eise s*ixs ss' ffi;l.k]j;# ss.#s. by fros'€,ffis

Post on 02-Nov-2021






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EiSE S*IXS SS' ffi;L.K]j;# SS".#S.

by FROS'€,ffiS.

{ yonn€ boy wil.d rtth eqqi,tenect I a yoqg6 b65r trh,o ssre66e-d

with teffio:r; th6 thaught{ qf, th€ qsi3 iF. +,he bEs travelled besk g*

ye€Es, trryelied aeny 4uadrecl s oif b{x€s e agFwasde.

Ii wee tba eutntrt' of tg68 e€aiet th.e. tf,,e sf &!"*,.c&,. f4 e

orr,{F3l tffis, in S,lgei.e lXved e s:h.og&6eF6F with hls wi{6 esdl lli-s t*rs

eblf,'dyeg., 6esit* ?beir soa" aged teE. e]rd Teea, hj-s gi.stet wh.o uag

four ears &is i8ns.qrr It ?fe$ e ysry hryg feElly but for th.e eier

derEsrtD€i Eb.*dgs $ilai[ wer-e +arg'{ng to ti]eeete$ !6t only t&,eir

ba4Btaeee buJ t8€i! very 3.tse**

f&.e Geusaa erEriT $as oc t&a qsyer ne6i$ent a:fter fe€iEeEt

triasse€ tiqp$8! tAe little $ilesi.se twe qa it as vray ts the gaech.

froatior r AEese wele hors@e4 a,a{, sorgrbtt gheqs pud lo'r:ri e$ arur

lenks. S@le stoodl in the tsv!. squae wbiJst the soldtiers wele

blatetee oven:right +

YOgag fiBsd !{ss thstlled'to Fae *11 this qs he watehed, the

sof.4iers qrd. t&etu qquipaor*+ This sras ffrah bett€r th€c' Just Blatrjse

tci.tb. toysi Eqel'te{ly b€ rushed to lis fath€f !. TIiLL th,er.e b€ war}

f,ath,er, w111 there be fjgbtirg?

t'&tber rs$s ?€::y ae*.ouefrAa kBeF e1l about wcr; Fxcqfi

19tr"4 to 191,8 he &ad f,otr€4t f,or- his osustry sld he{ bees degoreierj

by tsie Eai$eri EUt nosi lt was sst elrLy tHe feq pf, l*oF Fbl.eb aad.e

htE eetgh &is so8 by ths laad .qrlil sq$ to bln very Atl*ietly: " If

there is sar, !!y bur, tbea your lroth.er nnd J wiln not liye to ge€

the crd, of it ..n

the're s+e as lgeF tbot ye{r} }flxea nggrs a,f t}.e }*ugieh

agre€Beixt reaohetl ttre to$q, alL rqesk stqr5redl aod, t-he echoo]-s dasLsred

a h.oliil*y i Sld geasehts r"rotra seen s:r t &elr knees,* eu streetar

giv*ng thecks to God thst ii $aB Fgc,cer

.Fai for Gerd ,'ild hls f,:mi3y t}:.*re ;ii;fts s.ot tg i],e ?e;:c€r

0n a d.ii:rk :Ioveeber !*oagin€' orf"y e fer': $eeiis ].iit er i tbe ehildxen

fiere wokell trr-os t&.ei.r sleep by t,he esrrYrd. of brenh:i.:n€ gLass ancl

tbs blorfls of eseg E[!gn r]ssd . E e.q'}d.fie{ er1d. p enr{ s stri.ck ea they

rasbed *rto t.b€it ilsres*ls bed1.ooe[ where :aolher w€E]t €.et3.y 6s

Ebe tried" to eordf&.rt tbs& nhilst fat&sri very drara a.*d. whi.ie,

9e€ed $.I' esd doen the gsutllt

Fa].s$ the,g. th.e aoise eoni; i-su,edl. €Fsi €ffat1e :{r r g bJ.eck

shirt€d stols. troqpeFs EerB bre+&ia6 unr tbd ehoIr. snas&ing t&.e

plato €J.ae6 wlail&vs, ehapgrlug up t&6 sel.es Eounters* destre;r.ipg

t&e eerchecdiser E&.egr waae stoBla tros!,€Fs lq$r€rted froE[ 2O ni].es

sBBlr beeas$e tU€ la$fltr Hsnr !,fho liEed asd respeo-ted t&.io froilg.

could not be persnaded to do ihls fllthy d.esd"

Chet Ei"eht f,ataer $ae tilbea to a EclxgoHtratios sewr

€erd 6ad hie sist€a w.:re e:,pelled 1-?@ esbcoJ.. fbs shsp wss

pwer tg f6-€E}cn, r Xet et.b€r GstEsbs r nea erEdl 1{or&s&r f,eeflrl lagt

th-oy b€ see&i 6&e f,urtivel.y to the bons€ audX gusbed fepd €Ff

rsesscges of syqlirthy tbrorrgh. the ietter bsr

?iby $er6 tbig f, lE{lr treeted tb,ee? y,b.eir eel:le tgae

to be bora 6f a lse whi.cb Eltler isad yolded is €xierrsil,ate, fbey

eetre Sewg r

""s t&e veetss ",reat W estheE.lbeccse ilL in her effoxts

to seeure f,eibe ts rsLeege r iit. Lest ? sfter e bn6e sum ef ,Boney

bad been perid lnt tbe eoffere of tbe $aoie, she susceedea. Fath.ef,

s@e he}:er !.oe&in6 $ldleTr his nea{t sheye&, b.is E}oth,eFr $or& sfthout

oh.Jr'ge f,or Beeen weeLen flLtby ead ertl gellingr

f&€ soetbs pfi.ssed b3r, ,'€+{n tb,e threet o,f, }rar l-npre ased

ea,e our f ar*i 1yr tried. bsrd io leese t.he soullirg, Strey fou$ every

erit baPedr Fw co,&Etf,ies 1fa]ltsi ?ef,Bgpa s, lone was $r€E) Ered to

t e,be ecOAgb o ,.,fter @.*h f''{r.iou$ heartgEercb.t Rg faiher and gotl.er

eene te e alost ealaful.t dieoi,siea. :he Ehildree Esst be s;:ged *t

el-L qoet. ;on; eouixbri,es ?ieve !]rep sred. ic tcke Ehi1drffi. l.,:iene and

aeox€ t"b,eEe were 5l,redeB ssd So33.r:Bd aqi[ .rr€l"i:ni! r

gF chenee !ng1;,ud oro*vld,eci the fi"st opSrortu:rity. In

!(id-July 19gg li€rd *srd ?era ia eoryi+ny uitj.about SoC other ch-ild:.eno

l€ft cEreErF eqd arsived lx EEBE4q-i ioEid.@* Esg$!&ife, {la a yi-l-la€e

Aa *ts€ Sqf't4 SWtsF* t&e lsss3 TA€a€* t&e gq,bq6! &sstsr ;ogd o&q.er

6c'tre Siql*sE,5.qs e,31+ "hsd .fss$qed a eed,tteo to &*1p f.w4sb fei'ldpc'.a

€rs6 [i€e6@trr" fbee @8d srd Effia $aBt ss* fffiriq s€ 6&€s,-pffe,rfF

gpqdr eiEdAE B@F3e *e Eou,ld. Est $s€.egstqald E43li'sl bS EEde;s,teed

xs.}l ?&F 'S+F *f #i.Xds# La;e*eA*

S.E tiw thi.fd, of $€Slt@'q'epr{ ksg sitrf,i€iart apg?lsh

te w*ersteqfr t&et ffrp {e"stb#3q#6 ssE s4frl,€€ iR g*$ kcad€€str -,s3e tealss* #cS str t$* b€sfre dGsF liatsdw t+ t&e dee.Lsratiga sf waF*

he leffide6d ef hi.s fqt&.ry ired gaid s f€ag esiie?+ ard h'e b*E

strel trya Ss pmeeFs **t* *s f$s** {A*--?ts treFs l*ttes, *&ss

ad es€,Ee #p#Fs€lss* t&pe dlm"* w?51 *ft+E tu

r** *.*x wd

vgrs *ee*av*d t3,e6 s4 s s es w'Es.4g f, 1g4a bst& hts f*tses &'d

bis sF@e* welr6 taks]E te eGe str tie# ert€lelgetiFa erysir

&w ]'esttrr h.e rles te be ellqer th{gFt ?&e ll$r @ tqe

brrsq 0v# the leass b* ftas €rw tp l"crrs deqply th€'ceuntry SieA

qqsEte{ &$g* .Es Bery hee a sife €s€ e bebg aoa a*d e houee r."ttA

e ffia1I Ss,rdsbr Ee i-f, F.egpy ae he. tl,rysl$ e$eFy day by b&F to ead

fe@. tilis wesb trn FlfE:i{gb@.r fu Eo 3.opg ss bo lisee be wJ.I']. a}nagzs

tse$].s eritL feee' +t the Fo.Eltd of brecB-r,rrg €l.aeq{

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