fairy tale story

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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A parody of the children's book, created by Disney, Cinderella.


~Spinderella~By: Julia Mayfield & Halie Krohe

Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy lord and his wife, along with their daughter, Ella. They were a happy, devoted

family living in the countryside of England. At the time, they felt they had the perfect unit, never imagining

expanding their family.

One day, the lord received a message inquiring that is brother and sister-in-law had passed away in an

accident, leaving their twin daughters orphans. The lord immediately

responded by saying he would take in his nieces, Stasia and Drizi.

When both girls arrived they were gracious and kind to their new family, but they kept to themselves. The only

time they were to be seen was at meals, otherwise both remained in their room, creating unusual music

that Ella had never heard before.

The family all adjusted to the change and were delighted by their peaceful life. Everything seemed to be going great, until Ella’s father unexpectedly fell ill and passed away. Clouded by sadness, Ella’s mother spent most of the days to follow hidden

in her bedroom. This left Ella in complete solitude with nothing to do but the

household chores. She cleaned the rooms, cooked the meals, washed the laundry, took care of the animals, and sewed up torn

clothing. It was a lonely life, but she was fortunate enough to have a few friends in the village that she spent time with when going to shop at the market. She saw Jaq and Gus almost every trip, since their father owned the market. They were very kind

to Ella and would always give her more than her moneys worth. She was happiest when on these trips visiting them, but reality

always struck when arriving home.


Done with scrubbing the floors, Ella was on her way toward

the village to buy some produce for the week. Upon her arrival, she was met with

her best friend Jaq. He greeted Ella and handed her two envelopes, as he told her they were invitations to the

royal ball. Ella was so excited, she didn’t hear Jaq ask her to be her date to the event. Ella

grabbed her groceries and skipped home.

Once there, she headed straight to Stasia and Drizi’s room to present them their invitations.

They were beyond thrilled and immediately started playing their unheard of music, which

they recently told Ella, was called rap.

Heading to her room, Ella started sewing the most beautiful blue dress she had ever created for the ball.

By the time it was complete, she was left with an hour to prepare. She curled her hair, applied her

makeup, and slipped into the flowing gown.

As she ascended the staircase, she realized she had forgotten her shoes. She raced back up the

stairs and slipped on her favorite glass slippers. On her second journey downstairs, she was met with Drizi and Stasia, carrying a bunch of music

equipment out the door. All of the girls went inside the carriage waiting for them outside the house. When settled in, the twins told Ella that they were personally summoned to MC the ball and were going to reveal a new genre of music

for all to hear.

When they arrived at the palace entrance, Stasia and Drizi were sent off to prepare their music, leaving Ella to enter the ball alone. As she was

walking down the staircase, all eyes in the room rested upon her and her stunning dress.

Upon reaching the bottom step, she was greeted by the twin princes, Chad and Charles,

both of which were enamored by her. Before either had the opportunity to speak,

everyone’s attention was diverted from Ella and the royalty, toward the music that was

unrecognizable to the crowd. Stasia stood up and told everyone to follow along with her

dance moves. She taught the villagers how to Walk it Out, Cat Daddy, and Schmoney. The crowd was having trouble following, but Ella caught on fast. She danced along with beat.

As the crowd watched Ella dance, they started to move along to the beat with her.

Even the princes, Chad and Charles, started

dancing! Pushing Charles out of the way, Chad approached Ella and

asked her to dance with him. She smiled and

accepted his offer.

Fuming with jealousy, Charles bulldozed Chad to the ground and took his place by Ella. Before Charles could even move, Chad was back on

his feet, slamming him into some nearby people. Angry beyond belief, Charles put his head down and charged. A full on shoving match broke loose between the twin princes, each protesting that Ella was his and

he saw her first.

Completely horrified by the brawl that was happening at her feet, Ella broke away and ran for the exit. Midway up the staircase, the princes noticed her running away and started chasing after her. In order to move faster, Ella slipped off both glass slippers and raced into the dark, breezy night.

By the time the princes had reached the entrance, Ella was

completely out of sight. Realizing they didn’t have a

name and could barely remember her face, both dove

to grab the shoes left on the stairs. Chad and Charles, both

having a heel of their own, decided that they were going to

search for the maiden. They both agreed whoever finds her

first gets to marry her.


As soon as the princes woke up, they raced each other

down their large, wooden, newly polished, snow

white staircase. As Chad had reached the bottom, Charles jumped onto the side of the staircase and

slip down the railing. The princes ran right into one

another once they reached the bottom of the


After their daily breakfast of blueberry pancakes and freshly picked strawberries, they raced each other to

the door. They were both determined to find the girl from last night, that stunned the crowd, and

made everyone gaze upon her.

They had searched all over town, knocked on every door in the county… but the girl

was no where to be seen. So, Chad and Charles met up

once again, but this time they were at the market. The

market was the only place left to check. This was their last chance to find the girl, give

her the shoe, and ask her for her hand in marriage.

At the same time, they caught a glimpse of a young woman standing a short distance away. She blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. They knew right away that it was the girl from the ball.

She was hard to miss. Both stopped, looked at each other

knowingly, and rushed over to claim the one they had fallen for.

The princes dashed through the crowd and approached the girl. She was talking with Jaq, but they

interrupted anyway. Both knew for sure the slippers

belonged to her. When they reached Ella,

she whipped around and noticed the princes had

brought her shoes back to her. Before she could say a simple thank you, they had both bent down on one knee and asked

for her to marry them.

Being in love with Ella, Jaq did not like the scene taking place in front of him, but he stayed quiet. It was her choice after all. Ella was completely shocked and honored! However, she politely declined them and

turned to Jaq. Jaq was astonished by what he had heard!

Ella had told not one, but two princes no! Both looked into each others eyes and

declared their endless love for each other.

Chad and Charles were so surprised by this turn of events.

Since they were princes, both naturally assumed that

whatever they wanted was theirs. Never in their wildest

dreams did they think a commoner could win the heart

of a fair maiden over royalty like themselves. However, with Ella, they learned that was not always

the case. They walked home confused and rejected.


Through the years, Jaq had saved up money.

He asked Ella to marry him, and she graciously accepted. They had their own

castle to live in, children of their own, and a market to run.

As for the princes, they still lived at the King’s castle. Charles had married rap

extraordinaire, Stasia. After falling in love, he decided the kingship was not for him and

declined the throne. On flipside, Prince Chad was

caught up in becoming King one day. Eager for power, he married Ariel, the princess of

the sea, to strengthen his royalty.

Drizi had carried on the rap music her

and Stasia had created. She traveled

around the world with a cat named Lucifer, and a dog named Bruno, that she had adopted in


In the end, they all ended up living happily ever after. Even though the princes didn’t get to marry Ella.

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