feng shui 2014 booklet

Post on 22-Oct-2015






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Authored by Prof. Joe Choo


2014 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 元旦 初二 初三 初四

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 小寒 初六 初七 腊八 初九 初十 十一

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 十九 大寒 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五

26 27 28 29 30 31 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 除夕 春节


S M T W T F S 1 初二

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 初三 初四 立春 初六 初七 初八 初九

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 元宵 十六

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 十七 十八 十九 雨水 廿一 廿二 廿三

23 24 25 26 27 28 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 劳动节 初四 初五

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 初六 立夏 初八 初九 初十 十一 十二

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 二十 春分 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十 五月小 初二 初三


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 初四 端午 初六 立夏 初八 初九 初十

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 夏至

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 六月大 初二

29 30 初三 初四


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 初八 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 十四 白露 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 廿八 廿九 秋分 九月大 初二 初三 初四

28 29 30 初五 初六 初七


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 初八 重阳 初十 十一

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 十二 十三 十四 寒露 十六 十七 十八

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 霜降 九月大 初二

26 27 28 29 30 31 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 万圣节


S M T W T F S 1 二月大

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 初二 初三 初四 惊蛰 初六 初七 妇女节

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 春分 廿二

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九

30 31 三十 三月小


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 初一 初二 初三 初四 清明

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 初七 初八 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 春分 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七

27 28 29 30 廿八 廿九 四月大 初二


S M T W T F S 1 2 初六 七夕

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 初八 初九 初十 十一 立秋 十三 十四

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 中元 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 处暑

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 廿九 八月大 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六

31 初七


S M T W T F S 1 初九

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 立冬 十六

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 小雪

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 初二 初三 初四 初五 感恩节 初七 初八

30 初九


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 大雪 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 三十 冬至 初二 平安夜圣诞节 初五 初六

28 29 30 31 初七 初八 初九 初十


S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 初五 初六 初七 初八 初九

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 初十 小暑 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十

27 28 29 30 31七月小 初二 初三 初四 初五


其他吉日Good Date

蝴蝶双飞日Butterfly Union Date

Personal Memoranda





Name :

Date Of Birth :

Animal Sign :

Gua No. :

Good Sector :

Preferred Sector :

1. Main Door :

2. Master Bedroom :

3. Kitchen :

4. Dining :

5. Son/Daughter’s Room :

6. Study’s Room :

7. Rice Urn :

Others :

Bedhead :

Bedhead :

Home Address :

Name :

Date Of Birth :

Animal Sign :

Gua No. :

Good Sector :

Preferred Sector :

Tel :

Year Moved In :















Contents 目录

009Foreword:Professor Joe Choo

0102014 Colours Of The Year

0122014 Governing Planet

0142014 Three Killers

0162014 Auspicious Dates For Receiving The God Of Prosperity

0172014 Auspicious Dates For Resuming Office

018Auspicious Dates

0192014 Outlook - Global








0412014年预测 - 国际

052‘Gua’ Family卦表

056‘Gua’ Relationships: 5 Elements, Colours and Good Directions卦与五行,颜色及适宜方向之关系

058Producing & Contrasting Cycles of The 5 Elements五行相生相克图

059Classification Of Professions Relating To The 5 Elements五行与行业之分类

0542014 Outlook - 12-Animal Zodiac十二生肖运程预测

In 2013, the Malaysian Institute of Geomancy Sciences (MINGS) started running monthly meetings for

old and new members. These meetings are a platform to discuss and share Feng Shui knowledge. A

number of new members showed their commitment and passion, and they motivated me to further

share my experience and knowledge. I truly wish for more people to join and assist us in promoting

the scientific knowledge of Feng Shui.

MINGS is known for conducting Feng Shui in a scientific manner. This is well accepted in this region

but not in the western world. In 2013, I shared this practice with professors, students and the general

public at the University of Western Australia. They were surprised by the scientific facts behind Feng

Shui; it marked a good start to promote scientific Feng Shui to the western world.

2013 is a very exciting year with a lot of speculations and hopes. Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out as

positively as what most people wished for. Therefore, people put their hopes on the horse again –

they never give up!

The Horse signifies energy, power and moving forward; it is one of the auspicious animal signs in the

Chinese culture. On behalf of MINGS, I would like to wish you a great new year. Let’s gallop with

the horse to achieve the top aces!

PROFESSOR JOE CHOOPresidentMalaysian Institute Of Geomancy Sciences

Foreword byProfessor Joe Choo


2014 Colour Of The Year

Purple is associated with royalty and nobility. In the past, the Tyrian purple dye was very expensive and only the elite could afford it. It is also known to have a cool and calming effect.Purple represents the Metal element. This is compatible with the legal profession, civil service, industries related to metal, minerals and mining, automobile, transportation, aerospace, airlines, sports goods, machinery, defence, airmail and tourism.

Light purple – romance and nostalgia. People born in winter tend to prefer this lighter shade.Dark purple – gloom and sadness, frustration. Those born in summer like this darker shade.

Blue is associated with the skies and seas, happiness and optimism. It is often associated with the male gender while pink or red is connected to females. It is also used to describe sadness and pornographic films.Blue represents the Water element. This is compatible with the insurance, finance and banking industries; trading; pubs; night entertainment; coffee shops and cafes; laundry; spa and gym; and water-related businesses such as fishing, sea freight and marine activities.

Light blue – health, healing, tranquillity, understanding, softness.Dark blue – knowledge, power, integrity, seriousness, sadness.

Yellow denotes EarthEarth produces MetalGood colour of the


Purple denotes MetalColour of the Year

Good colour of the year

Blue denotes WaterMetal produces Water

The best colour of the year

Green denotes WoodMetal contrasts WoodNot very conducive colour of the year

Red denotes FireFire contrasts Metal

Contrast colour of the year


2014 Colour Of The Year

Yellow is the colour of sunshine and gold. It is the colour of royalty in countries such as China (Huangdi or Yellow Emperor was the legendary first emperor of China), Thailand and Malaysia. It is also linked to religious spirituality and the sixth sense. Notes written on yellow paper are better remembered. At the other extreme, yellow is a colour for “caution” and cowardice.Yellow represents the Earth element. This is compatible with property development, construction, property management, agriculture and other businesses related to land.

Dull yellow – caution, decay, sickness, jealousy.Light yellow – intellect, freshness, joy. People born in winter prefer this, while those born in summer prefer

a darker shade of yellow.Reddish brown – harvest, fall.Brown – stability, masculinity.

Green is often linked to nature and the environment. It symbolises growth, plants, harmony, freshness and fertility. It is a restful colour for the human eye. On the other hand, green is also used to indicate jealousy and inexperience.Green represents the Wood element. This is compatible with wood-related industries, such as journalism, print publication, education, textile, fashion, broadcasting, accounting, toys, handicraft and children-related items, pottery, drama and acting, music, gardening and nurseries, cultural-type businesses, advertising, mid-wife and childcare services, health food, antiques, interior design, beauty salons, art, photography, survey and religious practices.

Dark green – ambition, greed, jealousy.Yellow-green – sickness, cowardice, discord, jealousy.Aqua – emotional healing, protection.Olive green – traditional colour of peace.

Red is associated with fire and strong passions – guilt, sin, anger, lust and so forth. It is the colour of blood, courage, sacrifice, beauty and love. Men find women in red more attractive. It is a popular colour among successful sports teams. Red is a Chinese colour of good luck and marital bliss; the Indians see red as purity, fertility, wealth and beauty; but in parts of Africa, it is linked to death. Red represents the Fire element. This is compatible with fire- or flame-related industries, such as paints, weapons and ammunition, optical industry, manufacturing, restaurant, telephone and telecommunication, information technology, electrical appliances, petroleum-related products, and chemical-related products.

Light red – joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, love.Pink – romance, love, friendship, denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.Dark red – vigour, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice and wrath.


2014 Governing Planet

According to Chinese astrology, the governing constellation of the year 2014 is situated in the South – (172.5° -187.5°).

How to Identify the Door Location?

A. Identify the centre of the house or office and mark the point.B. Place a compass on that point and read where the location of the main entrance door is in relation to

the centre.

172.5° -187.5°



2014 Governing Planet

Strip of Wood

Strip of Wood


How to defuse Tai Sui? Offices, factories and houses that have their main entrances in this sector are likely to encounter unexpected teething problems and hindrances.To defuse or minimize these problems, you may choose one of the following methods:A. Place a movable partition (or screen) outside or inside the door, preferably on the inside if space permits.B. Attach a strip of wood or metal piece to the top part of the door frame.

Date Time Phenomena

19 Jan 2014

23 Jan 2014

9.00am -11.00am

7.00am -9.00am

• Crippledorblindpeoplecomeby• Child/childrenridingbicyclepassingby• Cow(s)andgoat(s)fightingforwalkpath• Twoladiesscoldingandshoutingateach

other• Drumsoundfromthewest• Peoplecarryingbooks/magazinesand

umbrella come by• Peopleholdingpewter-ware

• Crippled or blind people come by• Child/children riding bicycle passing by• Woman/women from the northwest

bringing goods over• Chicken on a tree• Unexpected/sudden rain • Lady/ladies in red clothing holding a

basket come by

Choose one of the following dates and times to do (A) or (B). Look out for the corresponding phenomena below within 24 hours after the placement. These phenomena can be sighted from any source, such as public places, on TV, in newspapers and other periodicals. If you have done (A) or (B) correctly, you should be able to observe at least 50% of the phenomena listed.


2014 Three Killers

The “Three Killers” (Sam Sart) for 2014 will appear in the North (352.7°-7.5°), Southeast (112.5°-127.5°) and Southwest

(232.5°-247.5°). Of the three, North (352.7°-7.5°) is considered the most negative. All buildings with main entrances,

sitting positions and stoves located in this sector will be subject to the “Three Killers”. People who live in such

places are likely to encounter difficulties in whatever they do.

How to Identify the Door Location?

A. Identify the centre of the house or office and mark the point.B. Place a compass on that point and read where the location of the main entrance door is in relation to

the centre.


North352.7 ° - 7.5 °

Southeast112.5 ° - 127.5 °

Southwest232.5 ° - 247.5 °

Strip of Wood

Strip of Wood


2014 Three Killers

14 Dec 20137.00pm -9.00pm

• Peopleinuniformcomeby,ordrumsound• Oldpeoplewithwalkingstickcomeby• Peoplewithmustacheandbeard,carrying

basket come by• Thunderandrainfromthewest

8 Jan 20147.00pm -9.00pm

• Peopleinuniformcomeby,ordrumsound• Oldpeoplewithwalkingstickcomeby• Peoplewithmustacheandbeard,carrying

basket come by• Thunderandrainfromthewest• Peoplewitheyesicknessescomeby• Bird(s)comefromthenorth

23 Jan 20145.00pm -7.00pm

• Peoplewitheyesicknessescomeby• Bird(s)comefromthenorth• Bicycle/motorcyclecomefromthewest• Aflockofbirdsflyingandchirping• Monk(s)andnun(s),holdingfirecomefrom

the southwest• Drumandbellsoundsfromthenorth• Dog(s)cometothehouse/office• Smallboy(s)clappinghandsandlaughingat

yellow-coloured dog(s)• Smallgirl(s)playingatthebackyard/park

Date Time Phenomena

How to defuse Three Killers? To defuse or minimize these problems, you may choose one of the following methods:A. Erect a movable partition (or screen) outside

or inside the door, preferably the inside if space permits.

B. Attach a strip of wood below the top part of the door frame.

Choose one of the following dates and times to do (A) or (B). Look out for the corresponding phenomena below within 24 hours after the placement. These phenomena can be sighted from any source, such as public places, on TV, in newspapers and other periodicals. If you have done (A) or (B) correctly, you should be able to observe at least 50% of the phenomena listed.


People who celebrate the Chinese New Year have an important cultural practice: to welcome the God of

Prosperity (Money God) into their premises. If you are not such a traditionalist or you do not embrace any

religion, you may still draw this “Money God” to you by making wishes while facing a particular direction

during the given date and time below.

There is only one condition – you must show total commitment to your God or to your wishes. Look out for

the corresponding phenomena below within 24 hours. These phenomena can be sighted from any source,

such as public places, on TV, in newspapers and other periodicals. When done successfully, you should be

able to observe at least 50% of the phenomena list. This means your wishes are likely to come true.

2014 Auspicious Dates for Receiving the God of Prosperity

1 Feb 2014

2 Feb 2014

9.00pm - 11.00pm


1.00pm - 3.00pm


• Peopleholdingknifecomeby, or pulling a bicycle/motorcycle

• Chickenmakingnoiseanddog(s) barking

• Oldpeopleinleatherclothing and hat come by

• Peopleholdingmetal-ware

• Lady(ies)ingreenclothingcome by with liquor

• Drumsoundfromthewest

• Fire/brightlightatthesouthwest

• Crippledpeoplecomebywith goods

Date Time Direction Phenomena


2014 Auspicious Dates for Resuming Office

There is a Chinese saying that making a good start is already halfway on the journey to success.

Therefore after the Chinese New Year, everything should begin at the right time. This is especially important

for business ventures.

Below is a list of auspicious dates and times to resume office. At these moments, orientate yourself to face

the specified direction and pray according to your own religious beliefs. If you have no specific religion, you

may simply make your wishes.

Pray with total submission (or make your wishes with full commitment). Look out for the corresponding

phenomena within 24 hours. These phenomena can be sighted from any source, such as public places,

on TV, in newspapers and other periodicals. When done successfully, you should be able to observe at

least 50% of the phenomena list. This means your wishes are likely to come true.

6 Feb 201411.00am -

1.00pm NE

• Windandrain

• Snakelyingacrosstheroad

• Lady(ies)inredskirtcomebywith liquor

• Yellowbird(s)flyingfromthewest

• Monk(s)andotherreligiouspeople walking together

Date Time Direction Phenomena


2014 Auspicious Dates

The Chinese calendar contains a combination of ancient Chinese philosophy, astronomy, geography, natural way of life and many others; it also holds the knowledge of how to live with nature harmoniously. Today the general public view it as a sentimental tradition retained for its cultural and nationalistic elements. However, there is one practical purpose for the calendar. It is used to pick auspicious dates for important events such as weddings or marriage registrations, opening of new businesses, moving house and others.

Below are the Butterfly Union dates and other auspicious dates for you to carry out important activities. A Butterfly Union date is especially good for weddings or marriage registrations and formation of joint venture companies. One may use other auspicious dates to launch new products, move house, conduct important meetings, make important decisions, present proposals and others.

05 February 2014

27 February 2014

12 March 2014

06 April 2014

16 April 2014

28 April 2014

11 May 2014

05 June 2014

15 June 2014

27 June 2014

10 July 2014

04 August 2014

14 August 2014

26 August 2014

08 September 2014

03 October 2014

13 October 2014

25 October 2014

07 November 2014

02 December 2014

24 December 2014

06 January 2015

31 January 2015

10 February 2015

15 February 2015



17 January 2014

18 April 2014

17 June 2014

16 August 2014

15 October 2014

14 December 2014

12 February 2015


2014 Outlook - Global

LOOKING AHEAD: What is in store for us in 2014

Basic informationYear Stem : S3, Yang WoodYear Root : R7, Yang FireSound consonant : MetalYear Gua : 4, Wood5 Cycles-6 Forces : EarthAnimal sign : Horse

Ancient Chinese sages made forecasts and predictions using several formulas. Among them are the I-Ching (Yi-Jing) hexagrams, the Gua and Magic Square, 5 Cycles-6 Forces and the Cowboy Poems in the Chinese Almanac or “Tung Shing”.

5 Cycles-6 Forces

This formula is used to predict weather conditions and from there, probable sickness and epidemic outbreaks. Precautions can then be taken to prepare herbal remedies in advance. Weather conditions have a profound impact on agricultural produce that affect global economies. They affect the prices of food and commodities, consumer demand, health and even the stability of governments.

The first half of 2014 will be “burning hot”, affecting both humans and the environment. People will generally suffer from dry coughs, respiratory problems (including shortness of breath), heat boils in the nose and heatstroke in some cases. Hot tempers will also flare up more frequently.

Even the earth will show signs of heat, such as increased incidences of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Grass and plants will struggle in heat waves and there will be more outbreaks of wildfires.

The situation changes dramatically in the second half of the year. The weather turns cool with cold dry winds blowing. Rainfall will come suddenly as thunderstorms but generally the earth will be dry. This will impact the growth of plants and grasses. Agricultural output will be affected.

In general, there will be a rising number of gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and bloated stomach, aching bones and muscles, lethargy and short tempers.

Hexagram for the World

The 2014 hexagram for the world is 011101.100010. The controlling hexagram, 011101 remains unchanged until 2043 (our apologies for the error in last year’s book).

The first hexagram, 011101, is “Ding” the Cauldron. It refers to the nine tripod cauldrons that symbolised power and authority in Imperial China. Da Yu (Yu the Great) who founded the Xia Dynasty (c. 2200 BC) had the cauldrons made from metals collected from the nine provinces of ancient China.

The second hexagram, 100010, is Tun which means “difficulty in the beginning” (Wilhelm & Baynes, 1967). Within this hexagram there is also a hidden hexagram, 000001 which is Po, “splitting apart” and means not making any progress. It also represents making self-sacrifices.

100010 comprises two trigrams – 100 and 010 – which brings connotations of difficult economic times due to bad harvests, and thus requires a stocking up of food.

2013’s hexagram related to the tripod having a broken or crippled leg and spilling out its contents. In conjunction with 2014’s hexagram, it tells us of a time of instability and fights in the world. It calls for powers-that-be to be selfless, make sacrifices for the greater good and avoid taking sides in conflicts.


2014 Outlook – Global

We can interpret this in several ways. As a container, the spilled Ding can indicate a food rush or fighting over wealth (financial crises). The US Dollar is threatened whenever economic blocs try to introduce an alternative currency. The euro’s threat diminished following the European Financial Crisis. However, the rising BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are discussing the establishment of a new development bank and setting up a common currency that can upset the US and Eurozone’s respective Dings. The broken tripod leg last year was the euro, and there could be a financial “war”.

The Ding is also a symbol of power and control. A crippled leg indicates instability and fights for dominance. From the hidden hexagram, we infer that the power struggle will originate from the Northeast and/or Southwest. Countries vying for dominance could be China, the two Koreas, Japan, South Africa or Argentina.

Given the current scenario, Japan appears to be the most likely candidate, despite North Korea’s sabre-rattling. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party wants to change the constitution to restore pre-WWII institutions such as the Emperor’s status as “head of state”. The deputy prime minister went as far as suggesting using Nazi Germany techniques to change its pacifist constitution and ease restrictions on its armed forces. Though China and South Korea reacted angrily, Japan will more likely be a direct threat to the United States. This process may take some time as the Ding hexagram remains in effect until 2043.

World economyThe Ding and Tun hexagrams produce two possible economic scenarios. The first column represents the starting point for the year and the subsequent columns reflect the monthly changes relative to the start.From the charts below, we can see that the world economy is headed towards recovery. However, the situation is still weak and we may have to wait a little longer to see a full recovery.

Scenario 1: The economy spikes in Month 2 and gradually tapers downward to end the year slightly better than the start.

Scenario 2: The economy spikes in Month 2 but plunges the following month. The remaining months see a gradual recovery to the level at the beginning.


2014 Outlook - Global

The Sound Consonant for 2014 is Metal, and this does not bode well for the construction or building industry, which is Wood and Earth. Metal contrasts wood and weakens earth. Thus, the property sector is likely to experience a slowdown. The worst hit will be the West sector, such as Europe and the Middle East. With weakening property prices, it may be a good time for astute investors to seize the opportunity.

Global outlook with Magic SquareThe Magic Square formula uses Mount Everest as the point of reference. It is the highest peak on the planet and logically the originating point from which earth energy emanates. The world is then divided into eight sectors using the cardinal points of the compass.

Our sectors cut across geopolitical boundaries. Detailed analyses of individual countries are not within the scope of this publication. We do prepare analyses for Malaysia and China, where the Malaysian Institute of Geomancy Sciences is actively engaged.

For easy reference, we call these sectors North (N), South (S), East (E), West (W) and so forth. The time periods follow lunar months as per the Chinese luni-solar calendar. Month 1 begins with the Chinese New Year. Before we proceed, we have a disclaimer: our forecasts are not intended to cause unnecessary anxiety nor are the predictions of impending doom (where applicable!). They are just warning flags that enable us to take preventive measures and minimise the effects of any negative situations.

For 2014 the world’s Gua is 4. It will be a windy year. Scholars as well as eldest daughters rise in prominence.


2014 Outlook – Global

North sectorRussia, western China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, central Canada.

This sector generally performs well economically. In 2014, fire will be a dominant issue. In Months 3 and 12, there is a high likelihood of earthquakes and volcanic activity, followed by disease outbreaks from the ensuing humanitarian disaster.

Tajikistan, Afghanistan, southwestern Siberia, Xinjiang and Szechuan are seismically active areas.

Months 7 and 9 will see the occurrence of man-made fires, such as arson and forest fires. The worst will be in Month 9 where fatalities are likely. We are concerned about Xinjiang where unrest and tensions are building up.

The “heat” afflicting this sector will also cause more icecaps to melt, thereby raising the risk of floods throughout the year, as seen in Szechuan in 2013.

Northeast sectorEastern Russia, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Alaska (US), western Canada.

This is traditionally a prosperous sector. However 2014 will see a rise in geopolitical tensions. There will be an increase of conflicts and fights over money, thefts and robberies, especially in Months 5 and 6 (fights and looting).

Japan is building up its military might. Despite flourishing economically after World War II, Japan has been stifled by the United States, with dampers placed on its military strength and the relegation of the Emperor to a state symbol. The country constantly rebels against this by honouring its war dead as heroes, revising its history books to whitewash wartime atrocities and doggedly continuing to hunt whales despite an international moratorium.

In May 2013, the Japanese government approved the draft for full-scale rearmament of the country, changing its “Self-Defence Forces” into a full army. Although the purported aim is defence against threats from North Korea and China, it is more likely an effort to get out from under the United States’ yoke. Japan offers a strategic location for the United States to counter China’s influence. Once Japan is free from the United States’ clutches, it will be a dangerous situation.

The United States will increase its presence in the region to maintain its financial and military interests. There will be perks given out in Southeast Asia to win friends. The likely beneficiaries will be the Philippines.

China’s moves to claim sovereignty over South China Sea and limit other countries to their coastlines are opening doors for the US to enter. Vietnam and Philippines are particularly concerned and even Malaysia is welcoming US patrols in the region!

Europe will also become more involved in this region to protect its finances and currency.

In Month 9 there will be war or major conflict over money, as well as an increase in lawsuits and court cases.


2014 Outlook - Global

East sectorNepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam), Pacific islands, western Canada, western United States (up to Texas).

This sector is traditionally linked to popularity, scholars and the eldest son. However in 2014, this sector will be affected by sickness and death. Based on current events, the hotspots appear to be Myanmar and Thailand.Civil unrest in Myanmar presently involves clashes between Muslims and Buddhists. The violence may escalate further in 2014. Aung San Suu Kyi is the eldest daughter in her family and a popular figure in Myanmar politics. This sector is traditionally associated with the eldest son, scholars and popularity. Aung San Suu Kyi announced on 6 June 2013 of her intentions to run for the presidency in the 2015 elections. The year 2014 could be problematic as her popularity may create unease within the present government.

Thailand’s prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra entered politics after her eldest brother, Thaksin, was ousted from the same position in a coup. Although convicted for corruption and living in exile, Thaksin is a divisive figure in Thai politics – with supporters and detractors on both sides of the divide. In 2013, the Thai government began moves to grant amnesty to Thaksin’s supporters who were arrested after protesting the coup. Although the amnesty does not cover Thaksin, the opposition fears this could lead to his eventual pardon. Street protests and rallies may escalate in 2014.

Outbreaks of unrest and violence will most likely occur in Months 3, 7 and 12. Laos and Vietnam could experience fighting and violence, too, but to a lesser extent.This sector extends all the way to western United States and western Canada but violence and street fighting appear to be less likely to occur there as there are very few issues that could ignite conflict.

Outbreaks of earth-related diseases – infections from fungus, bacteria and virus – are expected in this sector. There will be a rise in fungal, bacterial and viral infections with fatalities, in Months 2 and 11.

Earthquakes are commonplace in this region but thankfully, 2014 will be relatively uneventful seismically. However, we may see a spate of major wildfires, particularly in Month 5.

Southeast sectorIndonesian archipelago, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand.

Despite the turmoil in other parts of the world, this sector will enjoy another blessed year of vibrant growth, free from natural catastrophes or upheavals with the exception of the Philippines, southeastern parts of Indonesia, Australia’s New South Wales and Victoria, and New Zealand“Strong winds and thunder” are expected in the Philippines. Traditionally the country experiences about 19 tropical cyclones a year with 6 to 9 making landfall. In 2014, it may get hit with significantly worse cyclones.

In Months 2 and 11, there will be plenty of water, leading to floods. Months 3 and 4 will see plenty of thunderstorms and strong winds. Month 7 will have plenty of rainfall. Though Indonesia sits along the Pacific Circle of Fire, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions appear to be less in 2014.

Conflict over money or resources will rise in this sector, with tensions rising in Months 1 and 10. This is not surprising as several countries are fighting over control of the South China Sea. Fighting may break out in Month 6.


2014 Outlook – Global

South sectorIndia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, western Sumatra

This sector is generally a global underperformer but will do surprisingly well in 2014. This is a rarity indeed. These economies will do well, especially rising star India.

Apart from minor wildfires occurring in Month 9, this appears to be a relatively peaceful year, with Pakistan surprisingly making smaller headlines in 2014.

Southwest sectorSub-Saharan Africa (Gabon, Congo, south Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Cameroon, Angola, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar, Botswana and South Africa), Yemen, Oman, Argentina, Peru, Chile.

This is traditionally a blighted sector, usually beset with sickness and epidemics. As with the year’s general trend towards strong winds and rainfall, heavy storms will lash this sector in Months 2, 5, 9 and 11, with floods in Month 9.

Heavy rains and floods will lead to casualties, especially water-borne sicknesses such as cholera and typhoid.

However compared to previous years, 2014 will be a better year economically and a middle son will rise in prominence.

West sectorThe Middle East, northern Africa (Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, north Sudan), southern Europe, eastern United States up to Texas, Mexico, northern South America (Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil).

This sector is naturally a Metal sector, known for fighting and looting. Indeed, conflicts in the Middle East continue to make news headlines. In 2014, the element is also metal, indicating more fighting throughout the year.

Countries in this sector will also perform well economically but will experience higher incidences of financial tussles – corporate takeovers and lawsuits.

At time of writing, the civil war in Syria is reaching critical point as chemical weapons were apparently used, prompting the US to agitate for missile strikes. The conflicts in Syria and Egypt may appear to be political but there is an underlying financial motive. The United States commits USD1.5 billion to Egypt each year – it promises the least and expects to benefit from weapons sales and access to oil – and other countries back Egypt and Syria financially as well. The internal struggles of these countries are as much over who gets control of these fortunes and how much, as it is over “freedom” and “liberation”.

The Middle East mess is far from over and will take years for the afflicted countries to recover. The problems will also spill over into neighbouring countries, such as Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Sudan and Libya.

Countries in this sector will also perform well economically but will experience higher incidences of financial tussles – corporate takeovers and lawsuits.


2014 Outlook - Global

At time of writing, the civil war in Syria is reaching critical point as chemical weapons were apparently used, prompting the US to agitate for missile strikes. The conflicts in Syria and Egypt may appear to be political but there is an underlying financial motive. The United States commits USD1.5 billion to Egypt each year – it promises the least and expects to benefit from weapons sales and access to oil – and other countries back Egypt and Syria financially as well. The internal struggles of these countries are as much over who gets control of these fortunes and how much, as it is over “freedom” and “liberation”.

The Middle East mess is far from over and will take years for the afflicted countries to recover. The problems will also spill over into neighbouring countries, such as Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Sudan and Libya.

Northwest sectorCentral, northern, eastern and western Europe, Scandinavia, western Russia.

This sector is traditionally one of the prosperous sectors despite the financial turmoil of the Euro and sovereign debt crisis in recent years. In 2014, it will experience health-related problems with widespread diseases or epidemics expected. Month 8 will be particularly troublesome and the disease outbreak will involve children.

Wilhelm, R. & Baynes, C.F. I Ching: Or, Book of Changes. 3rd ed. Bollingen Series XIX, Princeton University Press, 1967. 1st ed 1950.













前 言朱 淑 凌 教授


2014 甲午年颜色

紫 色 使人联想起贵族和高尚的人格。过去腓尼基人制造的紫色染料是非常昂贵的;所以只有有金钱能力的才买得起。同时它有着使人沉着和冷静的功效。在五行里紫色代表了金;属金的行业有从事法律、政府官员、与金属有关的、采矿业、汽车业、运输、航空、运动器材、机械、空邮和旅游业。

浅紫色 -浪漫情怀和向往过去;冬天出生的人比较喜欢这类型的颜色。深紫色 -忧郁、悲哀和愤怒;夏天出生的人钟情于这种颜色。

蓝 色 是天空、海洋、开心和积极的典型颜色。一般上是套用在男性的身上,而桃红色和红色则是女性。它也是用来形容悲哀和色情电影。在五行里蓝色代表了水。属水的行业有保险、金融、银行、贸易、酒吧、娱乐场所、咖啡店、洗衣服务、温泉和健身中心、渔业、海运和船务。

浅蓝色 -健康、治疗、宁静、明白事理、温柔深蓝色 -知识、权力、正直、严肃、悲哀











2014 甲午年颜色

黄 色 象征了阳光和黄金。在某些国家如中国(黄帝就是中国传说的第一位皇帝)、泰国和马来西亚等;它也代表了宗教神学和第六感,就如把重要的口信写在黄色的纸张会能够让他人容易记住。在五行里黄色代表了土;属土的行业有土地发展、土地工程、产业管理、农业发展和其他与土地有关的行业。

亚黄色 -谨慎、退化/枯萎、疾病、妒忌浅黄色 -富有内涵、新鲜、欢乐。冬天出生的人比较喜欢这种颜色,而夏天出生的则喜欢深黄色带红色的褐色-收成,秋天褐色 -稳重,刚毅

绿 色 使人联想到大自然和环境。它是成长、植物、和谐、清新和丰饶的标签;它也能让我们的眼球进入休息的状态。另外,青色也是妒忌和欠缺经验的讯号。在五行里青色代表了木;属木的行业有新闻杂志业、印刷、出版商、教育、纺织、服装、广播媒体、会计师、玩具、手工艺品、与小孩有关的、陶瓷、舞台表演、音乐、园艺、文化工作、广告、产后坐月服务、健康食品、古董、室内设计、美容、摄影、估计师、宗教神学。

深青色 -野心、贪心、妒忌青黄色 -疾病、怯懦、不协调、妒忌青蓝色 -心灵治疗、保护橄榄青 -典型的和平颜色

红 色 让人马上想起火、强烈的情感如不正当的行为、生气、欲望。它等于鲜血、勇敢、牺牲、美丽和爱情。男性认为穿红衣的女非常有吸引力,同时它也是某些出色运动团队的颜色。在华人的社会里,红色象征了好运和婚姻的祝福;印度视它为圣洁、繁殖和美丽的;然而在非洲的某些地方,它切是死亡的降临。在五行里红色代表了火。属火的行业有漆料、武器和军用品、眼镜业、制造商、餐厅、电话和电讯、科技、电器、石油产品和化学产品。

浅红色 -欢喜、性欲、热情、敏感、爱桃红色 -浪漫情调、爱、友情、女性特有的温柔和被动深红色 -有气势、意志力、有远见、气愤、领导、勇气、渴望、怨恨、激怒


2014 甲午年太岁

2014年的太岁在午位(172.5° -187.5°);太岁可坐不可向,所以凡是家居或办事处的入口的方位在这范围之内都称为犯太岁。



2014 甲午年太岁


日期 时间 景象





• 跛足或瞎眼的人到来• 小孩子骑自行车过• 牛羊争行• 二个女人嘶骂• 鼓声由西方来• 有人抱书本报刊和雨伞到来• 有人抱锡器

• 脖足或瞎眼的人到来• 小孩子骑自行车过• 由西北方来的女人带东西来• 鸡上树• 干雨来• 穿红衣的女人手拿篮子来

如何化解太岁?一般上犯太岁会遇上很多琐碎的麻烦事情,因此你可以选择以下其中一种方法来化解。在门框的上方加一块板线。A. 在门外或门内竖立一扇屏风,在门内是比较理想的。或B. 在门框的上方加上一条板线

Strip of Wood

Strip of Wood




2014 甲午年的‘三杀’

2014年的‘三杀’方位是在北方(352.7°-7.5°), 东南方(112.5°-127.5°) 和西南方(232.5°-247.5°)。然而在这三个方位之中的北方(352.7°-7.5°)是最不利的。因此所有大门、座位或者灶头坐在北方都不好。



2014 甲午年的‘三杀’

如何化解‘三杀’?一般上犯‘三杀’会遇上很多琐碎的麻烦事情,因此你可以选择以下其中一种方法来化解。在门框的上方加一块板线。A. 在门外或门内竖立一扇屏风,在门内是比较理想的。或B. 在门框的上方加上一条板线;你可以选择以下其中一个日子和时间来上板线。

Strip of Wood

Strip of Wood










• 穿制服的人到来或有鼓声• 老人持杖到来• 有胡须的人担箩筐来• 雷雨由西方来

• 穿制服的人到来或有鼓声• 老人持杖到来• 有胡须的人担箩筐来• 雷雨由西方来• 眼睛有毛病的人到来• 北方有鸟飞来

• 眼睛有毛病的人到来• 北方有鸟飞来• 自行车/电单车由西方来• 一群小鸟飞鸣• 僧人和尼姑持火由西南方来• 钟鼓声由北方来• 自来狗• 小男孩拍手笑黄色的小狗• 小女孩在院中/公园玩乐

日期 时间 景象


2014 年迎接财神的日子












• 有人手拿刀来或牵自行车/电单

• 鸡鸣狗吠

• 穿皮衣皮帽的老人到来

• 有人手拿铁器

• 穿青衣的女人带酒来

• 鼓声由西方来

• 西南方有火光

• 跛足人送东西来

日期 时间 方向 景象


2014 年开工吉日






日期 时间 方向 景象

2014年2月6日 上午11.00至下午1.00


• 风雨到来

• 蛇横躺在路上

• 穿红裙的女人拿酒来

• 黄色小鸟由西方飞来

• 僧人和宗教人士在一齐走


2014 年吉日

2014年 2月 5日

2014年 2月 27日

2014年 3月 12日

2014年 4月 6日

2014年 4月 16日

2014年 4月 28日

2014年 5月 11日

2014年 6月 5日

2014年 6月 15日

2014年 6月 27日

2014年 7月 10日

2014年 8月 4日

2014年 8月 14日

2014年 8月 26日

2014年 9月 8日

2014年 10月 3日

2014年 10月 13日

2014年 10月 25日

2014年 11月 7日

2014年 12月 2日

2014年 12月 24日

2015年 1月 6日

2015年 1月 31日

2015年 2月 10日

2015年 2月 15日



2014年 1月 17日

2014年 4月 18日

2014年 6月 17日

2014年 8月 16日

2014年 10月 15日

2014年 12月 14日

2015年 2月 12日









基本元素资料天干 :甲-阳木地支 :午-阳火干支 :甲午(纳音)沙中金卦 :四卦(巽)五运六气:土十二生肖:马












2014 年预测 - 国际












2014 年预测 - 国际




2014 年预测 - 国际









2014 年预测 - 国际






东北区国家:俄罗斯东部、中国、香港、 澳门、日本、韩国、朝鲜、台湾、加拿大西部和阿拉斯加等。







2014 年预测 - 国际



















2014 年预测 - 国际













555‘Gua’ Family卦表

555‘Gua’ Relationships: 5 Elements, Colours and Good Directions卦与五行,颜色及适宜方向之关系

555Producing & Contrasting Cycles of The 5 Elements五行相生相克图

555Classification Of Professions Relating To The 5 Elements五行与行业之分类

5552014 Outlook - 12-Animal Zodiac十二生肖运程预测

Year of birth Date of birth from Male Gua Element by Gua Female Gua Element by Gua 出生年份 出生在以下的日时之间 男卦 五行 女卦 五行

194823/12/1947(0119hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1948(0707hrs)

1949 22/12/1948(0708hrs)to6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1949(1258hrs)

1950 22/12/1949(1259hrs)to2Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1950(1847hrs)

1951 22/12/1950(1848hrs)to4Wood木 2 Earth土 23/12/1951(0036hrs)

1952 23/12/1951(0037hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1952(0627hrs)

195322/12/1952(0628hrs)to2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1953(1217hrs)

1954 22/12/1953(1218hrs)to1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1954(1806hrs)

1955 22/12/1954(1807hrs)to9Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/1955(2357hrs)

1956 22/12/1955(2358hrs)to8Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/1956(0546hrs)

1957 22/12/1956(0547hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1957(1150hrs)

1958 22/12/1957(1151hrs)to6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1958(1726hrs)

1959 22/12/1958(1727hrs)to2Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1959(2315hrs)

1960 22/12/1959(2316hrs)to4 Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/1960(0505hrs)

1961 22/12/1960(0506hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1961(1055hrs)

1962 22/12/1961(1056hrs)to2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1962(1644hrs)

1963 22/12/1962(1645hrs)to 1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1963(2234hrs)

1964 22/12/1963(2235hrs)to9Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/1964(0424hrs)

‘GUA’ Family 卦表 1948 - 1964


‘GUA’ Family 卦表 1965 - 1981

Year of birth Date of birth from Male Gua Element by Gua Female Gua Element by Gua 出生年份 出生在以下的日时之间 男卦 五行 女卦 五行

1965 22/12/1964(0425hrs)to8Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/1965(1014hrs)

1966 22/12/1965(1015hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1966(1603hrs)

1967 22/12/1966(1604hrs)to 6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1967(2154hrs)

1968 22/12/1967(2155hrs)to2 Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1968(0343hrs)

1969 22/12/1968(0344hrs)to4Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/1969(0934hrs)

1970 22/12/1969(0935hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1970(1523hrs)

1971 22/12/1970(1524hrs)to2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1971(2113hrs)

1972 22/12/1971(2114hrs)to1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1972(0303hrs)

1973 22/12/1972(0304hrs)to9Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/1973(0855hrs)

1974 22/12/1973(0856hrs)to8Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/1974(1442hrs)

1975 22/12/1974(1443hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1975(2032hrs)

1976 22/12/1975(2033hrs)to6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1976(0222hrs)

1977 22/12/1976(0223hrs)to 2Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1977(0811hrs)

1978 22/12/1977(0812hrs)to4 Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/1978(1320hrs)

1979 22/12/1978(1321hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1979(1951hrs)

1980 22/12/1979(1952hrs)to2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1980(0141hrs)

1981 22/12/1980(0142hrs)to 1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1981(0731hrs)


‘GUA’ Family 卦表 1982 - 1998

Year of birth Date of birth from Male Gua Element by Gua Female Gua Element by Gua 出生年份 出生在以下的日时之间 男卦 五行 女卦 五行

1982 22/12/1981(0732hrs)to9Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/1982(1321hrs)

1983 22/12/1982(1322hrs)to 8Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/1983(1910hrs)

1984 22/12/1983(1911hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1984(0100hrs)

1985 22/12/1984(0101hrs)to6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1985(0650hrs)

1986 22/12/1985(0651hrs)to 2Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1986(1240hrs)

1987 22/12/1986(1241hrs)to 4Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/1987(1830hrs)

1988 22/12/1987(1831hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1988(0019hrs)

1989 22/12/1988(0020hrs)to2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1989(0609hrs)

1990 22/12/1989(0610hrs)to1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1990(1159hrs)

1991 22/12/1990(1200hrs)to9Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/1991(1749hrs)

1992 22/12/1991(1750hrs)to8Earth土 7 Metal金 21/12/1992(2339hrs)

1993 21/12/1992(2340hrs)to7Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/1993(0528hrs)

1994 22/12/1993(0529hrs)to 6Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/1994(1118hrs)

1995 22/12/1994(1119hrs)to2 Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/1995(1708hrs)

1996 22/12/1995(1709hrs)to 4Wood木 2 Earth土 21/12/1996(2257hrs)

199721/12/1996(2258hrs)to 3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/1997(0447hrs)

1998 22/12/1997(0448hrs)to 2Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/1998(1038hrs)


‘GUA’ Family 卦表 1999 - 2015

Year of birth Date of birth from Male Gua Element by Gua Female Gua Element by Gua 出生年份 出生在以下的日时之间 男卦 五行 女卦 五行

1999 22/12/1998(1039hrs)to 1Water水 8 Earth土 22/12/1999(1627hrs)

200022/12/1999(1628hrs)to 9 Fire火 6 Metal金 21/12/2000(2217hrs)

2001 21/12/2000(2218hrs)to8 Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/2001(0407hrs)

2002 22/12/2001(0408hrs)to7 Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/2002(0854hrs)

2003 22/12/2002(0855hrs)to6 Metal金 9 Fire火 22/12/2003(1443hrs)

2004 22/12/2003(1444hrs)to2 Earth土 1 Water水 21/12/2004(2032hrs)

2005 21/12/2004(2033hrs)to4 Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/2005(0221hrs)

2006 22/12/2005(0222hrs)to3 Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/2006(0812hrs)

2007 22/12/2006(0813hrs)to2 Earth土 4 Wood木 22/12/2007(1402hrs)

2008 22/12/2007(1403hrs)to1 Water水 8 Earth土 21/12/2008(1951hrs)

2009 21/12/2008(1952hrs)to9 Fire火 6 Metal金 22/12/2009(0140hrs)

2010 22/12/2009(0141hrs)to 8 Earth土 7 Metal金 22/12/10(1341hrs)

2011 22/12/2010(1342hrs)to 7 Metal金 8 Earth土 22/12/2011(1318hrs)

2012 22/12/2011(1319hr)to 6 Metal金 9 Fire火 21/12/2012(2016hrs)

2013 21/12/2012(2017hr)to2 Earth土 1 Water水 22/12/2013(0205hrs)

2014 22/12/2013(0206hr)to4 Wood木 2 Earth土 22/12/2014(0750hrs)

2015 22/12/2014(0751hrs)to3Wood木 3 Wood木 22/12/2015(13:45hrs)


‘Gua’ Relationships: 5 Elements, Colours and Good Directions

卦 五行 先天颜色 适宜方向 代表 GUA Element Innate Colour Good Direction Representation

东 East 北 North东南 Southeast 南 South

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Green 绿4巽四卦


Blue 蓝


1 水Water

南 South东南 Southeast 北 North 东 East

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Yellow 黄2坤二卦


西北 Northwest东北 Northeast西南 Southwest 西 West

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Green 绿3震三卦


东南 Southeast 南 South 东 East 北 North

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health



Purple 紫6乾六卦


西南 Southwest 西 West西北 Northwest东北 Northeast

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Purple 紫7兑七卦


东北 Northeast西北 Northwest 西 West西南 Southwest

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Yellow 黄8艮八卦


西 West西南 Southwest东北 Northeast西北 Northwest

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

Red 红9离九卦


北 North 东 East 南 South东南 Southeast

和谐 Harmony财富 Wealth进步 Advancement健康 Health

卦 五行 先天颜色 适宜方向 代表 GUA Element Innate Colour Good Direction Representation


Producing & Contrasting Cycles of the 5 Elements五行相生相克图

There are reactions between the elements, and also the colours when they interact. Some will be complementary (supporting) while others will be contrasting. The key is to achieve harmony.







相 克

Contrasting Cycle

相 生

Producing Cycle


Classification of Professions Relating to the 5 Elements



Law/legal profession, government servants, metal-related business, mineral-relatedbusiness,gas,petroleum,mining,automobile,transport,aerospaceandairlinesservices,sportsgoods,machinery,defenceandsecurity,airmailandaircourierservices,tourism.律师/法律执法者、政府人员、与金属有关的行业、与矿物有关的行业、天然气、石油、汽车业、陆上运输、采矿、运动商品、机械、防御和保安业、空运、旅游业。




Paints, arms and ammunition, optical, manufacturing, restaurant, telephone and telecommunication, IT, electrical appliances, petroleum and petro-related products;chemicalandchemical-relatedproducts.医疗服务、漆料,武装器备、眼镜行业、制造商、饮食业、电讯、电脑行业、电器行业, 汽油和汽油产品,化学物和化学物产品。




Journalism, newspaper, publication, printing, education, textile, fashion design,broadcastingandtelevisionbroadcasting,accounting,toysanditemsrelatedtochildren,pottery, drama and acting, music, gardening and nursery, cultural related business,advertising,mid-wife andbabysitting service , health food,handicraft, antique, animalandanimalhusbandry,food,interiordesign,make-up/beautysalon,arts,photography,survey,religiouspractices.健康食品、手工艺品、古董买卖、陶瓷发展、糖果糕点食品制造、医院助产士/陪月服务、畜牧业,记者、报纸业、印刷业、教育、纺织业、会计、玩具和与小孩有关的服务、服装设计、电视媒体、演艺/舞台表演、音乐、园艺、与文化有关的、广告商、旅游业、建筑材料、室内设计、化妆/美容业,艺术,摄影,估计师,宗教/玄学。





























Icon Guide






Love Affair


Guardian Angels




This symbol denotes how well your year will be, to the maximum rating of 10 Stars.

This symbol represents opportunity in business ventures and career achievement.

This symbol represents financial gains. The number of this symbol shows the intensity of the financial gains.

This symbol denotes one’s travel/improvement in status. It denotes shifting of position in company, changing of jobs and shifting house. Reading in conjunction with other symbols will reveal if the move is for the better or worse.

This symbol refers to love between spouse and family members.

This represents anger. When read together with other symbols it tells you the source of the anger.

This symbol denotes the education star. It relates to reading, book-keeping, studies and academic related activities.

This denotes a love affair for those who are not married. For people who are already married, it denotes a love affair, secret admirer or infatuation experience.

This symbol represents happiness, events such as birthday celebration birth of a baby, promotion, windfall, financial gains, etc.

This symbol denotes serious sickness due to health problems, accidents, etc.

This is a good symbol that may help defuse all negative symbols and further enhance good symbols. This should be read with other symbols that appear in the same period.































鼠 Rat


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

1996 Rat 鼠(子)

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 4 四卦 Gua 2 二卦

E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西北 东北 西 西南

Green, Red & Blue Green, Red & Blue 青色,红色和蓝色 青色,红色和蓝色

Blue & Black Blue & Black 蓝色和黑色 蓝色和黑色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木,火和水 金和土

Polite, swift, witty, argumentative, indecisive, responsive, restless, not satisfied with what he/she has and tends to regret after making decisions. 彬彬有礼、聪明、好争斗、忧柔寡断、反应敏捷、好动、不满于现状、常常会反悔。

Several encounters with the opposite sex will leave you feeling like you are on Cloud 9 throughout the year, but don’t neglect your studies.今年你的异性缘很好而使你欢喜不已,可是要记得不可忽略学业。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Rat 鼠(子) 1984

Keep a down-to-earth attitude during lunar months 8 to 10 which will be unpleasant periods. This will help you appreciate that 2014 is actually a magnificent year when you bounce back to top form.谦受益,满受损是今年最好的座右铭,这样你会清晰地看见不顺利的时候;那就是农历8月到10月。无论如何,2014年是丰收年!

Male 男 Female女 Gua 7七卦 Gua 8 八卦

NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Yellow, Blue and Purple Yellow 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色

Purple and Blue Violet 紫色和蓝色 紫色

Earth & Metal Metal & Earth 土和金 金和土

Strong intellectual, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless and fickle-minded.思考力强、聪明、天生好斗、反应敏捷、好动、善变。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

1972 Rat 鼠(子)

Keeping close ties with your family and paying heed to your body will help you to minimize problems that will arise from traveling. You will be rewarded with money and promotion at the end of the year.与家人维持密切的关系和注意健康将会为你出外公干带来好处。年终将会升职和得到金钱的回报。

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 1 一卦 Gua 8 八卦

S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东北

Green, Red & Blue Green, Red & Blue 青色,红色和蓝色 青色,红色和蓝色

Black & Blue Black & Blue 黑色和蓝色 黑色和蓝色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木,火和水 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好斗、反应敏捷、好动、善良、乐于助人及慷慨。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Rat 鼠(子) 1960

Lunar months 7, 8, 9, 11 & 12 are ideal periods to take action, so use the preceding months to plan your moves. You will see the rewards towards the end of the year.农历7月、8月、9月、11月和12月会是出击的好时候,其余的时候可用来计划;年尾的时候将会得到回报。

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 4 四卦 Gua 2 二卦

E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西北 东北 西 西南

Blue Red & Violet 蓝色 红色和紫色

Green Yellow 青色 黄色

Water, fire and wood Metal & Earth 水,火和木 金和土

Honest, sincere and lovable. Tends to be quiet and shy among strangers but is lively and chatty among familiar company. Exercises self-control and is a natural leader.为人忠实老厚、讨人喜欢。在不熟悉的环境里显得害羞及较慢热,但与相熟的群众里反而充满了活力和很多话题。懂得如何自我控制所以天生是一位领导者。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

1948 Rat 鼠(子)

This year, your health will be an issue, taking quite a long time to recover; financially, it will not be as good as in 2013. Try to keep a positive attitude this year.今年你的健康亮起红灯了,你需要一段相当长的时间来痊愈;另外经济方面也不如2013年般来的顺心。

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 7 七卦 Gua 8 八卦

NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Earth & Metal Metal & Earth 土和金 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、好争斗、反应敏捷、好动、善良、喜欢帮助他人、慷慨。







牛 Ox


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1997 Ox 牛(丑)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 水、木;冬天出生者也适合火 水、木;冬天出生者也适合火

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 3 三卦 Gua 3 三卦

SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Green Green 青色 青色

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles and, to a certain extent, is stubborn. 勤劳、可靠、整齐有理、冷静、能够承受压力、性格内向但原则性强。

You put too much attention on your studies and friends. Don’t neglect your health.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Ox 牛(丑) 1985

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Earth & Metal Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 土和金 水、木;冬天出生者也适合火

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦

SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Very intellectual, traditional, stubborn, keeps to one’s promise, great perseverance, uncompromising and able to take stress and pressure. 思考力强及符合逻辑、传统、固执、保守诺言、坚持不懈、不妥协、能够承受压力、不怕艰难。

You have plenty of lucky stars to help you sail through the year, but do control your expenses and think twice before you spend your money.今年你是福星高照,一切难题都会迎刃而解但是在理财方面必须仔细衡量。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1973 Ox 牛(丑)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Water, Wood & Fire Earth & Metal 水,木和火 土和金

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 9 九卦 Gua 6 六卦

N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, easily irritated and at the same time very friendly. An introverted person who holds on to his/her prin-ciples and to a certain extent, is stubborn. 勤劳、可靠、有条理、急躁不过友善、性格内向、原则性非常强。

Lunar month 7 will be complicated. A person of the opposite sex brings you opportunities but he/she also wants to take it to an intimate level, so you will be busy resolving this issue. Conserve your energy for the last quarter of the year. 农历7月算是比较麻烦,这牵连到与一位异性的相遇。这位异性朋友给你带来一些机会是因为他对你有特别的意思,因此而让你忙着把事情和感情弄清楚。过后养精蓄锐在2014年的最后一季再出击。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Ox 牛(丑) 1961

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Water, Wood & Fire Water, Wood & Fire 水,木和火 水,木和火

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 3 三卦 Gua 3 三卦

SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Green Green 青色 青色

Polite, studious, talented, suspicious, loves to enjoy life, great perse-verance, logical, and able to take stress and pressure.彬彬有礼、好学不倦、才华横溢、疑心重、喜欢享受人生、不屈不挠、思想符合逻辑及能够承受压力。

This is a fabulous year for you: your career is on an upward curve but this invites secret admirers. You will be spending money on a celebration in lunar month 7.2014年有无数的惊喜,最让你得意的是事业线一直往上升而无意中也惹来不少的仰慕者。农历7月你会不惜重金花在庆典上。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1949 Ox 牛(丑)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Wood & Fire 金和土 水,木和火

Male 男 Female 女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦

SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, easily irritated and at the same time very friendly. An introverted person who holds on to his/her prin-ciples and, to a certain extent, is stubborn. 勤劳、可靠、有条理、急躁不过友善。性格内向、原则性非常强。

Health will be the key issue in 2014. This makes you spend a lot of time on research. Tread lightly and you will be fine.








虎 Tiger


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1998 Tiger 虎(寅)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4 四卦

NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Red & Violet Green 红色和紫色 青色

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, positive, courageous, introverted but is easily irritated and tends to keep to oneself.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、内向但脾气急躁。

You know how to properly balance your life, work and play at the same time. You’re still young: don’t get too stressed up over romance.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Tiger 虎(寅) 1986

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1 一卦

NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东北 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

Violet & Red Green 紫色和红色 青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, positive, courageous and has an explo-sive temper.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、脾气暴躁。

You spend too much time on your career and this affects your family relationships. The last quarter of the year will be the best time to make up for it.你花费太多的时间和精神在事业上而使得和家人的感情不和谐,还好年尾的时候你终于有时间弥补一切。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1974 Tiger 虎(寅)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7 七卦 W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, fire and wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, positive, courageous, introverted but is easily irritated and tends to keep to oneself.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、内向但没有耐性、性格孤僻。

You get a good head start in 2014. Your career/business will do well but the rewards will not be in monetary form. Be patient, the financial rewards will come at the end of the year.2014年头是一个好的开端,事业/生意都很称心但是得到的却不是金钱的回报。多忍耐,年尾你将会得到一个大红包。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Tiger 虎(寅) 1962

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4 四卦

NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Violet & Red Yellow 紫色和红色 黄色

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, positive, courageous, uncompromising and has an explosive temper.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、不妥协及脾气暴躁。

There are no major issues, except for some health challenges during lunar months 10 and 11. So, take the time to stop and smell the flowers and savor the beautiful things in life.今年除了农历10月和11月的时候健康上有状况之外,没有其它必须特别注意的事情。适当的时候必须看看美丽的一面,这对你的心态有所帮助。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1950 Tiger 虎(寅)

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1 一卦

NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东北 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

Violet & Red Green 紫色和红色 青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, positive, courageous, talkative and has a great fighting spirit.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、健谈、坚强不屈。

You may require hospitalization in lunar month 7 but don’t worry, you will be fine and the expenses will be taken care of. You have guardian angels to protect you. 农历7月有入住医院的预兆,不用担心你有幸运之星陪伴你安全渡过而且不必你自己付费。

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2







兔 Rabbit


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1999 Rabbit 兔(卯)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 1 一卦 Gua 8 八卦

S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东北

Green, Red & Blue Green, Red & Blue 青色,红色和蓝色 青色,红色和蓝色

Black & Blue Black & Blue 黑色和蓝色 黑色和蓝色

Fire, Wood and Water Metal & Earth 火,木和水 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, capricious, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善变、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

Money will be the primary motivator for you to study hard. It is the reason you will still get good grades despite having health issues in lunar months 7 to 9. 金钱的奖赏而使你用功念书。虽然农历7月到9月会有健康问题,但你依然得到好成绩。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Rabbit 兔(卯) 1987

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 4 四卦 Gua 2 二卦

E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西北 东北 西 西南

Blue Yellow 蓝色 黄色

Green Violet 青色 紫色

Water, Fire & Wood Metal & Earth 水,火和木 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, capricious, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善变、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

This is your year: you must grab hold of every opportunity to showcase the best of your abilities because it will lead you to a better opportunity. Other than a marvelous career opportunity, you will meet the right person in your life if you are still single. 今年你必须把握好每一个机会,将最好的一面表现出来因为这会为你带来更好的机会。不但让事业出色,假如你还是单身的话那生命的另一半也会在今年出现。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1975 Rabbit 兔(卯)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 7 七卦 Gua 8 八卦

NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东南

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Earth & Metal 金和土 土和金

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, capricious, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善变、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

This year is not as exciting as the fantastic 2013 you enjoyed. Manage your money well to avoid landing in an uncomfortable situation.今年不如2013年般得来容易,基本上你必须把经济处理好以免出现紧张的状况。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Rabbit 兔(卯) 1963

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 1 一卦 Gua 8 八卦

S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东南

Red, Blue & Green Red, Blue & Green 红色,蓝色和青色 红色,蓝色和青色

Blue & Black Blue & Black 蓝色和黑色 蓝色和黑色

Fire, Wood and Water Metal & Earth 火,木和水 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, capricious, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善变、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

Looks like you found the key to happiness this year, your positive attitude attracts good luck.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1951 Rabbit 兔(卯)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 4 四卦 Gua 2 二卦

E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西南 东北 西 西南

Blue Yellow 蓝色 黄色

Green Violet 青色 紫色

Water, Fire & Wood Metal & Earth 水,火和木 金和土

Calm and well-mannered, clever, fickle-minded and sensitive.冷静、彬彬有礼、聪明、善变、敏感。

Develop a strong will to fight for your health. Keep telling yourself you will be fine. Be assured that you will be fine.








龙 Dragon


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

2000 Dragon 龙(辰)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua9九卦 Gua6六卦 N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Earth & Metal 水,木和冬天出生者也适合火 土和金

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、有权威的、行事专横、善良、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

Surprisingly, you will do well in your studies. Be careful to manage your expenses well. There will be a minor accident in lunar month 10, so be alert! 令大家意料不到的是你的学业有不错的成绩,但是必须小心处理你的零用钱。农历10月会有小意外,请多加注意!



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Dragon 龙(辰) 1988

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua3三卦 Gua3三卦 SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Green Green 青色 青色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 水,木和冬天出生者也适合火 水,木和冬天出生者也适合火

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, authoritative, domineering, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、有权威的、行事专横、善良、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

You will be tempted to seize every opportunity that comes your way and you will stretch yourself too thin. Eventually, your body will not take it anymore and you need a very long time to recuperate.你为了不要错过任何一个机会而不惜累坏身体,最终你需要花很长得时间来搞好健康。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua6六卦 Gua9九卦 SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Earth & Metal Water, Wood & Fire 土和金 水,木和火

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles. 勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、冷静、可以承受压力;个性内向但坚持原则。

You worked very hard last year and you are preparing to work harder, but the workhorse just wants to take a break. Nevertheless, you will have a sweet end to the year. 去年你实在是忙到喘不过气来,所以你也习惯了往前冲的日子,但是这只马是要你休息的;无论如何年尾还是有收获的。


1976 Dragon 龙(辰)


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Dragon 龙(辰) 1964

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua9九卦 Gua6六卦 N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Wood & Fire for those born in winter Earth & Metal 冬天出生者也适合木和火 土和金

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles.勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、冷静、可以承受压力、性格内向但坚持原则。

You can still attract attention from the opposite sex as proof that you still have the charm. Be careful not to go overboard to avoid unnecessary problems.能够吸引异性的视线证明你还有魅力,紧记凡事要适可而止以免发生无必要的问题。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1952 Dragon 龙(辰)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua3三卦 Gua3三卦 SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Green Green 青色 青色

Wood and fire for those born in winter Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 冬天出生者也适合木和火 水,木和火出生者也适合冬天

Strong intellectual, traditional, spiritually inclined, stubborn, keeps to one’s promise, uncompromising. You are also a person with great perseverance, logical and able to take stress and pressure. 思考力强及符合逻辑、思想传统、倾向于宗教、固执、遵守诺言、不妥协、坚持不懈、可以承受压力。

When you go out or travel, you will learn a lot of new things. You will make new friends who are willing to help you.








蛇 Snake


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

2001 Snake 蛇(巳)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7 七卦

W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东南 东北 西北 西南 西

Violet & Yellow Red & Green 紫色和黄色 红色和青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Polite, studious, talented, systematic, uncompromising, suspicious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、条理有絮、不妥协、疑心重及喜欢享受生活。

You gain a lot of attention and friends this year. It boosts your self-confidence to do anything.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Snake 蛇(巳) 1989

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4 四卦

NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Violet & Red Green 紫色和红色 青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, fire and wood 金和土 水、火和木

Polite, studious, talented, systematic, suspicious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、条理有絮、疑心重、喜欢享受生活。

You will find plenty of guardian angels helping you achieve your target this year and bring you recognitions indirectly. Be aware of lunar months 7 and 9.2014年有无数的幸运之星帮助你达到目标,这也为你带来一些赞赏。农历7月和9月要特别注意健康。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1977 Snake 蛇(巳)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1 一卦 NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东南 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

Violet & Red Green 紫色和红色 青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, fire and wood 金和土 水、火和木

Studious, talented, introverted, uncompromising, suspicious and able to take pressure.好学、才华横溢、内向、不妥协、疑心重、可以承受压力。

As you can see, the money symbol is your prominent issue in 2014. Welcome it with open arms but do save up some money for rainy days.钱财是你2014年最显著的事件。坦然地迎接它的到来,但是最好把钱存起来别乱花。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Snake 蛇(巳) 1965

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7 七卦 W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

Violet & Yellow Violet & Yellow 紫色和黄色 紫色和黄色

Yellow Green 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 土和金

Polite, studious, talented, hot-tempered, uncompromising, suspicious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、脾气暴躁、不妥协、疑心重、喜欢享受生活。

You need to do a lot of planning in 2014 and will find it difficult initially because you are doing something new. Once you become familiar with it, you will win over the hearts of others.规划是你2014年的主要任务,但你不知道从何下手因为你不熟悉这项事务。一旦你摸透了,你还会赢得他人的欢心。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1953 Snake 蛇(巳)

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4 四卦 NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Violet & Red Green & Blue 紫色和红色 青色和蓝色

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, mischievous, courageous and has an explosive temper.善良心地、热衷、淘气、勇敢、脾气暴躁。

It is good to keep friends of the opposite sex (within boundaries, of course!) as they will bring you opportunities to make money.


丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2







马 Horse


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

2002 Horse 马(午)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua7七卦 Gua8八卦 NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Earth & Metal 金和土 土和金

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、心地善良、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

You might not have fantastic results in your studies, but you are recognized for your other talents. Watch out for your health during lunar month 2.你的学业成绩不是很理想,但是你的才华处处受到奖赏。农历2月必须注意身体健康。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Horse 马(午) 1990

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua1一卦 Gua8八卦 S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东北

Green, Red & Blue Green, Red & Blue 青色,红色和蓝色 青色,红色和蓝色

Black & Blue Black & Blue 黑色和蓝色 黑色和蓝色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木、火和水 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、心地善良、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

You may be just starting out in your working life but the timing is perfect, especially in the second half of the year; your career will pick up tremendously.你可能刚刚才开始踏进社会工作,好好利用这天时、地利、人和。尤其是在下半年,您的事业将会一帆风顺。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1978 Horse 马(午)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua4四卦 Gua2二卦 E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西北 东北 西 西南

Green Red & Violet 青色 红色和紫色

Green Yellow 青色 黄色

Water, Fire & Wood Metal & Earth 水,火和木 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, well-mannered and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、彬彬有礼、为人慷慨。

Being in the rat race, you cannot avoid competition. You will be given more authority which is not reflected in your title/position. This will likely happen in lunar month 5, so use this opportunity to showcase what you are capable of.在商场上是避免不了不良的竞争,尤其是你将会得到更大的权力,而这个权力不在你职务上反映出来。这种情形将会在农历5月出现,勇往前进来证明你的实力。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Horse 马(午) 1966

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua7七卦 Gua8八卦 NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Earth & Metal 金和土 土和金

Clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, uncompromising but generous.聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、不妥协、为人慷慨。

Congratulations! You will get a big project which helps you to improve your financial situation. However, your success will invite jealousy and you have to remain calm.今年将会有大项目由你负责,因为这个项目使你的经济状况也大有改进。同时却惹来一些是非,最好还是保持沉默。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1954 Horse 马(午)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female 女 Gua1一卦 Gua8八卦 S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东南

Red, Green & Blue Violet & Yellow 红色,青色和蓝色 紫色和黄色

Blue Violet 蓝色 紫色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木,火和水 金和土

Clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, uncompromising but generous.聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、不妥协、为人慷慨。

Your health will give you warning signs but it is not necessarily a bad thing. It will push you to learn about your health and ways to promote a healthier life. Nevertheless, be extra cautious during lunar month 3 and 4.你的健康亮起了红灯,但这并不尽是件坏事。因为这件事情你开始注意身体健康以及多了解生活习惯以促进健康,无论如何农历3月和4月你都必须特别注意健康。







羊 Goat


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

2003 Goat 羊(未)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦 SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Earth & Metal Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 土和金 水、木和火出生者也适合冬天

Strong intellectual, logical, traditional, stubborn, keeps to one’s promises, uncompromising, great perseverance and able to take stress and pressure.思考力强和符合逻辑性、传统、固执、遵守诺言、不妥协,坚持不懈、可以承受压力。

You often put yourself in dangerous situations due to your ego. Be humble and you will find a sense of happiness. Your studies will leap forward in the second half of the year.你常常把自己处在险境中,这是因为好胜的心态;谦虚会为你带来欢喜。下半年学业才有进步。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Goat 羊(未) 1991

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 9 九卦 Gua 6 六卦

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Earth & Metal 水、木和冬天出生者也适合火 土和金

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles.勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、冷静、可以承受压力、个性内向但坚持原则。

Guardian angels and the God of Prosperity embrace you throughout the year, so make full use of it.


N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1979 Goat 羊(未)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 3 三卦 Gua 3 三卦

SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Green Green 青色 青色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 水、木和冬天出生者也适合火 水、木和冬天出生者也适合火

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, uncompromising, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善良、不妥协、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

You are the lucky one! The God of Prosperity keeps knocking at your door. Watch your health during lunar months 1, 11 and 12.你今年算是幸运的,财神爷不断地送钱给你。农历1月、11月和12月必须注意健康。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Goat 羊(未) 1967

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Earth & Metal Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter 土和金 水、木和火出生者也适合冬天

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous. 脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、善良、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

You have to spend a lot of money during lunar month 1 but there will be more money coming in, so you should go ahead. Do your planning in the first half of the year and implement them in the second half.农历1月你会破财但是过后会有很多钱进账,所以年头花的钱是值得的。上半年是适合规划,下半年才是采取行动的时候。

SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1955 Goat 羊(未)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 9 九卦 Gua 6 六卦

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Water, Wood & Fire for those born in winter Earth & Metal 水、木和冬天出生者也适合火 土和金

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introverted person who holds on to his/her principles and, to a certain extent, is stubborn. 勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、冷静、可以承受压力、固执、个性内向但坚持原则。

Learning is a lifelong process and you will be busy learning in 2014. You will build new friendships and motivate each other in whatever you pursue.学习是永无止境的,在学习的过程中,你会建立新的友情以及互相鼓励使你大有进步。

N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北







猴 Monkey


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1992 Monkey 猴(申)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7七卦

W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Good-natured, enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, talkative, uncom-promising and has a great fighting spirit.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、爱说话、不妥协、斗志力很强。

The first 7 months will seem uneventful but your life will be like a rollercoaster from lunar month 8 onwards. Be especially careful in lunar month 10.初初的7个月非常的平静,但是你的生活开始在农历8月繁忙起来;注意农历10月,财运高照,注意健康。。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Monkey 猴(申) 1980

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4四卦 NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Violet Green 紫色 青色

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, warm, mischievous, enthusiastic, courageous and uncompromising.心地善良、热情、淘气、积极、勇敢、不妥协。

The first half of 2014 is relatively quiet, but will pick up in the second half. Beware of accidents in lunar month 7 and 8.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1968 Monkey 猴(申)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1一卦

NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东北 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue 黄色和蓝色 黄色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Well-mannered, studious, brilliant, systematic, uncompromising, suspi-cious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、条理有絮、不妥协、疑心重、喜欢享受生活。

You will have a minor health issue which is nothing serious but the doctors cannot find the cause. You will be fine as you have plenty of guardian angels to protect you.今年你的健康有点小毛病,可是医生们查不出病因。请不用担心,你会没事的,因为你有不少的守护星护佑着你。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Monkey 猴(申) 1956

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7七卦 W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Well-mannered, studious, talented, suspicious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、疑心重、喜欢享受生活。

This is a smooth-sailing year except for interpersonal relationship issues. Be mindful of your health during lunar month 5.除了人际关系不大理想之外,2014年是顺利的一年。另外农历5月必须注意身体健康。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1944 Monkey 猴(申)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4四卦 NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Red and Violet Green 红色和紫色 青色

Yellow Violet 黄色 紫色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, warm, mischievous, enthusiastic, courageous but has an explosive temper.心地善良、热情、淘气、积极、勇敢、脾气暴躁。

People want to be close to you because you are generous with your money. If you stop doing it, you will discover who your genuine friends are.有些朋友接近你是因为你很舍得花钱,这是用钱来买友情。假如你停止乱花钱在他们身上,你就可以看到真心朋友。







鸡 Rooster


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 7 七卦 Gua 8 八卦

NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Green Red & Violet 青色 红色和紫色

Green Yellow 青色 黄色

Metal & Earth Earth & Metal 金和土 土和金

Uncompromising, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, well-mannered and generous.不妥协、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、彬彬有礼及为人慷慨。

You meet someone special and will think life will be like a fairy-tale of living happily ever after. Take it easy as you are still very young.今年你会遇上一位特别的朋友,而且你还认为这是缘定终生的感情;你还年轻别把让感情耽误你的前程。


1993 Rooster 鸡(酉)


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Rooster 鸡(酉) 1981

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 1 一卦 Gua 8 八卦

S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东南

Green Red & Violet 青色 红色和紫色

Green Yellow 青色 黄色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木,火和水 金和土

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, kind, helpful and generous.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、乐于助人、为人慷慨。

In your career, you find your family will be the main pillar of support and they will also try their best to help you. Your friends will also be very helpful to you.你将发现你家人是你事业上最好的支持者。同时你身边的朋友也很大方的伸出援手。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1969 Rooster 鸡(酉)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 4 四卦 Gua 2 二卦

E N S SE NW NE W SW 东 北 南 东南 西北 东北 西 西南

Green Red & Violet 青色 红色和紫色

Green Yellow 青色 黄色

Water, Fire & Wood Metal & Earth 水,火和木 金和土

Calm and well-mannered, clever, fickle-minded and sensitive.冷静、彬彬有礼、聪明、善变、敏感。

This is a year for making money, so stay alert and do not miss the opportunities. However, safeguard your heart which is only meant for your family, not outsiders.今年你的财运特别好,把握机会以及要把家庭放在第一位别让自己在感情上出轨。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Rooster 鸡(酉) 1957

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 7 七卦 Gua 8 八卦

NE NW SW W W SW NW NE 东北 西北 西南 西 西 西南 西北 东北

Yellow, Blue & Violet Yellow, Blue & Violet 黄色,蓝色和紫色 黄色,蓝色和紫色

Blue & Violet Blue & Violet 蓝色和紫色 蓝色和紫色

Metal & Earth Earth & Metal 金和土 土和金

Hot-tempered, clever, argumentative, responsive, restless, well-mannered, generous, kind and helpful.脾气暴躁、聪明、天生好争执、反应敏捷、好动、彬彬有礼、为人慷慨、心地善良、乐于助人

You will inherit some money from a family member, but remember to save it up!




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1945 Rooster 鸡(酉)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 1 一卦 Gua 8 八卦

S SE E N W SW NW NE 南 东南 东 北 西 西南 西北 东北

Green, Red & Blue Green, Red & Blue 青色,红色和蓝色 青色,红色和蓝色

Black & Blue Black & Blue 黑色和蓝色 黑色和蓝色

Wood, Fire & Water Metal & Earth 木,火和水 金和土

Clever, restless, uncompromising, kind and sensitive.聪明、好动、不妥协、心地善良、灵敏。

Keep a humble attitude towards family and friends because you can learn a lot from them. A spirit of humility will also help to enhance family ties and friendships.谦虚地对待家人和朋友能使你从他们的身上学习不少,这能够增进家庭关系和友情。







狗 Dog


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1994 Dog 狗(戌)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦 SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 西 东北 西北 北 东 东南 南

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Wood and fire for those born in winter Wood & fire 冬天出生者也适合木和火 木和火

Polite, studious, brilliant, systematic, suspicious, able to handle pressure, loves to enjoy life, loyal and logical.彬彬有礼、才华横溢、条理有絮、疑心重、喜欢享受生活,意志力强、思想符合逻辑、可以承受压力

The first 8 lunar months will fare below your expectations but things pick up from lunar month 9 onwards. Be mindful of your expenses when travelling during lunar month 7: set your budget and spend within your means.农历的前8个月不如你想像般顺利,请不用担心因为农历9月后一切会有很大的进展。农历7月在外公干或旅游的时候,你必须好好规划以免过度挥霍。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Dog 狗(戌) 1982

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 9 九卦 Gua 6 六卦 N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Wood and fire for those born in winter Earth & Metal 冬天出生者也适合木和火 土和金

Polite, studious, brilliant, systematic, suspicious and loves to enjoy life.彬彬有礼、好学、才华横溢、条理有絮、疑心重及喜欢享受生活。

Your lucky star is with you throughout the year, helping to elevate your career and financial situation.幸运之神特别眷念你,因为它的出现而使你的事业和经济状况大有改进。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1970 Dog 狗(戌)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 3 三卦 Gua 3 三卦 SE S N E SE S N E 东南 南 北 东 东南 南 北 东

Blue & Red Blue & Red 蓝色和红色 蓝色和红色

Green Green 青色 青色

Water, Wood & Fire Water, Wood & Fire 水,木和火 水,木和火

Polite, studious, brilliant, systematic, suspicious, able to handle pressure, loves to enjoy life, loyal and logical. 彬彬有礼、才华横溢、条理有絮、疑心重、可以承受压力、喜欢享受生活、坚持不渝及思想符合逻辑。

Opportunities come knocking on your door consistently and you will feel geared up. However, lunar month 10 will be a dramatic period.机会陆续的敲你地大门,因此你觉得非常有冲劲,然而农历10月会有戏剧化的变化。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Dog 狗(戌) 1958

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 6 六卦 Gua 9 九卦 SW W NE NW N E SE S 西南 东北 西 西北 北 东 东南 南

Yellow Blue & Green 黄色 蓝色和青色

Violet Red 紫色 红色

Metal & Earth Water, Wood & Fire 金和土 水,木和火

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, friendly but easily irritated, princi-pled, introverted and sometimes stubborn. 勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、不耐烦但友善、个性内向但坚持原则甚至有时候是固执的。

You are too committed to your work or some project and will put your health at risk. You must strike a balance in your life!




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1946 Dog 狗(戌)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 9 九卦 Gua 6六卦 N E SE S SW W NE NW 北 东 东南 南 西南 西 东北 西北

Blue & Green Yellow 蓝色和青色 黄色

Red Violet 红色 紫色

Water, Wood & Fire Earth & Metal 水,木和火 土和金

Hardworking, reliable, systematic, calm and able to take pressure. An introvert who holds on to his/her own principles and to a great extent, is stubborn. 勤劳、为人可靠、条理有絮、冷静、可以承受压力、个性内向但坚持原则甚至有时候是固执的。

You are not as young as you may think, but you are still important to others. Please treasure and be gentle to yourself.虽然你的年纪已经不轻,但是你在他人的心中还是很重要的;因此你应该对自己好些。







猪 Pig


Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1995 Pig 猪(亥)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1 一卦

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, warm, mischievous, enthusiastic, courageous but has an explosive temper.心地善良、热情、淘气、勇敢及脾气暴躁。

NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东北 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

You try to balance between your studies and personal life but it will not be easy to get the best of both worlds especially since you still depend on your family for financial support.你尝试将学业和感情事兼顾,可是这不是件容易的事情尤其当你的父母是你经济来源的时候。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Pig 猪(亥) 1983

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7 七卦

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, friendly, restless and brilliant.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、友善、好动、才华横溢。

W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

You have lucky stars bringing you luck and the God of Prosperity embracing you. Therefore, do not let minor issues deter you from moving forward.今年你有幸运之神为你带来好运以及得到财神爷的眷念,所以小麻烦阻挡不了你向前进。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1971 Pig 猪(亥)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 4 四卦

Red & Violet Green 红色和紫色 青色

Yellow Green 黄色 青色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, uncompromising but has an explosive temper.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、不容易妥协、脾气暴躁。

NW NE W SW E N S SE 西北 东北 西 西南 东 北 南 东南

Apart from some trivial problems that upset you, everything in 2014 comes in a timely fashion for you to strike a balanced life. 你除了为一些芝麻绿豆事不开心之外,一切事情可算是天时地利人和来助你过一个稳定的2014年。



Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

Pig 猪(亥) 1959

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 2 二卦 Gua 1 一卦

NW NE W SW S SE E N 西北 东北 西 西南 南 东南 东 北

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Yellow & Blue Yellow & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, talkative and has a great fighting spirit.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、太过健谈、斗志力强。

Your money luck is good but 2014 will also be a problematic year and your health will be a key issue.




Best Door Location最佳大门方位

Gender 性别GUA 卦

Innate Colour先天颜色


Most Prominent Issue最显著事件


Enhancing Colour辅助颜色

1947 Pig 猪(亥)

丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 S2R3 S7R4 S5R5 S10R6 S4R7 S9R8 S1R9 S6R10 S3R11 S3R11 S8R12 S2R1 S7R2农历月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 9月(润) 10月 11月 12月Gregorian 31/1 - 1/3 - 31/3 - 29/4 - 29/5 - 27/6 - 27/7 - 25/8 - 24/9 - 24/10 - 22/11 - 22/12 - 20/1 -Calendar 28/2 30/3 28/4 28/5 26/6 26/7 24/8 23/9 23/10 21/11 21/12 19/1 18/2

Male 男 Female女 Gua 8 八卦 Gua 7 七卦

Violet, Blue & Yellow Violet, Blue & Yellow 紫色,蓝色和黄色 紫色,蓝色和黄色

Violet & Blue Violet & Blue 紫色和蓝色 紫色和蓝色

Metal & Earth Water, Fire & Wood 金和土 水,火和木

Kind-hearted, enthusiastic, optimistic, courageous, introverted but easily irritated and self-critical.心地善良、热情、积极、勇敢、个性内向但没有耐性而且常自我埋怨。

W SW NW NE NE NW SW W 西 西南 西北 东北 东北 西北 西南 西

Your money luck is good in 2014 but health will be a key issue for you. Therefore, do not overstretch yourself. Go with the flow and take it easy.虽然你的财运相当旺,可是你的健康是2014年的关键问题。最好就是量力而为以及让一切顺其自然!


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