drama de mineros, entre la esperanza de vida y la...

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FEBRUARY 24, 2006


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La audiencia lo conoció por su papel de Zein en El Clon, la magistral telenovela de la cadena Globo en el 2001.

Ahora Luciano Szafi r con su elegante porte y su magnética son-risa, llegará a conquistar nueva-mente el corazón de las mujeres en el cine y la televisión. Con cinco piezas de teatro actuadas, seis...

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Rep. Zoe Lofgren discusses national issues...

La Oferta: What would you like Congress to do about get-ting out of Iraq and bringing our troops home? And what do you think government should do to improve their image with that particular issue.

ZL: That whole policy has been fl awed from the beginning to the end. As you know...

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San Juan de Sabinas, Mé-xico (EFE) — Los trabajos de rescate de los 65 mineros atra-pados en una mina de carbón mexicana desde hace varios días, superaron ya muchísimas horas sin que hasta el momen-to ninguno de los trabajadores haya sido localizado.

El ministro mexicano de Trabajo, Francisco Javier Sala-zar, dijo en una entrevista de ra-dio que se ha llegado al punto de intersección de túneles en el que debían de estar dos de los traba-jadores, y no les han encontrado entre los escombros.

Las galerías tienen 5.2 me-tros de ancho y en ellas se están abriendo accesos de entre 1.2 y 1.3 metros para permitir, al me-nos, el acceso de dos personas con carretillas y equipo médico.

Salazar explicó que, pese a no haber hallado signos de los dos trabajadores que debían es-tar en ese lugar, “no se han ago-tado los esfuerzos” y se sigue “trabajando en los escombros de esos dos túneles”.

Además, hay trabajadores avanzando por otros dos túneles en busca de otras rutas de acceso

Drama de mineros, entre la esperanza de vida y la fatalidad

Familiares de los trabajadores de la mina “Pasta de Conchos” lo-calizada en San Juan de Sabinas en el estado mexicano de Coahuila lloran, en el lugar donde permanecen aún 60 de sus esposos e hijos atrapados a 500 metros de profundidad debido a una explosión causa-da por la acumulación de gas grisu. Foto EFE

Construyendo la identidad cultural de San José

En la parte inferior de este edifi cio funcio-na MACLA. El lugar es centro de intensas actividades culturales. Foto de MACLA

al interior de la mina.En relación con el escaso

fl ujo informativo que ha habido en la mina Pasta de Conchos, el ministro y máximo supervisor del rescate se mostró compren-sivo con las familias.

Admitió que éstas “tienen una inquietud muy fuerte”, pero comentó que la información fl uye “muy lentamente”, porque las autoridades tampoco la tie-nen.

Finalmente, Salazar insis-tió en que nada debe apagar las esperanzas de la gente, y se mostró crítico con quienes espe-culan con la posibilidad de que los mineros hayan muerto.

La mina Pasta de Conchos sufrió una explosión el pasado domingo a las 2.30 hora de la madrugada, que dejó a 65 mine-ros atrapados bajo tierra.

Otros trece mineros que quedaron en los túneles exterio-res al derrumbe fueron rescata-dos y algunos de ellos hospi-talizados y desde entonces las autoridades federales, estatales y municipales mexicanas tratan sin éxito de llegar al grupo atra-pado.≤≥

Por Lorena MartínezEl centro de San José está a punto

de convertirse en un espacio cultural de arte y entretenimiento, en el cual la pre-sencia latina no pasará desapercibida gra-cias a la organización cultural MACLA (Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino-americana), que próximamente estrenará un nuevo teatro que formará parte del proyecto de reestructuración urbana del Ayuntamiento de San José.

En este proyecto de reestructuración, la Ciudad invertirá alrededor de cinco millones de dólares para la construcción de un edifi cio de 18 pisos destinado para apartamentos, un complejo de condomi-nios, un teatro, además de otros estable-cimientos en la Calle Primera Sur, en el corazón de San José.

Tamara Alvarado, Directora Ejecu-tiva de MACLA platicó con La Oferta y y comparte la perspectiva de lo que este cambio signifi ca para la organización. Al crecer en tamaño, MACLA podrá propor-cionar un espacio más adecuado y versátil a los artistas que se apoyan en esta orga-nización cultural como plataforma que les abre las puertas hacia el público.

“La búsqueda de un espacio más grande ha sido uno de los objetivos prin-cipales desde que MACLA comenzó”, comenta Tamara, ya que llevan aproxi-madamente doce años en su actual esta-blecimiento que pertenecía anteriormente

a CET. El actual proyecto es el resultado del

esfuerzo conjunto de las autoridades y de personas como la Concejal por el Distrito 3, Cindy Chávez, quien apoya a MACLA por su trayectoria y reconoce su impor-tancia en la comunidad, ya que MACLA, en conjunto con otras organizaciones, le dará una nueva identidad cultural al Cen-tro de San José.

“No somos una cultura muerta, nues-tra cultura no se quedó en Teotihuacan. Necesitamos expresar lo que somos como latinos. Somos jóvenes, somos gente de dos culturas con mucha historia y cambio; somos gente creativa y es muy importante tener un espacio como MACLA que le da una cara a esa creatividad”, afi rma Al-varado. Para ella es importante que los latinos tengan una presencia en el centro de San José porque son una parte muy im-portante de la historia de esta ciudad.

Parte del éxito de MACLA se debe a que cuenta con el apoyo de la comunidad, ya que a través de los años ha aceptado los programas y propuestas de la orga-nización, y gracias a su éxito ahora son reconocidos en todo el país como una ins-titución pro-activa de apoyo al arte.

El proyecto del nuevo teatro, que co-menzó a plantearse desde abril del 2004, es una gran motivación para la institución debido a su gran actividad ya que tan sólo el año pasado se llevaron a cabo 85 pro-

gramas internos sin contar las actividades por parte de grupos independientes como por ejemplo, el Teatro Nahual, que es un grupo que presenta únicamente teatro en español y MACLA ha sido su plataforma de apoyo, no sólo proporcionando el espa-cio físico sino apoyo técnico.

“Tenemos demasiadas actividades y poco espacio, ya que hay muchos grupos que no pueden presentarse en cualquier teatro debido al alto costo de la renta del lugar, a quienes les brindamos nuestro apoyo. Queremos ser más para nuestros artistas, queremos proporcionar un espa-cio más versátil para realizar montajes más profesionales”, concluyó Tamara Al-varado, al compartir con nuestros lectores los proyectos de MACLA.≤≥

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www.laoferta.com • Page 5February 24, 2006

By Sharon McElhoneLa Oferta: What would

you like Congress to do about getting out of Iraq and bringing our troops home? And what do you think government should do to improve their image with that particular issue.

ZL: That whole policy has been flawed from the beginning to the end. As you know I vot-ed against it. At this point, it’s pretty clear that the military has done everything we’ve asked them to do. But they are now the focal point. They’ve managed to unite the Kurds, the Shiite, and the Sunnis, something that is hard to do. I think it’s important to at least move our troops to the periphery so they are not the center of the fight, provide assis-tance to the Iraqis so they can do the job that needs to be done for their own country. I don’t think America thought they were go-ing to be in there for the next ten or fifteen years to run Iraq, and I don’t think it’s something most Americans want to have happen. Frankly, we can’t af-ford it. We are spending four to six billion dollars a month on Iraq, the death toll is in excess of two thousand, the injuries are horrendous; We’ve saved a lot of people because of our medi-cal techniques, but they are go-ing to suffer for the rest of their lives. So we need a resolution of this, not only the human toll, the toll to the taxpayers, but the mismanagement of the money. I don’t know if you’ve been read-ing the New York Times analy-sis, but hundreds of thousands of dollars kept in paper bags with no accounting: That’s your tax dollars.

La Oferta: What’s the smoothest way to get out of Iraq?

ZL: Unless we make it clear to the Iraqi Government that they have to take responsibility, they never will. We have to let them know this is your coun-try, and this is your responsibil-ity. And not that we are going to leave you completely in the lurch. We’re willing to provide some technical assistance, some training, some equipment, but you can’t expect the American People to be over there running their country indefinitely. It’s their country, not our country. And actually, the Iraqis want us out. So it’s really a matter of requiring the Iraqi government to take responsibility for their future. The longer we stay, the worse it gets… [Their] Oil im-port/output is down, the amount

of electricity is down, unem-ployment is close to fifty per-cent; it’s chaotic, and the Iraqi debt toll is very high. And the majority of Iraqis, according to some of the polls, believe it’s acceptable for American troops to be attacked. What does that tell you? It’s a mess and there’s no easy answer, but to say to just do more of what we’re doing is going to be a successful conclu-sion is an erroneous conclusion.

La Oferta: Has there been any progress on the investiga-tion of the illegal surveillance on the American people by the administration?

ZL: You’re talking about the NSA? It appears that the ac-tivity violates the law; however, I don’t want to reach that con-clusion. As a matter of fact, I am not sure that what this country needs right now is a constitu-tional crisis. I would like to see a set of facts that would allow me to reach a different conclu-sion, and I have written to the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice, and asked the chairman of the Judi-ciary Committee to hold hear-ings. So far the administration is dancing. The DOJ inspector general says they don’t have jurisdiction, which is prepos-terous. The Department of De-fense says they don’t want to do an investigation because the in-spector general for the National Security Agency is already do-ing one; well, they are the ones who approved it: You can’t have them investigate their approval. GAO let us know yesterday that they cannot investigate because they know they will not be given access to the classified informa-tion. The administration is try-ing to make this ‘if your not for what we are doing than you’re for terrorism.’ That’s ridiculous! Nobody is interested in help-ing terrorists or Al-Qaeda. The question is whether the branch-es of government are going to continue to exist and whether the president is above the law. If he needs to wire tap somebody, fine, go ahead, just get the war-rant; and if it’s an emergency, under the law, you can do it and go back to the courts afterward. If he thinks the law needs to be improved, fine, come to Con-gress, and we’ll work something out. You can’t just say, ‘I’m not covered by the law.’ And that’s

pretty much what he is saying. That’s an astonishing proposi-tion.

La Oferta: There seems to be a precedent being set with Latin American leaders Evo Morales, Hugo Chávez, and Fi-del Castro joining together to combat U.S. imperialism. These leaders appear to dislike the U.S. for political and trade reasons. Do you think this merger signals a need for the U.S. to change its foreign and trade policies?

ZL: I believe in the Inter-net world you’re going to have trade connections that cannot be stopped, and overall it’s going to be good for everybody. But

in between there are some real big problems, and we’re seeing the reaction to that, not just in Latin America but in other parts of the world. The problem is there have not been strategies, not only by the United States but other governments, to make sure that there is a participation and prosperity by all, especially the poor. You see areas where people are not only not partici-pating in prosperity [but] the situation is getting worse, and obviously they’re going to react negatively to that; that’s under-standable. Some of the same things have happened here in the United States, so I think a

strategy needs to be undertaken not just to have free trade that benefits our companies, but free trade that enriches not just the elite but regular people in the countries who are our trading partners.

La Oferta: Do you think that will change an imperialistic imagine of the U.S.?

ZL: I think the negative re-action to the U.S. is not just on trade, but certainly on the inva-sion of Iraq. It was not a popu-lar move worldwide. I think the Iraq invasion and the trade re-sults, which haven’t been well received around the world, sort of build on each other. I don’t really know that much about the Bolivian or Venezuelan presi-dents except what I read in the paper, and I don’t like it when people don’t like our country. I want our country to be beloved; I want us to be worthy of being beloved. I’m not much of a fan of Fidel Castro, probably be-cause we’ve tried to help people he has imprisoned and tortured. He’s been there a long time, but he’s done a lot of damage too. I don’t believe we ought to be involved in the boycott; I don’t think that is sensible with him, but I’m not a supporter of him either.

La Oferta: What do you think Congress should do to make a friendlier environment for women in office?

ZL: I don’t think the cur-rent leadership in Congress is

Rep. Zoe Lofgren discusses national issues: the war, trade, and more

Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. Photo by Mary J. Andrade

particularly interested in making things easier for women in poli-tics. The Democrats in the house have selected a woman to be our leader, Nancy Pelosi, mother of five, grandmother of five. She’s a very determined and force-ful leader, very strategic. She is certainly very feminine as well. You can be firm and you can be tough minded, and still be a feminine person. I think what motivates so many of us in politics is our desire to have a peaceful world for our children and to have community for our children. Men can be good fa-thers too, but maternal instincts are different from paternal in-stincts. Recently, the people of Chili chose a female president who said it is time for a woman to come in and clean this mess up. And I think that could hap-pen here. The Republicans have certainly made a mess of the house; They have people indict-ed. Maybe it’s time for Nancy to come and clean this mess up.≤≥

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