evangelio de judas caste llano he ingles

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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 Traducción: Ariel Mastandrea. delingles al castellano

Introducción: El comienzo

"La secreta historia de la revelaciónque Jesús hizo en conversación con Judas Iscariote durante una semanatres días antes de que celebrara la

Pascua."El ministerio terrenal de Jesús

"Cuando Jesús apareció en la tierra,él hizo milagros y grandesmaravillas para la salvación de lahumanidad. Y mientras que algunos

(caminaron) en el camino de larectitud y otros caminaron en sustransgresiones, los 12 discípulosfueron llamados. "


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"Él comenzó a hablarles sobre losmisterios más allá del mundo y loque sucedería al fin. A menudo nose le aparecía a sus discípulos como

él mismo, sino como un niño ."

El enojo de los discípulos

"Un día el estaba con sus discípulosen Judea, y los encontrócongregados y en piadosa

observancia. Cuando se acercó aellos y los vio dando las gracias porel pan, se rió."

"Los discípulos le dijeron "Maestro,¿por qué te estás riendo de nuestraoración de gracias? Estamoshaciendo lo correcto"

"El les respondió "no me estoyriendo de ustedes. (Ustedes) noestán haciendo esto por su propia


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voluntad sino porque es a travésde esto que su dios será alabado"

"Ellos dijeron "Maestro, tú eres el

hijo de nuestro de dios". Jesús lesrespondió "¿cómo me conoces?Ciertamente les digo, ningunageneración de la gente que está enmedio de ustedes me conocerá".

"Cuando los discípulos escucharon

esto, comenzaron a enojarse yenfurecerse y a blasfemar en contrasuya en sus corazones. Cuando Jesús se dio cuenta de su falta de(entendimiento, les dijo) "¿Por quéesta agitación los conduce al odio?Vuestro dios que está dentro suyo y(...) ha provocado al odio en sus

almas. Dejen que cualquiera deustedes que sea lo suficientementefuerte entre los humanos manifiesteal hombre perfecto y se pare frentea mi cara".


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"Ellos dijeron:"Tenemos la fuerza".Pero sus espíritus no se atrevieron apararse colocarse frente a él,

excepto Judas Iscariote. El se pusodelante de Jesús, pero no pudomirarlo a los ojos, y dio vuelta sucara. "

"Le dijo "yo sé quién eres y dedonde vienes. Tu vienes del reino

inmortal de Barbelo. Y yo no soydigno de pronunciar el nombre dequien te ha enviado"

"Sabiendo que Jesús estabareflexionando sobre algo que lotenía exaltado, Jesús le dijo "aléjatede los otros y yo te diré los

misterios del reino. Es posible parati alcanzarlo, pero deberás asumirun gran trato".

El sueño de los discípulos


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"Ellos (le dijeron "vimos) una gran(casa con un largo) altar (en ella, y)12 hombres (-aparentemente los

sacerdotes-) y un nombre. Unamultitud estaba esperando en elaltar, (hasta) los sacerdotes (... yrecibiendo) las ofrendas."

(Jesús dijo) "¿Cómo eran lossacerdotes?". Ellos (dijeron

"algunos...") dos semanas;(algunos) sacrificaban sus propioshijos, otros a sus esposas, conalabanzas y humildad; algunosdormían con hombres; algunosestaban envueltos en matanzas;algunos cometían una multitud depecados y violaciones a la ley. Y los

hombres que estaban parados(delante) del altar invocaban tu(nombre)"

La explicación de Jesús


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"Jesús les dijo "¿por qué estánpreocupados? Ciertamente les digo,todos los sacerdotes que se paran

en el altar me invocan. De nuevo lesdigo, mi nombre será escrito eneste (...) las generaciones de lasestrellas a través de lasgeneraciones humanas. (Y ellos)han plantado árboles sin fruto, enmi nombre, de manera vergonzosa"

"Aquellos que vieron recibiendo lasofrendas en el altar- esos sonustedes. Ese es el dios al quesirven, y ustedes son los 12hombres que vieron. El ganado quevieron traer al sacrificio son la genteque ustedes descarriaron hasta el

altar (...) se pararán y harán uso demi nombre de esa manera, ygeneraciones de los piadosospermanecerán leales a él. Antes deél otro hombre se levantará entre


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(los fornicadores), y otro (selevantará) de los asesinos de niños,y otro de los que duermen conhombres y aquellos quienes se

abstienen y el resto de la gente decontaminación y anarquía y error yaquellos que dicen "somos comoángeles"; ellos son las estrellas yacarrearán todo a su fin".

"Para las generaciones de humanos

que han dicho "mira, Dios harecibido tu sacrificio de las manosde un sacerdote "-esto es, unministro del error. Pero el Señor, elSeñor del Universo, que manda "enel último día los avergonzará"...

 Judas pregunta a Jesús sobre la


"Judas le dijo, Rabbino ¿qué clase defruto producirá esta generación?". Jesús le respondió "Las almas de


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toda la generación humana morirá.Cuando esta gente, de cualquiermanera, completen el tiempo delreino y sus espíritus los dejen, sus

cuerpos morirán, pero sus almasvivirán y serán tomadas"

"Judas señaló "¿Y qué harán el restode las generaciones?. "Es imposible(.....) sembrar semilla en la (roca) ycosechar su fruto"

El sueño de Judas

"Judas le dijo "en la visión me vi ami mismo con los discípulosapedreándome y persiguiéndomeseveramente. Y además fui a unlugar donde (...) detrás tuyo vi (una

casa...) y mis ojos no podían(abarcar) su tamaño. Mucha genteestaba rodeándola y la casa teníaun techo de arbustos y en medio dela casa había una multitud (-dos


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líneas perdidas-) diciendo"Maestro, llévame junto a estagente".

"Jesús le respondió diciendo "Judas,tu estrella te ha llevado al error.Ningún mortal es digno de entrar ala casa que viste, a ese lugarreservado para los benditos. Ni elsol ni la luna gobernarán allí, ni eldía, excepto los benditos moraránahí siempre, en eterno dominio conlos ángeles. Mira, te he explicadolos misterios del reino y te heinstruido en el error de las estrellas;(...) y (...) enviarlo (...) en las 12eternidades"

 Judas pregunta por su destino

"Ven, yo (dos líneas perdidas), perote acongojarás mucho cuando veasal reino y toda su generación.Cuando escuchó esto, Judas le dijo


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¿Qué beneficio es el que herecibido por haberme apartado deesta generación? Jesús le contestó"te convertirás en el decimotercero

y serás maldito por las demásgeneraciones y tú gobernarás sobreellos. En los últimos días ellosmaldecirán tu ascenso a la(generación) bendita".

 Jesús habla de la traición de Judas

"Por tí se sacrificará el hombre queme reviste. Ya tu cuerno se haalzado, tu cólera se ha encendido,tu estrella ha brillado y tu corazón(...) En verdad (...) tu último (...)convertirse (-dos líneas y media

perdidas-) apesumbrado (-dos líneasy media perdidas-) el gobernante,desde que será destruido. Yentonces la imagen de la grangeneración de Adán será alabada,


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desde antes al cielo, tierra y losángeles, esta generación que es delos reinos eternos, existe. Mira, lohas contado todo. Eleva tus ojos y

mira a la nube y la luz en ella y lasestrellas rodeándola. La estrella queguía el camino es la tuya".

"Judas levantó sus ojos y vio la nubeluminosa y entró en ella. los queestaban en el suelo escucharon unavoz desde la nube, diciendo (...)gran generación (...) ... imagen."

 Judas traiciona a Jesús

El se fue al cuarto de huéspedespara su oración. Pero algún escribaestaba siguiéndolo atentamente con

el fin de arrestarlo durante laoración, porque estaban miedososde la gente, desde que fueconsiderado como su profeta.


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Ellos se acercaron Judas y ledijeron "¿qué haces aquí? Tú eresdiscípulo de Jesús". Judas lesrespondió como ellos deseaban. Y

recibió algo de dinero y les entregóa Jesús.

(National Geographic Society. Traducidodel copto al ingles por Rodolphe Kasser,

Marvin Meyer y Gregor Wurst, con lacolaboración de François Gaudard.)



Gracias a la colaboración de ArielMastandrea, les ofrecemos laversión en español del polémicoevangelio de Judas, dado a conocer

recientemente y que podría cambiarla historia de la religión. 

Después de haber desaparecidopor casi 2.000 años, la única copia


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conocida del "Evangelio según Judas", autenticada y presentadapor primera vez al público el pasadodomingo, arroja nueva luz sobre el

apóstol que supuestamentetraicionó a Jesús vendiéndolo a losromanos.

El manuscrito de 26 páginas enpapiro, escrito en dialecto copto, fuerevelado por la revistaestadounidense NationalGeographic en su sede central deWashington, como diéramos aconocer hace pocos días. Laantigüedad del documento fueautentificada como del siglo III o IV."El descubrimiento sorprendente delEvangelio de Judas, como aquellos

de María Magdalena y de alrededorde treinta libros considerados como"Evangelios " estuvieron ocultosdurante demasiado tiempo ytrastoca nuestra comprensión sobre


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los inicios del cristianismo",estimó Elaine Pagels, profesora dereligión en la Universidad dePrinceton y una de las grandes

especialistas mundiales de losevangélicos gnósticos.

El documento, llamado Códice de Tchacos, será conservado en elmuseo copto de El Cairo. Ahora, conla ayuda del movimientointernacional del software libre (y lamano del amigo Mastandrea) damosa continuación la versión castellanadel documento para suconocimiento y discusión. (arriba)


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EN INGLES (traducido delcopto)


   The secret account of therevelation that Jesus spoke inconversation with Judas Iscariotduring a week three days before hecelebrated Passover.


When Jesus appeared on earth, heperformed miracles and greatwonders for the salvation of humanity. And since some [walked]in the way of righteousness while

others walked in theirtransgressions, the twelve discipleswere called.He began to speak with them aboutthe mysteries beyond the world and


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what would take place at the end.Often he did not appear to hisdisciples as himself, but he wasfound among them as a child.

SCENE 1: Jesus dialogues with hisdisciples: The prayer of  thanksgiving or the eucharist

One day he was with his disciples in Judea, and he found them gatheredtogether and seated in piousobservance. When he [approached]his disciples, [34] gathered togetherand seated and offering a prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, [he]laughed. The disciples said to [him], “Master,why are you laughing at [our]

prayer of thanksgiving? We havedone what is right.”He answered and said to them, “Iam not laughing at you. <You> arenot doing this because of your own


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will but because it is through thisthat your god [will be] praised.” They said, “Master, you are […] theson of our god.”

 Jesus said to them, “How do youknow me? Truly [I] say to you, nogeneration of the people that areamong you will know me.”


When his disciples heard this, theystarted getting angry and infuriatedand began blaspheming against himin their hearts.

When Jesus observed their lack of [understanding, he said] to them,“Why has this agitation led you to

anger? Your god who is within youand […] [35] have provoked you toanger [within] your souls. [Let] anyone of you who is [strong enough]among human beings bring out the


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perfect human and stand beforemy face.” They all said, “We have thestrength.”

But their spirits did not dare tostand before [him], except for JudasIscariot. He was able to stand beforehim, but he could not look him inthe eyes, and he turned his faceaway. Judas [said] to him, “I know who youare and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy toutter the name of the one who hassent you.”


Knowing that Judas was reflectingupon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him,


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“Step away from the others and Ishall tell you the mysteries of thekingdom. It is possible for you toreach it, but you will grieve a great

deal. [36] For someone else willreplace you, in order that the twelve[disciples] may again come tocompletion with their god.” Judas said to him, “When will youtell me these things, and [when] willthe great day of light dawn for thegeneration?”But when he said this, Jesus lefthim.

SCENE 2: Jesus appears to thedisciples again

 The next morning, after thishappened, Jesus [appeared] to hisdisciples again.


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 They said to him, “Master, wheredid you go and what did you dowhen you left us?” Jesus said to them, “I went to

another great and holy generation.”His disciples said to him, “Lord,what is the great generation that issuperior to us and holier than us,that is not now in these realms?”When Jesus heard this, he laughedand said to them, “Why are youthinking in your hearts about thestrong and holy generation? [37] Truly [I] say to you, no one born[of]this aeon will see that[generation], and no host of angelsof the stars will rule over thatgeneration, and no person of mortalbirth can associate with it, because

that generation does not come from[…] which has become […]. Thegeneration of people among [you]isfrom the generation of humanity


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[…] power, which [… the] otherpowers […] by[which] you rule.”When [his] disciples heard this, theyeach were troubled in spirit. They

could not say a word.Another day Jesus came up to[them]. They said to [him], “Master,we have seen you in a [vision], forwe have had great [dreams …]night […].”[He said], “Why have [you … when]<you> have gone into hiding?” [38]


 They [said, “We have seen] a great[house with a large] altar [in it, and]twelve men—they are the priests,

we would say—and a name; and acrowd of people is waiting at thataltar, [until] the priests [… andreceive] the offerings. [But] we keptwaiting.”


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[Jesus said], “What are [thepriests] like?” They [said, “Some …] two weeks;[some] sacrifice their own children,

others their wives, in praise [and]humility with each other; somesleep with men; some are involvedin [slaughter]; some commit amultitude of sins and deeds of lawlessness. And the men whostand [before] the altar invoke your[name], [39] and in all the deeds of their deficiency, the sacrifices arebrought to completion […].”After they said this, they were quiet,for they were troubled.



 Jesus said to them, “Why are youtroubled? Truly I say to you, all thepriests who stand before that altar


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invoke my name. Again I say toyou, my name has been written onthis[…] of the generations of the stars

through the human generations.[And they] have planted treeswithout fruit, in my name, in ashameful manner.”

Jesus said to them, “Those youhave seen receiving the offerings atthe altar—that is who you are. Thatis the god you serve, and you arethose twelve men you have seen. The cattle you have seen broughtfor sacrifice are the many peopleyou lead astray [40] before thataltar. […] will stand and make useof my name in this way, andgenerations of the pious will remain

loyal to him. After hi another manwill stand there from [thefornicators], and another [will] standthere from the slayers of children,and another from those who sleep


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with men, and those who abstain,and the rest of the people of pollution and lawlessness and error,and those who say, ‘We are like

angels’; they are the stars thatbring everything to its conclusion.For to the human generations it hasbeen said, ‘Look, God has receivedyour sacrifice from the hands of apriest’—that is, a minister of error.But it is the Lord, the Lord of theuniverse, who commands, ‘On thelast day they will be put to shame.’”[41] Jesus said [to them], “Stop sac[rificing …] which you have […] overthe altar, since they are over yourstars and your angels and havealready come to their conclusion

there.So let them be [ensnared] beforeyou, and let them go [—about 15lines missing—] generations […]. Abaker cannot feed all creation [42]


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under [heaven]. And […] to them[…] and […] to us and […]. Jesus said to them, “Stop strugglingwith me. Each of you has his own

star, and every[body—about 17lines missing—] [43] in […] who hascome [… spring] for the tree[…] of this aeon […] for a time […] but hehas come to water God’s paradise,and the[generation] that will last,because [he] will not defile the[walk of life of] that generation, but[…] for all eternity.”


 Judas said to [him, “Rabbi]i, what

kind of fruit does this generationproduce?” Jesus said, “The souls of everyhuman generation will die. Whenthese people, however, have


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completed the time of thekingdom and the spirit leaves them,their bodies will die but their soulswill be alive, and they will be taken


 Judas said, “And what will the rest of the human generations do?” Jesussaid, “It is impossible [44] to sowseed on [rock] and harvest its fruit.[This] is also the way […] the[defiled] generation […] andcorruptible Sophia […] the hand thathas created mortal people, so thattheir souls go up to the eternalrealms above. [Truly] Isay to you,[…] angel […] power will be able tosee that […] these to whom […]holy generations […].

”After Jesus said this, he departed.

SCENE 3: Judas recounts avision and Jesus responds


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 Judas said, “Master, as you havelistened to all of them, now alsolisten to me. For I have seen a greatvision.”

When Jesus heard this, he laughedand said to him, “You thirteenthspirit, why do you try so hard? Butspeak up, and I shall bear with you.” Judas said to him, “In the vision Isaw myself as the twelve discipleswere stoning me and [45]persecuting [me severely]. And Ialso came to the place where […]after you. I saw [a house …], andmy eyes could not [comprehend] itssize. Great people were surroundingit, and that house <had> a roof of greenery, and in the middle of thehouse was [a crowd—two lines

missing—], saying, ‘Master, take mein along with these people.’”[Jesus] answered and said, “Judas,your star has led you astray.” Hecontinued, “No person of mortal


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birth is worthy to enter the houseyou have seen, for that place isreserved for the holy. Neither thesun nor the moon will rule there, nor

the day, but the holy will abidethere always, in the eternal realmwith the holy angels. Look, I haveexplained to you the mysteries of the kingdom [46] and I have taughtyou about the error of the stars; and[…] send it […] on the twelveaeons.”


 Judas said, “Master, could it be thatmy seed is under the control of therulers?” Jesus answered and said to

him, “Come, that I [—two linesmissing—], but that you will grievemuch when you see the kingdomand all its generation.” When heheard this, Judas said to him, “What


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good is it that I have received it?For you have set me apart for thatgeneration.” Jesus answered and said, “You will

become the thirteenth, and you willbe cursed by the other generations—and you will come to rule overthem. In the last days they willcurse your ascent [47] to the holy[generation].”


 Jesus said, “[Come], that I mayteach you about [secrets] no person[has] ever seen. For there exists agreat and boundless realm, whose

extent no generation of angels hasseen,[in which] there is [a] greatinvisible [Spirit],


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Which no eye of an angel hasever seen,no thought of the heart has ever comprehended,

and it was never called by any name.

“And a luminous cloud appearedthere. He said, ‘Let an angel comeinto being as my attendant.’“A great angel, the enlighteneddivine Self-Generated, emergedfrom the cloud.Because of him, four other angelscame into being from another cloud,and they became attendants for theangelic Self-Generated. The Self-Generated said, [48] ‘Let […] comeinto being […],’ and it came into

being […]. And he [created] the firstluminary to reign over him. He said,‘Let angels come into being to serve[him],’ and myriads without numbercame into being. He said, ‘[Let] an


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enlightened aeon come intobeing,’ and he came into being. Hecreated the second luminary [to]reign over him, together with

myriads of angels without number,to offer service. That is how hecreated the rest of the enlightenedaeons. He made them reign overthem, and he created for themmyriads of angels without number,to assist them.


“Adamas was in the first luminouscloud that no angel has ever seenamong all those called ‘God.’ He[49] […] that […] the image […] andafter the likeness of [this] angel.

He made the incorruptible[generation] of Seth appear […] thetwelve […] the twenty-four […]. Hemade seventy-two luminariesappear in the incorruptible


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generation, in accordance withthe will of the Spirit. The seventy-two luminaries themselves madethree hundred sixty luminaries

appear in the incorruptiblegeneration, in accordance with thewill of the Spirit, that their numbershould be five for each.“The twelve aeons of the twelveluminaries constitute their father,with six heavens for each aeon, sothat there are seventy-two heavensfor the seventy-two luminaries, andfor each [50] [of them five]firmaments, [for a total of] threehundred sixty [firmaments …].They were given authority and a

[great] host of angels [withoutnumber], for glory and adoration,

[and after that also] virgin spirits,for glory and [adoration] of all theaeons and the heavens and theirfirmaments


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“The multitude of those immortals is

called the cosmos— that is,perdition—by the Father and theseventy-two luminaries who arewith the Self-Generated and hisseventy-two aeons. In him the firsthuman appeared with hisincorruptible powers. And the aeonthat appeared with his generation,the aeon in whom are the cloud of knowledge and the angel, is called[51] El. […] aeon […] after that […]said, ‘Let twelve angels come intobeing [to] rule over chaos and the[underworld].’ And look, from thecloud there appeared an [angel]

whose face flashed with fire andwhose appearance was defiled withblood. His name was Nebro, whichmeans ‘rebel’; others call him Yaldabaoth. Another angel, Saklas,


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also came from the cloud. SoNebro created six angels—as well asSaklas—to be assistants, and theseproduced twelve angels in the

heavens, with each one receiving aportion in the heavens.


“The twelve rulers spoke with thetwelve angels: ‘Let each of you [52][…] and let them […] generation[—one line lost—] angels’:

The first is [S]eth, who is calledChrist.The [second] is Harmathoth, who is

[…].The [third] is Galila.The fourth is


The fifth [is] Adonaios.These are the five who ruledover the underworld, and first of allover chaos.


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“Then Saklas said to his angels,‘Let us create a human being after

the likeness and after the image.’ They fashioned Adam and his wifeEve, who is called, in the cloud, Zoe.For by this name all the generationsseek the man, and each of themcalls the woman by these names.Now, Sakla did not [53] com [mand…] except […] the gene[rations …]

this […].And the [ruler] said to Adam, ‘Youshall live long, with your children.’”


 Judas said to Jesus, “[What] is thelong duration of time that thehuman being will live?”


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 Jesus said, “Why are youwondering about this, that Adam,with his generation, has lived hisspan of life in the place where he

has received his kingdom, withlongevity with his ruler?” Judas said to Jesus, “Does thehuman spirit die?” Jesus said, “This is why God orderedMichael to give the spirits of peopleto them as a loan, so that theymight offer service, but the Great

One ordered Gabriel to grant spiritsto the great generation with no rulerover it—that is, the spirit and thesoul. Therefore, the [rest] of thesouls [54] [—one line missing—].



[…] light [—nearly two lines missing—] around […] let […] spirit [that is]


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within youdwell in this [flesh]among the generations of angels.But God caused knowledge tobe[given] to Adam and those with

him, so that the kings of chaos andthe underworld might not lord itover them.” Judas said to Jesus, “So what willthose generations do?” Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, for allof them the stars bring matters tocompletion.

When Saklas completes the span of time assigned for him, their first starwill appear with the generations,and they will finish what they saidthey would do. Then they willfornicate in my name and slay theirchildren [55] and they will […] and

[—about six and a half lines missing—] my name, and he will […] yourstar over the [thir] teenth aeon.”

After that Jesus [laughed].


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[Judas said], “Master, [why areyou laughing at us]?”[Jesus] answered [and said], “I amnot laughing [at you] but at the

error of the stars, because these sixstars wander about with these fivecombatants, and they all will bedestroyed along with theircreatures.”



 Judas said to Jesus, “Look, what willthose who have been baptized inyour name do?” Jesus said, “Truly I say [to you], thisbaptism [56] […] my name [—about

nine lines missing—] to me. Truly [I]say to you, Judas, [those who] offersacrifices to Saklas […] God [—threelines missing—] everything that isevil.


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“But you will exceed all of them.For you will sacrifice the man thatclothes me.

 Already your horn has been raised, your wrath has been kindled, your star has shown brightly,and your heart has […]. [57]

“Truly […] your last […] become [—about two and a half lines missing—], grieve [—about two lines

missing—] the ruler, since he will bedestroyed. And then the image of the great generation of Adam willbe exalted, for prior to heaven,earth, and the angels, thatgeneration, which is from theeternal realms, exists. Look, you

have been told everything. Lift upyour eyes and look at the cloud andthe light within it and the starssurrounding it. The star that leadsthe way is your star.”


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 Judas lifted up his eyes and sawthe luminous cloud, and he enteredit. Those standing on the groundheard a voice coming from the

cloud, saying, [58] […] greatgeneration[…] … image […] [—about five lines missing—].


[…] Their high priests murmured

because [he] had gone into theguest room for his prayer. But somescribes were there watchingcarefully in order to arrest himduring the prayer, for they wereafraid of the people, since he wasregarded by all as a prophet.

 They approached Judas and said tohim, “What are you doing here? Youare Jesus’disciple.” Judas answered them as theywished. And he received some


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money and handed him overtothem.

THE GOSPEL OF JUDAS-------------------------------------------------------National Geographic Society

 THE GOSPEL OF JUDAS: Translated by Rodolphe Kasser, MarvinMeyer, and Gregor Wurst, in collaborationwith François Gaudard From The Gospel of  Judas Edited by Rodolphe Kasser, MarvinMeyer, and Gregor Wurst Published in bookform complete with commentary by TheNational Geographic Society. Copyright (c)2006 by The National Geographic Society.

All rights reserved. No part of thistranslation may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, without permission in writingfrom the National Geographic Society


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