english grammar series

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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The complete cheat sheet for English Grammar for class X students of AP and Telangana. It gives all the techniques of answering the questions related to the grammar part of Paper - I of English , English medium.



S.S.C IF Conditionals Cheat Sheet

Observe these models and try to answer the next exercise for clear identification and understanding the question in the examination hall :


Observe : I don’t have money. So, I cannot give you any. Ans : If I have money, I can give you any.

“don’t” is omitted and “cannot” became “can”.Now try these . . .

1. I don’t have a car. So, I cannot give you a ride.2. I don’t have time. So, I cannot accept the job.3. I don’t think you have enough money. So, you cannot buy this.4. I don’t eat outside food. So, I cannot come with you.5. I don’t remember the answer. So, I cannot write it.6. I don’t know you. So, I cannot pay the cash to you.7. I don’t have a ladder. So, I cannot climb over the wall.8. I don’t study well. So, I cannot secure good marks.9. I don’t know driving. So, I cannot ride the bicycle.


Observe : You did not inform me. So, I did not wait for you. Ans : If you had informed me, I would have waited for you.“( did not” in the first clause changed to “had” and in the second clause to “would have” and verbs immediately followed it were changed to past participle. )Now try these . . .

1. Arun did not study well. So, he did not get a good job.2. Sita did not study well. So, she did not get a good rank.3. You did not invite me. So, I did not attend your birthday party.4. The driver did not see the signal. So, he did not stop the train.5. They did not know your number. So, they did not ring.6. The champion did not take the game seriously. So, he did not win it.7. She did not put her hand up. So, the bus did not stop.

Observe : I did not have enough money. So, I did not buy the book. Ans : If I had had enough money, I would have bought the book.


Observe : He didn’t study well. He failed. Ans : If he had studied well, he wouldn’t have failed.

“Didn’t” or “did not” changes to “had” in the first clause and into “wouldn’t have” or “would not have” in the second clause respectively.

Now try these . . .1. Kavita did not prepare for the exams. So, she failed.2. Swamy did not take the medicines regularly. So, he fell ill again.3. The gatekeeper did not close the gate. The accident happened.4. She did not carry her driving license. She had to pay a fine.


Was, were changes to had not been ; was not, weren’t to had been ; is , is not to weren’t, were ; will to would and could, couldn’t to could not , could.

Observe : I was held up in the traffic jam. So, I missed the train. Ans : If I had not been held up in the traffic, I would not have missed the trainObserve : You were very slow, So, You couldn’t finish the job in time. Ans : If you had not been very slow, you could have finished the job in time.

Now try these . . .1. He was not careful. So, he could not avoid the accident.2. Renu did not pay the fee. So, she was not allowed to write the examinations.3. Mala is not here. She will not approve of what you are doing.


Observe : The doctor came late. The patient died. Ans : If the doctor had not came late, the patient would not have died.

This is an example of cause and effect.Now try these . . .1. She went late. She could not get a ticket.2. Renu missed the train. So, she could not attend the interview.3. He came to the function late. He did not meet the chief guest.4. The doctor arrived too late, He could not save the old man.

MODEL : 6 “Unless” Observe : “Unless” you buy a ticket, you will not be allowed to travel by bus. Ans : If you did not buy a ticket, you will not be allowed to travel by bus. ( Or ) If you buy a ticket, you will be allowed to travel by bus.

“Unless” means “IF not”. We have to change “IF” into “Unless” and vice-versa and change the main clause into negative sense.

If the conditional express negative sense, the main clause should be remained as it is.

Now try these …1. Unless you study well, you cannot secure the highest marks.2. Unless you follow the road rules, you cannot drive safely.3. Unless you does not pay me, I don’t like to work.

MODEL : 6 “because “ Observe : They got the child alive from Naxals because they paid the ransom at once. Ans : If they had not paid the ransom at once, they would not have got the child alive from the naxals. Observe : He did not get to the top of his profession because his wife did not encouraged. Ans : If his wife had encouraged him, he would have got to the top of his profession.

MODEL : 7 “and” Observe : You come early and you can catch the train. Ans : If you have not come early, you cannot catch the train. (OR) If you do not come early, you cannot catch the train. Now try these . . .

1. He exhibits good workmanship and he can earn plenty of money.2. You study very well and you can secure good marks.3. You sing melodious songs and the audience will appreciate you.

DEGREES OF COMPARISONMODEL : 1 { Comparing two nouns only ; no superlative }Comparative : <Sub> + <Verb> + <comp-adj> + than + <Obj>.Positive : <Obj> + <Verb> + not as/so + <adj> + as + <Sub>

Eg : ( C ) The palm tree is taller than the Oak. (P) The Oak is not so tall as the palm. ( C ) A sings more melodiously than B (P) B does not sing as melodious than A.Try these . . .1. I am as strong as he. 2. This rajor is not as sharp as that.3. James is as clever as Harry. 4. Anitha is not so good a singer as Avanti.5. Elephants are stronger than horses. 6. This wooden box is bigger than that iron box.7. Nalini is not duller than Karuna. 8. Sita is not more intelligent than Sarala.9. The people of Nepal can climb the mountains faster than the Andhras.10. The dogs runs faster than the rabbits.

MODEL : 2 { Comparing one noun with more than two nouns }Positive : No other + <Sub> + <Verb> + so/as + adj + as + <Obj>Comparative : <Obj> + <Verb> + <comp-adj> + than any other + <Sub>Superlative : <Obj> + <Verb> + the + <super-abj> + <Sub>.

Eg: (P) No other town in India is as large as Calcutta. (P) No other metal is as useful as iron. (C) Calcutta is larger than any other town in India .(C) Iron is more useful than any other metal (S) Calcutta is the largest town in India. (S) Iron is the most useful metal.

Try these . . .1. Hero Honda is the best of two wheeler vehicle in India.

2. India is the holiest land in the world.3. Bangalore is the most beautiful city that we have ever seen.

4. China is the most populous city 5. No other religious book is so popular in India as “Gita”

6. No other bowler is so good as Ram.7. This is more interesting than any other novel I have read.

MODEL : 3 Positive : Very few + <Sub> + <Verb> + as + <adj> + as + <Obj>Comparative : <Obj> + <Verb> + <Comp-adj> + than most other + <Sub>Superlative : <Obj> + <verb> + one of the + <Super-adj> + <Sub>

Eg: ( P ) : Very few countries in the world are as noble as India. ( C ) : India is nobler than most( many ) other countries in the world. ( S ) : India is one of the noblest countries in the world.Try these . . .1.Very few kings were as great as Ashoka. 2. Very few athletes run as fast as Glenn.3.Bombay is richer than most other cities in India. 4. There are few districts in Inida so hot as Sind5. Madras is one of the biggest of Indian towns. 6. The Hindu is one of the best Indian dailies.

MODEL : 4Positive : Some other buildings in the city are at least as tall as Kiran.Comparative : Kiran is not taller than some other buildings in the city.Superlative : Kiran is not the tallest of all the buildings in the city.Try these . . .1. Harsha was not the greatest of all Indian kings.

2. Some beans are at least as nutritious as meat.

MODEL : 5Positive : Naomi is not so clever as some other girls of the class.Comp. : Naomi is less clever than some other girls of the class. (OR) Some girls of the class are cleverer than Naomi.Super. : Naomi is not the cleverest girls in the class.

Positive : None of the leaders is as simple as Gandhi.Comp. : Gandhi is simpler than any other of the leaders.Super. : Gandhi is the simplest of all the leaders.

USE OF CONJUNCTIONSUse of AND :-1. Rita is dancing. Sam is playing. Rita is dancing and Sam is playing.2. Father is working. Mother is cooking food. Father is working and Mother is cooking food.

Use of BUT :-1. I invited her to the party. She could not come. I invited her to the party but she could not come.2. Asif tried hard. He could not win the race. Asif tried hard but he could not win the race.

Use of ELSE, OR, UNLESS, OTHERWISE :- Try hard. You will lose the match. Try hard else you will lose the match. Try hard or you will lose the match. Unless you try hard, you will lose the match Try hard otherwise you will lose the match.

Use of SO, AS, SINCE, BECAUSE, THEREFORE :- His feet were hurt. He took off his shoes. Since his feet were hurt, he took off his shoes. As his feet were hurt, he took off his shoes.His feet were hurt therefore he took off his shoes. His feet were hurt so he took off his shoes.He took off his shoes because his feet were hurt.

Use Of THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, STILL :-He went to school. He was ill. He went to school though he was ill. He was ill still he went to school.Although he was ill, he went to school.

Use appropriate conjunction and join the following sentences :-

The cat is running after a rat. The rat enters the hole. He went to the shop. He did not buy anything.The child looks like a boy. She is a girl. John ran very fast. John did not win the race.You must run fast. You will miss the bus. Work hard. You will fail.He must tell the truth. He will be sacked from the office. Is it sugar ? Is it salt ?You will not pass your exams. If you do not work hard. He was ill. He went to play.He played in the rain. His mother had told him not to. He is very weak. He works hard.The thin boy is playing chess. The tall girl is playing chess. He could not win. He tried many times.


Read the following sentences : 1. He said, I write a letter.“ 2. He said that he wrote a letter. The above sentences are two ways in which you may report or narrate the words said by a speaker.In the first sentence, there are the exact words said by the speaker. This is “DIRECT speech”.In the second sentence, only the substance of what the speaker said is given and not the exact words. This is “INDIRECT speech”

Rules for changing DI into IDI :-

1. If the reporting verb is in the present or future sentence, the tense of the verb in the reported speech is not changed in the indirect speech.

He says, “I write a letter. “ He says that he writes a letter. She says, “ I am eating a fruit.” She says that she is eating a fruit. He says, “ I will go to school.” He says that he will go to school. He will say, “ I write a letter. “ He will say that he writes a letter. She will say, “ I have eaten upma. “ She will say that she has eaten upma.

2. If the reporting verb is in past tense, the verb in the reported speech is also changed to the past tense.

(i) Simple Present becomes Simple Past :He Said, “ I Write a letter.” He said that he wrote a letter.She said, “ I eat pdding.” She said that she ate pudding.

(ii) Present Continuous becomes Past Continuous :He said, “ I am writing a letter.” He said that he was writing a letter.She said, “ I am eating pudding.” She said that she was eating pudding.

(iii) Present perfect becomes Past perfectHe said, “ I have written a letter.” He said that he had written a letter.She said. “ I have eaten pudding.” She said that she had eaten pudding.

(iv) Simple Past becomes Past Perfect He said, “ Ravi collected rare stamps.” He said that ravi had collected rare stamps.She said, “ I told many jokes.” She said that she had told many jokes.

(v) Past Continuous becomes Perfect ContinuousHe said, “ I was reading a letter.” He said that he had been reading a letter.She said, “ I was singing a song.” She said that she had been singing a song.

(vi) May Might ; Can Could ; Shall Should ; Will wouldShe said, “ I may succeed.” She said that she might succeed.He said, “ I can win the prize.” He said that he could win the prize.He said, “ I will eat dinner.” He said that he would eat dinner.I said, “I shall try to sleep.” I said that I should try to sleep.

3. Reported speech is a universal fact. The teacher said, “ The sun rises in the east.” The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

4. Pronouns of the FIRST person in DI changes to the same person as the subject. Ravi said, “ I am happy.” Ravi said that he was happy. He said, “ I shall try. “ He said that he should try. I said, “ I will not be lazy.” I said that I would not be lazy.

Pronouns of the SECOND person in DI are changed to the same person that comes after the reporting verb in the IDI. ( said to told )

Ravi said to me, “ You are good boy.” Ravi told me that I was a good boy. Simi said to Ali, “ You are late.” Simi told Ali that he was late. Pronouns of the THIRD person in DI remains unchanged in the IDI. ( said to told )

Ravi said to me, “ He is well.” Ravi told me that he was well.

5. now then tomorrow the next day / the following day these those yesterday the day before / the previous day

this that last night the night before / the previous night here there today that day ago before

6. command / order reporting verb commanded / ordered request requested / begged advice advised ( in all the above cases the verb in the DI is in infinitive ) question enquired / asked * If or whether is used after the reporting verb. * No additional word is used in the rep. verb if the sentence begins with wh- or how exclamation exclaimed wish wished / desired / blessed / prayed

( Note :- The Reporting speech must always be enclosed within quotations )


Tense Active voice Passive voicePRESENT



I write an essay.I am writing an essay

I have written an essay

An essay is written by me.An essay is being written by me.

An essay has been written by me.




I wrote an essayI was writing an essay.

I had written an essay.

An essay was written by me.An essay was being written by me.An essay had been written by me



I will write an essayI will be writing an essay.

I will have written an essay.

An essay will be written by me.An essay will be being written by me.An essay will have been written by me.

ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE1. She can help me.2. Can you solve this sum ?3. We should obey our parents.

4. Should we help the poor ?5. May I have your book ?6. You must not lift this load.

I can be helped by her.Can this sum be solved by you ?Our parents should be obeyed by us.Should the poor be helped by us ?May your book be had by me ?This load must not be lifted by U

1. Post this letter. Let this letter be posted.

2. Carry out the orders.3. Lower the boats.4. Do not starve the cow.5. Please help me.6. Let him run a race.

Let the orders be carried out.Let the boats be lowered.Let the cow be not starved.You are requested to help me.Let a race be run by him.

1. Who teaches you English ?2. Who has done the mischief ?

3. Who will not like this story ?

4.Who can jump over this wall ?

5. Whom are you speaking to ?

By whom are you taught English ?By whom has this mischief been done ?By whom will this story be not liked ?By whom can this wall be jumped over ?Who is being spoken to by you ?



Type of Letter Salutation SubscriptionElder relatives Dear + relationship Yours lovingly,

Your loving son/daughterYounger relatives My dear + rel. Yours affectionately

Sincerely yoursVery close friend My dear + name Yours ever/lovinglyRather close friend Dear + name Yours friendlyAcquaintance Dear + Mr/Miss + name Yours sincerelyPurely official Sir / Madam Yours truly,/faithfullyUnrelated official Dear + Sir/Madam Yours faithfully/sincerelyRelated official Respected Sir/Madam, Yours Obediently

RELATED OFFICIALS : Principal, H.M, Town S.I .,UNRELATED OFFICIAL : Collector, Editor, Municipal ommissionerBUSINESS OFFICIALS : Proprietor of a company,Enterprise etc.,.Some beginnings and endings for scoring good marks in letter writing : Applying for a job :

B) With reference to your advertisement which appeared in the newspaper, I wish to submit myself as a candidate for the same.

(OR) I happened to see your advertisement in the newspapers calling for applications ------. I wish to apply for the same.

E) Kindly consider my application favourably and give me an opportunity to prove my skills of the job.

(OR) If given a chance, I assure you will work to the best of your satisfaction. Hoping for a favourable response.


I shall be much obliged if you can make it convenient to consider my candidature to the job in question.

Writing to the editor of a magazine / newspaper :

B) I crave the hospitality of the esteemed columns of your paper to draw the attention of the ____ to the ____ and the urgent need of _____.

(OR) Through the esteemed columns of your daily, I wish to draw the immediate attention of the ____ to the _____.

(OR) I beg, to draw your kind attention towards ______to be highlighted through the columns of your daily so that others become aware of the _.

(OR) I have the honour to bring to the notice of the concerned, certain things about __.

E) I hope the authorities will rise to the occasion and do the needful.(OR)

Kindly sound the concerned department and oblige. Thanking you,(OR)

In my humble opinion, things will certainly improve if strong steps are taken to fight the menace on the lines suggested above.

(OR) May I hope that the authorities concerned will realize the difficulties of the residents of this locality and come to their rescue.General endings :

I, therefore, approach your goodself with an earnest request to look into the matter and put more buses on this route.

Hoping to be favoured with an early reply.Kindly look into the matter at your earliest and oblige.Thanking you in anticipation.

PHONETIC SYMBOLS :- (a) consonants :Symbol Example Symbol Example Symbol Example /b/ back,pub,bubble /d/ day,did,wed // then /d3/ jump,judge /f/ five,stiff,rough /g/ gay,big /h/ hot,hotel /j/ yet,you,’u’ /k/ Chemistry,kite /l/ leaf,peel /m/ mug,sum /n/ number,name,pen // ing,sing,king /p/ pen,pipe /r/ red,fire /s/ seven,issue,kiss /∫/ sh,tion /t/ table,pit /t∫/ ch, chair,church /θ/ three,thin,path /v/ view,van,five /w/ war,when /z/ zoo,zero,bus /З/ vision,pleasure (b) vowelsSymbol Example Symbol Example Symbol Example /ǽ/ bag,album,man /ä/ calm,heart,art /O/ pot,notcaught,short /:כ/ /e/ bed,pen /δ/ ago,about

/ :/ bird,word /i/ pretty,ink /I:/ peel,leaf /u/ put /u:/ boot,shoe /^/ cut,but /ai/ kite,bite,my /au/ now,cow /∂I/ boy,oil /èà/ there,mayor /eI/ make,table,may /∂v/ post,note,phone /I∂/ here,hear,fear /v∂/ poor,tour

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