eurokod 7 utfÖrandestandarder inom …

Post on 23-Jun-2022






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Jan Romell, Skanska Sverige AB




ID: 13077


FÖRORD Projektet avser finansiellt stöd för planering och förberedelser av svenska entreprenörers aktiva

medverkan vid omröstningar för revideringar inom nämnda utförandestandarder för

geokonstruktioner. Projektet har genomförts av Skanska Sverige AB med stöd av SBUF.

Vi i projektgruppen vill tacka alla finansiärer, som gjort det möjligt att stödja det viktiga arbete

med revideringar av Eurokoderna.

Göteborg, september 2015

Jan Romell


EUROKOD 7 – Utförandestandarder inom geokonstruktioner

Inledning Projektet avser finansiellt stöd för planering och förberedelser av svenska entreprenörers

aktiva medverkan vid omröstningar för revideringar inom nämnda utförandestandarder för


Sverige behöver presentera och övertyga vikten av våra förhållanden och utföranden, vilket

utarbetats med lång erfarenhet med våra geotekniska förutsättningar. Annars finns risken att

vi får anpassa våra grundläggningsmetoder enligt sydeuropeiskt synsätt och


Det är av stor vikt att Sverige är mycket aktiv och kan stå upp för vårt utförande och bevaka

så att övriga länder röstar eller tar bort metoder som anpassats till våra geotekniska


Sverige och Skandinavien är små i förhållande till övriga Europa. Våra geotekniska

förhållanden med lös lera och hårt kristallint berg är ovanliga i övriga Europa. Vi har därför

metoder som inte är självklara i andra delar av Europa. Av det skälet är det viktigt att vi är

med och bevakar att ”våra” metoder och geotekniska förhållanden så vi inte tappar


Det är viktigt att undersöka bärigheten för mark och berg samt andra egenskaper och

uttrycka dessa på ett sådant sätt att de kan användas som underlag för dimensioner,

markförstärkande åtgärder och liknande. Eftersom geologi, arbetssätt,

undersökningsmetodik m.m. skiljer sig en hel del mellan länder, ansvarar kommittén för att

bevaka de svenska intressena i det internationella standardiseringsarbetet. På så sätt kan

arbetet ta hänsyn till våra geologiska förutsättningar likväl som våra utarbetade metoder och

rutiner. Sverige och Norden har god kompetens inom mark- och bergmekaniken och ligger

inom vissa nischer långt fram, vilket bör nyttjas för att få fram bästa möjliga standarder.


Möten under senaste året Från sommaren 2014 då TC288 mötet i Paris 26-27 juni då det beslutades att Sverige skulle

stå värd för årets möte fram till juni 2015 har en mängd möten hållits inom ramen för

SIS/TK 183 inom vilken kommitté bland annat hanterar TC288.

Följande möten har hållits:

2014-09-11 TK 183 möte SIS Stockholm

2014-12-02 TK 183 möte Saturnus konferens Stockholm

2014-02-23 TK 183 möte Webex möte

2015-03-17 Möte SIS + TC288 repr. Telefon

2015-04-13 TK 183 möte SIS Stockholm

2015-06-10 TK 183 möte Webex möte

2015-06-25/26 TC288 möte Skanska Stockholm

Resultat De två normerna som varit huvudmålet för detta arbete är.

- EN12699 Displacement piles

- EN14199 Micropiles

Dessa normer har under tre-fyra års tid utarbetats under ledning av Håkan Eriksson, ordförande

och Gunnar Holmberg, teknisk sekreterare.

Från december 2014-februari 2015 var dessa ute för ”formal vote”.

Resultatet blev

- EN12699 Displacement piles 23 ja, 0 nej och 9 som avstod

- EN14199 Micropiles 22 ja, 0 nej och 10 som avstod.

Omröstning gav som synes ett mycket positivt resultat.

I omröstningarna finns möjlighet att lämna kommentarer. Dessa kommentarer skall efter

omröstningen och fram till det årliga TC288 mötet arbetas in. Kommentarerna kan antingen

bedömas som tekniska eller editoriella. Endast de editoriella får arbetas in.

TC288 mötet gör därför en slutlig bedömning. Vid detta möte kom man fram till att ändringarna var

korrekta och beslut togs att upplösa de två kommittéerna.

I beslut 166 upplöstes arbetsgrupperna för EN12699 Displacement piles respektive EN14199


Härmed kan detta ärende stängas.

Jan Romell

Bilaga 1 Formal vote EN12699 Displacement piles

Bilaga 2 Formal vote EN14199 Micropiles

Bilaga 3 Draft report of the 24th meeting of CEN/TC288 ”Execution of special geotechnical

works” held in Stockholm on 25 and 26 June 2015

Association Française de Normalisation 11, rue Francis de Préssensé F – 93 571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex SIRET 775 724 818 00205

“Execution of special geotechnical works”

“Exécution des travaux géotechniques spéciaux”

“Ausführung von Arbeiten im Spezialtiefbau”

CEN/TC 288


2015-03-09 Doc. Number:

N 624 Assistant:


Phone: +33 1 41 62 81 26

Your contact:


Phone: +33 1 41 62 84 99

Result of Formal Vote on FprEN 14199 “Execution of special geotechnical work -



Dear experts, Please find hereafter the voting result of Formal vote on prEN 14199 "Execution of special geotechnical work - Micropiles (target date stage 45.00: 2014-09)", closed on 2015-02-11 (document CEN/TC 288 N 617). The result is positive with

22 approvals

0 disapprovals

10 abstentions. You will find below the comments made by the countries

SOURCE CEN/TC 288 Secretary

FOLLOW UP For information

CEN/TC 70 N 624


Voting Results

Ballot Information

Ballot reference FprEN 14199

Ballot type FV (Formal Vote)

English title

Execution of special geotechnical work - Micropiles

French title

Exécution des travaux géotechniques spéciaux - Micropieux

German title

Ausführung von Arbeiten im Spezialtiefbau - Mikropfähle

Work item number 00288020

Procedure iteration 1

Vienna agreement status None

Opening date 2014-12-11

Initial closing date 2015-02-11

Closing date 2015-02-11


CEN/TC 70 N 624


Result of voting

(National Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.)

Approved by National Members

National Members approving: 22

National Members disapproving: 0

Weighted percentage approving: 100.00 % (requirement >= 71%)


Votes by National Members

Country Member Participation Approval Disapproval Abstention Vote on dates

Austria ASI Member, Inside EEA X * Yes

Belgium NBN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Bulgaria BDS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Croatia HZN Member, Outside EEA X No Answer

Cyprus CYS Member, Inside EEA

Czech Republic UNMZ Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Denmark DS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Estonia EVS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Finland SFS Member, Inside EEA X * Yes

France AFNOR Secretariat, Inside EEA X * Yes

Germany DIN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Greece NQIS ELOT Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Hungary MSZT Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Iceland IST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Ireland NSAI Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Italy UNI Member, Inside EEA X Yes

CEN/TC 70 N 624


Votes by National Members

Country Member Participation Approval Disapproval Abstention Vote on dates

Latvia LVS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Lithuania LST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Luxembourg ILNAS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Malta MCCAA Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Netherlands NEN Member, Inside EEA x Yes (by e-mail to


Norway SN Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Poland PKN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Portugal IPQ Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Romania ASRO Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Slovakia SOSMT Member, Inside EEA X * No Answer

Slovenia SIST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Spain AENOR Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Sweden SIS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Switzerland SNV Member, Outside EEA X Yes

The Former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia

ISRM Member, Outside EEA X No Answer

Turkey TSE Member, Outside EEA X No Answer

United Kingdom BSI Member, Inside EEA X Yes

TOTALS 22 0 10

(*) A comment file was submitted with this vote


CEN/TC 70 N 624




Comments from Voters

Country Member Participation

Austria ASI Member, Inside EEA FprEN 14199 ASI.doc

Finland SFS Member, Inside EEA FprEN 14199 SFS.doc

France AFNOR Secretariat, Inside EEA FprEN 14199 AFNOR.doc

Slovakia SOSMT Member, Inside EEA FprEN 14199 SOSMT.doc


Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 6 of 13



ge Absence of national position.



2 Normative





The title of the norm prEN ISO 22477-

1:2014 is not correct

prEN ISO 22477-1, Testing of

geotechnical structures ― Part 1: Pile

load test ― Static axially loaded

compression test (ISO/WD 22477-1)



2 Références



Ed French


Le titre de la norme prEN ISO 22477-

1:2014 n’est pas correct

prEN ISO 22477-1 essais de structures

géotechniques — Partie 1 : essai de

chargement de pieu—essai statique de

compression axiale (ISO/WD 22477-1)



2 Références



Ed French


Le titre de la norme prEN ISO 22477-

2:2014 n’est pas correct

prEN ISO 22477-2 essais de structures

géotechniques — Partie 2 : essai de

chargement de pieu—essai statique de

traction axiale (ISO/WD 22477-2)



2 References



Ed French


Pas d’espace après le chiffre d’une

norme (exemple EN 447 :2007)

Virgule après la référence chiffrée

(exemple EN 447 :2007,)

EN ISO9692-1, « soudage aux gaz »

Corriger les espaces, remettre les


Enlever « x »



2; ed English version only:

prEN ISO 22477-1:2014, Geotechnical

investigation and testing – Testing of

geotechnical structures – Part 10:

Testing of piles: rapid load testing

Amend to read:

pren ISO 22477-10:2014



3.1.3 e Definition of grout should be clarified.

In clause 6.4.2 in NOTE the definition of

grout is presented.

3.1.3 homogenous mixture of cement

and water to which admixtures,

additions, filler or sand (max grain size

2mm) can be added by weight of equal

to or less than 1.0 times the cement



3.30 titre Ed French


injection sous pression répétée

injection répétée sous pression

FR 3.7 Ed French Il s’agit de micropieu et non de pieu Remplacer pieu par micropieu dans le

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 7 of 13


version titre



5.1.3 and


e clauses 5.1.3 and 5.2.1 are the same. delete 5.2.1




b) et c)

5.2.3 Ed French


Les « couches d’assise compétence »

n’est pas une expression très française

Remplacer compétentes par

« efficaces » ou « possibles »



6.6.1 Ed French


Il convient que des écarteurs ou des

centreurs soient utilisés pour assurer

l'enrobage de coulis, de mortier ou de

béton spécifié en 7.6.

Il convient que des écarteurs ou des

centreurs soient utilisés pour assurer

l'enrobage des armatures par du coulis,

du mortier ou du béton spécifié en 7.6.



7.1.6 Ed French


La corrosion du béton peut affecter la

capacité portante à long terme en

raison d'une réduction dans le temps du

frottement latéral.

L’altération du béton peut affecter la

capacité portante à long terme en raison

d'une réduction dans le temps du

frottement latéral.



7.2.2 Ed French


Traduction de « overloading » en

« surcharge » ne semble pas adaptée

pour ce sujet

Remplacer « surcharge » par « charge

complémentaire »



7.4.2 Ed French


Il convient qu’un micropieu soit renforcé

sur toute sa longueur.

Il convient qu’un micropieu soit muni

d’une armature sur toute sa longueur.





7.4.3 Ed



A micropile may be designed as a

partially unreinforced element if

The design actions and/or….

- when a permanent casing is used.

‘If” in the main sentence and “When” at

the beginning of second dash are

redundant, so delete « when »





7.6.2 ED



For protection against the corrosion,

covers indicated in annex B are not

compatible with durability without

consideration given for steel sacrificial


It is necessary to link those three

conditions in 7.6.2. Replace

systematically “or” by “and/or” in those

three conditions. Do so in English,

German and French normative

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 8 of 13

The requirement 7.6.2 :

« a corrosion protection shall consist

of :

an efficient cover of appropriate

grout, mortar or concrete or;

-a sacrificial thickness of steel for the

corrosion or ;

- specific precautions. »

Must be changed.

documents as below :


a corrosion protection shall consist of :

; an efficient cover of appropriate

grout, mortar or concrete and/or;

- -a sacrificial thickness of steel for the

corrosion and/or ;

- specific precautions.



7.6.3 Ed



Term pile is not correct Replace « pile » by “micropile” in the

whole article (first sentence and dash 1)



7.6.3 Ed



displacement piles in the last sentence

before the note is not relevant

Replace “displacement piles” by




NOTE 7.6.3 Ed French


La note n’est pas correctement

traduite :

Des indications sur l'enrobage minimal

d'un coulis, mortier ou béton approprié

à considérer sont données en Annexe B.

Traduire comme suit :

Des indications sur l'enrobage minimal

d'un coulis ou d’un mortier pour les

éléments porteurs sont données en

Annexe B.



7.6.4 Ed



English version:“cast in situ piles” is not


Replace « cast in situ piles » by




7.7.1 Ed French


Remplacer « taille du forage » par

« diamètre du forage »

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête



7.7.2 Ed French


Les écarteurs et les centreurs sont

toujours des obstacles pour la

circulation du coulis et de ce fait il n’est

Remplacer « gêner » par « empêcher »

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 9 of 13

pas possible d’exiger qu’ils ne

« gênent » pas l’écoulement.



Titre 8.4 et

8.4.1 et


Ed French


Séquence mise en place n’est pas la

traduction appropriée

Remplacer par Ordre d’exécution et

faire de même pour les autres articles

8.4.1 et 8.4.2

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête

Maintenir ?


025 Ed French


« La méthode de forage… et ayant au

moins la section calculée »

Remplacer section calculée par « La

méthode de forage doit permettre

d’obtenir un forage stable sur tout sa

longueur ayant au moins la section

théorique prévue »


026 Ed French


Virgule oubliée après « conception » Mettre la virgule


027 Ed French


Phrase mal rédigée en français Remplacer par : « Lorsqu’une arrivée

non contrôlable d’eau et/ou de terrain

est possible dans le forage ou lorsqu’il

existe un risque d’éboulement, des

mesures spéciales, telle qu’une

surpression du fluide de forage, doivent

être prises pour assurer la stabilité du

forage »

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête mais

rédaction de l’article modifiée avec ajout

de « such as an excess pressure of

flushing or stabilizing fluids » shall be

taken to maintain the stability of the

borehole »


028 Ed



« such as an excess pressure of flushing

or stabilizing fluids » shall be taken to

maintain the stability of the borehole »

is not clear

Replace « flushing and stabilizing

fluids » by « drilling fluid » as written in

§ 8.5.2

AT Table 1 ed German version only: Forward to DIN:

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 10 of 13


4th row; column “Schweißzusätze”:

Reference to EN ISO 17362

Amend to read: EN ISO 17632



Titre 8.8 Ed French


Faut-il ajouter au titre « injection sous

pression » étant donné que les

définitions correspondantes ont été

totalement modifiées au chapitre 3 ?

Le titre devient alors : Mise en place du

coulis par remplissage gravitaire ou

injection sous pression » ?

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête,

maintenir ?


031 Ed French


Distinguer remplissage et injection :

version française

Remplacer par « Les pompes et les

systèmes d’injection de coulis doivent

être compatibles avec la méthode de

remplissage gravitaire ou d’injection

sous pression choisie »

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête,

maintenir ?


032 Ed French


Les termes « dépôts de forage » et

« rinçage » ne sont pas très clairs (voir

commentaires sur 7.3.3)

Proposition de modification de traduction

par « Les déblais de forage restants

dans le trou après nettoyage doivent

pouvoir être évacués par le remplissage

gravitaire du forage »



8.8.8 et,

Ed French


Injectée répétée , Passe ou phase ? Remplacer par « injections répétitives »

Question : que devient alors la définition

3 30 , injection sous pression répétée ?

Modifier aussi 3.30 avec Injection

répétitives ?

Multi stage grouting est à présent

traduit par « injection sous pression

répétée ».

Que devient le commentaire fait pour

3.30, avec traduction de

Passe pour step et

Phase pour stage ?

A noter step est bien traduit par passe



9.1.3 Alinéa


Ed French


Remplissage gravitaire, injection,


Ajouter sous pression après injection

« 4) remplissage gravitaire, injection

sous pression, bétonnage

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 11 of 13


035 Ed French


Les essais doivent être conformes à l'EN

ISO 22477-1:2014 et prEN ISO 22477-


NOTE Tant que la norme sur l'essai de

chargement de pieu, essai statique de

compression axiale n'est pas disponible,

les normes nationales peuvent être

utilisées comme référence pour les

recommandations de cet essai.

Préciser dans la partie NF de la EN, que

tant que les normes ISO 22477-1:2014

et prEN ISO 22477-2 ne sont pas

disponibles, il faut utiliser les NF P

94 150-1 et/ou NF P 94 150-2.


036 Note Ed French


Ce n’est pas une note dans le texte

anglais de référence, c’est une


Supprimer le terme « Note »


037 Note Ed French


La version française n’est pas

correctement traduite.

Tant que la norme européenne sur

l'essai de chargement de pieu en

traction axiale n'est pas

disponible, les normes nationales

peuvent être utilisées comme référence

pour les recommandations de cet essai.


038 NOTE Ed French


« s » à disponible Tant que la norme sur l’essai de

chargement de pieu n ‘est pas

disponible »….


039 Ed French


Les micropieux pouvent être testés

doivent avoir acquis une résistance

suffisante après leur mise

en place et avant les essais

Les micropieux à tester doivent avoir

acquis une résistance suffisante après

leur mise

en place et avant les essais


040 Ed French


Sauf spécification contraire, il convient

d'effectuer pour les micropieux sollicités

en traction au moins deux essais de

chargement statique pour les 50

premiers micropieux de l'ouvrage et un

pour chaque

groupe de 50 micropieux.

Sauf spécification contraire, il convient

d'effectuer pour les micropieux sollicités

en traction au moins deux essais de

chargement statique pour les 50

premiers micropieux de l'ouvrage et un

pour chaque groupe de 50 micropieux






Annexe B Titres de


Ed French


Remplacer “tension” par “traction” dans

le tableau

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 12 of 13



Annexe D Tableau


Ed French


Remplacer « maître d’ouvrage » par

« client » ?

« Déviation d’implantation » par « écart

d’implantation » ?

Déviation d’inclinaison » par « écart

d’inclinaison »





ed German version only:

<std> tags in front of and after each


Forward to DIN:

Delete the <std> tags in the




Figure 2 Titre Ed



The term « pile » is not correct Replace « pile » by « micropile »




e ligne

Figure 2 Légende Ed French


« A » deux fois Remplacer « A » par « B »



1 1.1 Ed French


« Il s’applique ….d’un diamètre inférieur

à 300 mm »

C’est la norme qui s’applique. Remplacer

« Il » par « elle »



Alinéa 1 3.26 Ed French


« niveau de travail » n’est pas le terme

indiqué sur la figure 1 ni celui utilisé

dans nos pratiques nationales

Remplacer « niveau de travail » par

niveau de la plate-forme de travail.

Etendre cette préconisation à tout le

document ?

Dans ce cas voir aussi :


-4.2.1 alinéa 11





Alinéa 1 3.30 ED



Afin d’être homogène avec nos

pratiques et pour éclaircir le texte, il est

préférable de conserver les mêmes

termes dans l’ensemble de la norme :

« répétitive » au lieu de « répétée »

comme dans la version de Septembre


« passes » : pour indiquer une injection

3.30 : Injection sous pression répétitive

Passe pour step

Phase pour stage

Compte tenu des modifications faites

entre la version enquête et vote formel,

notamment sur les définitions de

« remplissage » et « injection »

maintient-on ces définitions dans le

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 14199 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 13 of 13

à différentes hauteurs sur le micropieu,

« étapes » ou « phases » pour indiquer

les différentes étapes d’une injection


texte de la version formel français ?





3.31 Ed French


Injection ou mise en place ? Remplacer « mise en place sous haute

pression » par « injection sous haute

pression »



Alinéa 1 7.3.3 Ed French


Remplacer « rincés » par « nettoyés »

et « débris » par « sédiments »,ou

« déblais » ou « résidus » de forage qui

sont des termes plus usuels

Remplacer par : « Il convient que les

micropieux ancrés dans la roche soient

nettoyés à l’eau ou au coulis mis en

place depuis la base jusqu’à ce que tous

les déblais de forage aient été éliminés »



Ligne 1 8.2.2 NOTE Ed French


Remplacer « ou a un niveau bas de

recepage »

Remplacer par « à un niveau de

recepage en arase basse ».

Commentaire fait lors de l’enquête



Alinéa 4 8.6.1 Ed French


Traduction à revoir de « mise en place

de béton malaxé autour de la pointe

et/ou du fût du micropieu »

Remplacer par « par malaxage en place

de béton autour de la pointe et/ou du

fût du micropieu ».



19 10.4 Tableau 4 Ed French


Procédure d’injection sous pression


Remplacer « répétée » par répétitive ?

Association Française de Normalisation 11, rue Francis de Préssensé F – 93 571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex SIRET 775 724 818 00205

“Execution of special geotechnical works”

“Exécution des travaux géotechniques spéciaux”

“Ausführung von Arbeiten im Spezialtiefbau”

CEN/TC 288


2015-03-09 Doc. Number:

N 625 Assistant:


Phone: +33 1 41 62 81 26

Your contact:


Phone: +33 1 41 62 84 99

Result of Formal Vote on FprEN 12699 “Execution of special geotechnical work -

Displacement piles”


Dear experts, Please find hereafter the voting result of Formal vote on prEN 12699 "Execution of special geotechnical work - Displacement piles (target date stage 45.00: 2014-09)". The result is positive with

23 approvals

0 disapprovals

9 abstentions. You will find below the comments made by the countries

SOURCE CEN/TC 288 Secretary

FOLLOW UP For information

CEN/TC 70 N 625


Voting Results

Ballot Information

Ballot reference FprEN 12699

Ballot type FV (Formal Vote)

English title

Execution of special geotechnical work - Displacement piles

French title

Exécution des travaux géotechniques spéciaux - Pieux avec refoulement du sol

German title

Ausführung von Arbeiten im Spezialtiefbau - Verdrängungspfähle

Work item number 00288019

Procedure iteration 1

Vienna agreement status None

Opening date 2014-12-11

Initial closing date 2015-02-11

Closing date 2015-02-11


CEN/TC 70 N 625


Result of voting

(National Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.)

Approved by National Members

National Members approving: 23

National Members disapproving: 0

Weighted percentage approving: 100.00 % (requirement >= 71%) _

Votes by National Members

Country Member Participation Approval Disapproval Abstention Vote on dates

Austria ASI Member, Inside EEA X * Yes

Belgium NBN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Bulgaria BDS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Croatia HZN Member, Outside EEA X Yes

Cyprus CYS Member, Inside EEA

Czech Republic UNMZ Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Denmark DS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Estonia EVS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Finland SFS Member, Inside EEA X * Yes

France AFNOR Secretariat, Inside EEA X * Yes

Germany DIN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Greece NQIS ELOT Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Hungary MSZT Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Iceland IST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Ireland NSAI Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Italy UNI Member, Inside EEA X Yes

CEN/TC 70 N 625



Votes by National Members

Country Member Participation Approval Disapproval Abstention Vote on dates

Latvia LVS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Lithuania LST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Luxembourg ILNAS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Malta MCCAA Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Netherlands NEN Member, Inside EEA X Yes (by e-mail to


Norway SN Member, Inside EEA X No Answer

Poland PKN Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Portugal IPQ Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Romania ASRO Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Slovakia SOSMT Member, Inside EEA X * No Answer

Slovenia SIST Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Spain AENOR Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Sweden SIS Member, Inside EEA X Yes

Switzerland SNV Member, Outside EEA X Yes

The Former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia

ISRM Member, Outside EEA X No Answer

Turkey TSE Member, Outside EEA X No Answer

United Kingdom BSI Member, Inside EEA X Yes

TOTALS 23 0 9

(*) A comment file was submitted with this vote


CEN/TC 70 N 625




Comments from Voters

Country Member Participation

Austria ASI Member, Inside EEA FprEN 12699 ASI.doc

Finland SFS Member, Inside EEA FprEN 12699 SFS.doc

France AFNOR Secretariat, Inside EEA FprEN 12699 AFNOR.doc

Slovakia SOSMT Member, Inside EEA FprEN 12699 SOSMT.doc

Netherlands NEN Member, Inside EEA FprEN 12699 SOSMT.doc


Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 6 of 15

SK 001

ge Absence of national position.


1 1.1 Ed VF Supprimer la redite du paragraphe 1.1

F 003

1 1.2 Ed English version


cast iron ;

concrete, mortar ;

timber ;


a combination of above ;


ductile cast iron ;

concrete, mortar ;

timber ;


a combination of above


10.3 Tableau 4 ligne 7

Ed French version

Implantation du “pile” Remplacer par : implantation du pieu

AT 005

10.3 Table 4 (3rd

column, 5


line from the bottom)

ed English version:

Currently reads “(X)”.

German version:

Currently reads “X”.

Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.

Please label the second part of Table 4 on page 43 (English version) “Table 4 (continued)”.

AT 006

2 Normative reference EN 206

ed English version:

The reference is dated and currently reads “EN 206:2013”.

German version:

The reference is undated and currently reads “EN 206”.

Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.

AT 007

2 Normative reference EN 1999

ed English version only:

Currently reads “EN 1999 (all parts), Design of aluminium structures”

Amend to read “EN 1999 (all parts), Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures”

AT 008

2 Normative reference EN 10080

ed English version:

The normative references EN 10025 and EN 10080 are placed one directly after the other in the same line.

German version:

English version:

Insert a line break between the normative

references EN 10025 and EN 10080.

Forward to DIN:

Add EN 10080 to the list of normative references.

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 7 of 15

EN 10080 is missing from the list of normative


AT 009

2 Normative reference EN ISO 18276

ed English version only:

The ISO reference at the end currently reads “(ISO 1827)”.

Amend to read “(ISO 18276)”.

AT 010

2 Normative references prEN ISO 22477-1 + prEN ISO 22477-2

ed E/G-version:

The drafts “prEN ISO 22477-1:2006” and “prEN ISO 22477-2” are listed as normative references.


Please check the validity of these drafts before leaving them included in the list of normative references.

F 011

2 Ed

English version

For ductile cast iron, add normative references :

EN 545, Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines, Requirements and test methods

EN 6892-1 , Metallic materials, Tensile testing, Part 1 : Method for a test at room temperature

EN ISO 148-1, Metallic materials, Charpy pendulum impact test, Part 1 : Test method


2 Références normatives


French version

Références de normes non traduites :

EN 10 083-1

EN 10 083


EN 10210


EN ISO 2560

EN ISO 4063

EN 12 210 (toutes les parties), Profils creux de construction finis à chaud en aciers non alliés et à grains fins

EN 10219 (toutes les parties) Profils creux de construction soudés, formés à froid en aciers non alliés et à grains fins

EN ISO 2560 Produits consommables pour le soudage – Electrodes enrobées pour le soudage manuel à l’arc des aciers non alliés et à grains fins

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 8 of 15

EN ISO 5817

EN ISO 9606-1

EN ISO 9692-1

EN ISO 9692-2

EN ISO 11960

EN ISO 14341

– Classification (ISO 2560)

EN ISO 4063 Soudage et techniques connexes – Nomenclature et numérotation des procédés (ISO 4063)

EN ISO 5817, Soudage- Assemblages en acier, nickel, titane et leurs alliages soudés par fusion (souage manuel à l’arc avec électrodes enrobée, souage à l’arc avec électrode fusible sous protection gazeuse, soudage au gaz, soudage TIG et soudage par faisceau des aciers (ISO 9692-1)

EN ISO 9606-1 , Epreuve de qualification des soudeurs, soudage par fusion, partie 1 : aciers

EN ISO 9692-1 Soudage et techniques connexes – Types de préparation de joints – Partie 1 : Soudage manuel à l’arc avec électrode enrobée, soudage à l’arc avec électrode fusible sous protection gazeuse, souage au gaz, soudage TIG et soudage par faisceau des aciers (ISO 9692-1)

EN ISO 9692-2, Soudage et techniques connexes – Préparation de joints – Partie 2 : soudage à l’arc sous flux en poudre des aciers

ENISO 11960, Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel – Tubes an aciers utilisés comme cuvelage ou tubes de production dans les puits (ISO 11960)

EN ISO 14341, Produits consommables pour le soudage – fils électrodes et létaux d’apport déposés en soudage à l’arc sous protection gazeuse des aciers non alliés à grains fins – Classification (ISO 14341)


3 Tout le chapitre

Ed French version

Dans la version française, le terme français vient avant le terme anglais, et ensuite le terme allemand

Il n’y a pas d’espace avant et après le « : » dans le terme anglais

Il n’ y a pas de point à la fin des phrases des définitions

Il n’y a pas de saut de ligne sous les termes

Remettre le terme français en première position

Remettre en forme tout le chapitre 3


Note 3 3.16 Ed French version

Mettre un espace après : Note 1 : Sous l’effet…

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 9 of 15


3 3.23 Ed French version

« toute » qui est barré dans le texte Enlever « toute »


3 3.28 Ed French version

3.28 : traduction non conforme Ajouter la traduction de « to avoid déviation and/or facilitate driving »


« Eviter toute déviation et/ou faciliter le fonçage »


3 3.33 Ed French version

3.29 : texte barré dans la définition Enlever « la »


3 3.35 Ed French version

pieu mis en place avant le début des travaux principaux de pieux ou partie de travaux, pour établir l'adéquation du type de pieu retenu, du matériel de fonçage et/ou pour confirmer sa conception, ses

dimensions et sa capacité portante

pieu mis en place avant le début des travaux de pieux ou partie de travaux, pour établir l'adéquation du type de pieu retenu, du matériel de fonçage et/ou pour confirmer sa conception, ses

dimensions et sa capacité portante


3 3.35 Ed French version

Tiret dans la définition enlever


3 3.39 Ed French version

fonction active de supervision ou pilotage des opérations de fonçage

fonction active de suivi, de supervision ou de pilotage des opérations de fonçage


3 3.45 Ed French version

Mise en forme : terme à mettre sous le § 3.45 Mettre à la ligne, police et définition de caractères à vérifier (terms and definition)


3 3.41 Ed French version

essai de chargement statique dans lequel des actions statiques axiales et/ou latérales choisies sont appliquées en tête d'un pieu afin d'évaluer sa capacité

essai de chargement statique dans lequel des actions statiques axiales et/ou latérales choisies sont appliquées en tête d'un pieu afin d'évaluer sa capacité portante


3 3.44 Ed French version

essai de chargement dans lequel un pieu est soumis en tête à une force dynamique et des mesurages de la déformation et de l'accélération sont effectués, dans le but d'analyser sa capacité

essai de chargement dans lequel un pieu est soumis en tête à une force dynamique et des mesures de la déformation et de l'accélération sont effectués, dans le but d'analyser sa capacité portante


3 3.46 ED French version

Style de caractère exemple Modifier, style NOTE


3 3.63 Ed French version

Terme barré Enlever le terme barré

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 10 of 15

AT 026

3.36 ed German version only:

The French term currently reads “critères de fonҫag”.

Forward to DIN:

Amend to read “critères de fonҫage”

AT 027

3.4 Note ed English version:

Currently reads “…is designed to transmit axial load and bending and to prevent separation

during and after construction.”

German version:

Currently reads “…ist für die Lastübertragung

und die Verhinderung des Lösens während und nach dem Einbringen ausgelegt.”

Disparities between E/G-version:

Please clarify the accuracy of the translation.

FI 028

3.4.7 e Definition of grout should be clarified, good definition is presented in prEN14199, clause 6.4.2

3.4.7 homogenous mixture of cement and water to which admixtures, additions, filler or sand (max grain size 2mm) can be added by weight of equal to or less than 1.0 times the cement

NEN 029

3.7 ed Replace 3.7 by : 3.7 grouted pile fr: pieu injecté de: verpresster Pfahl pile fitted with an enlarged shoe to create along a part or the full length of the pile a space which is filled and / or grouted mixed during driving with grout, mortar or a mixture of grout and soil


4 4 Ed French version

Il manque le chiffre du chapitre, mise en forme non conforme

Remettre en forme, ajouter 4


4 4.1.3 Ed French version

3 ème alinéa terme barré Enlever le terme barré


4 4.2.1 Ed French version

Dernier alinéa, traduction à revoir, phrase différente de la prEN14199 :

Les travaux voisins en projet ou en cours

Reprendre la phrase de l’En14199 Micropieux :

Les travaux adjacents ou en cours ?

Ou les travaux voisins au projet ou en cours ?

Si modifications, même phrase dans prEN14199

033 5 5.1.1 Ed French Enlever les « NOTE » barrées Enlever n’NOTE », modifier la mise en forme

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 11 of 15

version (article)


5.2 5.2.1 Ed French version

La corrosion du béton peut nuire aux performances à long terme car elle peut entraîner une réduction du frottement latéral dans le temps

La dégradation du béton peut nuire aux performances à long terme car elle peut entraîner une réduction du frottement latéral dans le temps.


5.2 5.2.1 Ed French version

Alinéa n) : traduction de « site stability problems » par problèmes de stabilité du sol

Modifier la traduction par « Les problèmes de stabilité du site »


6.1 6.1.1 Ed French version

N majuscule barré enlever


6.2 Ed French version

Parenthèse en fin de phrase supprimer

F 038

6.2 6.2.3 Ed English version

Cast iron piles Ductile cast iron piles


6.2.2 Ed French version

Référence à l’EN206 à modifier Remplacer par EN 206 :2013, parenthèses à supprimer

AT 040 ed English version:

Currently reads “…comply with EN 206:2013,

Annex D…”

German version:

Currently reads “…EN 206-1:2013, Annex D,


Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.

F 041

6.2.3 Ed English version

Cast iron piles shall comply with the specification of the manufacturer and the design

Ductile cast iron piles shall comply with the specification of the manufacturer and the design


6.3.1 Ed French version

Lorsque le béton est produit selon un système continu et certifié d'assurance de la qualité, des exigences s'écartant de celles d'un système non certifié d'assurance de la qualité peuvent être spécifiées

pour l'échantillonnage du béton sur le site

Dans l’avant-propos national, renvoyer au DTU 21 pour la partie contrôle des bétons

AT 043 ed German version only:

The number of the subclause after subclause currently reads “” as well.

Forward to DIN:

Amend to read “”.

AT 044 ed English version:

Currently reads “…shall comply with EN 206:2013,

Disparities between E/G-version:

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 12 of 15

Annex D.”

German version:

Currently reads “…muss EN 206:2013


Has to be clarified.


6.3.2 Ed French version

Les exigences de la norme EN446 n’est pas applicable

Modifier : « ne sont pas applicables »

AT 046 ed English version:

Currently reads “…shall take account of the application and the ground conditions and be documented.”

German version:

Currently reads “…muss entsprechend der Anwendung und den Baugrundverhältnissen berücksichtigt werden.

Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.


7.2.2 7.2.2 Ed French version

Si les déviations spécifiées sont dépassées, les conséquences des surcharges éventuelles pour toutes les parties de la structure doivent être examinées, et des mesures correctives appropriées doivent être prises, si nécessaire.

Si les déviations spécifiées sont dépassées, les conséquences des charges complémentaires éventuelles pour toutes les parties de la structure doivent être examinées, et des mesures correctives appropriées doivent être prises, si nécessaire.

AT 048 +

NOTE ed German version only:

Currently reads “ANMERKUNG 1”.

Forward to DIN:

Amend to read “ANMERKUNG” as there is only

one note.


7.7.2 Ed French version

Le terme de « casing » n’est pas traduit Traduire le terme par tubage


7.7.2 Ed French version

Traduction du second alinéa non conforme à la version anglaise :

Traduit par :

75 mm en cas d’exposition de classe 5 suivant l’EN 206 ou lorsque les armatures sont mises en place après bétonnage

Mettre en conformité : 75 mm lorsque les armatures sont mises en place après bétonnage

F 051

7.7.2 Ed English version

In alinéa 1 , what is the reference for mesuring 50 mm : limit of the borehole or the casing ? Because it is necessary to remove the temporary casing

Precise : 50 mm to the internal face of the casing for piles with temporary casing

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 13 of 15

without removing the reinforcement

F 052

7.7.2 note et annexe B

Ed English version

The note has no place in this article which is about reinforcement cover for cast in situ piles. Same comment for annex B reference.

So delete NOTE and Annex B

AT 053 NOTE 2 ed English version:

Currently reads “fy > 500 MPa”.

German version:

Currently reads “fy > 600 MPa”.

Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.

AT 054 Table 1 ed English version only:

No subscripts are used in the entire table.

Change the letters “c” and “s” into subscripts

where required.

055 Ed French version

Tableau 1 dans la note Remplacer par tableau 2

AT 056 ed German version only:

The reference to examples in Figure A.8 and Figure A.9 is missing in the German version.

Forward to DIN:

Add in the reference to examples in Figure A.8 and Figure A.9

AT 057 Last para ed English version:

Currently reads “…fabrication of the pile base (eventual enlarged)…”

German version:

Currently reads “...Herstellung des Pfahlfußes (eventuell aufgeweitet)…”

Disparities between E/G-version:

Please clarify the accuracy of the translation.

FI 058

8.7.3 e Concreting of closed ended (pile or rock shoe) permanently cased piles have to be done in submerged conditions when piles are in water and/or in soft soil. Piles have to be filled with water during driving and concreting due to buoyancy.

add clause Concreting in submerged conditions shall be in accordance with EN1536:2010, 8.4.3

NOTE: Submerged conditions may occur when close ended piles are in water or in soft clay when due to buoyancy piles have to be filled with water.


9.3 Ed French version

Essais de pieux Rappeler dans l’avant propos national les normes NF à utiliser

AT 060

9.3 2nd

para ed English version:

The paragraph is formatted as plain standard text.

Disparities between E/G-version:

Has to be clarified.

Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 14 of 15

German version:

The paragraph is formatted and tagged as note (“ANMERKUNG”).

AT 061

Annex A Figure A.6 (Key, 3a)

ed German version only:

Currently reads “3 Haubenfutter”.

Forward to DIN:

Amend to read “3a Haubenfutter”.

AT 062

Annex A Figure A.7 ed German version only:

In the title of the Figure there is a line break between the word “Bild” and “A.7”.

Forward to DIN:

Delete the line break so that “Bild A.7” is located in

one single line.

FI 063

Annex B e Headline of table: Guidance….for cast in situ


Guidance… for cast in situ displacement piles

AT 064

Annex C ed E/G-version:

In the list of subclauses, subclause is

listed twice and subclause is missing.


Amend the second “” to read “” if



Annexe A Figues 11b et 11c

Ed French version

Erreur de numérotation des figures Modifier 12 b en 11 b

13 c en 11 c

14 d en 11 d

A14 = A12

F 066

Annexe B English version

Appendix which has no more its place in the document following the request of deletion of the note owed the article, and because this appendix sends back to micropiles.

Delete Annex B

F 067

Annexe C Ed English version

Subclause recommandation is in double Change the second in


Avant propos Ed

French Version

Indiquer dans l’avant-propos les normes d’essais à prendre en compte dans l’attente des normes d’essais EN ISO


Avant propos Tout le texte Ed

French version

Le texte de l’avant propos n’est pas conforme au « Foreword » de la version anglaise. Il reprend la page de garde de la version anglaise

Page de garde à actualiser au stade de la publication, avant propos à modifier et à mettre en conformité avec la version anglaise

AT 070

Contents ed German version only:

The Foreword (“Vorwort”) is missing in the


Forward to DIN:

Please add the Foreword (“Vorwort”) to the


Template for comments and secretariat observations Date:2015-02-12 Document: FprEN 12699 Project:









Type of


Comments Proposed change Observations of the


1 MB = Member body / NC = National Committee (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **) 2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial

Page 15 of 15

AT 071

Foreword 4th

para ed English version only:

Currently reads “EN 1997”.

Amend to read “EN 1997-1”.


1 Avant propos Ed French version

La date (prEN12699:2013) est à modifier prEN12669 :2014


6 1 1.1 Ed VF Saut de ligne entre le paragraphe 2 et 3 à supprimer

Supprimer le saut de ligne


43 Ed French version

“voir paragraphe” ” Voir paragraphe

Association Française de Normalisation 11, rue Francis de Préssensé F – 93 571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex SIRET

775 724 818 00205

“Execution of special geotechnical works”

“Exécution des travaux géotechniques spéciaux”

“Ausführung von Arbeiten im Spezialtiefbau”

CEN/TC 288


2015-07-08 Doc. Number:

N 654 Assistant:


Phone: +33 1 41 62 81 26

Your contact:

Stefan Jehanno

Phone: +33 1 41 62 84 99

Draft report of the 24th meeting of CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”

held in Stockholm on 25 and 26 June 2015


The English version of the decisions taken during the

meeting is attached in Annex 2 and will be circulated in

English, French and German as document CEN/TC 288 N



CEN/TC 288 Secretary (Stefan Jehanno – AFNOR)

FOLLOW UP For information.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Agenda items Documents

1 Welcome and opening of the meeting (2 p.m. on 25 June 2015)

2 Roll call of delegates

3 Adoption of the draft agenda CEN/TC 288 N 637

4 Appointment of the Decisions editing committee

5 Approval of the report of the 23rd meeting (Paris, 2014-06-26/27) CEN/TC 288 N 609 CEN/TC 288 N 610

6 Report of the Secretary – New CEN rules CEN/TC 288 N 638

7 Report of the Convenors of the Technical Committee Working Groups and Task Groups and actions to be taken:

7.1 WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles”

Report of the Convenor, Håkan ERIKSSON

Result of Formal Vote - Preparation of final draft for publication :

PrEN 12699rev Displacement piles (WI00288019)

PrEN 14199rev Micropiles (WI00288020)

Decision 166

CEN/TC 288 N 625 CEN/TC 288 N 624

7.2 WG 17 “Jet Grouting”

Report of the Convenor, Gebhard DAUSCH

Progress of work : Preparation of revised draft PrEN 12716rev Jet Grouting (WI00288023)

Decision 167, 168

CEN/TC 288 N 646

7.3 WG 18 “Grouting”

Convenor’s presentation of the planning of WG work for PrEN 12715rev Grouting (WI00288024), Robert David ESSLER

CEN/TC 288 N 652

7.4 TG “Amendments to EN 1536 and EN 1538”

Report of the Convenor, Wolf LINDER

Result of UAP – Preparation of final draft for publication :

EN 1536/prA1 Bored piles (WI00288021)

EN 1538/prA1 Diaphragm walls (WI00288022)

Decision 169

CEN/TC 288 N 644

CEN/TC 288 N 626 CEN/TC 288 N 627

7.5 TG "Concrete cover"

Report of Task Group about clarification c nominal and c minimum in different versions of EC 2 in relation to CEN/TC 288 standards, Christian GILBERT

CEN/TC 288 N 648

8 Systematic reviews results CEN/TC 288 N 612

CEN/TC 288 N 654


8.1 EN 12063: 1999 “Sheet-pile walls”

Decision 170, 171

CEN/TC 288 N 630

8.2 EN 14490: 2010 “Soil nailing”

Decision 172

CEN/TC 288 N 631

8.3 Review schedule

Decision 173

9 Maintenance of Business Plan

Decision 174

CEN/TC 288 N 608

10 Additional issues

10.1 Progress of EFFC work on “Concrete characterization” Bartho ADMIRAAL

CEN/TC 288 N 647

10.2 Presentation of CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works”

CEN/TC 288 N 649

11 Liaisons

11.1 CEN/TC 104 “Concrete” Christian GILBERT

11.2 CEN/TC 250/SC 7 “Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design” Paolo CROCE and Derek EGAN

CEN/TC 288 N 640

11.3 CEN/TC 341/WG 4 “Geotechnical investigation and testing – Testing of geotechnical structures (PrEN ISO 22477-1- PrEN ISO 22477-5)”

CEN/TC 288 N 622

CEN/TC 288 N 636

11.4 CEN/TC 396 “Earthworks” Yves LEGENDRE

CEN/TC 288 N 645

11.5 CEN/TC 189 “Geosynthetics” Daniel CAZZUFFI

CEN/TC 288 N 641

12 Preparation of the next meeting

13 Any other business

14 Approval of Decisions

15 Closure of the meeting (approximately 3 p.m. on 26 June 2015)

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Draft report of the 24th plenary meeting of

CEN/TC 288 (25/26 June 2015 – Stockholm)

1 Opening of the meeting

The Chairman, Mr Christian Gilbert, opened the meeting and welcomed members to the 24th plenary

meeting of CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”. Mr Christian Gilbert thanked

SKANSKA for hosting the meeting and the Swedish delegation for the organization of the meeting and

providing a social event. Mr Romell gave some practical information about social event.

2 Roll call of delegates

The Chairman invited members to introduce themselves (please see the attendance lists of the Plenary

meeting in Annex 3).

Members of CEN represented (9) : Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway,

Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

The following delegates attended the plenary meeting :

Apologies were received from : Mr Paolo CROCE (IT), Mr Håkan ERIKSSON (WG 16 Convenor), Dr Wolf

LINDER (DE), Mr Ivo ROSA (PT), Mr Daniele CAZZUFFI (IT), Mr Gerardo MAROTE RAMOS (ES), Mr

Klaus BREIT (AT), Mr Gunnar HOLMBERG (SE), Mr Gert RØNNOW (DK).

CEN/TC 288 N 654


3 Adoption of the draft agenda CEN/TC 288 N 637

Mr Jehanno informed TC that the presentation about the carbon calculator developed by EFFC scheduled

at the item 10 of the agenda presented in document CEN/TC 288 N 637 has been removed from the

agenda insofar as the Chairman and the Secretary didn’t obtain a presentation on this topic from EFFC.

The agenda of this plenary meeting of CEN/TC 288 in document CEN/TC 288 N 637 was approved with

this change.

4 Appointment of the Decisions Editing Committee

It was agreed that the Decisions Editing Committee would consist of :

For the English language: Mr Derek Egan

For the French language: Mr Yves Legendre

For the German language: Mr Gebhard Dausch

For the Secretary: Mr Stefan Jehanno

5 Approval of the report of the 23rd meeting (Paris, 2014-06-26/27) CEN/TC 288 N 609

CEN/TC 288 N 610

The report of the 23rd

plenary meeting of CEN/TC 288 held in Paris on 26 and 27 June 2014, in document

CEN/TC 288 N 609 was approved.

The decisions 148 to 162 taken during the 23rd

meeting of CEN/TC 288 formed the subject of document

CEN/TC 288 N 610.

6 Report of the Secretary – New CEN rules CEN/TC 288 N 638

Before presenting his report of Secretary concerning the current work of CEN/TC 288, Mr Jehanno

explained to members some new CEN rules : the new requirement concerning the approval of New Work

Items, and the new CEN Enquiry procedure that is applicable from the 1st of January 2015.

New CEN rules :

Approval of New Work Items :

According to the CEN/BT Decision n°30/2014, the use of CIB (Committee Internal Balloting) is

compulsory for the adoption of new work items (including the activation of Preliminary Work Items) as of

1st January 2015.

Mr Egan asked if this CIB will be an online vote. Mr Jehanno answered that it will be systematically an

online vote so that all CEN members could vote on the proposal of adoption of new work item. So the

Decision can’t be taken anymore during a plenary meeting and will have to be taken per correspondence.

CEN/TC 288 thought it is a more democratic procedure.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Presentation of new CEN Enquiry procedure :

The document CEN/TC 288 N 615, dated on 2014-12-16, presents the new CEN rules and CEN/BT

Decisions, including the new rules about the enquiry.

Mr Jehanno informed members about the significant changes of the CEN Enquiry procedure :

The Enquiry stage becomes a weighted vote;

Approval of the Enquiry will require at least 71% positive weighted vote & simple majority;

The Enquiry timeframe is reduced from 5 to 3 months;

Depending on outcome, the TC can decide to skip FV and go straight to publication (TC decision

required by simple majority).

Mr Jehanno presented the following flowchart of the CEN Enquiry process which takes into account these

changes :

Mr Jehanno explained that the origin of this new CEN Enquiry procedure comes from the need of

European Commission to publish European Standards (EN) quickly, obviously in a consensus way, to

respond to a market need.

Mr Simonsen thought that the flowchart is not clear enough and asked how much time is given to study

the comments received during the CEN Enquiry. The WG has 8 months after the end of the CEN Enquiry

to dispatch a draft for the eventual Formal Vote.

A discussion was opened about the TC Decision to skip the Formal Vote. Members asked if this Decision

has to be taken during a plenary meeting. Mr Pandrea considered that it would be better to take this

Decision per correspondence by an online vote, as for the new procedure for the approval of a new work

item. This way would be more democratic.

The Chairman assessed that it would be safer to not skip the Formal Vote for the future drafts of CEN/TC


CEN/TC 288 N 654


Mr Legendre asked if the UAP procedure has been removed insofar as this new CEN Enquiry procedure

is close to the UAP if the TC decides to skip the Formal Vote. Mr Jehanno indicated that the UAP still

exists but through BT decision BT 44/2014, BT decided to discourage the use of the UAP. The UAP

procedure could be useful in the case of an amendment for example.

Report of the Secretary : current work of CEN/TC 288

The report of Secretary is presented in document CEN/TC 288 N 638, which detailed the progress of the

CEN/TC 288 work since the last meeting and contained all the work items, together with their target dates

and current status. The list of CEN/TC 288 published standards and the list of liaisons was also included.

Mr Stefan Jehanno, CEN/TC 288 Secretary, summarized the actions taken since the 23rd

meeting of

CEN/TC 288 (June 2014) :

Formal Vote on FprEN 12699 “Displacement piles”:

Following the Decisions n° 149 and 151, the PrEN 12699 prepared by WG 16 has been submitted to

Formal Vote from 2014-12-11 to 2015-02-11 (see document N 616). The result and the comments

received are in document CEN/TC 288 N 625. The result was positive. CCMC, Secretary and CEN/TC

288/WG 16 Convenor have taken the comments received during the Formal Vote into consideration and

prepared the revised draft for the publication. The standard will be published in each member country of

CEN between 2015-07-31 and 2015-10-31.

Formal Vote on FprEN 14199 “Micropiles”:

Following the Decisions n° 150 and 152, the PrEN 14199 prepared by WG 16 has been submitted to

Formal Vote from 2014-12-11 to 2015-02-11 (see document N 617). The result and the comments

received are in document CEN/TC 288 N 624. The result was positive. CCMC, Secretary and CEN/TC

288/WG 16 Convenor have taken the comments received during the Formal Vote into consideration and

prepared the revised draft for the publication. The standard will be published in each member country of

CEN between 2015-08-31 and 2015-11-30.

Mr Simonsen asked what happened between the end of votes on February and the publication in July. Mr

Jehanno explained that CCMC (with the Secretary and the Convenor) studied the comments and

prepared the draft for publication.

UAP Vote on EN 1536/FprA1 “Bored piles”:

Following the Decision n° 153, the amendment A1 to the EN 1536:2010 prepared by TG “Amendments”

has been submitted to UAP Vote from 2014-10-16 to 2015-03-16 (see documents N 613). The result and

the comments received are in document CEN/TC 288 N 626. The result was positive. CCMC, Secretary

and TG Convenor have taken the comments received during the UAP Vote into consideration and

prepared the revised draft for the publication. The consolidated standards EN 1536:2010+A1:2015 will be

published in each member country of CEN between 2015-09-30 and 2015-12-31.

UAP Vote on EN 1538/FprA1 “Diaphragm walls”:

Following the Decision n° 154, the amendment A1 to the EN 1538:2010 prepared by TG “Amendments”

has been submitted to UAP Vote from 2014-10-16 to 2015-03-16 (see documents N 614). The result and

the comments received are in document CEN/TC 288 N 627. The result was positive. CCMC, Secretary

and TG Convenor have taken the comments received during the UAP Vote into consideration and

prepared the revised draft for the publication. The consolidated standards EN 1538:2010+A1:2015 will be

published in each member country of CEN between 2015-09-30 and 2015-12-31.

Creation of CEN/TC 288/WG 18 “Grouting”:

Following Decisions 156 and 157 taken at the CEN/TC 288 meeting held in Paris on 26/27 June 2014,

the CEN/TC 288/WG 18 “Grouting” has been created for the revision of EN 12715: 2000 Grouting.

Following decision 163 taken per correspondence, Mr Robert Essler has been appointed as Convenor of

CEN/TC 288/WG 18.

The Secretary noted that until now seven countries are prepared to participate : Austria, France,

Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Finally, CEN/TC 288 Secretary presented the progress of work for each work item of the Working Groups

and Task Group of CEN/TC 288 specifying the status and the deadlines for each work item. Mr Jehanno

drew attention to the following points :

WI 00288019 : PrEN 12699rev Displacement piles :

Formal Vote closed on 2015-02-11;

Date of availability : 2015-04-29;

Publication in each member country of CEN scheduled between 2015-07-31 and 2015-10-31.

WI 00288020 : PrEN 14199rev Micropiles :

Formal Vote closed on 2015-02-11;

Date of availability : 2015-05-20;

Publication in each member country of CEN scheduled between 2015-08-31 and 2015-11-31.

WI 00288021 : EN 1536/prA1 Bored piles :

UAP Vote closed on 2015-03-16;

Date of availability : 2015-06-10;

Publication in each member country of CEN scheduled between 2015-09-30 and 2015-12-31.

WI 00288022 : EN 1538/prA1 Diaphragm walls :

UAP Vote closed on 2015-03-16;

Date of availability : 2015-06-10;

Publication in each member country of CEN scheduled between 2015-09-30 and 2015-12-31.

WI 00288023 : PrEN 12716 Jet grouting :

This Work Item is in preliminary stage. WG 17 has started the work.

WI 00288024 : PrEN 12715 Grouting :

This Work Item is in preliminary stage. WG 18 will start the work this year.

Mr Moore asked why there have been two votes in 2015 on EN 1536 and EN 1538. Mr Jehanno

answered that one of the votes was the UAP vote on the amendments and the other vote was the

systematic 5-year review enquiry on these standards insofar as the standards have been published in


The Secretary reminded that there had been four systematic reviews on 2015 :

EN 1536: 2010 Bored piles

EN 1538: 2010 Diaphragm walls

EN 12063: 1999 Sheet-pile walls

EN 14490: 2010 Soil nailing

The results are presented in documents CEN/TC 288 N 630, N 631, N 632 and N 633 and have been

discussed later during this meeting.

7 Report of the Convenors of the CEN/TC 288/WGs and TGs and actions to be taken

The word was given to Convenors of each working group and task group of CEN/TC 288 to present the

progress of work and the actions to be taken.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


7.1 WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles” CEN/TC 288 N 625 CEN/TC 288 N 624

Report of the Convenor :

The Secretary informed TC that apologies were received from Mr Håkan Eriksson, Convenor of WG 16,

and Mr Gunnar Holmberg, Technical Editor of WG 16, who were not able to attend this meeting.

So Mr Jehanno took the word to briefly present the progress report of WG 16.

There was no meeting of WG 16 since last year insofar as the final drafts of FprEN 12699 “Displacement

piles” and FprEN 14199 “Micropiles” have been submitted to Fomal Vote from 2014-12-11 to 2015-02-11.

The results of Formal Votes are presented in documents N 624 and N 625. The results were positive :

PrEN 12699 “Displacement piles”: 23 approvals (0 disapprovals, 9 abstentions)

PrEN 14199 “Micropiles”: 22 approvals (0 disapprovals, 10 abstentions)

CEN contacted WG 16 Convenor and Technical Editor to study the comments received during the votes.

It was the only activity of WG 16 in 2015. Then CEN finalized the drafts for publication.

As WG 16 has finished its tasks to revise EN 12699 and EN 14199 and is not working at the moment, Mr

Jehanno asked if TC members wanted to take a decision to disband the Working Group 16

“Displacement piles - Micropiles”. Mr Jehanno added that it has always been the way of working of

CEN/TC 288 to disband a WG which has finished its work.

Mr Dausch wondered if TC had to decide to disband the WG 16 whereas the standards are not yet

published. Mr Jehanno indicated that the standards have been published at the European level insofar as

the DAV (Date of Avaibility) on the CEN database is 2015-04-29 for the EN 12699:2015 and 2015-05-20

for the EN 14199:2015. So the Chairman added that the standards can’t be changed anymore.

Mr Legendre explained that France is against the disbanding of this Working Group insofar as the

standards are not yet published in France, and the French mirror committee has sent comments on the

English version to CCMC.

Mr Pandrea believed that it would be good to keep active WG 16 to answer to eventual questions. So Mr

Dausch proposed to keep this Decision for the next plenary meeting next year. The Chairman and Mr

Romell answered that members of WG 16 have finished their work, and in the case of eventual requests

or questions about these standards, TC 288 could be a mailbox with the Secretary as the contact to

collect requests, comments, remarks that could be relevant for the next review. And if necessary, TC 288

could decide to create a Task Group or a Working Group to study these eventual comments.

The Chairman asked if CEN/TC 288 members agree with disbanding of the Working Group 16. France

and Germany informed that they are not in favor of the disbanding of this Working Group. So CEN/TC

288 members took the Decision to disband the WG 16 with 7 positive votes and 2 negative votes from

Germany and France.

CEN/TC 288 decided to disband the WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles” following the

successful conclusion of its work. For any remark about these standards, contact the Secretary.



CEN/TC 288 N 654


7.2 WG 17 “Jet grouting”, Gebhard DAUSCH CEN/TC 288 N 646

The Secretary reminded that the WG 17 “Jet grouting” has been created in 2013 following the Decisions

141 and 142 (Milan - June 2013) for the revision of EN 12716: 2001 “Jet grouting”.

Mr Gebhard Dausch has been appointed as Convenor of WG 17 following the Decision 147 taken per

correspondence in 2014.

Report of the Convenor :

Mr Dausch presented his report. Mr Dausch informed that there is a good representativeness in the WG

17 with 16 delegates from 12 countries. Among delegates there are some consultants and some


Mr Dausch explained that there have been three WG 17 meetings :

1st meeting October 7, 2014, KELLER Offenbach;


meeting February 9 and 10, 2015, DIN Berlin;


meeting June 15 and 16, 2015, KELLER Offenbach.

Thanks to these meetings, WG 17 has revised the standard EN 12716 until the chapter 10. Mr Dausch

considered that two more meetings are necessary to finalize the revised draft standard. The fourth

meeting is already scheduled in Italy on October 19 and 20. Mr Dausch estimated that a first draft could

be finished for the Spring 2016.

So according to the new CEN rules concerning the approval of new work item (including the activation of

Preliminary Work Items) described in the item 6 of this report, Mr Dausch asked if CEN/TC 288 members

agree with launching of CIB for the activation of the Work Item 00288023 for the revision of EN 12716

“Jet grouting”.

Mr Jehanno informed that to take the Decision to launch a CIB for the activation of the Work Item

00288023, TC has to be sure that the draft for CEN Enquiry will be finalized within one year with a

consensus within the Working Group.

Discussion about the design issue :

Mr Schmitt assessed that TC had to discuss the design issue before taking this kind of Decision because

if the draft contains requirements about design, so more than two meetings will be necessary insofar as

there are differences of opinion on this point.

Mr Pandrea, the Technical Editor of WG 17, explained that this design issue is dealt within an informative

annex in the revised draft, and this annex is necessary because this revised standard will be published

several years before EC 7.

The Chairman considered that it’s a bad idea to include way of designing, even if informative, because

TC 288 develops execution standards. Execution standards are only for the execution, they can’t give

requirements about design. Actually, in execution, we must not influence the design. So, considering the

scope of the TC, the Chairman is totally against integration of design consideration in execution

standards. Mr Simonsen indicated that, in TC 288 standards, there is a chapter “Design related

consideration”. The Chairman explained that the goal of this chapter is only to inform about requirements

related to execution which impact methods of design.

But Mr Pandrea considered that we urgently need design guidance and this revision is an opportunity. Mr

Pandrea showed this informative annex of the revised draft on the screen during the meeting. Mr Pandrea

explained that the goal is to know what is the design material strength on the field. So Mr Pandrea

considered that this is only a quality control, and not a design requirement for the designer.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Mr Schmitt disagreed with Mr Pandrea and judged that this is not quality control but design, and this

execution standard is not the place to write this. Mr Moller agreed with Mr Schmitt and said that WG 17

has to keep away from design.

Mr Egan said that this current discussion was about the philosophy of work: the current philosophy is to

not include design in execution standards. For example, for concrete, all design is in EC 2. So Mr Egan

proposed that this design consideration should be in EC 7. But Mr Simonsen and Mr Pandrea stated that

today this is not included in EC 7 whereas we need design guidance.

Mr Schmitt confirmed that this is not in EC 7, but instead of including it in our execution standard, the right

solution is to ask to CEN/TC 250 to put it in EC 7. Mr Egan added that we need strong representation in

CEN/TC 250.

Mr Pandrea asked, considering that this is not allowed to include this design consideration in the annex of

the draft, how much time they will have to work with this gap. The Chairman answered that this is not the

task of TC 288 to fill a gap in design standard, TC 288 has to push CEN/TC 250.

The Chairman asked WG 17 Convenor to solve this issue at the Working Group level and to not

forget the scope of CEN/TC 288.

TC Decisions :

France was opposed to launch a CIB for the activation of the Work Item 00288023 saying that it’s

necessary to solve this issue before.

The Chairman indicated that WG 17 Convenor has heard the discussion and the opinion of the TC on this

subject. Mr Dausch is now aware that it’s not possible to put design requirement in the TC 288 standard.

The Chairman asked if CEN/TC 288 members agree with launching of CIB for the activation of the Work

Item 00288023 for the revision of EN 12716 “Jet grouting”. CEN/TC 288 approved unanimously to launch

this CIB and took the Decision to send a letter to CEN/TC 250/SC 7 to ask to fulfil the gap in design

guidance for special geotechnical works.

CEN/TC 288 decided to launch a CIB for the activation of the Preliminary Work Item 00288023 for

the revision of EN 12716 “Jet grouting”.


CEN/TC 288 decided to send a letter to CEN/TC 250/SC 7 about the need of design standards

about special geotechnical works. CEN/TC 288 asks CEN/TC 250/SC 7 to study this need of

standardized design guidance. Mr Paul Pandrea will propose a wording for this letter to the

Chairman and Secretariat. Then this letter will be sent to the Secretariat of CEN/TC 250/SC 7




CEN/TC 288 N 654


7.3 WG 18 “Grouting”, Robert ESSLER CEN/TC 288 N 652

The Secretary reminded that the WG 18 “Grouting” has been created in 2014 following the Decisions 156

and 157 (Paris - June 2014) for the revision of EN 12715: 2000 “Grouting”.

Mr Robert Essler has been appointed as Convenor of WG 18 following the Decision 163 taken per

correspondence in 2015.

Report of the Convenor :

Mr Essler, Convenor of WG 18 freshly appointed, has given a presentation which forms the document

CEN/TC 288 N 652.

During his presentation, Mr Essler presented the current list of WG 18 members. There are experts from

seven countries (Mr Piero Roberti has been also proposed by DIN and has to be added to the following

list) :

Mr Essler then briefly presented his work programme. The first WG 18 meeting will be held on 2nd

of July

2015 in London. The convenor planned to hold WG 18 meetings at 3-month intervals and to deliver a first

revised draft of EN 12715 “Grouting” by Summer 2016.

The discussion of WG will be about the revision of definitions to include new materials, the inclusion of

Compensation Grouting in more detail, the rock grouting, and an eventual rearrangement of contents.

The Convenor added that after the first WG 18 meeting, he will send a report defining the scope of

the revision and new development like for example the rock grouting. This report will be

circulated to TC to generate interest to participate to this work.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


7.4 TG “Amendments to EN 1536 and EN 1538”, Wolf LINDER CEN/TC 288 N 644 CEN/TC 288 N 626 CEN/TC 288 N 627

For remind, the Task Group “Amendments to EN 1536 and EN 1538” was created in order to amend EN

1536 “Bored piles” and EN 1538 “Diaphragm walls” to remove the requirements on concrete now

specified in annex D of EN 206, and to add references to EN 206.

Report of the Convenor :

The Secretary informed TC that apologies were received from Mr Wolf Linder, Convenor of the Task

Group, who was not able to attend this meeting. The report of the Convenor is presented in document

CEN/TC 288 N 644.

So Mr Jehanno took the word to briefly present this report.

There was no meeting of TG “Amendments” since last year insofar as the final drafts of the amendments

A1 to EN 1536 and EN 1538 have been submitted to UAP Vote from 2014-10-16 to 2015-03-16. The

results of UAP Votes are presented in documents N 626 and N 627. The results were positive.

CEN contacted TG Convenor to study the comments received during the votes. It was the only activity of

the TG in 2015. Then CEN finalized the drafts for publication.

In his report, the Convenor, considering that TG “Amendments” has completed its work, requested the

disbandment of the TG from CEN/TC 288.

Mr Schmitt informed that the Task Group of the EFFC had some discussion on concreting and it may be

necessary to modify EN 1536. The Chairman answered that the task of this TG was well defined : move

concrete requirements into EN 206. And this task is now completed. This other topic is not the task of the

TG but EFFC. Mr Schmitt agreed with the Chairman.

Mr Admiraal has presented the work of the EFFC on this subject later during this meeting (at the item 10).

The Chairman asked if CEN/TC 288 members agree with disbanding the Task Group “Amendments”. No

objection was raised. The Decision has been taken by unanimity.

CEN/TC 288 decided to disband the TG “Amendments” following the successful conclusion of its



7.5 TG “Concrete cover”, Christian GILBERT CEN/TC 288 N 648

For remind, during the 23rd

plenary meeting in Paris on June 2014, there has been a discussion related to

varying requirements in CEN/TC 288 standards about minimum and nominal cover.

Following this discussion, CEN/TC 288 decided to create a Task Group “Concrete cover” to give a

position on what is necessary and to clarify the TC position in order to write the same requirements about

concrete cover in its standards to be consistent.

Report of the Convenor :

Mr Christian Gilbert, as Convenor of TG “Concrete cover”, presented his report which forms the document

CEN/TC 288 N 648.


CEN/TC 288 N 654


Mr Gilbert explained that the issue of the concrete cover is that some of TC 288 standards give

requirements on “nominal cover” and other TC 288 standards give requirements on “minimum cover”.

There is a lot of unknown on this matter.

The Task Group has been created last year but there was no meeting for the moment because Mr Gilbert

thought that EFFC would give a solution but finally there has been no progress from EFFC on this issue.

So Mr Gilbert gave during this meeting his proposal.

Mr Admiraal informed that during the last meeting of EFFC, there has been a proposal about this specific

subject. Mr Gilbert was not informed about this.

Mr Gilbert presented his proposal. Mr Gilbert first explained that the minimum cover depends on durability

and strength. The problem encountered in the field is that if the nominal cover is lower than 75mm, there

can be a quality problem in the cover zone due to lack of space (based on return of experience). It’s

necessary to solve this problem and to ensure a minimum cover. The goal is to be consistent in all next

revisions of CEN/TC 288 standards.

The proposal presented during this plenary meeting by Mr Gilbert was given for information and has to be

worked in the TG.

Mr Admiraal noted that the TG has to define clearly what mean the different terms and has to make the

link between execution and EC 2 for the design.

Mr Gilbert explained that the value of 75mm for the nominal cover has been used for decades and it

works. So this value is written from experience. The nominal cover is the maximum of all concrete values.

But the question is what is the value of the minimum cover for durability when the nominal cover is equal

to 75mm. We have the formula : cnom = cmin + cdev

Mr Gilbert indicated that if cnom = 75mm and cmin = 40mm, so cdev = 35mm.

Mr Egan thought that it would be great to clarify and define in a document what is exactly the cdev.

Mr Gilbert proposed that the work of the Tasg Group “Concrete cover” can be launched on the

basis of this proposal. Mr Gilbert will write properly his proposal and will circulate it to the TG. Mr

Admiraal will also circulate the proposal from EFFC.

It has been asked to the Secretary to add Mr Duncan Moore, Mr Bartho Admiraal and Mr Derek Egan in

the list of participants of the TG. So the list of members of TG “Concrete cover” is the following :

Name Country Email

Christian GILBERT Convenor

Wolf LINDER Germany

Pierre SCHMITT France

Arne Schram SIMONSEN Norway

Klaus BREIT Austria

Duncan MOORE Switzerland

Bartho ADMIRAAL Netherlands

Derek EGAN United-Kingdom

It has also been asked to the Secretary to create a space on the Livelink platform of the CEN/TC 288 to

be used as a repository of TG’s documents.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Note after the meeting :

The first proposal from the Convenor, Mr Christian Gilbert, which will be the working document for the

discussion of the TG, has been circulated to TC members as the document N 653.

As agreed during the plenary meeting, a folder “TG Concrete cover” has been created on the Livelink

platform of the TC 288 (in “Committee Homepage – General documents – Other documents”) to be used

as a repository of TG’s documents.

Please find below available link to this folder where you will find all documents of the TG “Concrete


8 Systematic reviews CEN/TC 288 N 612

According to decision 160, a systematic enquiry has been launched from 2014-07-18 to

2015-02-18 (see document CEN/TC 288 N 612) on the following standards :

EN 1536: 2010 Bored piles

EN 1538: 2010 Diaphragm walls

EN 12063: 1999 Sheet-pile walls

EN 14490: 2010 Soil nailing

The results are in documents CEN/TC 288 N 630, N 631, N 632 and N 633.

For the systematic enquiry on EN 1536 and EN 1538, the results were clearly in favour of the

confirmation of these standards. So CEN/TC 288 members approve the Decisions 164 and 165 taken

per correspondence for the confirmation of EN 1536 : 2010 Bored piles and EN 1538: 2010

Diaphragm walls (see documents CEN/TC 288 N 632 and N 633).

For the systematic enquiry on EN 12063: 1999 Sheet-pile walls and EN 14490: 2010 Soil nailing, the

Decisions had to be taken during the plenary meeting.

The Secretary reminded that the results of these enquiries are indicative and that CEN/TC 288 had to

take decisions for the confirmation or the revision of these standards during this meeting. The Secretary

explained that if CEN/TC 288 decides to revise a standard, CEN/TC 288 has to choose between the

adoption of a Preliminary Work Item (no deadline) or the adoption of a New Work Item (1 year to submit

the draft to the enquiry). In this last case, according to new CEN rule, the adoption of a New Work Item

has to be voted by CIB (online vote per correspondence).

8.1 Systematic review on EN 12063: 1999 “Sheet-pile walls”

The results are presented in documents CEN/TC 288 N 630. During the enquiry ended 2015-02-18, 19

replies were received as follows:

­ Confirmation: 11

­ Revision: 4

­ Abstention: 4

The document N 630 and the comments received were studied during the meeting. It has been noticed

that the countries in favor of a revision were : Denmark (DS), Finland (SFS), France (AFNOR), Italy (UNI).

Mr Legendre explained the French comments for the revision and that there is an unknown on how to

apply the execution class of this standard. Mr Legendre added that Luxembourg had noticed problems of

coherence between EN 1090-2 and EC 3. But there is no big matter for France.

Mr Moller, from Denmark, considered that it’s necessary to update the normative references insofar as

this standard is not optimal.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Mr Uotinen explained that Finland proposed also to update the standard and to extend the scope of the

standard to pipe pile walls and Berliners walls.

Mr Simonsen informed that Norway supports now a vote for the revision of the standard.

The Chairman drew the attention of members on the need of resources and Convenor to undertake this

eventual revision work.

A vote was taken to adopt a Preliminary Work Item in order to revise the standard. CEN/TC 288 decided

to revise this standard.

CEN/TC 288 decided to adopt a Preliminary Work Item for the Revision of EN 12063 “Sheet-pile

walls” (simple majority : 5 positive votes (Denmark, Switzerland, Finland, France, Norway) 0

negative vote, 4 abstentions)


CEN/TC 288 decided to create the Working Group 19 “Sheet-pile walls” at unanimity to undertake

this revision work.


The secretariat is asked to launch a call for nomination of a Convenor and of members of WG 19.

If in a year, no Convenor is appointed, the WI will be abandoned at the next CEN/TC 288 plenary


8.2 Systematic review on EN 14490: 2010 “Soil nailing”

The results are presented in documents CEN/TC 288 N 631. During the enquiry ended 2015-02-18, 19

replies were received as follows:

­ Confirmation: 14

­ Revision: 1

­ Abstention: 4

The document N 631 and the comments received were studied during the meeting. It has been noticed

that the country in favor of a revision was France.

Mr Legendre explained the French comments for the revision. Mr Moore indicated that Switzerland has

the same problem than France but this is not a big matter.

After short discussion, the standard is confirmed for the next 5 years.

CEN/TC 288 decided to confirm EN 14490 “Soil nailing” (simple majority : 7 positive votes, 2

negative votes (FR, NL), 5 abstentions)


8.3 Review schedule

The status of CEN/TC 288 standards is presented in annex 1, Table 1. It appears that one standard

needs to be dealt with in 2016 : EN 14475:2006 “Reinforced fill”.

However, Mr Jehanno informed TC members about a minor change in CEN procedure concerning the

launch of the systematic review.




CEN/TC 288 N 654


On 1st July 2015, as per decision BT decision BT 36/2014, CCMC will implement the systematic

centralized EN review. As of 2015-07-01, all reviews of ENs will be handled via this centralized system.

TCs are therefore requested not to start new EN reviews. TC Secretaries will be automatically notified of

the opening and closing of Systematic Review votes in their TC.

The review is initiated by default 5 years after Date of Availability (DAV) or the last confirmation of the

standard. CCMC launches the reviews quarterly and, consequently, TCs may not choose the specific

date of the launch.

The TC responsible for the standard may request to CCMC an earlier start of the review before the

normal five-year trigger, based on a TC decision.

Based on the voting results the secretary of the responsible TC proposes whether to confirm, revise or

withdraw the standard. The TC shall take the relevant decision by simple majority within 6 months after

closure of the vote.

But CEN/TCs are still free to launch a review on a standard if it’s needed. But if the TC wants to advance

the launch of the systematic review enquiry, the TC has to take a TC Decision to inform CCMC and

request an earlier trigger of the enquiry to avoid a double consultation.

TC members discussed about the way to take the Decision following the systematic review enquiry.

CEN/TC 288 had the habit to take the Decision during the plenary meeting each year. But another

possible way is to take the Decision per correspondence by an online vote. After a short discussion, TC

members decided to continue to take Decisions during plenary meetings.

So CEN/TC 288 decided to ask an earlier start of the review before the normal five-year trigger for EN

14475:2006 so that the Decision on this systematic review could be taken during the next CEN/TC 288

plenary meeting scheduled in June 2016.

CEN/TC 288 decided to request to CCMC an earlier start of the review before the normal five-year

trigger for EN 14475:2006.


CEN/TC 288 members are requested to inform TC before the next plenary meeting if they have an idea to

develop a standard on a new subject.

9 Maintenance of Business Plan CEN/TC 288 N 608

CEN/TC 288 Business Plan, presented in the document CEN/TC 288 N 608, has been briefly discussed

during the meeting and was confirmed after the following modifications:

Change paragraph 4.1 to open it to potential new standards;

Change paragraph 5: replace the last sentence by “TC 288 is supported by EFFC”;

Change paragraph 2: replace the last sentence by “[…] proven to be justified”.

CEN/TC 288 decided to confirm the CEN/TC 288 Business Plan as in document CEN/TC 288 N

608, with the corrections agreed during this meeting.




CEN/TC 288 N 654


10 Additional issues CEN/TC 70 N 976

10.1 Progress of EFFC work on “Concrete characterization”, Bartho ADMIRAAL (CEN/TC 288 N


For remind, a Technical Working Group of the EFFC on concrete has been created and meetings have

been done on regular basis. The EFFC work on this issue is very important for companies. The purpose

of this task group is to publish a state-of-the-art guideline concerning the use of cast in-situ concrete in

geotechnical works.

Mr Admiraal introduced his report on this subject which is presented in document CEN/TC 288 N 647. Mr

Admiraal informed TC members that the EFFC Guideline on tremie concrete has been finalized and that

the publication is scheduled in September 2015. The DFI, which is sponsoring the TG, has been

integrated in the Task Group.

The presentation of Mr Admiraal gave an overview of the content of the Guideline. Mr Admiraal informed

that there are many participants with different profiles and different point of view on what has to be

included in the Guideline.

Mr Gilbert noted that the Guideline requires checking the base cleanliness, which is the American way.

Mr Gilbert added that there is a requirement of 100mm, which needs mean to measure. Mr Admiraal

informed that there has been a big discussion on this topic during the last meeting of the TG of the EFFC.

Mr Schmitt considered that this recommendation about concreting is not an issue to be treated in this TG

of EFFC. It has to be added in EN 206. Mr Moore agreed with Mr Schmitt. The Chairman indicated that if

the TG goes in this direction, it will be big changes in companies insofar as there is now a slight in the

initial goal of the TG.

It has been agreed that Mr Admiraal will send the newest version of the Guideline to the Secretary

to be circulated to CEN/TC 288 members for comments (directly to EFFC).

Mr Admiraal explained the research program of the EFFC. Several tests will be realized by the University

of Munich and other tests will be realized by an University in United States.

Mr Legendre asked if there will be research on the “additive” insofar as it’s the main problem in his

opinion. French companies realized tests on the behaviour of concrete with several additives, and

following these tests, the company decided to remove some additives.

Mr Schmitt considered that the Guideline must only refer to European execution standard because the

risk is that in the field, the European standard is considered as wrong.

Mr Legendre informed that all geotechnical companies have the same problem and this is a concrete

problem (about product) and not a concreting problem.

Mr Admiraal heard these comments but specified that the goal of this presentation was to inform TC

members so that everybody could react.

Mr Dausch asked who is the contact for this TG of the EFFC. Mr Admiral answered that it’s the Secretary

of EFFC.

Once Mr Admiraal provides the newest version of the Guideline, the Secretary will circulate the

Guideline to the TC with the contact of the Secretary of EFFC. All members should contact

directly and individually EFFC to submit comments.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


10.2 Presentation of CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works” (CEN/TC 288 N 649)

During the last plenary meeting, the work of CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works” was briefly

discussed and it was decided to ask to the Secretariat to try to invite representative of CEN/TC 350 for

this plenary meeting.

Mr Jehanno informed that an important meeting of CEN/TC 350 was held in the same time of the CEN/TC

288 plenary meeting so none representative from CEN/TC 350 could attend our meeting.

Mr Jehanno briefly presented some slides on the work on CEN/TC 350. The presentation forms the

subject of the document CEN/TC 288 N 649.

CEN/TC 350 is responsible for the development of voluntary horizontal standardized methods for the

assessment of the sustainability aspects of new and existing construction works and for standards for the

environmental product declaration of construction products. It is especially the parent body of the CEN/TC

350/WG 6 “Civil Engineering works”. Mr Stefan Jehanno drew the attention of participants to the standard

EN 15978 “Assessment of Environmental Performance”

Mr Jehanno also presented the current work program of CEN/TC 350 (see document CEN/TC 288 N


11 Liaisons

11.1 Liaison with CEN/TC 104 “Concrete”, Christian GILBERT

Mr Gilbert expressed some difficulties to obtain the CEN/TC 104 documents. Mr Gilbert has no specific

information to forward to the CEN/TC 288.

11.2 Liaison with CEN/TC 250/SC 7 “Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design”, Derek EGAN

Apologies were received from Mr Paolo Croce. The report of the Liaison from Mr Croce is presented in

document N 640.

Mr Derek Egan explained that the key point is the Mandate from CEN for rewriting EC 7 which changes

the vision of EC 7.

EC 7 is under revision and shall be available in 2020. It seems that they want to harmonise design

approaches leading to only one design approach. The goals of this revision are:

To focus on design process to obtain a maximum efficiency

To minimise intended European costs

To reduce number of design methods

To reduce national specification

To include consideration of climate change

The EC7 will be written by 6 Projects Teams (PTs):

PT1 - Reorganization of EN 1997

PT2 - General Rules

PT3 - Ground Investigation

PT4 - Foundations, Slopes, and Ground Improvement

PT5 - Retaining Structures, Anchors, and Reinforced Soil

PT6 - Rock Mechanics and Dynamic Design

The call for members of Project Teams 1 and 2 was launched on April 7th 2015.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


The Chairman considered that it doesn’t appear obvious to revise EC 7 so early because in France, for

example, we just started to finish the training and to get use to this standard.

11.3 Liaison with CEN/TC 341/WG 4 “Geotechnical investigation and testing – Testing of geotechnical structures” (CEN/TC 288 N 622 and CEN/TC 288 N 636)

Mr Jehanno informed that Mr Jean-Pierre Magnan is now retired from the CEN/TC 341/WG 4. So

CEN/TC 288 has no liaison officer with CEN/TC 341/WG 4 anymore.

Mr Jehanno indicated that, according to the report of the last plenary meeting of CEN/TC 341, the

secretary of WG 4 expressed confidence that a draft of PrEN ISO 22477-1 Pile load test by static axial

compression would be available for submission to enquiry within the work programme limit date. So it

means that the draft would be submitted to CEN Enquiry at the end of 2015.

Concerning the draft of PrEN ISO 22477-5 Testing of pre-stressed ground anchors, in the frame of the

Vienna Agreement, this work has been assigned to a Working Group of the ISO/TC 182. The Convenor of

this WG is Dr Devon Mothersille. A meeting of this WG was held on April in London. WG members send

comments to the Convenor, and the draft is now finalized but there is no news from the Convenor.

As there is no liaison officer for the moment, it was agreed that the Secretary will forward the relevant

documents from CEN/TC 341.

11.4 Liaison with CEN/TC 396 “Earthworks”, Yves LEGENDRE

Mr Yves Legendre gave a short presentation of activity of CEN/TC 396 which is described in document

CEN/TC 288 N 645. For the time being, the work of CEN/TC 396 does not interfere with the work of

CEN/TC 288.

11.5 Liaison with CEN/TC 189 “Geosynthetics”, Daniel CAZZUFFI

Mr Daniel Cazzuffi could not attend the meeting, but sent a short report of CEN/TC 189 activity to

CEN/TC 288 Secretary which was briefly presented during this meeting (see document CEN/TC 288 N


No interface between the two TCs was raised.

12 Preparation of the next meeting

Mr Duncan Moore invited CEN/TC 288 to hold the next plenary meeting in Zurich.

The next meeting of CEN/TC 288 was scheduled on 30th

of June and 1st

of July 2016 in Zurich.

The coordination meeting will take place with the Chairman, the Secretary and the Convenors of the

working groups, at 10 a.m. on 30 June 2016.

13 Any other business

No other business was raised.

14 Approval of Decisions CEN/TC 288 N 651

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Decisions 166 to 174 were approved at the meeting (see English version in Annex 2 and in document

CEN/TC 288 N 651, or English, French and German versions in document CEN/TC 288 N 655).

Decision N° Subject Decision

166 Disbanding of WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles” Simple majority: 7 positive votes, 2 negative votes

167 Launching of CIB for the activation of the WI 00288023 “Revision of EN 12716 Jet grouting”


168 Decision to send a letter to CEN/TC 250 about the need of design standards about special geotechnical works


169 Disbanding of TG “Amendments” Unanimity

170 Adoption of a Preliminary Work Item : Revision of EN 12063

Simple majority: 5 positive votes,

4 abstentions

171 Creation of Working Group 19 “Sheet-pile walls” Unanimity

172 Confirmation of EN 14490: 2010 “Soil nailing” Simple majority: 7 positive votes, 2 negative votes

173 Request to CCMC an earlier start of the review before the normal five-year trigger for EN 14475:2006


174 Confirmation of Business Plan Unanimity

15 Closure of the meeting

The Chairman closed the meeting expressing thanks to the attending delegates for the constructive way

of working during the meeting. He also thanked the Swedish delegation and SKANSKA for the facilities

provided and the dinner invitation.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Annex 1

Systematic review schedule

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Table 1 : Systematic review schedule Before 24th plenary meeting of CEN/TC 288 (25/26 June 2015)

No. Subject Start Enquiry Formal Vote

EN Ratific.

Status Next review

1 EN 1538 Diaphragm Walls 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2010

2000 2010

A1 UAP Confirmed 2015


2 EN 1537 Anchors 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2012

1999 2012


3 EN 1536 Bored Piles 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2010

1999 2010

A1 UAP Confirmed 2015


4 EN 12063 Sheet Piles 1993 1996 1998 1999 Confirmed 2010

Systematic review 2015

5 EN 12699 Displacement Piles

1994 2010

1997 2012





Under formal voting 2020

6 EN 12715 Grouting 1994 1998 2000 2000 WG18 started 2015

7 EN 12716 Jet Grouting 1994 1998 2001 2001 WG17 started 2014

8 EN 14199 Micro-Piles 1996 2010

2002 2012

2004 2013

2005 2015

Under formal voting 2020

9 EN 14490 Soil Nailing 1997 2002

2007 2009 2010 Systematic review


10 EN 14475 Reinforced Fill 1997 2002 2005 2006 Confirmed 2011 2016

11 EN 14679 Deep Mixing 1999 2003 2005 2005 Confirmed 2010 Confirmed 2014


12 EN 15237 Vertical Drains 1999 2005 2006 2007 Confirmed 2012 2017

13 EN 14731 Deep Vibration 1999 2003 2005 2005 Confirmed 2010 Confirmed 2014


CEN/TC 288 N 654


Table 2 : Systematic review schedule After 24th plenary meeting of CEN/TC 288 (25/26 June 2015)

No. Subject Start Enquiry Formal Vote

EN Ratific.

Status Next review

1 EN 1538 Diaphragm Walls 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2010

2000 2010

A1 published Confirmed 2015


2 EN 1537 Anchors 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2012

1999 2012


3 EN 1536 Bored Piles 1992 2007

1996 2009

1997 2010

1999 2010

A1 published Confirmed 2015


4 EN 12063 Sheet Piles 1993 1996 1998 1999 WG19 started 2016

5 EN 12699 Displacement Piles

1994 2010

1997 2012

2000 2013

2000 2015

Published in 2015 2020

6 EN 12715 Grouting 1994 1998 2000 2000 WG18 started 2015

7 EN 12716 Jet Grouting 1994 1998 2001 2001 WG17 started 2014

8 EN 14199 Micro-Piles 1996 2010

2002 2012





Published in 2015 2020

9 EN 14490 Soil Nailing 1997 2002

2007 2009 2010 Confirmed 2015


10 EN 14475 Reinforced Fill 1997 2002 2005 2006 Confirmed 2011 Systematic review


11 EN 14679 Deep Mixing 1999 2003 2005 2005 Confirmed 2010 Confirmed 2014


12 EN 15237 Vertical Drains 1999 2005 2006 2007 Confirmed 2012 2017

13 EN 14731 Deep Vibration 1999 2003 2005 2005 Confirmed 2010 Confirmed 2014


CEN/TC 288 N 654


Annex 2

Decisions taken at the 24th plenary meeting of

CEN/TC 288 held in Stockholm on 25 and 26 June


(English Version)

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Decisions taken at the 24th plenary meeting of

CEN/TC 288 held in Stockholm on 25 and 26 June



DECISION 166 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Disbanding of WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles” CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, decides to disband the WG 16 “Displacement piles - Micropiles” following the successful conclusion of its work and congratulates the WG 16 members for the efficient work realized.

The decision was taken by simple majority with 7 positive votes and 2 negative votes (DE, FR) and 0 abstention.

DECISION 167 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Launching of CIB for the activation of the WI 00288023 “Revision of EN 12716 Jet grouting” CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”,

considering the work achieved by the WG 17 in charge of the WI 00288023 since the creation of the WG in 2013;

considering that WG 17 will finalize the draft of the revision of EN 12716 Jet grouting for March/April 2016;

considering that the WG 17 is now able to dispatch the draft of the revision of EN 12716 Jet grouting for the CEN Enquiry within the timescale of an active Work Item;

considering the wish of the WG 17 Convenor to activate the WI 00288023;

considering that the Convenor will send a first draft of prEN 12716rev to the Secretariat as soon as possible;

decides to launch a 2-month Committee Internal Balloting for the activation of the WI 00288023 “Revision of EN 12716 Jet grouting” The decision was taken by unanimity.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


DECISION 168 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Decision to send a letter to CEN/TC 250/SC 7 about the need of design standards about special geotechnical works CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, decides to send a letter to CEN/TC 250/SC 7 to inform that CEN/TC 288 is revising the standard EN 12716 “Jet grouting” dealing with methodology and execution control. In order to fully use this technology, design guidance is required at European level to complete the full process for this technique. CEN/TC 288 asks CEN/TC 250/SC 7 to study this need of standardized design guidance. Mr Paul Pandrea will propose a wording for this letter to the Chairman and Secretariat. Then this letter will be sent to the Secretariat of CEN/TC 250/SC 7.

The decision was taken by unanimity.

DECISION 169 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Disbanding of TG “Amendments to EN 1536 and EN 1538” CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, decides to disband the TG “Amendments to EN 1536 and EN 1538” following the successful conclusion of its work and congratulates the TG members for the efficient work realized.

The decision was taken by unanimity.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


DECISION 170 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Adoption of a Preliminary Work Item : Revision of EN 12063 CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”,

having considered the proposal for a preliminary new work item as documented in CEN/TC 288 N 651

having considered the Guidance - Adoption of a preliminary new work item in a CEN Technical Committee as documented in the BOSS

decides to register the subject described below as a potential future new work item in its programme of work (at the preliminary stage (00.60 = date of decision)).

Section Details

1. Deliverable EN

2. This item corresponds to

the revision of an EN.

EN 12063: 1999

3. Document developed in drafting body

CEN/TC 288/WG 19 “Sheet-pile walls”

4. Title Execution of special geotechnical works - Sheet-pile walls

5. Scope This Standard specifies requirements, recommendations and information concerning the execution of permanent or temporary sheet pile wall structures in accordance with 2.4 of ENV 1991-1:1994 and the handling of equipment and materials. It does not give requirements and recommendations for the installation of specific parts of the structure such as ground anchorages and piles which are covered by other codes.

8. Track CEN Enquiry + Formal vote

9. Related mandates(s)


10. Related directive(s)


11. The decision was taken by

Simple majority Number of positive votes: 5 (DK, FI, FR, NO, CH) Number of negative votes: 0 Number of abstentions: 4 (DE, NL, SE, GB)

DECISION 171 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Creation of Working Group 19 “Sheet-pile walls” CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, decides to create a Working Group 19 “Sheet-pile walls” with the task to prepare the revision of EN 12063: 1999 Sheet-pile walls and requests the CEN/TC 288 Secretary to launch a call for the nomination of a Convenor and the experts. The decision was taken by unanimity.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


DECISION 172 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Confirmation of EN 14490: 2010 after review CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”,

having considered the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 2, subclause 11.2.8 stating the obligation of the review of ENs at intervals not exceeding five years;

having noted the resolution CEN/BT 5/1995, fixing the procedure to be followed when reviewing;

decides to confirm EN 14490: 2010 “Soil nailing” The decision was taken by simple majority with 7 positive votes, 2 negative votes (FR, NL) and 0 abstention.

DECISION 173 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Request to CCMC an earlier start of the review before the normal five-year trigger for EN 14475:2006 CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, decides to request to CCMC an earlier start of the review before the normal five-year trigger for EN 14475:2006 “Reinforced fill” so that the Decision on this systematic review could be taken during the next CEN/TC 288 plenary meeting scheduled in June 2016. The decision was taken by unanimity.

DECISION 174 taken by CEN/TC 288 on 2015-06-26

Subject: CEN/TC 288 – Confirmation of Business Plan CEN/TC 288 “Execution of special geotechnical works”, ­ having considered the guidance ‘Establishing the business plan of a Technical

Committee’ as included in CEN BOSS;

­ confirms its current Business Plan, dated 2014-07-01, as available on the CEN website, after that the corrections agreed at the 24th plenary meeting of CEN/TC 288 will be made:

Change paragraph 4.1 to open it to potential new standards; Change paragraph 5: replace the last sentence by “TC 288 is supported by

EFFC”; Change paragraph 2: replace the last sentence by “[…] proven to be justified”.

The decision was taken by unanimity.

CEN/TC 288 N 654


Annex 3

Attendance lists :

CEN/TC 288 Coordination meeting

CEN/TC 288 Plenary meeting (25 and 26 June 2015)

top related