eagle mag 8

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Generalistic Corporate Magazine



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    PRVOJ N MEDIA / MEDIA EXPERIENCEKU PO SHKON MEDIA DHE GAZETARIA SHQIPTARE?QUO VADIS ALBANIAN MEDIA AND JOURNALISM?Intervista me / Interviews with: Prof. Dr. Briseida Mema, Prof. As. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji, Gazetar-Analist/Journalist-Analyst Mr. Lufti DervishiNga/ By Shpendi GJana














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    Botim i/A publication of: ALBtelecom & Eagle MobileNn kujdesin e Drejtorit te Prgjithshm/Under the auspices of CEO: Erkan TABAK,Kryeredaktor/Editor in Chief: Alban TARTARIRedaktor prgjegjs/Responsible editor Shpendi GJANARedaktore Letrare/Literary editor: Izabela TROJANIPrkthyes/Translator: Blerina STEFIBashkpuntor/Co-operators: Ledina FERHATI, Blerina STEFI, Eridon KOTRRI, Persianda DODA, Foriana PROKOEagle Mag web page: Jurisana ZHUPA

    Design: Landmark CommunicationsPrint: AdelprintFotografia/Photography: Blerta KAMBORedaksia/Editorial office:Adresa/Address: Autostrada Tiran - Durrs, Kilometri 7, Kashar, TiranTel: +355 4 2 290 398 /pr@albtelecom.al/www.eaglemag.al Shnim: Ndalohet rreptsisht prdorimi dhe botimi pa leje imaterialeveNote: Use and reproduction of material without permission strictly prohibited





















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  • 6PRVOJ

    Me Ju, N do Rrahje ZemreFeeling Your Every Heartbeat

    Prshndetje!Prvojn time profesionale prej pothuajse gjysm shekulli (45 vjet) e kam kaluar n sektorin e komunikimit. Gjat ksaj kohe kam punuar edhe n ann e furnizuesit t produkteve teknologjike edhe n at t operatorit q ofron shrbimesh. N kt shkrim, qoft edhe shkurtimisht, dua t ndaj me ju vzhgimet e mia n seksione specifike. N kohn kur un kam filluar pun, n vitin 1968, do gj n komunikim ishte ende larg sofistikimit!

    Hello everybody!I have spent my almost half a century of professional experience (45 years) in the communications sector. During this time, I have been in both the technological products supplier part and the service provider one. In this article, I briefly want to share my observations on some specific sections with you. At the time I started work, in 1968, anything relating to communication was still far from sophistication!In Turkey, the number of automatic telephone exchange users

    Nga/By Osman Dinler Drejtor i Shrbimeve t Korporats/Chief Corporate Services/ ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile


    N t gjith Turqin, numri i prdoruesve t centralit automatik t telefonit ishte vetm 300 000. Gjithka ishte e themeluar mbi centralet me teknologji mekanike ROTARY (7A, 7B). N vitin 1968 ne filluam t prodhojm dhe montojm sistemet elektromekanike X-bar dhe procesort nisn dalngadal t bhen m t zgjuar. Megjithat, krkesat e konsumatorve ende nuk mund t plotsoheshin, pasi duhej nj investim i konsiderueshm pr do klient. Kshtu mund t themi se kaluan 15 vjet. Duke filluar nga viti 1983, sistemet digjitale s bashku me teknologjin kompjuterike t komunikimit hyn n prdorim t plot. N kt mnyr kaluan edhe 10 vite t tjera. N vitet n vijim, nevojat e konsumatorve nisn t prballoheshin plotsisht. Tani kishte ardhur koha e komunikimit mobil. Nuk dua t futem n shum detaje n kt pik, por ndiej t nevojshme t prmend shrbimet e internetit q kan hyr n jetn ton me progresin teknologjik dhe veanrisht teknologjia Packet Switching q erdhi me zhvillimin e fibrave optike.Kalimi i ktyre shrbimeve me an t ksaj platforme te celulart i dha nj hov t madh shumllojshmris s shrbimeve dhe zgjidhjes s nevojave t klientit. Si rezultat i zhvillimit t kompjuterve portativ, shrbimet u bn t instalueshme pr komunikimin n internetin broadband, fiks dhe celular. Ndrkoh, kalimi i t gjitha ktyre shrbimeve me baz n IP ishte nj transformim revolucionar pr t gjith operatort. Tashm shrbimi zanor e ka humbur rndsin e dikurshme ndrkombtare dhe bashk me shrbimet zanore, shrbimet me band t gjer dhe ato celulare, u ndrthurn n nj struktur t integruar Katr n Nj. Par nga kndvshtrimi i klientit, krkesat e dikurshme, kur pr nj linj t thjesht telefoni duhej t prisje aq shum, n koht moderne edhe pr shrbimet e integruara koha e ofrimit sht shndrruar n nj shtje ditore, pr t mos thn t astit. Tashm zgjidhja q ofrohet pr do klient sht nj domosdoshmri dhe detyr pr ofruesin e shrbimit. Suksesi i nj kompanie sht i lidhur thellsisht me faktin sesa u prgjigjet nevojave t klientve. Ky sht gjithashtu edhe elsi q i bn kompanit e suksesshme t ken m shum pjes tregu. Klienti sht shum i rndsishm. Tarifat, shrbimet q ofrohen, si dhe aftsia pr t lehtsuar jetn e tij do ta bnin at ta vlersonte n maksimum operatorin ofrues. Cilsia dhe vazhdimsia e shrbimeve do t ishin prcaktuese t efektivitetit dhe fatit t marks s krijuar. Pr ta sjell s fundmi fjaln tek ALBtelecom, pr ne si kompani sht mjaft e rndsishme q t plotsojm nevojat e klientve ekzistues me kujdes dhe delikates. Investimet e mdha q kemi br pr shtimin e kapacitetit ton t infrastrukturs na ndihmojn t rrisim ndjeshm knaqsin e prdoruesit t familjes son ALBtelecom dhe Eagle. Gjithashtu, ky kapacitet na mundson edhe q t shtojm shrbime risi q vijn n saj t teknologjis s re. Klienti sht shum i ndjeshm dhe ne e konsiderojm at t shenjt. Duhet q rrahjet e zemrs s tij ti ndiejm n do moment. Prdoruesi duhet ta ndiej q edhe ledhat e tij jan detyr pr ne.Vlern e tij ne e dim mir dhe prpiqemi fort q t mos e humbasim, duke vn n pun t gjith fuqin dhe prkushtimin ton.

    Qndroni me ne dhe na ndiqni n risit tona t komunikimit!

    was only 300 000. Everything was based on the ROTARY (7A, 7B) mechanical technology.In 1968 we started to produce and embed the X-bar electromechanical systems and processors gradually started to become more intelligent. However, customer requirements couldnt be met yet as it took a considerable investment for each and every customer. We can say that this situation went on for 15 years.Since 1983, digital systems and computer and communication technology came into full use for another 10 years. In the following years, customers needs completely began to be met. It was time for mobile communication. I will not go into much detail at this point, but I feel it necessary to mention the internet services which have entered our lives through the technological progress, especially the Packet Switching technology which came with the optical fiber development.The transfer of these services to the mobile telephony through this platform gave a great impetus to the variety of services and customer needs and solutions. As a result of the portable computers development, these services became installable

    for broadband internet communication, both fixed and mobile. Meanwhile, the transfer of all of these IP-based services was a revolutionary transformation for all operators.Voice service has now lost its former international importance and has been integrated into a four- in-one structure with voice services, broadband services, and mobile services. Seen from a customers point of view and compared to their former requirements, when for a simple fixed phone line they had to wait for a relatively long time, nowadays the provision of such services, including the combined packages, has become a matter of days, for not saying a matter of moments. The solution provided for each customer has already become a necessity and a duty to the service provider. The success of a company is deeply connected to the way they respond to customers needs. This is also the key to making successful companies have more market share.

    The customer is very important. All the tariffs and services offered to him, as well as the ability to facilitate his life would make him appreciate the provider operator maximally. The quality and continuity of services would define the fate and the effectiveness of the established brand.And to finally refer to ALBtelecom, it is highly important to us as a company to meticulously meet the needs of all our existing customers. The major investments we have made to increase the capacity of our infrastructure help us increase our customers satisfaction significantly in the ALBtelecom and Eagle Family. Also, this capacity enables us to add innovative services coming up thanks to new technology.The customer is very sensitive and we consider him sacred. We must feel his heartbeat at any moment and he must feel that even his whims are a duty to us. We know his value pretty well and try hard not to lose him by offering our total capacity and commitment.

    Stay with us and follow us on our communication innovations!

    Suksesi i nj kompanie sht i lidhur thellsisht me faktin se sa u prgjigjet nevojave t klientve.

    The success of a company is deeply connected to the way they respond to customers needs.


    Prezantimi i shrbimit Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi sht nj emrtim popullor q i referohet aksesit n internet valor me shpejtsi t lart. Specifikat e Wi-Fi prcak-tohen nga Aleanca pr Wi-Fi dhe pajisjet pr prdorimin e tij duhet t jen t prshtatshme pr kt lloj shrbimi.Wi-Fi sht nj shrbim komplementar i shrbimeve t tjera t aksesit mo-bil dhe veanrisht i prshtatshm pr mbulimin e disa zonave specifike.ALBtelecom sht operatori i par dhe i vetm q ka ndrtuar nj rrjet t plot Wi-Fi n vend. Zonat q kemi przgjedhur jan zona me densitet t lart, ku njerzit tregojn nj prirje m t madhe ndaj prdorimit t internetit valor. Kto zona quhen hotspots (ose hotzones kur kan nj shtrirje m t gjer). Ky shrbim sjell benefite preferenciale pr abonentt ALBtelecom dhe Eagle Mobile, por ne po e ndrtojm n mnyr t till q t prmbush nevojat e t gjith segmenteve t prdoruesve n treg.

    Arsyeja e zhvillimit t ALBtelecom

    Rritja e prdorimit t internetit ndikohet, prve t tjerave, nga rritja e prdorimit t shrbimeve video, prdorimi personal (psh. n media sociale, blogje, etj), rritja e numrit t laptopve, netbook-ve, smartphone-ve dhe tabletave (t cilt operojn kryesisht me internet).

    Introducing the Wi-Fi service

    Wi-Fi is a fancy wording denoting high speed wireless inter-net access of certain standards. Its specifications are outlined by the Wi-Fi alliance and its hardware is certified to be Wi-Fi compatible. Wi-Fi is a complementary service to other mobile access services and it is quite good for the coverage of specif-ic areas. ALBtelecom is the first and only operator to have built a full Wi-Fi network in the country. The locations we have selected are high-density areas, where people show a higher propensity to need and use wireless access. These areas are named hot-spots (when more extensive, they are called hotzones). This service gives preferential benefits to the ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile customers, but we are building it in such a way that it can meet the needs of all customer segments in the market.

    Why did ALBtelecom develop?

    The internet usage growth is among other factors affected by the growth of video services usage, personal usage (such as social media, blogs, etc.), the increased number of laptops, netbooks, smartphones and tables (which operate primarily based on internet access).


    Nga/By Gjergj Skrame & Yavuz Kalfa

    ALBtelecom Wi-Fi Three-in-one concept realized Wi-Fi, Fixed, and GSM Access

    Realizohet koncepti Tre-n-Nj Shrbim Interneti Wi-Fi, Fiks dhe GSM Shrbim Interneti Wi-Fi, Fiks dhe GSM


    ALBtelecom sht operatori m i madh i bands s gjer fikse dhe ka gjithashtu edhe degn e tij mobile. Rrjeti i ri NGN i ksaj kompanie ofron mundsi shum t mira pr lanimin e shrbi-meve t reja si Wi-Fi dhe VDSL, si dhe produkte e shrbime t tjera q priten t dalin s shpejti.

    Qllimi yn n lanimin e shrbimit Wi-Fi ishte suporti i shkarkimit t t dhnave ndrmjet rrjeteve (dhe ideja e nj aksesi perfekt); futja e nj shrbimi inovator e diferencues dhe rritja e prvojs s konsumatorve pr prdoruesit tan t muar. Ne kemi projektuar nj zgjerim gradual, por t qn-drueshm t shrbimit Wi-Fi.

    Dizenjimi i projektit Wi-Fi pr ALBtelecom

    Marketingu yn pr shrbimet mori parasysh disa faktor gjat dizenjimit t ktij projekti. Ne punuam mbi disa hulumtime t avancuara pr t hartuar shrbimin m t mir, n prputhje me nevojat e konsumatorit. N kt mnyr, ne u siguruam q t ndrtojm gradualisht nj prvoj t qndrueshme te konsumatort. Ky qllim parsor u mbshtet fuqimisht nga komentet e konsumatorve dhe prshtypjet e tyre. Gjat zbatimit t projektit, ekipi yn komercial hulumtoi dhe analizoi m tej tregun vendas dhe rajonal pr shrbime t ngjashme. Pr t patur sukses, ne duhet t sillnim t rejat m t fundit t ktij shrbimi. Nj element ky q favorizon kt projekt sht mnyra e jetess q kemi ne shqiptart n prgjithsi, apo tendenca pr t qen vazhdimisht n lvizje.

    Nj nga sfidat kryesore ishte sesi do t deprtonim tregun, ku bhet fjal pr nj numr t madh e pa pages pikash Wi-Fi n shum bare dhe klube. E pra, pr t par diferencn provoni aksesin n shrbimin Wi-Fi t rrjetit ton; provoni shpejtsin dhe qndrueshmrin q ai ofron, shihni lehtsin n pr-dorimin e tij dhe funksionalitetin n disa pajisje njherazi.ALBtelecom synonte t ndrtonte nj rrjet t konsiderueshm Wi-Fi q do t ishte i gatshm tu prgjigjej zhvillimeve t ard-hshme t internetit n bot. Grupi yn i projektimit beson se

    ALBtelecom is a major fixed broadband operator and it also has its own mobile branch. The new NGN network of this company provides a great opportunity to launch new services such as Wi-Fi and VDSL, as well as other products and services which will come along soon.

    Our aim in launching the Wi-Fi service was to support the data offload among networks (and the idea of seamless access); introduce an innovative service differentiator and increase cus-tomer experience for our valuable customers. We designed a gradual but steady middle level expansion of Wi-Fi service.

    Designing the ALBtelecom Wi-Fi

    Our service marketing considered several factors while design-ing this project. We used some advanced researches to better design the service according to customers needs. Doing so, we ensured that we would gradually build an enduring customer experience. This first direction was heavily support-ed by customer comments and feedback. As we progressed, our commercial team explored and further analysed the local and regional market with similar services. In order to succeed, we had to be the most innovative ones. A key element that favoured this project is the generally outgoing lifestyle we Albanians have.

    One of the main challenges was how to penetrate the market, where there is a huge number of free Wi-Fi hotspots from many bars and clubs. Well, to see the difference try accessing our Wi-Fi network; try the speed and stability it provides; see its ease of use and multi-device functionality. ALBtelecom wanted to set up a substantial Wi-Fi network which would be ready for the next internet developments in the world. In our project group we believe that Wi-Fi is here to stay and that favourable business models will be developed for it. A superior Wi-Fi is strong enough to complement other mobile access such as 3G-4G network and be ready for future challenges.

    Gjergj SKRAME Menaxher/ ManagerNjsia e Zhvillimit t Produkteve t Reja / Wholesale & New Product Development Unit/ ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile

    Yavuz KALFADrejtor / DirectorCore Network Directorate/ Drejtoria e Rrjetit QendrorALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile

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    Wi-Fi do t jet i suksesshm dhe se do t zhvillohen modele t favorshme t biznesit pr kt shrbim. Nj shrbim cilsor Wi-Fi ka kapacitet t mjaftueshm pr t plotsuar mnyrat e tjera t aksesit n rrjetet e lvizshme 3G apo 4G dhe sht i gatshm pr sfidat e ardhshme.

    Cilat jan prfitimet q sjell projekti Wi-Fi pr konsumatorin shqiptar?

    Nj cilsi t lart me an t pajisjeve Cisco dhe t disa markave t tjera t mirnjohura me t cilat bashkpunojm. Karakteristikat e faqes s shrbimit jan t mir-dizajnuara. Ato ofrojn lehtsi prdorimi dhe volum t madh interneti q mund t prdoret n t gjitha pajisjet q kan opsionin Wire-less (pra jo me kart SIM) Internet Wireless ka shpejtsi t lart (pothuajse si interneti fiks) dhe stabilitet; N prgjithsi, n nj hapsir t caktuar mund t lidhen n t njjtn koh nj numr i madh prdoruesish. Ajo u shrben t gjith konsumatorve n treg dhe prdoret n pajisje si netbook, laptop, tableta, dhe smartphone. Rrjetit ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile po u bashkohen gjithnj e m shum abonent q prdorin shrbimin Wi-Fi; Shrbimi mund t ul shpenzimet e komunikimit, sidomos kur sht nevoja t lvizet nga nj internet kafe tjetrn. Wi-Fi ofron jetgjatsin m t lart t bateris se do metod tjetr ajrore.

    What benefits brings the Wi-Fi project for the Albanian cus-tomers?

    High quality Cisco equipment and cooperation with some of the best vendors The Service page features are well designed. They offer ease of use and large internet volume, which can be used by all devices that have wireless capability (not related to SIM card) High speed wireless internet (almost like the fixed access) and stability Generally, a large number of users can connect in one area at the same time. It can serve all customers in the market and is used on devices such as netbooks, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. More and more users are joining ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile network and using the Wi-Fi service It can reduce communication spending especially if there is a need to jump from internet one caf to another. Wi-Fi has a better battery lifetime than any other over-the-air methods

    The service might seem a bit conflicting if we compare it to 3.5G. Actually, Wi-Fi service and 3.5 or future 4G are interrelat-ed. Wi-Fi has been launched by ALBtelecom to complement 3.5G in certain areas. We can summarize that Wi-Fi is more appropriate for highly congested areas and can serve many users at a higher speed. The service can be complemented by 3G for large areas or can complement 3G in terms of offloading. Beyond that, there are some key differences between these two technologies

    WiFi 3.5 G

    Environment/Ambienti Suitable for small area/e prshtatshme pr zona t vogla

    Suitable for larger area/ e prshtatshme pr zona t mdha

    Density of users/Dendsia e prdoruesve

    Concentrated users/prdorues t prqendruar

    spread coverage users/prdorues t mbulimit t prhapur

    Primary method/Mnyra primare

    Mostly Stationary/ kryesisht t stacionuar

    Mobility/ N lvizje

    Speed/Shpejtsi Higher speed per user/ Shpejtsi e lart pr prdoruesin

    Medium speed per user, high speed available/ Shpejtsi mesatare pr prdoruesin, shpejtsi e lart totale

    Customers that can use/ Konsumatort q mund ta prdorin

    Almost all customers/ Pothuajse t gjith konsumatort

    Only those of the operator/ Vetm ata q prdorin operatorin

    Equipments/Pajisjet Wi-Fi equipments/ pajisjet Wi-Fi

    pajisjet 3G /3G devices

    Security/Siguria Centralized/ E centralizuar Controlled and ensured/ E kontrolluar dhe e siguruar

    Battery/Bateria Low usage of battery/ Prdorim i ult i bateris

    Slightly higher usage of battery/ Prdorim pak m i lart i bateris

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    Disa fakte dhe detaje t ofruar nga ALBtelecom

    Nj prshkrim i shkurtr, orientues pr tu lidhur me shr-bimin Wi-Fi: Nse keni nj numr Eagle, ju mund t merrni kodin tuaj PIN duke drguar tekstin Wi-Fi n numrin 55544. Aktivizoni shrbimin Wi-Fi n celularin tuaj dhe krkoni AL-Btelecomwireless Vendosni kodin q ju vjen me SMS n faqen e shrbimit dhe jeni n rrugn e duhur pr t vazhduar lundrimin n internet.

    Arritjet e deritanishme:

    Vnia n jet e projektit filloi n muajin Maj 2012, me instalimin e sistemit qendror n Tiran dhe Durrs. Kta dy sisteme qen-dror jan sistemet baz t kontrollit pr shrbimin Wi-Fi. Disa faza t prezantimit t shrbimit Wi-Fi u kryen me sukses gjat vitit 2013. Rrjeti mbulon zonat m t mdha brenda Tirans. Ka nj mbulim t mir n qytete si: Shkodr, Elbasan, Durrs dhe Vlor. Madje rrjetit ton i jan shtuar edhe qytete me popullsi m t ult si: Pogradeci, Kora, Saranda, Himara dhe Shngjini. Sfidat e projektit:

    Nj teknologji e re mund t krijoj ide t gabuara e arsyetime t ndryshme mes grupeve operacionale. Pritshmrit tona u prshtatn n baz t njohurive t prgjithshme dhe n fund u arrit nj plan teknik i knaqshm pr t gjith. Duhet t theksojm se ka qen e vshtir t sqaronim se edhe pse shrbimi Wi-Fi mund t perceptohet si nj shrbim q zvendson shrbimin 3G n zonat Wi-Fi, sht n t vrtet nj shrbim plotsues; perfekt pr abonentt ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile.Kompania jon po ndrmerr investime strukturore n sis-temet e saj baz. Disa prej ktyre sistemeve baz kan nj rol t madh pr zhvillimin e shrbimit Wi-Fi. Vnia n zbatim e projektit dhe puna n terren pr t, ndonjher mund t ulin ritmin e puns, por skuadra jon e qendrs arriti ti kalonte kto sfida duke bashkpunuar me disa prej bashkive kryesore n vend dhe me stafin rajonal t shitjeve dhe tekniks. Rrjeti Wi-Fi sht nj lloj i ri rrjeti, i cili krkon nj mirmbajtje t ndryshme nga mirmbajtja e rrjeteve t tjer, duke krkuar bashkpunimin e shum departamenteve t Grupit t Tekniks dhe Grupit Komercial. Fal platformave t reja Trouble Ticket t ofruara nga Grupi i Rrjetit, kjo siprmarrje komplekse u arrit t prfundonte n koh.

    Some Facts and details of ALBtelecom Wi-Fi:

    A short service description on how to connect: If you have an Eagle number, you can get your daily PIN code by sending the text Wi-Fi to 55544. Activate wireless access in your device and search for AL-Btelecom wireless Enter the SMS code in the service page and you are good to go.

    Current achievements:

    The project implementation started in May 2012 with the in-stallation of core systems in Tirana and Durrs. These two core systems are the central control systems for the Wi-Fi service. Several phases of the Wi-Fi service introduction have been suc-cessfully performed during 2013. The network is now covering large areas within Tirana. There is a dense coverage in major cities such as Shkodr, Elbasan, Durrs, and Vlor. Other less populous cities have also been added to our network such as Pogradec, Kor, Sarand, Himar and Shngjin.

    Challenges along the way:

    A new technology can create misconceptions and different misunderstandings among operational groups. Our expecta-tions were adjusted through common knowledge and in the end a win-win output for the technical plan was achieved. We must state that it has been daunting to explain that al-though Wi-Fi can be perceived as a service that substitutes the 3G service in Wi-Fi covered areas, it is in fact a complementary one; perfect for all ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile users. Our company is undergoing structural investments in its core systems. Some of these core systems hold a precedency role for the Wi-Fi service development. Implementation and other field work can sometimes become show stoppers. Our central project team managed to overcome some of these challenges by cooperating with some of the main municipalities and our regional sales and technical teams.

    Wi-Fi network is a new type of network which requires a main-tenance process similar to no other, and requires the collabo-ration of many different departments in Technical and Com-mercial Groups. Thanks to the new Trouble ticket platforms of the Network Group, which were developed by our in-house developers, this complex job is handled in a timely manner.

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    Ku po shkon Mediadhe Gazetaria Shqiptare?Quo Vadis Albanian Media and Journalism?


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    sht e vshtir t japsh nj panoram t plot t medias dhe gazetaris son aktuale q ndodhet n lvizje e transformim t vazhdueshm. Jemi dshmitar t nj tregu mediatik t tejngopur ku nuk na duket m surpriz mbirja e nj medie t re. Po sa konsumojm nga produktet e medias? A sht i mjaftueshm publiku shqipfols pr t mbajtur n kmb kaq shum organe mediatik? Sot sht tepr e vshtir t bjm nj ndarje t audiencs, pasi sht mjaft e vshtir t gjejm t dhna t sakta mbi tirazhet dhe vet audiencn. Megjithat, kt her u munduam t mbledhim copza nga mozaiku i do aspekti t medias, duke intervistuar disa nga emrat m t njohur t gazetaris shqiptare, si gazetari dhe analisti i mirnjohur z. Lutfi Dervishi, Prof. As. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji si dhe Prof. Dr. Briseida Mema. Opinioni i tyre mbshtjell me kujdes ant pozitive dhe negative, zhvillimet dhe regresin, ngjyrat dhe nuancat, marrdhniet media-politik dhe e mediave vendase me ato t huaja, cilsin gazetareske dhe manipulueshmrin e individve gazetar, dshirat dhe krkesat e pronarve t medias si dhe mnyrn se si u prgjigjet gazetari profesionist, dhe shum aspekte t tjera q do ti lexoni n intervistat e tyre. Sipas z. Dervishi, gazetaria investigative mbetet ende nj ndrr, dhe ndodhet aty ku ka nisur zhvillimin embrional. Ndrsa znj. Mema krahas pasqyrimit t avantazheve q ka gazetaria investigative n vendet e zhvilluara, na prmend edhe kufijt e liris s medias son, vshtirsit e gazetarve pr t nxjerr nj pun t mir e t dobishme pr publikun dhe pengesat e tyre pr t ecur drejt misionit fisnik t gazetarit. N lidhje me etikn e medias, z. Gjergji na jep nj panoram historike duke vlersuar se tradita e diskutimit t shtjeve etike sht pjes e problematiks s medias. Po ashtu edhe prgatitja e pamjaftueshme gazetareske s bashku me politikat editoriale t organeve mediatik fshehin pas tyre gazetarin partizane, shkeljen e privatsis, gjuhn e urrejtjes apo przierjen e opinionit personal me informacionin.

    It is difficult to give a comprehensive overview of our current media and journalism which are in constant motion and transformation. We are witnessing an oversupplied media market where the sprouting of a new media doesnt surprise us anymore. But how many media products do we consume? Is the Albanian-speaking public enough to keep so many media organs going? Today it is very difficult to have a breakdown of the audience, as it is quite difficult to find accurate data on print runs and the audience itself.However, this time we tried to collect some pieces of the mosaic of every aspect of the media, by interviewing some of the most well-known names of the Albanian journalism such as the renowned journalist and analyst Mr. Lutfi Dervishi, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji and Prof. Dr. Briseida Mema. Their opinion carefully covers the pros and cons, the development and regression, the colours and nuances, the relationship between the media and politics, the relationship between the local and foreign media, quality journalism and individual journalists manipulation, the media owners desires and demands as well as the way professional a journalist responds to them, and many other aspects that you will read in their interviews.According to Mr. Dervishi, investigative journalism is still a dream and remains in its embryonic stage. While Mrs. Mema, besides reflecting the advantages of investigative journalism in developed countries, mentions the limits of our media freedom, the journalists difficulties to do a good and useful job for the public and their barriers to move towards the noble mission journalist.With regard to the media ethics, Mr. Gjergji gives us a historical overview assessing that the tradition of the discussion of ethical issues is part of the media problematics. Likewise, partisan journalism, violation of privacy, the language of hatred or personal opinion mixed with information hide behind the inadequate journalistic preparation and the editorial policies of the media organs.

    nga/by Shpendi GJANA


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    Mrs. Mema, how do you evaluate the similarities between journalism in Albania and the one abroad? Do you think we are following in the foreign media footsteps or do we have our own media patterns? I believe that journalism is above all based on ethical and deontological principles as well as on entirely professional criteria which are mandatory to be respected regardless of the models we may choose. On the basis of these principles, even the borders between countries where the news travels to and from become invisible as the reader isnt interested in knowing if the journalist is Albanian, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, American or French ... The reader only wants to get the information he needs. Good or bad journalists, capable or incapable ones are found anywhere in Albania and abroad. Media models that act as open circles are nothing but individual style variations where many factors are intertwined. The system on which a professional media is established on and maintained is very important. It differs significantly from a media which purely serves the interests of only certain groups. These media make the individual (in this case the journalist) act within the limits defined by the criteria that infringe upon any kind of ethical Deontology information. The limits of a journalists freedom are determined by the obligations he has, but also by the rights that he should have, which directly affect his professionalism.

    Znj. Mema, si e vlersoni panoramn e lidhjeve mes gazetaris q bhet n Shqipri dhe asaj jasht saj? A mendoni se kemi t bjm me nj gjurmim/kopjim permanent t medias son, apo kemi edhe ne modelet tona t medias?

    Un besoj se gazetaria mbshtetet mbi t gjitha n parime etike e deontologjike, si dhe n kritere trsisht profesionale, t detyrueshme pr tu respektuar pavarsisht modeleve q mund t zgjedhim. Mbi bazn e ktyre parimeve kufijt midis shteteve nga ku kalon lajmi bhen edhe m t padukshm, pasi lexuesi nuk do t dij nse gazetari sht shqiptar, spanjoll, italian, turk, amerikan apo francez... Lexuesi e krkon lajmin pr t marr at informacion q atij i intereson.Gazetar t mir e t kqij, t aft e t paaft ka kudo, n Shqipri e jasht saj. Modelet mediatike q veprojn si qarqe t hapura nuk jan gj tjetr vese variacione stilesh individual, ku kryqzohen shum faktor. T rndsishme jan sistemet mbi t cilat ngrihet e mbahet nj media profesionale. Ajo dallon dukshm nga nj media q i shrben thjesht dhe vetm interesave t disa grupeve t caktuara. Kto media e detyrojn individin (n kt rast gazetarin) t veproj brenda kufijve t prcaktuar nga kritere q shkelin mbi do lloj deontologjie e etike informacioni. Kufijt e liris s nj gazetari prcaktohen nga detyrimet q ai ka, por edhe nga t drejtat q duhet t ket, e q n fund t fundit ndikojn drejtprdrejt n profesionalizmit e tij.



    Prof.Dr. Briseida MemaGazetare e Agjensis Franceze

    t Lajmeve/Journalist of the French News Agency


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    N kt kndvshtrim, panorama q na ofron Shqipria duket se sht e trisht. sht e vshtir t gjesh nj model shqiptar apo t krkosh nj model evropian n Shqipri, ku 80 % e gazetarve punojn n t zez; ku shum muaj kalojn pa marr pagn q u takon; ku shum mund t hidhen lehtsisht n rrug nse nuk i binden pronarit t medias q mendon se mund ti prdor gazetart si karta bixhozi n interes t tij. Ka nga ata gazetar q her t detyruar nga pundhnsi e her t tredhur n ndrgjegjen e tyre profesionale pranojn t shkelin nn presion apo nn duhmat e interesit deontologjin dhe etikn, duke fyer e shar, duke manipuluar, prfolur e prbaltur pa asnj fakt, n shkelje t hapur t t Drejtave t Njeriut.

    N Shqipri kushdo mund t shkruaj e t thot jam gazetar pasi n Shqipri ende nuk ka instrumenta kontrolli apo autoritet gjykues.N Shqipri liria sht pa kufi! Apo paradoksalisht, nj liri me kufij t pakontrolluar, brenda s cils jemi vet ne gazetart q shkelim t part lirin e t gjith shoqris.Kt model nuk e gjej dot askund, pasi sistemi mediatik shqiptar tani pr tani sht

    ve nj ngrehin!

    N lidhje me przgjedhjen e lajmit apo ngjarjeve q pasqyrohen m media, cilt jan faktort kryesor q ndikojn, dhe a ndryshojn n vendin ton kto faktor?

    Do t doja t rikujtoja titullin e librit t nj mikes sime: Shqiptart bjn dashuri e mendojn politik. Edhe n median shqiptare, lajmet n pjesn m t madhe jan t diktuara apo t inspiruara nga politika q krkon n do rast t politizoj gjithka: jetn private, shpirtin, ndjenjat, vdekjen apo qoft edhe lindjen e nj fmije.... Edhe kur n nj dit t caktuar kan lindur m shum djem sesa vajza, kjo sht nj arritje e politiks!

    Pr sa i prket gazetaris investigative, sa sht media jon e aft t prmbush misionin e shenjt t mbikqyrjes s dobishmris s audiencs s gjer dhe jo ajo e interesave t ngushta?

    do gazetari e mir sht e barasvlershme me gazetarin investiguese dhe n median shqiptare ka mjaft gazetar t mir. Por ka nj ndryshim: n shtetet e Bashkuara t Ameriks dhe n mjaft vende evropiane,

    In this perspective, the picture of journalism in Albania seems to be doom and gloom. It is hard to find an Albanian model or a European one in Albania, where 80 % of the journalists are uninsured; where they dont get their salaries for months; where many of them can easily get sacked unless they obey to the media owners, who think they can use journalists as playing cards in their own interest.

    There are journalists who accept to break deontology and ethics, either obligated by their employer or simply by lack of professional conscience and personal interests. They insult, manipulate, backbite and sling mud without evidence and reason, openly violating the Human Rights. In Albania anyone can write and say I am a journalist because in Albania there arent any control instruments or judging authorities yet. In Albania there is unlimited freedom! Or paradoxically, theres freedom with uncontrolled limits, within which the journalists themselves are the first who violate the freedom of the society. I cannot find this model anywhere, because the Albanian media system nowadays is just a skeleton!

    In relation to the selection of news or events that are reflected in the media, what are the main affecting factors and how do these factors vary in our country?

    I would like to recall the title of a book written by a friend of mine: Albanians make love and think politics. Even in the Albanian media, the majority of news is dictated or inspired by the politics, which seeks every opportunity to politicize everything: the private life, the soul, the feelings, the death, and even the birth of a child... Even on a day when there are more boys born than girls, its an achievement of the Politics! In terms of investigative journalism, is our media able to meet the sacred mission of meeting the interests of a wide audience and not just the narrow interests of certain individuals?

    Good journalism is tantamount to investigative journalism, and the Albanian media has quite good journalists. But there is a difference: in the United States of America and in many European countries, the investigative journalism has several advantages: the job is guaranteed, the


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    The limits of a journalists freedom are determined by the obligations

    he has, but also by the rights that he should have, which directly affect his


    Kufijt e liris s nj gazetari prcaktohen nga detyrimet q ai ka, por edhe nga t drejtat q duhet t

    ket, e q n fund t fundit ndikojn drejtprdrejt n profesionalizmit e tij.

    gazetaria investigative ka disa avantazhe: puna sht e garantuar, gazetari ka mbshtetje financiare dhe njfar mbrojtjeje me ligj pr t kryer hetimin e pr t gjetur lajmin.N Shqipri gazetart nuk e kan kt luks. Pasi n Shqipri nuk ka ligj pr mediat dhe si pasoj as instrumenta ligjore pr mbrojtjen e gazetarve. Sistemi aktual mediatik krijon shpesh hapsira e mundsi pr mbivendosje interesash selektive, ekonomike e politike q vendosen mbi interesin e gjer publik.Vet politika ka qen e interesuar t ruaj kt sistem mediatik, pasi nprmjet ktij sistemi ajo arrin edhe t kontrolloj, edhe t ndikoj, edhe t ushtroj presionin e saj me instrumentat q ka n dispozicion, jo vetm pr t mbytur zrin denoncues t medias, por edhe pr ta prdorur at sipas nevojave t rastit.Megjithat edhe n vende me nj demokraci m t konsoliduar, media dhe politika nuk kan pasur, nuk kan e nuk do t mund t ken kurr nj martes t lumtur. Pas botimit t skandalit t prgjimeve, qeveria britanike duket se po ushtron presion t hapur mbi median duke krkuar aplikimin e nj sistemi t ri ligjor q sipas gazetarve t The Guardian konsiderohet thjesht si prpjekje pr t shtypur lirin e informimit. Edhe pse betejat n kt prballje nuk kan qen t lehta qoft pr gazetart, qoft edhe pr ato mediat q jan detyruar t paguajn nj mim, politika dhe interesat e dyshimta ekonomike jo gjithmon ja ka dal mban. Pozitive sht se n do rast, opinioni publik duket se ka zgjedhur ann e medias e jo at t propagands, demagogjis e interesave politike e ekonomike t dyshimta. Edhe n Shqipri n mjaft raste, media ia ka dal q pavarsisht presioneve e problemeve t shumta t prmbush misionin e saj duke zgjedhur interesin publik ndaj interesave t ngushta t astit.

    N opinionin tuaj, far

    journalist has financial support and a kind of law protection for making the investigation or finding the news. Journalists in Albania dont have such a luxury, because Albania doesnt have a media law and consequently, it has no legal instruments to protect the journalists. The current media system often creates opportunities for an overlap of selective, economic, and political interests over the general public.The politics itself has been interested in maintaining this kind of media system, because in this way it can control, affect, pressure and mute the denouncing voice of the media, but also use it according to the needs of the moment.However, even in countries with a consolidated democracy, the media and the politics didnt, dont have and will never have a happy marriage. After the spying scandal was published, the British government seems to be putting pressure on the media, seeking the application of a new legal system, which according to The Guardian reporters is considered simply as an attempt to suppress the freedom of information.Although the battles in this confrontation were not easy neither for the journalist, nor for those media that were forced to pay a price, the politics and their suspicious economic interests have not always been successful. The positive thing is that in each case, the public opinion seems to have chosen the side of the media, not the one of the propaganda, demagogy, and the suspicious political and economic interests. Even in Albania, in many cases, the media has succeeded to fulfil its mission despite all the pressures and problems, by choosing the public interest against the narrow interests of the moment. In your opinion, what does the high number of audio-visual, print and online media demonstrate in Albania? In Albania there are 29 dailies, 56 private television


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    N Shqipri kushdo mund t shkruaj e t thot jam gazetar pasi n Shqipri ende nuk

    ka instrumenta kontrolli apo autoritet gjykues.

    In Albania anyone can write and say I am a journalist because

    in Albania there arent any control instruments or judging

    authorities yet

    demonstron numri i lart i mediave audiovizive, t shkruara dhe online n Shqipri?

    N Shqipri ka 29 t prditshme, 56 televizione private, 49 radio. E vshtir t thuhet se cila sht audienca, vshtir t gjenden t dhna t sakta mbi tirazhet. Nuk sht aspak e leht t merret informacion pr numrin e gazetarve t punsuar, pasi shumica jan pa kontrata pune, shumica punojn n t zez pr t zbardhur faqen e pronarve t tyre.Rrall gjendet nj vend tjetr n bot q t ket kaq shum media n raport me popullsin q n fakt favorizohen nga i njjti sistem mediatik q vazhdon t mbahet n kmb n emr t liris por q n fakt nuk bn gj tjetr ve kufizon lirin. Pasi shumica e ktyre mediave prdoret nga pronart e tyre diku thjesht si mburoj e diku tjetr si revolver, gati pr t gjuajtur kdo q cnon interesin e tyre vetjak q ska asnj lidhje me at publik. Kjo gj ka krijuar nj treg mediatik mjaft konfuz, ku nuk sht e vshtir t identifikosh media mjaft serioze q luajn rol t rndsishm duke sjell afr nj kultur t re informimi

    stations, and 49 radio stations. It is hard to say who the audience is, or to find accurate data on press runs. It is not easy at all to obtain information about the number of employed journalists since most of them work without an employment contract and are uninsured.You can hardly find another country in the world with so many media in relation to the population, which are actually favoured by the same media system that continues to keep standing in the name of freedom but which in fact only restricts the freedom. Most of these media are sometimes used by their owners as a shield and other times as a revolver ready to shoot anyone who interferes with their self-interests, which has nothing to do with the public interests. This has created a very confusing media market where it is not difficult to identify the serious media which play an important role by bringing closer a new culture of communication and information, comparable with many countries of the European Union.The Online media, which are also a new kind of communication

    e komunikimi lehtsisht t konkurueshme edhe me mjaft vende t Bashkimit Europian.Mediat online gjithashtu nj form e re komunikimi n Shqipri kan krijuar hapsira t reja komunikimi duke vn prpara nj dileme ekzistenciale mediat tradicionale q duket se gjithnj e m shum po humbasin terren.N mediat online ka ndikuar mjaft pozitivisht edhe shtrirja e teknologjis e rrjetet e telefonis celulare q kan rritur shpejtsin e komunikimit e kalimit t lajmit n koh reale.

    Por ajo ka hasim shpesh n mediat sociale shqiptare , ndryshe nga simotrat e tyre n bot, jan fyerjet e sharjet, nj shfrim i nn-ndrgjegjes s fshehur mbas nj identiteti anonim q dshmon sidoqoft pr nj nivel kulturor t dobt e q dmton ndjeshm komunikimin masiv.

    in Albania, have created new communication opportunities by putting the traditional media, which seem to be losing ground, in front of an existential dilemma. Online media has been positively affected by the development of technology and mobile phone networks which have increased communication speed and real-time news broadcasting.

    But what we often encounter in the Albanian social media, unlike their counterparts in the world, is the rudeness and the insulting language coming from the subconscious mind of an anonymous identity, which proves however a poor cultural level that significantly impairs mass communication.


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    Intervist me Prof. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji

    Z. Gjergji, do t ishte me interes t dinim rreth gjendjes s etiks aktuale t medias shqiptare. Cilat jan momentet kye t evoluimit t saj nga dalja n treg e kanalit t par televiziv privat pas viteve 90?

    Aspekti i etiks n media shpreh nj stand-ard t caktuar t saj, q n nj sfond prg-jithsues mund t konsiderohet gjithashtu edhe si nivel i etiks n shoqri, pasoj e nj shkalle t caktuar zhvillimi. N kt kuptim, dua t theksoj se ndryshimi i sis-temit politiko shoqror n vend krijoi kushtet pr lulzimin e shtypit pluralist e m von, pas vitit 1997 edhe t medi-as elektronike. Si do gj e re, media me nj fizionomi t re, brenda nj sistemi t brisht e t pa konsoliduar, reflektoi edhe tipare e aspekte t s shkuars, por nj-kohsisht prezantoi edhe prpjekje, stile, struktura prmbajtsore dhe emra t pan-johura m par. Vitet 90-t solln bumin e stacioneve t shumta radiofonike dhe kanaleve tel-evizive. Ndrsa titujt e shtypit t shkruar mbetn thuajse konstant dhe t prqen-druar kryesisht n Tiran, t gjith hap-sirn gjeografike t vendit e mbuloi nj rr-jet stacionesh radiofonike dhe nj numr i madh kanalesh televizive, q n periud-hn e par t ekzistencs, t themi nga 97 deri aty nga fillimi viteve 2000, nuk kishin nj struktur t prcaktuar qart nga ana profesionale. Nj situat kjo q ndryshoi shpejt me fuqizimin e tyre, ka bri t mundur zgjerimin e hapsirs informative dhe n prputhje me ligjet q rregullonin asokohe transmetimet radiotelevizive, re-alizimin e programeve autentike. Prej asaj kohe e deri m sot ndryshimet e njpasn-jshme kan evidentuar nj panoram profesionale e etike t caktuar, q do t ishte e vshtir t formulohej me nj fjal t vetme, e mir, apo e dobt. N do

    Etika aktuale n

    Todays Media Ethics

    MediaInterview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji

    Mr. Gjergji, we are interested to know something about the nowadays ethics in the Albanian media. Which are the key development moments of the media since the launch in the market of the first private television after `90s?

    Ethics in media implies a certain standard, which in general can be considered as the level of ethics in society, resulted from pertinent development. From this point of view, I want to emphasize that the change of the political social system in the country has established the conditions for the blooming of pluralism press, and after 1997 that of the electronic media. As anything new, media with a new physiognomy within a fragile and non-consolidated system reflected aspects of the past and at the same time presented new endeavours, styles, content structures and names unheard before. The 90s brought the boom of a variety of radio stations and television channels. The titles of written press were coherent and focused mainly in Tirana. The geographical area of the country was covered by a network of radio stations and a variety of television channels that during the first period from 97 to the early of 2000, did not have a professional accurately defined structure. This situation changed dramatically with media consolidation, and made possible the extension of the informative area in conformity with the laws that regulated the radio-television broadcasting and conception of authentic programs. From that time to nowadays the continuous changes have reflected a certain professional and ethic point of view, and it would be hard to define it with just one word, good or poor. Any medium can be assessed for its

    Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bashkim Gjergji


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    medium ka vend pr t muar el-emente pozitive, apo pr t thek-suar mangsi n planin etik. Ca m tepr kur sht fjala pr sfon-din e prgjithshm. N prgjith-si, zgjerimi i hapsirs informuese konsiderohet si tregues i zhvillimit profesional dhe nj prpjekje serioze pr t prmbushur mi-sionin e medias n funksion t opinionit publik. Por ndrkoh nj sr dukurish t tjera, q shfaqen n lidhje me respek-timin e standardeve profesionale, vrtetsin, burimet, shfrytzimin e t dhnave etj. flasin pr ek-zistencn e problemeve aktuale etike q kan si burim: politikat editoriale t kushtzuara nga in-teresa t caktuara, prgatitjen e pamjaftueshme t vet report-erve apo gazetarve, mungesa e tradits s diskutimit t sht-jeve etike, pazbatueshmria e kodit t ripunuar ekzistues, mungesa e kohs, apo sfidat dhe problemet q kan sjell zhvilli-met teknologjike. S fundi, duke iu kthyer pyetjes n lidhjet me momentet kye t evoluimit t etiks s medias, dua t theksoj se n optikn time dalloj:a. Periudha e par 91 95 nj prqndrim n ngritjen dhe fuqizimin e mediumeve dhe shume pak trajtime etike; b. 96 e deri n fillim t viteve 2000 bhen prpjekje pr hartimin e nj kodi dhe tryeza t rrumbullakta pr kt aspekt;c. 2000 e deri m sot zgjero-het diskutimi pr etikn, stabi-lizohet si kurs n programin e Departamentit t Gazetaris, UT, si dhe n veprimtarin trajnuese t ISHM, ndrkoh q vet me-diumet n konkurrenc me njra tjetrn reflektojn kujdes m t madh pr nj nivel t caktuar etik.

    Shembujt e etiks s medias shqiptare, a mendoni se jan nj pasqyr e shtrembr e asaj t mediave n vendet e zhvilluara, apo kemi t bjm me nj im-itim perfekt t ktyre mediave?

    Nuk besoj se ka shembuj tipik shqiptar dhe t tjer botror. Kudo mund t hassh trans-metime apo botime pa verifi-kim (shqetsim ky i reflektuar n botimin e fundit t ISHM me autor Bill Kovach dhe Tom Rosenstiel FLU, Si t njohsh t vrtetn n epokn e mbingark-ess s informacionit), gazetari partizane, shkelje t privatsis, gjuh t urrejtjes, przjerje t

    positive features and also for lack of ethics. There is more to be said about the general aspect. Usually, the extension of the informative area is considered an indicative of the professional development and a serious effort to fulfil the mission of media in function of the public opinion. Meantime, a series of other factors such as the following of professional standards, authenticity, sources, use of data, etc., are a reflection of the actual problems of ethics. Such problems arise from the editorial policies conditioned by certain interests, unprofessional reporters or journalists, lack of the tradition to discuss ethics issues, non-implementation of the amended code, lack of time, or different challenges and problems resulted by technological developments. At last, referring to the question about the key moments of media ethics development, I want to highlight that from my point of view I distinguish: a. The first period 91 95 was focused in establishing and strengthening the mediums, a few ethics treatments; b. 96 to the early of 2000

    were made efforts for the drafting of the code and many negotiations were held;c. 2000 until nowadays has been expanded the discussion for the ethics, it is established a course in the program of the Department of Journalism, University of Tirana, and is included in the training activity of ISHM. Meanwhile, the competitive mediums are careful and show a definite ethics level.

    Do you think that the examples of ethics of the Albanian media are a distortion mirror of the media in developed countries or it is the case of a perfect imitation of this media?I do not think that there

    opinionit personal me informa-cionin, etj. etj. Sigurisht q profile, ose m sakt formate t caktuara mediatike jan aplikuar nga kana-let tona kryesore sipas modeleve t vendeve t ndryshme apo atyre globale, por kjo nuk prcak-ton prezencn e shkeljeve apo gabimeve t ktij lloji, q, sikurse vura n dukje me sipr, mund t vijn nga shkaqe t tjera. Shum raste shkeljesh etike nga gazetar n organe mediatike t njohura n bot jan br tashm t njo-hura prmes lajmeve, trajtimeve n kanime t ndryshme e deri

    n prodhimet kinematografike. Mjafton t shihet botimi me tit-ull Jurisprudenca e Gjykats s Strasburgut (sidoq botim i vjetr tashm 2005) pr t msuar pr ekzistencn e rasteve e bash-k me to edhe t shqetsimit shoqror n lidhje me cnimin e vlerave morale n media. Per-sonalisht nuk mendoj se sht shtje imitimi.

    Krkesa pr standarde etike n media, efekt do t kishte n shoqri? Pra do t shikonim ndryshe te shoqria shqiptare nse rregullat e etiks s paraqit-jes s do transmetimi mediatik, sidomos atij televiziv, do t elim-inonin disi at aspektin komer-cial t medias.

    are typical Albanian and global examples. You can find everywhere unverified broadcasting or publication (this issue was reflected in the last publication of ISHM, author Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel FLU, How to get the truth in the era of information overloading), partisan journalism, privacy breach, odious language, mix of the personal opinion with the information, etc. Some of our main channels have applied profiles or defined media forms according to the

    models of various countries or of global models, but it is not an indicative of the breach or mistakes of this nature, as I mentioned above they may arise by other causes. Many cases of ethics breach from journalists or well-known media in the world are disclosed via the news, treatments in various channels and even in cinematography productions. It is to be mentioned the publication with the title Jurisprudences in the Court of Strasburg (it is an old publication 2005) to get to know to the cases and the social concern regarding the moral values in media. I think this is not the imitation case.

    Ndryshimi i sistemit politiko shoqror n vend krijoi kushtet pr lulzimin e shtypit pluralist edhe t medias elektronike.

    The change of the political social system in the country has established the conditions for the blooming of pluralism press and electronic media


  • 20



    The principal source of guidance in alk Holdings successful enterprizes in 5 continents and 17 countries have been the fundamental values of alk Holding that are primarily

    founded upon Humanitarian Values.


    Nuk besoj se mund t flitet pr eleminim t aspekti komercial t medias, ndrkoh q sot flitet industri mediatike. Por, nga ana tjetr, konkurrenca n kt lloj tregu, prpjekjet pr zgjerimin e audiencave imponojn nj rritje t vmendjes ndaj informacionit t besueshm, t seriozitetit dhe thellimit n analizn e ngjarjeve, t aplikimit t zhanreve t ndrys-hme, t shum aspekteve t tjera, por sidomos e mbi t gjitha t asaj ekspertize t ndodhive q, ve tjerash, do bj edhe dallim-in mes gazetarve profesionist dhe qytetarve gazetar, t cilt jan mjaft aktiv n rrjetet sociale, mediat e reja, por u mungojn filtrat profesional n seleksion-imin e t dhnave dhe pasqyrim-in me standart. Sa pr efektin e nivelit etik t medias n shoqri, mund t thuhet se e gjitha rru-ga historike e zhvillimit t saj ka evidentuar ndikimin e madh te konsumatort e produktit medi-atik, madje n shum aspekte, q Xhozef Dominik i trajton me hollsi n librin e tij Dinamika e Komunikimit Masiv. Koncepti i lidhshmris mes asaj q flitet apo shihet dhe sjelljes s njerzve besoj se kuptohet qart kur flitet pr pranin e nj gjuhe tensionale n prgjithsi si shprehje e asaj gjuhe q prcjell media sot e gjith ditn.

    Vm re se pjesa m e madhe e informacionit q na imponohet nga organe mediatike jan me ngarkes negative dhe prmbajtje stres-uese pr do grupmosh. Kjo

    ngarkes e formuar me apo pa vetdije ku mendoni se e on shoqrin? Po pr mbingark-esn informative `mund t thuhet?

    Ka shum diskutime p rolin e kroniks s zez, q komento-het edhe si shenj e munges s perspektivs s zhvillimit, edhe si spostim vmendje t publikut apo si gjetje lajmesh pa shum mund. Jam i mendimit se teprimi me t rndon gjend-jen psikologjike t konsuma-tor mediatik, vret n mnyr graduale shpresn pr nj jet m t mir, zbeh edhe at pro-ces katarsis q pretendohet se shoqron pasqyrimin objektiv t krimit dhe reagimin shoqror ndaj tij. Ruajtja e mass besoj se sht nj kriter profesional pr t krijuar nj ekuilibr tjetr mes rubrikave t ndryshme prmba-jtsore, por gjithnj kur pronart dhe drejtuesit nuk bjn parsore normn e fitimit me do kusht dhe shtimin e influencs pr sig-urimin e tenderave, q shpallen periodikisht. Mbingarkesa informative sht aktualisht produkt i teknologjis s lart dhe i pjesmarrjes gjith-nj e m t gjer t aktorve t

    ndryshm n procesin e ko-munikimit e t shkmbimit. Personalisht jam dakort me Kovach dhe Rosenstiel kur sugjerojn njohjen nga ana e publikve t disa mnyrave

    pr vlersimin e informacion-it, q mund e duhet t bhen t njohura prmes procesit t edukimit n nivele t ndryshme shkollimi.

    What impact would have in society the request for standards in ethics media? What would differ in the Albanian society if the rules of ethics would eliminate the media commercial aspect for any media broadcasting, especially television?

    I think that we cannot talk about elimination of the media commercial aspect because nowadays we talk about media industry. The competition in this market, the efforts to increase the audience impose an increase of the attention to the reliable information, solemnity and deep analysis of events, application of different genres, and many other aspects. Especially to the expertise of events that shall make the distinction between the professional journalists and citizen-journalists, which are active in the social networks, the new media but do not have the professional filters to select the data and to reflect it with standards. Regarding the

    effect of ethics media level in society, it can be said that the history of its development has shown the great influence of the media product to the consumer, in many aspects that Xhozef Dominik treats in details in his book Dynamic of Massive Communication. The concept of connection between what is said or seen and the behaviour of the people, it is clearly expressed in the presence of the tense language as a general expression of the language that transmits media nowadays.

    It can be noticed that the great part of the information imposed to us by media contains stress and has a negative effect to any age group. Where do you think would lead the society such stress, caused consciously or unconsciously? What can you say about the overloading information?

    There are many debates about the role of black chronicle, such as a sign of lack of development, or drawing the public attention or finding the news with less effort. I think that it aggravates the psychology of the media consumers, slowly suffocates the hope for a better life, weakens the so called catharsis process that is pretended to go along with the objective reflection of the creation and social reaction. I think that the respecting of the boundaries is a professional criteria to establish another balance between the rubrics with different content, and it is important that the media owners or directors to not have as priority the profit and increasing their influence for winning the tenders that are periodically disclosed. Overloading information is a product of advanced technology and of the growing participation of different actors in the communication and exchange process. Personally, I agree with Kovach and Rosenstiel regarding the suggestion that some publishers should be aware of some ways of assessing the information, which can be learned during different levels of school education.

    Prpjekjet pr zgjerimin e

    audiencave imponojn nj rritje t vmendjes ndaj

    informacionit t besueshm...

    The efforts to increase the audience impose an

    increase of the attention to the reliable information...

    Prktheu/Translated by Ermira Rapushi

  • 21



    The principal source of guidance in alk Holdings successful enterprizes in 5 continents and 17 countries have been the fundamental values of alk Holding that are primarily

    founded upon Humanitarian Values.


  • 22

    Z. Dervishi, periodikisht flitet pr raporte t progresit apo ecuris s medias n Shqipri, por cila mendoni se sht realisht situata me ecurin e medias n aspektin e funksionit kryesor q ka, pra informimin e publikut? sht nj pyetje q krkon koh dhe hapsir pr tu prgjigjur. Media n Shqipri mund t prmblidhet n nj kokteil ku spikat larmia, sasia, klientelizmi, auto censura, politizimi, pak profesionalizm etj. Vet media sht n nj ndryshim t vazhdueshm, por modeli sesi do t funksionoj nga pikpamja ekonomike nuk sht gjendur ende. Konsumatort jan msuar tashm q informacionin ta marrin falas. Vet media sht n nj rreth vicioz, televizonet n mngjes lexojn gazetat, gazetat n mbrmje shohin televizor. Dhe t dyja bashk (TV dhe gazeta) botojn statuset n facebook dhe twitter.

    Kemi t pranishme edhe median sociale dhe efektet e saj ende nuk po kuptohen e rroken plotsisht nga media tradicionale. Pr sa u prket vshtirsive financiare t medias dhe rrezikut t punsimit pr gazetart, flitet pr nj kriz t thell financiare n media. Ku qndron realisht media jon n kt kontekst n krahasim me rajonin dhe vendet e zhvilluara?

    Kriza ekonomike ka t bj me tregun. Nse do t funksiononin ligjet e tregut, mund t themi se Shqipria nuk ka treg pr 30 gazeta t prditshme, 200 gazeta periodike, 60 radio, mbi 80 televizione dhe dhjetra portale online. Pr fat t keq, media nuk operon sipas ligjeve t tregut. Prgjithsisht punohet me stafe t vogla dhe nuk mund t flitet pr gazetari profesionale, por vetm pr gazetari pasqyr. Ai tha kt, ai ju prgjigj, ata nuk reaguan etj., etj..N kt kaos, edhe t ardhurat

    Shpresa mbetet te gazetaria online

    Investigative journalism is easy to write about but hard to do

    Pr gazetarin investigative sht e leht t shkruash dhe vshtir ta bsh

    Lutfi Dervishi:Intervist me Z. Lutfi Dervishi, gazetar-analist, Drejtor i Lajmeve n Vizion Plus


    nga reklama grimcohen n shum duar. Sepse shum operator t fuqishm ekonomik nuk shprndajn reklam bazuar n audiencn, tirazhin, numrin e prdoruesve, por japin reklam pr t mbyllur gojn. Ende nuk ka operator t pavarur dhe t fuqishm pr matjen e audiencs. N kt kuptim, Shqipria mbetet rast i veant n rajon.

    A mbetet media shqiptare e lidhur/jo e lir n vendimmarrjen e przgjedhjes s lajmit, apo jemi n nj Dj vu t prjetshme?

    Media, prgjithsisht, nuk i merr vendimet mbi baza profesionale; ka do t thot q redaktort dhe kryeredaktort t marrin vendimet mbi bazn e ndrgjegjes tyre profesionale dhe jo t diktuara nga interesat politike t dits apo interesat ekonomike t botuesve dhe investitorve n media. Tashm kemi modn e mediave q jan live, por nuk japin lajme. Jemi n kohn e bollkut t informacioneve, por mungess s lajmeve.

    N lidhje me gazetarin investigative, ku qndrojm tani dhe sa ndryshim shihni me fazat e mparshme t zhvillimit t medias?

    Pr gazetarin investigative sht e leht t shkruash dhe vshtir ta bsh. N nj vend t vogl, ku gjysma e qytetit njeh gjysmn tjetr dhe ku interesat e t gjithve (veanrisht botuesve) jan t pranishme, gazetaria investigative mbetet ende nj ndrr apo edhe aty ku ka nisur nj zhvillim embrional. (Me prjashtime t rralla, duket se askush nuk ka dshir dhe nge t marr plugun pr t lruar nj terren t pasur me abuzime). Shpresa mbetet online, ku dokush mund t shprehet, kostoja sht m e lir dhe ndikimi botuesve sht afr zeros.

  • 23

    Mr. Dervishi, it is periodically talked about media performance or progress reports in Albania, but what do you think is the real situation of the media performance in terms of its main function to inform the public?

    It is a question that requires time and space to answer. The media in Albania can be summed up in a cocktail of variety, quantity, clientelism, auto censorship, politicization, little professionalism, etc. Media itself is in constant change but the way it will work in the economic standpoint is not found yet. The consumers are already accustomed to receiving free information. Media itself is in a vicious circle, televisions read the newspapers in the morning and the newspapers watch television in the evening. And both (TVs and newspapers) publish statuses on Facebook and Twitter.

    With regard to the media financial difficulties and the employment risk for reporters and journalists, there are rumours about a deep financial crisis in the media. What is actually our medias position in this context in comparison to the region and the developed countries?

    The economic crisis is related to the market. If the market rules functioned properly, we could say that Albania has no market for 30 daily newspapers, 200 periodicals, 60 radios, over 80 TV channels, and dozens of online portals. Unfortunately, the media does not operate under the market rules. It generally works with a small staff and it cannot be talked about professional journalism, but only about mirror journalism. He said this, he replied, they did not react, etc., etc.In this chaos, ads revenues are shared among many

    Our Hope lies in online media

    Interview with Mr. Lutfi Dervishi, journalist-analyst and news director of Vizion Plus


    hands as well; because many powerful economic operators do not deliver advertisements based on audience, circulation, number of users, but they deliver advertisement to make the media shut up. There are no independent and robust operators for audience measurements yet. In this sense, Albania remains a special case in the region.

    Does the Albanian media remain restricted/not free in the news selection decisions or are we in an eternal dj vu?

    The media generally does not take decisions on professional grounds, which would mean that editors and editors-in-chief would make decisions on the basis of their professional conscience and not dictated by political interests of the day or economic interests of publishers and media investors. We already have the trend of the live media, which do not provide any news. We are in the time of information abundance and lack of news.

    In relation to the investigative journalism, where do we stand now and what differences do you see compared to the earlier stages of media development?

    Investigative journalism is easy to write about but hard to do. In a small place where half of the town knows the other half and everyones interests (especially publishers) are present, investigative journalism still remains a dream, or just an embryonic development. (With rare exceptions, it seems that no one wants to plough a field rich in abuse). The only hope is the online portals where everyone can express themselves, the cost is cheaper and the publishers influence is near zero.

  • 24

    Kompania Diamant sh.p.k, me nj reputacion shum t mir ndr vite n tregun vendas dhe rajonal, sht lider n fushn e transportit dhe logjistiks. Kjo kompani sht vlersuar me tituj t ndryshm ndrkombtar. N vitin 2007 ka marr n Paris mimin e art me motivacionin Excellence in Transportation. Ofron transporte me dimensione t mdha dhe ka realizuar me sukses shum projekte. N nj intervist ekskluzive, administratori i ksaj kompanie Z. Perikli Goga na flet m gjer pr arritjen e ktij suksesi me kapital 100% Shqiptar.

    Z. Goga, kompania Diamant ka nj emr intrigues q t bn t mendosh direkt pr dika t muar. Por si lindi ideja e krijimit t nj kompanie t till dhe far ofron kjo kompani pr konsumatorin shqiptar?

    Diamant sh.p.k, a company of a very good reputation for many years in the domestic and regional market, is the leader in the fields of transportation and logistics. This company has won different international prizes. In year 2007, it was awarded the gold prize in Paris with the motivation of Excellence in Transportation. It provides transportation of large dimensions, and has performed many successful projects. Mr. Perikli Goga, the administrator of this company, in an exclusive interview, gives us more details about the reaching of this success with a 100% Albanian capital.

    Mr. Goga, Diamant Company has an intriguing name which makes us think of something precious. How did the idea of creating such a company come into your mind, and what does this company offer to the Albanian consumers?



    Nga/By Foriana PROKO


  • 25

    Nprmjet nj rrjeti t gjer

    korrespondentsh, ne sot kemi mundsi t drgojm dhe t

    marrim ngarkesa t dimensioneve t


    Today, we have the capability, through a wide network of correspondents, to send and receive

    cargos of different dimensions

    I kindly thank you for the opportunity to give this interview. I can say that, Diamant is something very treasured to me, my family and broader than that. This name was given in honor of one of my family member`s name. The idea of creating this company came as a result of a huge experience that I had while working in the Port of Durrs, in the beginning as the supervisor of the loading and unloading area of the port, and then as officer in the governmental office for the distribution of aids during 1991-1993.For three consecutive years I did the daily distribution of 300 trucks of Italian military aids during the Pelikan Operation. In this work place I got to know many foreign distributors and transporters, and amongst them Mr. Piergiorgio Colombo, director of Schenker in Trieste at that time, and the current director of Diamant Italia, the one who encouraged me to undertake this courageous initiative for the creation of this company. Today, we have the capability, through a wide network of correspondents, to send and receive cargos of different dimensions, and we can load goods in every corner of the world within 48 hours upon the receipt of order. We provide transportation of large dimensions, and actually we are the only licensed company in Albania in this field. .Diamant Company provides everything related to legal transportation, from small packages up to 200 tons.We have performed many successful projects such as: transportations for the cement factory in Fush-Kruj, Borizan, Balldren, electric power generators and converters, with a weight of over 100 tons, for the Fierza hydroelectric power station, the Vlora power plant, the hydropower plant of Vlush of orovoda, in Prmet, Kuks etc. We participated in the transportation of every water supplier almost all around Albania; we have

    shprndarjen e ndihmave.Pr tre vjet me radh kam br shprndarjen e 300 kamionve n dit me ndihma t ushtris italiane gjat Operacionit Pelikan. N kt vend pune u njoha me mjaft spedicioner dhe transportues t huaj. Njri prej tyre, drejtori i Schenker-it t Triestes n at koh, z. Piergiorgio Colombo q sot sht drejtori i Diamant Italia, m shtyu t marr iniciativn e guximshme pr krijimin e ksaj kompanie.Nprmjet nj rrjeti t gjer korrespondentsh, ne sot kemi mundsi t drgojm dhe t marrim ngarkesa t dimensioneve t ndryshme; mund t ngarkojm mallra n do cep t globit brenda 48 orve nga marrja e porosis.

    Ne ofrojm transporte t dimensioneve t mdha dhe jemi aktualisht e vetmja kompani n Shqipri e licencuar pr kt gj. Kompania Diamant ofron gjithka q ka t bj me transportin e ligjshm, q nga pakot e vogla deri te peshat 200-tonshe. Ne kemi realizuar me sukses shum projekte si: transporte pr fabrikat e imentos n Fush-Kruj, Borizan e Balldren; gjenerator e transformator mbi 100 ton pr hidrocentralin e Fierzs, pr termocentralin e Vlors, pr petroliferen, pr hidrocentralin n Vlush t orovods, n Prmet, n Kuks etj. Kemi marr pjes n transportin e do ujsjellsi, pothuajse n t gjith Shqiprin; kemi transportuar dhe shprngulur puse nafte n Shqipri si n Vlor, Kanin, Shpirag, Molisht, Gjirokastr etj.

    Kemi mbajtur nj barr t madhe n transport gjat lufts dhe rindrtimit t Kosovs: kemi transportuar rreth 1000 shtpi parafabrikate, ushqime, medikamente, si edhe mbshtets logjistik n Shqipri pr ushtrit spanjolle, gjermane dhe amerikane.Ne ofrojm shrbimin logjistik fal nj terminali modern prej 30.000 m2 dhe

    Perikli GOGAAdministrator


    Ju falnderoj pr mundsin e ksaj interviste. Mund tju them q Diamant sht vrtet dika e muar pr mua, pr familjen time dhe pak m gjer. Ky emr sht vn pr nder t emrit t nj familjari. Ideja pr t krijuar kt kompani erdhi si rrjedhoj e nj eksperience t madhe q un krijova duke punuar n Portin e Durrsit, fillimisht si prgjegjs i nj zone t ngarkim- shkarkimit t portit dhe n fund n periudhn 1991-1993 si npuns n zyrn e qeveris pr

    transported and displaced oil wells in Albania such as in Vlora, Kanina, Shpirag, Molisht, Gjirokastr etc.We had a considerable role in transportation during the war and the reconstruction in Kosovo: the transportation of around 1000 prefabricated houses, food, medications, and logistic support in Albania for the Spanish, German and US armies. Thanks to a modern terminal of 30.000 m2 and a modern system of 8.000 m2 of warehouses, out of which 4000 m2 are customs related, we provide logistic services. Nowadays, we have contracts with world giant businesses such as: Gorenje from Slovenia, Huawei Technology from China (one of the major partners of Eagle Mobile, Worth, Lukoil, Fuji Film, etc.).Our company, nowadays, is the only mere logistic company in Albania, and every day we connect the Balkan capital cities to our warehouse in Durres. By investing in Albania this is what we generally provide for the Albanian and foreign consumers. At present, we are as well engaged in the competition for the selection of the TAP project transport which will take place this year.

  • 26


    How successful was Diamant in Albania and beyond?

    The success of Diamant is measured by its growth, and the appraisal we have received. We started our work in year 1994, with a container office and a van, in the Port of Durrs. Today we have in ownership tens of vehicles of transportation, modern warehouses, modern terminals, and a qualified staff of 35 employees. With our means and offers we participate in almost every project under construction or to be constructed. In year 2007, in Paris, we won the international gold prize with the motivation of Excellence in Transportation for excellent work, honesty, and correctness in relations with the state and foreign partners. Our company has been visited by 2 former prime ministers of Albania, Mr. Aleksander Meksi and Mr. Sali Berisha, by the actual ambassador of Slovenia Mr. Bojan Bratokovic, and many other personalities of the Albanian and world business. Actually Diamant is the sponsor and honorary member of the Albanian Orphans Foundation,

    nj sistemi magazinash moderne prej 8.000 m2, nga t cilat 4000 m2 jan doganore. Sot ne kemi kontrata me kolos t bizneseve botrore si: Gorenj, Slloveni, Huawei Technology nga Kina (q sht nj nga partnert kryesore t Eagle Mobile, Worth, Lukoil, Fuji Film, etj.Sot pr sot, kompania jon sht e vetmja kompani e mirfillt logjistike n Shqipri; lidhim do jav kryeqytetet e Ballkanit me magazinn ton n Durrs.Kto jan n prgjithsi ato q ne ofrojm pr konsumatorin shqiptar, por edhe pr t huajt q investojn n Shqipri. S fundmi jemi t prfshir dhe n garn pr przgjedhjen e transportuesit t projektit TAP q do t zhvillohet kt vit.

    Sa e suksesshme ka qen kompania Diamant n Shqipri dhe m gjer?

    Sukseset e kompanis Diamant maten me rritjen e saj, si dhe me vlersimet q kemi marr. Ne e kemi filluar aktivitetin ton n vitin 1994, vetm me nj zyr konteniersh dhe nj fugon n Portin e Durrsit. Sot kemi nn pronsi dhjetra mjete transporti, magazina moderne, terminal modern dhe nj staf t kualifikuar prej 35 punonjsish. Pothuajse n do projekt q ndrtohet ose sht n plan pr tu ndrtuar, ne jemi prezent me mjetet dhe me ofertat tona. N vitin 2007 kemi marr n Paris mimin e art ndrkombtar me motivacionin Excellence in Transportation, pr pun t shklqyer, ndershmri dhe korrektes n marrdhnie me shtetin dhe partner t huaj. Kompania jon sht vizituar nga 2 ish-kryeministrat e Shqipris z. Aleksander Meksi dhe z. Sali Berisha, si edhe nga ambasadori aktual i Sllovenis z. Bojan Bratokovic dhe mjaft personalitete t ndryshme t biznesit shqiptar dhe atij botror.Diamant aktualisht sht sponsor dhe antar nderi i Shoqats s Jetimeve Shqiptar, sponsor i Kryqit t Kuq Shqiptar Dega Durrs, i Shoqats Durrsi etj. Kto jan parametrat me t cilt ne matim suksesin ton.

    Me far vshtirsish jeni prballur n treg?

    Si me t gjith bizneset e tjer, vshtirsit kan qen nga m t ndryshmet, duke filluar nga konkurrenca e pandershme, kriza globale, paaftsia e disa strukturave shtetrore pr t ndjekur vrapin ton etj. Natyrisht ne vazhdojm t prballemi me kto vshtirsi dhe po prpiqemi q ti kaprcejm ato. Kriza globale prej dy vitesh na ka msuar sesi ti prballojm vshtirsit dhe t ecim prpara. Themi se ia kemi arritur qllimit, por kurr mos thuaj kurr; lufta vazhdon. Un shpresoj q nga kjo kriz ne do t dalim m t fort. Ne kemi si piksynim t mbetemi n krye t kompanive t sektorit ton n Ballkan.

    sponsor of the Albanian Red Cross of the Durrs Unit, Durrs Foundation etc. These are the parameters by which we measure our success.

    What are the market difficulties you are faced with?

    Like all the other businesses, the difficulties have been different, starting from the unfair competition, global crisis, inability of some state structures to comply with our speed etc. Of course that we continue to face these difficulties and we are trying to overcome them!The global crisis of almost two years has taught us how to withstand and move forward. We think that we reached the target but never say never; the battle goes on. I hope that we will come out stronger from this crisis. We aim to remain on the top of companies of our sector in the Balkans.

    Sukseset e kompanis Diamant maten me rritjen e saj

    The success of Diamant is measured by its growth

    Prktheu/Translated by Ilir BIBERAJ

  • 27


    Filloni blerjen e shtpis tuaj me avantazhin 5 me 0

    Thjesht, nj ofert e shklqyer!

    interes%pr 5 vitet e funditpr vitin e par

  • 28

    Aleksandr KADIQI - Selanik - iPhone 4s

    Aleksandr KADIQI - Tiran - iPhone 4s

    Shkelqim Halilaj - Ura e Kasabashit (Skrapar) -Huawei Ascend Y 200

    Megi MARSHYTI, iPh

    one 5

    Sara VORPSI Librazhd - Sony Xperia

    Ndriim Tomja - Kafe sa lind dielli - Durrs - Nokia E71

  • 29

    Asim BREGU - Pema e Murosur

    - nokia e71

    Valmir GJOKA, iPhone 4S , Syri i Kaltr Sarand

    Valmir GJOKA, iPhone 4S , Syri

    i Kaltr Sarand

    Sara VORPSI Voskopoj - Sony Xperia

    Shklqim HALILAJ-Kanionet e Osumit, Huawei Ascend Y 200

    Doriana MACKA - Dhrmi - Nokia N


  • 30


    FestON; dikush

    mori Brunen!

    ALBtelecom ka dhuruar edh

    e Brunen,

    nj tjetr Porsche 911 Carrera

    , mes nj

    feste t vrtet t quajtur Fes

    tON. Super

    eventi i dhurimit ka grumbullu

    ar do

    grupmosh n pedonalen M

    urat Toptani

    n Tiran. Mijra surpriza jan

    ofruar pr

    do pjesmarrs n kt eve

    nt q zgjati

    tri dit me radh, n datat 18

    , 19 dhe 20

    tetor, nga ora 10 e paradites,

    deri n 8 t


    Fituesi me fat i Brunes s A


    dhe Eagle Mobile sht przg

    jedhur n

    nj transmetim t drejtprdre

    jt televiziv

    (n TV Klan) dhe sht qyteta

    ri nga Puka,

    Gjet Marku. Dhurimi i super m


    Porsche Carrera 911 sht b

    r mbrmjen

    e s shtuns, ku Drejtori i Pr

    gjithshm i

    ALBtelecom Z. Erkan Tabak i

    ka dhuruar

    elsat e

    super makins

    Z. Marku, duke

    nnvizuar se

    krahas liris s


    q kompania

    ofron me

    ofertat dhe


    e saj, ajo

    synon edhe

    t surprizoj me aktivitete t t


    Ndrsa Drejtoresha e Marke

    tingut, Znj.

    Floreta Zhulali ka premtuar s

    e s shpejti

    ALBtelecom dhe Eagle bhe

    n gati edhe

    pr nj tjetr surpriz q pr


    mbetet enigm.

    ALBtelecom has finally given

    away the

    brunette Porsche Carrera 9

    11 during a

    really great party, FestON. T

    he Super

    Event brought together all ag

    e groups in

    the Murat Toptani pedestria

    n walkway

    in Tirana. Thousands of surpr

    ises were

    provided for each participan

    t in the

    event which lasted three day

    s in a row:

    October 18, 19, and 20, from

    10 AM to

    8 PM.The lucky winn

    er of the ALBtelecom and

    Eagle Mobile Brunette is a m

    an from

    Puka, Gjet Marku, who was th

    e winner

    of the draw on a live TV show

    (on TV

    Klan). The Porsche Carrera 9

    11 was

    given away on Saturday even

    ing, when

    the ALBtelecom CEO Mr. Erk

    an Tabak

    gave Mr. Marku the keys of t

    he supercar,

    stating that in addition to the

    freedom of

    communication the compan

    y provides

    to its customers through its o

    ffers and

    services, it also aims to surpri

    se them

    with such amazing activities.


    the Marketing Communicatio

    n Director

    Mrs. Floreta Zhulali promised


    ALBtelecom and Eagle will v

    ery soon

    bring another surprise, but fo

    r the

    moment it still remains an en


    The three-day Super Event w

    as crowned

    with a super concert by the


    Albanian singers, such as Flo

    ri Mumajesi,

    Mariza Ikonomi, Miriam Cani,


    Ademi & Band, Mc Kresha, S

    tresi, Fjolla

    Morina, Nora Istrefi, Alban Sk


    Eugent Bushpepa, Kamela, R


    Dhurimi i super makins Por

    sche Carrera 911

    sht br mbrmjen e s sh

    tuns, ku Drejtori i

    Prgjithshm i ALBtelecom Z

    . Erkan Tabak i ka

    dhuruar elsat e super mak

    ins Z. Marku

    The Porsche Carrera 911 was

    given away on Saturday

    evening, when the ALBteleco

    m CEO Mr. Erkan Tabak

    gave Mr. Marku the keys of t

    he supercar

    ALBtelecom dhe Eagle

    bhen gati edhe

    pr nj tjetr surpriz q

    pr momentin mbetet


    ALBtelecom and Eagle will

    very soon

    bring another surprise, but

    for the

    moment it still remains an


    FestON in the Capital; Som


    Got the Brunette


  • 31


  • 32

    Pr t gjitha grupmoshat, ve

    anrisht pr

    fmijt dhe t rinjt, jan or

    ganizuar shfaqje t

    vazhdueshme t cirkut t Ti

    rans, me klloun,

    lojra shpejtsie, vizatim fyty

    re pr fmijt,

    akrobat, xhongler, etj.





    Super eventi tri-ditor sht ku


    me nj super koncert ku perf


    kngtart m t njohur shq

    iptar, si: Flori

    Mumajesi, Mariza Ikonomi, M

    iriam Cani,

    Vedat Ademi &Band, Mc Kres

    ha, Stresi,

    Fjolla Morina, Nora Istrefi, Al

    ban Sknderaj,

    Eugent Bushpepa, Kamela, R

    enis Gjoka,

    Crossbones dhe Bojken Lako

    . Publiku

    kryeqytetas pati mundsin t


    gjat gjith dits, nga mngj

    esi deri n

    mbrmje dhe t gjith t apa


    pas teknologjis jan zbavitur

    me lojrat

    elektronike, nn ritmin e vazh

    dueshm t

    muziks. Gjat dits s dyt (

    dat 19 tetor)

    surprizat kan vazhduar me

    hedhjen e

    shorteut sipas rimbushjeve t

    kryera gjat

    dits n Shtpizat e Ofertave


    & Eagle Mobile, t vendosura

    te pedonalja.

    Aty jan dhuruar shum mim

    e, ndr t

    cilt disa smartfon, si Sams

    ung Galaxy S3

    dhe ZTE.

    Pr t gjitha grupmoshat, ve


    pr fmijt dhe t rinjt, jan


    shfaqje t vazhdueshme t ci

    rkut t

    Tirans, me klloun, lojra sh


    vizatim fytyre pr fmijt, akro


    xhongler, etj.

    Roboti Albot dhe Laser sho

    w ishin nj

    arsye m shum pr t ndjeku

    r kt super

    aktivitet q dhuroi mjaft emo

    cion pr t

    gjith t pranishmit. Super Po

    rsche-i i par,

    Bjondja u dhurua n fillim t

    vers, gjat

    nj tjetr super eventi n she

    shin Nn

    Tereza n kryeqytet.


  • 33




























    performances of

    clowns, speed games,

    face painting, acrobats,

    jugglers, etc. were

    given by the Circus

    of Tirana for all age

    groups, particularly for

    the children and youth.














    Gjoka, Crossbones, and Bojk

    en Lako. The

    public of the capital had the

    opportunity to

    get entertained throughout

    the day from

    morning to evening, and all


    lovers could enjoy the video

    games under

    the continuous sound of mu

    sic. On the

    second day (October 19) surp

    rises continued

    with the lottery draw as per

    the recharges

    made during the day at the A


    & Eagle Mobile Huts of Offer

    s in the

    pedestrian street. Many prize

    s were given

    there, as well including smar

    tphones such as

    Samsung Galaxy S3 and ZTE


    Continuous performances of

    clowns, speed

    games, face painting, acroba

    ts, jugglers, etc.

    were given by the Circus of

    Tirana for all

    age groups, particularly for th

    e children and

    youth. Also, another good re

    ason to attend

    this super event was Albot, th

    e Robot and

    the Laser Show, which prov

    ided great

    excitement for all the partici


    The first Super Porsche, the

    blonde one,

    was given away in the beginn

    ing of summer

    during another super event a

    t the Mother

    Teresa Square in the capital.


  • 34

    Elvana, Down-to-earth, but ready to jump on new opportunities

    Me kmb n tok, por gjithmon e gatshme pr risi



  • 35

    Nj nga artistet m trheqse t skens shqiptare, Elvana Gjata vjen n nj intervist t posame pr lexuesin e Eagle Mag. N nj koh kur tregu muzikor shqiptar sht i mbin-garkuar me prurje t shumta apo me prob-lemet e tij tipike, Elvana e ndjen t nevojshme t sjell rryma t reja dhe inovatore, duke qen gjithmon e gatshme t bashkpunoj me em-rat m t suksesshm t momentit n muz-ikn shqiptare, e pse jo dhe m gjer. Pr mua sht knaqsi t jap kontributin tim n pasurimin e vlerave t tregut ton muzikor n Shqipri, thot Elvana, ndrkoh q nuk do ta refuzonte nj projekt t mir kinematografik, n-drra e saj e kahershme....

    One of the most attrac-tive artists of the Albani-an stage, Elvana Gjata, comes in an exclusive interview for Eagle Mag readers. At a time when the Albanian music market is overloaded with new entries or with other typical problems, Elvana feels it necessary to bring new and inno-vative trends, being al-ways ready to cooperate with the most successful names of the moment in the Albanian music

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