el210. unit 9. tsend

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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New wordsNew wordsUnit 9


Spin1. Turn round quickly2. Have a dizzy

sensation1. Эргэлдэх2. Толгой эргэх

Horn1. A hard bony growth on the

heads of cattle, sheep, and other animals

2. A wind instrument shaped like a cone or wound into a spiral.

1. Эвэр2. Бүрээ

Cheering1. Praise or encourage a person or

group with shouts2. Shout for joy or in praise or

encouragement.1. Сайшаах магтах2. Алга таших

Robe1. A loose garment reaching to the

ankles, worn on formal or ceremonial occasions.

2. A dressing gown.3. Clothe someone in a robe.1. Нөмрөг2. Гэрийн халаад3. Нөмрөг нөмрөх

Dust1. Dry powder, especially tiny

particles of earth and sand, ets.2. Remove dust from the surface of.1. Тоос2. Тоос гөвөх

Gather1. Come or bring together,

assemble.2. Harvest a crop1. Цугларах ,Чуулган2. Ургац хураах

Attack1. Violently hurt or attempt

to hurt2. Try to score goals or

points (in sport)1. Дайрах , дайралт2. Довтлох

Be defeated1. Win a victory / against1. Ялагдах

Traitor1. A person who betrays their

country, an organization or a cause.

1. Урвагч


1. Suddenly seize someone or something in a rough way.

1. Булаан эзлэх, шүүрч авах

Against1. In opposition to2. In resistance to1. Сөрөг тал2. Эсрэг үйлдэл

Throne1. A chair for a king or

queen. The power or rank of a

king or queen.1. Хаан ширээ

March1. Walk in time and with

regular paces, like a soldier.

2. The third month of the year.

1. Жагсаалын алхаагаар алхах

2. Гуравдугаар сар

Enemy1. A person who is hostile to you. A country that your own is fighting

in a war.1. Дайсан

Chariot1. A two-wheeled horse-

drawn vehicle, used in ancient war-far and racing.

1. Их тэрэг

Supernatural1. Not able to explained by the laws

of nature.2. Magic1. Байгалиас гадуурх үзэгдэл2. Ид шид

Fill in with the correct word.

Enemies , chariot, throne , robes, grabbed, cheering, attack,

against1, gathered, dust, horns, spin, defeated, supernatural,



1. The pteranodon let go of James, but instead of falling through the air , he began to . . . . slowly, then quickly, as if he were being controlled by some . . . . force.

2. There were . . . . blowing and people . . . . .

3. As he was brushing the . . . . off his clothes, he saw that all the people around him were wearing strange . . . . ,with sandals on their feet.

4. Antony and Cleapatro stood to the side of the crowd in a golden . . . . .

5. A crowd of people had . . . . around James.

6. Octavian will . . . . ,Egypt will be . . . ., and Antony and Cleopatra will commit suicide.

7. Guards who had been standing nearby came and . . . . him.

8. They rushed him off to the royal palace to explain before the Roman general and queen why he had spoken out . . . . them.

9. Cleopatra was sitting on her . . . . wearing a long golden dress, while Antohy was sitting by her.

10. The professor was . . . . out to a place by the River Nile where crocodiles waited for . . . . of the throne to be thrown into the water.

Thank you for attention !

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