disease naval mennen · 2014-09-27 · pattern, obesity, diabetes mellitus, a sedentary life style,...

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REPORT NO. 84-27



SEP .7 17

DLSTRIBUTON STATEMEApproved for public releao

Distribution Unlimited 1





84 09 17 082


Anne Hoiberg

Environmental Medicine Department

Naval Health Research Center, San Diego

Naval Health Research Center

P. O. Box 85122

San Diego, CA 92138-9174


SEP 17 W4


Report No. 84-27, supported by Naval Medical Research and Development Command, Department of the

Navy, under Research Work Unit 62758N MF58.01A-0001. The views presented in this paper are those

of the author. No endorsement by the Department of the Navy has been given nor should any be


Special thanks are extended to Ralph G. Burr for his contributions to the data analysis phase of

this study.





U.S. Navy pilots have been reported to be exceptionally healthy, and the only obvious factor

detrimental to their health status has been attributed to their hazardous occupation. To protect S

the health and safety of all pilots, risk factors, if present, need to be identified which are

unique to aviation and associated with such serious health conditions as cardiovascular disease



The purpose of this study was 1) to determine the influence of age on CVD incidence among

U.S. Navy pilots diagnosed with CVD during a 12.5-year period from July 1967 through December 1979

(n - 150), 2) to examine pilots' occupational variables as risk factors of CVD, and 3) to identify

precursory diseases reportedly associated with CVD incidence.

For the first phase, age information from various medical sources was used to determine

pilots' age of onset of an acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart disease, essential

benign hypertension, or symptomatic heart disease. Annual incidence rates per 10,000 strength

were computed for five age intervals and seven aircraft models for each of the four CVD categor-

ies. For the second and third phases, comparisons of mean ages were conducted to determine

whether pilots differed from other officers diagnosed with CVD (a total of 316 unrestricted line

and 401 Staff Corps officers) on mean age of CVD onset. Means and standard deviations were

compared between pilots and a matched sample of 600 controls by CVD category for the six occu-

pational factors (years flown, hours flown as a pilot and copilot, carrier landings, (night, day,

and total), and combat hours flown). To identify precursory diseases of CVD for the fourth phase,

diagnoses were tabulated for all hospitalizations and board actions that occurred prior to the

targeted incident.


Results showed a direct relationship between incidence rates for the four CVD categories and

age; for total CVD incidence, a doubling of rates was observed for each successive 6-year age

interval beginning with the 36-41 age group. Pilots with chronic ischemic heart disease were more

than three years younger on the average than controls at the time of CVD onset. No differences in

mean age of onset were observed for acute myocardial infarction. None of the occupational factors 5

was shown to be significantly associated with CVD incidence although fighter pilots had the high-

est rates of acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart disease. Angina pectoris was

most frequently observed as a precursory disease of chronic ischemic heart disease, and several

behaviorally related disorders (e.g., alcoholism) occurred most frequently with hypertension.


Results indicated that if life style or occupational factors had differentiated groups,

pilots' mean age at the time of an acute myocardial infarction probably would have differed

significantly from other officers, similar to the age differential observed for chronic ischemic

heart disease. Because there were no age differences for acute myocardial infarction incidence, 5

the findings suggested that the provision of close medical surveillance might have led to an


earlier detection of chronic ischemic heart disease among pilots than would be the case for other

officers. Other findings clearly showed that incidence of an acute myocardial infarction would be

difficult to predict on the basis of an individual's previous medical inpatient history. Although

the number of hypertensive pilots was small, results of this study provided more support for the

influence of life style variables as a risk factor of hypertension than was gleaned from the

comparisons of occupational factors.


Because of the small sample of Navy fighter pilots studied in this research, a replication

should be conducted on a larger population to determine the extent of CVD incidence associated

with high performance aircraft. Also recommended was the implementation of an intervention

program designed to modify the life styles of pilots who had been hospitalized for hypertension

and/or such behaviorally related disorders as obesity and alcoholism.

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Cardiovascular Disease among U.S. Navy Pilots

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been reported to be responsible for almost a million deaths

annually in the U.S., which represents more deaths than for all other causes combined (1). Ac-

cording to the American Heart Association (1), the major diseases of the cardiovascular system

include high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack (coronary thrombosis, coronary oc-

clusion, or myocardial infarction), stroke, and congestive heart failure. During the past three •

decades, CVD mortality rates have declined more than 30% in this country. Coronary bypass sur-

gery, the most common type of major surgical procedure in the U.S.--with 170,000 operations

performed in 1983--no doubt has contributed to this decrease (21).

Numerous studies, as summarized by Patel (18), have identified the following as risk factors

of CVD: cigarette smoking, elevated blood pressure, raised serum cholesterol, Type A behavior

pattern, obesity, diabetes mellitus, a sedentary life style, and positive family history. Ac-

cording to Puchs (9), an elevated blood pressure is the best predictor of subsequent cardio-

vascular events if data on the other risk factors are unavailable. Age, race, and sex also

influence CVD morbidity and mortality rates.

One segment of the U.S. population reported to be exceptionally healthy with relatively low

CVD morbidity and mortality rates is the U.S. Navy pilot population. Research conducted over

the years, primarily the *1,000 Aviator" project dating from the 19409, has shown Navy pilots to

have a significantly lower mortality rate for CVD than their civilian counterparts or a sample

consisting of insured men (8,15). The factor of preselection has been identified as an important

correlate of these low rates as well as the characteristics of parental longevity, a higher than

average socioeconomic status and educational level, close medical surveillance, physical con-

ditioning, and fitness consciousness (15). The military, moreover, is unique in that it enforces

physical fitness requirements for retention, and the majority of pilots assume responsibility for

maintaining an acceptable level of fitness (4).

While pilots' CVD morbidity and mortality rates are quite low, several of the aforementioned

risk factors have been examined as predictors of CVD among military pilots. Maclntyre and his

associates (16), for example, determined that 59% of the pilots in the "1,000 Aviator" study were

shown to harbor at least one CVD risk factor, primarily smoking (49%) or asymptomatic hypertension

(14%). However, only 6.9% of the total sample developed CVD during an 8-year follow-up period

(from a mean age of 52 to 60). Other researchers (3,11) reported age as influencing pilots' CVD

morbidity rates in that a large percentage increase in CVD incridence was observed between the ages

of the 30s and 40s. CVD also was identified as the second leading specific reason (after hernias) S

for hospitalization among pilots ages 39 and older (11). With regard to Type A behavior, re-

searchers (5,7) concluded that the characteristics of this behavior constellation were quite

comon among military officers although this behavior pattern was not correlated with elevation of

any common risk factor of coronary artery disease in a sample of senior officers. Perhaps the

hostility part, reportedly the most powerful element of the Type A behavior constellation to be

associated with the development of CVD, was not a strong component in those officers' behavior



In addition to these well-known risk factors, which might have less relevance for the health-

conscious pilot population then the civilian community, occupational factors in aviation may be

shown to adversely affect the pilot's cardiovascular system. One risk factor that has received

considerable research attention was the effect of high sustained G loading on the pilot's health

(10,13,19,22-25). The cardiovascular system has been shown to be the most sensitive to high sus-

tained G loading, results of laboratory studies using animals indicated that G loading has the

potential of damaging the myocardium (10). Those authors also cautioned that our current knowl-

edge prevented speculation on the long-term health effects of repeated exposure to the high G

forces common to high performance fighter aircraft. Research conducted on the health effects

associated with aircraft models indicated that older fighter pilots tended to have higher hos-

pitalization rates for CVD than all other pilots (12). Other occupational factors, such as combat

experience, carrier lanings, and total flying time, also should be examined as potential risk

factors of CVD incidence.

Another research objective has been to determine the role played by CVD in the causation of 5

aircraft mishaps (14,17,20). Little is known, however, about this relationship primarily because

there would be insufficient time for tissue change to occur, which at autopsy would make it impos-

sible to implicate a myocardial infarction as the cause of the mishap. Also to be considered as a

reason for this lack of association was the fact that most pilots discontinued flying subsequent

to being diagnosed with CVD, which was supported by the report showing CVD as the major reason for

*grounding" U.S.A.F. and commercial pilots (20). Another explanation was that for those rela-

tively few pilots with CVD, a proportion might have become a CVD casualty after changing from

active flight status to an administrative position.

The purpose of this study was 1) to determine the influence of age on CVD incidence among 4.

U.S. Navy pilots diagnosed with CVD during a 12.5-year time period from July 1967 through December

1979 (n - 150), 2) to examine pilots' occupational variables as risk factors of CVD, and 3) to

identify precursory diseases associated with CVD (e.g., essential benign hypertension, diabetes

mellitus, and gout)(2,6,9). Results of this longitudinal study can be used as the basis for

developing intervention and prevention programs to reduce even further the low incidence of CVD

among Navy pilots.


Study Population

This study included 150 male Caucasian U.S. Navy pilots who had been diagnosed with CVD

(i.e., acute myocardial infarction, chronic ischemic heart disease, essential benign hypertension,

and symptomatic heart disease) as determined from four medical data files maintained at the Naval

Health Research Center in San Diego. This medical information encompassed a 12.5-year period from

July 1967 through December 1979 and included three diagnoses for each of six hospitalizations,

diagnoses for each of six possible medical boards and one physical evaluation board, and the

underlying cause of death. Death data only were available for the 1974-1979 time period. The

diagnostic nomenclature used was the International Classification of Diseases Adapted for Use in

the United States (ICDA-8). other data collected were the pilot's age at the time of each medical

event as well as the date. (A medical board typically determines whether or not an individual 5

5 T

i • _

should return to full active duty whereas a physical evaluation board ascertains the extent of

disability incurred and the amount of disability compensation to be awarded.) Because a pilot

could be diagnosed with more than one of the four CVD categories, assignment to each disease

classification was accomplished, first, by selecting pilots who had experienced an acute myo-

cardial infarction (n = 31), and, second, by identifying those pilots diagnosed with chronic

ischemic heart disease (- = 28), followed by men with essential benign hypertension (n - 44) or

symptomatic heart disease (n - 47).

These 150 pilots represented less than 0.71 of all pilots (n = 22,245) included on the

Individual Flight Activity Reporting System file during the 12.5 years surveyed for this study.

Information extracted from this file, which was provided to the Naval Health Research Center by

the Naval Safety Center in Norfolk, Virginia, consisted of first and last year of flight status,

total hours flown, types of aircraft models flown, number of carrier landings, and total hours of

combat. The 150 pilots were classified according to the aircraft model type they primarily flaw:

fighter (n - 17), attack (n - 27), electronics (n = 7), helicopter (n - 11), patrol/antisubmarine

(n = 51), cargo/transport (n - 13), and trainer/miscellaneous (n - 24). Information on birth year

was obtained from the officer career history file maintained at the Naval Health Research Center.


For the first phase, age information from the various medical information sources was used to

determine pilots' age of CVD onset for each of the four disease categories. Annual incidence

rates per 10,000 strength were computed by tabulating the number of pilots classified according to

each CVD category and age interval (24-29, 30-35. 36-41, 42-47, and 48-53), multiplying by 10,000,

and dividing by the mean number of pilots on active duty for that particular age interval across

the 12.5 years surveyed for this study. The same procedure was used to calculate pilots' annual

incidence rates for each CVD category by aircraft model. Ninety-five percent confidence limits,

based on the Poisson distribution, were computed to establish whether or not there were signifi-

cant differences in rates across aircraft models.

For the second and third phases, comparisons of mean ages were conducted between pilots and

other officers diagnosed with CVD (a total of 316 unrestricted line and 401 Staff Corps officers)

to determine whether the 150 pilots differed on mean age of CVD onset. For comparisons of occu-

pational factors, a control sample was selected which consisted of 600 pilots who had not been

hospitalized for a circulatory disease but who had the same birth year and primary aircraft model

assignment as men diagnosed with CVD. Means and standard deviations were computed by disease

category for age of CVD onset for the three officer groups as well as among pilots and their

controls for totals of the six occupational factors (years flown, hours flown as a pilot and

copilot, carrier landings, night carrier landings, day carrier landings, and combat hours flown).

The t test technique was performed to determine the level of statistical significance between

groups on mean ages and the six operational factors.

In order to identify precursory diseases of CVD for the fourth phase of this study, diagnoses

were tabulated for all hospitalizations and board actions that occurred prior to the targeted CVD


hospitaliation, board appearance, or death. Frequency and percentage distributions of these

diagnoses were compared across the four disease categories.


Incidence of CVD by Age among U.S. Navy Pilots

In examining the incidence rates presented in Table 1, results showed that rates for each of

the four disease categories increased with age. As would be expected, relatively few pilots under

the age of 35 were diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction or chronic ischemic heart dis-

eases more pilots agod 35 and younger were diagnosed with essential benign hypertension or

symptomatic heart disease. The highest rates for the age interval of 48-53 Were observed for

acute myocardial infarction and essential benign hypertension. After combining the four cate-

gories. a more than threefold increase in incidence rates was evidenced beginning at age 36. A

doubling of rates occurred for the two subsequent 6-year age intervals, from 15.2 to 60.2 per

10,000 pilot strength.



Diagnostic Category

Acute Nyocardial Chronic Ischemic Essential Benign SymptomaticInfarction Heart Disease Hyoertension Heart Disease Total p

Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate perMe in Years ,, 10r000 A 10r000 p 10r000 A 10,000 n 10,000

24 - 29 0 0 1 - 11 1.6 13 1.9 25 3.7

30 - 35 3 0.8 0 0 3 0.3 9 2.5 15 4.2

36 - 41 9 3.3 10 3.7 10 3.7 12 4.4 41 15.2

42 - 47 12 7.4 14 3.6 14 8.6 S 4.9 48 29.7

48 -53 7 20.1 3 3.6 6 17.2 5 14.3 21 60.2

Total 31 2.1 23 1.9 44 2.9 47 3.1 1S0 10.0

Mean Age of CVD Onset by Officer Group p

In Table 2 are the means and standard deviations of age at the time of CVD onset as well as t

test values between pilots and unrestricted line and Staff Corps officers. Significant differ-

onces in mean ages between pilots and the other officers were observed for the category of chronic

ischemLc heart disease (42.8 vs. 46.1 and 48.5). Pilots who were diagnosed as hypertensive also

were significantly younger than their counterparts in the unrestricted line group. Other results -- -

of the t tests revealed no significant differences in mean ages between pilots and others for

acute myocardial infarction and symptomatic heart disease. The man ages at the time of the first

acute myocardial infarction were within a narrow range from 43.3 to 44.4, while somewhat greater

variability (36.2-39.3) was noted for the category of symptomatic heart disease. .

Differences in operational Factors between Pilots and Controls

Results of comparisons of 95 confidence limits across the seven aircraft models indicated

that CVD incidence rates did not differ significantly among these groups. Fighter pilots,






Diagnostic Category

Acute Myocardial Chronic Ischemic Essential Bening SymptomaticInfarction Heart Disease Hypertension Heart Disease

Officer Age Age Age AgeOccupation n M(SD) 1 IL M(SD) a M(SD) 1. D M(SD) L

Pilot 31 43.3 28 42.8 44 38.8 47 36.2(5.3) (4.8) (8.5) (8.3)

Unrestricted 71 44.0 -0.67 86 46.1 -2.64** 108 42.3 -2.07* 51 39.3 -1.62Line (5.7) (6.0) (9.8) (10.4)

Staff Corps 86 44.4 -0.85 119 48.5 -3.66** 133 41.5 -1.54 o3 38.0 -0.96(7.2) (7.9) (10.5) (10.6)

*J2 < .05; **P < .01.

however, had the highest incidence rates of acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart

disease; cargo/transport pilots had the highest rate of symptomatic heart disease.

Differences in Operational Factors between Pilots and Controls

Results of comparisons of 95% confidence limits across the seven aircraft models indicated

that CVD incidence rates did not differ significantly among these groups. Fighter pilots, how-

ever, had the highest incidence rates of acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart

disease; cargo/transport pilots had the highest rate of symptomatic heart disease.

Of the other occupational factors, which are presented in Table 3, mean values for each of

the four CVD groups were compared with a matched sample of controls. Results of the comparisons

showed that none of the six variables significantly differentiated pilots who had suffered a CVD

from their controls. Although nonsignificant, pilots who had suffered an acute myocardial

infarction had the highest means of all other seven groups presented in Table 3 for numbers of

landings (total carrier, night, and day) while pilots diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart

disease had the highest mean total hours flown (X - 4,200). The values presented in Table 3

reflected considerable flying experience for all of the eight groups.

Precursory Diseases of CVD

Of the 31 pilots diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, 18 men (58.1%) had not been

hospitalized prior to the incident under study. Only five p-lots (16.1%) had been hospitalized

previously for coronary heart disease: chronic ischemic heart disease (2 pilots), alcoholism and

chronic ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris and chronic ischemic heart disease, and sympto-

matic heart disease. The other eight pilots had been hospitalized for reasons seemingly unrelated

to coronary heart disease (e.g., pneumonia, disease of the eye, malignant neoplasm of the blad-

der). There were no cases of essential benign hypertension as a precursor of acute myocardial in-

farction thereby indicating that being hospitalized for hypertension was not a predictor of this

cardiovascular disease among Navy pilots. Hypertension, however, was identified as a secondary or

tertiary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction for two of the pilots.


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Of the 28 pilots diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease, 17 (60.7%) had no record of a

previous hospitalization or board action; the remaining 11 pilots had been hospitalized prior to

the incident that resulted in this diagnosis. The precursory disorders included the followirg:

angina pectoris (3 pilots), essential benign hypertension (2), and symptomatic heart disease (2)

as well as one case each of diseases unrelated to CVD (symptoms referable to the respiratory

system, symptoms referable to the nervous system, sprains and strains, and displacement of the

intervertebral disc). In addition to the three pilots included above, four other pilots had

medical records showing angina pectoris as a secondary diagnosis to the primary condition of

chronic ischemic heart disease; no other diagnosis was identified as quite so closely associated

with this disease.

Eleven of the 44 pilots diagnosed with essential benign hypertension had medical records of

only one hospitalization with hypertension as the sole reason for the admission. No specific

disease was identified as a precursor of hypertension for those six pilots hospitalized prior to

being diagnosed as a hypertensive. Perhaps of greatest importance was the finding that essential

benign hypertension appeared on the medical records for 20 of the 44 pilots (45.4%) only as a

secondary or tertiary diagnosis. In examining the records of these 20 pilots as well as the

remaining seven men for whom hypertension was ihe primary reason for being hospitalized, several

disorders were found to be associated with this disorder: alcoholism (3 pilots), cirrhosis of the

liver and other liver diseases (3), and two cases each of obesity, gout, ar, 'betes mellitus.

These 12 diagnoses represented the hospitalizations of seven pilots whict early reflected a

linkage among these behaviorally induced disorders.

Of the 47 pilots diagnosed with symptomatic heart disease, 37 had nc ' "sus hospitaliza-

tions and three of these 37 pilots were identified on the basis of theil ath records which

listed symptomatic heart disease as the underlying cause of death. The remaining 10 pilots had

been hospitalized for various reasons; the diagnoses with the highest frequencies included hernias

(3 pilots) and alcoholism (2).


While the Navy pilot population does not represent a cross section of all U.S. male Cauca-

sians of comparable ages, this occupational group offers a unique opportunity to study CVD inci-

dence in an exceptionally healthy and relatively homogeneous population. Of the few pilots

identified with CVD (n = 150 in a population of 22,245), an examination of age, occupational fac-

tors, and precursory diseases was conducted to determine the influence of these variables on

pilots' CVD incidence.

Similar to findings reported in the civilian community, such as the Framingham Study (6),

results of this research showed a direct relationship between incidence rates for the four CVD

categories and the risk factor of age. This association was especially apparent for total CVD;

the observed rate differences with age reflected quite dramatically the steep rise in incidence

with each age interval beginning at age 36. A marked difference in age of onset across CVD

categories also was observed, which pointed up the higher probability of developing essential


benign hypertension and symptomatic heart disease prior to the age of 30 than was the case for the

other two CVD categories.

Perhaps of greater relevance was the significantly younger age at which pilots, when compared

with other officers, developed CVD. For the chronic ischemic heart disease group, pilots on the S

average were more than three years younger than the other two officer groups at the time of CVD

onset. Pilots diagnosed with essential benign hypertension and symptomatic heart disease also

were younger than the control groups although only unrestricted line officers were significantly

older or approached that level. By way of contrast, no differences in mean age of onset of acute

myocardial infarction were observed between pilots and the two control groups. Such results

indicated that if life style or occupational factors differentiated groups, pilots' mean age at

the time of an acute myocardial infarction probably would have differed significantly from other

officers, similar to the age differential observed across groups for chronic ischemic heart

disease. Because there were no age differences for acute myocardial infarction incidence, the S

findings suggested that the provision of close medical surveillance and readily available health

care might have led to an earlier detection of chronic ischemic heart disease among pilots than

would be the case for the less closely monitored unrestricted line or Staff Corps officer.- On the

basis of these results, it seemed likely that the medical attention provided for pilots accounted

at least in part for their younger mean age of CVD onset than other officers.

In comparing pilots in the CVD group with other pilots matched on birth year and aircraft

model experience, moreover, results of the analyses failed to implicate any occupational variable

as significantly influencing CVD incidence rates. Only a nonsignificant tendency was noted in

that fighter pilots had the highest rates of acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic

heart disease. Because of the limitations of drawing conclusions based on a small sample of

fighter pilots diagnosed with CVD, a larger population of high performance aircraft pilots,

including personnel from the other services, should be studied to determine whether the trend

identified herein is substantiated. With development of a new generation of high performance,0

aircraft, the pilot has been labeled as the "weak link" in the person-machine system (10) while

Voge (19) observed that these models will require the pilot to withstand 10 G for prolonged

periods of time. Not only has it become crucial to screen for those individuals who have a low +Gz

tolerance but also to provide training to increase the tolerance levels in all pilots who fly high

performance aircraft. With those operational considerations in mind and on the basis of the 0

proposed study of all military pilots, the revision of physical standards for high performance

aircraft pilot selection and retention might more appropriately be recommended.

In addition to comparisons of age and occupational factors, precursory diseases were examined

to determine whether any of these conditions could be considered as potential CVD risk factors.

For the acute myocardial infarction group, 83.9% of the pilots had no CVD hospitalization recorded

prior to the acute myocardial infarction incident. While a precursory CVD hospitalization rep-

resents an extreme example of symptomatology, as contrasted with other indicators such as an

abnormal resting electrocardiogram or elevated serum cholesterol, other researchers (6,1) reported

that 50% and 70%, respectively, of acute myocardial infarction cases had no previous CVD manifes- -

tation. Results of this study clearly indicated thac incapacitation or sudden death from an acute


myocardial infarction would be difficult to predict on the basis of an individual's previous

medical inpatient history. Being hospitalized for hypertension in particular was not identified

as a precursor of an acute myocardial infarctions no pilots were hospitalized for hypertension

prior to the acute myocardial infarction.

For the chronic ischemic heart disease group, angina pectoris occurred with greater frequency

than any other precursory or secondary disease; the number, however, was very low with only seven

pilots observed. No disease was identified as a precursory disorder of symptomatic heart disease.

Other results showed a correspondence between essential benign hypertension and several life

style or behaviorally related disorders: alcoholism, cirrhosis of the liver and other liver

conditions, obesity, gout, and diabetes mellitus. The interrelationship of hypertension vith such

diseases seemed to reflect a commonality in organ susceptibility and dysfunction. Similar results

were obtained in the Framingham Study which revealed that hypertension was associated with dia-

betes mellitus and obesity (6) while other research identified gout and carbohydrate intolerance

as possible adverse side effects of thiazide agents, a common medication for hypertension (9).

Although the number of hypertensive pilots was small, results of this study provided more support

for the influence of life style variables as a risk factor of hypertension than was gleaned from

the comparisons of occupational factors.

To conclude, age proved to be an important risk factor of CVD in this study while none of the

occupational factors differentiated pilots diagnosed with CVD from other pilots. Because of the

small Navy fighter pilot sample studied in this research, a replication with a larger population

should be conducted to determine the extent of CVD incidence associated with high performance

aircraft. Also recommended was the implementation of an intervention program designed to modify

the life styles of pilots who had been hospitalized for hypertension and/or such behaviorally

related disorders as obesity and alcoholism. An example of such a program has been developed as

part of the Navy's recently initiated Health and Physical Readiness Program. Outcomes of these

recommendations should pave the way for a better understanding of the risk factors unique to the

aviation c unity and for the increased protection of the health and safety of all U.S. military



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Anne Hoiberg


P. 0. Box 85122 62758N H758.01A-0001San Diego, CA 92138

It. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATENaval Medical Research & Development Command July 1984Naval Medical Command, National Capital Region IS. NUMBER OF PAGES

Bethesda, MD 2081414. MONITORING AGENCY NAME A ADDRESS(iI dilffrent from Controlllng Office) IS. SECURITY CLASS. (of hu roeporl)

Commander, Naval Medical Command UNCLASSIFIEDDepartment of the NavyWashington, DC 20372 ISa. SDCECWkASSI FICATION/¢DOWNGRADING


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the Obstract entered In Block 20, If different from Report)

Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.


19. KEY WORDS (Comime on revese side If neoooemy d i itnyif, by block number)Cardiovascular disease (CVD) Precursory diseasesU.S. Navy pilotsIncidence ratesOccupational factorsHigh performance aircraft

20. ABSTRACT (Continue an revers slde If necoeary mad Identiy by block nunber)*This study's objectives were, 1) to determine the influence of age on cardio-vascular disease (CVD) incidence among U.S. Navy pilots diagnosed with CVDduring a 12.5-year time period (n - 150)', 2) to examine pilots' occupationalvariables as risk factors of CVD, and () to identify precursory diseases asso-ciated with CVD incidence. Results showed a direct relationship between CVDincidence and the risk factor of age. Also, pilots on the average were morethan three years younger at the time of CVD onset than other Navy officers.None of the occupational factors was associated with CVD incidence although




pfighter pilots had the highest rates of acute myocardial infarction and chronicischemic heart disease. Angina pectoris was most frequently observed as aprecursory disease of chronic ischemic heart disease, and several behaviorallyrelated disorders (e.g., alcoholism) occurred most frequently with hyperten-sion. Subsequent research should include all U.S. military pilots to providea larger population in which to examine the influence on CVD incidence ofsuch occupational factors as high performance aircraft. Also recommended wasthe implementation of an intervention program designed to modify the lifestyles of pilots who had been hospitalized for hypertension or such behavior-ally related disorders as obesity and alcoholism. •


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