english for nutrition & food sciences, tác giả: Đặng trang viễn ngọc, nguồn gốc:...

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics

Lec t ur er : Đ ặn g T r  a n g Viễ n N g ọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Tháp cân đ ối dinhdư ỡng


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5



New Words



Structure study

Word Study

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

New words



8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

O r g a nism (  n )

[ ': gə ni zm ]

Organism (n)

[' :gənizm]

cơ thể

sinh vật

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8

S u r vi val ( a) [ sə 'vai vl ]

Survival (a)[sə'vaivl]

  T  ồ  n  t

 ạ  i

  S  ố  n g

 c  ò  n

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

R e p rod uc ti o n(n) [, r  i :pr ə 'dk ∫n]

Reproduction (n)[,ri:prə'd k∫n]

S i n h s ả n 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

I nor g a ni c( a ) [,i n : 'gæ ni k]

Inorganic (a)[,in :'gænik]

 Vô cơ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

S u b s tance ( n) ['s  bst əns]

Chất nàođó

Substance (n)['s bstəns]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

Ci r  cul at e( a)

[ ' sə: kj ul eit ]

Lưu thông

Circulate (a)['sə:kjuleit]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

E n v ir on m ent ( n ) [i n'vai ər  ənm ən t ]

Environment (n)[in'vaiərənmənt]

Môi trường

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

Cycle (n)['saikl]

Q u  y  t r  ì n h 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

Collectively (adv)[kə'lektivli]

 Tập thể,



8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

Metabolism (n)[mə'tæbəlizm]

 t r a o đ ổ  i

 c  h ấ t

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

Energy (n) ['enədi]Energy (n)['enəd i]

N  ă n g l  ư ợ n g 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

M i n eral ( a, n) [ 'm i n ər əl]

Mineral (a, n)['minərəl]

K ho áng, k ho áng v ật 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

Consume (vt)[kən'sju:m]

Tiêu thụ

C o n s um e( vt ) [ k ən's j u :m ]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

R e q u ir em e n t( n ) [r i 'k w a iəm ən t ]Requirement (n)[ri'kwaiəmənt]

Nhu cầu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

Deficiency (n) [di'fi∫ənsi]

Deficiency (n)[di'fi∫ənsi]

 Thiếu hụ t


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25

Interpret: (vt, vi)[in'tə:prit]Interpret (vt, vi)[in'tə:prit]

Giải t hí c h; làm phiên dịc h

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26

Relationship (n)[ri'lei∫n∫ip]

Mối quan hệ

Relationship (n)[ri'lei∫n∫ip]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

Function (n)['f  ηk∫n]Function (n)

['f  ηk∫n] Chức năng


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28

Digestive (a) [di'destiv]

T iêu hóa

Digestive (a)[di'destiv]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

Liberation (n) [,libə'rei∫n]

Sự giải phóng

Liberation (n)[,libə'rei∫n]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

Elimination: [i,limi'nei∫n]Elimination (n)[i,limi'nei∫n]

Loại t r ừ 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

Synthesis ['sinθəsis]

Synthesis (n)['sinθəsis]

Sự tổng hợp

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Essential [i'sen∫əl]

Essential (a)[i'sen∫əl]

 C ó t í n  h

 c  h ấ  t

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

Maintenance ['meintinəns]

Maintenance (n)['meintinəns]

duy  t r ì 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

Fundamental [,f ndə'mentl]

Fundamental (a)

[,f  ndə'mentl]

c ơ bản, c hủ y ếu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35

Characteristic[,kærikt ə'ristik]Characteristic (a)[,kæriktə'ristik

đ ặc t í nh

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36

Nutritionist: [nju:'tri∫nist]

nhà nghiên c ứ u v ề lĩ nh v ự c  dinh dư ỡ ng

Nutritionist (n)[nju:'tri∫nist]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Dietetics [,daii'tetiks]Dietetics (n)[,daii'tetiks]

K h o a d i nh d ư ỡ ng 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Component[kəm'pounənt]Component (n)[kəm'pounənt]

  T  h  à  n


  p  h  ầ  n

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

Treatment ['tri:tmənt]Treatment (n)['tri:tmənt]

C á c h x ử l ý 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

Modification [,mdifi'kei∫n]Modification (n)[,m difi'kei∫n]

S ự t h a  y đ  ổ  i  

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

Province[ 'pr vins]Province (n)['pr vins]

l  ĩ  n h  v ự  c  , n g à n h 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

Adequate ['ædikwit]Adequate (a)['ædikwit]

l  ĩ  n h  v ự  c  , n g à n h 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

Equally ['i:kwəli]Equally (adv)['i:kwəli]

đ ề u  nh a u , nh ư nh a u 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

Obtained [əb'teind]

 O b t a i n  (  v t


 [  ə b ' t e i n d ]

t h u  đ  ư  ợ  c 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

Literally ['litərəli]

t h ậ t  v ậ y 

Literally (adv)['litərəli]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

Complicated ['kmplikeitid]

Complica ted (a ) 

[ 'k mplikei tid ]

phức tạp, rắc rối

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

Original [ə'ridənl]

 O r i g i n a l  (  a


 [  ə ' r i d  ə n l ]

(thuộc) nguồn gốc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

Customarily['k  stəmərəli ]

Customarily (adv)

['k stəmərəli]

t h ô n g  t h ư ờ n g ,l ẽ  t h ư ờ n g 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

Express [iks'pres]E x p r e s s  ( v t  )  [ i k s ' p r e s  ] 

thể hiện

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

Adoption [ə'd p∫n]Adoption (n)[ə'd p∫n]

n u ô i  d  ư  ỡ  n g 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

Magnitude ['mægnitju:d]

Magnitude (n)


tầm quan trọng


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

 Awkward[' :kwəd]v ụ n g  v ề , l  ú n g  t ú n g 

Awkward (a)[' :kwəd]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

Factor ['fæktə]Factor (n)['fæktə]

nhân t ố

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

Physiologic [,fiziə'l d ik]

 P h y s io log ic ( a ) 

 [ , f i z i ə ' l d  i k ]

(thuộc) sinh lý học


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

Fuel [fjuəl]

c h ấ  t  đ  ố  t  , n h i  ê n  l  i  ệ u 

Fuel (n) [fjuəl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

Correction[kə'rek∫n]C o r r e c t i o n  ( n  )  [ k ə ' r e k  ∫  n  ] 

sự sửa chữa

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

Unabsorbed [ nəb's :bd]

Unabsorbed (a)[ nəb's :bd] k h ô n g  b  ị   

h ú t  , h ấ   p t h u 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

Feces ['fi:si:z]Feces (n)['fi:si:z]

 p h â n , r á  c t h ả i 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

Equivalent [i'kwivələnt]

Equivalent (a)[i'kwivələnt]

t ư ơ n g  đ ư ơ n g 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

Urine ['juərin]

Urine (n)['juərin]

nước tiểu


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64


Organisms require food for:

- survival

- growth

- & reproduction

presenting2. Presenting

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65


Food can be takento include any kind of nutrientneeded by - animals

- plants- & simpler formsof life on down to bacteria

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66


It includesthe inorganic substances- plants draw from + air

+ and water 


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

Processescirculates these basic nutrientsin the environment

are called nutrient cycles Processes by which organisms makeuse of nutrientsare collectively knownas metabolism


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68


In terms ofenergy needs of - humans- & other animalsfood consists of - carbohydrate- fat- & proteinalong with- vitamins

- & minerals

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69

presentingHumansmay consumea wide rangeof different food substancesas long asthey meetnutritionrequirements


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

presentingOtherwise- nutritional

- deficiency diseases will develop

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

presentingNutrition is scienceinterprets relationship of foodto functioningof living organism

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72


It is concerned withintake of - food

- digestive processes- liberation of energy- and elimination of wastesas well as with syntheses

are essential for - maintenance,- growth- & reproduction


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

presentingThese fundamental activities

are characteristic of all living

organisms – from the simplest to themost complex plants and animals.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74


Nutrients are substances, either

naturally occurring or synthesized,

that are necessary for maintenance

of the normal function of organisms.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

presentingThese include- carbohydrates- lipids- proteins- vitamins

- & minerals,- water - & some

Unknown substances


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76


The nutritionist, a scientist working inthe field of nutrition, differs from

the dietitian, who translates thescience of nutrition into the skill offurnishing optimal nourishmentto people.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

presentingDietetics isprofession concerned

with science & art of

human nutrition care,an essential

componentof healthsciences

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

presentingTreatment of disease

by modification ofdiet

lies within

province of - physician- & dietitian


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79


Foodsconsumedby humans

must contain, in adequateamountsabout 45 to 50highlyImportantsubstances.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

presentingWater & oxygenare equally essential

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81


Starting only withthese essentialnutrients obtainedfrom food,body makes

literally thousandsof substancesnecessary forlife and physical fitness.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82

presentingMost ofthese substancesare far more complicated


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83

presentingEnergy metabolism& requirementsare customarily expressed

in termsof calorie

(a heat unit)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84


 Adoptionof calorieby nutritionistsfollowed quite

naturally fromoriginal

methods of measuring



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

presentingMagnitude of humanenergy metabolism,however,

made it awkwardto recordcalorie measured, soconvention oflarge calorie,or kilocalorie (kcal)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86


 Atwater factorsalso calledphysiologic fuel factors, are basedon corrections for lossesof unabsorbed nutrients in feces andfor calorie equivalent of nitrogenousproducts in urine.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

presentingThese factorsare as follows:1g of pure proteinwill yield 4 cal1g of pure fatwill yield 9 cal& 1 g ofpure carbohydratewill yield 4 cal


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

QUESTIONS• Answer the questions about the


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

1. What is food?1. What is food? 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

2. What arenutrient cycles?

2. What are nutrient cycles?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

3. What is metabolism?

3. What is metabolism?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

4. How different are the nutritionist and the dietitian ?

4. How differentare the nutritionist& the dietitian?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

5. What are physiologic fuel factors?

5. What are physiologicfuel factors?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97

3. _____ Unless food substanceshumans consume meet nutritionrequirements, nutritional-deficiency

diseases will develop.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98

4. _____ Water and oxygen areequally essential.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

5. _____ The treatment of disease bymodification of the diet lies within theprovince of the physician and thenutritionist.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100

VOCABULARYFill in these statements with the wordsin the box.

diet dieteticsnutrients metabolismorganisms consumeprovince nutritionsynthesis nourishment


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101

1. Improvements in ……have beenmostly to do with persuading peopleto eat less fatty food and more rawvegetables.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102

2. Exercise is supposed to speed upyour ……………….


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103

3. A young baby obtains all the…..………… it needs from its

mother's milk.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104

4. If you have a balanced… ………, youare getting all the vitamins you need.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105

5. ……..…… is the scientific study

of diet and its effects on health.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106

6. Humans may ………….a widerange of different food substances.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107

7. The treatment of disease bymodification of the diet lies withinthe………… of the physician and

the dietitian.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108

8. Plants draw minerals andother………..… from the soil.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109

9. All living ……..…… require food

for survival, growth, and reproduction.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110

10. Plants need sunlight for the………………. of their food fromcarbon dioxide and water.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111


A. UN-, IM-, IN-, DIS-, AND NON-

The prefixes un-, im-, in-, dis-, and

non- can be added to the beginningof some words. These prefixes mean‘not’.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112

Forms of UN-, IM-, IN-, DIS-, & NON-

• Un-

• Im-• In- + adjectives

• Dis-

• Non-

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113

un + healthy = unhealthy

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 114

Here are other words with thesenegative prefixes

• un- unimportant, unpopular 

• im- impossible

• in- incomplete, inexpensive• dis- discontinue

• non- nonfat


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 115


Choose the best word to complete eachsentence.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116

1. A person who is unfriendly isprobably ……, too.

 A. unpopular B. unusual

C. uncomfortable D. unimportant

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 117

2. The service at this restaurant is veryslow. It’s …… to have a quick lunchhere! A. impossible B. important

C. immoral D. immediate


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 118

3. The airline will …… service to thatcity. It is not a popular place to go.

 A. discontinue B. disagree

C. disable D. discover 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 119

4. …… yogurt is better for you than icecream.

 A. Nonstop B. Nonfat

C. Nonstandard D. Nonstick

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 120

5. Jaime’s homework is ……because he felt sick last night.

 A. inexpensive B. incomplete

C. inflexible D. inevitable


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121





















- er - mentsame form

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122

Exercise: Complete the sentenceswith verbs and nouns from thechart. (If you need to, make thenouns plural). Also, make sure thateach verb agrees with its subject..

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123

1. Susan is the fastest ………She can ……… the racein less than three minutes.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 124

2. The bus ………… will not……………… an unsafe bus.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 125

3. I think the two companieswill……..… to work together.

They will both sign the …………..….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 126

4. – Did Saul ……..… a salad andsome tea?

 – Yes. Now he’s waiting for his…………


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 127

5. Joseph bought a lot of food and………… for the get-together.

He hopes that everyone will eat and

……….… a lot.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 128

6. Even though they……… hard,most of the …………at fast-foodrestaurants do not make a lot ofmoney.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 129

7. – My aunt is the ……….… of thatpopular take-out restaurant on MainStreet.

 – Does she …..…… the restaurant onGreen Street, too?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130


Some nouns that end in -th or -ght are

related to similar words that are notnouns. Read the following pairs ofsentences and see how the words inbold print are related.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131

1. Some cities …….. quickly. Their….. is fast.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132

2. The street is five kilometers ……...The …….. is five kilometers.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 133

3. The street is fifteen meters ……...Its …….. is fifteen meters

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 134

4. The lake is thirty meters ……... Its…….. is thirty meters.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 135

5. Joanna is very ……... She has a lotof ……...


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 136

6. How …….. is that building?

What is its ……..?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 137

7. Anna …….. 50 kilos. Her…….. is 50 kilos.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 138


Now choose the best word for eachsentence. Use each word only once.depth height strength

width growth lengthweight


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 139

1. The flag is flying high above theground. The …....……of that flagpoleis about 20 meters.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 140

2. The ……..…of the Golden GateBridge in San Francisco is about1,400 meters. It is a very long bridge.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 141

3. What is the …………of thePacific Ocean at its deepest point?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 142

4. People who build houses must bevery strong. They must have great………..…in their arms.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 143

5. Plants need a lot of water togrow. Without it, their …………isslow.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 144

6. What is the ………of your garage?Is it wide enough to park two carsinside?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 145

7. David is very thin now. He weighsonly 49 kilos. He lost a lot of ……….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 146



 A sentence is often written in apassive form when the important ideais not WHO does something, butWHAT IS DONE.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 147

Simple present tense

S + be (pre & past forms + PP (+ by + O)

pp = past participleActive: Ann writes a letter.Passive: A letter is written by Ann.

S is PP by O

4. STRUCTURE STUDYPassives can be formedin the following ways:

Forms of t he passive


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 148

Passives can be formed in thefollowing ways:

I/he/she/it + was+ being + PP (+ by + O)

we/you/they + were

Active: Ann was writing a letter.Passive: A letter was being written by Ann.

Past continuous tense

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 149

Active:They measured the extension in thesteel bar.


The extension in the steel bar wasmeasured.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 150

If the doer of the action hassome importance (though lessthan the object), or is needed tocomplete the sense of thesentence, it is given, e.g. ‘A

knowledge of statistics isrequired by every type of



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 151

Passives can be formed in the

following ways:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 152

• A tense of be + PP 

active: He cooked the food.

passive: The food was cooked.

• Modal + be / have been + PP 

active: He may cook the food.

passive: The food may be cooked.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 153

• to be / to have been + PP 

active: He is to cook the food.

passive: The food is to be cooked.

• being/having been + PP 

active: Cooking/Having cooked …..passive: Being/Having been cooked…..


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 157

3. People use the decimal systemeven in countries with non-decimalized systems of weights

and measurements.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 158

4. Water covers most of the Earth’ssurface.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 159

5. Somebody was cleaning the roomwhen I arrived.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 166

12. When we got to the stadium, wefound that they had cancelled thegame.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 167

13. They are building a new ring roadround the city.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 168

14. I don’t like people telling me what todo.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 169

15. We gave the police theinformation.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 170

16. We will give you plenty of time todecide.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 171

17. They must first clean sewage intreatment plants.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 172

18. Has anybody told you aboutecology?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 173

19. In modern zoos, people can seeanimals in more natural habitats.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 174

20. He said that he wantedsomebody to wake him up at 6.30next morning.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 175

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end




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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1

English for Food & Nutrition


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

• Lecturer: Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in English

• PG in Business Administration

• Ma in Comparative Linguistics

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3




Presenting VocabularyWordstudy



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4


Compound (n) /'kmpaund/

Hợp chất

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5

 Adults (n) /'ædlt/ Adults (n) /'ædlt/ n g ư ờ i  l ớ n , n g ư ờ i  đ ã 

t r ư ở n g  t h à n h 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

Sources (n) /s:s/

nguồn (sông,suối, …)

Source (n) /s:s/


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

Balanced (a) /'bæləns/Balanced(a) /'bæləns/

cân bằng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8

Legumes (n) /'legju:m/Legumes (n) /'legju:m/

cây họ đậu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

Regulation (n) [,regju'lei∫n]

Regulation (n)[,regju'lei∫n]

sự điều chỉnh


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

Reaction (n) [ri:'æk∫n]Reaction (n)[ri:'æk∫n]

sự phản ứng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

Temperature (n) ['temprət∫ə]Temperature(n) ['temprət∫ə]

Nhiệt độ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

Lubricant (n) ['lu:brikənt]Lubricant (n)['lu:brikənt]

Chất bôi trơn


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

Solvent (a) ['slvənt]

khả năng hoà tan

Solvent (a)['slvənt]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

Quantity (n) ['kwntəti]Quantity (n)['kwntəti]

số lượng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

Essential (a) [i'sen∫əl]Essential (a)[i'sen∫əl]

thiết yếucần thiết


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

Concentrated (a) ['knsentreitid]

Concentrated (a)['knsentreitid]

tập trungtăng cường

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

Fluid (adj) ['flu:id]Fluid (adj)['flu:id]

lỏng, dễ cháy

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

Catalyst (n) ['kætəlist]Catalyst (n)['kætəlist]

chất xúc tác


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19



ProteinsVitamins & Minerals

Fats & Carbohydrates

Dietary & Fiber 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20


Human body contains50 to 70% water making itmost abundantcompoundin body

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21


There is no storage of water within body water must be



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22


May be obtained from+ beverages+ foods+ energy metabolism

within the body

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23


Water functions in- temperature regulation ~ solvent- chemical reactions ~ bodylubricant

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24


Adults must consume2-3l/day = some forms


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25



widely distributedin nature,& no life-formsknownwithout them

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26


Made up of relatively simpleorganic compounds,amino acids contain- nitrogen- & sulfur 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27


Humans & animals build proteinfor - growth

- & repair of tissuesby breaking downproteins obtainedin food


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28


into their 

+ component parts+ amino acids+ building upthese componentsinto proteinsof type needed

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29


Protein-rich foods from animalsources contain completeproteins supplying allamino acidsin proper proportionsnecessary in

human diet

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30


Although it was formerly believed:plant proteins had to be combinedat meals, research shows -

balanced diet will provide propercombinations.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

Vitamins and Minerals

 M o s t  f o o d s

  c o n t a

 i n

 - s e v e r

 a l  v i t a m i n s

 - a n d  m

 i n e r a l s


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Vitamins and Minerals

Many vitamins- and minerals act as+ catalysts+ or help form catalysts

in body

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33


Minerals:- calcium- iodine- & iron+ are essential part of • all cells• & body fluids+ & enter intomany functions


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

Fats and Carbohydrates

Fats are- widely distributed in nature- concentrated food source ofenergy

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35


Fats are- glycerin esters of+ fatty acids+ & yield glycerol

- & many different fatty acidswhen broken down by hydrolysis

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36


Carbohydratesare most abundant food sources

of energy


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37


Sugars occur in

- many plants- & fruitsMost important being sucrose,obtained from- sugarcane- or sugar beet

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

Dietary Fiber 

Dietary fiber:- bulk- & roughageis also essential elementin dieteven thoughit provides

no nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

Dietary Fiber (cont.)

It consists of - plant cellulose

- & other indigestible materials infoods, along with- pectins- & gums


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Dietary Fiber (cont.)

Chewing it requires stimulates

saliva flow& bulk it adds in the stomach& intestines during digestionprovides more time forabsorption of nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Dietary Fiber (cont.)

Diets with sufficient fiber - produce+ softer + bulkier stools- & help to promote+ bowel regularity+ avoid constipation+ & other disorders:


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

Dietary Fiber (cont.)

Fruits, vegetables, whole-grain,breads, and products made from

nuts and legumes are all sourcesof dietary fiber.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

VOCABULARYOrganic (a)[:'gænik]

Hữu cơ


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

Repair (n) [ri'peə]Repair (n)[ri'peə]

Sự phục hồi

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

Distributed (a) [distribju:tid]Distributed (a)[distribju:tid]

Phân bổ


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

Tissue (n) ['ti∫u:]Tissue (n)['ti∫u:]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

Stomach (n) ['stmək]Stomach (n)['stmək]

dạ dày

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

Indigestible (a) [indi'destəbl]Indigestible (a)[indi'destəbl]

khó tiêu


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

Roughage (n) ['r fid]Roughage (n)['r fid]

khó tiêu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

Intestine (n) [in'testin]Intestine (n)[in'testin]


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

Bowel (n) ['bauəl]

Bowel (n)




8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

Beverages (n) ['bevərid]

đồ uống

Beverages (n)['bevərid]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

Indigestible (a) [,indi'destəbl]

khó tiêu

Indigestible (a)[,indi'destəbl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

Tuber (n) ['tju:bə]Tuber (n)['tju:bə]

thân củ


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

Constipated (a) ['knstipeitid]Constipated (a)['knstipeitid]

bị táo bón

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

Digestion (n) [di'dest∫n]Digestion (n)[di'dest∫n]

sự tiêu hoá

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

Starches (n) ['sta:t∫]Starches (n)['sta:t∫]

hồ, tinh bột


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

3. Many vitamins and minerals helpform …………… in the body.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

4. Research shows that a ………… dietwill provide the proper combinations

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

5. Eating plenty of fresh fruit andvegetables can reduce the risk ofcancer of the ………….


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

6. Vitamin D is necessary to aid the…………… of calcium from food.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69


• Compound word is 2 smallerwords put together 

• Meaning of compound word isrelated to meanings of 2 words


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

• some + one = ………………………• stop + light = ………………………

• bed + room = ………………………

• birth + day = ………………………

• under + line = ………………………

• note + book = ………………………

Exercise: First, make compound wordsby putting together these pairs ofwords.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

1. In class, students write notes in a………………

Now use the compound words tocomplete the sentences.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

Now use the compound words tocomplete the sentences.

2. I sleep in a bed in my …………


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

Now use the compound words tocomplete the sentences.

3. Cars must stop when the

…………… is red.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

Now use the compound words tocomplete the sentences.

4.Next week is my 20th …………. I amgoing to have a party for all my

friends. I will be 20 years old.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

Now use the compound words tocomplete the sentences.

5. If the teacher says to put a lineunder the verb, then we must

……………… the verb.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79


When you add these suffixes to a word,

the new word becomes an adjective. An adjective describes a noun or apronoun. It usually comes before anoun or after the verb be.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80


• Practice making adjectives by addingthe suffixes -al, -able, and -ful to thefollowing words.

• Spelling Note: Change y to i before -aland -ful.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

noun (add –al) adjective

• coast …………………….

• season …………………..

• industry …………………• nation ……………………


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

7. My cousins had a very ………………time visiting the old city of San Juan.They bought some souvenirs and

had a delicious lunch.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

8. In general, Puerto Rico is a …………place to visit.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

C. -EN

• We can change some nouns &adjectives into verbs by adding suffix -en.Ex: if you add -en to adjective dark,you get word darken.

Darken means ‘to make somethingdark.’


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94

C. -EN

noun verb adj verbstrength










lengthen wide


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95


• THE PASSIVE (continued)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96


•When we talk about what other peoplesay, believe, etc we can use twopossible passive forms.




8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2- Lesson 2: Essential Nutrients

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97

 Active: S - vt –OPassive: S + be + PP (+ BY + O)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98

Active: People say that Mr Rossis a millionaire.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

1. People expect that taxes will bereduced soon.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Lesson 3: Food groups


Word study

Structure study


F o o dgr o ups


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Other foods

Meat and meat substitutes




Bread and cereal


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

New words

các loại hạtnguyên chất,

chưa qua xử lý

barley (n) ['b :li] 


Whole-grain (n)[houl-grein]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

citrus ['sitrəs] (n): giống cam quítCitrus (n)['sitrəs]

giống cam quít


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Riboflavin (n) [,raibou'fleivin] : vitaminB2 (có trong thịt, cá, sữa, rau xanh giúpcho sự phát triển của con người)

Riboflavin (n)[,raibou'fleivin]

vitamin B2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

refined-grain (n) [ri'faind- grein]sản phẩm ngũ cốc đã qua chế biến

Bread and cereal 

Refined-grain (n)[ri'faind- grein]

ngũ cốcđã chế biến

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

significant (a) [sig'nifikənt] quan trọng đáng kể

significant (a)[sig'nifikənt]

quan trọngđáng kể


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

appreciable (a) [ə'pri:∫əbl] có thể đánh giá được, thấy rõ được, đáng kể

 Appreciable (a)[ə'pri:∫əbl]

có thểđánh giá

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

expose (v) [iks'pouz] bày ra, phơi bày

Expose (v)[iks'pouz]

bày raphơi bày

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Breads and cereals are contributedsignificant quantities of fiber andsuch trace vitamins and mineralsas pantothenic acid, vitamin E,zinc, copper, manganese, andmolybdenum.

What nutrients are providedmost by breads and cereals?

Bread and cereal


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Bread-cereal groupincludes all- breads- & cerealsare whole grain- enriched- or restored

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

What nutrients are provided by mostvegetables?

Vegetables are provided vitamins,celluloses and mineral such as:sodium, chloride, cobalt, copper,magnesium, manganese,phosphorus, and potassium.

Vegetables      V    e    g    e    t    a      b  l    e    s

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Most vegetables areimportant sources of- minerals- vitamins- and cellulose


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc





What kinds of fruit contain vitaminC?


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

The nutritional valueof fruits varies. Somefruits are composedlargely of water, butcontain valuablevitamins.

Like vegetables, fruitshave a high cellulosecontent.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Why is milk a valuable food?



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Milk group includes- milk- & milk products

- cheese- & ice creamMilk is completeprotein foodcontaining severalprotein complexes

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

yoghurt  ice cream

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

M e at

a n dm e at

s u b st itu t e s

Why is meat believed tocontribute to coronary arterydisease?

Meat and meat substitutes


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Poultry & eggsFish & shellfishDried peas,

beans, & nuts

Beef VealLambPork

The meat and meat substitutesgroup includes

g r o u pi nc l udes

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọcpor   k

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

    b    e    e   f


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


Poultry and eggs

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Fish and



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

 __  _ __Cereals provide a sufficient

amount of protein for the humanbody’s need.

True - False: Write T if the sentenceis true and F if it is false.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

 _____ Vegetables have a highcellulose content, but fruits do not.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


contribute (v) [kən'tribju:t]

đóng góp, góp phần

V o c a bul ar y


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

fat-soluble (n) ['fæt,sljubl]

hoà tan trong mỡ

V o c a bul ar y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Appetite (n) ['æpitait]

sự ngon miệng, sự thèm ăn

V o c a bul ar y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Vary (vt) ['veəri]

làm cho khác nhau, thay đổi, biến đổi

V o c a bul ar y


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Nutritional (a) [nju:'tri∫nl]

có dinh dưỡng

V o c a bul ar y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

cholesterol (n) [kə'lestər l]

chất béo gây xơ cứng động mạch

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

germ (n) [də:m]

vi trùng, mầm bệnh


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Mineral (a) ['minərəl]


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Mineral salts (phr)

muối khoáng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Mineral acid (phr)

axit vô cơ


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Roughage (n) ['r fid]

thức ăn thô, chất xơ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc





Fill in these statements with thewords in the box

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Certain vegetables, such aspotatoes,…………….. appreciablequantities of starch.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Fruit and vegetables are importantsources of ………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Vitamin A is a …………….. vitamin, soit can dissolve in fat only.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Word Study

A: REThe prefix re- means ‘to dosomething again’.

RE + V → V (new)

Here is an example:Re- + read = reread (to read again)

        W      o    r    d      S    t    u    d    y


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Exercise Add the prefix re- to each word in thebox. Then choose the correct word to

complete each sentence.

telldo order  arrange

build married take write

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Jose made many mistakes in hisfirst composition. Before he givesit to his teacher tomorrow, he isgoing to………it.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

The new waiter atthe restaurant forgotour order for dinner,so we had to……………everything


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


• Sometimes verbs and nouns have

the same form.• Sometimes we can change

adjectives and verbs to nouns byadding a suffix or changing theform of the word.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc





Different form


















Same form-ity

Look at the nouns below. Notice howthey are related to other words

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

ExercisePractice using direct objects.Choose the correct noun form ofthe word in box to complete each



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Parents used to arrange the………………………of their child.Now people usually marry the

person they love.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

 An education is very important for agood life. Parents must explain this………………………to their children.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


Sometimes in English we canchange an adjective to a noun by

adding a suffix or changing thespelling.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Look at the examples. Completethe chart















GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Money does not always bring …………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Look at these examples




















Same form-er -ture


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

To make lemonade,mix lemon juice andwater. Then addsugar to the …………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

The causative


Have + O (object) + PP (past participle)

Structure studyS t r uct u r e st ud y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

UseWe use the structure have something

done to talk about something which wearrange for someone else to do for us.

Ex:I’am having a garage built at themoment. V3

build (inf.)/built (past)/built (PP)


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

UsageNote that we can often use get

something done instead of have

something done especially in aninformal style e.g.

Ex: I must get this jacket cleaned.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc


I’ve just ……………………………(my suit / dry-clean)

Mr. and Mrs. Woods……………….................................in a storm. (the roof of their house /damage)

(to be continued at home!)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Lesson 4: Food Preservation


Word study

Structure study


F o o dgr o ups


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

Preservatives (n)[,prevə'vei∫n]

Preservatives (n)[,prevə'vei∫n]

(sự) gìn giữ,bảo quản,

bảo tồn

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

Micro-organism (n)[,maikrou':gənizm]

vi sinh vậtMicro-organism (n)[,maikrou':gənizm]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

Vinegar (n) ['vinigə] giấm

giấmVinegar (n)['vinigə]


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

Degree (n) [di'gri:] (viết tắt) làdeg đơn vị đo nhiệt độ

Degree (n)[di'gri:]

đơn vị đonhiệt độ (deg)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

Pasteurization (n)[,pæst∫ərai'zei∫n] sự tiệt trùng

Pasteurization (n)[,pæst∫ərai'zei∫n]

sự tiệt trùng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

Surrounding (a) [sə'raundiη] bao quanh, vâyquanh; ngoại vi

Surrounding (a)[sə'raundiη]

bao quanhvây quanh

ngoại vi


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

Radiation (n) /,reidi'ein/ bức xạ

Radiation (n)/,reidi'ein/

bức xạ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

 Alternative (a) /:l'tə:nətiv/ thay thế

 Alternative (a)/:l'tə:nətiv/

thay thế

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

Widespread (a) /'waidspred/ : phổ biến

Widespread (a)/'waidspred/

phổ biến


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

Fermentation (n) /,fə:men'tein/

Fermentation (n)/,fə:men'tein/

Sự lên men

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

Emulsification /i, mlsifi'kein/

Emulsification (n)/i,mlsifi'kein/

Sựchuyển thành

thể sữa

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

 Application (n)/,æpli'kein/

 Application (n)/,æpli'kein/

Ứng dụng


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25

 Aerobe (n) /'eəroub/

 Aerobe (n)/'eəroub/

Vi sinh vậthiếu khí

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26

 Anaerobe (n) /'eəroub/

 Anaerobe (n)/'eəroub/

Vi sinh vậtkỵ khí

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

Tension (n) /'tenn/Sứcép

Tension (n)/'tenn/

Sức ép


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28

Process- treating- handling food

as to stop

Food preservation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

or greatly slowdown spoilage toprevent food borneillness whilemaintaining- nutritional value- texture- & flavor 

Food preservation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

Involves preventinggrowth- bacteria- fungi- other micro-organisms

Food preservation


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

- Retarding oxidationof fats - causesrancidity

Food preservation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

preservation ofmeat and fruit

Food preservation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

preservation of vegetables & fruits

Food preservation


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

Common methodspreserving food include- freezing

- vacuum-packing

Food preservation

frozen crabvacuum garlic

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35

….- canning- radiation treatment- adding preservatives

Food preservation

vegetables in brine

canning food

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36

Other methods not onlyhelp to preserve foodbut also add flavor 

- pickling salting- smoking- curing

Food preservation



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

Oldest methodspreserving food

- drying

Food preservation

dried bananas

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

- reduces wateractivity sufficientto delay

- prevent bacterialgrowth

Food preservation


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

Food preservation


 Although notsufficient byitself to permit longterm storage offood,

smoking addschemicalshelp inhibit growthof micro-organisms


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Food preservation


Vacuum-packingstores food in

vacuumenvironment,usually in- air-tight bag- or bottle

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Food preservation


Vacuumenvironment stripsbacteria of oxygen needed forsurvival, hencepreventing the foodfrom spoiling

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

Food preservation


Vacuum-packingis commonly

used for storingnuts


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

Food preservation


Curing draws

moisture frommeat throughprocess ofosmosis

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

Food preservation

Kidney (cật)

Meat is curedwith

- salt- or sugar - or combination

of 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

Food preservation


Nitratesand nitrites are

also often usedto cure meat.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

Main food preservation methods

Specific inhibition of somemicro organisms by carbondioxide

Carbon dioxideenriched modifiedatmosphere packaging

Low oxygen tension in inhibitstrict aerobes & delay growthof facultive anaerobia

Vacuum & oxygenfree modified atmospherepackaging

Reduction in water activitysufficient to delay or preventgrowth

Drying, curing andconserving

Low temperature & reductionof water activity to preventgrowth


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

Main food preservation methods

Inhibition of specific groups of 


 Addition of 


Compartmentalisation & nutrientlimitation within the aqueous droplets inwater-in-oil emulsion foods


Reduction of pH value in situ bymicrobial action & sometimes additionalinhibition by lactic & acetic acids formed& by other microbial products. (e.g.ethanol, bacteriocins)


Reduction of pH value & sometimesadditional inhibition by particular acid

 Addition ofacids

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

Pressure-inactivation of vegetative bacteria, yeasts& moulds

 Application of highhydrostaticpressure (Pascalization)

Delivery of ionising radiationFood irradation

(Radurization, radicidation& radappertization)

Delivery of heat sufficient toinactivate target micro-organisms to desired extent

Pasteurization andappertization

Main food preservation methods


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

Food preservationPickling is method ofpreserving food by placing

it in either brine(high in salt), or solution ofvinegar - is too acidic topermitbacterial growth

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

Food preservationCanning involves cookingfruits or vegetables,sealing them in sterilecans or jars, & boilingcontainers to kill orweaken any remainingbacteria

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

Food preservationVarious foods havevarying degrees ofnatural protectionagainst spoilage &

may require final stepoccur in pressurecooker 


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

Food preservationHigh-acid fruits likestrawberries require nopreservatives to can & only

short boiling cycle,whereas marginal fruits:tomatoes require longerboiling & addition of otheracidic elements

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

Food preservation


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

Food preservation1950s issueof PopularMechanicsdetails

impendingarrival of "foodirradiation"


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

Food preservationPresent time,- implicationssurrounding

irradiation of foodare still not fullyunderstood- technology isstill not inwidespread use

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

Food preservationIrradiation of - potatoes- strawberries- & meatis common in manycountries whererefrigeratedfacilities & trucksare not common

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

Food preservationIn 2002, FDApermittedirradiation of meat& poultry to

reduce spread ofE. coli &Salmonella


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

Question 2

2. What are some commonmethods of preserving food?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

Question 3

3. Why can vacuum-packingprevent the food from spoiling?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

Question 4

4. What is pickling?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

True-False 5

5. _____ Irradiation of spices cancause cancer.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71


Osmosis (n)[z'mousis]

thẩm thấu

V o c a bul ar y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

Carcinogen (n)[k:'sinədən]

Chất gây ung thư

V o c a bul ar y


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

Spice (n) [spais] gia vịV o c a bul ar y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

Preservative (n) [pri'zə:vətiv] chất bảo quảnPreservative (n) [pri'zə:vətiv]

chất bảo quản

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

Pasteurization /,pæstərai'zein/ : tiệt trùng theo phương pháp Pa-xtơPasteurization (n) [,pæstərai'zein]

tiệt trùng theo phương pháp Pa-xtơ


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76

Poultry (n) ['poultri] gia cầmPoultry (n) ['poultri]

gia cầm

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

Implications /,impli'kein/ : ẩn ýImplication (n) [,impli'kein]

ẩn ý

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

Facility (n) [fə'siliti] tiện íchFacility (n) [fə'siliti]

tiện ích


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

Fill in these statementswith the words in the box

Osmosis Carcinogenic

Spices PreservativesPoultry Pasteurization

Bacteria Implications

Preserved Facilities

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

Statement 1

1. Olives areusually …………in brine.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

Statement 2

2. ………… arechemicals used tokeep especially foodfrom decaying.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

Statement 8

9. Cinnamon, ginger

and cloves are all………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

Statement 6

10. At the present time,the …………surrounding theirradiation of food arestill not fullyunderstood.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

Word Study        W      o    r    d      S    t    u    d    y


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

 A. Word forms: noun endings

So far you have studied manycommon noun endings.

Look at word list & notice hownouns are related to other words.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

Similarity-similar similarity

Verb AdjectiveNoun

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

crowd crowdcrowdedcrowd

Verb AdjectiveNoun


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94


Verb AdjectiveNoun

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95


Verb AdjectiveNoun

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96



Verb AdjectiveNoun


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97


popularizepopular popularity

Verb AdjectiveNoun

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98



Verb AdjectiveNoun

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

ExerciseChoose the correct word form tocomplete each sentence. Somenouns may need to be made plural.Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1,and so on.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103

Exercise 4

4. If you take a loan from the bank tobuy a car, you must make a

…………………… every month untilyou pay all the money back.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104

Exercise 5

5. Tennis shoes and other sports…………………… are usually very


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105

Exercise 6

6. It’s hard to understand the …… ofvideo games. Many people playthem, but I don’t like them.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109


 Add the suffix -less to each word. Thenchoose the best word for eachsentence.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111




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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 118


Sometimes in English we can

change an adjective to a noun byadding a suffix or changing thespelling.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 119

Verb - Nounverb noun

Divide division

Introduce introduction

Explore exploration

Educate education

Prevent prevention

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 120

Verb - Nounverb noun

Populate populationComplicate complication

Inform informationProduce productionFly flight


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121


Choose the best verb or noun fromthe chart to complete each sentence.Remember to use the correct verbtenses & singular or plural noun forms.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122

Exercise 1

1. In the 19th century, parentsrealized that they had to take careof their children’s health and try togive them a good………………………. Before that,most people did not go to school.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123

Exercise 2

2. The ………………………. of theworld is increasing every year. Inthe year 2005 there will be at least

7.2 billion people on the earth.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 124

Exercise 3

3. When people in North America………………………. themselves

to you for the first time, they usuallysay, “Nice to meet you” & shakeyour hand.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 125

Exercise 4

4. Some scientists think that drinkinggreen tea is good for your 

health. In fact, some people think ithelps ………………… diseases.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 126

Exercise 5

5. The island of Puerto Rico……………… a lot of sugarcane.The sugar that comes from it is

sold all over the world.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 127

Exercise 6

6. After World War II, Germany wasdivided into two separate countries.

However, this …………… did notlast. In 1990 the two Germaniesunited as one country again.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 128

Exercise 7

7. Many centuries ago, people lefttheir countries to search for new

lands. The ………………… of thenew world brought people from

many countries together in North America.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 129

Exercise 7

8. If you have a question when youare in the library, go to the…………… desk and ask one of

the librarians for help.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130

Structure study

S t r uct u r e st ud y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131

The relative clause

 A noun can be modified by a clause. Aclause of this kind is begun by arelative pronoun & called a relativeclause. It always follows the nounwhich it modifies & which is known asits antecedent.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132

Look at the following sentences(a)  An engineer is a skilled person. He

designs, builds or maintainsengines, machines, bridges,railways, etc.

(b)  An engineer is a skilled person

who designs, builds or maintainsengines, machines, bridges,railways, etc.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 133

The relative pronouns are• Subject: who, which, that ,

• Object: who, whom, which, that, Ø

• Possessive Determiner: whose (+ anoun)

• Adverbial: when, where, why (whenand why can be replaced by that orØ)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 134

Exercise 1

Join each pair of sentences, makingthe second sentence a relativeclause.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 135

Exercise 1.1

1. I can’t find the envelopes. I boughtit this morning.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 136

Exercise 1.2

2. This is a picture of the place. We’regoing there for our holidays.

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Exercise 1.3

3. Have you found the money? Youlost it.

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Exercise 1.4

4. His refusal to tell her the truth is thereason. That’s why she is so angrywith him.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 139

Exercise 1.5

5. Are these all the letters? Theycame in this morning’s post.

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Exercise 1.6

6. The factory is going to close down.I work there.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 141

Exercise 1.7

7. The car has now been found. Itwas stolen.


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Exercise 1.8

8. She’s the person. She gives me alift to work every day.

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Exercise 1.9

9. The outdoor swimming pool hasnow been closed down. We oftenwent there as children.

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Exercise 1.10

10. The man was very nice. Heinterviewed me.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 145

Exercise 1.11

11. She’s the girl. Her brother works inthe post office.

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Exercise 1.12

12. Is there a reason? You want toleave now for that reason.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 147

Exercise 1.13

13. Is Technico the company? Sarahworks for them.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 148

Exercise 1.14

14. The house is over 100 years old.Sue has bought it.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 149

Exercise 1.15

15. I’m looking for the person. I’ve justhit his car.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 150

Exercise 1.16

16. Most of the books are still populartoday. I read them as a child.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 151

Exercise 1.17

17. The woman is coming back to worksoon. I’m doing her job.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 152

Exercise 1.18

18. Edinburgh is the city. I’d most liketo live there.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 153

Exercise 1.19

19. His dishonesty is the reason. That’swhy I left him.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 154

Exercise 1.20

20. The early morning is the time. Iwork best then.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 155

Exercise 2

Complete the following sentenceswith an appropriate relative pronoun.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 156

Exercise 2.1

1. They’re the people …………………house caught fire.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 157

Exercise 2.2

2. This is the report …………………the president wanted.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 158

Exercise 2.3

3. The girls ………………… are in myclass are all good students.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 159

Exercise 2.4

4. Is that the hospital …………………you had your operation?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 160

Exercise 2.5

5. Do you remember the time………………… your car broke

down on the motorway?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 161

Exercise 2.6

6. Our teacher, ………………… is an American, speaks Englishperfectly.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 162

Exercise 2.7

7. The car ………………… Hernandoused belongs to his uncle.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 163

Exercise 2.8

8. The teacher with ………………… Istudied mathematics last year died

last week.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 164

Exercise 2.9

9. They’re the people …………………children were injured in theaccident.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 165

Exercise 2.10

10. Did they tell you the reason………………… they wanted you todo that?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 166

Exercise 2.11

11. Is this the program …………………you always watch on TV?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 167

Exercise 2.12

12. I don’t understand the reason………………… he was late.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 168

Exercise 2.13

13. The movies ………………… wesaw this summer were all good.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 169

Exercise 2.14

14. What’s the name of the restaurant………………… you had lunch?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 170

Exercise 2.15

15. These are the kinds of exercises………………… help us learnEnglish.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 171

Exercise 2.16

16. The lamp ………………… youbroke is my brother’s.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 172

Exercise 2.17

17. She is one of the workers………………… went on strike.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 173

Exercise 2.18

18. She was the pilot …………………flew our 747.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 174

Exercise 2.19

19. It is the little things in life………………… count.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 175

Exercise 2.20

20. I can remember a time………………… there was no


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 176

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Lesson 5: Food groups


Word study

Structure study


F o o dgr o ups


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4

Other foods

Meat and meat substitutes




Bread and cereal


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5

New words1. NEW WORDSobscure (a)


Ít ngườibiết

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

savour (v) ['seivə]savour (v)


thưởng thứcnhấm nháp


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

flesh (n) [fle∫]flesh (n)



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8

beast (n) [bi:st]beast (n)

[bi:st]Súc vật

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

Vacuum-packing(n)['vækjuəm 'pækiη]

forest (n)['f rist]



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

palatable (n) [,prevə'vei∫n]palatable (n)[,prevə'vei∫n]

Ngonkhoái khẩu hơn

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

digest (v) ['daidest]digest (v)['daidest]

Tiêu hoá

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

customary (a) ['kstəməri]Theo phong tụcthông thường

customary (a)['kstəməri]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

customary (a) ['kstəməri]speculate (a)

['spekjuleit]Suy xét

Nghiên cứu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

Peking (n) ['pi:kiη]Bắc KinhPeking (n)['pi:kiη]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

Peking (n) ['pi:kiη]Bằng chứngevidence (n)['evidəns]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

spit (n, v) [spit]Xiên thịtspit (n, v)[spit]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

virtually (adv) ['və:t∫uəli]virtually (adv)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

sole (a) [soul] Duy nhấtđộc nhất

sole (a)[soul]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

culinary (a) ['klinəri]culinary (a)


việc nấu nướngbếp núc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

Paleolithic (a) [,peiliou'liθik](Thuộc)thời kỳ

đồ đá cũ

Paleolithic (a)[,peiliou'liθik]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

steam (vt) [sti:m] Đồ, hấpsteam (vt)[sti:m]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

ember (n) ['embə]Than hồngember (n)['embə]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

wrap (vt) [ræp]Quấn, bao, góiwrap (vt)[ræp]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

Aside (adv) [ə'said] Để dànhdự trữ

Aside (adv)[ə'said]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25

shell (n) [∫el]shell (n)

[∫el]Vỏ, mai

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26

skull (n) [skl]Sọ, đầu lâuskull (n)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

hollow (vt) ['hlou] Đào trũngLàm hõm

hollow (vt)['hlou]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

prototype (n) ['proutətaip]Mẫu đầu tiênNguyên mẫu

prototype (n)['proutətaip]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Roman (n, a) ['roumən]Roman (n, a)

['roumən]  Đế chếLa Mãcổ đại

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

legion (n) ['li:dən]Quân đoànLa Mãcổ đại

legion (n)['li:dən]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

crustiness (n) ['kr stili]crustiness (n)

['kr stili](tính) cứng


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

concomitantly (adv) [kən'kmitəntli]

Cùng thờiđồng thời

concomitantly (adv)[kən'kmitəntli]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

settled (a) ['setld]

ổn định

thuộc địa

settled (a)['setld]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

domestication (n) [də,mesti'kei∫n]

(sự)thuần hoánhập tịchkhai hoá

domestication (n)[də,mesti'kei∫n]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

livestock (n) ['laivstk]Vật, thú(nuôi)

livestock (n)['laivstk]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

cultivation (n) [,klti'vei∫n]Cày cấytrồng trọt

cultivation (n)[,klti'vei∫n]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

edible (n) ['edibl]Thích hợpăn được

edible (n)['edibl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

dependable (a) [di'pendəbl] Đáng tin cậycó căn cứ

dependable (a)[di'pendəbl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

augment (vt) [':gmənt]Làm tăng lênaugment (vt)[':gmənt]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

fired-clay (comp n) ['faiə klei] Đất sét nungfired-clay (comp n)['faiə klei]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

vessel (n) ['vesl]

Bình, chậuvại, lọ,

chai, chén

vessel (n)['vesl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

stewing (n) ['stju:iη]Ninh, hầmstewing (n)['stju:iη]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

oven (n) ['vn] Lòoven (n)['vn]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

pickle (a) ['pikl]Dưa chuađồ ngâm

pickle (a)['pikl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

bake (v) [beik] Nướngbake (v)[beik]


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

preserve (v) [pri'zə:v]Bảo quản

giữ gìnpreserve (v)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

smoking (n) ['smoukiη]Xông khóismoking (n)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

salting (n) ['s:ltiη]Ướp muối,

muốisalting (n)



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

air-drying (n) ['eə 'draiη]Phơi khôair-drying (n)

['eə 'draiη]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

chilling (n) ['t∫iliη]Làm lạnhchilling (n)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

Eat (v) [i:t] ănănEat (v)



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

weight (n)['weit]

trọng lượng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

heated (a)['hi:tid]

Giận dữ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

Earliest types of cooking

Origins of cooking are obscure.Primitive humans- may first have savored roast meat by


2. Presentation


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

- when flesh of beast killed in forest fire wasfound to be more palatable

- & easier to chew- & digest than customary raw meat

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

They probably did not deliberately cook foodthough, until long after they had learnedto use fire for- light- & warmth

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

- It has been speculated- Peking man roasted meats,- No clear evidence supports theory


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

From whenever it began- roasting spitted meats over fires- remained virtually sole culinary techniqueuntil Paleolithic Period

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

when the Aurignacian people of southernFrance began to steam their food over hotembers by wrapping it in wet leaves

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

 Aside from such crude proceduresas toasting wild grains on flat rocks& using + shells

+ skullsor hollowed stones to heat liquids,


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

no further culinary advances were madeuntil the introduction of pottery duringNeolithic Period

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68

Earliest compound dish was crudepaste (the prototype of pulmentum ofRoman legions & polenta of later Italians)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69

Made by mixing water with cracked kernelsof wild grasses.This paste, toasted to crustiness whendropped on hot stone, made the first bread.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

Culinary techniques improved withintroduction of earthenware (&, more

or less concomitantly, development ofsettled communities),

 Advances in cooking techniques

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

as the domestication of livestock & the cultivation of edible plants

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

 A more dependable supply of foodstuffs+ milk + & its derivatives,was now assured


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

- Roasting spit was augmented by variety offired-clay vessels

- & cooking techniques of + boiling+ stewing

+ braising

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

perhaps even incipient forms of + pickling+ frying+ & oven baking were added

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

Early cooks probably had already learned topreserve - meats

- fish by+ smoking,+ salting

+ air-drying+ or chilling.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76

New utensils made it possible to preparethese foods in new ways, & such dishes asbacalao à la vizcaina ("dried cod") & finnan haddie  (smoked haddock) are still eaten.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

Microwave oven cooks 20 kilo turkeyin less than 1/2 hour instead of 4 to 5hours it would take in astandard oven.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

Heat-activated cooking methods take fivebasic forms.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

• Food may be immersed in liquids:- water- stock 

- or wine (boiling, poaching, stewing);• Immersed in + fat+ or oil (frying)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

exposed to vapor(- steaming- to some extent- braising)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

exposed to dry heat(- roasting- baking- broiling)


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82

& subjected to contact with hot fats(sautéing)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83

With minor modifications, all five methodsare applicable to any type of food not eatenraw,

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

but certain treatments traditionally arerarely used to prepare particular foods.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

Deep-fat frying is not generally thought theideal method, for- preparing steaks- or chops

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86

Boiled foods usually are immersed in- flavored- or unflavored liquidsfor longer periods of time than poachedfoods

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

& cooking liquidusually takes form of thickened saucewhen foods are stewed


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

Chief difference between frying & sautéingis- frying produces crisp surface,- sealing natural moisture inside food,

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

whereas in sauté process,natural juices usually minglewith pan fat, coating food with light sauce

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

 As opposed to steaming,which does not place foods in direct contact

with liquids, braising is accomplished


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

by first browning food in fat and thenplacing it in direct

contact with a small amount of liquidwithin an airtight pan.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

Originally, roasted foods were exposed tothe action of open fires or live coals,

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

but in contemporary cookery roastingis synonymous with

baking – that is, cooking by dry heat ina closed oven.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94

- Broiling, whether in oven- or over open + fire

+ or coals- exposes meats to direct action of more

intense heat,

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95

which sears their surfaces quicklyto seal in their juices.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96

Write T if the sentence is true and F if it isfalse.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97

1. _____ Primitive people cooked food longbefore they learned to use fire for light

and warmth.

True-False 1

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98

2. _____ Culinary advances were made onlyafter the introduction of pottery duringthe Neolithic Period.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

3. _____ Boiled foods usually are immersedin liquids for longer periods of time thanpoached foods.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100

4. _____ Nowadays roasted foods areusually cooked over open fires or livecoals.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101

Fill in these statements with the words inthe box.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102

Cookery (n) ['kukəri]sách dạy nấu ănCookery (n)['kukəri]


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103

Foodstuff (n) ['fu:dstf]Thực phẩmFoodstuff (n)['fu:dstf]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104

Sauté (n) ['soutei] Áp chảoSauté (n)['soutei]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105

 Airtight (a) ['eətait]Kín hơikín gió

 Airtight (a)['eətait]


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106

 Airtight (a) ['eətait]ngâmImmerse (vt)[i'mə:s]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107

List of vocabularies

UtensilsImmersed AirtightSautéFoodstuffsPicklingEmbersSavoredCookeryPalatable

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108

True-False 1

1. …………… the meat for a fewminutes over a medium heat before

adding the wine.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109

True-False 2

2. It was the first chocolate he had tastedfor over a year, so he …………… everymouthful.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110

True-False 3

3. The shells should be …………… in boilingwater for two minutes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111

True-False 4

4. The meal was barely …………… – in fact, Ithought it was disgusting.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112

True-False 5

5. They lack basic ……………, such as breadand milk.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113

True-False 6

6. In the drawer was a selection of kitchen…………… – spoons,

spatulas, knives and whisks.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 114

 A. OVER The prefix over- means “too,” “too much,” 

or “too many.” 

Look at the example: Third World cities arealready overcrowded. (too crowded)



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 115

1. There are too many people on the islandof Java in Indonesia. Java is …………………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116

2. We were driving in the mountains on avery hot day, and our car …………………….We had to stop and let it cool down.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 117

3. Toshi left the rice in the rice cooker toolong.Now the rice is ……………….


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121

 Accidental : tình cờ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122

inexpensive :rẻ, không đắt

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123

careful :cẩn thận


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 127

2. Always read the directions……………………before you take a test soyou don’t make any careless mistakes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 128

3. Loud talking is not allowed in the library. You must work …………………… so otherpeople can study, too.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 129


The meanings of a few common words withthe suffix -ly are different

from what you might guess.Look at these words and their meanings.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130

likely = probablyThe sky is full of gray clouds. It is likely to

rain soon.

greatly = very muchFamily life has changed greatly in the last

two centuries.months ago.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131

hardly = not much, only a little, almostnone

There are so many cars in Bangkok thatthere is hardly any space

to park.(Note: hardly is a negative word.

Don’t use no or not with it.)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132

shortly = in a short time, very soonI will finish my homework shortly. Then I

will play tennis with you.

nearly = almost

Today is November 20. It is nearly winter.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 136

3. The train will arrive …………………… .Please wait in the waiting area. It willonly be a few minutes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 137

4. Jeff …………………… ever eats in fast-food restaurants because he is avegetarian. He usually cooks for himselfat home.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 138


Defining and non-definingrelative clauses


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 139

 ‘Defining’ relative clauses identify nouns:these clauses tell us which person, thing,etc the speaker means.I spoke to the woman who owns the hotel.

(who owns the hotel tells us which woman)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 140

 ‘Non-defining’ relative clause do not tell uswhich person, thing, etc the speakermeans; these clauses give more informationabout a person or thing already identified.Ken’s mother, who is 69, has just passedher driving test . (who is 69 does not tell uswhich woman; we already know that it isKen’s mother )

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 141

Non-defining clauses are more common in aformal style, especially in writing.

When we write these clauses, we putcommas (,) at the beginning of the

clause (and often at the end of the clause).

Last weekend I met Sue, who told me shewas going on holiday soon.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 142

Note that in a non-defining clause wecannot use that or Ø .

She gave me the key, which I put in my


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 143

1. When I was in town, I met your sister.She was shopping for some clothes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 144

2. Their house needs a lot of work doing toit. It is near the beach.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 145

3. Sandra’s just got a new job with CapitalInsurers. It’s a much better companythan the last one she worked for.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 146

4. The new manager seems to be a verycapable woman. I met her last week.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 147

5. This case is full of books. I carried it allthe way from the station.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 148

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1



NutritionSciences 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Tháp cân đối dinh dưỡng


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4

Lesson 6


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5



Presenting VocabularyWordstudy


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6


Typically (adv)['tipikli]

điển hình, tiêu biểu


 A typically foggy day in Sapa


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

TVỰNGClassify (v)

['klæsifai]phân loại

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8


   đ   ộ   n  g 

 v   ậ   t ă

   n t  ạ   p

Omnivore (n)['mniv:]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

TVỰNGCarnivore (n)

['k:niv:]: loài ăn thịt


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

TVỰNGHerbivore (n)[hə:'bivərə]:

loài ăn cỏ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

từ vựngPrehistoric (a)[,pri:hi'strik]:

thuộc về tiền sử

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

từ vựngEventually (adv)[i'vent uəli]: sau cùng


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

từ vựngHusbandry (n)['hzbəndri]:

nghề nông

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

từvựng Agriculture (n)

['ægriklt∫ə]: Nông nghiệp

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

Traditional (a)Traditional (a) [tr [tr əə'di'di∫ə∫ənl]nl]

Traditional (a)Traditional (a)[tr [tr əə'di'di∫ə∫ənl]nl]

truytruyềềnn ththốốngng


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

Disorder (n)Disorder (n) [dis'[dis':d:dəə]]

Disorder (n)Disorder (n)[dis'[dis':d:dəə]]

ssựự r r ốốii loloạạnn

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

 Adequate (a) Adequate (a)['['æædikwit]dikwit]

 Adequate (a) Adequate (a)['['æædikwit]dikwit]

Thích hợp

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

Contribute (v)Contribute (v) [k[kəən'tribju:t]n'tribju:t]

Contribute (v)Contribute (v)[k[kəən'tribju:t]n'tribju:t]

 Đ Đóóngng ggóópp


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

Limited (a)Limited (a) ['limitid]['limitid]

Limited (a)Limited (a)['limitid]['limitid] HHạạnn chchếế

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

Variety (n)Variety (n) [v[vəə'rai'raiəəti]ti]Variety (n)Variety (n)[v[vəə'rai'raiəəti]ti]

SSựự đađa ddạạngng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

Infectious (n)Infectious (n) [in'fek[in'fek∫ə∫əs]s]

Infectious (n)Infectious (n)[in'fek[in'fek∫ə∫əs]s]

lâylây nhinhiễễmm


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2222






GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

PRESENTING• Human diet is typically

diverse, human beingsare classified asomnivores

- rather than asherbivores (planteaters)

- or carnivores (meat


1. The Presentation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

Certain groups of peopledo derive most of their foodfrom animal sources

while other people practicevegetarianism


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25


howto rear animals

how touse fire

how todevelopweapons

how tocultivatecrops Prehistoric



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26

By far majority of humankindeats wide range of foods of - animal- & vegetable origin

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

Prehistoric humans were hunter –gatherers who fed on- animals - insects- berries - roots- & leaves



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28

Range of dietary choices wasextended- when humans learned how to use firefor cooking- & when they developed weapons for+ hunting+ & trapping larger game

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

They eventually learned how to rearanimals for

- their own use- & how to cultivate crops cultivate

crops.Cultivate crop

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

Some isolated groups are still hunter-gatherersmost human diets derive from- agriculture- animal husbandry


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

Social factors & cultural practices inmost countries have great influence- on what people eat

- on how they prepare food- on feeding practices- & on foods they prefer 

Social factors and cultural

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Throughouthistory, differentsocieties haveexhibited greatvariations in diet.

Throughout history

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

During 20th century,greatly increased world trade& improved communications haveresulted in major changes in variety offoods eaten in many countries.

But during the 20thcentury


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

 Asian cuisines have become popular in- Europe- North America

- & Western ‘fast foods’are increasingly available in developingcountries.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35

Staple food in most countrieshas not changed

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36

Throughout history, as long as foodsupplywas sufficient traditional diets of mostcultureshave provided essential nutrients


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

- These are divided into macronutrients+ carbohydrates+ fats

+ proteins- & micronutrients+ vitamins+ minerals

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

Humans obtain most offood energy from- carbohydrates(65% worldwide)lesser amounts comefrom- fat (20%)- and protein (15%)mainly from

+ meat+ fish

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

Major cause of under-nutrition &nutritional-deficiency diseases hasseldom been traditional food habits

The major cause ofunder-nutrition


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Usual cause has been lack of adequatefood- due to poverty

- or consumption of too limited varietyof food

The usual cause

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Infectious diseases & lack of carecontribute importantly to malnutrition inchildren Infectious


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

Protein-energy malnutrition is- generally due to consumption of 

too little food,- & micronutrient deficiencies- anemia



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

- iodine deficiency disorders,- & pellagra are due to diets inadequatein specific minerals & vitamins


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

-Advances in agriculture & food -processing techniques have affordedpotential of increased food supply &nutritionally enriched diet,- Modernization & Westernization offood habits have also had deleteriouseffects.

 Advances inagriculture

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

 At turn of 20th century new rice millingtechniques caused outbreak of beriberi(thiamine-deficiency disease) in Asia,- resulting in millions of deaths

For example, at theturn


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

Substitution of bottle-feeding for- breast-feeding among poor families in

developing countries has been


The substitution

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

for great deal of- malnutrition &

diarrhea- infant deaths

for a great

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

Increasingly, changes in diets indeveloping countries due toWesternization & greater affluencehas led to increase in chronicDiseases:



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

- heart disease - diabetes- obesity - hypertension

- & certain cancerssuch as


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

These diseases arealready majorcauses of mortalityin the industrializedcountries.

Much of this isrelated to highintakes of foodsof animal origin


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

& greater percentage of food energycoming from- fats- oils- sugar

- & less comingfrom complex carbohydrates

greater percentage


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

Questions: Answer the questionsabout the reading

1. Why are human beings classified as



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5353

2. When was the range of dietarychoices extended?


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5454

3. What has the major cause ofundernutrition & nutritional deficiencydiseases been?   Q    u    e   s  t i    o    n   s  :    3


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5555

4. What is the harmful effect of thesubstitution of bottle-feeding forbreast-feeding among poor families

in developing countries?


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5656

5. What have changes in diets in thedeveloping countries resulted in?


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

1. ____ The major cause ofnutritional-deficiency diseases

has been traditional food habits.

True-False: Write T if the sentenceis true and F if it is false


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

2. _____ Most groups of people doderive most of their food from animalsources.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

3. _____ Today no groups are stillhunter-gatherers.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

4. ____ Social factors and culturalpractices in most countries have agreat influence on their feedingpractices.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

5. _____ Modernization andWesternization of food habits havealso had harmful effects.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

Fill in these statements with the wordsin the box.


reared hypertension staplemortality bottle-feeding feeddeficiency vegetarian dietmalnutrition breast-feeding



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63


Vegetarian (n)[,vedi'teəriən]

 s ự ă n

 c  h a y,

 n g ư ờ  i

 ă n  c  h a



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

vocabulary  Đinh ghim, kẹp giấyStaple (n)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65


Rear (v)


Chăm sóc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

vocabularyDiet (n) ['daiət]

 C  h ế đ ộ

 ă n u ố n



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

vocabularyMortality (n)

[m:'tæləti]   T  ử v o  n g

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68


Hypertension (n)[haipə:'ten∫n]

  H  u  y  ế

  t á  p c

  a  o

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69


Malnutrition (n)

[,mælnju:'tri∫n]suy dinh dưỡng,

kém ăn


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70


Feed (v)[fi:d]

Cho ăn,nuôi nấng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

1. If you …… Your dog on cakesand biscuits, it’s not surprisinghe’s so fat.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

2. Clean watersupply played alarge part inreducing the.………………..rate.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

3. A well balanced ………… diet can bea lot healthier for you than theaverage meat – eater’s diet because

it contains less fat and more fiber.VOCABULARY

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

4. The scientists tracked one of infectedmeat back to the farms where theanimals had been ……………


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

5. Infectious diseases and lack ofcare contribute importantlyto……………… in children.




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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76

6. …………….is extremely beneficial tothe health of newborn babies.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

7. Pregnant womenoften suffer fromiron ……………


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

8. We are conducting extensiveresearch into treatments for…………….. VOCABULARY



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

9. Bamboo is the panda’s ……VOCABULARY


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

10. She started…………………her baby whenshe went back towork.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81


Some common adjective endings

are: -al, -able, -ful , -less, -t, and -ous.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83

Adjective Verb Noun1.experimental experiment experiment2.natural — nature3.preventable prevent prevention4.suitable suit —5.believable believe belief 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

6) successful succeed success7) violent — violence8) different differ difference9) religious — religion10) useful, useless use use


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

WordstudyExperiment (n)[eks,peri'mentl]: sự thínghiệm

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86

Wordstudy Tự nhiên,

thiên nhiên


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

Wordstudy Sử dụng, dùngUse (v) [ju:s]:


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91


sự bạo lựcViolence(n)['vaiələns]:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

Wordstudy sự khác biệt

Difference (n)['difrəns]:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93


Religion (n)[ri'lidən] tôn giáo


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94


sự ngăn cản

Prevention (n)[pri'ven∫n]:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95


Choose the best word to completeeach sentence. Use a word fromline 1 in sentence 1, and so on.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96

1. Scientists have planted jojoba andeuphorbia crops on ……………farms in several countries.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100100

5. I don’t …………… your storyabout meeting people from Mars. Idon’t think it’s true.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101

6) The first experiment with the newcrop did not ………………Theplants died, and the scientists had

to begin again.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102102

7. Some people think that television istoo ………. There are too manyprograms that show people fightingand killing each other.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103103

8. It can be very cold in parts of theUnited States during the winter,but it is almost never cold in Australia. The …………… inweather is very great in these twoareas of the world.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104

9. Helen goes to church everyday and often reads theBible. She is very ……………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105

10. The jojoba is a very…………plant.It can be used to soothe burns, tomake hair shiny, and to make adrink similar to coffee


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106106

B. Word Form: Adjective

Look at these examples:We have a two-week vacation

from school in March.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107107


Change the words in bold print tohyphenated adjectives andrewrite the sentences. The firstone is done for you.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108

1. A flight from Los Angeles toLondon is ten hours.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109

2. High school students in Californiahave a summer vacation forthree months.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110

3. It is a long drive from Torontoto Winnipeg. It takes fourdays.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111

4. It is a short trip from New York toBoston. It is only 200 kilometers.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112


Look at the list of verbs, nouns, andadjectives below. Notice how they are

related to each other.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113

Verb Noun Adjective1. scene scenery scenic2. science scientist scientific3. persuade persuasion persuasive4. protect protection protective5. continue continuation continuous

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 114

6. history historian historical

7. enjoy enjoyment enjoyable

8. suggest suggestion suggestive

9. solve solution  — 

10. Organizeorganization organized


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 115


Choose the correct word for each

sentence. Use a word from line 1 insentence 1, and so on.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116

1. Kei brought a book of photographs ofJapan to class last week. Japan hasvery beautiful ………… We sawpictures of mountains, lakes, andlovely cherry trees.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 117

2. Chemistry and biology are twokinds of ………………


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 118

3. Bill could persuade you to do almostanything. He is a very………………… person. He talked

me into going camping inYellowstone National Park.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 119

4. Some of the hugeredwood trees inCalifornia are underthe ………….. of theNational ParkService. The servicekeeps the trees safeand healthy.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 120

5. Workers can become very tired ofthe ……………… noise in a factory.The noise never stops.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121

6. Most countrieshave …………museum that

explains thehistory of thecountry inpictures, films,and art.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122

7. People of all ages like to go tonational parks. A visit to a nationalpark is …………………… for thewhole family.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123

8. I would like to make a ……………for your trip. Take a train ride acrossCanada. I did it last year. The sceneryis beautiful.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 124

9. Manycountries aretrying to……………the problem ofthe growth ofthe deserts.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 125

10. The United Nations is aninternational ……………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 126


Reduction of relative clauses

Relative clauses are often reduced or

contracted as follows:The man who is talking to John is

from Korea.



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130

Half of the people who had beeninvited to the party didn’t turn up.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131

1. An agreement has been signed toprotect the forests which are beingcut down all over the world.

Exercise: Reduce (contract)the underline part of thefollowing sentences:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132

2. Be sure to follow the instructionsthat are given at the top of the page.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 136

6. Her books, which are read bypeople all over the world, are stillimmensely popular.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 137

7. I come from a city that is located inthe southern part of the country

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 138

8. I haven’t yet had an opportunity tothink over the proposals that weremade at the last meeting.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 139

9. The children who attend that schoolreceive a good education.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 140

10. The experiment which wasconducted at the University ofChicago was successful.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 141

11.The fence which surrounds ourhouse is made of wood.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 142

12.The firm’s latest product, which waslaunched only six months ago, hasalready captured a significant share

of the market.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 143

13.The head office has now movedto new premises which overlookthe Thames.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 144

15.The new hostel, whichaccommodates 200 students, will beopened next month.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 145

16.The people who are being asked totake early retirement are all over theage of 60.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 146

17.The people who are waiting forthe bus in the rain are gettingwet.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 147

18.The psychologists who study thenature of sleep have madeimportant discoveries.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 148

19.The scientists who are searchingthe causes of cancer are makingprogress.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 149

21.They live in a house that was built in1890 .

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 150

22.They sent us an invoice that gavedetails of all the goods that hadbeen ordered.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 -Lesson 6

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 151

24.We have an apartment whichoverlooks the park.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 152

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Tháp cân đối dinh dưỡng


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4

Lesson 7


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5









GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

New words


 /kən,tæmi'nzei  n/ 

(n) Sự làm bẩn


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7


New words

'pestisaid (n)

Thuốc trừ vật hại

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8


New words

/'m rum/ (n) Nấm

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

Rodent  /'roudənt/ (n)Loài gặm nhấm

New words


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10


New words

 /in'fek  n/ (n)

Sự làm nhiễm trùng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

New words


 /'h :vist/ (n)Sự gặt hái

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

New words


 /'fi  n/ (n)Sự sinh sản

nhân đôi


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13


New words  /sp  / (n)Bào tử

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14





f  o



















f  o









































r  a




Food borne illness or food poisoningis caused by consuming foodcontaminated with pathogenicbacteria, toxins, viruses, prions orparasites.

1. The Presentation

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

     T    H    E    P    R    E    S    E    N    T    A    T I     O    N

Such contamination usually arises formimproper handling, preparation orstorage of food.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

Food borne illness can also be causedby adding pesticides or medicines tofood, or by accidentally consuming

naturally poisonous substances likepoisonous mushrooms or reef fish.













GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17



Contact between food and pests,especially flies, rodents andcockroaches, is a further cause ofcontamination of food.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

 Although most mushrooms are edible,several species can cause seriouspoisoning.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19



Some common diseases areoccasionally food borne mainly throughthe water vector, even though they are

usually transmitted by other routes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20


These include infections caused byShigella, Hepatitis A, & parasitesGiardia lamblia & Cryptosporidiumparvum.

Slide 20

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

1. . Contact between foodand pests is also a cause ofcontamination of food.

True-false: write T if the sentence istrue and F if it is false.

Slide 21


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

2.  All diseases are occasionallyfoodborne mainly through

the water vector.

      T    r    u    e    -    f    a  l    s    e  :      w    r  i  t    e      T  i    f  t    h    e    s    e    n  t    e    n    c    e  i    s  t    r    u    e    a    n    d      F  i    f  i  t  i    s    f    a  l    s    e  .

Slide 22

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23





GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

Food borne illnesses are definedby the World Health Organizationas diseases, usually either

infectious or toxic in nature,caused by agents that enter thebody though the ingestion of food.



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28


The origin of the illness can thusbe tracked and solved (andpossibly penalized), and the final

products can be removed fromthe sale if a problem is detected.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

• Respect of hygiene procedureslike HACCP and the "cold chain";

• Power of control and of lawenforcement of the veterinarians.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

3. The prevention against

bacterial food poisoningis mainly the role of the state

T r u e-f als e : w r  it e T if t h e s ent en cei s tr u e an d F if i t is f alse.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

 At home, the prevention mainlyconsists of:

The respect of the food storage

and food preservation methods(especially refrigeration).


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Preserved in therefrigerator 










GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

Checking the expiration date

      T      H



      R      E


      E      N

      T      A


  I      O



8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

Keeping the kitchen clean.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

Bacteria need warmth oisture,food and time to grow.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

READINGCOMPREHENTION The presence or absence, ofoxygen, salt, sugar and acidity arealso important factors for growth.

o x y genOxygen Salt Sugar 


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

In the right conditions, one bacteriumcan multiply using binary fission tobecome four million in eight hours.






GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Since bacteria can be neithersmelled nor seen, the best way toensure that food is safe is to followprinciples of good food hygiene.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

4. . Bacteria need warmth,moisture, food and time to grow.

True-false: write T if the sentenceis true and F if it is false.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

This includes not allowing raw or

partially cooked good to touchdishes, utensils ,hands or worksurfaces previously used to handleeven properly cooked or ready toeat food.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

Pi ct u r e


Properly cooked

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

High salt, high sugar or high acidlevels keep bacteria from growing,which is why salted meats, Jam andpickled vegetables are traditionalpreserved foods.

   T   H   E   P   R   E   S   E   N   T   A   T I   O   N


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

The most frequent causes ofbacterial food borne illness arecross -contamination andinadequate temperature control.Therefore control of these twomatters is especially important.

   T   H   E

   P   R   E   S   E   N   T   A   T I   O   N

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

Thoroughly cooking

food until it is piping

hot, i.e. about 70C

will quickly kill virtually

all bacteria, parasites

or viruses.



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48


Except for clostridiumbotulinum andclostridium perfringens,which producesa heat-resistant sporethat survivestemperatures up to100oC.



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

Once cooked, hot foods shouldbe kept hot - about 63oC stopsmicrobial growth.

      T      H      E      P      R      E      S      E      N      T      A      T  I      O      N


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

Cold foods should be keptcold, below 50C (410F).


Cold foods


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52


However, listeria monocytogenes

and yersinia enterocolitica can bothgrow at refrigerator temperatures.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

True-false: write T if the sentenceis true and F if it is false.

5. Cooking food until above700C will kill all bacteria, parasitesor viruses

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

Spore ~ Bào tử

Veterinary ~ Thú y

Vectors ~ Trung gian

Ingredient ~ Thành phần

Food chain ~ Chuỗi thực phẩm




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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

• Viruses ~ Vi rút

• Hygiene ~ Vệ sinh

• Expiration ~ Hết hạn

• Poisonous ~ Nhiễm độc

• Contaminated ~ Nhiễm độc


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

1. The best way to ensure that foodis safe is to follow principles ofgood food .


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

2. Coconut is a basicformany curries.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

3) The date on

this yogurt was November 20.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59


 A. -IZE

B. - IVE


 A. -IZE


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

You can change some

words into verbs by

adding the suffix –ize.

The suffix –ize means “to

make into (something )” or

cause to be (something).



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

Here is an example: radio helpedto popularize country music.Popular + -ize = to make

something (country music)

Spelling note: when a wordends in, drop theybefore adding –ize.

     A .   -  I     Z    E

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

Exercise: Add the suffix –ize toeach . Then choose the best wordfor each sentence. Be sure to usethe correct tense.

Memory …………. Special …………..

Winter ………….. Modern ………..

Colony …………… industrial ………..

memorywinter colonize


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

1. Spain and Portugal startedmany new cities an theNew World, especially

south of Mexico. These twocountries mostof Central and South



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

2. The Greens bought a beautifulold house in the country. They

. the kitchen by adding

a dishwasher, a microwave, anda new refrigerator. The rest ofthe house is notmodern. It hassimple furniture and old woodfloors, but it’s very nice.

The Gr   een s bought a beaut i f ul

old h ousei n t hecou nt r y. They. t he kit chen b y a ddi ng

a dis h w asher , a m ic r o w ave, an d

a n ew r ef  r i ger  at or   . Th er est o f  

t h e housei s not

m o der   n. It has

si m p lef ur nit ur  e a n d old wo od

f l oor s, but it ’ s ver ynice.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

3. Victor is studying engineering atthe university. After two yearsof general studies, he wants

to in biomedicalengineering.

Vict o r isst udy ing eng ineer i nga t th e u n iver sit y

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

B. –IVE Adjectives that end with the suffix -

ive mean "able to do something".

Example :David is very persuasive. He canpersuade people to do almostanything.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

Look at the list of Adjectives withthe suffix -ive. Notice how they arerelated to other words. The choosethe best Adjectives for each



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68

Example:(in)possible: không thể thưc hiện






GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69


• (Un)productive :Không tạo ra

• (Un)imaginative :Không tưởng tượng

• (In)active : Không hoạt động

• (Non)destructive : Không tàn phá

• (Un)protective : Không bị phản đối


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

• Product (N): Sản phẩm

• Imagine (V): Tưởng tượng

• Act (V): Hành động

• Destruction (N): Sự phá hoại

• Protect (V): Bảo hộ, che chở

Other froms

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

xer cise: 1. Desert soil Even desert plants

need water. Without is……………… without water. it,the soil becomes dry and cannotproduce healthy plants. Desert

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

2.The storms were very ...................the winds knocked over trees anddamaged houses.

2. T hes t or m swer  e ver y



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

3. Ms. Miller is very .................... of herchildren. She worries that somethingbad will happen to one of them, so

she tries to protect them and keepthem safe.Protect

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74


Look at the words in the list. Noticehow they are related to each other.Then choose the best word foreach sentence. Use a word formline in sentence 1, and so on.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75


1) Prepare

2) Value

3) Encourage4) Ice

5) Imagine

6) Produce

7) Discover 

8) Depend9) Educate

10) Colonize


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76


1) Preparation

2) Value3) Encouragement


5) Imagination

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

6) Product/ production

7) Discovery

8) (in) Dependence

9) Education

10) Colony


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

Adjective1) Preparation

2) Valuable

3) Encouraging4) Icy

5) (un) Imaginative/(un) Imaginable


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79


6) (un) Productive

7) Discovery8) (in) Dependent/(un)dependable

9) Educational

10) Colonial

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

1. A big holiday dinner requiresspecial ………………… We cleanhis house and spend hours andhours in the kitchen preparingeverything we need. It is a lot ofwork and a lot of fun.

  A b ig hol id a y din n e r  r equi r es

s p e cial


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

2. Gold is morethan silver. It is alwaysmore expensive.

    2    )      G    o  l    d  i    s      m    o    r    e



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82

3) David is veryIf he says he will dosomething, you alwaysknow he will do it.

D a v id is

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83



 Adverbial clauses, like adverbs,tell us something further about theverb and answer the questionsWhen? Where? How? Why? etc.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

• Here are some of the mostcommon conjunctions used tointroduce adverbial clauses:

• Time when, after, before, as, as

soon as, by the time (that), once,since/ever since, until/till,whenever, while



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

Place where, wherever,anywhere, everywhere

Manner  as, as if, as thoughComparison than, as ... asReason because, as, since


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86

Purpose so that, in order that, incaseResult so ... that, such a ... thatCondition if, unless,provided/providing (that), so/aslong asContrast although/though/eventhough, while, whereas


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

Note: We generally use the presentsimple to refer to the future inadverbial clauses of time andcondition:

When/If I come to London, I’ll comeand see you.and we use the present perfect inplace of the future perfect:When I’ ve finished my dinner, I’llcome and help you.



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

5. Things are never bad. you think they are.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

6. He’d like to be an actor . his father would

like him to be a lawyer.

E x r ci se:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

7. She’s interested in herwork she never seems to doanything else.

8. I’ll meet youyou like; I don’t mind where it is.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3 - Lesson 7

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

13) . he’s notinterested in classical music,he decided not to go to theconcert.

E x r ci se:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

18. no onee has anyfurther questions, the meeting willbe adjourned.

E x r ci se:

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1






Sciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer :  Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

PG in English

PG in Business Administration

Ma in Comparative Linguist ics

Lect urer

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Lesson 8



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4




New words



Word study

Structure study

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

Def   init i on( n) /def i 'ni ʃn/

Definition (n)

/ defi'niʃn/

sự định ngh ĩ asự định ngh ĩ a


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

Legal ( a) ['li: g  ə l]

Legal (a)


hợp pháphợp pháp

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8

Term( n) [t  əm]

Term (n)


thuật ngữthuật ngữ

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

Certify (v)


chứng nhậnchứng nhận


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

Cert i f y( v) ['s  ə :tif ai }

Certify (v)


chứng nhậnchứng nhận

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

Pur chase( v) [ ' p ə: t ʃ əs]

Purchase (v)


sự mua, sự tậu


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

Agriculture (a)


Agriculture (a)


nông nghiệpnông nghiệp


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

Agr icul t ure( a)['æ gr ik ʌlt ʃ ə ] Agriculture (a)


Agriculture (a)


nông nghiệpnông nghiệp

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

Fer t ilize ( n) ['f   ə: t ilai z  ə ]

Fertilize (n)

['f ə:tilaizə]

phân bónphân bón

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

C o n glomer at e ( v) [ k ə n'gl ɔm  ər i ]

Conglomerate (v)


kết hợpkết hợp


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

Di st inct ion ( n) [di s' tiɳ k ʃ n]

Distinction (n)


sự phân biệt

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

Ess ent i al ( a) [i'sen  ʃ ə l]

Essential (a)


cần thiếtcần thiết

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18

Con st it ut e ( v) ['k ɔ nst it j u:t ]

Constitute (v)


cấu tạo, tạo thànhcấu tạo, tạo thành


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

Ver if y (v) [ 'ver if ai]

Verify (v)


Kiểm lại

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

Mo nit or ( n) ['mɔ nit  ə ]

Monitor (n)


Monitor (n)


giám sátgiám sát

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

Deman d ( n) [di 'mɑ :nd]

Demand (n)


sự yêu cầu


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

Rapid ( a) ['ræ p id]

Rapid (a)


Rapid (a)



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

Ass urance ( n) [ə'ʃ u ə r  əns]

Assurance (n)


Assurance (n)


sự chắc chắnsự chắc chắn

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

Domi nant ( a) [ 'd ɔmin ə nt]

Dominant (a)


chi phốichi phối


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25

Pre senting

2. Presenting

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26


•Organic food has both popular meaning,

& in some countries, legal definition.

•In everyday conversation, it refers to all

‘naturally produced’ foods, or product of

organic farming.

•As legal term, it means certified organic.

Distinction is important, as 2 definitions

can represent different products.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

Types of organic food

Organic foods, like food in general,

- can be grouped into 2 categories, fresh &

processed,- based on production methods, availability

& consumer perception.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28

Types of organic food

•Fresh food is seasonal and highly


•Fresh produce – vegetables & fruits – is

most available type of organic food, &

closely associated with organic farming.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

Types of organic food

It is often purchased directly

- from growers, at farmers' markets,

- from on-farm stands,

+ through specialty food stores,

+ & through community-supported

agriculture projects.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

Types of organic food

•Unprocessed animal products – organic

meat, eggs, dairy – are less common.

•Prices are significantly higher than forconventional food, & availability is lower.

•They are still premium priced items.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

Types of organic food

For fresh food, “organic” means:

- produced without synthetic chemicals(e.g. fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics,


- free of genetically modified organisms

(often, not necessarily) locally grown

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Types of organic food

•Processed food accounts for most of

items in supermarket.

•Little of it is organic, & organic

prices are often high.

•In spite of this, organic processed

products are now primarily

purchased from supermarkets.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

Types of organic food

Majority of processed organics comes

from large food conglomerates, as

producing & marketing products likefrozen entrees & other convenience

foods is beyond scope of original small

organic producers.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

Types of organic food

• For processed organic food, the

general definition is:- contains only (or at least a certain

specified percentage of) organic


- contains no artificial food additives

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35

Types of organic food

• Processed without artificial methods,

materials & conditions (e.g. no

chemical ripening, no food irradiation)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36

Identifying organic food

• Early organic consumers, looking

for essentially chemical-free fresh

or minimally processed food, hadto buy direct from growers: Know

your farmer, know your food was

a practical reality.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

Identifying organic food

• Organic food at first comprised

mainly fresh vegetables.Individual ideas of what exactlyconstituted “organic” could bedeveloped and verified throughtalking to farmers and actuallyobserving farm conditions andfarming activities.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

Identifying organic food

• Small farms can grow vegetables

(and raise livestock) using organic

farming practices, with or without

certification, and this is more or

less something a direct consumer

can monitor.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

Identifying organic food

• As consumer demand for organicfoods increases, high volume

sales through mass outlets,typically supermarkets, is rapidlyreplacing the direct farmerconnection. For supermarketconsumers, food production is noteasily observable.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Identifying organic food

• Product labeling, like “certified

organic”, is relied on. Governmentregulations and third-party

inspectors are looked to for


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Identifying organic food

• With widespread distribution of

organic food, the processed food

category has also become

dominant, confusing the issue


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

Identifying organic food

• Processed foods are more difficult

to understand non-technically.

Commercial preparation methods,food additives, packaging, and

the like are outside the direct

experience of most people

(including organic farmers).


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43

Identifying organic food

• Traditional & minimally processed

products: flour & rice; baked goods; &canned, frozen, & pickled fruits &

vegetables, are easier for consumers

to understand by comparison with

home preparation methods, although

home & mass-production techniques

are quite different.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

Identifying organic food

• For convenience foods, like frozen

prepared dishes, cooked breakfast

cereals, and margarine, ingredients

and methods are quite a mystery. A

“certified organic” label is usually the

only way for consumers to trust that a

processed product is “organic”.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45


 Answer the questions about the



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

 Answer the quest ions about the


1. What are the two meanings of the

term “organic food”?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

 Answer the quest ions about the


2. For fresh food, what does “organic”

usually mean?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

 Answer the quest ions about the


3. For processed organic food, what

does ‘organic’ usually mean?


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

 Answer the quest ions about the


4. How was organic food identified in

the past?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

 Answer the quest ions about the


5. How is organic food identified


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51


Write T if the sentence is true and F if it

is false.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

 Answer the quest ions about the


1. _____ Prices for organic food are

significantly higher than forconventional food.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

 Answer the quest ions about the


2. _____ Most of the items in a

supermarket are unprocessed.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

 Answer the quest ions about the


3. _____ Processed organic food must

not contain any food additives.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

 Answer the quest ions about the


4. _____ Small farms that grow

vegetables and raise livestock usingorganic farming practices need


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

 Answer the quest ions about the


5. _____ Consumers can identify an

organic processed product only

thanks to a ‘certified organic’ label.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

V o c abulary



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

Perishable livestock entrée

cereal categories ripenconvenience farming

conventional additives

Perishable livestock entrée

cereal categories ripenconvenience farming

conventional additives

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

1.Organic foods can be grouped into

two, ………………………… fresh and


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

2. The classification of

………………… by 'E' number is

made under an EC directive.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

Lesson 8

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

3. The supermarket has its

………………… foods delivered by airrather than truck to ensure freshness.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

4. ……………………..food is food that is almost

ready to eat when it is bought and can be

prepared for eating quickly and easily.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

5. Organic food is usually much more

expensive than

………………………… food.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

6. Farmers are involved in a constant

battle to control vermin which ruintheir crops and damage their


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

7. The ……………. is the main dish of the

meal or a dish served before the

main course.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

8. Olives turn from green to black as

they …………….


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

9. Cornflakes are a popular breakfast

………………. in Britain.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68

Fill in these statements wi th the

words in the box.

10. Sheep ……………….. is a major

business in Australia and New


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69

4. W O R D ST U D Y

• A. -Ship



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

A. -Ship

10. Sheep ……………….. is a major

business in Australia and NewZealand.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

 A. -Ship

• Many nouns end in -ship. The suffix -

ship means “ the condition of’” or “the

art of.”

• Here are some examples:

• One United Nations conference was

about the uses and ownership of


• Alex and I have had a wonderful

friendship for many years.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

 A. -Ship

• One United Nations conference was

about the uses and ownership of


• Alex and I have had a wonderful

friendship for many years.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

 A. -Ship


 Add the suffi x -ship to each word.

Then choose the best word for eachsentence. Make the word p lural if


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

 A. -Ship


 Add the suffi x -ship to each word.

Then choose the best word for each

sentence. Make the word p lural if


member ………. friend …………

hard ………….. relation ………

sportsman …………

member ………. friend …………

hard ………….. relation ………

sportsman …………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

 A. -Ship

1. People who play sports should follow

the rules of the game and be friendly

to the other team. This is good



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 76

 A. -Ship

2. Life was very difficult for the first

explorers of Antarctica. The weather

was terribly cold, they didn’t alwayshave enough to eat, and some of

them died. These early explorers

suffered many


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 77

 A. -Ship

3. The …………………… of the International

Student Organization increases every

semester. This semester there are 105

members — that’s 20 more members

than before.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 78

 A. -Ship

4. Marie and Anne became friends

when they were in school together.

Now they are both grandmothers,

and they are still friends. Their………………………… has lasted for

more than fifty years!


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

 A. -Ship

5. What is the …………………………

between goats and deserts? How do

goats cause deserts to becomelarger?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

B. En-

Sometimes we can add the prefix en-

to a word to make a verb. The

meaning of the new verb is related to

the meaning of the original word.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

B. En-

• Look at these examples:

• Police sometimes use force to

enforce laws.

• I want this picture made larger. I willtake it to the photo store to have it



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82

B. En-


 Add the prefix en- to each word. Then

choose the best verb for eachsentence. Be sure to use the correct

endings and tenses.

 joy …………………… large ……………………

able …………………. danger …………………

rich ………………….

 joy …………………… large ……………………

able …………………. danger …………………

rich ………………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83

B. En-

1. Some soil is very poor and is not

good for growing crops. Farmers need

to ………………… the soil in order for

plants to grow.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

B. En-

2. United Nations organizations

…………………… people in developing

countries to improve their education

programs and industry.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

B. En-

3. David really …………………………

his trip to Yellowstone National Park

last summer. He said he had awonderful time

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86

B. En-

4. The Smiths think their house is too

small for their family. They want to

…………………… it by adding two

more bedrooms.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

B. En-

5. Krill is important to the chain of life in

the Antarctic Ocean. If humans catch

too much krill, it might

……………………… the lives ofpenguins and other animals that

need krill for food.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

C – Age

Many nouns in English end with the

suffix -age.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

C – Age

• Look at the example:

• A passage connects those two

buildings. In winter people can walk

through the hall from one building to

the other without going outside.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

C – Age

Exercise: Add the suffix -age to each

word. Then choose the best noun for

each sentence.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

C – Age

• Spelling notes:

- If a word ends in y, change they to i

before adding -age.

- If a word ends in e, drop the e before

adding -age.

marry ………. out ………… short …………

post …………. store ……… pack …………

marry ………. out ………… short …………

post …………. store ……… pack …………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

C – Age

1. Louis bought presents to send to his

parents. He packed them carefully in

a box. Then he took the

………………………… to the post

office and mailed it.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

C – Age

2. Because of very bad weather most of

the Brazilian coffee crop died. Now

the supermarkets in the United

States are short of coffee. They donot have enough coffee to sell

because of this ………………………


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94

C – Age

3. Alice and Paul got married 20 years

ago. They are still very happy

together today. They have a great…………………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95

C – Age

4. How much ………………………… do you

need to send a letter to Saudi Arabia?

You can find out at the post office.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96

C – Age

5. The electricity went out last night

during the storm. No one could turn

on the lights. The power

………………………… lasted forthree hours.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97

C – Age

6. Our apartment building has a

………………… room. It is a place to

put things that people do not usevery often.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98

C – Age

• Many nouns in English end in -ist.

The suffix -ist means “ a person

who does something.”

• Look at the example:

• A chemist is a person who works in


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

C – Age


Complete each sentence with a noun

that ends in the suffix -ist. The words in

bold print are related to the nouns youshould use. Make the nouns plural if

necessary. (When you are finished,

check your spelling with this list:

finalists, guitarists, artist, zoologist,

pianist, naturalist, scientist.)


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100

C – Age

1. Two teams are playing in the final

games for the World Cup. One of

these two ……………… will win thecompetition. That team will be the

best soccer team in the world.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101

C – Age

2. Some country musicians are

excellent ……………………… They

can sing and play the guitar at the

same time.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102

D – Ex

3. Pablo Picasso was a famous

…………………… You can see his

art in museums all over the world.


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Lesson 8

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103

D – Ex

4. Carol is interested in animals. She

studies zoology at the university. She

wants to become a……………………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104

D – Ex

5. Sezgi has studied piano all of her

life. She is going to be a famous

……………………… one day.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105

D – Ex

6. If you go to a national park, you can

sometimes hear a ………………. talk

about the natural beauty that you



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106

D – Ex

7. Albert Einstein was a famous

……………………… He made a lot

of important discoveries in science.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107


• Some adverbial clauses may be

reduced or contracted, using

participles. Note that an adverbial

clause can be reduced in this way

only when the subject of the

adverbial clause and the subject

of the main clause are the same.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108


• Some adverbial clauses may be

reduced or contracted, using

participles. Note that an adverbialclause can be reduced in this way

only when the subject of the

adverbial clause and the subject

of the main clause are the same.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112

Cause clauses

• Because she needed some money

to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.• Needing some money to buy a

book, Sue cashed a check.

• Because she had seen that movie

before, she didn’t want to go again.

• Having seen that movie before, she

didn’t want to go again.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113


Reduce (contract) the underlined

part of the following sentences.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 114


1. After I read the chapter four times, I

finally understood the author’s



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 115


2. As I had plenty of time to spare, I

had a good look round the town.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116


3. Since Tom came here, he has learned a

lot of English.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 117


4. When Tom saw his wife and child get

off the airplane, he broke into a big



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 118


5. Because we were enjoying the cool

evening breeze and listening to thesounds of nature, we lost track of


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 119


6. Jennifer looked in the rearview mirror

before she drove onto the main road.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 120


7. When Sam reread the figures, he

found that he had made a mistake.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121


8. Before he became vice-president of

marketing and sales, Peter McKayworked as a sales representative.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122


9. Since I had been out all day, I was

quite happy to stay in for the


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123


10. I have changed my job since I last

wrote to you.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 127


14. He bowed his head when he met

the King.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 128


15. While I was living in Cambodia last

year , I learned many things about

Cambodian customs.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 129


16. You should always read a contract

before you sign your name.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130


17. After he finished breakfast, he left

the house and went to his office.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131


18. Because she is a vegetarian, she

does not eat meat.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132


19. Mrs. Alexander nearly fainted when

she learned that she had won the



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 133


20. While Joe was driving to work

yesterday, he had an accident.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 134

Thank you for your enjoining!

See you next lesson!

The end





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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1



NutritionSciences 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Lesson 9



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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4

L e s s on 9:G E N ET I C AL L Y



New words



Word study

Structure study

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

New wordsBiotechnology [,baiətek'nlədi]:

công nghê sinh học


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

Insect (n) /'insekt/Insect (n) /'insekt/Insect (n)


Insect (n)


Côn trùngCôn trùng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

Hepatitis /hepə'taitis/:bệnh viên gan

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

Sequence (n) /'si:kwəns/Sequence (n) /'si:kwəns/

Sequence (n)


Sequence (n)




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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

Resistance (n) /ri'zistəns/Resistance (n) /ri'zistəns/Resistance (n)



Resistance (n)


Sự đề khángSự đề kháng

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

D e t ail ( a)   /'di : t ei l  /

D e t ail ( a)   /'di : t ei l  /Detail (a)


Detail (a)

/'di:teil/nhiều chi tiếtnhiều chi tiết

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

 Analyze (v)/'ænəlaiz/

 Analyze (v)/'ænəlaiz/

Analyze (v)

/'ænəlaiz/phân tích


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

Trial (n) /'traiəl/Trial (n) /'traiəl/

Trial (n)


Trial (n)


sự xem


sự xem


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17

Principal (n) /'prinsəpəl/Principal (n) /'prinsəpəl/

Principal (n)


Principal (n)








GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18


Herbicide (n)


Herbicide (n)



diệt cỏ



t cỏ


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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19

Insecticide (n)/in'sektisaid/

Insecticide (n)/in'sektisaid/

Insecticide (n)


Insecticide (n)



trừ sâu


trừ sâu

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20


 A genetically modified food is a foodproduct containing some quantity ofany genetically modified organismas an ingredient.

I. Presentation2. Presenting

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21

o ec no ogy gene cmodification’

o ec no ogy gene cmodification’

- Although ‘biotechnology’ & ‘geneticmodification’ commonly are usedinterchangeably,

-genetic modification is a special set oftechnologies alter genetic makeup ofsuch living organisms:+ animals+ plants+ or bacteria


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22





GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

Biotechnology, a more generalterm, refers to using livingorganisms or their components,such as enzymes, to makeproducts that include wine,cheese, beer, and yogurt.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24





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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25




GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26

Recombinant DNA technology

Combining genes from differentorganisms is known as recombinantDNA technology, and the resultingorganism is said to be ‘geneticallymodified’, ‘genetically engineered’, or‘transgenic’.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

Modified products

Genetically modified products (currentor in the pipeline) include medicines

and vaccines, foods and foodingredients, feeds, and fibers.



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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28

D N A St r u ct ur e

DNA Structure

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29

Extraction from a cell

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30

Locating genes for importanttraits – such as those conferring

insect resistance or desirednutrients – is one of the mostlimiting steps in the process.

Locating genes


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31

However, genome sequencingand discovery programs forhundreds of different organismsare generating detailed mapsalong with data-analyzingtechnologies to understand anduse them.

Genome sequencing

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32

Transgenic crops are growncommercially or in field trials in over40 countries & on 6 continents.

Transgenic crops

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33

In 2000, about 109.2 million acres(442,000 km²) were planted withtransgenic crops, the principalones being herbicide- &insecticide-resistant soybeans,corn, cotton, & canola.

442,000 km² of transgenic crops


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34

Other crops grown commercially or

field-tested are sweet potato resistantto virus could destroy most of Africanharvest, rice with increased iron &vitamins may alleviate chronicmalnutrition in Asian countries, &varietyof plants able to survive weatherextremes

Other crops

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35


On the horizon are bananas thatproduce human vaccines againstinfectious diseases such ashepatitis B.

On t hehor   iz o n ar e b ananas

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36

Fish; fruit & nut trees

• Fish mature more quickly• Fruit nut trees yield years earlier • Plants produce new plastics with

unique properties.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37

The UnitedStates


 Argentina 23%

Canada 7%

China 1%

Countries grew 99% of globaltransgenic crops

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

 Although growth is expected to plateauin industrialized countries, it isincreasing in developing countries.

Growth in developing countries

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39

exponential progress

Next decade will see exponentialprogress in genetically modified product

development as researchers gainincreasing & unprecedented access togenomic resources are applicable toorganisms beyond scope of individualprojects.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40

Technologies for genetically modifyingfoods offer dramatic promise formeeting some areas of greatestchallenge for 21st century.

Technologies for modifying food

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

Like all new technologies, they alsopose some risks, both known andunknown.

Some risks

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42

• Labeling• Consumer choice

• Intellectual property rights• Ethics• Food security• Poverty reduction• Environmental conservation

Labeling & consumer choice


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43


• Answer the questions aboutthe reading

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44

1. What is a genetically modified food?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45

2. What is biotechnology?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46

Give some examples of geneticallymodified product?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47

3. What do you think the greatestbenefits of genetically modified foodare?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

4. What are some controversiessurrounding genetically modifiedfoods?


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

5. What are some controversiessurrounding genetically modifiedfoods?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

True - False

• Write T if the sentence is true and F ifit is false

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

1. …….. Recombinant DNA technologyrefers to the combination of genesfrom different organisms.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

2. ………. Wheat with increased ironand vitamins may alleviate chronicmalnutrition in Asian countries.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

3. ………. We have known all the risksposed by technologies for geneticallymodifying foods.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

4. ………. Genetically modifiedbananas can produce humanvaccines against infectious diseases.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

5. …….. Genetically modified plantscan produce new plastics with uniqueproperties.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

Vocabulry3. VOCABULARY

Fill in these statements with the wordsin the box

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

Fill in these statements with thewords in the box

bộ genGenome

công nghệ sinh họcBiotechnology

cây trồngCrops

bản chấtIntrinsic

chất gây dị ứngAllergenvề mặt di truyền họcGenetically

có tính cách bắt buộcMandatory

số mũEnzyme, exponential

cấu trúc, thành phầnMakeup


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

1. If a plant or animal is …………engineered, some of its genes havebeen changed artificially.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

2. Genetic modification is a special setof technologies that alter the genetic………of such living organisms asanimals, plants, or bacteria.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

3. .......................is the use of livingcells and bacteria in industrial andscientific processes.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

4. There has been an……………increase in worldpopulation this century.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

5. The human ……………project is anattempt to produce a map of all thegenetic information in the humanbody.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

6. An………, but which is harmlessto most people.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

7. It is immoral to treat animals as ifthey had no …………value.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

8. Athletes must undergo a………….. drugs test beforecompeting in the championship.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

9. The main …….... grown forexport are coffee and rice.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

10. An ………. in the saliva of themouth starts the process ofbreaking down the food.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68




B. -Y, -TY, -ITY

C. –Y


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69

Word study A: WORD FORMS

Exercise: Study the list of verbs, nouns,and adjectives. Notice howthey are related to eachother..


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

Word study A: WORD FORMS

Then choose the correct word for eachsentence. Use a word from line 1 insentence, and so on. Make the nounsplural it necessary

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71


Compete Competition Competitive

Refrigerate Refrigerator Refrigerated

 Announce Announcement

Poison Poison Poison/poisonous

Unite Union United

Decide decision decisive

Store storage storage

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

1. Tom is very he ………… entersevery competition he can and healways wants to be the winner.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

2. You can't keep milk in the cupboard.you must it, or it………………. willturn bad.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

3.The president of the internationalstudent organization made animportant united at the meeting lastnight. She ………………. that therewill be a big party next Saturday.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

4. Some plants are suitable for humansto eat. Other plants are ……….. . Ifyou eat them, you might die.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

8.Scientists say tears contain …………that your needs to get rid of. they sayit's good to cry sometimes.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

9.I hope the teacher doesn't ask me aquestion in class today, because Ididn't finish my homework last night.If she call on me, I will be very……………. because I won't knowthe answer.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

10.This ………….is not sweet enough.if we add a little more sugar, it willtaste better.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82

B: -Y, -TY, -ITY





GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83

B: -Y, -TY, -ITY

Difficult + -y = Difficulty

• Certain + -ty = Certainty

• Safe + -ty = Safety

• Special + -ty = Specialty

• Ability + -ity = Ability

• Electric + -ity = Electricity

• Equal + -ity = Equality

• Popular + -ity = Popularity

• Human + -ity = Humanity

• Similar + -ity = Similarity

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

B: -Y, -TY, -ITY

Exercise: Choose the best noun

from the chart for each sentence


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85

1. Amnesty international is trying to

improve the lives of all……………this organization tries tomake life better and more peacefulfor all people in the world.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86

2. In many countries, people of differentraces and religions don't have equalrights society. People are still fightingfor ………..

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87

3. Factories should provide better………….. for the workers to help

improve electricity and preventaccidents.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88

4. Third word countries have difficult

providing food, housing and medicalcare for all people. It is difficult forthese countries because their…………. …have very little money.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89

5. My brother studied engineering atthe university. He has an …………inchemical engineering because hestudied in a special program for it.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90

6. Name one ………… between life inCanada and life in the United States.

These two countries are not verydifferent.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91

7. If you study English for severalyears, you be able to speak it well.this ……….. can help you find agood job.

Exercise: Choose the best noun fromthe chart for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

C. -Y

• In English we can add – y to someto make adjectives

• Look at the examples :• Form:

• Ex:Syrup + - y = syrupy

Noun + - y = adjective

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

C. -Y

The mixture is heated until it becomesa syrupy liquidSpelling notes:


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94

C. -Y

If a noun ends in silent e, drop the e

before adding y If a noun ends in consonant – vowel –

consonant and is a one – syllable word,

double the final consonant before

adding y 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95

C. -Y

Here are two examples:Lace ( drop the e ) → LacyFun ( double the n ) → Funny

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96


• Add – y to each noun to makeadjective.

• Remember to follow the spellingrules.

• Then choose the best adjective foreach sentence


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97

Exercise• Sun → sunny

• Wind → windy

• Juice → juicy

• Rain → rainny

• Snow → snowy

• Cloud → cloudy

• Ice → icy

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98

Exercise1. Last night the wind started to blow

and it started to rain. It neverstopped. It has been ……....... And……….. all day today, too

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99

Exercise2. In summer, the weather is usually

warm and…………In fact, the sunshines almost every day


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100

Exercise3. Be careful if you drive a car in winter.

Sometimes water on the roads

‘freezes and the roadsbecome………….

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101

Exercise4. Oranges and lemons are two fruits

with lots of juice. A banana isdifferent. It is not ………

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102

Exercise5. Sometimes in winter it is a difficult to

see far away because the sky is fullof snow and covered clouds. But I

like…………. and…………. daysbecause everything looks very whiteand peaceful


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103

Exercise5. Sometimes in winter it is a difficult to

see far away because the sky is full

of snow and covered clouds. But Ilike…………. and…………. daysbecause everything looks very whiteand peaceful

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104


Several words in English end in thesuffix –ever. Look at these words andtheir meanings. Then choose the bestword for each sentence

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105


• Whatever = anything• Whoever = anyone• Whenever= any time• Wherever = any place


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106


1. We can leave the party……….........

you like. I don’t care what time we gohome

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107


2. I lent my book to someone in class,but I forget who. Would…………...has it place return it to me ?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108


3. Tonight is my birthday, and I amtaking you out to dinner. You canorder…..................you like. I’mhaving spaghetti.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109


4. You can go……………....you like on

vacation if you have a lot of money.Some places are expensive

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110



Past participle in place of thepassive

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111

Past participle in passive

1. As he was loved by all who knew

him, he devoted his life to others.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112

Past participle in passive

2. Although it was intended to be a

nice surprise, the party was notwhat I wanted at all.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113

Past participle in passive

3. If I am accepted for the job, I’ll haveto start at the beginning of nextmonth.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 114

Past participle in passive

4. After the manuscript had been lostfor many year, it suddenly turned upagain.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 115

Past participle in passive

5. Once the brain is deprived of

oxygen, it dies.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 116


following after, before, when, since,

while, on, by

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 117


1. After it was cleaned the bike locked as

good as new.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 118


2. He did military service before wasadmitted into university.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 119


3. When he was being questioned , hesuddenly burst into tears.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 120

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

1. When he was being questioned, he

suddenly burst into tears.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 121

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

2. Because I was exhausted throughlack of sleep, I feel asleep at mydesk.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 122

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

3. Although it was written many yearsago, the book is still relevant today.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 123

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

3. After he was released from prison,

 Andy could not find a job anywhere.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 124

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

4. Since I was promoted, I’ve had notime to go out.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 125

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

5. When it is seen from the outside, thebuilding looks a mess, but it is lovelyinside.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 126

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

6. Although he was ridiculed by

everybody, he continued to pursuehis bizarre projects.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 127

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

7. When British people are introduced,they often shake hands.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 128

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

8. After the concert had been delayedfor hour, it started at nine o’clock.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 129

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

9. When we were informed the flight

would be delayed, we made otherarrangements.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 130

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

10. Although it was built years ago, itwas in good condition.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 131

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

11. If you are accepted for the job, youwill be informed soon.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 132

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

12. If you are accepted for the job, you

will be informed soon.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food science 3 -

Lesson 9

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 133

Reduce (contract) the underlinedpart of the following sentences

13. When the poem is read aloud it isvery effective.

GV Đặng Trang ViễnNgọcNGUYEN THI NO


Thank you for your enjoining!See you next lesson!

The end


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 1



GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

Lecturer : Đặng Trang Viễn NgọcPG in EnglishPG in Business AdministrationMa in Comparative Linguistics


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

Tháp cân đối dinh dư ỡng


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 4







GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 5

1. N ew words 1. NEW WORDS

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 6

nông nghiệp

 Agricultural (a)[,ægri'k lt∫ərəl]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 7

Sản xuất, chế tạo

Manufacture (n)[,mænju'fækt∫əd

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 8

hình thái

Complex (n)[k əm'plek ∫n]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 9

cách thức giớithiệu

Packaging (n)['pækidiη]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 10

Bản kê (thú nuôi)

Inventory (n)[in'ventri]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 11

sự vận chuyển

Transportation (n)[træns'p:tid]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 12

phương pháp

Methods (n)['meθəd]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 13

vật nuôi

Livestock (n)['laivstk]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 14

cơ quan

Institutional (a)[,insti'tju:∫ənl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 15

hầu nhưchắc chắn

Probably (adv)['prbəbli]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 16

2. Presen ti ng

2. Presenting

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 17


The food industry comprises allbusiness operations that are involved inproducing a raw food material,processing it, and distributing it to salesoutlets.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 18


   R  E

  S  E


  T  A

  T  I




The entire complex of the industry includes: farmsand ranches; producers of raw materials, such asphosphates, for agricultural use; water-supplysystems; food-processing plants; manufacturers ofpackaging materials and food-processing andtransportation



8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 19


presen ting

Equipment; transportation systems; andretail stores and food-service operations suchas restaurants, institutional feedingcommissaries, and vending machine services.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 20

  P   R  E  S  E  N  T  A  T  I   O  N :

The organized trading and transport of salt,spices, grain, olive oil, fermented beverages,and other foods have probably beenpracticed almost since the time of the firstagricultural surpluses.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 21






Inventories of livestock and foodstuffs areamong the first written records. However,until modern reservation methods weredeveloped, the kinds of foods that could betraded were limited to those which did notspoil quickly.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 22

Most food-processing operations seem tohave begun as extensions of kitchenpreparation techniques, scaled up to furnishenough surplus product to be bartered or

sold outside the household


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 23

Enlargement of a business entailed simplybuilding more or larger processingequipment – oil presses, baking ovens, orwine vats. Gradual improvements in designwere made to increase yields or improvequality.

baking ovenwine vat

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 24

This was the general pattern until theIndustrial Revolution, when major qualitativechanges began to be made in foodprocessing and distribution operations.

distribution processing


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 25

Not only were factories greatly enlarged andmuch of the manual labor replaced bymachinery, but entirely new principles ofprocessing, such as canning and spray

drying, were invented.

machinery can

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 26


Channels of distribution became much morecomplex and extended, and specialtechniques for retaining quality were used,for example, shipping by means ofrefrigerated railroad cars


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 27

The present-day industry slowly took shapeas it responded to ever-growing agriculturalsurpluses, to advances in transportation, andto the enormous changes made possible bythe growth in processing technologies



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 28


Farmers, ranchers, other producers ofagricultural raw materials, and feedlotoperators usually sell their output to

collection points, such as grain terminals orstockyards


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 29



The terminal or stockyard supplies theprocessing companies, which select neededraw materials from the available stock andprocess them either into finished foodstuffs

 – cuts of meat, for example – or into foodingredients, such as flour.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 30








From the final processor, finished food productsare moved by truck or rail to warehouses, usuallylocated near a city. Most modern warehouses havestorage areas for frozen and refrigerated d foodand are equipped to control temperature andhumidity within a narrow range



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 31



Ware houses can assemble full truckloads ofproducts originating from many differentsuppliers for shipment to one large retaileror to a number of smaller outlets in a given


Ware houses

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 32



 Allowing a great reduction in unittransportation costs as compared toshipping a small quantity of one itemdirectly from the producer to the retailer


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 33






If the retail outlet is large enough to acceptcomplete truckloads directly from themanufacturer, direct shipments from thefactory are sometimes made.

factory truckload


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 34






Processors of perishable foods (dairies, ice-cream manufacturers, wholesale breadbakeries, and meat-packers) usuallymaintain their own fleets of trucks for

carrying fresh products directly to theirretailer customers.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 35






Truck drivers from bakeries and dairies mayalso service retail outlets by rotating stockand picking up stale products and returningthem to the factory

Truck driver 

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 36








Restaurants and institutional commissariespurchase staples and nonperishable foodsfrom the warehouses of specializeddistributors, but they also receive directshipment from dairies, bakeries, and meat-packers.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 37


 Answer the questions about thereading.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 38

1. What does the food industryconsist of?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 39






2. When did the organized trading & transportof salt, spices, grain, olive oil, fermentedbeverages, & other foods begin?


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 40






3. What do the processing companiesterminals or stockyards supply do?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 41

4. When can direct shipments fromthe factory to retailers be made?

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 42


1. _____ Most food-processing

operations seem to have begunas extensions of kitchenpreparation techniques.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 43


2. _____ Farmers, ranchers, andother producers of agriculturalraw materials seldom sell theiroutput to grain terminals orstockyards.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 44


3. _____ In the past, the kinds offoods that could be traded werelimited to those which did notspoil quickly.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 45


4. _____ Processors of perishable

foods usually hire fleets oftrucks for carrying freshproducts directly to their retailercustomers.


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 46


5. _____ Restaurants receivedirect shipment from dairies,bakeries, and meat-packers.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 47


Fill in these statements with thewords in the box.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 48

Sự lên men

ferment (n)['f ə:ment]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 49

Bể lớn (ư ớp, ủ, …)

 Vats (n)[væt]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 50

Sân nhốt gia súcphân loại gia súc

Stockyard (n)['stkj:d]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 51

Nơi dự trữchế biến

dairy (n)['deəri]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 52

còn sốngcòn nguyên chất

raw (a) [r:]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 53

Lư ợng thặng dư 

Surplus (n)['sə:pləs]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 54

 Vô số

Multiplicity (n)[,mlti'plisiti]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 55

thương nghiệp hóa

Commercialized (a)[k ə'mə:∫əlized]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 56

sự đơn

giản hóa

Oversimplification (n)[,ouvə,simplifi'kei∫n]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 57

kém giáo dục

Underducated (a)['ndə(r)'ədju:keitid]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 58

làm nản lòng

Discourage (v)[dis'k rid]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 59

không có

tính gây chiến

Non-warlike (a)[non war:laik]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 60

ngư ời lập trình

programmer (n)['prougræmə]


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 61

không nhận ra

unrecognizable (a)[,n'rek əgnaizəbl]

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 62

1. Sushi is a Japanese dish madefrom …………… fish.

Sushi fish

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 63

2. You make wine by leaving grape juice to …………… until all thesugar has turned to alcohol.

grape Grape juice


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 64

3. Farers are feeding all their…………… wheat to pigs


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 65

4. A …………… is a place where farmanimals are kept for a short time beforethey are sold at a market.

farm animals

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 66

5. The wines used to be made in deepwooden …………….



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 67

6. While we were camping we boughtour milk from a nearby farm……………. dairy

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 68







GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 69



Study the words in the list. Notice

how they are related to eachother. Then choose the best wordto complete each sentence. Use aword from line 1 insentence 2,and so on.



8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 70

 Verb Noun Adjective

1. die death dead2. decorate decoration —3.  — cruelty cruel4. describe description descriptive5. breathe breath —6. compute computer/computation —

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 71

1. President John F. Kennedy is ………………He ………… in 1963. Thousands of peoplewent to his funeral.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 72

2. In Canada and the United States, manypeople ……………………a tree with lightsand colorful decorations for Christmas.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 73

3. For your homework tonight, write a …………of your home town. Tell how it looks, whereyou like to go, and why you like it.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 74

4. When people swim under water, they musthold their…………… Fish can breathe underwater, but humans cannot

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 75

5. If you have a small calculator, you can………… your grocery bill while you are in thestore.


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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 79

3. There is a ………..… of problems in ThirdWorld countries, such as poor livingconditions, few jobs, and very little medicalcare for people.


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 80

4. Another problem in Third World countriesis that most of the people are ……………….because they quit school at an early ageto get jobs


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 81

5. Carl is a computer ……………… for a largecompany. He writes programs forbusinesses and industries.



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 82


In English, we can add the suffix -ous and -liketo some nouns to make adjectives. Words thatend in -ous mean “full of something.” Here is anexample: Our classroom is very spacious. (fullof space)Words that end in -like mean “similar to,” or

 “like.” Here is an example: The painting thatSimon made is very lifelike

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 83



Spelling Note: If a noun ends in silent e  ,drop the e before adding the suffix -ous .There are no spelling changes when you

add the suffix -like .

Exercise: Add the correct suffix toeach noun in the chart.

-ous -like

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 84

C. -SH I P , -O U S , -L I K E noun adjective

Life lifelikeWar warlike

Child childlike

noun adjective

Joy joyousFame famous

danger dangerousPoison poisonous



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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 2

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 85



Now choose the best adjective tocomplete each sentence.

1. Some plants are very ……….… to eat. Infact, if you eat a ………..… plant, youcould become sick or even die.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 86



2. Holidays are usually ……….… times. Peopledon’t have to work, and everyone celebratesand is happy.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 87






3. Albert Einstein is a ……… scientist. Mostpeople in the world know who he was.


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GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 88






4. Eskimo carvings are very…….…. Theylook exactly like living animals.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 89


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 90


If a negative adverb or adverbial expression isput at the beginning of a clause for emphasis, it

is usually followed by auxiliary verb + subject.Under no circumstances can we cash checks.

Not until he received her letter did he fullyunderstand the depth of her feelings .

Hardly had I arrived when trouble started .


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 427/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 91






Not only did we lose our money, but wewere nearly killed.

Seldom have I seen such a remarkable

creature.No sooner had I closed the door than

somebody knocked.

Exercise: Rewrite these sentencesbeginning with the words in brackets

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 92

1. I had hardly closed my eyes when thephone rang. (Hardly …)

Phone rang

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 93

2. We no sooner sat down in the train than Ifelt sick. (No sooner …)

Felt sick


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

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English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 94



3. There has never been so much protestagainst land mines. (Never …)


GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 95

4. I realized what had happened only later.(Only later …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 96



5. You shouldn’t answer the door when I’mout in any circumstances. (In nocircumstances …)


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 429/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 97



6. You shouldn’t sign the document on anyaccount. (On no account …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 98






7. I have never seen such a big tree. (Never…)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 99






8. We are not taking applications for thatposition any longer. (No longer …)


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 430/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 100



9. You can hardly ever see such a spectacularsight. (Hardly ever …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 101



10. Billy does not only sings, but he alsoplays the piano and writes his ownsongs. (Not only …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 102



In formal styles, if in an if -clause can bedropped and an auxiliary verbput before the subject. This happens withwere, had and should.

Were she my daughter,… (If she were mydaughter, …) 

Had I realized what you intended, …(If Ihad realized …) 

Should you change your mind, …If youshould change…) 

Had we not changed our reservations,…(Ifwe hadn’t changed …) 


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 431/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 103




Rewrite these sentences beginning withthe words in brackets.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 104


Rewrite these sentences beginning withthe words in brackets.

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 105



1. If the boss were to come in now, wewould be in real trouble. (Were …)


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 432/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 106



2. If he should be late, we’ll have to startwithout him. (Should …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 107






3. If you had worked harder, you wouldhave passed your exam. (Had …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 108






4. If I were rich, I would spend all mytime traveling. (Were …)


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 433/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 3

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 109



5. If my mother had been alive, shewould have been 80 next year. (Had…)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 110



6. If you should run into Peter, tell himhe owes me a letter. (Should …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 111



7. If I hadn’t been so tired, I might haverealized what was happening. (Had …)


8/12/2019 English for nutrition & food sciences, Tác giả: Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc, Nguồn gốc: Trường ĐH Công nghiệp Tp.HCM,…

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/english-for-nutrition-food-sciences-tac-gia-dang-trang-vien-ngoc 434/434

English for Nutrition & Food Sciences 3- Lesson 10

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 112



8. If her nose were a little shorter, shewould be quite pretty. (Were …)

GV Đặng Trang Viễn Ngọc 113



9. If you should happen to finish early,give me a ring. (Should …)

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