
Post on 03-Mar-2016






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EspaolWilliam Shakespeare fue considerado el escritor ms clebre en lengua inglesa e universal.William Shakespeare naci en Stratfort-upon-Avon -un pequeo pueblo ingls ubicado unas 35 millas al sur de Birmingham. El 23 de abril de 1564, donde muri el mismo da de 1616.Estuvo casado con Anne Hathaway, unos aos mayor, con quien tuvo 3 hijas y un hijo. No tuvo nietos.A los veintitantos aos se traslad a Londres, donde comenz su carrera como actor y dramaturgo. Luego llegara a ser incluso empresario del teatro, como copropietario de la compaa conocida inicialmente como Lord Chamberlain's Men, que se convertira en la ms prestigiosa de la poca, al punto de conseguir el patrocinio del rey y pasar a llamarse The King's Men.Pocos aos antes de su muerte regres a su pueblo natal, donde falleci a los 52 aos.William Shakespeare escribi numerosas obras de teatro y poemas. La mayora de las primeras (36 en total) fueron publicadas varios aos despus de su muerte, en un compendio conocido como el First Folio, que las divide en dramas, comedias y obras histricas. Dentro de ellas, destacan:Hamlet, sobre las tribulaciones de este joven prncipe de Dinamarca a raz del asesinato de su padre por parte de su to. Es famossima la frase ser o no ser, he ah el dilema, del Acto III, escena 1. Lee nuestra resea completa de Hamlet.Romeo y Julieta, sobre el amor de dos adolescentes pertenencientes a dos familias rivales de la Gerona del renacimiento, los Montesco y los Capuleto.Lee nuestra resea completa de Romeo y Julieta.Otelo, el drama de un militar moro al servicio de Venecia, que sucumbe a los celos y asesina a su esposa, azuzado por el cruel Yago.Macbeth, cuya ambicin desmedida por convertirse en Rey de Escocia lo lleva a la infelicidad y la muerte. Lee nuestra resea completa de Macbeth.El sueo de una noche de verano, comedia en la que intervienen tanto humanos como personajes mitolgicos, y que se desarrolla alrededor de la boda entre Hiplita y Teseo.Ricardo III, una de las 8 obras histricas, sobre reyes ingleses. Es famosa la frase un caballo, un caballo. Mi reino por un caballo, de la escena IV, acto 5.EnglishWilliam Shakespeare was considered the most famous English writer and universal language.William Shakespeare was born in Stratfort-upon-Avon English-a small town located about 35 miles south of Birmingham. The April 23, 1564, where he died the same day of 1616.He was married to Anne Hathaway, a few years older, with whom he had three daughters and a son. He had grandchildren.

A twenties he moved to London, where his career as an actor and playwright began. Then it would become even theater entrepreneur, as owner of the company initially known as Lord Chamberlain's Men, which became the most prestigious of the time, to the point of getting the patronage of King and be renamed The King's Men.A few years before his death he returned to his hometown, where he died at age 52.William Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems. Most of the first (36 in total) were published several years after his death, in a collection known as the First Folio, which divides them into dramas, comedies and historical plays. Among them are:Hamlet, about the tribulations of this young prince of Denmark following the murder of his father by his uncle. Is famous the phrase "to be or not to be, here is the dilemma," Act III, Scene 1. Read our full review of Hamlet.Romeo and Juliet, about the love of two teenagers pertenencientes two rival families of Gerona Renaissance, the Montagues and the Capuleto.Lee our full review of Romeo and Juliet.Othello, the Moor drama of a soldier in the service of Venice, who succumbs to jealousy and kills his wife, incited by the cruel Yago.Macbeth, whose ambition to become King of Scotland leads to unhappiness and death. Read our full review of Macbeth.A Midsummer Night's Dream, comedy involved in both human and mythological characters, which revolves around the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta.Richard III, one of the eight historical works about English kings. Famously said "a horse, a horse. My kingdom for a horse "Scene IV, 5th act.

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