A ��<&�. ن، .¨��ن�Cن، :��ي .�ل و� �. Posteriorily ي�A ��<&�. 8، אو?د، .¨��ن، .� �نB^�. Postulate ��D�`&�. ���� ،ل، ���س�Rع، א���� Postulation 7��D�`&�. 8-س :�א��� Posture �`&�. µو� ،b�± ،א"، و ��8، و ����، �خHא�،|D�V Potence M'�C�. l& ،|��q يn����א��-8، ،c Potency 82'�C�. l& ،ت��،c�/ي، אn�� ،NW ،8$1p ،|��q Potent �'�C�. �$-و، א/�א���l& ،�/א n�� ،��$��q ،و�:و�، ��ي" Potential NA��'�C�. l& ،ت��f´|��q ،8 ��ت� ، Potential diffusion 7p��46 N�A��'C�. l& ³3�� ،ي ��ت¦�iD c Potential discharge 6&@��ج N�A��'C�. ت، א��אج�� Potential electron 1>�אن�Dא N�A�'�C�. 8 ��ت��+ Potential function 7�1'4 N�A�'�<C�. N� ��ت (Potential gradient �'�-0 �� N�A�'�C�. ح�p 8��1�ح، א�p ح، ��ت�p 8�= Potential growth ¶و�� N�A�'�C�. !ح وא�p 8� Potential

thermodynamic 6���I NA��'C�.

��א-'� �>���9�8 ��ت، �V

Potential valancy 82'; و N�A�'�C�. |4�� 8��1�א

232 Dictionary Of Haematology

Potentiality 8<;�A�'�C�. l& ،�1ن، ��ت�א ،|�V3R ،8 ��ت� ،c��א��-8 ،8$1p

Potion 7p�. אכ دوא��� ،|+�p ،دوא، دא�ون، .>^ي دوא، (�ق Pound 0��-�. 0��-�. ،��&!و"ن א Pounded �.0��-6 8-�9ت א�� Pour �Ë. ��y ،a� ?aB، אوPouring b���. aB? ،אوت ،��y ،a�Oو Powder �6�-�. وH�� ،��& ،و�Ë} ،��t ،و��W ،81� ،כ�� Powdery و .�-��6ي�Ëy ،89�� ،N¨�. ،�o�y ،ي��W ،84�& Power و��. l& ،1$8، ��تp ،|��qf´ ³، "و��W8، د;@+ ،NW ، Practicable Nw א �8 =.� 1>�;�) ،�Z�O S9 8;�) ،� ¥. N�) ،N�) N+�� Practical N1�<1 �. 8D��K$&8 א��+�@� ، 8;�) ،8i�� ،و �O S9 ،����9 Practical application N1�<1 �.

א <;�7��1��ل K$&8 א;�)=

Practical institution N1�<1 �.=7p��<�<2א�=

�;8 אدא�و )

Practical journal N��O N1�<1 �. 8 9$�ب��+�@��;8 9$�ب ، ) Practical limits M<�D N1�<1 �. ،ونHV 8;��;HV 8ود، () Practical nanual N-�'�� N1�<1 �. 8 9$�+^و;�) Practical preparation N1�<1 �.

7� ��> �. ����ي 8;�)

Practical skill N1�<1 �.N1&א=

8;�) |�1V=

Practical technique N1�<1 �.��'1�C

�i �q 8;�)

Practical units M<�� N�<1 �. 8 א�9 �ن;�)= Practical value ��; و N1<�1 �. ح�p 8;�) ،|��B8 א;�)

Potion Practioner medical

233 Dictionary Of Haematology

Practical work و�כ N1<�1 �. S9 8;�) Practice M1<�1 �. N� �وאج، ��©، א��yس، د&$��، (Practice medical M1<�1 �.

N1 0�� |+�wq 8;�) ،|+�wq ،|�1V

Practice of physic �: M1�<1 �.� n4

8w�wq ،|+�wq

Parctioiner �'�1 �. ����. ، GH'9 وe�! ،وe�! |+�wq Practioner medical N1 H�� �'�1 �. S�1V،%�wq ،S�1V ����. Practice M1<1 �. B،a-א��B ،�����& ،���� ] N�) ��� Praxis n2A1 �. ل��K$&א ،N� ��©، ��rل، �وאج، (Pre א-8 .�يH$+ن، א�، א��Zن، .�� �-�7، א� ��. Pre face M�4 ي�. ���� ،�}�w د Precaution 7p�9 دא�ي .�ي�w� ،Ï��$Vא�כ، אH� ،7$O ، ��.א= Proceeding �.وb�0�& ن، .�� �ن��Zא ،N H'� Preceptor �<>�2 �. א�H�@� �K;�م، &Precipitaled 0<�<>�2 �. دא� ��t،8+�q�� ،8+�&� ،�D: Precipitate � :?�، א��t�t، �&�ب، S�� ��t، +�&�ت .�&�<>�Precipitating b'<�<�>�2 �. دא�، �&�ب دא� ��t Prediction 7�90 �. 8� H8، دو� א�-�l'��.،�I�9،א"وH8،א�m1Zא Predictors 90 �.س�< � Hدو� א� ،GH'9 8m1Zא Predispose "�>& 0 �. a�/ N-�� ،a�I %jא� ،a�Oא/� و Predisposing b�"�>&0 �. GH'�I N-�� ،GH'�Oא/� و Predisposition 7� "�>&0 �. ،Áwq ،��9ل��O N�� ،وG? ،|wj Predisociation &0 �.�7��A�& 8-אHO Eא�Zא Predominance M''��ي، "و�، .� 0א�� �w;j، &�&8، "و� :و�ي، و[א-� +�Predominant � "و� :و�، D�j%، &�س ، +��، ���4| .� 0 א��''Pregnancy 82'�'��. يn���" ،�-�B��Z ، وא�ي H��א ،��. ،N�V

Practice Preservation

234 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pregnant ����B��Z ،a�I Nي .��''V . وא�ي H��א Pre mature ��`��$�، و�| .� .��j ،�$ن א� 9`�، +8 و��d

.`a، א!و�و Prenatal N<�' �. �-אH�. Nw� ،�-אH�. Eא�Zא Prenatal care �A�9 N<�' �. א-� &'\�لH�. Nw� Preparation 7� ��> �. '+�B�w��& ،ي����� Hو+2|، &���ن، �2Prepare �A�> �. aB�w'& ،��\'& ،ي���� ،aB�� Prescribe %�-�12א �. i� دوא ،a ] | אHB a-אeW دوא ،a�D �2� ، ��9 �� Prescribed �12 �.0w�-א �2� ،n �@� HBא |، Prescription .�12 �.7� 3ج) ،� دوא د��HB ،Nא |، �2Prescriptive �<.�12 �. [-א� �oא�. S H�،8Oא-]، �وא� Presentation 7��<�n �. �1��. ،ي��� ] ،���� Preservation 7pوn �. ³�`+ ،�v��& ،8Dא�d� ،v��& ،ل�\'& ،F�� ،

|x�V ،Ñ��� N�) Preservative �< وn �. دوא GH'9 |x�V،א�e'& F4���،אل�d� ،GH'�-�`+ Preserve و�n �. a\��& ،�v��& ،�e'& ،a-�`+ ،ad� Ñ��� Press M �. ،8 ، "و�، ددא��.�t ، a-�Wد ،aWدא ،GH' ] א�

�@'1pא ،G�`� Pressing b'2 �. ،³، دد��Wي، دH'+ א�، دא� Pressure �.�� � ^�y ،��+ ،��� �t ،�/ت א�� Pressure absolute E��D�2w دא� .� ��א ©;Q� Pressure blood 0;+�� �. دא� �O ³، �ت�Wن د�� Pressure high 5�B �� �. ³�Wد�، دא�، אو{� د� " Pressure low �D�� �. د ��� ³�W Pressure normal N������ �. ) ،³�W8 دKwqم دא�� Pressure partial Np��.�� �. ³�Wوي دnO Pressure point � دא� ��Qi .� �� .�א-'

Preservative Primigravid

235 Dictionary Of Haematology

Presystolic �D�<22 �. دل &�س Nw� Prevent ��� �. ،a9و� ،N�O ،³�`+ وכ� ،a ] |x�V ،a;�O

a-�`+ Preventor �<' � �. GH'�-�`+ ،GH'�9و� Preventing b'<' � �. N�O ،وכ� ،a9و� ،a;. ،a;�ON. Prevention 7���� �. ،وכ� ،a;�O ،a9و� ،a-�`+ ،א�כ، د�4عH�

F�� ،³�`+ ،N�O Preventive �<' � �. ³�.3ج، א) ،µ48، دא$x�V ،8)�4د Preventive measures سnA���<��� �. ³�.א �O ³�`+ �i �q 8$K4אH� ،³�.8$ אq�V، Preventive medicine 72 0���<��� �. ي �وכ دوא����+ Preventive resistance M'<&"��<' � �. 8 �و�9وت، د�4(8 �وכ$x�V Preventive treatment �'�� �C �<' � �. 8 (3ج$x�V Previous MA � �. � ��. ، N �¥� ،�1o�Zא ،�o�Zن، א��Zن א Price M-א� .�א ،��+ ،|�� am9 ،c�c;، ��خ، �Primal N� א+$Hא-8، אول، אR;8، +'��دي .�א-�Primary ي�� ، +'��دي fא+$Hא-8، אوא-;S H� ،8، .�� �ن، אR;8، ��� .�א-Primary cell N�& ي�� א+$Hא-�p ،��;� 8و(��8 ���� .�א-Prime S-.�א ���אول،،NRوع،א�pf-אH$+7 ، א �O ،8א��O ،8 Primer �� א+$Hא-�U� 8ب، א+$Hא-�D�&� 8 .�א-Primigravid 8 �� .�ي�دא� = �6 N�V 8-אH$+دא�، א N�V אول Primipara 8 .��א .�ي�ت (��ت � ��. ، GH' ] ��W ن� ��. Primi parous س�A. دي، .�� �ت��وא�ي a ] ��W ن� ��. Primitive �<�� �. ،�9�;Rא ،����O ،S H� ،8;-ي، אوא�Q4

א�p ،�C�Z: ،�o�Zو(��8، א+$Hא-8 Primogenial N-�'�O ي�� אR;8، .�� �ن، אول .�א-Primogenitor N'�O�� وא�«، و[و وא�« f��� -�>� .�א-�Primordia � 6��� ، אNR +'��دي אR;8، אول، א+$Hא-8 .�א-�

Primipara Printed form

236 Dictionary Of Haematology

Primordial N�-د��� Hא-8 وא! �;�� وא!و �y¯�، א+$ .�א-�Primordial atoms S<-א N�-6��� א�B�O 8;R، א+$Hא-G�¦ 8אت .�א-Primordial cell N�& N�-6��� א+$Hא-8 وא! �;��، אG��� 8;Rو .�א-�Primordial matter �<�� N�-6��� אوא-;8 ��אد ، א+$Hא-8 ��دو .�א-�Primordial protoplasm N�-6���.�א-�

�.C3"م.� Rدو א��ت ��V 8-אH$+دو، אوא-;8 א����O 8;

Primordial strand 0' �<&א N�-6��� א+$Hא-D 8^� .�א-�Primordium 6م��� אوא-;8 وא!�UV G، א+$Hא-8 وא! �y¯� .�א-�Principal N>�2��. ��� ،NRو[و، ��ص، אf Principal component 2��.�>�����>���nO 8w�9و، ���nO cو ل 9 8;Rא Principal disease n "6 N>�2��. ���f ي����+ 8;Rא ،¡�� Principal value ��; و N>�2��. ���f;� ص�� ،|��� NRא ،|��� c Principle N>�2��. |� �$�، ��ل، א�U') ،NR، א�Rل، ��(Hو، +'��د، Principle of

acceleration �: N>�2��. א �21;� �7

א�Rل ��nي

Principal of energy �: N>�2��. 8Oא��-8 =א���� א�Rل Principle of life ��-? �: N>�2��. ت��V ل�Rא Principal of medicine 72 0�� �: N>�2��. ل (3ج�Rא Principal of probability .�: N>�2��

8<;ww-و�. א�Rل، א��1ن

Principal of

segregation N>�2��.: �

l�&�7��l (;��8�H، א�Rل HOא-8 א�Rل

Print ���. � �U� ،�i� ، پ�t ،S9 �O 8-�>t ،a>� ،��i� Printed 0<��. N�>t ،אد�� N�>t Printed copy 8.�9 0<��. 8.�9 N>t Printed form 0 ��4م<��. ����� N�>t Printed matter �<�� 0<��. אد�� N�>t

Printed matter Progress

237 Dictionary Of Haematology

Printer �<��. ،GH'�.�t ،GH'�>� אو"א� �O a.�t Prior ��-8 .�אZن، אول، .�� �ن א��Zא ،�o�Zא Priority 8C�-א�. |�D��1، אو�;y ،Á�O�� Private E��-8، �]، ��ص .�א� (�م �وא8l��� ،8O، �@8، ¦אPro و�. v'� ،א� Probability 8<�;ww-���1ت، .�א�א S;)=��'�� ، (;S א��1نProbable Nw�+�1 .�א�8 א'��� ،8� Probe وب�. a}�O �� ،8Vא�O ،س�>�{�1س، א�$��ن،

�O אو"א� Problem S;+א�. �;A2� 8;� �A2;�، &�אل، (Procedure �@�&و�. �،�Q+� ،����� ،��9 8i �q ،8-��9وא

b�±�$p�& ،�i �q ،. Proceeding b�0�&و�. N� ¥���9א�ي، ��9وא-8، .��وي، (Process �.و&�M وא ،N�) ،�i �q ،%�9�� ،��9 8i �q ،E

����� ،S9 ،8-��9وא Production 7�96وא� .�אH�. ،א-� ، א @�دH�. Productive �<968 وא�و،. .�אK� ،n���" ،GH' ] אوא�H� �$-�.א Productivity 8C�<96א�. |�V3R وא�ي H�. ،H�D�� .�Hאوא�ي، ��ت Products M<96ت ، א��4 .�א�)�'U� א وא�H�. 8 Proenzyme S-אn' وא�. ������כ ���j ،���� 8� �pو(�Profile N-�4و�. ��i� ،�9�� ،�`א�± Profuse "��4م ���� .�و��� ،���� ،��@�O ،��r9 ،د�� " Progenerate � �'Oא� .�و aT ،Eא�Zא-� אH�. ،א� ST Progenitor �<�-�'�Oא+� [א[و، و[و وא .�و ،�� ، א+� «�«، �S'O�Ë دאProgenitorial N�-��<-�'�O8 .�و/�Ë� ،�o�+א Progeniture �`�-�'�O8 .�وB^�. ،N2� ،אو?د Progeny 8'�Oאن ، :ل، .���� .�وH��� ،a+ 8B^�. ،אو?د ،N2�·

238 Dictionary Of Haematology

Prognosis &�'و��.=M 8O ¡�� ، ���.��7 ��-8 ، א8m1Z، א� .���� ،) 8O ¡�� ( �o��& Eא�Zא

Prognostic &�'و��.<� ،�o��& ¡�� Eא�Z|، ���ن، :/��، א�3) ��& ،���Bא Eא�Zא

Progress M 8 &;2;�، א���4، وא!א�و، وא!، אو&� .�و����� ، a}وא! א Project �1�Oא�. ،n �@� ،�+�U'� ،�9�� ،��i� ،¶� ،�I�

aI� �+�U'� ،�+�@� Projection 7�1�Oو�. ����U � و!א³ ، � �-��� ،8�- Prokaryotes MC��-א .�و�9אG��� ��A�& �;+ Prolapse M>�D�1ل .�و�� ،Ï�i& a�D ،a9�& ،a<B ،وج�� Proleucocyte ��-�&�1�Dو�. ��;� H�& Nw� Proliferate � H;Oي �'�0، ��ت .�^aO و�ي و�ي و!� .�و?-�� Proliferation 7� ��-?א-� ، �'�0، . .�وH�. ،!ت وא�� ،az& ، �!و ، �^�

��H�. ��W ،H�Dא ��9 Proliferins ���-?و�.M� W ،GH�!ت و��`n�� 8 Prolification 7��1��-?و�. a@;�� ،�!وא!، &�¬، .��^، .�^�، و ،az& Prolong b�?و�. a�l' ���6^� ، א ،a-��l' و!� ، א Prolonged 0l�?و�. ، N �q ،N�9 ���6 ،N !و N��l' א Prominent ��� �ن، �����f.��و، �B�x، ��� .�و��''� ، Promote E��و� .�و" ،a ] �4א�� ،a ] و��ت��- a-و!א ،a Promoter �C��و�. ��y8، א;� �Hد���، و!א-�'GH، ���כ ، ���כ (Prompt ��1^و، ���כ، "و�دא� .�א� ،n�� ،H;O ،|2} Prompter �א�.�< � ،GH'9 n�� ��כ Prone نÌ�. %jא� ،�y 7�'� ،وeאو� ،N-�� ،N�1�O Pronuclei 5��;9א .�و���Gn9�� 8-אH$+א، אGn9�� 8� �pو(�Pronucleus MA�;9و����. ،n9�� 8-אH$+א n9�� يG��� S� Proof ت، .�� .�و��w/ ،N�D8، د$+�/ ،�-��": ،�+�@� �وכ،

Project Propose

239 Dictionary Of Haematology

Propagate ��l�.و�. ،ad�.، a-3�� a-�.א ،a�T ،a-و!א Propagation 7��l�.وא!، ��³3 .�و ،^��. ،H�D�� و?دت، Property 8C�.;�1| .�א�אد، H�-�O ،|�D�� ،�R8، و+�� ،|�R�� ،|;U� Prophase n�4و�. |D�V 8� א+$Hא- 8���p ،�;Vو(�Prophylactic �<�;�-�4وכ دوא .�و� ¡�� ،¡�� F4��� ،وכ دوא� ¡�� Prophylaxis n2�1�;�-�4ي �وכ (3ج .�و����+ ،Ï��$Vא Eא�Zא Proplastid 0<&3.دو .�و����O 8-אH$+دو ، א��ت ��V Eא�Zא. Proportion 7p��.א&�ي، .�و�&،%&�'� ?w2� ،�.�Z| א�Hא"و، �Hiא�، Proportional �.و�.�N'p 8$w2� ، %&�'� ،�+א&�ي ، +�א�& Proportionality 8.�و<;'p�. 8$ +�א+�يw2� Propose "�.و�. �+�U'� ،¶� ،n �@� ،� ��� Protease nA�Cت .�ش .�و����D Protect �1�Cو�. ���Ñ 8Dא�d� ،|x�V a ] Eאو ،a-�`+ ،ad� Protection 7�1�Cو�. ،�B³، وא�`+ ،|x�V ��F�'. ،� ،��Oא ،Eאو ،

a ] F�� Protective �<1�Cو�. -�`+ F4��� ، 8$x�V ،GH'� Protein 7�C7 .�و�Cت، .�و����D ،nO 8-א¥j Protein deficiency 7�C82.�و'A��� 6 8����ت 9�D Protein synthesis n2�m'�& 7�C�9% .�و�����ت �D Proteinic �'�C8 .�و�����D Proteinogenous MA'�O�'�Cو�. GH'9 אH�. ت����D Proteinous .MA'�Cي �و^�O 8�����D ، 8�����D ،א¥j 8�����D Proteolysis n2�-?��C8، .�و�����D ، N�;�� 8�����D ،8p�. ت����D

8��B)N�)( Proteolytic �<�-?��C8 .�ش .�و�����D 8p�. ���� 8�����D ، N�;�� 8�����D ، Proteolytic ferments M<'���4 �<-?��Cو�. ������ت .�ش ��D Proteose "Ë�Cت دא� .�و����D

Protease Provitamin

240 Dictionary Of Haematology

Proteus MA�Cو .�و^��$�O 8-אH$+א Protista �<2Cא� .�وH��O 7�Dא�،אوH��O 8-��;� �B ،א�H��O אG��� �B Proto �Cو�. ���f 8� ، אوא-;S H� ،8، .�� �ن، א+$Hא-�p 8و(�Proton ن�Cن .�و�Cو�.)�O S< و، :+8 ¦�و ) אG�¦ يn9�� Protoplasm 3"م. �Cدو .�و��8 ���V ،دو���m. ،دو�� ��O Protoplasm granular �D��' �� 3"م.�Cدو .�و�� ��O 8 دא�oא-8 دאH$+א Protoplasm primordial 3"م.�Cو�. N�-6��� א+$Hא-8 وא! �;��O 8A ��دو .�א-Protoplasmatic �<��"3. �Cدوي .�و�� ��O ،دي دא���א-8 H$+א Protoplasmic ��"3.�Cدي +�+| .�و�� �H�" ،©;K$� ت��V د���دي +�+|، �� ��O Protoplasmic body 3.�C".�و�6ي�+ � S2O دي����O 8-אH$+א Protoplast �&3.�Cو�. ،����� NRא ،�oدא ST ،�oدא��O ،�o8 دא���V

�oس دא����O Protoplastic �<&3.�Cو�. O دي��א-8 H$+א ،N��� ن� ��. N ^ Protozoa �-و"�Cאوא-;8 .�وO �B ،א��ت، אول��V ،����O دي: ،����

���Gو ��O، א+$Hא-��V 8אن Protyle N-�Cدو .�و��א-8 H$+دو ، א��אوא-;8 Provitamin 7��C7 .�وو����V 8-אH$+א Proximal -1.�وN��2 N-�� n9�� Proximate �����'��q 8 و @��، �nد �، y  D ، .�و-�21� ، % �� Pseudo אدو &�6و�mB ،���� ،8��4 ،8)�'U� ،8;i� ،وG�9 ،8;KO Psendopod 6�.6و�& ����O 8 .��ن وא�و;i� Puberty 8C�+��. ���D�+ ،|j�;+ ،8א��O �O ،8�y ،a�I £D�+ ، 7

� �& �v9��a-، א�Pulmo �� �§^، �§^א-�ن .;Pulmonary ي����8 +����ي،دم وא�ي�§^א-�ن،�§^ن .;O ن^§�، �Z? Pulmonary artery ي�C�: ن .;���ي� �p 8O ن^§� Pulmonary vein 7 ي و����;. M� 7�-ن وא�ي ��، �§^א^§�

Proximal Pus

241 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pulp �;. ،YZ ،دو��م �� ،n��دو�� ،Ä� ،YZ ،�Z Pulpitis M<�-�>;. ¬�& دي�� H�] ،ش"�& Ä� H�] Pulsate ��2;. �� ،a9G! ،a;B Âw� 8�w� ،aO!و a@< Pulse M;. ،ن� �p ،G�� ،�� ، 8�w� ،|9�V 8O Âw�

) j¥א(دل �9G! �O، دאل Purificalion 7��1� ���. �O 8-�R ،���q ،|�UD�� ،8-�R ،8-�9�.

����q ،Nت ) Purifatary 1>�ي�8 ��9ي .��� -�R ، GH'9 8-�R Purifier �-� ���. ، GH'9 �D�� ،GH'9 ��R ،8o�t ،84�R

)GH'9 ��R ( Purifiers -�س�84 אو"א� .��� �R ،GH'�o�t ،8 :?تo�t Puriform م�� ���. Zو، �و^�O 5و، .�ن^�O �8و� N1p Purify 5� ���. 0 ��כ، !و't�0، پ't ،a-و! ،ao�t ،8-�9�. ،

8-�R Purifying b'-� ���. GH'9 8-�R يH'+ ��t ،GH'�-و! Purine 7 ���. %9�� ب���. Purity 8< ���. a>UD�� ،84�p ،8-א���. ،8-�R ،|�UD�� ،|�;Rא Purpose n.�. ¡�j ،HUi� Purpura א���.�. ��l���� ،8-وא��� Purpura haemorrhage ج���Bא��> �. aBوא¯��-8 �ت و ،��B وא¯��-8 �ت Purpura rheumatic �<����B� د، وא-8، وא-8 &��وא-8 د� .�.���א Purpural fever ���4 ل���.�. �� �O 8-��9 ��W ،�� S و Pus M. 8Zن�³و�. ،H'� دو، �و���دو ، 9'� �� ،

N����ي و��+ Pus cell N�& M. وG��� و، .�ن�³;��، �و�nO و�� Pus matter �<�� M. ³دو ،�ت �و�، �ت .�ن��8 Zو�، �و� Pyaemia ����ن³ دא�، �ت ، �و8Z ��ن ، �ت L .�ن³ . .�-

،aO�y ي����+ 8O ت�

Pus cell Pyuria

242 Dictionary Of Haematology

Pyeluria � ���;-�. و �ت، 9'� ��نH'� Pyemesis n2��-�. 8<D8 אO ³ن�. Pyesis n2-�. ن³ &�"ي�. Pyloric ي :�0ي &��אخ .�-;��כv'� Pyo � �. ¡�� ،³و� .�ن� Pyogenesis n2�'�O� �. � ،و� &�"ي.�ن³ &�"ي Pyogenic �'�O� �. 8Zو� ،GH'9 אH�. ي����+ ،GH'�B�� ³و� &�"، .�ن� Pyogenous س�A'�O� �. و� א��אج، �و� +�دא�� Pyoid 0�-�. ،و^�O אو� ،�l8، .�ن³ وא�Zو� ،�� �و� �

.�نa�� ³، �و� &�"ي Pyretic �< �-�. دאو GH'�9و� ،�� ،�Z? �� ،µ4دא �� ،µ4دא ��+ Pryretology 8O?�< ��-�. �� S;) ،8&�'p ��+ ،S;) �O ��+ Pyria � �-�. ³ن�. L ب���. Pyro و�-�. ��: ،�>����Vnא�ت، ���8، ،�: Pyrogene 7�Oو�-�. GH'9 אH�. ��: Pyrogenesis n2�'�Oي .�-�و"�& �� �Vא�ت ��n ي، :Pyrogentic �<�'�Oو�-�. �� +�" �Vא�ت :و�، :Pyrogenic �'�O8 ،+� .�-�و��: ،H�D���� ��Vfא�ت + ،GH'9 אH�.

:و�، �� :و� Pyrosis n&و�-�. G�& �O يHK� ،¬�& يHK� Pyrosome و&�م�-�. S2O ��: Pythogenesis n2�'�O�m�-�. ي"�& H'� ، �-אH�.H'� Pythogenic �'�O�m�-�. אوא�H�. H'� Pythogenic fever ���4 �'�O�m�-�. ����� �� ، ��+ �O يH� Pyuria � ���-�. ³ن�. L א� .���ب، .���بHZو�

243 Dictionary Of Haematology


Quack ��-�9 ��S %�wq S�� ،8-�Q) ،��2ي'. ،S�1V

Quack doctor �<96א �8 6א9>� �9-�-�Q) ،S�1V S��

Qualify ³��D�9א |�+��a�& ،aو� Qualitative �<�<�D8$ �� �9א8$، �9�R Qualitative affinity 8<�'�4א �<�<�D�9א ��98$��9 Qualitative analysis n2-?�' א�<�<�D8 �9אRو، وn-�O 8$��9 ،� n@� 8$�R��

N�;�� 8�9 ،N�;�� Qualitative test �2�C�<�<�D8 {�1س �9א$�R�� Quality 8<D�9א ،|�R�� ،|;U� �R8، و+�� ،a� ،|��9 Quality control 8 9'>�ول<D�9א �Q+�q 8$�R�� Quantitative �<�<�<א�ي �9א�Hi� ،�Z? ��� Quantitative analysis �<�<�<�9א�

n2-?א��� � n@��@ ،� n�Hiא�ي ���

Quantitative change ['�} �<�<�<8 �9א�; Hw�� ،8; Hw�Hiא�ي ��� Quantitative character �<�<�9א� �<

�<1 ��9 �Rא�ي وHi� ،|�R�� א�يHi�


composition �9א��>�>�>�

7� "�>�9 %�9�� �Hiא�ي

Quantitative theory ي���I �<�<�<א�ي ��� � �9א�Hi� Quantity 8<�<�9א� ��wא�، و"ن ،¦���و ،±�، א�Hi� ،��� Quantum S<א" �9א�Hאد، א�HK� �Hiא�،و"ن، Quantum logic �O? S<א� �9א�Hi� 8iQ'� ،©Q'� א�يHi�

Quack Quinton

244 Dictionary Of Haematology

Quantum number �w�� S<د �9א�H) א�يHi� Quarantine 7<¡ �وכ، �9א������8wq ،�Q+�� �Q+� Quick �-�9 ، H;O ، ت���1^و، � c.،��� ،n� ،c Quinine 7�'-�9 � �� )B� دوא(�� ?5 دوא، 7���9 +Quinsy 82'-�9 � �'9 9;�8 &�¬، �'�ق ،cD�)ي����+( Quinton �9-'>�ن �� .'] [ '�'�ن +Quite ���م، +;N1 �9א-�� .��و، &�א&�، Quite healthy 8m;�B ��'H ، �9א-�$�R �&א�& |&�H'� N1;+ Quitter �<-�9 H'� ،ن³ ، �و��. Quiver ��-�9 ،ش"�D a9�I ،،�"�D ،8�9] a9] Quiz n�-�9 " $��ن�8 א��+ Quote E�9 ، a ] �Dא�Vא� a-אeW c Quotidian 0ن�C�9 ،"و� �Bو"א��f يG�B] ، Quotidian fever ���4 0ن�C�9 ،��+ GH' و" א� �Bو"א��f ��+ Quantum S<'-�9 H&� 8UV ،|.و�0، و�0א ،�Z�y ،�UV

Quite Quantum

245 Dictionary Of Haematology


Race M � ،אنH��� ،�;�w� ،N2�،a+ ،M'O· 9: ،c 8B^�. Rachiochysia ��2-�9��-�1 � aO�y 8o�. L 8�l��9 Rachiodynia ��'-6��-�1א � ��& �O 8�l��9 ،��& �O �^ � Rachitic �<�-�1 �=  �� 8l'9 ،  �� N� 8l'9 و�Rachitis M<�-�1 � 8l'9 ،¬�& 8�l��9)ي��� �9^א-8 ) +�Racial N�� � אH��� ،8;�w� ،N2� ،|+�+ N2�8�8;2� ، Radial NA 0 � �v9 ع�Kp ،8)�Kp ، n9�� SB �o�9 ، Radial artery ي�C�: NA 0 � ن� �p يn9�� SB Radial nerve و�� NA 0 � |'� SB��n9ي Radial vascular �D��12 و NA 0 � دא� N2� 8)�Kp ،�� ��� 8o�9 Radian 7A 0 � ي�Q� S�� ،8)�Kp Radiation �A 0 �7� v9 ع�Kp ،����و�و�{ ،�;@� �Kp،،�o�9ع، Radiator �<�A 0 � ] �;@� ،n�lع א��Kp ،GH�v9 ع�Kp ،GH'

�� GH�v9 و�א Radical N1 0 � ،^�� ي�U') ،ي�Q4 ،8;R8، אKwq ،دي��'+

G�. 8-אH$+א Radio � 0 � � 0 �،�Q� S�� ،�o�9 ،ع�Kp Radio active �<1 א � H � ����+��1ي ��+��1ي، ،8+��+��1، ��م،

³3�� 8)�Kp ،|9�V Radiology 8O?� 0 � ��1ي+�� S;) ،[D�K� ��1ي+�� Radius MA 0 � �Q� �U� ،8 دא-�وm�� ،�Q� ،�Q� S�� Radius of vector �<1 و �: M�-0 � دא-�و �O ¡�� ، ¡�� �Q� Rag b � � �1C ،�<Dو، אZ^ي ، .>8، &;�Ragocyte l ���-�&� ��;� �O0-��;4 א(+�6يnO °��o�. (

Race Ratio

246 Dictionary Of Haematology

Random و، � '0م��& N1C8، א��D 8�;I ،��m9 8، א����=א %���� 8+

Range [' � ،يH'+HV �;2;& ،|K&و ،HV ،א �א�8، دא-�و ،��Q� Rate � � ،c;� ،cא�، א�Hi� ،ح، ��خ، و"ن�p ،|��� ��+ Rate of respiration � �-�>2 � �: � �p 8O a�dح &�� �7 Ratio �� � א�Hi� ،|w2� ،�.�Z? ،����. ،و"ن ،%&�'� Rational N'� � 8wO'�&%، وא�و،��.،©+�Q� ل ��و�تH$K� ، Rational treatment �'��< �C N'� � 3ج) �o���1V React �1�A � א+$� א/�، �دو�ي ،���� ] N��N،�د () N�) Reacting b'<1A � �$+אGH'9 N� ، �د (�N ��9ي א/� a�I، �د (Reaction 7�1A � 8-��� �د (�N، �د(��O، Nא+8 (�N، א+$� א/�، �9Reaction rate � � 7�1A � N� �د (��p Nح، �pح �د (��p ،Nح (Reaction type ��-�C 7�1A � ����� N� �د (Reactive �<1�-� ��N+�� ،N �د (�N �د () n�� ،N��) n����9 N Reactive eosinophilia ��;4�' n 4;�� �-�1>�א �' n �9ي א %w& 8O 7���38 � א�O�Dא= = =

�D�� �O |��9 وא�ي aאد و!ي و­HK� �O Readings Ml�0 � aB^. �dא b8، א��B^. ،��� 8Qi� Reagents M<'@A � ،א/�א-$8 ��ت ،N��) ،N��) 8-����9

��لK� GH'9 n�� N�) ، Receipe 8>�2 � %����، �2� ،%�9�� ،�� Receipt ��H�. µא-�،:�8�H،و�Rل،���Uل � �2<OH�&� ،H&�، Receptive �<>�2 � ،a@&� ،GH'9 NR�V ،و^�O a.�� ،� ¥. �/��

GH'א/� و� Receptor �<>�2 � �/א� ¥. ��/�� ،GH'و�n�lא/�א� ، Receptor nerve ب � �2<>� ��و�U) א� ¥. �/��|'� GH'א/� و� ،�� ، Recessive �2�2 � GH�^D ،7 � " ،�/8 א'�ب، �;�� ،N�� ،و�n�9 Recessive character �<1 ��9�2�2 � aZ و�n�9 ،|�R�� ب�;�� ،|�R�� 7 � "

Rational Recurrent

247 Dictionary Of Haematology

Recessive gene 7�O�2�2 � ،8;2� ب�;�� ،���T GH'�D�w� �/א8-�9، א9�nو� aT א8-�9 =

Reciprocal �2<�و �N9 �<D8، �א�B�+ ،8+א�O ،�W ،دل�w$� ،N f 84�q Record 6��1 � ،Ñ���،3د�ج،دא� |�D ،א�جH¥���9א�ي، א� Recover ��1 � ،a�I،|&�H'�،ao: {� 8 و�يD�Rي، وG�Zא،G�Zא Recovery ي � ��1يG�Z8، אوD�Rو،�p،8-3\Ò}،8+��$�R،8$&�H'� Recto �<1 � {B �T�& ،�&�. �T�& Rectum S<1 � �O و:��ي و[ي :�0ي�& HKi� ،و^�t Rectus M<1 � ،�¨. ،��� و��) Recurrence M��1 � ت�� ��q 8و�ي و�ي، و� ،���W Recurrent ���1 � GH'�I وא�ي دא�، و�ي و�ي ،�Bو ���W ،

GH'9 و�Ìد Recurrent fever ���1 ����4 ��+ GH';Iא ، ��+ �O وא�ي Red 0 � ��D ،�< � ،ل��� ،�BG�Z ،ل، &�خ? b�� Red blood 0;+ 0 � ن�� �BG�Z ، خ �ت�& Red blood cells M;�& 0;+0 � &אG��� �BG�Z �O خ �خ �;��ت ��ن، �ت�& ،

�ت �;�� Red blood corpuscles M;2.��9 0;+ 0 � אت ��نG�¦ א ، &�خnO �BG�Z �O ت� Redden 0ن � a�I �BG�Zخ ��9ي�& ،��G�Z ، Reddish 0ش � G�Z ،N-�� و &�خ��BG�Z ،و�& � Reddish brown 0ش +�א-�ن � ��y �BG�Z8&�� ��G�Z ،و Redness M��0 � �?? ،��BG�Z ،����& ،8-?? ،8��& Redox 0 و�M9 N��H�21ي ( N ��� Reduce 8،-��>$� 6 �س� a�I �1;B ،a-�<�� ،8�� ،8; ��� Reduced 0&� 6� 8�� ،N �<�� ،|��& 8 &�دي; ��� ، Reduced agent ���) 8�N � 0 �&0 א @'� ،N��) 8; ��� Reduction 7�90 � N ��� N�) ،8�، a<C، &�س، ��>�9 ³

Recurrent fever Refractor

248 Dictionary Of Haematology

��� N�) ،a@<�� Reduction factor �<1�4 7�90 � N��) 8����� ;nO 8و، Reduction potential N�'�<. 7�90 � ت�� N ��� Refer � � O� ،�.�Z? ،�Dא�V ،a>��& ،��9 8Dא�V ،ع�

a;9�� Reference M�� � N� ���V ،|w2� ،¥Vא�D، ¦�9، 9$�ب �O و�Reference cited 0<�-�& M�� � N�] �Dא�V Refined �-� �'0 N א�e& ،N��� ،�D�� ،��R ،N�1�} ،N�o�t Reflection �7�1�; ) 8O 8'pو� ( ،و^Dאو ،M1) ،E�� � G��

�D�t�. ،�t�. Reflex M1�;4� 8;כ، دא��t ،M1) ،� �U� ،821)=

�;�O ،� �U� Reflux M1; � �G�} �? a�D ،�1وBא+$� و ، Reform م��א�� � e& ت�V3Rא��، &'�א��، אe& ،א�و، وא!א�وe& Refract �1 � � �O 7o�9 ،�G�� ع�Kp �^� ،وG�� Refractive �<1 � � ،�q�) ،א-�نG�� ،��D يe& GH'�-�1�O Refractive index M1 01>� א� �8 =� �&] G�� ،��� G�� Refractor �<1 � � 7�+دو� G�� ،�q�) Refractory 1>�ي �دא� � G�� ،¡�� يH� ،א�¥� ��j Refectory anaemia 1>�ي � �

��� א '7BG�Z^Bوא�ي א a@<�� 8O نnO ي(يH� (

���ل 8O 7�'O �9ي �9 +��Rf وH-�4 � NR�Vf 8@�l& ت( �9ي��R 8O ي����+ +�9 Lf� وH-�4 3ج) f8�l& 8-�`�. (

Refresh � � � ad� وeI ،و"�� eIو، Refuge ج�� � ،��Oא�'.f� ) 5? ن����O (��� ��'. Refuse "�� � ،9`�و H'� ،ل ���، 9`�و��دو، �دي �� N��4 Regeneration 7� �'@ � �-אH�. �& 7�A�،a�T و�ي،S'O ن�A�،8�H�" 7�A�

Refractory Reinfest

249 Dictionary Of Haematology

Regenerative �'@ ��< S'O ن�A�]H' ��. 8´� �´�W ،GH'و� S'O �´�W ،G Regenerator �< �'@ � S'O ن�A� ،��9 S'O ن�A�]GH' /GH'و� Regenesis n2�'�@ � � ،ي"�& S'O 7A�� S'O ن�A� ، ©�;� 7A� Regimen 7A��@ � Nw�C S�-�C �O 3ج) ،�����e. �O 3ج) Regimentation 7�<'���H'+ |�Kي ، ��و � @O يH'+ � Region 7@ � ،�Q� ،� �y ،�;� �i-3) ،8א �א� ،�UV ،��Z�. Regional N'@ � 3) ،�O 8Q� ،8��i� 8-�� Regress M �l � |KO� E�� ، Regression 7� �l � ع�O� ،N� وא. ،82�� ،E��E دא�3 (Regression coefficient 7� �l � � ، وא.�p 8O 82ح���p Eح �9א ��'Regrowth ¶و�l � @ وא! و ���W �!7 &� و!�، و�ي وA�� ،c Regular �D�l � %���� &eو&'�Aن، �وאH)���+ ،8Oي، +�Regularity 8< �D�l � ����א�ي، B|2+وH'+ ،د&$��ي ،%�� Regula ate ��D�l � H)���+ ،a-�'+ ©4א��ه a-א�e& ،a-�'+ Regulated 0<�D�l � �H)���+ ،8 وא�وQ+ه� ©+�Q� ل��K� ،©4א�� ، Regulating b'<�D�l � ،��9ي %���� �+8Q ��9ي، +���(Hي �Regulation 7��D�l � ،وH)�� ،%���� �+H'+��Qو+2|، Regulative �<�D�l � 8w���� ، 8; HK� Regulator �<�D�l � ،وH)���K� ،�Q+�¥' ،©4א��ل، +@;8 � GH'd� �Q+� Regulus MD�l � אت، +8 :ب �9 !אت! �D�� ��j Rehabilating b'<�;�w�� � 3ح ��9يRא ،a�I د�+: ، a-�&و Rehabilitation 7�<�;�w�� � D��+ ،يH'&3ح :+�د ��9ي، وR8 א Reheating b'<�� � ���� ���W، a-�� ���& 7A��a- Reinfest ��;8 :و� �ي א��2V ،8 :و�;�V ���W ،a�I 8 :و�;�V Reinfestation 7��<2�8 :و�ي �ي א�;�V ،8 :و�ي;�V ���W Reinforce س��ي א�� a�I Ï�w�� ،a ] ت�� Reinforced 0&��א� �ي א�H�-�. ،Ñ�w�� ،|&

Reinfestation Remediable

250 Dictionary Of Haematology

Reinforcement �'���� ،| �i��H�-�.،8q�wא�ي �ي א���& Reins M' � ��1ن، ��دא+ ،|�Kwq Rejuvenation 7��A' 7 &� وא! � @��وA�� ،!وא ���W ، H H@� ،E�� 8א��O Relapse M>�; � ) 8O ¡�� ( E�� �& 7A�� Relapsing b'2>�; � )¡�� ( GH'C�� �& 7�A� Relapsing fever ���4 b'2>�; � ��+ GH'C�� �& 7�A� Related 0<�; � ،8$w2� ،GH'd� �.�Z? ،�.�Z? ،N�.�Z?،N v'Z

GH'd� ©;K� Related blood 0;+ 0<�; � ت� N�.�Z? ، 8 وא�و ��ن$pت�� �o�Z�& ، Relation 7��; � ،|w2� ،�.�Z? ،�Q&وא ،�$p� ،8<-��

�K;© �وא |، v��Zא.�، Relation ship �p 7��; � ،8<-�� ،|w2� ،�.�Z?،H'�&،�.אv��Z �Q&وא ،�$p� Relative �<�; � ،8$w2� ،N�.�Z? ،GH'd� �.�Z? ،�-�� �� 8�B�+ Relative activity 8C��<1 8$ {� .� � ;�>�אw2� ،|9�V N�.�Z? Relative value ��; ;�א � ;�>� و�84 �،c 84 א��א� c Relax M1�; � ± ،8-و±�א�a�I �D±، a-�<�� 8$& ،�± ،a�I ،

&�1نRelaxant n1�; �� 'GH دوא [وא، :�אم د3O 8O G�tب، �Relaxation 7��21�; � 8��� ،�± ،8-אم، ±��، ±�א�: ��� ،8-?± ، Release n�; � GH��1� ،8O�1ل، א��אج، א��א�� Relevancy 82���; � ،%&�'� ،�.�Z? ،�Q&وא ©;K� ،|w2� Relevant � �'�&%، .��و، � ،�.�Z? ،|w2�i+�Q|، ��א4© � ;���Relief ��; � ،�$-��& ،אدH�א=t ،E�t 8DH+ ،��1وC� Relucent �'&��; � ،��R ،�1�} ،�;@� ��p ،7pو�

Remainder �0'�� � 8��+ ،� �i+ ،|B� ،��/: ،8، ?شt�. ،|`+ Remanent �'�� � ،NR�V8��+ ،8t�. Remark כ��� � ،a&] ،��� ،�'-�K� ��O ،� ح، �א�p ،a ! 5א�

251 Dictionary Of Haematology

��ل^.� ��� ، Remark able Nw כ א���8 ��� �ن � D��K� ��j ، Remediable Nw-0�� p��O ،a-�<t ،� ¥.^و، (3ج �Z�O، (3ج .¥ � � Remedial N�-0� � ،�Z�O 8، دوאV3QRא ،µ48، دא@D�K� 3ج)

)�Z�O 3ج Renal portal ��. N' �CN M� 8O 81+ Renal sand 0'�& N' � | � 8O �81+·)8 � $8 ،)وא�يO دي�� Renarius س� �A' � �� ��و� �Renascence M'2-�' � �-אH�. 7�A� ،S'O ن�A� 8���V�& 7�A� ، Renascent �'&�' � GH'�I אH�. �& 7�A� ، GH'و� S'O ن�A� �B Renewal N-��' � �Aو(�ت��p �& 7 ،،H H@� N�I ن�A� Renin 7' � ت����D 8O ت، ��دي����D 8O 81+· Renitis M<-�' � �81+· ¬�& دي�� ،¬�& Rennet �'�' � ،��d N��T � �� ��p ،� �� ��'. Rennin 7'' � � �� ��'. �B�O ،��� �HKوي �Renovate � د�&| �e& ،adא�و، ��א�، د�&e& 8$א�و :ao، � '�و Renovation 7� א�و، د�&8$، ��א� � '�وe& ،���Oא ،H H@� Renovator �< د�&| ��9 � '�و ،GH'9 |��� ،GH'�o: א�وe& Report E��.� ،�w� ،3عqא ،E��.� ،a ] 3عq��1، א. ،NB ³�$} Remedial character �<1 ��9 N�-0�� � |�R�� 8O3) Remedial measures س��A� ،N�-0�� (3ج א.�³ � Remediless M�; 0�� ?(3ج دوא � Remedy 0ي���Hא�כ � [D�K� ،3ج، دא�ون) ،N� دوא د� ، ،

³�`+ ،�p Reminiscence M'�2'� � �;�O ،�9و، �د :و�ي¥� (3�|، ���ن، Remission 7��9�8،و���>$�-8، � ،��� ،E�t ،�

�،8�� S�-�C)|7 ) و��'O ،دو�א��� �Bא �O

Remedial Removal

252 Dictionary Of Haematology

���ي� �Oن($�ن � ������ن دو�אن، (3��+ (، 7، ��>@8 و­81D7 و­(c@9 و�| ?5

� ���f�l& 8}8 )7 אO ت� ��q ل�r� L ���jو �����1�D ي����+.

Remittent �� ��'< �O وא�ي ،GH'�I !و ��� Remittent fever ���4 �''����، وאB� G!و � GH'�I !و ��� ،�� �O ي�

�� /��+ Removable �� �-Nw � ¥. ل .¥ �، ���1ل�i$א�= Removal �� �-N ،8D�1�� ،84، א��אج�q�+ ،����Hw ;8، א�$�iل �� Ren 7 � 81+ ،دو��· Renal N' � ،81+ ،دو�� ،©;K$� 81 +�+| �^دي+· Renal artery ي�C�: N' � + ، ن� �p 8O ن �81·��دي� �p وא�ي Renal calculus MD��1;�9 N' � . 8O 81+ ،b'& دي���m ي Renal capsule �9<�2ل N' � ���� �O دي ��ل، ��دي�� ،�.�d �O 81+· Renal colic �D�9 N' � ��& �O دي�� ،��& �O �81+· Reporter �C��.� ��9 3عqو، א�+�� ،�w�GH'�-�`´. �w� ، Reprint � <�A� ،aن �A�t Ni� �O 8.�t ،�.�tن �Ni، و�ي � <��Reproduce א ��9ي � <�و6 �سH�. א-�، و�يH�. �& 7�A� ،a@-�.א Reproduction 7�96א � <�وH�.و،H�D��،ST ،8�-אH�. ،S'O ،2;8 وא!א�� Requirement � ��و�ت �ج،·�� ���، q;%، ��و�ت، � �1א-� ��'Research ��2 � O�d ،��D�� ��D�Z ،aD�Z ،?�Z ،©�i��� ،�'

���i�iت ،��. Research institute ��8 אدא�و � ��2 א�2>�>� �i�i�����i© אدא�و، Research laboratories n �< ��w�D ��2 � ��l�+�@� 8i�i�� Research paper �>�. ��2 � ن���� 8i�i�� O�d'� وא�و ����ن، Research project 2 ��1�Oא�. �� �+�U'� 8��i�i�� Research scientific ��<'�-�& ��2 � ©�i�� 82'-�&

Ren Resistible

253 Dictionary Of Haematology

Research scientist ��H2'-�& 8אن � 2<'�-�& ��2�i�i�� ،©i�� ،SD�) 8i�i�� Research station 7��<&��2 א � �� ©�i��� 8��iم، �i�i�� � Research work ��2 و�כ � i�i�� ،S9 �O �'O�d S9 8 Research worker �979��9 � ��2 و� �'O�d ،��9 ©�i�� Researcher �}�2 � ��9 ©�i�� H2'-�& ،GH'9 �'O�dאن، Reserve و�n � Ñ��� ،و���¦ ،|`+ ،a-�d� ،a-�`+ Residual لÌ0 n � ،N�B� ،|`+ ،8t�. ،N�`+ 8��+ ،�1 G�`.

8��+ ،� �i+ Residue � 0 n � ��+ ،|`+ 8��+ ،|`+ ،8t�. ،N�`+ ،N�B� ،ت�� Resist �2&n � ،�;+�i� ،a98 [ ����، �و-�T�� ،وכ�

|K4אH� ،8-�T�� Resistibility 8<;w�<&n � يn ¥. ي، �وכ� ¥. ،|K4אH� Resistible NwA<&n � ،�Z�O |D��Hא�O |K4^و، �وכ .¥ �، �

�Z�O ،a9و�

Resistance M'<&n � �<O ،Eא�ي، �وכ، ��0כ، +`��9�،³وH-�. ، ³ �;+�i� 8-�T��

Resistant �'<&n � ،GH'9 �;+�i� ،GH'�9و� ،µ4אH� ،��T��GH'd� |K4אH� ت��

Resoluble N+��D�2 � � ¥. N�;�� ،� ¥. NV ،� ¥. 8-n@� Resolution 7p��Dوn � © �� ،N�;�� ،NV ،� n@� ،Á ��� Resolve �Dאn � ،a�I N�;�� �G�Z ،NV ،a-א��l. Resolving b��Dאn � 8;�;�� ،GH'9 NV Resorbence M'+א�n � ب¥O ،a�} ،a�I ب¥O Resorbent � {�'O ،GH¥ب �O ،GH'9¦ب � nא�+'Resorption 7�.א�n � ب¥O ،و�ب (¥O Resource ، �&$�، � ��2س� ��א��، &�n� ،³�.א ،�K �¦ ،�;�&و� ��+H

Resistance Responsiveness

254 Dictionary Of Haematology

Respiration 7� �-�>2 � ،8�9 دم ،a�d ��& ،aB� �H�" ،��y دم�& N�) �O a�d �

Respiration aerobic 7� �-�>2 � =א-��و+�

،a�d ��& 8-א�B )א +�ش�B (�& a�d �

Respiration anaerobic

7� �-�>2 � = א 7 א-��و+� =

�B ��j (�&f� a�dא +�ش(

Respiration cutaneous 7� �-�>2 �'�<9M�A

H;O )OيH; (�& 8K �¦ 8O ي^�} ،a�d ��& � a�d

Respiration water �2�C8 &� <�-� �7 وא+: a�d � Respirator �< �-�>&� 8;� ��& ،אو"א� �O a�d ��& Respiratory 2<�-� >�ي � �&�+ a�d �،|+ �& ،�Z? a�d ��& 8O a�d �

M'� 7�-�Hא� Respiratory disease < �-�>2 �n "6 ي &� �ي����+ 8O a�d � Respire �-�>2 � ،��y دم �&a<. دم ،a�d � Respirometer �<��2<�-�و � �&��. ��& ،���. M'� � ��.�'GH אو"א� �، Response M��>2 � ©4א�� ،N��Oא+8 (�N، �د (�N، ��א4© (

N� a�I، א/�א-$� (Response motor �C�� M��>2 � �V ،N��89�V N �د () 89 Response stimulus M;���<&א M��>2 � N� ���כ �د(�N، ���כ (Responsive �2��>2 � �/Ë� ،�$-א4©، א/�א�� ،©+�Q� ،� ¥.�/א Responsiveness M���2��>2 � 3R ،N� �|، א/� .¥ �ي، ��א�V 8$i4د (Rest � &�8B، :�אم، 89�V ��j، 6א�W &�1ن، �'v، و��، � 2Restringent � ��+Â+�� ، دوא � 2>��@'Result �D"� ،�@�$� ،8t�. ،�/א NR�V ،3تR�V NR�V ،�/א ،N� Retail NA�< � 8O89، �وאn � Retain 7�C� a9و� ،a;�O ،ad� ،a<�O Retained 0'�< � ad� S-�� ،a;�O ،a9و�

Rest Reticulum

255 Dictionary Of Haematology

Reticular �D��1�< � ��� ��T ،א-�نG��� ،8 دא� �;�ي������� ، Reticular cells M;�& �D��1�< � ��;� �� ��Tي �Reticulate ��D��1�< � ي دא���T ،ي��T 7 وא�يZ� ،8 دא� ��2ن<t Reticulate veined 0' و ��D��1�< � ي دא� ��2ن��T Reticulate venation ��D��1�< �

و '��7 H ��Tא� ���T ،�$p�& Mي �O^ي �� +'Hي

Reticulated 0<�D��1�< � و^�O ي��T ،ي دא���T ،N1p ي��T Reticulocyte ��-�&�D��1�< � [�<&8 :��ي אO يnO 8BG�Z ،��;� ي��T

و�אن �;8A א�O �D�� �O MA�;9��� �H'�7 د H��Bو :8B، � אB^ي �f �O S2���Oد �

� �Bي 8O�Ä � .�� �ل �-�&�D��1�< �7B: אH��B د�O�� L 8�'W ، 0;+.

Reticulocytosis n2&�<�-�& �D��1�< � 8 �و�A;� ي��T Reticulo-endothelial

system(RES) � >��D��1 א '0و

S<2& NA�;�I L 7�'O ،�$p�& 8$K4אH� ت�� �O S2O

2�8O�� ��;� �O 7 �9ي � �;$�) 7tאS2� �O نnO ( N8 دא�O 7�;� 7 7 !א� �B�W

S�B 8-�9^Z 8I 8 :و�;�V Ï�p a�IR 8O ��t �9ي�I 7d� |�V3.

Reticulo endo theliosis

�D��1�< � n&��A;�I א '0و

�>-�B ،aوא! א{8 و­ L 8$p�& 8$K4אH� ت�� �O 8$p�& 8$K4אH� 8 �9ي ��تO ��2�;.

�HKאد ��;�L aو!ي و­ Reticulocyte

production index �D��9��< �

� .�א7�96 �-�&M1 0א�=

7BG�Z 8O ت��<�o�Z �O نnO )��Z ( ،��9� 7B�Of ³�Wא دnO ��-�& �D��1�< �

)stress ( 7@B L ل�����R وא�ي .

Reticulo plasm 3"م. �D��1�< � دو�� ��O ،�� =��Tي �� �، ��Tي دא� �� �، ��Tي �Reticulose "�D��1�< � ي دא���T ،GH'9 אH�. ي��T ،ي +�دא���T Reticulum SD��1�< � ي، א��T ،�� ��Tي دא� .��. �O ����O GH' ��Zو

256 Dictionary Of Haematology

Return 4 � >�ن ،E�� ،82.و��، وא�K� ،X? ،�K� ،وH-� ، H�. NR�Vא-�

Reverse س�� � �<Dو، אeא+$� .�&�، אو� ، M1)�+ Reversed 0&�� � �$+א ،�<Dא ،M1)�+ ،وeאو� Reversible Nw& �� � و� M.وאGH'�I �<Dא ،� ¥. N Hw� ،�Z�O �،

W ،©-? 8$+אf M1)�+ ، N�) 84�q Reversible cell N�& Nw&�� � ���� � ¥. N Hw� ،���� � ¥. M1)�+ Reversible reaction 7�1A � NwA&�� � N��N Hw .¥ � �د ( Reversion 7/�� � �<Dא ،M1)�+ ،aC�9 �1} Review � � � ،س��yא ،�KD�Q� ،��Oو� ،©�i�� ،��.

��Uwو، ��� /��8 Review literature �` �<D� � � س��y8 אO אدب Reviewer �-� � � GH'9 8��/��� ،GH'9 �KD�Q� ،��l�H�i'� Revision نn � � 8��/ n �@� و�³�O ، .��، دe& ،8��/��� ،�Ìא�و، Revival א-��ل� � a�I ن�A� ،aZ�O و�ي ،S'O ن�A� ،8�H�" 7�A� Revolution 7p��Dא� � ،� ����ي ��دش، ��دش، {�9 ،�1 �.;

8; Hw� دو�و، ���و، Revolve �Dא� � ،a���-a، {���د ���، ���� ،a-א��� ،���

a-��D �1} Revolving b��Dא� � ��-�� ���o، {�1دא�، ��د8p، دو�ي، ��Rhachitis M<-�1 � 8-9'0ي &�¬، �9^א ،¡�� �O 8�l��9 Phacous 8 � �1-�س��" ، N �`} ،NC�� Rheo ��-� 8 �و، :+8 �و��+ Rheumatic �<����-� ��& �O نe'& ،��& 8-وא ��& �O نG�O Rheumatic fever �<����-� ��+ �O ��& 8-وא ،�� ��& �O نe'&· Rheumatic- opthalmia ����;m.: �<����-� aIوא-8 א� א ،aIא �O א� Rheumatic-pain 7�. �<����-� نe'& ،��& 8-وא ��& �O Rheumatics M1�<����-� ،��& e'& S;)S;) ��& G�O

Return Rheumadoid arthritis

257 Dictionary Of Haematology

Rheumatics-chronic ��9و� M1<����-� �'�9،��& 8-وא �oא�.،��& e'& Rheumatisim مn<����-� 8-ن(، وא-8 &��، وאe'&( ��& �O نG�O Rheumatoid 0-�<����-� و^�O ��& 8-وא ،��� e'& ،��� G�O Rheumadoid arthritis �I�:0-�<����-א�M<�- 8O ��G�Oن �O) �Oא�e'& L 7ن �'vي (

�1�O ) &��(G�Oن �O د�د ) &'eن( ،&�� �Oא�H�. L 7א 8I .�ي، و! � ��� א{8

Rheums M���-� �Dn� ،�9م" Rheumy 8���-� 8 دא�Dn� ، 8-8، وאpn � ،8��9" Rheus س��-� �H��+ M'O )����O( Rheus macans M'9�� س��-� ����O �H��+ Rhinal N'�-א� ©;K$� �� Rhinalgia ��@;'-� �� د�د ،��& �O �� Rhinitis M<�' � ¬�& �� ،8 &�"شO �� Rhinology 8O3'-א� �� S;) ،�� ¡א��א S;) Rhinorrhagia ��@ ��'-� ،���1� ���1� |& Rhinorrhoea 5� � �'-� ���1� ،aBو �� Rhino scleroma �'-���ي &1;�و����+ ¬�& �� ،¡�� 8$& �� Rib ن، �ب��9 ،8C9'0و، .�&�ي، .�&�א �O ي�&�.

��، M� Ribosome م�&�w-و �אnO وGv'� �H8 א�A�;� )�1 &�-�>�) (��و�O

.3"م H��B Lو :8Z�& � 8B و�| ���.3"�� + 8� . H��Bو : 8O SD��1�< �f8B��t�mي

Richitis M<�-�9� �9^و ،a. �9^ي Ricket �8 +����ي �9O ن�B)L نG��W (،8، &��9^وl'9

و��B�lא Rickety 8<9� ،N���� ،�D± ،و�يn�9�nو�، �9^و، 9 ���� Rieder cells M�;�& �0 � ��;� א^�O M<�-�& ��D )אG�����O(

Rheums Rouge

258 Dictionary Of Haematology

Right � w& ،�T�& ،Á��R$� �א-�Rigid 0O� 3� ��j ،א±و] ،|& Ï�w�� ،9^כ ،S- Rigidity 8C0O� ،8$& ،8q�w��]�-�9^9 ،8-א±א |�-3� ��j ، Rigor ��� a9] ، و"�D ،82V 8+ Role ول� |��B�9دא�، א ،S9 Roll ��9، .��، و >� �ول�� ،�1} ،�B^ و Romanow sky stain 7�<&'�א&³�1 א��و�= @B N��p �;+ 7�;-�m�� L 7�'O،;�ل��8 -���9 8 Root Eو� ،�^�. ،G�. ،^Of´� Ê�+ ،د��'+ ،a+ ،�� � ،· Root term م�C E8 �و� ��q �1 (�م�O ،�UV �O م�C N1 0��

8��C�' א=)�OG�O 8� H'9 �B�x 8dو :8B ) +'�وRotten 7Cدא� �و�+H+ ،N ^l+ ،N و، +�&8، ��2א�H'� Rouge وج� �� &�خ &�� ) ��b(&�خ �Rough �� �،�d ،و، &�دو��d ،|& ،���=א� ��^ �،

،N1pH+ 8+6 لÌ Rough estimate �����'� =�� א 2>�� 9`� ��9و+��، 8��D 8�;I א�Hא"و، Rough estirmation 7�����'� =�� א 2>�� &�א&�ي Round 0��-و، �א�� {�1، ��ل، دא-�و،����و، ���و، ��

��دش، ��| Round figure 4 0��-א��l bو א�eW ،دH) و��. Rouleaux formation M1A�Dو�

7�����4 71& ،N1p 8O نnO 7BG�Z 8O ت�

O ،aT ،�D�� �O |��9 وא�ي ،a}ي ��� א^�c@'� ��. �1& N1p وא�ي a@B N ��

Roup پÌ�9م، 4;�، &��1، دم �و" ،�Dn� Routine 7�Cو� ،S�� ،b�± ،��$&ل، د��K���i �q ،א��'Bو ،�Q+� Rubella 3�+ي، �و��� ?d^و، א�Gي �W 8+3^ن وא�ي +�Rubric خ &��8 �و+�כ�& Rubriblast � ، א&>�] nO 8BG�Z �D�� �Oي 8O אوא-;8 �و+�ي +3&

Rough Rust disease

259 Dictionary Of Haematology

Rudiment �'�� �'Gvو، �pو(��8 אNR، ��ل، O^، א+$Hא-8 +'��د، �و6 Rudimental N<'�� ، +'��دي אوא-;8، א�p ،8;Rو(��8، א+$Hא-8 �و6 Rudimentary ي�<'�� א+$Hא-�p ،8و(��8، +�'�دي، 9`� �و6 Rupture �`.� وG�<�� ،81t ،7t ،و���� ،��lp ،E�� ،aC�� ،a<C= Rupture of cells M;�& �: �`.� S�" �O نG��� Rupture of skin 71&א �: �`.�= E�� Nd ،S�" �O Nd Rural 8، "�(8، د �8، �و�ل;l'�O يGא��W ،°�Z Rubricyte ��;��، nO 8BG�Zن a�� 8O وא�ي ���l�� a، �و+� �2-�

8O .�� 7 א&>�] �����+3&� 8O א��H 8دو�א�� b�� �;$��O |�R'�7 �9ي א�B א&>�] ��'@c ��� א 'Hي :7l�� 7��� 8B وא�ي

�D�� �O [�<&א �&3+����� Rubricate � &��8 وא�و ���ن �و +� �1Russell bodies n 6�+ N&� א ��لnO ،אGv'� ،GH'1;} �l8، وא���p ،

7B: אH' א ��� L 7�;� ��"3. 81�O. Russet � ���9 b�� 89� ���l، �س &�Rust �&� a@<9 ،8l'9 b�� 8�� ،�9 Rust disease n "6 �8 +����ي �&O �8��

260 Dictionary Of Haematology


s-phase n�4 M א ��O É8 و�O يG���)|&�Bو وא�) و�.'�'@� ) 6ي א 7 אي(دو�א���، O'�7 دو�אن 8B: وH'�B�� 8��/ �i�

The period during the cellular division

cycle in which DNA is replicated.

Sac ��& ��&�;� ،ي�I�Z ، 8�;�I ،���� Saccharase n �1�& 0'd ،H'� ،�1p Saccharte � �1�& ��D ،0א-�ن'd

Sccharic 1�&�-� �1p ،H'� ،H'd ،©;K$� 0'd Saccharic acid 02-א �אب &��1-n�� �O 0'd ،אبn�� �1pي Saccharide 0-�1ي ���&$� &��1אp ،0'd ،��¨� ،س�¨� Saccharify 5� �1�& aB�� 0'd Saccharin 7 �1�& 0'd 8�HK� ،�B�O 0'd Saccharine 8' �1�& d ،�1p ،�� '�O 0^ �ن ��pن �O 0'd^و ��دو، �Saccharo-meter �<���1و�& ���. 0'd ،��d�. 0'd ،אو"א� GH'�d�. ��¨� Saccharo-myces M�2-�� دو &��1و�� ������، �¨�� وא�و �� ،��� d'0א-�ن �Saccharo-rrhea 8A � 8 &��1وD�1�� 0'd L ب���. Saccharose 8( &��1و�O H'�9(�O ،H'd 8O H'��B �¨8 �س، 9

، �1p H'� 0'dيSack ��& ��Z ،و��W ،��;�I Safty measures س�A�� 8<�& ³�.8$ אx�V Sal ل�& �o�D ،��� ، °�o�D ،��D Salad ?�& 6)0;�&( ��}: ��& 8`9،�U+ �`9 ،3د& Salimeter �<���;�& ���. ��D Saline 7�-3�& �: �� ���dnو، ��p ،��o�D ،����o�Dدא�، �

S-phase Salivary corpuscles

261 Dictionary Of Haematology

Salinometer �<�� �'�;�& ���. �;9 ،�>o�� ب: ��D ،�>o�� ��D Saliva 3-��א�& °��o�. ، �O ،[� ،�. ،אل�،�I ،ب�KD Salivant ����-3�& GH�v9 �. Salivary 8 &�3-���يD8، �א+�KD ،وא� b� ، وא� �. Salivary corpuscles 3-���ي�&

M;2.��9 وא�א ¦�Gא G�¦ 8+�KDא، .�

Salivary fistula ?��<24 3-���ي�& S�" GH'9אH�. b� ،��&�� وאت وא�و Salivary glands ود، &�3-���ي �;�'0سHj وא�א �ود .Hj 8+�KD Salivate � ��-3�& �v9 [� 8O وאت،atא �. ،a9�I ،�G�Z ،b� Salivation 7�p��-3�& �I �I ،ب &�"ي�KD ،ب�KD ت�r9 �G�Z b� ، Salivator �< ��-3�& GH'�-و!א �I Salt �D�& ���� ،��� ،��D ،ت¥D،يn�� ��dא�، Salt acid 02-א �D�&= אبn�� ��D Same S�& 8-و^Bא ،©+�Q� ،1@�^وB ،��Z�& ،82'O SB Sample N>���& M'O ،Gو ،���� ��rل، �

A subset of a population

Sample of -population �: N>��& 7��D�.�.

����� �O ل ، :+�دي�r� دي�+:

Sampling b';>��& �v9 ����� ،ad� �O M'O ،يH'+ 8���� Sensitive �<�2�& �2سV ،� ¥.�/א Sensitive cells M;�& �<�2�& אG��� ��O �2سV ،��;� 8&א�V Sensitivity 8C�<2'�& |�&�2V א/�.¥ �ي Sensitization 7� n�-�<�2'�& �2س ��يV�2س ��9ي، אVא Sensitized 6n�-�<�2'�& �2سV ،8&�2V د�� " Septice �<>�& ،وH'� N�Z8، �وZو� Septic arthritis �<>�&

M<-א��I�: ، ��-�1و :���'nم 8O �9ي ´�Bfن �'@

a�I אH�. �O 8 &�"شZو� Joint inflamation caused by micro

Salivary fistula Septicide

262 Dictionary Of Haematology


Septic disease n "6 �<>�& ي����+ 8Z¡، �و��8 Zو� Septic fever ���4 �<>�& ��+ 8Zو� Septic infection 7�1�א� �¡ &�<>��8 Z8، �وZو� Septic jaundice 0س��O �<>�& 8-�& 8Z8، ���ن، �وZو� Septicemia ����2�<>�& ،aB^} �B" L ي �ت، �ت�B" ،אب �ت��

�و8Z ��ن The presence of pathogenic micro organisms in the blood.

Septicemic patient ���2�<>�& �'��.  �� 8Zت �و� Septicidal 0�2ل�<>�& ©;K$� ��� و�� Septicide وכ &�<>�0�2ي� G�& ،��� و�� Septicity 8<2�<>�& 5 �و��+H+ ،ن�� �B" Sequela ?��1& א/�אت ¡�� Sequence M'-��1�& �;2;& ،%���� Sequential N�'-��1�& �;2;& ،N2;2� ،2;��א�;& Sensitizer �n�-�<�2'�& �� �2سV Sensor �2'�& 8&א�V ،و�+�� Sensory ي &�'�2ي�H8، א�j���2&8، ��+�و، دV ،8&א�V ،8j��د Sensory nerve �2ي ��و'�& |'� ��+�و �'|، �Vא&8 Sensory neuron �2ي ����אن'�& |'� �Vא&8 Sensory organs M'��: �2&8 (��א &�'�2يV ،و (��א�+�� Separable NwA �>�& אHO ،�Z�O a�I  Dא ،� ¥. © ��HOא .¥ �،

�Z�O a�I Separate � �>�&  Dא، !א�، אHO ، D�0 א�9;�، ����و، א��} ،a�I Separation 7� �>�& �4אق ،© �� ،8�H�;) ،8-אHO ،وG�tو ،

a�I א�! ،a�I  D�0، א��t Separator �< �>�& GH'9 אHO ،GH'9  Dא

Septicity Serological test

263 Dictionary Of Haematology

Separated 0< �>�& א�!، Dא، אHO ،M'O  Dא Separator �< �>�& 7��� GH'9 א�! Y�& ،GH'9  Dא Sepsis n2>�& ،5�+H+ ،55، .�ن�+ ،a�I�'9 ،aZو� ،a>Zو�

�^&)L ت� (aB^} �B". Serbalbumin 7���wD7 &�ب א���wDت א� Serial N ��& 2;��א�;& Series n ��& ،يH'+ �R ،��Q� ،�;2;& ،�^D ،2;��א�;& %���� Series alternating b'<���<Dא n ��& �;2;& GH'@DH+ Seriflex M1�; ��& א��אج ��o�.= Serious M�-��& ،כ،��"כ���Qي����y ،و��Z ،��\'7�l�j ، Serious disease n "6 n ��& ¡�� ي، ��"כ��� ����Qכ +�Serious patient �'��. M ��&  �� |D�V כ"�� Serious symptoms M�<>�& M ��& $�ن�כ (3���Q� Seripig b> ��& ] ±)¡�� ( Sero و��& ��o�. ت� Serocolitis M<�-?�98 .�دي &�¬ &��وO 0ن�: Serological N1�O?8 &��و$+�q� ،©;K$� ��o�. ت� ،|+�+ |+�q� Serological test �2�C N1�O?8 .�� &��و$+�q� Serologist �2O?و��& �B�� |+�q� ،دאن |+�q� Serology 8O?و��& S;) �O |+�q� ، S;) �O ��o�. 8$+�q� Serophyte � ��C�W 8$+�q &��و�4-�Seropurolent �'�D� ���. و��& )L ت� (N�;� 58 � .�نo�. Seropus M.و��& ) L ن5 ) �ت�. � ��o�. Serosa �&8 ( &��وO 8 .�دو) �تo�. Serositis M<�-�&8( &��وO 8 .�دي &�¬ ) �تo�. Serosity 8<&8 ( ��ن :ب، ��ن :+8 &��وO א-� ) �ت�$. Serotherapy 8.א�I8 ( &��وO ت� (K �¦ 8o�. 3ج) 8

Serologist Sett Serologist

264 Dictionary Of Haematology

Serotonin 7��Cو��& �C �1�O �<9�<'9�2 '@��ن .و�7�4 �< � 8AI אH�.)M;2� ¶��& ( 8d 71��

� �9ي >א&�D��� ). �$��כ �9ي(�A vasoconstrictor produced from

tryptophan that stimulates smooth muscles Serous 8، .>^و، :+8 &��وس$+�q� ،8o�. �O ت� ،n��: ب: Serous fluid 0-��;4 وس��& GH'9 אH�. ��o�. ت�

Produeing or containing serum.

Serous membrane 7 �w� ��q+$8 .�دو &��وس ��Serum م��& [W �O 71C ،��o�. b�� 8+ 8O ت�

Straw colored fluid that is present after

blood clots.

Serum disease n "6 8( &��مO ت� (o�.¡�� وא�و �� Serum- electrophoresis

א1�D>�و &��مn�&��4

Separation of serum proteins by

electrical methods.

Serum therapy 8.א�I 8( &��مO وא�و (3ج )�ت ��o�. Service |، &�وس�3"��9��9د�8، ،|�H� ،�9ي�� ،��B��.

S9 &�א�@�م Sessile N-�2�& ��j�) $��כ�و، &�79 (��و، א� �

N !وא�وو H� يv'� ،. Sessile eyed 0�-: N-�2�& S�} |+�/ Session 7��& + ،|2�� ،8 &�ل��;K� ¨�، א3Oس �Set ��& �G�d ،a-��D ،a-��T،S;� ،ي�Z ،ي�Z 8O H'�9 Sets M<�& )S2� �O 7�p (،�H�] ،� �;�Z،S �ن +�Sett ��& a ] %���� ،a-��T Setter &�<� GH' ] %���� ، GH' ��� و Settle N<�& )�O دي�� (� ،a�T ،a�I د�+: ،a� و a-��T c Setlled 0;<�& � ،N�&و+2| :+�د، وH'+ ،N ��T c Setlelment �'��;<�& A��7 ،، :+�دي�ي، :+�دي، :+�د��9ي، +�¨H'&و

Setter Sexual growth

265 Dictionary Of Haematology

+'Hو+2| Setller �;<�& ���و�H'+ c} ،aي، ،���: ،a-א��:=،a-�1��� Settling b'�;<�& �aو و��� ،a-�1} ،يH'+ c Setts M<�& �'Z،�1אC ،ن� �Z ،ن��C�C Severe �A �& ��\'Z ،|| א/�، ��אب א/�، [א±و، 9¨��، && Severness M����-��& 8$ [א±א-8، 9¨��א-�، &Severity 8< ��-��& 8p�� ،8$ Hpت، &Sex M1�& �'R )دي�� � �� ( N2� ، S2� ،M'O Sex cell N�& M1�& �;� 82'O ،وG��� 82'O� وG��� ��O 82'O ، Sex character �<1 ��9 M1�& |�R�� 82'O Sex chromosomes M1�&

�9و��&�م ،S2O 8;i$'� 82'O ،S2O ن�-�l�� 8;2�

G�O 82'OوSex inheritance M1�&

M'< א���� �، O'82 و���&|/ O'82 و�

Sex linkage [�1'D M1�& �.אv��Z 82'O ،G�O 82'O Sex linked 01'D M1�& �.אv��Z 8;2� Sex linked factors 01'D M1�&

1�4>�س v��Z 82'Oא.8 (�א�e'�& 82'O ،Nي nOא

Sex linked inheritance M1�&M'< 01א����'D

8 وא�/| .v��Z 82'Oא

Sex mosaic "�� M1�&כא fW82'O ���� ،د Sex organs M'��: M1�& ،د (��א��ي (��א، ��H'�& ،82 (��א'O

و �ج (��א

Sexual 1�&`N-� |+�+ M'O د��82، ��'O ،يH�'& ،8;2� ،8'R Sexual affinity 8<'� א N-�`1�& ��9 82'O Sexual cell N�& N-�`1�& 82'O ،وG��� ��O 82'O ،وG��� 82'O

G��� Sو� �;��، ����دSexual cycle N1�-�& N-� O'82 ���و �2;8 {�1، &�1

266 Dictionary Of Haematology

Sexual disease n "6 N-�`1�& ن� ����+ 82'O Sexual growth ¶و�� N-�`1�& !2;8 وא� ،��y82 א'O!82 وא'O ،c@ و Sexual organs M'��: N-�`1�& 82 (��א'O Sexual physiology 8O?� n4 N-�`1�& N�) 8�� ��) 82'O

Sezary cell N�& ي�n�& م��� ،��-�& ��D وG��� ��O H�& �O ت�و[ي ���MA�;9 &�ن G��� ��O �1�Oي

�O و[و �UV و?�ي و�8A large lymphocyte with a nucleus that

occupies most of the cell.

Short E��p و��I ،و�H'+ ،��� ،�C�t ،�U$ �'vو، �Show �p Ä ] ،³���،�-�����p، ����و�� ،��& ، Shrink ���p & ،a-�d س�&�aO^1& ،�a2& ، Shrinkage [�1��p ،a2&a@<�� ،a@C�&،^9�& ،س�& Shrinkled 0;1��p N�@'�� ،N�C�& N�2& ،N ���9 ،N ��O�� Shrivel א 5 ول�p ،a2&،�^1& ،a-��O�� a@'�� ،a@-���9 Shriveled 0Dא 5 و�p N ��� ،N ���9 N ��O�� ،N ^1& ،N�@'�� ، Shriveling b'D א 5 و�p aO^1& ،a2& ،aO��� ،a@-���9 Shunt �'p a-?H+ ي^<. ،a-?H+ �$&� ،�0��t Shut down 6א-�ن �p ،H'+ a�I H'+. Shut out E�-: �p ��9 ج��� Sib %& ،�$p� �O 9>'% �ت Siblings Ml';w& �& ،HDو SB ،�H. د��� SB،M'O SB ،N2� ��Z

�O N2� �B a�y ³�y ،8 אو?دO �B ،�`W Sick �& כ�}�� ، �� ،����+ ،8Zو� ،"�&�� Sickle, (sickle cell) ،N1&)N�& N1&(

�ت L���Oد �BG�Z ([א�C، [א8C، ?+��ي �Oאو"א�

. N1p 8O 7�'O [א�O 8C^ي 8I و­nO (8وSickle cell disease n "6 N�& N1& L ت� ������ �H8 א�O 7+�;����B د�O��

8Cא [אnO �BG�Z �O �9ي �ت a8 و­I

Sexual organs Side

267 Dictionary Of Haematology

7B: אH'א�$��� �9ي و� N1p ي^�O. Results from the substitution of valine

for glutamic acid at the sixth position

on the beta chain of the haemoglobin molecule. In homozygous form (ss),

causes sickle cell anemia.

Sickled 0;1& 8 وא�وCي دא� ، [אH�]N ^1& ، Sickness M�� �& Oي، �و� و+�ل، [و��� c، ��&�"ي، ��¡، +�Side 0�-�& خ� ،�&�. ، ��q Sideroblastic anaemia �<&3+و�H�-�&

�� א '��j ��D �Hא� S2O 7 دو�אن$D�V 8Oوא� �

��ل �) :-�ن(K$&א �Of L א�Hi� �4وא ،a�I���;�+7 &�ن ��B ،د�Oو�+ a@B f 8O v'Z

.&a�l وא�ي �9�| A disease of iron utilization in which

the body has adequate iron but is

unable to incorporate it in haemoglobin


Siderosis n&�0و�-�& aO�y b�� ��D L S2O Siderotic granules

�C�0و�-�&MD��' ��

��D ( 8O(�ت nO 7BG�Z 8Oن א��H، :-�ن S2� �1 ��ص�O 8 دא� دא�O b�� 8BG�Z8 �9���-8 ��;�ل .�و&�7 +;� &�ن O=

�L 7 אن HK+ a@l�� .D 7�W 8d ��� א{8+ n 6�+ �A���B 7>�.f8B: �+�& .

(Pappenheimer bodies) Siderotic granules are dark-staining

particles of iron in the erythrocyte that

are visible with a special iron stain-

prussian blue. Sift �& ���9: ،�0't ،ao�t ،8-�R ،a&�1} ،a}�O Sight � ����و +��Uت، ���، �'��، &�-�Sign 7-�& ،�� � ،��. ،|، א��9ن�8، (3���� ،���Bא

+�ج، :�I، ���ن

Sideroblastic anaemia Singleta bond

268 Dictionary Of Haematology

Significance M'1��'l& و�" ، %;Q� ،אد�� ،|��Bא ،�H� ،ت، و"ن�� Significant �'1��'l& 8 ���، وא�'K� ،%;Q��. ،و�e. ،SBن، א� ����µ Significant differences �'1��'l&6 M��4 وא�µ ن �4ق� �� �4ق، �Significantly 8;<'1��'l& %;Q� �. ،��q µوא� ،��q 8$-א/�א Signification 7�1��'l& 8'K� ،و��r א ،%;Q� ،אد�� ،|��Bא ،���xא،|Vو��� = Significative �<�1�'l& GH' ] و��pא ،GH' ] ��& ،8$Vو�� Signify Ø5��'l& a-�o�T ،���� ] ،ad� 8'K� ،ad� و"ن ،ad� %;Q�� Simple N>�& ��R ،دو،(�م�&،�D��،M'O SB،%9����j Single Nl'& ���l ،�o�1�B ،1^وB ،HVوא ،���l ،�;�9و، א^t Single chamber �w��} Nl'& ي���� �B ،���� �B Singlet ��;l'& �Q+8 �א��+ �B ،�;�9א�9;^و، א89، א = Singleta bond 0��+ ��;l'& H'+ 89א = Singlet linkage [�1'D ��;l'& �.אv��Z 89א = Singlet solution ��;l'&7p�;& ل�;�� HVوא Singular �D�l'& HV8، א�9;�، وאOوא���j ،�Dא�� �B Singular matrix M9�<�� �D�l'& %D�� ،د�'� ،�`��& �B Singular solution 7p�D�& �D�l'& ;�ل��د �'� Singult ��D�l'& 89�B ،�9�& ،�: Singultus M<D�l'& 89�B Sink �'& D ،�G�W ،��W ي���دي ، �B ،و�d ،a� Sinksize n�-�& �'& )L b'& ( א�Hi� 89א��� Sinking b'1'& �G�W ،]�W ،��W ،��W دل ،a@-�& دل و Sinuose ن &�-'��س�-�O�� ، ،�; ��D ،ي��D ،دא���D Sinuosity -�&8<&��' ��D ،a.א��D ،�-א��D ،S� ،��. Sinous M-�'�-�& `�. ،א�، {�1دא�H� Hא�، ��D ،�; ��Dي، ��Dدא� �Sinuous flow �;4 س�'�-�& �Bي و��D ، �Bא� وH�� Sinus M'�-�& ،8 &��אخ�;�I، ،�d ،�} 8، و�D�� ،��lp

Singlet linkage Sleep

269 Dictionary Of Haematology

Sinusoids 0س�-�&��'�-�& ��� S� �� ،�� �� &��אخ �

Specialized capillaries found in locations

such as the bone arrow, spleen, and liver.

Sinusoidal و &�-�'�&�-�0ل^�OG�� �� ،��� S� �� Sister cell N�&�<2& ��;� 8I�& Sister nucleus M�A;9����<2& 8 ��אتI�& ،n9�� ��O 8I�& Site ��-�& �O 7��"�& ،� ،e'B ،c��iم، .Sition 7<�-�& א، ���אכ¥j ،و!�d Sitology 8O?�<�-�& ) ،S;) �O ي!�d � א-�|، ���אכ، ود¥j S; Size n�-�& ،א�Hi� ،"אHא� ،���� �t�9 ،N ] ،S2O ��پ، .�

Size distribution histogram

n�-�& 7p��w �<&6


2B>���אمA display of the distribution of cell

volume and frequency each channel on

the x-axis represents six in femtoliters

(FL) the-y-axis represents the relative

number of cells. Skeleton 7<�;�1&و אv��y ،�9، ±א�`�، .'��و�� ،��i� ،א-�ن .��و�B Skill N1&ت، .��� א���� ،�'B ،74 ،|�1V ،|4�V ،S;) Skin 71&ي، א^�} �;t ،S} ،Nd ،aB? Nd ،ل�� ،H;O Sleep ��;& � �� �'v، :�אم، �Sleeping sickness M�'1& b'>�;& ي����+ 8O ت�� v'�،ي����+ ������،¡�� �O v'� Sleepy 8>�;& و^dאv'� ،ي���� SLE אي N א ، M א M ��D �<���� 8D��n&�< א� �mو &2>

� �O ي����+ � Abbreviation for systemic lupus


Slight �9�nو &3-� ،��K� ��� �1، .$�و;B ،� ��+ ،� Slow �;& &·2�� ،|�B ،;�1، �1�O ،����O Small bowel stricture ل�� ل+�-� &

=א&>�9`� a�I �BG�& �O 0ي�:

A narrowing of the intestine

Small intestine 7�-�<2�<ل א��� �'vو :�0و &

Sleeping sickness Sodium nitrate

270 Dictionary Of Haematology

Smear ��A� دאغ ،a§I�a;، {>�، ���و &Smell ��&N 5�+ ،a�l'&��� ،پ! ، Smog گ���& H�! �O 7دو��� Smoke כ��& a1t כ��� دو���ن ، ��9ي �Bא، و"م، Smoulder �0D��& al;& ،a;O �Hא� ،��W 8;Kp ���+ ،ش"�& ،adد Smudge [� دو����O 7 �19، دאغ، {>�، دو���ن &Smudge cells M;�& [��8 �ت �'@ & ��q 8��H����+ 7B�O c

.���& 8O MA�;9�nO Hא و!ي و­7A natural artifact seen on peripheral

blood smears that represents the bare

nuclei of leukocyts (e.g) lymphocyts). In

creased numbers are seen in CLL. Sodium S 6�& S 6�&)�U') 8-����9( Sodium bicarbonate S 6�& 5�+ ��+��9� 8O a-�d &�±א، �¨8 &�±א، �d!ي وא�ي &�±א �Sodium carbonate ����+��9 S 6�& ��d 8O a-و! ،��d ،��d 8Wو! Sodium citrate � �<& S 6�& ،GH'�I ل��K$&5 א? a-�`+ ن�d a@Z8 دd ت�

�U') 8-����9 A blood anticoagulant that is frequently

used in concentration of 3.2% for

coagulation studies. Sodium chloride 0�-9;��א S 6�& ��D و�T�d ،��D م�Kq ،��D ،��D �O ي!�d Sodium hydroxide �0و-�B S 6�&

0�-�29: &��B S 6-�0و :0�-�29 ��%9

Sodium nitrate � �r-�� S 6�& و��p 8;} ،��D א | وא�و��p Sodium sulphate �;& S 6�&� ��;& S 6�&)�U') 8-����9( Sodium vapour �> و S 6�& ��+ �O S 6�& ،Õ�W S 6�& Soft � �9�N، ��"כ�A��9و،9�nو�،،�1;B�S-3،��م، &�4Solid 0D�& ،|א ،N�R�S2@، ��س، .�1، ���و، &

��ي، و"�8 Solo �D�& א�9;� .�دא�

Sodium sulphate Somites

271 Dictionary Of Haematology

Soluble N+��D�& Z ،N+�� ��Z ،GH'�I NV� ¥. NV ،GH��Z ،و��Z ،وG�� Solute E��D�& و��Z ،GH��Z ،N�I NV ،N �Z Solution 7p��D�& 8��y N� ��Zو، ��Z، ��;�ل، (Solution buffer �+ 7p��D�& ;�ل��وכ �H. ��d Solvent ����D�& N;�� ،GH' ي و�Z ،GH' ;8 و�و، ��Z ،GH' ��Z Soma ���& wq ،ن، �سH+ ،S2O µ Somaconal ���&���9ل �p�� S2O ،ن (��وH+ Somaplasm 3"م. ���& � �� S2O Somatic �<���& 8�H+ ،8Kwq ، 8�2O ، 8���2O Somatic apogamy 8�2�8 (�م ��3پ، 8Kwq (�م �وא8O ��3پ &���>� א <���O Somatic cell N�& �<���& ��;� 8�H+ ،وG��� S2O Somatic death { 6 �<���& ت��8 ���2O ،ت��8 Kwq Somatic disorders �<���&6א¡ س :��6س��8 אKwq ،8 ��&�" �ن�2O Somatic induction 7�90א� �>��8 د��ل &�Kwq ،8 د��ل�2O

Somatic mitosis n&�<�-�� �<���& 8 د��لKwq ،8 د��ل�2O Somatics M1<���& ) ،نH+ S;) ،ت���2O S;) ت��Kwq S; Somato �<���& µwq ،نH+ ،S2O Somato typing b'>�-�C����& يH'+ 8O8 د�O א�8��2 6ول Somatoblast �2�8�H+ ،³3�� 8 א��אج &���>�+3&O Somato genesis n2�'�O�<���& ،ي"�& S2O H�D�� S2O Somato genic �'�O�<���& H�D�� S2O ،!وא S2O Somatoid 0-�<���& نH+ وGv'� ،و^�O ،��� S2O Somatologist �2O?�<���& نH+ �B�� ،ت دאن���2O Somatology 8O?�<���& ت��Kwq S;) ،نH+ S;) ،ت���2O ،S;) Somatome م�<���& |Vא�O نH+ ،אش�� S2O ،�1وC �O S2O Somato plasm >�.3"م��&� � ��ن H+ ،دو�� S2O Somato tomy 8��C�<���& 8Vא�O نH+ ، 8pא�� S2O Somites M<�-���& �1אC نH+ ،8א���V ،�1אC �O S2O

272 Dictionary Of Haematology

Somatic �<���& �Tو�8 אو�Hא� Sore �Ë& N�Iא ،N�z&،¬�&)8 ) א���، ���³، &�"ش، "��، Span ي =א&<�نG�O ،�و� ،cl 6 ،�R�) ،وH� ،تH�،دא-�و ،���� Span of life ��-? �: א&<�ن= HV 8O ��) ،�� �Hت (Spasm א&<�"م= � t ،E�Z�، ��وGvZ ،Gي، vZي، :9^، &�Spasmic ��"�>&ي دא� =אvZ ،ي وא�وGvZو^´O ��& L ��. ، Spasmodic 6כ��9^ =א&<�": ،�t ،يGvZ ،ي ?5 دوאGvZ ،µ4دא �t Spasmodic colie 5?�9 6כ��وא =א&<�" Eو9^، و L ��. ��& � �و .�Special N��>&א� =א! ، Dص، ����و، �]، א�� ،�Dص، ��א�U� Specialist ��� �'B ،8R�U� �B�H'، ��ص �o�T S9، =א&<��;2

GH'�o�T ، 4'8 ����ت Speciality 8<;��>&א= aZ 8، ��ص+�� ،|�R�� ،|�R�U� Speciallzation 7� n�-3��>&א= |�R�U� ، ت���� S;) ت ��ص����8 R�U� ، Specialize n�-3��>&א= ad� ت����ص �� Specialized 6n�-3��>&ص =א�U .�� ،�d���B، ��ص، �Speciation 7�A�2�>&ي =אH'+ M'O ،يH'+ ع�� Species n���>&א= ��،|��y ،a+ ،�'R،אت¦،M'O،N2�·ع S2� ، Specific ��2�>&ص، =א�U82، �2�8، ��ص، �'O�R�U ،8

8)�� ،8� ¦אSpecification 7�1��2�>&א �� ،|�R�U� ،|�R�� ،N�U� ،��

��i� ، HV ،|��9 Specificity 8<2�2>&א= |�R�U� ،N� ��ص (Specified 0-�2�>&ص =א�U ��ص، �Specified period 0 ��. 0-��2�>&ت =אH� ص�U� Specify 5��2�>&א= ،S2� ،ل�r� ،Gو ،M'O ����� Spectrometer <1�>&>��=א��و ،��d�. b���O 8'pو� ،�� ���Kp 7�lع .�

���. b�� Spectrometry >�يא��8 &<�1>�و-���. b�� ، 8-���. ،b�� 8'pو�

Somatic Speed

273 Dictionary Of Haematology

Spectrophotometer �<���C�4 א&<�>�و= ���. b�� 8'pو� Spectro photometery ي�<�� �C�4 א&<�1>�و= ��. b�� 8'p8 �و-� Spectro scope �<1�>&و=א

=א&�1پ�l��7�+ b�� ،��d�. b�� ،�� ،�Kp 7ع .�

���Kp 7�lع +�7 Spectro scopic =א&<�1>�و �8 =א&�1.'�+ b�� ،©;K$� 7�+ b�� Speed 0�>&8 =א-��l& ،ل�} ،Ä� = ��ت ���$4، ��nي، ���$4، Sperm cell N�& و، =א&<�مG��� S� ،��;� 8Q� a9 8Q� ،��;� 8�� Spermatozoa >�-�¦א��א&<�= �� [W 82'O ،وG��O 8�� ،[W

Male reproductive cells (sperm).

Sperms M��>&א= �Q� ،אG��O 8�� ،[W ،S���G��O H�Dא، �� Sphere ��A�&א= �$d ،�i-3) ،، :�9س���4، 4; ،�D�� ،دא-�و Shphrincter �<1��&'�7 &�� =א�>81، ��@�8، ��ل �س، �� H'+ אخ Sphygmic ���l�&8 =א�w� ،��� Âw� Sphymometer �<����l�&א= ���. Âw� Spill N>&و �، &3خ =א ��B 8O 58o�. ،���B ،a1;t ،a-�1;t Spill blood 0;+ N>&א= a-�Bت و� ،��t ت� ،aO��B ت� ،�v9 ن�� Spinal N�-�>&و، =א�B 58<.^ � ،وH'9 ،��l��9 � Spinal column SD�9 N'-�>&ي =א�B 7�m� 8O 8�l��9 ��l��9، ي�B 8O �^ � Spinal cord 6��9 N'-�>&8$ =א'��O 8�l��9 [و�و، ��nي [و�ي،

M� �^ � ،و�ي] Spiny 8'-�>&א� =אH 0'9 ،א�، 9'0وH9�� ،א-�نH'9 ،دא���� Spiral و =א&<�-�ل ،�B^ א� �و� و9^، وH 0'�� ،א�H`�. ،��. ، Spirit E�>&א= ��o�. GH'�א[א �B ،אب�p �B�O)E�>&א=( Spirtius M< ��>&א= �& ،��&a�d � Spit � I��KD ،ب، �אل =א&<Spit box M9�+ � I� دאن، �KDب ���� =א&<Spit venom S' و � "�Bي I��B" 8+�KD ، =א&<Spitting b'<>&א ،���Z ،a9�I �G�� ت�

Sperm cell Splenic infarction

274 Dictionary Of Haematology

Spitting of blood �: b'<>&0 =א;+ a9�I ن�� ،���Z ت� Splanchnic �'�;>&א= O0א אو�: c Spleen 7�;>&ي� =א���`���B ، Spleen disease n "6 7�;>&ي =א����+ 8O ي��� Spleen pulp �;. 7�;>&دو =א�� �O ي��� Spleenic �'�;>&8 +� =א`���B ،|+�+ ي��� |+�+ 8;� ،|+ Splenalgia ��@;'�;>&א= ��& �O ي����ي� &�¬، Splemectomy 8��<1 ي 9>�-8 =א&<;�7 א�� ،8Vא�O ي��� Spleric �'�;>&א= ©;K$� ي����ي�، Splenic fever ���4 �'�;>&א= ����ي�، وא�و + Splenic infarction 7�9��א� �א&<;�'= = �O ي��� G��� ��O Nא � אو¬ي و ��

Tissue necrosis of the spleen. Splenitis M<�'�;>&א= a@& �`���B ،¬�& ي�� Splenodemia �����ع =א&<;�'� 6 $Oت א� L ي��� Splenomegalia ��;l���'�;>&و!� =א �O ي��� Splenomegaly 8;l���'�;>&א= N !8 א�$�� و+)N�I ي�) و[ي��

An extremely enlarged spleen. Splenopathy 8m�.�'�;>&ي =א����+ 8O ي�� ،¡�� �O ي��� Sporadic 8، אو{$� =א&<�� 0כD1^، و��W ^1 א Sporadic disease ��>&6=אn "6 ¡ כ��و+�-8 ��j Spread 0 �>&א= ،�^��.،a-3��،aO^�.^��. ،³3�� ،|K&و ،�^�. Sprue א&<�و= �B ي����+ 8o8 ��א+8 وא�ي .�אO 8��

A chronic form of malabsoption syndrome

Squamous cell N�& س�� �d.8 دא� �;�� =א&�1א-Squeeze n�-��1&א= a-�Wد ،�G�`�،�G�>�،�v9 ق�)،�v9 س� ،aC�\�} Squeezer �n-��1&א= GH' G�`� ،cD: دא� ،GH'�Wدא Stable Nw�<&א�، �.�1، =אH�-�. ،Ï�w�� ،S-�NCא ،�$. Stage [�<&א= ��;I ،و���w} ،�;V�� ،|D�V

Stain 7�<&א= b�� ،�1C ،�<} ،دאغ ،aÒ�� ،a-��D دאغ

Splenitis Standards

275 Dictionary Of Haematology

Stained 0'�<&א= ��� ،N�jدאغ دא�، دא Stamp �� �<� �t ،a.�t ،a�Bپ، �<�، �t.�، ��� =א&>�Stand 0'�<&א= ،��C ،ي، א[وG��� ،���+ ��C��� ،و���w} Standard 6�0'�<&א= �K�،�Oد� ،���K� ،"אH، א����ي، .��������. ،

8p ي���K�58p 7´'9 ،5 8)��$O8 אd ���O 8�א�Rل ��Q+©، �1@´^א-8O 8 :!א�

N� 8O��Q+© ��א� [ a وא�و (Standard deviation 7�A � 6 6�0'�<&9 =א I ي���K� ،³�<B ي���K� ،ي א���א����K�³�،

8+�2V 8@'´'. 8O |&אدي و���HK� 7´'9 �����. �O 8O8 د�O �3´� 8 ��دO א&�ي��&�2�8 אو&¼ 8O א���א� 8O {��س i� �1�O

8O &�א&�ي� 8O ��ل 8O ��2وي :�8 The square root of the variance.

Standared error א&>�'6�0 א��= = ،Ny ي���K�)8O 7lא� ( �o��& ي���K� Standard rate � � 6�H'�<&ح =א�p ي���K� Standard value ��; ح =א&>�'�0د و�p ي���K� ،|� ����Kي ��Standards א&>�'6�0س= ����. ،�Oد�f ن�'�Z �$2א"ن�א"، Hא� ،���K� ، Starch ���<&א= �B9;�، א ،|& �O و، ���&$�، אن!�d ��¨� a�� Starchy 8}��<&و =א^d ،א�H$&��� 8$&��� ،9;� دא� ،�yא ، Stasis n2�<&��9 א H'+ 8d ت�)a9ن �و�d aBو ( a5 א.�³ و�?

Stopping of bleeding immediately

Stat � H;Oي =א&>�State ��D�V ،�w|، د��O، �9�| =א&>��،b�± ،� ��

�o��& � Static �<�<&9|، و"�8، =א�V 8+ ،8��1& ،N¨�+ ،79�&

�8O 8�H�" 8 אن א�Hא" ������، �p�K� ،H��O7@� N ^O L | ون �وאG�. ن�O 7´'O |+�+

Statical N1�<�<&8$9، &8��1 =א�V 8+

Starch Statistical errors

276 Dictionary Of Haematology

Statics M1<�<&א= ،S;) �O ،|���1& دي������1ت، & S;) ������1ت 8O א�� �pخ S;)، �1�O &�1ن

�O ©;K� 8���+ 8O 7�א��yس �$�א"ن ��p א�� f� 7��O ،8�: يH'958 88 א�� 7´'O

8O ن �@7، &�1ن� H'9 N���ن (��8@� L |D�V

Station 7��<&א= �O ���+ ،8o���t ،م�i� ،دي�� ،�o�1� ،c =� ;�ي א&>��7

Stationary ي، =א&>��'�ي�o�1� ،81��+ ،���� ،�1���I ،S�i��$-�Z��

Statis M<�<&�1ن ��ن =א& Statist ��� א&>�>2p ،ت� ���p �B�� ت دאن� � Statistic �<2�<�<&א= ©;K$� ت� ���p � دH) ،8�� ���p ،ي���p ،

��� �ت nO �Oو � א �1p . |i�iV 8�� ���p8d 7´'O א�H) � 7lدن &�ن /�+| �9ي

.&7�AO ،8@´l &�א&�ي Statistical N1�<2<�<&א= ،©;K$� ت� ���p S;) ،©;K$� ن�d7 אlא�

8�� ���p Statistical analysis N1�<2<�<&א

M�-?�' א= n@� 8�� ���p ،وn-�O ي�dא bא��

Statistical data �< 6 N1�<2�<�<&א= �dא b8 א��� ���p Statistical errors &א=< N1�<2�<�

=א��س���Q;j 8ن � ���p

Statistics M1<2<�<&8$ =א&�p bود �، א� �dא bت، א�� ���p S;) ،��� �تp .'-�& 8O אد��8،� 82 א�Hא" L �4א�

f� ،� n@� 8$�� � ،%����7A�O 7 :+�دي´'O 8O 7´و � �@7، א� ��'d �dא bن א��´@'�

� 8@´l& يv9 �@�$� �9 L 7 · א+��ي´�

Statistics Sterile body fluid

277 Dictionary Of Haematology

nO N1Dن 8O א���| 8O +��ي L ���س :�א-8 �9ي &8O 7O ،8@´l א/�ن &�ن

.א�´7 א�7l א�dن 8O و��H'�I |Vي �@8Any numerical value describing a sample

Statocyte � &8��1 �;�� =א&>�>�&�-�Stature �`�<&א= H� 8-�}|، אو��2O ،S2O ،|+ ، يH';+ Status M<�<&א= �w�� ،|D�V ،�Oد� ،���K�،�.�Z? ،|�r�V Status epileptics M<�<&א <8 =א=

M1<>�D |D�V 8 وא�ي����

Status lymphatics M1<��D M<�<&א= �KD |D�V ب Steady א&>�0ي= �w�� ،א�، &���و��BÏ �$. ،Ni$2� ،�1. ، Steam S�<&א= ،���� a�I، ��م �Bא، ++ ،a ] Õ�W ،Õ�W

a��W ،دو���ن Stear �A�<&و� =א ،Y�& ،8W�} Steric acid 02-א&>��-�כ א= ��nאب = �O 58W�} Stearine 7�-8، =א&>��אW�} 8����w� � 8א���V 8W�} 8������V Stem S�<&ي =א��C ،خ�p ،אو?د ،N2� ،د��'+ a+ Stem term م�C S�<&خ =א�pG�. Stenosis n&�'�<&8، +�� 81 =אl'� ،Âw�

The narrowing of a vessel, in a blood

vessel the lumen decreases the flow

of blood if stenosis exists. Stenotic <&א=�C�'� ��� ،N�<�� ،N�1t ،b'� Stenotype ��-�C�'�<&א= ����� �U$� ،����� � ��+ ،��9 8���� �U$� Step ��<&م، =אH� ،³�y �;�C�& ،�� و ،�;R�� ،�;V��

و� ، [א�9 ، ��م Sterile N-8 =א&>��אU� ،د���� ،��/ 8+ ،v'& ،��Oא ،�@'+ ،N� 8+ Sterile body fluid <&א=N-6ي 4;��-0 +�6ي 4;��-0 ��א�+ N-א&>��א=

Watery fluids in the body that look like

micro organisms .

278 Dictionary Of Haematology

Sterility 8<; ��<&ي، א� ، �3-� =א��/ 8+ ،��.v'& ،يH'�& א� Sterilization 7pn�-3 ��<&8 =א-�R يG��O Sterilize n�-3 �<&א= G��O ،���O، א����א G��O��R ،�v9 7 ، א� �.:

��9 S$� 8d |�V3R وא�ي aO��\Z 8K �¦. Sterilized 6n�-3 ��<&א= ��R ،��Oو، א�Oכ، א�. ،��R يG��O Sterilizer "��-3 �<&א= GH'9 ي .�כG��O ،cD: �9 S�/א�O

GH'9 ��R ،אو"א� Sterilizing b�n�-3 �<&א= -�'+ v'& ،8-�R ،a-�'+ �/��9ي، +8 א ��R a Stern و =א&>�ن��d ،�d� ،|& ،�1. ،8��t ،�'�& Sternal artery ي�C�: N��<&ن =א� �p 8'�& Sternalgia ��@;��<&א= ��& �O 8'�& Sternum S��<&و، =א�B �O 8'�& ي�B 8O 8��t Steroids א&>��א-0س= ��� NV�1D%9، א��אب n�� 8$. Still birth ¶�+ N<&א= ،��W �`9�NA 8-��9 ��W ،א-�، ، و?دتH�. NA�

|D�V NA� �-אH�. 8O 7´'O 7 � אو?د�O א�^و H'�I Lي :�8

Still born N<&א-�8 ��ن+=אH�. ،��W ول�T NA�NA� ،8-��9��W ، a�T ��W NA�

Stimulant �'�D���ي دوא، �وא! ��GH'9 n، א��y ���כ، א ،GH' ��y�i א&>� ���כ دوא

Stimulants M<'D��� ·�p ،��yאب، �e·�ش :و�، ���כ، אO =א&>�Stimulate ��D������כ [ a، א�O ���yش =א&>� ،a ] ت�� ،��� ]،

8K �¦ %�j�� � 8+¥O |&9'´7 "+�د·אS9 � a-�29 ?5 א�O ��´� ،���yش �

H�. �+¥Oא ��9Stimulation &7>=א��D���� ،��y9|، א�V ،�.�}� ��כStimulator א=�<�D������כ، ���כ، ���כ دאو &>� ،��yدوא، א n�� وא! Stimuli 5?�����GH'9 n دאو-�ن، ���כ =א&>� N�)

Sterility Stomach

279 Dictionary Of Haematology

Stimulus MD������כ [ 'GH، א��y، א��yو، ���כ، �Oش، =א&>�GH' ��yي دوא، א�i�، 58p 7 &�ن א��´'O

8AI אH�. �+¥O 8-��9وא S9 f+ 7´'9. Stinks M1'<&א= S;) ����9 Stoma ���<&אخ ، =א��& �O 7. b'C ،�2م &��אخ� Stomach �� =�HKو، S1p، ±±، אو��Oي، אÄ+ ،��$p، �@8 =א&>Stomach ache � א ��� &��، د�د S1p =א&>�. ،��& �O يHK� Stomatology 8O?�<���<&א= S;) ¡�� وאت ،S;) ،|+�+ وאت Stomatomycosis ���<&א=<-���n&�1 )L دي &�"ي ) وאت��8 Zو� Stomato pathy 8m�.�<���<&א= ¡�� �O 7�'� ،ي��+ 8O وאت Stone א&>�ن= ،�m. ي�@+ ،a�. ،ي�m. Stop א&>�پ= a�I ،دو�. ���+ ،�����+ ،a;�O ،a9وכ، �و� ،H'+ Store ��<&و =אv��y ،��� אم، ¦���يH� ،و���¦ ،G�d ،�± ،��wא� Strategic �@�< �<&�9% ��9ي =א�� Strategy 8@�< �<&8 =א;�) |�1V N���% وא� (�� Strength {' �<&א= l& ،8، :!א�، "و�q�w�� ،ت�� ،NW ،c

|��q ، א��-8، وس�� Stress M �<&ت =אHp ،و�" ،�t ،³�W8، دא�، د$& Stressor ��&�<&و� א: �t ،GH'9 ³�Wכ، د��� ،GH'�Wدא Stretch � �<&³3، و!א³، =א�� ،^��. ،�^��. ،�t ،|K&و

a1t ،a-و!א Striate �A �<&��1دא� =אD ،ي دא�، !א�ي دא���O Striated 0<A �<&دא� =א ��D ،8 دא�D�� ،ي دא���O Striated muscle N2� 0<A �<&א= |p�� ، !א�ي���ي دא� ��O Striation 7��A �<&��1+' =אD ،يH'+ ي��O يH Stricken 71 �<&8، " � א =א��" ،N�<� ،N ���/ N� �، و�Stricture �`1 �<&א= aO^1& ،a�I H'+ �O وכ، &�9^، &��אخ� String b��<&א= �Zو، !אH'����Hو�و، ،H'� �&8، [و�ي، [و�،

Stomach ache Structural

280 Dictionary Of Haematology

Stroke א&>�وכ= ،�!�1C ،�9، !כ، {�E، ��ب، �� [D�4 ،�9�� ،�$1&

Stroke of heat ��B �: 8 =א&>�وכ�ي ���^-�� ،E�} 8O Stroma ��א&>�و= �Tא�`�، אو± ،N1p ، N2� Stromatic �<��8 =א&>�و-�Tن، אو�-�Tאو Strong bو =א&>�א����l& ،��$��q ،�1. ،و� :و�" ،Ï�w�� ،�$. Strong acid 02-א bאب =א&>�א�n�� ��$��q ، אبn�� Ï�w�� Strong base א&>�א�=M�+ b א&�س ��$��q Strong pressure �� �. bא&>�א�= ،Ï�w�� ، ³�Wو، د���l& دא� Strong solution 7p�;& bא&>�א�= ��Z ��$��q ،ل�;�� ،�C��� ،ل�;�� ،Ï�w�� Structural 81، =א&>� 9`�لOG�O ،©;K$� ،8، +'�وت�+'�و�8، א[אو

8w�9�� ،8$��& Structural formula �`9�<&?=א��ل ��4 �Q+�� 8��� ��4��?، +'�و� |��& Structure �`9�<&�9%، +'�وت، א[وאت، =א�� ،�OG�O �O ���+

&��|، 6ول Struma ��8 =א&>�وBG�Z يn "�'� ،¬�& �� �Hي �Study س =א&>0ي��yא ،�KD�Q� ،�14 ،وn-�O ،وHB��� ،�� &�� و Study circle N9�& 8 دא-�و =א&>0ي&��yא = Study group 8 =א&>0ي ��وپ��KD�Q� ،�mO 8&��yא ،|)��O �14ي=

)��و�( ��وپ Study plan 8 �¶ =א&>0ي .3ن&��yא = Stuff �<&א= �dن، و¶، و��ب، &��w&א ،M'O ،ل�� ،M'O م�� Stunt � ���j ،a@9 א&��، وא! �و�T ،a9�^و، � H��� N =א&>�'Stunted 0<���<&א= �� ��T ،H�^و، �'vو � H� ،H��� �H'+ � Nو، �9Stunted growth ¶א&>���>0 ��و= N�9� !وא ،H� و^��T ،!وא ،N ��� H� Style N-�<&א= �Zא! ��� ،8A& ،�Zو، !א�H'� ،H'�����، 6ول، � Sub %& |�� ،S�� ، ��� ،��B ،� " ،|&و، " �دv'� Subject �1�@w& ن�� ('�אن، ����ع، אدب، ��

Structural formula Sugar

281 Dictionary Of Haematology

Subject matter �<�� �1�@w& אد، ('�אن��ع، אد+8 ����ن، ���� Substance M'<2w& אد، ('�אن��ع، אد+8 ����ن، ���� Substrate � �<2w& دو��8 ��دو، ���א89 ��w� ،¬�d ،א¥j ،א�כ�� Sustain <2&7� a@�+ N�9 ،��9 ��9، .�و�ش |pدא�+ ��+ Succeeding b�0�21& |�. ،N2� GH' 8، אB^�. Succession 7��21& ،�i� �N2 &;2;�، و�א/|، ?�Z.�، &;2;8، א�Successive �2�21& �$�Z? ،N2;2� ،�����D ،82 وא�;& Successive- association


�Q&2;��א� وא;&

Successive- degeneration

�2�21&7� �'@ 6

G�l+ N2;2�

Successive- differentiation

21& �2�7�A�<��46

�� © �N2;2 �4ق، N2;2� ، a}�4ق א N2;2�

Sucrase n �1& �1 :ب .�شp ،0'd ،�1p Sucrolastic �1&و�0 .�ش ?&>'d Sucrose "0 وא�ي �س &�1و'd ،8'�} ،0'd 8O H'�9 ،0'd ،�1p Sugar �lp ت�w� ،ي�U�،H'� ،س، 9'�&�و�¨� ،��¨�

0'd ،8'�} Sugar apple �lpN> א N� �$�& )و���( Sugar beet ��+�lp 8T�y ي�H'i} ،�H'i} ،0'd ي�H'i} ،�H'i} ،�¨� Sugar cane juice س�O 7�9�lp 8 �سO H'�9 Sulphate ��;& ����� ،�B H'� ،��;& ،��D Sulphate calcium S��;A9 ��;& S2>O Sulphate copper �.�9 ��;& ����� ���و Sulphate iron ن�-: ��;& nw&)�-�& (����� Sulphate lead 0�D ��;& ����� �BG�Z Sulpho lipids 0س>D�;& H'� Y�& 84�

Sugar apple Surive

282 Dictionary Of Haematology

Sulphur �;& �BH'� ،��H'� ، ت���HK� 8;�. Sulphuric כ���;& |+�+ ��H'� ،��H'� Sulphuric acid 02-כ א���ش =&;�� 84�H'� ، אبn�� �O ��H'� summarise n�-א���& ��9 �U$� ، �U$� �U$� Summary ي��& �U$� ،|� ،��U$א� ،�R3� Summer ��& G�B ،����& ،אو����و H'� م�� ،��} ،� Super molecule ��1ل�D���>& 8 ¦�و�Q& ،وG�¦ ن��m� ،�o: ، د�� " Super parasite � ، &q ،8�Q�����O 8;/���ي، د�q 8O�;8 &<�.��א&�-�Superficial NA���4�>& ،8�Q& ،אن�B�W ،و�t�m� ،8و، +��و��I�tא

א±و ��+�و، 9`� Superficial deposite E"�.6 N�A��4 �>& 8 ¦���و�Q& Supernant �'<���>& GH��� 8�Q& ،س� ��p ،GH��� ��t�mي، Supernant liquid 0A1D �'<�� �>& °��o�. 8�Q& ،°��o�. ��p Supernatural ي &<���`�ل�Q4 ،S��8، א�H� د�� " Surface M�4�& �ÁQ& ،c . |�d ،8$��t�mو، � ،{& Surficial NA���4�& و�t�m� ،N��� ،8�Q& ،ÁQ& ،N��� ي�t�m� Surgeon 7O�& GH'9 G����} ،S�1V ،7O�& ، אح�O Surgeon dentist �2<' 6 7O�& "�& H�] אح�O Surgery ي�O�& S;) ،8Vא�O 74 8Vא�O ،|Vא�O ،%q Surgical N1�O�& א�O ، 8Vא�OV 8$Vא�O ،�Z? 8 Surgical anatomy 8��C�' א N1�O�& Á ��� 8Vא�O Surgical fever ���4 N1�O�& �� 8Vא�O Surgical operation 7� �.: N1�O�& ��N، و± 9) 8Vא�O Survival وא-��ل �& ���V ،������.��O ،�.��O ،³�i+ ،aO!8 �¥�א� و Surive ��-وא�& aO!و ،ad� S-�� N2� ،aA�O ،a`+ ،aB� �H�" Survey وي�& ��'-�K Survivor ���-ت &�وא��V 8��+ ،GH'�B� �H�")א�H��O (،GH'A�O �H'.��O

Survey Syringe

283 Dictionary Of Haematology

Suspension 7�'�>2& ،a9^D ،N �Z א� ،G]�� ،³�1<D ،NQK� ،8;QK� a@9� N�) ،ad� H'+

Sustain 7�<2& ��.و�y و�ش�. ،ad� S-�� ،8-א�y ��. ،aD�. ،a�I Swab ب�A& ي���W ،a-و! ،�G�`� ،אو"א� �O 8-�R ،

�o�A`� ، ad� ��R Symptom S<>�& ،¡�� |�3) ،���B|، ���ن، א�3)

א��9ن، ��9ج Syn 7& ��&،�� ، SB�+ Syndrome �0وم'& �)��@� �O 7 ����+�BG�Z ، �� 7´'9 ،

N �� L ي��� (3�$�ن+�Synergetic �<�O�'& ون�K� ،د���H� ،N��) SB Synergic �O�'& N�) SB ،N�) N �� Synergy 8O�'& 8;�) SB Synergism مn�O�'& ��+ ن�O 7'9��9 אHO אHO 7W ،ون�K� 8�

79��9 7´'9 �� 81�O ،ن��p�9 N �� 8I NR�V L 8@�$� 8O �p�9 fא���HO 8O

،8@�7A�O/א �O 7-7 دوאW � Synform م��ت &'��R SB ،N1p SB Synopsis n2.�'& يH'+�I� 8;�O L 8 +��يO ع����7 '9 ،�9�� Synovia � و�'& Y�&)�O نG�O( Y�& �O نe'& ،GH'9 Y�& ، Synovial N-دא�، &�\� &'�وא Y�& Synovial fluid 0-��;4 N-وא�'& ��o�. 8\�& Synovitis M<-8 .�دي &'�وא\�& ¬�& Synthetic �<�m'& 8)�'U�، 8C3و�8، w9�� ،N�B�� ،אدو�mB ،8w�9�� Synthetic method 0m�� �<�m'& �i �q 8w�9�� ،�i �q 8)�'U� Syphilid 0;-�& H;O 8��: ،�oدא ���: S2O Syphilic fevers ���4 �;-�& ��: �� Syphilis M;-�& b��4 د�+ ،��� &�"אכ ، :

284 Dictionary Of Haematology

Syphilis congenital @'9 M;-�&�N<' �� .�Hא-�8 :Syphilis hereditary 0 ��B M;-�&Cيو� ��: 8/��� Syphilitic �<�;-�& 8l��4 8، +�د��: ،81��: Syringe [��& �B אو"א�، .`��1ي �O 71C ،8A& ،��1ي`.a Syrup 8 &��پp�} ،�� ،8¨� ،و��p ،س، (�ق� ،|+�p Systolic �D�<2& a@W8، د�w� Systalsis n2D�<& כG! 8O دل ،a9G! 8�w� Systaltic �<D�<2& a@W8، د�w� System S<2& ،د&$��، ���م ،%����&�H)�� ،�$pو،

%�9�� ، 7´'O ،%9�� Sא� �O نnO � 7�p ،8@� 8A9 ���$ت א���R 8O N9 هH�`�.

�;2;& �O 7�p 7 ^´@1� ،�$p�& Systematic <2&�<�� ©+�Q� 8O 7D�R8 אO 8i �q � 7 ���م ·���م،9'Systems analysis n2-?�' א M�<2& 8O 7�;) |���� L 7´'O ��9 8i �q א��

8d ت �� �9ي אن���;K� ن��7 ��p �;$� f��7 �����L 7`��& 8 و!و و 'Hو :�8 A�O

7´'9�8O 8;A2 +��ي L �9 ��"ون 8@´l& م �9ي�;K� NV 7 ��.

System heterogenous MA'�O و�<�B S<2& �$p�& M'O ��j ،م��� M'O SB��j System homogenous ���B S<2& MA'�O �$p�& M'O SB System lymphatic ��<��D S<2& �$p�& 8+�KD Systemic ��<2& 8�2O ، 8�H+ ،8 ���م���2O Systol دل &2 &2>�ل ،a) 8O دل (� �p�� a& 7 Systolic �D�<2& 3پ��وא" : Systolometer �<���D�<2& �� دل :وא" .�

Syrup Systolometer

285 Dictionary Of Haematology


Tabefication 7��1��w�C و�يn�9 ،8-�o�& ،8-א�W] ،8�K� Tabes ` M�w�C c;& ،دق �� N ��O�� ،N1& ، N ���9 ، Tabescence M'2�w�C a-��O�� a-���9 ،a-�1& ، Tabescent �'2w�C O�� ،N ���9א�H ��O ،�o�& ،N �� Tabetic �<w�C N� ���W] ،Nو، &�כ و�Tabeticdementia ��<'��8 9�nو�ي w�C>� د j��د Tabetic foot E�4 �<w�C ،��. و�n�9�nو� �Hم 9) %w& ي����+ ( Tabid 0w�C aO��l. ،aO� ،���l. ،a�I و�n�9 Tabitude 6��C 8w�C و�W] ، ��K� ،و�n�9 Table Nw�C |&��4 ،��i� ،ولHO ،� �U� ،8$� �pح، .>8، Table salt �D�& Nw�C ��D ،��D م�) ،��D ي وא�و!�d Table use "� Nw�C و�T�d ،©-? a-�d ،8د���� Tablet ��;w�C 8$� 81C، دوא8O ���ي، ��8D، ���ي، ��ص، T-cells M;�& 8C @'� ت� S2� �O نnO 7tא c

Cells responsible for the cellular

immune response and ivolved in the

regulation of antiboby reactions.

Tany-cytes M<�-�& 8'�C M;�& 0-�;4 6ي�+ Body fluid cells.

Tachi-sto -scope �C1 8 8 +�7 =א&>�א&�1پ;R�� Tachy �C1 8 a9G! ،|9�V ،a9^� ،כ، �^כG! Tachycardia �C1 � 6��9 8 |9�V 8O دل ،a9^� �O دل Tachygenesis �C18 n2�'�O n�� H�D�� n�� ST ،ST &�"ي، Tachygraphy �C1 8482 8 ��א �� �U$� Tactile carpuscles n;2;.��9 N-�<1�C אG�¦ ³��t ،אG�¦ �O a�t Tactile cells n;�& N-�<1�C ��;� ³��t



286 Dictionary Of Haematology

Target �����C 8m1Zא ،�'��� א�Hא"و، �����، Tarsus M&��C ��. �9 ،ي�B 8O ي��، � ��و، �� Tart E��C ش�� ،Ê;� ،�<d ،n�����، א��و، Tartar �C��C ي��l، א���8 O نH�] ،8 א¯��يO نH�]

�I ،G�& �O نH�] אب�p. Taxanomy 8����21�C H'+ �'R S;) ،S;) �O يH'+ 8Oد� S;) ،ي

S2�i� א�Rل H'+ M'Oي ���م Tea 8C c��} } ،���C�W= �O c. Tear �A�C ���� ،���} ،�BG�Z ،�2�: Technic �'1�C 74 ل�R8$ ، 4'8 74، אK'R Technical N1�'1�C ،ي�l ��9 ،|+�+ 74 ،8$K'R ،8'4 ،ي�'B

8V3QRא Technical data �< 6 N1�'1�C �dא b74 א� Technical education N1�'1�C 7��9�@ א S�;K� 8'4 ،S;) ي�'B Technician 7��'�1�C �B�� 8'4 ،2$�ي� ،�l ��9 Technics M1�'1�C 74 S;) ، ي�l ��9 � �'B S;) Technologist �2O?�'1�C �B�� �O S;) ي�'B ،�B�� 8'4 ،�l ��9 Teeth {�C ون، [א��نG�B ، H�] Tegmen 7�� bAC �3j� " ،Nd� " ،دو�. � " Telemetry ي�<���;�C 8-����-8 ، دو� .��. HV Telepathy 8�m>�;�C ل��� S;) 8����Uא ،GH'�o��& ،8، دو� ���ل�-�&� Telephase n��;�� �;V�� ي��: �O يG�����O Telephone ن��;�C دو�Wن��;�C ،8oeא�، א{��כ ، دو� :وא" אو" Televise n�-א��;�C a&] دو� Temper �>��C q ،אجn� ،|;U� ،%�9�� ،|�Kwq ،µw

، :+8 �����1يTemperament ��<�א���C ³�\& ،ت�Q4 ،|;U� ،|�Kwq ،µwq ،אجn�

Taxanomy Temperature neutrual

287 Dictionary Of Haematology

Temperate zone ون" � �>��C �i-3) ،لH$K� ،�¯�y 8��� ��� Temperature �` �>��C �� ،א�ت�V 8���،�O8 د���� ،H. 8� Temperature absolute א�` �>���

E��D�2w א �>� ©;Q� ،8��� ©;Q�


coefficient �` �>��C �9 � א ��'

�Vא�ي �pح، �<� �pح، ���8 د��p 8Oح

Temperature colour

scale �;9�` �>��C

N�1&א �����. �>� b��

Temperature error >��Cא�� �` �= Ny 8O8 د��8، ��Q;jH. א�ت�V Temperature gradieut �'A 0 �� �` �>��C ح�p 8O �>� Temperature neutrual ���� �>��C ل�C �>� 8; HK� +8 א/� �Vא�ت، Temeperature normal � �>��C N���� �>� 8Kwq ،�O8 د��8 ��Kwq Tempered 6�>��C K� ،N�9 ،�$. 8Oאn� لH$ Tempo �>��C ��$4� ،ل�} Tender �0'�C ��d] ،م�� ،��K� ،S-3� ،و، 9`^و، ��"כ"�� Tenden 0ن'�C G�} ،�¨. ،8oH'W ،8، [و�ي&� ،�� ،M� Tendan cells M;�& 0ن'�C ��;� �� ،��;� M� Tenden reflex M1�;4� 0ن'C M1) �� Tendril �0ل'�C �����Hو، �& ،��C ،�Zوא�و، � ��، !אH'� ،H' Tense M'�C ،E�& ،�t ،N�1t ،N�o��)8O ن��) (

a@o�� ،a@1t ،N�C�& Tension 7�'�C 7�'�C ،و�" ،�t ،��$1t ،³3�� ،��9 Terminological N1�O?�'���C 8V3QRא ،�Z? 3حQRא Terminologist �2O?�'���C ) ت�V3QRא S; Terminology 8O?�'���C ) ،� 3ح، ودQRو�א، א��� ،Ñ�Dت א�V3QRא S; Tertian 7AC�C �O 7�' ] 7�AC ،��+ 8$+�� ،�� �O وא�ي

A�C ،��+ ^ ��

Temeperature normal Theory atomic

288 Dictionary Of Haematology

Tertian fever ���4 7A�C�C �� ^A�C،��+ 8$+�� ،��+ �O وא�ي Test �2�C ،س�>� {�1س، �@�+�، .�� א�$��ن، :"��-�، Test antigen 7O 8<' א �2�C= ق� �� 8�-��": ،��� �B" 8��+�@� Titanic �'�<�C 81 :و�<�O)ي����+( Tetanization 7� n�- �'�<�C +Hن N�) �O a-�9א: ، N� GvZ 8Oي وא�و (Tetanus M'�<C ['�� �1<�O ،��& 8O نH+ ،^9: 81�� Tetany 8'<�C ��+ 8$+�� Text �21�C ،�2� NRب،א�U� ،|�D ،ن���� ،7$�

�w) NRت �א Text book כ�+ �21�C 8 9$�ب، د�&8 9$�ب+�U� Thanatognomonic �����'��C�'�I ت��| �ت، (3����/: Thanato graphy 84א���C�'�I ي��l� ت��، ��ت ���� Thanatoid 0-�C�'�I N� �B�xي ��ت،"�B وא��l،��ت �O^و،��;�،��Thanatology 8O?�C�'�I ت�� S;) ،S;) 82'-�& �O ت�� Thanatomania ��'���I�'�I ت��¡ ��8 j��د Theory ي���I ���� ،�$�،ن��ل،א���Rل،��� �،���س،א��� Theory atomic ���< ي א���I � ��� 8� �B�Oي ��� �، א->Theory of evolution 7p��D� ي :� א���I � ��� 8-�i� א�Therapeutic �C��.א�I [D�K� 8، دوא-�ن(3ج-�p ،8، (3جO3) ،

: S9o ¡�� µ4دא ، a Therapeutic action M<'@ א �C ��.א�I N�א�) �O 3ج) Therapeutic use "� �C ��.א�I ل��K$&א �O دوא Therapeutical N1�C��.א�I 3) ،�Z? 7-دوא ،©;K$� دوא، (3ج ¡�� µ48 دאO Therapeutics M1C��.א�I ،%q S;) ،8 (3جK �¦ 7-دوא ،[D�K� 3ج)

(;S (3ج Therapeutist �2C ��.א�I [D�K� ،�B�� �O 7-دوא ،%�wq ،S�1V Therapist � ��I wq�، % [D�Kא.�2

Theory of evolution Thrombophilia

289 Dictionary Of Haematology

Therapy 8.א�I 8 (3جi �q ،³، (3ج�� p�-8 (3ج، و�Therm م�I >� �، �Vא�ت 8O א�� 8-�9��V ،8א�ت، Thermal N��I >� ،8���V ،8א�ي، ��م، ����� ،8��V 8א�

�Z?|+�+ א�ت�V ،. Thermodynamic ���'-6א���I 8-��9�V 8� �Vא���V ،89�V 8א�Thermometer �<�����I پ��8 ��� ،���. 8��� ،���. �>� ،�� �Vא�ت .�Thesis n2�I �D�i� ،�'O�d ،©�i����ن، &�-'82 �� ،

8�;) �D�i� ،� ��� Thin 7I ، .>^و ��1، +�� ;B ،0وt ،ن��'& Thin film S;4 7I ،.�دو �ن .�دو، +�� ��'&� 0t cو Thoracentesis n2�<'�2 ��I ��o�. 8O 8'�& Thoracic �2 ��I ،0و��y ،©;K$� 8'�& ،�'�& ،8��tt�Z? 8�� Thorax M1 ��I )�O |+ (8، &�'�، א�.��و��t ، 0و��y ،� Throat Eو�I ،���^� ،�;Z ي^� ،©;V ،�'9 ،8`Z ،دن��

^§;Z Throat cought �9 Eو�I l'd 8O ي^� ،cl'd 8O 8;Z c Throat pipe ��o�. Eو�I 8D�� 8O 8، �^يD�� 8O 8;Z Throat soar �Ë& Eو�I 8 ���شO ي^� ،��& �O 8;Z Thrombectomy <1�w�و�I 8�� 8Vא�O 8BG�Z 8، �تVא�O ³��T ت� Thrombin 7w�و�I �����-a وא�و �T ن ، �ت�� ���� Thrombocyte ��-�&�w�و�I ��;� 8BG�Z 8 ، �ت$� �ت ���د Thrombocyto penia ��'�.�<�-�&�w�و�I 8-�$<�� 8BG�Z ت� Thrombophilia ��;4�w�و�I ¬�& 8BG�Z ت� Thromboplastin 7<&3.�w�و�I GH'�-��T ت�)GH'�Zد ( وnO)�<1�4 (ن��C) III (

)8B: وH' ] دH� L a�T 8d 8 1�4>� �تB ( Blood coagulation facutor III

Thrombopoietin 7<�-�.�w�و�I ،8I 8AI ������1�O |+�q ��دن �'@��ن

Thromboplastin Tolerance factor

290 Dictionary Of Haematology

a�@ 8 و!� وd M<�-�&�w�و�I د [يH� L �O c'�7 و�| 8'K 8I+f M<�-�&�w�و�I

� H;Oي L ��دא א8Of �B ��و�ت و!�Hي 7B: אH'�9ي و� ���� |+�q�.

A hormone believed to be of renal

origin that is secreted in response to

the need for platelets.

Thrombosis n&�w�و�I a@Zد �O ي، �ت"�& ST ت� ،a�T �O ت�

Clotting or the presence of a clot. Thrombosthenin 7'�m&א�w�و�I= �D�� �O 7�Cد .�و�O�� c@'� ت�


Thrombotic �C�w�و�I �Z? a�T ت� Thrombus Mw�و�I 8BG�Z و، �ت^��t �O ت� Thyro و�-�I 8و�� ،�;Z ،8`Z Thyrodism و6"م�-�I 8`Z ،8;Z ، دن�� Thyrohoid و�-�I0-�B و�B א��;� �O 8`Z Thyroid 0-א�-�I و��8 ±אل {�^و، ��'0ي،�Z? 8;Z،8 وא�و`Z Throid artery ي�C�: 0-א�-�I ن� �p 8O 8`Z ، ن� �p 8;Z Throid body א-0 +�6ي�-�I S2O 8و�� ،S2O 8`Z Throid cartilage [�;�C��9 0-א�-�I ي�B 8O 8;Z ،ي�B 8O 8`Z Thyroid glands א-0 �;�'0س�-�I ودHj 8 وא�א`Z ،ودHj 8 وא�א;Z Throxin 729א�-�I כ���8 ;Z ،دو��ود Hj 8;Z Tissue ��C ،�oe'W ،M� ،�� ،|4�+ ،و�وH��� ،�Tאو ،��C

وא��;�O 8^و (��و Tissue builders �0س;+ ��C אכ��� GH'�B�� �Tאو Tissue cellular �D��;�&���C ي אو�����T8 אو���;� ،�T Titre �<-�C ���K� 8-�C��� ��Z ،���K� ��Z Toleraence M��D�C ،|pدא�+ ،|p1$8، ��ت +�دאp ،a�& ،��&

��ب :و�ي

291 Dictionary Of Haematology

Tolerance factor �<1�4 M��D�C وnO |pدא�+ Tonic ���C ،8 دوאO |��q ،دوא GH' ] ن��ت�@K� ،

��iي دوא، א�2�9 Tonic spasm &א ���C مn> �t 8O 71�� ،��& � ^9: �O 71�� Tonicity 8<2���C ��D 8O ن��) ،E�& ،^9: ،�t Tonics M1��C دوא �+ |��q ،ي�i� ،ي دوא�i�ن�- Tonsil N2��C 8;Z،ود، 9�9^وHj 8;Z دو، 9�9^ي�. �O

�O .�دو Tonsilitis M<-32��C & 8;9 ،¬�& 8;Z ،ي��� �¬Hj 8O 8;Zودي +�Tonsils M;2��C ¬�& 8O 7�;9 Total NC�C ،8)��@� ،N9 ،8;�O ،Y& ،µ�O ،G�O

.��و، ��nאن Total iron binding

capacity (TIBC) b�0'�-�+ ن�-: NC�C


)8& 8+ ،�: 8C(

�D �Hن א�nO 7BG�Z 8O ت�f� L ��. 8d |�V3R 8O ad� 1^يO

Totipotency 82'�C�>�C�C N9 |��q Totipotent �'�C�>�C�C 8i �� N9 ،ت +�دא��� N9 Toxemic �� n9�C وא�و �B" ،אت�B" 8��� Toxic כn9�C �; �B" ،ي�B" ،�B" ،د�D: �B" ،��1 دوא��Ui� Toxic epilepsy 82>�;�> כ אn9�C 8���� ي�B" Toxic gas MA� כn9�C MA� 8; �B" Toxic granulation 29�C כn

7��D��' �� � �;�L 7 ��9ي �-�&����� N4و�C���

a}دو ��� א��א� H�oدא �O b��. Toxic ions M'-: כn9�C אتG�¦ ي�B" Toxicity 8Cn29�C | �B" ،אت�B" ،8; �B" ،�/א �O �B"

ad� �/8 א� ."�B" ، �?H��BאToxin 729�C �B" ،%9�� ي�B" ،دو�� �; �B"

Tonic Tranquillizer

292 Dictionary Of Haematology

Toxins M'29�C %9�� 3 �B" ،دא��3 �B" Trachea ��1 �C= �& 8D�� 8O א�B�& ،8D�� �f� אخ��& �O a�d Trait � �C= = ����. ،|�R�� ،8B^�. ،N2� ،ن، אو?د��� ،�Rو Trait charcter �<1 ��9 � �C= = ،�o��& 8w ¥�� ،�o��& ،�R$��"ي و�א

|�R�� 8;2� Traits M< �C= = �1D ،ن�$�R�U� ن�R$�ن، و�ون، �����ن، (3� Tranquillizer �n�-?�1��C دوא GH' ��� ، GH' ] دوא، &�1ن GH' ] אم�: Trans Mא��C ��.�: ،�¥� Transcript ���ن، �2�، ��C Niא��12.�� N ��� אTranscription 7�.�12א��C ³�Oو� Transferin ن��א�2�C S2� �O %9�� 8B�D Transfer of genes M'�O �: �2א��C 8;i$'� 8-�92;8 א�= Translocation 7��9�;2א��C c�O ،�.�} ،لH+ ،a;�� ،�^�. ،³3�� ،�Dد�w�

�Oa-�<� c. Translucence M'&��;2א��C 84�p ،��R ،��p Translucent � )��Iو א�eو(��p S��، א! �C ��Rא�2;��&'Transmit �� �'$Ni ، �وא��، .�`�-�C aא�2Trauma ��א�C ��HR ،S�" ،|Vא�O Trauma birth ¶�+ ��א�C 8 و?دت$Vא�O ،S و ��} ��.

c-sessarian case

Traumatic �<��א�C S�" ،8 دوא$Vא�O ،8 دوא� 8O دوא، "�SB�� 8<. S;� ،

Traumatology 8O?�<��א�C S;) �O 7��" Tri somic ���& 5א�C Cf8�2O Trisomy 8��& 5א�C C fS2O Tribe %�-א�C �;�w� Trophi 84א�C א-8 (��و¥j

Trans Trophonemanta

293 Dictionary Of Haematology

Trophic �4و�C ©;K$� א¥j ،|+�+ ي!�d ،89א-8، ���א¥j Trophobiosis n&��+�4�C ت &�"ي��V 8-א¥j Trophoblast �&3+�4�C א-8 א��אج¥j Trophoblasts M<&3+ �4و�C W �O 7�;�� .�دي �;�� 8d 7O دא�´�B�f �ن

. &� � و­f�I 8.�� �ل �;�� +Trophochromatin 7<��و�9�4و�C دو�� b�� 8-א¥j Throphochrome و�9�4وم�C b�� 8-א¥j Trophochromedia � 0��و�9�4و�C دو�� b�� 8-א¥j Trophocyte � j¥א-�C ��;� 8و�4&�-�Trophoderm و�6�4م�C 8-א¥j H;O 8-א¥j ،Nd Trophodisc �&6�4و�C 8�D�I 8-א¥j Trophology 8O?�4و�C אכ��� S;) ،|�-א¥j S;) ،� א ود¥j Trophonemanta �<'�� j¥א-8 �'Hون �Cو���4Trophoneurosis M&و�4 ����و�C ب�U)א N;� 8-א¥j Trophout � j¥א-��O 8ت �Cو��4Trophoneucleus �;9����4و�CMA n9�� 8-א¥j Trophopathy 8m�.�4و�C ي��� j¥א-8 +����ي، ���א89 +�Trophozoite � ���א 89��j ،�;V¥א-q 8��C 8;و�4¦א-� Trophozooid 0-و�4"و�C ��� ��O 8-א¥j ،אن��V يHK� Tropic �.و�C �<. �&�9،82�pא�H�،ن،دא-�و�q�& ¼�،�Q� Tropical N1�.و�C ،�i-3) 8 +�+| ��مQ� م، ��م :+��א، ��م�� Tropics M1.و�C �Q� �O 8��� ،א�H� ،�i-3) ي (��مHO ¼�

) .� �¼ &��qن 8O و{�א�אTrue و�C 8;Rو، א�d ،NRא ،�& Trypsin 72.�C 8 �سw;wD)5? 8���B( Trypsinogen 7O�'�2.�C دو��8 �س w;wD Tryptophan 7�4�<.�C ���� 8��D 8w;wD

Trophoneurosis Tunicate

294 Dictionary Of Haematology

Tubal artery ي�C�: N+��C ن� �p 8 دא�;� Tubate ��+��C 8 دא�;� Tube ب��C 81;� ي^� ،N� ،8D�� ،8، �^و;� ،�� ، M� ، Tube cell N�& ب��C ��;� 8;� Tuberculosis n&�D��9 �+��C و[ي ،�BG�Z �O c;& ،وG��O c;& ،c;&

l'd دق �� ، c Tumor ����C ،¬�& ،8BG�Z ،v'Z 8D�&� Tumour ����C 8D�&� ،�I�I ،¬�& ،�^Z ،�BG�Z ،v'Z ،8BG�Z Tunic ����C �1;t ،�3، .�دوj ،8;�O Tunica �1����C �3 ، ��لj ،8;�O ،دو�. Tunica adventitia �1����C

א 0و '>����� �O 7�D�� س �ت�w-�4 81�O c

��C�<1�'9 )¬7، � ) אوB: אH��B N��� �O�� 8Bد��9 א)�<�� �C: ( وא� �;�7 &�ن

7B: אH'B� אH'9 NR�V 8�"��. Tunica intima �� �ت ��8O 7�D א��H 7 .�دي 8O��1����C ÁQ& S-3 א�>�Tunica media � 0�� �1����C Nd 8�;I |& 7 �H8 א�O 8D�� ت�

)�3j( �O �w-�4 א�H1`D � S-3� �Bא ،8B: وH��B N���.

Tunicate 1����C� ��ل +�دא�، .�دي دא�، �3j دא� Tunicated 0<�1����C �1;t ،�H�3 א�j ،N�<>D ،N�B^ دي و�.

{^�3j ،N�B .�ش Turbid 0+�C �?H� ،3وت�א�، ��� ،N�Cא^D ،�De�! ،�DH� Turbidity 8C0�-�+�C א���� ،�?H� ،e�! ،Eא^D ،�Dא^�O Type ��-�C ،ل�r�،|��y S2�،���� ول،�<�،�tپ، ���ن،�6

|�3) Typhoid 0�-��-�C �� �O يH� ،����، و[ي + �O يH� Typhoid fever ���4 0�-��-�C ���� ��f��+ �O يH� ،�� ، و[و

Tunicated Tyroma

295 Dictionary Of Haematology

Typhus M�-�C وG��O �O �� 8O يH� ،�� GH��}و Typhus malignant �''l;A� M�-�C ��+ �O يH� �;�� Typhus simple �CN>�& M�- ��+ ��� ،�� �O يH� دو�& Typic �>C 8$+�� ،8 وא�و���� ،8D�r� ،8$�3) Typicfever ���4 �>C ��+ 8$+�� ،��+ �O وא�ي Typical N1�>C ����8، ����� �O^و، ��ص �D�r� ،8$�3) Tyroma ��و�-�C دو�� ��'.

296 Dictionary Of Haematology


Ulcer �2Dא ،��^ZG��;W ،��&�� ،� S�" ،يG�� ،ي Ulcerate � �2Dא a�I ��&�� ،a�I �� ،aBو� و� Ultimate ����<D8 א;R8، אKQ� ،�9، .� �نG�� א�$��-8، :��ي، .Ultra א�<Dدو�، ���ج א ،HV 8+ ،��r9 ،8-��$د�، ����، א�� " Ultra microbe -�1وب��א �<Dא ��O و[و Ultra micrometer �-�1و��א �<Dא�<� �� .�ي وא�ي ���د.��� ، دو� ���د .�Ultra micron -�1ون��א �<D-��1ون א��و[و Ultra sonic ���& א�<Dد� :وא" א� " S;) ،S;) وא"ي: a�� Ultra structure �`9�<&א א�<D8 +'�وت =אBG�Z ،د� +'�وت� " Ultratropica �1�.و�C א�<Dد� ��م، ���� ��م א� " Un 8، �ي5، +��� אن+ ،��j ،א� Unborn אن +��ن ���T א� Un condensed 02' 0'9 אن �r1� ��j Un conjugated

bilirubin א�1'@� ��>0

7+� ��;+ Z 7 &�ن�C�1 .�و�O 7+� ��;+'N v )N O( �f 8@B

Under treatment �'��< �C �03ج א�) � " Under trial N-א�C �0א� ©�i�� � " ،�+�@� � " Unequal ل�A1 א� =אن א��B ��j ،�+و!، א� +�א � ��j ��2وي، אo<��و، ��Uneven א�، א� +�א+� =אن א �ن��B ��j Unfit ��'�H&| א���j א4©، ��{�כ���� Uni 8�� �;�91;�، א�B ،�B ،HVوא Uni molecular �D��1�D�� B� א� دא� ���Uni molecular

formula �D��1�D�� 8��

?����4 B� א8o وא�و ��4��?

Ulcer Uni potent

297 Dictionary Of Haematology

Uni molecular

reaction �D��1�D�� 8��

7�1A � N� B� א8o وא� و �د (

Uni nuclear ��A;9��� 8�� 8� B� ��n9ي، B� �B�Oي، B� ��אUni nucleate E��A;9��� 8�� يn9�� �B ، 8� B� ��אUni polarity 8C��D�. 8�� |�wQ� �B Uni potent �'�C�. 8�� وא�و |��q �B Uni articulate ��D��1�C �: 8�� دא�v'Z �B Uni cellular ���;�& 8�� وG��� �B ،��;� �B Uni cellular organism مn'���: ���;�& 8�� א�H��O يG��� ��O �B Uni central �2'>�ل��� �B يn9�� Unicity 8<& 8�� �-31�B ،8-�1 1^א-8، אB Uni form م����� N1p SB ،M'O �B ،א���B ،�+א�+ Uni formity 8<������ 1@�^א-8 ، +�א+� يB ،8;1p SB Uni genesis n2�'�@��� �-אH�. ي^�O �B Unio ���� ��O 0ي���8، &���� ،�& ،�HR Union ��� 7 ��@'& يeW ،3پ�� ،e'Z ،G�O Uniovular �D� 8 دא� ��8 אو و��+ �B)א�H��O ( Unipotential N�'�C�>��� 8��� �B Unique ���� 8��/? ،د�'� ،�dل، א���r� 8+ ،���l Unisexual �� �1�2` N-� 8'R �B ، 82'O �B ، 8;2� �B Unit � ، +'��دي (Hد، وHVت ��.�، א �1، א 8-�1 ��Unit area � � א � =א 81 .��^، א�w�� 8-�9، א8-�9 א �א�8 = ��Unit cell N�& � =א8-�9 �;��، א G�����O ،���� 81ي א �1 ��Unit character �<1 ��9 ��� |�R�� 8-�9א= Unite ��-��� ��� ،�G�O ،�v'Z ، a-3� Unity 8<��� ،د��� 1�B^א-8، وHVت =אUniversal N&����� 8��4: ،��� SD�) ،8��H� ،8��Q4 ،8��'-�9 ،8�D�)

Uni articulate Urology

298 Dictionary Of Haematology

Universe 82 �����س�p ت، ���م�H� ،SD�) ،ن��O ،�9-'�ت Unlike ��-? אن +�����jf �D�� ، Urea � �� %9�� �O ،ب���. ،� �� ،��y � �� Urethra א�m �� 8;� دي ، +�.���ب Urethral ل�m �� �� 8;� ب���. Uria �� � ب���. ،� �� Uric כ�� �O 8��r� ، �O ب���. Uric acid 02-אب = ��כ אn�� �O ب���. Urine 7 �� � .���ب، � ;�،�Uro و�� �; � ،� .���ب �Urology 8O?ب ��و���. S;) ،دא�� S;) ،ب (��א���. S;)

299 Dictionary Of Haematology


Vaccina �'2�1-و ©;K$� 81C Vaccine 7�21-�1، &��ن وC ،[W �O 71C ،a-��D �1C Vacuolar �D��1-ي، �3دא�، ��ل دא� و�?�. Vaculate ��D��1-و a�I ل دא��� Vaculated 0<�D��1-3دא� و� ،�?�. a�� ، ل�� a�� Vacuole و-��1ل ��.�d ،ي ��ل ، ��ل، ��لG��� ��O ،�`� Vaculization 7� n�-?��1-و N��N، ��ل +'Hي () �O a�� ل�� Vacuome و ��ل، ��ل و-��1مGv'� Vagal Nl-و %U) ،|'� 8j��د Vagina �'A@-و W 8;� X�� ،8;� YZ ،8;� 8O 8א�H�` Valency 82';-8 ��ت، ��4|، و ;'82 و� +��8$1p 8، א->Valine 7�-3 אب وn���8 ��دو، א��-'� �D

Value ��; א�� و ،c;� ،|��� ،�H� ،|�D�� ،�9�� ،�o� c Value variance M''A � و ;��و |�� =א�843$ ��Variable Nw ي א�A �4ق .¥ � و ،GH'�I N Hw� ،GH'@<�� GH�!و Variance M'A � א�$�3، و ،N Hw� ،|i4א��وت، �4ق، ����= N+�i� Variance analysis M'A � و n& 5?�' א= � n@� 8��4 Variant ��N �� ،� ¥. N Hw، �4ق ��9، �$;�، HOא، אD  و �-�' Variant lymphocyte �� و �-�'�-�&��D M<�-�&��D � ¥. N Hw�

Variate ��A � و ad� وت�� ،aDH+ ،ad� �4ق ، Dא، אHO Variation A � 7 و�� © ���، א��3$، ��وت ، �4ق، & �� ،8; Hw� Varicose "�1 � و N�z& ،N !و ،N 0'� ،az& �� Varicose veins n' �2ن و � �1" و� N 0'� )ن�Z�( Varicosis n&�1 � �0 و'� ، a@Z�2ن، �و� N 0'�

Vaccina Variole

300 Dictionary Of Haematology

Varicosity 8<&�1 � و |D�V 8Zو� ،|D�V N 0'� Varied 0-� א وHO אHO ،�;$ א ، D�HO ، N�<& N�<א، �Varietal N<�-و �א |��y ، M'O ،S2� ،82'O ،|+�+ M'O Variety 8<-8، ¦אت و �א-��. ،S2� ،M'O ،|��y ،�3$�4ق، א� Variola ?��-� ي و�H} ، �`�} ،8-�� ،���� Variole و�-��ل l} ،و، دאغ�A'�& �O ����·f´ ي�H} ، �`�} ، Vary و-��ي a@DH+ ،a@<� ،GH'd� �4ق ، �;$� Vas 8، �;8، (�ق وאسD�� ،M� ،�� Vas aberrous سÌ�w ن وאس א� �p 8��6 �;8 دא� Vas brevia � � �+ ن وאس��D�� ن� v'� Vas deferens M�� 6 8 وאسD�� 8D�1�� 8'�،8D�� ��O 8��،8D��،8D�� S�= Vas deferention 7��2�� 6 8 وאسD�� S� Vas efferentia ���' � 8 =وאس אD�� 8O��� Vas recta �<1 � 8 وאسD�� 8��-�. ،8D�� HKi� Vas vasorum 8 وאس و ��2مD�� ي �تv'� Vasa defferentia ���2�� 6 �&ب +� :و� وא�'� Vasa efferentia ����� وא&� א= o: �B�W ن��D�� GH'� Vasal N&8 وא� ��8D دא�، �HZ� ،82� ،8Zא�، �'�Vascular �D��12 א� وH�D�� ،دא� M� ،א�HZ� ،א-�نH'���Z ،8دא�، �'� Vascular areas "� � א �D��12 א�، א �א�8 =وH�D�� ،�UV א�HZ� Vascular bundle 0ل'+ �D��12 7 وZ� ،א� 9'��يHZ� ،��t 72 وא�و� ��t وא�و Vascular coagulation �D��12 و

7��D���9 ³��T دي��א�ي HZ� ،³��T 8��)

Vascular cryptogam �D��12 و S�� �<.�9

�HZא� �8 ��3پ

Vascular cylinder �0';& �D��12 8 دא� �� وD�� Vascular disease n "6 �D��12 و �� �ي �7Z وא�ي +����ي ، �72 وא�ي +�

Vary Vasodilitin

301 Dictionary Of Haematology

Vascular function 7�1'4 �D��12 و ،N�) �O 72�)L 7Z� ( دو�و �O ت� Vascular integrity �D��12 و

8< �l�<א�= א�G�C 8&�. 7 �H (�ت 8O 7�D�� 8O د����ن

.�� �dن +`� � |��q 8O ³�G��� ��9 �;+�i، [א |�V3R 8O)�H8 א�O 7�� �p ( a@B �O ت��

Vascular system 2 و�D��1 S<2& ت دو�ي ���م� Vascular tissue ��C �D��12 و �T8 אو� �HZא� אوM� ،�T دא� +�4|، �'�Vascular tunic ����C �D��12 7 .�دي و �Hא� א�HZ� Vascularity 8C�D��12 א�ي وHZ� ،دא�ي M� Vasectomy 8��<1 אش وאس א�� �� YZ ،8Vא�O M� ،يH'+ M� Vasoconstriction 7�9�<2��9 وn ن �� و�� Â+�� Vasoconstrictor �<9�<2��9 وn ن و�Z� Â+�� ،ن���� �p Â+�� Vasodilitin 7<�;-و6אn 8 دوא وO aD�d 7�;� ت� Vasodilation 7��;-و 6אn ت �;8 8�9 و� Vsodilator �<�;-و 6אn 8 �;8(�ت �;8 �9، وO 8 دوא ) �تO a-0א'� Vasomotor �C�� وn כ و���כ ، �;8 ���89 ��، وא� �;8 �V Vasomotor nerve و���C��وn و |'� �;8 ���כ Vasopressin �.وn دو 72 و�� �Wت دא� Vasopressor �.وn 2و � GH'�-ت دא� و!א� Vast ���� ?� وא&p 8+ ، µ�&و ،HV 8+ ،ودH� Vector �<1 و ��+ ،N��V ¡���d ،GH' ^��. ي��'GH'�-�&� ،GH Vector scale N�1&و 1>� א �����. ¡�� Vein 7 و Âw� ،يG�� ،ن� �p ،H'� ، M� ، �� Veins M' ن و� ���& NC�C ن�Z� ،)1)��2ن�O ، 8 �ت

دل [א��7 وא.��I 7-�`�. MنVeinous M' و �� a�� ،����r9 Veinule لË�' ي ��، &'� وv'� م��� �� 8 Veiny 8' دא� و M� ،א�HZ� ، 8Z� ����

Vasodilation Ventilator

302 Dictionary Of Haematology

Vela 3 د+�ن و�+ Velamin 7�3 دو و�. �O غ���3، ، دj م�� Velar �; 8 دא�، .�دي دא� و;�O Velocity 8<&�; 8، و-��� ،��t ،Ä����n �4$��ي، ���$4، ��nي، Vena �' ن و� �p ،M� ،�� Venacava و '� ��9א �p �� و[ي ،�� � Venol ن و '�ل�-�Z� ، M� ، �� ، N ��& L �� Venation 7��A' �9% و�� M� ،يH'+ �� ،�$p�& �O 72� Veniplexus M9�A�;�' و �)��@� �O 72� ،��T �O 7 G�� Venom S' و و ،�B" a�I �'9 ،G�& ،� Venosclerosis n&و '�א&1;��و �� |& Venose و '�" و��T �� ،�� ��r9 ،א�HZ� Venosity 8<& �' و ��T �� ، 8� �� ��ن " �دVenous M' 7 +�+| وZ� ،M� �� ،�1-�ن��72 +�+|، � Venous blood و 'A 0;+ M وא�و �ت M� ،ن�� �� Venous congestion �@'9 M' ع ��ن �7 2و��Oא �� Venous system S<2& M' و �& �O 72� م��� �O 7Z� ،�$p Ventilator �<�;�<' و �د+�ن، �+�l'f´ �9א�B ،אنH'pאدאن، ، �و�B ، Ventral 8 و '>�ل�1p ،8، .�>�-�نi4و، אHK� � �B¨�ن .�&�، .�Ventral cell N�& و '>�ل ��;� ��. Ventricle N1 �<' دن و ،�d ،���� �O ل ، ����، دل�� Ventricle left و ��D N1 �<' )�O دل ( ���� �W�d Ventricle right � ���� ) &�(�z& )�T دل �O( و '>� N1 �א-�Ventricles M;1 �<' و �;w ��& 8d ن�d 8D�� د�O�� L 8D�z��

�I 8O�& M;1 �<' و

Ventricose "�9 و '>�ي N�z& و� ،N$1� ��. Ventricular �D��1 �<' 7 .�& و¨�B 8O �1�G! ،8א-�ن 8 +�+|،.�p

Ventral Viability

303 Dictionary Of Haematology

Venule ل�A�' א� وHZ� يv'� ،8 دא�;� Venulose "�-��;�' ي و��`Z� ،��T �O 7Z� Venus M' و �B"ه�B" ،ه &$��و�B" ،8���. ،��� ه Verify 5� � و a&�1} ،© HU� ،a&�>� Verms M�אت א?�¡ و���V ،ن�A�'9 �9^א Vermin 7�و� ��O |�O =�9^و ،�o�& ،ن��A'9 ، Vertebra א�w�Cي، و��B 8O 8�l��9 ،�1�� ،8 9'0و¨.

�B 8Oي � ^�Vertebrae ي�w�Cن و�� �B ن� v'� Vertebral ل�w�Cو� ©;K$� ي�B 8O �^ � ،|+�+ ي�B 8O 8¨. ،

�Z? 8�l��9 Vertebral artery ي�C�: ل�w�Cن � ^ و�� �p 8�l��9 ، ن� �p وא�ي � Vertebral column SD�9 ل�w�Cو� ^ � ،��l��9f� ي�B 8O �^ � ،9'0و �O 8¨. ، Vertebrata �< �w�Cو� ����O ي وא�א�B �^ � ،����O 8 وא�א�l��9 Vertebrate � �w�C8 وא�و، و��l��9 ،8 9'0ي وא�وO �8¨.

� ^� �Bي وא�و Vertical N1�Cدي و�H�) ،�y8 وא�و، אC�} Vertigo �l�C8 ، {�1، ���ي و�<'-�y ، 8 ���يm� Vet � �wq% ، و ² و Veta �< و ¡�� �O �& يG��. VH وي Í ي {�7 ، א�Z 8O 7D��w;� �����8 ) "�@��( =א�

�O 7�O د�O�� @9�UV GH'@DH+ c . Via � وא qEوא ،�$&� ، �K �¦ ،�i � Viability 8<;+ � وא l& 8O a<��O ،c |��q 8O 8.� Viabil N+� وא �C��^ و^�O a<� ،©-? 8.��O ،� ¥. ³�i+ ،N+�� ي Vial N-وא �p ي دوאv'�� 7��+ ��o�. ، N� v'� ،8ي +�Video � 67 و��� GH' ��� ] � �U�

Viabil Vitant

304 Dictionary Of Haematology

View � �9 و�� ،��i� ،��'� ،Ä ] ،وپ، ����و� Vigor و�� cl& ،|��q ،8q�w�� ،ت�� Vigorous و و���س���l& و�" ، � �y و�" Vigour و��� l& ،|��q 8، "و�lدא��� ،NW ،،c Villi 5?و � ��+ ،��t و^�O 7 �¯: ،��t م وא���

S�. ،H'� Villus MDت و���w� S�. ،��t �O م وא� ، وא�ن�� Viral وא-�ل ©;K$� 7-�+ي و�B" ،�+ي و�B" ،|+�+ وא-�س Viral disease n "6 ي وא-�ل��� و+�-8 +�Viral infection 7�1�¡ =وא-�ل א���و+�-8 Virus ي و+�، وא-�س�B" ،و، وא-�سG��O א�، א[אمH��O ي�B" Virus disease n "6 ¡ وא-�س��ي G��O ي�B"،�+ي و�B" ،ي��� وא-�س +�Visceral ن و&�ل� ��O0א ���0א، :�0א �@��ن، :�0א و�: Visceral peritoneum S���< ��. دو و&�ل�. ��o�. 0ي�: Viscid 01&و و^<. S�� ،�D�B^�} ،ب دא��KD ،א�H2�D ،�C��� Visco �1&8 وD�B^�} ، 8+�KD Viscosity 8<&�1&ب دא�ي و�KD ،��C��� ،��BG�Z ،�^�} ،�2א�ي�D Viscosity intrinsic �2��<و&�1&>8 א� -�BG�Z ، 8و��H8 {�^א�;R8، א Visible Nw-"ن، و� ����دא���� א '�e.،�Hو،�� ،GH' ] ي��� ] Vision نn ت و��U+ ،��'� ،| و� ،��U� ،³�� ] Visual ولn ي و�U+ ،8$ و� ،�B�x ،8 ، ���يpد� Vita �< 8، و���V ،8א���V ،�.��O ،8���V ،8�H�" ،א�H��O Vital N<�-وא ،SBت، א��V ت�����f،�.��O ،8���V ، Vital activity 8C�<1 א N<�-ت {�.� =وא��V Vital organs M'��: N<�-א وא��) M�-� ،ت (��א��V Vitality 8<;<�-وא ،NW ��O ،ن، ��ت، "و��O ،8$1p ��O

��ت ��Vت

305 Dictionary Of Haematology

Vitamin 7��C7 و����V ،7��Cو، وnO 8-א¥j. Vitamin deficiency 2'�� 6 7��C8 و E�d 7����V ،8�9 7����V Vitant � ��AOو، ��Vت، "��H وא-�>'Vitascope א&�1پ�Cت +�7 =و��V،���GH'�d�. 8 אو"א�، ��Vت ���V Vitellin 7�;�C8 "�دي وO 8��+ ،دي�" Vivavoce $��ن وא5 ووس�8 א��+"= Vives n 79 �و� وא5 و Vivid 6وو �<} ،��R ،7pوא��و ،Á Vocal N98، :و"دא�، "+��8،:وא"ي وو��R Von willbrand’s

disease ���و/8 +����ي� �D�� �O، אB^ي +����ي �0س n "6א+� وאن ول

8@<�� S9 �O �8O 7�'O �9ي .;�>�;���i وא�و 8I .�ي � �ت �و GH'�9 ��دو

1�4>� ���w &$�ن ��� 8I و­8. Vulnerary ي��'Dو S�" ،SB�� دوא GH'�-�<t Vulnus س��'Dو± وو ، S�" ،³���

Vitascope Vulnus

306 Dictionary Of Haematology


Wab وאب ¬�& ،�BG�Z ،�I�I Waldenstrom’s



وא0D '2>�وم .�א-��ي ���1و

����'D ��+�;�

8O 7�'O ،S2� �O ي����B� אB^ي +�N��zoא M<A �& ��D S2� �O نnO H�& دو�אن

�8 و!�Hو �w&8B% �9ي � ��q Ni$2.

A neoplastic proliferation of the

lymphocyte plasma cell system or

plasma cell malignancy that results in

an increased concentration of plasma


WAIHA אي ،Í 6+;��، אي،:5، א= = �D�� �O ي����+ 8O ص �ت�� �B

Warm auto immune haemolytic anaemia

referring to activity of the anti body at 37 C

Wamble Nw�وא a}ي א��� ،a�I 8`9 دل Wamble cropped 0.�9و Nw�و وאHK�  �� ،وHK� ��K� Wand 0وא�  �� ،����+، 7�'� �;�. ،�3�. Wandering abscess n2�2w א b��0ي وא�G�� ش وא�ي�O Wandering cell N�& b��0و وא�G��� 89�O ،��;� 8;�)

Cell of blood and connective tissue

which actively migrate in vivo, e,g

macrophages, amoebocytes .

Wandering kidney 8�09 b��089 +81 وא��V ،8 ��دو;�)· Wandering nerve و�� b��0وא� |'� 8j��د Wane 8 אن و�9 ، 8-�$<�� ،a@<�� ،E�d Waning b'وא� a@<�� ، 8-�$<�� ،a}א E�d Ward 6وא� �� ،�UV �O א&<$�ل Wart E8 وא�BG�Z ،v'Z ،�oدא | .���B^و، &

Wab Wasser Mann’s gland

307 Dictionary Of Haematology

A hardening of the cuticle of various

appearances Wart disease n "6 Eوא� ����+ 8O ي، ��9ي دאغ��� ي، �2B���B^ي +�Wasser Mann’s

gland 0'�;� M'A� �2 ود وHj �O يHK�

Wesserman’s test �2�C M'A��2 8 وO 5 �ت? a-��D �$. �O S�/א�O 8O ���: �i �q �B �O $��ن�א

A serum test for syphilis

Wasting و b'<2 8B�w� ،��Z A tropy Well’s disease n "6 M; ن و��� GH�^}وInfections jaundice

Weak � و n�9 ،�1;B ،و�، ��م� ��K� ،N� Weak acid 02-א �אب =و n�� �1;B ،אبn��9�nو� א/� ��ش، 9�nو� Weak base M�+ � א&�س و ��K� ،و� א&�سn� �1�O، א&�س، 9Weak case M�9 � و |D�V و�n�9 Weak electrolyte �9�nو�ي +�ق .�ش و � א1�D>�و?-� Weak solution 7p�;&· � و و��Z و�n� B;�1 ��;�ل، 9Weaken 71 و a�I و�n�9 ،a-�<�� و�" ،a�I �1;B Weakening b''1 و�ي، ��>$�-8،،��3-8 وn�9 ،8�9 ،8�K�

N�� Weakling b';1 و� وn�9 ،��K� ،و^�K� Weakness M�'1 8 و-�o�. ،8-א�W] ،و�يn�9 ،8-3�� ، 8-���B Wear �A و °�� ،a2� Wear and tear �A�C 0' א �A ن، ��° و�Ui� ،a2� ،�G�} ،�C  y Weight � =دא�،"و�، ���، و"ن، +��، +�c�O و Weight gain 7�� ���� L وא!، و"ن L א���4، و"ن L وא! و Weight loss ? �9�8 و"ن L ?¶، و"ن cD�I ،E�d L س و L Weight net ��� ���� و 84�R Weight less M�D � +8 و"ن ، B;�1 و Weights M< و ��� ،���،E.�، و��و"ن،

Wesserman’s test Western blot

308 Dictionary Of Haematology

Weights and measures س��A� 0' א M< پ و�� � ��� Weighty 8< ي و��y،و�Z ،א�H�"و، و"�8، و�Z Wen 7 و �Zv'Z ،�BG�Z �O س��8، BG West � c، ��پ אوDאH'�Dو، ���ب، و 2Western ن، ��.�7 و 2>�ن� H'�D8، א+��� ،�O يH'�Dא Western blot E3+ 4'8 و 2>�ن �B )81�'1�C ( �D�� �O |�3)

Hybridization technique similar to the

southern blot in which the

electrophoresed sample is protein and

the detector is immunoglobulin. Wet ����D: ،N، :6وa-�2. a-�zy ،�d و �� ،N�2. ،����o�. White � ���و، א& ،�t���y ،�l+ ،Hو وא-�White blood

corpuscles �+;0 وא-�

M;2.��9 �ت �O אnO �tא، ��ن & �O�nO Hא

White body + � &�S2O H �6ي وא-�White cell N�& � &�nO Hא وא-�Whole ل�B SD�&، Á��R ،�z& ،N�1� ،8;�O ، N9 Whooping cough �9 b'.�B و[يl'd ��9ي ، cl'd c Wilt disease n "6 �D¡، و��ي، &�9^ ����+ 8O �9^ي�&

&�כ ��¡ Wilts M<Dو a@-���9 ،a1& ،a-��O�� Wiscott Aldrich

syndrome E�1&��0 وDא �'��وم

GH'�I אH�. 8 �9يO �i� وא�ي a�T ت� n�-�& 8O M<�-�& �w�و�I L 7�'O ي����+

+f8B: يH' 8 وI يGv'� Ù��$א� . A blood coagulation hereditary disorder

characterized by extremely small

platelets (thrombocytes). Worms M�و� �O � �9^א، �A�'9ن، �9^א .�Wound 0³ وو����،��} ،��} ،S�" ،��

Wet Wright stain

309 Dictionary Of Haematology

Wringer roll ول��l�� S�" N �`} Wrinkle N1�� ي��O ، ['�� ،^9و9^، .�� و�و Writer �<�-א� %��9 ، �'U� ،GH'�D ،���D Writing b'<�-ن �א���� ، ��'U� Written 7C� ��2� ،8�;� ،N��D Wright stain 7�<&א �B� ��ص �8O S2 א&>�O ،�D�� �O 7'�7 =�א-�

�I 7@�l& 8&] אnO �O ن �ت�&. A romano sky type blood stain

310 Dictionary Of Haematology


x-axis n21 א M1 א= ��D 8yא· x- bodies n 6�+ M1 א S2O ��j x- chromo some M1 &�م א��و �9وG��O 8;2� e'�& x- generation M1 7 א� �'O N2� ��j ،8�^�. ��j x- organ 7��: M1 و א��) ��j· x- ray א �21ي �o�9 ي� M1 א= Xanth {�' " b�� �;�. Xanthine 7�m' " �3، "�دא��. Xantho �m' " د�" ،�;�. Xantho chroia ��-�9א �m' " Nd 8;�. Xantho chroic �-�9و�m' " و��� �tو، א��y Xantho chromia ����9و�m' " 8p�. b�� د�" Xantho cyanopin 7.�'-�&�m' " ��.eא� N-�� د�" Xantho derma ���6�m' " �3�. 8O ي�^�} Xantho dont � .[�Hن �m' " �3�. 8O "و�

Xanthoma ���m' " �3�. 8O 7�dא)¡��(

Xanthopia ��.�m' " $� a��9 � 8-�& ،د ���ي�"©;K Xanthoplast �&3.�m' " دא��+ b�� د�" ،��;� �;�. Xantho protein 7�Cو�.�m' " ت����D د�" Xanthopsia ��2. �m' " ن��� )¡��( Xanthopsin 72.�m' "= دو��دو �"د �� �;�. Xanthosis n&�m' " 8�9 b�� 8;�. Xan thoxin نn9�m' " دو��دو، "�د �� �;�. Xanthuria � �� �m' " ¡(.�;� .���ب��8 .��3) O ب���. Xeniobiosis n&��+�' " ت�����V �/2;8 א� Xeno �' " ن� ���W ،� א�! ،��j ،8O��� Xenogensis n2'�O�' " �-אH�. 8O���

x-axis Xyster

311 Dictionary Of Haematology

Xenogenous MA'�O�' " يH�D�� ��j ، ST ��j Xylene 7�;-א" ��o�. b�� 8+ Xylochrome א-;��9وم" b�� °�9 Xylol א-;�ل" |+�q� b�� 8+ ،��o�. 8O °�9 Xylon دو "א-;�ن��د �9° �" Xyster �<2-אش "א�� ��ي �Oא8V אو"א�، ��ي

312 Dictionary Of Haematology


Y-axis n21 وא5 א Wf���� 8��p y- cartilage [�;�C��9 51 وא�O و�B ��C�y 7 "�دC �)3 (כ�;�.

)Pelvic(I يG�O 8d ن�B �. y- chromo some &�م��وא5 �9و Wf ،S2O b�� 8��p Wf ،S2O 8;2� b��

One of a pair of sex chromosome (x

and Y) which play a role in determination of sex

Yeast �2A دو��دא�  �O ،  �O ،��t8 אO 8�: ،� �� ،���� Yellow �;A )" ،�1� ،0وAB ،�;�. ،د�" b�� 8א�� Yellow cartilage [�;�C��9 ي�B د�" Yellow cells M;�&�;A ��;� 0אAB ،אG��� د�" Yellow disease n "6 �;A ي، "�د �و���� "�د � 0�Bي +�

Yellow dwarf �6א� �;A ي����+ ���H� 8;�. ،¡�� GH' ��� H� Yellow fever ���4 �;A ����، ���ن، + �;�. Yellow gum S� �;A ��9و ���ن Yellowing b'-�;A a�I �1� دي، .��3، "و��" ،a8 و­I �;�. Yellowish �-�;A ��1و، "�د �و� ،N-�� ،�3�. ، 0א-�نAB Yellow metal N<�� �;A ��7 �2��O 7 ��3پ !אW Yellow red 0 � �;A �BG�Z �;�. ،א-�ن ، ��^و^�� Yellow virus وא-�س �;A ¡، .�;� وא-�س���3 وא�و �. Yellowy 8-�;A دو�" ،�;�. ،N-�� �3 [ي�. Yerba �+� ت���w� ،8C�W ي^O Yoghurt E��� 82D ،��d N��T ،8�� ،و�A8، !و�B] Yolk �D� ،8 "�ديO 8��+ ،81C 8O 8�: ،دي��"

�3�. 8O 8�: Yolk bag bA+ �D� 8�: 8�;�I ي ، "�دي�I�Z دي وא�ي�" Yolk sac ��& �D� 8�;�I دي�"

Y-axis Yuck

313 Dictionary Of Haematology

Young b' �� ،�`W ،و�\Z ، אن�O�� Youth ¶� ،a. v'� و�\Z ،אن�O�� ،8א��O Youthful N4 ¶� אن�O ،אن�O�� ،��)�� Yellow enzyme S-אn' א�;A ��� "�د �Yuck � 8;@d ،ش���

314 Dictionary Of Haematology


Zein 7 " 7����V 8;�. ،ت����D 8O 8A1�)8O 8A1� ( Zero physiological N1�O?� n48 " �و�� ��) �R Zest � ¦א-�i، &�אد، D¥ت، �nو، {�� " 2Zeta chain 7�} �< " N��� 8O 7�C�1، .�و�O ��@�" 8D���< "

;����B 8O 8`W ��. � 8B: يH��B� L 78B: يH��B د�O��.

A globulin chain found in embryonic


Zinc ��" |2O)�� )B� !אZoa �-ت "و��O ، |א����V Zoanithela 3�m�� �-و" S��B" ،���� Sي G��Oא، "�Bي � "�Bي Zoan thropy 8.و�m'-و" ��D�� אن��V Zoanthus Mm'-و" N� אن��V Zoarium S �-אن ��� "و��V � Zodiophilous M;4�A 6و" H'2. N1p אن��V Zoea ��-א� "وH��O ،ت��V ،8���V Zoecium S�2�-אن .�ش "و��V ،���� אن��V Zoetic �<�-א�8 "و��V ،©;K$� ت��V ، ي��V ، 8���V Zoic �-אن +�+| "و��V Zoid 0-و "و^�O אن��V Zoma ��و" S�D ،|p�� Zoo وو¦ �O ���� ^} ،���� אن��V ،���� ��� Zooea ��-وو¦ ����O ،אن��V ،ت��O Zoo gamete ��S "و��� aT 8א���V Zoo gamy 8� ��Vא�8 ��3پ "و��

Zein Zoological

315 Dictionary Of Haematology

Zoo genesis n2�'�Oو" ST 8א���V Zoogeographer �4א���Oא84 دאن "و���O 8א���V Zoo geography 84א���Oא84 "و���O 8א���V Zoo gloea ��O�Dو �A'd 8א���V)�;�( Zoo gonad 0Aو "و���^�� ��Vא�8 Zoological N1�O?ن +�+| "و����O Zoological garden 6نא"و��� N1�O? غ�+ �O ن����O Zoological name א"وS�� N1�O? �D�� 8� ��Vא���Zoologist א"و �2O? א���ت��V S;) �B�� ،�o�T �O ن����O Zoology 8O?א���ت "و��V S;) Zoon אن "وون��V zygo �l-3پ، ��9 "א�� Zygot E�l-א" �`W �O 8�: ،�`W ،��: N �� Zymase n��8 ���� "א--������ي ��دو، �9� Zyme S-¡ "א��8 ���� ، �Oא/�� Zymogen 7O�����ي ��دو "א-�� ،S�/א�O ي����

The inactive or circulating form of an

enzyme, such as a plasma coagulation

factor. Zymome م����� .�8p "א-� Zymosis n&��8 +����ي، "א-����ي ��¡، ����O 8Oא/��

��� &�"ي � Zymurgy 8O����74، ����ي �9��� "א- �O aB�� ���� Zyophytes M<�-�4��-א" ����O �lوא� N1p 8C�W

Zoological garden Zyophytes

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