桥吧青少儿英语 - iqbariqweb.iqbar.net/file/ppts/think introduction.pdfme and my family unit5...

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THiNK 课程是一套面向青少年的英语学习课程,共有 6 个级别,分别对应欧洲共同参考框架 (CEFR) 的 A1 到 C1 级别,对接剑桥英语考试(KET、PET、FCE、CAE)。

THiNK 课程在帮助学生提高听、说、读、写等语言能力之外,还重在帮助学生全方位发展——强调批判性思维、积极的价值观、健康的自尊心——得以让学生在学术上收获满满的同时,受益终生。




Herbert Puchta 博士是一位职业作家,主要编写教材和其他英语教学材料,同时,还是一位专业教师培训师。Herbert Puchta 博士曾多次担任国际会议全体会议发言人,在南美洲和欧洲的许多国

家举办过研讨会。Herbert Puchta 博士还是神经语言学程序学领域的大家,近二十年来,一直致力于认知心理学在电子外语教学中的实际应用研究。

参 与 编 著 了 Multiple Intelligences in EFL, Teaching Grammar Creatively, Imagine That! (Cambridge-Helbling), Playway

to English (Cambridge-Helbling), Join In/Join Us (Cambridge-ELI), MORE! Second

edition (Cambridge-Helbling), English in Mind (Cambridge), Mind your English(Cambridge), Into English (Cambridge), and Focus - Into English (Cambridge) 等诸多教科书和参考书。


1 .关于作者:


1 .关于作者:

2 .重点关注:


THiNK 的教学内容依托庞大的剑桥英语语料库,与研究性教学法相结合,每个单元都围绕一个发人深省的话题展开,用实际应用中的英语探索青少年感兴趣的复杂问题和主题,对他人和文化的见解深刻,在帮助学生学习实际应用中的英语的同时,着重培养青少年的思考能力,激励启发青少年思考,注重培养学生的学术能力、认知能力和有益终生的技能,让学生全面学习,全方位提高,自如应对学习、生活、工作中遇到的困难。

1、夯实语言基础该课程非常重视学生词汇知识的不断扩展,每个单元包含 2 个词汇板块,每隔1 个单元会都设置了相应的词汇练习(WordWise),帮助提高学生使用高频词汇和语块、重点搭配和动词短语意识和能力,以及语言的流利程度。指导性的写作与口语活动培养学生自信的输出能力。该课程采用归纳法讲解英语语法,帮助学生理解相应的语法形式和意义,再通过系列练习题练习巩固,帮助学生了解如何在现实语言表达中运用这些语法结构。有趣、发人深省的青少年照片故事为应用、练习所学的高频口语表达提供了自然语境。

很多时候,青少年觉得说英语很难,尤其是在表达自己的想法和感受时。Think 课程非常重视张口说。研究表明,青少年更容易参与那些关于固定话题、自己有情感共鸣的思考活动,特别是那些远离日常现实的思考。这种距离感让学生有机会向外看,让他们不那么难为情。在课程的前几个阶段,每个单元讨论的故事往往发生在遥远的地方或文化中,远离学生自己的生活,但故事的主角却是年轻人能够认同的。这有助于培养他们优良的人文素质,如创造力、勇气、毅力、热情和关怀,提高其口语表达能力,让他们学更得更快、更开心。

2、注重身心发展人在青春期到成年早期的过渡时期要面临很多的情感挑战,在这一时期,许多青少年面对自己的情绪不知所措,这些情绪会对他们的行为和态度产生巨大的影响,有积极的也有消极的。情感素质与认知过程的整合是培养学生认知能力、对世界的理解能力和成为负责任的人的关键。THiNK 部分贯穿整个课程,帮助学生整合他们的情绪反应与认知过程,系统地培养学生的思考能力,帮助学生养成良好的思维习惯,健康的价值观和自尊心,从而形成积极的学习态度,规范日后的言行举止。


“Train to Think”活动帮助提高青少年的批判性思维能力,培养对成功学习整个课程至关重要的思维习惯。

在较低的级别 ,THiNK 注重培养基本的认知能力 , 包括比较和对比、分类、排序、集中注意力、探索空间、时间、数字以及理解因果关系。

在较高的级别 ,THiNK 侧重于培养更高层次的思考能力。B2 和 C1 级别引导学生发展批判性思维能力,包括了解我们相信自己所看到、听到的程度,确定某件事是否真实,确定什么时候需要更多信息,为特定目的选择信息等。




“THiNK Values”活动通过设置情感上吸引人的内容 ( 故事 ) 和激发性的活动,为学生提供了许多思考和讨论很多重要价值(包括伦理、环境、健康、艺术价值)的机会,探索重要的普遍价值观,帮助青少年培养健康的自我价值感、积极的人生态度,增强学生对价值观重要性的认识和理解,并最终指导他们的行为。





而这正是 THiNK 课程中“THiNK Self-esteem”活动的目的。这些活动帮助学生反思自己在社会中扮演的角色,自己和他人的态度,鼓励他们从错误中学习,培养对自己思维 ( 元认知 ) 的洞察力——这些都是建树立强烈的自我价值感和自尊感的重要基石。

3. 对接剑桥英语考试每 个 级 别 的“Think Exam” 课 程 与 测 评 课 程 帮 助 学 生 备 考 剑 桥 英 语 考 试(Cambridge English Key, Preliminary, First, Advanced)

Think 系列教材共分 6 个级别,每个级别由 1 个 Welcome 单元和 12 个主题单元(每个偶数单元后 1 个剑桥考试和测评板块)。教材中典型的一个单元包括课堂引入、两个阅读练习、口语练习、两个语法点、两个词汇部分、文化部分和图片故事(图片故事还配有视频)、日常用语练习,还有针对 KET、PET、FCE 考试所设置的考试练习。


每个级别配套的练习册 workbook 非常丰富,极其适合课下巩固和强化学生用书上学到的内容。




CEFR 级别 剑桥英语考试

















THiNK 级别









Unit1One word

Unit4In the city

Getting to know someoneTalking about yourself and others

Describing good qualitiesTalking about familyPaying compliments

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Talking about habits and activities Talking about technology habitsEncouraging someone

Language of persuasionDiscussing reactions to the blog

Talking about food and eating habitsTalking about obligationAsking nicely and offeringOffering and asking for help

Talking about achievementTalking about the pastAsking for information about the pastTalking about the weather

Asking and answering about past holidaysTalking about ability in the pastDescribing a pictureSequencing(in a story)

Qusetion wordsto be

Countries and nationalitiesAdjectives

Family membersHouse and furniture

Parts of the bodyDescribing people


Time expression:paastThe weather

TransportGeographical places

Free-time activitiesGadgets

SportTelling the timeMonths and seasonsOrdinal numbers

Food and drinkMeals

Verb and noun pairsAdjectives

to be(negative,singular and plural)to be(questions and short answers)Objectpronouns

Welcome p4 A The alphabet;Colour;International words B Articlea:a and an;The day;Saying Hello ang Goodbye C Classroom objects;Numbers 0-20;Plural nouns;Classroom language D Number 20-100;Messages;Review

Unit2I feel happy

Unit3Me and my family

Unit5In my free time

Unit7Sporting life

Unit9Would you like dessert?

Unit11A world of animals


Unit8Dance to the music

Unit10High flyers

Unit12Getting about


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Talking about feelingsAsking questionsExpressing likes and dislikes

Talking about places in a town/cityGiving directionsBuying in a shop

Helping a friendDescribing people

Saying that you don’t understand or didn’tfully hearTalking about language

Talking about travel and transportComparting thingsAt the train station

Adjectives to describe feelingsPositive and negativeadjectives

Places in a town/cityPrepositions of placeNumbers 100+Prices

Possessive'sPossessive adjectivesthis /that/these/those

Present simpleAdverbs of frequencyPresent simple(negative and question)

can(ability)Prepositions of time

must/mustn'tcan(asking for permission)I'd like.../Would you like...?

Past simple:irregular verbsPast simple(negative and questions)could/couldn't

there is/there aresome/anyImperatives

have/has got(postive,negative and questions)Countable and uncountable nouns

Present continuouslike/don't like + -ing

Past simple:was/wasn't;were/weren't;there was/werePast simple:Was he...?/were you...?Past simple:regular verbs

Comparative adjectivesone/ones




Unit1Having fun

Unit4Laugthet is the best medicine

Talking about routines and everyday activitiesExpressing likes and dislikesGiving warnings and stating prohibition

Talking about foodOrdering a mealApologising

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28–29

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46–47

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64–65

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82–83

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100–101

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118–119Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Talking about events in the pastMaking suggestionsRole play: Buying furniture for your youth club

Talking about the weatherPaying compliments

Role play: A health problemMaking predictionsSympathising

Present simple reviewlike + -ingAdverbs of frequency

HobbiesWordWise: Collocationswith have

Food and drinkAdjectives to talk about foodWordWise: Expressions with have got

Past time expressionsPersonality adjectives

Sport and sports verbsAdverbs of sequence

Places in a townTh ings in town: compound nouns

Transport and travelTravel verbs

Parts of a house and furnitureAdjectives with -ed / -ingWordWise: Phrasal verbs with look

GadgetsHouseworkWordWise: Expressions with like

Geographical featuresTh e weatherWordWise: Phrases with with

Parts of the bodywhen and ifWordWise: Expressions with do

Present continuousVerbs of perceptionPresent simple vs. present continuous

Welcome p4 A Personal information; Nationalities and be; Names and addresses B Things in the classroom; Prepositions of place;Classroom language; Object pronouns; this / that / these / those C Days and dates; My day D My possessions; have got; I like and I’d like

Unit2Money and how tospend it

Unit3Lucky breaks

Unit5Thrill seekers

Unit7Beauty is in the eyeof the beholder

Unit9Is it fair?of the beholder

Unit112 1 s t c e n t u r y living

Unit6Lucky breaks

Unit8It’s all Greek to me!

Unit10Y o u l i v e a n d learn

Unit12Unsung heroes


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Role play: Buying things in a shopTalking about what people are doing atthe moment

Talking about familiesAsking for permission

Saying what you like doing alone and with othersTalking about past eventsTalking about friends and friendships

Talking about sportsTalking about feelings

Talking about plansInviting and making arrangementsDiscussing ideas for an imaginary film

Talking about travel and transportTalking about life experiencesRole play: Life as a bus driver / flight attendant

Giving adviceTalking about rulesAsking for repetition and clarifi cationRole play: A phone call


Family membersFeelings

Countable and uncountable nounsa/an, some, anyHow much / many, a lot of / lots oftoo and (not) enough

Past simple (regular verbs)Modifi ers: quite, very, really

have to / don’t have toshould / shouldn’tmustn’t vs. don’t have to

Comparative adjectivesSuperlative adjectivescan / can't for ability

will / won't for future predictionsFirst conditionalTime clauses with when / as soon as

Possessive adjectives and pronounswhose and possessive ’swas / were

Past simple (irregular verbs)Double genitivePast simple questions

Past continuousPast continuous vs. past simplewhen and while.

be going to for intentionsPresent continuous for arrangementsAdverbs

Present perfect simplePresent perfect with ever / neverPresent perfect vs. past simple




Unit1Amazing people

Unit4Social networking

Talking about things you have and haven’t doneOff ering encouragementRole play: Good causes

Comparing things and actionsAsking for and off ering help

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28–29

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46–47

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64–65

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82–83

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100–101

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118–119Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Asking about feelingsRole play: Helpful suggestions

Accepting and refusing invitationsRole play: Inviting friends to join you

Reporting what someone has saidExpressing feelings: anger

Present perfect with just, already and yetPresent perfect vs. past simple

Personality adjectivesCollocationsWordWise: Phrases with just

Types of fi lmsTypes of TV programmesWordWise: Expressions with get

The environmentVerbs to talk about energy

Direction and movementScience

Time linkersIllness: collocations

DisciplineTalking about consequencesand reasons

Making musicMusical instrumentsWordWise: Phrasal verbs with with out

Future time expressionsArranging a partysWordWise: Phrases with about

Jobswork as / in / forwork vs. jobWordWise: Time expressions with in

FunMore verbs with object +infinitiveWordWise: Expressions with take

Present perfect with for and sincea, an, the or no article

Welcome p4 A Introducing yourself; Answering questions; Th e weather; Families B Meeting people; Irregular past participles; losing things; furniture C Buying and talking about food; In a restaurant; Shops; Th ings you have to do D Plans and arrangements; Sports and sport verbs; Travel plans

Unit2Th e ways we learn

Unit3Th at’sentertainment

Unit5My life in music

Unit7Future fun

Unit9What a job!

Unit11Making the news

Unit6Making a difference

Unit8Science counts

Unit10Keep healthy

Unit12Playing by therules


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Asking and giving / refusing permissionRole play: Asking permission

Giving advice

Expressing surprise and enthusiasm

Talking about past habitsTalking about imaginary situationsTalking about scientifi c discoveries

Talking about your health

Talking about permissionFollowing and giving simple instructions

Checking informationAgreeing

School subjectsVerbs about thinking

IT termsLanguage for giving advice

Comparative and superlative adjectives (review)(not) as …. as comparativesMaking a comparison stronger or weakerAdverbs and comparative adverbs

Present perfect continuousPresent perfect simple vs. present perfectcontinuous

Future formsQuestion tagsNor/Neither / So

The passive (present simple, past simple, presentcontinuous, present perfect)

Reported statementsVerb patt erns: object + infi nitive

Indefi nite pronouns (everyone, no one, someone, etc.)all / some / none / any of themshould(n't), had bett er, ought to

will (not), may (not), might (not) for predictionFirst conditionalunless in fi rst conditional sentences

Past simple vs. past continuous (review)used toSecond conditionalI wish

Past perfect simplePast perfect continuousPast perfect simple vs. past perfect continuous

be allowed to / letTh ird conditional




Unit1Life plans


ComplainingRole play: Complaining to a family memberTalking about the future

Giving adviceExpressing obligationGiving recommendations, warnings and prohibitions

(don't) have to / ought to / should(n't) / musthad bett er (not)can('t) / must(n't)

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28–29

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46–47

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64–65

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82–83

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100–101

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118–119Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Telling a story

Making deductions

Expressing purposeEmphasising

Present tenses (review)Future tenses (review)

Making changesLife plansWordWise: Phrases with up

Making and sellingExpressions with name

Extreme adjectives andmodifiersmake and do

CrimeReporting verbs

Money and valueJobs and workWordWise: by

Phrasal verbs (2)Nervousness and fear

Types of storyElements of a story

Phrasal verbs (1)PersonalityWordWise: Phrases with all

MysteriesExpressions with go

Danger and safetyAdjectives with negativeprefi xes

Narrative tenses (review)would and used to

Welcome p4 A let and allow; Music; Verbs of perception; Th e big screen; Present perfect tenses; TV programmes B Our endangered planet; Question tags; So do I / Neither do I; Accepting and refusing invitations; Party time; Indefi nite pronouns; Arranging a party C Feeling under the weather; Giving advice; Bett er or worse?; Comparisons D Reported speech; Sequencing words; Asking for and off ering help; IT problems; IT vocabulary; Passive tenses

Unit2Hard times

Unit3What's in a name?

Unit5What a story!

Unit7All the same?

Unit9What happened?


Unit6How do they do it?

Unit8It's a crime


Unit12A first time foreverything


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Talking about the past

Apologising and accepting apologiesTalking about hypothetical situationsExpressing wishes

Talking about sequenceExplaining how things are done

Giving and reacting to newsReporting what someone said, asked or requested

SympathisingTalking about future events

Expressing regretTalking about fears

InvitationsTalking about permissionTalking about habits

Descriptive verbsTime periods

Being honestMaking a decisionWordWise: now

Relative pronounsDefi ning and non-defi ning relative clausesRelative clauses with which

make / let and be allowed tobe / get used to

Modals of deduction (present)should(n’t) haveModals of deduction (past)

Verbs followed by gerund or infinitiveto / in order to / so as toso and such

First and second conditional (review)Time conjunctionswish and if onlyThird conditional (review)

Present and past passive (review)have something doneFuture and present perfect passive (review)

Reported speech (review)Reported questions, requests and imperatives

Future continuousFuture perfect

Phrasal verbsI wish / If only + past perfect





Unit4Th inking outsidethe box

Issuing and accepting a challengeDiscussing situations and your emotionalreactions to them

EmphasisingDiscussing the Tiger mum style of parenting

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28–29

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46–47

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64–65

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82–83

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100–101

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118–119Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Advice and obligationTalking about technology

Asking someone politely to change theirbehaviourDiscussing further education and workexperienceMaking a pointIntroducing newsInterviewing a well-known personDiscussing the ethics of journalism

Sympathising about past situationsDiscussing the greatest fi lmsDiscussing life in space

Verbs followed by infi nitive or gerundVerbs which take gerund and infinitive with different meanings: remember, try, stop, regret,forget

Verbs of movementAdjectives to describeuncomfortable feelingsWordWise: Expressions with right

Costumes and uniformsBringing up children

Ways of speakingLove and relationships

Sharing newsReporting verbsWordwise: Expressions with way

Phrasal verbs (2)Alternatives to if: suppose,provided, as long as, otherwise,unless

Geographical featuresVerb + noun collocations

Technology (nouns)Technology (verbs)

Life’s ups and downsWork and education

Phrases to talk about thefuture: about to, off to, on thepoint ofFeelings about future eventsWordWise: Expressions with so

Space idiomsAdjectives commonly used todescribe films

Relative clauses (review)which to refer to a whole clauseOmitt ing relative pronounsReduced relative clauses

Obligation, permission and prohibition (review)Necessity: didn't need to / needn't haveAbility in the past (could, was / were able to,managed to, succeeded in)

Unit2Going places

Unit3The nextgeneration

Unit5Screen time

Unit7Always look on thebright side

Unit9Be your own lifecoach

Unit11Space and beyond

Unit6Bringing peopletogether

Unit8Making lists

Unit10Spreading thenews

Unit12More to explorerules


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Expressing surpriseDiscussing nomadic peoples

Expressing frustrationGuessing game to practise personalityadjectives

Using intensifying comparativesDiscussing the use of the Internet for doing goodRole play: Stuck in a lift

Saying ‘Yes’ and adding conditionsDiscussing wonders of the world

Speaking persuasivelyGiving a presentation about humanactivity and the natural world

Cheering someone upSilver linings game: – thinking of optimisticsolutions

Groups of peoplePhrasal verbs (1)

Personality adjectivesCommon adverbial phrasesWordwise: Expressions with good

be / get used to (doing) vs. used to (do)Adverbs and adverbial phrases

Quantifi ersso and such (review)do and did for emphasis

Ways of referring to the future (review)Future continuousFuture perfect

Conditionals (review)Mixed conditionals

I wish and If onlyI would prefer to / it if, It's time, I'd rather / sooner

Speculating (past, present and future)Cause and eff ect linkers

ComparativesLinkers of contrast

Reported speech (review)Reported questions and requests

Passive report structuresTh e passive: verbs with two objects


Welcome p4 A A lucky pilot; Descriptive verbs; Phrasal verbs; Childhood memories; Elements of a story; Talking about past routines B Future plans;Life plans; Future continuous; Future perfect; Being emphatic: so and such; Extreme adjectives C C Conversations; Personality; Using should; Career paths;Decisions; Permission D A change of lifestyle?; Reporting verbs; Negative adjectives; Another country; Changes; Regrets: I wish … / If only …



Unit1B r o t h e r s a n d sister

Unit4Laugthet is the best medicine

Using emotive languageDiscussing problems with siblingsTalking about personal conflict

Giving encouragement to someone who’sfeeling nervousTalking about luck

Review Units 1 & 2 pages 28–29

Review Units 3 & 4 pages 46–47

Review Units 5 & 6 pages 64–65

Review Units 7 & 8 pages 82–83

Review Units 9 & 10 pages 100–101

Review Units 11 & 12 pages 118–119Pronunciation pages 120–121 Get it right! pages 122–126 Speaking activities pages 127–128

Giving and reacting to an opinionDiscussion about thrill seeking

Language of persuasionDiscussing reactions to the blog

Talking imprecisely about numbersDiscussing money

Telling someone to keep calmTalking about 21st century problems

Talking about habitsAdverbs to express attitude

Personality (1)Personal conflict

Phrasal verbsExpressions with luckWordwise: Expressions with over

AdmirationFameWordWise: Expressions with take

Language and communicationPersonality (2)

Higher educationLife aft er school

AwardsSuccess and failureWordWise: Expressions with in

Th rill seekingIdioms related to noise

FadsEmotional responses

Court casesFairness and honestyWordwise: Expressions with on

(not) Gett ing angryVerbs with prefi xes up and down

Past tense with hypothetical meaningAdverbs for modifying comparatives

Welcome p4 A Saying yes and adding conditions; get used to …; Secrets of love; Love and relationships B The bucket list; Verbs with -ing or infi nitive;Issuing and accepting a challenge; Our greatest challenge; Phrases for talking about the future

Unit2Sleep on it

Unit3Lucky breaks

Unit5Thrill seekers

Unit7Beauty is in the eyeof the beholder

Unit9Is it fair?of the beholder

Unit112 1 s t c e n t u r y living

Unit6Lucky breaks

Unit8It’s all Greek to me!

Unit10Y o u l i v e a n d learn

Unit12Unsung heroes


p 30

p 20

p 48

p 38

p 56

p 66

p 84

p 102

p 110

p 92

p 74

Giving adviceTalking about dreamsDiscussing sleeping habits in your country

Responding to jokesDiscussion about thrill seeking

ComplainingDiscussing sports teams

Saying that you don’t understand or didn’tfully hearTalking about language

Reacting to newsTalking about higher education and you

Expressing anticipationPlanning a class awardTalking about things you’d intended to do but didn’t

SleepIdioms with sleep and dream


Idioms with laugh and joke

Mixed conditionals (review)Alternatives to if

Participle clausesVerbs of perception with infinitive or gerund


Negative inversionSpoken discourse markers

More on the passiveCausative have (review)Modal passives (review)

Emphatic structuresBoosting

Modals 1: may, might, can,could, will, won'tModals 2: should, shouldn't,must, mustn't, can't

Relative clauses with determiners andprepositionshowever, wherever, whatever, etc.

Reported verb patt erns (review)Passive report structures

Future perfect; future continuous (review)Future in the past




完成 THiNK Stater Level的学习

将达到 CEFR A1 级别,备考剑桥英语五级考试 KET(Key English Test),相当于国内高中生水平。

重点掌握词汇:601 个 大概积累词汇:2600+


语法点涵盖:be 动词、疑问句、一般现在时、现在进行时、代词、一般过去时、规则和不规则动词



完成 THiNK Level 1的学习

将达到 CEFR A2 级别,有望通过剑桥英语五级考试 KET。

重点掌握词汇:719 个 大概积累词汇:3300+


语法点涵盖:可数 / 不可数名词、物主代词与所有格、一般过去时、过去进行时、现在进行时、将来时、现在完成时、比较级

话题涉及:爱好、金钱观、健康饮食、家人与家庭、朋友、规定与责任、运动、世界奇迹 / 奇观、城镇、未来、旅游等


完成THiNK Level 2的学习

将达到 CEFR B1 级别,备考剑桥英语五级考试 PET(Preliminary English Test)(高中毕业)。

重点掌握词汇:490 个 大概积累词汇:3800+





完成THiNK Level 3的学习

将达到 CEFR B1+ 级别,备考剑桥英语五级考试 FCE(Cambridge English: First)雅思 5.0+

重点掌握词汇:470 个 大概积累词汇:4500+ (大学英语四级)




完成THiNK Level 4的学习

将达到 CEFR B2 级别,有望通过剑桥英语五级考试 FCE(Cambridge English: First),雅思 6.5 (大学英语六级)

重点掌握词汇:566 个 大概积累词汇:5000+

语法点涵盖:动词不定式与动名词、数量词、do 和 did 是表强调、“允许与禁止”、“过去可以”、副词及副词词组、定语从句、比较级、表对比的连接词、将来进行时、将来完成时、条件句、间接引语、推测“过去、现在、未来”、因果连接词、被动语态等



完成THiNK Level 3的学习

将 掌 握 CEFR C1 级 别, 有 望 通 过 剑 桥 英 语 五 级 考 试CAE(Cambridge English: Advanced) 级别,雅思 7.5 ,英语专业八级。

重点掌握词汇:518 个 大概积累词汇:8000+



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