行程自2016年3月开始启用 8天 多彩贵州 /黄果树瀑布+ 重庆 2016_0.pdf ·...

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8天 多彩贵州 /黄果树瀑布+ 重庆 (CKWEC)

行程精华: 中国第一大瀑布-- 黄果树瀑布、陡坡塘瀑布 地球最美丽的疤痕-- 马岭河大峡谷 明代建筑奇迹—天龙屯堡古镇 典型克斯特盆谷峰林-- 万峰林

酒店住宿:免费提升 2 晚当地五星级酒店

各地风味: 苗族酸汤鱼风味、屯堡农家宴、香酥鸭风味、兴义小吃、侗族风味、火锅风味

第1天 新加坡� 重庆 - 贵阳 (晚餐) 齐集樟宜国际机场,乘搭国际航班飞往重庆。抵达后, 乘车前往最富有民族特色,中国“第二春城”-贵阳市。途径雄伟的乌江大桥, 跨过号称天险的乌江。乌江大桥东面有一座通火车的铁路桥,它附近还有一座吊拉组合桥,在天险之处三桥并列,实为壮观。

第2天 贵阳–天河潭 – 安顺 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后,前往黔灵山,参观贵州第一禅院弘福寺。游毕乘车前往天河潭风景区, 有国内最宽的钙化滩瀑布,喀斯特自然风光、是贵州山水的浓缩盆景。我们将乘船游览水溶洞。游毕乘车前往安顺。

第3天 安顺 - 兴义 (早/午/晚餐) 今早前往兴义。途经北盘江大桥,远观花江大峡谷。抵达后前往国家级风景区马岭河峡谷,峡内河水清澈,晶莹透锡,而其精华与美景集中于天星画廊景区(含单程电梯)。它以规模宏大的瀑布群和岩页壁挂形成主要景观特色,堪称一绝。

第4天 兴义 – 万峰林 – 兴义 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后前往国家级风景区万峰林。万峰林位于马岭河峡谷风景区中下游岸,以气势宏大造型美峰岩奇特的典型喀斯特盆谷峰林地貌而着称。在万峰林中部纳灰坝子西侧,可看到一片姿态万千的峰林,峰与峰或连或断,参差错落,峻秀挺拔,令人赏心悦目。随后自费前往万峰湖游船、畅游东峰林十里画廊。

第5天 兴义 - 黄果树 – 安顺 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后,前往黄果树瀑布景区游览(含上行电梯),它是中国第一大瀑布,也是亚洲最大的瀑布。随后参观天星桥风景区。它是由地下河塌陷形成,激流滚滚被暗河吞没的银链坠潭瀑布;水上石林,秃石上长满了巨大的仙人掌。河

水从石林的上面分开,把一座石林围在水中,石林星罗棋布,形成一个奇特的景观。接着游览陡坡塘瀑布。 第6天 安顺 - 贵阳 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后前往天台山。该山四周群翠环抱,山顶建有屯堡人的庙宇,名五龙寺。五龙寺千柱落地,有大小房间40于间,皆灵施巧布,是屯堡寺庙建筑的力作。天龙屯堡古镇是一个典型的屯堡村寨,她地处滇黔古驿道上,由于地理位置的重要性,天龙这片土地很早以前就进行屯军了。现居住在此的主要姓氏是以陈、郑、张、沈屯军始居姓氏的后裔。故数百年历史天龙屯堡古镇实为活古迹,穿梭其间看这古老的街坊,传统的服饰,更令你心动不已。您还有机会观赏安顺民间传统戏剧-地戏表演,演员带上俗称「脸子」的面具,演出一个个民间故事。游毕乘车返回贵阳市。

第7天 贵阳- 重庆 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后前往参观著名古楼阁甲秀楼,堪称贵阳旅游景点标志。集山光水色为一体的甲秀楼有一种独具魅力的美。游毕驱车前往重庆, 抵达后,安排您于最繁华的解放碑商业区自由活动,购物。

第8天 重庆� 新加坡 (早餐) 早餐后, 依时送往机场搭乘国际航班飞返温馨家园-新加坡.愿您与大通旅游共度美好假期! 备注: 1) 必加景点:人民币550/成人;人民币300/儿童<1.2米

万峰湖游船+ 鱼宴风味(正餐提升)、东峰林十里画廊、大型


2) 行程若有更改,以中国国内旅行社最后安排为准 3) 如果中文行程与英文行程不符,以中文行程为主。


Valid on/ after Mar’2016


(CKWEC) HIGHLIGHTS: Xingyi Huangguoshu Waterfall, Tianxing Bridge Scenic Area, Malinghe Gorge, Tianxing Gallery, Wanfenglin Anshun Yelang Cave, Yunfeng Ancient Town Guiyang Qianling Hill, Jiaxiu Tower

ACCOMMODATION:Free upgrade 2 Night at local 5� Hotel DELICACIES : Fish Sour Soup, Farm Feast, Crispy Fried Duck, Xingyi Snacks, Dong Cuisine, Hotpot

DAY01 SINGAPORE �CHONGQING- GUIYANG (D) Assemble at Changi International Airport for your flight to Chongqing. Upon arrival, meet our local guide and head for Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou province DAY02 GUIYANG –TIANHE POOL – ANSHUN (B/L/D) After breakfast, visit Qianling Park. It is a uniquely large park in the city. The most famous Buddhist temple in Guizhou Province is Hongfu Temple nestled in the wooded Mt. Qianling. Then, visit Tianhe Pool Scenic Area, where we can see waterfalls, crystal springs, deep pools, stone bridges, unusual caves, and strange rock formations. This scenic area has a Karst cave that has a stone curtain and a great number of stalagmites, stalactites, and stone pillars. DAY03 ANSHUN – XINGYI (B/L/D) Today, we will pass the Huajiang Gorge and enjoy its marvelous view. Coach to Malinhe River; enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Karst landform – Malinhe Gorge (includes one-way lift). Visit the Tianxing Gallery. It is a place where its fantastic rocks and landscape are as beautiful as a picture, so it is called Tianxing Hualang (Sky Star Gallery). DAY04 XINGYI – WANGFENGLIN – XINGYI (B/L/D) In the morning, take coach to Wanfenglin . It is an exquisite Karst hill landscape with almost no difference from the stunning scenery of Guilin. After that, coach to Xingyi. DAY05 XINGYI – ANSHUN (B/L/D) After breakfast, tour the Huangguoshu Waterfall , the largest waterfall in Asia. Next, visit Tianxing Qiáo Scenic

Area , a large cave full of wonderful karst formations, a tableau of stones rising from the water, and a waterfall. After that, visit the Yinlianzuitan Waterfall and the Doupodang Waterfall . DAY06 ANSHUN - GUIYANG (B/L/D) After breakfast, visit Wulong Temple of Tiantai Mountain , originally built in the Ming Dynasty; it is not only a Buddhism temple, but also functions as a form of military defence. Wulong Temple is the oldest and best-preserved temple in Guizhou. Continue to visit Tianlong Tunbao Ancient Town and have a chance to enjoy the ’Dixi’ Ground Opera. Then proceed to Guiyang. DAY07 GUIYANG – CHONGQING (B/L/D) Bright and early, we will go to JiaXiu Tower - the city's landmark. Depart for Chongqing by coach. Upon arrival, proceed to Jiefangbei for your shopping spree. DAY08 CHONGQING � SINGAPORE (B) After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope you have enjoyed your trip with CTC Travel! REMARKS 1) Compulsory tour@ RMB550/Adult; RMB300/ Child < 1.2M

Cruise tour on Wanfenglin Lake, Flavor of the fish feast (upgrade base on normal meal), Dongfenglin, Cultural Show <Wind of Colorful Guizhou>

2) Actual sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice.

3) In the event of discrepancy between Chinese & English itinerary, refer to the former.

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