finn mccool

Post on 21-Feb-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Finn McCool and the Finn McCool and the legend of the Giant’s legend of the Giant’s CausewayCauseway

The Giant’s CausewayThe Giant’s CausewayThe Giant’s Causeway is located in

County Antrim on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland.

What is it?What is it?The area has approximately

40,000 hexagonal stones, which were formed during a volcano eruption 60 million years ago.

The Legend of Finn The Legend of Finn McCoolMcCoolA long, long time ago

in IrelandIreland there lived a giant called Finn McCoolFinn McCool

He was very proud to say that he was the biggestbiggest, bravestbravest giantgiant in Ireland

No-one in Ireland dared to challenge him

BenandonnerBenandonnerHowever in

Scotland there was a giant, much bigger and fiercer called BenandonnerBenandonner

He was known as the most fierce, fierce, fearless, bravest, fearless, bravest, and strongest and strongest giant in Scotland. Scotland.

FightFightOne day when Finn was going

about his daily business, Benandonner began to shout insults from across the sea.

In anger Finn lifted a lump of earth and threw it at the giant. He challenged him to a fight.

Benandonner threw a rock back at Finn and told him he couldn’t swim.

The CausewayThe CausewaySince Benandonner couldn’t swim and

there was no boat big enough to carry a giant, Finn built a huge causeway (a huge causeway (a bridge)bridge) of giant stones across the water so that the Scottish giant could travel

across the sea to Ireland.

Benadonner comes to Benadonner comes to IrelandIreland

However when Finn McCool realised how big Benandonner was, he was scared. He knew that Benandonner would kill him.

He knew that he couldn’t fight him so ran home to his house

He asked his wife Oonagh to hide him

Finn dressed up as a Finn dressed up as a babybabyLuckily Finn’s wife

Oonagh was a very intelligent woman.

She told Finn not to worry, she dressed him up as a baby and told him to go to the sofa and pretend to sleep there..

Ben arrives furious at Finn’s Ben arrives furious at Finn’s househouseBen asked Finn’s

wife where he was

Oonagh told Ben that Finn was out but invited him in for some tea

She told Ben to be quiet and showed him the “baby” (Finn McCool) that was sleeping

Ben cannot believe how big the Ben cannot believe how big the baby isbaby is

He was so shocked at the size of the baby that he ran away

“If the baby is huge the father must be

extremely GINORMOUS!!”

He ran back to Scotland

He destroyed the Causeway so that Finn McCool couldn’t find him

Giant’s BootGiant’s BootOn the way On the way

home he home he lost his lost his bootboot

It is still It is still there todaythere today

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