el toro january 2014

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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Manager: Teresa Cruz,Rutherford Investment Co.

Of ce address: 28400 Granada Circle

Phone: 510-783-5535Of ce hours: 9-11:30 and 1-4 Monday-Friday.

Rent may be dropped in mail slot in of ce door(next to laundry room).

Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

In an emergency, call 510-783-5535 .

Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277).


The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the SpanishRanch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised

of park residents. There are no dues.

MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRSTTHURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse.

Residents are encouraged to attend.

LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of eachmonth at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRDTHURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

various area restaurants.

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAYof alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse

BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAYof each month unless otherwise announced.


The Clubhouses are available to residents forprivate affairs. Contact the Of ce, 510-783-5535

SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUBPool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is availablefor residents to use. See the of ce for a key.

COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTSare to be submitted to Park Management in

WRITING and must be SIGNED.For any complaints or suggestions concerning

safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the Ex-ecutive Board as well. This may be done through the

website at www.spanishranch1.org,

RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM available in clubhous Bus transportation information on page 15.

Spanish Ranch #1 Information

ASSOCIATION OFFICERSPresident: Pat Smith — 784-0105

Vice President: Dawn Plaskon — 887-2199Secretary: Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997Treasurer: Peggy Nichols — 782-8950


Clint Dean — 266-0979Brenda Glover — 303-2308

Patty Little — 783-1534Barbara Sacks — 783-8176

Spanish Ranch I Association Officers andExecutive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAYof the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse

unless otherwise announced.ALL RESIDENTS WELCOME

Annual Membership Meeting held each April.

COMMITTEESDime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OpenLunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilma Keck, 397-5701Welcoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open

COMMUNITY CONTACT CHAIRPERSONSBingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Gomez, 782-5183

Neighborhood Watch . . . . Peggy Nichols, 782-8950 Clint, 266-0979; Judy, 785-4894; Patty, 783-1534

N.E.R.T. . . . . Jeanie Schultz/Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199

EL TORO — Jeanie Schultz — 784-1997

e-mail: eltoro.editor@comcast.netDeadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the

10th of each month for the following month.

WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles Eldred


SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

is published monthly by Mobile Home ParkMagazines and distributed by volunteers around the

rst of the month. Dates and times of activities arenoted on the calendar therein. Special activities will beannounced in the regular pages.

Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies if you got missed) are available in the MainClubhouse after distribution is complete.


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Letters to the Editor are welcomeon any subject. Send to:eltoro.editor@comcast.net.(You MUST sign your name butwe won’t use it if you so request.)


Residents are welcomeat the meeting of the

SR1 Association Board


January 2, 20147:00 p.m.

in the main clubhouse

Th e Executive Board meets on the firstThursday of each month.

Residents are invited to attend.

A special meeting will be called any time there

is a need to gather park residents for anythingother than routine business.

SPECTRUMnutritious meals for Seniors

Available on MONDAYS at NOON at theWestminster Hills Outreach Center,

27287 Patrick,across from Weekes


$3.75 donationsuggested

Here’s anothersenior meal option!

Homebound senior residents over age60 are eligible for nutritious meals

delivered to your door through S.O.S.Meals on Wheels.

Meals are delivered between10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

for a suggested donation of $3.50.

Call Meals on Wheels,510-582-1263



SPANISH RANCH 1 ASSN.made up of homeowners and residents

of Spanish Ranch 1 MH Park


APRIL 3,2014



Three or four officers and four to sixboard members will be elected by the resi-dents in attendance at the April meeting.

The number of officers and board mem-bers will depend on community interest inserving in the positions. The positions areopen to any registered resident living atSpanish Ranch 1. Newly elected personsassume office May 1.

If YOU want to run for an office or arewilling to serve on the Board, please contactANY member of the current board or leavea message for on the association’s voicemail510-274-1771.

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Join us for


First and Last

Saturdays of each month,NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Snack bar open before play and during breaksserving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

NOTICEPer state law, no one under the ageof 18 is allowed in the clubhouse

during Bingo


Our next meeting will be held on



We sincerely hope that you will join us.AS PARKING IS LIMITED, PLEASE CONSIDER CAR POOLING

Recap of November HMOA MeetingSubmitted by Roger Schaufler

The HMOA meeting attendance was about 2dozen but all but one park was represented. Noofficial speaker, but Dorothy from Spanish Ranch1, talked about how she had celebrated her 65thbirthday, by finding out someone had stolen heridentity. Her first clue was an online only bankingcompany sent her a thank you letter for open-ing an account with them. Dorothy is a workingassistant bank manager, so she knew what to do.Phone calls, and more phone calls, freezing allher accounts etc. etc.

The deal is, they don’t try to get into your exist-ing accounts, they create a new parallel identitywith a bank account, and credit cards. She hadsome handouts, information on what to do etc.but unfortunately I forgot to get any.

HMOA board member Twanna Rogers, saidthe same thing had happened to her and herdaughter. Carol, HMOA treasure, said that it hadhappened to her also.(Carol is a retired bankmanager.)

Twanna mentioned that since there werethree city council members running for mayor,we should start early getting involved.

I talked a little about HMOA’s successfulinvolvement in the council elections two yearsago, and that were not an 800 pound gorilla, butwe are up to about 750 pounds.

I mentioned a couple of things, a “Rent ReviewBoard” I’m starting to think is more important atthis time, then better protection concerning parkclosures and compensation. Yes that’s importantalso, and I’d like to have both. And I would liketo have the city enforce some of the state MRL’sthat are being ignored.(That’s my wish list.)

I used what Twanna said, and suggested sheand Kathy talk to the mayor and get his inputand advice on how to proceed. They bothtogether have talked to the mayor about issuesin the past. Step one in putting together a gameplan, I think is getting the mayor’s input, then wecan start talking to some city council people.

COFFEE isavailable in theClubhouse daily during regular of ce hours forresidents of Spanish Ranch 1.

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SR-1 Helping HAre weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants on your lota cause for concern? Is your home in need of sprucingup with washing or painting?

Helping Hand is intended forthose in need who can’t affordto hire professional help. So ifyou are elderly, disabled, or ona limited income, donate whatyou can and help us help the next person whojust needs a “helping hand”.

Call us, or park management, to schedule a lotassessment. Marvin 783-0360.


Put your mail in the


MAILBOXlocated in front of Main Clubhouseclose to the street (near Park map).



February 15 • 9-12We skipped December so some litter andgraffiti has accumulated and we want to keepahead of it. Many hands make light work, soplease join us in our efforts to keep our neigh-borhood looking cared for, which helps make ituninviting to the criminal element.

For information, e-mail Dawn at kdplaskon@sbcglobal.net. Or just show up!

Meet at FOLSOM STREETgates to creek area.

Gloves, garbage bags, tools provided.

Rain cancelsOur responsibility includes graffiti cleaning and trash pick-up on the west side of the flood control channel (partof Ward Creek) that runs the length of Spanish Ranch I,between Folsom Avenue and Pacheco Street, behind thehomes on Miranda Street.

FOR SALEFreemotion 735 Interactive TREADMILL,lightly used, lifetime warranty.$1,675 or best offer.Contact park resident Alice Gevarter, 887-0360.Cherrywood hutch (contents not incl),diningroom table and 6 chairs.

$750 or best offer.


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You like to eat, right?

Join the Lunch BunchCome join our group of park women as wevisit area restaurants. You’ll get acquaintedwith some great gals!

LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the third

THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of eachmonth at 12 noon. All are welcome to join us as wevisit area restaurants.

Call Wilma, 397-5701, to let her know you’re com-ing (so we know how many to tell the restaurant).Lady friends are welcome.

2014January Sizzler’s HaywardSCHEDULE IS BEING FINALIZED


S PA N I S H R A N C H 1 L A D I E S C L U BO p e n t o a l l p a r k w o m e n

Join theLadies Club

at noon on thesecond


DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and let’s get

together. Dessert provided.

Costs only a dime a game, winner take all!

+ .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to some-body at the first gathering in January.

Come to the Main clubhouse onthe Second Thursday, at noon!

For more information callLorraine Schmuck 783-7294

Ladies Dime Bingo is for mature women whowould like to get together for sharing ideas.

Community: Top 5 Stolen Vehicles in HaywardThe top five stolen vehicles

in the city of Hayward are:• Honda Accord/Civic• Toyota Camry• Nissan Maxima• Nissan Altima• Acura Integra

Vehicles Safety Tips:Before Leaving... Secure YourVehicle:

• Always lock your car andtake your keys

• Never leave the vehicle run-ning and unattended

• Never leave a spare set ofkeys in your vehicle

• Use auto theft deterrents(steering wheel locks and /oralarms)

• Park in well-lit areas and befamiliar with your surroundings

• Park in attended lots• Keep all valuables and

packages out of sight• Park with your wheels sharp-

ly toward the curb and put onyour parking brake.

Anti-Theft Systems and otherpreventative options

• Anti-Theft Systems — Includ-

ing siren or horn alarms, starterdisablers, motion sensors, remotecontrol activation, panic buttonsand shock detectors on doors,windows or trunk lids.

• Steering Wheel Locks —Steering wheel locks are visiblefrom outside the vehicle and pre-vent the wheel from being turnedmore than a few degrees.

• Collars — Collars are devic-es that wrap around the steeringcolumn and prevent the steering

column from being stripped andexposing the starting mechanism.

• Fuel or “Kill” switches — Inex-pensive switch inside the vehiclecuts off fuel supply or “kills” elec-trical current and must be flippedbefore vehicle will start. Check ifvehicle’s warranty is affected be-fore installing.

• VIN etching — The vehicleidentification number of your ve-hicle is etched on windows and /or major parts to make them eas-ier to trace.

• Vehicle Tracking Systems —Hidden transmitters allow stolenvehicle to be tracked by police orby global positioning satellites.

For further information onCrime Prevention Tips, pleasecontact the Crime Prevention Unit(510) 293-5051

‘Newspaper Tubes’ currently fashioned from large PVC pipe if your

newspaper doesn’t supply one, are used to notifyresidents of events via flyers and the monthly park

magazine. Please call the office if you need a tube

installed at your home. 783-5535

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Come to the

HaywardNeighborhood Alert

MeetingJanuary 29, 2014

featured panel:“State of the City and State ofHayward Police Department”



22701 Main StCorner of C and Main in the new

South District Offices(former Historical Society); brick

building on the corner.





February 11, 20147:00 p.m.

Come to the

SMALL CLUBHOUSEGranada Drive at Cartagena

SR1 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH TEAMPeggy Nichols # 782-8950 • Clint Dean # 266-0979

Patty Little # 783-1534 • Judy Allen-Rodgers # 785-4894Please call a team member to report crime,

suspicious activity, theft, safety concerns, etc.

Come to the NW meeting and tell us about it!

Together we can make the park safer for everyone!

Mind yourbutts

If you smoke, pleasedispose of your buttsproperly. Don’t litter bythrowing

them in the


especially don’t throwthem in people’s yards.

ANY CRIME IS “WORTH” REPORTING!Let the police know about

that fountain stolen from youryard, or the tools taken from

your driveway or porch.It might seem trivial,

and you’re probably right thatnobody will comeand investigate,

but statistics count.

Reporting is criticalto get city personnel

and resources directedto areas where they are

most needed.


www.hayward-ca.gov/ departments/policeClick button on left:

“File a police report online” There is a step-by-step

guide to filing a police report

over the internet.It provides a quick and

efficient way to file a policereport with the Hayward Police



The following are not allowed in the hot tub enclosure:

NO Food • NO Glass • NO Floating DevicesNO Toys (including squirt guns) • NO Pets

Approved swimwear only Use common sense and care when usingthe hot tub. Minors should always be ac-

companied by a parent or adult. Showerbefore entering the hot tub and get out to

use the bathroom.



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For information that leads tothe arrest and conviction ofgraffiti vandals in Hayward.

Para información que darálugar a la detención y a

la convicción de los delin-

cuentes de graffiti enHayward.

Call:510-583-5500English & Español

More info:


THE POOL IS CLOSED FOR THE WINTER!La Picina esta cerrada durante el Invierno


. . . . . . . Sign up early . . . . . ..

Saturday, March 8, 2014• 9 am-3pm •

at the


Ranch 1


TABLES ARE ONLY $12!Tables are all indoor and are limited to the first

24 paid signups so reserve yours early.First come-first served.

Our motto: We won’t save, if you’re not paid!

Reservations must be paid by February 26.NO refunds for no shows OR late cancellations

(you can sell your space though).

RESIDENTS! Please talk up this event to your friendsbut mention that there is no street parking!

Contact Patty Little, 783-1534Note to vendors:

The Clubhouse will be open to vendors only at 7 pm Friday evening for setup.Cover tables to protect the surface before set up. Doors open 7:30 am Saturday

for vendors, and at 9:00 am for the public.No tires or excessively greasy or dirty items please.

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Santa’s Helpers: The popularmanagement-sponsored SR1 HolidayBrunch is a lot of work. ManagerTeresa and her family did a great jobcooking and serving the food, andhelping Santa distribute gifts to hordesof park children. Top left, Kenny, Shariand Mark (back to camera) checkedin residents. Mark and Shari alsoassisted decorating the festive-looking

clubhouse. Cook Guillermo, abovecenter, was aided by servers Tamie,Nachito and Nacho, left, and Rico andJon, right, while Teresa distributedraffle prizes and handed gifts to Santa,opposite page, top right.

Photos by Jeanie Schultz

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Spanish Ranch 1 Holiday Brunch

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Happy New Year!Wow… what a whirl wind was 2013.

I am certain that you will all agree thatthese years are passing quite rapidly.

We are expecting a GREAT 2014with lots of new and exciting thingsoccurring in about Spanish Ranch #1

MHP.The Holiday Brunch was a HUGEsuccess with most accounts indicat-ing everyone left after having a won-derful time and full tummies.

Santa made his appearance anddelivered special gifts. Santa wouldalso like to thank all his special help-ers. This Holiday event would not havebeen the success it was if it was notfor the unselfish dedication of thepeople that assisted in the planningand implementation of all the “bitsand pieces” that are required to helpSanta prepare for these events.

Over the past holidays the abuseof guest parking continued to be anissue. Typically the complaint wasthat there was no parking availablefor guests as residents were parking inthe spaces reserved for casual guests.Please be considerate to your neigh-bors and their guests. Do not park inguest parking. Guest Parking is foroccasional guest of the residents ofSpanish Ranch.

We would like to address the Club-house reservation procedure: We

cannot and will not “hold” a dateunless there is a reservation form

submitted, approved by manage-ment along with the deposit checkof $100.00 made payable to SpanishRanch.

When your event is over, yourcheck with be returned to you whenit is determined you have left the fa-cilities in good condition and clean.Please keep in mind that reservationsof the clubhouse facilities are for RES-IDENTS ONLY. You cannot allow yourfamily outside of Spanish Ranch #1MHP or friends of residents, to reservethe clubhouse facilities.

Please allow yourself plenty of timein scheduling your event. Typically theLarge club house is reserved by Bingoon the first and last Saturday of eachmonth. The remaining weekend daysare normally reserved at LEAST eight(8) weeks in advance.

NOTE…. There is, on occasion,abuse in the size of parties allowedin the clubhouse areas. Please usethe following numbers allowed in theclubhouses in planning your events:

• For the large clubhouse, whenused for dining (that means that thetables and chairs are in place) the

MAXIMUM number of guests allowedis 124.

• For the small clubhouse, whenused for dining (this means that thetables and chairs are in place) theMAXIMUM number of guests allowedis 40.

If the number of your guests MAYexceed this numbers, then please DONOT reserve the facilities. You musthave your event elsewhere. The max-imum numbers of guests allowed arenot arbitrary, set by managementof Spanish Ranch #1 MHP, but havebeen determined by the Fire Marshallfor the City of Hayward.

If your party exceeds these num-bers you may subject to a fine and /or a loss of privileges.

Problems with services: If yourhome is serviced by AT&T for phoneservice, internet or television and you

have a problem with these services,please call AT&T for assistance. Thepark management cannot assist youin resolving any issues you may have.

If your home is serviced by Com-cast for phone service, internet ortelevision and you have a problemwith these services, please call Com-cast for assistance. The park manage-ment cannot assist you in resolvingany issues you may have.

The same is to be said about youraccount with Waste Management.You have to contact them directly forany issues you may have.

Pets—Remember that if you aregetting a pet, your pet must be au-thorized by the office PRIOR to acquir-ing the pet. No dogs weighing morethan 25 lbs. or more than 18” high atthe front shoulder at full maturity areallowed in Spanish Ranch #1 MHP.

Home Maintenance Procedures:•Please pay attention to your fur-

nace filters and change / clean themevery Thirty (30) days during the heat-ing and cooling seasons.

•Open the drain on your waterheater and allow the sediment to flushaway. This is recommended once ev-ery 60 days. This will increase the life ofyour hot water heater AND allow it tooperate more efficiently.

•IF you HAVE to use your garbagedisposal (it is preferable to simply putdebris into your trash), turn the wateron (hot is preferred), turn on the dis-posal, place material in the disposalas it is running (a wooden spoon ishandy to “help” the material into themouth of the disposal), turn off the

Manager’s Corner

Food Bank

Donationsfor the AlamedaCounty FoodBank Barrel,

an ongoing communityservice project,

may be droppedoff in the office.

(Due to scavenging and theft,the barrels are kept in the

conference room, but staff willsee that all donations

are put into them.)

NOTE!Food donations must be

UNOPENED, not perishableand not require refrigeration.


COMPLAINTS/Suggestions or

Reportsmust be submitted to Park

Management in WRITING andmust be SIGNED.

Only the person with the prob-

lem or concern may file the com-plaint. None will be acceptedfrom third parties on behalf ofsomeone else. Forms are availablein a bin on the wall next to thebulletin board in the main club-house AND in most issues of theEl Toro.

If you want your elected SR1 Assnleadership help you, please provide acopy to the SR-1 Assn. Give a copy toany member of the board or fill out theform on the website. Continued on next page

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disposal and allow the water to re-main on for about 30 more secondsto completely flush any debris into themain line.

•Keep the storm gutters on yourhome clean. By keeping the guttersclean, water can and will run off. Thismay protect your home from waterdamage.

Guillermo’s Corner:Guillermo would like to remind all

our residents about our outside ven-dors. INTERFERENCE WITH OUR VEN-DORS OR THEIR WORK WILL NOT BETOLERATED. Should you have ques-tions, please submit your questions orcomments to the main office. We willdo our best to provide you with an an-swer. Over the past months there hasbeen many incidents where our resi-dents have interfered with the work ofour vendors or with the vendors them-selves.

Tagging continues to be a chal-lenge throughout the park. Pleasehelp us by taking note of any activitythat might be construed as tagging.Keep in mind, the City of Hayward hasinstituted a reward program againstthose that may be tagging.

Report street lights that are non-op-erative. Thanks for those that are con-tinuing to report the burned out lights.

Now, a word about your yardcare. We are a very close commu-nity and must be aware of how ouractions may affect those around us.

When you or your gardeners are us-ing a blower, please do not blow yourleaves, lawn cuttings or other debrisinto your neighbors’ yards. Pleasetake note and speak to your garden-ers about your expectations.

Please take a moment and look atyour utility pedestal area (this is whereyour gas, electric and water metersare located). The rules and regula-tions of Spanish Ranch #1 MHP ANDthe State of California Regulations RE-QUIRE that it be accessible at all timesand have a clear three (3) foot areaon three (3) sides that is unobstructed.

The car wash areas continue to bea “dumping ground” for trash. Pleaseplace your personal trash in your per-sonal trash receptacle at your home.

Jeff StoopsSR1 Assistant Manager


Clubhouses availablefor your events!

Both the main clubhouse andthe small clubhouse may be

reserved by residents forprivate events.

The BBQ and patio area nextto the pool may also bereserved, Call the of ce,

783-5535, for information.

Continued from previous page

Plumbingissues:Please do not flush:

baby wipes • disposable diapers feminine supplies • Depends ®

or large amounts of rice,potatoes or GREASE!

A permit is required formost physical changes to yourhome. The State Department ofHousing & Community Develop-ment (HCD) requires a permitfor exterior changes, such as:• awning extensions• room additions• air conditioner installations

• storage shed construction• porches • decksPark managers are required

by HCD to sign off on a permitapplication for exterior items.

HCD also requires permits forchanging your homes’ interior aswell, but management does notget involved in this area.

The management office hasplot plan forms required for thepermit application.

Teresa Cruz, park manager

Exterior changes

to Your HomeRequire a Permit!

PROBLEM?★ Please notify the office if

there is a problem with parkfacilities or lighting.

★ Call if you need a treetrimmed or drains areblocked.

★ ALSO, call the officeto report suspiciousactivity, solicitors, excessnoise, etc.

★ Report criminal activitythe police first, but ALSOto park management, andNeighborhood Watch!

Let therebe lightThe days are

getting shorter,help light the way!

Leave your porch light onat night!

For economy, get a motion-detector ligh

You can use:☛

light sensors that will turnyour light on automatically atdusk and off at dawn.☛ motion-activated lights☛ solar-powered walkwaylights or spotlights

For more suggestions, come tothe Neighborhood Watch

meeting the second Tuesday of “even” months at 7 p.m. in

the small clubhouse

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Community Police Blotter November 11, 2013 6:00PM — A robbery occurred atSouthland Mall. A female victim walked into the mallwith $500 cash in her hand. The suspect approachedher, punched her in the face and stole the money inher hand. The suspect is described as a Black male,with long hair in braids and dark clothing.

November 11, 2013 10:29PM — An armed robberyoccurred in the parking lot at 22280 Foothill Blvd.(Safeway). The two victims were loading groceriesinto their vehicle when two suspects approachedthem. One suspect brandished a handgun at thevictims, while the other suspect stole their cell phonesand wallets. The suspects are described as: Suspect#1- Black male, 25-30 years old, 6’0”, medium buildand dred-lock style hair to the back; he was wearinga black sweatshirt and dark baggy pants. Suspect#2-Black male, 25-30 years old, 6’2”, muscular buildand dread-lock hair to shoulders; he was wearing ablack beanie, yellow shirt and dark baggy pants. Thesuspect vehicle is described as a 2000 silver mid-sizeSUV, possibly a Hyundai.

November 13, 2013 1:31AM — An attempted bur-glary occurred at 1633 East Ave. (Hayward HighSchool). Officers responded for the report of an alarmsounding. Upon their arrival they found the padlocksto the gate and landscape equipment shed cut. Of-ficers were unable to locate any suspects, and theschool reported no loss.

November 13, 2013 6:30PM — Two patrol officersconducted directed enforcement in the industrialareas for burglary suppression. The results were onefelony arrest, three citations issued and 11 homelessencampments checked.

November 14, 2013 1:00AM — A vehicle struck andsevered a power pole on Hathaway Ave. near COST-CO, which caused a significant power outage innorth Hayward. The occupant of the vehicle fled thescene, but was located a short time later and arrest-ed for driving under the influence and hit and run.

November 27, 2013 7:13 p.m. — Victim was drivingN/B on Mission when the suspect vehicle (light blueToyota Rav 4 occupied by the driver and a male pas-senger) cut the victim off. The suspect vehicle thenpulled along the curb, and to the right of the victim.The driver of the suspect vehicle fired two rounds froma revolver at the victim. One round struck the victim’s

vehicle, the second missed it, and passed throughthe rear windows of an uninvolved vehicle travelingS/B on Mission at Hancock (shattering both windows,and coming within inches of striking the head of ayoung child riding in the rear seat). The suspect ve-hicle fled the scene E/B on Hancock. An extensivearea check was made with negative results.

November 27, 2013 7:30 p.m. — Interrupted Res-idential burglary on the 1200 block of Cathy Drive.Three Hispanic male adult suspects were observedwith flashlights inside a home on Cathy Drive. It ap-peared there was a getaway vehicle waiting for the

suspects to finish. The Driver of the suspect vehicleobserved witness on phone, and honked the hornthen sped away without the others. Officers arrivedand searched home with K-9, but no one was foundinside.

November 28, 2013 2:51 a.m. — An adult male vic-tim was attacked by a suspect, hit in the head, andknocked to the ground. The suspect then searchedthe victim’s pockets and stole a wallet and cellphone. An area check was conducted and met withnegative results. The incident occurred in the area ofLeidig Ave and Tennyson Road.

December 1, 2013 11:17 a.m. — Strong Arm Robberyin front of Tennyson Liquors 1190 West Tennyson Road.Suspect 1 (S1)and Suspect 2 (S2) approach victimfrom behind, strike him in the head with a skateboardand forcefully pull the victim’s necklace from hisneck. S1 and S2 flee on foot southbound on Pompa-no. S1 Black male adult, 5’7”, 180, short black hair,brown eyes; LSW clack jacket, blue jeans, black ten-

nis shoes. S2 black or Hispanic male, 5’7”, 180 lbs.December 1, 2013 5:24 p.m. — Robbery occurred inthe parking lot of Bank of America on A St. (S1) BMA,40’s, 5’06” 160 lbs, Green T shirt, Black jeans was sell-ing computers and TVs out the back of his car. Sus-pect approached victim and asked if she wanted tobuy a TV. Victim refused and the suspect reachedinto his waistband (simulating a gun) and demandedmoney.

December 4, 2013 9:00AM — A robbery occurredin the parking lot of Southland Mall. The managerfrom a mall store was walking through the parkinglot to make a bank deposit with three days worth ofsales. The manager is approached by the suspectwho brandishes a handgun and demanded money.After receiving the money the suspect had the man-ager lay down on the ground and then flees in a tanSaturn. The suspect is described as a Black male, 5’5”,medium build, dark complexion and brown eyes; hewas wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and a blackmask partially covering his face.

December 7, 2013 1:11PM — A robbery occurredat 27300 Hesperian Blvd. (FoodMaxx). The suspectapproached a patron in a wheelchair and assaultedhim while taking money. The suspect was located bya patrol officer and a foot chase ensued. The suspect

was eventually captured and arrested for robbery.December 7, 2013 8:03PM — Patrol officers con-ducted a probation search at 2286 Industrial Pkwy.(Phoenix Lodge). During the search officers locatedtwo sawed-off shotguns and latex mask. The suspectwas arrested for possession of the firearms.

Anyone with information is encouraged tocall the Hayward Police Department

Investigations Division at (510) 293-7034.

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Minutes of the SR1 Board Meeting—December 5, 2013 Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the rst Thursday of each month (unless other -

wise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend!

Meeting called to order at 7 p.m by VP Dawn.Also present were Jeanie, Peggy, Barbara, Patty L,Marvin and Clint. Pat and Brenda were excused.

Minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report was approved, as there wereno changes.

Resident Concerns:A resident, who has come to the board before to

report a problem with the water supply to her house,brought a severely corroded pipe that had beenaccidentally broken off by a workman. This sectionof galvanized pipe had connected the park’s watersupply to her house. Since reporting an ongoing prob-lem with rusty water some months ago, the residenthas replaced all the galvanized pipe in her house,and installed a house filter. She brought the filter toshow that it was already severely discolored after

only 34 days, when such a filter might be expectedto be replaced once or twice a year. The filter smellslike dirt so it is theorized that tree roots, a problem atthis location in the past, could have damaged thewater line and caused seepage of the surroundingsoil into the water supply. The resident will pursue theinvestigation and approach management for a res-olution to this issue.

It is not yet known if the contaminated water isconfined to this house or the problem may be morewidespread. Residents with older homes may beexperiencing contamination from galvanized pipeused in the past. Most newer homes use copper orPVC piping. The quality of the city’s water supply isgood and the City of Hayward regularly sends out awater quality report to all residents.

COMMUNITY:Helping Hand: No calls this month.Neighborhood Watch meets December 10.

Several residents attended the Neighborhood AlertHoliday Party held last night (Dec 4) in its new loca-tion. It was pointed out that the Dec NW meeting isnot on the calendar, for which the editor apologized.

Peggy removed the locks on a bunch of stor-age cupboards labeled NW but actually storingHalloween decorations. Now that Halloween stuff

has been put away again, she will select an empty

cupboard and designate it NW, so she can storepaperwork accumulating at her house.

NERT —December Creek Cleanup has been can-celled, next one scheduled for February.

HMOA —Meets January 18, 2014 at New EnglandVillage. An SR1 resident spoke at the last HMOAmeeting about her experience with identify theft,and some programs on this topic are in the offing.

OLD BUSINESSFlea Market date of March 8 has been confirmed

and publicity and signups will begin.Monte Carlo night — Pat asked that it be tabled

until next meeting since she would be out of town.

NEW BUSINESSNonprofit status A card notifying us that it’s time

to renew the Association’s incorporated nonprofit

status was received, and the necessary filings will bedone next month.Elections are coming up in April and Treasurer

Peggy has announced that she wishes to bereplaced. Officers have been serving extendedterms because of not having enough people inattendance to conduct an election last year. It wasagreed that Election information will begin running inthe next issue.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanie Schultz, Secretary

TREASURER'S REPORTNovember 2013 — no change

Ending Balance, Dec 2013 $1,157.46

Respectfully submitted, Peggy Nichols, Treasurer



RESIDENT INFOwww.spanishranch1.org

The El Toro and the Bylaws of theSpanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.

Voicemail phone number for theassociation is: 510-274-1771

Meter ReaderSpanish Ranch I utility meters are read during the

middle of each month. The meter reader is employed byan outside company that is responsible only for monthlymeter readings and has no responsibility for the amountof your utility bills.

Our meter reader is just doing his job. You can helphim do that by keeping meters clear of obstructions andby treating him with respect and courtesy.

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Taking Charge: What To Do If Your Identity Is StolenAVAILABLE ONLINE at FTC.GOV/IDTHEFT

What is Identity Theft?Identity theft is a serious crime. It can disrupt your

finances, credit history, and reputation, and takestime, money, and patience to resolve. Identity thefthappens when someone steals your personal infor-mation and uses it without your permission.

Identity thieves might:. go through trash cans and dumpsters,

stealing bills and documents that have sensitive infor-mation.

. work for businesses, medical offices, or gov-ernment agencies, and steal personal information onthe job.

. misuse the name of a legitimate business, andcall or send emails that trick you into revealing per-sonal information.

. pretend to offer a job, a loan, or an apart-

ment, and ask you to send personal information to“qualify”. steal your wallet, purse, backpack, or mail,

and remove your credit cards, driver’s license, pass-port, health insurance card, and other items thatshow personal information.

Red Flags of Identity Theft• mistakes on your bank, credit card, or otheraccount statements• mistakes on the explanation of medicalbenefits from your health plan• your regular bills and account statementsdon’t arrive on time• bills or collection notices for products orservices you never received• calls from debt collectors about debts thatdon’t belong to you• a notice from the IRS that someone usedyour Social Security number • mail, email, or calls about accounts or jobs inyour minor child’s name• unwarranted collection notices on yourcredit report• businesses turn down your checks• you are turned down unexpectedly for aloan or job

How to Protect Your Information< Read your credit reports. You have a right to a

free credit report every 12 months from each of thethree nationwide credit reporting companies. Orderall three reports at once, or order one report everyfour months. To order, go to annualcreclitreport.comor call 1-877-322-8228.

< Read your bank, credit card, and accountstatements, and the explanation of medical benefitsfrom your health plan. If a statement has mistakes ordoesn’t come on time, contact the business.

< Shred all documents that show personal, finan-cial, and medical information before you throw themaway.

< Don’t respond to email, text, and phone mes-sages that ask for personal information. Legitimatecompanies don’t ask for information this way. Deletethe messages.

< Create passwords that mix letters, numbers,and special characters. Don’t use the same pass-word for more than one account.

< If you shop or bank online, use websites thatprotect your financial information with encryption.An encrypted site has “https” at the beginning of theweb address; “s” is for secure.

< If you use a public wireless network, don’t sendinformation to any website that isn’t fully encrypted.

< Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and afirewall on your computer.

< Set your computer’s operating system, webbrowser, and security system to update automatically.

If Your Identity is Stolen...8 Flag Your Credit Reports

Call one of the nationwide credit reporting com-panies, and ask for a fraud alert on your credit report.The company you call must contact the other two sothey can put fraud alerts on your files. An initial fraudalert is good for 90 days.

Equifax 1-800-525-6285Experian 1-888-397-3742TransUnion 1-800-680-7289

8 Order Your Credit ReportsEach company’s credit report about you is slight-

ly different, so order a report from each company.When you order, you must answer some questionsto prove your identity. Read your reports carefully tosee if the information is correct. If you see mistakes orsigns of fraud, contact the credit reporting company.

8 Create an Identity Theft ReportAn Identity Theft Report can help you get fraud-

ulent information removed from your credit report,stop a company from collecting debts caused by

identity theft, and get information about accounts athief opened in your name.

To create an Identity Theft Report:• file a complaint with the FTC at ftc.gov/com-

plaint or 1-877-438-4338; TTY: 1-866-653-4261. Yourcompleted complaint is called an FTC Affidavit.

• take your FTC Affidavit to your local police, or tothe police where the theft occurred, and file a policereport. Get a copy of the police report.

The two documents comprise an Identity TheftReport.

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BUS SCHEDULE INFORMATIONRoute number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-direc-

tional circular route, services both the South Hayward BARTstation, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center.

Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board thebus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is)hourly from 6:16 AM until 8:16 PM , arriving at BART at 6:23 AM

until 8:23 PM . Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:44 AM

until 6:44 PM .

Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, boardthe “counter-clockwise”, Tampa directional bus hourlyfrom 6:30 AM until 8:30 PM , arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42 AM

until 8:42 PM . Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00 AM

until 6:00 PM .Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at

the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourly

from 6:47 AM until 8:47 PM , arriving at Union Landing at 7:04 AM

until 9:04 PM . On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:47 AM

until 6:47 PM

Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board the“clockwise”, Tampa directional bus hourly from 5:59 AM

until 7:59PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:16 AM until 8:16 PM .

Weekends / Holidays, service is from 8:27 AM until 6:27 PM .

Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposedto every 1-2 hours) has been added to the “Tuesday &Friday” shopper’s shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland –

Route 391).Buses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at

10:10, 10:55, 11:40 AM , 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55 PM and arrive atSouthland Mall at 10:35, 11:20 AM , 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and2:20 PM . NOTE – The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55 PM

which arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20 PM has no directreturn trip back to Spanish Ranch.

Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27 AM ,12:12, 12:57 and 1:42 PM , arriving back at Spanish Ranch at10:55, 11:40 AM , 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55 PM .

Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from TennysonAve, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward

BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22 AM until 11:22 PM weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from6:22 AM until 11:22 PM . From the South Hayward BART stationgoing down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from6:04 AM until 11:04 PM weekdays, and hourly on weekendsand holidays from 7:03 AM until 12:03 AM .

Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian(both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, andboth Hayward and South Hayward BART stations alongMission Blvd. Visit AC Transit’s web site at www.actransit.orgfor more information.

AC TRANSIT FARES — $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an add’l 25¢.

From the Editor Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an

informational service to the residents. Contents are theoption of the editor but do not necessarily represent theopinion of the editor, the homeowners association or man-agement.

Reader response is welcome. Your article must be inmy paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to mye-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. All sub-

missions must be signed with your name/phone number in-cluded, as any article must be verified. Your name will notappear, if you so request.

Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articles con-sidered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissions mustmeet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth by Mobile HomePark Magazines.

If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to you,COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window to send tous: eltoro.editor@comcast.net.

Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

Come Get a Book!Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are

available for the free exchange of books bypark residents. Stop by and browse

any time the clubhouse is open.


FEED IT!(and if it is yours,

keep it inside)Sure, you feel sorry forthat stray cat or dog, but if you feed it, it WILLstick around and perhaps not go back to it’srightful family.

Don’t leave pet food outside! Food left outwill attract raccoons, stray pets, opossums, andother varmints! Only indoor pets are permittedin the park so don’t encourage outside animalsto stay!


La Picina esta cerrada duranteel Invierno



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J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4

El ToroDeadline




BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.



BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

SR-1 Assn

BoardMeeting7:00 p.m.

All residentsare welcome

to attend.

BUS10:10 a.m. to1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

BUS10:10 a.m. to

1:55 p.m.

Spectrum mealNOONSee pg 2

Spectrum mealNOONSee pg 2

Spectrum mealNOONSee pg 2

Spectrum mealNOONSee pg 2

New Year’sDay

HMOA10 a.m.

New EnglandVillage

See pg 3

New Year’sEve


Spectrum mealNOONSee pg 2



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