
Post on 02-May-2017






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PROBĂ SCRISĂ LA LIMBA ENGLEZĂ (3 - 4 ore săptămânal)


Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBIECTUL I a) Read the text below and sum it up in about 50 words. (10 puncte)

Running away from home is one of those things everybody thinks about at some time when they're growing up. Your father tore into you because you stayed out 'late'; your mother doesn't like your new boyfriend and shows it; your life isn't giving you any choices, you're longing for a change, something new… But you don't do it because, really, what you've got isn't that bad and what's out there might be awful.

But some people, usually the ones with the most serious problems, take the plunge. They run away, become ' missing persons'. Meanwhile back home, their parents, and maybe brothers and sisters are facing the pain of their absence and fear of what's happened to them.

Nobody knows how many people are missing in this country. Many are not reported and the police haven't found a useful way of punching the ones they do know about into their national computer.

(Just Seventeen)

a) Comment upon the ideas in the text above. Use about 300 words. Sustain your opinions with arguments. (30 puncte)

SUBIECTUL II Translate into Romanian: (20 puncte)

Asta e tot. O viaţă searbădă, fără nici un orizont, fără aspiraţii nu poate prezenta nici un interes. Ziua de mâine va fi probabil ca cea de azi. Nu mai am nici cel puţin speranţa unei călătorii în străinătate, care, oricât, îmi schimbă cel puţin gândurile. Să mă căznesc să fiu ca toată lumea care n-are noroc sau… care n-a ştiut să şi-l facă. Deja vorba 'renunţare' nu mi se mai pare azi aşa de grea ca ieri.

Am avut vizita lui Bebe Cicei; ce fenomen de prostie! Sunt hotărât incorigibilă, cu ce drept judec pe ceilalţi?

(E.M. Ionescu - Nae Ionescu)

SUBIECTUL III Compare yourself to the child-hero of a text you have studied or a book you have read. (about 250 words) (30 puncte)


Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

SUBIECTUL I a) Read the text below and sum it up in about 50 words. (10 puncte)

We recognise today that the 1960s was the decade of illusions: costly illusions, most of them, for which we are now to pay heavily. Among the most important of them was the notion that the family was the enemy of social content, and that it could and should be dispensed with.

It is true, of course, that the family has its oppressive aspect - and necessarily so. Human beings have lawless and destructive instincts, as well as orderly ones. Civilised societies require institutions, which restrain our passion and supplement our shortcomings. The three principal ones are the family, organised religion and the State. The more society can be policed by the family, assisted to some extent by the voluntary Church, and the less by the State, the more likely it is that such a society will be both orderly and liberal.

(The Observer)

b) Comment upon the ideas in the text above. Use about 300 words. Sustain your opinions with arguments. (30 puncte)

SUBIECTUL II Translate into Romanian: (20 puncte)

Palazzo Pisti, vechi, mare, cu capelele Medicilor, cu nenumărate opere de artă, cu fermecătoarea sa grădină, e menit să te încânte.

În ziua când am vizitat eu palatul, a sosit şi un grup de români veniţi în excursie. Cred că, în mai puţin de o oră, li s-a arătat totul. La un moment-dat, am prins un fragment de conversaţie între două românce care se uitau la o spadă încrustată cu pietre preţioase, nu prea mari: 'Când te gândeşti că sunt oameni care nu au ce mânca şi alţii, care nu mai ştiu ce să facă cu banii. Ce-am văzut aici, n-am mai văzut nicăieri!'

(E.M. Ionescu - Nae Ionescu)

SUBIECTUL III 'There is a gap between generations.' Expand upon that statement and sustain your opinions with arguments. You may refer either to a text you have studied or to your personal life experience. (about 250 words) (30 puncte)

MARKING SCHEME(3 - 4 hours)

I. a) SUMMING-UP…………………………………………………….10p- good selection of main ideas (absence of unnecessary details)…………….5p- length constraint…………………………………………………………….2p- correct use of structures, vocabulary and connectors……………………….2p- accurate spelling and punctuation…………………………………………...1p

b) COMMENTARY…………………………………………………..30p- completions of all tasks (1, 2 and 3)………………………………3 x 5 = 15p- length constraint…………………………………………………………….3p- coherent and logical stream of ideas………………………………………..3p- balanced structuring of the commentary……………………………………2p

(introduction, development, conclusion)- correct use of structures, vocabulary and connectors……………………….3p- accurate spelling and punctuation…………………………………………..2p- appropriate style……………………………………………………………..2p

II. TRANSLATION………………………………………………………20p- appropriate transfer of meaning and style ………………………..……….10p- correct structures and syntax ………………………………………………5p- appropriate vocabulary …………………………………………………….3p- accurate spelling and punctuation ………………………………………….2p

III. ESSAY WRITING…………………………………………………….30p- completion of task ..………………………………………………………. 10p (narration/description/argumentation)- length constraint…………………………………………………………….3p- coherent and logical stream of ideas………………………………………..3p- balanced structuring of the commentary……………………………………2p

(introduction, development, conclusion) - correct use of structures, vocabulary and connectors……………………….5p- accurate spelling and punctuation…………………………………………..2p- appropriate style…………………………………………………………….2p- strong effect on the reader…………………………………….…………….3p

(persuasive argumentation, attractive presentation,interesting approach to topic)

10 points granted GENERAL SCORE 90+10 = 100 points

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