escritos de marcel vogel - varas de cristal

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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REIKI - Escritos de Marcel Vogel - Varas de Cristal



Varinhas VogelTambm conhecidas como "Cristais de Vogel", "Bastes Laser" ou ainda "Cristais Cabalsticos", so um interessante instrumento de cura desenvolvido por Marcel Vogel, um dos mais prestigiados investigadores dos cristais e a quem se deve uma exaustiva pesquisa sobre as suas aplicaes.

Marcel Vogel foi investigador para a IBM durante 27 anos, tempo em que estudou e desenvolveu as aplicaes do quartzo. Foi o responsvel pela introduo do cristal lquido na indstria electrnica e trabalhou incansavelmente para o conhecimento deste material to especial. As suas pesquisas revelaram que os cristais podem ser usados para conduzir, armazenar e amplificar energia bio-psquica. Tambm demonstrou que essa energia pode ser direccionada ao corpo humano e com isso restabelecer a sade.

O Dr. Marcel Vogel nem sempre foi interessado nas aplicaes "metafsicas" dos cristais. Como cientista, a sua abordagem foi, de incio, toda em laboratrio e centrada no aproveitamento das capacidades condutoras dos cristais para electrnica mas, com o passar dos anos, os resultados das suas pesquisas comearam a apontar para alm dos limites da matria conhecida. Vogel teve a sensibilidade para comear a fazer perguntas e experincias mais arrojadas. Aps a sua sada da IBM fundou a Psychic Research Inc., um grupo sem fins lucrativos dedicado investigao das energias curativas, com especial enfoque nas propriedades dos cristais.

Vogel colocou a hiptese de os cristais de quartzo poderem captar e amplificar todos os tipos de energias e no apenas os impulsos elctricos conhecidos pela cincia. Levou a cabo inmeras experincias com a ajuda de voluntrios, no sentido de determinar se as energias subtis da natureza (energias bio-psquicas) so manipulveis com a ajuda do quartzo. Os seus resultados foram inequvocos e deram origem a uma das primeiras teorias cientficas a afirmar que a fora da mente actua sobre a matria e que os efeitos positivos das sesses teraputicas podem ser aumentados atravs da utilizao dos cristais.

Foi neste contexto que surgiu a varinha Vogel, um dos vrios instrumentos desenvolvidos para o melhor aproveitamento das propriedades naturais do quartzo. Marcel Vogel descobriu que facetando o quartzo natural poderia aumentar o seu potencial para guardar informaes e que a lapidao tornava o seu padro vibratrio mais consistente. Aps muito meditar sobre o assunto, Vogel teve uma ideia visionria que lhe sugeriu a forma da rvore da Cabala.

Depois de um ano de investimento na construo do primeiro basto curativo, Vogel pde apresentar a sua criao - um quartzo hialino biterminado, puro e translcido, lapidado segundo a Geometria Sagrada da Cabala e da grande Pirmide de Quops, com um ngulo preciso de 51 graus, 51 minutos e 51 segundos.

As varinhas Vogel so instrumentos capazes de captar, ampliar e dirigir todos os tipos de frequncias vibratrias como luz, cor, som, pensamentos e emoes. Como um feixe de laser, a energia irradiada de forma constante e altamente concentrada, podendo ser aplicada a pessoas ou objectos atravs do simples exerccio da vontade. Esta eficcia deve-se ao facto de estes quartzos canalizarem a energia do mesmo modo que a gua - a mesma que compe o corpo humano em cerca de 70%. Por vibrarem da mesma forma, d-se uma passagem de informao, resultando na afinao do corpo desequilibrado e, por fim, na cura.

A ponta mais larga da Varinha Vogel o plo feminino ou negativo (receptivo). Ela capta a energia vital canalizando-a em espiral ao longo de toda a extenso do basto. Cada vez que encontra uma faceta, a energia amplificada e dirigida faceta seguinte at atingir a ponta mais fina - o plo masculino ou positivo (emissor) - por onde expelida com uma intensidade muito superior inicial.As Varinhas Vogel diferem entre si no nmero de facetas, cada uma delas com propriedades especficas, a saber:

Varinha de 4 facetas- Indicada para a cura do corpo.

Varinha de 6 facetas- Indicada para perturbaes emocionais.

Varinha de 8 facetas- Indicada para tratar estados de choque e traumas profundos.

Water Clear 8 Sided Vogel Healing Wand by Lawrence StollerThe 8 sided Vogel wand "is designed to remove multiple layers of pattern which do not come out with a four or six-sided crystal," says Marcel Vogel. "The eight-sided crystal has even sharper angles on the tips. The rate of penetration is even higher. And the precision you must work with is even more exact."

Varinha de 12 facetas- Indicada em curas do corpo que se revelam difceis e que necessitam de uma interveno ao nvel psicolgico.

Varinha de 13 facetas- Indicada para actuar sobre a herana de vidas passadas, para remover bloqueios e para dissolver traumas.

Varinha de 16 facetas- Promove o esforo e a coragem, ajudando a canalizar energia para a materializao dos desejos. Melhora a auto-estima e confere vigor fsico e mental.

Varinha de 21 facetas- Indicada para resolver questes familiares, conflitos raciais, traumas e problemas causados por um ambiente pesado, bem como por influncias electro-magnticas e poluio. Tambm indicada para resolver situaes trazidas de vidas passadas e que tenham origem em causas deste tipo.

Varinhas de 24/8- So varinhas lapidadas em 24 facetas com 8 facetas em cada uma das pontas. Este talhe indicado para auxiliar nas grandes transies da vida, para curar situaes provocadas pelo mau uso da Magia e/ou para proteger os praticantes de todas as influncias indesejadas que podem resultar das prticas energticas.

Varinhas de 24/12- So varinhas lapidadas em 24 facetas com 12 facetas em cada uma das pontas. um talhe usado para elevao espiritual, muito especialmente nas Iniciaes e para lidar com as transformaes (por vezes traumticas) que estas provocam.

Varinha de 33 facetas- Actua sobre a Humanidade, ensinando a Compaixo e elevando a conscincia de cada indivduo. o talhe indicado para conhecer o Amor incondicional e trabalhar no sentido da harmonia csmica.

Cristal dos Sonhos- Concebida j depois da morte de Marcel Vogel em 1991, esta varinha possui um dos talhes mais fortes em termos de cura, tanto espiritual como fsica porm, algumas das suas propriedades ainda no foram bem estudadas. lapidada em 4 facetas principais cncavas, cada uma delas dividida em outras 4 facetas mais finas, resultando num total de 16 facetas ao longo da varinha com 24 facetas em cada ponta. Esta forma cria um sistema complexo de orientao energtica especialmente indicado para trabalhar no mundo dos sonhos, para projeco astral e para actuar nos vrios planos da existncia.

Tm sido desenvolvidos muitos outros talhes, bem como diversos aparelhos de cura com base nas varinhas Vogel e que so utilizados na cristaloterapia moderna.Vogel Crystals

Vogel Healing Crystal WandsKnow, O man, that Light is thine heritage.Know that darkness is only a veil.Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,waiting to rend the veil of the night.

-- The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Vogel Wands are laser sharp double terminated wands created from the specifications of Marcel Vogel based upon the principles of sacred geometry. Marcel Vogel scientist, inventor, and healer, worked for IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBMs disc drive, the first liquid crystal displays, or LCD.

From his experimental work with crystals, Vogel learned that by pointing a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the persons thoughts and emotions. This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. The next step was for Vogel to utilize the quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes.

Energy and crystal healers prize Vogel cut quartz crystals to this day. The art of cutting crystals for use in healing requires extensive knowledge of the high art of jewel-cutting, an intuitive feel for the subtle energies involved, and an awareness of the needs of the energy healer who will be using the wand.

Faceted crystal wands claiming to be Vogel type crystals vary widely in quality, craftsmanship, and price.

The most important thing to remember in working with faceted crystals for healing is that the purpose of the faceting should be to amplify and transmit an increasingly coherent stream of energy to a subject.

Some hexagonal quartz crystal wands occur naturally with six more or less equilateral sides and more or less equal triangular termination facets. Energy healers discovered that these six sided wands amplifed the energy being transmitted by the wand when the termination facets on the female end created a more obtuse angle and when the termination facets on the male end created a more acute angle.

In a naturally formed quartz crystal of somewhat irregular shape and symmetry, the energy within the crystal tends to move through the crystal in a less directed way than the Vogel style cuts. But when a crystal had a very definite symmetry, especially the hexagonal symmetry, then the energy gathers in the larger, receptive end of the crystal, and if directed by a knowledgeable human hand, travels in a series of tighter and tighter concentric circles around the interior of the crystal, and down into the tip of the male end of the crystal, where it would be emitted as a much more coherent stream of energy.

Energy healers also discovered that when the sharp male tip of the healing wand is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the male end of the crystal, this made the energetic flow stronger and more coherent.

When the sharp tip on the female end of the crystal, where the six termination facets meet, is congruent with the C-axis of the crystal, exactly centered within the circle formed when you look head-on at the female end of the crystal, this made the energetic flow stronger and more coherent.

Total symmetry created the crystal healer's version of the laser beam.

The best six-sided natural healing wands with well-centered male and female terminations, had a female termination with an angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds, equal to the angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Marcel Vogel's healing wands are refined artistic versions of natural healing wands. Good Vogel wands should have precisely equal facets. The male and female terminations should be sharp, and the male should be more acute than the female. The female termination should be 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds.

The male and female termination tips should be exactly centered in the circle you cee when you look head-on at the crystal from either end.

As you can see from this brief, simplified description of the intricacies of Marcel Vogel's designs, it is extremely difficult to create Vogel wands.

The first Vogel wands Marcel created had four sides. Since then, wands have been created with additional facets, from 6, 8,12, 13 & even 44 & 88 sided, some of which can be seen below!

I have seen many "Vogel" wands that do not meet the minimum specifications for a Vogel wand as described above.

In addition, the number of facets, the intricacy of the design, the mastery of the wand-cutter, his credentials as an energy healer, the quality of the materials used, and other factors, all contribute to the difficulty of producing Vogel wands.

Examples of Master Cut Vogel Wands

This 88 sided Water Clear Master Cut Vogel Healing Wand from our special collection is extraordinary in every way. Water clear Vogel cut wands are extremely rare because the wands must be cut from much larger water clear quartz crystals. Most water clear Vogel cut wands are actually laboratory grown crystal, not natural crystal, and their energetic properties can be quite different from true natural Vogel wands.

Eighty-eight sided Vogel cut wands of any type are considered collector's items as well as precision tools for Lightworkers. Only a handful of Master Cutters active in the world today have the expertise required to cut 88 equal facets on a crystal wand. Only a handful are produced in any given year, if that many. Water Clear 88s are even more rare and valuable as collector's items. Their value increases with time.

This precision cut crystal, cut according to the specifications of Marcel Vogel, is a powerful instrument, and can be used for many kinds of healing work as well as for meditation.

The energy of this amazing Vogel wand is that of clear water rushing down a mountain stream, refreshing and washing away all blocks, sorrows & detrimental energies. For healers working in the shamanic healing tradition of Alberto Villoldo, water clear Vogel wandsare considered a requirement for extraction work, which removes negative energies and entities from individuals' auras and bodies. This Water Clear 88 would be the ultimate shamanic tool for practitioners from such a school.From personal experience, we have found that this crystal is immensely powerful, and we recommend this crystal especially for distance healing work and for energy work involving the transmission of energy to large geographcial areas or large groups of people. Likewise, this powerful Vogel wand is ideal for connecting to the Christ Consciousness Grid around planet Earth during group meditations and for communicating with Lightworkers in group meditations.

Marcel Vogel worked for IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBMs disc drive, which acts as the storage unit for a computer's memory, he created the first liquid crystal displays, or LCDs.

When first learning about the healing powers of crystals, Vogel learned that when he pointed a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the persons thoughts and emotions. This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. The next step was for Vogel to utilize the quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes.Energy and crystal healers prize Vogel cut quartz crystals to this day.

The 88 faceted Vogel style healing wand is the rarest, most precious healing wand yet produced according to Marcel Vogel's specifications. From discussions with very experienced crystal energy healers and from personal experience, it is clear that the "88" is an extremely powerful tool for distance Reiki, meditations involving distance healing of all kinds, and for meditations centered on connecting to the Christ consciousness grid surrounding the Earth, linking up with groups of Lightworkers, and for transmitting healing energy to large groups of people or geographical areas.

The "88" offers the practitioner a feeling of holding liquid light in the hand, and of being able to direct this fluidic energy very precisely. In meditation, I use an "88" sometimes to enhance and elevate my own energy signature. Simply by holding the wand vertically in my left, receiving hand, while seated in a half-lotus position, I can attune my intent to receive energy and communications from my Higher Self, spiritual guides and teachers, and other sources in the spiritual realms, and the "88" will amplify and direct those energies to my mind and through my lightbody and physical body very powerfully. Shifting the wand to my right hand, I can easily direct energy upward to the Christ consciousness grid, or throughout the area around me, indeed throughout the entire globe.

In my experience, when used in energy treatments with individual clients, the "88" directs a measured amount of liquid light to the recipient, calibrated precisely to the individual's needs and capacity to receive the healing energy.

The large, female end of each of these wands is cut precisely to the interior angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds, the same angle as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Universal Life Force Energy (also called prana or chi) enters the female end of the wand, spirals down the body of the wand, and is amplifed every time it encounters a facet. The super-charged energy stream coalesces at the male end of the wand, and is emitted as a highly coherent laser-like beam for use in meditation, vibrational healing and subtle communications.

This crystal can be used for meditation, clearing, for hooks and cords work, for shamanic journeying or any other vibrational healing technique. To learn some techniques for clearing your wand after use check out the article"Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Master Cut Flower Dream Wand

FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -Key to The Word that resounds among men.

-- The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

This amazing 99% Water Clear Pentagonal Dream Vogel Wand was created by Brazilian crystal healer and Master Cutter Ray Pinto, according to the principles of sacred geometry, to optimize the natural crystal's ability to receive, store and transmit Universal Life Force Energy for purposes of healing and meditation.

This picture shows the tiny inclusion found in thefemale end of the shaft of this Dream Wand, rendering it approximately 99% Water Clear. This tiny inclusion comes no where near the surface of this beauty.

The Pentagonal Dream Wand has five large concave facets along the sides separated by flat facets and50 flat facets on both male and female ends. You'll also finda five-petaled flower inscribed on top of the50 flat facets on the female tip, a testament to the astounding mastery of Ray Pinto, the master cutter and energy healer who created this one-of-a-kind crystal wand.

Crystal healer Marcel Vogel, who is the originator of the Vogel style of energy healing wands, told his students that crystal wands with a small percentage of inclusions were often actually stronger energetically than water clear crystal wands.

Although some schools of shamanic healing, especially that of Alberto Villoldo, require that practitioners use Water Clear Vogel crystals for extraction work, to remove negative energies and entities from individuals' bodies and auras, I have used this type of Vogel wand, with small inclusions, to do extraction work using Reiki and crystal healing techniques, and have not had any problems at all. However, the techniques I use are quite different from those used in schools such as Villoldo's.

From personal experience, we have found that this crystal is immensely powerful, and we recommend this crystal especially for distance healing work and for energy work involving the transmission of energy to large geographcial areas or large groups of people. Likewise, this powerful Vogel wand is ideal for connecting to the Christ Consciousness Grid around planet Earth during group meditations and for communicating with Lightworkers in group meditations.

Thisstunning virtuallywater-clear quartzPentagonal Master Cut Flower Dream Wand is over four inches long and weighs nearly four-tenths of a pound, making it a large, but not unwieldy size. This wand has a very comfortable fit in the hand for a lightworker or meditator. It has a very nice feel to it, its proportions are perfect for its size and weight.

Look at the head on view of the female end, and the side shots of this amazing Dream Wand, and you'll see the concave facets of the new cut Dream Wands very clearly. You can also see the beautiful intricate scalloping where the shaft meets the termination faces. This is truly the work of a master craftsman, whose intent is informed with a most modern understanding of the ancient wisdom incorporated in forms of nature as manifested in the art and science of sacred geometry.

The design of this gorgeous Pentagonal Dream Wand is based upon the work of Marcel Vogel. Marcel Vogel worked for IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBMs disc drive, which acts as the storage unit for a computer's memory, he created the first liquid crystal displays, or LCDs.When first learning about the healing powers of crystals, Vogel learned that when he pointed a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the persons thoughts and emotions. This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. The next step was for Vogel to utilize the quartz crystals for therapeutic purposes. Energy and crystal healers prize Vogel cut quartz crystals in the traditional flat faceted style he made famousto this day.

The large, female end of each of these healingwands is cut precisely to the interior angle of 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds, the same angle as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Universal Life Force Energy (also called prana or chi) enters the female end of the wand, spirals down the body of the wand, and is amplifed every time it encounters a facet. The super-charged energy stream coalesces at the male end of the wand, and is emitted as a highly coherent laser-like beam for use in meditation, vibrational healing and subtle communications.

Throughout Marcel Vogel's career, many of his scientific discoveries were facilitated by revelations he received in a dream state. Since his death, this tradition of dream discovery continues through the work of his students.

In 1997 Vogel appeared to Ray Pinto, who is the Brazilian cutter of the Kabbalistic healing wands, in a dream. (Ray is in the left side of this photo with Curtis Lang, Satya Center founder.) In the dream, Vogel showed Pinto the design for a unique healing wand with four concave faces nestled among the traditional flat facets, and containing the traditional 24 flat facets on male and female ends. It took Ray nearly two years to refine the equipment he uses to cut the stones so that he could produce these exceptional precison healing tools. Once Ray had created the original Four-Sided Dream Wand, he refined his techniques even further to create more elaborate, more ornate, and more powerful designs, including this Pentagonal Flower Dream Wand.

The sacred geometry of this Pentagonal Dream Wand is designed to empower the practitioner who uses it in meditation or for healing purposes in very specific ways, which can be discerned by practical experience with the wand and by meditation upon its geometrical structure.

The fivefold symmetry of the pentagon is found throughout nature. Look closely at the leaves on trees and shrubs in your yard. This spring, make a list of the many flowers with five petals, and a pentagonal geometry. They are all either compressed or elongated pentagonal structures. Observe the blueberry, pear, apple, starfish, or the microscopic diatoms that populate the earth's crust. They all exhibit a pentagonal structure.

As the noted sacred geometrician and Roman architect Vitruvius observed, the human body, with its five senses, five extensions from the torso, and five fingers and toes, is a beautiful example of the pentagonal structure common to many living beings.

The Pentad is associated with excellence, power, beauty and efficient design structures, and these associations are enhanced by the fact that Nature has employed the pentagon throughout Earthly creation, especially in the plant and animal kingdoms, to figure forth living, sentient beings of a myriad of types.

It can hardly be a coincidence that Pan, the Greek God of Nature and fertility, is symbolized by an upright five-pointed star. Venus, the Roman Goddess of beauty and fertility, sexuality and love, in her role as a planet in our Solar System, travels over eight years in an orbit tracing a five-petaled figure among the stars.

Energy healers, shamanic practitioners and meditators who wish to link their own energy to the Divine Source of Love and Light and Creative Form that structures and energizes and sustains this material creation can call upon Lady Venus and the Great God Pan while performing energy work, meditation or shamanic healing using the Pentagonal Dream Flower Vogel Wand, and the wand will transmit and amplify the stream of energy from that Divine Source many fold, empowering the work in a very beneficial way.

In the Western wisdom school tradition of Esoteric Wisdom, the five-pointed star is associated with the birth of the Higher Self. This is undoubtedly connected to Kabbalistic scholarship concerning the nature of the five elements, Yahweh and Yeheshuah, also known as Jesus Christ.

Yahweh, also known as Tetragrammaton, the old Teststament God of the Jewish people, is represented in the Kabbalah by four Hebrew letters, Yod, Heh, Vau and Heh. Thus the name of God is YHVH, Yahweh, or Jehovah. The four letters of the name of God correspond to the four Hebrew letters associated with the four elements, Fire (Yod), Water (Heh), Air (Vau) and Earth (Heh).

Christian Kabbalists discovered that by placing the Hebrew letter for Spirit or Divine Fire, or Universal Life Force Energy (Shin)in the middle of the name of Yahweh, one creates the name Yeheshuah, or Jesus, YHSVH. Esoterically, this represents the role of Christ, who infused the material world of the four elements with the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit through his life, death and miraculous resurrection.

Christian Kabbalistic healers use a very special mantra for healing and protection that utilizes the secret Hebrew names of God and Christ. This mantra is as follows: "Yod, Hay, Vow, Hay; Yod, Hay, Shin, Vow, Hay" (YHVH, YHSVH). Simply repeat this mantra over and over silently or out loud, and you will gain protection from all negative energies and thoughtforms and all dark influences in all three worlds.

By saying this mantra, by repeating these words of power, while meditating with the Pentagonal Dream Flower Wand, or by using this mantra when performing energy healing work, the practitioner will unite the lower mind with the Higher Self, and create a flow of healing energy that springs from the Source -- the living Christ Consciousness and the Holy Spirit, elevating the power of the spiritual work being undertaken, and insuring that the work is performed for the best and highest good of all concerned.

All of ourcrystals at Satya Centerhave been cleaned with Universal Life Force Energy, and given an energy attunement usingReiki, a Japanese technique of energy healing, so it will continue to receive and transmit Universal Life Force Energy direct from the Source of Creation. They have been cleaned and charged with the natural energy of sunlight. They are ready for you to program according to your own needs and desires.

Check out the article"Using Quartz Crystals in Digital Technology, Healing and Meditation"for an overview of the metaphysical and mineralogical properties of quartz, and a step-by-step guide explaining how to cleanse, charge, and program quartz crystals for healing, meditation and other spiritual purposes.

Read more about various types of crystals at the SatyaCenter.comcrystalshomepage.

Deep inEarth'sheart lies the flower,the source of theSpiritthat binds all in its form.or know ye that theEarthis living in bodyas thou art alive in thine own formed form.TheFlower of Lifeis as thine own place ofSpiritand streams through theEarthas thine flows through thy form;giving of life to theEarthand its children,renewing theSpiritfrom form unto form.

-- Emerald Tablets of Thoth Crystal Wisdom of Marcel Vogel: Chapter 1

The Marcel Vogel Archive at Satya CenterThe Crystal Wisdom of Marcel Vogel, Chapter OneMy Plant Guru, Crystal Gifts and Crystal MysteriesSatya Center is pleased to offer this material from the Marcel Vogel Archives on our website.Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was one of Americas most prominent late Twentieth Century spiritual scientists, who helped stimulate great public interest in the use of highly faceted quartz crystals for meditation and therapeutic purposes.Our Editor, Curtis Lang, is providing an edited version of the Vogel manuscript that was prepared for publication in the late Nineteen Eighties, not long before Vogels death, but never published.The material from that manuscript has been edited primarily for grammar and accuracy, and preserves the original voice of Marcel Vogel faithfully.The manuscript was considered to need further editing, and our Editor has attempted to provide commentary, transitional material, contextual references and other necessary additions, including material from other previously unpublished material from the Marcel Vogel archives.It is hoped this will provide an accurate and stylistically pleasing new version of this as-yet-unpublished work by one of Americas foremost spiritual scientists of the late Twentieth Century, a man whose career provided much of the basis for todays use of highly faceted quartz crystals in healing and meditation.Where material has been added to the original manuscript from other sources in the Vogel archive, these passages are footnoted. The Editors own commentary is indicated by the blue color of the text written in Curtis voice.This Vogel material is published with permission.Editorial Rights Reservedby Satya Center LLC.

1969-1971:Teachings of My Plant GuruOne day in 1969 while teaching a class on Creativity at IBM, I was given a paper inArgosy Magazinewritten byCleve BaksterentitledDo Plants Have Emotions?.[1]I brought it into class the next day and I said that personally I thought it was a lot of nonsense, but suggested we put it to the test, to see if there was any truth in it. All agreed.The class built their own experimentation protocol and I built mine. We shared everything, yet were completely diverse in our approaches. In the end the class found nothing of value in the Backster Experiment.The experiment consisted of taking stainless steel electrodes, attaching them with a conductive paste to the top and bottom of the leaf of a plant. We then applied a 4-volt DC current to the plates. Two wires went to aWheatstone Bridge, which measured the resistance, and the balance or imbalance between the top and bottom electrode.The wires from the Wheatstone Bridge travelled to an amplifier and then to a strip chart recorder.If an electrical imbalance existed between the electrodes, the needle would swing in either a positive or negative direction. What influences the charge balance is the ionic conductivity which takes place in the cellular structure of the leaf.The equipment produced an energy field that acted on the leaf. The end result of that energy imbalance was a series of vibrations or oscillations visible on a graph.Nothing happened until the last day, when my intuition guided me to ask Dr. Jan Thomas to come with me into a darkroom where we proceeded to do a set of experiments that changed my life.Although none of his students succeeded in duplicating the Backster Effect, Vogel was able to report that he had duplicated certain of Backsters results, as explained in the best-selling bookThe Secret Life of Plants,first published in 1989, and proceeded to demonstrate how plants anticipate the act of having their leaves torn, react with even greater alarm to the threat of being burnt or uprooted more so even than if they are actually torn, burnt or otherwise brutalized.[2]For the first time I had validation of the fact that when you think a thought, an energy transfer takes place between you and the object or person you are focusing on. That energy transfer was sufficiently powerful to change the electrical balance of the leaf and the plant system I was working on. This took place on December 3, 1969.Although the class at IBM did not feel these experiments were of real value, I took the equipment home to continue the activity.A few months later during an experiment, I discovered that when I focused my mind, took a deep breath, energetically drew the image of the plant in my minds eye, and then released it with an outgoing breath, a field immediately built up within the plant, and a series of spikes began to appear on the graph similar in appearance to an electro-cardiogram. It had the rhythmic pulsation of a beating heart. I soon found that I could do this at will.To stop it, I would look at the plant, inhale, and the oscillation would cease. I could do this both inside the room where the plant was located or away from it. It was independent of space.It is our choice to take the time to build the charge that permits us to function as a fully charged operational human being. This was the discovery I made, the moment of truth, about breath and breath control.From this experiment I went into Yoga.I went to school for three years to study the different forms of Yoga and I have been practicing it ever since. When we become a properly charged body, we can create an image of self in space, we can know ourself, but above all we can walk in Light.Plant Research Unlocks Keys to Conscious Use of Subtle EnergyWhat a broad leaf plant does is provide an exceedingly sensitive antenna for the vibrations or musical notes we radiate in space.I spent untold hours practicing breathing in front of a plant.I learned to measure my breath and observed the increasing oscillation or vibration that took place within my body, until I came to a phase lock, at which time I would go into an altered state of consciousness.When this takes place, you oscillate at a phase of vibration which transcends the 7 Hertz signal, the earth-plane oscillation. You are free to move into the cosmos.A2010 research paperby Min Zhuo and others published inMolecularBrain, suggests that the 7 Hertz signal is implicated in mammalian learning. Mounting evidence suggests that neural oscillations are related to the learning and consolidation of newly formed memory in the mammalian brain. Four to seven Hertz (4-7 Hz) oscillations in the prefrontal cortex are also postulated to be involved in learning and attention processes, the authors explain.There is evidence that these prefrontal 4-7.5 Hz rhythms, which exist in mice, rats, monkeys and humans, are involved in attention and learning processes.I also found when in that altered state information became available to me I otherwise could never have known.Your perspective of earthbound activities and problems changes when you see them in cosmic light rather than individualistic terms, and as the image of a thought begins to form in your mind, time begins.Time only exists from the moment you start the process of thinking. It is like a stop-watch. There is no time until you press the button. Once you start the clock, you can measure time, but before that, there is no time.Thought works in exactly the same way.With thought you can create matter in space with your mind. That matter is a consolidation of cosmic fluids brought together in form that then starts to pulse and oscillate.You bring life into being with thought, and energy follows thought.Beyond energy there is the form and the luminescence which each one of these forms produces.Of course, time does not exist in the higher dimensions, but when we lower it with our intention and build a thought form, we trigger an oscillation in space.First we occupy space, then we pulse space with a note. These are not audible tones, but are the exact harmonics of the primary vibration that every form has.For an object to be a solid, it must vibrate, otherwise it would disintegrate.There is an element of consciousness in every object that has form because a higher consciousness has imputed into that form a pre-form or a mold. Once that happens, matter forms around it.

Here Vogels vision of reality corresponds to the work of renowned scientistRupert Sheldrake, who posits the existence of morphic fields, composed of subtle energy, which provide the templates of existence in the material world.The term [morphic fields] is more general in its meaning than morphogenetic fields, and includes other kinds of organizing fields in addition to those of morphogenesis; the organizing fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory, Sheldrake explains.[3]According to Wikipedia, Morphic fieldis a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around amorphic unitwhich organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. According to Sheldrake, the morphic field underlies the formation and behaviour ofholonsandmorphic units, and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts.The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already established its (collective) morphic field, willtune intothat morphic field. The particular form willreadthe collective information through the process ofmorphic resonance, using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through morphic resonance, a feedback to the morphic field of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e.storedin thedatabase). Sheldrake regards the morphic fields as a universal database for both organic (genetic) and abstract (mental) forms.That a mode of transmission of shared informational patterns andarchetypesmight exist did gain some tacit acceptance when it was proposed as the theory of thecollective unconsciousby renowned psychiatristCarl Jung. According to Sheldrake, the theory ofmorphic fieldsmight provide an explanation for Jung's concept as well. Also, he agrees that the concept ofakashic records, a term from the Vedas representing the library of all the experiences and memories of human minds (souls) through their physical lifetime, can be related to morphic fields,since one'spast(an akashic record) is a mental form, consisting ofthoughtsas simpler mental forms (all processed by the same mind), and a group of similar or related mental forms also have their associated (collective) morphic field. (Sheldrake's view on memory-traces is that they are non-local, and not located in the brain.)Wikipedia points out that The existence of themorphogenetic fieldswas experimentally confirmed in the year 2011 by Dany Adams, a developmental biologist at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. It turned out that a morphogenetic field is the common electric field of an organism'sDNAmolecules.It was a plant which first revealed to me the subtle, inner life force energy and power of mind, but it was the pioneering work ofGeorge and Marjorie de la Warrthat provided me with the tool to examine and unfold an exact and precise knowledge of what this energy is.The de la Warrs built a specialradionic camerawith which they were able to capture thought forms on their camera plates. Thought forms are the construction of a pattern of thought in space. Study of the glass camera plates under a high power microscope, using a dark field ultra pack objective, reveals tracks on the surface of the plate. These are identical to those seen in a cloud chamber which is used to study the high energy particles from a cyclotron or linear accelerator. You can see curved and spinning tracks forming into different types of patterns.It should be noted that a single camera plate reveals only one narrow segment of the total multi-dimensional energy field that exists in a thought form pattern, but with persistence and further development we were able to achieve exciting results with monumental implications.We are made to the image and likeness of God. We have a Divine power within us, the power of creation.To create means to bring matter into being by thought.You can initiate a pre-form in space. Energy will then consolidate and adapt itself into that pre-form. The energy which we can see with the help of the de la Warr camera is cosmic.1971 -- Building Thought FormsOn February 26th, 1971 I did an experiment in thought form building with a nuclear physicist, Dr. Warpen, from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He tried for six months to duplicate the Backster Experiment to no avail.I stood about 5 feet from the plant. After I tuned in to it, I asked him to think about his wife, and as soon as he did, the energy of his thought affected the plant.He had been standing a good 50 feet from the plant. I had acted as a telepathic medium for him, linking with him, and transferring the charge to the plant by the love I had for it.We did theBackster Experimenta third time while Dr. Warpen was in a state of self-induced hypnosis, but this time there was no transmission of information. When you are in a hypnotic state, your energy field is locked within you and you do not emit these energy fields.Another aspect of thought and thinking is that one can move objects with thought.In the next experiment I used acresograph, a cantilever beam balance, to measure any movement or growth in the leaf. I looked at the leaf and willed it to move.The leaf moved, it oscillated. When you think, you create a field in space. You create a mass of sufficient force to act on matter, which can be recorded by the object being thought of, or on film.In a paper titledThe Forming of Images in Space by the Brain, the soviet scientist, Dr. G.C.Khokolov, discussed his belief in a multi-dimensional space. Once you get into hyper-space the element of time disappears. You can then construct an image and move that image elsewhere.Vogel initiated some new plant experiments in the spring of 1971.With a philodendron attached to a galvanometer which produced a straight baseline, Vogel stood before the plant, completely relaxed, breathing deeply and almost touching it with outstretched fingers, recount Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird in their best-selling bookThe Secret Life of Plants.[4]Vogel focused on an inner feeling of friendly affection for the plant, and directed that loving feeling toward the plant. Each time he did so, the galvanometers pen traced a series of ascending oscillations on Vogels chart. Vogel told Tompkins and Bird that at these times he could feel an outpouring of energy from the plant in response.In another experiment, Vogel hooked up two plants at once to his measuring devices, and proceeded to cut a leaf from the first plant. The second plant responded to the hurt being inflicted on its neighbor, butonly when Vogel was paying attention to it! reported Tompkins and Bird.During these experiments it became clear to Vogel that in order to successfully communicate energetically with plants, the researcher must be able to enter into a deep meditative state, similar to that experienced by yogis, Buddhist teachers, and others who have had extensive training in quieting and focusing the mind.Vogel reported that his own methodology required him to dampen his own sensory responses to outside stimulation of all kinds, and only after this trance-like state was achieved could Vogel become aware of the energetic communication with the plants.These plant experiments increased Vogels confidence to the point where he soon appeared on a local TV program in San Francisco to demonstrate human-plant communications.The plant, coupled to a pen recorder, gave a live illustration of varying states of Vogels mind, running from irritation at an interviewers question to quiet tracings established when Vogel was in harmonious intercommunication with the plant, Tompkins and Bird recount.[5]For the producer of ABCs television programYou Asked For It,Vogel also demonstrated the plants response to another persons thoughts, including a sudden release of strong emotion on command, followed by the act of his quieting the plant, Tompkins and Bird conclude.Vogel had begun togo publicwith his findings, and began to generate substantial interest and attention for his work with plants as a result.Also in 1971, Dr. Weide, a clinical psychologist, startedPsychic Research, Inc.As he got deeper into it, he became fearful of psychic phenomena (the forces that the mind can create and exhibit) and he backed out, and one day he just handed the whole organization over to me. Emotionally he could not handle it.I began working very closely with a lawyer, Leonard Worthington. He is the one who put the corporate papers together.During the early 1970s, I was working at IBM, working on the plant research, and had Psychic Research, Inc. as a non-profit corporation. At first it was a one man corporation myself.But Vogels experiments with plants and subtle energy would soon lead him into another avenue of research the use of quartz crystals in meditation and healing.This new line of research would eventually establish Vogel as an expert in the use of subtle energy for spiritual purposes of all kinds, and as one of a handful of American spiritual scientists, psychics and healers who established protocols for the use of quartz crystals in healing and meditation that are still in widespread use today.1973-1975 -- Crystal Gifts, Crystal MysteriesI gave a talk to the Church of Religious Science in 1973, and then the next day Dr. McKistry called me and said, I have crystals that pulsate when you hold them in your hand and I feel impelled to send them to you.I accepted and thats what started my work with quartz crystals. It was not a conscious decision to conduct scientific experiments with crystals.When I first received the crystals, I picked one out, drew my breath in, and pulsed my breath into the crystal. I pointed it at my friend, Chuck Mignosa, and his head went back and he lost consciousness.Then I wanted nothing more to do with them. I put them aside and lost them.They came back. She sent an additional set of crystals.Once I made a commitment, everything started to open up.

This was not only a scientific struggle to open my mind to the uses of quartz crystals to receive, amplify and transmit subtle energies, but a religious struggle as well, because the use of crystals for communication with spiritual realms or for healing violated many of the Roman Catholic tenets which infer that one should not get into channeling.My wife was also very much against my working on this level, having to deal with forces that we could not quantify or measure. Such forces were considered as being suspect and rejected by the Church, so I had to put into abeyance my own background as a Catholic, my own scientific knowledge up to this point, and just work alone.Honestly, the only thing that kept me going was faith. I had to deal with phenomena that frightened people when I exposed them to it. I literally begged other associates in the laboratory to work with me. They would not. They were afraid that they would jeopardize their positions within the organization. I did not have that fear. I was willing to do or experience anything that was necessary to find the truth. And I did it.I was never commanded, even at IBM, to stop working with the crystals.The first person I treated at IBM with the crystal was a fourth level manager, Dr. Ko Nishimura. I sat in my office, it was about 5 oclock, and suddenly I had a disturbed feeling about Dr. Nishimura. I called him. I said Are you okay?He said No. I cant get out of my chair. He was paralyzed. He had injured his back years ago while playing football, and he had run that morning, I think 3 or 4 miles, a little bit longer than he normally does. So when he sat down, his spine froze solid. He couldnt move.For about four or five minutes I worked with the crystal on him. The stress in his back left. He could get up, bend his back, get in his car and drive and he was fine. The next day he was fine.So that broke the ice at IBM, because he was a fourth level manager.The next person I treated was a work associate, Dr. Siegfried Vogel. He had suffered a ski accident and had fallen, damaged his back, and was in spasm, sitting in his office all hunched over. I said, Siegfried, do you want help?He said, Please, anything. I treated him. Within minutes the pain was gone, the stress was out of his spine, and he could get up, move around, and drive home.Those were the first two experiences I had with crystal healing. My own associates! I didnt know what was going to happen, but I was willing to experience it and try. Thats what Ive done all the years that Ive done work in this area.When I was a sophomore in high school, I studied hypnotism. I wanted to see if there was truth in the act of hypnosis. So I got on the stage and I performed, with no preconceived notions.I found that you truly can put a person under and hypnotize him. But I also saw that there was a power, a force, a subtle energy that left my body and entered that of the other person I would work on.All I had to do was think, and they would respond to my thoughts. I did not want to have anything to do with that. I stopped any work on that.At that time, I also had studied palmistry. I was very much interested in the characteristics of the hands. I did that as a hobby as a young man.My mother had been interested in palms. My father had passed away when I was 15, so my mother supported herself by singing in night clubs and then doing card reading, palmistry, tea leaves, and things like that.I developed these powers and skills through meditation and prayer, not by any deliberate type of training that you would normally think of from a psychic standpoint. I wanted to use them always for the good of mankind or for my own development and growth and linking into the pattern of life, why Im here, and what I am to do with my life.In many shamanistic, Wiccan and indigenous spiritual traditions, psychic gifts such as intuitive spiritual guidance, pre-cognition, telepathy, channeling, and more, are considered to pass through the bloodlines of psychics to their children, so it is very interesting that Marcel Vogels mother supported herself by using herpsychicorspiritualgifts.Based upon Vogels account of his life story, it is probable that Vogel inherited his mothers talents. This would help explain his unique successes in working with plants, crystals, and subtle energies his ability to conduct experiments that yielded positive results when others were unable to duplicate the results of such experiments.Vogel began to cut crystals to use as therapeutic tools in 1974 and 1975, as a result of an amazing, visionary dream that revealed information about sacred geometry and the ideal forms for quartz crystals.Having reached the limits of formalized knowledge on this subject available through standard sources, Vogel was ultimately rewarded with an intuitive insight that proved to be extremely valuable for his research, and enabled him to construct highly faceted quartz crystals optimized for use by healers working with people around the world seeking relief from emotional, mental and physical imbalances and assorted health concerns.In late 1974, I awoke one morning and saw a pattern in my minds eye, which I later identified to be theTree of Lifeas shown in theKabbalah.I proceeded to work in my glass shop to reproduce this image and make this crystal into the shape that I had seen. I tried various existing shapes: single-terminated, double-terminated, four and six-sided crystals.Out of this experimentation came the first fundamental instrument for body balancing and research into the release of unwanted fields surrounding the body and allowing the body to come to a state of normal operation.I found that adjusting these fields could cause beneficial changes in the human body, which, in turn, facilitate healing of a wide assortment of illnesses. Ive termed this new scienceEtheric Physics, and the healing practiceTransformational Medicine.It was in this period, during 1974-75, Vogel realized that when you pulse a coherent thought, like repeating a mantra,andsimultaneously pulse your breath out through your nose in a series of bursts, you can impart your intent, your loving energy, and a huge stream of Universal Life Force Energy into the energy field of a quartz crystal, where it is held for use in meditation or healing sessions.This realization provided the basis for the development of Vogels basic techniques for cleansing, charging and programming quartz crystals for spiritual practices and healing purposes.1976 The Russian Connection and the Power of Crystal HealingIn 1976 I went toThe First International Conference in Psychotronics and Paraphysicsin Russia and I chaired the section there onMan-Plant Communication.While I was there I met Dubrov, Presman, Naumov and others and Russian scientists connected with the field of parapsychology, so I got to know a cross section of all of these people within a very short period of time.There is where I saw their work on hypnotism. I saw the mind control devices that they were working on, and was subjected to a psychic attack by them after I returned.I went through months of feeling weak, compared to my own normal state, and my ability to think clearly was impaired.Finally I knew there was something wrong and I struck back.I brought one of the men from IBM into my office and we located the source.A woman in Russia who had my calling card was focused on me. I built one ring of light around her and then put another ring of light around her and then pulsed it, collapsing it. When I did that for the third time, the light went out, all of that pressure in my body left, and I was free.I also wrote this up and reported to our management at IBM what took place from a standpoint of preventing an equivalent type of psychic attack.I also reported this to the CIA.What they do is they steal undergarments. Or they will take your business card, and these items will act as psychotronic devices that they can tune in on. They link to you, and then they can tap into your patterns of thinking, your thoughts, and literally drain this energy from your body that way.Soon after this difficulty, Vogel began to host small informal gatherings in his home for people interested in exploring the world of subtle energies and crystal healing. These lectures and demonstrations were offered free of charge.The first lecturing started right here in my home. My wife would prepare the meals.In the first lectures, we invited a small group of people. Then it expanded.Then I gave a small lecture at City College, San Francisco. Being with this group of people, I had just started to feel that the quartz crystals had a power to them, and little by little I would show crystals to groups of people.Crystals fascinated them. They discovered they could feel a pulse coming out of them.The original topic was three-fold: the integration of the body, the mind and the spirit. I always spoke on the triune basis of the forces and how one must develop these.By this point in Vogels development, it had become clear that his work was now morespiritual sciencethan conventional engineering or basic science.Vogel believed by this point that in order to experiment with subtle energies, communication with plants, or the use of quartz crystals for healing and meditation, it was essential for the experimenter to undertake a course of study and applied inner work not so different from the spiritual practices taught by Native American shamanic practitioners, Zen Buddhist monks, and Hindu Yogis.In the next several years, Vogel would move to the next level with his yoga practices, as the Universe synchronistically offered him the spiritual experiences he needed to grow and develop as a researcher into the mysterious world of subtle energies.In the late 1970s I metSwami Vishnu Devananda, and I made a crystal for him that he uses at the Sivananda Yoga Center in San Francisco.I had been invited down to Los Angeles to a Festival of Light. Swami Devananda was there with a group of people. I spoke onThe Power of Crystals to Focus Energy of Mindand what could be done with crystals, and Marilyn Rossner was there, and I held a crystal in my hand, a little crystal ball, and as I pulsed the crystal, she went into a trance, on the stage, and she was suddenly out of it all and started to channel to Swami Vishnu, that he should pay attention to crystals and should consider them as a very important instrument for his spiritual growth and development. That all happened in Los Angeles. Then he called me within a couple of weeks and said hed like to come up and visit me.In the meantime, when he went back home, other girls delivered channeled messages to him, telling him that a crystal would be made for him.Next Swami Devanandas teacher called out to me at my office at IBM. Suddenly, as I was sitting in my office, a voice spoke within me and I felt the presence of Swami Sivananda, the father of the Sivananda Yoga Organization, and I heard the words that I should make a crystal for Swami Vishnu.So I had a large natural six-sided crystal. I cut the thing right down the face, all by hand. Realize there were no guides. I didnt clamp it. I was guided just by feel. The minutest movement and the thing would have just fractured off. I had to be rock steady.When Swami Vishnu came and saw me in my office I said, Here is your crystal.And he was frightened because he hadnt spoken to me. Nobody had spoken to me, and I said, Here is your crystal. Now, if you want, I will give you the final crystal in the completed form, but you must come to me for guidance of how you are to use it.He said that he would. So another two weeks went by and Id finished the crystal for him. I went ahead every day cutting, and I polished it. He called me on the phone and invited me to come to India with him for two or three weeks. The moment I met him in New York, I said, Here is your crystal. I repeated, You must come to me for instruction on how to use it.While in India, visiting with Hindu holy men, Vogel had a profound spiritual experience. Vogels story of this powerful event closely resembles prominent accounts of thekundalini awakeningwhich brings Cosmic Consciousness.Through these yogic experiences, Vogel received validation from the yogic community that the breath carries human thought, and thus human consciousness. The breath can also carry a highly refined human intention, like the thought of healing or Union with the Divine.The breath carries human emotions, like love. All this is possible because the breath carriespranaor the Universal Life Force Energy that travels throughout the human bio-energy field, maintaining health, consciousness and life itself.Here is Marcel Vogels account of his spiritual epiphany in India, from a talk he gave March 18, 1978 at a Yoga Retreat on Paradise Island, Nassau, after returning from India.[6] Vogel gave this talk with Swami Vishnu, whom Vogel affectionately refers to asSwamiji,and another Yogi in attendance.

What Swamiji is holding in his hand is a crystal that was made by me with my own hands -- a gift to him and to all of you -- to open, to illumine. This crystal was used in the mountains. Swamiji and myself tuned into the crystal and a power was ignited in my body.I am a scientist. I have devoted my life to this study of phenomena, the aspects of nature that are amenable to study through the analytical instruments that science has to offer.The most wonderful instrument we have is our bodies. This is what God designed us to be,an instrumentof service to Him. We are made in the image of God and as we let this light shine forth, we illuminate this body, cause it to illumine us, to emit its light and sound its note which then manifests the teaching that comes from within.The crystal which Swamiji holds is quartz; I have a similar one in my own hand. They are designed to take the energy of mind and bring it into focus and start the spiral of life moving through the crystal.As we, together on the mountain in intense sunlight, went into this crystal, we felt a pulse moving in the crystal.When that pulse took hold, my body became as of fire. One side of my body became hot, the other side intensely cold.That power continued to increase until I almost had to cry:out. It was then that the illumination took place.With my eyes closed, I saw a light inside my head which became more and more intense until in that light, an image appeared. That image was a temple, a temple which was on that mountain. In that temple were people; suddenly there was a fire. I saw flames coming up, red flames and the people screaming in terror and the temple coming down in flames. Then suddenly there was no more; that was the end of the image.It was then that I asked myself why we were here; what was the purpose of making this mission to the mountain. It came to me that we were there as instruments of purification.I then went with Swami Brahmananda to the forest. I asked Master Sivananda, through this man, what was the purpose of the visit and why were we there.The answer came directly through him that we were there to ignite the flame. I asked that question three times and as he said these words, he remarked, I do not understand what I am saying. It does not make sense to me.As I asked this question and received the answer, there was with us a clear image of Sivananda. His image was precise. He was there; it was a real phenomenon.I saw that we can, with love, bring back the culture that India has given us and from that true fusion, a linking of the East and West will take place. In my heart, I feel that Swami Sivananda had this as a primary objective all his life and we had the privilege and the opportunity of fulfilling it.1981-1982 Self-Healing and Using Crystals for Therapeutic PurposesI had arythmia of the heart in 1982, a heart attack which put me in intensive care. But in 1983 I had a real coronary, an angina attack. Without my knowledge and use of crystals, I would not be alive. In fact, I would not be physically here if I had not used crystals.The day I had the heart attack as I was leaving the house, I got to the door and I stopped, and something in me said Go upstairs. I went upstairs and I got the four-sided healing crystal which I normally never carry, and I put it in my pocket. I got 4 miles from IBM and there was an accident and traffic was bumper-to-bumper. As I started to approach these cars, I got hit with a massive coronary, like a sudden blow to the chest. I couldnt breathe. Because of the accident, I couldnt get off the highway.I reached in my pocket, got the crystal, and just held it pointing at my heart. Immediately the pain went away. The pain was first a sudden blow to the chest and I couldnt breathe.As soon as I brought the crystal up to my heart, the pain ceased. I could breathe, and breathed in a reasonably normal way. I held the crystal there for the fifteen minutes it took to go the four miles, and that was an eternity.I kept repeating, Dear Lord, help me get to the laboratory.When I had my heart attack, I put the crystal directly on my chest, despite the fact that most of my work with the crystal had been at the etheric level. I had touched my body with it as opposed to holding it at a distance because I wanted it linked directly to the artery in the physical body to stop all spasm. I had to close the circuit. The circuit head could not be open.Mind you, I had to deal with two modalities. First, I still had to drive the car with one hand, and second, I had to deal with treating my body at the same time. I was working with the dual modality of my mind functioning and I had to recognize the seriousness of it. I had to see the damage that was there, and when you assess that you can be frightened. It would be very natural to be fearful and thats the last thing I could have taking place.When you are working at the etheric level, you are dealing with the product of mind and body interacting and producing this program. There is a time constant connected with it. All the more so in the case of a heart attack.Amazingly enough, I was able to drive the car in to the IBM building, park in my normal parking spot, walk into my office and call my manager.I said to him, I have had a heart attack. Would you please call the paramedics. All the time I had the crystal on my chest. There was never another pain or any other secondary indications.They put me on a gurney, took me to the Santa Theresa Hospital, and put me immediately into intensive care. Sure enough, a coronary condition was indicated, but I had no secondary attack.I kept the crystal focused all the time and just breathed, and the program I put in said, No pain. No additional coronary attack. And that was the program.The next day they assigned a doctor, a specialist in coronary difficulties, and I had an angiogram, where they look at your heart with x-rays and they run it out on film. He took one look at that and said, There is only one hope for you and that is an immediate open heart surgery, because one of the main arteries coming out of your heart is 94% occluded, almost completely constricted. One more attack and the thing would have collapsed, and that would have been the end.I said, Doctor what other alternatives do I have?Theres another procedure which is an angioplasty. I dont recommend it. Its not too secure a procedure. I told him I wanted to weigh both of the alternatives. So, a couple of days later I was discharged from the hospital and I went to see Dr. Sheehan and the other doctors who were recommending the open heart surgery, and there I brought Dr. Laskow along, plus another doctor as a referee and they ran their full procedure of what I would be faced with for each of the procedures, open heart and angioplasty.In the meantime I had the crystal in my hand at all times. Never once did I have any further attack.Then I had the doctor present the two cases to me and I made the decision that I would do the angioplasty. I would not take the open heart surgery.So I went back and made arrangements, leaving a one month interval between that date and that of the operation.

Every morning I would take the crystal, go into occluded area with my minds eye, visualize the artery, (I had seen the pictures of what it looked like), and just cut away at the plaque and the formation.When it came to operation time, they got me on the table and they looked at the problem area with x-rays. They almost did not want to operate, because the main artery had gone from 94% occludance down to 74%, quite a reduction.The doctor said that there must have been something wrong with the original picture. I said, No. You have the original picture.When they finished the operation I said lets play the video of before and after, and they did that, and there was the original artery almost completely sealed over, and the new picture of the artery much more open. I have these records.The doctor said he did not understand what took place.I said, I did a healing on my body. This is a case wherein I did the healing myself with the crystal. I consider that a real healing because my inner intuition had a forewarning that there was something wrong.If I had ever needed convincing on the value of crystals, this would have been the proof.However, there was never at any moment of time a need for me to be convinced. I knew it from the very beginning.I would never have dedicated myself as deeply as I had originally had I not known this. All I ever asked for is the instrument or tools to discover the methodology of measurement so that I could get the data to present to the outside world. My inner self knew.The moment I touched the crystal I knew. The episode I had upstairs in my room with Chuck Mignosa where I held the crystal in my hand, drew my breath in, pulsed it, and pointed it at him, and his head went back like it was hit with a poleaxe, and I knew. I said, That is a force to be reckoned with, and one has to be very careful with it.Before the heart attack, I had made the decision to retire and had laid the grounds for starting the PRI laboratory, first renting a place on The Alameda. It was a single room and I had young people working with me.One day I was broken into and one of the microscopes was stolen. So that was the end. I just pulled back on that. Then the space opened at the Mahedrin Restaurant and there was sufficient room to put some of the laboratory gear and some of the things that I had accumulated that I could not store in my own house. The quarters were very, very poor to say the least. They were cast-off office rooms.We had that for about a year, or a year and a half (rent-free, which was fine). Despite the primitive circumstances, we got going in research.Dr. Laskow had come over. We worked on doing a mental transfer of the essence of various drugs through the crystal into the area of the body needing treatment.We learned a lot in this period.The key statement is that the crystal is a bio-energetictransducer. Cut in the proper shape and form it can, and will, absorb radiations, amplify, and transmit.So we qualify the definition of a transducer by saying that it is a bio-energetic or biological transducer.Now the transduction or the conversion of energy can be a step up or a step down activity as well.That means that you can take a field, which we call love, which we could not quantify with normal scientific equipment.Have a person hold the crystal in his hand to project the thought of love, and that energy is now stored in the crystal in a form that we can extract by resonant transfer into vehicles like water or other systems to measure that charge.So here we can start the scientific quantification and measurement of forces. This refined in my mind the reality. My first questions were, Am I dealing with reality? Is there enough substance to the use of crystals that it would demand my dedicating my life to it? So I did the initial investigation and the answer was yes.

Then I formed a group of people here, ten or eleven, and we would meet every Monday. We would discuss ideas; we would do brainstorming. I have got about two years of dialogue all on this, all recorded in my notebooks on opening up the potential core of information. That gave me the background to step out and really start working. So, it has been a real adventure and a challenge.In 1981 and 1982, I started giving lectures with a group of doctors. It is fascinating how this all came to be.The lectures came about from an article that appeared inThe National Enquireron this IBM scientist who not only bent metal but fractured metals.I had been invited to Stanford University by a professor of Astrophysics who was interested in the work of psychics who could bend metals with their minds.What happened at Stanford University was that they had me come there and they had rods of about ? to over in diameter that had been slightly bent by internationally acclaimed psychic and spoon-benderUri Geller.They also brought another man who claimed to be very proficient in bending metals mentally. They also had a woman there who was a professor of metallurgy.So, I said, if you want Ill see what I can do with it. So they handed me one of these rods. I took one look at it, pulsed my breath, and the thing went boom. Just like that. It was like a sonic boom the metal rod broke in two pieces. I told them Here it is. Now, please study it. It shocked them.There was a man next to me who had trained to be a metal bender. I turned to him and said, why dont you try the next one. He threw his hands up and said, No, no, I dont want to touch it.I said, Why?He said, You do it, you do it. He was frightened.I said, All right, Ill do one more for you. Then I repeated the demonstration. And I said, Please study it and let me know what you come up with as far as your data.Somehow Stanford leaked the information to theNational Enquirerand it got into print with my picture on it, with my taking metals and just with the power of mind bending them and snapping them into pieces.That is what stimulated a medical doctor, Dr. Tang, in San Francisco, to call me, inviting me to meet a group of doctors. They were meeting once every couple of months about 10 or 12 of them, and I gave them a talk on crystals. They had never been introduced to crystals before and they were fascinated with them. We hung together for close to 5 years. These doctors were the first ones to get the specially cut crystals.I had started cutting the crystals myself in my garage in 1974 1975, as described above. I had awakened one morning and I had seen the image of theTree of Lifeand thats what started it. The shape was double-terminated.I started to cut crystals into that shape. It took about a year of experimentation. I started this in the glass shop with a friend who was a glass blower, Alex Kelbin, and I would cut the crystals on this big 18 saw, and then learned to polish them on these flat laps that we had there for finishing rock specimens.Then, over time, as I achieved good results with the crystals I had cut, I began to give talks to the doctors.I would meet once a week with a group of people from all around the Bay Area, and we would discuss the future of PRI and what would be required to get going to bring a technology like this into being. It was a wonderful combination of people including a woman (who was, again, an excellent channel), and a scientist from Stanford Research Institute. We brainstormed together and I drew on this as a root source of information and spiritual insights I used to help me to formulate my plans as to where I would go and what I should do.I used three basic sources: 1) my own inner intuitions, 2) the channeling expertise of Kay Von Damm, 3) The input of a group of people during round-table discussions. That was the rooting of the ideas that I was formulating for the laboratory.Because in America, the creation of crystals in a faceted form to receive, amplify and transmit Universal Life Force Energy, loving emotions and healing thoughts did not really exist before I started cutting crystals for healing and meditation.The whole spiritual technology was biased towards natural crystals they were to be left untouched so as not to damage them. It was a Native American tradition that to tamper with the natural stone by cutting it was wrong.The opposite side of the fence is the faceting of gems to bring out the quality of the gemstone which is the brilliance of its coloration. So we have these two diversities of opinion.On the one hand, Native Americans view the gems and crystals embedded deep underground as the nervous system of Grandmother Earth, very sacred vessels essential to maintain the dynamic equilibrium of climatic conditions conducive to human civilization and healthy growth of plants and animals.On the other hand, Eastern Indians, with a several thousand year old written and oral spiritual tradition so rich, vast and deep that it boggles the Western mind, have traditionally used extremely highly faceted gemstones for healing and by astrologers to ameliorate the negative influences of badly aspected planets in the birth chart.The Hindu people feel that diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires are the strongest conductors of subtle energies of various frequencies, flavors and uses, and that although natural quartz crystals have similar properties, their power is only a minute fraction of the power of true gemstones.To learn more about the different ways spiritual traditions both East and West have used crystals and gemstones for healing, meditation and in their own Ascension Practices, read our free e-Book entitledSpirits of Stone: A Lightworkers Guide to Crystals and Gemstonesby your editor, Curtis Lang.Marcel Vogel began to research the different wisdom school traditions regarding the use of crystals and gemstones in healing at this time.I started to buy books as to what are the traditions connected with stones and gemstones, as far as their healing properties are concerned.The more I read, the more confused I became. I felt there was a germ of truth but the more I read, the more confused Id get, until finally I took the whole thing and just pushed it aside, finally saying Im going to deal with it on my own.Vogels approach was based ultimately upon the scientific method combined with Catholic prayer and meditation. Vogel did not see the need for a spiritual teacher and avoided the traditional approaches to gems and crystals.Vogel believed that an open mind, acute powers of discernment, a reliance upon observable facts and duplicatable experiments, and a loving heart would enable him to fully understand the power of quartz crystals for healing and meditation, and to create highly faceted quartz crystals that would be the optimum energy tools for use by practitioners of all spiritual and healing traditions, East and West.Vogels path was the path of scientific experimentation, inner spiritual exploration, and the direct experience of altered states of consciousness to facilitate healings.Almost from the beginning, Vogel sought out the opportunity to test his highly faceted healing crystals on sick people who had sought healing, by allying himself with medical doctors and encouraging them to use his crystals on patients.At the same time that I had started, a cult of people were also teaching crystal healing, but this was only with natural crystals. The leaders of these groups were Nick Nocerino and his protege, Dale Walker, with other independents like Bill McNeill, Randall Baer, and Warren and Carol Klausner coming in later.Nick Nocerino and Dale Walker tend to follow the tenets of old alchemy and magic combined with some of the traditional American Indian teachings. Randall Baer utilizes more of the old Atlantean approach, whereas Bill McNeill uses channeled information as his basic reference guide. Warren and Carol Klausner started with the traditional Indian and added the current scientific aspect that they gained as we worked together. Oshinnah has been teaching her traditional American Indian methods with her adaptations for well over a decade now.I stepped out counter to all of these traditional teachings and said if were going to use a crystal, they have to be cut and tuned properly, but I had no base line.That was my real difficulty, and that was a pioneering step, because I moved away from the tradition.I had nothing I could fall back on from the traditional point of view or from the knowledge of the historical point of view, which is the use of gemstones from Ancient Egypt and such.So I said, Im going to deal with only one stone, quartz, silicon dioxide Im going to deal with it because it is piezoelectric. It has the very powerful property of converting energy. And I followed that path, the threefold path: my own intuition, I would meditate, I would read whatever book I could find, and then pray, and at night time I would process. I would go to Mass, then write down in my notebook the thoughts that came to me. Ive got about 20 to 30 notebooks, and Ive gotten back to these now.One idea I had for an experiment was to use a photographic film as a dosimeter for the energy released by a crystal, as a film badge is used as a dosimeter for detecting radiation exposure in x-rays and nuclear exposure. I want to get a quantitative measure of the exposure of a crystal powered generator.I wanted to get a radiometric base because Im cutting these crystals at various angles and I wanted to see where I would get the maximum output.I got some exposure but I couldnt make it quantitative. I had to work out light shields and then had to check out temperature, humidity, time and the effect of the body with calibration. This is just to give you an idea of what I was going through.I knew I had to have a measuring instrument if I was going to proceed. I put it out in prayers and then a month later, I received anOmega I Psychotronic instrumentfrom Daniel Perkins in Nevada and that came right out of the blue sky in 1974. So I had the Omega I at the time I was introducing a group of doctors to my highly faceted healing crystals.I was cutting crystals and meeting with all the doctors in our group and soon they all had specially cut crystals. I have a record for each of them and the radiometric values that I got for them.I lectured intently to the doctors. I opened everything to them. I watched them react with minimal use. Minimal. That was a discouragement because I thought if I could get a group of ten doctors willing to practice, test it, use it, then I could expand the whole storehouse of knowledge that I have and then we really could build an information store from their experiences that we could get into literature and publish. That was my intention. It did not work out.Little did I know how radical it would seem to them. I mean, it is perfectly logical, but radical for their use, because it would force them to jeopardize their reality. There were things that I had to experience and understand.The initial reaction of the doctors to working with the crystals, given the fact that it was something beyond their scope of standard medical practice, was fear.And the sad part is that most of them never overcame it. Well, I said, here it is. I put everything out in front of them. And I said, Test it for yourselves.Then, one day Dr. Chang had an accident. He was hit on the head, causing damage to his brain, and his body was partly paralyzed. A lot of that was dissipated through the use of the crystal.Then they said, Well, all right, we will bring our patients in. So they brought their patients in and I did treatments on them.The effects were very, very dramatic. I suggested they get going and try it out for themselves. Dont just sit and listen to me, I told them.But they exhibited something like a psychic block. They told me only I could do it, but not they. That it was, in fact, the same kind of personal power that allows me to do metal bendings, so, therefore, THEY couldnt do it.Later in the Eighties we had a 50-person audience in the Joy Lake seminar and I was demonstrating spoon bending and three people in the audience could not do it.Those three were all doctors. After much patience and struggle, they finally were able to bend. The same thing happened in the doctors group.It really discouraged me because I tried to be absolutely out front and honest with them, and 3 people finally stood out. One was Dr. Bernard McGinity of Sacramento, another one was Dr. John Adams of Los Angeles, and then Dr. Leonard Laskow of Mill Valley, California.In therapeutic work with crystals, the thing I have found you need is to be loving, to be absolutely sincere in your intention, and also to learn when to release.In the case of one of the doctors, I had been with him from the moment he first came to me, his weakness has been that he wants to use his ego. He wants to exemplify his ability as a practitioner to create a change in that person.So if nothing happens at first, he will keep at it minute after minute. Finally even up to an hour, almost to the point of exhaustion of both he and the patient.That is totally wrong. I told him point blank this is not what I have taught. That is when he diverted from me.He is out there now. It is going to be a battle with him and the patient.I said No, its a sharing and the patient makes the decision, and if they dont want a healing, you release them and let them go.Now, the same thing happened with another doctor. He devoted himself thoroughly, building a clinic in my name and working around the clock healing. But he burned himself out because he felt he had to heal every person who came in, and when you do that you can easily burn out.All energy healers need to understand that their job is not to fix people, but rather to provide people with the energetic support and loving energy they need to heal themselves. We are simply being the vessels through which the Universal Life Force Energy is flowing and being delivered to the recipient. So we are partners with the recipient. There is no healer-healed hierarchical relationship at all.

All energy healers must learn that they are not to push energy out at people, but rather to offer energy to them, and they can accept it or not. Conscious desire for healing on the part of the patient is essential.When I work with a person, I am loving, but detached. As soon as a transfer of energy has taken place I support them, but I turn the control over more and more to that person until finally they are running the ship and then I back off. I am done.Now it is their decision whether they want to remain whole, to correct whatever difficulty they may have had and from then on they either come out of it and theyre okay, or they remain where they are, or drop again. And that is a big transition.And it is a whole different way than traditional medicine is practiced. It is an entirely new way of dealing with healing.It has taken every ounce of my strength to walk that narrow line between old and new therapeutics, because the moment I start to share this, people grab and run prematurely, not wanting to learn any more.They think they know it all, and I just have to leave them alone. Or they will just hang on and take only a fragment and then they develop a complex in not wanting to go beyond that.This is the real reason I have made the decision to write a book.I want to turn it all over to the people. To teach them how to heal themselves, where it does not involve medicine, or any form of medical practice. In other words, the crystal work and theory is beyond currently practiced Western allopathic medicine.The criteria is learn how to be loving, to help a person come to the root of what they are suffering from, what they are struggling with, and support them as they pull that root out, release it and free it, and then heal the wound and let the body start to heal.I have had to work in a vacuum and the normal, trained, scientific mind does not like to work in a vacuum.I mean with any technical mind you deal with what you are able to handle and then you work with it in a systematic way. You work out the cause and effect relationships.In this case, I have had to turn myself over to a higher power, the love I have in Christ.I said Fine, I will dedicate myself now to You, the talents that I have, what I have learned in this lifetime. If Im to apply it in a rightful, meaningful way, I need Your help. I have just had it. I put it that way. So, I am asking You for this help. I will do my part.And help has been forthcoming.The greatest test I personally have been put through in terms of continually working with the crystals is the doctors, observing the minds of doctors and maintaining my own faith and integrity while watching these people act the way they do.Peer groups have not been quite as hard because there I am a different person. There I am talking within my own scientific field.I talk in the language of science and we can communicate on certain lines of specialties which I have, such as luminescence or the field of liquid crystal systems.But to communicate the whole picture is very difficult, to speak of the soul, to speak of love as an integral part of the teaching modality as an integral part of the healing process, that is hard for people to hear.The doctor doesnt want to hear that the crystals effectiveness is based on the openness of your heart and the purity of your intention.That does not exactly sound like four years of medical school.Or to say a short prayer before you start any healing process with a person.Doctors who specifically brought in patients and knew what those conditions were and saw the patients change would shake their head in amazement.And to what did they attribute the change? They had no explanation for why the healing occurred.And out of those 10 or 15 doctors, only three really embraced the technology strongly.I have seen people with all different ranges of ability and professional credibility each try to embrace the technology. And yet there has to be an integral level of soul connection or integrity of purpose in order for it to work.Now, another very real challenge I have found is that a person must work with these crystals without fear. They are really not to be feared, but once you create fear it projects that fear. It amplifies whatever you are. There is nothing in the crystal to be feared.Where do I see this all leading? My vision is the following, that this has got to be put into clinics. That we must choose now, and Im going to do my best with the powers that have been given to me to make a series of logical recommendations of the evidence that we have acquired up to now as the most likely steps that any practitioner could apply and get meaningful results, and recommend that these be tested now in clinics. Doctors have been afraid of repercussions, i.e., malpractice suits and the AMA.The key that comes to mind is for crystal healers to assist the doctor in the practice of medicine, to help promote healing in cases like shock, automotive injury, etc.We have one woman on video tape who had a head-on collision. This was followed by many, many surgeries and her body was still out of balance.In one crystal healing treatment, her body balanced, and she becamenormal. I think every individual who is subjected to shock, accidents and the like, should be treated with crystals and I propose that case studies be done. In this book I hope to be giving everything that practitioners can use to prepare to perform work with crystals in a therapeutic setting.My plan is to turn this into a real handbook, besides just a source book of information.The other area to pursue is long-term versus short-term treatment. I cant do that. I cannot, and I will not, because I am not a medic

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