escuela oficial de idiomas - examen modelo ingles-ciclo superior.doc

Post on 28-Apr-2017






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Número de palabras reque- rido ±5% Formato perfectamente adecuado Registro apropiado Contenido pertinente Trata todos los puntos de la tarea

Información muy bien distribuida Mantenimiento de la línea discursiva en función de la tarea uso de conectores discursivos adecuado uso de mecanismos de referencialidad a nivel léxico, sintagmático y sintáctico adecuados uso de los signos de puntuación de forma correcta

Información detallada Estructuras variadas y formalmente correctas y adecuadas al propósito comunicativo Amplia gama léxica formal- mente correcta y adecuada al propósito comunicativo

Ortografía: en general correcta Estructuras sintagmáticas correctas: concordancia, orden de palabras, complementación de verbos, sustantivos, adjetivos, adverbios, reglas de combinación Oración: corrección en la estructura



Número de palabras reque- rido ± 20% Formato adecuado, con alguna imprecisión Registro apropiado, con algún error Contenido suficientemente pertinente Trata más de la mitad de los puntos

Buena distribución de la información Mantenimiento de la línea discursiva en función de la tarea en gran parte del texto uso de conectores discursivos con alguna imprecisión uso de mecanismos de referencialidad a nivel léxico, sintagmático y sintáctico con alguna imprecisión uso de los signos de puntuación en gran parte correcta

Cantidad suficiente de información Estructuras suficientemente variadas y formalmente - suficientemente correctas y adecuadas al propósito comunicativo Suficiente gama léxica, for- malmente suficientemente correcta y adecuada al propósito comunicativo

Ortografía: algunas incorrecciones ortográficas Estructuras oracionales suficientemente correctas Estructuras sintagmáticas suficientemente correctas Léxico suficientemente correcto



Número de palabras reque- rido ±50% Formato inadecuado Registro inapropiado Contenido no pertinente Trata menos de la mitad de los puntos

Información mal distribuida Ideas mal/no enlazadas uso de conectores, mecanismos de referencialidad y puntuación inadecuado para el nivel

Información insuficiente y/o repetitiva Estructuras poco variadas o repetitivas Léxico no preciso y/o repetitivo

Ortografía: errores frecuentes Errores frecuentes en oraciones Errores frecuentes en sintagmas Léxico incorrecto

TOTAL TOTAL: ……….. /10APTO = 6




□ Desarrolla todos los puntos explicitados en la tarea□ Registro adecuado con respecto al destinatario, el propósito y la situación□ Extensión de las intervenciones adecuada□ Contenido relevante a los temas propuestos□ Ajuste adecuado (resumen, turnos de palabra, etc.)

□ Uso adecuado de conectores discursivos, mecanismos de referencialidad y patrones de entonación□ Se desenvuelve con naturalidad y con un ritmo bastante regular□ Utiliza fórmulas y marcadores de introducción, expansión, cambio y abandono de tema.□ Es consciente de cómo actúa(n) el (los) otro(s) interlocutor (es) y es capaz de cooperar o pedir aclaraciones con el fin de llegar a un entendimiento pleno.□ En las pausas que realiza para poder encontrar la expresión y el contenido adecuado, utilizará recursos lingüísticos de distracción.

□ Gran riqueza de recursos gramaticales□ Gran riqueza de recursos léxicos □ Utiliza los recursos con mucha precisión y de manera apropiada en varios contextos

□ Correcto uso gramatical□ Correcto uso léxico□ Pronunciación clara y natural□ Recurre de forma adecuada a estrategias compensatorias (reformulaciones, circunloquios, perífrasis, etc.)



□ Desarrolla más de la mitad de los puntos explicitados en la tarea□ Registro con algún error pero en general adecuado con respecto al destinatario, el propósito y la situación□ Extensión de las intervenciones ± del 50% exigido□ Contenido a veces irrelevante o tratado de una manera muy general □ Ha conseguido los objetivos más importantes (resumen, turnos de palabra, etc.)

□ Discurso conexo y las pausas que aparecen no alteran esta conexión.□ Se desenvuelve con bastante soltura.□ Se expresa lo suficientemente bien para comunicar la información clave de su intervención a pesar de algunos problemas al formular su discurso: pausas, “callejones sin salida”□ Es consciente de cómo actúa(n) el (los) otro(s) interlocutor(es) y es capaz de cooperar o pedir aclaraciones con el fin de llegar a un entendimiento suficiente.

□ Recursos gramaticales suficientes□ Recursos léxicos suficientes□ Utiliza los recursos con bastante precisión y en general de manera apropiada en varios contextos

Comete algunos errores □ gramaticales, léxicos□ pronunciación pero que no causan problemas de comunicación □ Uso adecuado aunque con algunos errores de estrategias compensa- torias (reformulaciones, circunlo- quios, perífrasis, etc.)



Ha tenido dificultades para llevar a cabo la tarea. □ Contenido irrevelante o tratado de una manera demasiado general.□ Le ha costado hacer un resumen oral del texto y seguir la conversación.□ Intervenciones inapropiadas, turnos de palabra, etc.)

□ Uso inadecuado de conectores discursivos, mecanismos de referencialidad y patrones de entonación□ Se hace entender en intervenciones breves aunque resulten muy evidentes las pausas y las dudas iniciales.□ Discurso, a veces, inconexo.

□ Recursos gramaticales pobres para el nivel□ Recursos léxicos pobres para el nivel□ Uso impreciso e inadecuado de los recursos gramaticales y léxicos

Marcados problemas de comunicación debido a:□ Frecuentes errores gramaticales, léxicos que pueden dar lugar a malentendidos y que requieren mayor esfuerzo por parte del interlocutor. □ Pronunciación inteligible pero errores que requieren mayor esfuerzo por parte del interlocutor

para entender. Errores en palabras clave.

TOTAL: ................ /10APTO = 6



PART ONE (6 x 1 mark = 6 marks)

Read the following article and choose the sentence which fits best each gap from the list supplied. Then write the corresponding letter in the appropriate white box provided on the next page. Two of these sentences are not to be used. Sentence 0 is an example.


Katherine Hamnet is famous for bringing politics on to the catwalk. Here she rethinks the ethics of the fashion industry

Fashion brands are as globalised as coffee shops and oil companies. The clothing, textile and footwear industry is enormous: the third or fourth largest in any industrialised economy, and, 0. __ , the fashion industry is probably the largest in the world.

The search for higher profits has led this industry to support police states (such as China and Burma) and help finance wars (Angola), as well as cause incalculable permanent damage to the planet through the use of harmful chemicals that poison soils and water supplies. Some estimates suggest 20,000 people die each year through pesticide poisoning in cotton agriculture, and at least a million more suffer acute long-term poisoning. 1 __ . Both high-end and high street labels make wide use of unethical labour markets in the developing world.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Right now I'm in Italy preparing to start a new clothing line called Katharine E Hamnett (the E is for my middle name, Eleanor, though it could stand for ethical, environmental, excellent, exquisite, ee-by-gum –take your pick). 2 __ , which means: no forced labour is used; safe and hygienic conditions are provided for workers; no child labour is used; living wages are paid to all workers; no one is made to work excessive hours or subjected to discrimination; all workers are given total freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; they are also provided with regular employment; and no workers are subjected to harsh or inhumane treatment. 3. __ .(…)

Organic cotton is identical to conventional cotton, it's just produced without killing people. If you don't believe me, go along to the textile department of a local museum and look at the clothes produced up to 1840, before the introduction of chemical pesticides. What you'll see will be of superior quality than anything that's being produced today.4. __ . Using heavy metal-free, low-impact dyes you can produce every colour under the sun using hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine bleach. (…)

Would it be possible for ethical practices to be rolled out across the whole fashion industry? Yes. The cost of manufacturing ethically is a little higher, but do we want to walk across dead bodies to get ridiculously cheap clothes? (The cost of the raw cotton used in a T-shirt is less than 1% of its retail price).

Maybe manufacturers need to cut out unnecessary costs. Having one textile fair a year instead of five would save a huge amount on unnecessary business-class air travel, plus cut down CO2

emissions.(…)5. __ . We mustn't take the work away from them, but we insist all manufacturing is done according to sound, ethical and environmental standards.(…)6. __ . I think we should have a 'No Shopping day' on April 1st, when we stay at home and write letters to our favourite brand –-be it Louis Vuitton, Diesel, Asda, Zara, Top Shop– asking them if their manufacturing processes comply with the ETI criteria, and if not, when are they going to and that we'll reconsider buying when they do. (…)

Katherine HamnetAdapted from © Spark, The Guardian 28.02.04


PART TWO (6 x 1.5 marks = 9 marks)

Read the following text. For items 7 – 12 choose the option (a, b or c) which fits best according to the text. Then write it in the corresponding white box of the questionnaire provided on

the next page. Item 0 is an example.


It wasn’t bad enough that the tech boom brought the scourge of casual dress to the corporate world. When the dotcom companies eventually imploded, they also managed to depress other sectors of the economy and, with it, the already defeated spirits of menswear retailers. Men jittery about their jobs were hardly inclined to purchase new khakis and polo shirts, let alone suits, which, because they cost more, are far more lucrative for the industry. But after several years of straight decline, the menswear industry is showing signs of improvement.

Optimism seeped into the clothes themselves in July at the first 2005 menswear shows, where blazing colours drenched the runways in pinks, yellows and greens. Gucci sent out tops patterned with butterflies; flowers cropped up on shirts and jeans at Dolce and Gabbana and Calvin Klein, among others. Glimmers of hope are also discernable at the cash register. In the past six months, sales have risen 5.6% in the States, the first increase in the sector in three and a half years, according to Marshall Cohen of NPD Fashion World, which tracks the apparel industry.

The improved outlook can be attributed in part to a tentatively improving U.S. economy as well as the fact that, as Cohen points out, three years is a long way to go without buying clothes ( especially since as men age, they also grow, generally going up a size every two years after the age of 35) . But it is also being driven in some measure by a group of men heeding another trend from the collections. At Gucci, for example, menswear designer John Ray presented brocade jackets and ornate tunics adorned with beads and coins. At Miu Miu, coats dripped with small mirrors. For cold

A Consumer power rules in a world that is run by industry

B Developing countries need Western investment more than anywhere else

C Ethical manufacturing doesn't mean the clothes have to be beige and lumpy

D if you include all forms of personal adornment and the allied agricultural, mining and production industries

E The more organic cotton I need, the more farmers convert to organic farming and the less pesticide is used

F The new line will only use organic cotton, sustainable fibres and manufacturing techniques that comply to the Ethical Trading Initiative

G The production methods the fashion industry uses also keep millions of people in working conditions tantamount to slavery

H There's no point complaining about globalisation

I These don't seem like wildly ambitious codes of practice, but by launching a clothing line based on these principals we're going to break all the fashion industry's rules


0 D







weather, Hedi Slimane at Christian Dior Homme is offering floor-length kilts. A similar sense of indulgence, if not flamboyance, was evoked by clothes that went in the other direction. Suits that were spare and sleek were also impeccably cut in plush fabrics. The unifying notion was the acknowledgement that just as for some women, there are men who appreciate and enjoy wearing well-made chic clothing for their edification, not that of their boss or wife.

Such men, who have emerged as a notable force in the past year, cannot necessarily be characterised as gay or straight, nor can they be written off as dandies. Usually under 40, well-groomed and fit, they eschew khakis in favour of expensive jeans, like those from Paper denim & Cloth, worn with brightly striped shirts or blazers. They are also buying suits – not because they have to but because they want to. And in perhaps the biggest shift, they are shopping by themselves, not with a wife, girlfriend or partner loitering outside the dressing room to offer an appraisal.

“I’ve been in this business for over 30 years, especially in the men’s sector, and in the past five years, there’s been a radical change with how men approach fashion,” says Gabriella Forte, president of Dolce & Gabbana USA, who reports that the company’s menswear sales increased nearly 40% over last year. “ This segment, particularly among 30- to 40- year-olds, is shopping on its own. “ Among D&G items, Forte says vibrantly coloured and striped shirts as well as jeans are selling best.

Jeans, whether ripped, dark, white or low slung, were the mainstay at both the Dolce & Gabbana and D&G Men’s shows, and, according to Michael Macko, head buyer for menswear at Saks Fifth Avenue, expensive jeans are the foundation for the style-conscious man’s wardrobe. Macko says sales of casual designer clothing are up among young men who, unlike their elders, “grew up without the stigma that only gay men went shopping by themselves or with other men. “ For this new generation, Macko says,” it all starts with a premium denim, whether it’s Levi’s Premium or Seven; a great shoe, maybe Tod’s then a great shirt; then a blazer. We’re doing a great business in blazers. “

Whatever the health of the world’s economies, it seems unlikely that outside certain financial companies and law firms, the office dress code will ever snap back to the formality it had before the 1990s. Even so, high-end retailers are hopeful that a certain population of men will continue to shop like women.

Adapted from © Newsweek, 2004


0. The writer

a) approves of casual dress. b) doesn’t like casual dress. c) doesn’t take casual dress seriously.

7. The Information Technology boom

a) brought about an increase in sales in menswear.b) had a depressing effect on the economy as a whole.c) resulted in a change in dress code in business circles.

8. Men

a) had been spending less due to job insecurity.b) have been spending more on clothes in the last 3 years.c) get nervous about their image after the age of 35.

9. It is commonly agreed in the menswear industry that

a) gays play a prominent role as buyers.b) men are indulging their own tastes.c) the under 40s show a preference for khaki.

10. It seems that one of the biggest changes in recent times is that men are

a) doing without their partners' advice and approval.b) going for brighter clothes and innovative designs.c) paying more attention to the dictates of fashion.

11. Sales of casual designer clothing have increased among the new generation because they

a) are becoming more independent-minded about what they like.b) are reacting against their elders' conservative taste.c) have been influenced by gays' flamboyance.

12. The writer concludes that

a) the well-being of the world’s economy is in doubt.b) up-market menswear retailers are optimistic about the future.c) work dress practice might well become formal again.

PART THREE (20 x 0.5 marks = 10 marks)Read the text and complete each blank with one suitable word from the list supplied. Then write your answers in the boxes provided on the following page. Each word can be used only once. There are five words you will not need. The first one has been completed as an example.


THE FOLLY OF DRINK DRIVINGTHE latest study of our quite scandalous drink-driving problem brings to attention a startling __0__. Only 13,000 drivers a year are arrested. Given that there are 13,000 pubs in the country, that's a depressing __1__ of one driver per pub per year.

In a given year, tens of thousands of people must emerge from our pubs __2__ over the limit, climb into their cars, and __3__ with no consideration for the danger they pose to themselves and others. Therefore, in catching a mere 13,000 of them, we are barely scratching the __4__ of the problem. To make matters worse, only a little over 3,000 of these drivers were __5__ last year.

Another __6__ fact to emerge from the study is that 60pc of us now visit the pub with the explicit intention of binge drinking. With less than impeccable __7__, this news comes as the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland tells us that the drinks industry here is the most heavily taxed in Europe. The organisation says that this __8__ the vast majority of pub-goers who want to drink sensibly. Obviously many people do drink sensibly, but if six in ten of us go to the pub to binge-drink, a __9__ many more of us are not in fact sensible drinkers.

The chances are that Finance Minister Brian Cowen is not going to be seeing things the drink industry's way next week when he __10__ his budget. Drink is quite likely to become even more heavily taxed. The problem of drink-driving must be __11__ in a number of ways. One, unfortunately, is to make alcohol more expensive. That is unfortunate because it does penalise sensible drinkers, but what choice is there when so many people are not sensible? Imagine how much __12__ the problem would be if drink was cheaper?

The __13__ way to come to grips with the problem is, of course, through a change in our social attitudes. We have to try to cultivate the much more sensible __14__ to drink that most people on the continent seem to have. We need to control drink, not the other way around.

But __15__ social habits is hard, and it is long-term work. In the short-term we need to introduce __16__ breath-testing such as exists in many other countries. Unfortunately this has been delayed for at least another year __17__ to legal difficulties, a delay that is __18__costing lives.

When this kind of breath-testing is introduced it must be conducted in a serious way and year-round. __19__ anti-drink driving campaigns such as take place at Christmas are all very well but they need to continue twelve months a year.

This would go a long way __20__ reducing the current death toll of 150 people a year from drink driving.

Adapted from © Irish Independent, 2004









PART ONE (5 x 1.5 marks = 7.5 marks)

You will hear part of a radio programme. Read through sentences 1 – 5 and complete them with a suitable word or short phrase according to what you hear. Sentence 0 has been completed as an example. Now read the sentences.


Antibiotic for Children Suffering from HIV AIDSAn interview with Paul McDermot, Head of HIV AIDS Research at Unicef in New York


0. Aids researchers using the antibiotic for other diseases ______suspected____ it would have a dramatic impact on children with aids.

1. The drug is cheap and available so people who are now working in Africa already ______________________ it.

2. Prolonged use of antibiotics means the body ___________________________ .

3. According to McDermot the study in Zambia was ________________________ and actually finished earlier than planned.

4. McDermot claims that the existence of such a drug provides ________________ to people to get tested.


1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19

10 20





1. The drug does not attack the HIV virus itself but stops the infections

___________________ HIV aids4.

PART TWO (5 x 2 marks = 10 marks)

You will hear part of a radio programme. Read through sentences 6 – 10 and write the option (a, b or c) which best completes them in the corresponding white box on the right-hand side of this questionnaire. Sentence 0 is an example. Now read the sentences.


Sleep Trouble

A radio programme about women’s trouble in having a good night’s sleep


0. The study on disturbed sleep in women shows that most women

a) don't usually have trouble sleeping.b) have trouble sleeping from time to time.c) often have trouble sleeping.

6. The first cause for trouble mentioned by one of the authors of the study is

a) an overload of duties at home and at work.b) the pressure of starting a family and going on with their jobs.c) too much stress in their jobs.

7. The last factor mentioned is

a) changes in your personal life.b) the menopause.c) your posture in bed.

8. The first listener's remedy to insomnia consists of breathing and

a) visualizing her muscles.b) stretching her body.c) setting up her mind.

9. The second listener's remedy consists in

a) listening to children's books.b) listening to history books.c) talking about books from her childhood.

10. The third listener's remedy consists in listening to

a) a foreign language.b) music.c) sounds.

PART THREE (5 x 1.5 marks = 7.5 marks)

You will hear 5 extracts from different radio programmes. Read through headings A – J before listening. For each extract 1 – 5 choose the phrase that best matches the information you have heard. Then write the letter in the corresponding white box. There are four headings you will not need and an introductory extract as an example. Now read the sentences.




What are the people talking about?

A A death caused by a chemical test

B A new working law

C A non-sexist legislation at work

D A project to invest in wind energy

E Children beggars

F Environmental issues

G Flexitime for men and women

H Homeless children

I Parents’ flexibility with children

J Ways of supporting childcare



Example A






√ (0)







TASK ONE (15 marks)

Choose one of the following options (A or B) and write a text of 300 words.


Many sorts of events can produce stress. Describe a stressful event in your life and include answers to the following questions:

did you cope well with the stress? what could you have done differently? was your physical health affected by this stress?



Ireland banned smoking in pubs and hotels two years ago. Many people welcomed the initiative while for others it was an infringement of individual rights. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper stating your own view. Consider the following arguments:

average citizen´s vision of the problem people´s real needs hotel and catering trade

TASK TWO (10 marks)

Write a formal letter of 150 words following the indications below.

You have decided to leave your job to return to full-time education. Write a letter to your employer, offering your resignation.

In your letter you should mention the following:

the reason/s you are leaving. the experience you have gained while working for the company. some recommendations for the person filling your post.




COMPRENSIÓN LECTORA1ª Parte:0D, 1G, 2F, 3I, 4C, 5B, 6A

2ª Parte:0B, 7C, 8A, 9B, 10A, 11A, 12B

3ª Parte:0. statistic, 1. average, 2. well, 3. drive off, 4.surface, 5. convicted, 6. shocking, 7. timing, 8. penalises, 9. great, 10. unveils, 11. tackled, 12. worse, 13. only14. attitude, 15. changing, 16. random, 17. due, 18. undoubtedly, 19. seasonal20. towards

COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA1ª Parte:0. suspected, 1. know how to use, 2. builds up/ develops resistance, 3. groundbreaking/ very successful, 4. an incentive, 5. associated with

2ª Parte:0B, 6A, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A

3ª Parte:0A, 1E, 2B, 3D, 4G, 5J


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