encore act four, scene one

Post on 12-May-2015






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Welcome back to the often silly, usually blue, all SiMania admod musical legacy! I, Taube/Roxanne, have the family again after Katie’s wonderful turn with them. They are a very amusing family and a lot of fun to play, although their college years were fairly tame. Anyway, thank you for reading and let’s get going!

Last scene, the last of the six kids – Sandy, Marty, Danny, Viola, Betty, and Tom – aged into teenagers while their parents Marsha and heir Rolfe enjoyed their golden years. The family also includes three dogs: Doody, Putzie, and Frenchy. It looked like the blue skin might have died out, as none of the kids got it, but we checked their genetics, and amongst the ones carrying the blue recessively, Marty came out as the clear favorite and thus heiress. With everyone caught up, let’s see what’s going on . . .

First things first: sending everyone off to college. Sandy had only one day left, so she took all five of her younger siblings, including heiress Marty, with her to Academie Le Tour.

With their pooled money, the Encore kids build a nice classical house and christen it as Annya Oresha, their new Greek house.

Let’s catch up with all the children. Viola, top left, is a popularity/knowledge sim. Danny is family/grilled cheese. Betty is romance/grilled cheese.

Sandy, top left, is pleasure/fortune . Tom is family/romance . Marty, our heiress, is romance/knowledge.

Danny and Tom aren’t sticking around though. Annya Oresha will be a sorority. Anyway, since both the boys are family-oriented, they’re probably eager to get on with their lives. Amusingly (to me at least) is that Tom was fat when I got him. I know fat sims drive Katie nuts, so I figured he might have been the grilled cheese secondary brother, but nope, that’s Danny. When I looked back at the chapter, the last slide depicts him skinny. I don’t know if it was a glitch or a case of one too many pieces of cake at his birthday party, but Tom’s carrying a bit of extra weight one way or another. That shouldn’t be a problem for the taxi, though, so let’s stick with the plan.

With their brothers gone, the girls get started on their schoolwork. However, Marty has some more pressing business to attend to . . .

Namely, finding a husband! Remember, she gets three dates with a randomly-chosen amount of money and has to pick from those. I rolled $426. The matchmaker was thrilled.

And here’s what she gave us for four hundred odd dollars. Lovely.

“Let’s go downtown on our date, Marty! I can’t wait to be seen with such a pretty girl!”“Um, no downtown. In fact, let’s go inside. Away from prying eyes. Maybe away from the windows too.”

They fell in love, but they did NOT woohoo. Marty may be a romance sim, but she has standards still. After this date I decided not to have Marty fall in love with everyone and anyone like usual, so this guy ended up being the single other heart in her relationship panel besides her eventual husband. He should feel proud.

“Listen, I know I can’t pay you much money because some sim controllers really suck at rolling appropriate numbers, but surely you’ve got something better for me. Maybe try a little harder?”

Technically he is better. She’s got us there, Marty. Marty didn’t even complete a full date with this guy but just got him as a contact in case number three was ‘special’ too.

“Come on now, I’m serious. I need some good husband material. Four hundred twenty-six or not, you better conjure up someone worth my time. Or else.”

I’d do what she says. That’s one ticked-off looking heiress.

Oh, yes, he will do nicely. Another male maid, but a cute one this time. But why are you still scowling, Marty?

“I’m still mad at her wasting my time with those other two.”

That’s behind you now. Because now, your future is: Steven. He’s even a redhead! We scored big time!

With that behind us, college life can continue apace. The girls have a bubble blower prominently placed in the middle of the great room/kitchen/study room/everything downstairs, thanks to Sandy the pleasure sim. They make good use of it. The stereo also sees a lot of action and some of the girls, like Viola there, have obviously never danced before. Betty just wants to make grilled cheese or make out. Either one, really.

When she’s not dancing spastically, Viola is definitely the house mother. She cleans everything autonomously and brings home pizza even when no one’s hungry. You know, just in case. She’s also the only one who bothers to dress for classes, again autonomously. I wonder if that’s because she’s so neat.

Betty can’t eat grilled cheese all the time, so she needs something else to keep her happy. This guy will do for now.

Sandy spends nearly all of her non-school time on the bubble blower or the game system. I love her cheering while playing the Sims 3. The Sims isn’t really a cheering type of game, is it? Yeah, you socialize with that grandmotherly-looking lady, you wild simmer, you! Yay!

All of the girls have aspirations that make them difficult to keep happy with just regular college stuff. The other three want relationships of one sort or another and Sandy just wants to be a pleasure sim. You know how that is. But she also needs a prospective mate, and based on her predilection for blond hair, I picked this guy, Byron, out of the college directory pretty much at random. Amazingly, they have three bolts. Sandy has found her one true match, I guess.

Viola has too, but her guy is her professor, Charles. Doesn’t hurt her grades to have a little one-on-one study session out front either. Unlike Sandy, they only have two bolts, but that’s more than good enough for me.

Meanwhile Marty continues seeing Steven. He’s a family sim so maybe not the best match for a romance girl, but he was definitely the cutest and he and Marty actually have two bolts, probably mostly due to her “Massive Attraction” lifetime reward.

On a date while he desires it and she doesn’t fear it, Steven and Marty get engaged. I love Steven’s coat. He just looks like some gentleman millionaire in it. It even has gloves! Classy, right?

“Hey, Mom. Yeah, so I got engaged. You know how that is, since you’re romance yourself. Yeah, he is cute. You’ll like him, but hopefully not too much. We don’t want any of that Vermachtnis cross-generational nastiness in OUR home!”

You know who loves pictures? Sandy does. Sandy loooooooves pictures. Of herself, with Byron, whatever. Pictures, pictures, pictures. She ended up with like ten of them in her inventory by the end of college. I’m keeping the girls happy by letting them go on dates, two of the girls per day because that’s all I can handle, so she has a lot of opportunities to get pictures taken.

When that’s done, Sandy proposes to Byron. They have 3 bolts and are crazy head-over-heels in love with each other, so it’s no surprise that he accepts. Now two of the girls are officially paired off.

Thank you for uncovering your bust, Steven. Er, what I mean to say is, that’s a very shapely bust you’ve bared for us. Actually, maybe I better revise that. Your bust is very nice to look at.

You know what? Nice statue. Done.

After countless hours, Viola is finally a great dancer. Everyone in the house is. Also, they finally got tile for the kitchen instead of the carpet I lazily laid down in the whole room at first. Whoops.

Betty’s date with the previous guy went well, as did this one, but neither one of them were anything to write home about, and Betty didn’t feel much of a spark for either of them. One of her turn-ons was black hair, which is why she was dating these particular gentlemen, so I changed it to brown to see if we could find someone better.

Woohoo! Literally! Betty’s next date, Isaiah, is a real cutie and all too willing to engage in public woohoo with Betty. This may be the one.

Looks like Betty agrees. Those shorts and socks will definitely have to go as soon as I get my hands on him.

Yep, that’s what you get for this slide instead of a sweetly-written romantic proposal dialogue.

Oh my, Byron, your bust looks so big from this angle!

Cell phone madness. The girls befriended their professors over two semesters instead of doing any schoolwork. I feel less guilty about this than I do professor woohoo, but it still seems slightly unethical.

Also, notice Sandy there. “Yeah, and I got a look at his bust!”

Marty already befriended her professors so while her sisters all chat in the same corner, Marty has to actually write a paper.

You know what you get a lot of in a house full of mean girls? Gossip. About poor Bernice, professor Charles, Tom, whoever.

Viola finally proposes to her professor and Charles accepts. Now all the girls are engaged and all they have to do is graduate college. Not like that’s a big deal, right?

Steven is very cute. When he eventually came home with Marty, he rolled knowledge for his secondary, which makes this look even more appropriate, in my opinion. I have visions of good-looking, redheaded, hopefully blue little babies in my head at this point.

Looks like Marty approves of Steven’s new look. And I just noticed that he wears gloves in his normal outfit too. Maybe he’s ashamed of his hands? I’m sure they’re just fine, Steven! Don’t be shy on our account!

Just another day at Annya Oresha. While the girls all return from a final at the same time, Viola somehow had time to run for pizza. Did Charles let you out of your final early, Viola? Shame, shame.

They celebrate by blowing bubbles, of course. Not even the cheerleader can get their attention when they’re floating.

Yup, more pictures. Sandy must have more pictures!

All three of Marty’s sisters eventually get in the zone for gaming due to playing Sims 3 incessantly during their waking hours. I was really getting sick of the music from it. Play a little SSX for a change, won’t you?

Marty’s interest is primarily in Arts and Crafts because I had her making snapdragons. I like a lot of snapdragons.

There are always dates going on at the house. It kept the girls in a pretty good mood most of the time, and since they all have a fiancé they’re in love with, the dates go smoothly and mostly quickly.

Besides games, Betty has developed an interest in music and dance, mostly on her own. I just helped her get to the zone when she wanted it. Otherwise, it was all her dancing. She wanted the violin, too. Looks like someone has a musical streak.

That’s no excuse for impaling your sister with your own arm while dancing, though.

All four girls are in the zone in this picture. Betty is smustling, Viola and Sandy are playing games and ignoring the mascot, and Marty is blogging about art. I just loved that all four happened at the same time.

Here’s Sandy’s other hobby. This is what happens when she’s left to her own devices outside.

“Good job on becoming Big on campus, Marty!”“Thanks! We probably should have mentioned that back when it happened in sophomore year.”“Eh.”

And that’s the final final . . . that Betty couldn’t even bother to dress for. To tell the truth, probably the only reason Marty is dressed is because she had a date that day and I made her get dressed for that.

The girls all graduated with 4.0s.

The three spare girls take turns calling for a cab. Time to get home to a new house and a fiancé!

Finally, Marty leaves Annya Oresha for the last time and grows up out on the sidewalk.

Let’s check in with the spares now.

Shortly after dropping out of college, Danny got his own place back in Veronaville.

Using the crystal ball, he met and made friends with Daisy, eventually good enough for her to move in and off the island.

After Daisy had a makeover, they soon fell in love and had their first kiss.

Over grilled cheese (Danny’s favorite), he proposed to Daisy. He looks so nervous! But she said yes.

They had a quiet and dignified wedding in front of their fireplace.

Both Danny and Daisy are family sims, so while they were very happy together, their family just didn’t feel complete yet.

That changed when they had their son, Gaston.

This is a good time to mention that the names I’ll be using this round come from The Phantom of the Opera. It doesn’t actually have a lot of named characters (especially girls) so the spares are going to be limited to one pregnancy each, and I got a little creative with some of the names. Gaston Leroux is the author of the original novel, Le Fantôme de l'Opéra, that the musical is based on.

Gaston grew up doted on by both of his family-oriented parents. Daisy hangs around wanting to play peek-a-boo with him even though he is clearly busy.

Gaston grew into a very handsome little guy. He’s definitely got a lot of Daisy’s coloring.

However, Gaston is a daddy’s boy. He loves his dad and loves to cuddle with him on the couch. Although they would have loved to have more if I let them, Danny and Daisy feel that their family is finally whole.

Poor, fat Tom moved in next door to his brother.

With the aid of the crystal ball, he met and wooed Lilly, who loved him whole-heartedly, paunch or no.

After Lilly moved in and got made over, they too had their first kiss.

Tom wanted to be in shape for his wedding, so while knowledge sim Lilly studied, Tom worked out.

Finally Tom was in fighting shape and ready to make Lilly his bride.

They had a beautiful wedding amidst a cloud of butterflies . . .

. . . that was photobombed by Patrizio Monty.

Lilly was soon expecting and Tom couldn’t be more excited.

Lilly finally gave birth to a daughter, Daaé (pronounced Die-a). Daaé is the last name of the main character, Christine. I thought it could work for a little girl’s name. If the last two generations are any guide, I figured it may take six sims to get blue and with my luck, if I used up the girls’ names too soon, they’d be six girls.

Daaé has the Encore eyes. She grew into a lovely little toddler who Tom and Lilly loved very much.

And eventually into a pretty little girl. She’s very active and playful so I gave her a “Little Miss Trouble” t-shirt. Daaé is a handful!

And that’s the end for Tom’s story.

Betty moved in down the street from her brothers once she graduated.

She invited Isaiah over and they wasted no time christening the new house.

Time for a wedding, but it looks like Isaiah’s got cold feet. He’s a popularity sim, so what’s wrong?

“Well, Betty doesn’t fear it so I thought I would for her.”

How . . . thoughtful.

Isaiah and his lady in red had a lovely little wedding right in their front yard.

Betty carried her love of music home from college, and she loved to break out her formal wear and serenade Isaiah while he studied for promotions. The couple was very happy just the way things were, but these things have a way of changing.

You’re looking a little thick around the middle, Betty. Maybe you shouldn’t drink in your condition.

“What condition?”


“Oh, that one. Guess I’ll just leave these here for later then.”

With a very pregnant belly, Betty still loves to play her violin.

Finally the time comes for Betty to give birth, which Isaiah decides is a fine time to try out those drinks Betty made a few days ago. Pay attention, Isaiah! You have a new child!

“Yay baby! I was paying attention the whole time!”

Betty and Isaiah’s daughter is named Debienne, for one of the former managers of the theater where The Phantom of the Opera takes place. Debienne is the last name of one of the owners who, with his partner, sells their share in the possibly haunted opera house. Again, I thought it could serve as a girl’s name in a pinch.

Debienne grew into a very cute little toddler that loved to gnaw on her toys.

And eventually a beautiful little girl. Debienne, like her cousin, also got the family eyes. That’s a good sign that they’ll turn up in the main family, but it sure would be nice to see some blue somewhere.

Debienne enjoys Betty’s grilled cheese every evening. Although Betty never planned on being a wife and mother as a romance sim, she’s quite content feeding her family grilled cheese for the rest of sim eternity.

Owing to the lack of affordable real estate and also because they were roommates in college, Viola and Sandy moved into the same house together.

They invited their significant others over and greeted them appropriately.

Double wedding! These two girls were the only ones of the spares to have witnesses to their wedding. First up is professor Charles and Viola.

Sandy’s ready to fight for her family’s right to get married. Not that that’s necessary, but she’s ready nonetheless.

When she’s done idling, Sandy and Byron tie the knot.

The two couples retired to their respective bedrooms to celebrate their weddings, but only Sandy and Byron conceived right away.

Still in the early stages of pregnancy, Sandy got to fulfill a want she’d had locked since long ago in college: to get a toy dog! Her sandy-colored little pup is named Doris. That has nothing to do with Phantom of the Opera. I just felt like naming her Doris.

The boys do some male-bonding out in the driveway. Turns out these two get along really well and they’re best friends before long.

Byron is a romance sim but he’s still excited and wants the arrival of his baby. The outfit Sandy is in looks like it has a pregnancy mesh, but it’s just the way she’s standing. It’s an H&M outfit that she grew up in and I thought was cute enough to keep.

He must have patted a little hard, because right after Byron is done touching Sandy’s belly, she gives birth. To twins. One of whom is a girl. Argh.

The twins are named Gilles and Giry. Gilles is the boy and Giry the girl. Gilles is one of the new managers of the opera house. Giry is the last name of Madame Giry, a suspicious caretaker, and her daughter Meg, a ballet dancer and friend of Christine’s.

The twins grew up adorably. It’s funny that their parents’ skin and hair tones got swapped on the kids, especially since you’d expect to see blonde on Giry more so than on Gilles, but it’s actually from dark-skinned Byron.

Soon after the twins grew up, Viola finally came home pregnant. She had a really rough pregnancy and spent a lot of time relaxing. Gee, I wonder why she’s having so much trouble?

While Byron and Sandy hang out in the bathroom (totally normal, by the way), Viola runs in to announce her impending labor.

After giving birth in the bathroom (so sanitary!), Viola rushes out to hand off their baby to Charles. Uh oh. We all know what that means.

Yep, Viola also had twins. These two were boys named Andrew and Lloyd.

Andrew Lloyd Webber is the composer of The Phantom of the Opera. According to Wikipedia, “It is considered by many to be the most successful musical of all time and is also the longest running show in Broadway history.” So good for Mr. Webber.

Time passed and both sets of twins grew up. Giry and Gilles loved to play with each other and also with Doris. Poor Doris doesn’t get much time to actually stand on the ground.

Andrew and Lloyd are absolutely adorable with the same haircuts as their father. They’re actually my favorites out of all the spares’ kids.

Finally Andrew and Lloyd grow up. That means . . .

Time to play! I love that both sets of twins are playing the same game, and that the boys have the same speech bubble. Yay for synchronicity.

And that concludes Viola and Sandy’s stories. Both families are very happy, and their little house is full to the brim of noise and love.

Meanwhile . . .

“I’m home!”

Thanks for reading and check back next time to see what happens when Marty returns home! Please stop by SiMania to visit! Ta ta!

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