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Post on 08-Aug-2020






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K11 MUSEA Kids Summer Carnival 守則、條款及細則(“本條款”)

所有訪客必須細閱並同意遵守以下守則、條款及細則,方能參加於2 0 2 0 年6 月1 2 日至2 0 2 0 年1 1月1 日期間 (“活動期間” ) 舉行之K11 MUSEA Kids Summer Carnival (”嘉年華”) 進行的活動。


1. 所有訪客均需注意,於嘉年華進行的活動可能具危險性,並有潛在風險及危險,因此有機會造成人

身傷害或身故。所有參與嘉年華的訪客明確同意並確認其同意承擔及接受所有相關風險。 2. 訪客如有任何意外或人身傷害,主 辦 單 位 概不負責。無論如何,所有訪客現明確豁免對主 辦 單 位

就任何不論是由於或有關訪客因到訪 嘉年華 所導致的人身傷害、身故或財物之損失或損害進行申索。為免生疑問,本條 款 不會限制或排除主 辦 單 位 因疏忽而導致身故或人身傷害所應負之任何法律責任。

3. 所有兒童均需成人陪同及監管方可參加於嘉年華進行的活動,且該名成人同意確保該名兒童遵守本


4. 所有訪客需保持 嘉年華的場所清潔。所有訪客亦需負責任地使用 嘉年華場内的設施及物品,並需注意自己及其他訪客的安全。如因訪客之不負責任、刻意、疏忽或罔顧他人的行爲導致其他人士受傷, 訪客可能需要負責。

5. 所有訪客必須時刻遵守本條 款 以及主 辦 單位 的其他指示及規則。主 辦 單位 可基於其絕對酌情權,

拒絕不遵守,或要求已入場但不遵守本條 款 以及主 辦 單 位 其他指示及規則之訪客入場或離場,而不作任何退款或賠償。

6. 如任何人士作出任何罔顧他人、不安全或違法, 並有可能妨礙 嘉年華運作的行為,主辦單

位有權要求該等人士離場,並且不作任何退款或賠償。 7. 主辦單位有權拒絕體溫高於攝氏 37.5 度之人士(溫度以嘉年華現場之探熱器所顯示為準)或有明顯

呼吸道感染病病徵之人士入場。主辦單位不會向因此條款而需離場之人士作任何退款或賠償。 8. 代幣之發行及訪客參與嘉年華均受本條款約束。嘉年華的每項活動/禮遇/體驗受有關商戶的條款及細則

約束。 9. 嘉年華只接受以指定代幣消費,訪客需購買代幣以參與嘉年華之活動。

10. 代幣只限在嘉年華於活 動 期 間 開放時間內單次入場使用以換取以下指定嘉年華的活動/禮遇/體驗,個

別活動的開放時間可能有所不同,有關詳情請參閱以下列表。 代幣可換取的活動/禮遇/體驗: 所需代幣 地點


A. MoMA Design Store - Cubebot®木製建構玩具 - Andy Warhol 迷你拼圖 - Candylab 美國玩具車 - 小熊鎖匙扣

7 3 3 3

Koncierge, B2 上午10時至晚上10時

B. Victoria Playpark PlayTime Victoria Playpark,

- 40分鐘假日親子活動:趣味小手工及園內玩樂 (只限2020.10.1, 2 & 26)(1節)# i) 1位成人及1位小朋友

ii) 2位成人及1位小朋友

- 1小時主題假日親子活動:小劇場、講故事、趣味小手工及園內玩樂 (只限星期日)

8 10


Shop B230, B232, B232B

2020年10月1、2及26日: 上午10時至下午6時 2020年9月27日起的每個星期日: 上午10時至下午6時

C. Donut Playhouse 巨型室內滑梯 (1節)#^

6 Shop 050, G/F 上午11時至晚上7時

D. Donut Playhouse 兒童高爾夫球遊樂場(1節)#^

6 Shop B249A-D, B2 上午11時至晚上7時

E. Donut Store

- 3D 動物拼砌系列 (1盒) ;

- 香港主題磁石貼 (1套) ; 或

- 樂學益智貼紙集 (1本)

5 4 3

Shop B248, B2


F. Art Jamming 體驗 (1塊畫布) (1節) #^

4 Bohemian Garden, 7F

下午12 – 6時

G. 哈里小屋曲奇裝飾工作坊 (1節)# 3 Shop B245A, B2 上午11時至晚上7時30分(最後入場下午5時30分)

H. 法拉利童裝店賽車模擬體驗 (1節) 3 Shop B220 & B222, B2


I. Lego ®鎖匙扣 (1個) 2 B1 上午11時至晚上8時 J. Nature Discovery Park - 入場券㇠張#; 或 - 文具套裝 (1 裝)

2 1

8F 上午11時至晚上8時

K. 百味堂 - 原味牛奶雪糕 (1 杯); 或 - 蘋果薑茶 (1 杯)

2 2

Shop B225A, B2 上午11時30分至晚上10時

L. DAMA - 單味軟雪糕筒 (1個)


Shop 411, 4F 中午12時至晚上10時

M. Donut Café - 冬甩奶昔 (1 杯); 或 - 冬甩 (1 個)

2 1

Shop B247, B2 星期㇐至五: 上午11時至晚上8時 星期六日及公眾假期: 上午11時至晚上9時

N. Pret A Manger - 有機朱古力; - 美式咖啡(1 杯); 或 - PRET 有機熱茶(1 杯)

1 1 1

Shop B201-5-6, B2 星期㇐至五: 上午7時30分至晚上8時 星期六及日: 上午9時至晚上6時

O. La Compagnie des Petits睡衣套裝禮品袋

2 Shop B209, B2 星期㇐至四: 上午11時至晚上8時 星期五至日: 上午11時至晚上9時

#活動/禮遇/體驗須進行預約。 ^可於下午12 – 7時致電K11 MUSEA 熱線3892 3890進行預約。

11. 除本條 款 另有規定外,代幣不可轉換/兌換為現金亦不可轉讓、退換,退款,並且只限定在嘉年華的指定舉辦日期使用。

12. 因天氣、安全、保養或其他原因,主辦單位可能會在沒有預先通知及沒有退款或賠償的情況下,更改嘉年華之活動開放時間、暫時關閉活動部分設施,或停止個別活動或遊樂設施的運作。

13. 訪客接受並且同意主辦單 位 /嘉年華的工作人員在場內進行拍攝,錄影及錄音照片並使用可能含有訪客

的照片, 錄影及錄音作商業用途。 14. 訪客同意遵守場內任何工作人員的指示以維持場內秩序及安全。


15. 主辦單位了解到訪客可能對嘉年華開放時間的變動有所顧慮。如果嘉年華提前關閉或開放時間有任何變動,受影響當天的訪客將可於活動期間改天再次參與嘉年華。

16. 如果嘉年華被取消或活 動 期 間 提早結束,主辦單位將就所有已付費的代幣安排退款。此條款不適

用於換領代幣和其他未付費代幣。 17. 於活動期間, 如果嘉年華必須在特定日期提早關閉,主辦單位將通過K11 MUSEA官方網站,以及在嘉

年華會場內發布關閉公告。 18. 所有自 2020 年 6 月 12 日起發行的代幣將會在活動期間(即 2020 年 6月 12日至 2020 年 11 月 1日期

間)有效。 19. 如有任何其他疑問,請聯繫嘉年華的在場職員。


20. 衣著以舒適輕便為主。嘉年華不會為訪客因參與 嘉年華之活動而弄污衣物負責或作任何賠償。 財物及設施

21. 請訪客自行保管個人財物。如訪客之個人財物在參與嘉年華活動的過程中有任何損壞或損失(不論

如何產生),主辦單位概不負責。 22. 如嘉年華内的設施/物品因任何訪客而被損壞,相關的訪客需就受損設施/ 物品作出賠償,賠償金額

由 主辦單位全權決定。


23. 主 辦 單 位 保留在所有時間於 嘉年華内進行攝影、錄影及錄音的權利,主 辦 單 位 並有權使用此等影

像、相片及聲音以用於任何用途而毋須向任何人士支付費用。為免生疑問,主 辦單位 為所有上述材料的所有權(包括但不限於知識產權)之唯㇐及絕對擁有人。

24. 任何人士未經主辦單位書面同意,不得進行任何商業用途的拍攝。


25. 訪客不得攜帶動物或寵物進場。服務用途之動物則除外(例如導盲犬)。

26. 訪客嚴禁攜帶以下物品進入嘉年華會場:

a. 任何危險物品; b. 任何發出異味之物品; c. 任何非法或受管制之物品; d. 任何種類的武器,或任何疑似武器的物件(包括但不限於玩具槍、玩具劍等); e. 手推車,附有輪轆的運送工具(手推輪椅、嬰兒車及以步行速度行駛的電動輔助行動設備

除外)及附有輪轆的康樂裝置,包括但不限於滑板、踏板車、滾軸鞋及裝有滑輪的鞋; f. 三腳架、摺疊椅及凳子;及 g. 任何 主辦單位或在場職員認為有害、可引起混亂或妨礙嘉年華營運的物品。

27. 訪客嚴禁於 嘉年華會場內使用遙控式飛行裝置。 雜項

28. 嘉年華會場內設有 24 小時運作之閉路電視,記錄方式及所記錄片段將根據香港個人資料私隱專員公

署之閉路電視監察措施指引處理。 29. 主 辦 單位 可因應營運需要、嘉年華會場之容納能力、特別節目、惡劣天氣,或任何主 辦 單位認為


30. 如本條款的中英文版本有任何差異,槪以英文版本為準。

31. 如有任何爭議,以主辦單位之決定為準,並對所有關聯方均具約束力。

32. 本條款受中華人民共和國香港特別行政區之法律所管轄。 特別天氣安排

請注意,如嘉年華因天氣而關閉,受影響之所有時段均不設改期或退款。以下為㇐般的安排,只供參考,㇐切安排均以主辦單位當時按情況所作出之決定為準。訪客請參閱K11 MUSEA官方網站查看當天最新安排。

開放時間發出 17:00 之後除下或改掛較低信號

紅色暴雨警告信號 開放,並有可能只提供有限度服 務。

關閉 (由黑色暴雨警告信號改掛紅色暴雨警告信號)

黑色暴雨警告信號+ 關閉 關閉

三號強風信號 開放,並有可能只提供有限度服 務。

關閉 (由八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號改為三號強風信號)


關閉 關閉

+如天文台於 17:00 或之前取消或改掛三號強風信號或紅色暴雨警告信號(或更低訊號),嘉年華將於 2 小時後開放,但有可能只提供有限度服務。

主辦單位(Hong Kong Island Development Limited)於2020年6月11日發布。

K11 MUSEA Kids Summer Carnival

Rules, Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) All visitors to K11 MUSEA Kids Summer Carnival (“Carnival”) (to be held from 12 June 2020 till 1 November 2020 (“Activity Period”) must carefully read and agree to be bound by the following rules, terms and conditions in order to participate in the activities therein.

General Rules 1. All visitors shall take note that the activities in the Carnival can be dangerous with inherent risks and hazards,

and as a consequence, personal injury and sometimes death may occur. By participating in the Carnival, visitors expressly acknowledge and confirm that they agree to assume and accept all such risks.

2. The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any accidents and/or personal injuries howsoever caused to

the visitors. All visitors hereby expressly waive the right to claim against the Organizer for any loss or damages arising out of any personal injury, death or properties in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the visitors’ visit to the Carnival. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall limit or exclude any liability of the Organizer for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of the Organizer.

3. All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult when participating in any of the activities of the Carnival and the adult shall agree to procure the child to comply with the Terms. The adult shall also take responsibility for the child’s safety and must directly supervise him/her at all times.

4. All visitors shall keep the venue of the Carnival clean. They shall also use all the facilities and properties in

the venue of the Carnival in a responsible manner, with regard to their own safety and the safety of others. Visitors may be liable to other individuals for their injuries if such injuries arise from their irresponsible, deliberate, negligent or reckless behavior.

5. All visitors must comply with the Terms, and other directions and regulations of the Organizer at all times.

The Organizer may, in its absolute discretion, deny admission of any person to the Carnival or require a person already admitted to leave the venue of the Carnival for non-compliance with any of the Terms, directions and regulations of the Organizer, without any refund or compensation.

6. In the event that any person conducts himself/herself in any reckless/unsafe/illegal manner that may hinder

the operation of the Carnival, the Organizer reserves the right to require such person(s) to leave the Carnival without any compensation or refund.

7. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse entry of any person(s) whose body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius (as indicated by the on-site temperature detector in the venue of the Carnival) or to those who appears to have significant symptoms of respiratory infections. No refund or compensation will be arranged if entry is denied due to this clause.

8. The issuance of tokens and admission to the Carnival are subject to the Terms. The terms and conditions of

each activity/privilege/experience of the Carnival is also subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant merchant.

9. Only designated tokens are accepted in the Carnival. Visitors are required to purchase tokens to participate

in the Carnival.

10. Each token is only valid for single use during the opening hours of the Carnival for redeeming the below

designated activity/privilege/experience of the Carnival during the Activity Period. Opening hours of each of the activities in the Carnival may vary, please refer to following table for details.

Activity/privilege/experience redeemable with token(s):

Number of token(s) required


Opening Hours

A. MoMA Design Store - Cubebot® Capsule - Andy Warhol Mini Jigsaw Puzzles - Candylab Toy Vehicles - Bear Peekaboo Keyring

7 3 3 3

Koncierge, B2 10am – 10pm

B. Victoria Playpark PlayTime - 40-minute creative arts & crafts session and free play in the playground i) For 1 adult & 1 kid ii) For 2 adults & 1 kid - 1-hour specially themed parent-child activities: drama, story-telling, art & crafts

and free play in the playground (1


8 10


Shop B230, B232, B232B

1, 2 & 26 Oct 2020: 10am – 6pm Each Sunday from 27 Sep 2020 onwards: 10am – 6pm

C. Donut Playhouse: Happy Mega Slide (1 session) #^

6 Shop 050, G/F 11am – 7pm

D. Donut Playhouse: Donut Golf Club (1 session)#^

6 Shop B249A-D, B2

11am – 7pm

E. Donut Store - HALFTOYS 3D Puzzle Series (1 box); - Play & Learn Magnet Set (1 set); or - Play & Learn Reusable Sticker (1 set)

5 4 3

Shop B248, B2

11am – 8pm

F. Art Jamming (1 canvas) (1 session)#^ 4 Bohemian Garden, 7F

12pm – 6pm

G. Harry’s Kitchen Donut & Ah Meow Cookies Decoration (Workshop) (1 session)#

3 Shop B245A, B2 11am – 7:30pm (Last entry 5:30pm)

H. Ferrari Store Junior F1 Simulator Experience (1 session)

3 Shop B220 & B222, B2

11am – 8pm

I. Lego® Keychain x 1 piece 2 B1 11am – 8pm J. Nature Discovery Park - Entry Ticket x 1; or – Stationery Kit x 1

2 1

8F 11am – 8pm

K. Baekmidang - Original Milk Ice Cream x 1; or – Apple Ginger Tea x 1 cup

2 2

Shop B225A, B2 11:30am – 10pm

L. DAMA - Single flavor of Vegan Soft Serve x 1

2 Shop 411, 4F 12nn – 10pm

M. Donut Café - Donut Shake x 1 cup; or – Donut x 1 piece

2 1

Shop B247, B2 Mon – Fri 11am – 8pm Sat, Sun & PH 11am – 9pm

N. Pret A Manger - Organic Chocolate x 1 cup; - Americano x 1 cup; or – Organic Tea x 1 cup

1 1 1

Shop B201-5-6, B2

Mon – Fri 7:30am – 8pm Sat & Sun 9am – 6pm

O. La Compagnie des Petits - Pajamas Goodie Bag x 1 set

2 Shop B209, B2 Sun – Thu 11am – 8pm Fri, Sat & PH 11am – 9pm

# Prior reservation is required. ^ Visitor may call the K11 MUSEA hotline 3892 3890 to make reservation during 12 to 7pm. 11. Save as otherwise provided herein, tokens cannot be converted/redeemed into cash and are non-

transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable, and can only be used on the specified opening dates of the Carnival.

12. The Organizer may, without prior notice and without any refund or compensation, change the operating

hours of the Carnival and the activities or facilities therein, close the same or any part thereof temporarily, or suspend the operation for weather, safety, maintenance, or any other reason.

13. Visitors accept and agree that the Organizer may take and use photographs, images, video recordings and/or

audio recordings which may contain the visitors for commercial purposes. 14. Visitors agree to comply with all instructions given by onsite staff for the purpose of ensuring safety and

order in the Carnival.

Unexpected closures and Refund Policy

15. Visitors may have concerns regarding changes in opening hours of the Carnival. In the event of any early closure, all the affected guests on that day will have the option to participate in the Carnival on another day during the Activity Period.

16. In the event that the Carnival is cancelled or the Activity Period is shortened, all paid tokens will be

refunded in full. This excludes redeemed tokens and other unpaid tokens. 17. In the event that the Carnival has to close early on a particular day during the Activity Period, closure

announcements will be made on site and online via the official website of K11 MUSEA.

18. All tokens issued from 12 June 2020 will be valid throughout the Activity Period (i.e. from 12 June 2020 till 1 November 2020).

19. For any other queries, please contact staff of the Carnival on-site.

Appropriate Apparel 20. Comfortable clothing is recommended. The Carnival shall not be responsible for any damage or stain caused

to the clothes of visitors due to their participation of activities at the Carnival.

Property and Facilities

21. Visitors shall look after and safeguard their own personal belongings. In no event shall the Organizer be

responsible for any loss or damage to visitors’ personal belongings (howsoever caused) in the course of participating in any activities at the Carnival.

22. If any facilities or properties in the venue of the Carnival are damaged by any of the visitors, the relevant

visitors shall be liable to make compensation in respect of the damaged facilities/properties, the amount of which is to be determined solely by the Organizer.

Photos, video and audio recording

23. The Organizer reserves the right at all times to take photographs, video-tape or audio-record within the

venue of the Carnival, and to utilize these photos, videos and audios for any purpose without payment to any person. For the avoidance of doubt, all proprietary rights (including the intellectual property rights) of these materials are owned by and belong to the Organizer solely and absolutely.

24. Commercial photography of any kind is strictly prohibited except with the prior written permission of the


Prohibition 25. Visitors are not allowed to bring animals or pets into the venue of the Carnival, except for service animals

(e.g. guide dogs for the blind).

26. The followings items are strictly forbidden to bring into the venue of the Event: a. any dangerous items; b. any item which emits an odor of any kind; c. any illegal or restricted items; d. any type of weapon, or any object which is weapon-like (including but not limited to toy guns, toy

swords, etc.); e. Trolleys, transport tools with rims (except for hand-propelled wheelchairs, strollers and power-

assisted mobile devices that travel at walking speed) and recreational equipment with rims, including but not limited to skateboards, scooters, roller shoes and shoes with pulleys;

f. tripods, folding chairs and stools; and g. any item that in the Organizer’s opinion is dangerous, or may cause chaos, or may interfere with the

operation of the Carnival. 27. The use of remote control flight device or drone is strictly prohibited in the venue of the Carnival.


28. A 24-hour CCTV system is in operation in the venue of the Carnival. The records and the recorded footage will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data’s guidelines for CCTV

surveillance issued by the Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. 29. The Organizer may in its absolute discretion from time to time (i) change the opening hours and the Terms;

(ii) control the number of visitors being admitted to the venue of the Carnival; or (iii) suspend or cancel the operation of the activities or facilities of the Carnival, in view of the operation needs, the capacity of the venue of the Carnival, special programs, inclement weather, or any other situation as the Organizer may deem necessary, without prior notice, and without any refund or compensation to visitors.

30. The English version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of the

Terms. 31. In case of any disputes, the Organizer’s decision shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.

32. These Terms are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s

Republic of China. Adverse Weather Arrangement

Please note that no re-scheduling or refund will be arranged if the Carnival is closed due to adverse weather. The below is the general arrangement for reference only. All arrangement shall be subject to the Organizer’s decision at the time depending on the actual circumstances. Visitors are advised to consult the official website of K11 MUSEA for updated details.

During Opening Hour Signals cancelled or

lowered after 17:00

Red Rainstorm Signal Open, with the possibility of limited operations.

Remain closed (From Black Rainstorm signal lowered to Red Rainstorm signal)

Black Rainstorm Signal+ Closed. Remain closed

Typhoon Signal No. 3 Open, with the possibility of limited operations.

Remain closed (From typhoon signal No. 8 lowered to the typhoon signal No. 3)

Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Above+

Closed. Remain closed

+The Carnival will be re-opened within two hours after the signal is cancelled or lowered at or before 17:00, with the possibility of limited operations.

Issued by the Organizer (Hong Kong Island Development Limited) on 11 June 2020.

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