ecommerce by bhawani nandan prasad

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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E-Business E-Commerce

By Bhawani nandan prasad

Online Marketing Strategy

Affiliate Marketing

Website Flipping

Lead Generation


Digital Marketing

Ad film Based Marketing through Various Video clip channels

Email marketing campaign

Content Marketing

Call To Action Marketing

Main methods to measure the Return on Investment and success of events

Analysis of social media content

Monitoring of sales results and new leads

Implementing questionnaires and monitoring attendance

Media coverage reports

Evaluating employee engagement

Solicitations Vs participation

Website clicks

Costs vs. opportunities



Measuring the incremental revenue that came from the business contacts created during

the event.



Developing E-Business Models E-Event performed research process of identifying the functional process flows of a business and

then modeling how the application of e-business procedures can result in competitive advantage.

•This requires a six-step process:

1.Identify the functional areas and major player.

2.Indicate how these area are linked and the directions of the flow process.

3.Determine what e-business tools and techniques can be applied to the business model.

4.Develop a new e-business model flow.

5.Evaluate the competitive advantages of the model by using a value chain analysis.

6.Determine the likelihood of acceptance of the new model.

Web site will be having all the following 10 important standard points:

1. A good catchy Url :

2. Logical web pages, industry standard eye-catching screen wireframes design, easy navigation

3. Crucial Business information

4. Contact Information ( Click to Call)

5. Security (ssl and verisign capability)

6. Social Media Integration

7. Mobile ready Version ( ligher version)

8. FAQ - Frequently asked questions



9. Good Hosting ( Application Cluster, Cloud based Infrastructure, BI Reports and Dashboards,

High performance)

10. What should not be there ( Large Images, Videos, Flashes etc.)

Technical aspects E-Event System Technical Framework:

An E-Event system will possess characteristics such as –



- Security

- Flexibility

- Scalability

- Availability

- Adaptability

- Manageability

- Maintainability

- Inter-operability

- Load balancing

- Fault Tolerant Systems

PROJECT DESIGN The E-Commerce System project management is similar to IT project management where we

can follow either traditional Project Management or Agile Project management concepts. Project

Design should be based on SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) either water fall or

iterative incremental project life cycle model. In the beginning, we must have clearly defined

scope, high level product features.

In order to design a web site, the relational database must be designed first. Conceptual design

can be divided into two parts: The data model and the process model. The data model focuses

on what data should be stored in the database while the process model deals with how the data is



processed. To put this in the context of the relational database, the data model is used to design

the relational tables. The process model is used to design the queries that will access and perform

operations on those tables.


The Web is built on the HyperText Transfer Protocol. HTTP is a client/server request/reply

protocol that is stateless. That is, the protocol does not make any association between one

transaction and another; e.g.: time since the last transaction, type or client involved in the last

transaction, what data was exchanged between the client and the server. As far as HTTP is

concerned, each transaction is a discrete event. But this is not what we want in a shopping cart

application because we need to preserve the user’s shopping selection as they proceed with their

purchase, in addition it is useful to have the access to their past purchase history and personal

preferences. Carrying information from one page to another can be achieved by several ways,

such as Cookies, Session variables, Post variables, etc. A cookie is a small file that has a

maximum age, a domain and path of applicability, and a security specification. Any time a server

sends a response to a client, it may include one or more Set-Cookie headers. When a client

receives a Set-cookie header, it stores the content of the header and the cookie, for later use. In

our application, every time the client selects an item to put in the shopping cart, the server can

send a Set-Cookie whose content is the ID of the item, and whose domain and path of

applicability are the URL of the order/payment page. Then, when the user goes to order and pay,

the client will send the Cookie headers for each of the selected items. Upon receiving this

request, the server can parse the supplied cookies and charge the user appropriately for the

selected items. Cookies may also be used to identify the users.



However, cookies are very insecure to use since they are transmitted as plain text and the server

has no control over how cookies are stored in at the client’s side. Another approach is based on a

notion of session ID. These notions provide means for the server to track the requests of a client

through a “session”, but unlike cookies, which are stored on the client, Session variables are

stored on the Server. A session starts when a user logs in and ends when they log off from the

website. The Session object is used to store information about, or change settings for a user

session. Variables stored in the Session object hold information about one single user, and are

available to all pages in one application. Common information stored in session variables are

name, id, and preferences. The server creates a new Session object for each new user, and

destroys the Session object when the session expires. In this project, the concept of session

variables will be used for maintaining state information.

Business Intelligence for trends Business Intelligence is very important to capture online transactions, customers movements into database

historically, perform predictive & prescriptive analysis and forecast trends, patterns which are very

beneficial for management to predict and perform strategic planning for growth of the Business.

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the ability to collect and analyze huge amount of data pertaining to the

customers, vendors, markets, internal processes, and the business environment. A data warehouse is the

corner stone of an enterprise-wide business intelligence solution; various analytical (OLAP) and data

mining tools are used to turn data the stored in the data warehouse into actionable information.





Business intelligence necessity for ecommerce: Advertising-Effectiveness Related Questions: What source of advertising is pulling in the

maximum amount of traffic? Which advertising is generating the most sales? What ad creative

is converting best?

Navigation-Effectiveness Related Questions: What elements of navigation are people using

the most? What are they using the least? What is causing visitors to go around in circles? Are

they reaching their desired page upon using the search box?

Loyalty-Related Questions: What customers buy repeatedly? Where did these customers

come from? How do they reach their desired products? How many of them respond to mailers

and other forms of marketing communication?

Marketing Plan Effectiveness Related Questions: How price sensitive are customers?

What affiliatesare sending in the best traffic?

SEO Related Questions: What key phrases are sending the best traffic? What strategies are

leading to the greatest SEO success?

Social Marketing Related Questions: Are social sites sending you traffic? What is working in

your social media efforts, and what is not? Are you able to generate a return on investment

from social media?

Pay Per Click Strategy Related Questions: What keywords are the best converting? Are

your PPC optimization efforts bearing fruit?

E Business Analysis



The Internet has emerged as a powerful alternative channel for established retailers. Increasing

competition from retailers operating purely over the Internet - commonly known as 'e-tailers' -

has forced the 'Bricks and Mortar' retailers to quickly adopt this channel. Their success would

largely depend on how they use the Net to complement their existing channels. Web logs and

Information forms filled over the web are very rich sources of data that can provide insightful

information about customer's browsing behaviour, purchasing patterns, likes and dislikes, etc.

Two main types of analysis done on the web site data are:

1. Web Log Analysis: This involves analyzing the basic traffic information over the e-commerce

web site. This analysis is primarily required to optimize the operations over the Internet. It

typically includes following analyses:

2. Site Navigation: An analysis of the typical route followed by the user while navigating the

web site. It also includes an analysis of the most popular pages in the web site. This can

significantly help in site optimization by making it more user- friendly.

3. Referrer Analysis: An analysis of the sites, which are very prolific in diverting traffic to the

company’s web site.

4. Error Analysis: An analysis of the errors encountered by the user while navigating the web

site. This can help in solving the errors and making the browsing experience more pleasurable.

5. Keyword Analysis: An analysis of the most popular keywords used by various users in

Internet search engines to reach the retailer’s e-commerce web site.

6. Web Housing: This involves integration of web log data with data from other sources like the

POS transactions, third party data vendors etc. Once the data is collected in a single customer



centric data warehouse, often referred to as ‘Web house’, all the applications already described

under CRM can be implemented. Often a retailer wants to design specific campaigns for users

who purchase from the e-commerce web site. In this case, segmentation and profiling can be

done specifically for the ‘e-customers’ to understand their needs and browsing behaviour. It can

also be used to personalize the content of the e-commerce web site for these users.

We suggest data mining tools should be used to develop customized models for calculating

customer lifetime value.

7. Customer Loyalty Analysis: It is more economical to retain an existing customer than to

acquire a new one. To develop effective customer retention programs it is vital to analyze the

reasons for customer attrition. Business Intelligence helps in understanding customer attrition

with respect to various factors influencing a customer and at times one can drill down to

individual transactions, which might have resulted in the change of loyalty.

8. Cross Selling: Retailers use the vast amount of customer information available with them to

cross sell other products at the time of purchase. This effort is largely based on the tastes of a

particular customer, which can be analyzed using BI tools based on previous purchases. Retailers

can also 'up sell' - sell more profitable products - to the customer at the time of contact.

9. Product Pricing: Pricing is one of the most crucial marketing decisions taken by retailers.

Often an increase in price of a product can result in lower sales and customer adoption of

replacement products. Using data warehousing and data mining, retailers can develop

sophisticated price models for different products, which can establish price - sales relationships

for the product and how changes in prices affect the sales of other products.



10. Target Marketing: Retailers can optimize the overall marketing and promotion effort by

targeting campaigns to specific customers or groups of customers. Target marketing can be based

on a very simple analysis of the buying habits of the customer or the customer group; but

increasingly data mining tools are being used to define specific customer segments that are likely

to respond to particular types of campaigns.

Analytical CRM

1. Customer Segmentation: Customer segmentation is a vital ingredient in a retail organization's

marketing recipe. It can offer insights into how different segments respond to shifts in

demographics, fashions and trends. For example it can help classify customers in the following


2. Customers who respond to new promotions n Customers who respond to new product

launches Customers who respond to discounts

Customers who show propensity to purchase specific products

Campaign/ Promotion Effectiveness Analysis: Once a campaign is launched its effectiveness can

be studied across different media and in terms of costs and benefits; this greatly helps in

understanding what goes into a successful marketing campaign. Campaign/ promotion

effectiveness analysis can answer questions like:

Which media channels have been most successful in the past for various campaigns?

Which geographic locations responded well to a particular campaign?

What were the relative costs and benefits of this campaign?



Which customer segments responded to the campaign?

Also, E-Event system will enable cookies. Cookies are usually small text files, given ID tags that

are stored on your computer's browser directory or program data subfolders. Cookies are created

when you use your browser to visit a website that uses cookies to keep track of your movements

within the site, help you resume where you left off, remember your registered login, theme

selection, preferences, and other customization functions. The website stores a corresponding

file(with same ID tag)to the one they set in your browser and in this file they can track and keep

information on your movements within the site and any information you may have voluntarily

given while visiting the website, such as email address.

Cookies are often indispensable for websites that have huge databases, need logins, have

customizable themes, other advanced features. Cookies usually don't contain much information



except for the url of the website that created the cookie, the duration of the cookie's abilities and

effects, and a random number. Due to the little amount of information a cookie contains, it

usually cannot be used to reveal your identity or personally identifying information. However,

marketing is becoming increasingly sophisticated and cookies in some cases can be aggressively

used to create a profile of your surfing habits.

There are two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are

created temporarily in your browser's subfolder while you are visiting a website. Once you leave

the site, the session cookie is deleted. On the other hand, persistent cookie files remain in your

browser's subfolder and are activated again once you visit the website that created that particular

cookie. A persistent cookie remains in the browser's subfolder for the duration period set within

the cookie's file.

• Visitors to a business website are the key to the success of the business

• User preferences that are used while surfing the internet can help in understanding the

behavioural pattern of the site visitors

• Managing, analysing and cautious monitoring this data in the right way significantly

improve further traffic to the website, revenues

• It can also help in getting an edge over its competitors

• Web traffic analysis software can be used which can access the logs and create various




Knowledge Management Framework Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) activities generates lots of information on B2B, B2C, ERP

(Enterprise Resource Planning) relevant with suppliers, dealers, customers, strategic partners, regulators

and others related to traditional delivery channels. Firms can enhance communication, collaboration, and

cooperation between knowledge teams using intranet technologies and between the organization and

members of its external organizations using extranet technologies.



Knowledge intensive activities within E-Business



Cluster Technology for E-Commerce E-Event System

E-Event system will use cluster technology for E-Commerce application and Middleware web

server. A cluster is a type of parallel or distributed processing system that consists of a collection

of interconnected stand-alone computers working together as a single, integrated computing

resource. A node the cluster can be a single or multiprocessor system, such as PC, workstation,

or SMP. Each node will have its own memory, I/O devices and operating system. A cluster can

be in a single cabinet or physically separated and connected via a LAN.



Cloud Infrastructure Technology Based E-Event System

E-Event is also exploring to operate in future world-wide based on Cloud IT Infrastructure

Technology. Cloud computing is a blessing for all types of businesses that rely on IT. Let’s try to

understand the basic difference between a cloud based software and a non-cloud based one. A

traditional event management software is installed in your computer or server and only the in-

house staff can access it. On the contrary, when you pay for a cloud based solution, the software

stays in the vendor’s system and you can access it by using a user-name and password from any

internet enabled device.

Cloud technology has the potential to revolutionize event management business. By using a

cloud based event management software, you can enjoy the following benefits.

Accessibility: The biggest advantage of cloud computing is its wide reach. Your employees

can access the software from anywhere and do their work effortlessly. You can decentralize

the workforce and yet get all updates immediately.

For example, if you are organizing three events in three different cities and none of them are

taking place in the city your office is located at, you can send your teams to those three cities to

hire auditorium, contact caterer, and arrange transportation. As the team leaders have log-in

details, they can update their progress in the system and you can generate the report at office.

Similarly, they can also see the number of tickets sold, list of delegates, remaining tasks and

much more. The entire database is accessible to both in-house and on-site teams.

Easier marketing: As the core software is in the cloud, scalability is not an issue. Therefore,

you can build different websites for different events and start promoting events across major

social networks. Cloud based solutions also offer great e-mail marketing facility so that you



can inform potential customers about all the upcoming events and generate a buzz in the

market to boost registration rate.

Affordable: Another major reason for investing in cloud based event management solution.

Computing hardware is costly and it is not only the initial purchase of computers, server etc.

that creates a hole in your pocket, but maintenance and electricity bills too are two ceaseless

expenditure that you have to bear.

With the help of a cloud based event management software, you can save the money you could

have otherwise spent on buying server and appointing a hardware maintenance team.

Maintenance is handled by the service provider and as the software is based on cloud, not in your

hard drive, you get to enjoy the benefits of the latest upgrade as soon as it is released by the


Data security: Data security is a major concern for event management businesses because

customers share their credit card information while buying tickets. If their banking details leak

anyway, your brand reputation will get affected. Cloud based event management software

providers pay close attention to data security and implement several security measures to

protect the data of their clients.

For example, a good event management software will offer IP restricted log-in, maximum log-in

attempts and automatic session timeout feature to make sure nobody gets access to the system,

except genuine users.

Backup: Data storage in cloud is much more secure than in-house data storage systems.

Firstly, if your hard drive crashes due to any reason, you don’t lose the data as it is on cloud.

Secondly, cloud computing service providers always keep backup of your data in separate

servers. Therefore, if their main system fails due to any technical glitch, the backup server will



immediately restore the data. The data backup is taken every minute and thus, the last minute

updates in your website stay safe.

These are some of the advantages only cloud based event management solutions can offer to

event management companies. Cloud computing helps you do your job in a hassle free manner

and opens new avenues for business growth. Whether you have a team of 10 employees and only

4-5 computers or a large firm with hundreds of employees, your event management company can

shine equally with the help of a cloud based event management software.

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