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    Research article

    Purication and physicochemical characterization of a serine protease with

    brinolytic activity from latex of a medicinal herb  Euphorbia hirta

    Girijesh Kumar Patel, Ashish Ashok Kawale, Ashwani Kumar Sharma*

    Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, India

    a r t i c l e i n f o

     Article history:

    Received 9 November 2011

    Accepted 7 December 2011

    Available online 13 December 2011


    CD studies

    Euphorbia hirta


    Fibrinogenolytic activity

    Fibrinolytic activity

    Kinetic studies

    a b s t r a c t

    A 34 kDa serine protease, designated as hirtin, with   brinolytic activity was puried to homogeneity

    from the latex of  Euphorbia hirta  by the combination of ion exchange and gel  ltration chromatography.

    The N-terminal sequence of hirtin was found to be YAVYIGLILETAA/NNE. Hirtin exhibited esterase and

    amidase activities along with azocaseinolytic, gelatinolytic,  brinogenolytic and  brinolytic activities. It

    preferentially hydrolyzed Aa and a-chains, followed by Bb and b, and g  and geg chains of  brinogen and

    brin clot respectively. The optimum pH and temperature for enzyme activity was found to be pH 7.2 and

    50   C respectively. Enzymatic activity of hirtin was signicantly inhibited by PMSF and AEBSF. It showed

    higher specicity for synthetic substrate   p-tos-GPRNA for thrombin. The CD spectra of hirtin showed

    a high content of  b-sheets as compared to  a-helix. The results indicate that hirtin is a thrombin-like

    serine protease and may have potential industrial and therapeutic applications.

     2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Blood coagulation and   brinolysis, involving a series of serine

    proteases, are two important processes associated with haemo-

    stasis and wound healing [1]. Fibrinogen is a heterotrimer protein

    having three subunits namely Aa, Bb and g. The Aa and Bb subunits

    are specically hydrolysed by the thrombin resulting the insoluble

    brin clot formation (a,   b   and   geg) at the   nal step of blood

    coagulation in response to an injury  [2]. Fibrinolysis dissolves the

    brin clot through the action of plasmin resulting in wound heal-

    ing. Fibrin clot formation and   brinolysis are tightly regulated

    processes. However, thrombotic disorders may occur in a condition

    when   brin hydrolysis does not take place. Intravascular throm-

    bosis resulting from brin aggregation in arteries is the main cause

    of cardiovascular disorders including myocardial infarction [3]. The

    brinolytic agents currently available for treatment of thrombosis

    are plasminogen activators such as tissue-type plasminogen acti-

    vators and urokinase-type plasminogen activators and all these

    agents exhibit undesirable side effects. Therefore, the search for

    other  brinolytic enzymes as therapeutic agents for treatment of 

    thrombotic disorders from diverse sources is needed. Previously,

    many proteases affecting coagulation and   brinolysis have been

    studied from various sources including plants [4e6], annelids [7,8],

    insects  [9], snake venom   [10,11], bacteria  [12]  and recently from

    Korean mushroom [13].

    Plant latex is rich source of multiple proteases belonging mainly

    to cysteine or serine super family [5,14]. They have been reported

    from different plant families including Asclepiadaceae, Apocynaceae,

    Moraceae, and Euphorbiaceae [15]. Earlier, many proteases from the

    latex of different species of  Euphorbia  genus have been reported

    [16]. In recent years, proteases affecting coagulation and   brino-

    lysis have been isolated and characterized from plant latex partic-ularly from  Euphorbiaceae  family   [4,14]. Traditionally, the lattices

    from different plants have been used to stop bleeding which has

    been attributed to presence of proteases having ability to affect

    blood coagulation.

    Euphorbia hirta, belonging to  Euphorbiaceae   family, is a small,

    herbaceous wild plant with great medicinal value. Traditionally, the

    plant has been used for the treatment of respiratory ailments and

    gastrointestinal disorders   [17]. Many organic compounds have

    been isolated and characterized from this plant such as  avonoids,

    polyphenols, tannins, triterpenes, phytosterols  [18]. It is reported

    that the plant extract have anti-allergic, anti-inammatory  [19],

     Abbreviations:  BSA, bovine serum albumin; BAEE, N-benzoyl- L -arginine ethyl

    ester; BTEE, N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine ethyl ester; BAPNA, N-benzoyl-L -arginine- p-

    nitroanilide; BTNA, N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine p-nitroanilide;  p-tos-GPRNA, N- p-tosyl-L -

    Gly-L -Pro-L -Arg   p-nitroanilide; AAPF, N-succinyl-L -Ala-L -Ala-L -Pro-L -Phe- p-nitro-

    anilide; AAPL, N-succinyl-L -Ala-L -Ala-L -Pro-L -Leu- p-nitroanilide; AAA, N-succinyl-L -

    Ala-L -Ala-L -Ala- p-nitroanilide; AAV, N-succinyl-L -Ala-L -Ala-L -Val- p-nitroanilide;

    PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonyluoride; AEBSF, Aminoethyl-benzene sulfonyl  uoride

    hydrochloride; EDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; IAA, Iodoacetic acid; E64, 1-

    trans-epoxysuccinylleucylamide(4-guanidino)butane-N-[N-( L -3-trans-carboxyir-

    ane-2-carbonyl)- L -leucyl] agimatine; SDS, Sodium dodecyl sulphate; CBB R-250,

    Coomassie brilliant blue R-250.

    *   Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 1332 285657; fax:  þ91 1332 273560.

    E-mail addresses:  aksbsfbs@yahoo.co.in,  aksbsfbs@iitr.ernet.in (A.K. Sharma).

    Contents lists available at  SciVerse ScienceDirect

    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :   w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m/ l o c a t e / p l a p h y

    0981-9428/$ e  see front matter    2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 52 (2012) 104e111


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    antimicrobial [20], diuretic and antidiabetic activity [21]. Till date,

    no protein has been characterized and this is the  rst protein re-

    ported from this plant. The present work describes the purication

    and characterization of a novel thrombin-like serine protease,

    designated as hirtin, with  brinolytic and  brinogenoltic activities

    from the latex of  E. hirta.

    2. Result and discussion

     2.1. Puri cation and SDS-PAGE analysis of hirtin

    A new  brinolytic serine protease named as hirtin was puried

    from the latex of  E. hirta by the combination of Q sepharose anion

    exchange and Superdex 200 gel   ltration chromatography. The

    crude milky latex, full of the gum and waxy contents, was frozen

    at 20   C for 20 h and thawed on ice and centrifuged. The cleared

    supernatant of latex, after centrifugation and   ltration with

    0.45   mm syringe   lter, was used as crude enzyme solution and

    loaded on to a pre-equilibrated Q sepharose fast   ow column.

    Bound proteins were eluted with a linear salt gradient of 0e0.5 M

    NaCl. The fractions having proteolytic activity were eluted at

    150 mM NaCl in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.2 withslight impurity. For further purication and molecular weight

    determination, dialysed and concentrated protein sample was

    loaded onto a pre-equilibrated HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 column

    (16    600 mm, GE Healthcare). The protein was eluted with the

    same buffer at a   ow rate of 0.5 mL min1 with the retention

    volume of 75.25 mL. The protein was concentrated and stored for

    further use. The purication results of hirtin are summarized

    (Table 1). The activity yield of the puried enzymewas calculated to

    be 38.4% with the specic activity of 8.24 activity units mg1 min1

    under the optimal assay conditions using BAEE as a substrate. The

    fold purication of enzyme is less (3.39) than the expected value

    which may be due to presence of the other proteases in the crude

    extract of latex and also due to the loss of the activity during

    purication, dialysis and concentration of hirtin. The fold puri-cation and yield of hirtin are comparable to other serine proteases

    like Dubiumin, Milin and Cryptolepain   [22e24]. The relative

    molecular mass and purity of hirtin was analysed on 12% SDS-PAGE

    under reducing condition. The apparent molecular mass was found

    to be 34 kDa on SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1a) while on gel  ltration column,

    the molecular weight was determined to be 37.4 kDa by comparing

    with gel  ltration molecular weight standards. SDS-PAGE and gel

    ltration chromatography results indicate that hirtin is a mono-

    meric protein (Fig. 1b) as it exhibit single band indicating high

    purity. Literature survey revealed that nearly all plant serine

    proteases are glycoprotein. The difference in molecular weight as

    determined by reducing PAGE and gel   ltration chromatography

    may be either due to the destruction of glycosylated moiety during

    boiling before loading protein sample onto SDS-PAGE or thedestruction of weak interactions which facilitate the increased

    mobility under reducing condition on SDS-PAGE. So, the apparent

    molecular mass of hirtin, used in different biochemical calculations

    was assumed to be 34 kDa. The molecular mass of the known serine

    proteases from plant origin vary from 19 to 110 kDa and majority of 

    them are found to be in between 60 and 80 kDa. The molecular

    mass of most serine proteases reported from the  Euphorbiaceae

    family has been found in the range 43e74 kDa [25].  Some of the

    brinolytic proteases isolated from different sources represent the

    molecular mass range 23e43 kDa and composed of single mono-

    meric polypeptide like hirtin [4,6,8,13].

     2.2. N-Terminal and partial internal sequencing 

    The puried hirtin was electrophoresed and electroblotted onto

    a PVDF membrane for the N-terminal sequence analysis by Edman

    degradation method. The N-terminal sequence of 15 amino acids of 

    hirtin was found to be Y-A-V-Y-I-G-L-I-L-E-T-A-A/N-N-E. The NCBI

    blast did not show any match with known serine protease amino

    acid sequences in database. However, the literature survey revealed

    that N-terminal amino acids sequence of hirtin showed consider-

    able identity only to that of reported N-terminal sequence of Milin

    [25] isolated from the latex of  Euphorbia milli  (Table 2) but not to

    other plants proteases reported from Euphorbiaceae family as Miliin

     Table 1

    Summary of purication of hirtin from Euphorbia hirta  latex.















    yield (%)

    Crude latex 12.0 29.17 2.43 1.00 100

    Q Sepharose 3.3 17.6 5.33 2.19 60.3

    Superdex 200 1.36 11.2 8.24 3.39 38.4

    a One unit of enzyme activity was dened as the amount of enzyme which gives

    rise to an increase in unit absorbance at 253 nm/min of BAEE digestion in described

    assay conditions.

    Fig.1.  a) Purity and molecular mass determination of hirtin under reducing condition

    on 12% SDS-PAGE: Lane 1, molecular mass standards; Lane 2, crude latex; Lane 3,

    partially puried hirtin after Q sepharose chromatography. b) Elution prole of hirtin

    on gel ltration chromatography (HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 200 gel ltration column) on

    AKTA-Prime, Insert: SDS-PAGE of puried hirtin after gel ltration chromatography: L1,

    puried hirtin, L2, molecular mass standards.

    G.K. Patel et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 52 (2012) 104e111   105

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    [26]  and Eumilin  [14] and other plant families [22,24]. It is to be

    noted that unlike hirtin which is a 34 kDa protein possessing

    brinolytic activity, Milin is a 51 kDa protein and does not possess

    brinolytic activity. Furthermore, the N-terminal amino acid

    sequence of the hirtin is completely different from reported  bri-

    nolytic enzymes isolated from different sources indicating that it is

    a unique protease  [4,5,13,27]. In partial internal sequencing, one

    peptide (R.F-I-W-L-L-T-V-P-R.A) was obtained with higher MASCOT

    score (52) than the signicant (48) but it did not showanysequence

    similarity with known plant proteases. The N-terminal and partial

    internal sequencing results revealed that hirtin is a unique


     2.3. Proteolytic assay and inhibition study of hirtin

    The hydrolytic activity of hirtin towards the azocasein, gelatine,

    human   brinogen,   brin clot and other synthetic substrates was

    determined. The enzyme ef ciently hydrolysed the azocasein as

    measured spectrophotometrically. In the gelatinolytic assay, the

    incorporated gelatine in the PAGE gel showed a clear zone in a blue

    background of gelatine stained with CBB R-250 indicating the

    proteolytic activity of hirtin. The gelatinolytic activity was per-

    formed by incubating the semi-native gel of hirtin after removal of 

     Table 2

    Comparison of N-terminal amino acids of hirtin with other plant serine protease.

    Protease/plant sources N-terminal sequences Reference

    Hirtin (Euphorbia hirta)   YAVYIGLILETAA/NNE   Present study

    Milin (Euphorbia milii)   DVSYVGLILETD   Subhash et al. (2006)

    Eumiliin (Euphorbia milii)   AFLLQIIVTPPN   Fonseca et al. (2010)

    Proteases B (E.supina)   TTRTPNFLGLVD   Arima et al. (2000)

    Fig. 2.  a) In-gel gelatinolytic (zymography) assay of hirtin at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 8.0. b) Fibrinogenolytic activity of hirtin analysed on 12% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions: Lane 1,

    molecular mass standards; Lane 2, pure hirtin; Lane 3 and Lane 11, pure  brinogen incubated for 120 min without hirtin, Lane 4e10, incubation of  brinogen (150  mg) with hirtin

    (2.0 mg) at 37   C for 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120; Lane 12e14, incubation of  brinogen (150  mg) with hirtin (5 mg) at 37   C for 60, 90 and 120 min in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2. c)

    Fibirinolytic activity of hirtin analysed on 12% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions: Lane 1,  brin clot incubated for 120 min without hirtin; Lane 2e6  brin clot incubated with

    hirtin (2.0  mg) at 37


    C for 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 min in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2.

    G.K. Patel et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 52 (2012) 104e111106

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    SDS at different pH (5, 7 and 8). The in-gel gelatinolytic activity

    (zymography) was found to be highest at neutral pH 7 (Fig. 2a). The

    activity gels (zymography) of hirtin at different pH clearly

    demonstrate its activity at a wide pH range.

    The time dependent incubation of hirtin (2   mg) with human

    brinogen showed that the enzyme hydrolysed Aa   chain very

    ef ciently within 5 min of incubation while the hydrolysis of Bb and

    g chain is slower. The hydrolysis of Aa  chain of hirtin is similar to

    the   Synadenium grantii   latex protein   [4]  and Eumilin   [14]   which

    hydrolyse the Aa chain within 5 min of incubation and more active

    as compared to the other  brinolytic enzyme like   ‘Pergularain e I

    which could not hydrolyse Aa  chain completely even after 30 min

    of incubation [6] and Korean Cordyceps militaris brinolytic enzyme

    which takes 60 min for hydrolysing Aa chain [14]. The hydrolysis of 

    Bb chain of brinogen by hirtin (2 mg) starts at 30 min of incubation

    while  g   chain was not completely hydrolysed even after 120 min

    incubation and seems to be resistant for hydrolysis. When 5   mg

    hirtin was incubated with  brinogen, the Bb chains almost hydro-

    lysed in 120 min at 37  C and g  showed partial hydrolysis (Fig. 2b).

    In case of Eumilin and   ‘Pergularain e I’, hydrolytic activity was not

    observed towards the Bb  and  g  chains even at 120 min of incuba-

    tion. These results clearly demonstrate that hirtin is more effective

    than Eumilin and Pergularain e I. The hydrolytic pattern of humanbrinogen by hirtin is similar to that of human thrombin which is

    a specic   brinogenolytic enzyme and hydrolyses Aa   and Bb

    subunits to release the  brinopeptide A and B to form  brin clot

    during blood coagulation   [28]. The ef ciency of hirtin is also

    comparable to other  brinogenolytic and  brinoltic enzymes iso-

    lated from different organisms like metalloprotease from the Rattle

    snake  [10]. In contrast, the snake venom protease isolated from

    Taiwan habu hydrolysed the Bb   chain more ef ciently than Aa

    chain while the g  remains intact [29] (Hung et al., 2001).

    To evaluate the  brinolytic activity, partially cross-linked  brin

    clot was formed using human thrombin which was further incu-

    bated with the hirtin (2  mg) for different time duration and the

    hydrolytic pattern were visualised on 12% SDS-PAGE under

    reducing condition (Fig. 2c). The result showed that hydrolysis of a chain starts at 10 min of incubation and is completely hydrolysed

    in time dependent manner while   b   and   g   chains are partially

    hydrolysed at 60 min incubation at 37   C.

    Tomonitor the thrombin-like activity, the puried protein (5 mg)

    protein was mixed with 100  ml of citrated human plasma solution

    (50 mg mL 1) along with a positive control containing pure human

    thrombin (1.5 U) in 100  mL of citrated human plasma solution and

    negative control only contains buffer with citrated human plasma.

    The positive control readily form the   brin clot after addition of 

    thrombin while the hirtin takes more time (10 min) to form

    a visible clot.

    The evaluation of cleavage specicity of the hirtin towards the

    various synthetic amide and ester substrates were also investigated

    (Table 3). The amidolytic activity of the hirtin was investigated byusing various chromogenic substrates. The enzyme showed the

    remarkable hydrolytic activity towards amide substrate   p-tos-

    GPRNA, specic for the thrombin protease but did not show

    signicant activity towards other amide substrates as AAPF and

    BAPNA. For the esterase activity, BAEE and BTEE were used. It was

    found that hirtin ef ciently hydrolysed the only BAEE. These results

    demonstrated that hirtin possess both esterase and amidase

    activities. The enzyme exhibited extremely low or no hydrolytic

    activity towards the AAV, AAPL and AAA when incubated for the

    30 min at 37   C.

    In order to explore the class of hirtin protease, the inhibition

    study was carried out using different class of inhibitor such as

    PMSF, chymostatin, leupeptin, IAA, E64, HgCl2, EDTA, and pestatin

    A. The enzyme activity was signi

    cantly inhibited by only PMSF

    (73%) and AEBSF (85%) and not any other inhibitor (Table 4). The

    leupeptin did not show inhibition of hirtin activity which indicates

    that it is not a plasmin-like protease. These results demonstrated

    that hirtin is a thrombin-like serine protease. It can have applica-

    tions in food industry and can be developed as potential thera-

    peutic agent for treating thrombotic disorders.

     2.4. Kinetic study

    The kinetic parameters were determined by using the BAEE and

     p-tos-GRPNA as substrate. The apparent MichaeliseMenten

    constant (K m) and maximum reaction velocity (V max) for the BAEE

    at 37   C was calculated from the LineweavereBurk plot and found

    to be 0.575 mM and 1.87   107 M s1 respectively. The turnover

    number (K cat) and catalytic ef ciency (K cat/K m) were founded to be

    5.3 s1 and 9.2 103 M1 s1 respectively for BAEE. The apparent

    K m   and   V max   for the   p-tos-GRPNA were found to be 0.431 and

    3.8    108 M s1 respectively and  K cat and  K cat/K m  for the  p-tos-

    GRPNA were calculated to be 0.646 s1 and 1.5 103 M1 s1.

     2.5. Effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity

    The effect of pH on the enzyme activity was monitored from pH

    3e11. Hirtin was found to be active at broad pH range from 3 to 9

    with the pH optima 7.2 (Fig. 3a). The relative activity at pH 5 and 8

    were 51% and 80% respectively and reduced drastically above pH 9.

    The pH optima and activity in broad pH range of hirtin is similar to

    other   brinolytic enzymes of latex glycoprotein   [4]   Korean

    C. militaris   [13],   Neanthes japonica   brinase   [8], cucumicin-like

    protease   [30]   whereas some of the   brinolytic enzyme show

    their optimum activity either at acidic   [31] or basic pH  [32]. The

    report showed that the pH optima of euphorbain proteases are inpH range of 6e8 [16].

     Table 3

    Activity of hirtin towards different substrates.

    Substrates Characteristic Hirtin


    N- p-tosyl-Gly-Pro-Arg  p-nitroanilide Thrombin Yes

    N-benzoyl-L -arginine- p-nitroanilide Cathepsin H/trypsin Very less

    N-suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe- p-nitroanilide Cathepsin



    N-suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu- p-nitroanilide Elastase NoN-suc-Ala-Ala-Ala- p-nitroanilide Elastase No

    N-suc-Ala-Ala-Val- p-nitroanilide Elastase No

    N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine p-nitroanilide Chymotrypsin No

    N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine ethyl ester Chymotrypsin Yes

    N-benzoyl-L -arginine ethyl ester Trypsin Yes

    Gelatin General Yes

    Human  brinogen Thrombin Yes

    Azocasein General Yes

     Table 4

    Effect of Inhibitors on hirtin activity.

    Inhibitor type Inhibitor name Inhibitor conc mM Residual activity %

    Control No inhibitor   e   100

    Serine protease PMSF 1 27

    AEBSF 1 15

    Serine/cysteine Leupeptin 1 98

    Cysteine protease IAA 1 98.0

    E64 1 97.0

    HgCl2   1 58.0

    Metalloprotease EDTA 1 68.5

    Aspartic protease Pepstatin A 1 98.0

    G.K. Patel et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 52 (2012) 104e111   107

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    For the pH stability study, the residual activity of the pre-

    incubated enzyme at different pH (3e11) was measured using  p-

    tos-GPRNA as a substrate at 37  C in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2. It

    was found that enzyme is completely stable between pH 4e8. The

    activity at broad pH range and its pH stability conrms its potential

    use in biotechnological applications. The puried hirtin was active

    from temperature ranging from 30 to 70   C. The temperature

    optima of hirtin was found to be 50   C   (Fig. 3b) and stable for

    40 min without any loss in enzyme activity while 35% activity

    remains when incubated for 60 min at 50



     2.6. Effect of metal ions, reducing agents, organic solvent,detergents on enzyme activity

    The effect of metals ions on hirtin activity was measured in

    presence of various metal salts (Table 5). The metal ions such as

    Ca2þ and Mg2þ were found to increase the enzyme activity. The

    CaCl2 at 2 mM concentration increased the hirtin activity by 2 fold

    and at 5, 10 and 20 mM it remains up to 1 fold. The results indicate

    that hirtin activity is not absolutely dependent on metal ions and

    could be advantageous to microbial proteases which are dependent

    on Ca2þ for their activity. Moreover, some metal ions Co2þ, Hg2þ

    and Ba2þ have negative effect on the enzyme activity. Similar

    observation was also reported from Dubiumin [24]. The enhanced

    activity of hirtin in presence of Ca2þ is similar to the most studied

    proteases which interfere in blood coagulation are either serine or

    metalloprotease and requires Ca2þ for the activity [11].

    It was found that the organic solvents as methanol, ethanol, and

    DMF at 5 and 10% concentration did not affect the enzyme activity.

    The DMSO did not affect enzyme activity at 5% but reduce 50%

    activity if present at 10%. The detergents as SDS, Triton X-100, and

    Tween-80 slightly increase the enzyme activity when present at 1%

    but at 5% concentration the activity reduce by 10e15%. The SDS

    increases the activity even at 5% concentration by 50%. The DTT,  b-

    mecaptoethanol, Urea did not affect the enzyme activity at 1 and 5%

    concentration incubated for the 20 min. The 1% HCl solution has no

    effect on activity but reduced 50% when present at 5% which might

    be due to alteration of the pH of the reaction mixture.

     2.7. Circular dichroism study

    Far-UV CD spectra (190e240 nm) were analysed by Dichroweb

    programme using CDSSTR method which showed less content of 

    the   a-helix (13%) and high (34%) content of   b-sheets at pH 7.0

    (Fig. 4) which revealed that hirtin is  a,  b   protein. The results are

    similar to other reported  brinogenolytic proteases which showed

    less content of  a-helix (7%) and high (48%) of  b-sheets [4].

    3. Conclusion

    In conclusions, a novel thrombin-like serine protease (hirtin)

    having brinolytic activity was puried and characterized from the

    latex of  E. hirta. The enzyme ef ciently hydrolyzed  brinogen and

    brin clot. Inhibition studies and high speci

    city to chromogenic

    2 4 6 8 10 120






       R  e   l  a   t   i  v  e  a  c  y   i  v   i   t  y   (   %   )


    20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900






       R  e   l  a   t   i  v  e  a  c   t   i  v   i   t  y   (   %   )

    Temperature °C



    Fig. 3.  a) pH optima of hirtin. b) Temperature optima of hirtin.

     Table 5

    Effect of metal ions on hirtin activity.

    Metal ions Concentration (mM) Relative activity (%)

    Control H2O 100

    NaCl 1 102

    CaCl2   1 150

    2 200

    MgCl2   1 105

    MnCl2   1 95

    CuSO4   1 87.4

    BaCl2   1 86

    NiSO4   1 91

    HgCl2   1 52.5

    CoCl2   1 83

    190 200 210 220 230 240-6








       M   R   E      ×    1

       0   3              (   d  e  g

      c  m   2

        d  m  o   l  -

       1              )

    Wavelength (nm)

    Fig. 4.  CD study of hirtin at pH 7.2 at 25   C.

    G.K. Patel et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 52 (2012) 104e111108

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    substrate for thrombin clearly indicate that hirtin is a thrombin-like

    serine protease. The enzyme exhibited stability over a wide range of 

    pH and temperature. The results suggest that hirtin can be devel-

    oped as potential therapeutic agent for thrombotic disorders and in

    other biotechnological applications. The actual biological role of the

    hirtin, a major protein in the  E. hirta   latex needed to be further


    4. Experimental

    4.1. Materials

    The latex of  E. hirta   was collected locally. Q sepharose, casein,

    human   brinogen fraction I: type I, citrated human plasma,

    thrombin, BSA, azocasein, gelatin, haemoglobin, skimmed milk, 2-

    [4-(2hydroxyethyl)1-piperazinyl)] ethane sulphonic acid (HEPES),

    3-cyclohexylamino-1propan-sulphonic acid (CAPS), synthetic

    substrates like N-benzoyl-L -arginine ethyl ester (BAEE), N-benzoyl-

    L -tyrosine ethyl ester (BTEE), N-benzoyl-L -arginine- p-nitroanilide

    (BAPNA), N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine   p-nitroanilide (BTNA), N- p-tosyl-

    Gly-Pro-Arg  p-nitroanilide ( p-tos-GPRNA), N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-

    Phe- p-nitroanilide (AAPF), N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu- p-nitro-

    anilide (AAPL), N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Ala- p-nitroanilide (AAA), N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Val- p-nitroanilide (AAV), Inhibitors like Phenyl-

    methylsulfonyluoride (PMSF), 4-(2-Aminoethyl)benzenesulfonyl

    uoride hydrochloride (AEBSF), leupeptin, EDTA, HgCl2, 1-trans-

    epoxysuccinylleucylamide(4-guanidino)butane-N-[N-(L -3-trans-

    carboxyirane-2-carbonyl)-L -leucyl] agimatine (E64), gel regents as

    SDS, acrylamide, N,N-methylene   bisacrylamide,   b-mercaptoetha-

    nol, coomassie brilliant blue R-250 (CBB R-250) and blotting

    chemicals were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO,USA).

    Protein molecular weight standards and gel   ltration standards

    were purchased from Bio-Rad, USA. All other chemicals and

    solvents trichloroacetic acid (TCA), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO),

    dimethylformamide (DMF), methanol and ethanol used were of 

    analytical grade.

    4.2. Collection of latex and puri cation of hirtin

    The latex of  E. hirta is mainly present in the apical part of plant.

    Latex was collected in 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.2 in fractions

    of 1 mL on ice by breaking the apical tender part of plant. The

    collected samples were stored at  20   C for overnight. The frozen

    latex was thawed and centrifuged (Allegra X-22R, Bakeman) at

    20000 g  for 30 min at 4 C. The cleared supernatant was collected

    and  ltered through 0.45  mm syringe  lter to remove all trace of 

    precipitated gum and theltrate was used as crude latex extract for

    protein purication. All the purication steps were performed at

    4   C in a cooling cabinet. The crude latex extract from above step

    was loaded on Q sepharose fast  ow column (1.5   20 cm Econo-

    column, Bio-Rad), pre-equilibrated with 50 mM phosphate bufferpH 7.2. Column was washed extensively to remove the unbounded

    proteins and other impurities. The bounded proteins were eluted at

    a  ow rate of 1 mL min1 with a linear gradient of NaCl (0e0.5 M)

    in 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.2. Fractions having proteolytic

    activity were pooled, dialysed against the 50 mM phosphate buffer

    pH 7.2, concentrated and loaded onto a pre-equilibrated HiLoad 16/

    60 Superdex 200 gel  ltration column (16    600 mm, GE Health-

    care). The protein was eluted with the same buffer at a  ow rate of 

    0.5 mL min1 and the fraction having protease activity was pooled

    for further analysis. The initial calibration of column to demon-

    strates the good resolution in the separation of standard proteins

    and relative molecular weight of hirtin was determined by using

    the gel   ltration standards (Bio-Rad) as 670 kDa, thyroglobulin;

    158 kDa,g-globulin; 44 kDa, ovalbumin; 17 kDa, myoglobin; and

    1.35 kDa, vitamin B12. The concentration of puried protein was

    estimated spectrophotometrically by Coomassie blue dye binding

    method [33]  using BSA as the standard protein. The presence of 

    protein during the purication steps were also monitored by taking

    absorbance at 280 nm using UV eVis spectrophotometer (DU730,


    4.3. SDS-PAGE analysis

    The crude extract of latex, Q sepharose eluted fractions and

    puried hirtin were electrophoresed on 12% polyacrylamide gel

    containing 0.1% SDS under reducing conditions. The protein bands

    were visualized by 0.15% staining with CBB R-250. The relative

    molecular mass of hirtin was also determined by using a low range

    SDS-PAGE molecular weight standards (Bio-Rad) as97.4 kDa,

    phosphorylase b; 66.2 kDa, bovine serum albumin; 45 kDa, oval-

    bumin; 31 kDa, carbonic anhydrase; 21.5 kDa, trypsin inhibitor and

    14.4 kDa, lysozyme.

    4.4. N-Terminal and partial internal sequencing 

    The puried hirtin was electrophoresed on 12% SDS-PAGE andelectroblotted onto a PVDF membrane (Immobilon-P, Millipore) at

    350 mA using 100 mM CAPS buffer, pH 11.0 in mini trans-blot unit

    (Bio-Rad) according to Matsudaria   [34]. After electroblotting, the

    membrane was rinsed 3e4 times with deionized water and stained

    with 0.1% CBB R-250 in 1% acetic acid 50% methanol for a few

    seconds. Membrane was destained with 50% methanol. Protein

    spots were excised and rinsed for 10 min in deionized water and

    air-dried. The N-terminal amino acid sequencing was performed by

    Edman degradation method on an automated sequencer (Procise

    491cLC; Applied Bio-systems) at the protein sequencing facility of 

    Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh, India. A

    database search for comparable peptides sequences was performed

    by NCBI blastp program [35].

    The partial internal sequencing of hirtin was done at proteomicsfacility of The Centre for Genomic Application (TCGA), New Delhi,

    India. The puried protein was electrophoresed on a 12% SDS-PAGE

    and protein bands were excised and partially digested with trypsin.

    The resulted peptides were subjected to two dimensional liquid

    chromatography ESI-MS (Agilent 1100 series 2DnanoLC-MS) fol-

    lowed by reverse phase separation. The peptides get ionized in the

    liquid phase in the Electrospray ionizer (Bruker Daltonics Ultraex

    TOF/TOF) and enter the ion trap, get fragmented (MS/MS) and

    detected. The data were analysed using MASCOT search engine.

    4.5. Proteolytic assay and kinetic study

    The hydrolytic activity of the hirtin towards different substrates

    were monitored at 37 

    C using azocasein, gelatin,   brinogen,synthetic peptides as   p-tos-GPRNA, BAPNA, BTNA, AAPF, AAPL,

    AAA, AAV, esters as BAEE and BTEE as substrate.

    4.5.1. Azocaseinolytic assay

    The azocaseinolytic activity of puried hirtin was assayed using

    1% azocasein as substrate in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer pH

    7.2. The reaction was performed in 500  ml assay volume containing

    200  ml of 1% azocasein (w/v) and HEPES buffer pH 7.2 using 5  mg of 

    enzyme and the mixture was incubated for 20 min at 37   C. The

    reaction was terminated by adding one volume of 20% TCA and

    placed on ice for 10 min and centrifuged at 15,000 g  for 10 min.

    The supernatant was mixed with the equal volume of 1 M NaOH

    solution and absorbance was measured at 440 nm with the reagent


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    4.5.2. In-gel protease assay (Zymography)

    In-gel protease assay was performed according to the method

    described by Choi et al.  [36] with slight modications using 0.1%

    gelatin co-polymerised with the resolving gel. The puried enzyme

    was mixed with non-reducing sample buffer and was run on 12%

    SDS-PAGE without boiling. After electrophoresis, gel was washed

    with 20% TritonX-100 for 1 h at4 C and rinsed with distilled water

    for three times at the interval of 30 min to remove all trace of SDS.

    Now gels were immersed in developing buffers at pH 5.0, 7.0 and

    8.0 supplemented with 2 mM CaCl2, 100 mM NaCl and incubated

    for 12 h at 37   C for the protease activity. The reaction was termi-

    nated by adding ice cold 20% TCA for 20 min at room temperature.

    Gel was stained with 0.15% CBB R-250 in water:methanol:acetic

    acid (50:40:10) and destained with same solution without dye to

    visualize the clear hydrolytic zone.

    4.5.3. Fibrinogenolytic and brinolytic activity

    The Fibrinogenolytic activity assay was performed as

    described by Rajesh et al.  [4]  with slight modication. The reac-

    tion mixture contained 150   mg of   brinogen, 2 mM CaCl2   in

    50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2, was incubated with 2.0  mg of enzyme

    at 37   C for 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60 and 120 min and also by using

    5.0   mg of enzyme for 30 60 and 90 min in different tubes. Acontrol reaction mix was also incubated for 120 min at 37   C in

    absence of hirtin. The reaction was terminated by boiling after

    addition of 4X reducing sample buffer (0.25 M TriseHCl pH 6.8,

    5%   b-mercaptoethanol, 8% SDS, 40% glycerol and 0.2% bromo-

    phenol blue). The hydrolyzed products were analysed on a 12%

    SDS-PAGE and protein pattern was visualized by staining with

    0.15% CBB R-250.

    For the   brin clot degradation activity, partially cross-linked

    brin clot was formed using 150   mg of   brinogen in 50 mM

    HEPES buffer pH 7.2 supplemented with 2 mM CaCl 2 in presence of 

    1.5 U of human thrombin after incubation for 20 min at 37   C.

    Partially cross-linked clot was washed with HEPES buffer pH 7.0

    and incubated with 2   mg hirtin in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.0

    containing 2 mM CaCl2  at 37   C for 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 min indifferent tubes. The reaction was terminated and analysed on 12%

    reducing SDS-PAGE as described above.

    4.5.4. Thrombin-like activity

    The lyophilised citrated human plasma (sigma) was dissolved in

    sterile, nuclease and protease free distilled water. The 100   ml of 

    human plasma (50 mg mL 1) was incubated in different tubes with

    different amount of hirtin (2 and 5  mg) in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH

    7.2 having 2 mM CaCl2. The time for visible clot formation was


    4.5.5. Activity towards synthetic substrates

    The enzymatic hydrolysis of different synthetic substrates

    peptidyl- pNA (peptidyl   p-nitroanilide) by the puried hirtin wasstudied by spectrophotometric method. The synthetic substrates

    used were BAPNA, BTNA,  p-tos-GPRNA, AAPF, AAPL, AAA, and AAV.

    The 500  ml reaction mixture containing 1 mM substrates, 2 mM

    CaCl2  in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2 was initially equilibrated at

    37   C for 5 min and further incubated for 10 min after addition of 

    5 mg of enzyme. The reaction was terminated by addition of 500  ml

    of 20% acetic acid. The rate of hydrolytic activity was determined by

    measuring the released  p-nitroaniline at 410 nm using the molar

    extinction coef cient   ε410¼ 8480 M1 cm1.

    The hydrolytic activity towards the ester substrates, N-benzoyl-

    L -arginine ethyl ester (BAEE) and N-benzoyl-L -tyrosine ethyl ester

    (BTEE) were examined spectrophotometrically at 253 nm

    (ε253   ¼   1150 M1 cm1) and 259 nm (ε259   ¼   964 M

    1 cm1)


    4.5.6. Kinetic study

    The kinetic parameters were calculated from the initial rate of 

    enzymatic hydrolysis of puried hirtin using BAEE and   p-tos-

    GPRNA as substrate. The enzymatic activity towards BAEE and  p-

    tos-GPRNA were assayed using 2.0 mg hirtin protease by continuous

    and discontinuous method respectively. To determine the apparent

    MichaeliseMenten constant (K m), the increasing BAEE concentra-

    tion (0.05e1.5 mM) was incubated with the 2.0  mg of enzyme in

    1 mL reaction volume and the initial rate of hydrolysis was deter-

    mined by absorbance change per min at 253 nm by continuous

    method. For  p-tos-GPRNA, the 500  ml reaction mixture containing

    a substrate range (0.01e2.0 mM) were incubated with enzyme at

    37   C for different times. After incubation, the reactions were

    terminated by addition of 20% acetic acid andabsorbance was taken

    at 410 nm. Each assay was carried out in triplicate. The kinetic

    parameters were calculated from LineweavereBurk plot.

    4.6. Effect of pH and temperature on enzyme activity

    To determine the optimum pH of hirtin, enzyme activity was

    assayed at different pH (3e11), using p-tos-GPRNA as a substrate in

    different buffers as citrate phosphate (3e8), TriseHCl (8e9) and

    glycine-NaOH (10e

    12). For the pH stability study puried hirtin(5 mg) was incubated for 1 h at 37 C in different buffers of pH range

    (2e11) at the interval of 1 pH unit and the residual activity was

    determined by further incubation for 10 min at 37   C at pH 7.2 as

    described earlier.

    To determine the optimum temperature, 5  mg of puried hirtin

    enzyme was used in a 500  ml of reaction mixture containing 1 mM

     p-tos-GPRNA in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2 with 2 mM CaCl2. The

    reaction mixture was incubated for 10 min at temperature ranges

    from 25 to 90   C at 5   C increment and the hydrolytic activity was

    determined as describedabove. The stability of enzyme at optimum

    temperature was determined by pre-incubating the enzyme at

    temperature optima (50   C) for 0e90 min with 10 min increments

    and the residual activity was determined using   p-tos-GPRNA as

    a substrate at 37   C. The non heated enzyme was considered aspositive control and assumed to have 100% activity.

    4.7. Protease inhibition assay

    The protease inhibition assay was done using the PMSF, AEBSF,

    leupeptin, E64, HgCl2, EDTA, pestatin A to determine the class of 

    protease. The 1 mM inhibitor solution was incubated with 5  mg of 

    the puried hirtin in 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.2 and the

    residual activity was determined using BAEE as substrate as

    described above. The control assay was done in absence of the

    inhibitor and the activity was taken as 100%.

    4.8. Effect of metal ions on enzyme activity

    The effect of metal ions on the enzyme activity was determined

    using different salts in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2. The salt of Naþ,

    Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Mn2þ, Hg2þ, Ba2þ and Co2þ were added as chlorides,

    Cu2þ and Ni2þ were added as sulphates. The entire assay was done

    in triplicate using   p-tos-GPRNA as a substrate and average was

    taken as data point.

    4.9. Effect of denaturants, organic solvents and detergents on

    enzyme activity

    The effect of different surfactants like SDS, Tween-20, Tween-80,

    Triton X-100, Urea (1 and 5%), organic solvents methanol, ethanol,

    DMSO, DMF (1 and 10%) and reducing agents DTT,  b-mercaptoe-

    thanol (1and 5%) on enzyme activity was studied by pre-incubating

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    the puried hirtin at 37   C for 30 min with these effectors. The

    relative activity was determined in 50 mM HEPES buffer pH 7.2

    supplemented with 2 mM CaCl2   and 1 mM   p-tos-GPRNA as

    a substrate. The enzyme activity was assumed as 100% in absence of 

    any additive.

    4.10. Circular dichroism study

    Circular Dichroism study was performed on Chirascan CD

    spectrometer (Applied Photophysics, UK). Far-UV CD spectra

    (180e260) were recorded in a 1 mm quartz cell at bandwidth 1 nm

    and time per point 0.5 s with three repeats. The CD study was done

    using 0.2 mg mL 1 puried protein in 20 mM Citrate phosphate

    buffer pH 7.0 at 25   C. Three consecutive scans were accumulated.

    The average base line spectrum of buffer blank wassubtracted from

    the average protein sample spectrum and analysed (190e240 nm)

    by online DichroWeb programme using CDSSTR method [37]. The

    results of the CD measurements were expressed as mean residue

    ellipticity (MRE) in deg cm2 dmol1.


    CD studies were performed at NMR facility at Institute Instru-

    mentation Centre (IIC), IIT Roorkee. G. K. Patel and A. A. Kawale

    gratefully acknowledge the   nancial support from Ministry of 

    Human Resource Development (MHRD) and Department of 

    Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, respectively.


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