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Thursday, July 15, 2010

16 Pages Number 1332st Year

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‘The Hills’ fanslament end of MTVreality series

“The wind howled like a childscreaming,” said Rigor Sambol,52, a father of six who lives in acoastal shanty town on the out-

Agence France Presse

NUSA DUA, Indonesia – Rep-resentatives from 13 “tiger-rangecountries” on Wednesday drew upa rescue declaration in Bali in abid to save the big cats from ex-tinction. The declaration, which isto be signed in September at a “ti-ger summit” in St. Petersburg inRussia, aims to double the num-ber of wild tigers across theirrange by 2022.

It includes plans to “do every-thing possible to effectively man- AFP PHOTO / ROMEO GACAD / FILES

Continued on page 6

In this photo taken on Febru-ary 12, 2010 shows a rare 12-

year-old Sumatran tigernamed “Trenggani” swimming

in the water within its enclo-sure at Ragunan Zoo in

Jakarta on February 12, 2010.

Tiger-rescue plan to bedrawn up in Indonesia

age, preserve, protect and enhancehabitats”. It also pledges to “workcollaboratively to eradicate poach-ing, smuggling and illegal trade oftigers, their parts and derivatives”.


Residents rebuild their destroyed houses in the village of Arenda, Taytay town, Rizal province, east of Manila on July 14, 2010after Typhoon Conson hit the country’s capital late 13 July. At least 20 people were confirmed dead on July 14 after TyphoonConson ripped across the Philippines, sweeping shanties into the sea and bringing the nation’s capital to a standstill.

20 dead after TyphoonConson smashes Philippines

Continued on page 6

Agence France Presse

MANILA – At least 20 people were confirmed dead on Wednesday after Typhoon Conson rippedacross the Philippines, sweeping shanties into the sea and bringing the nation’s capital to a standstill.Conson hit the Southeast Asian archipelago late on Tuesday before pummelling the densely populatedmain island of Luzon throughout the night with maximum gusts of 120 kilometres (74 miles) an hour.

skirts of Manila that was partly de-stroyed.

“It was so strong, our houseboatnearly got flipped over. I had to take

the children one by one to a nearbygym where they spent the eveningon the cold floor.” Some of theflimsy slum homes erected by

squatters along the coast wereswept away entirely, leaving theshocked residents to scavenge scrapwood to build makeshift shelters,according to an AFP reporter there.

Authorities said 20 people hadbeen confirmed killed, includingtwo squatters from a vast lakesideshanty town near Manila who werecrushed when their homes collapsed.

Nigerian Islamistleader threatensUS: monitors

Six Thai F16 fighterplanes visit Bali

InternationalThursday, July 15, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi

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639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Amlapura (Bali Post) –The ongoing incidents due to the free 3 kg

gas tube which also took lives at some areasare now taken firm measures by Karangasem.To look over the condition of the distributionin here, Karangasem Industry and MarketingAgency then did an inspection to several Elpijidealers last Tuesday (13/7).

Officials found some of them don’t havean official SNI label and also replaced withan easy off plastic seal. Other cases in the areaalso show gas tubes without its rubber seals.

Head of the Agency Ni Made PuspaKumari, who led the inspection, stated thatthese are not safe and can cause leakage andexplosion. For that she asked distributors orsuppliers and Pertamina to be careful withthose conditions.

The inspection was done at Karangsokongand other areas. Puspa Kusmari also stated,besides looking over they also give guidanceby giving suggestions. During transporting it,make sure that it was not slammed so it won’t

Judge Dewa Made Wenten, SH stated thatthe accused is officially verified and have com-mitted crime in distributing fake money as saidat Criminal Code section 245. Judge did notsee any reasons denying the accused actionsand so this punishment should be given.

Meanwhile evidence 33 pieces of fake pa-per money IDR 100 thousand, a cell phoneand a green handkerchief are taken to be de-stroyed. This decision given by the judge isthe same as what public prosecutor AA SatyaMarkendya, SH demanded. When the judgestated the decision, accused seemed calm andthen started to get nervous as it approachesthe final decision. Accused then stated hisopinion on the decision.

Judge thinks the statements by the wit-nesses who were I Putu Mudayasa, I DewaGede Brahmantha, Suswandi alias Timbul, I

Negara, DenPostHeavy rain passing by Jembrana last Monday

(12/7) caused two residents houses atPancaseming, Batuagung Village, Jembrana SubDistrict and Dusun Sekar Kejula, YehembangKauh, crushed due to swept by mud.

Houses are owned by Nengah Aryana (35),resident of tempek Karya Bakti, Pancaseming andKetut Sadia (55) at Sekar Kejula Kelod,Yehembang Kauh Village, Mendoyo. Aryana’shouse was under water mixed by mud comingfrom a cliff at the north of the house. Because ofthe incident a building with farming equipmentsand three shrines crushed.

The kitchen part at the south also fractured.Besides that, two motorbikes owned by Aryanaand his sibling Kayan Wardana (30) swept by theflash flood. The Supra X and Yamaha Cryptonmotorbikes were definitely gone swept by TukadPanca Gede river flow.

Aryana stated the incident happened so fastafter the rain at 1 pm wita. The mud also wentinto the house and very thick. The muds werethen cleaned up by the locals as well. Accordingto him the house with three units’ buildings islived by eight people of two families.

Fake MoneyFake MoneyFake MoneyFake MoneyFake MoneyDistributorDistributorDistributorDistributorDistributorSentenced 5 YearsSentenced 5 YearsSentenced 5 YearsSentenced 5 YearsSentenced 5 YearsDenpasar (Bali Post)-

Accused Ramlan (39) suspected to have distributed fake money was sentencedfor 5 years in a trial at Denpasar District Court last Tuesday (13/7). At a separatetrial, other 4 accused Eko Adi Putra, Suswandi, Ketut Sudiarta and Supriyonoalso sentenced the same.

Nyoman Sudiarta, Supriono alias Pujel, all aresimilar so it proves the accused fault.

From the witnesses’ statements it was re-vealed the accused committed crime on Tues-day 2nd March 2010 at Pramata Street, BanjarTengkulung, Tanjung Benoa Village, SouthKuta, Badung. The accused was captured fol-lowing Eko Adi Putra’s capture the day be-fore. At that time Eko Adi Putra admitted tohave received the fake money from Suswandialias Timbul by buying it at Nusa Dua. Policethen find and capture Suswandi and confis-cated 10 pieces of fake IDR 100 thousand.From Suswandi’s confession, he also gave the200 pieces of fake money to accused Ramlan.That money was then given to I Ketut Sudiartaas much as 100 pieces and the rest saved bythe accused which then 7 pieces given toSupriyono. (015)

Gas Tube InspectionPlastic sealed or evenno rubber seal

be damaged or dented which can easily causeleakage, “We also asked Pertamina to be se-lective on the tubes going to be used or to befilled. If there’s a damaged or dented one, it’sbetter to be changed so it won’t put the con-sumers to danger.”

So far there is no report that it explodedand caused casualties, but she hoped that thesuppliers and consumers to be extra careful.“Besides leakage, it can also be caused by dam-age on the tube’s regulator,” she added.

People are getting help of this gas tube as aconversion from kerosene to elpiji yet manycomplained the low quality of its stove andpipe as its damaged quickly and rusty whenit’s not even used yet. Because of fear goingto explode and putting them in danger, resi-dents don’t want to use it and chose tohandover the gas tube with its stove whichcost around IDR 100 thousand each. As a re-sult, after being distributed to the villagesfrom the city, lately the tubes were taken backto the city. (013)

Landslide Caused ResidentsHouses Crushed

This worse condition also felt by Ketut Sadia.The house’s wall and roof at the north are alsocrushed by landslide. When it happened, Sadiawas resting after getting food for the goats. “Mywife called me to go to the kitchen. All of a sud-den a thundery sound and wind came completedwith mud. As I went outside, my house’s wall hasbeen holed,” Sadia explained.

As it happened, he was scared there’ll be afollowing one and so they are staying at theirrelative’s house for the while. Some officials fromMendoyo sub district and Jembrana Vice Regent,I Putu Artha, came to the location to see the dam-age. Besides Sadia’s house, it also crashed aresident’s garden. Road accesses are also coveredby soil and stone which is still not cleaned upuntil now.

Meanwhile at Pancaseming, besides houses,the village officials also reported some husbandryand plat Decker also sunk by the river. The roadsin the tempek also closed by flash flood with land-slide following it Monday afternoon and actuallythere are around 30 families living down fromthe forest. Forestry officials also added that thereare some lands as green movement crushed bythe landslide. (120)


Balinese carry a cremation tower called “Bade” bearing a dead body during aprocession for a cremation ceremony locally called a “ngaben” in Kutuh vil-lage in south Kuta on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on July 14, 2010. Theritual cremated 152 bodies as part of a Balinese traditional religious ceremonyfor the dead. Balinese Hindus believe cremation is intended to return the bod-ies to the fundamental elements of fire, air, water, earth and void.

3International Bali News Thursday, July 15, 2010

Based on the development of ar-chaeological studies and the relatedstudies especially in field of archaeo-logical protection, now such problemsis a technical matter and besed on sci-entific consideration. Facing such prob-lem , Indonesian government havedone a number of works e.g the safe-guarding of borobudur tample {in co-operation with {UNESCO},Prambanan tample ,Demak mosque,and other tamples in Bali namely PuraBesakih ,Pura Mengening , PuraPegulingan , Pura Taman Sari etc. Inthis case, our government as one ofthe ASEAN countries have carried outa coordinate programmers throughSPAFA (Sub project of archaeologyand fine art) to find out the effectiveways and means dealing with the prob-lems of archaeological protection .

Discussing the archaeologicalprotection in Bali, it should be remem-bered that Bali, even a very small is-land, but has a lot of archaeologicalmonuments, which most of them be-longed to living monuments. Amongthem are a number of Hindu tample,spreated nearly in the whole island, aswell as Hindu stastues , inscription etc.As the holy monuments for Balinesesociety, so the Balinese have the re-sponsibility to take care their monu-ments as their religious function Offi-

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Allegation on the involvement of

Arief Sugiarto in the murder tocouple Sugianto Halim—FennyMaria was revealed again in the trialof the indictment reading for defen-dant Fahrudin alias Fahrun, inDenpasar District Court, last Tues-day (Jul 13). In the indictment, pros-ecutors called convincingly the roleof perpetrator played by AS. Fahrunwas prosecuted twenty years’ im-prisonment, and stated to have beenguilty in premeditated murder crimeconducted jointly as stipulated inarticle 340 of the Penal Code in con-junction with Article 55 paragraph(1) point 1 of the Penal Code andarticle 362 of the Penal Code con-cerning with the theft.

Public prosecutor mentioned ArifSugiarto got involved in the murderagainst the boss of Sejahtera shoestore. It could be seen from the le-gal facts delivered by public pros-

Semarapura (Bali Post)—From the journey of Gelgel as

the center of the kingdom (in itsage), definitely many thingscould be taken as reference torealize the progress ofKlungkung in the future. Valuessuch as life tolerance, the spiritof mutual assistance, cycle ofthe economy through crafts andothers are very important to beresurrected.

Gelgel should not only beseen in terms of the rapid growthof development that even threatsthe popularity of the former cen-ter of the kingdom and turns itinto a slum area, prone to secu-rity problems and others. It is inharmony with the concerns ex-posed by Chief of Gelgel Vil-lage, Nengah Soma, on the oc-casion of a working meeting ofKlungkung Regency Govern-ment with technical consultantsdiscussing about the arrange-ment plans and revitalization ofthe downtown area, last Monday(Jul 12). So, what should bedone?

Cok Bagus Oka, a figure ofKlungkung Royal Palace, men-tioned that Gelgel Village wasvery worthy introducing to theworld. The values existing sinceGelgel had became the hub ofkingdom administration was im-portant to be raised again. Forexample, interfaith tolerancewhere since ancient times theHindus and Muslims had coex-isted peacefully and side by side.Anyone was given a space tolive his life in Bali. If they feltwelcomed, they practically hadthe same obligation to maintainand build Bali. Similarly, thespirit of mutual assistance wasexcellent. “It is such attitudesthat should be revived,” pointedout Cok Bagus. Likewise, handi-craft sector of Gelgel retains avery popular woven craft.

Reviving Gelgel as formerroyal center, he said, did not nec-essarily mean to restore thekingdom era in Klungkung. Itwas only required to discoverthe positive values to be used asreference in building Klungkungin years to come. The questionthen, he said, whetherKlungkung Regency and thecommunity, particularly Gelgelcommunity, had a clear vision tomaintain it.

Then, what endeavor to betaken? “If having a clear visiontowards such purpose, govern-ment certainly might not exposeit just in discourse of nonsenseanyway. But it should work andmove harder. Likewise, sittingtogether with relevant parties todiscuss about the matters is con-sidered important,” he asserted.

It was also required to per-form any structuring of the en-

Archeological protection in BaliArcheological protection in BaliArcheological protection in BaliArcheological protection in BaliArcheological protection in Baliand the role of the societyand the role of the societyand the role of the societyand the role of the societyand the role of the society

Archeological protection through maintenance, preservation and conservation, even throughreconstruction as well, has turned to be an international problem not only today, but actually inthe future. Such matters were indicated by the activities of UNESCO as an international institu-tion, who concerned with the most important of world cultural heritage e.g. archeological re-mains. UNESCO have done a lot of excellent work, which need a reasonable budgets, expert,equipment etc. and the best example is the safeguarding of Brobudur temple. As the UNESCOmember, our governments are concerned and responsible to protect our monuments for our na-tional interest, such as Brobudur temple.

cially, archaeological protection in Baliis done by Bali Office for Preservationof archaeological and Historical Heri-tage (Kantor Bali Suaka pening-gelangSejarah dan Purbakala Bali) incoordialnation and corporation with thelocal government and local people aswell. This office have done a lot of ar-chaeological reconstruction, but not yetcovered the whole of them, because ofthe limited budgets etc.

In case of protecting the ar-chaeological monuments in Bali, BaliOffice for Preservation of archaeologi-cal and Historical Heritage has givena technical guidance to the local peoplefor reconstructing their monumentsand financial support as well. As thegovernments have a very limited bud-get for these works, and as the ownerof the living monuments, so the Ba-linese people have their religious tasksand responsibility to protect sacredmonuments. In Bali generally eachvillage have three village templesnamed Pura Kyayangan Tiga e.g PuraPuseh,Pura Desa (sometime combinedwith Pura Bale Agung ) and Puradalem. Among them are belonged toarchaeological monuments and fre-quently in these temple a number ofarchaeological monuments are pre-served such as statues, inscription etc.It is important to note here that the

unity of the Balinese society is tightlybounded by the village temples andsocial organization.

Based on religious reasons, ac-tuality Balinese society has a strongspirit to keep their monuments in awell condition as holy monuments.Since a very long time the Balinesepeople have maintained and restoredtheir monuments in a very traditionalways, based on their own religiouswill and spirit, and for this purposethey collected the materials, even rea-sonable money from the village mem-bers. The village members, especiallythe skilled members (Balinese,undagi) did the restoration and led bythe village leader, without any pay-ment (Balinese, ngayah). This mutualmodel of works named gotong royongis one of the Indonesian spirits, whichhas been developed since the earlytime until today.

It is a remarkable fact since theearly time Balinese people have donethe archeological protection in theirtraditional ways, which really shouldbe regarded as a community basedconservation. The most importantmeaning of these facts is the Balinesehave done their religious task, whichstill continued from one generation tonext generation and still retained un-til today.(BTN)

Stop destroyingGelgel as formerkingdom center

vironment, house building style(home, entrance), the publicmindset, crafting and theeconomy. As a member of royalfamily, Cok Bagus personallydeclared that values contained inGelgel were important to be res-urrected as a reference for gov-ernment in running the adminis-tration in the future. It did notnecessarily mean that it wouldbring back Klungkung into thesystem of monarchy, but onlyused it as paragon for the sakeof progress. He added, at the mo-ment the remaining royal relicsof Gelgel Kingdom was the ex-istence of basic temple. Govern-ment should have a commitmentto keep it by made the area freefrom any constructions within aradius of several meters.

Head of Klungkung Agencyfor Regional Development, A.A.Ngurah Agung claimed to agreewith Cok Bagus. To generatewhat should be in Gelgel hadbeen under progress at this time.By establishing cooperation witha consultant Klungkung Regencywas making a study about it.Such endeavor was also in har-mony with the setting of BaliProvincial Government makingan agenda to restructure and re-vitalize the downtown area.

Ngurah Agung expresslystated to agree with the Chief ofGelgel Village, Nengah Soma,namely never let Gelgel becomedilapidated due to unfocused de-velopment. “All forms of threatmust be stopped. Do not allowthem to continue,” he said whileadding that it was carried out bypersistently maintaining somepoints in the status of green beltarea. “Obviously, we have beenworking towards such direction.However, now we can not talkmuch because everything is stillunder review process,” he said.

Previously, Chief of GelgelVillage, Nengah Soma, worriedif Gelgel Village as a former cen-ter of Gelgel Kingdom would be-come a slum area following therapid growth of development inthe area. Local development ranrapidly as the impact of of con-struction of Jalan Bypass IBMantra passing through GelgelVillage. Gelgel communitystrongly felt that the effect of by-pass road even could change theconditions of Gelgel quickly. Ifpreviously stipulated as greenbelt, it could possibly be raidedby buildings.

Moreover, on other occasions,Soma said 30 percent of agricul-tural land at Gelgel had under-gone a conversion of function.They included the land used forthe road construction. Mean-while, some active lands remain-ing to survive have been func-tioned for planting flowers. (bal)

Trial of murder case to a coupleProsecutor sues Fahrun 20 yearsand reveals involvement of Arief

ecutor. From the defendant’s testi-mony in harmony with that of WayanAgus it was true the murder was car-ried out by three of them and iflinked with the information of ArifSugiarto claiming to have businessdisputes with Sugianto Halim, itcould be obtained an indication themurder was motivated by businessdisputes committed by the defen-dant, Wayan Agus Indriyanto andArief Sugiarto.

Not only that, the prosecutor alsomentioned Arief Sugiarto to have de-termined the times when to meet andperform the murder, namely onThursday, December 10, 2009 at theSejahtera shoe store located at JalanWahidin No. 47 B Denpasar. Testi-mony of defendant was consideredto have been appropriate with thetestimony of witness Wayan AgusIndriyanto to prove that the murderwas indeed premeditated as well asindicated the involvement of Arief

Sugiarto.Meanwhile, the defendant looked

a bit shocked when hearing the in-dictment of prosecutor. After thehearing, the legal adviser of the de-fendant, Haposan Sihombing, im-mediately approached the defen-dant. Haposan suggested his clientto be patient and did not comparewith the punishment to his colleagueWayan Agus I. Agus was sentencedfor 10 years’ imprisonment becausehe was still underage. According tostipulation, underage children in-deed got a half of the sentence suedby the article.

As reported previously, the defen-dant was ready to be taken by AriefSugiarto for killing the victim be-cause the defendant was promised asum of money as wages to committhe assassination, whereas the defen-dant had the time or the opportunitynot to carry out the assassination or-dered by Arief Sugiarto. (015)

International4 Thursday, July 15, 2010 News

Carrascalao said tiny East Timor,a country of just over a millionpeople which is dependent on aideight years after gaining indepen-dence from Indonesia, had toomany problems of its own to dealwith Australia’s as well.

“Timor Leste is not a colony ofanother country. We have sover-eignty and our people have rightsto decide for themselves what theywant,” he told AFP.

“We don’t want another countryto dictate to us. We’re already in-dependent and won’t be a puppetof any other country.”

Australian Prime Minister JuliaGillard has said she is negotiating


DUBLIN – Northern Ireland po-lice have come under live fire dur-ing a third straight night of riotingin Irish-nationalist parts of Belfast,but have reported no injuries.

The Police Service of NorthernIreland said Wednesday a lone at-tacker armed with a handgun firedfour to six shots as riot police com-bated masked men and youths over-


DES MOINES, Iowa – A bill-board created by an Iowa tea partygroup that compares PresidentBarack Obama to Adolf Hitler andVladimir Lenin is drawing sharpcriticism — even from fellow teaparty activists who have con-demned it as offensive and a wasteof money.

The North Iowa Tea Party be-gan displaying the billboard indowntown Mason City last week.The sign shows large photographsof Obama, Nazi leader Hitler andcommunist leader Lenin beneaththe labels “Democrat Socialism,”“National Socialism,” and “Marx-ist Socialism.”

Beneath the photos is thephrase, “Radical leaders prey onthe fearful & naive.”

The co-founder of the roughly200-person group said the bill-board was intended to send an anti-socialist message. But BobJohnson admitted Tuesday that themessage may have gotten lost amidthe images of fascist and commu-nist leaders.

“The purpose of the billboardwas to draw attention to the social-ism. It seems to have been lost inthe visuals,” Johnson said. “Thepictures overwhelmed the mes-

Flame rises from a car as it was set ablaze by Irish nationalistrioters in the Ardoyne Area of North Belfast, Northern Ireland,

Tuesday, July, 13, 2010.

Police dodge gunfire in 3rdnight of Belfast riots

night in Ardoyne, a hard-line Catho-lic district in north Belfast.

Witnesses say the shots appearedto have been aimed at a police sur-veillance camera recording the ac-tions of the rioters, who also threwdozens of Molotov cocktails and at

least one homemade grenade.Politicians have accused Irish

Republican Army dissidents of di-recting the violence that began Sun-day night and spread to severalworking-class Catholic neighbor-hoods.



A refugee solidarity activist shouts during a rally in Sydney on July 9, 2010. East Timorese Deputy PrimeMinister Mario Viegas Carrascalao on Wednesday rejected an Australian proposal to process asylum-seekers in East Timor, saying Dili was nobody’s “puppet”.

E.Timor deputy PM rejectsE.Timor deputy PM rejectsE.Timor deputy PM rejectsE.Timor deputy PM rejectsE.Timor deputy PM rejectsAustralian asylum fixAustralian asylum fixAustralian asylum fixAustralian asylum fixAustralian asylum fixAFP

DILI (AFP) – East Timorese Deputy Prime Minister Mario ViegasCarrascalao on Wednesday rejected an Australian proposal to processasylum-seekers in East Timor, saying Dili was nobody’s “puppet”.

with the government in Dili about herplan to establish a “regional” refu-gee processing centre in East Timorto handle asylum seekers who try toreach Australia by boat.

The migrants generally pay Indo-nesian people smugglers to arrangethe dangerous trip to Australian wa-ters in unseaworthy boats, and manydie or need to be rescued each yearas they try to make the crossing.

East Timorese lawmakers votedon Monday to reject Gillard’s pro-posal, and several government andopposition leaders have expressedstrong objections.

But President Jose Ramos-Hortaand Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao

have not ruled out the idea, and Gillardsays she is determined to win theirapproval for a plan that could be keyto her fortunes in upcoming elections.

Opposition within Gusmao’s gov-ernment appears to be growing, how-ever, with Carrascalao echoing fel-low Deputy Prime Minister Jose LuisGuterres’s earlier rejection last week.

“My personal opinion is that I amagainst the proposal as our peoplehave many problems to be solvedand that’s enough for us. Don’t findmore problems from another coun-try which will trouble our develop-ment,” Carrascalao said.

“Australia is a big and vast coun-try. There should be a place for therefugees there.

“As a government member, I’llvote against the plan. I’m com-pletely against the refugee centre inTimor Leste,” he said, using thecountry’s formal name.


A billboard ordered and paid for by the North Iowa Tea Party showsPresident Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler, left, and Vladimir Lenin, onSouth Federal Avenue in Mason City, Iowa, July 12, 2010

Billboard linking Obama,Hitler draws complaints

sage. The message is socialism.”He said he didn’t know of anyplans to remove the sign.

But others in the tea partymovement criticized the sign.

“That’s just a waste of money,time, resources and it’s not goingto further our cause,” said ShelbyBlakely, a leaders of the Tea PartyPatriots, a national group. “It’s notgoing to help our cause. It’s goingto make people think that the teaparty is full of a bunch of right-wing fringe people, and that’s nottrue.”

Blakely also expressed outrageat linking Obama to Hitler, theleader of Nazi Germany who over-saw the killing of 6 million Jewsand whose invasions of neighbor-ing countries led to World War II.

“When you compare Obama toHitler, that to me does a disserviceto the Jews who both survived anddied in the Holocaust and to theGermans who lived under Naziregime rule,” Blakely said.

John White, an Iowa coordina-tor of the Tea Party Patriots, saidthat he can understand the NorthIowa group’s perception thatObama is “Hitler-esque,” but hethinks the billboard is offensiveand unproductive. White said thathe planned to discuss the matterwith national tea party officials.

General Info Thursday, July 15, 2010 5International


There are 4 major hospitals usually used by foreigners -Denpasar General Hospital(RSUP Sanglah), Kasih Ibu Hospital, Rumah Sakit Wongayaand Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada.

RSUP Sanglah is the main provincial public hospital. Itsfacilities have improved since the emergency ward had beenbuilt in 1991. Difficult/critical cases would not become aproblem anymore since it has complete equipments. It islocated on Jl. KesehatanSelatan 1 Sanglah Denpasar with :Phone : 227 911 – 15Fax : 226 363

Kasih Ibu Hospital is a private hospital which caters forless serious cases such as diarrhea, intestinal disorders, ane-mia, asthma and minor accidents. Kasih Ibu is also equippedto care for pregnant women. This hospital is located on Jl.Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar.Phone : 223 036Fax : 268 690.

Rumah Sakit Wongaya (Public Hospital; Psychiatric Unit)Jl. Kartini, Denpasar.Phone : 222 142.

Rumah Sakit Dharma Husada , (Private)Jl. Sudirman No 50, DenpasarPhone : 227 560, 234 824

In relating with health, Bali also has insurance and medicalevacuation company, thatis:AEA International - SOS Assistance Bali.PT Abhaya Eka Astiti, Jl. By Pass Ngurah RaiNo. 24X, Kuta 80361.Phone : 755 768 Fax : 755 768One thing that should be noted by tourists here is that theBlood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh)Negative blood.


Bali Medical ClinicsThere are some medical clinics that are well known by for-eigners in Bali. Some of them are western owned and oper-ated :

Bali International Medical Center (BIMC)Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) provides excel-lent Primary Health Care & Emeregency Medical Servicesfor tourists, traveler, and expatriate living in Bali.Emeregency Room, Ambulance, Clinic Services, Insurance& Medical Evacuations also available. Open 24 hours Phone: 761 2631. Located Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No.100X, Kuta,Bali 80361 - Indonesia. http://www.bimcbali.com

International SOS Clinic BaliOpened in 1999, offers International SOS members and visi-tors to Bali comprehensive primary health care and 24-houremergency medical service.Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai 505X, Kuta 80361, Bali - IndonesiaPhone : 720 100 Fax : 721 919E-mail : info@sos-bali.comttp ://www.sos-bali.com

Bali Nusa Dua Emergency ClinicJl Pratama No. 81 Phone : 771 324

Kuta ClinicJl. Raya Kuta Phone : 753 268

Dental ClinicDr Indra Guizot, Jl. Patimura 19, DenpasarPhone : 222 445, 234 375

DDS. Ritjie Rihartinah, Jl Pratama No. 81Nusa Dua Phone : 771 324

Retno W. Agung, Jln. Bypass Ngurah Rai No.4ABr. Tamansari – Sanur Phone : 288 501

Australian Consulate GeneralJalan Tantular 32 Renon DenpasarPhone: +62 361 241118Fax: +62 361 221195 (General) +62 361 241120 (Immigration)

Royal Danish & NorwegianMimpi Resort Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 070

The Czech RepublicJalan Pengembak No. 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.286 465

France Consulate AgencyJalan Merta Sari Gang II No. 8 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.285 485

The Federal Republic of GermanyJalan Pantai Karang No 17 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.288 535

The Republic of HungaryJalan By Pass No 219 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.287 701

Italian ConsulateJalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran, BaliPhone +62.361.701 005

Honorary Consulate of MexicoJalan Mohamad Yamin 1 A, Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.223 266

Honorary Consulate of The NetherlandsJalan Raya Kuta 127, BaliPhone +62.361.761 506

Honorary Consulate of SpainKomplek Istana Kuta Galleria Blok Vallet 2 No 11. JalanPatih Jelantik Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.769 286

USA Consulate AgencyJalan Hayam Wuruk No. 188 Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.222 426

Consulate General of JapanJalan Raya Puputan No. 170 Renon, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.227 628

Honorary Consulate of BritishJalan Tirta Nadi No. 20 Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.270 601

Swiss and Austria ConsulateJalan Patih Jelantik, Komplek Pertokoan IstanaGalleriaPhone +62.361.751 735

Honorary Consulate of BrazilJalan Legian No. 186, BaliPhone +62.361.757 775

Honorary Consulate of ThailandJalan Raya Puputan Renon 81, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.263 310

Embassy of IndiaJalan Raya Puputan Renon 42-44, Denpasar, BaliPhone +62.361.241 978

Honorary Consulate of Sweden anf FinlandSegara Village Hotel, Jalan Segara Ayu, Sanur, BaliPhone +62.361.282 223

Honorary Consulate of MalaysiaAlam Kulkul Boutique Resort, Jalan Pantai Kuta, BaliPhone +62.361.752 520


Bangli General HospitalJl. Kesumayuda 27, BangliPhone : +62 366 91521


Clinic MasJl. Raya Mas, UbudPhone : +62 361 974573

Toyo ClinicJl. Pengosekan, UbudPhone : +62 361 978078

Permata Bunda ClinicJl. Patih Jelantik 50 X, GianyarPhone : +62 361 942082

Ubud ClinicJl Raya Ubud No.36 Campuhan, UbudPhone : +62 361 974911

Gianyar General HospitalJl. Ciung Wanara 2, GianyarPhone : +62 361 943049


Karangasem General HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai, KarangasemPhone : +62 363 21001


Klungkung General HospitalJl. Flamboyan 40-4, KlungkungPhone : +62 366 21371


Negara General HospitalJl. Gelar, NegaraPhone : +62 365 41006


Laboratorium ClinicJl. Gunung semeru No. 8, TabananPhone : +62 361 819260

Mengwi ClinicJl. I Gusti Ngurah Rai 46, TabananPhone : +62 361 880550

Darma Kerti HospitalJl. Teratai 16, TabananPhone : +62 361 812359

Tabanan General HospitalJl. Pahlawan 14, TabananPhone : +62 361 811027

Praja Taxi : (0361) 289090Bali Taxi : (0361) 701111Ngurah Rai Taxi : (0361) 724724Pan Wirthi Taxi : (0361) 723366Komotra Taxi : (0361) 758855


Prodia ClinicJl. RA Kartini 12, Singaraja Bali0362 - 24-516

Singaraja HospitalJl. Ngurah Rai 30, Singaraja Bali0362 - 22-573

Pet ClinicsKayumas: (0361) 226934Sayang Binatang: (0361) 483121Satwa Kertha Husada: (0361) 263018Pantai Sindhu: (0361) 287518Sidakarya: (0361) 724492Pedungan: (0361) 720026



Thursday, July 15, 20106 News

The message attributed to the Islam-ist sect leader was posted on a websiteon Sunday — the same day attacks inUganda targeting World Cup fans killeddozens, though there was no apparentlink between the two.

In the message posted on the Ansaral-Mujahideen jihadist forum,Abubakar Shekau, formerly second incommand of the sect, mourns slain topIslamic State of Iraq officials, SITEsaid.

“I send this message of condolenceon behalf of my mujahideen brothersin some African territories called Ni-geria to the mujahideen ...in general andto the soldiers of Allah in the Islamic

Nigerian IslamistNigerian IslamistNigerian IslamistNigerian IslamistNigerian Islamistleader threatensleader threatensleader threatensleader threatensleader threatensUS: monitorsUS: monitorsUS: monitorsUS: monitorsUS: monitors

Countries invited to attend theSt. Petersburg summit areBangladesh, Bhutan, China, India,Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Ma-laysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia,Thailand and Vietnam.

World Bank Global Tiger Ini-tiative programme directorKeshav Varma said there was a“clear direction to move forward”after the pre-summit meeting inBali, but funding was still an is-sue. “There is a need to develop aglobal fund, multi-donor trust fundor some kind of flexible financialmechanism for this,” Varma said.

Indonesian conservation offi-

Eleven fishermen were alsomissing, while three other peoplewere unaccounted for south ofthe capital after flooding sweptaway their shanties, according tothe military. With communica-tion systems down amid thechaos of the typhoon’s after-math, disaster relief officials saidthey were still trying to deter-mine the extent of the damageand there were concerns thedeath toll could rise.

Electricity was knocked outthroughout Luzon, includingManila, where fallen treebranches and other debris lit-tered the streets on Wednesday.Power company Meralco saidmore than 90 percent of Manila’s12 million residents remainedwithout power on Wednesdayafternoon.

The national energy transmis-sion company warned that powersupplies may not be restored insome areas of Manila andneighbouring regions for up tofour days.

The capital’s overhead rail-way system was also shut downdue to the power outage, whilethe government closed down pri-mary and high schools. Forworkers in office towers thatwere relying on back-up genera-tors, it was still difficult to maketelephone calls on both landlineand mobile networks, whileInternet services were also inter-

AFP/File –

File picture from July, 2009 shows Nigerian police looking at a body during fighting to crush anIslamist sect in the northern city of Maiduguri


LAGOS (AFP) – A Nigerian Islamist leader believed killed in an uprising nearly a year ago hasthreatened the United States and paid tribute to Al-Qaeda in Iraq in a new message, a monitoringgroup said Wednesday.

State of Iraq in particular,” he said inthe message.

Shekau, believed to have been killedduring last year’s rebellion in the north-ern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, warnedthe United States.

“Infidels, hypocrites and apostates:Do not think jihad is over. Rather jihadhas just begun, ...America, die withyour fury,” he said.

Shekau’s message comes just weeksbefore the first anniversary of the up-rising his group, Boko Haram,launched in a bid to establish an Islam-ist state.

A picture of Shekau, brandishing arifle, appeared with the message.

Authorities had thought Shekauwas dead, but videos clips of himthreatening to avenge the deaths ofhundreds of militants killed in the July2009 clashes with security forcesemerged in northern Nigeria in April.

At least 700 people, most of themsect members, were killed during theinsurrection that was put down by Ni-gerian security forces in less than aweek of fierce street battles.

Shekau’s message was for AbuBakr al-Baghdadi and Abu Hamza al-Muhajir. It was addressed to “leadersof al-Qaeda and its affiliated groupsin Algeria, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen”,said SITE.

From page 1

Tiger...cial Harry Santoso said Indonesiawas working on a proposal to ob-tain 54.17 million dollars of grantfrom the Global Environment Fa-cility for biodiversity conservationprojects. Santoso said they wereyet to figure out how much of thegrant would be allocated for tigerconservation.

“Now that these countries haveshown their willingness to act, thesuccess of any global planlaunched in St. Petersburg willdepend on financial support fromthe international community andthe tiger nations themselves,”WWF Tiger Programme headMichael Baltzer said in a state-ment.

20 dead...


LONDON – A redheaded sleeperagent who became the most high-pro-file figure in the U.S.-Russia spy casehas had her British citizenship revoked,the government announced Tuesday.

Anna Chapman, 28, was among 10suspects who pleaded guilty in NewYork last week to a charge of procur-ing information for a foreign govern-ment. The undercover agents were sentto Russia from the United States onFriday in a swap for four Russians ac-cused of spying for the West.

From page 1 rupted.Conson blew past Luzon and

into the South China Sea onWednesday morning, but avia-tion services remained back-logged in the afternoon as airportauthorities scrambled to make upfor earlier cancellations.

The Philippines is in the so-called typhoon belt of the Pa-cific. Up to 20 typhoons sweepthrough the country each year,killing hundreds of people.Conson was the first of the sea-son, and its ferocity took manypeople in Manila by surprise af-ter the state weather service saidthe typhoon would only strikeprovinces to the north of thecapital.

President Benigno Aquino letrip at the state weather service fornot warning Manila’s residentsthat Conson would hit the city.

“This is not acceptable,”Aquino told red-faced weatherservice officials at an emergencymeeting of rescue agencies. “Werely on you to tell us where thepotential problems are.

“All the agencies have ad-equately met their responsibilitiesat this point in time but your in-formation is sorely lacking. Wehave had this problem for quite along time.” The ill-equipped Phil-ippine weather service came in forcriticism in September last yearwhen it failed to warn the residentsof Manila about the threat fromTropical Storm Ketsana, whichkilled 464 people.

UK: Anna Chapman’s citizenship, passport revokedChapman, whose sultry photos

gleaned from Facebook and other so-cial-networking sites made her a tab-loid sensation, previously lived in Brit-ain and held both a U.K. passport andBritish citizenship following a 2002marriage to a British man, AlexChapman.

The couple divorced in 2006, andChapman — a Russian also known asAnya Kushchenko — later moved toNew York, where she appeared to workin real estate. Her page on online net-working site LinkedIn listed her as thechief executive officer of

PropertyFinder Ltd., which maintaineda website featuring real estate listingsin Moscow, Spain, Bulgaria and othercountries.

Assistant U.S. Attorney MichaelFarbiarz said that behind the facade shewas a “sophisticated agent of Russia.”

Chapman’s American lawyer hadsaid she hoped to return to Britain. Butthe Home Office said Tuesday thatChapman’s citizenship and passporthave been revoked.

She is likely also to be formally ex-cluded from Britain, so she cannottravel to the country at all.

FILE - This undated file imagetaken from the Russian socialnetworking website‘Odnoklassniki’, or Class-mates, shows a womanjournalists have identified asAnna Chapman. Chapman,along with 10 others, wasarrested on charges of con-spiracy to act as an agent of aforeign government withoutnotifying the U.S. attorneygeneral AP –

Thursday, July 15, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

FOTO ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf


KARIMUN - Tanjung Balaiinternational airport customspersonnel in Karimun regency,Riau Islands province, managedto arrest a Malaysian for pos-sessing 20,000 psychotrapicdrugs of the ‘happy five’ type.

The Malaysian, Cheong TeckLeong, was arrested when hehas just gout of MV Zone 1from Kukup, Johor Bahru, Ma-laysia.

Born in Sabah on December24, 1986, he was reported tobring psychotropic drugs.

“At today’s meeting, the minis-ter wished the new regulation on theindustrial sector’s basic electricitytariffs to be announced this week,”he said here Wednesday.

The meeting was chaired by Co-ordinating Minister for EconomyHatta Radjasa.

Besides MS Hidayat, also attend-ing the minister were Minister forEnergy and Mineral Resources Dar-win Saleh, Finance Minister AgusMartowardojo, and First Echelon


JAKARTA - President SusiloBambang Yudhoyono held a consul-tative meeting with leaders of theHouse of Representatives (DPR) atthe State Palace here Wednesday.

The closed-door meeting was at-tended also by Vice PresidentBoediono and members of theUnited Indonesian Cabinet II.

Earlier, presidential spokesmanJulian A. Pasha, said the meetingwas an effort to improve coordina-tion between the executive and leg-islative sectors.

“The meeting’s purpose is to im-prove communication and synergybetween the executive and legisla-tive branches of government,” said


JAKARTA - The Australian gov-ernment has nominated GregMoriarty as Australia’s Ambassadorto Indonesia, to replace Bill Farmerwho has been ambassador sinceNovember 2005.

“As is the case with all foreignambassadors in Indonesia, MrMoriarty’s appointment will be sub-ject to agreement from the Govern-ment of Indonesia. This process in-cludes consideration by Indonesia’sParliament,” Australian Foreign Af-fairs Minister Stephen Smith said ina press statement published on theAustralian embassy’s officialwebsite here Wednesday.

The relationship between Austra-lia and Indonesia is stronger thanever, he said.

“Ours is a partnership betweentwo open and robust democracies,

President holds consultativemeeting with House

Julian.He said through the consultative

meeting the government and parlia-ment were expected to achievegreater mutual understanding aboutthe issues faced by the state and na-tion.

The president attended the con-sultative meeting with the Housebefore making a working visit toSurabaya for the National Coopera-tives Day commemoration to beheld by the Regional Military Com-mand V/Brawijaya.

In his first term as President,Yudhoyono also held several con-sultative meetings with the Houseof Representatives alternately at thePresidential Palace and the Parlia-ment Building / MPR, Jakarta.

Situation during the meeting between President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (left side) with the House atState Palace on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held a consultative meetingwith leaders of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the State Palace here Wednesday. The closed-doormeeting was attended also by Vice President Boediono and members of the United Indonesian Cabinet II.

Government pledges to reviewGovernment pledges to reviewGovernment pledges to reviewGovernment pledges to reviewGovernment pledges to reviewpower rate hike for industriespower rate hike for industriespower rate hike for industriespower rate hike for industriespower rate hike for industries


JAKARTA - The government has pledged to review the regulationon the electricity price hike for the industrial sector, Industry MinisterMS Hidayat said.

officials of the related ministries.Hidayat said the government

would have made the new structureof cost variables for the industrialsector following the basic electricitytariff hike of 30 - 80 percents sinceearly July.

“We have been calculating. Theprevious tariff structure will be re-viewed and the different perceptionsof the government and business com-munity will also be cleared,” he said.

Meanwhile Minister for Energy

and Mineral Resources DarwinSaleh said the government was ob-serving inputs from industrialists,whose electricity bills had increasedabove 30, 40, and 50 percents.

“We make an assessment and takea look at the business sector’s inputsand mis-perception,” he said.

The industrialists’ complaints re-garding the electricity tariff hikewere positively perceived and thegovernment would objectively as-sess them to find possible miscalcu-lation, he said.

“We are still calculating and mak-ing new option to find solution tothis matter,” he said.

In Coordinating Minister forEconomy Hatta Rajasa’s point of

view, related parties still discuss thismatter despite the fact that the 10-percent electricity tariff hike policyhad been made into Law No.2/2010on the revised state budget(APBNP). The government hadmade the basic electricity tariff hikepolicy effective since July 1.

The Central Bureau of Statistics(BPS) had estimated that that policycould push the July inflation rate toincrease 0.22 percent.

“We have calculated that infla-tion in July 2010 may increase 0.22percent because of the power ratehike,” BPS Chairman RusmanHeriawan said recently.

He said that the power rate hikewould also affect the industries and

it would likely have multiplier ef-fects on consumer goods.

Rusman Heriawan also predictedthat the electricity rate hike wouldalso continue to trigger inflationeven after July 2010.

Recently, Bank Indonesia (BI)Deputy Governor S. Budi Rochadisaid that as the power tariff hike wasonly to apply to customers with aninstalled capacity of more than 900VA, the inflation rate would likelyincrease by 0.2 percent.

The country’s inflation rate thisyear was expected to remain at thepreviously predicted level of 5 per-cent, despite the post-fasting monthand year-end festivities duringwhich prices usually soared, he said.

Customs arrestsMalaysian with 20,000

psychotropic drugs‘Happy five’ has a lower con-

tent of met amphetamine com-pared to ecstasy.

Cheong Teck Leong is holderof Malaysian passport H1869243 with address at TamanPasadena, Jl Sin On 91000Taeuau, Sabah.

Head of law enforcement andprevention division of the RiauIslands Customs DirectorateGeneral Andhi Pramono con-firmed the arrest.

Andhi suspected that CheongTeck Leong was a courier andthere may be other suspects notyet caught.

Australia nominates new ambassador to Indonesiadescribed by both sides as a strate-gic asset during PresidentYudhoyono’s visit to Australia inMarch this year,” the minister stated.

Australia and Indonesia workclosely on shared interests includingtrade and investment, defense, devel-opment assistance, law enforcement,disaster management, counter-terror-ism, climate change, and peoplesmuggling.

“We have completed a feasibilitystudy for an Australia-Indonesia FreeTrade Agreement, paving the way fornegotiation of an agreement in thefuture,” Smith disclosed.

Reflecting the strength of bilateralties, there have been 70 ministerialvisits in both directions since No-vember 2007.

People-to-people links are broadand long standing. In 2009, almost18,000 Indonesian students studiedin Australian educational institutions.

Around 550,000 Australians visitedIndonesia in 2009, a record number.

Moriarty is a senior officer withthe Department of Foreign Affairsand Trade (DFAT) and is currentlyFirst Assistant Secretary, Consular,Public Diplomacy and Parliamen-tary Affairs Division, a position hehas held since April 2009.

He has extensive experiencewithin DFAT and previously servedoverseas as Ambassador to Iran. Hehas served previously in Indonesia,in Papua New Guinea, and as SeniorNegotiator with the Peace Monitor-ing Group on Bougainville.

Moriarty holds a Bachelor of ArtsDegree with Honours from the Uni-versity of Western Australia and aMasters Degree in Strategic andDefense Studies from the AustralianNational University. He is marriedwith two children. Moriarty hasstudied Indonesian and Tok Pisin.

8 InternationaThursday, July 15, 2010

Bali Today

“Domestic arrival after longholiday was indeed a bit down, soit is natural if hotel occupancy getsout around 30 percent compared tothe previous days. However, thecondition will not last longer. Thefigure will return to booming con-dition ahead of the upcoming IdulFitri festival,” said Mark Ferry inDenpasar, last Tuesday (Jul 13).

Despite only lasted tempo-rarily, the long school holidays wasrecognized by Ferry to become aquite positive impact on the in-crease of hotel occupancy, espe-cially in the tourism resort ofDenpasar and Badung. “For thecurrent period up to August, the ar-rival of foreign tourists will domi-nate again. For example, Australianis so far continued to occupy thefirst rank,” he added.

Meanwhile, Dwi Rahayu,Sales Executive of Inna Bali Hotelin Denpasar also acknowledged a


DENPASAR - Six Thai F-16fighter planes landed at Ngurah Raiinternational airport in Denpasar,Bali, before proceeding to Australia.

“Six Thai F16s already havepermission to land in Bali, and weas host received them well,” saidNgurah Rai airbase commanderFlight Lt Col Aldrin P Mongan saidin Tuban, Kuta, on Tuesday.

The six super sophisticated

Antara DENPASAR - The population of

the Bali Starling (jalak) is constantlydwindling and there are currently only180 of them left in West Bali forests,Jembrana regency.

“The dwindling population of thestarling need the serious attention of allconcerned in Indonesia,” Head of theWest Bali National Park P BambangDarmadja said on the sidelines of a meet-ing discussing the conservation of tigersat Ayodya Hotel, Nusa Dua, on Monday.

He said actually in the last fewyears the government has already startedcarrying out certian programs of conserv-ing the Bali starling to prevent it fromextinction.

A similar fate is also facing theSumatra tiger, which are now only400 left.


DENPASAR – The Toward Op-timizing Our Commonalities forthe Mutual Benefits of the ASEANRailways is being held in NusaDua, Bali on July 14th and July 15th

2010. Sugeng Priyono, the publicrelation of Indonesian Train Com-pany, said that the meeting is the32nd time and Indonesia has theopportunity to become the host.

“There is great hope that themeeting will give new knowledgeand information in managing thetrain in Indonesia,” he added. Morethan 150 participants take part inthe annual event, they are fromVietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia,Thailand, Laos, Philippine,Myanmar and Indonesia as thehost.

Sugeng said that officers fromIndonesia are also present such asthe Minister of Transportation,Bali’s Governor, and also the Sec-retary General of ASEAN. While

Hotel occupancyrate in Baligradually declines

Six Thai F16 fighterplanes visit Bali

Bali Post

DENPASAR - Backflow of domestic visitors, especially the students celebrating their longholidays in Bali also influenced the room occupancy rate in a number of tourist resorts. After thecelebration, hotel occupancy rate decreased to 60 percent from the previous rate with an averageof 80-90 percent. Secretary General of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI)of Bali Chapter, Ferry Mark, stated that such conditions usually occurred every year, both infirst class hotels as well as jasmine rating hotels.

decrease in the occupancy rate ofpost-school holidays. “Hotel occu-pancy decreased gradually from 73percent to the current 30 percent.This condition only lasted since lastSunday,” he said.

She added the hotel occu-pancy rate during the celebration ofschool holidays this year was notmuch different from that of last year.Similar condition occurred on thedominance of the room type booked.“Period of long holidays nearly com-ing to an end poses a major reason.However, compared to normal days,the number of domestic tourists stay-ing at the hotel this year is muchhigher,” she said.

Comparable conditions werealso felt by the management of Ho-tel Aston Denpasar. AdindaAshrinintya, Public Relations Of-ficer of the hotel stated that afterschool holiday the hotel occupancyreached 70 percent.

“Previously, our hotel having acapacity of 254 rooms was fully oc-cupied. We have confidence and opti-mistic the occupancy will rise back,because the period from July to Au-gust is the peak season,” she said.

Gradual decrease of domes-tic tourists to Bali was also markedby reduction of guests visiting theKuta Beach. The beach becomingthe barometer of tourism in Bali isno longer crammed by visitorsmarked off with full parking ve-hicles.

In the meantime, Secretary ofBadung Lifeguard Services(Balawista), I Ketut Ipel, said sincethe long school holiday was over,Kuta Beach looked quieter. “Now,it seems to have been filled by tour-ists from Australia. Meanwhile, fordomestic tourists, it is dominated bythose from East Java, Jakarta andBandung, while from other areas isalmost non-existent,” he said. (par)

Population of Bali starlingnow only 180 left

The popula-tion of theBali Starling(jalak) isconstantlydwindlingand there arecurrentlyonly 180 ofthem left inWest Baliforests,Jembranaregency.



The photo shows F-16 fighting falcon forming a formation. SixThai F-16 fighter planes landed at Ngurah Rai international air-port in Denpasar, Bali, before proceeding to Australia.

planes were on a refueling transitbefore continuing their journey toAustralia.

“The six Thai fighter planeswere on a war game with Australia,”Aldrin said.

He added that the six Thaifighters landed safely at 11.30 amlocal time, and left for Australia twohours later.

Aldrin said that during histerm in Bali this was the first timethat F16s had landed there.

Train companymeeting held in Bali

the Director of Indonesian TrainCompany, Ignasius Jonan, said thatthe meting can be used by the par-ticipants to build a network intransportation.

“We hope that we can work to-gether to develop the train indus-try in ASEAN countries,” headded. Countries in South EatsAsia have different demography,train network, and human re-sources and through the meeting,the participants can share their ex-periences and idea to develop thetrain industry.

Currently, the train industrymust follow the similar transportin the developed countries whereit becomes the main transportwhich follow the development oftechnology. Forum ASEAN Rail-way CEO (ARCEO) was proposedby Indonesia and each country inASEAN are given the chance tobecome the host of the meeting. Itis the effort by ASEAN countriesto develop the train industry.

Balinese Culture

Thursday, July 15, 2010 9al

C.045 ibp


DENPASAR - BIASAArtSpace, will present the first soloshow in Asia for the Italian artistAngelo Bellobono on Friday, July30, 2010 at 6 pm.

Angelo has always placedhumanity and the territory at thecentre of his artistic research, stress-ing the difficult relations of belong-ing and identity, understood notsimply in the socio-cultural sensebut also in a biological sense. Themechanisms by which biochemis-try translates into behaviors andemotions is the thread runningthrough all his paintings, videos andperformances, taking the emphasisaway from the presumed spiritual-ity animating human existence.

His portraits thus convey asense of dramatic irony, lost in ablinding whiteness or in a dark seaof crude oil, at once liquid and solid,conceptually unstable and tempo-rary, dependent on their chemicalsense of biological precariousness.They reveal the constant effortsmade to seek out an identity and aplace in which to belong, a constantfreezing and unfreezing of hiddenor denied existences and of an idealwell-being. Bellobono gives formand consistency to a sampler ofemotions experienced by all humanbeings; in his most recent works,which also probe the drive to im-migrate, this investigation onceagain coiled painting with perfor-mance and video art.

Indonesia, located south ofChina and east of India is the heartof Southeast Asia, a crossroads ofnew economies. Eastside - the jour-ney exhibition at the BIASA

OVERVIEW:Fried bananas is popular throughout Southeast Asia,

where they are abundant and inexpensive. The slowfrying technique used in this recipe ensures that thebananas remain crisp after cooking.

INGREDIENTS:1 cup rice flour2/3 cup water¼ tsp salt8 small finger bananasOil for frying

PREPARATION:Place rice flour in deep mixing bowl. Make a well in

the middle of the flour, and add water and salt. Whiskvigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating andnot too thin (if too thin, add more rice flour).

Peel bananas and cut in half lengthwise. Dip intobatter to coat generously. Heat oil in wok or deep fryeruntil moderately hot. Add bananas and fry slowly untilgolden brown and crispy. This will take about 15minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain on papernapkins and dry well. Can be served with until, hereused as a dip. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)


The work of Angelo Bellobono. BIASA ArtSpace, will presentthe first solo show in Asia for the Italian artist Angelo Bellobonoon Friday, July 30, 2010 at 6 pm

Biasa present Angelo Bellobono

ArtSpace is a raw and direct analy-sis, at which it’s necessary to createa gap in an apparently logical sys-tem passively accepted. Once againthe author invites us not to give upand force us to face the ambiguityof our “being human and biologi-cally unresolved”.

The artist, who takes up differ-ent media, including painting, drawing,animation and performance, continueshis journey of contemporary anthro-pologists in recent years, at which it has

led him to carry out projects with astrong social impact. Thus antagonisticcultures reveal their glamorous andephemeral side, or migrants reveal theeffort to reposition their lives, or armiesof plasticine face off each other acrossthe icebergs obstinately and in decay todefend ephemeral borders. The journeyis outlined through the works from pre-vious projects together with new worksconceived in Indonesia, which will befeatured at the BIASA ArtSpace untilSeptember 15, 2010. (r)

OVERVIEW:No part of the

pig is wasted inBali, knucklescooked this waymake a tastydish with amelting texture.

INGREDIENTS:1.2 kg (2½ lb)

pork knuckles,cut in 2.5 cm

(1in) slices2 tbsp oil8 shallots, peeled and chopped3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped2.5 cm (1in) ginger, peeled and chopped2.5 cm (1in) fresh turmeric, peeled and chopped10 candlenuts, chopped¾ tsp coriander seeds, crushed2.5 cm (1in) kencur, peeled and crushed1 tsp dried shrimp paste1 tsp black peppercorns, crushed2 salam leaves1 tsp salt2 cups chicken stockLarge red chilies, fried shallots and basil to garnish

PREPARATION:Bring 3 liters (12 cups) of lightly salted water to boil in

a stockpot. Add knuckles, reduce heat and simmer forapproximately 45 minutes until meat is three quartercooked.

Heat oil in heavy saucepan. Add all ingredientsexcept chicken stock and sauté for about 2 minutes untilspices change color. Pour chicken stock into saucepan,mix well and bring to the boil. Add cooked knuckles, mixwell, bring back to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for10 minutes or until knuckles are completely cooked.

Garnish with sliced red chilies, fried shallots, andsprigs of fresh sliced lemon basil. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Godoh(Fried Bananas)

Kikil Celeng Mekuah(Pork Knuckles in Spicy Sauce)

Thursday, July 15, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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For those of you who like to seeand know more about plantation, es-pecially the tropical types, you canvisit Bedugul Botanical Gardenwhich located in Bedugul, plateauarea in Bali. The garden is situatedin the cool atmosphere with rain for-est and hill surrounds.

This botanical garden is openedon 1959 and owns 154.5 ha land lo-cated Tabanan regency, northwestpart of Bali. It is close to the beauti-ful lake which is called Beratan Lakeand Ulun Danu Temple. It has in-habitants more than 1187 plant typesand multifarious of floras. In thisarea, there is orchid garden with thecollection of 320 orchid types fromBali, Java, Nusa Tenggara Timur,Sulawesi and also Irian Jaya. We canalso meet the rose garden with thecollection of various rose from rustcolored until green chromatic.

Bedugul Botanical Garden orKebun Raya Eka Karya is also com-pleted by 524 birches which are stillin its original forest. In this place wecan meet the collection fromAmerica, South America, China, Ja-http://image03.webshots.com

Bedugul Botanical Gardenpan, Australia, Africa and also Neth-erlands. Cyathea Garden is one of thespecific gardens owning the variouscollections of Paku-pakuan (tropicalvegetable) which can be eaten as veg-etable by Balinese and some of themare used for decoration. The tree fromthis nail Cyatheas are often exploitedas growth media of various orchidtypes. Cactus collections are con-sisted of 104 types. This cactus isobtained from Africa, America, Ger-many, Switzerland and also Indone-sia. The crop season at botanical gar-den is taken 94 types plants that arethe collection from the exploitationfor Balinese life ceremony, templeceremony, devoting/offering andothers purpose. It also owns the col-lection of drug crop with 84 types/species.

Beside of the crop collections,Bedugul Botanical Garden or KebunRaya Eka Karya also owns the tra-ditional Balinese houses and it func-tion as guest house for scientist whois doing observation. It is alsoopened for public including touristsand to be one of favorite tourist des-tinations in Bali especially for do-mestic tourists.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

SINGAPORE - Singapore looks set to becomethe world’s fastest-growing economy in 2010 after thegovernment upgraded its forecast to a blistering 13 to15 percent annual expansion, economists said Wednes-day.

The new estimate, up sharply from an earlierprediction of 7.0 to 9.0 percent, outstrips forecasts ofaround 10 percent growth in regional powerhouseChina and comes despite lingering worries over theUS and European economies.

“Singapore will be the strongest-growingeconomy in Asia for the year and probably in theworld,” said Song Seng Wun, a Singapore-based re-gional economist with CIMB Research.

He said the new growth forecast was “realistic”despite a projected slowdown in the second half be-cause gross domestic product (GDP) expansion in thefirst six months of the year was likely to be 18 percent.

Asia’s other export-oriented economies are alsoexpected to post healthy increases this year, butSingapore has other growth drivers including its tour-ism and financial services industry, he told AFP.

Singapore opened two huge casino resorts thisyear that have proved a popular draw.

David Cohen, a regional economist with re-search house Action Economics, said Singapore will“probably come on top of the charts worldwide”.

Cohen, however, said this should be seen in thecontext of Singapore’s GDP contraction of 1.3 per-cent last year due to the global economic crisis, whileChina’s GDP grew at around 9.0 percent in 2009.

Strong second-quarter GDP figures “reinforcethe view that fears from the eurozone crisis may beexaggerated,” DBS Bank said in a note.

As Singapore is the “most sensitive to headwindsin the global economy, this is good news for investorslooking to put on risk again,” DBS added.

“Hence, sentiment should remain constructive,not only for the Singapore dollar, but also other Asiaex-Japan currencies and commodity currencies linkedto a positive growth outlook.”

The inflation increase, whichcomes ahead of the central bank’s quar-terly policy meeting on July 27, wasmainly due to a rise late last month infuel costs as well as an increase in foodprices, the data showed.

The wholesale price index, India’smain cost-of-living measure, rose to10.55 percent from a year earlier aftera 10.16 percent increase in May.

High inflation is a lightning rod forpolitical unhappiness in the country,where hundreds of millions of peoplelive below the poverty line.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’sEconomic Advisory Council warnedTuesday the central Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) might tighten monetarypolicy further due to the persistent risein prices and capacity constraints infactory output.

“If inflation level persists at double-digit levels... some action on the de-mand side is needed and some actionon the part of RBI is required” until

Agence France-Presse

BANGKOK - Thailand’s centralbank raised i ts key interest rateWednesday for the first time in almosttwo years, saying the economy had re-mained resilient in the face of deadlypolitical unrest.

It was the latest vote of confi-dence in the economic outlook by mon-etary policymakers in Asia, coming onthe heels of rate hikes in Taiwan, In-dia, Malaysia and South Korea.

“The economy should continue togrow,” the Bank of Thailand said in astatement explaining its decision tohike the rate by 25 basis points to 1.5percent.

“The impact of the domestic po-litical situation on the Thai economyin the second quarter proved to be lim-ited,” it said, following the end in Mayof two months of mass opposition pro-tests.

“The tourism industry has shownsigns of a quick recovery while con-

India’s double-India’s double-India’s double-India’s double-India’s double-digit inflationdigit inflationdigit inflationdigit inflationdigit inflationinches higherinches higherinches higherinches higherinches higherAgence France-Presse

NEW DELHI - India’s double-digit inflation edged higher in June,touching an annual rate of 10.55 percent, official data showed Wednesday,stoking pressure for another interest rate hike this month.

more industrial capacity comes onstream, council chairman C. Rangarajansaid.

Earl ier this week, data showedIndia’s industrial output deceleratedsharply to 11.5 percent in May, its weak-est pace in seven months, as factoriesran into capacity constraints aftermonths of breakneck expansion.

The central bank has raised ratesthree times since March, includingtwice this month.

April’s inflation reading was revisedhigher to 11.23 percent — a 19-monthpeak, the data showed.

But the central bank expects inflationto soften to 5.5 percent by the end ofthe financial year to March 2011, helpedby expected plentiful monsoon rains,which should increase harvests and easefood prices.

The opposition has blamed Singh’sCongress-led government for failing tokeep a check on prices since it was re-turned to power in elections last year.

Thailand hikes interest ratesfor first time since 2008

sumption and production were little af-fected.”

Previously the Bank of Thailandhad held its benchmark rate steady formore than a year, after a series of cutsto shield the economy from the falloutof the global financial crisis. The lasttime it raised rates was in August 2008.

The street protests by the anti-government “Red Shirts” paralysedparts of Bangkok and descended intoseveral outbreaks of violence that left90 people dead and nearly 1,900 in-jured, ending in a bloody army crack-down.

The demonstrations forced sev-eral major malls and upscale hotels toclose temporarily and led to a steep fallin the number of foreign tourists visit-ing Thailand.

But overall exports have re-mained strong, hitting the highest levelin almost two years in May and reviv-ing confidence in the economy, whichgrew at a double-digit year-on-yearpace in the first quarter of 2010.


This photo taken on June 21, 2010 shows the Singapore Flyer standing against thebusiness district highrises of Singapore. Singapore looks set to become the world’sfastest-growing economy in 2010 after the government upgraded its forecast to a blis-tering 13 to 15 percent annual expansion, economists said Wednesday.

Singapore set to be world’sfastest-growing economy in 2010

Robust demand for Singapore’s manufacturedexports, particularly biomedical products and semi-conductors, resulted in the sharp upgrade for the trade-driven island’s GDP growth forecast.

Growth in the first quarter was 16.9 percent froma year ago, the Ministry of Trade and Industry said,while second quarter expansion is estimated at 19.3percent.

In a separate statement the trade promotion bodyInternational Enterprise (IE) Singapore said non-oildomestic exports — a barometer of the health of theeconomy — jumped 29 percent in June from a yearago, faster than the 24 percent figure the month be-fore.

Electronics exports, including computer chips,climbed 44 percent in June, after rising 39 percent inMay.

Non-electronics shipments, among them phar-maceuticals, petrochemicals and specialised machin-ery, were up 21 percent in June, compared with the 16percent rise the month before, IE Singapore said.

The country’s exports are now expected to ad-vance by between 17 and 19 percent this year, up fromthe previous forecast of 15 to 17 percent.

It cited strong trade with Asian economies ledby China as a key factor for the upgrade of the exportforecasts.

The trade body noted China’s surging imports,with Beijing’s trading partners expected to benefit fromrising demand from Chinese consumers.

The trade ministry said growth would moderatein the second half of the year due to problems in twokey markets for Singapore’s exports — the UnitedStates and the European Union.

“In the US, there are now signs of a slowdownin the labour market following the recovery earlier inthe year. This has affected consumer confidence. Inthe EU, domestic demand remains depressed as con-cerns over the sovereign debt crisis persist.”

Cohen said however that he does not see theglobal economy slipping into another recession.

“So the Singapore government’s projection forfull-year growth seems within reach,” he told AFP.

Entertainment InternationalThursday, July 15, 201012

The popular series’ cause ofdeath wasn’t provided, but MTVpresident of programming TonyDiSanto previously called it “an or-ganic culmination of this saga.”

“I’m oddly devastated that it’scome to an end,” said Ben “B-Side”Mandelker, who blogs about “TheHills” and its New York-set off-spring “The City” onbsideblog.com. “My five-year goalwas to appear as a sidekick on theshow, ideally with a subtitle thatdefines me solely as the friend ofsomeone else. Sadly, that dreamnever came to fruition.”

After 102 installments, “TheHills” faded into the sunset Tuesdaywith a goodbye gala attended by theshow’s cast and a wink, wink twistending in the final episode that hadfriends-with-benefits KristinCavallari and Brody Jenner seem-ingly saying goodbye in front of theHollywood sign, then appearing infront of a backdrop on the Para-mount Studios’ lot.

“With ‘The Hills’ off the air, I no

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – On a recentMonday night at a Los Angeleskaraoke bar, a meek-lookingwoman in a business suit andglasses was coaxed on stage byher co-workers. While the boozycrowd readied itself for four min-utes of awkward singing, thewoman — “Karen” — suddenlybelted out exquisite, pitch-per-fect renditions of the Jewel songs“Who Will Save Your Soul” and“Foolish Games.”

Astonished crowd memberspicked their jaws off the floorand cheered wildly. One personwas heard comparing Karen to“an American Susan Boyle.”

Unbeknownst to them, theyhad been victims of “undercoverkaraoke.” Karen really wasJewel, and the proceedings hadbeen filmed byFunnyOrDie.com, the comedyvideo website co-founded byWill Ferrell and Adam McKay.The video was posted Tuesdayand was rapidly circulatingonline, with more than 160,000views as of evening.

“I was a bit nervous to do thisskit at first because I feared it

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – It’s a match madein Oscar heaven: Penelope Cruz(krooz) and Javier Bardem (HAH’-vee-ayr bar-DEHM’) have gotten mar-ried. Cruz’s representative AmandaSilverman confirms the couple weremarried in the beginning of July at afriend’s house in the Bahamas.

She said in an e-mail to The As-sociated Press on Tuesday the cer-emony for the 36-year-old Cruz andthe 41-year-old Bardem was a small

Jewel goes undercoverat karaoke bar for Web video

would amount to little more thanshowing off some vocals, dressed assomeone else,” Jewel said in an e-mail. “I was worried it wouldn’t beself-effacing enough.” For the video,created by Funny or Die writer-di-

rector Eric Appel, Jewel was givena prosthetic nose, wig and glasses,and butt padding. Only after per-forming as Karen did Jewel returnto the stage of the karaoke joint,the Gas Lite, as herself.

(Before the reveal, one audi-ence member says to the camera:“They tell me she only sings atChristmas parties.”) ThoughJewel is principally a singer-songwriter, she has acted before,most notably in the 1999 Ang Leefilm “Ride with the Devil.” Thisperformance was quite a bitquicker (Funny or Die contactedher just a few days before tapingon June 28) and more comical.

“This did not require much, asthe costume did most of the workfor me,” said Jewel, whose fullname is Jewel Kilcher. “I loveimprov and this was a smallchance to do that, luckily assomeone else. I would love to domore of it in the future. A dreamgig would be a show like `CurbYour Enthusiasm.’”

Jewel also shot another videofor Funny or Die that she says in-volves former Alaska Gov. SarahPalin. A spokeswoman for thesite said it will be released nextweek.

AP Photo/FunnyOrDie.com

In this publicity image released byFunnyOrDie.com, singer Jewel, left,wears a disguise as she performs ata Los Angeles karaoke bar in a scenefrom a comedy video posted onFunnyOrDie.com.

Cruz, Bardem marryin the Bahamas

one that only family members at-tended.

Cruz’s wedding dress was de-signed by a longtime friend, fash-ion designer John Galliano. Cruzand Bardem are from Spain. Theyappeared together in the 2008Woody Allen romantic comedy“Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” Cruzwon a supporting-actress Oscar forher role.

Bardem won a supporting-actorOscar for the 2007 crime thriller “NoCountry for Old Men.”

FILE - In thisMay 23, 2010file photo, actorJavier Bardemand actressPenelope Cruzarrive duringthe awardsceremony atthe 63rdinternationalfilm festival, inCannes,southernFrance,Sunday, May23, 2010.

AP Photo/Mark Mainz, File

‘The Hills’ fans lament‘The Hills’ fans lament‘The Hills’ fans lament‘The Hills’ fans lament‘The Hills’ fans lamentend of MTV reality seriesend of MTV reality seriesend of MTV reality seriesend of MTV reality seriesend of MTV reality seriesAssociated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – “The Hills,” the landmark reality soap that cementedLauren Conrad, Heidi Montag and their pals as tabloid superstarlets,died Tuesday at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. It was 4.

longer have to field questions aboutthe show’s authenticity,” saidMandelker. “I can think of about 10different things I’d rather do thanengage in yet another dumb argumentabout whether or not ‘The Hills’ isstaged. I just tell people it’s like pro-fessional wrestling: Don’t take it soseriously, and enjoy the ride.”

The club-hopping, music-pump-ing, cat-fighting, mascara-dripping,mouth-dropping, crystal-worship-ping drama of “The Hills” debutedin 2006 as a spin-off of MTV’spopular high school realitydocudrama “Laguna Beach: TheReal Orange County.” The seriesoriginally documented the journeyof bubbly “Laguna Beach” gradu-ate Conrad to Los Angeles.

As the show progressed, “TheHills” morphed from a coming-of-age story centering on the buddingfashion designer to a splashy soapfocusing on a bevy of beautifulpeople. Andy Dehnart, who hasblogged about reality TV for morethan 10 years at realityblurred.com,

said the series’ lush cinematographyand phony authenticity left a lastingimpression on the medium.

“The legacy of ‘The Hills’ is that itimproved the visual language of real-ity TV while proving that a seriescould be sustained in an M.C. Escher-like circle where tabloid coverage ofthe cast members sustained interest ina narrative that largely ignored theirreal lives, including the intense mediacoverage that generated interest in theshow,” said Dehnart.

Fans never seemed to mind theshow’s fabrications. Kelli Hughes,who has followed the series since itsinception and blogs about “TheHills” and its stars athillsfreak.blogspot.com, bemoanedthat her Tuesday nights would neverbe the same. Despite the end of “TheHills,” Hughes said she would con-tinue to monitor the cast’s off-screenexploits.

“I still plan on blogging about allthe girls because, for me, that’s whatthe show was always about,” saidHughes. “The news may not flow asfreely, but I will always be interestedin what they are all doing. They haveall had issues on-screen and off thatwe can relate to. That’s what drewme to ‘The Hills’ and always keptme coming back for more.”

AP Photo/Peter Morgan, file

FILE - In this Aug. 31, 2006 file photo, Heidi Montag, left, and LaurenConrad, part of the cast of the MTV show ‘The Hills,’ arrive at the 2006MTV Video Music Awards in New York.

International Thursday, July 15, 2010 13Life Style

On a $50 scratch-off ticketbought in this rural farming commu-nity, Ginther won $10 million lastmonth in her biggest windfall yet.But it was the fourth winning ticketin Texas for the 63-year-old formercollege professor since 1993, whenGinther split an $11 million jackpotand became the most famous nativein Bishop history.

But she’s a celebrity who few inthis town of 3,300 people can saymuch about. “That lady is prettymuch scarce to everybody,” saidLucas Ray Cruz, Ginther’s formerneighbor. “That’s just the way she is.”

At the Times Market whereGinther bought her last two winningtickets, the highway gas station isfast becoming a pilgrimage for un-

Agence France Presse

LONDON – An unmanned jet capableof striking long-range targets has beendubbed the “combat aircraft of the future”by the Ministry of Defence. The Taranis —named after the Celtic god of thunder —was unveiled at a ceremony at BAE Sys-tems in Warton, Lancashire, on Monday.

The £142.5 million prototype is the sizeof a light aircraft and has been equipped withstealth technology to make it virtually un-

Associated Press Writer

LONDON – The number of young peopleinfected with HIV in Africa is falling in 16 ofthe 25 countries hardest hit by the virus, accord-ing to a new report by a U.N. agency.

The number of young people infected withHIV dropped by at least 25 percent in a dozencountries, the U.N. AIDS report said. In Kenya,for instance, the infection rate among people aged15 to 24 fell from about 14 percent in 2000 to5.4 percent in urban areas.

The drop in HIV rates coincided with a changein sexual behavior, like having fewer sexual part-ners or increased condom use, UNAIDS said.But the agency could not say the drop was be-cause of recent U.N. policies, which mainly havefocused on buying AIDS drugs rather than pre-venting infections.

Prevention will remain a key investment forthe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, its co-leader, Microsoft Corp. founder Bill Gates, saidTuesday. He spoke in a conference call with re-porters to preview comments he’ll make at next

MoD unveils unmannedfighter jet ‘of the future’

detectable.In a press release, the MoD described the

Taranis as “a prototype unmanned combataircraft of the future.” It is built to carry outintelligence, surveillance and reconnais-sance missions while its crew stays safelyon the ground and can control the aircraftfrom anywhere in the world.

The unmanned fighter jet can also carrybombs and missiles and, if the trials provesuccessful, the MoD said it should “ulti-mately be capable of striking targets at longrange, even in another continent.”

The current generation of propeller-driven drones — such as the Predator andReaper — are capable of carrying missiles,but these unmanned planes can only be usedin areas where the military has air domi-nance, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

The first flight trials are due to start nextyear. “Taranis is a truly trailblazing project,”said Minister for International Security Strat-egy Gerald Howarth.

“The first of its kind in the UK, it reflectsthe best of our nation’s advanced design andtechnology skills and is a leadingprogramme on the global stage.”

The Taranis was created by the MOD inpartnership with BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, QinetiQ and GE Aviation. “Taranishas been three-and-a-half years in the mak-ing and is the product of more than a mil-lion man-hours,” said Nigel Whitehead,group managing director of BAE Systems’Programmes and Support business.

“It represents a significant step forwardin this country’s fast-jet capability. “Thistechnology is key to sustaining a strong in-dustrial base and to maintain the UK’s lead-ing position as a centre for engineering ex-cellence and innovation.”

MoD/BAE Systems

This handout photo from the Ministry ofDefence shows the Taranis, an unmannedjet capable of striking long-range targetshas been dubbed the “combat aircraft ofthe future” by the Ministry of Defence.

A man playswith a soccer

ball at atournament

held inNewtown,


Friday, July 2,2010.

AP Photo/Denis Farrell

UN: HIV among youngpeople going down in Africa

week’s International AIDS Conference in Vienna.Gates repeatedly cited circumcision to reduce

the spread of HIV as an area the foundation had“got out in front of” and would continue to sup-port. Economic woes have limited how muchmoney countries can spend on AIDS, so moremust be done to trim administrative costs andmake delivering treatment as efficient as possible,Gates said.

“We’ve hit some limits and we’re going tohave to get as much as we can out of the fundingthat exists,” he said. The Seattle-based founda-tion has given more than $2.2 billion to fight HIVaround the world, plus $650 million to supportthe Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis, andmalaria. The UNAIDS research provides furtherevidence the AIDS outbreak peaked more than adecade ago and that the disease is on the decline.In a report last year, the agency said the numberof people infected with HIV had remained un-changed — at about 33 million — for the lasttwo years. The new report is based on popula-tion surveys and mathematical modeling, andcomes with a significant margin of error.

4-time Texas lotto winner4-time Texas lotto winner4-time Texas lotto winner4-time Texas lotto winner4-time Texas lotto winnerrich with money, mysteryrich with money, mysteryrich with money, mysteryrich with money, mysteryrich with money, mysteryAssociated Press Writer

BISHOP, Texas – The odds that Joan Ginther would hit four Texas Lottery jackpots for a combinednearly $21 million are astronomical. Mathematicians say the chances are as slim as 1 in 18 septillion —that’s 18 and 24 zeros. Just as unlikely? Getting to know one of the luckiest women in the world. “She wantsher privacy,” friend Cris Carmona said.

lucky lottery losers. Lines stretchdeep past a $5.98 bin of Mexicanmovie DVDs, and a woman fromRhode Island called last week ask-ing to buy tickets from the charmedstore through the mail. She was toldthat was illegal. The woman calledback to plead again anyway.

The Texas Lottery Commission hasseen repeat winners before, but noneon the scale of Ginther. SpokesmanBobby Heith said the agency has neverinvestigated Ginther’s winnings —three scratch-off tickets and one lot-tery draw — for possible fraud butdescribed the verification system asthorough. Her other winnings — bothfrom scratch-off tickets — were $2million in 2006 and $3 million in 2008.

So how did Ginther do it,

then?Good luck pinning her downto ask. Ginther has never spokenpublicly about her lotto winningsand could not be found for com-ment. She now lives in Las Vegasafter moving away from Bishop, andan answering machine message fora telephone number listed at heraddress says not to leave a message.

She asked the few people who’veexchanged more than brief pleasant-ries with her not to grant interviewsand sneaked into lottery headquar-ters in Austin to collect her winningswith the least publicity the state of-fers jackpot winners.

But spend a few hours in herhometown — and equal time scour-ing public records — and a contrast-ing profile emerges.

AP Photo/Steve Nurenberg

In this July 9, 2010 photo, the $40 million Extreme Payout, a $50 scratch-offticket, is shown at the Times Market in Bishop, Texas, where Bishop nativeJoan Ginther, who now lives in Las Vegas, won $10 million last month.

Thursday, July 15, 201014 InternationalSport

“I always had faith and confi-dence. I had a lot of confidence inthis team from the very first mo-ment,” he told a Barcelona newsconference on Tuesday. “To makemillions of people who follow thenational team happy and sufferalong with us has no price and itpleases me. The happiness ofother people is priceless,” the 26-year-old added.

Iniesta collected a pass fromArsenal captain Cesc Fabregas

Agence France Presse

LONDON – World Cup final referee Howard Webbhas arrived home in England insisting he had done atough job in difficult circumstances to the best of hisability. The official has come in for criticism from somequarters, notably from some Dutch players, over hishandling of Sunday’s final, one of the dirtiest in thehistory of the World Cup.

He handed out a record 14 yellow cards and sent offHolland’s Everton defender John Heitinga duringSpain’s fractious 1-0 win.

The Yorkshireman arrived home on Tuesday fromSouth Africa with his assistants Darren Cann andMichael Mullarkey to a barrage of media interest intheir performance at Soccer City in Johannesburg. In astatement released through the Premier League he said:“Whatever the match, you always hope that the offi-cials won’t need to be heavily involved. However, wehad to raise our profile in order to keep control.

“We don’t feel that we had much choice except tomanage the game in the way we did. We came awayfeeling satisfied that we’d done a tough job in difficultcircumstances to the best of our abilities.

“It was an extremely challenging match to handle,but it would have been so for any referee. It is one ofthe toughest games we will ever be involved in and wefeel that we worked hard to keep the focus on the foot-ball as much as possible.”

The Dutch players have been widely criticised fortheir behaviour during the final, during which Bert vanMarwijk’s side committed a rash of heavy-handed chal-lenges, including by former Holland logend JohannCruyff.

Holland were fortunate not to lose midfielder Nigelde Jong to a straight red card in the first half for a highchallenge on Xabi Alonso. But, despite Webb’s leniencyon that occasion, his performance nevertheless incensedthe Dutch, and he was confronted by several playersafter the final whistle. “From early on in the match wehad to make decisions that were clear yellow cards,”Webb continued.

“We tried to apply some common sense officiatinggiven the magnitude of the occasion for both sides -advising players early on for some of their tackling,sending players away when they were surrounding theofficials, and speaking to their senior colleagues to tryto calm them down.”

Agence France Presse

MADRID – Barcelona coachJosep Guardiola, who has led the clubto seven trophies in two seasons, willsign a one-year contract extension onWednesday, the Spanish championsrevealed. “The expected announce-ment of Guardiola?s continued pres-ence on the bench is a reality,” saidthe club in a statement posted on theirwebsite.

Guardiola’s contract expired onJune 30 but the 39-year-old agreedin January to extend it by one sea-son while Joan Laporta was still thepresident of the club.

Barcelona’s midfielderAndres Iniesta gives a pressconference on July 13, 2010

in Barcelona. Spain’s victori-ous World Cup squad re-

turned to a heroes’ welcomein Madrid with hundreds ofthousands of fans cheering

the team as they paradedthrough the capital’s streets

on an open top bus.

Iniesta says alwaysIniesta says alwaysIniesta says alwaysIniesta says alwaysIniesta says alwaysbelieved in Worldbelieved in Worldbelieved in Worldbelieved in Worldbelieved in WorldCup victoryCup victoryCup victoryCup victoryCup victoryAgence France Presse

MADRID – Barcelona midfielder Andres Iniesta, who scored the extra-time winner forSpain in the World Cup final against the Netherlands, said he always believed his side couldwin the trophy.

during Sunday’s match to fire homefrom close range just four minutesfrom the final whistle, triggeringmassive street celebrations acrossSpain. It was the first World Cup winfor Spain, the winners of the 2008European Championships.

The total television audience dur-ing extra-time, when Iniesta scored,was 15.6 million people for a 85.9percent audience share, making it themost watched television broadcast inSpanish history. AFP PHOTO

World Cup final referee Webb has no regrets

(AFP/File/Lluis Gene)

World Cup final referee Howard Webb, picturedon July 11, arrived home in England on Tues-day insisting he had done a tough job in diffi-cult circumstances to the best of his ability.

Despite the furore that has followed Sunday’s final,Webb insists he has come away from South Africaharbouring “amazing memories”. “It was a marvelloushonour to have been selected for the tournament andwe had a wonderful six weeks in South Africa,” he said.

“The people made us feel really welcome and we’vehugely enjoyed the experience of being involved in suchan incredible and unique event. We left the 2010 WorldCup with amazing memories.”

“We have been overwhelmed by the support of thepublic, the media, friends, colleagues, players and man-agers before and after the final. “It was a massive honourand a privilege to take charge of the World Cup final. Itis something every referee dreams of and to fulfil thatdream was a remarkable feeling.”

Guardiola extendscontract with Barcelona

(AFP/File/Josep Lago)

Barcelona coach Josep Guardiola — seen here in May — is tosign a one-year contract extension after leading the club toseven trophies in two seasons.

Barcelona’s new president,Sandro Rosell, said shortly after hewas elected on June 13 that he wouldtry to get Guardiola to sign a six-year contract extension.

The lack of a written contract fu-elled media speculation at the endof last season that the coach couldleave the Catalan giants.

Guardiola, a former Barcelonamidfielder, took charge of the clubin June 2008 following a spell asboss of their B team. Under hiswatch Barcelona won two succes-sive La Liga crowns, in 2009 and2010, as well as the 2009 Champi-ons League.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 15International Sport

After two hard days in the highmountains trimmed the yellow jerseyfield in brutal fashion, the battle for therace’s top prize should take a back seatuntil the resumption of hostilities in thePyrenees on Sunday.

The 179km 10th stage fromChambery to Gap Wednesday will givethe yellow jersey challengers a chanceto rest, and the French a chance to makeup for their mediocre showing so far.

The stage starts off easily enough,but with the difficult Cote de Laffrey— a 7km long category one-ratedclimb with an average gradient of ninepercent — rising up at the 70km mark,breakaways are a certainty. Early at-tacks will have a good chance of go-ing all the way, especially as the rest ofthe stage is undulating and features theascent of the Col de Noyer, a categorytwo-rated 7.4km-long climb at the138km mark.

From the summit it’s another 34kmto the finish line in Gap, and LanceArmstrong in particular will have rea-son to look back with fondness at one

Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – He was baseball’s bombas-tic Boss. He rebuilt the New York Yankees dy-nasty, ushering in the era of multimillion-dol-lar salaries and accepting nothing less in returnthan World Series championships. He firedmanagers. Rehired them. And fired them again.

He butted heads with commissioners andfellow owners, insulted his players and domi-nated tabloid headlines — even upstaging theAll-Star game on the day of his death.

George Michael Steinbrenner III, who bothinspired and terrorized the Yankees in morethan three decades as owner, died Tuesday ofa heart attack at age 80. “He was and alwayswill be as much of a New York Yankee as BabeRuth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, MickeyMantle, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford and all ofthe other Yankee legends,” baseball commis-sioner Bud Selig said.

Agence France Presse

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota – TheMinnesota Timberwolves have agreed tosend power forward Al Jefferson to theUtah Jazz for center Kosta Koufos andtwo future NBA first-round draft picks,both teams said Tuesday. Timberwolvespresident David Kahn said the first-roundpicks and the added flexibility under thesalary cap made the trade make sense.

Jefferson averaged 17.1 points and 9.3rebounds last season, his first campaignafter major knee injury in February 2009.In Utah he will help fill the void left fromCarlos Boozer’s departure to Chicago.

Jefferson came to Minnesota in 2007as the key figure in the blockbuster dealthat sent Kevin Garnett to Boston. He av-eraged 23.1 points and 11 rebounds in the50 games before he was injured in 2009.For Minnesota, Jefferson became expend-able because his low-post game, while ef-fective offensively, doesn’t mesh wellwith the speedier style coach KurtRambis hopes to cultivate.

“With Kevin Love and MichaelBeasley on the team, there wouldn’t havebeen enough playing time for everybodyto showcase Al,” Timberwolves presidentDavid Kahn. He should fit right in inUtah.

“We are happy to acquire a youngpower player who has developed into oneof the best low-post scorers in theleague,” Jazz GM Kevin O’Connor said.“We gave up significant assets to obtainAl and we look forward to watching himprogress with our team.”

(AFP/Lionel Bonaventure)

Fans cheer cyclists during the 9th stage of the 2010 Tour de France race between Morzine Avoriazski resort and Saint-Jean de Maurienne in Savoy.

French hint at Tour fireworks on Bastille DayFrench hint at Tour fireworks on Bastille DayFrench hint at Tour fireworks on Bastille DayFrench hint at Tour fireworks on Bastille DayFrench hint at Tour fireworks on Bastille DayAgence France Presse

SAINT-JEAN-DE-MAURIENNE – For some French teamson the Tour de France, it has been a comparatively disastrouscampaign so far. But at the halfway stage and on the nationalholiday of Bastille Day, the likes of Cofidis, Francaise des Jeuxand Bbox-Bouygues have the perfect chance to make amends.

of the more bizarre highlights of hiscareer.

It was on the Rochette descent lead-ing to the finish in Gap that the Ameri-can dramatically took a diversionthrough a field after Spanish rivalJoseba Beloki crashed in front of himas his tyre came of his wheel rim onthe melting tarmac.

As Armstrong emerged unscathedto global applause for his quick-think-ing and versatile bike handling,Beloki was never the same rider af-ter the injuries he sustained. Cofidismeanwhile admit it’s time for themto play a lead role in the race. Havingwatched Frenchman SylvainChavanel claim two stage victoriesfor his Belgian team Quick Step, theywant their share of the pie.

“We’ve had opportunities, but wehaven’t been daring enough so far,” la-mented Cofidis team manager EricBoyer. “We know that none of theFrench riders here can realistically aimfor a place in the top 10 (overall), sowe have to aim for the stages.”

NBA T-Wolves sendJefferson to Jazz

(AFP/Getty Images/File/Chris Graythen)

The Minnesota Timberwolves haveagreed to send power forward AlJefferson (R) to the Utah Jazz for cen-ter Kosta Koufos and two future NBAfirst-round draft picks, both teamsconfirmed.

Yankees owner GeorgeSteinbrenner dies at 80

Once reviled by fans for his overbearing andtempestuous nature, Steinbrenner mellowed inhis final decade and became beloved by em-ployees and rivals alike for his success.

Steinbrenner was taken from his home toSt. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa, Fla., and diedabout 6:30 a.m, a person close to the ownertold The Associated Press. The person spokeon condition of anonymity because the teamhad not disclosed those details.

“George was a fierce competitor who wasthe perfect fit for the city that never sleeps —colorful, dynamic and always reaching for thestars,” former President Bill Clinton said. Yan-kees captain Derek Jeter added: “He expectedperfection.”

In 37 1/2 years as owner, Steinbrennerwhipped a moribund $10 million team into a$1.6 billion colossus that became the modelof a modern franchise, one with its own TVnetwork and ballpark food business.

FILE - This Feb. 28,1988, file photo

shows New YorkYankees owner


flanked by man-ager Billy Martin,

left, and vicepresident and

general managerLou Piniella, right,at spring training

in Fort Lauderdale,Fla.

(AP Photo/Bill Cooke)

Thursday, July 15, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

ALEX DE ANGELIS has ex-pressed his delight at being giventhe opportunity to make hisMotoGP comeback at the Ger-man Grand Prix with InterwettenHonda.

The Sammarinese rider hasbeen called up as a longer termreplacement for the injuredHiroshi Aoyama on the bike, deAngelis jumping at the opportu-

“We have a two-step F-ductcoming,” Boullier said. “It de-pends on the schedule, Budapestis a high downforce track so wedon’t need to have it for that.Maybe we’ll get it before, or verylikely right after.”

Chief race engineer AlanPermane defended the team’s deci-sion to delay its F-duct developmentmuch longer than its rivals. “We’veconcentrated on other bits and bobsand put an awful lot of downforceon the car, so I still think it was theright strategic decision to not do oneimmediately like the other teamsdid,” he said.

But Permane admitted thatRenault has fallen back behindMercedes and believes the F-ductwill help the team challenge forfourth place in the constructors’championship.


Renault f1’s Russian driver Vitaly Petrov drives ahead of Renault f1’s Polish driver Robert Kubicaat the Silverstone circuit on July 9, 2010, during the second free practice session of the For-mula One British Grand Prix.

Renaulttargets Spa forF-duct debut

Renault plans to introduce its version of the F-duct in theBelgian Grand Prix. The team is currently the only front run-ning outfit not to have run the aero device, but team boss EricBoullier says it is working on an example which he hopes will beused for the first time at Spa

“We should be fighting with theFerraris and Mercedes,” he said.“Realistically we’re just at the backof that group at the moment. We hadedged ahead of Mercedes butthey’ve done a very good job - theywere very quick at Silverstone andthey’re ahead of us again now.

“We need a little bit more andwhen we get our F-duct online thatshould help. That won’t be for an-other couple of races, but that’s allwe’re missing compared to otherpeople.

“I think we’ve overperformed,honestly. We’ve made the most ofthe car and made the most of theopportunities presented to us inraces, and I hope we can carry ondoing that for the rest of the year. Inthe absence of winning, our goal isto beat Mercedes and be fourthquickest.”

de Angelis ‘very, very happy’with MotoGP return

nity to rejoin the premier class fol-lowing a dismal tenure with TeamScot in Moto2. The Saschsenring isa good place to start for de Angelistoo having finished fifth with GresiniHonda last season, although thisweekend will be his first outing onthe 2010 RC212V.

“This is a very good chance forme to continue in the MotoGP asreplacement for Hiroshi Aoyama. I

am very, very happy that I amback on the MotoGP bike. Lastyear at the Sachsenring circuit myresult was not bad, I finished fifth.

“I hope I will be able to adaptto this new position very fast andgive the team the best result forthe coming race, as theSachsenring GP is partly a homerace for the team. I am lookingforward to it for sure.”


Alex de Angelis

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