friday 13 - a true story

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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This is the true story of the devastation which Nova Laranjeiras suffered.


Friday the 13th

A True Story

Este trabalho é a tradução para o inglês de um pequeno

mas gratificante livro que produzi há 9 anos. Ele conta a

história da devastação pela qual a cidade de Nova

Laranjeiras sofreu em uma sexta­feira do dia 13 de Junho

de 1997. Fiz uso da disciplina de tutoria em escrita na

California Polytechnic State University para trabalhar

nessa tradução.

Gostaria de agradecer à minha tutora Alex Sherwood

pela paciência e sempre estar disposta a me ajudar. À

professora Schilive pelo apoio. Também às tutoras

Hannah Smith e Lauren Henley pelo apoio e ajuda. Á

preciosa revisão de Gayle Miller, Ian Hayward­Balash e

Deana Munoz que fizeram grande diferença na versão

final. Aos meus amigos Victor, Tomás, Túlio, Mariana e

Jess pela leitura e sugestões. À minha querida maninha

por uma última olhada. E por fim gostaria de agradecer

muito à você que está lendo. Apesar de meus esforços a

tradução está longe de ser perfeita e desde já peço

desculpas por eventuais erros gramaticais. Fernando Marcos Wittmann


This work is the English translation of a small but

rewarding book that I produced 9 years ago. It is about

the devastation which my town ­ Nova Laranjeiras ­

suffered on a Friday of the 13th of June of 1997. I used

the writing tutoring course that I took at California

Polytechnic State University to work in this translation.

I would like to thank my English tutor Alex Sherwood for

the patience and for always being willing to help me. To

Ms. Schilive for her support. Also to the tutors Hannah

Smith and Lauren Henley for their support and help. To

the precious review of Gayle Miller, Ian Hayward­Balash

and Deana Munoz that made a big difference in this final

version. To my friends Victor, Tomás, Túlio, Mariana and

Jess for reading and giving suggestions. To my sweet little

sister for having a last look. And finally I would like to

thank you, the reader. Despite my efforts the translation is

far from perfect and I apologize for any grammatical


Fernando Marcos Wittmann 06/13/2014

Preface In the next few pages of this book you will find a

true story that changed forever the life of the people from

Nova Laranjeiras. With an exciting and richly detailed

narrative, you will know about this dark day that touched

us deeply.

We felt immense relief for escaping the storm and

happiness for the possibility to hug our dear friends.

I leave with you the mission to dive into this true

story and decide what matters the most: life or material


Silvana Marcia Schilive 2005


In the Midwest of the Parana state there is a small

town called Nova Laranjeiras , which has approximately 1

twelve thousand inhabitants. It is a common town, almost

a village, located among some hills and it is cut by a

federal highway.

It is a tranquil town, inhabited by families with

traditional customs. It is naturally beautiful without the

pollution and rush of a big city.

In 1997, Nova Laranjeiras was a new town, only

seven years old, and it had a potential to grow. Its citizens

were – and still are – courageous, hardworking and


This is the kind of town where everybody knows

everybody, the majority since they were born. The

day­to­day living is summarized for adults by working

and drinking mate with their neighbors and for the kids,

studying and playing on the street. On weekends most

people attend mass and some other events promoted at the

local club or religious festivals.

1 Literally translated as ‘New Orange Trees’

As for territorial extension, Nova Laranjeiras is one

of the largest in the region. Its economy is primarily

agricultural, made by big farmers, but the great majority

are small landholders with traditional customs.

The urban area is just over two kilometers with a

concentration of local stores and public services.


Friday, June 13th, 1997. The day dawned on Nova

Laranjeiras like any other day, but it would not end the

same way.

Mothers took their children to school and everyone

went to work normally. It was a clear, calm day. There

was a slight breeze that was not a concern, as it was

common in the month of June, which is the beginning of


During the morning, thunder rumbled in the

distance. The weather continued to become unpredictable;

at noon the wind blew a little stronger and some clouds

covered the sky of the town. In the southeast a strange and

unusual standstill of clouds was visible.

The afternoon began regularly: all the children

went to school while their parents worked. Many people

worked in the countryside and others went to inland

communities. Housewives engaged in their household

duties and the local business functioned as always,

alternating between active and quiet times.


At 3PM the town started to get dark from the

clouds covering it. The birds flew from one side to another

as they had a feeling that something was going to happen.

The wind now blew stronger. People were more aware,

realizing that the weather was closing in and soon a storm

would come.

Fifteen minutes later the town was even darker.

Some residents started to worry, closing the windows of

the houses, collecting clothes from the lines and other

objects that could possibly get wet with the rain. After a

while, the strong wind was raising dust and plucking

leaves from trees.

Soon the sky took on a troubling aspect never seen

before. The sun gave way to darkness, and the clouds

brought with them a wind that ruffled and blew in all

directions, producing a constant and scary snoring like the

sound of a jet flying in low altitude.

The clouds coming from the Northwest were black

and fast with a yellow­gold appearance. With speed and

fury, they crashed into a wall of clouds previously formed

in the Southeast. This collision created a phenomenon that

would turn against Nova Laranjeiras with all its destructive



Friday, June 13, 1997: 3:45 PM. What would have

been a typical day was marked as the biggest tragedy that

Nova Laranjeiras has ever faced. The fury of nature

produced a windstorm that hit the town mercilessly with a

speed of approximately 90 miles per hour, taking material

goods, dreams and lucidity from the people of Nova

Laranjeiras. The wind came so suddenly and with such

force that many people didn’t have time to protect

themselves or realize what was happening.

There was a rush. Some people clung to trees and

poles as the wind tried to take them. People locked in the

house prayed and cried as they heard the sounds of

destruction: uprooting trees, smashing windows, and

tearing off roof tiles.

Parents worried about their children in school.

Teachers tried to calm the children down and keep them

protected from the pieces of glass, wood, and other debris

that flew against them.

Drivers in their cars tried to find a safe place while

they watched pieces of wood, clothes and all sorts of

objects, even other vehicles, being carried off by the wind.

Business owners and their clients were seeking shelter and

trying to save their most important assets.

The main concern at that time was to survive and

the despair of not knowing if one’s family was safe. At

this time the survival instinct was acting alone because the

conscious mind could not believe what was happening.

Minutes were destroying the achievements of a

lifetime. Seized by despair, people protected themselves as

best as they could, sheltering under tables and beds, inside

the bathroom, and hugging poles, holding tight to their

families... Eyes remained closed hoping that it was

nothing more than just a nightmare, afraid of the sounds

of destruction, the screaming and their own crying.

People were imagining their loved ones killed or

injured, their home destroyed and the town devastated.

Many people witnessed the unbelievable: homes flying

through the air in seconds, together with furniture and


After four terrifying minutes – which for many

people were the worst minutes of their lives – the wind left

and gave rise to an immediate downpour in the darkness

that dominated the town. People in a state of shock began

to leave their shelters, and then there was an even bigger

shock to all them: the state of the town.

The houses just were not there anymore, there

remained only floors, debris in the streets, poles and

electrical wires blocking the roads.

Cars were completely destroyed, trees and

branches scattered everywhere. There was the impression

that Nova Laranjeiras was gone.



Desperately, people tried to get out of the rubble.

Some had minor injuries; others were seriously injured.

Pregnant women and mothers with newborns were trying

to understand how they managed to survive while their

homes, belongings and appliances flew around them.

Many people saw refrigerators, cars and animals

flying. Many people were carried by the air or tried to

protect themselves under a simple mattress. They could

not believe or even think straight…. How could this have


Under the heavy rain that was falling, many people

started to search for their family, crying, falling and rising,

looking beneath the rubble, screaming for help, while they

helped everyone they met along the way: their friends,

relatives and neighbors. How? Why? That’s all they could

say while crying.

Some wondered why such a disaster had happened

in their lives. Others were glad for being alive after all,

because the material goods could be recovered while a life

could not.

It was possible to see the sadness and anguish on

people's faces as they contemplated and evaluated losses.

They looked around, and all they saw were bits of wood

and furniture.

In the following days, clothes, objects and

furniture would be found more than twenty miles away.

There were people who lost everything they had,

from documents and memories like photographs to their

house itself, leaving them only with their clothes. They

would have to start from nothing. There was a big fear of

a recurrence, and the people wept and lamented with their

friends and relatives that consoled them. They lost the

accomplishments and efforts of years.


On the same day, in the midst of despair and

confusion, the able­bodied people were running out of

time to help the many wounded. The army was contacted,

police and firemen from neighboring counties Guarapuava

and Cascavel went to Nova Laranjeiras moments after the

windstorm. They sent the wounded to regional hospitals

and the homeless to emergency shelters in nearby towns

like Laranjeiras do Sul.

The mayor ­ who also lost his home ­ urgently

needed resources. Eighty percent of the buildings from the

urban area were totally destroyed and the rest had been

partially wrecked.

The general environment was bleak; the town

seemed a ghost town. People walked with vague eyes and

could not believe what had happened as if they could not

wake up from the nightmare they were living.

Some were very emotional while giving interviews

to many reporters who visited the town. They reported the

incident to all of Brazil through TVs, newspapers, radio

stations and other medias, with images taken by

helicopters flying over the devastated town.

That day has left many scars: in the skin, memory

and in the life of many people from Nova Laranjeiras.

Deep scars that do not fade away and that are difficult to

be remembered, as they bring with them the pain and

suffering of terrifying moments.

June 13th, 1997 was the date of resumption of life

for hundreds of residents of Nova Laranjeiras. But, it was

also the date of the rebirth of Nova Laranjeiras.


In contrast with the force of destruction, human

solidarity manifested itself powerfully and movingly.

The very next day many people came to the town,

bringing solidarity, courage and willpower. They left their

jobs and families to help relatives and strangers. Even

truckers passing through the town ended their trip to join

with other people with the same goal: reconstructing Nova


Donations and collections came from everywhere,

that is, the injection of mood from the workforce was

added to the generosity of people who could not come,

but even far away cooperated with material goods.

Fundraising campaigns for food, clothing,

furniture and materials in all cities of the region were


The first few days were difficult. Nova Laranjeiras

remained without electricity, telephone and water supply.

The facilities at the local college ­ which was also hit by

the windstorm ­ served food and accommodation for tens

of people.

There were task forces to cook for these people, to

reconstruct homes and to receive and distribute donations

that arrived.

They improvised and used tarps to cover the roof

of homes that were partially destroyed.



The state governor at the time Jaime Lerner visited

the town and confirmed the state of emergency declared

by the mayor before. On that occasion Lerner gave to the

town two hundred thousand Brazilian reals . 2

Total losses in the town were calculated in

approximately seven million Brazilians reals. Some

residents were actually leaving Nova Laranjeiras,

however, most of the population had their roots in this

town and fought to rebuild it.

The state representative Nereu Moura also visited

the town and mobilized the entire Parana state to help the

population, and noted that in the country there was no

knowledge that a similar situation had occurred before.

Almost all the public services were unable to

function normally, taking at least two months to work

normally again.

The town that had monthly revenues of only a

hundred and fifty thousand Brazilian reals needed to enlist

2 Approximately one hundred thousand US dollars at that time

the help of neighboring municipalities, because there was

not much to do.

The main church of Nova Laranjeiras received

financial aid sent from Italy for the reconstruction of

roofing, windows and seats that were damaged.

One of the concerns of the committee in charge

was the evacuation of residents.

The mayor at that time, Lineu Gomes, made the

following pronouncement: "We ask people that were hit

by the storm to register to the recovery work of their

homes, as well as volunteers who can come to Nova

Laranjeiras help in this hard work to recover the city in

the shortest time possible will be welcome. This is the

moment of union, I hope to keep count on all people

with good will to provide solidarity to the people of

Nova Laranjeiras. I would like to thank the public that

in one way or another are with us now."


The windstorm that devastated Nova Laranjeiras

left many psychological effects. Even today, there are

people who still have not overcome the traumas

experienced that day, and always when a storm

approaches the town, the reaction is fear and pessimism.

For some people, the subject is remembered in some

hilarious ways, for others it is considered a miracle and

some other ones do not like to remember it at all.

It is amazing to see what the human union is able

to make and build. These are actions that should not and

will not be forgotten. Every brick, every piece of clothing

and every pound of food donated were what restored the

life for many people from Nova Laranjeiras.

Now, eight years have passed since everything

happened; some of the people that helped do not

remember anymore. Some others, when they hear about

Nova Laranjeiras, would say: "Oh! The town of the

windstorm!". The way of retribution and gratitude to many

anonymous and unknown people that helped is the

renewed image of the town. Image that can be

contemplated and compared by all who pass by on the

federal highway BR­277.


Since the windstorm, Nova Laranjeiras has been

blessed by a continuing growth. It is very common to hear

foreign people talking about the beauty of the town.

The town remains small, however now it is new.

The destroyed buildings were recovered and some of them

improved. The appearance became more sophisticated.

The city council invested in the improvement of the roads.

The results surprised those who said that the town would

never be the same. In fact, they were right, because now it

is better than before, a good place to live and raise a

family. It’s certain that the most of the population is proud

to live in this small, beautiful, quiet and organized town.

This is the true story of the devastation which

Nova Laranjeiras suffered. This is a fact little divulged, but

it is present in the memory and in the life of each character

of this town, where each one has a different story to tell.

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