examination information for students y10 –...

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Aylesbury High School

Information on GCSE Examination ProceduresJanuary and Summer 2012


Exam Noticeboard ……. …………….………….……………….…….…….2

Study Leave and Revision Arrangements for Public Exams ………….....2

Exam Timetable .. ………………………………….…………..…….….…...3

Punctuality …………………………………………………….….…………...4LatenessSeating ArrangementsIllness

Exam Equipment and prohibited items …………….……….….….……….5

During the Exam …………………………………….………….……..…….. 6

Exam Clashes …………………………………….………….……….………7

GCE and GCSE Exam timings ………………….………….……….………8

Leaving the Exam Hall(s) ………………………….………..……….………8

GCE Exams - non written units ……………………….…….………………8MFL oralsEnglish oralsDrama practicalDance practicalArt and Art TextilesPE (including Level 1 in Sports Leadership)Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science B, Add. Science)

GCE/GCSE Exam entries for subjects not studied at school ……...…..12

Problems and Queries ………………..………….….…………….…….….12

Special Consideration for GCE/GCSE exams ……….…….…….…….…13

Exam Results ………………..……………….…………………….………...14

External Exam Dates …………………………………….………….………15

Examination Boards

(GCE) .………………………………………………..……….……….15

(GCSE) …..………………………..………………………….………..16

Frequently asked Questions …………………………………………….. 17

JCQ Exam Notices are at the end of the booklet – please read!


GCSE Examination Information for students

All students sit their exams (both internal and external) in the Main Hall, Harding Hall, Drama Studio, Gym or designated classrooms. Whatever the venue, public exam rules apply to everybody in the room. These rules are set by the Joint Council for Qualification (JCQ) who administer external examinations and are displayed on the inside and outside of the exam venues throughout the whole of the external exam sessions.

The JCQ Information for Candidates poster and a copy of the JCQ rules are also published on the AHS website together with a copy of this booklet. Please read them all.

GCE and GCSE exam modules are held either January and May/June each year. Y11 mock GCSE exams take place in January each year.

All students must wear full school uniform to all their exams, including school shoes. Students will not be allowed into the exam hall wearing non uniform clothing and will be asked to remove or change the non uniform items(s)including shoes. School regulations concerning jewellry also apply to students taking examinations.

Exam NoticeboardThe exam noticeboard is on the corridor outside Mrs Adams’ office. All information concerning exams (both internal and external) is displayed on this noticeboard including timetables and exam venues. It is up to you to check this noticeboard each day to ensure that you are up to date with all exam information concerning exam venues, exam dates and exam starting times.Some exam information can also be found in the Examinations section of the AHS website (www.ahsonline.co.uk) but you should always use the noticeboard as the first point of reference as some website information may not be up to date.

Study Leave and Revision Arrangements for Public ExamsPublic exams mainly take place in January and May/June, with a few at other times of year.  Since they are now taken by a much wider range of ages than used to be the case, we need to clarify arrangements, particularly when students are not on study leave.  There may need to be some variations, particularly when we have large numbers taking a paper, but the table below shows the way it works for most exams. 

Study leave (revsion at home and only come in to school for exams) in January is for Y11 only and in May/June for yY1, 12 and 13 only

For morning exams, everyone needs to be present at 8.45 am promptly outside the exam room.  For afternoon exams, they need to assemble by 12.45 pm. 


Years 7 - 10 (May/June)

Morning exams: go directly to the exam hall then straight back to normal lessons afterwards

Afternoon exams: the morning will be spent in supervised private study; students to have an early lunch break (at midday) before their afternoon exam begins

[Almost all end-of-year (school) exams will be taken in lesson time]

Year 11 (January) Exam leave commences at the start of term for approximately two weeks; only come in for the exams

Year 11 (November/March)

Morning exams: go directly to the exam hall then straight back to normal lessons afterwards

Afternoon exams: the morning will be spent in supervised private study; students to have an early lunch break (at midday) before their afternoon exam begins

Year 11 (May/June)

Exam leave starts mid-May; only come in for the exams

Exam TimetablesAll students will receive an exam timetable and they should personalise their own copy of the timetable by highlighting which exams they are taking at what time on each day.

You will receive a copy of the timetable and it is up to you to determine when each exam you are sitting is taking place. Clashes are usually worked out in advance and a list is pinned up in your form room, but occasionally a clash can be missed and if you notice that you have a subject clash (two subjects timetabled for an exam at the same time on the same day), it is up to you to speak to Mrs Adams (in advance, not on the morning of the exam) so she can sort it out.

GCE and GCSE candidates will receive a personal itemised timetable with your name, date of birth and exam candidate number on it from your form tutor. All exams for which you have been entered will be listed on your copy of the timetable. Please check this list very carefully and if there is an error - you are not down for an exam you are expecting to take or you have been entered for an exam you were not expecting to take, please come and see Mrs Adams immediately.

Your timetable will also tell you what date your exam is and whether it is in the morning or afternoon - I suggest you highlight your exams in two different colours, one colour for the morning exams and one for the afternoon exams so you can see at a glance when you should be in school.


Please do not lose your timetable. Mrs Adams can reprint it for you if you do lose it but there will be a charge of £2 (which will be donated to the Agape

fund) for each reprinted timetable.

PunctualityMorning exams - Candidates must be outside the correct venue by 8.45 am and waiting in silence. All morning exams start at 09:00 am.

You may have a second morning exam that starts at approximately 11.00. Please make sure that you are at your correct venue and ready to start the exam on time even though you may only have a few minutes between finishing one exam and starting another.Afternoon exams - Candidates must be outside the correct venue by 12.45 pm and waiting in silence. All afternoon exams start at 13.00 (unless you have been told otherwise).

When staff arrive to call candidates into the exam room everybody must be silent. Disobeying this instruction can cause delays and mistakes. Candidates are reminded that disobeying the instructions of invigilators can result in sanctions being applied.

Lateness for Exams

Arriving late for an exam is discourteous to the exam invigilators and causes problems at the start of the exam which is disruptive to the other candidates taking the exam. Sometimes late arrival may be caused by such unforeseen circumstances as the school bus running late and if this should happen you should telephone the school immediately on 01296 388222 and leave your name and a message that you may be late for your exam.

All exam boards do not permit candidates who arrive later than9.30 am or 2.00 pm to sit their examinations.

Seating Arrangements

Candidates for external exams are usually seated in alphabetical order. Y11 mock exams are seated in either form or G group order. You must check the exam noticeboard for this information.


Anybody who is too ill to attend an exam (both internal and external) must telephone the school as early as possible in the morning.


It is not possible to reschedule GCSE or GCE exams during the exam series, but some GCE/GCSE modules may be retaken at a later date. This school does not recommend retaking GCSE exams in Y12 as students are usually heavily involved in sitting their AS modules and having to revise and work towards a GCSE at the same time may be detrimental to their GCE work.

Exam Equipment and prohibited itemsCandidates may only take necessary equipment into the exam room – remember to use a transparent pencil case/plastic bag. You must not use correction pens, correction fluid, gel pens or highlighter pens on your answer sheets. All ipods and MP3 players must be turned off and left in lockers – bags must not be brought into the exam room or left in the corridors. Mobile phones may be left at reception but they must be named before they are handed in. If your locker is in a classroom you will not be able to retrieve your belongings while lessons are being taught.

Anybody taking a mobile phone (even if it is switched off), ipod or MP3 player into an exam room is likely to be disqualified – and candidates can be disqualified from future exams if the exam boards think the offence is serious enough. Candidates are responsible for bringing all the equipment they need to each exam. The school cannot lend calculators or other equipment to candidates. Please check the batteries in your calculator and replace them if necessary. Make sure you have enough ink cartridges for fountain pens actually on you - there is no point in leaving them in your locker if you need them in an exam. Candidates cannot share equipment during an exam. Items such as keys, glasses cases, calculator cases, purses etc must be placed on the floor under your desk for the duration of the exam.

You may only write in black ink on your exam papers.

You may bring a drink – STILL WATER ONLY – into the examination halls but it should be in a clear plastic bottle with the label removed and have a sports top. No food substances/sweets/chewing gum are permitted in the exam halls (Students who have a medical need i.e. diabetes should talk to Mrs Adams before exams begin).

Please do not doodle on the exam paper/answer booklet. Examiners can and do disallow defaced papers.

So - to summarise the above ‘do not’ points:

don’t be late

don’t bring your mobile phone, ipod, mp3 player etc into the exam hall

don’t use tippex, corrector pens, gel pens, or highlighter pens on your answer sheet (if you have to answer questions in spaces on the question paper, do not use highlighter pens on the answer part of the paper)

don’t ask to borrow equipment from the school or other candidates


don’t bring food/sweets/chewing gum into the exam hall (unless by prior arrangement with Mrs Adams)

don’t bring coke, orange squash etc into the exam hall, you may only bring still water in a sports top bottle with no label .

don’t doodle on your exam paper.

During the examYou must enter the exam hall in silence and remain that way until you are released at the end of the exam. Once you are seated, you will be asked if you need a wedge to stabilise an unsteady desk. At the beginning of Y11 mock exams and all external GCSE and GCE exams the invigilator will read out the starting announcement listing exam rules and regulations. Please listen to them. You will then be asked to check you have the correct paper and if you have any other questions or queries – if you need to ask a question, no matter how trivial you may think it is, put up your hand and an invigilator will come and answer it for you. You will be told of any specific instructions for your exam paper and then the exam session will be started. The exact starting and finishing time of your exam will be written on the board at the front of the exam venue.

You will know if you are entitled to special arrangements in exams as this will have been discussed with Mrs Adams or the Special Needs department well in advance of your exams. The candidates with extra time will have their finishing times displayed on the board as well.

NB: There are some GCSE exam subjects where extra time is not considered appropriate; these are all D&T subjects, Art, Art Textiles and Music.

If you need another piece of paper, drop your pencil case or have a query please put up your hand and an invigilator will come to you. Invigilators cannot help with the content of the question paper and are not allowed to explain any part of the paper to you but can assist in other matters.

If, exceptionally, you need to use the toilet or feel unwell, raise your hand and you will be escorted to the toilet. GCE and GCSE candidates are only allowed to use the toilet one at a time and have to be escorted to and from it by an invigilator.

Remember that afternoon exams usually last between 1h 30m and 2 hours. If you drink lots of liquid at lunchtime some of you will be unable to go through exams of this length without needing a toilet break. If you have to go to the toilet in the middle of an exam, not only will this disrupt your thinking and other candidates, it will give you less time for your exam.

Please remember this and drink in moderation at lunchtime.


Exam ClashesWhen you have two or more exams that are timetabled at the same time on the same date; this is called an ‘exam clash’.

Y11 students will know which day they are taking their internal mock exams as this will have been worked out in advance. They may take one exam on one day and the other at another time. The information will be either pinned up on their form room noticeboard or they will have discussed it with Mrs Adams.

GCE/GCSE candidates will need to have a supervised break or supervised lunch when they have two or more exams timetabled at the same time on the same date. They need to be kept isolated from other students taking these exams so the security of the exams is maintained and information cannot be passed between students on the content of the exam papers. There will be a designated room for every supervised break or lunch, an invigilator will collect you from your exam venue and take you to a room where you can:

Read Revise Talk to other students in the designated room (quietly) Eat or drink Move around the supervised area Visit the toilet (supervised)

During a supervised break or lunch, students may not:

Leave the designated room or area (except to visit the toilet under supervision)

Use or have in their possession a mobile phone Go to their locker Go to the school canteen (you must bring a packed lunch and drink with

you) Talk to anybody outside the designated supervision area Talk to any other students, apart from those sharing the supervised

break or lunch, on the way to or before they enter their next exam venue.

All students are considered to be under examination conditions while they take their supervised break or lunch.

At the end of the supervised break/lunch you will be taken to your next exam venue and you will have to wait inside the hall with the invigilators.

You will not line up with the other candidates outside the hall as you must not speak with any students before you take your exam.


GCE and GCSE Exam timing At this school we start exams at 9.00 am in the morning and 1.00 pm in the afternoon.

Candidates are not permitted to leave the exam hall until 10.00 am for morning exams and 2.30 pm for afternoon exams.

It is not possible to start the exams before 1.00 pm in the afternoon and, as exams do vary in length, you may not be able to return home on the school bus because your exam has not ended until after 3.30 pm. This is particularly relevant to students who have extra time in exams; so, if you have a late running exam, please ensure that you have made arrangements to get home safely.

Leaving the Exam HallAt the end of the exam, once all the papers have been collected the candidates will be dismissed in silence one row at a time – candidates must not talk until they are away from the exam room especially if others are still sitting exams. For the Main Hall this means leaving the corridor in silence and for the Harding Hall this means silence until outside.

If you are leaving the Harding Hall, please DO NOT leave through the Music Department as this disturbs music lessons. You should go along the path in front of the Main Hall, but be aware that exams may still be going on in the Main Hall.

Candidates are also reminded that ordinary lessons will still be taking place in the rest of the school and they should only use designated revision rooms.

External Exams - non written unitsSome GCSE exams have a ‘practical’ or non written part. The content of these units differ according to subject and level of exam.

MFL (Modern Foreign Language) Orals take the form of controlled assessments. You will do a total of 3 oral assessments over the course of the two years at times chosen by your teachers. The best two will be sent off for assessment.


You will receive the questions in advance of the tests, and have a planning session with your class in English where you are able to think of possible answers. The planning of your answers takes place at home; you should not spend more than 5 hours on the preparation.

The test itself lasts for between 4-6 minutes. The final question you will be asked will be one that you haven’t been able to prepare in advance. However, you will probably be able to predict what it is.

English Language: You will be assessed on three speaking and listening tasks over the course of Year 10:

1. Presenting2. Discussing and Listening3. Role playing.

These speaking and listening tasks will count for 20% of your total for English Language.

You will usually come out of lessons for a 10 minute oral slot and be assessed by a teacher that is not your usual English teacher.

You will have had help planning your oral in advance and will be able to take brief notes in with you.

You are assessed on your ability to: present and listen to information and ideas respond to the questions and views of others, adapt talk appropriately to context and audience make a range of effective contributions, using creative approaches to exploring

questions, solve problems and develop ideas participate in a range of contexts

Drama: GCSE Drama practical exams candidates will be expected to bring all props and costume for a performance of their work. Lights and sound effects are considered part of the production but not assessed.

Performances will not be repeated and rearrangement of set performance dates can only be changed in discussion with the assessing teacher and the examining board with exceptional reasons.

Coursework assessment: Your teacher will publish in advance the dates of your assessments for the practical component and the running order of the assessments. An assessment will usually take place near to the end of each term (in both Y10 & 11). The written components of this assessment should be submitted to your teacher/ assessor after your performance date.


Candidates perform, without interruption, to an audience of peers and are assessed on the WJEC criteria for Devised and scripted options.

Dance: The practical element of Dance contributes 80% of your total GCSE grade. It is divided into several elements:-

Performance 40% (Group Dance - choreographed by students – 20% (Set Study - taught by Mrs Surguy – 20%

Choreography 40% (Solo Composition – 15% (Solo/Group composition – 25%

Art and Design and Art Textiles courses involve building up a personal portfolio of work (which contributes 60% of the end mark); mainly produced in lessons with occasional homework being set. The externally set assignment is given 8 weeks prior to the practical exam and this makes up the remaining 40% of the end mark. The practical exams are held in specialist art and design and textiles rooms and last for 10 hours spread over two days.

You will be told of the theme for the externally set assignments approximately 8 school weeks before the exam and this time can be used for research, planning and development purposes. You will need to bring all your preparatory work to the exam and anything else you will need e.g. objects for your still life, specialist materials that the art department does not normally stock. You will be allocated a space to work according to the activity you are doing. Timings for breaks, meals etc will be agreed at the start of the two day exam period.

Exam conditions apply throughout the duration of the exam. You are not allowed to talk to anyone other than the teacher invigilator, you can drink water from a plastic bottle but should not eat or drink anything else and you should not leave the room unless given permission to do so by the teacher invigilator.

Mobile phones, Ipods, MP3 players etc must not be brought into the art rooms during any exam period, even if they are switched off.

All exam work including preparation work should be handed in at the end of the exam period.

Physical Education (PE)

During Year 10, PE students will have a moderation day (usual 4/5 sports covered in one day) at AHS assessed by AHS staff.


In Year 11 mock exams (held in January), PE students will have another moderation day (usual 4/5 sports covered in one day) at AHS assessed by AHS staff.

For the actual GCSE exam the PE moderation day is usually held in April and an external moderator will see 4 areas of activity and analysis of performance.

Level 1 in Sports Leadership

Students are continually assessed using their log books by their course tutor and an internal verifier (AHS member of staff).

An external verifier comes into watch students during their TOP LINK festivals – Year 3 or 4 games

Sciences – Physics, Chemistry & Biology

Practical assessment is through Practical Skills Assessment (PSA) and individual Skills Assignments (ISA). These are carried out within normal lesson time and your teachers will give you the information you need at the appropriate time.


GCE/GCSE Exam entries for subjects not studied in school

Each year requests are received from girls who wish to take a GCE or early GCSE exam in a subject that is not studied at school (e.g. Russian, Chinese etc). We are happy to discuss these requests but girls who wish to take any foreign language exam must first discuss this with Mr Baird, the Director of the Language College, who will make the candidate aware of all the implications regarding the exam (e.g. exam boards, subject specification, orals etc) and she will then discuss the matter with Mrs Adams. Mrs Adams will not process any requests for entry to foreign language exams without Mr Baird’s authorisation.

Entries for subjects other than languages must first be discussed with the Subject Team Leader (your Form Tutor or Mrs Adams can tell you who they are) and they will discuss your request with Mrs Adams. Mrs Adams will not process any requests for exam entry without authorisation from the Subject Team Leader.


If you have problems or queries relating to exams please see Mrs Adams as soon as possible – do not leave it until the morning of the exam or the beginning of next term. She can be found in her office in the lower corridor, contacted by email on exams@ahs.bucks.sch.uk or telephoned on her direct line 01926 388227.


Special Consideration for External ExaminationsEvery year we receive a number of requests for Special Consideration from parents of daughters taking public exams and it might be helpful to clarify the school’s position on these requests.

In the case of illness, the school will support requests for sudden and serious conditions that apply on the day of the examination only . The exam boards do not consider illnesses affecting revision time prior to examinations to be an appropriate reason for special consideration.

If a candidate suffers from ongoing conditions e.g. hay fever, glandular fever, anorexia, depression etc, please let us know, in writing, how they have been affected mentioning the symptoms and effects of any medication on the date of the actual exam. e.g. ‘On Thursday 14 June Sarah was badly affected by symptoms of her hay fever causing puffy and sore eyes, difficulty in breathing and lack of concentration’.

This can then be sent electronically to the exam board requesting Special Consideration for Sarah’s exam on Thursday 14 June.

If a candidate is affected for more than one day e.g. for exams on Monday 11, Thursday 14 and Friday 15 June in one week, the note, which should be brought to Mrs Adams early in the following week, should still relate the symptoms and effects of any medication to the date of the exams. e.g. ‘Sarah has suffered from severe hay fever symptoms during this week (week commencing Monday 11 June) which has caused her to have puffy and running eyes, difficulty in breathing and sleeping at night which will have affected her in her exams’.

Exam boards will not accept ‘blanket’ notes for the whole of the exam series. These are notes that do not specify dates and just have comments such as ‘Sarah suffers from hay fever/glandular fever/anorexia which is affecting her exams’

Any medical condition that might flare up can only be considered with a letter or equivalent relating to the specific dates(s). This letter must be received by the school within 5 days of the exam so it can be submitted to the exam board within their deadline of 7 days from the date of the exam. It is strongly recommended that medical advice regarding the control of symptoms for such illnesses as hay fever, glandular fever etc is sought well in advance of the examination session.

In the case of sudden or unforeseen family circumstances, such as bereavement during the examination period, special consideration may be applied for.

In all cases, the Examinations Officer, Mrs Adams, must be informed on the day or days of the paper affected; late notification cannot be supported. Please note that Special Consideration exam mark adjustments are only relatively minor, so that they do not compromise the integrity of the standard. The usual adjustment made for candidates who are unwell on the day of the exam is between 1-2% of the mark achieved, (e.g. if a candidate scores, say 90/120, her adjustment will only be 0.9 - 1.8 of a mark). It is important to note that Special Consideration is not intended to compensate for all difficulties and some candidates may be simply too ill or distressed to cope with exams.


Exam Results

Y11 (mock exams) students will be given their results by their subject teachers.

January GCSE exam modules

GCSE candidates will be told where and when they can collect the results of their January exams.

Summer exams

Before the GCE and GCSE exams start, candidates will have been asked to write their name and candidate number on an envelope. This will be collected and your results from each exam board will be collated and put in it. You will be told the date and time that you can collect your exam results.

If you are not able to collect your envelope in person on results day you may authorise, in advance, someone else to collect it for you, but this authorisation must be in writing (even if the person collecting your results is your parent/guardian) and it will be attached to your results envelope. Give the letter to Mrs Adams and ensure you have signed it. If a different person has to come and collect it, you must write another letter to Mrs Adams giving that person permission to collect your results.

Without a signed letter from you we are not allowed to release results to any third party (this includes your parents/guardians or relatives)

If you want your results posted, please put a 1st class stamp on the letter together with the address you want your results sent to. Unstamped envelopes and uncollected envelopes will be taken to the school Reception desk and can be collected.

We cannot give out results of exams over the telephone


External Exam Dates - Summer 2012

First GCSE exam on timetable Monday 14 May 2012(Art, Art/Textiles and MFL Oral exams are usually held prior to this date)

Last GCSE exam on timetable Wednesday 27 June 2012

GCSE Results Thursday 23 August 2012GCE Results Thursday 16 August 2012


Examination Boards

These are the exam boards that we use for each subject. Their website is also shown. Provisional dates for dates for external GCE and GCSE exams can be found on www.ahsonline.com and on these websites together with subject information.

GCE exam boards

EDEXCEL (www.edexcel.org.uk)


AQA ( www.aqa.org.uk )

FrenchGermanSpanishHistory of Art

OCR (www.ocr.org.uk)

MusicGeneral StudiesMathematics Statistics

WJEC (www.wjec.co.uk)

World Development


GCSE Exam BoardsY11 exam codes Y10 exam codes (if


Business Studies J253History B (Modern World) J417ICT 1994 (4 unit)Latin J281

EDEXCELArt and Design 2AD01Art and Design - Textiles 2TE01Music 2MU01PE 2PE01Arabic 2AR01 (sp/list/read/writ)Chinese 2CN01(sp/list/read/writ)Japanese 2JA01 (sp/list/read/writ)

AQACitizenship 4106D&T: Food Technology 4547D&T: Graphic Products 4552D&T: Textiles Technology 4572Dance 4232English Language 4707English Literature 4712French 4658Geography 4032German 4668Italian 4633Mathematics – Methods 9367Mathematics – Applications 9472RS 4057 BScience : Biology 4411 4401 Chemistry 4421 4402 Physics 4451 4403 Science B 4462 Science A 4405 Additional Science 4463 4408Spanish 4698Urdu 4648Higher Project Qualification 7302

WJECDrama 4150 SA



Q. Why do I need to check the details on my Statement of Entry .The details on your Statement of Entry will be used when certificates are

printed. If the name or date of birth on your certificates does not match your birth certificate it could cause you problems if you are asked to show your certificates to a potential employer or for college/university at some time in the future. You should also check that the subjects and tiers of entry you are entered for are correct and that no subjects are missing.

Q. What do I do if I think I have the wrong paper?Invigilators will ask you to check before the examination starts. If you

think something is wrong put your hand up and tell the invigilator immediately.

Q. What if I forget my Candidate Number?Candidate numbers are printed on your timetable and on a list in your

formroom. You will have the same candidate number foryou’re your exam at AHS, from Y10 right up to Y13, so it will help if you can memorise it. Invigilators will be able to help you find your number.

Q. What do I do if I forget the school Centre Number?The Centre Number is 52105. It is clearly displayed in the examination


Q. What do I do if the fire alarm goes?The examination invigilators will tell you what to do. If you have to

evacuate the examination venue leave everything on your desk and leave the room in silence. You must not attempt to communicate with any other candidates during the evacuation.

Q. Can I go to the toilet during the exam?If it is absolutely necessary. You will be escorted by an invigilator and will

not be allowed any extra time.

Q. What do I do if I feel ill during the exam? Put your hand up and an invigilator will assist you. You should inform an

invigilator if you feel ill before or during the exam.

Q. What is an Appeal for Special Consideration?In the case of illness, the school will support requests for sudden and

serious conditions that apply on the day of the examination only. In the case of sudden or unforeseen family circumstances, such as bereavement during the examination period, special consideration may be applied for.


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