dna investigação de paternidade - detective...

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30/06/2017 São Paulo - Brasil - Edição 53

Ano –5 n° 53

O Jornal que aborda o trabalho de Detetives, no Brasil e no Mundo.


Montando sua própria equipe de varreduras - Pag 21

DNA Investigação de Paternidade- Pag 2


DETETIVE Mario - Pag 06

World Association of DETECTIVES - Pag 4

DNA Investigação de Paternidade





ANIC - Academia Nacional de Inteligência e Contra-Inteligência

Diretor Geral e Jornalista - MTB:0069530/SP Fábio Lacerda - Consult. de Inteligência. Filiado a IFPO / IAIJ Colunista: Angelo Henrique Simões - Dir . Exec. Da Núcleo Soluções Tecnológicas Mario Alessandro Fava - Security Ops. Manager Edição e Diagramação: James Makino

(A direção não se responsabiliza por artigos assinados que não retratem a linha do Detective News)

Os conflitos interfamiliares cada vez surgem no mundo moderno. Os litígios nas Varas de Família sempre presentes, por diversos motivos. Partes e advogados necessitando constantemente de evidências, indícios e provas para apresentarem ao MP, ao Juízo ou em sede Recursal. No exercicio da profissão de Detetive Profissional, a área de família é de grande procura e atuação. Em um processo onde está se buscando o reconhecimento de paternidade, por exemplo, o papel do detetive particular contratado pela parte é de suma importancia. Embora o DNA seja uma prova incontestável, sob o ponto de vista técnico-científico, existe um momento processual onde o réu não está se negando a coleta de material para o exame, nem é revel; é o caso de quando não é localizado. Existem situações em que o réu nem tem ciência de que pode ser genitor e que existe um processo está em trâmite (em segredo de justiça). O detetive então, está diante de um caso complexo: coletar indícios de que o réu é o genitor do menor, para corroborar com o bojo dos autos, para que o Juiz possa decretar a paternidade.

DNA Investigação de Paternidade



Um dos casos desta esfera que investiguei, fui arrolado pelos advogados da representante legal da menor, para prestar depoimento em juízo, a fim de elucidar maiores detalhes, além do Relatório entregue. No curso da investigação particular, descobri testemunhas as quais tinham conhecimento da relação do casal e que em determinada noite, os mesmos haviam pernoitado juntos. . Alem de outras informações, apurei que o réu tinha viajado para o exterior, onde familiares tinham negócios, logo após a genitora ter informado a ele que estava grávida. O tramite de todo o processo perdurou por uns 04 anos, até a sentença. Com o trabalho que realizei, fiz o máximo que pude e a cliente me informou, bem como os advogados, que o Promotor de Justiça opinou favorável e a Juíza decretou a paternidade, mandando oficiar para a Circunscrição competente para averbação; com isso, a menina passou a ter o nome do pai em sua Certidão de Nascimento. O detetive profissional deve sempre usar a razão, para não influenciar em suas técnicas e conclusões; mas sem perder jamais o coração, que sobretudo nestes casos, fomenta sua busca pelo conceito de Justiça. .

Fonte: Marcelo Carneiro de Souza Detetive Profissional, Perícia e Advocacia

Investigacao Particular; Perito-Assistente Tecnico e Perito Particular; Auxilia Equipe (ha 21 anos) de Advocacia Geral/Criminal · Rio de Janeiro

Detetive Profissional (Formado pelo Instituto Bechara Jalkh)-Reg. 00249. Perito Grafotécni-co (Formado pela Central de Perícias), Cursou Perícias Criminais e Perícia Judicial-Portal Educação, Curso de Perito-Instituto Politécnico/IPED e Curso de Investigação Criminal e Instauração da Ação Penal-FGV. Instrutor de Perícia Grafotécnica (Empresário Individual).

Filiado a APEJESP-Associação dos Peritos Judiciais de SP-Reg. 1727. Auxilia a quipe de Advocacia Geral/Criminal do seu pai há 21 anos.

É Colunista do Portal Educação: www.portaleducacao.com.br

Escritorio: Investigacao e Pericia-Tel. (21) 2195-1314


World Association of DETECTIVES

This logo of the 92nd Annual Conference of the WAD was launched at the Governing Council Meeting of the Association of Private Detectives & Investigators-India held at PHD House , New Delhi. This historic event will take place at Hotel Le Shangrila Eros, New Delhi from October 10-14,2017 in which more than 200 internationally reputed secu-rity and intelligence professionals are expected to participate.


Fonte: https://www.facebook.com/kunwarvikram.singh.399?pnref=story


Detetive Mário



Fonte: Detetive Mário



THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE PLANNING (NASDP) an elite institution in the field of security and private intelligence in Romania



Useful information about ANSOA (NASDP):

Initially The National Academy of Security and Defence Planning (NASDP) was con-ceived as a mere training centre for the NASDP a innovative hub entirely a private enter-prise, as a supplier of defence and safety solutions, and also as a facility of on going pro-fessional mentoring of the adult preparing him/her for the state-owned industry and com-merce in Romania. . The centre was established by the beginning of 2011 courtesy of a team of experts knowledgeable in Euro-Atlantic issues, as stand alone, informal group, endowing legal status in November 2013, for further bolstering the local and regional staffing in need on law enforcement where private security issues are involved. Things developed however and here we are today, able to provide both Romanian and foreign milieu, risk assessment solutions, prevention solutions, configuration patterns and ways fight the effects of natural disasters, against some calamities or menaces or hostile actions, we could also provide security studies and research in most fields of the modern society, as kickback to the need of serenity and safety. All the NASDP activities are based on the seven principles: abiding by the Romanian Constitution and legislation, the principles of integrity, governing , excellence, dignity, team work and innovation.

NASDP operates in the intelligence and security range: identification, evaluation, re-search, prognosis, recruitment, professional training and active protection.

Basically NASDP is to be taken as as a Centre in the security field designed in observance of the applicable international profile standards, which develops procedures meant to pre-vent and fight any form of violence (international terrorism, inter-state criminal activities, so-cial turmoil, etc.) but also the development of those mechanisms favouring an encapsula-tion of those necessary elements at the society level where information handling is con-cerned and the logistic of the collective defence, approached, of course, from the angle of the integrated security, as a systematic concept.


Silviu Crăescu (diplomat, economist,

NATO trainee – military analyst and HC Dr

in International Diplomacy)

The public profile:

Silviu Crǎescu (born on November 29, 1966) is a top expert in intelligence trained in international diplomacy and a seasoned specialist in security and intelligence North Atlantic certified.

He is a diplomat and a specialist in the security awareness culture niche.

A real top notch professional in optimization of the organizational management and administra-tion, state protocol, he implemented the special events setting and timing, the management and planning of the defense for emergency situations and social safeconduct, national and private le-vel security.

Silviu Craescu is the CEO of the scientific association The National Academy of Security and Defence Planning (NASDP) was conceived as a mere training centre for the NASDP a innovative hub entirely a private enterprise, as a supplier of defence and safety solutions, and also as a facility of on going professional mentoring of the adult preparing him/her for the state-owned industry and commerce in Romania.

Mr Silviu Craescu received commendation in the elite magazine of the American Navy as the mastermind of a STRATFOR level institution having the assignment to provide the Ro-manians and foreign community risk assessment solutions, training and combat the effects of natural disasters, against such threats or hostile actions and also security research cove-ring almost all the activity fields within the modern society as a reaction to the craving for serenity, safeconduct, protection etc.

Mr. Silviu Craescu is an expert young leader with an extensive background in protocol-diplomacy, intelligence operations, journalism, military geo political analyzis, prediction and europeaninter-institutional affairs.

Career specialized in the study of: organisation and management of national and defence intelligence institutions; role of and policy concerning intelligence institutions in government; comparative study of intelligence institutions and concepts; intelligence analytic training and methodology; intelligence agencies and cyber-security; intelligence professionalisation, standards and doctrine. . Former Advisor/Administrator/Chief of Protocol / ATO / TIC and Protection Officer for last two U.S. Ambassador's at American Diplomatic Mission of Bucharest, in Romania (2006-2010).

Silviu Crăescu


It was awarded by the U.S. Department Defence Security Service Academy and U.S. Department Defense Cybersecurity of - USG scholarship to study for aware-ness training for high rank DoD personnel eligible for official travel on government orders and security awareness training for federal security personnel. Life time OSINT Inte-lligence Collector/ Operator with experience across multiple disciplines.

Direct experience with CIA, USSS - Advance Protective Team, RSO and NSA; Military Source Operations, Executive Protective Management, Liaison and Advanced Defense Se-curity operations.

Working also in for privat CIA- Tactical Rabbit from U.S.

Now is also member of the international close protection intelligence group wich fight for mondial security and nord western ideals.

In present Senior Advisor to many Romanian political liders for Homeland Security, Inter-governmental Affairs, Political Affairs &Public Liaison.

In The past was graduate Student according to the order of the commander (rector of the military unit 02585) National University of Defense "Carol I ", No 12 of 12.12.2011. at De-partment of Advanced Education - Degree Advanced Graduate - Multiple Courses and Stu-dies on NATO - Department of Advanced Education – DOISS Department of Security Ope-rations and Strategy Studies and study at IDF NATO School Obergammen Germany and IDF NATO college from Rome Italy.

In present is also Executive Vice-President at International Center for Hight Security Stu-dies , Defense and Operational Responses to Crisis from Bucharest, Romania.

Ex. Special Operations Agent.

Representative Member at International Association for Intelligence and Security is also member of global intelligence community.

Trainer specializes in counterintelligence training design, run, evaluate and

review activities theoretical / practical and / or geopolitical study, research and training and professional skills development, carried out in institutions or at work.

Being competent professional evaluator. The assessor advises candidates professional skills in appraising professional skills compared with the occupational standard.

Mentor specializes in the fields of military intelligence education, civil education, culture, mass media, which has responsibility to monitor students' teaching practice. As President and mentor he organizing demonstration. . lessons and teaching hours for students practicing, practicing techniques, methods, tea-ching tools as varied objectively intelligence analyzing teaching and all the students he tea-ches practitioners, leading to improved The skills on intelligence on the educational pro-cess . His great Responsibility is to be donor of public security. and to obtain accreditation, reputation and International

prestige for NSADP.



Senior economist, political consultant, senior analyst in international military af-fairs, OSINT-HUMINT intelligence operator/collector, private and residential securi-ty security consultant, expert – risk assessor in occupational work place health and safety issues, specialist in body physical protection, expert in national defense and security.

The career specialised in:

Organizing and management of the national defense and information gathering institu-tions (STAR CC) – intelligence, surveillance, targets identification and acquisitions – co-ordination of All Sources Cells (ASC), the role and policy concerning the government owned intelligence institutions, the comparative case studies of intelligence entities and making up concepts; security awareness culture, consultancy in the field of security and de-fense; analytic and methodology intelligence; intelligence agents and cybernetic security; professionalized information, the NATO military standards and doctrine.


Trainee at the NATO School in Obergammen, Germany and at the NATO College in Rome, Italy. Multiple individual military and civil courses, other international operational training courses in law enforcement, special courses in the field of emergency interventions in case of crisis or hostile activity, counterintelligence and military espionage both civil and industrial, within the Department Of Defense (DoD) and other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland and Brasil.

As a matter of fact we specialized in:

• Training and supporting the state institutions or domestic and foreign companies. • Human Resource Personnel and the security coverage of installations. Operative intelligence liaison and data processing OSINT- HUMINT.

Risk management and advisory services in security. • Backing up for steadiness support, reaction to crisis, critical incidents coverage and han-dling and emergency basic operations. Training lectures for civilians, law enforcement officers and military.

We have the required knowhow and resources necessary in order to be able to provide advisory and critical assistance to our clients, including hands-on training for remote secu-rity coverage in hostile environment, such as Afghanistan and Iraq. NASDP may rate itself as the only provider of lowering risk solutions in an asymmetric matrix of locally developing threats, or even at regional and/or global scale. On a daily basis we supply first class info and education on the entire scope of private security of the military industry, of the governs institutions and the social society to proudly boasting the top notch the level of ethics and professional ethics.


The NASDP targets in the security education and culture line are as follows:

Stimulation of interest and self-involvement of both institutions and individuals in the Secu-rity Awareness Culture/Education, by way of mass-media and other promotional tasks ori-ented to this view;

Integration with the educational institutions – primary, high school, college and university levels – of an Education for Security for both kids and teen agers, and also to be taught in public institutions for adults, by organizing courses, lectures, symposia, training and semi-naries, meetings, colloquies, vision, workshops, discussion groups, round tables, outdoor camps, trips and other re-creational-educational activities;

Editing, publishing and distribution of informative and scientific data, books, magazines, manifests and other printed material and audio-visual content;

Establish contacts and co-operation on a permanent basis with scientific entities both do-mestic and foreign, with leading experts in this field, and with other organizations – govern-mental institutions or non-governmental which develop interests in Security Awareness Cul-ture and related topics;

Stir the curiosity, endorsing, backing and training of both physical or legal persons who wish to get familiar and become knowledgeable in the field of security, personal protection, educational management of the security awareness culture, and also to whoever feels the inner urge to sample the Security Awareness Culture;

Developing hands on action, within the academic limits of competence, for further pre-vention and proactively react to aggression/violence – securing the body personal safety, group safety and society safety;

Aims and general lines of action:

Joining projects, conventions and scientific exchanges proceedings focused on struc-tured security/endorsed by higher education institutions in Romania and abroad, local and central public authorities and also entities having assignments in the field of national secu-rity etc.

Foundation of the Civil Police Force in partnership with the public authorities and abiding by both internal and European legislation, as a must of the administrative de-centralizing.

Foundation of the Commission for Research and Development of the Information Soci-ety, a project initiated by the scientific manager of the Security Research and Studies Cen-tre in NASDP, attorney at law Sebastian Sârbu, vice-president.

Foundation of the Diplomatic Academy, a project jointly made up in partnership with the Association of the Ambassadors and Diplomats in Romania, with the purpose of forming the next ambassadors, and also of implementation în Romania of a real diplomatic culture, the ultimate aim being the enhancement of the Romanian State Image abroad and the active promotion of the strategic interests of our country.

Foundation of a National Investigation Centre to summon together specialists from the bodyguard and security structures, private investigators, lawyers, forensic detectives, inves-tigators, various specialists in intelligence, administration, defense, etc.


THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE PLANNING wishes to initiate and lead the following defense and security studies:

- Practical case studies in political campaigns and lobby, in Romania and the EU; - Case studies of the political and economical developments in Moldavia; - Monitoring the elite in EU and Romania; - The study of the energy issues (including nuclear) and the military-political security as-pects; - High quality preparatory analysis exclusively for the government agencies and the busi-ness circles (banks, rating evaluations entities); - Running social research survey activities; - Making interviews with outstanding, prominent persons.

NASDP aims to promotion, development and implementation of some projects/models com-mon and individual security standards respectively for building up of a Security Awareness Culture, by research, studies, information and education in partnership with both state owned and private education institutions, and also with medical type institutions, military, police, justice, religion but with government based organizations and non-government, its final target being the development of a community which really cares about the safety of its fellow citizens, and the promotion of knowledge, respect and mutual trust between mem-bers and the community’s institutions.

NASDP wishes to implement in Romania a brand new and real concept of security, de-fense, safety and reaction (operational counterstrike) to crisis, using a new institutional ap-proach for promotion of dialogue with the major public institutions, actors, their social mis-sion and validation in the spirit of knowledge and new types of threats, risks and vulnerabili-ties at the level of the individual, group, social, national, regional and global. The fight back against natural disasters, terrorism, across-the-border criminal activities, poverty and dis-crimination of any kind which are facts the representatives of the civil society, the citizens should be informed and trained on in order to be able to share, jointly beside the state insti-tutions, in the common actions of prevention and combat hostile activities, calamities or natural disasters.


The NASDP Academic Centre is organizing conventions and seminaries. The NASDP members feature a polyvalent experience acknowledged by the Romanian state and other educational entities. So the NASDP members supply a large spectrum of competences in the academic milieu, the security and the defense industry, and also other areas such as army forces, special services, non governmental organizations, diplomatic academies and mass media agencies.

The NASDP endorses as its main stay target the promotion, development and implementa-tion of programs / projects / models and standards for common security and defense and for the individual for further create a real security awareness culture, defense awareness, and counter-reaction (REACT) ,to crisis situations, by research, informative sessions


informative sessions and education, in educational partnership with institutions, both state-based and private agencies, and also the medical, military, national and local police, law, religious institutions, including both governmental and non governmental organisations, with the purpose of proactively develop a community who really cares about the security and safety of its fellow citizens and to promote the knowledge, respect and mutual trust between members and the institutions of the European and worldwide community’s institutions.

The NASDP partnerships:

The NASDP is proposing and made strategic partnerships internally and abroad with the purpose to promote and cultivate the respect for law, the studies on security, scientific re-search, co-operation and joint, common action regarding the development and endorse-ment of the programs to support the higher education in the fields of the responsibilities in charge of the Security Counsel of the United Nations Organization (UN), Foreign Policy and Common Security (PESC) and those of the European Policy on Security Defense (PESA) and to further implement the concept and the strategies of security, defense, safe conduct and reaction, beside other public programs on specialties or training courses in na-tional security matters and social security against the global asymmetric threats focusing mainly on life, health, physical and psychic integrity and wellness, property and other funda-mental rights liberties of man.

Now we developed co-operation agreements on a permanent basis with the Interna-tional Protective Security Academy, NATO Cage, University Alpha&Omega from Targu Mures, Institute of Criminology, Forensic Science, Security and Intelligence from Spain, In-ternational Center for Criminal Intelligence US (Florida), Helsinki Think Tank, IOSI Global, Academy of Global Security, the Security Analysis and Studies Centre, Tactical Rabbit.Inc, the International Commission for Human Rights, the American Diplomatic Mission for Inter-national Relation, Pro Democracy Association, the Military Federation in Romania, the Geo-politica Magazine, the Military Sciences Magazine, the Libertatea newspaper, Magna News Agency, CGTN Television.

The NASDP accreditation requests:

The NASDP is currently in process of applying to be taken into account beside the SNCPT components, by the National Counsel for Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) and the Ministry of Education and Research and is applying for being granted the statute „special counsel” by the Europe Council, the OSCE and the NATO;


Currently we have an agreement with the National Council of Scientific Research in Defense (CNCSA).

Curricular activity in professional forming:

1.Anticorruption expertise course.

2. Strategic management course.

3.Course of management and the economy of knowledge

4.Course in military sciences.

5.Course of implementation of a program on environment protection - the ecologic man-agement. 6.The management of the occupational stress - a guide for the public order and safety of-ficers.

7.The management of security.

8.The management of information.

9.The management of the project.

10.The management of the emergency situations.

11.The management of information.

Structures :

The Research and Studies Centre on Public Security:

The Centre represents a professional educational and scientific research institution of privae right, non profit, apolitical and autonomous which promotes studies on: organization and management of the national defense and intelligence institutions, the role and the pol-icy concerning the intelligence institutions in the government, the comparative study of the intelligence institutions and formation concepts; the security awareness culture, analytic in-telligence and methodology, the intelligence agencies and the cybernetic security; profes-sionalization information, standards and doctrine, the strategic management, the emer-gency situations regime, the defense organization, the theory of decision, the general the-ory of information, the resources of the defense, the intellectual capital, the society of knowledge, the anticorruption combat, the security milieu, the management of information, the asymmetric threats, geopolitical and geostrategic studies etc.

The Centre is co-ordinated by its scientific director Sebastian Sarbu, researcher, attorney at law and publicist with a vast academic experience and a systematic activity performed within the civil society and in prominent institutions such as the Romanian Academy and CNR-UNESCO.

The Research and Studies Centre on Public Security proposes to take to the civil soci-ety new debates on highly relevant topics in the wide context of intelligence, defense, emer-gency, rapid reaction and international security.



In our team of lecturers we have quite outstanding, widely reknown personalities of our academic and social life:

-Military analyst, researcher and attorney at law Sebastian Sârbu, member of the Inter Dis-cipline Group of the Romanian Academy, and vice president of the NASDP;

Sebastian Sârbu Major General, expert in intelligence and antiterrorism, security analyst, Special

Advisor Helsinki Think Tank, diplomat in security, doctor honoris causa in diplomacy, member of

Academy of Universal Global Peace, member of World Academy of Human Sciencess,member of

American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations, Special Advisor at International

Organization of Security and Intelligence, member of Transatlantic Club Press, military science Phd

publisher, world contributor at The Daily Journalist, Strategic Diplomatic Relations.

Published works “Corruption – the flaw of modern society”, Victor Publishers, 2005, Second Edition, Edith Advertisine 2006. Details: Didactic textbook entered the universitay circle – the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, The National Agency for Integrity, doctoral pro-grams, the Lower Danube University, Galatzi, Western University, Timişoara, the Library of the Romanian Academy, Ministry of Interior Affairs.

Scientific papers: the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University: the Proceedings of the XVth scientific convention “Challenges – Romania joining the EU: Economy, Education, Research, Legislation ” 2005, 2006. The communiqué title: “The European integration – a multidimensional process” (2005). “The European Romania” 2006. Published. CNR UNESCO in partnership with the Research Group for Gaining the Intellectual Capital 2007 – 2008. ,,The mediation institution in the legal circuit of the intellectual capital”; ,,The Noocratic Doctrine”; ,,The quantification of the criteria and activities of the Intellectual Capital Stock Exchange; ,,The non-linear evaluation in the organizational structures of the leadership”- elements of decision-taking theory, administrative right, organizational and legal sociology manage-ment on legal culture, Through science and religion toward peace and humanitarianism, November 24, 2012 Other communiqués: The Forum for the Society of Knowledge– the Romanian Academy, Papers published in “Your own attorney”, magazine dedicated to le-gal investigation and analysis featuring legal culture topics – 2006 – 2007 , “the Chronicler of the Foundations”, “Unsolved Mysteries”. Mr Sârbu is member of Transatlantic Club of Press. -General, univ. prof. dr. Teodor Frunzeti.

-Mike Hulden CEO of Helsinki Think Tank, Special Advisor.

-Bernd Hohle , Special Advisor.

-Norbert Csikani, Special Advisor.

-Univ. prof. dr. Alexandru Barnea.

-Sever Lucian Burlacu expert in Law enforcement, management consulting, internal/external institutional communication, PR, Public Affairs, Quality Management.

-Alexandru Bogdan Todirita, military trainer, paratroopers trainer, divers trainer, aniterrorist training;


Expertise :

THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE PLANNING, may offer expert advice in the following specialties, to the Parliament commissions in the process of issuing the normative acts:

1) Analysis

Our top notch team of OSINT and HUMINT intelligence analysts works directly with their clients, on safe sourcing, assessment, analysis, interpretation of the multi source collection of intelligence pieces of data. In this line we’ll offer our clients in confidence accurate and finite information for products, including the risk and threat assessment in real time.

2) Integrated security solutions.

THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE PLANNING staff are tal-ented and dedicated people well experienced to provide satisfaction to the high standards and highly qualified VIPs persons in craving for of our products our client usually seek. The NASDP strategy is custom made for finding and efficiently using professionals able to pro-vide forecasting and expert advice in the field of both private and public domain security, integrated security solutions and security operations worldwide.

3) Risks of security breeches and threats assessment

THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SECURITY AND DEFENSE PLANNING provides solu-tions to security risks issues and evaluations of the threats targeting both the state own in-dustry domain, government, and the clients involved in commercial activities. If just a part of the integrated services for analysis or threat handling, are set for either fixed assets or mo-bile ones, our evaluations provide mostly to our clients a unique perspective and a correct counsel regarding the security screening which are best fitting in cost-effective integrated solutions package.

4) Uninterrupted education of the adult throughout his entire life

The courses attended at the NASDP shall be conducted by experienced formers profes-sional trainers with certified experience at forming the adults as well in domains such as: defense, security, national security, psychology, sociology, economics and law, has been or active employees in the defense and security industry of Romania.

The NASDP vision and mission:

The NASDP is striving to maintain its objectivity and credibility, so that it will manage to hold itself as a centre acting independent from any governmental or non governmental organ-ism, even partially, or from any political party or other private interests.

Therefore, the NASDP, is actually doing all the efforts to make sure that its actions are run impartially, free of the opinions its sponsors might favour or self-interest as well. The NASDP is seeking co-operation with similar organizations, and also with the security / de-fense industry, academic milieu and government. The NASDP acknowledges the para-mount importance of the debates on defense and security in the United States of America and Europe and comprises these relationships using bi-lateral initiatives, activities and af-filiations.


The NASDP is trying to create at an international level an academic milieu to promote information exchange, innovative thinking and analytical developments.

At the end of this presentation, we hereby propose through our projects the implementation of the real security concept and the defense strategies, safety and adequate reaction, toward a better more firm guarantee for the national security, social security, institutional security of property, and justice, of the freedom of exchange and private enterprises.

We are extending our gratitude in advance to all partners for their support so that jointly with the Chamber of Deputies, with which the NASDP already works and co-operate, namely with defense and public order commission, human rights and European businesses, eco-nomic development topics, infrastructure in education, education, research, social sciences, social politics and innovative education, so we’ll be able to provide a viable alternative and all together partners and bills initiators, to overcome the issues of a modern society still hatched under the sign of etatism..

The NASDP is serving the governmental departments and agencies, the governmental or-ganizations with law enforcing, European and NATO allied, corporative and stand alone cli-ents. The NASDP is serving Romania.

Fonte: Dr. Sebastian Sarbu


A técnica mais perigosa para a integridade do detetive profissional é a Infiltração; dependendo do local, nem mesmo telefones celulares funcionam, caso o profissional precise acionar um auxílio de urgência; no entanto, muito eficaz e diversas vezes extremamente necessária para o desfecho de um caso. Infiltrações lícitas são aquelas em que o detetive está autorizado pelo contratante, por exemplo, em uma empresa; ou em locais de

acesso ao público, como casas noturnas e ainda, quando no curso dos trabalhos o investigado ou terceiros franqueiam o acesso do detetive, este utilizando uma história de cobertura que preserve a confidencialidade do caso. O que não se pode confundir é infiltração com violação de domicílio ou de privacidade, as quais divergem da atuação do i n v e s t i g a d o r p r i v a d o . Para o pleno exercício da profissão e sigilo da investigação particular, o detetive deve uti-lizar seus equipamentos sim, mas de forma discreta, para que possa registrar o que apurar na infiltração; material que irá instruir o Relatório. O áudio (gravação ambiental) também po-de ser utilizado, uma vez que desta forma não estará violando conversas confidenciais, sen-do necessário ter zelo por todo o material coletado: cartões de visitas com grafias, docu-mentos, imagens e em especial a mídia onde contém o áudio, para que seja devidamente acondicionada e mantendo a originalidade/autenticidade dos arquivos.


Certa vez, em uma infiltração, iniciei a conversa com um investigado; chovia muito neste dia, então tomei muita cautela com os equipamentos. Se tratava de uma região rural, onde todos se conhecem. Dentre esta conversa e história de cobertura sendo desenvolvida, que foi previamente alinhavada com a minha equipe antes da diligência e posterior infiltração, o alvo da investigação privada me convidou para entrar na fazenda, na qual eram realizados eventos inerentes a região. Neste momento, o equilíbrio não poderia faltar`um erro e o caso estaria fulminado ou minha integridade poderia ser violada de forma iminente. Já tendo pesquisado o ramo de atividade profissional do investigado, conduzi a conversa com linguagem similar a dele. Entre um café adoçado e um biscoito caseiro, coletei o material que precisava, o qual com outras técnicas não seria possível. O detetive particular deve sempre se preservar ao longo de uma investigação. O risco faz parte de nossa profissão, mas aplicando cada vez mais técnicas diversas, equipamentos e sobretudo estudar o caso com minúcias, reestudá-lo e tornar a compulsar o mesmo, bem como jamais desistir, chegaremos com licitude e qualidade a expressão: Caso encerrado` Por:Marcelo Carneiro de Souza

Detetive Profissional, Perícia e Advocacia Investigacao Particular; Perito-Assistente Tecnico e Perito Particu-lar; Auxilia Equipe (ha 21 anos) de Advocacia Geral/Criminal · Rio de Janeiro Fonte: http://meucarowatson.com/infiltracao/


Núcleo Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda


Como fornecedor de soluções tecnológicas (equipamentos e serviços) nas áreas de contra inteligência, investigações eletrônicas e etc., frequentemente somos contratados para realizar varreduras eletrônicas de alto desempenho em corporações, órgãos públicos, escritórios e gabinetes de toda espécie.

Para esta finalidade, nós despachamos uma equipe exemplarmente equipada e com muitos anos de experiência no desenvolvimento deste tipo de atividade. Como consequência, alguns clientes tornam-se contratantes frequentes dos nossos serviços. Alguns ainda contratam-nos com tanta frequência que, em um determinado ponto, optam por montar a sua própria equipe de varreduras. Nada mais natural. E isso acontece com muita frequência!

Contudo, ao tentar entender um pouco mais sobre o tema, o cliente acaba descobrindo que o tema é, na realidade, um pouco mais complexo do que pareceu em um primeiro momento. Esta descoberta decorre, principalmente, de dois fatos: 1) há uma ampla seleção de equipamentos disponíveis para esta finalidade, e cada um deles com diferentes características e preços, e 2) há de se considerar que o pessoal que será treinado nas práticas das varreduras eletrônicas, demanda ser detentor de um conhecimento prévio em alguns temas específicos tais como: teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético, arquitetura de sistemas de telefonia de grande porte, e, fundamentos de tecnologia da informação.

Tendo em vista todos estes detalhes que precisam ser consideradas ao criarmos novas equipes de varreduras, criamos este roteiro que ajudará a responder às seguintes dúvidas, que inevitavelmente se apresentarão durante os esforços de colocar em pratica o plano:

Quais são as opções de tecnologias e de capacitação disponíveis no mercado, tendo em vista a formação de equipes com capacidade de realizar varreduras eletrônicas de alto desempenho?

Qual o valor do investimento necessário que deve ser feito, tanto em aquisição de tecnologias como em capacitação humana, tendo em vista a realidade orçamentária e humana específica de cada cliente?

O roteiro adiante considera uma completa seleção de soluções (equipamentos, ferramentas, cursos e treinamentos) para realização de varreduras eletrônicas, inspeções físicas e varreduras lógicas, de alto desempenho, em: 1) ambientes sensíveis, 2) sistemas de telefonia fixa e, 3) smartphones e computadores.



V a r r e d u r a E l e t r ô n i c a _______________ .


VALOR MÉDIO: R$ 300.000,00

TREINAMENTO TÍPICO: Geralmente entre 24 a 40 horas / aula

PRÉ REQUISITOS DO OPERADOR: conhecimentos sólidos em teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético

O Oscor é o equipamento mais completo e moderno para realização de varreduras eletrônicas ambientais atualmente disponível no mercado internacional. Ele varre todas as regiões do espectro eletromagnético de

interesse para as varreduras.

É capaz detectar transmissões presentes no ambiente até a faixa dos 24 GHz. Devido a restrições de comercialização imposta pelo governo americano, a versão Oscor Green pode ser comercializada para os países com os quais os EUA possuem relações amigáveis (caso do Brasil), enquanto que a versão Oscor Blue só pode ser comercializada para os países membros da OTAN.


VALOR MÉDIO: entre R$ 40.000,00 e R$ 90.000,00

TREINAMENTO TÍPICO: Geralmente entre 24 a 40 horas / aula

PRÉ REQUISITOS DO OPERADOR: conhecimentos sólidos em teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético

Esta é uma versão mais antiga do Oscor, descontinuada por volta de 2012, e que só pode ser encontrada, portanto, na condição de usado.

Não existe Oscor, na versão 5000, a venda sob a condição de novo! É ainda uma excelente ferramenta, com capacidade de identificar a presença de sinais de áudio, vídeo e dados. Possui capacidade para demodulação dos sinais mais excêntricos.

De maneira superficial e grosseira, a principal diferença para a versão GREEN é que, enquanto a versão mais nova diferencia automaticamente alguns tipos de sinais mais modernos (casos do wifi, Bluetooth, GSM e etc), nesta antiga versão 5000 o processo de identificação destes sinais modernos deve ser feita manualmente pelo operador, a partir da sua experiência prática com o equipamento. Nada que um bom treinamento não possa resolver.

Na versão completa, ele é capaz de detectar transmissões presentes no ambiente até a faixa dos 21 GHz.


VALOR MÉDIO: R$ 90.000,00

TREINAMENTO TÍPICO: 08 horas / aula

PRÉ REQUISITOS DO OPERADOR: conhecimentos gerais em teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético



VALOR MÉDIO: R$ 200.000,00 (novo)

Entre R$ 30.000,00 a R$ 60.000,00 (usado)

TREINAMENTO TÍPICO: 04 horas / aula

PRÉ REQUISITOS DO OPERADOR: conhecimentos gerais em teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético, e em práticas de varreduras eletrônicas.

Também produzido pela REI, que é líder e referência mundial na fabricação de equipamentos de varreduras e de contra inteligência. Esta tecnologia, ao contrário dos equipamentos anteriormente descritos (que identificam apenas os sinais presentes no ambiente), esta tecnologia identifica diretamente o dispositivo oculto no ambiente, mesmo que este esteja escondido sob paredes e móveis ou até desligados!

Uma maneira simples e de explicar o funcionamento deste equipamento consiste em compará-lo a um detector de metais. Enquanto este último detecta apenas metais, um detector de junções não lineares detecta diodos (presentes em todos os dispositivos eletrônicos), através da emissão de sinais harmônicos. Trata-se de uma tecnologia altamente desejável para a realização de varreduras de alto padrão.

Assim como ambas as versões do Oscor, este equipamento é produzido pela americana REI. Ele não possui os recursos mais robustos que o Oscor (em qualquer versão) possui (computador interno, impressora, e etc.), mas é um equipamento bastante eficiente e com um amplo espectro de cobertura da região do espectro eletromagnético a ser varrido.

Na versão completa, ele é capaz de detectar transmissões presentes no ambiente até a faixa dos 12 GHz.


VALOR MÉDIO: R$ 15.000,00

TREINAMENTO TÍPICO: 01 hora / aula

PRÉ REQUISITOS DO OPERADOR: conhecimentos gerais em teoria eletrônica do espectro eletromagnético

O mercado oferece uma ampla gama de equipamentos portáteis para a detecção de sinais eletromagnéticos. Alguns, mais baratos, são conhecidos como Detectores

de sinais RF. Contudo, estes são equipamentos muito simples (custo médio em torno de R$1.000,00 ou até menos), e não devem ser adotados em substituição aos equipamentos anteriormente descritos.

Desta categoria, um equipamento minimamente profissional é a presente opção: uma tecnologia brasileira, de produção artesanal com capacidade para varrer até 10 GHz, e que, ao contrário dos detectores mais baratos, não detecta um sinal simplesmente através de um diodo para mostrá-lo em uma escala comparativa descalibrada. Este dispositivo é um equipamento medidor eletrônico logarítmico, que converte o campo de rádio frequência em uma escala de dB calibrada. Entre as opções de equipamentos para realização de leitura dos sinais eletromagnéticos presentes nos ambientes alvos de uma varredura profissional, esta é a tecnologia mais barata.

Na próxima edição, (54) I n s p e ç ã o F í s i c a KIT DE INSPEÇÃO FÍSICA DO ORION Fonte: ANGELO SIMÕES Rua Adonias Filho,42 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil www.oinformante.com Tels.: 55-31-3388-0707 -3388-3379



Detetives particulares.

Estudos de caso, notas, comentários. Um novo começo. Diretrizes para treinamento e preparação de




Fonte: https://www.librariaeminescu.ro/ro/isbn/606-716-619-4/Iosif-Roca__Detectivi-particulari-Studii-de-caz-note-comentarii-Un-nou-inceput-Ghid-pentru-formarea-si-pregatirea-detectivilor.html

Irimia Elena Beatrice



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