drobeta xix 2009

Post on 10-Jan-2016






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Anuarul Muzeului Regiunii Portilor de Fier Drobeta Turnu Severin


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    Unele consideraii privind nceputurile neoliticului n Oltenia i relaiile acestora cu zonele din sudul Dunrii

    Iohana NICHITA

    Cuvinte cheie: neolitic timpuriu, migratie, difuziune, agricultur primitiv. Keywords: early neolithic, migration, diffusion, primitive agriculture.

    Tot ceea ce este legat de viaa din neolitic constituie un subiect interesant dar i dificil, deoarece nelegerea tuturor manifestrilor acestuia presupune o abordare interdisciplinar ce se realizeaz prin corelarea datelor arheologice, cu cele oferite de istoria religiilor, de istoria imaginarului, a interpretrilor arheologice. Cu ajutorul reprezentrilor plastice a cror semnificaie i funcionalitate dezvluie esena revoluiei simbolurilor1, s-a putut reconstitui noul sistem religios care i-a pus amprenta vizibil n evoluia omenirii. n zilele noastre, chiar dac informaiile ce privesc comunitile neolitice sunt numeroase, acestea nu confirm dect ntr-o oarecare msur sincronismele culturale propuse de Parzinger2 ceea ce impune unele reineri n stabilirea legturilor culturale cu zonele nvecinate. Procesul de mobilizare al Peninsulei Balcanice a nceput s fie definit n anii '50 o dat cu spturile lui Vladimir Miloji din Thessalia3, la Argissa Magula, Otzaki Magula i n alte situri ce au stratigrafii complementare, cum sunt cele de la Aghia Sofia, Pekakia. Perceperea spaiului de la sud de Carpai ca parte integrant a unui teritoriu vast, implicat n procesul de neolitizare, care cuprinde ntreaga Peninsul Balcanic, Europa sud-estic i central, a determinat raportarea sa la realitile sud-dunrene. Raportarea a fost fcut pe baza relaiilor de cronostratigrafie-tipologie dintre siturile Asiei Mici i cele de pe teritoriul romnesc, dar i pe baza rezultatelor provenite din cercetri interdisciplinare.

    Conform spuselor lui Robert Braidwood, trecerea la modul de via neolitic ar fi avut caracter invariabil, decurgnd din tendina spre progres a umanitii4. n concordan cu practicarea agriculturii primitive (cele mai frecvente plante cultivate fiind grul de tip Einkoren i Emmer dar i orzul)5 i creterea animalelor s-a impus sedentarizarea populaiei, iar credinele magico-religioase au fost diferite ntru totul fa de cele ale oamenilor din paleolitic i mezolitic.

    Comunitile existente n spaiul carpato-dunrean situate n zona de interferen a zonelor neolitice au dezvoltat elementele de cultur material i de via spiritual, obinndu-se, n acest fel, realizri locale i originale. n urma descoperirilor lui Vladimir Miloji n Thessalia, neoliticul balcanic prea s se fi dezvoltat asemntor cu cel anatolian: de la urme de via neolitic aceramic la un neolitic iniial cu ceramic monocrom, urmat apoi de unul cu ceramic pictat, dar mai ales cu decor impresso6. Descoperirile arheologice aparinnd culturii Schela Cladovei formeaz o unitate cultural, alturi de cele similare de la Lepenski Vir, de pe malul srbesc al Dunrii, n zona Porilor de Fier7. Dezvoltarea comunitilor Schela Cladovei Lepenski Vir a fost ntrerupt de apariia grupurilor neolitice cu ceramic de tip Gura Baciului Crcea. Se aduce n dicuie faptul c unii oameni aparinnd comunitilor Schela Cladovei ar fi fost

    1 Cauvin 1994, p. 3.

    2 Parzinger 1993, p. 256-258.

    3 Miloji 1951, p. 110-124; Miloji 1956, p. 142-184; Miloji 1959, p. 65-84; Miloji 1960a,

    p. 320-345. 4 Braidwood 1960, p. 173.

    5 Sfriades 1993, p. 140.

    6 Berciu 1961, p. 101-124.

    7 Boronean 1973, p. 9-39.

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    integrai n comunitile noilor venii, deplasndu-se spre nord. Lund n seam aceste aspecte se explic apariia unor capete de piatr sculptate n manier Lepenski Vir n aezarea neolitic timpurie de la Gura Baciului. De asemenea, apar n morminte schelete de tip protoeuropoid8. Pe parcursul cercetrilor de la Schela Cladovei, s-a putut constata existena unui neolitic timpuriu cu elemente comune tipului Proto-Sesklo din Thessalia, caracterizat prin ceramica pictat. Dezvoltarea neoliticului n regiunile nord-dunrene ncepe cu o etap ce prezint ca not definitorie ceramica pictat, spre deosebire de unele zone din Balcani i nordul Greciei (Sesklo, Argissa), Bulgaria (Poljanica)9 unde exist un orizont timpuriu cu ceramic monocrom. Juraj Pavk ncadreaz n complexul numit Proto Starcevo10 descoperirile din Balcani precum: Donja Branjevina, Lepenski Vir, Vrnik, Gradenica, Kremikovci, Slatina, Kovaevo. Acest orizont neolitic are ca trstur general vasele cu angob roie pe care se picteaz cu alb motive rectilinii sau hauri. De asemenea, este prezent i ceramica monocrom.

    Primele comuniti din zona balcanic erau purttoarele unui neolitic aceramic ce i avea originea n Pre Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) din Orientul Apropiat11. De aici, prin Anatolia12, acest nou mod de via neolitic s-a rspndit spre Balcani, descoperirile lui Vladimir Miloji din Thessalia de la Argissa, precum i cele de la Soufli Magula, Sesklo Gediki, Franchti13, punnd n eviden o via sedentar. Cercetrile actuale14 manifest rezerve n ceea ce privete schema evolutiv a neoliticului balcanic15, asemntoare cu cea anatolian, de la formele preceramice la cele cu ceramic n stil impresso, demonstrnd faptul c noul mod de via ar fi fost impus de ctre noii venii. O situaie asemntoare ntlnim i n aezrile de tip Lepenski Vir Schela Cladovei din zona Porilor de Fier16, care au aparinut unor grupuri de culegtori i pescari. Conform descoperirilor, se pare c este vorba de populaii ce se aflau n curs de neolitizare, ce s-au adaptat condiiilor Clisurii17, care nu au ajuns la maturitate datorit ptrunderii grupurilor cu ceramic de tip Crcea. n Balcani, dei avem aezri neolitice timpurii suprapuse peste unele de tip aceramic, acest fapt presupune un proces de aculturaie18, autohtonii fiind acoperii de ctre noile comuniti neolitice. n momentul n care ceramica pictat de tip Thessalia apare, procesul de neolitizare se extinde pe toat zona balcanic, lund natere numeroase grupe culturale. Fiind bine reprezentat n Thessalia, la Argissa, Gesklo, Otzaki Achilleion19, n Turcia la Yarimburgaz V20, n Bulgaria la Poljanca, Bjala21, orizontul neolitic timpuriu este pus sub semnul ntrebrii pentru unele zone balcanice. Descoperirile de la Donja Branjevina, Lepenski Vir se ncadreaz n orizontul cu ceramic pictat cu alb. Orizontul cu ceramic pictat nrudit cu Proto-Sesklo i Karanovo I, dei prezint specificitate pus n eviden prin ceramica bicrom cu motive decorate cu alb, se simt i

    8 Vlassa 1972, p. 7-28; Lazarovici, Maxim 1995, p. 183-188.

    9 zdogan 1989, p. 201-215; Todorova 1995, p. 79-98.

    10 Pavk 1993, p. 63-74.

    11 Cauvin 1989, p. 3-36; zdogan 1993, p. 173 -193; zdogan 1997, p. 1-33.

    12 Yakar 1997, p. 63-64.

    13 Theocharis 1973, p. 34-35.

    14 Lichardus 1985, p. 230-235; Hachmann 1986, p. 9-18; Perls 1989, p. 109-127; Perls 2001,

    109-127. 15

    Berciu 1961, p. 101-102. 16

    Srejovi 1971, 53-54; Boronean 1973, p. 5-39; Lazarovici 1983, p. 131-176; Tasi 1998, p. 423-428. 17

    Dumitrescu et alii 1983, p. 25-29, p. 52-54. 18

    Ursulescu 2000, p. 81. 19

    Gimbutas 1996, p. 241; Lazarovici 1996, p. 21-38. 20

    zdogan 1989, p. 201-215. 21

    Todorova 1995, p. 79-98.

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    accente mediteraneene, caracterizate prin ceramica grosolan, ornamentat cu decor impresso22. Fiind numit Protostarevo de ctre J. Pavuk23, acest orizont ce st la nceputul viitoarelor culturi Sesklo, Starevo, Karanovo, s-a fcut simit prin grupele culturale Anzabegovo I Vrnik din Macedonia24, Donja Branjevina25 n Serbia, Kremikovici, Gradenica, Kovacevo n Bulgaria26, Crcea n zona nord-dunrean i carpatic27. n orizontul Protosesklo, iau natere dou aspecte culturale: Crcea Grdinile n Oltenia, Ocna Sibiului Gura Baciului n Transilvania28. Orizontul Pre-Sesklo se formeaz n Thessalia i cum n toat regiunea dunrean se rspndete decorul cu ciupituri, paralelizarea propus de unii autori29, propus ntre faza I a aspectului cultural Crcea cu Anzabegovo Ia, Ib,Ic dar i cu sfritul culturii Pre-Sesklo i nceputul culturii Sesklo, rmnnd un punct de referin n explicarea originii neoliticului din zona de sud-est a Europei. Tasi i Bruckner separ orizonturile Protostarevo i Starevo, diferenele cronologice fcnd posibil ncadrarea acelor grupe ce au ca not dominant ceramica pictat n alb pe fond rou n neoliticul timpuriu. Urmtorul aspect cultural este inclus n evoluia neoliticului mijlociu30. n Anatolia, orizontul cultural n care predomin pictura de culoare alb combinat cu cea roie i gsete originea, n fazele V-II ale culturii Hacilar31. De asemenea, apar asemnri i cu ceramica thessalian de tip Sesklo32, urmnd o perioad cu schimbri remarcabile datorate chalcolitizrii zonei thessalo-mediteraneene i apoi a celei balcano-dunrene sub impulsuri anatolo-microasiatice, care au stat la baza formrii unui mare complex cultural din Balcani i Europa Central33. Plecnd din Orientul Apropiat34, acest orizont ce cuprinde culturile Falaf, Bazarm, Hassuma s-a fcut simit n Anatolia, Thessalia35. Rspndirea noilor aspecte etnice i culturale a fost posibil prin transmiterea elementelor chalcolitice, pictura policrom halafian prezent n mediul starevian reprezentnd un element definitoriu n acest sens. Privind poziia geografic, Thessalia, prezint caracteristici similare celor din Orientul Apropiat, reprezentnd o cale n ptrunderea grupurilor neolitice spre nord, mai ales datorit cmpiei Larissa ce a ntreinut primele comuniti de cultivatori i unde a putut avea loc o posibil cretere demografic36. Acest fenomen i-a permis lui Vl. Miloji s arate c, domesticirea animalelor ct i cultivarea pmntului sunt caracteristici eseniale ale neoliticului, apariia ceramicii fiind datorat prezenei celui de-al doilea val de populaie37 neolitic. Principala caracteristic a aezrilor preceramice este aceea c au avut caracter sezonier ce s-a datorat numeroaselor inundaii dar i impactului noilor venii asupra

    22 Parzinger 1993, p. 256-258.

    23 Pavk 1993, p. 231-242; Pavk 1996, p. 39-44.

    24 Garaanin 1978, p. 31-44; Garaanin 1989, p. 37-45; Pavk 1993, p. 231-242.

    25 Karmanski 1979, p. 119.

    26 Nikolov 1974, p. 36-65; Nikolov 1995, p. 3-65; Todorova 1995, p. 79-98.

    27 Vlassa 1972, p.7-28; Lazarovici 1984, p. 48-104; Lazarovici, Maxim 1995, p. 199-201; Nica

    1976, p. 435-463; Nica 1977, p. 13-53; Nica 1995, p. 11-28. 28

    Luca 1999, p. 7. 29

    Garaanin 1978, p. 101-102. 30

    Brukner 2000, p. 287; Tasi 1998, p. 71-74. 31

    Mellart 1970, p. 92. 32

    Parzinger 1993, p. 256; Berciu 1961, p. 50; Garaanin 1973, p. 92-94; Mellaart 1960, p. 270-278; Lazarovici 1979, p. 72-73. 33

    Ursulescu 1998, p. 84-85; Miloji 1960, p. 44-47, p. 75-76; Gimbutas 1976, p. 11-26; Lazarovici 1984, p. 72-74, p. 106-114; Nica 1991, p. 103-112. 34

    Perkins 1963, p. 11-27; Holmberg 1964, p. 12. 35

    Parzinger 1993, p. 257-258; Lichardus 1985, p. 188-192. 36

    Andel, Runnels 1995, p. 481-500. 37

    Miloji 1952, p. 313-318; Miloji 1960 b, p. 44-47, p. 75-76.

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    mediului nconjurtor local. O dat cu transformarea terenurilor n zone agricole, violena intergrup s-a accentuat38, aa cum a fost cazul comunitilor culturii Lepenski Vir Schela Cladovei din regiunea dunrean. Luptele ce au avut loc cu purttorii orizontului Gura Baciului Crcea au fost violente, dovezi n acest sens constituind scheletele ce purtau urme ale unor vrfuri de sgei39. Relaiile dintre localnici i noii venii sunt reliefate prin existena unor obiecte metalice n cadrul comunitilor neolitice, dar i prin manifestri spirituale ce dovedesc urme ale unui eventual sincretism40. Dispariia pdurilor n favoarea culturilor agricole, reflectat, n cadrul diagramelor polinice, de creterea frecvenei polenului unor plante ierboase41, a avut ca rezultat nceperea procesului de sedentarizare a comunitilor preistorice, demonstrat arheologic prin numrul mare al complexelor de locuire de tip Lepenski Vir Schela Cladovei din regiunea Porilor de Fier42. Att complexele de pe malul romnesc Schela Cladovei, Veterani, Ostrovul Corbului43, ct i cele de pe malul iugoslav Lepenski Vir, Vlasac, Padina44, au aezri cu temelii de piatr, cu mai multe nivele de locuire, un bogat material n cuar, os, analizele palinologice stabilind prezena unor urme de cerealia45. O dat cu venirea grupurilor cu ceramic pictat de tip Gura Baciului Crcea, cultura Schela Cladovei Lepenski Vir i ncheie brusc evoluia, cu puin nainte ca n zon s apar comunitile stareviene46. Pe parcursul existenei comunitilor epipaleolitice/mezolitice este foarte probabil s fi existat grupuri ce au ntreprins cltorii depind frontiera agricol, o dovad calificatoare n acest sens fiind prezena ceramicii monocrome la Lepenski Vir47, Padina48, a crei origine este atribuit populaiilor neolitice sudice. Prezena fragmentelor ceramice n aezrile Lepenski Vir I i II, a vaselor depozitate pe podelele de la Padina demonstreaz existena unor comuniti neolitizate, care au adoptat producia ceramic, influennd geneza aezrilor de cultivatori49. Descoperirile de la Ostrovul Mare50 au reliefat rspndirea grupurilor culturii Schela Cladovei i n zona oltean-dunrean, mediul fiind favorabil n dezvoltarea acestora, fr a se susine existena unui neolitic aceramic. Comunitile n curs de neolitizare contemporane cu cele ale orizontului Gura Baciului Crcea, ce prezint asemnri cu culturile Proto-Sesklo, Anzabegovo i Karanova I, au avut o influen semnificativ n geneza culturii Starevo Cri ce s-a dezvoltat n zona balcano-dunreano-carpatic51. Apariia neoliticului timpuriu n spaiul carpato-dunrean s-a datorat migraiei din Orient, prin Anatolia i Ciclade n Thessalia52. Vladimir Dumitrescu a fost un adept al teoriei migraioniste, considernd imposibil trecerea autonom a comunitilor mezolitice la neolitic, chiar i aceramic53. Referindu-se tot la problematica originii

    38 Radovanovi 1996, p. 42, p. 49-60.

    39 Boronean 1980, p. 27-42.

    40 Ciut 2005, p. 127-128.

    41 Bocaiu p. 34.

    42 Jovanovi 1975, p. 14; Boronean 1980, p. 27-42; Lazarovici 1984, p. 53.

    43 Boronean 1973, p. 5-39; Boronean 2000, p. 97.

    44 Jovanovi 1987, p. 1-16.

    45 Crciumaru 1973, p. 53-60.

    46 Vlassa 1976, p. 231-251; Lazarovici, Maxim 1995, p. 179-181.

    47 Srejovi 1967, p. 11-20; Srejovi 1971, p. 53-54.

    48 Jovanovi 1975, p.14.

    49 Whitlle 1998, p. 133-150.

    50 Boronean 1980, p. 27-42.

    51 Ursulescu 2000, p. 17.

    52 Luca 1991, p. 7.

    53 Dumitrescu, Vulpe 1988, p. 29.

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    neoliticului nord-dunrean, I. Paul, separ cele dou fenomene ale neoliticului timpuriu romnesc Prestarevo i Starevo, legndu-l de zonele sud-dunrene54.

    Referitor la legturile cu lumea sudic, egeo-mediteranean sunt reprezentative descoperirile arheologice asemntoare cu cele de tip Protosesklo de la Crcea.

    Principalul nod n difuziunea neoliticului n spaiul nord-dunrean l reprezint Thessalia, iar noii venii i-au fcut apariia la nord de Dunre n urma unor procese de migraie. Descoperind orizontul aceramic n Thessalia i paralelismul cronologic cu nivelurile IX-I de la Hailar55, s-a putut stabili sincronismul fazei Crcea I cu nivelul VI de la Hailar.

    n prima faz, aceste comuniti au ptruns pe la Vardar-Morava, prin vile rurilor din Bulgaria Isker, Struma, Ogosia, trecnd n Oltenia, dovad fiind aezrile de la Crcea56, Grdinile57, Copcelu58, Verbia59. Comunitile Crcea din regiunea dunrean au venit n contact cu purttorii culturii Lepenski Vir Schela Cladovei, pe care i influeneaz n ptrunderea lor spre nord, materialele osteologice umane reliefnd tipul mediteranean i ocazional tipul protoeuropoid60. Regiunea cuprins ntre Dunre, Jiu i Olt reprezint un punct de atracie pentru populaiile neolitice ce au pus bazele unor complexe culturale deosebite Crcea Grdinile61, Dudeti-Vdastra62, dar i a unor aspecte de interferen ca de exemplu Vina-Dudeti-Karonovo63 i Gumelnia Slcua64.

    n Oltenia, ceramica de tip Crcea este atestat prin puncte ca: Copcelu-Valea Rii, Grdinile, Locusteni, Schela Cladovei, Verbia65. Tehnica motivului liniar, lustruit folosit pe ceramica din prima faz de la Crcea Hanuri, Grdinile, Izlaz, reprezint o asemnare cu cea a canelurii dispus n zigzag pe vasele de tip Karanovo II66.

    La Crcea i Grdinile67, au fost descoperite cele mai vechi aezri neolitice de la sud de Carpai, cu elemente de tip Proto-Sesklo68, descoperiri ce au fcut posibil cercettorilor s clarifice modul n care s-a realizat neolitizarea n zona carpato-dunrean, mai ales c Nicolae Vlassa, pusese n eviden cu ajutorul descoperirilor de la Gura Baciului un orizont contemporan cu Proto-Sesklo69.

    n urma spturilor ntreprinse de Marin Nica, n groapa numrul 1 de la Grdinile, pe lng formele semisferice, bitronconice cu suporturi inelare i treflate, au fost gsite i vase cu buza nalt i nclinat spre exterior, acestea din urm fiind de tradiie Proto-Sesklo70, proeminene mici, conice sau n form de buton, ct i celor tubulare, perforate vertical, avnd analogii cu proeminenele de pe vasele descoperite la Hacilar71, Hesonis (Thessalia)72 i Anzabegovo. Tot n groapa numrul 1, a fost gsit un

    54 Paul 1989, p. 20-21; Paul 1995, p. 62.

    55 Weinberg 1961, p. 858; Weinberg 1965, p. 229.

    56 Nica 1976, p. 435-463; Nica 1977, p. 13-53.

    57 Nica 1991, p. 103-112.

    58 Berciu 1961, p. 71.

    59 Ibidem, p. 29-30.

    60 Vlassa 1976, p. 255; Necrasov et alii 1990, p. 173-223.

    61 Nica 1976, p. 435-463; Nica 1977, p. 13-53; Nica 1991, p. 103-112.

    62 Nica 1976, p. 71-103.

    63 Nica, Ni 1979, p. 31-64.

    64 Nica et alii 1994, p. 41-60.

    65 Nica 1991, p. 111.

    66 Georgiev 1961, pl. IX/11.

    67 Nica 1981, p. 27-31.

    68 Nica 1976, p. 455; Nica 1984, p. 37-45.

    69 Vlassa 1972, p. 28-29.

    70 Miloji 1960b, p. 36.

    71 Mellart 1970, pl. IX.

    72 Teocharis 1962, pl. VII/3.

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    idol de form cilindric, modelat neglijent73 este asemntor n privina modalitii de realizare a feei cu idolii descoperii la Donja Brajevina74. Astfel, pe partea superioar a idolului este reprezentat nasul n relief, avnd in stnga i dreapta ochii puin reliefai i gura mare, rotund i adncit. Chipul astfel reprezentat ocup jumtatea superioar a piesei75.

    n groapa numrul 3 de la Grdinile, nivelul 1, au fost descoperite dou fragmente de cupe semisferice pictate cu triunghiuri albe, alturi de o msu de cult. Se poate afirma faptul c, ornamentul realizat din iruri de triunghiuri albe, dispus n trepte, prezint asemnri cu stilul de ornamentare a culturii Sesklo din Thessalia. Acelai tip de ornamentare poate fi ntlnit pe ceramica pictat, ce a fost descoperit n urma spturilor de la: Anzabegovo, Serbia (Macedonia)76, Donja Brajevina i Crcea. Din bogatul material arheologic descoperit n nivelul 2 din aezarea de la Grdinile, n locuina numrul 2, zece fragmente ceramice aparin categoriei ceramicii pictate. Avnd dimensiuni relativ mici, bulinele albe ornamenteaz partea superioar a vasului de culoare roie. Liniile albe n reea haureaz suprafee circulare sau triunghiulare ce sunt delimitate de benzi late ce au aceeai culoare . Pe o parte din fragmente este vizibil pictura aparinnd solid styl-ului. Toate aceste aspecte specifice ale ceramicii pictate, descoperite n nivelul 2 de la Grdinile pot fi ntlnite i la ceramica pictat ce aparine aezrilor neolitice situate n bazinul Sofia (Kremikovci77, Kremenica78 i oind79) i n Valea Strumei (Sveti Borodica80, Kara Buyuk81 i Lagitenjuvo82).

    Descrierea materialelor descoperite la Grdinile ne d posibilitatea s remarcm accente de tradiie Protosesklo sau ale Fhrkeramik-ului thessalic cu care neoliticul timpuriu din Oltenia se afl ntr-o puternic legtur83.

    n afara ctorva elemente ornamentale Proto-Sesklo executate n solid styl ntlnite la Crcea Ib-IIa i Grdinile, ornamentarea ceramicii de la Grdinile, sistemul triunghiurilor haurate de pe suprafaa vaselor are strns legtur cu ceramica decorat din aezrile de la avdar, Karanovo, Azmaka Moghila i Muldava. Asemnrile ntre factura, stilul i formele ceramicii pictate policrom din faza Crcea III, din aezrile de la Crcea i Gradenica84, sunt argumente ce atest legturile cu grupurile sudice, ce au avut ci de acces n apropierea rurilor Struma, Jiu de-a lungul neoliticului. Grupul Karanovo, fiind apropiat de chalcoliticul balcano-anatolian, a facilitat dezvoltarea acestuia, transmind n mediul Crcea elemente Karanoviene: pahare cilindrice, altrae triunghiulare, ornamente cu motive excizate. Legturile i fac simit prezena i n Vina, Dudeti, mrturii n acest sens fiind elemente de tip Karanovo III i IV pe ceramica de la Viaduct. Ceramica aparinnd aezrilor neolitice din zona Porilor de Fier (Lepenski Vir IIIa, IIIb, Schela Cladovei, Ostrovul Corbului i Ostrovul Mare) este asemntoare cu cea de la Crcea. Zona din zona dunrean pus n eviden n primul rnd prin motivul barbotinei i al spiralei aplicate pe forme tradiionale se definitiveaz n perioada n care curentul cultural al chalcoliticului balcano-anatolian se intensific.

    73 Coma 1995, p. 23.

    74 Vlassa 1976, p. 84.

    75 Coma 1995, p. 24.

    76 Heurtley 1939, p. 136.

    77 Gaul 1948, p. 27-28 i pl. III.

    78 Ibidem, p. 30, i pl. V/10.

    79 Ibidem, p. 30, p. 31, i pl. II/4-7.

    80 Ibidem, p. 31, p. 32, i pl. VI.

    81 Ibidem, p. 32, p. 33, i pl. VII/1-20, pl. VIII, pl. IX.

    82 Ibidem, p. 33-35, pl. X, pl. XI.

    83 Nica 1981, p. 38.

    84 Nica, Rdoescu 2003, p. 8.

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    Zona central i nord-balcanic este divizat n momentul ptrunderii grupurilor ale culturii Dudeti( sud-vestul Olteniei), Karanovo II-III ( centrul Bulgariei) i Vina la nceputul fazei Crcea III. Populaiile care nu au prsit aezrile, se grupeaz pe vechile ci de circulaie: Iskr (Gradenica), Jiu (Crcea i imnic) i Olt (Copcelu, Le). Analiznd repertoriul tipologic, formele ceramicii fazei Crcea I corespund cronologic, stratului mijlociu i superior de la Otzaki putnd fi sincronizate cu orizontul culturii Pre-Sesklo. La acest orizont, n toat regiunea dunrean apare frecvent ceramica ornamentat cu ciupituri atribuit culturii Pre-Sesklo. Decorul realizat din triunghiuri albe, pline de pe ceramica din faza Crcea I ar putea s ne duc cu gndul la motivele culturii Sesklo sau la reprezentarea elementelor vechi ntr-o manier nou de influen seskloian. Un exemplu pentru ultima idee ar putea fi fragmentele nivelului I de la Izlaz Grdinile pictate cu motive Proto-Sesklo combinate. Motivele de culoare nchis prezente nc din etapa Crcea Ic, sunt trsturi sudice de tip Sesklo. Milutin Garaanin consider c asemnrile fazei Crcea I cu primele trei etape (Ia, Ib, Ic) ale nivelului de la Anzabegovo i gsesc similitudini cu sfritul culturii Pre-Sesklo i faza de nceput a culturii Sesklo. Trecerii de la solid styl la cel liniar al culturii Sesklo, aezrile Otzaki Magula i Tsani, i este similar etapa Crcea IIa ce are specific ceramica monocrom, lustruit pictat cu motive liniare, rar combinate cu triunghiuri umplute cu puncte de culoare nchis . Avem astfel, de-a face cu un impuls sudic ce este paralel cu rspndirea culturii Sesklo pe o mare zon, cunoscut la Dunre sub denumirea de fenomenul de starevizare. n etapa Crcea IIb influenele culturii Sesklo se diminueaz n prezena noului curent cultural balcano-anatolian reprezentat de culturile Karanovo II i Vina A. Aceasta reprezint etapa n care neoliticul timpuriu din zona dunrean atinge pragul maxim de dezvoltare, elementul spiralic rspndindu-se peste tot . Din punct de vedere cronologic, ultima etap de evoluie a culturii Sesklo corespunde cu etapa Crcea IIc, ncepnd s apar primele elemente de policromie.

    Vasul cu masc uman pictat de la Crcea i cel de la Gradenica, toartele de vase, tehnica haurrii spaiilor dintre motivele pictate pe fond crem corespund cultural nivelului I de la Hailar.

    Legturile dintre Crcea i Dudeti sunt exemplificate prin forme de vase descoperite n ultimul nivel de la Grdinile Izlaz, dar mai ales prin msuele de cult de la Viaduct. Haurarea spaiilor dintre motive este prezent att n cultura Crcea ct i n Dudeti. Stilul textil i fin, proeminenele n form de tunel perforate vertical apropie cultural i cronologic Proto-Sesklo, Sesklo,Crcea de aezarea de la Hailar (nivelurile V-II) conform cercetrilor lui Milutin Garaanin85.

    n cea de-a doua faz devine evident adoptarea la condiiile locale a noului mod productiv chalcolitic anatolian, pe acest fond dezvoltndu-se culturile Starevo IV, Dudeti, Vina. Crcea Grdinile prezint legturi cu complexul Cavdar Kremikovci Gradenica, observabile mai ales la ceramic. Aadar, aspectele de tip Karanovo, pe care le ntlnim la Anzaska Moghila, ct i n ceramica de la Grdinile, n spe triunghiurile haurate, au ptruns la Crcea prin Cavdar86. Ceramica policrom existent n faza Crcea III, n aezrile de la Cavdar i Gradenica, nu s-ar fi putut dezvolta dect pe baza legturilor care s-au meninut n neoliticul timpuriu, aspect observabil i n primele dou faze ale aspectului Vina-Dudeti, ptrunznd aspecte de tip Karanovo III-IV87. Apariia aezrilor de la Studina, judeul Olt, punctele Biseric i La grdin, situate la 1 km distan de cea de La izlaz sau Locusteni, judeul Dolj, a avut ca

    85 Garaanin 1979, p. 100-102.

    86 Nica, Rdoescu 2002, p. 20.

    87 Nica 1991, p. 316-319.

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    repercursiuni realizarea unor legturi cu purttorii culturii Starevo-Cri, n ceramica monocrom aprnd elemente noi precum barbotina i spirala de culoare nchis, trasat pe fond deschis88. Semne clare ale chalcoliticului balcano-anatolian, purttorii culturilor Dudeti, Karanovo II-III, apar n Crcea III, favoriznd desfiinarea unitii culturale din zona central i nord balcanic, multe aezri fiind prsite, populaia aezndu-se pe Valea Jiului sau a Oltului la Crcea, imnic, Copcelu89.

    D. Berciu90 a artat dezvoltarea unitar a Olteniei i nord-vestul Bulgariei, n aceast perioad. Cercetrile au subliniat att asemnrile, ct i deosebirile ntre aezrile Starevo-Cri i Karanovo-Kremikovci91.

    n cultura Starevo-Cri, perioada de nceput a ceramici pictate cu culoare alb mbinat cu cea roie i afl elemente asemntoare n cultura Hailar fazele V-II92 ct i n orizontul Sesklo93. n faza a III-a a culturii Starevo-Cri, se poate afirma c exist unitate n ceea ce privete culturile neolitice din zona carpato-dunrean94. Se vorbete astfel, de prima mare sintez de pe teritoriul romnesc95.

    Aezrile comunitilor Starevo-Cri erau plasate n apropierea apelor pe terase joase i medii. La nceput, locuinele erau adncite, sub forma unor colibe de suprafa, cu schelet lemnos, lutos. Unele aezri din faza trzie, aparinnd zonei Dunrii bnene i oltene erau fortificate, fiind nconjurate cu anuri de mici dimensiuni (Crcea, Schela Cladovei, Gornea)96.

    n Romnia, neolitizarea att din punct de vedere ideologic ct i al tehnicilor, reprezint rezultatul unei colonizri cu unele comuniti venite din sudul Dunrii. Cei dinti coloni neolitici au ptruns n sud-vestul Romniei, n Oltenia, dup cum demonstreaz descoperirile arheologice de la: Crcea, Verbia, Grdinile, Copcelu, imnic.

    Some considerations regarding the Neolithical cultures from Oltenia and their relations with the regions in the sounth of the Danube.

    (Abstract) The Spirituality of neolithic communities is a fascinating but at the same time

    difficult subject, as the understanding of all its manifestations requires an interdisciplinary approach, which is possible by linking archaeological data with those offered by the history of religions, the history of the material, and not least the archaeological interpretations.

    Spiritual life in the Neolithic is fascinating through the richness of the repertoire of decorative motifs of pottery with artistic significance and especially magical-religious cult related to fecundity and fertility. To this cult is also linked the anthropomorphic and zoomorphic plastic art in clay, bone and marble.

    A predominant feature of pre pottery settlements is that they had a seasonal character caused by numerous floodings as well as through the impact of newcomers on the local environment. With the conversion of land in agricultural areas, violence between groups has accentuated as was the case with cultural communities Lepenski Vir Schela Cladovei from the Danubian region. The fighting that took place with the bearers of Crcea culture have been violent, constituting evidence of skeletons that bore

    88 Ibidem, p. 20 i urm.

    89 Nica 1996, p. 105.

    90 Berciu 1961, p. 34; Berciu 1966, p. 67.

    91 Miloji 1950, p. 109; Coma 1959, p. 18; Garaanin 1961, p. 143-144; Strejovi 1963, p. 6;

    Berciu 1967, p. 28-29. 92

    Mellaart 1970, p. 92. 93

    Parzinger 1993, p. 256. 94

    Nica 1997, p. 105. 95

    Coma 1987, p. 29. 96

    Lazarovici 1990, p. 93-117.

  • 13

    traces of arrowheads. Relations between locals and newcomers are raised by the existence of metal objects in the Neolithic communities, but also the spiritual manifestations that show traces of a possible "syncretism".

    In Romania, the use of incineration in funeral practice was attested to Gura Baciului parallel culture was reported in Proto-Sesklo from Thessaly at Souphli Magula A recent theory claims that a"revolution of symbols" would be produced initially, mentally speaking, namely the renunciation of the old magical rites of hunting and the emergence of a new belief that emphasize the fecundity and fertility. A telling example in this respect would be the statuettes of stone, bone, baked clay with sharp steatopigy which would testify the Great goddess worship - Mom.

    In Romania, the neolitization both from an "ideological" and technical point of view are the result of colonization by some communities coming from south of the Danube. The first Neolithic settlers entered the south-western Romania, in Oltenia, archaeological discoveries exists at Crcea, Verbia, Grdinile, Copcelu.

    Explicaia figurilor(planelor) / Explanation of figures(plates) Pl. I. Harta descoperirilor neoliticului timpuriu / Early neolithic discovery map. Pl. II. Harta descoperirilor neoliticului trziu i eneoliticului / Late neolithic and early eneolithic discovery map.

    Lista descoperirilor neoliticului timpuriu / Early neolithic discovery list 1. Almj; 2. Balta Srat; 3. Basarabi; 4. Berzovia; 5. Caransebe; 6. Caraova; 7. Cleanov; 8. Copcelu (Valea Rii); 9. Dejan; 10. Drgneti-Olt; 11. Dubova; 12. Frcaele; 13. Giulvz; 14. Gornea; 15. Grdinile; 16. Hotrani; 17. Iaz; 18. Ipoteti; 19. Leu; 20. Liubcova; 21. Locusteni; 22. Moldova Veche; 23. Ohaba-Mtnic; 24. Ostrovu Corbului; 25. Padea; 26. Roiori de Vede; 27. Ruginosu; 28. Schela Clodovei; 29. imnicu de Sus; 30. Vdastra. 31. Verbicioara; 32. Verbia; 33. Zgujeni; 34. Zorleu Mare. Lista descoperirilor neoliticului trziu i eneoliticului / Late neolithic and early eneolithic discovery list. 1. Alexandria; 2. Cruovu; 3. Frcau de Jos; 4. Foeni; 5. Battouya; 6. Ipoteti; 7. Jupa; 8. Liubcova; 9. Matejski Brod; 10. Moldova Veche; 11. Orlea; 12. Ostrovu Corbului; 13. Padea; 14. Piatra-Olt; 15. Reia; 16. Slbgelu; 17. Slatina; 18. ag; 19. Unip; 20. Verbicioara; 21. Verbia; 22. Vldila; 23. Zimnicea; 24. Zorleu Mare.

    Abrevieri bibliografice / Bibliographical abbreviations

    Andel, Runnels 1995 - Tj. H., Andel, C. N.,Runnels, The earliest farmers in Europe, n Antiquity, 69, nr. 264, 1995, p. 481-500. Berciu 1961 - D. Berciu, Contribuii la problemele neoliticului din Romnia n lumina noilor cercetri, Bucureti, 1961. Berciu 1966 - D. Berciu, Chronologie relative du nolithique du Bas- Danube lumire des nouvelles fouilles faites en Roumanie, n LEurope la fin de lge de la pierre, Prague, 1966, p. 101-124. Berciu 1967 - D. Berciu, La izvoarele istoriei, Bucureti,1967. Bocaiu 2001 - N. Bocaiu, Paleoflora i evoluia climei n Holocen, n Istoria romnilor, vol. I, Bucureti, 2004. Braidwood, Braidwood 1960 - R. Braidwood, L. Braidwood, Excavations in the Plain of Antioch,I: The earlier assemblage fhrases, Chicago, 1960. Brukner 2000 - B. Brukner, Beitrag zum studium synchroner Beziehungen zwischen der Karanovo I-und der Protostarevo-(Starevo I-Periode), n Karanovo, III, Beitrge zum Neolithikum in Sdosteuropa, 2000,

  • 14

    p. 287-294. Boronean 1973 - V. Boronean, Recherches archologiques sur la culture Schela Cladovei de la zone de Portes de Fer, n Dacia NS, XVII,1973, p. 539. Boronean 1980 - V. Boronean, Probleme ale culturii Schela Cladovei Lepenski Vir n lumina noilor cercetri, n Drobeta, IV, 1980, p. 27-42. Boronean 2000 - V. Boronean, Arheologia peterilor i minelor din Romnia, Bucureti, 2000. Cauvin 1989 - J. Cauvin, La nolithisation au Levant et sa premire diffusion, n BAR, 516, 1989, p. 3-36. Cauvin 1994 - J. Cauvin, Naissance des divinits. Naissance de lagriculture, Paris, 1994. Crciumaru 1973 - M. Crciumaru, Analiza polinic a coprolitelor din staiunea arheologic de la Icoana (Defileul Dunrii), n SCIV, 24, 1, 1973, p. 53-60. Ciut 2005 - M. Ciut, nceputurile neoliticului timpuriu n spaiul intracarpatic transilvnean, Alba Iulia, 2005. Coma 1959 - E. Coma, La civilisation Cri sur le territoire de la R. P. Roumain, n ActaArhCarp, I, 2, 1959, p. 173-190. Coma 1987 - E. Coma, Neoliticul pe teritoriul Romniei. Consideraii, Bucureti,1987. Coma 1995 - E. Coma, Figurinele antropomorfe din epoca neolitic pe teritoriul Romniei, Bucureti, 1995. Dumitrescu et alii 1983 - V. Dumitrescu, A. Bolomey, Fl. Mogoanu, Esquisse dune prehistoire de la Roumanie jusqua la fin de lage de bronz, Bucureti, 1983. Garaanin 1989 - D. Garaanin, Starevo un das makedonische Neolithikum, n MacActaArch, 10, 1989, p. 3745. Garaanin 1961 - M. Garaanin, Zur chronologie und Deutund einier

    frhneolithischer Kulturen des Balkans, n Germania, 39, 1961, p.142-144.

    Garaanin 1973 - M. Garaanin, Praistoria na tlu S.R.Srbije La prhistoire sur le Republique Socialiste de Serbie, Beograd 1973. Garaanin 1978 - M. Garaanin, La nolithisation dans le sud-est et dans le centre de la Pninsule Balkanique, n Godinjak, 16, 1978, p.31-44 Garaanin 1979 - M. Garaanin, Preistoirja Jugoslavenskih Jemalja, II, Sarajevo, 1979. Georgiev 1961 - G. Georgiev, LEurope la fin de lage de la pierre, Praga, 1961. Gimbutas 1976 - M. Gimbutas, Neolithic Macedonia, vol. I, Los Angeles, 1976. Gimbutas 1996 - M. Gimbutas, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, 6500-3500 B.C. Myths and Cult Images, London, 1996. Hachmann 1986 - R. Hachmann, Fragen des frhen Neolithikums im stlischen Mittelmeeraum, n BAM, XIII, 1986, p. 9-18. Heurtley 1939 - W. Heurtley, Prehistoric Macedonia, Cambridge, 1939. Holmberg 1964 - E. J. Holmberg, The neolithic pottery of mainland Greece, Gtemberg, 1964. Jovanovi 1975 - B. Jovanovi, The origin of the Early Neolithic in Djerdap, n Godiniak, XIV, 1975, p. 5-18.

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    Jovanovi 1987 - B. Jovanovi, Die Archtektur und Keramik der Siedlung Padina B am Eisernen Tor, Jugoslawien, n Germania, 65, 1, 1987, p. 1-16. Karmanski 1979 - S. Karmanski, Donja Branjevina, Odaci, 1979. Lazarovici 1979 - Gh. Lazarovici, Neoliticul Banatului, Cluj-Napoca 1979. Lazarovici 1983 - Gh. Lazarovici, Die Vina-Kultur und ihre Beziehungen zur Linienbandkeramik, n NNU, 52, 1983, p. 131176. Lazarovici 1984 - Gh. Lazarovici, Neoliticul timpuriu n Romnia, n ActaMP, VIII, 1984, p. 48-104. Lazarovici 1990 - Gh. Lazarovici, Uber neo-bis neolithische Befestigungen aus Rumnien, n JMV , 73, 1990, p. 93-117. Lazarovici, Maxim 1995 - G. Lazarovici, Z. Maxim, Gura Baciului, Cluj-Napoca, 1995. Lichardus 1985 - J. Lichardus, La protohistoire de l`Europe. Le Nolitique et le chalcolithique, Paris, 1985. Luca 1991 - S. Luca, Stratigraphie et chronologie. Le plus ancien rapport stratigraphique dentre les cultures Starevo-Cri et Vina correlation dentre les niveaux V et IV de Liubcova-Ornia, n Banatica, 11, 1991, p. 141-155. Luca 1999 - S. Luca, Aspecte ale neoliticului i eneoliticului din sud-estul Transilvaniei, n Apulum, XXXVI, 1999, p.5-33. Mellaart 1960 - J. Mellaart, Anatolia and the Balkans, n Antiquity, 24, 1960,p. 270-278. Mellaart 1970 - J. Mellaart, Excavations at Hacilar, vol. I-II, Edinburg,

    1970. Miloji 1950 - V. Miloji, recenzie la J. Gaul, The Neolithic period in Bulgaria, n Germania, 28, 1950, p.108-109. Miloji 1951 - V. Miloji, Die Siedlungsgrenzen und Zietstellung der Bandkeramik im Osten und Sdosten Europas, n BerRGK, 33, 1951, p. 110-124. Miloji 1956 - V. Miloji, Bericht ber die Ausgraubengen auf der GremnosMagula bei Larissa, n AA, 1956, p. 142184. Miloji 1959 - V. Miloji, Zur Chronologie der Jngeren Stein - und Bronzezeit Sdost- und Mitteleuropas, n Germania, 37,

    1959, p. 65 84. Miloji 1960a - V. Miloji, Prkeramisches Neolithikums auf der Balkanhalbinseln, n Germania, 38, 1960, p. 320345. Miloji 1960b - V. Miloji, Hauptergebnisse der deutschen Ausgrabungen in Thessalien (1953 1958), Bonn, 1960. Necrasov et alii 1990 - O. Necrasov, M. Christescu, D. Botezatu, G. Miu, Cercetri de paleoantropologie privitoare la populaiile de pe teritoriul Romniei, n AM, XIII, 1990, p. 173223. Nica 1976 - M. Nica, Crcea, cea mai veche aezare neolitic de la sud de Carpai, n SCIVA, 27, 4, 1976, p. 435-463. Nica 1977 - M. Nica, Nouvelles donnees sur le Neolithique ancien d`Oltenie, n Dacia NS, XXI, 1977, p. 13-53. Nica 1981 - M. Nica, Grdinile, o nou aezare a neoliticului timpuriu din sud-estul Olteniei, n AO SN, 1, 1981, p. 27-31. Nica 1984 - M. Nica, Noi descoperiri arheologice la Crcea, n AO SN, 3, 1984, p. 37-45.

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    Nica 1991 - M. Nica, La culture Vina en Oltenie, n Banatica, 11, Reia, 1991, p. 305-322. Nica 1995 - M. Nica, Le groupe culturel Crcea-Grdinile dans le contexte du Nolithique balcanique et anatolien, n ActaMN, 32, 1, 1995, p. 11-28. Nica 1996 - M. Nica, Le role de la culture Vina l`volution nolitiques d`Oltenie, n The Vina culture, its role and cultural connections, Timioara, 1996, p. 105-114. Nica 1997 - M. Nica, Unitate i diversitate n culturile neolitice de la Dunrea de jos, n Pontica, XXX, 1997, p. 105-116. Nica et alii 1994 - M. Nica, T. Zorzoliu, M. Vasilescu, Tell-ul neo- eneolitic de la Drgneti-Olt, n SCIVA, 45, 1, 1994, p. 41-60. Nica, Ni 1979 - M. Nica, T. Ni, Les tablissment nolitiques de Leu et Padea de la zone dinterfrence des cultures Dudeti et Vina. Un nouvel aspect du Nolitique moyen dOltenie, n Dacia NS, XXIIII, 1979, p. 31-64. Nica, Rdoescu 2002 - M. Nica, L. Rdoescu, Aezri i locuine neolitice descoperite pe teritoriul Olteniei, n AO SN, 16, 2002, p. 7-26. Nica, Rdoescu 2003 - M. Nica, L. Rdoescu, Grupul cultural Crcea- Grdinile legturile culturale i cronologice, n AO SN, 17, 2003, p.7-24. Nikolov 1974 - B. Nikolov, Gradenica, Sofia, 1974. Nikolov 1995 - B. Nikolov, Bemerkungen zur gemalten Ornamienterung auf den Tongefssen aus avdar (Grupe Kremikovci), n ActaMN, 32, 1, 1995, p. 365. zdogan 1989 - M. zdogan, Neolithic Cultures of Northwestern Turkey. A general Appraisal of the Evidence and some Considerations, n Neolithic of Southeastern Europe and its Near Eastern Connections, Budapest, 1989, p. 201215. zdogan 1993 - M. zdogan, Vina and Anatolia: a new lok at a very old problem, n Anatolica, XIX, 1993, p.173-193. zdogan 1997 - M. zdogan, The beginning of the Neolithic economies in SoutheasternEurope: an Anatolian perspective, n EJA, 5, 2, 1997, p. 133. Parzinger 1993 - H. Parzinger, Studien zur Chronologie und Kulturgeschichte der Jungstein - Kupfer und Frhbronzezeit zwischen Karpaten und Mittleren Taurus, Mainz am Rhein, 1993. Paul 1989 - I. Paul, Unele probleme ale neoliticului timpuriu din zona carpato-dunrean, n SCIVA, 40, 1, 1989 , p. 327. Paul 1995 - I. Paul, Vorgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in Siebenburgen, Alba Iulia, 1995. Pavk 1993 - J. Pavk, Beitrag zur Definition der Protostarevo- Kultur, n Anatolica, XIX, 1993, p. 231-242. Pavk 1996 - J. Pavk, Frhneolithsche Kulturen auf den Zentralbalkan und der Beginn des Neolithikums in Mitteleuropa, n Actes du XIII Congrs UISPP, Section 9, Coloquium XVII, Forli, 1996, p. 39 44. Perkins 1963 - L. Perkins, The Comparative Archaeology of Early Mesopotamia, n SAOC, 25, 1963, p. 11-27.

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    Perls 1989 - C. Perls, La nolithisation de la Grce, n Nolithisations, Proche et Moyen Orient, Mediterranee Orientale, Nord de l`Afrique, Europe mridionale, Chine, Amerique du Sud, n BAR , 516, 1989, p. 109127. Perls 2001 - C. Perls, The Early Neolithic in Greece, Cambridge 2001. Radovanovi 1996 - I. Radovanovi, Mesolithic / Neolithic contacts: a case of the Iron Gates Region, n Poroilo, XXIII, 1996, p. 4960. Sfriades 1993 - M. Sfriades, The European Neolithissation Process, n Poroilo, XXI, 1993, p. 137-162. Strejovi 1963 - D. Strejovi, Verzuch eine historischen Wertung der Vina-Gruppe, n ArchJug, IV, 1963, p. 5-17. Strejovi 1967 - D. Strejovi, Excavations at Lepenski Vir. Preliminary report, 19651967, n Starinar, XVIII,1967, p. 11-20. Strejovi 1971 - D. Strejovi, Die Lepenski Vir kultur und der Beginn der Jungsteinzeit an der mittleren Donau, in Fundamenta, A, 3, 1971, p.53-54. Tasi 1998 - N. Tasi, Radiocarbon ages from the early Neolithic, n YP, 29, 7, 1998, p. 423-428. Theocharis 1962 - D. Theocharis, Tessalika, Volos, 1962. Theocharis 1973 - D. Theocharis, Neolithic Greece, Atena, 1973. Todorova 1995 - H. Todorova, The Neolithic, Eneolithic and Transitional Period in Bulgarian Prehistory, n ed. D. W.

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    Pl. I.

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    Pl. II.

  • 20

    A Thessalian type idol belonging to Vina culture, discovered at Hinova, Mehedini county.

    In the memory of my best friend Emil Moldovan

    Marin Iulian NEAGOE

    Keywords: Neolithic, Thessalian idol, Vina culture. Mots-cls: Nolithique, idole Thessalic, culture Vina.

    Hinova locality is situated on the Danube bank at a distance of approximately 20 km southeast of Drobeta Turnu Severin and it is known in archaeological literature due to the treasure of gold dated in the XII century BC1 or the discoveries belonging to the late Roman era2.

    The first notes to the discovery of archaeological materials in the territory of Hinova does refer at a vessel3 and Neolithic pottery fragments4 attributed to Vina culture.

    On the territory of Hinova two points have been documented with findings from this culture: the first point is in Hinova, on a terrace of the Danube, behind the picket former border guard building, where can also see today's Roman quadriburgium foundations, high in the early fourth century BC5. This construction overlapped a cremation cemetery from the late Bronze Age/early Iron Age and a Neolithic habitation level. The second point is at a distance of approximately 1.5 km south-west in a straight line from the first, in the Ostrovul Corbului village territory, point Botul Piscului, now inundated by the waters of the Danube, following construction of hydroelectric storage lake of the Iron Gates II.

    Vinas discoveries were made in other localities in Mehedinti county, for instance in the island of Grla Mare, where between 1917-1918, C. Schuchhardt has opened archaeological surveys, as a result of discoveries made by German Major L. Dubensky6. Unfortunately, the results of this research were brief published, in this way, only two Vinca's objects, a fragment anthropomorphic idol7 and a model miniature house8 were prezentate among the discoveries from this point.

    Then, in the period 1963-1980, during rescue excavation occasioned by the project on building hydro Iron Gates I and II, Vina materials were found in Insula Banului9, Schela Cladovei10, Ostrovul Mare11. Also, following investigations of surface, pottery fragments of this culture were recovered from Pristol12 and Salcia, but these materials have not been introduced in archaeological literature.

    1 Davidescu 1981, p. 41-44 and Pl. I-IX; Davidescu 1982, p. 5-48.

    2 Davidescu 1989, p. 12-121.

    3 Nestor 1933, p. 34.

    4 Berciu 1939, p. 23-26.

    5 Davidescu 1989, p. 31.

    6 Franz 1922, p. 89-98.

    7 Ibidem, p. 92 and Taf. I/2.

    8 Ibidem, p. 93 and Abb. 2.

    9 Roman, Boronean 1974, 117-128.

    10 Boronean 1990, 143-148.

    11 Ibidem, fig. 1/15.

    12 Since 1998, were organized surface researches, by Dr. Gabriel Crciunescu and Constantin

    Para in the area from fluvial Km. 847, on Danube, wich resulted in the collection of numerous Vina ceramic fragments. In 2009, a research team from the Iron Gates Regions Museum, which was led by Dr. Gabriel Crciunescu, conducted an archaeological survey. The results of this researches will be published after processing all of the discoveries materials.

  • 21

    Most arhelogical findings of Vina were recovered from the territory of the Hinova13 locality, since 1921, when Al. Brccila has performed extensive research into the settlement area of Ostrovul Corbului Botul Piscului. Following these investigations were found numerous pottery fragments14, along with some fragments representing anthropomorphic clay figurines15. Also this year, Al. Brccil with I. Andrieescu and t. Ciuceanu had opened archaeological surveys in Botul Piscului.

    About this settlement, I. Nestor note on the occasion of surface researches, in 1932, that: s-a gsit mult material Turda16, which is the reason why it will proceed to the execution of archaeological surveys.

    Then in 1932 -1933, D. Berciu and I. Nestor they will perform excavation in the site from Hinova17and Ostrovul Corbului18. The results of these diggings have remained largely unknown and the published material is extremely low and the majority comes from the surface researches. In this way it is difficult to do any assessment, based only on those factors, about development of those settlements or relations between them19, and the possible existence of any archaeological complex from Neolithic.

    Since 1976, have been started extensive excavations in the roman quadriburgium from Hinova20 (Pl. I.), coordinated by M. Davidescu, director in that period of the Iron Gates Region Museum.

    In the first campaign of excavations, were found a human skull and the pottery fragments assigned to Vina culture by the M. Davidescu21.

    In the next year (1977 campaign), in the north-west side of fortification were identified two other burials inhumation22 in crouched position, without inventory, at a depth of more than -1.40m. In fact it is the north-east side, because confused by the Danube author of the research marked incorrectly on the general plans of excavations geographic north (Pl. II). Thus, the northern side of the roman fortification, after M. Davidescu, is actually the east side (Pl. III/2), the south side, which on is the gateway to fortification (Pl. III/1) coincides with the west side, the west to the north (Pl. III/3) and the east with the south (Pl. III/3). Further, to avoid confusion, we indicate the cardinal points used by us and in parentheses those used by M. Davidescu.

    1978 campaign will result in the discovery of other materials belonging to Vina culture including an anthropomorphic clay figurine, whole (Pl. III/1a-d, 2), preserved today in the Prehistory collection of the Iron Gates Region Museum from Drobeta Turnu Severin. The figurine, with the inventory number I 5155, it is the only piece for which we have information on the archaeological context, meaning that, those informations were indicated on one ticket. The information covers its year of discovery as well as details of the area, the square and the depth from which was recovered. If the place of origin and its year of discovery there is any doubt, we can not say the same about the area where it was discovered, named the B surface on the mentionated ticket, because we failed a

    13 Brccil 1924, p. 280-296.

    14 Nica 1991, p. 306-308 and fig.1/1-14, 16-24.

    15 Brccil 1924, p. 292, p. 293 and fig. 237, 238, 243-249; Nica 1991, p. 309 and fig. 2/ 1a-c,

    2a-c, 3a-c, 4a, b, 5a-c, 6a,b, 7a, b, 8a-c. 16

    Roman 1996, p. 13. 17

    Berciu, Berciu 1937, p. 82. 18

    Berciu 1939, p. 25 and note 73. 19

    Relatively small distance between the two settlements requires an response to the question whether the two villages have evolved in the same period of time, or we are dealing with two settlements in different development phases. Materials published up to now from the point Pichetul de grniceri, are documented discoveries belonging only of Vina A phase and in the point Botul Piscului with an habitation level wich starts in the B2 phase and is continuing in the next phases. 20

    Davidescu 1978, p. 76-86. 21

    Davidescu 1989, p. 24. 22

    Davidescu 1982, p. 6; Davidescu 1989, p. 24.

  • 22

    clear identification of this surface on the general plans of the excavation23. It is probable, however, that this B surface was open for the researches in the north (west) side of the fortification24, because there M. Davidescu found a concentration of Vina material, at depths beyond 1.40m25.

    What is known, certainly, is that this piece was recovered in the B surface, in square with the number 20 at a depth of 0.65m.

    The stratigraphy registered in the time of excavations carried out at Hinova, allowed us locating this discovery in the second level of the Roman period26, between 0,50-0,80m. This fact looks a secondary position of the object when it was discovered. The situation is understandable since the Roman fortification foundations have bothered in some places cultural level from prehistory, for example, one of two graves inhumation in crouched position27 in the northeast side (northwest).

    Returning to the piece wich we interested, it have the height of 7cm and a width of 5.5cm (Pl. IV/1a, 1b). It were worked from a well mixed paste, having degreaser composition as fine sand and after firing has acquired a brown color with shades of black (Pl IV/2). The head is stylized and triangular (Pl. IV/1d), with the nose suggested through a prominence. Below it a small horizontal incision, representing perhaps mouth in this case28 (Pl. IV/1a). The body is slightly flat, hands are short and with large extremities and the lower part is tapered form. Decorative elements are missing but on the inside, a vertical perforation with diameter of 0.4cm, crosses the entire piece.

    This piece it may be included in the type of Thessalian idols29, known under different names in archaeological literature.

    This type knows a wide range of variants in Neolithic and Eneolithic, many of them being found in the other sites from Near East30, or in the central and southeastern Europe31.

    First scheme of typology for the Vina discoveries in Romania was developed by Gh. Lazarovici32 who analyzed the findings especially from Banat and on the basis of body shape and presence or absence of anatomical elements identifies three main groups, each with several variants. Trying to find matches in the system proposed by Gh. Lazarovici for such anthropomorphic figurines33, I found that it is difficult to place the piece from Hinova in one of the groups or variants defined, because I could not find many representations with an morphology close to that of the piece in question. A single piece

    23 Davidescu 1978, p. 78. The only published plans indicating sections investigated are those

    relating to the 1976 campaign when they opened three sections: S1, S2, S3. Then, although the author published other research reports from Hinova, including a monography, there dont appear other plans with the recorder for all surfaces and opened sections. 24

    This assumption is reinforced by verbal information received from Mr. Dr. Ion Stng, member of the research team from Hinova, which particularly thank. 25

    Davidescu 1989, p. 24. 26

    Ibidem, p. 80. 27

    Davidescu, 1985, p. 6. 28

    Lazarovici et alii 1995, p. 13 and Pl. 15/3. In the settlement of Para was discovered one thessalian idol with cylindrical body, triangular head and with the nose suggested through a prominence horizontal incised. 29

    Lazarovici 1979, p. 94. 30

    Hansen 2007, taf. 80/5, taf. 83/6. 31

    Dumitrescu 1941, p. 98-99 and fig. 1, 2; Vlassa 1966, p. 9-16 and Pl. A/ 1-5, Pl. B/6-8, 10; Aldea 1968, p. 11-13 and fig. a, b; Makkay 1968, p. 9-22 and Pl. 4/3, Pl. 5/12; Lazarovici 1979, Pl. XXI/A/1-8; C, D, E, F, Pl. XXII/A/ 16-18, B/10, C-H; Radu 1979, p. 74-75 and Pl. I/4a-c; Luca 1990, p. 6-44 and fig. 4/ 5, 6, fig. 5/ 3a, b; Andreescu 2002, p. 31 and Pl. 23/6, p. 48 and Pl. 32/1-4; Andreescu 2004, p. 56 and Pl. 2/9, Pl. 5/8; Ptroi 2008, p. 5-22 and Pl. II/ 1; Pl. 3/2-5; Pl. 4/1, 2, 4, 6. 32

    Lazarovici 1979, p. 91-98. 33

    The author calls this type Figurines and perforated idols.

  • 23

    caught my attention, namely a hand of figurine discovered at Fratelia, Timi County34, whose shape resembles that of piece from Hinova. I also noticed some morphological similarities with some pieces found in other settlements in the Banat35 and Serbia36.

    In terms of typology the closest analogues are given by two anthropomorphic figurines. The first representation whose origin is uncertain37 was discovered somewhere in the Balkan region and strikingly resembles with that from Hinova, excluding the head wich is of circular shape. The second, discovered at Vrbica38 in Serbia, is part of the heritage from Iron Gates Region Museum too. Except hands wich have the extremities slightly elevated, this representation is almost identical form to that from Hinova.

    These findings approves my idea that it is almost impossible to have two or more figurines absolutely identical that mode of representation or decorative elements, this is because, especially clay figurines, hand made, are not the productions of series. Those who made such pieces were aware of the idea of uniqueness for each figurine that provide creative customization, being tempted each time to add or not certain elements, in conformity to the principle that an artist don't never creates two identical works.

    Referring to anthropomorphic figurines belonging to Vina culture, Vl. Dumitrescu39 observe an important feature of the clay figurines morphology that can be defined by the opposition between naturalism and sketchiness40. These elements are identifiable in the same time and in equal proportions across all sculptural creations of Neolithic and Eneolithic. The exaggerated idea of naturalism for these figurines is accepted only in terms of comparisons of these representations with those of the Paleolithic, the Bronze and the Iron Age.

    From these observations we included our figurine, with the necessary reserves in type B, variant IIIe41 is where the typology proposed by Gh. Lazarovici.

    In terms of the origin, Thessaly was considered initially the area where appeared such anthropomorphic representations42, but after were found a large enough number figurines in the Danube region were few researchers43 who have shown that it is possible that Thessalian idols have first appeared in this zone.

    We must not forget, however, that the Near East has provided, in recent years, numerous representations also identified in the early Neolithic settlements, such as the approximately one hundred anthropomorphic representation of Hycek44, in Anatolia, some recovered from the corresponding Altars phase, dated by radiocarbon at mid. VII millennium BC45. Apparition some of such pieces, in all probability was caused by certain religious concepts, since in the sanctuaries from Hycek occur in high numbers. Those pieces were interpreted as offerings for gods from to the different people in different periods of time.

    34 Lazarovici 1979, pl. XXI/ I/ 7.

    35 Coma, Ru 1969, p. 5,6 i Fig. 1/17, Fig. 2/2: Lazarovici 1979, Pl. XXI/A/1-3, 5; C/3, 5; Pl.

    XXII/A/16; Radu 1979, Pl. I/4a-c; Draoveanu et alii 1996, p. 20 and fig. X/1. 36

    Vasi 1936, Pl. VIII/30. 37

    Schier 2005, p. 70 and abb. 22. 38

    Berciu 1953, p. 594. 39

    Dumitrescu 1968, p. 56-60. 40

    Ibidem, p. 59. S-ar putea spune c n privina modelrii capului i a multora dintre detaliile somatice, n mintea artistului s-a dat o lupt permanent ntre dorina de a reda corpul omenesc pe linia naturalist cci, nelegndu-i n chip evident valoarea plastic-sculptural, avea totodat posibilitatea de a o transpune n chip adecvat i schematismul i stilizarea care-i frnau avntul i-i impuneau o serie de canoane rigide. 41

    Lazarovici 1979, p. 97-99. 42

    Dumitrescu 1940, p. 97-102. 43

    Vlassa 1966, p. 13, 14. 44

    Duru 1999, p. 178-179. 45

    Ibidem, p.179.

  • 24

    In this way the origin of these figurines must be placed most likely in the region of Anatolia or Middle East, spreading later in Thessaly and in the Balkan-Danubian area but also in North Caucasus46. Later similar objects appearing in other places of continental Europe, reaching in southern Iberian Peninsula, as has been proved by the discovery of an figurine in Cueva de Nerja47 (Mlaga), in the campaniforme culture medium48 and dated by thermoluminescent method in the second half of the third millennium BC49.

    As regards of Thessalian type idols belonging to Vina culture Vl. Dumitrescu consider most probable that they are the result of the influence from Greece because the discoveries from this area are synchronous with the Starevo-Cri culture. On the other hand Vl. Dumitrescu has suposed that be not excluded the possibility that such pieces appearing independent and in the same time with representations of Thessaly region provided that between the two regions and the cultural environments different, the cultural ties have been nonexistent or accidental50. The appearance of Thessalian type idols in different geographical regions and different periods of time was considered by the same author result of cultural irradiation from southern Greece and around Aegean regions in Danube area and even in other distant regions51.

    Spirituality of prehistoric communities has fascinated and attracted the interest of the researchers in attempt to explain the system of beliefs, the rituals and religious practices and anthropomorphic figurines were often used as an argument52 for materialization religious behavior of the prehistoric communities.

    Most scientists agree with the idea that anthropomorphic representations especially the female are the images which represent a deity called The Great Mother or Mother Earth, wich was adored in the cult of fecundity and fertility specific for the agricultural communities of Neolithic and Eneolitic.

    There were some opinions that contradict these interpretations considering most simple toy figurines53 or anthropomorphic representations through which ensure assertion of individual identity within the group but also a better understanding and mentally control over things54.

    Idols of Thessalian type are a separate category because those pieces with perforations inner can suggest that their installation was made using small suports or

    46 Dumitrescu 1960a, p. 248; Dumitrescu 1960b, p. 446.

    47 Vallejo, Corts Snchez 2007, 157-159 and fig. 2/A-F, fig. 3/A-J, fig. 4/A-D.

    48 Ibidem, p. 169.

    49 Ibidem, p. 161-162.

    50 Dumitrescu 1960b, p. 451. ...taking account of the fact that the 1st Neolithic period in

    Thessaly is generally synchronic with the Starevo-Cri culture, wich precedes the Vina culture, one can generally accept thet the statuette discovered at Vina at the deep of 7.30m is not older than Thessalian statuettes of the special type. ... However, in order to refer also to the last aspect of this problem, let us see whether it is possible to admit that Danubian group at Vina must considered a local, independent one, without any direct or indirect connection with the Thessalian group... . Taking into account the elements wich distinguish the Vina group from the Thessalian one, we could possibly think oueselves justified to see in them two independent and relatively synchronic phenomena. 51

    Ibidem, p. 452-453. 52

    From extensive bibliography devoted to various aspects of prehistoric spiritual life remember some important contributions: Dumitrescu 1937; Lvy-Bruhl 1938; Neumann 1955; Mellart 1963, 29-38; Hckmann 1969; Fleming 1969, p. 247-261; Gimbutas 1989, p. 51-123; Gimbutas 1991; Gimbutas 1996; Gimbutas 1997, p. 15-66; Gimbutas 1999, p. 3-42; Cauvin 1994; Roller 1999, p. 27-39. 53

    Ucko 1962, 38-54; Treuil 1983, p. 410-424. 54

    Bailey 2005, p. 26-44. Understood in terms of abstraction and compression, miniatures have important effects on the person seeing or handling an object such as a figurine. First, miniaturism enlarges the spectator. Physically, it makes the viewer gigantic, omnipotent and omniscient... By reducing the world-at-larges reality, a miniature provides a way of making sense of that world

  • 25

    probably allow stringing of their through textil yarn and then exposed in sanctuaries or even in housing.

    In Vina culture, Thessalian idols are documented begining with the B1 phase55, as demonstrated most of the discoveries so far. There is one case in the IV level of the Grivac56 settlement who corresponding with Vina A phase57, where was recovered a fragment of anthropomorphic figurines vertically pierced at the top, as can be seen from the drawing of this piece. Unfortunately, in the text, this object is not described by the author, which means that inclusion in to Thessalian type should be made with reservation.

    For the clay figurine from Hinova I propose an appropriate chronology Vina B2 phase, based on analogies offered especially by the similar pieces found in other sites58 belonging to this culture. To this end, we took into account the observations made over time, related to the shape of the head for these figurines which are supposed that represent the characters masked. It is known for instance, that several authors59 have set out certain chronology criteria for clay figurines, based on this element. Thus, for Vina A phase, the head of anthropomorphic representations is generally triangular, oblong and rounded edges. Vina B phase shows a modified triangular shape is not so elongated, rounded edges and still retaining much extended form of lobes at the two ends. Finally for the phases C and D, they are characteristic of other changes that transform as the head of these figures in an approximately pentagonal.

    Even if we can not dispute the existence60 or the combination of such masks with Vina anthropomorphic figurines61 were expressed some reservations regarding the interpretation of all these representations to be masked62.

    Interesting anthropological observations, approves that, including today, in the area of spreading Vina complex, predominate the armeno-hato-dinaric63 human type, with different variations due to subsequent crossbreeding. Whose features are identical to those seen in the anthropomorphic representations of clay which meant the possibility that most of the Neolithic and Eneolithic representations to portray individuals belonging to ancient versions of the type mentioned64. In this respect, the interpretation most anthropomorphic figurines as wearing masks65, can not be justified even we talk of realistic pieces or those whose head is highly stylized. Sharing this belief, I think that the piece of Hinova represent probably a men figurine without mask.

    The importance of this discovery is given by the fact that is the only Vina anthropomorphic figurine discovered in the settlement of Hinova Pichetul de grniceri. Based on this, even if it remains a singular case, can assume the presence in the resort community of Vina during the B phases of evolution.

    55 Lazarovici 1979, p. 95.

    56 Zorbi 2008, Pl. 318/fig. 10.7/e.

    57 Bogdanovi 2008, p. 454-456.

    58 Lazarovici 1979, Pl. XXI/A/1-3, C/2, 3; Nica 1991, p. 309 i fig. 2/6a, 6b.

    59 Garaanin 1951, p. 15-65; Koroec 1959, p. 80-117; Coma 1991, p. 125-128 i fig. 1/a-e;

    Roman 1996, p. 13-16. 60

    Schier, Draovean 2004, p. 41-48 i fig. 1, 2. 61

    Luca, 1987, p. 31-42 i fig. 1-5. 62

    Hansen 2004, p. 29-31. 63

    Poruciuc 1995, p. 26. 64

    Ibidem, p. 26-27 i notele 8, 9. 65

    Gimbutas 1996, p. 57-66.

  • 26

    Une idole du type Thessalien trouve Hinova, dpartement de Mehedini. (Sommaire)

    Au temps des recherches archologiques de Hinova, dveloppes entre 1976-1982, ont t dcouverts nombreux fragments cramiques appartenant la culture de Vina et une figurine anthropomorphique en argile, conserv actuellement dans la colection prhistorique du Muse de la Rgion des Portes de Fer. Cette pice a t rcupre dans la surface B, excav dans la campagne de 1978, 0,65cm de profondeur. Ce niveau corespond la priode romaine tardive, mme le niveau nolithique enregistr 1,40m de profondeur. Ainsi, l'objet a t retrouv dans une position secondaire, parce que la fondation de la fortification romaine pntr pour endroits le niveau nolithique.

    Aujourd'hui, il est trs difficile d'identifier la zone o a t ouverte la surface B parce que l'auteur de fouilles ne la pas mentione. Tout de mme cette figurine anthropomorphique en argile reprsente une dcouverte trs importante qui confirme la prsence d'une communaut Vina dans ce domaine, durant les Vina B2 phases de l'volution, aprs la chronologie utilise par Gh. Lazarovici. Jusqu' prsent, le matriels dcouverts Hinova ont t dats de la phase A, mais ensuite la rcupration de cette figurine en argile anthropomorphique indique qu'il est possible pour considr comme un prolongement de l'habitation de Vina, aprs les phases A dans ce site.

    Explanation of figures (plates) / Explication des figures (dessins)

    Pl. I. 1. Aerian photo with the roman fortification from Hinova after the excavation in 1979 (made by Dr. Al. S. tefan), 2. Aerian photo with the roman fortification from Hinova after excavations in 1982 (made by Dr. Al. S. tefan) / 1. La photographie arienne de la forteresse romaine de Hinova aprs des fouilles de 1979 (faite par Dr. Al. S. tefan), 2. La photographie arienne de la forteresse romaine de Hinova aprs des fouilles de 1982 (faite par Dr. Al. S. tefan). Pl. II. 1. The plan of the roman fortification from Hinova indicating the opened sections in 1981 campaign (after Davidescu 1978, p. 78) / 1. Plan des fortification romaines de Hinova indiquant les sections ouvertes de la campagne 1981 (aprs Davidescu 1978, p. 78). Pl. III. Photos from the excavations. 1981-1982 campaign: 1. South-west side, 2. North-east side, 3. Overview of the ruins of Roman fortifications, 4. North-west tower, 5. Gateway in fortification / Photos de la fouilles. Campagne 1976: 1. Ct sud-ouest, 2. Ct nord, 3. Vue d'ensemble sur les ruines de fortifications romaines, 4. Le tour nord ouest, 5. Le port dacces dans la fortification. Pl. IV. 1a-1d, 2. Antropomorphic figurine discovered at Hinova, Mehedini county / 1a-1d, 2. Anthropomorphique figurine trouves Hinova, dpartament de Mehedinti.

    Bibliographical Abbreviations / Abrviations bibliographiques

    Aldea 1968 - Al. Aldea, O statuet cu cap mobil de la Petreti, n Sargeia, V, 1968, p. 11-13.

    Andreescu 2002 - R. Andreescu, Valea teleormanului Consideraii asupra plasticii antropomorfe, n SP, 4, 2004, p. 53-56.

    Andreescu 2004 - R. Andreescu, Plastica antropomorf gumelniean. Analiz primar, Bucureti, 2002.

    Bailey 2005 - D. E. Bailey, Prehistoric figurines, New York, 2005. Brccil 1924 - Al. Brccil, Antiquits pr et protohistoriques des

    environs de Turnu-Sverin, n Dacia, I, 1924, p. 280-297.

    Berciu 1939 - D. Berciu, Arheologia preistoric a Olteniei, Craiova 1939.

  • 27

    Berciu 1953 - D. Berciu, Catalogul arheolgic al Muzeului din Turnu Severin, n MA, I, 1953, p. 589-693. Berciu, Berciu 1937 - D. Berciu, I. Berciu Mormntul de inhumaie de la

    Hinova, n BMI, 92, 1937, p. 82-83. Bogdanovi 2008 - M. Bogdanovi, Relative and absolute chronology, n

    Grivac. Settlements of Proto-Starevo and Vina culture, ed. N. Tasi, 2008, p. 441-460.

    Boronean 1990 - V. Boronean, La site Schela Cladovei: Problems poses par la transition de la culture Cri-Starevo a la culture Vina, n Vina and its world, ed. D. Strejovi, N. Tasi, Belgrad, 1990, p. 143-148.

    Cauvin 1994 - J. Cauvin, Naissance de divinits. Naissance de lagriculture. La revolution des symboles en nolithique, Paris, 1994.

    Coma, Ru 1969 - E. Coma, O. Ru, Figurine antropomorfe aparinnd culturii Vina descoperite la Zorlenu Mare, n SCIV, 1, 1969, 20, p. 3-15.

    Davidescu 1978 - M. Davidescu, Raport asupra spturilor arheologice din castrul roman de la Hinova - Mehedini, n Drobeta, III, 1978, p. 76-86.

    Davidescu 1981 - M. Davidescu, Tezaurul de podoabe tracice de la Hinova, judeul Mehedini, n AO SN, I, 1981, p. 41-44.

    Davidescu 1982 - M. Davidescu, Un tezaur de podoabe tracice descoperit n castelul roman trziu de la Hinova - Mehedini, n Drobeta, V, 1982, p. 5-48.

    Draovean et alii 1996 - F. Draovean, D. eicu, M. Muntean, Hodoni. Locuirile neolitice i necropola medieval timpurie, Reia, 1996.

    Dumitrescu 1937 - Vl. Dumitrescu, Lart prhistorique en Roumanie, Bucureti, 1937.

    Dumitrescu 1940 - Vl. Dumitrescu, Une figurine de type thessalien dcouverte Gumelnia, n Dacia, VII-VIII (1939-1940), 1940, p. 97-102.

    Dumitrescu 1960a - Vl. Dumitrescu, O nou statuet de tip thesalic descoperit la Gumelnia, n SCIV, 2, XI, 1960, p. 245-260.

    Dumitrescu 1960b - Vl. Dumitrescu, A new statuette of thessalian type discovered at Gumelnia, n Dacia NS, IV, 1960, p. 444-453.

    Dumitrescu 1968 - Vl. Dumitrescu, Arta neolitic n Romnia, Bucureti, 1968.

    Duru 1999 - R. Duru, The neolithic of the lake district, n Neolithic in Turkey. The cradle of civilization, ed. M. zdogan, N. Baslegen, Istambul, 1999, p. 165-191.

    Fleming 1969 - A. Fleming, The myth of the Mother-Goddess, n World Archaeology, 1, 1968, p. 247-261.

    Garaanin 1951 - M. Garaanin, Prehistorijska glinena plastika u Jugoslaviji, Ljubliana, 1951.

    Gimbutas 1989 - M. Gimbutas, Civilizaie i cultur, Bucureti, 1989. Gimbutas 1991 - M. Gimbutas, The civilization of the Goddesses. The

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  • 28

    Gimbutas 1991 - M. Gimbutas, The living Goddesses, London, 1999. Hansen 2004 - S. Hansen, Figurine neolitice din sudul bazinului

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    Hckmann 1968 - O. Hckmann, Die menschengestaltige Figuralpalstik der Sdosteuropaischen Jungsteinzeit und Steinkupferzeit, n Beitrge zur Vorgeschichtsforsung, 3, Hildsheim, 1968.

    Koroec 1959 - J. Koroec, Prehistorijska glinena plastika u Jugoslaviji, n ARR, 1959, p. 61-117.

    Lazarovici 1979 - Gh. Lazarovici, Neoliticul Banatului, n Biblioteca Musei Napocensis, IV, Cluj-Npoca, 1979.

    Lazarovici et alii 1995 - Gh. Lazarovici, Z. Maxim, F. Draovean, Spturile arheologice de la Para (campania 1990) n AnB SN, IV, 1995, p. 3-44.

    Lvy-Bruhl 1938 - L. Lvy-Bruhl, Lxperience mystique et le symboles chez les primitifs, Paris, 1938.

    Luca, Dragomir 1987 - S. A. Luca, I. Dragomir, Date cu privire la o statuet inedit de la Liubcova-Ornia (judeul Cara-Severin), n Banatica, 9, 1987, p. 31-42.

    Luca 1990 - S. A. Luca, Contribuii la istoria artei neolitice. Plastica aezrii de la Liubcova-Ornia, n Banatica, 10, 1990, p. 6-44.

    Makkay 1968 - J. Makkay, A peculiar clay object of the Vina culture, n Alba Regia, VIII-IX (1967-1968), 1968, p. 9-22.

    Mellart 1963 - J. Mellart, Deities and Shrines of Neolithic Anatolia, n Archaeology, 16, I, 1963, p. 29-38.

    Nica 1991 - M. Nica, La culture Vina an Oltnie, n Banatica, 11, 1991, p. 306-322.

    Nestor 1933 - I. Nestor, Der stand der Vorgeschichstforschung in Rumnien, n BerRGK, 22, Frankfurt am Main, 1933.

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    Repere cronologice privind cercetarea culturii eneolitice Slcua

    Ctlin PTROI

    Cuvinte cheie: Eneolitic, cultura Slcua, spturi arheologice. Keywords: Eneolithic, Slcua culture, archaeological diggings.

    ncepnd cu secolul XX, n peisajul autohton al descoperirilor arheologice au aprut vestigiile unei noi civilizaii eneolitice. Este vorba despre cultura Slcua.

    n anul 1916, I. Andrieescu a iniiat la Slcua spturi sistematice abandonate i reluate n 1919 i 1920. Din pcate, rezultatele acestor cercetri nu se cunosc dect parial ntruct manuscrisul acestei monografii s-a pierdut. Sub ocupaie german, n 1917, a spat la Slcua arheologul german C. Schuchhardt. Materialele au fost luate i duse la Berlin, iar rezultatele nu au fost publicate1.

    O parte din rezultatele spturilor sunt publicate de ctre I. Andrieescu n 1921 n lucrarea Din preistoria Olteniei, iar n 1929 Buletinul de la Secia de Istorie a Academiei Romne public articolul Des survivances paleolithiques dans le milieu neolithique de la Dacia. Este vorba despre dou plane cu materiale de tip Slcua2.

    Cercetrile de la Slcua au pus n eviden nivele arheologice aparinnd culturilor Starcevo - Cri, Slcua I - III, Slcua IV, urme sporadice Coofeni, Glina III, Grla Mare, vestigii hallstatiene i feudale3.

    Concomitent cu spturile de la Slcua, la Vdastra, Vasile Prvan realizeaz un sondaj arheologic, pentru ca, n anul 1926, V. Cristescu s reia cercetrile. Materialele arheologice identificate aici aparin culturilor neolitice Vdastra i Slcua4.

    De la nceputul secolului XX dateaz i primele cercetri de la Ostrovul Corbului. n anul 1921 A. Brccil efectueaz o periegez, pentru ca, tot n acelai an, s aib loc primele spturi arheologice ntreprinse de I. Andrieescu, asistat de Al. Brccil i t. Ciuceanu. Rezultatele muncii acestor cercettori sunt publicate n revista Dacia n anul 1924, iar dup fotografiile publicate au fost identificate acolo vestigii de tipul Vina - Rast, Slcua, Coofeni, Glina, Grla Mare, hallstatiene, dacice.

    Preocuprile privind antichitile Olteniei sunt mai vechi, autori precum Al. Odobescu, Gr. Tocilescu, I. Nestor, C. N. Plopor, D. Berciu fcnd cercetri i publicnd unele rezultate5.

    n 1932 au loc noi spturi n zona Dunrii unde au fost identificate numeroase vestigii Slcua. O parte dintre ele sunt publicate de ctre D. Berciu n 1939 Arheologia preistoric a Olteniei. Sunt mentionate descoperiri de materiale Slcua la: Hinova, Cloani, Salcia, Vela, Cornu, Maglavit, Terpezia, Coofeni, Corabia, Frsinet de Pdure, Orlea, Celei, Severin Castrul Drobeta i vestul oraului6.

    La momentul respectiv autorul considera c de numele aezrii de la Slcua se leag nceputurile micrii noastre arheologice sistematice, nu numai n Oltenia, dar i din ntreaga ar. Cultura Slcua este vazut ca urmnd, n partea de vest a Olteniei,

    1 Berciu 1961, p. 158.

    2 Buletinul Academiei Romne, secia Istorie, tom XV, 1929.

    3 Berciu 1961, p. 160.

    4 Cristescu 1927-1932, p. 210-211.

    5 Berciu 1939; autorul menioneaz toate cerecetrile privind cultura Slcua efectuate de ctre Al.

    Brccil, I. Nestor 1932, pl. 5/4; 7/4, pl. 2/1; Nestor 1922, p. 425; Plopor 1924, p. 241; Plopor 1924, p. 224 - 225, fig. 11, 12(idoli); Trompeta Carpailor - 1872, 1874, 1876 (desene despre Mgura Cetate - Vdastra); Odobescu 1878; Tocilescu 1881, pl. L/1, 3, fig. 85, 86, 88; Costescu 1934, p. 11. 6 Materialele descoperite n perioada aceea de nceput au intrat n coleciile Dr. Istrati Capa i ale

    Liceului Traian din Drobeta, Muzeul Olteniei, Muzeul Naional de Antichiti, mici colecii colare(cea de la Hinova).

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    nivelului Vinca-Turda, iar n estul ei civilizaiei Vdastra. Pretutindeni este suprapus n Oltenia de ctre cultura Coofeni.

    Este avansat i o schem cronologic a neo-eneoliticului romnesc n care Slcua are dou faze evolutive:

    - Slcua I paralel cu Ariud II Gumelnia II Cucuteni A B (Fedeleeni) Dimini (perioada III) - Troia (II - IV) - Turda III - Vina III.

    - Slcua II sincron Vinca III Gumelnia III Cucuteni B Rachmani (perioada III) Troia II - IV7.

    La Ostrovul imian au fost identificate dou nivele de locuire aparinnd culturii Slcua8. Aici a aprut n 1932 o specie ceramic pictat (lut glbui albicios), slip portocaliu, lustruit puternic la exterior care, prin form si tehnic - strchini cu buza ingroat n interior - amintesc de faza Cucuteni B9.

    Cercetrile arheologice din Oltenia se extind, iar n 1932, apoi n 1949 i 1959 au loc campaniile arheologice de la Balta Verde10 (jud. Mehedini). Spturile au fost efectuate de ctre D. Berciu, E. Coma, S. P. Ialomia, S. Morintz, C. N. Plopor i C. Preda, membrii antierului arheologic Verbicioara11, unde au apr

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