fulghum monroe ppt

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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A feeling of patriotism and nationalism starts to grow in the United States during President Madison’s terms in office.

Nationalism a feeling of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness toward one’s country.

1st –Compete with Foreign CountriesHave a protective tariff which would make

European goods more expensive and encourage Americans to buy cheaper

American-made products.

President Madison wanted the U.S. to have a strong economy and be economically self-sufficient and independent from foreign countries and their products. President Madison’s plan….


Made in the factories of the North

40% $4.90


Price in USA

Price in USA

The Embargo Act of 1807 and the British blockade kept the U.S. from doing business with foreign countries, so people in the United States had to rely on their own skills to make goods. This led to another kind of revolution…The Industrial


The Industrial Revolution led to factories, like textile (cloth) mills, being built in the North East.

Why was New England a good place for factories?-rocky soil made farming hard so people were available to work in factories-there were fast-moving rivers to create energy- New England had a ship building industry to carry products to Europe

2nd –Improve TransportationBuild roads and canals which would

connect cities.

1st –Compete with Foreign CountriesHave a protective tariff which would make European goods more

expensive and encourage Americans to buy cheaper American-made products.

President Madison’s plan….

THE NATIONAL ROAD was started in 1811.

Goods and people were able to travel more easily from the east coast to the


Erie Canal

Pennsylvania Canal

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal

Miami and Erie Canal

Ohio and Erie Canal

National Road

CANALS were built to help move goods from east to west and west to east.

The Erie Canal was a man-made water way. 40 feet wide, 4 feet deep. It connected towns near the Atlantic Ocean to towns near the Great Lakes.


The years of the presidency of James Monroe were known as “The Era of Good Feelings” because the federal government was growing stronger.

James MonroeDemocratic-Republican

1817-1825Last of the Founding Fathers

Supreme Court DecisionsSupreme Court Justice John Marshall, made important rulings that make federal government stronger.

Congress set up the Second Bank of the United States.

Issue: The state of Maryland wanted to tax its branch of the Bank of the U.S. If this tax were allowed, the states could claim to have power over the federal government.

We want to tax the federal bank! - Maryland

No way!-James McCulloch

(head of the Baltimore bank)

“The states have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to…control the operations of the constitutional laws enacted by Congress.”

States cannot tax a federal institution.

The Decision

Aaron Ogden had a state license to operate his steamboat on the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey.

Thomas Gibbons had a federal license to operate his steamboat on the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey.

They take their case to the Supreme Court.

The federal government has power to regulate trade between the states (interstate).

The Decision

The U.S. Protects the Americas

(North and South)

The U.S. tried to stay neutral in foreign conflicts but was worried that European countries might still colonize parts of the Americas (North and South). Spain and Portugal had

control of much of North and South America in the late 1700s.

In Latin America, several countries had successfully fought for their independence from Spain and Portugal.

1821 Mexico wins its independence from Spain

On December 6, 1823, President Monroe issued a statement called “The Monroe Doctrine” said three things-

1. European countries should not think about establishing colonies in the Americas (North and South) anymore.

2. The U.S. would consider any attempt by Europe to influence politics in the Americas as a threat to its “peace and safety.” 3. The U.S. would stay out of European affairs (business)

“ …we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system (government) to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.”

– James Monroe

Americans saw this doctrine as saying that the U.S. was confident and strong and would stand up for its freedom and the freedom of people in Latin America.


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