four treasures of china

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Anout the four treasures of China and Chinese culture


  • 1.
    • Four Treasures of China
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  • 3. , Four Treasures of the brush, notably the promotion pen, pen and Lake Song Pen (Leshan, Sichuan Province). Vision document which led the development of Chinese brush the first time, from the Han Dynasty to the Song thousand years of history. Tang, pens Xuanzhou a national center for the birth of a system of law in China, one of the two brushes to pens famous Zhuge high representative "Zhuge school."
  • 4. Outstanding representative of Chinese ink is Huizhou ink. "Four Huizhou ink, Jixi of its half." Today, has already formed the Jixi Xuancheng production base for the center of Huizhou ink.
  • 5. 1915 Room Four Treasures of the paper, for the best painting is Xuan paper. Rice paper has been over a thousand years of history, and has never ancient and modern Chinese paintings of the pro-gaze, has become synonymous with calligraphy paper, the "Millennium Life Paper" "Paper of the king" reputation, was in 1915 in the Panama International Fair. Today, China has formed a group represented by rice paper rice paper making group.
  • 6. On the ink stone, our ancestors created the four most famous ink, that is Yan in (Zhaoqing), inkstone (Anhui Shexian), Tao Yan (Gansu Zhuo mud), Cheng Nai Yan (Shanxi Interpretation of State).
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