futur powr

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  • 8/8/2019 futur powr



    I express my utmost gratitude and intentness to all who have contributed in some way or the other and been

    linked with the term paper from day one.

    From the core of my heart. I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Bharpur Singh.

    I am extremely grateful to the respondents and all my friends for their unconditional support and ready


    Shivani thakur

  • 8/8/2019 futur powr


    Future power sources:-

    Renewable energy sources will be the sources of energy in the future. Renewable energy is energy which

    comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable

    energy sources.




    3. WIND POWER.







    Energy coming from sun. Solar electric systems catch energy directly from the sunno fire, no

    emissions. Some labs and companies are trying out the grown-up version of a child's magnifying glass:

    giant mirrored bowls or troughs to concentrate the sun's rays, producing heat that can drive a generator.

    But for now, sun power mostly means solar cells.

    The idea is simple: Sunlight falling on a layer of semiconductor jostles electrons, creating a current. Yet

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    the cost of the cells, once astronomical, is still high. My modest system cost over $15,000, about $10 a

    watt of capacity, including batteries to store power for when the sun doesn't shine

    Solar power involves using solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity, using sunlight hitting solar thermal

    panels to convert sunlight to heat water or air, using sunlight hitting aparabolic mirrorto heat water

    (producing steam), or using sunlight entering windows forpassive solarheating of a building. It would be

    advantageous to place solar panels in the regions of highest solar radiation. In the Phoenix, Arizona area, for

    example, the average annual solar radiation is 5.7 kWh/(mday) or 2.1 MWh/(myr). Electricity demand in

    the continental U.S. is 3.71012 kWh per year. Thus, at 20% efficiency, an area of approximately 3500 square

    miles (3% of Arizona's land area) would need to be covered with solar panels to replace all current electricity

    production in the US with solar power


    Solar electricity is currently more expensive than grid electricity.

    Solar heat and electricity are not available at night and may be unavailable because of weather

    conditions; therefore, a storage or complementary power system is required foroff-the-

    grid applications.

    Solar cells produce DC which must be converted to AC (using a grid tie inverter) when used in currently

    existing distribution grids. This incurs an energy loss of 412

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    Growing Solar

    A crop of photovoltaic panels33,500 of thempacks one of the world's largest solar parks, outside Leipzig,

    Germany. The panels produce up to five megawatts of electricity and average enough to supply 1,800 homes.

    Solar technology remains expensive and can't compete on a large scale against cheaper fossil fuels without

    serious government subsidies. Still, the cost of solar is expected to decrease, and this promising power source is

    making inroads in developed and developing nations alike. In rural Kenya, for example, where many people

    live far from power grids, roughly 20,000 small-scale solar systems are purchased each year.

    2. Tidal Power Generation

    Tidal power can be extracted fromMoon-gravity-poweredtidesby locating a water turbine in a tidal

    current, or by building impoundment pond dams that admit-or-release water through a turbine. The

    turbine can turn an electrical generator, or a gas compressor, that can then store energy until needed.

    Coastal tides are a source of clean, free, renewable, and sustainable energy

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    Tidal power is free once the dam is built. This is because tidal power harnesses the natural power

    of tides and does not consume fuel. In addition, the maintenance costs associated with running a

    tidal station are relatively inexpensive.

    Tides are very reliable because it is easy to predict when high and low tides will occur. The tide

    goes in and out twice a day usually at the predicted times. This makes tidal energy easy to

    maintain, and positive and negative spikes in energy can be managed.Tidal energy is renewable, because nothing is consumed in the rising of tides. Tidal power relies

    on the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun, which pull the sea backwards and forwards,

    generating tides.

    Tidal power is not currently economically feasible, because the initial costs of building a dam are

    tremendous. Furthermore, it only provides power for around 10 hours each day, when the tide is

    moving in or out of the basin.

    The barrage construction can affect the transportation system in water. Boats may not be able to

    cross the barrage, and commercial ships, used for transport or fishery, need to find alternative

    routes or costly systems to go through the barrage.

    The erection of a barrage may affect the aquatic ecosystems surrounding it. The environment

    affected by the dam is very wide, altering areas numerous miles upstream and downstream. For

    example, many birds rely on low tides to unearth mud flats, which are used as feeding areas.

    3. WIND ENERGY:-

    This type of energy harnesses the power of the wind to propel the blades ofwind turbines. These

    turbines cause the rotation ofmagnets, which creates electricity. Wind towers are usually built

    together on wind farms.

    Wind power produces no water or air pollution that can contaminate the environment, because

    there are no chemical processes involved in wind power generation. Hence, there are no waste by-

    products, such as carbon dioxide

    Power from the wind does not contribute to global warming because it does not

    generate greenhouse gases

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    Wind generation is a renewable source of energy, which means that we will never run out of it.

    Wind towers can be beneficial for people living permanently, or temporarily, in remote areas. It

    may be difficult to transport electricity through wires from a power plant to a far-away location

    and thus, wind towers can be set up at the remote setting

    Farming and grazing can still take place on land occupied by wind turbines

    Those utilizing wind power in a grid-tie configuration will have backup power in the event ofapower outage

    Because of the ability of wind turbines to coexist within agricultural fields, siting costs are

    frequently low

    Wind is unpredictable; therefore, wind power is not predictably available. When the wind speed

    decreases less electricity is generated. This makes wind power unsuitable for base load generation.

    Wind farms may be challenged in communities that consider them an eyesore or obstruction.

    Wind farms, depending on the location and type of turbine, may negatively affect bird migration

    patterns, and may pose a danger to the birds themselves (primarily an issue with older/smaller


    Wind farms may interfere withradarcreating a hole in radar coverage and so affectnational


    Tall wind turbines have been proven to impactdopplerradar towers and affect weather

    forcasting in a negative way. This can be prevented by not having the wind turbines in the

    radar'sline of sight

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    Like giant pinwheels, turbines spin at the Middelgrunden Wind Park off Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Wind generates about 20 percent of Denmark's electricity, and the nation is a leader in turbine

    technology. Other European countries, including Spain and Germany, are also wild about wind,

    making it one of the fastest growing energy sectors. By contrast, wind produces less than one percent

    of U.S. energy, though the American landscape holds vast wind potential. It's a difference of attitudes,

    says energy scientist Dan Kammen of the University of California, Berkeley. "Effectively, we don'thave an energy policy.


    Geothermal energy harnesses the heat energy present underneath the Earth. Two wells are drilled. One

    well injects water into the ground to provide water. The hotrocks heat the water to produce steam. The

    steam that shoots back up the other hole(s) is purified and is used to drive turbines, which powerelectric

    generators. When the water temperature is below the boiling point of water a binary system is used. A low

    boiling point liquid is used to drive a turbine and generator in a closed system similar to a refrigeration unit

    running in reverse.

    Economically feasible in high grade areas now

    Low deployment costs.

    Geothermal power plants have a highcapacity factor; they run continuously day and night with

    an uptime typically exceeding 95%.

    Once a geothermal power station is implemented, there is no cost for fuel, only for operations,

    maintenance and return on capital investment

    Since geothermal power stations consume no fuel, there is no environmental impact associated

    with emissions or fuel handling.

    Geothermal is now feasible in areas where the Earth's crust is thicker. Using enhanced

    geothermal technology, it is possible to drill deeper and inject water to generate geothermal power

    Geothermal energy does not produce air or waterpollution if performed correctly.

    Geothermal power extracts small amounts of minerals such as sulfur that are removed prior to

    feeding the turbine and re-injecting the water back into the injection well

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    Geothermal power requires locations that have suitable subterranean temperatures within 5 km of


    Some geothermal stations have created geological instability, even causing earthquakes strong

    enough to damage buildings.


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    In hydro energy, the gravitational descent of a river is compressed from a long run to a single location with

    adam or aflume. This creates a location where concentratedpressure and flow can be used to

    turnturbines orwater wheels, which drive a mechanical millor anelectric generator.[42]

    Hydroelectric power stations can promptly increase to full capacity, unlike other types of power

    stations. This is because water can be accumulated above the dam and released to coincide withpeak


    Electricity can be generated constantly, so long as sufficient water is available.

    Hydroelectric power produces no primary waste orpollution.

    Hydropower is a renewable resource.

    Much hydroelectric capacity is still undeveloped, such as in Africa.

    The resulting lake can have additional benefits such as doubling as a reservoirforirrigation, and

    leisure activities such as water sports and fishing, for example Kielder WaterinNorthumberland, UK.

    The construction of a dam can have a serious environmental impact on the surrounding areas.

    The amount and the quality of water downstream can be affected, which affects plant life bothaquatic,

    and land-based. Because a rivervalley is being flooded, the local habitat of many species are

    destroyed, while people living nearby may have to relocate their homes.

    Hydroelectricity can only be used in areas where there is a sufficient and continuing supply of


    Flooding submerges large forests (if they have not been harvested). Theresulting anaerobic decomposition of the carboniferous materials releases methane, a greenhouse gas.

    Dams can contain huge amounts of water. As with every energy storage system, failure of

    containment can lead to catastrophic results, e.g. flooding

    Dams create large lakes that may have adverse effects on Earth tectonic system causing intense


    Hydroelectric plants rarely can be erected near load centers, requiring long transmission lines.

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    Hydrogen can be manufactured at roughly 77 percent thermal efficiency by the method of steam

    reforming of natural gas When manufactured by this method it is a derivative fuel like gasoline;

    when produced by electrolysis of water, it is a form of chemical energy storage as are storage

    batteries, though hydrogen is the more versatile storage mode since there are two options for its

    conversion to useful work: (1) a fuel cell can convert the chemicals hydrogenandoxygen into

    water, and in the process, produce electricity, or (2) hydrogen can be burned (less efficiently than

    in a fuel cell) in an internal combustion engine.

    Hydrogen is colorless, odorless and entirely non-polluting, yielding pure water vapor

    (with minimalNOx) as exhaust when combusted in air. This eliminates the direct production

    of exhaust gases that lead to smog, and carbon dioxide emissions that enhance the effect

    ofglobal warming.

    Hydrogen is the lightest chemical element and has the best energy-to-weight ratio of any

    fuel (not counting tank mass).

    Hydrogen can be produced anywhere; it can be produced domesticallyfrom the

    decomposition of water. Hydrogen can be produced from domestic sources and the price can

    be established within the country.

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    Other than some volcanic emanations, hydrogen does not exist in its pure form in the

    environment, because it reacts so strongly with oxygen and other elements.

    It is impossible to obtain hydrogen gas without expending energy in the process. There

    are three ways to manufacture hydrogen;

    By breaking down hydrocarbons mainly methane (steam reforming). If oil or

    gases are used to provide this energy, fossil fuels are consumed, forming pollution andnullifying the value of using a fuel cell. It would be more efficient to use fossil fuel


    By electrolysis of water The process of splitting water into oxygen and

    hydrogen usingelectrolysis. It has been calculated that it takes 1.4 joules of electricity to

    produce 1 joule of hydrogen (Pimentel, 2002).

    By reacting water with a metal such as sodium, potassium, or boron. Chemical

    by-products would be sodium oxide, potassium oxide, and boron oxide. Processes exist

    which could recycle these elements back into their metal form for re-use with additional

    energy input, further eroding the energy return on energy invested.

    There is currently modest fixed infastructurefordistribution of hydrogen that is centrally

    produced, amounting to several hundred kilometers of pipeline. An alternative would be

    transmission of electricity over the existingelectrical networkto small-scale electrolyses to

    support the widespread use of hydrogen as a fuel.

    Hydrogen is difficult to handle, store, and transport. It requires heavy, cumbersome tanks

    when stored as compressed hydrogen, and complex insulating bottles if stored as

    acryogenicliquid hydrogen. If it is needed at a moderate temperature andpressure, a metal

    hydride absorber may be needed. The transportation of hydrogen is also a problem because

    hydrogen leaks effortlessly from containers.

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    Nuclear fission

    Nuclear power stations use nuclear fission to generate energy by the reaction ofuranium-235 inside anuclear

    reactor. The reactor uses uranium rods, the atoms of which are split in the process offission, releasing a large

    amount of energy. The process continues as achain reactionwith othernuclei. The energy heats water to

    create steam, which spins a turbine generator, producing electricity.

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    Depending on the type of fission fuel considered, estimates for existing supply at known usage rates varies from

    several decades for the currently popular Uranium-235 to thousands of years for uranium-238. At the present

    rate of use, there are (as of 2007) about 70 years left of known uranium-235reserves economically recoverable

    at a uranium price of US$ 130/kg. The nuclear industry argue that the cost of fuel is a minor cost factor for

    fission power, more expensive, more difficult to extract sources of uranium could be used in the future, such as

    lower-grade ores, and if prices increased enough, from sources such as granite and seawater. Increasing the

    price of uranium would have little effect on the overall cost of nuclear power; a doubling in the cost of natural

    uranium would increase the total cost of nuclear power by 5 percent. On the other hand, if the price of natural

    gas was doubled, the cost of gas-fired power would increase by about 60 percent.

    Opponents on the other hand argue that the correlation between price and production is not linear, but as

    the ores' concentration becomes smaller, the difficulty (energy and resource consumption are increasing,

    while the yields are decreasing) of extraction rises very fast, and that the assertion that a higher price will

    yield more uranium is overly optimistic; for example a rough estimate predicts that the extraction of

    uranium from granite will consume at least 70 times more energy than what it will produce in a reactor. As

    many as eleven countries have depleted their uranium resources, and only Canada has mines left which

    produce better than 1% concentration ore.]Seawater seems to be equally dubious as a source. As a

    consequence an eventual doubling in the price of uranium will give a marginal increase in the volumes that

    are being produced.

    The energy content of a kilogram of uranium orthorium, ifspent nuclear fuel is reprocessed and fully

    utilized, is equivalent to about 3.5 million kilograms of coal.[

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    The cost of making nuclear power, with current legislation, is about the same as making coal power,

    which is considered very inexpensive (see Economics of new nuclear power plants). If a carbon taxis

    applied, nuclear does not have to pay anything because nuclear does not emit greenhouse gasses such as

    CO2 nor toxic gases NO, CO, SO2, arsenic, etc. that are emitted by coal power plants

    Nuclear power does not produce any primary air pollutionor releasecarbon dioxideandsulfur

    dioxide into theatmosphere. Therefore, it contributes only a small amount to global warming oracid rain.

    Raw material extraction is much safer for nuclear power compared to coal. Coal mining is the second

    most dangerous occupation in the United States Nuclear energy is much safer per capita than coal derived


    For the same amount of electricity, the life cycle emissions of nuclear power is about 4% of coal power.

    Depending on the report, hydro, wind, and geothermal are sometimes ranked lower, while wind and hydro

    are sometimes ranked higher (by life cycle emissions).

    According to a Stanford study, fast breeder reactors have the potential to power humans on earth for

    billions of years, making it sustainable.

    Nuclear fusion

    Fusion powercould solve many of the problems offission power(the technology mentioned above) but,

    despite research having started in the 1950s, no commercial fusion reactor is expected before 2050.

    [33] Many technical problems remain unsolved. Proposed fusion reactors commonly use deuterium,

    anisotope ofhydrogen, as fuel and in most current designs also lithium. Assuming a fusion energy

    output equal to the current global output and that this does not increase in the future, then the known

    current lithium reserves would last 3000 years, lithium from sea water would last 60 million years,


    Serra, J. "Alternative Fuel Resource Development", Clean and Green Fuels Fund, (2006).

    Bilgen, S. and K. Kaygusuz, Renewable Energy for a Clean and Sustainable Future, Energy Sources 26,

    1119 (2004).

    Energy analysis of Power Systems, UIC Nuclear Issues Briefing Paper 57 (2004).

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    Silvestre, B. S., Dalcol, P. R. T. Geographical proximity and innovation: Evidences from the Campos

    Basin oil & gas industrial agglomeration Brazil. Technovation (2009),


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