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From Segregation to the Regulation of Intimate

Interracial Relationships in a White

Supremacist Society Deja Thompson

Spring 2015ENG 201

SLAVERY is the root of racial prejudice in


American Anthropological Association. “Resisting Slavery.” (2007) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.understandingrace.org/history/society/resisting_slavery.html.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

+ Cheap Labor+ Low Maintenance+ Lifetime Service+ Slaves Could Be Bred

“The Abolition Project.” (2009) Web. 12 May 2015. Retrieved at http://abolition.e2bn.org/slavery_43.html.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)“Separate but Equal”

Whites ONLY Coloreds ONLY

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)“Separate but Equal is inherently UNEQUAL!!!!”

Curiae, Amicus. “Building A Bridge: The AFT and Brown v Board of Education” New York Public Library. Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.reuther.wayne.edu/ex/Brown/brown4.html.

White Purity and White SupremacyWhites associated interracial intimacy with the “American Negro

Problem”. They used the belief of racial purity to fight interracial marriage.

White women represented racial purity in America.

Dubler, Ariela R. “From McLaughlin v. Florida to Lawrence v. Texas: Sexual Freedom and the Road to Marriage.” Columbia Law Review 106.1165 (2006): 1165-1185. JSTOR. Web. 15 April 2015.

The Story of Emmett Till (1941-1955)

Anderson, Devery. “Widow of Emmett Till Killer dies quietly, notoriously.” USA Today (2014) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/27/emmett-till-juanita-milam/5873235

Anderson, Devery. “Widow of Emmett Till Killer dies quietly, notoriously.” USA Today (2014) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/27/emmett-till-juanita-milam/5873235/.

September 2, 1955

Beauchamp, Keith A. “The Murder of Emmett Louis Till: The Spark That Started the Civil Rights Movement.” The Black Collegian (2005): 88-91. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 April 2015.

J. W. Milan and Roy Bryant

From segregation to the regulation of intimate interracial relationships.

Miscegenation laws prohibited sexual relations, cohabitation, procreation, and marriage between different races. In the United States, the laws specifically only banned relations between black and white people.

McLaughlin v. Florida



Young, Anita N. “Moments in History: Loving v. Virginia” (2014) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at https://anitanyoung.wordpress.com/2014/02/28/moments-in-history-loving-v-virginia/.

Gregory, John D., and Grossman, Joanna L. “The Legacy of Loving”. Howard Law Journal 51.15 (2007): 15-24. HeinOnline. Web. 15 April 2015.

Palmore v. Sidoti (1984)

Jonas, Lisa, and Silverberg, Marshall. “Race, Custody and The Constitution: Palmore v. Sidoti.” Howard Law Journal 27 (1984): 1549-1569. HeinOnline. Web. 15 April 2015.

• In this case, no statutory purpose could be identified so the Supreme Court of the United States found it unconstitutional. Race cannot be a determinant of parental fitness. Discrimination of racial association and affiliation is still racial discrimination.

AcceptanceEducationSexAgeRegionAmount of interracial



The Judiciary is a key player in the growing acceptance of black culture and interracial relationships.

Jacobson, Cardell K., and Johnson, Bryan R. “Interracial Friendship and African American Attitudes about Interracial Marriage.” Journal of Black Studies 36.4 (March 2006): 570-584. Academic Search Complete. 15 April 2015.

ReferencesAmerican Anthropological Association. “Resisting Slavery.” (2007) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at


Anderson, Devery. “Widow of Emmett Till Killer dies quietly, notoriously.” USA Today (2014) Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/27/emmett-till-juanita-milam/5873235/.

Beauchamp, Keith A. "The Murder of Emmett Louis Till: The Spark that Started the Civil Rights Movement." Black Collegian (2005): 88-91.

Curiae, Amicus. “Building A Bridge: The AFT and Brown v Board of Education” New York Public Library. Web. 14 May 2015. Retrieved at http://www.reuther.wayne.edu/ex/Brown/brown4.html.

Dubler, Ariela R. "From McLaughlin v. Florida to Lawrence v. Texas: Sexual Freedom and the Road to Marriage." Columbia Law Review (2006): 1165-1185.

Gregory, John D., and Grossman, Joanna L. "The Legacy of Loving." Howard Law Journal (2007): 15-24.

Hood, R. D. L. "The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and the U. S. Underground Railroad." ICJ (2010): 47-57.

Isness, InnerStanding. “Global White Terror Denomination.” Replace White Supremacy With Justice. (2012) Web. 12 May 2015. Retrieved at https://rwswj.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/the-problem-is-white-people-white-terror-domination/.

Jacobson, Cardell K., and Johnson, Bryan R. “Interracial Friendship and African American Attitudes about Interracial Marriage.” Journal of Black Studies 36.4 (March 2006): 570-584. Academic Search Complete. 15 April 2015.

Jonas, Lisa, and Silverberg, Marshall. "Race, Custody and The Constitution: Palmore v. Sidoti." Howard Law Journal (1984): 1549-1569.

“The Abolition Project.” (2009) Web. 12 May 2015. Retrieved at http://abolition.e2bn.org/slavery_43.html.

University Archives. "Racial Imbalance in the Public Schools New York Bar Association." Lydia T. Wright Papers, 4.5, MS15. Buffalo: the State University of New York at Buffalo, 1883-1968.

—. "The City and the Negro." Lydia T. Wright Papers, 3.7, MS15. Buffalo: the State University of New York at Buffalo, 1883-1968.

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