engleza pentru nivel intermediar - lectia 07-08

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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  • LECTIA 7 - PARTEAINTAI,incepem nalla leetie ell 0 recapitu[are a vQcabularului.

    A. Completati urmatoarele propozitii in Iimha eng\eza ell unul din cuvintele de mai jos:

    I. brother

    7. year

    2. friend

    8. foot

    3. horse

    9. radio

    4. ship

    10. song

    5. cigarette

    II. music

    6. fourth

    12. family

    Folosit; filtrul ro~u:

    Ce ai facut pe data de patru a acestei luni?

    Aceasta 1igara va fi ultima.

    Mil doare tare piciorul.

    E important sa ai prieteni bunL

    Familia lui e una dintre cele mai bogatedin ora~.

    II cllno~ti pe fratele meu mai mic?

    Ea a plecat in Franta aCUITI un an.

    ~i calul este patruped.

    Auzeam muzica de sus.

    Cine canta acest dintec?

    Cateva nave au e~uat saptamana tfecuta.

    $tirea a fast difuzata la radio azi dimineata.

    B. Completati propozitiile in Iimba engleza:

    Folosi!i filtrul ro~u:

    E 0 veri~oara de-a ta?

    Nu e bine sa-ti faci griji tot timpul.

    Cativa dintre ei au plecat deja.

    ered ca ma~ina TIU este destuI de rapida.

    Nu crezi ca a cantat frumos?

    Oamenii radeau peste tot in jurul meu.

    EI nu fumeaza de trei saptamani.

    -What did you do on the> fourth of thismonth?

    -This >cigardtc will be my last one.

    -My >fopt hurts badly.

    ~1t is imp0l1friC'nd~.

    -His >fallllly is one of the richest intown.

    -Have you met my younger >hrothcr'?

    -She left for France a >ycar ago.

    -A >horsc is also a quadruped.

    -1 could hear >lllllSIC upstairs.

    - \Vho is singing this >sung?

    -Several >ShlPS were wrecked last week.

    -The news was on the >l'adio this morning.

    -Is she one >01' your cousins?

    -It is not good to >\vorry all the time.

    _>Somc of them have already left.

    -I think the car isn't >bst enough.

    -Don't you think she >sang beautifully?

    People were laughing all >around me.

    -He hasn't >smokcd for three weeks.

  • N u este atat de U00l cum pare.

    Ce-ar fi sa l11crgcm 13 cinema')Ei all cumparat tot ce Ie trebuie.

    Noi ca~tigam mai pll~in dedit prietenii nO$tri.Multi oameni nu cred asla.

    ~It IS not so >easy as it looks.

    ->\Vhat bOllght all they need.

    -V./e earn >Iess than our friends.

    ->:\ lot of people don"t believe that.

    C. Sa repetam adjeetivele ~i gradeIe lor de eomparatie - comparativlli ~i sllperlativul - pe caredeja Ie $titi. Completati propozitii1e in limba eng[eza cu adjectivele care iipsesc:

    Ma~ini1e nu ehcapcr.

    Cine este eel mai batran dintre aee~ti oameni? -Who is the >nldcst of these people?

    Calatoria noastra a fost mai seurta decat a lor. -Our journey was >s!lnrtcr than theirs.

    EI a ales paharlll eel mai phn. -He chose the >fullest glass.

    eel Illai important lueru cste s~ ai rabdare. -The >mosl important thing is to bepatient.

    (EI) vrea sa-~i cllmpcre un ararat de radiomal seump.

    Ai vazut vreodata eeva mal imprcsionant?

    Care it fost eel mai neplacut 1ucru pe carea trebuit ssimplerthan typing.

    -He is the >ckvcrcst boy.

    -This street is not >narrower.

    -This chair is >heavicr than that one.

    wHe \\'as the >mosl handsome man ofthem all.

    -They built a >blggcr plane.

    -The boys were >Liller than the girls.

    -Vie want to have a >largcr garden.

    -The shops are in the >\vlllcst streets.

    -They tuld liS the >stlangcst things.

    -Have you heard the >lah::"t news?

    -He is >Lltter than last year.

    -They \\'ere 111)' >niccst holidays.

    -It is the >most remarkable stOly I haveever heard.

  • Cuvintele Doi din aceasta leqie se refera in special la animale. Vomprezenta acum un grup de substantive Hoi. p~ care Ie Yeti citi CLl vocetare:

    reptile "> l reptailJ -reptila

    insect > [insekt] -insecti

    beetle > [bi:t!] -gandac

    crocodile > [krobdailJ -crocodit

    cage > [ke"!I] -cu~ca

    bear > [bea'] -UfS

    shark > [,a:'k] -rechin

    prey > [preiJ -prada

    beast of prey > [bi:st av prei] -animal de prada

    tusks > [tasksJ -colli (de animal)

    cheetah > [t,i:ta] -ghepard

    vulture > [valt,a' ] -vultur

    climate > [klannit] -climat

    Sa Ie excrsam in alta ordine:

    prey > [preij -pradainsect > I insekt] -Insecta

    beetle > [bi:t!] -gand Ivalt,a' J -vulturcrocodile > [krokadail] -crocodil

    beast of prey > lb!:st av prei] -animal de prada

    climate > [kia/mit] -climat

    bear > [bea'] -urs

    tusks > [tasksJ -colli (de animal)

    cheetah > [ l,ita] -ghepard

    shark > [,a:'lJ -rechin

    cage > [ketdjJ -cu~careptile > [reptail ] -reptil:1


  • lata diteva propozitij ell euvintele noi; retincti traducerea lor in limba romana:

    An elephant has big tusks.

    There are many beetles onthose leaves.

    The cheetah IS the fastestquadruped we know.

    Snakes are reptiles.

    [s it good to keep wildanimals in cages?

    "Beasts of prey" is anothername for "predators"

    Many bears live in coldclimates.

    Many people are afraidof insects.

    The lion was silentlyfollowing its prey.

    Africa is one of thecontinents wherecrocodiles live.

    Sharks have been on theEarth for a very long time.

    Vultures eat the flesh ofdead animals.

    >lan cliLlIlt hEz big tasks]

    >[ D/_C;jl a: 1 llwni bi:tlz 011D/auz li:vzJ

    >[ IY;1 tsLt[ sneiks a: r rrptailzJ

    >l iz it gnd III ki:p lIaildElllmalz in keiJjiz]

    >t bi:sb av prei iz analYa rIlcim 1'0 1 prcd~ltafz]

    >J.mcni bcarz liv in kauldklaillllts]

    >[ll1Cl1i pi:pl a: r afrrid avillsekts]

    >[lYa laia11 Uoz sailantlifoJallin\gJ its pr~iJ

    >l Errik~) iz lIan av iVakontin3nts !leafkrokaJaliz Ii\ J

    >l~a:rks hEy bUl on I)li a:fTsfor ~\ veri 10111(.') taim]

    >[ valt~tusks.

    -Many predators look for >prey at night.

    -Some animals need larger >cages thanothers.

    -The >cheetah cannot run for a long time.

    -The >Vulture is one of the ugliest birds.

    ->Sharks hardly ever attack if you keep calm.

    -What kind of>bear is completely white?

    -The leaves of the plant have been eaten by>insects.

  • Animalele de prada ucid doarcand Ie este foame'!

    Prjve~te! In apa intra un crocodiPGfmdacii sunt prin~i ~i maneali de paianjeni.

    Toate reptilele depun OWl?

    In ce climat traiesc aceste animale?

    -Do >beasts of prey' kill only when theyare hungly?

    -Look! A >eroeodile is going into the water.

    ->Beetles are caught and eaten by spiders.

    -Do all >rcptiles lay eggs?

    -In what >clim(jte do these animals live?

    lata inca 0 serie de cuvinte noi. Sa Ie citim cu atentie, respectand pronuntia indicata intre parantezeledrepte:


    to outrun

    to tear


    to exist


    to feed on


    to stalk

    to set free



    >[tu autran]

    >[tu teil']

    >[ rcstlisJ

    >[tu igzist]


    >[ tll tid on]


    >[tll sto:k]

    >ltll set fri:J


    -a depa~i (in fuga), a alerga mairepede dedit

    -a rupe, a sfa~ia


    -a exista

    -inchis (in CU-5ca)

    -3 se hrani cu


    -a pandi. a urmari

    -3 elibera

    -crud, nemilos

    Verhul "to tear" este neregulat ~i are urmatoarele forme:

    tear tore >[ to:'] tom >[to:'n]

    Cuvintele noi apar intr-un scurt text despre gradinile zoologice. Cititi textul ell atentie:


    Zoos have existed for many years. Many people are against them because animalsare caged there. They say it is cruel to keep savage animals in cages. Someanimals get restless having such a little space to live in. They don't have to hunt forfood and tear their prey into pieces. They feed on what is given to them as regularmeals. If they were set fretthey wouldn't know how to'stalk their prey. Animalsthat were born in polar regions don't feel well when they're moved into a zoo in awarmer climate. And what about the fastest of all animals? If a cheetah were set freeafter a few years in a zoo it would be difficult for it to outrun its prey.


  • Sa exersam pronunlia anumitor prop~zitii din text ~i sa invatam traducerea lor in limba romana:

    Zoos have existed formany years.

    >[zu:z hEv 19jjstld fa J 1l1clli iiarzJ -Gradinile zoologice existade multi ani.

    Many people are againstthem because animalsare caged there.

    They say it is cruel to keepsavage animals in cages.

    Some animals get restlesshaving such a little spaceto live in.

    They don't have to huntfor food and tear theirprey into pieces.

    They feed on 'Arhat is givento them as regular meals.

    If they were set free theywouldn't know to stalktheir prey.

    Animals that were born inpolar regions don't feelwell when they're movedinto a zoo in a warmerclimate.

    And what about the fastestof all animals?

    If a cheetah were set freeafter a few years in a zooit would be difficult for itto outrun its prey.

    >[ meni pi:pl ;1;r ageinst IYC11lblkoz Enima]z a: 1 kClCljd D/e~lfJ

    >[D1ei sci it il krual tll ki:p sEvidiEnimalz in kcidjiz)

    >f.sam Eni1l1illz get restlis hEvHl1':')sat~ a litl speis ttl liv inJ

    >( D/ei daunt hEy tLl hant far fu:dEnd tear D/eil pre! intLl pi:siL]

    >lDlci fi:d on tlot II. givn tll D/elllE;: n:'glu]a J mi:lzJ

    >fit' rYei LJ~\T' set fri: D/ei Uudnt nauhall tu sto:k D/eir preij

    >[Enllllaiz DTJ unl bo:rn inpaula' ri:djinz daunt fJ:l "el'.len D/ei a: 1 Hlu:\d intll a zu: JIl

    ~l '_lo:rmal Ida/1m!)

    >{ Lnli lIot abaut [Ya ra:~tlsl3\ 0:[ Enimalz]

    >[ if a t~i:t;J liar set fri: a:ha ' [1 f;llii~llZ in a zu: it uud hi difikaltfo: 1 It \u autran its prei)

    -Mulli oameni sunt impotrivalor, fiindca aeolo, animalelesllnt limite in eu~ti.

    -Ei spun ca e a eruzime sa tiianimale salbatice in cu~ti.

    -Unele animale devin agitateavand atat de putin spatiu incare sa traiasca.

    -Pentru a se hrani ele nl!trebuie sa vaneze ~i sa-~i

    sfa~ie prada in bucan.

    ~Ele se hranesc cu ce Ji se dasa man[mce in mod regulat.

    -Daca ar fi puse in libertate, elenu ar ~ti cum sa-~i unnareascaprada.

    -Animalele care s-au nascut inregiuni palare nu se simt binecfmd sunt mutate In gradinizoologice din regiuni maicalde.

    -Dar eel mai rapiddintre animalc?

    -Daca un ghepard ar fi eliberatdupa cativa ani petreculiintr-o gradina zoologica i-arfi greu sa alerge mai repedededit prada sa.

    Completati propozitiile cu cuvintele noi, folosilld fi1trul ro~u. Cititi apoi eu voce tare propozitiilein limba engleza:

    Leul se mi~ca nelini::;tit in cU!jea sa.

    Prada a fost sfa~iata In bueati.

    Exista vreun urs polar in aceastagradina zoologica?

    Animalele de prada sc hranescell alte animale.

    El a prins un pe:?te mare dar a hotaratsa-i dea drumul.

    -The lion was moving >n..::stlcssly in its cage.

    -The prey has been >torn into pieces.

    -Are there any >polar bears in this zoo?

    -Predators >feed on other animals.

    -He caught a big fish but decided to >sot itfree


  • Un substantiv deja mentionat intr~o propozitie nu este reluat dupa cazul genitiv,de exemplu:

    De ce se poarta atat de crud Cll animalele?

    Leii i~i pandesc adesea prada in perechi.

    Animalul este inchis in cu~ca, desigur.

    ~tiu ca el poate sa alerge eu u~urinlamai repede dedit mine.

    Sperau ca nll vor intalni vreunanimal salbatic.

    Aceasta gradina zoologica existade cincizeci de ani.

    Sa trecem aeUIn la sectiunea de gramatica.

    My bicycle has been stolen andnow [ am using my sister's.

    Having no tools, he used hisbrother's,

    The car in front of the houseis my father"s.

    Those books are Henry"s.

    ~Why is he so >cruel to animals'?

    ~Lions often >stalk their prey in pairs.

    ~The animal is >cag('d, of course.

    -I know he can easily >outlUll me.

    -They hoped they would not meet any>savage animals.

    -This zoo has >existed for fifty years.

    -Biciclela me\ tll bi EI deT's do:']>l a staullZ T~rau from j


    ~a nu mai ~ti ce sa faca

    -3 se fen de oriee primejdie

    -a se dlStra dupa pofta inimii

    -3 tine pe cineva 1a distanta

    ~a fi pelin perieoI de moarte

    -Ia 0 aruncatura de bat de

    -Pentru (numele lui)Dumnezeu!

    de dragul unchiului(surorii) meu (mele)

  • Vom introduce expresiile noi in propozitii; cititi-le atent, cu voce tare:

    Genitivul este cateodata folosit Cll substantive care denumesc animale. ingeneral, insa, in aeeste cazuri este preferata constructia eu "of',de exemplu: C"cJ-:i

    Their dog's t~i1 is very long.The tail of their dog is very long. -Caada cainelui lor este faarte lunga.

    He is at his wit's end after losing his job.- -----

    I hope my daughter w.i!ll"ep out gjharm's .way.

    The children enjoyed themselves to )ill:irhearts' content.


    The best thing would be/to keep themat arm's length.__ r

    We could not believe that she ~sat death's door.------- -

    For goodn~,can't you wait a minute?

    ,I think we have to do it ,~or our parents' sake.

    The cat's e~:es were closed.The eyes of the cat were closed.

    Existii doua tipuri de gellitiv:

    -Nu mai ~tie ce sa [aca dupa ce ~i-a pierdutslujba.

    -Sper ca fiica mea se va pazi de oriceprimejdie.

    -Capiii s-au distrat dupa pofta inimii.

    -eel mai bun lucru ar fi sa-i tinem la distanta.

    -Nu ne venea sa credem ca ea e pe moarte.

    -Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, nu poti a~teptaun minut?

    -ered ca trcbuie sa facem asta de dragulparintilor no~tri.

    -Ochii pisicii erau inehi~i.

    A Genitivul specificiirii - se re(era la 0 am~mita persoGlla sau animal ~'i poote exprimaposeshl. origillea sau alte rela,tii cu CUl'dlltul determinal, de exemplu:

    John's hause

    father's office

    my sister's husband

    Anna's bus

    -casa lui John

    ~biroul tatei

    -sotul surorii mele

    -autobuzul Anei

    Substantivul in ('azul genitiv .yi substantivlll urmator sUflt accentuate la fel.

    B. Genitivul clasificiirii - denume..'lte tip III sau dasa din care face parte cuvantul urmtitor,de exemplu:

    a fanner's wife

    a grocer's shop

    a winter's day

    children's clothes

    -so1ie de ferrnier

    -magazin de bacanie

    -zi de iarna

    -haine pentru copii

    i/1 acest ca= suhstantivul in cazul genili\' estc mai jJurernic accentual deceit su!Js/(lIllivlIl urmat01:

  • in ultimul exercitiu din aceasta parte a lectiei yeti putea veri fica daca ati invatat expresiile ~i regulilegramaticale noi. Traducetl In limba engleza:

    Casa mea este mai veche dedit aprietenului meu.

    Ea ~i-a tinut rudele la distanta.

    De ce nu poF sa te fere~ti de primejdie?

    Muncitorii nu ~tiu ce sa mai faca.

    Buniea mea este pe maarte.

    Ai vazut captll aeelui cal?

    S-a intamplat la 0 aruncatura de bat de spital.

    Vom merge de dragul mamei (mde).


    > r-,.'ly house is older than my friend's.

    >Shc kept her relatives at arm's length.

    > \\'hy' can't you kt:cp out of harm's way?

    > TIl.: labourers are at their vvits' end.

    >Ivly grandmLlthl'r is at deaths door.

    > Ilavc you seen tl1,11 Illlrsc 's heiJl!'.'

    > It happened a sttme's tl1l"O\\ fromthe hospital.

    > We shall go for InY' llhlther's sake.

  • LECTIA 7 - PARTEA A DOVA,In primcle exerci~ji din aceasta parte a lec~iei yom recapitula \'ocabularul.

    A. Completa~i propozi1iile in limba engleza ell unul din urmatoarcle cuvinte:

    1. poor5. summer

    2. rich6. park

    3. cat7. tree

    4. tonightg. apples

    Pisica vede bine in intuneric.

    Ai vreun capac in gradina?

    Oamenii bogati I~i pot cumpara tot ce var?

    Yam imi place sa inot.

    Cum ii putem ajuta pc oameniiaceia safaci?

    Ne place sa ne plimbam prin parco

    in seara asta el ia cina in ora~.

    Du-tc ~i ia ni~te mere de 1a magazinulde legume ~i fruete.

    B. Completa,i propozi,iile in limba engleza:

    A~ vrea sa pot face ceva.

    Te rog nu mai [uma.

    Nu putem continua sa facemasta 1a nesfar~it.

    Mi-ar placea sa am a bucatarie mare.

    El a scris scrisoarea fara nici un ajutor.

    Ea a baut ~ase pahare de lapte.

    Te rog asculta-ma.

    El a spus "noapte buna" ~i s-a dus sus.

    Pantalonii ace$tia iti vor fi prea scurti.

    Prlve~te cladirea aceea inaWi!

    Nt! uita sa inchizi u~a!

    in cafeaua mea e prea mult zahar.

    El a gasit inelul illtre doua scaune.

    -A >Ctrcl.';-; in your garden?

    -Can >nch people boy anything they want?

    -In >su11lmer 1 like to go swimming.

    -How can we help those >poor people?

    -We like walking in the >p:lrk

    -He is dining out >tonight.

    -Go and get some >appk:-; at thegreengrocer's.

    -I \\!ish 1could do >solllL,thing.

    -Please >stop smoking.

    -We can't go on domg this >forcver.

    -l'd like to have a >largc kitchen.

    -He wrote the letter >without any help.

    -She >drank six glasses of milk.

    ~Please >Iisten to me.

    -He said >"good night' and went upstairs.

    -These trousers will be too >short for you.

    -Look at that >tall building!

    -Don't >forget to close the door.

    -There is >too much sugar in my coffee.

    -He found the ring >h

  • C. Si inca un exercitiu de recapitulare, de data aceasta de gramatica. Ramanem la seqiuneareferitoare la adjectiv ~i adverb. Completati prupozitiile de mai jos, folosind f1ltrul ro~u:

    Sunt Inuit mai multe um~lte.

    Mai vrei cafea?

    Ei au provocat cele mai multe accidente.

    1 vrca mai pu~in zahar in ceai.

    i au mai pu~ini bani deciit avem noi.

    Sunt mai putini oaspeti dedit anul trecut.

    Este mica diferenta dintre ei.

    A avut pUlinc ocazii favorabile.

    Ea nll are nevoie de mult timp.

    lvlulti oameni ered ca e adevarat.

    Au vfmdut cele mai putine bilete.

    Este chiar mai faU deciit credeam.

    Ce era mai greu a trecut.

    Este mai bine sa nu pleci.

    Acesta este filmul eel mai bun.

    Unde locuic~tc eel mai mic dintreeei doi frati?

    Dintre cei doi b;]ie~i, el este mai inalt.

    EI se simte din nou obosit.

    Aceasta prajitura este buna la gust.Mie mi se pare rea.

    Nu crezi eil miroase oribil?

    Muzica asta suna grozav.

    Deveneau din ce in ce mai nerabdatori.

    Estc din ce in ce mai cald.

    Devenea tot mai dificil sa gasc~tio camera.

    Este mai bine sa iei un autobuz deditsa mergi pe jos.

    Sunt la fel de sarac ca ~i el.

    Nu este atat de rece ca ieri.

    Nu m-am simtit nieiodata atat de rau.


    -There are many >mor~ tools.

    -Do you want any >more coffee?

    -They caused the >most accidents.

    -He wants >l~ss sugar in his tea.

    -They have >less money than we have.

    -There are >fewer guests than last year.

    -There is >little difference between them.

    -He has had >few opportunities.

    -She doesn't need >mllch time.

    ->Many people think it's true.

    -They sold the >few~st tickets.

    -It is even >worse than I thought.

    -The >\\'lHst is over now.

    -It is >bL'tter not to leave.

    -This is the >best film.

    _""'here does the >younger of the twobrothers live?

    -He is the >laller of the two boys.

    -He feels >tired again.

    -This cake tastes >good.It looks >bad to me.

    -Don't you think it smells >horrible?

    -This music sounds >great.

    -They were getting >more ~nd more impatient.

    -It is getting >hottcr Lind hotter.

    ~lt was becoming >more and more difficultto find a room.

    -It is >better to take a bus >than to walk.

    -I am >as poor as he is.

    -It is not >50 cold as yesterday.

    -l have never felt so >bad.

  • lata aeum unna-toarea serie de cuvinte noi. Cititi-lc eu mare atentie:

    pet > [pet] -animal de easaforelegs > [fo:'lcgz] -picioare din rata,

    membre anterioare

    hind-legs > [haind legz] -picioare din spate,membre posterioare

    giraffe > [djira:f] -girafaspll1e > [spain] -coloana vertebrala,

    ~ira spinarii; spin

    eyesight > [aisait] -vedere, camp vizual,orizont

    zebra > [zi:hra] -zebrahuman being > [hiuman bi:in(g)] -om, fiinta umanabush > [hu,J -tuti,hedgehog > [hEdjhog] -anclhippopotamus > [hipapotamas] -hipopotamkangaroo > [kEn'g)garu:] -cangursenses > [sensiz] -simturimonkey > [man,g'ki] -maimutastriped > rstraipt] -cu dungi, vargat

    Sa repetam aceste cuvinte Intr-o alta ordine:







    human being









    > [kEn,glgaru:]> [spain]

    > [fo:'legz]

    > [bu,]> [man,glki]> [pet]> [hillman bi:in(g)]> [djira:f]> [haind legz]

    > [3traipt]> [sensiz]> [hipapoffi'nas]> [hEdjhcg]> [zi:bra]> [aisait]



    -coloana vcrtebrala,~ira spinarii; spin

    -picioare din fata,membre anterioare



    -animal de casa

    -om, fjinta umana-girafa

    -picioare din spate,membre postcrioare

    -Cll dungi, vargat





    -vedere, camp vizual,orizont

  • AClIm iati:l exemple de propozi,ii :.;i traducerea lor. Citim ell voce tare propozl~iile10 limba eogleza:

    Do you have a pet?

    There waso't a human beingto be seen.

    We have five senses.

    Zebras have striped skins.

    The deer's forelegs arenot strong.

    A giraffe eats the leavesof trees.

    Hippopotamuses livein Africa.

    A kangaroo has very ~tronghind-legs.

    The lion lay hiding behinda bush.

    What do monkeys feed on'?

    Some animals have sharpspmes.

    Many hedgehogs are runover by cars.

    >[ till ill: hE\' a pt:l\

    >[ D\?~ll lloznt a hinmanbi:inlgl tLl hi si:nJ

    >[zi:br~lz hE\ slraipt skin7.]

    >[O/a diarz its ro:rl cgz [a djira:f I:ts D/a It:vz tlVlri :7.]

    >[hipapotjmasiz liv in Efnka]

    >[a kEn'glaru: hEz veristronlgl h[ (Ya laian lei haltlJJl('"~)hillaiod [sam Enimall. hLv ~{ meni hcdjhog; a: r ran auvi.1rbalb:'zj

    -Ai un animal de casa'!

    -Nu se vedea nici un om.

    -Avem cinci simturi.

    -Zebrele au pie lea vargata.

    -Membrele anterioare aleeapnoarei IlU sunt pllternice.

    -Girafa se hrane.o:;te eu frunzelecopacilor.

    -Hipopotamii traiesc in Africa.

    -Cangurul are picioarele dinspate foarte putemice.

    -Leul statea ascuns in spateleunlli tufi~.

    -eu ce se hranesc maimutele?

    -Unele animale au tepiascutiti.

    -Multi arici sunt calcati dema~ml.

    Elephants have poor eyesight. >[ eJifants hE\' j1l1a r als,-lIt)

    Completa!i propozitiile urmatoare:

    -Elcfantii au vederea slaba.

    Callil l~i rupsese picioarele din spate.

    Pisicile au simtul allzului foarte dezvoltat.

    Maimu!ele au cozi hmgi.

    Zebra a V3Zut leul prea Hirziu.

    Inca mai aveam un spin in picior.

    Hipopotamii sunt animale mari care traiescin Africa.

    Ce animale iti plae cel mai mult?

    Cainele este cateodahi. un prieten mai bundedit omul.


    -The >hind-Iegs of the horse were broken.

    -Cats have a very good >~cnse of hearing.

    ->f\lnnkeys have long tails.

    -The >zebra sa\\' the lion too late.

    -One of the >spme:-; was still in my leg.

    ->1 IipPpcts do you like most?

    -A dog is sometimes a better friend thana >human being.

  • Cangurul traie~te in Australia.

    Animalele sHiteau la umbra tufi~urilor.

    Pieile lor vargate se vedeau eu u~urinta.

    $tiai ca elefantii pot sta pe picioarele din fala?

    Fii atent sa nu atingi ariciul acela!

    Girafele puteau fi vazute de la mare distanta.

    Ele au 0 vedere incredibil de buna.

    Sa citim cu atentie inca un grup de cuvinte noi:

    -Australia is the home of the >kangaroo.

    -The animals were lying in the shade of the>bllShcs.

    -Their >stripcd skins could easily be seen.

    -Did you know that elephants can stand ontheir >forclcgs?

    -Be careful not to touch that >hedgehog'

    ->Uiraffes could be seen from a greatdistance.

    -They have incredibly good >cycsight.

    curved >[ka:'vd] -curbat, indoit

    to rear >llll ria r ] -a se eabra, a se ridica pe pieioarele din spate

    keen >[kin] -ascutit, aeut

    to approach >[ tu apraLlts] -a aborda; a se apropia de

    nocturnal >{nokHi:rnaIJ -nocturn, de noapte

    to stray from >11u strei from J -a se indeparta, a se raUici/razleti de

    stray >[ strei] -ratacit

    to sense >[ tLi sens] -a simti

    human >[hiuman] -omenesc, uman

    kind >[kaindj -amabil, dragulto be keen on >[ tLi bi ki:n on] -a-i placea foarte mult sa

    stealthy >[ stelri] -preeaut, secretos, furi~

    to curl up >[tLi ka:'1 ap] -a se ghemui,

    to sting >[ tll stin(gl] -a intepa, a impunge

    Verbul "to sting" este neregulat ~i are urmatoarele forme:

    sting stung


    stung >[ stan,g,]

  • Yom folosi cuvintele noi ill propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare; aten~ie 1a traducerea lor in limbaromana:

    The horse reared when itheard the noise.

    >[D/;:i ho:is ria:rd llen1\ ha:\1 fYa noiz]

    -Calul s-a cabrat dind a auzitzgomotul.

    People have curved spInes. >[pi:pl hE\' ka:r\'d spain?] -Oamenii au coloana vertebralacurhata.

    It's only human to be anxiousin such a situation.

    >[ its 3unli hiuman ttl hiEnl);)k~az in sat~ asiUtlci~DnJ

    -Este omene~te sa fii nerabdatorintr-o astfel de situatie.

    He was killed by a stray bullet >[hi: "OZ kild bal a Slrelbulit]

    -A fast ucis de un glonte ratacit.

    A few zebras have strayedfrom the herd.

    They have a keen senseof smell.

    The animals got retless whenthey sensed danger.

    Wasps sting when they aremade angry.

    The predators came nearerin a stealthy way.

    She is very keen on goingto the cinema.

    Nocturnal animals sleepby day.

    A hedgehog curls up whenit is attacked.

    I don't know how toapproach her.

    It was very kind of himto ring me.

    >[ j fiu zj: braz hE v streiJfrom D/a ha:1d]

    >[D/ci hEv a ki:n sens avsmcl]

    >[ D/i Enim~l!7 got restlislien D'l:i sellst dcmdja 1J

    >[ lIosps still l );) lien D/eia: T meid Enlglgri]

    >[ D/a rredatarz keil11niara r in a stdT'i lIe i]

    >[~i: iz veri ki:n ongauin(~) tu D/a sinill1a]

    >[nokta:'na! Enimalz s1i:pbal del]

    ::{a hedJhog k~I:llz ap lienit i/ {rtEkt]

    ::{ ai daunt nau lwu ttlaprallt~ ha:l'J

    i it llOZ veri kaind {Ivhim tLl rin lg ) mi:]

    -Cateva zebre s-au nlzle1itde turma.

    -Ele au un simt al mirosului ascutit.

    -Animalele au devenit agitatecand au simtit primejdia.

    -Viespile inteapa daca Ie sacai.

    -Animalele de prada s-au apropiatpe furi~.

    -Ei ii place fOal1e mult sa meargala cinema.

    -Animalele de noapte donn ziua.

    -Ariciul se ghemuie~te candeste atacat.

    -Nu .o;;tiu cum sa 0 abordez.

    -A fost foarte dragu( din partealui sa rna sune.

    Sa verificam daca ati retinut toate cuvintele noi; completati propozitiile in Iimba engleza:

    Pisica s-a ghernuit in fata foculul.

    Tigrul se apropia Cll vantul in fat~L

    Vulturii au vederea foarte agera.

    Gaia ratacita a fast repede observata de lupi.

    Invidia este omeneasca.


    -The cat >cllrled IIp in front of the tire.

    -The tiger was >~lprroaching against the wind.

    -Eagles have extremely >kccn eyesight.

    -The >strJy sheep was soon noticed bythe wolves.

    -Being envious is >h llInan

  • Noi doi ne-am ratacit de ceilal1i.

    o viespe I-a inlepat pe copil.

    A simtit ea el statea in spatele ei.

    Ce vanzatoare amabila este!

    Col~ii elefantului sunt eurbali.

    Multi rapitori sunt animale de naapte.

    Noi I-am Vclzut intrand pe furi~ in casa.

    Cainele care latTa a t11cut calul sa se ridiee pepicioarele din spate.

    -The t\','o of us have >straycd from theothers.

    -A wasp has >stung the child.

    -She >sensed that he was standing behind her.

    -What a >kind shop-assistant she is!

    -The tusks of an elephant are >Curved.

    -Many predators are >nocturnal animals.

    -\Ve saw him >stealthily entering the house.

    -The barking dog made the horse >rcar.

    Sa ne intoarecm la gramatica. ~i anume 13 regulile referitoare la folosirea genitivlIlui.

    Dupii clim fie aminliTll. ill limho eng/eli genitil'ld precede substal1tivul delerminol, spre exemp/ll:

    my father's car ~ma~ina tatalui meu

    Ciileodatll, genitivu/ est! !olosil dupll suhstantiFIII determinu1. Acest til) de gellitiv esle precedat decuvuntul "of". Genilil'''! post-pus Irehuie fo!osit cand substontiwl! de ha::cI este preeedat de:

    1. numeral - spre exemplu:

    Two guests of my mother's werestill there.

    A few guests of my mother'swere still there.

    2. prOllllme - spre exemplu:

    \Vhich guest of my mother'sstayed longest?

    This guest of my mother's left early.

    Have any guests of my mother'sarrived by car'?

    3. articol !1ehotarat - spre exemplu:

    Was he also a guest of my mother's?

    -Doi din musafirii mamei mele erau incaaeolo.

    -Caliva musafiri ai mamei mele erau incaaeolo.

    -Care dintre 1TI1isafirii mamei meIe a stateel mai mu1t?

    -Acest musafir al mamei mele a plecatdevreme.

    -A venit vreunul dintre musafirii mameimele eu ma~ina?

    -Si el a fost unlll din musafirii mameimele?

    4. artievl hotiirdt (doar cand unneaza 0 propozitie atributiva restrictiva) - spre cxemplll:

    That was the guest of my mother'sthat 1 disliked most.


    -Acesta a fast musafirlll mamei melecare mi-a displacllt eel mai mult.

  • Acum yom discuta mai detaliat pozilia ~i functiile adjectivelor in propozitie in limba engleza.

    Majoritatea adjectivclor pot fi li}lusire fie atrilHltiv (ca determinant al substantivului urmiitor) fiepredicatil' (ca nume predinlfil' ;nTr-Ul1 predicar nominal sau element predicativ suplimentar), spreexel1lplu:

    He is a tired old man.

    I am too tired to work now.

    You look tired.

    -El este un batran obosit.

    -Sunt prea obosit sa lucrez acum.

    -Pari obosit.

    Unele adjective se folosesc nllnlai dupii verb,' de cele mai multe or;, acesta cste l'erbut "a fi ". latacateva adjective $i expresii de acest tip.'

    to be content >[ tu hi kanlent] -a Ii mul\umit, satislacut

    to be worth >[ tll bi lIa:rT"] -3 merita, a valora, a costa

    to be alive >[tll hi alaiv] -a fi viu, in viata

    to be asleep >[ III hi ;>S1i:p] -a donni, a fi adormit

    to be awake >[ III hi ~l'lcikJ -a fi treaz, de veghe

    to be aware >[ tll hi a\lc

  • CuvGntul "sick" poatefifolosit dupii "erhul "to be" .,\'i "to feel" .,\'i in acest caz l-nseammi "a-i facerau ", "a-i ji gn.:atd", de exemplu:

    Going by car made me feel sick. -Mersul eu ma:;;ina imi face rau.

    Al{icctivul, folusit atl'ihutiv, echivalent eli content est' contented ILlIltrnt iJJ, de exemplu:There was a contented smile on her face, -Ea avea un zambet mu1tumit pe fata.

    Acum va propunem un exercitiu de gramatica ce rezuma intreaga Iectie, Traduceti urmatoarelepropozi\ii folosind filtrul ro~u:

    Costumul meu este murdar:;;i acum il portpc al fratelui meu.

    Nu poti lua tigarile acelea. Sunt ale tatei.

    A Clli este ma~ina aceea'? Este a doctorului.

    Gradina zoologica este la 0 aruncatllrade bal de gara.

    Pentru Dumnezeu, TIU enerva llfsul acela~

    Ochii pisicii reflecta lumina.

    imi place sa merg la phmbare inlr-o ziinsorita de iarna.

    Va avea loc 0 intrunire 3 nevestelor fennierilof.

    A fast gasit vreunlll din documentele tatalui mell?

    Trei magazine ale unchiului meu au fast inchise.

    Pisicii i-a fost rau.

    EI s-a trezit in zori.

    Nu merita atata deranj.

    Leii adonneau sub capac.

    Nu mi-am dat seama de asta.

    EI a fast singur toata noaptea.

    Nu-mi vine sa ered ca ei sunt inca in viata.


    >M:y suit is dirty and Ill)\\ j'lll weanng myhmthL'r's.

    >You cannot take those ciragettes. Theyare C1ther's.

    >\Vhosc car is lh~ll') It is the doctor's.

    >Th(' zoo is ()Hly' a stone's thnHv from thel~lil\\'av st:ltion.

    >For gO()Llncss' sake, don't make thatbear allgry~

    >T11e eyes of a cat ref1l'l't 11t!ht.

    >1 lIke going for a walk on a sunnywinter's day.

    >There \\'1\1 be a I1H.:cting of farmers' wivl's.

    >\Verc any dDCull1cnh 01'111)' father's found?

    >Threc shops of my uncle's h,lve beenclosed.

    >The cat has been sick.

    >He \\'as nwake before dawn.

    >It is not worth all thi:-. trouble.

    >The lions were a.-del'p under the tree.

    >1 wasn't aware of it.

    >He \\,()S ;llollC all night.

    >Thcse arc contented customers.

    >1 can't believe they're still alivc~

  • Sa repetam ~i cateva dintre cuvintele noi. Propozitiile pe care Ie yeti traduce in limba englezaalcatuiesc lin dialog:











    ~tii cat de mult Ii plac fiicei mele,Jane, animalele.

    Da, Imi amintesc ca, acum catva timp,voia sa aibao maimuta sau un cangur.

    E adevaral. Acum aduce des acasaanimale bolnave sau ratacite.leri a adus un arici!

    Unde I-a gasit?

    intufi~urile din gradina noastra.

    Era bolnav?

    Nu chiaro La Inceput, eu ~i Janeam crezut ca piciorullui stangdin fata era rupl. Cand Jane I-a gasi\,ariciul statea ghemuit. Dupa 0 vremea inceput sa mearga, dar nu putea

    sa-~i mi~te piciorul stang din lata.

    lar Jane, desigur, I-a luat acasa.Aricii au tepi a~a de ascutiti!Nu s-a ranit cand I-a adus?

    Nu. ~i, ~tii, piciorul ariciului erasanatos cand a Inceput sa umble prin casa.A~a ca Jane i-a dat drumul.

    Ei bine, trebuie sa spun ca se poartaloarte frumos cu animalele.

    >You know how much my daughterJane is keen on animals.

    >Yes. I remember that some time agoshe wanted to have a pet monkeyor a kangaroo.

    >That's true. Now she often bringshome sick or stray animals.Yesterday she brought a hedgehog\

    >Where did she find it?

    >In the bushes in our garden.

    >Was it sick?

    >No, not really. First, Jane and Ithought that its left foreleg wasbroken. When Jane found thehedgehog, it was curled up. After awhile It started to walk but it couldn'tmove its left foreleg.

    >And of course Jane took it home.Hedgehogs have such sharp spines.Didn't she hurt herself when shecarried it?

    >No, she didn't. And you know, thehedgehog's leg was all right whenIt walked in our house. So Jane setit tree.

    >Well, I must say that she's reailykind to animals

    Vom lncheia aceasta lectie enumerand cateva cuvinte ce contin sunete identice. Va rugam sa Iecititi atent cu voce tare:

    l"'J [el] [i: ] Ial]bear prey keen reptile

    there they been crocodile

    where say seen striped

    hair hay green eyesight

    air day reel spine


  • RECAPITULAREA LECTIEI 7,7.1. Substantivul deja mentionat lotr-o propozi1ie nu se rcpeta dupa genitiv, de exemplu:

    The car you hear is my uncle's. -Ma~ina pc care 0 auzi este a unchiului meu.

    7.2. Genitivul este folosit in multe expresii, de exemplu:

    Promise me to keep out of harm's way.

    I'm afraid she is at death's door.

    We did it for our mother's sake.

    -Promite-mi ca te vei feri de primejdii.

    -Mi-e tcama ca nu mai are Inuit de trait.

    Am facut acest lucru de dragul mamei.

    7.3. Genitivul este folasit cateodata eLI substantive care denumcsc animale, de exemplu:

    There's something wrong withthe ca1's cars.

    -E ceva in neregula eLI urechile pisicii.

    7.4. Genitivul de specificare ~I substantivul determinat sunt accentuate in mod egal, deexemplu:

    father's office -biroul tatei

    Genitivul de clasificare este mai puternic accentuat decat substantivul determinat:

    a winter's day -0 zi de iarna

    7.5. Genitivul este plasat dupa substantivul determinat, daca inaintea acestui substantivsunt numerale, pronllme sau articale. In aceste cazuri este folosita ~I construetia eu"of' , de excmplu:

    Two guests of my mother's werestill there.

    -Doi musafiri ai mamei mele erau inca acolo.

    7.6. Unele adjective sunt folasite daar dupa verb, de exemplu:

    Is he ill again?

    She has been asleep for hours.

    -lar este boloav?

    -Ea doanne de cateva ore bune.

    7.7. Adj~ctivlli folosit atributiv, echivalent ell "ill" este "sick", de exemplu:

    The sick woman \vas taken to hospital. -Femeia bolnava a fost dusa la spital.

    Cuvintul "sick" poate fi folosit dupa verbul "to feel" sau "to be" ~i in acest caz inseamna"a-i fi greatil", "a vomita" de exemplu:

    Going by car made me feel sick. -Mersul eLi ma~ina imi provoaca greala.

    7.8. Adjectivul folosit atributiv, echivalent ell "content" este "contented", de exemplu:

    Her answer was a contented smile. -Raspunsul ei a fost un zambet satisfacut.

    7.9. Cele mai Inlilte adjective pot fi folosite atat ca determinant al unui substantiv, cat -?i dupaverb, de exemplu:

    She is a rich woman.

    How has she become rich?


    -Ea este 0 femeie bogi:ita.

    -CUIll i.I ajuns e


    A. Tradllce~i urmatoarele propozitii in limba roman;):

    I. 1h.d lost my pen, so I used my secretary's.

    2. The dog's nose is dry.

    3. She wore a blouse of her sister's.

    4. The mother did not know what to do with the sick child.

    5. She was at her wit's end when she found the post-office closed.

    B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozi!ii in Iimba engleza:






    Ai vazul vreodata ur~i polari?

    EI s-a intors de dragul copiilor.

    E.~ti l11ul\umit de slujba ta de aici?

    Nu ne-au allzit pentru ca dormeau.

    Aricii se hranesc ell insecte.

    Ace~tia sunt vecinii nepoatei melc.

    C. Spuneti care din propozitiile de mai jos sunt adevarate sau false:

    I. The lion is the fastest animal.

    2. Giraffes do not have striped skins.

    3. Sharks are reptiles.

    4. A cheetah is a quadruped.

    5. All the predators have tusks.



  • LECTlA 8 - PARTEA INTAI,Ca de obicci, inccpcm leqia ell 0 recapitulare a vocabularului .

    .A. Completa\i propozitiile in limba engleza ell unnatoarele cLlvinte:

    \. east

    8. shoe

    2. west

    9. barber

    3. date

    10. hair

    4. August

    II. sun

    5. December

    12. weather

    6. winter 7. leg

    ]3. snow

    Nu sta prea mult la soare.

    lama zilele sunt scurtt'.

    GermLlniJ este situata la vest de Polonia.

    La ce frizcr te duci intotdeauna'!

    Am de gand sti-mi cumpar 0 perechede pantofi.

    Cc data este astazi?

    Strulu! are piciome puterlllce.

    Dccernbrie este ultima luna a anului.

    Suedia cste situata la est de :'Jorvcgia.

    August este ultima lUll;) de vara.

    Vremca a fost urtita in timplllvacan!ei noastre.

    Trebllie sa te tunzi.

    Copacii acoperiti de z;lpaJa erau superbi.

    -Don't lie in the >SUIl too long.

    -In >winter the days are short.

    -Germany lies >wcst (If Poland.-\Vhat >barber do you ahvays go to?

    -I'm going to buy a pair of>shoes.

    -\Vhat's the :".>dale today'?

    -An ostrich has strong >\cgs.

    ->Decembcr l~ the last mOllth of the year.

    -Sweden lies >east ofT\'orway.

    ->,.1..Ugllst is the last month ofsumm.cr.

    -The >weathcr was bad dunng our holiday.

    -Your >hair needs cutting.

    -The >snow-covered trees were beautiful.

    B. ~i acum, un cxercitiu in care va trebui sa completati propozitiile in limba engleza:

    Ce altccva ai mai cumparat?

    Ea s-a taint la deget.

    In cllrand va veni primanm.l.Am aproape dOlla duzini.

    Soarelc Illl a stralucit de cateva zile.

    Cerul era negru inaintea furtunii.

    Va pioua azi?

    Pe podea era un covora~mam.

    Chiar trcbuic sa fii a:;;a brutal?

    Nu stiam ca cste atat de diftcil.Uncle ai pus cartca'!

    Toti musafirii au r1ccal.


    -> \\!hat else have you bought?

    She has >cut her finger.

    -It will >soon be spring.

    -I have >all11ost two dozen of them.

    -The sun hasn'l >shonc for days.

    -The sky was >black bef()fe thethunderstorm.

    -Will it >rain today?

    ~There was a > brown carpet on the floor.

    ->Must you be so brutal?

    -I didn't know it was so >difficult.

    -\Vhere have you >J1ut the book?

    ->A\l the guests have left.

  • c. sa repetam adverbele $i gradele lor de comp.m:qie. $i gladly do it for you.

    -He was punished >sevcrly.

    -They left the room >quietly.

    -She has returned >safely.

    -I visit my parents >weckly.

    -He is not >fully dressed yet.

    -It is >simply impossible.

    -That was >I),-'holly llseless.

    -It can be >easily repaired.

    -The infonnation was given >daily.

    -He left the door >wide open.

    -They work very >ha1'd.

    -V'ole want to leave >early.

    -I meet you >often than her.

    -They have bought the >cheapest car.

    -You have to work >harder.

    -She sings >mOfL' beautifully now.

    -This child reads > worse than all the others.

    -It is better to smoke >less.

    -1 can't see it >well.

    -He spoke to me >in a fatherly manner.

    -They smiled >in a friendly way.

    -Don't laugh >in such a silly \"iay1

  • ~i aeUlTI, int.i primele cuvintele noi din aeeasta lectie; cititi atent ~i ellvoce tare:

    lamb > [IEm] -miel

    whi~kers > [Uiskarz] -favoriti, mu~t;]!i

    kitten > [kiln] -PISOI

    puppy >[1"1"] -catelll~

    pigeon > [pid.lin] -porumbel

    mosquito > [maski:tall] -tantar

    lizard > [liza'd] -~oparla

    blood > [bladl -sange

    drop > Idrop] -picatura

    parrot > [pErat] -papagal

    panther > [pEnT'a'] -pantera

    Sa Ie repetam in alta ordine:

    blood > [blad] -sange

    puppy > [papi] -catelu~

    panther > [pEnT'a'] -pantera

    lamb >[IEin] -miel

    drop > Idrop] -picatura

    mosquito > [maski:tau] -ti.i.ntar

    pIgeon > [pidjin] -porllmbel

    whiskers > [ li iskaTz] -favoriti, mustati

    parrot > [pEnt] -papagal

    kitten > [kiln] -piSOl

    lizard > [Iiza'd] -~oparla


  • Vom folosi cLlvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi cu voce tare propozitiile in limba engleza. unmlrlndtraducerea lor in limba rom'-ma.

    She has to use eye drops.

    A mosquito can keep youawake all night.

    What are the whiskers ofa cat for?

    He has lost a lot of blood.

    A lizard is a reptile.

    Look at those kittensplaying!

    Pigeons can easily find theirway home,

    You can teach a panotto speak.

    The white lamb is everyone'sfavourite.

    The panther is a memberof the cat family.

    The children wanted to haveboth puppies.

    >r~i hl-:.7 tu iu:z ai drops]

    >[ J lllaski:tau kEn ki:pIU: aueik 0:1 nait]

    >f Llo l a:! IY:I LLisk{llz ilv akEt fo:'J

    >(hl: hEz lost II lot [[ luk [t LYauz kitnzplein"']

    >[ pidjinz kEn i:zili faindIYeir Uei h[ ill: kEn ti:t~ a pErattu spi:k]

    >! IY~l I\\lt IFlll II: C\r1"anzfeiv(alritJ

    >lIYa pEnT'a ' 12 a lllcmba'{tV 0 / ,1 kEI ll:mili]

    >l DL ,} t~jldriln lIontid tuhEv bauT' papiz]

    -Ea trebuie sa-~i puna picaturi inochi.

    -Un tantar te poate tine treaztoata noaptea.

    -La ce-i foIosesc pisicii mustatile?

    -A pierdut mult sange.

    -Soparla este 0 reptila.

    -Pri\'e~te curn se joaca pisoiiaceia~

    -Porumbeii pot sa-~i gaseascaell u~urinta drumul spre casa.

    -Poti sa inveti un papagal savorbeasca.

    -Mielul alb este favoritultutmar.

    -Pantera face parte din familiafelinelor.

    -Copiii au vrut sa aib;]ambii c;]telll~i.

    Sa verificam uaca a~i retinut node substantive. Completati urmatoarele propozitii in limbaengleza:

    Pisoii inca nu pot fi luali de langa mama lor.

    Am vazlIt cinci miei pe pajl~te,

    Numai tantarii-femeH} pi~ca.

    In tarile tropicale traiesc multe ~oparle.Panterelc sunt anirnale de prada?

    L-am rugat pe frizer sa-mi tunda ~i perciunii.

    Multi papagali au clllori foarte frumoase.


    -The >kittens cannot be taken from theirmother yet.

    -We saw five >Iall1b~ in the meadow.

    ~Only female >lllosquitos sting you.

    -tvlany >I11ards live in tropical countries.

    -Are >panthcls predators'!

    -I asked the barber to cut my :::>\\;hiskers too.

    ~Many ::::parrots have very beautiful colours.

  • Ca,elu~ii nu au deschis inca ochii.

    De obicei, acest porumbel se intoarce primul.

    Au cazut primeIe piciHuri de ploaie.

    Uneori sangele tau poate salva viataaltei persoane.

    ~i acum putina gramatica.

    -The >puppics have not opened their eyesyet.

    -This >pigeon usually returns first.

    -The first >drops of rain have fallen.

    -Sometimes your >bloot! can save anotherperson's tife.

    tn aceasta leqie ne vom cornpleta cuno~tintele despre folosirea ~I gradele de comparatie aleadjectivelor.

    Unele adjective se folosesc dOGr co determinanfi ai SlIbstallfivului, adico atrihutiv Urnulfoareleadjective Jac parte dill aceasta categorie:

    1. adjective care del1umesc materii, de exemplu:

    a gold watch

    a silver plate

    a wooden spoon

    -(un) ceas de aur

    -(un) platou de argint

    -(0) lingura de lemn

    2. "late" (eu sensu! de "riiposar". "mort"), "right. left, /al'ourite, spare, recent, live"

    [laiv], de exemplu.

    the late Mr. Wright

    my right foot

    his left eye

    her favourite actor

    a spare tyre

    a recent photograph

    a live fox

    -raposatul damn Wright

    -piciorul meu drept

    -ochiul lui stang

    -actorul ei preferat

    -(0) roaHl (caueiue) de rezerva

    -(0) fotografic rceellta

    -(0) vulpe vie

    Vom mai face cateva mentiuni privitoare la gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor deja mentionate.

    Comparativu! ~i superlativui adjectivelor compuse din doua si/abe sau IIwi multe se jorrneazd ellajutorul advel'beIor "more" .'ii "most" daca accent,,1 cade pc prima silaba, de exemp!u:

    stupid -stupid more stupid -mai stupid the most stupid -eel mai stupid

    foolish -prostesc more foolish -mai prostesc the most foolish -eel mai prostesc

    decent -decent, more decent -mai decent, the most decent -eel rnai decent,rezonabil mai rezonabil eel mai rezonabil

    De rerinut coj()rma de superlati\' este precedatd de anieo/lIl hotdriit "the". Act'sfa poatefi tillveuitdupd caz de un adjecth' posesiv (de exemplu: his greates't H'urk)


  • Dacii insa aecenlHI cade pe si/aha a doua, adjeclivele formeazii comparativul ClJ termina{ia"-er" ~,i superlativul cu termina!ia "-est" precedat de articolul hotaral "the ", de exemplu:

    polite -politicos politer -mai politicos the politest -cel mai politicos

    severe -grav severer -mal gray the severest -cel mai gray

    Slllcere -sinceI' sincerer -mal SIDcer the sincerest -eel mai sinceI'

    profound -profund profounder -mai profund the profoundest -cel mai profund

    Comparalivul $i superlalivul adjecti\'(~/or din trei si/abe derivate din cUl'inre de doud silabe seformeaza dupa acela~i model ca penrru cuvintele de doud si/abe, de exemplu:

    unhappy -neferieit unhappier -mai nefericit the unhappiest -eel mai oeferieit

    Compararivul ~ Ifa:'IYast]

    the furthest > [1,,:'D'[lsl]

    ~Va mai fi 0 intarziere.

    -Poti sa obtii mai multe infonnatii?

    -Din acest punet aeroportul estemai departe dedit gara.

    further> [tii:'D'a']

    Can we get any further infonnation?

    There will be a further delay.


    It is farther to the airport thanto the railway station from here.

    Pe 16ngii gradele de compara(ie regulate ale Q(~ieCli\'ullliold, existd ,,

  • in unele c{/zuri, superlativul eli "most" poalefi/olosit pentru a denumi doar un gradfoarte inalt alunei anum;tc cahtiiri,/drii sii sefuca l'reo compararie. ill acest ca::, construcfia flU exprimd super/ariml~I{is l'ldcrsiskr livl:s in Sweden.

    >That was the 1ll(l~t boring film I've ever seen.

    > I can't work any further.

    > Ikr f~lHlllritc \\'l"iter is Hemingway.

    >Tht: more he had, the more he wanted to havt,.>.

    >It's a most useful bOOK.

    >The news on the radio is more recent thall thati 11 the newspapers.

    Vom 'invala inca un grup de cuvinte. Ca de obicei, Ie yom eiti cu voce tare:

    alert >[ol.:'tl -atent, agel', alert, vigilent

    to swoop down on >[tu SllU:p dJllll OIlJ -a se napusti asupra, a se repezi la

    constantly >[ konstanll i] -constant. permanent, mereu

    to growl >(graulJ -3 manii, a monnai

    playful >(pled'lIl] -jucau~,zglobiu

    to mew >L tu mill: ] -a mieuna

    to purr >( tu pa:'] -a toaree


  • cold-blooded

    to lick


    to wag

    > [buld hladid]

    > [tu lik]

    > [stEgnant]

    > [tu "Eg]

    -ell s5nge cece (despre animale)fara sentimt:nte/remu~cari

    -3 linge

    -st l D7 [Uaild Enimalz a: J o:lueiz"Iii:'t]

    -Pisiea tareca tolanita in fotoliu.

    ~Pisoii sunt foarte jucau~i.

    -Cainele a marait dind a auzitun zgOll1ot.

    -ReptilcJc sunt animale ells[lIlgele recc.

    -Cainclc a venit dupa minedand din coada.

    -Vultllrlll s-a napustit asupraiepurelui.

    -Tantarii sunt in numar mare15.nga ape shitatoarc.

    -Pisica i~i Iingea lande din fata.

    -Ne uitam mcreu la Juri.

    -Pisicile micunau fiindcaIe era foame.

    -Animalelc salbatice suntintotdeauna vigilcnte.

    Completati propozitiiJe in limba engleza. Dupa cc rczolva\i corect acest exercitiu, cititi ell voce tarepropozitiile in limba engleza:

    Ea este un copil zglobiu. -She IS a > playfulchIld.

    Avioanele noastre de vanatoare s-au napustitasupra bombardierelor inamice.

    El I-a ucis ct! sange recc.


    -OUf fighters> swooped down orthe enemybombers.

    -He killed the man in a :> culd-bloodedway.

  • CaineIe lor maraie intotdeauna la pisici.

    Pisica a alergat la pisoii ei, care mieunau.

    Ea era tot timpul con~tienta de prezenta lor.

    Pisicile tore cand Ie este bine.

    Trebuie sa fii vigilent zi ~i noapte.

    Cainii dadeau prietenos din coada.

    Uneori apele statatoare mires urat.

    Pisicile Iingeau farfuria.

    Tigrii ataca rar oamenii.

    -Their dog always >growls at cats.

    -The cat ran to her >mewing kittens.

    -She was >COllSL.lIltly aware of their presence.

    -Cats >purr when they are content.

    -You have to be >"krt night and day.

    -The dogs >wagged their tails in a friendlyway.

    ->Stagnant water sometimes smells bad.

    -The cats were >licking the plate.

    -Tigers seldom attack >hlll11an beings.

    Sa ne intoarcem 1a regulile gramaticale privitoare la adjective.

    Unele adjective pot fi folosite ca substantive, pentru a denumi a intreagii clasii sau categorie depersoane care au in comun 0 anumitd trdsdturd, de exemplu:

    How can we help the injured?The poor will be given wann clothes.

    -Cum ii putem ajuta pe cei rani,i?-Saracilor Ii se var da haine calduroase.

    Dupii cum ali ohsen'at, in aceste cazuri articolul "the" precede substantivul.

    Dacd insii acela~i adjectil' se re!erii la anumite persoane, el trehuie urmat de un substantiv, deexemplu:

    The injured woman was taken to hospital.

    We gave some money to those poor people.

    Excepriile sunt:

    -Femeia ranita a fost dusa la spital.

    -Am dat ni~te bani acelar oameni saraci.

    the unknown

    the accused

    - necunoscutul, necunoscuta, necunoscu,ii, necunoscutele

    - acuzatul, acuzata, acuza,ii, acuzatele

    CUlfd se referii la un Ilieru nedefinit sau la 0 situa!ie, adjectivele trebuie urmate de un substant;v: deregulii acesta este "thing" sau "part":

    The strange thing is that he has not returned.

    That was the only thing they had forgotten.

    You have missed the most important part!


    -Ciudat este ca nu s-a intors inca.

    -Acela era singurullucru de care uitasera.

    -Ai pierdut ce era mai important!

  • Yom discuta acum adjectivele "later, latest, last"

    "Late!: latest" .'Ie referii la timp, de exemplu:I said I could not go by a later train.

    Have you heard about the latest discovery?

    "Last" se referii la ordine, de exemplu:

    He was the last to leave.

    The last match will be played tomorrow.

    -Am spus ca nu pot merge cu un tren maitarziu.

    -Ai auzit de cea mai recenta (ultima)descoperire?

    -EI a fost ultimul care a plecal.

    -Ultimul meci se vajuca miiine,

    Fi!i aren!i la dlferenrele de folosire a adjectivelor last $i latest. Ambele cuvinte se traduc in limbaromand prin ultimul:

    last - ultimul (intr-o ordine)

    latest - ultimul (eel mai recent)

    Sti mai prezelltiim dowi adjective: the former $i the latter, care se folosese eu referire la dOllapersoane sau lucruri deja I'ncll!ionate in propozirie:

    the former

    the latter > lD'a lEta']

    -primul (dintre cei doi mentionati)

    -al doilea, ultimul (dintre cei doimentionati)

    We could ask John and Henry, but the formeris ill and the latter has no time.

    -I-am putea intreba pe John ~i Henry,dar primul este bolnav, iar al doilea nuare timp.

    La finalul pan;ii de gramatica, InCa ceva despre adverbe.

    De la adjectivele care se termind in "ie", adverbul se formeazel adaugaud "-ally", de exemplu:

    The door is opened electrically.

    Things have drastically changed.

    Rice is domestically grown,

    Exceplie: publicly

    The measure was publicly announced.

    -U~a se deschide electric.

    -Lucrurile s-au schimbat radical.

    -Orezul se cultiva pe langa casa.


    -Masura a fast anuntata public.

    Adl'erbul derivar de la "impossible" este "impossibly", folosil doar ea echil'ulent al unui grad decompara{ie pencru adjectivul sau adverbul care urmeazii:

    He is impossibly stupid.


    -El este incredibil deffoarte prost.

  • i/1ulIltea wlUi vah sef%sq'te "/lot pussihZ}' ". Aceastd expresie se traduce in hmha runuind prin "in/llei Ull ellz ",

    \Ve cannot possibly tell you, -in nici lin caz mHi plItcm spune.

    Expresia "with d(fficulty" este fo/usifa drept corespondl.!J1f adl'erhia/ al ad;ectr"t'ului "diflicult ", Jeexef1lplu:

    In the dark he saw them with difficulty. -II vedea greu in intuneric.

    Deja ~tim Cll unele adverbe au forme identice cu adjectivcle. ca de exempluHhard". Adaugand H_ly" la adjectivele din aceasta categoric obtinemadverbe eu sens direrit. lata cateva dintre ele:






    -de curand. in ultima vreme

    -aproape deloe, de-abia, nu prea

    -In mare masura, [a seara larga

    -indeaproape. eu aten~ie

    -aproape. aproximativ

    lata acum aceste cuvinte in propozilii:

    We haven't seen her lately.

    I can hardly believe It is true.

    They have widel)' different jobs.\Ve shall watch them c1osel~.

    He nearly fell from his chair.

    -Nu am vazut-o in ultima vreme.

    -Nu prea imi vine sa ered cil este adevarat.

    -Ei au slujbc care difera in mare masura.-Ii yom supraveghea indeaproape.

    .Aproape a cazut de pc scaun.

    in exerciliul urmator am rcunit toate chestiunile de gramatica prezentate in aceasta parte a lectiei,pentru a putea verifica In ce masura a~i invatat regulile gramaticale. Completati propozi~iile in limbaengleza:

    El a gasit un ~arpe viu in camera lui.

    Este 0 inventie absolut prosteasca.

    A fost cea mai grea iarna de pani:! acum.

    Acestea sunt cele mai nesanatoase condi\iide dima de pe Pamant.

    Este eel mai politicos copit.

    Care dintre carti este eea mai incitanta?


    -He has found a >livc snake in his room.

    -This is a >l11ost foolish invention.

    -It has been the >se\,c]"csl winter so far.

    -This is the >llllhcalthicst climate on earth.

    -She is the >polit~st child.

    -Which of the books is the >most ~xcitillg?

  • EI era in cea mai indepartata paIiea gradinii.

    Au mai fast ~i alte cutremure?

    Cum il cheama pe fiullor cel mai marc'?

    Pe masura ce devenea mai bogat,cheltuia tot mai putin.

    A fost cu atat mai surprins pentru cadeja platise.eelor bogati nu Ie pasa de pre{uri.

    Muncitorlll necalificat nu putea gasi de lllcrll.

    Cea mai dificila parte este decolarea.

    Cel mai rau lucru in tara asta cste clima.

    Acestfarthcst part of the garden.

    -\Vere there any >further earthquakes?

    -\Vhat is their :'"eldcst son's name?

    ->The richer he grew, :>the less he spent.

    -He was >the more surprised becausehe had already paid.

    -The >rich don't care about prices.

    -The >unskilled \vorker could not find a job.

    -The >most difticult part is the take-off.

    -The :::,\VOI"st thIng in this country isthe climate.

    -Is this the >latcst tllne-table?

    -The >former is too expensive andthe ~">Iatter is not fast enough.

    -He is >impossibly gloomy!

    -He could >not possibly be in time.

    -He walked :>with difficulty.

    -Have you flown >I,II('ly?

    -I >nearly took the V"TOllg bus.

    -He >hardly knc\\ where he was.

    -It has been >drastically changed.

    S~l rctincm cateva din cuvintele noi. Traduceti conversatia.de mai jos in limba engleza:

    Laura: A~adar, ali hotarat sa luali unuldintre calelu~ii no~tri pentru fluldumneavoastra?

    Chris: Da, Paul a hotarat ieri ca vreasa alba un calelu~. Multa vremenu a ~tiut daca vrea un catelu~,un pisoias sau un papagal.

    Laura: Sine. Veniti in bucatarie sa-i vedeli.

    Chris: 0, sunt adorabili! Uite! Unul dintreei ii Iinge urechea mamei lui.


    >80, you have decided to get one ofour puppies for your son?

    >Yes, yesterday Paul decided hewanted to have a puppy. For a longtime he didn't know if he wanted tohave a puppy, a kitten or a parrot.

    >Good. Come to the kitchen to seethem.

    >Oh, they're lovely! look! One ofthem is licking its mother's ear.

  • Laura: Mama este foarte ingaduitoare cucalelu~ii ei, dar ~i foarte vigilenta.Ii place sa ii aiM pe tali in jurul ei.

    Chris: Dar presupun ca sunt foarte jucau~i~i alearga prin toata casa.

    Laura: Este adevaral. Mereu au cate cevade facul. Deci, pe care iI vreli?

    Chris: Sa zicem, pe eel care ma prive~te ~ida din coada.

    >The mother is very patient with herpuppies, but very alert too. She likesto have all of them near her.

    >But I suppose they're very playfuland run allover the house.

    >That's true. They're constantly busydoing something. So, which one doyou want?

    >Well, the one that's looking at mewagging its tail.

    Sa incheiem leetia eu un exerciliu de pronuntie. lata patru grupuri de cuvinte in care apar acelea~isunete:

    l F] l au] 1u] [I]

    lamb growl mew lick

    and brown new kitten

    fat sound you lizard

    panther out too pigeon

    cloud swoop



    in exerci1iile din aceasta parte a leqiei yeti gasi toate cuvintelc noi ~i chestiunile de gramaticapreze-ntate in lectiile 7-8. Numai dupa ce yeti rezolva coreet aceste exercitii treceti la tema pentruacasa.

    Traduceti in limba engleza:

    Multe spitale au nevoie de sange uman.

    Penlru Dumnezcu, faceti lini~te!

    Acest animal arc pielea vargata, ca a zebrei.

    Sunt prieteni de-ai tatalui mel!.

    Care ma~ina a tatalui meu s-a stricat?

    Cainele acela pare [oarte faU.

    Lui ii place foane mult fotbalu!.

    Iti place aceasta scrumiera de sticla?

    Cu~tile acestea de lemn sunt goale.

    Papagalul acela este animalul sau preferat.

    Ai 0 cheie de rezerva pentm mine?

    Nu sunt mai rczonabili decat nei.

    Acela ar fI eel mai stupid lueru pe carepoti sa-1 facio

    Nu am auzit niciodata un discursmai interesant.

    Are cllno~tinte aprofundate despre reptile.

    Are piciorul stang din spate fUpt.

    Ma~ina apartinea raposatei mete sotii.

    Nu a fost nieiodata mai neferieit.

    Invidiol?ii i~i ingreuneaza singuri viala.

    o poti folosi doar pe cea albastra.

    Acuzatul nu a spus niei un cuvant.

    iti voi povesti despre ~oparla mai tarziu.Acelea au fost ultimele ei cuvinte.

    Daca mi s-ar eferi yin alb sau re~u,I-a~ alege pe eel din unna.

    Bolnavul $1Ia ca este pe maarte.


    >J\1;1I1),' hospitals need human blood,

    >For goodness' sake, be silcnt~

    >This animal bi!:'> a stnjk'd skin like a zebra.

    >Thcsc an: fljcnds ol"my Lither's.

    >\\/hich car of my f~lthcr's has broken down?

    >That dog look:-. H'rY sa\a~c.

    >Hc is very keen on hHJthall

    >Do you likc this glass ashtray'!

    >These woodell cagcs an: cmpty.

    >That parrot JS hIs favomite pet

    >Huvc you got a spare key' Il.)f me?

    >Thcy ;In.:: not morc tkcent than \\le are.

    >That \vnull! be lhL' 1110,,1 Sl11pl(j thing to do.

    >1 hcl\'e nevcr heard a more intcrcstHlgspeech

    >She has a prnfulll1d knmvlcdgc of reptiles.

    >lts left hind-leg is bruhLn.

    >The car belonged to 111.\' l::1t(' \>,,'ire.

    >He has never becll unhappicr.

    >1'l1e envious m,lh' thlllgs difficult fl.)rthemselves.

    >Ynu C~lll USL' only the blue one.

    >Thc 1 shall tell you about thL' 117ard later.

    >Those wen: her last \\'urds.

    >1 f 1 were offerL'd whitl' or red wine. 1 wouldchoose the Jan ...:r.

    >The sick 1l1:1J1 kllL'\\ he was at dL'ath's door.

  • Treeem acum Ia ultimul exereitiu din aeeasta lectie, eompletati propozitiile in lill1ba engleza:

    in acest magazin se vfmd haine pentru copii.

    Ea nu vrea sa fie nevasta de fermier.

    Ursul a aparut intr-o zi rece de iarna.

    Bacania aceea este ia 0 anmcatllra de bai de aici.

    Cand instalatia de incalzire s-a stricat,nu mai ~tiam ce sa mai facem.

    Este treaz de patruzeci ~i opt de ore de-acum.

    Nu iti este deloe frica?

    Pcntru mine nu valoreaza mult.

    Mielul este inca in viatJ')

    Trebuie sa te mliltume~ti ell ata1.

    Ea Joanne inca?

    Nu e~ti bolnav, nu-i a~a?

    Catelu~ii scheunau satisfacuti.

    Ei au fost chiar mai surprin~i decat ai fost tu.

    Care diotre ei locuie~te cel mai departe de tine?

    Nu vei mai intampina ~i alte greutati.

    Fiica lor cea mai mare a plecat ieri.

    Cei mai batrani copaci lrebuie taiali.

    Pc lTIasura ce imbatrane~te,devine mai agitat.

    Suot cu ata1 mai dezamagit fiindca este vorbade propriul meu frate.

    Acest aparat de radio funetioneaza doareu curent electric.

    Este incredibil de invidioasa.

    Ei nu te pot ajuta in nici un fel.

    Nu prea eram con~tienti de perico\.


    -In this shop they sell >chihhcn's clothes

    -She doesn't want to be a >farmcrs \vifc.

    -The bear appeared on a cold >winter's day

    -That >grocer's shop is a >stone's throwfrom here.

    -When the heating failed, we were at our>\\'its'end.

    -He has been >:lwake for forty eight hoursnow.

    -Aren't you >afraid at all?

    -It is not >\\'0I1h much to me.

    -Is the >lal11b still >alivl'?

    -You have to be >cuntcnt with it.

    -Is she still >aslccp',)

    -You're not >IIL are you?

    -The puppies were making >contcntedsounds.

    -They were even >I11Drc surpnsed than youwere.

    -Which of these people live> the f,111hestfrom you?

    -You will meet no > t"urther difficulties.

    -Their >c luest daughter left yesterday.

    -The >oldcst trees have to be cut down.

    -> The older he gets, >the more restless hebecomes.

    -1 am >thc more Jisappninted because he ismy own brother.

    -This radio works only >electrieally.

    -She is >impu'ssibly' envious.

    -They >cannut posslbly help you.

    -We were >Jurdly aware ufthe danger.


    8.1. Uncle adjective pot fi folosite doar at ributiv, pc langa un substantiv:

    a silver plate

    his left eye

    -platou de argint

    -ochiul lui stang

    8.2. Comparativul t'i superlativul unoI' adjective formate din dOlla silabe variaza in func\iede accent (pc prima sau pe a doua silaba):

    stupid -stupid more stupid -mal stupid the most stupid -eel mai stupid

    polite -politicos politer -mal politicos the politest -eel mai politicos

    8.3. Comparativul ~i superlativul adjectivelor de trei silabe fonnate din adjective din douasilahe se formeaza 111 acela~i fel ca la aceste adjective din dOlla silahe, de exemplu:

    unhappy -nefericit unhappier -mai nefericit the unhappiest -eel mai nefericit

    8.4. Adjectiveie care provin din participii formeaza grade Ie de compara~ie eu "more" ~i "most"They are more tired than we are. -Ei sunt mai obositi dedit suntem noi.

    8.5. "Far" fonneaza comparativul :;oi superlativul in dOlla moduri:

    far farther


    the farthest (distanta in sens literal)

    the furthest (distanta in timp, ordine, etc)

    Which village is the farthest from here?

    There \\/ill be no further delay.

    -Care sat este eel mai indepartat de aici?

    -Nu vor mai fi ~i alte intarzieri.

    8.6. "Elder" ~i "eldest" sunt forrnele de comparativ ~i superlaliv ale adjectivului "old" folositeatunci cand vorbim dcspre grade de rudenie.

    She is my eldest daughter. -Ea este fiica mea cea mai mare.

    8.7. "Most" are ~i sensul de "foarte", "extraordinar de":

    It was a most pleasant evening. -A fast 0 seara foarte placuta.

    8.8. Construqii care folosesc comparativul adjectivelor:

    So much the better.


    -eu atat mai bine.

  • 8.9. Adjective folosite ca substantive:

    We must help the poor.

    8.10. "Later, latest" se refera la timp.

    "Last" se refera la ordine.

    -Trehuie sa Li ajutam pe cei saraci.

    "Latter, fomler" se folosesc dind ne referim la doua perso:me sau lucruri deja mentionate.

    John and Henry could come but the fonneris ill and the latter has no time.

    -John ~i Henry ar putea sa vina, dar primuleste bolnav iar eel din unna nu are timp,

    8.11. Adv~rbe a caror forma necesita a atentie deosebita:

    The door is opened electrically.

    They are impossibly lazy.

    We can't possibly tell you.

    She spoke with difficulty.

    But these are widely different things!

    I haven't earrned much lately.

    We could hardly see who was the 1irst.


    -U~a se deschide electric.

    -Sunt incredibil de leneji.

    -In nici un caz nu-ti putem spune,-Ea vorbea greu.

    -Dar acestea sunt lucruri foarte diferite!

    -Nu am ca~ligat prea mult in ultima vreme,

    -Nu prea am putut vedea cine e primul.


    A. Traduceti urmiltoarele propozitii in limba ramana:

    1. His propeJ1y was publicly sold.

    2. The most pleasant thing is that she will come back.

    3. The harder 1 try, the more difficult it gets.

    4. These kittens are more playful than Anna's.

    5. My elder son is velY keen on parrots.

    6. They were most helpful to us.

    B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:

    I. ered ca hipopotamii sunt mai interesanti.

    2. eel care a fast ranit locuje~te pe strada mea.

    3. Nu am intalnit niciodata 0 persoana mai antipatica.

    4. S-a ridicat ell greu de pe scaun.

    5. eu cat pleaca mai repede, ell atat mai bine.

    6. Jeri, ultimii solda!i s-au intors acasa.

    C. Puneti silabele care lipsesc in cuvintele din propozitiile de mai jos.

    I. The fa we went the more tned we became.

    2. \Vho is your fa writer?

    3. \\/hen my dog saw me. he wa . his tail.

    4. Have you heard the la..... ne\vs?

    5. I haven't read any interesting books la...



    alert > [,ila:'t] -atent, ager, alert, vigilent

    to be alive > [tu hi alalv] -3 fi viu, In viata

    to approach > l tll apraut~J -3 aborda; a se apropia de

    a stone's throw from > [a staunz T'rau from] -la 0 aruncatunl de ba~ de

    to be anxious > [tu bi En"'k,ClSj -3 fi nerabdator

    at death's door > [tu bi E1 dl'T~s do:rJ -3 fi pc maarte, a TIU mai aveamult de trait

    to be asleep > [tu bi asli:p] -3 donni, a fi adormit

    to be at onc's wit's (wits') end > {ttl bi Et U;mz Uits endJ-a nll mai ~ti ce sa faca

    to be awake > [tu bi a"elk] -3 fi treaz, de veghe

    to be aware > l tll bi aUC~lrJ -3 fi Con.5tient, a-~i cia seama

    alone > [ alaun] -singuf

    bear > [bea'] -tiTS

    beast of prey > [bi:st av prei] -animal de prada

    beetle > [bi: tl] -gandac, gaza

    to be worth > [tu bi: tI,L'T'J -3 merita, a valora, a costa

    blood > [blad] -sange

    bush > [bus] -tufi~

    cage > lkcldjJ -cu~ca

    caged > [kcidJd] -inchis in cu~ca

    cheetah > [csi:ta J -ghepard

    climate > [klaimit] -c1imat, eonditii de c1ima

    closely > [clallsli] -indeaproape, ell atentie

    cold-blooded > [buld bladid] -Cll sange reee (despre animale);fara sentimente/remu~eari

    constantly > [konstantli] -constant, permanent, mereu

    content > [kantent] -multumit, satisfacut

    crocodile > l krokadail J -crocodil

    cruel > [krual] -crud, nemilos

    to curl lip > [tll ka:'1 01'] -a se ghemui

    curved > [ka:'vdJ -curbat, indoit


  • drastic




    to enjoy oneself to one'sheart's (hearts') content

    to exist





    to feed on



    For goodness' sake!

    for his sake





    to growl






    human being





    to be keen on

    > [drEstik] -radical, drastic

    > [drop] -pieatura

    > [cldarJ -mai mare, mai batd.n (despre rude)

    > [eldist] -eel mai mare, eel mai batran (desprerude)

    > [tu indjoi ll~lJ1self -a se distra dupa pofta inimiitll lI;:lI1Z ha:rts kanl('nt]

    > [tu igzistJ -a exista

    > [aisait] -vedcre, camp vizual, orizont

    > [fa:'T'a'] -mai indepartat (in spatiu)

    > [fa:fT'istJ -eel mai indcpartat (in spatiu)

    > l feiYarit] -preferat> [tu fi:d on] -a se hrani ell

    > [fu:lis] -prostesc

    > l fo:rlt"gzj -pieioare din fata, membre anterioare

    > [far gudnes scik} -pentru (numele lui) Dllmnezeu!

    > [I,,' hiz seik] -pentru el, de dragul lui

    > [fii:'T'a'j -mai departe (in timp)

    > [fii:'T'"t] -eel mai departe (in timp)

    > [dJira:l] -girafa

    > [graul] ~a marai, a mormai

    > [ha:rdlij -dc-abia, nu prea

    > [hEdjhogJ -arici

    > [hainel legz] -picioarc din spate, membrepostcrioarc

    > lhipapot~llnas] -hipopotam

    > [hillmanJ -omenesc, uman; de om

    > [hillman bi:in(S)j -am, fiinta omeneasca

    > [il] -holnav

    > [insckt] -insecta

    > [kEnlg1garu:] -cangur

    > [ki:nJ -ascutit, acut

    > [tu bi ki:n on] -a tine foarte mult sa, a-l;ii dari sa,


  • to keep out of hann' sway > l ttl ki:p aut:J.v hfJ:rrnz l'ta]se feri de orice primejdieto keep somebody at arm's > [ttl kq) sarnbadl -3 line pe cineva la distantalength Et a:'mz len(g)"f']

    kind > l bind] -amabil, dragut

    kItten > [kitn] -PISOI

    lamb > [Ibn] -miel

    late > [leit] -raposat, decedat (folosit atributiv)

    lately > [Ieitlij -in ultima vreme, de curand

    latter > [lEta'] -a1 doilea, ultimul (dintre cei doimentionati)

    to lick > [tll lik] -a tinge

    live > [laiv] -V1U

    lizard > [liza'd] -~oparla

    to mew > [tll mill] -a mleuna

    monkey > [ rnan,g'kiJ -maimuVi

    mosquito > [maski:!all] -tantar

    nearly > [nia'li] -aproape, aproximativ

    nocturnal > [nokta:'n.l] -noctum, de noapte

    to outrun > [tll autran] -a depa~i in fuga, a alerga mai repedededit

    panther > [pEnT\{J -pantera

    parrot > [pErat] -papagal

    pet > [pet] -animal de casa

    pIgeon > [pidjin] -porumbel

    playful > (plelflll] -polar

    polar > (pallia'] -jucau~, zglobiu

    prey > [prel] -prada

    profound > [prafallndj -profund, adane

    publie > [pablikj -public

    puppy > [papi] -ca\elu~

    to purr > [tll 1',,:'] -a toarce

    to rear > [!1I ria'] -. ridica, a inalla (capul)

    recent > [ ri:sant] -recent


  • reptile > [ rep1.1IlJ -reptila

    restless > [resillsJ -nelini~tit, agitat

    savage > [sEmil] -salbatic

    to sense > [lllS""S] -a simti

    senses > l scnsiz] -simturi

    to set free > [Ill sel 1'n:J -a elibera

    shark > ha'k] -rechin

    to be sick > [Ill hi sikJ -a-i fi greata, a vomita

    smcere > [~lnsi(}l] -sincer

    spme > [spamJ -coloana vertebrala, ~ira spinarii; spin

    stagnant > [slEgnanlJ -5tat l tll stin(g)] -a in tepa, a impunge, a pi~ca

    stray > [slrei] -rataeit

    to stray from > l tu strci from] -a se indeparta, a se nHaei/razleti de

    striped > [slr:"pl] -eu dungi, vargat

    stung > [:-;t,ml.c:1J -fonnele a doua ~i a treia de la verbul"to sting


    stllpid > [sliu:pld] -stupid, prost

    to swoop down on > [tll SllU:p daun on] -a se napusti asupra, a se repezi 1a

    to tear > [tu lear] -a rupe. a sfa~ia

    tore > [lo:'J -forma a doua a verbului "to tear.,

    tom > [Io:'n] -fonna a treia a verbului "to tear"

    tusks > [lasks] -colli (de animal)

    unhappy > [anhEpIJ -nefericit

    vulture > [ \'allea'] -vultur hoinar

    to wag > [ tullEg] -a da din coada

    whiskers > [ li iskarzJ -favorit i , mustati

    widely > ["aldll ] -in m~re masura; considerabil

    with difficulty > ["iT'difikalti] -greu, eu greu

    wooden > [ u:dn] -de lemn

    zebra > [zi:braJ -zebra


    Lectia 7Lectia 7 - Partea intaiLectia 7 - Partea a douaRecapitularea lectiei 7Tema pentru acasa 7

    Lectia 8Lectia 8 - Partea intaiLectia 8 - Partea a douaRecapitularea lectiei 8Tema pentru acasa 8Vocabularul lectiilor 7 si 8

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