effects of urbanisation in india

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Effects of Urbanisation in India and attempts to slow this process down


Consequences of rural – urban migration 1.2 No 12

So what effects does this movement have on the places they leave? In regions people leave a downward

spiral results

Lots of people leave an area

Less money circulates in region

Profits fall so businesses close and farms fail

Jobs are lost

Effects on the places they leave What sort of people are the most likely

to leave? Young and Skilled

What effect will this have on the places they leave?

Leaves old and unskilled who are less likely to cause improvements

Effects on Places they go to

In regions people go to an upward spiral results

Lots of people come to an area

more money circulates in region

Profits increase so businesses boom

More jobs are available

These regions develop quickly economically

The problems are: Cities are growing faster than people

can be housed or get decent jobs

People end up in illegal shanty towns or live on the streets

People end up with useless jobs like shoe shining

The Green Revolution The government did try to help in the

1960’s by investing some money in the rural areas:

What they did: Provided better hybrid seeds of wheat

and rice Putting in water pumps and irrigation

ditches Loaning money to farmers to get these

Problems with the green revolution Write the above title in your book Rule up 4 boxes in your 2B8s which are

approximately 6 lines down and 4cm across.

Leave a couple lines underneath each box

Listen carefully to the statements I am about to read out!

But… To work the seeds needed fertiliser that the

farmers could not afford

Often the monsoon was late - the irrigation ditches dried up and the seeds failed – farmers were left in debt.

The new equipment broke down like pumps. No-one could fix them.

The only ones who benefited were the rich farmers who did not need the help!

So the gap between rural and urban areas continues!!

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