岐阜大学の四季 - gifu universityin autumn, red maples, metasequoia and ginkgo leaves paint...

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岐阜大学の四季Gifu UniversityFour Seasons

Takashi Sugiura

撮影 ・製作 : 岐阜大学工学部教授 杉浦 隆

2018年10月1日 第3版 第1刷

岐阜大学の四季 写真集Gifu University Four Seasons

Published on October 1, 2018

製作協力 : 岐阜大学グローカル推進本部

Photographed and edited by Professor Takashi Sugiura, Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University

Co-edited by Gifu University Head Office for Glocalization (GHOGL)

早春のこぶしと⼯学部Magnolia kobus in early spring - Faculty of Engineering

春 Spring岐⾩⼤学の四季Gifu University Four Seasons

⾚外線で視たキャンパスInfrared imaging

春は花、こぶしに始まって,キャンパスのあちこちを桜やタンポポが彩を添えます.In spring, magnolia kobus blossom heralds the advent of early spring as if to prod sakura cherry flowers, dandelion to become full-blown.

夏は新緑,⾬後には中池に⽩い校舎が緑に映えます.In summer, when rain lets up, white buildings and lush greenery project a perfect contrast on a pond.

秋は紅葉,アメリカハナノキやメタセコイア、イチョウがキャンパスのあちこちを⾚や⻩⾊に華やかに彩ります.In autumn, red maples, metasequoia and ginkgo leaves paint the whole campus with bright colors.

冬は雪,まれにですが積もった雪がキャンパスを純⽩に染めます.In winter, snow turns everything into dazzling white.

桜と教育学部天⽂ドームSakura cherry flowers & Observatory Dome, Faculty of Education

桜と⼤学病院Sakura cherry flowers & University Hospital

桜咲く本部棟Sakura cherry flowers in full bloom - Central Administration Building

桜と⼯学部Sakura cherry flowers & Faculty of Engineering

⼤学会館前の桜Sakura cherry flowers in front of University Hall

中池 「⾵笛」 桜の頃Pond in spring

タンポポと桜咲く地域科学部Dandelion and sakura cherry flowers - Faculty of Regional Studies

運転⼿付きのベンツで通勤・通学Commute by “chauffeured Mercedes-Benz”



新緑の応⽤⽣物科学部Season of fresh greenery - Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences

新緑の⼯学部Season of fresh greenery - Faculty of Engineering

ハナミズキと⼯学部Flowering dogwood - Faculty of Engineering

新緑の中池Pond in verdant green

ハナミズキと⼯学部Flowering dogwood - Faculty of Engineering

Lush greenery projected on a pond - Faculty of Engineering & Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences 新緑に映える⼯学部と応⽤⽣物科学部

中池の秋Pond in autumn

⻩葉と本部Blanketed by yellow leaves - Central Administration Building

⻩葉のカーペットCarpet of yellow leaves

紅葉と⼯学部Autumn foliage - Faculty of Engineering


メタセコイアの並⽊Metasequoia pathway

黄葉と図書館At the height of autumn foliage - University Library

晩秋の⼯学部Faculty of Engineering in late autumn


雪の⽇A snowy day

雪の⼯学部Blanketed in snow - Faculty of Engineering

雪の中池Snow-covered pond

名⽉と⼯学部Shone in the weak light of the moon





岐⾩市 Gifu City

⾦華⼭からの⼣景Evening view seen from Mt. Kinka

⻑良川花⽕⼤会Nagara River Fireworks Festival

⻑良川鵜飼Cormorant fishing on the Nagara River

岐⾩駅 信⻑公像Oda Nobunaga Statue in front of Gifu Station

岐⾩ シティタワー43Gifu City Tower 43

伊吹⼭⼣景Evening view of Mt. Ibuki

忠節通りChusetsu Street

岐⾩駅Gifu Station

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